North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.
Vol. 5 No. 1 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, April 4, 2019
Global learning through virtual reality
Sixth graders at North Salem Middle School use virtual reality to travel the world and meet new friends with
PenPal Schools. The program connects students from 150 countries. See more photos on pages 14-15.
Field issues muddy school budget scorecard
ree seats up for election
BY JODI WEINBERGER AND SAE KIM Scorecard night is a local tradition in North Salem tax levy by 1.64 percent, the maximum allowed.
where trustees weigh in on the district’s annual budget Two priorities of the budget, according to Freeston,
During a March 27 school board meeting, where after hearing presentations from its administrators. is
trustees discussed the budget “scorecard,” board mem- year, there was no wiggle room to add money, Superin- are to continue the emphasis on low class size and to ex-
bers quarreled over whether money should be moved tendent Dr. Kenneth Freeston told the board. pand emphasis on the mental health of the students. In
around to pay for engineering studies for eld remedia- furtherance of the latter, the budget contains a proposal
tion for the PQ lower eld and Tompkins Field. e $43.8 million spending plan calls for an addition-
al $988,489 over last year’s budget and an increase in the SEE BUDGET PAGE 6
BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE 23 Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
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Page 2 – North Salem News BALANCED ROCK Thursday, April 4, 2019
The Staff Westchester call Mike Burns at 914-213-9212. of our newest Open Land. Sta Care is o ering free oral cancer
EDITORIAL TEAM Bluegrass Club North Salem Open and Board Members will be there screenings during April. Contact
JODI WEINBERGER to greet you and answer any ques- the o ce at 914-277-3919 to
EDITOR: 914-302-5830
[email protected] Westchester Bluegrass Club Land Foundation tions you may have. Weil Preserve make an appointment. You can
GABRIELLE BILIK presents Mile Twelve on April is located at 3 Willow Lane (o also visit
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285
[email protected] 20 at Lake Purdys Clubhouse, 33 Join the NSOLF Saturday, of Dingle Ridge Road). Doors For more info about oral cancer
Lake Way, Purdys. Doors open at April 13, from 2-4 p.m. for an open at 2 p.m., Pollinator Pathway go to
914-351-2424 7 p.m., open mic is at 8 p.m., Mile Open House at Weil Preserve Chat is 2:30-3 p.m. and the Weil- NS Lions Easter
[email protected] Twelve is from 9-10:30 p.m. Do- in North Salem. Enjoy light re- Flower Walk - 3:15-4 p.m.
914-202-2392 nation is $20 in advance; $25 at freshments, learn about Pollina- North Salem Dental Egg Hunt
[email protected] the door. Get tickets by emailing tor Pathway (a great initiative to
845-621-4049 westchesterbluegrassclub@gmail. make North Salem more pollina- e North Salem Lions Easter
[email protected]
JENNIFER CONNELLY com. For more information, visit tor friendly!), go for a Weil-Flow- April is Oral Cancer Aware- Egg Hunt is noon, April 13, at
[email protected] or er walk and delight in the wonders ness Month: North Salem Dental PQ Elementary School, weather
914-205-4183 permitting. Arrive early to take
[email protected]
BRUCE HELLER Enjo A Al Yo Ca Ea photos with the Easter Bunny
914-202-2941 and the Lion. Bring a basket to
[email protected] Cruis -Lik Brunc Bu e ! gather your candy.
PRODUCTION TEAM An Indulg I A Arra ...
[email protected] of Freshly Prepared Hot Dishes and Breakfast Selections Enhanced with Harvest Moon and Orchard
CHRISTINA ROSE Carving, Antipasto and Pasta Stations, Fresh Fruits and Our Renowned Dessert Display! in Croton Falls hosts Easter Egg
PRODUCTION/DESIGNER Hunts on April 13, 14, 19 and 20
EXECUTIVE TEAM Soda, Espresso, Cappuccino, Coffee and Tea included. for a cost of $15 per child. Pre-
PUBLISHER: 845-208-8151 Easter Mother’s Da registration is required. Parents
[email protected] Sunda May12t do not need to purchase a ticket
SHELLEY KILCOYNE Sunda Apri 21s $49.95 Per Person for the event. To purchase a tick-
(Excludes Tax & 18% Service) et, visit harvestmoonfarmandor-
VP OF SALES: $46.95 Per Person Hayrides, pony rides,
845-621-1116 Kid Friendly Menu a bounce house and food from
[email protected] (Excludes Tax & 18% Service) 0-3 years old, No Charge the grill will be o ered, weather
permitting, and at an additional
Deadlines Kid Friendly Menu 4-8 years old, $19.95 cost. ese events are outdoors
0-3 years old, No Charge Reservation Times: and cash only. e $15 ticket
NORTH SALEM NEWS DEADLINE 12:00, 12:30 & 2:30 includes one egg hunt session, a
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS 4-8 years old, $19.95 carton for collecting eggs, a visit
Reservation Times: with the Easter Bunny and an
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR 12:00, 12:30, 2:30 & 3:15
NORTH SALEM NEWS IS THE THURSDAY Villa Barone Easter souvenir.
Hilltop Manor Free rabies clinic
JODI WEINBERGER AT 914-302-5830 466 US 6, Mahopac e Westchester County De-
OR EMAIL NORTHSALEMNEWS@ partment of Health is hosting a
HALSTONMEDIA.COM For Reservations Please Call (845) 628-6600 free rabies clinic for dogs,cats and
ferrets of Westchester County
residents from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Sunday, April 28, at Stamen Ani-
mal Hospital, 61 Quaker Ridge
334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S Road, New Rochelle. Advanced
SOMERS, NY 10589 appointments are necessary and
PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY can be made by calling 914-632-
1269. Cats and ferrets must be
brought in carriers. Dogs must be
on a leash, aggressive dogs must
be muzzled.
Town News
Do you know what the cost of your long-term care e Town Board will have reg-
will be if you are not eligible for Medicaid? ular meetings on the second and
fourth Tuesdays of each month
• Asset Protection • Elder Law • Past Chair of Elder Law Section of at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Meet-
NYS Bar Association ing Hall, 66 June Road, North
• Medicaid Applications Salem. All meetings are subject
(Nursing Home/Home Care) • “Super Lawyer” In Elder Law to rescheduling upon adequate
for 10 consecutive years notice, as circumstances require.
• Guardianships All agendas and live meetings are
(Contested/Non-Contested) Contact ANTHONY J. ENEA, ESQ. posted on the Town website at:
• Wills, Trusts & Estates Managing Member board/agenda.
Fluent in Italian
WHITE PLAINS • SOMERS Town Clerk Maria Hlushko
has a notary license. Residents are
914.948.1500 welcome to come to Town Hall if
they need documents notarized.
WWW.ESSLAWFIRM.COM To make an appointment, call
Thursday, April 4, 2019 Your Neighbor North Salem News – Page 3
North Salem Style:
Daniel Pereira
Owner of e Market at Union Hall
e Market is a local hotspot for co ee, groceries, take out farm-to-table meals,
fellowship and home of e Balanced Rock Gift Shop. e shop, tucked into the
back of e Market features a ordable vintage treasures, artwork, and North Salem
and Ridge eld logo products. Daniel came to the U.S. in 2001, learned English, and
created a home for himself in Ridge eld, where he eventually met his husