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Published by Halston Media, 2018-12-13 13:45:00

September 2018



Why having fun
is still the
best medicine


• The Secrets of Ozone Therapy
• Unlock the Power of Garlic

• What is Restless Legs SynAdNrDomMe?ORE!

“Since I started spinal decompression therapy, I've noticed
GREAT improvement with my condition. Everyone in this office
is very courteous and wonderful. The treatment has been exactly
what I needed. If anyone has a pain in their neck or herniated
discs, I recommend coming to Dr. Donath and Dr. Marshall.
You will not be disappointed.”
Dr. Bert Torres, MD, Internal Medicine, White Plains, NY



6 18 The Staff

Avoiding the Re-Wild Your Child EDITORIAL TEAM
Freshman 15 JEREMY BROWN
Playing outside is the best medicine!
7 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: [email protected]
The Mediterranean Diet
Best Pain Relief Options MANAGING EDITOR: 914-214-4285
8 for Sciatica [email protected]

Embracing Change 24 ADVERTISING TEAM
Get ready to meet the new you! How Regenerative
Treatments Can Help 914-205-4183
9 [email protected]
Wash Your Hands!
25 914-202-2941
10 [email protected]
Join the Ghee Club
Myth-Information LISA KAIN
About Head Lice Butter, your days are numbered... 914-351-2424
[email protected]
The Before and After of Resolving Knee Pain [email protected]
My Son’s Fatal Overdose CORINNE STANTON
27 845-621-4049
16 [email protected]
The Difference Between JENNIFER CONNELLY
The Best Local Places Hot and Cold Therapies 914-334-6335
to Play [email protected]
You don’t have to be a kid PRODUCTION TEAM
to have fun! Orange Whole Wheat TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL
Pack Well for a Hike in [email protected]
the Wilderness Garlic!
You won’t believe what BRETT FREEMAN/PUBLISHER

[email protected]




[email protected].

(ISSN 2330-1627)

824 ROUTE 6, SUITE 4

334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S
SOMERS, NY 10589



This section is all about living
your best life every day. We’ve
gathered together advice from
the best doctors, nutritionists and
healthcare professionals, both
locally and around the country,
to give you everything you need to
take your lifestyle to the next level.
This month, we look at how college
kids can battle the infamous
“Freshman 15,” help you keep your
kids healthy and happy at school
and reveal to you the fat-busting
secrets of the Mediterranean Diet.
Ready to start living?

Turn the page!


Guaranteed Standard Issue Individual Disability Income Insurance? A
By Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC k

Group Long-Term Disability (LTD) coverage is an essential benefit for any sized company. a
However, as compensation grows for your higher-earning executives, an income protection n
gap develops. Supplementing group coverage with non-cancellable, individual disability
income (IDI) insurance can increase your employee’s income replacement and help close E
the gap. With as few as five employees participating, a Guaranteed Standard Issue (GSI), x
or simplified application, can be implemented with one of the largest and most highly rated p
insurance companies in the United States1. It is one of the most desirable ways to purchase e
individual disability income insurance. r
Your company’s benefits package is key to attracting and retaining the employees who make
your business successful. One of the most important benefits you can offer is individual
disability income (IDI) insurance because it helps employees protect their ability to earn an
income, and therefore, their lifestyle and financial future. People are attracted to companies
that take care of their employees by providing access to meaningful benefits that can be
custom tailored to their own individual situation. Group coverage can be a great foundation
for most of your employees, however, as compensation increases for your key executives
and managers, coverage gaps can occur for several reasons:

• Benefit caps may leave higher-earning executives with the lowest income replacement ratio
• Group coverage typically replaces 60% of before-tax salary
• Taxes on employer-paid coverage works to reduce benefits
• Incentive, bonus compensation and retirement contributions are usually not covered

Advantages for Your Company:

• Helps attract, retain and reward employees while filling a key need
• Flexible coverage supplements existing group LTD plans and aligns with your benefits culture
• If you provide employer-paid coverage for select employees, premiums are tax deductible as

a business expense
• The turnkey process and customized communications make implementation easy

Advantages for Your Employees:

• Coverage is individually-owned and portable
• Coverage is tailored to their own personal income situation
• Coverage is non-cancellable and guaranteed renewable to age 65/67
• Supplements existing group coverage to provide more income protection
• Coverage for more types of income (bonus, incentive compensation, retirement contributions2)
• Permanent premium discounts
• Easy application process, no medical exams and just three easy “yes/no” questions:

1. Have you been actively at work for the past 90 days?
2. Are you currently disabled or receiving disability benefits?
3. Are you a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (green card holder)?

Do your key employees have the coverage they need? Supplementing group coverage with IDI can help bridge the gap and
provide important benefits above and beyond their current protection. A supplemental individual disability income insurance
program is a powerful way to enhance Group LTD benefits with no medical underwriting!

For more information about Juvenile Life Insurance planning please call Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC at 914-682-2190 or toll free 877-676-9900.
Andrew is certified in Long-Term Care (CLTC) from the Corporation for Long-Term Care Certification, Inc. Andrew is a member in good standing of the
Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), which is the premier Association of financial professionals nationally. Andrew’s offices are located at 50 Main Street,
Suite 1000, White Plains, NY 10606 and at 263 Tresser Blvd, 9th Floor, Stamford, CT 06901.

1 Guardian Life Insurance Company
2 Guardian Life Insurance Company Retirement Protection Plus is an insurance program specifically designed to help protect retirement plan contributions
and may be offered individually or as an add-on rider, but it is not a pension plan or a substitute for one.


Avoiding the Freshman 15


Ihave always loved the fall, and like CAROLYN WINUK, PT, SSF, TCR utes of some type of physical activity daily
many exhausted parents after a summer is a reasonable exercise goal. It is natural to
of entertaining young children, I found jumping jacks, push-ups, dips, planks, squats have to adjust for illness, school or work con-
myself welcoming the return to the school and lunges or a YouTube fitness video while flicts. Students need to be mindful of getting
year and some semblance of routine. When waiting for that load of laundry to spin dry. enough sleep. Research indicates a lack of
my oldest went off to college, however, I was restorative sleep is associated with increased
filled with a mix of bittersweet emotions, as The type of exercise is important, as well. daytime hunger and is linked to a slower
was my college freshman-to-be. Muscle, built through lifting weights, burns metabolic rate, a contributing factor to
Although extremely exciting, freshman calories at rest. Packing shorts and running weight gain. Healthy habits take some work
year at college can be overwhelming for even shoes can prove useful if a quick trip to the to develop, but, begun in youth, can contrib-
the most organized and flexible of students. gym can be squeezed in before or after class- ute to a lifetime of wellness and fitness.
New surroundings, new friends and new es. Better yet, a job at the college fitness cen-
educational demands can be stressful for in- ter allows a student to stay fit and get paid Carolyn Winuk, PT, SSF, TCR is a
coming freshmen. Add to those factors a lack for it at the same time. Staying well hydrated, practicing physical therapist, an ISSA certified
of sleep, change in diet and the loss of home- eating regular and well-balanced meals and Specialist in Senior Fitness and a Tai Chi
cooked meals, a lack of parental supervision avoiding mindless snacking while studying for Rehabilitation instructor. The former
and the potential use of alcohol, and you’ve or watching TV are sensible habits for col- owner/founder of Moms In Motion Physical
got a prescription for weight gain. lege students and adults alike. Using smaller Therapy, PC, a women’s health physical therapy
For many freshmen, the health and fitness plates and bowls, choosing water and seltzer practice, Ms. Winuk currently devotes her
routines often maintained through mandato- over sugary beverages, opting for grilled (not time to providing physical therapy services for
ry physical education classes in high school, fried) foods, avoiding dessert at every meal, seniors. She is a public speaker on healthcare
as well as community team sports, can fall by and leaving the table feeling 80 percent full and wellness related topics, and is currently
the wayside once living on a campus. Faced are dining hall tips for success. pursuing her doctorate in physical therapy.
with the unlimited, buffet-style dining plans
offered at many colleges, students can be Freshmen year, albeit exciting, is fraught
tempted to over-indulge. Five hundred ad- with new expectations and responsibilities.
ditional calories daily can easily result in a A healthy sense of priority and perspective
four- or five-pound weight gain by month’s is nearly as important as a healthy eating and
end, especially if every trip to the dining hall fitness regime. Aiming for at least 30 min-
turns into a free-for-all! This can, of course,
add up to a sizeable weight gain by senior
year, left unchecked. A 2015 study published
in BMC Obesity noted that over 60 percent
of all college freshmen gain an average of 7.5
pounds, with one in ten students gaining as
much as 15 pounds. But this “Freshman 15”
weight gain is far from inevitable, and with a
few smart choices and adjustments in time
management, college freshmen can maintain
control of their health and fitness.
Students can be mindful and attentive to
their wellness while away at college by sched-
uling exercise into their daily routine, placing
it on the calendar alongside classes and jobs,
and approaching it as just another task that
must be completed each day. Partnering up
with a friend adds the element of account-
ability, which is a strong motivator for some.
Exercise can be used as a great break between
classes and an opportunity for socializing. It
can even be a means of getting to class: think
biking, running, roller blading, skate board-
ing or race walking. Proficiency in multi-
tasking is a great skill for college students,
easily enhanced by a dorm room workout of



Mwiththeediterranean Diet

BY LEE S. MARCUS, MD, study. The study demon- Medi- eating
strated that participants terranean this way is to enjoy breakfast,
FACC, FASPC who strictly followed the diet, you may lunch and dinner and not skip a
CONTRIBUTING COLUMNIST Mediterranean diet (as moni- need to make sig- meal.
tored by a food questionnaire) nificant changes to your eat-
Coronary artery disease and faced a lower early mortality risk. ing habits. Fast food and takeout As with any lifestyle plan, you
stroke patients may now During the 7.3-year follow-up will no longer be a part of your should also incorporate physical
have a non-pharmacolog- period, 208 deaths were record- lifestyle. You’ll need to stay away activity into your day. This will
ic way to lower their risk of early ed. The investigators found that from processed foods that use help to maximize the cardiovas-
mortality. Several recent scientific death from any cause was reduced sugar or trans fat and keep sweets cular benefits of the Mediter-
studies appear to demonstrate by 37 percent in participants with to a minimum. Fresh fish, toma- ranean diet. Walking, running,
that adherence to a traditional a higher adherence to the Medi- toes, feta cheese, grilled chicken cycling, swimming, boxing, and
Mediterranean diet is associated terranean diet, compared to those and olive oil will now be an es- aerobic or cardio classes are all
with decreased risk for various who followed the diet poorly. sential part of your diet. great exercises to try. The most
chronic diseases, and mortality. important thing to do is keep
Prior research had mainly focused According to Dr. Bonaccio, Researchers also recommend your body moving while eating a
on the general population, and there were major contributors adding at least five tablespoons of heart-healthy diet.
demonstrated favorable effects that reduced the mortality risk, olive oil to your meals and incor-
of this type of diet on inflamma- including the higher consump- porating nuts into your diet, such Lee S. Marcus, MD, FACC,
tion. A recent analysis conducted tion of vegetables, fish, fruit, nuts, as walnuts,almonds and hazelnuts FASPC
by Dr. Marialaura Bonaccio, Pro- and monounsaturated fatty ac- to help you receive the maximum President and Founder, Preventive
fessor Giovanni de Gaetano, and ids, such as olive oil. The results benefits. Other previously dem- Cardiology of New York
fellow researchers found that the of the study have stimulated onstrated potential health benefits
Mediterranean diet is particularly further research into the mecha- of the Mediterranean diet include
beneficial for patients with a his- nisms behind the benefits of the protection against type 2 diabetes,
tory of various forms of cardio- Mediterranean diet. Because the prevention of stroke, reduction in
vascular disease. Moli-sani project was an obser- the risk of Alzheimer’s demen-
vational study, further research is tia and overall increased lon-
The overall Moli-sani project needed to validate the association gevity. The key for success when
included nearly 25,000 people between the dietary effects and
living in the province of Molise, reduction of mortality.
Italy. Among those participants,
the current analysis identified FOLLOWING THE
1,197 people who self-reported a MEDITERRANEAN DIET
history of cardiovascular disease
at the time of enrollment in the If you’re planning to start the


Embracing Change

BY DR. DEBORAH HARDY gesting breathing. So do it. Take dent of mine once suggested a of what we may be dealing with.
one deep breath and let out all “me time” when discussing ways If dealing with concerns, such

the air. Try it again. After three to reduce tension. Since then, I as change and transition, I of-

You might be thinking deep breaths, your body seems have adopted the term to remind ten suggest writing down what
about the next steps in to let out all the tension and myself that everyday I need a lit- happened, and how did you deal
your journey. Maybe a the weight that you may be car- tle of “me time” to get organized, with it in addition to having a
transition to college, high school, rying. If you can’t do it because to relax and reconnect. Hav- section to follow up if needed. It

middle school or even a new job. you need a focusing tool, I sug- ing a time in the day where you is important to always write how

Our reaction to change can be gest finding an app that can help can step away from the thought the problem was solved or dealt

unique, but for most it brings on you such as The or activity that reminds you of with to have as a future reference

stress and some level of anxiety. app provides a short-timed mo- change in order to just let the in case a similar situation comes

Our minds overthink and focus ment for individuals to sit and emotions calm down is a good along.

on the ongoing question: “What do nothing or follow the circle in thing. Self-awareness is impor- Change can be terrifying, or

if…” breathing in and out. tant at every stage of develop- it can be a moment of learning.

“What if this is not the right 2) Doodle. Doodling is a fa- ment, so find some time where Set your mind to embrace what

college for me? What if I don’t vorite pastime for many. In class, you can reflect on what worked, you learn from each change you

fit in anywhere in high school? or in a meeting, I have observed what didn’t work, what bothered go through. Set up a toolbox of

What if I don’t get the locker many students and colleagues you and how you can learn from resources that you find suitable

opened in time to go to my 6th doodle while discussions sur- the event. “Me time” is a teach- for you to use if you get stressed

grade class? What if I make a round them. It may seem offen- able moment! or anxious. By using the tools

mistake on my first day at work?” sive, but in fact, it is an activity 4) Journalize. Our minds are as part of your daily routine, the

The questions may go on and on that keeps individuals focused. constantly working and some- new journey won’t be so over-

for a while. Having such a tense Let’s not try it in these locations times it is very hard to shut whelming. Will it be easy? No,

moment can cause a cyclical ef- to further avoid stress! Grab a down. We are thinking about but will it be worth the journey?

fect of creating more chaos in pen or pencil and a piece of paper. what someone said, what was Without a doubt!

one’s life. So how do we set our Sit in a location you enjoy, listen observed or even our emotions

minds to rethink the uncertainty to music and begin doodling. Let at a given time. To overthink Dr. Hardy is an educational

of change and refocus? Here are a few minutes pass and reflect on makes letting go more difficult. consultant focused on assisting

some tips that can help: how you feel. If it helps you, al- Having a journal is great to write students to acheive their post-

1) Breathe. You have prob- ways have the tools available in down ideas, tasks, emotions and secondary journey. Learn more at

ably heard everyone say, “just your favorite location. There are so much more. Using a journal

breathe” and seen too many of some great apps for doodling! expands our self-awareness but

the postings in social media sug- 3) Me Time. A graduate stu- also aides in self-management


Wash Your Hands!
ENT and Allergy’s Dr. Jason Abramovitz shares the most important advice
for keeping kids healthy this school year

BY JEREMY BROWN “Hand washing has been “With the beginning of the as they wash. By the time they
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF shown to be the No. 1 most ef- school year comes a new batch get to “Z,” their hands should
fective way of preventing germ of u vaccinations, which are be squeaky clean. Alternatively,
As parents pack lunches, spread,” he said. “I think it’s re- important for kids to get because they can also run through two
gather up textbooks and ally important for children to be they can help prevent the spread rounds of “Happy Birthday” to
send their kids o to educated on proper hand-wash- of the u,” he said. “Especially get their hands properly washed
another school year, they’re all ing, especially when using items once you go to school and your and ready.
united in the common goal of that may have been handled or children are being exposed to
keeping the little ones as healthy touched by other children. It’s al- lots of other children and lots of With each month of the
as possible. ways a good practice to have your other sources of germs and the school year, it seems there’s an-
However, as hard as parents kids wash their hands as soon as spread of germs.” other virus to contend with and
might try, inevitably, kids bring they get home from school so something else that can get your
germs home with them, expos- they don’t bring anything from As important as hand-wash- kids sick, so Abramovitz stresses
ing themselves and the family to school into the home.” ing is, however, it can be a chal- that it’s very important for par-
a host of nasty illnesses. So what lenge to teach kids the right way ents to know what the signs of
can parents do to try and prevent With young children, espe- to get their digits clean. Experts infection are and when it’s time
germs from wreaking havoc on cially, it can be di cult to combat recommend trying to make it fun to see a doctor. But, above all,
their lives and their kids’ school germs, because kids in kinder- for kids, with scented soaps or it’s most important to get those
years? garten and nursery school share soaps that come in fun shapes to hands under running water as
Dr. Jason Abramovitz, an ear, toys and games, often after put- engage them. Additionally, since often as possible.
nose and throat specialist with ting their hands in their mouths. kids need to wash their hands
ENTA, says the answer is so As a result, Dr. Abramovitz rec- for at least 20 seconds for it to “It’s important to always wash
simple that parents often over- ommends that parents make sure be e ective, those in the know your hands,” he said. “It’s by far
look it: wash your hands! that their kids are up to date on suggest making a game out of it the most important thing a child
their vaccinations. by having them sing the alphabet can do.”



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The “Myth-information” About Head Lice

There are so many myths around lice, how it is spread, how it is treated and how it is avoided. The misinformation and long standing
myths are astounding. Well, let’s set the record straight but let’s have some fun first. Test your lice knowledge with a little quiz. Here are 10
statements regarding lice. Take a guess as to whether they are true or false and read on for the answers.

TRUE OR FALSE? 1) False. Lice can occur in anyone who has hair on their head and blood. Lice do not
TAKE THE QUIZ care about socio-economic status!

1) Lice mostly occur in low-income 2) False. Lice do not occur as a result of poor hygiene. Lice are parasites thathold
homes. onto hair and feed on the human scalp. They can only be contracted through head-
2) Lice are a result of poor hygiene. to-head contact or, in rare cases, by the sharing of hats and brushes.
3) Lice can only live off of a human
head for 24 hours. 3) True. Adult lice need to feed on human blood every three hours (babies feed every
4) Items that have been in contact hour). Without blood, they will begin to dehydrate. Removed from their food source
with lice must be bagged for one (a human head), they will die within 24 hours. Removal is the only way to ensure lice
week. will be defeated.
5) Lice can jump from person to
person. 4) False. Since lice cannot live away from their food source or away from 98.6˚,
6) Lice have become resistant to all items that have come in contact with lice can be removed for 24 hours or put in a
over-the-counter treatments. dryer on high heat for 20-30 minutes.
7) The mom louse lays approximately
10 eggs per day. 5) False. Lice do not jump or fly. They have claws that are designed specifically to
8) Mayonnaise, vinegar or olive oil hold on to hair. They can only move along an individual strand of hair or from strand
can kill lice. to strand. This is why the best way to avoid lice is to avoid hair-to-hair contact.
9) Nits without live lice bugs and are
not a worry. 6) True. Lice have indeed become 100% resistant to all over-the-counter products.
10) If you do not itch, you do not The only way to eliminate lice is to comb them out with a fine tooth comb to remove
have lice. it from the head. In addition, many over-the-counter products contain toxic pesticides
that may be harmful to children. There are several all natural products that can be
THIS QUIZ used to assist in combing out lice.
LICEOUT911! 7) True. The female louse lays up to five eggs two times a day. Given the fact that
four to five lice travel to a head at a time, most of which are females, a case of lice
can quickly become significant.

8) False. There are no magic solutions to killing lice. Mayonnaise, vinegar and oil
should remain in salads. The notion that these food items kill lice comes from the
act of combing them through the hair. The combing is what is doing the trick, not the
condiment. Some useful non-food products that assist in combing are Cetaphil® or
a thick conditioner like Pantene®. However, the proper comb (we recommend the
Terminator®) is essential.

9) False. Nits are lice eggs. Although a case of nits without live bugs does not pose
an immediate threat, they need to be removed. The incubation time for a louse
is approximately 7-10 days. At that time, the egg will hatch and a baby louse will
emerge. In nine more days, that baby will grow to be a reproductive, contagious
adult. Remember question seven? Do the math. All nits must be removed from the
hair in order to ensure lice are completely gone.

10) False. This is probably the biggest falsehood. Itching from lice is an allergic
reaction. Only 50% of people are allergic to lice and thus, experience itching.

As such, when you receive that note home from school alerting you to a case of lice
in the classroom, check your child regardless of whether or not they are itching. Within the past five years, we have learned a lot more about lice than we have
believed for the past hundred thousand. As such, it is important that you consult
with a certified professional to help you get rid of lice and avoid it in the future. You
can eliminate it yourself but armed with the knowledge of how these creatures work,
your treatment will be much more effective!


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The Before and After My Son’s Fatal Overdose

BY SUSAN SALOMONE, MS, to break down barriers and work

CASAC together for the better good. We
DRUG CRISIS IN OUR BACKYARD have watched as hundreds rally

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR around us to stop the stigma asso-

ciated with addiction and mental
Like so many other families illness.
that have lost loved ones As a member of Governor Cuo-
to the Opioid Epidemic, I mo’s Heroin Task Force, I heard
divide my life into the before and innumerable families explain the

after. e before was May 28, chaos in getting their loved ones

2012, and the after was May 29, into treatment, helping them nd

2012 when my son Justin died of a their way after treatment, and

heroin overdose. Today 6 years lat- then experiencing relapse after

er I ask myself what has changed. relapse. I was present when Gov-

rough the e orts of our grass- ernor Cuomo signed laws that METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION

roots organization, Drug Crisis in limit doctors to prescribing 7 days ing or in recovery. e overall goal
is to build long term, sustainable
our Backyard, we have certainly of opioids rather then 30, and re- In 2016, 64,500 Americans died supports in order to live a ful lled
of Drug Overdose, approximately drug free life.
brought awareness of the rampant quiring treatment centers in NY 75% from opioids. In 2017, there
was a 10% increase in drug over- A Certi ed Recovery Peer Ad-
use of heroin and opioids in our to accept opioid addicted patients dose deaths being estimated at vocate is a trained professional
70,467 people. who provides outreach, advocacy,
community,we have helped count- to rehab without prior insurance mentoring, and recovery support
Billions of dollars are available services to those seeking or sus-
less families understand Substance authorization for a minimum of through federal government grants taining recovery. Peer Advocates
to the states and in turn to agencies usually have lived the experience
Use Disorder (addiction) as a dis- 14 days. ese are all huge ac- that provide services. Some of the and have a personal understanding
new treatment modalities that are of addiction. Peer Advocates will
ease and rallied together in an ef- complishments but apparently not now available that weren’t just a connect with a person that may be
few years ago are Family Naviga- in the emergency room or some-
fort to support each other live with enough. e National Vital Sta- tion, Recovery Coaching and Cer- one that is reaching out for help.
ti ed Peer Recovery Advocate.
the symptoms in a loved one. As a tistics System came out with pre- ese and many other grants
Family Navigation is a service have been o ered by OASAS
community, we have been amazed liminary statistics for Drug Over- that Drug Crisis in our Backyard (NYS O ce of Alcohol and Sub-
has been o ering since inception stance Abuse) in an e ort to stem
to see the agencies whose mission dose Deaths in the twelve-month and continues to o er. Family the tide of overdose, to prevent
Navigators provide free, con den- preteens and teens from unwit-
is prevention and treatment begin period ending December 2017. tial services and information for tingly experimenting with sub-
families struggling with addiction. stances that can forever change
CoveCare Center COUNSELING their destiny and supporting the
THAT ey lead support groups and edu- families that are living with active
cational workshops in an attempt addiction. It is the hope of Drug
EMPOWERS to support families before things Crisis in our Backyard that as more
CHANGE get out of control and after they and more people are educated on
are out of control. ese services the depth and breadth of this cri-
Mental Health Alcohol & Substance Use are now grant funded and avail- sis, they will begin to understand
Counseling & Treatment Treatment & Prevention able in most areas in the Hudson that addiction is not a choice but a
Valley, including Westchester and disease and with compassion reach
Rehabilitation Services Community-Based Services Putnam Counties. out to those that are still ghting
PROSper for Adults, Families & Children this battle.
Recovery Coaching is a
CoveCare Center, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, provides mental health, strength-based support also of- For more information please email
substance use, and supportive services for adults, children, families fered through state grants to some ssal@drugcrisisinourbackyard.
treatment and prevention agencies com or call 845-582-8384.
and seniors throughout the Lower Hudson Valley. for individuals that are in early Visit our website at: www.
1808 Route Six, Carmel, NY • 845.225.2700 • sobriety. A Recovery Coach is a
trained professional working to
promote health, well-being and
sobriety. is is achieved by re-
moving barriers and obstacles to
recovery and serving as a personal
guide and mentor for people seek-


Made SimplePersonal Umbrella Policy Insurance

An Allstate® Personal Umbrella Policy a court appearance, up to the limits specified scenarios, there are some occurrences that
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against large and potentially devastating lia- such as liability or damages related to:
bility claims or judgments. It’s called an um- • Allstate will retain and pay for your at-
brella policy because it offers an extra layer of torney if you’re sued over • Your business
protection over and above your standard auto • Your personal belongings
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Who doesn’t love to go outside and
play? If you think you’re too old
for a little old-fashioned playtime,
think again! The health benefits of
fun speak for themselves. Read on
in our exclusive feature story to
find out why. This month, we also
take a look at what you can do
to fight sciatica pain and take you
inside the rather puzzling medical
mystery of Restless Legs Syndrome.

Turn the page!



The Best

Local Places
to Play

(For Kids and Adults!)


Located on the Purchase

College campus, this outdoor

adventure course lets you walk NYC WATER SKIING &

amongst the trees on bridges, WAKEBOARDING SCHOOL

rope courses and zip lines. The Despite the NYC name, the

eco-friendly park offers nine school operates out of two lo-

treetop ropes courses and 12 dif- cal spots, Charles Point Marina

ferent elements to keep adven- on the Hudson River and Lake

turers busy for hours. Mahopac’s MacDonald Marine.

Whether you’re an experienced

735 Anderson Hill Rd, Purchase, skier/wakeboarder or just look-

NY 10577, ing for an afternoon tubing on

the water, you’ll find plenty of

THE CLIFFS AT VALHALLA water-based activities to wile

Test your climbing ability at away the afternoon on the water.

this indoor rock-climbing gym,

which features a variety of routes 1 Marina Drive, Mahopac, NY

for all ages and skill levels. With 10541; 5 John Walsh Boulevard,

over 13,000 square feet of ter- Peekskill, NY 10566,

rain, there’s something for ev-

eryone, including a rappeling BALLOONS OVER

tower and cardio equipment to WESTCHESTER

get you into cimbing shape! With the weather starting to

turn and fall in the air, now is

1 Commerce St, Valhalla, NY the perfect time to soar above

10595, the foliage in a hot air balloon.

If this sounds like something

PUSH FITNESS out of a Victorian fantasy, think

• Located in Historic Peekskill Landmark This Mamaroneck gym uses again. Located in Bedford, Bal-

• Overlooking the Spectacular Hudson River high-intensity interval training loons Over Westchester is a hot-

90 Ringgold Street • Spacious Studio, 1-2 Bedroom Apartments to give members a whole body air balloon company that offers
Peekskill, NY 10566 Equipped with Full Kitchens
workout in a comparitively short rides over the county with FAA-
Call to arrange a • Weekly Housekeeping Including
complimentary Linen Service amount of time. The gym also licensed balloon pilots at the
lunch & tour!
• Restaurant Style Dining Serving offers personal traing sessions helm. Rides are offered just after
914.788.8860 Lunch and Dinner
and outdoor workouts at Harbor sunrise and just before sunset. • Transportation to Doctors, Shopping
and Outings Entertainment, Island Park.

• Educational Courses and a Full Array
of Activities
154 E Boston Post Rd,
• 24 Hour Security and Emergency Response System


Pack Well for a Hike
in the Wilderness

September may enjoy hikers maintain their energy
the title of National levels.
Wilderness Month, • Rain gear/extra clothing:
but any time of year is a Dressing in layers and having
good time to enjoy the great a change of clothes enables

outdoors. One of the ways to you to adjust your attire

immerse oneself in nature is to according to the weather

enjoy a day hike or overnight conditions. Wear water-

backpacking excursion. repellant materials that wick

Millions of people take to away sweat.

trails or create their own paths • Sun protection: Sun

all across the world each and protection encompasses

every year. Hiking is a great sunscreen, sunglasses and a

way to enjoy the beauty of hat.

nature, but it also has other • Illumination: Pack a

bene ts. e American headlamp or ashlight, and

Hiking Society notes that don’t forget the batteries.

research has consistently Light will help you navigate

shown that hiking as regular if you are out after sundown.

exercise can improve overall Flashlights also can be used to

health and tness. It also may signal others if you’re lost.

lengthen and improve quality • Navigational tools:

of life. Hiking as a form of A compass and map will PHOTO: METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION

low-impact walking can help keep you on course. Pack accordingly for a hike outdoors, whether it’s a short excursion
or an overnight campout.
reduce risk for heart disease, Remember, cell phones may
Are You Stuck At Home?
hypertension,diabetes,obesity, not work in remote areas.
Do you have problems with:
and anxiety. • Fire starter: A night spent BALANCE, STIFFNESS, PAIN OR WEAKNESS?

Preparing for a hike involves in the wilderness may not be Help Is On The Way!

packing accordingly for the on the itinerary, but chemical As a PT with 28 years experience (15 in home care),
I would love to help you with your physical needs in the
trip. ese items should be re starters, matches or even comfort of your own home. As a bonus, for every paid

brought along on hiking trips dryer lint can help start res service provided, I will perform a volunteer
service, (ie walk your dogs, weed your garden, take out
to ensure such excursions in emergency situations. the garbage, run an errand...) at no additional charge!

are comfortable, safe and • Multipurpose tool: A I provide individual attention and genuine caring
service for you or your family member. Call or text
successful. multipurpose tool can be used
me to schedule your full evaluation and let me
• Water: Bring along water to cut items, open cans and customize a program for you.

whether you’re hiking in much more. Sarah G. Montgomery MSPT
warm or cool temperatures. • First aid kit: Don’t forget

Water can be heavy, so some a prepackaged rst aid kit to

experienced hikers prefer to treat minor or major injuries.

bring a ltration device or Taking a rst aid course is also

purifying tablets so they can helpful.

rely on natural water sources • Toilet paper: When

for their drinks. nature calls in nature, a roll of

• Proper footwear: Trail toilet paper can make things

shoes may be adequate for much easier.

shorter hikes or when you • Emergency shelter:

are not carrying much gear. Tarps, tents or even re ective

Otherwise, opt for sturdy blankets can be put to use if

hiking boots with plenty of a day trip needs to be turned

sole and ankle support. into an overnight stay.

• Nutrition: Bring along Hiking is a fun way to enjoy

lightweight food to keep the wilderness. Hikers must

you well fed. Any number pack accordingly for every trip.

of situations, including

di cult trails and getting is article is provided by

lost, can prolong hiking trips. Metro Creative Connection

Nutritious snacks can help




Letting kids go out and play could b

BY GABRIELLE BILIK playing outside we stayed out until the Even organized sports like baseball take
MANAGING EDITOR streetlights came on,’”Skenazy says.“But then away the child’s control, she argues.

they follow it up with ‘times have changed.’ “Really, it’s a class,” she says. “Who brings

Trying to raise confident and secure children? However, if you look at the statistics, they’re the snack, how long the game is, who plays

The answer could be as simple as letting them safer now. in what position—it’s all adult run—even

play outside. Skenazy argues that parents are influenced though it has the veneer of the child’s activity.”

Mentalillnessamongchildrenandadolescents to think of wort-case scenarios. A question Westchester mom of three and admin of

is on the rise. From 2007 to 2012, diagnoses of she was often asked on talk shows was ‘but the Facebook Group Northern Westchester

anxiety increased by 20 percent from 2007 to Lenore how would you have felt if he never Natural Parenting Leah O’Donnell prefers

2012 in children ages 6-17, according to the came home,’’referring to her son,who recently to let her kids have more independence and

2016 National Survey of Children’s Health. turned 20, who rode the subway as a child. is a believer in free play for children versus

Lenore Skenazy, a writer living in New “I trust reality rather than this worst-case structured activities day in and day out.

York, inadvertently started the “free-range kids” scenario, which is very unlikely to happen,” O’Donnell who earned degrees from

movement 10 years ago when she let her then she says. “If it did, it would be horrible but NYU and Columbia University in clinical

9-year-old son ride the New York City subway [the idea that] if you’re not going to that dark social work and infant, child and adolescent

alone and wrote about it in an article. place, you’re not doing it right has become so psychology, touts the benefits of letting

After the backlash she received from other engrained that it feels instinctive, but it’s not.” children reconnect with nature and explore

parents and media, she began discussing her The free-range movement (more the world more independently.

choice and promoting the concept of loosening information at and “There so much research out there too

the grip of supervision on children and their organizations like “Let Grow,” which that says giving children breaks helps with

playtime on her blog, in books, in interviews promotes a non-helicopter parenting style, their academic and emotional health…Yet

with the media and on a TV show called, offer parents ways to support their kids to that’s not the way society and institutional

“World’s Worst Mom.” practice more independence from letting education is always structured”

For as much backlash as Skenazy got, she them do tasks around the house alone to O’Donnell encourages her kids to use

also received a good amount of support. There campaigning for extra recess time. certain real tools to join her on DIY projects

are parents—including here in Westchester— Skenazy says that anything that promotes to encourage them to use their imagination

that are open to the experience of letting their a child’s internal locus of control will benefit and feel empowered. That’s not to say she

children skip structured, supervised play and get them long into adulthood. doesn’t worry, or that she thinks it’s the best

reacquainted with the unsupervised playtime An internal locus of control, she explains, fit for every child.

older generations of Americans remember is how much control over one’s life a person “I think the really tricky thing is that when

fondly from their youths. Skenazy says that feels they have versus how much control you become a parent your heart is so full of

even so-called helicopter parents admit that comes from external sources. love for your kids and you want more than

they wish they could let their kids enjoy more “For example, how do you feel with a anything to keep them safe,” she says. “Often

unstructured play, but don’t think it’s safe. micromanaging boss?” she asks. “You’re our mind makes us think of all the bad things

“People say ‘I loved my childhood, I loved depressed, you’re anxious.” that could happen to them and so we react




be the key to their lifelong success

by doing what we can to not let those things wilderness retreats. also offers programs for older children and

happen. But it’s all a grey area, and a moving Playing outside he says promotes a heathy adults.

target as kids are constantly growing and relationship with exploration and curiosity. One of the most important things as an

maturing.” “They get a chance to taste edible plants— educator that I’ve seen with kids is that kids

She adds that finding the “sweet spot” we teach how to tell which ones are safe and can’t learn in school if their basic needs aren’t

between allowing them the freedom to figure which ones aren’t safe,” Stone says. “They get being met,” Stone says. “A lot of times if

things out on their own and intervening isn’t to climb over rocks and branches and flip over their emotional or social needs aren’t being

easy. logs and look at all the critters.” met its really difficult for them to focus in a

“I think that our society consumes too While some people might cringe at the classroom and what nature play does is give

much media and I don’t think human brains thought of children being exposed to germs, kids a chance to learn how to emotionally

are really created to take in that much media Stone says it’s good for them and not only center themselves.”

and to be able to separate actually what is that—it’s a key piece of children’s lives that’s Stone encourages parents to let their kids

a relevant threat versus something that is starting to get lost. engage in safe “risky” behaviors. By simply

passing by on the other side of the country,” “There’s a movement now to get kids to letting kids be kids, it statistically protects

she says. “Way back when, people would only connect with the land because we recognize them as they grow up.

know about an actual imminent threat, so you that it is something that’s missing form their “There was a study done that showed that

would take it in, then react and change things lives,” Stone says. kids who are allowed riskier play like climbing

to be safe.” Nature play is important to the and jumping—all of those risky behaviors—

Now, she says people do that, but the threat development of the mind, Stone says and without being stopped, even jumping in a

is statistically unlikely to happen to them. it has consequences on the development of puddle of mud and seeing what that feels like.

“My kids are still little,” she says. “So, who children. “It gives them a huge academic, are less likely to engage in risky behaviors as

knows what I’ll do? I’m not letting them go emotional and physical curve,” he says. teens,” he says.

off on long hikes alone in the woods just yet In addition to the benefits of exercise Stone adds that it is definitely the place of

but I think playing in the yard is fine.” children that play outside are exposed to a parent or teacher to step in when that risky

Inaddiitontolessstructuredplay,O’Donnell microbes that don’t make them sick but make behavior elevates.

is a proponent of children exploring nature their bodies strong. “You want them to run around, but you

and is enthusiastic about a new pre-school “There’s been study after study mostly done don’t want them to run into a patch of poison

program at Westchester’s Rewilding School. in the northern European countries showing ivy,” Stone says. As far as his programs go, he

O’Donnell was instrumental in organizing how free play and specifically free nature play says it’s normal for kids to walk away with a

the program with Rewilding School founder allows kids to better learn to control their few mosquito bites or scrapes, but assures the

Eric Stone. emotions to think creatively and even reducing children are in good hands.

Aiming to connect people to the wild, the symptoms and attention symptoms “We’re very careful to make sure that

The Rewilding School teaches ancestral associated with ADD and ADHD.” whatever rsiky behavior it is, isn’t enough to

survival skills to kids and adults through This is the first year of the Forest preschool cause a lasting physical or emotional injury.”

summer camps, forest preschool and, guided offered to ages 3-5. The Rewilding School


Restless Legs Syndrome and Your Sleep

Psychiatrist & Sleep Medicine Specialist Dr. Alex Dimitriu with Menlo Park Psychiatry
& Sleep Medicine Offers Tips on a Common Neurological Disorder

For millions of Americans, a good most severely affected tend to be middle- geted to managing the disorder, minimizing
night’s sleep is an elusive goal. In- aged and older. symptoms, and improving sleep.” Treatment
somniacs are plagued by a persis- may include the following:
tent combination of difficulty falling asleep, The precise cause of RLS isn’t known but
it does tend to run in families and iron de-

frequent waking and difficulty getting back ficiency may play a role. Some cases of RLS LIFESTYLE CHANGES

to sleep, waking too early, and not feeling are associated with an underlying condition, Eliminating or reducing the use of alcohol

rested on waking. Chronic insomnia can such as Parkinson’s disease, kidney failure, and tobacco, establishing regular sleep habits,

have serious implications for quality of life, or peripheral neuropathy, but most often undertaking a program of moderate exercise,

resulting in daytime sleepiness, irritability, RLS is not accompanied by another condi- leg massage, and hots baths or heating pads

impaired job performance, accidents, and tion. Certain medications, including anti- may relieve symptoms. For those with mild

health risks. depressants like SSRI’s, as well as dopamine to moderate symptoms, these steps may pro-

According to psychiatrist and sleep medi- blocking medications - mood stabilizers, vide sufficient relief.

cine specialist Dr. Alex Dimitriu, the cause can result or worsen RLS, and the insomnia

of an individual case of insomnia may be as that it causes. IRON SUPPLEMENTS

elusive as the sleep that is so hard to come “Another important point worth noting For people with low or low-normal levels

by. It can be associated with a wide range of is that patients who have known or existing of iron, iron supplementation is often helpful.

underlying medical and psychological con- RLS should discuss this with their provider.

ditions, including anxiety and depression. Dopamine blocking mood stabilizers or anti- MEDICATIONS

“Anxiety about being unable to sleep often psychotics, used for bipolar disorder, can make There is no single medication for RLS that

makes it even more difficult to sleep,” he RLS worse - and in some cases, temporarily works for everyone and it may be necessary

says. “But sometimes insomnia isn’t caused spread ‘up the body,’” notes Dr. Dimitriu. A to try several before settling on one. Among

by anxiety or medication or any of the other condition known as akathisia we have of- the choices are dopamine-related drugs like

possible culprits. Sometimes it is a conse- ten called, “RLS of the whole body,” can be those used to treat Parkinson’s disease, al-

quence of restless legs syndrome, a condi- brought on in someone with existing RLS, though long-term use may make symptoms

tion so disruptive to restful sleep, that it is taking some of these dopamine blockers. worse; opioids, which carry the risk of ad-

itself considered a sleep disorder.” There is no test that can confirm a diag- diction but are effective in some people in

Restless legs syndrome (RLS), also known nosis of RLS but blood and other tests may low doses; and benzodiazepines, which are

as Willis-Ekbom disorder, is a common be used to rule out the presence of another generally prescribed for anxiety and can help

neurological condition that causes unusual condition. RLS sufferers get restful sleep.

or unpleasant sensations in the legs or other “There is no cure for RLS,” says Dr. Dimi- “Restless legs syndrome afflicts suffer-

parts of the body and an irresistible urge to triu. “If there is an underlying condition, ers twice,” says Dr. Dimitriu, “first with the

move the legs to relieve those sensations. treating that condition may relieve symp- symptoms of the condition itself and then

“Patients often find it difficult to describe toms. But for primary RLS – when there is with chronic sleep disruption and its accom-

the sensations in their legs,” says Dr. Dimi- no associated condition – treatment is tar- panying ill effects. While research is ongoing

triu. “They use descrip- to identify the specific

tions like itching, throb- changes in the brain

bing, pins and needles, or that cause the disorder,

a ‘creepy-crawly’ feeling. careful management

Some say it feels like bugs and conscientious ad-

are crawling on their legs. herence to prescribed

These sensations are worse therapies can minimize

when at rest – sitting or the effects of RLS and

lying down – and tend to help people get a good

be more severe late in the night’s sleep.”

day and at night, a com-

bination that significantly Alex Dimitriu, MD, is

impairs the ability to get double board-certified

restful sleep.” in psychiatry and sleep

It is estimated that medicine and is the

7-10% of the U.S. popula- founder of the Menlo

tion suffers from RLS. It Park Psychiatry & Sleep

affects both genders but is Medicine Center in

more common in women Menlo Park, CA. http://

and while it can start at

any age, those who are


After helping hundreds of Westchester & Putnam County herniated disc sufferers eliminate their pain, Local Doctor explains how…

“Back Pain Technology
Cheats Mother Nature
Helps Herniated Discs Heal Naturally… In As Little As 25 Minutes!”

At Last! Westchester County Doctor Offers Technology That Doesn’t Just End SEVERE Pain From Herniated Discs,
But Helps Your Body To Start Rebuilding Them… As Fast As Humanly Possible!
Best Part : You can check it all out for FREE if you like!

There is no doubt… technology has When you have a herniated disc, com- And check this out: Treatments are For that reason, Dr. Donath does a com- Why Limited To 17?
made all of our lives better… and easier. pressive forces cause your spinal bones to pleasant and simple. All you have to do is plete examination on every potential pa-
come together… basically squashing your lie on your back, listen to your favorite tient and only accepts you if he feels you Dr. Donath has limited the number he
Just about every miraculous medical disc. The space in between your bones de- music, read a magazine… or… take a nap! are most likely to get the pain relief and will accept right now to 17 because he
cure and comfort of modern living can be creases and the soft, jello-like disc material The wonderful technology does everything outcome you are looking for. does not believe patients should wait and
attributed to amazing breakthroughs in leaks out. while you simply RELAX the pain away! they should also get the quality personal
technology. Dr. Donath’s Special Deal For You! attention they deserve.
This disc material that leaks out is To sum up NSSD: Because the economy is so bad and Dr.
Heck, laser eye surgery can give people called a herniated disc and can cause se- • For most patients it is 100% pain- Donath wants to help you if possible, he is When you go for your free visit, I’m
who are almost as blind as a bat perfect vere pain, numbness and tingling in your less… offering the first 17 people who respond to sure you will see how unique and pleas-
20/20 vision. How amazing is that? neck, back, arms or legs when the hernia- this article a free consultation and NSSD ant the experience is. It’s nice to be
tion pushes into and “pinches” a nerve. in fact many patients actually fall qualification examination. treated like a person and not a number
That’s why it’s no surprise that technol- asleep during treatment! And if you qualify for NSSD treatments, or based on insurance coverage. It’s
ogy might be able to solve your back and So it makes sense, if you could slightly pull Dr. Donath will also give you one treatment also nice to know exactly what’s causing
neck pain from herniated/bulging discs or the spinal bones apart… that would open up • Works fast! Most patients get relief for FREE! And if you do not qualify, Dr. your pain and how to relieve it as fast as
sciatica…for good. the space, take the pressure off the disc, the after a handful of treatments – Donath will help you find the best option possible. Dr. Donath’s favorite cases are
disc off the nerve and solve the problem. for you. the one’s that were able to cancel back
Here is why: Back and neck pain can be Right? But the only problem is… how do you some after the very first! That’s why, if you suffer with pain from surgery after only a handful of treat-
devastating. And nothing is worse than do that? For years and years, doctors have • Is non-invasive so it does not have a herniated/bulging disc or sciatica you ments.
going to doctor after doctor… trying treat- been trying to do it with traction. the dangerous risks of surgery! should call 914-259-8104 right now. When
ment after treatment… spending money • Gets to the root cause of the prob- April answers the phone, simply tell her Dr. Donath also loves when a herniated
you can’t afford… and still suffering in But traction has been proven ineffective lem and helps it heal naturally! you would like your free non-surgical disc patient that is in excruciating pain and
pain. That’s why… and often very painful. Why? Isn’t modern technology wonderful? spinal decompression consultation and ex- thinks they’ve tried everything, lays down
And wouldn’t you like to… amination. If you are one of the first 17, on the NSSD table, takes a 25 minute
I bet you would love to instantly end Traction doesn’t work because when you Give This Great Technology A Try… she will schedule you within the next few nap… and… wakes up with all their pain
your pain… without any risk what-so- have a herniated or bulging disc, the area is days. If you are in a lot of pain or already GONE!
ever… and have it never come back for injured and when you try to move, your mus- For Free? scheduled for surgery, tell April and she
the rest of your life? cles go into spasm. Spasm is your body’s If you would, there’s great news. There will be sure to get you in immediately. Just imagine how it would feel to have
way of trying to protect you from causing fur- is a Doctor located at 222 Westchester Maybe even today.
Well, that might NOT be so easy. But, ther injury. That’s why traction hurts so much. Ave. Suite 405 in White Plains who has all your pain finally gone.
what if there was a wonderful advance- As soon as the traction starts… your muscles invested hundreds of thousands of dollars On right: Herniated disc with spinal
ment in technology that, with a handful of overprotect the area and spasm. in this wonderful technology and has been bones “squished” together. Imagine going to bed and being able to
simple, non-invasive treatments, could treating herniated/bulging disc and sciatica Center: NSSD slightly pulls the spinal
possibly have you out of pain and on your But the good news is: Now there is patients with incredible success. bones apart, opens up the disc space and sleep the entire night through…
way to healing naturally? technology that out-smarts your body’s His name is Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, allows herniated material to move back
natural spasm reaction. In other words: It MS and he is so excited about the results into the disc. … and waking up refreshed and ener-
Better yet, what if this technology could fools mother nature! he’s been getting, he would like to share it Left: Herniated material completely back
possibly heal your herniated/bulging discs with as many pain sufferers as possible. in center of disc allows the disc to heal gized… ready to take on the brand new
(instead of cutting it out like surgery) so This technology is called non-surgical naturally.
you have the best chance to live pain-free spinal decompression (NSSD) and here’s But There Is A Catch… day – without the pain and stiffness that
and do all the things you want and love to how it works… There’s always a catch... isn’t there? Your consultation and examination
do? Even though this technology has helped a should take about 60 minutes. During this has been terrorizing you.
NSSD is very different from plain trac- majority of the patients Dr. Donath has time you can get all of your questiones an- And imagine finally knowing you
And what if this technology was: tion because it has advanced computer tech- treated… it is not a wonder cure and it swered in a warm and friendly environment.
nology that actually senses your spinal does not help everyone. You will know exactly what’s causing your have the solution to your herniated disc
3 FDA cleared! muscles. When it starts to gently pull, it im- pain and the best possible way to solve it. pain.
mediately knows when your muscles start On the right: healthy disc. Dr. Donath will explain to you all your possible
3 Proven safe and effective! to contract and it stops pulling. As soon as Center: Herniated disc with soft disc options along with his recomendations so Well, you may not have to just “imagine”
your muscles relax, it starts pulling again. material leaking out. you can make the best choice for YOU. anymore… because… NSSD might start
3 Allows your herniated discs to On the left: Herniated disc material relieving your pain… in just 25 minutes!
heal naturally without the risky and The amazing thing is: the computer compressing or “pinching” nerve.
dangerous side effects of surgery! senses your muscles contraction so So, if you’d like to see if you qualify and
early… you don’t even feel what is going give this amazing technology a try for
3 Relieves pain fast… in some cases on. Which means you never feel any pain! free… give April a call at 914-259-8104
in as little as 25 minutes! In fact, the only thing most patients feel right now. Why wait one more day in pain
is… RELIEF!!! when the solution may be one quick phone
Well, guess what? There is such tech- call away? Call now before someone else
nology and there is a very good chance it But the best part is: NSSD is able to gets your free spot.
can help you… like it has already helps gently separate your spinal bones which,
thousands of herniated/bulging disc and in many cases, actually sucks the herni- One More Thing It’s Important…
sciatica sufferers all around the country… ated disc material back into the disc where Ever since getting this wonderful
it belongs! This takes away your pain and technology, Dr. Donath’s office has been
No Matter How Bad Your Pain Is, How allows your herniated and bulging discs to flooded with calls. For that reason, if
Long You’ve Been Suffering heal naturally! when you call, the lines are busy or you
go to voice mail… just keep calling back.
Or How Many Other Treatments And The possibility of living pain-free is well
Doctors Have Failed You! worth the time and effort it may take
you to get through and schedule your
Don’t laugh. It’s really true. Here’s appointment. 914-259-8104



Best Pain Relief
Options for Sciatica

Dr. Kaliq Chang with Atlantic Spine Center offers tips
on treatment choices for this painful back problem to
feel better quicker

West Orange, NJ, August 2018 - – certain activities can also contribute to
Since sciatica pain is often com- sciatica’s development. These include fre-
pared to the agony of a toothache, quent lifting, especially while twisting; and
effective treatment options for this poorly driving, especially when it vibrates the en-
understood back problem are welcome. For- tire body.

tunately, pain relief choices are also plentiful, Certain common back conditions also

according to Interventional Pain Manage- can lead to the pinched nerve(s) causing

ment Specialist Dr. Kaliq Chang with At- sciatica pain, including:

lantic Spine Center. · Bulging or herniated spinal discs

Sciatica isn’t actually a medical condition · Spinal stenosis (a narrowing of the

at all. Rather, it’s a term used to describe spinal canal)

symptoms stemming from the compression · Scar tissue

of the sciatic nerve in the lower back. When · Spinal bone spurs · Epidural spinal injections

this happens, the pain beginning in nerve Radiating pain from the lower back to If non-surgical options don’t work after

roots located on either side of the lower spine the buttocks, thigh, calf and foot can also weeks or months of consistent use, only then

radiates down the length of the leg, depend- be accompanied by tingling and numbness, will surgery be considered to correct the un-

ing on the affected side. Dr. Chang explains. “The pain can be worse derlying condition fueling sciatica pain, Dr.

Sciatica affects between 3% and 14% of when sitting and can even affect standing or Chang says. In about one-third of cases, sci-

adults at some point in their lives, accord- walking,” he adds. “With symptoms this se- atica patients experience persistent and dis-

ing to 2017 research in the journal BMJ. But vere, the need for relief can feel overwhelm- abling symptoms after one year, according to

for those affected, pain resulting from this ing.” the BMJ research.

poorly understood condition can be severe, “The vast majority of sciatica patients can

Dr. Chang says. TIPS FOR PAIN RELIEF expect the problem to be temporary and

“Pain from sciatica can be worse than back It’s a good thing, then, that many at-home won’t need surgery,” Dr. Chang says. “Easy

pain alone,” Dr. Chang adds. “It’s often com- remedies as well as prescribed therapies are treatments usually work, and a doctor’s care

pared to the agony of a toothache and cannot available for sciatica. Once a doctor confirms can help the pain be resolved even more

simply be ignored. Luckily, there are many the diagnosis of sciatica – a process that quickly.”

successful ways to treat the problem.” can involve several tests and imaging scans

– conservative treatments will generally be Atlantic Spine Center is a nationally

SYMPTOMS STEM FROM SEVERAL recommended at first, Dr. Chang says. These recognized leader for endoscopic spine

CAUSES include: surgery with several locations in NJ and

To figure out the best pain relief options · Alternating ice and heat application NYC., www.

for sciatica, it helps to understand its poten- · Over-the-counter or prescription anti-

tial causes. While some people are simply inflammatory pain relievers or muscle relax- Kaliq Chang, MD, is an interventional pain

more prone to the problem than others – in- ants management specialist board-certified in

cluding those over 45; smokers; tall people; · Exercise and/or physical therapy anesthesiology at Atlantic Spine Center.

and those coping with acute mental stress · Stretching

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Play Well
In this section, we’re going to put your
body through its paces. Exercise, outdoor
activity and just plain old-fashioned
fun are all on the table in these pages.
This month, we tackle everything from
tendonitis to knee pain and show you
how to get your body functioning like the
well-oiled machine we know that it is! But
don’t worry, it’s not all pain and gain in
this section, we’ve also got some delicious
recipes, a deep dive on garlic and an eye-
opening column on the wonders of ghee.
What’s ghee? We’re not telling, but we
think you’ll like it! Read on to find out!


How Regenerative Medicine Treatments
Can Help Chronic Tendonitis

Dr. Jason Arora with Atlantic Spine Center o ers tips on PRP
and stem cell therapy for this common condition

Instead of conventional bend and straighten joints. But of actually helping to PRP therapies are minimal, ac-
treatments for chronic this role is threatened when ten- heal the problem, not cording to Dr. Arora. e same-
tendonitis – which merely donitis strikes, says Dr. Arora, just cover up the dis- day procedure – which may
mask resulting pain and tender- an interventional spine and pain comfort.” need to be repeated periodically
ness – regenerative medicine is management specialist. – also enables patients to go
presenting exciting new options HOW PRP AND right back to regular activities
to treat this highly common or- “Because tendons are located STEM CELL such as work or sports.
thopedic condition, according all over the body, near the spine THERAPIES WORK
to Jason Arora, DO, of Atlantic and all major joints, tendonitis Additionally, regenerative
Spine Center. can occur nearly anywhere,” he PRP and stem cell medicine therapies o er some-
Two types of regenerative explains. “But when that hap- therapies are both cat- thing that symptom-based
medicine treatments known as pens, it’s hard to exercise – or egorized as biologic treatments – which for years
PRP (platelet-rich plasma) and even move – the a ected part of treatments because have included anti-in ammato-
stem cell therapies use patients’ the body without pain.” they’re derived from ry medications, pain relievers or
own body cells to help heal in- the body’s own cells, Dr. Arora steroid injections – simply can-
amed tissues around injured “ at’s why it’s so important says. not, Dr. Arora notes.
tendons. Small, thick bands that we continue developing
of tissue connecting muscle e ective new treatment ap- PRP is made from platelets “PRP and stem cells o er
to bone, tendons help muscles proaches for tendonitis,” Dr. present in our body’s plasma, the the chance for true healing, not
Arora adds. “PRP and stem cell liquid component of blood. just symptom relief,” he says.
therapies o er the added bene t “While other treatments have
Stem cells, which can grow been the mainstay of tendonitis
CARING HEARTS into any type of body cell, are care for many years, regenerative
AND HANDS LLC derived from bone marrow, fat medicine goes one step further.
tissue or circulating blood. It’s thrilling to be able to o er
Because We Understand patients such an encouraging
Home Is Where The Heart Is. In either minimally invasive newer option.”
procedure, a special needle is
Caring Hearts And Hands LLC Is A Dependable used to extract cells from the Atlantic Spine Center is a
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Services And Helpful Support To Seniors. centrated and/or puri ed in a endoscopic spine surgery with
machine. e resulting cells are several locations in NJ and NYC.
Companion Care then injected into the a ected,
Personal Care tendon area using imaging tech-
Daily/Weekly Visits nology. Common sites are near Jason Arora, DO, is a board-
24 Hours/7Days the spine or elbows, knees or certi ed physician who
Nursing Home Care shoulders. is fellowship-trained in
Assisted Living Care interventional spine and pain
Respite Care Biologic therapies such management at Atlantic Spine
Lite Meal Prep as PRP and stem cells have Center.
Errands • Bill Prep emerged as a hot area of medical
Transportation & More research in recent years. “While
results are still preliminary, evi-
We Can Provide Caregivers, HHAs, LPNs. dence strongly suggests PRP
Free Consultations. and stem cells are extremely
promising for chronic tendon-
914-962-3002 itis in the spine or other joints in their ability to regenerate
worn or injured tissues or release
substances that promote tendon
repair,” Dr. Arora says.


Since cells taken from our
own bodies can’t be rejected, the
risks of undergoing stem cell or


Join the Ghee Club

BY DONNA MASSARO Ghee is clari ed true food t to help people who are battling
CONTRIBUTING COLUMNIST Chron’s Disease and ulcerative
cooking fat. And for the Gods. colitis.
Iwas fortunate enough to
live in Tahoe City, Califor- even though it’s is liquid ere are many ways to incor-
nia for a year of my life. My porate this food into your diet.
roommate at the time was a true crazy healthy, too gold balances You can use it as a healthy cook-
hippie born in the wrong decade. ing oil, spread it on toast, melt it
She practiced yoga, snowboard- much of it will cholesterol lev- over veggies, put it on popcorn
ed, had dreads in her hair and and replace it for butter in bak-
formed a non-pro t to save the have you packing els, provides ing recipes. Look up “bulletproof
elephants. She taught this small- co ee,” which we make at e
town Mahopac girl a lot about on the pounds. energy, in- Freight House. It’s a healthy
the world. She would food shop alternative to your sugar and
and I would cook every day. is Butter was creases vitamin cream.
routine introduced me to ghee.
We became good friends, ghee discovered in absorbency You can make ghee yourself or
and me. buy it at most natural food stores.
Ghee is one step farther than India by what and increases It doesn’t need to be refrigerated,
clari ed butter. e ghee is has at least a year shelf life and a
cooked a little longer, which gives they think was the secretion of high smoke point. I don’t know
the butter fat a deeper avor. I how you can go wrong!
will give you the recipe on how an accident. A stomach acid,
to make it yourself at the end of I’m going to give you two reci-
this article. But rst, I’d like to shepherd would which aids in pes. e rst one is how to make
introduce you to your new little ghee, which I have done many
friend. Always remember, how- walk with a skin digestion. It is times. e second is a chocolate
ever, everything in moderation. spread. which I haven’t made yet,
bag of milk from DONNA MASSARO appropriate in a but plan on doing ASAP. I’d love
whatever animal, dairy-free diet some feedback if you make it!

a goat, a cow or a sheep. e for intolerant people because the

bag would bang around in the lactose and casein are removed.

heat before they would drink It is high in vitamins A, D, E &

it. When it would come time K and supports your bones, your

to take a sip…it would be but- brain, your heart along with your

ter! Good thing these guys were immune system. Ghee also con-

so adventurous, because I don’t tains the cancer- ghting fatty

think I would have drank that! acid conjugated linolenic acid,

Before ghee was considered which also aids in weight loss

a food, it was used to heal skin and is loaded with butyric acid.

aliments and fuel lamps. It is Butyric acid has been shown

thought of in Hinduism as a



organic, grass-fed, unsalted butter a partner with the firm Maker, Fragale & Di Costanzo, LLP.
stainless steel pot, bowl, a metal spoon, a stove
Melt the butter over medium heat for about 30 minutes. Don’t
stir. You will see the fat start to separate and white foam will ELEDLEDRERLLAAWW,, EESSTTAATTEEPLPALNANNINNGING
appear on the top. Gently scrape off the foam and discard it & &SPSEPCECIAIALLNNEEEEDDSSAATTTOTRONRENYEY
into a bowl. Turn the heat to med-low, give it a stir, and notice
the milk solids on the bottom. We want those to brown, not PPlalanMnnMnienieWdngWdigPiicficPlrfolalaolrasrisiardcdHc•●tHPtiPTocioTllcermamareuunnaeaessnnrtrtCCesiiesnnaaaa•ggs●srrMeepp•●Mrre•●SiidSepmPmPdpieclaaielacacacrrinaiiiniadlanlinylydliAinNfNnfAopgogeepcpceefufpuloddoislsrcssrieecadNNPPdatolitluuoaoainrronnnnssnnisninsniingngggCCaarree
burn. Remove all the foam until the ghee is clear. Take off heat GGuuaarrddiiaannsshhiippss aanndd EEssttaatteess ●• AAsssseett--PPrrootteeccttiioonn PPllaannnniinngg
and strain with cheese cloth. Pour it into a jar and voila! Ghee!
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Chocolate Spread
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what you will need: • MembSPeearls,etNcCteehdwaisriYnocoferthk2e0S1W3taeatssetcaBhNeasertweArYsCosoroukcnM.tyEetBlrdaoerArErLledaaewrSLuSapweercCtLioaomwnymEeirxtteeceutive Committee
• MembMere,mNbaetri,oNneawl AYocrakdSetmateyBoafrEAlsdsoecr.LEladwerALattworSneecytison Executive Committee
food processor
1/4 cup hemp seeds [email protected], National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
1/3 cup raw cocoa

1/4 cuo ghee 2074 Crompond Road 350 Theodore Fremd Avenue
2 tbsp honey
pinch of Himalayan salt Yorkto2w07n4 CHroemipgohndtsR,oaNd Y 10598 350 RThyeoed,oNre YFrem10d 5Av8e0nue
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Rye, NY 10580
Mix all in food processor, spread on toast or fruit. Tel:Te9l:19144--22454-24540-2440
Store in fridge Tel:T9el:19414--99252-1501-01010
FaxFa:x:991144-2-4254-7540-37403 FaxF:ax9: 91144--99252-1501-11011


Resolving Knee Pain

BY DORON BEN-DOV, MS, LAC keep the joints warm throughout the win- cal therapy.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER ter. In addition, attention should be paid to Since swell-
other elements that have a direct impact on ing can be
The number of knee surgeries has been knees, like prolonged uncomfortable posture, the result of
going up significantly every year, and high heel shoes (and uncomfortable shoes in torn meniscus
knee surgery is definitely one of the general), and weak pelvic muscles. Because or cartilage, it
most common forms of intervention by or- muscles are built to work harmoniously, the is important to consult a doctor, but also to
thopedists. While this is an effective form body’s muscle balance and posture are ad- get to the bottom of the problem and iden-
of treatment, it is unclear whether or not so versely impacted when one muscle is sig- tify what is causing the excess of fluids. As
many people actually need such surgery. In nificantly stronger or weaker than the other. I mentioned earlier, it is important to em-
a study performed in 2013 and published in For our knees, pelvic muscles are particularly phasize the patient’s posture and addition-
the New England Journal of Medicine, a group important, and therefore it is critical to main- ally listen to and understand the patient’s
of patients in Finland was divided into two. tain the right balance between the knees and mood and feelings. Emotions have a direct
The people in one group underwent sur- pelvis. After sitting down over a long period impact on a person’s posture, and as a result,
gery to remove problematic cartilage from of time, a person needs to loosen up the mus- on the knees. While talking to Maurice, he
the knee. The second group received placebo cles through light exercise in order to prevent disclosed a great deal of stress and mental
treatment, in which an optical instrument unnecessary pressure on the knees. Maurice’s turmoil that he had been going through.
was inserted into the knee to assess the dam- pain was not along the ligaments and after Tossing and turning at night had caused re-
age, but the cartilage remained untouched. A performing a routine orthopedic test, I did curring spasms in his midback,specifically on
year later, the study organizers were surprised not have a reason to suspect a tear. the right side in proximity to where the liver
to discover a significant improvement in the is located. Not only does the liver metabolize
condition of all patients, from both groups. Similar to problems caused by muscle im- fat and remove toxins from our bloodstream,
In other words, patients in the placebo group balance, weakness of an internal bodily or- but it also has much to do with the way we
did not need surgery in order to get better. gan can impact the knees. Prolonged kidney process our emotions. Emotional distress can
The only thing the doctors agreed upon is the weakness (a term commonly used in Tradi- at times result in a heavy feeling along the
need to discuss the importance of preventing tional Chinese Medicine) can be caused due ribcage specifically on the right side.
knee problems and avoid surgery as long as to excessive secretion of stress hormones such
possible. as cortisol and epinephrine. This will lead to After a few treatments addressing the
Maurice (not his real name) is a young symptoms such as pain in the back, knees and symptoms that were not present at random
man in his late thirties who started feeling rear thigh. One can alleviate such symptoms with the knee pain but rather linked to it,
periodic sensations of sharp knee pain. He by practicing relaxation techniques such as Maurice felt better. He came to see me for
came to see me, as the as treatments he re- ones offered by yoga, the Silva Method and maintenance and specifically for acupuncture
ceived prior to my care, while helping, were acupuncture. We may considerably reduce and nutritional consultation.
not resolving the problem. Maurice did not knee pain by these methods (unless there is
want to consider knee surgery, as some doc- structural damage seen in imaging and even Maurice is one patient,but he is an example
tors suggested, and I was left to determine if that is the case, we can considerably reduce of so many patients who go to many health
what would be the best method of treatment. our levels of pain and discomfort). care providers and don’t feel they attain suf-
Maurice came to see me initially in the ficient results. An individualized treatment
winter. Generally speaking, people tend to Prolonged knee swelling can be a side ef- plan built on the whole of the person should
experience more joint problems during the fect of excessive bodily fluids, which are not be the main priority and this is where I have
winter. Cold weather causes blood vessels properly drained by the kidneys. I have per- seen remarkable results that follow.
to contract, effectively leading to bodily dis- sonally witnessed many people who suffered
comfort. Thus, it is highly recommended to from swollen knees, even after the original Doron Ben-Dov, MS,Lac
injury that caused the swelling was long gone Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine
and they were treated intensely with physi-

Appheal Acupuncture &
Integrative Health Care
222 Westchester Ave, Suite 405
White Plains, NY 10604
Tel 347-403-3946 |
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The differences between hot and cold therapies

Inflammation can affect are comfortable, and people suf- the tissues of the body. Upon ap- Merck Manual notes that ice
anyone, and those who have fering from them may be on the plication, heat can temporarily bags or cold packs can be used
battled it likely have noth- lookout for ways to alleviate their reduce pain and alleviate stiffness to apply cold. In addition, fluids
ing positive to say. But while few pain and suffering. in the joints. Heat also may tem- that cool by evaporation, includ-

people may associate inflamma- While anyone battling persis- porarily relieve muscles spasms. ing ethyl chloride, may be ap-

tion with something good, in- tent inflammation should speak The Cleveland Clinic notes that plied topically. Some medicines

flammation is actually a process with their physicians to explore heat can be effective at relieving may interact with ethyl chloride

by which the body’s white blood their treatment options, a pre- pain associated with worn-away spray, so inflammation sufferers

cells and the substances those liminary search of how to best cartilage in the joints because it should consult their physicians

cells produce protect the body treat inflammation will no doubt eases chronically stiff joints and before applying such sprays.

from infection at the hands of turn up information about heat relaxes tight muscles. In addition, According to the Cleveland

bacteria, viruses and other for- therapy and cold therapy. The moist heat can relax painful neck Clinic, ice can be used to calm

eign organisms. following breakdown should spasms linked to nerves or blood flare-ups and numb pain associ-

While inflammation is protec- not replace a physician’s advice, vessels in the head or pain ema- ated with chronic, inflammatory

tive by nature, sometimes an in- but it can help patients battling nating from muscles in the neck. arthritis. Ice also can ease inflam-

flammatory response is triggered inflammation better understand Heat can be applied via hot packs, mation and numb pain linked to

by mistake. When that hap- both treatment options. infrared heat, paraffin baths, and pulled muscles or injured ten-

pens, the body’s immune system, According to the Merck hydrotherapy. dons. Pain and inflammation

which is designed to protect the Manual, a reference book for Cold therapy, sometimes re- resulting from the stretching or

body, begins to damage its own physicians and patients alike, ferred to as “cryotherapy,” can tearing of ligaments in the joints

tissues. The resulting symptoms heat works against inflammation relieve pain associated with in- may also be eased by applying ice

of this faulty immune system by increasing blood flow and flammation that has developed to the affected area.

response may include joint pain, making connective tissues more recently. Cold can help numb

joint stiffness, loss of function in flexible. Heat also can be used to tissues and relieve muscle spasms This article is provided by Metro

the joints, and swelling of the combat edema, a condition char- and can also be used to alleviate Creative Connection

joints. None of those symptoms acterized by an excess of fluid in pain associated with injuries. The

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Whole Family Can Enjoy

While the dinner table 2. In a large serving bowl, stir
might be where families together the flour, sugar, baking
catch up and share stories powder, and salt. In another bowl,
of their day,breaking bread at break- whisk together the milk, orange
fast time can be just as enjoyable. juice, egg yolks, and orange zest.
That’s especially true when families In a third bowl, beat the egg
take the time to create homemade whites until firm, but not stiff.
breakfasts, such as the following
recipe for “Orange Whole Wheat 3. Make a well in the dry
Waffles with Yogurt and Fresh Ber- ingredients and pour in the milk
ries” from Susie Cushner’s “Sunday mixture, blending gently only until
Brunch”(Chronicle Books). the ingredients are combined.

Orange Whole-Wheat Add the butter in a slow stream,
continuing to blend until the
Waffles with Yogurt and butter is incorporated. Gently fold
Fresh Berries in the egg whites.

Makes about 6 5- to 6-inch 4. For the yogurt topping: In a
waffles small serving bowl, whisk
Serves 4 to 6 together the yogurt, honey and
orange zest.

Step By Step Orange Whole-Wheat 5. Pour 1/2 cup of the batter (or
Reading Instruction Waffles more, depending on the size
One-to-One Tutoring 2 1/4 cups white whole-wheat of your waffle iron) onto the
flour waffle iron and, using a metal
We use a multisensory 3 tablespoons sugar spatula or table knife, spread the
reading approach, (Wilson 2 teaspoons baking powder batter to within 1/2 inch of the
Fundations and Orton-Gillingham) 1/4 teaspoon salt edge. Close the cover and cook
to focus on: Shari Suss, Founder 1 1/4 cups whole milk approximately 3 minutes, or until
1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange crisp and golden brown. (If your
• Decoding strategies MA in Teaching/ juice waffles aren’t crisp, even after
Special Ed Certified 2 eggs, separated a “ready” signal has sounded,
5 teaspoons packed, grated continue to cook them, watching
• Phonemic awareness orange zest carefully, until crisp and golden.
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, If not serving immediately, place
• Phonics melted and slightly cooled the waffles in a single layer on a
baking sheet in the preheated
• Sight words Yogurt topping oven while you finish with the
1 cup Greek-style yogurt (see remaining batter.)
• Fluency note) 6. Serve the waffles topped with
4 teaspoons honey a generous dollop of the yogurt
• Vocabulary 1 teaspoon grated orange zest, mixture and garnish with some
packed berries.
• Comprehension Schedule your Note: Nonfat, as well as
• Spelling FREE Consultation Now! Fresh raspberries, strawberries or reduced- to whole-fat varieties of
blueberries, for garnish Greek yogurt work in this recipe.
Our office provides your child with a quiet, rich, 1. For the Orange Whole Wheat
nurturing environment, free from distractions. Waffles: Preheat a waffle iron This recipe is provided by Metro
(and, if you plan to hold the Creative Connection.
914-293-7688Parkside Corner Shopping Center Pre-K to waffles until serving time,
Grade 4 preheat the oven to 200 F).

3565 Crompond Road, Suite 201 Cortlandt Manor, 10567


BY KIM KOVACH from omelets to linguine with KIM KOVACH lic chocolate truffles, garlic ice
CONTRIBUTING COLUMNIST clams or a robust tomato sauce. cream, garlic mashed potatoes
demonstrations, arts and crafts and so much more! Huge fresh
The pungent aroma of GARLIC LORE vendors and entertainment bulbs of farm-raised garlic are
garlic in the air elic- Did you know that garlic make this two-day event the available for sale as well as im-
its two possible re- second-largest garlic festival in pressive garlic braids to hang
actions–aahh! or eeww! The was used as an insect repel- the nation. up in your kitchen. Decorative
strong scent and flavor of garlic lant throughout history? Of garlic souvenirs abound. Why
is used in cuisines around the course, while the garlic scent More than 50,000 visitors not pick up a pair of garlic
world including Italian, Asian, can keep the mosquitoes away, eagerly indulge in roasted gar- bulb earrings for your favorite
Mexican and Thai. People feel it may also send friends and home cook? Informative and
very strongly about the humble co-workers running in the op- entertaining, the Hudson Val-
garlic bulb–they either love it or posite direction! Author Bram ley Garlic Festival is a must for
avoid it! Stoker popularized the notion foodie families this fall!
of a vampire’s aversion to garlic
HEALTHY & DELICIOUS in his 1897 gothic horror novel, Kim Kovach teaches fiction and
Garlic has been widely used Dracula. Stoker based his idea non-fiction writing classes for
on the ancient practice of rub- adults and creative writing
throughout history for health bing garlic oil on the skin to re- classes for children and teens.
and medicinal purposes by the pel fleas and lice. Garlic oil was Kim is a big fan of the garlic
ancient Greeks, Romans and also used for centuries for its pizza at La Familia in Katonah.
Egyptians. A member of the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial Please visit her website at www.
allium family (onions, shal- medicinal properties.
lots and leeks), garlic is a veg-
etable rich in Vitamins C, B6, GARLIC FESTIVALS – EAST Schedule
selenium and manganese. Low & WEST your appt
in calories but high in antioxi- now for
dants, the active sulfur com- Gilroy, California, is the
pounds are valued for regulat- home of the largest garlic fes- back to
ing blood pressure, lowering tival in the U.S. For the past school!
cholesterol levels, boosting the forty years, garlic lovers have
immune system, and helping headed to Gilroy each July for Delaney M. Acosta, DMD
the body protect against cell garlic-centric foods, arts and Board Certified Pediatric Dentist
damage. Upping your garlic in- crafts, live music and cooking
take may help to reduce the se- competitions. Of course, the 845.628.3400
verity of colds and flu. Whew! main attraction is Gourmet Al-
All that goodness can be ob- ley, a gigantic outdoor kitchen Dentistry for kids, teens
tained from including just four where chefs prepare their gar- and special needs patients
cloves of garlic into your meal licky specialties for tastings and
preparation each day. purchase. From garlic fries to 888 Route 6, Mahopac, NY 10541
garlic ice cream, the bounty of
A fresh head of garlic is a the regional garlic farm pro-
thing of beauty. Once referred ducers is on display at this fun
to as “the stinking rose,” the and flavorful three-day event.
parchment paper-thin skin sur-
rounds a tightly packed clus- Closer to home, the Hudson
ter of individual garlic cloves. Valley Garlic Festival ™ takes
Harvested in August and place on September 29th and
September, garlic is most fla- 30th in Saugerties, New York.
vorful when chopped, minced, Started in 1989, this regional
pressed or sliced raw into salad garlic festival is presented by
dressings, pasta dishes, soups the Kiwanis Club of Saugerties
and pesto sauces. The aromatic and held at Cantine Field. Gar-
levels are off the charts when lic fans are treated to garlic in
garlic is sautéed in olive oil be- all of its many varieties grown
fore adding to almost any dish, by more than 100 area farm-
ers. Chef lectures and cooking


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Assisted Living nestled within 50 lush acres
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on Management • Nutritional Support and Specialized Diet Menus Also accepting NYS Medicaid.

rvices • Personal Care 2A4ssiHstra.nScuep•eDrviaisbieotnic •PrCogarsaemManagement • Medication Management • Nutritional Support and Specialized Diet Menus

Housekeeping Services • Laundry Services • Personal Care Assistance • Diabetic Program 838 Fair Street • Carmel, NY
4111 • [email protected] •

838 Fair Street • Carmel, NY 10512 • 845-878-4111 • [email protected] •
Tradition Of Excellence In THreaadlitthiocanreO™f Excellence In Healthcare™

The Plaza at Clover Lake is a PremTiheer APslaszisateadt CLilvoivnegr nLeaskteleids awPitrheimn i5e0r AlusshistaecdreLsiving nestled within 50 lush acres

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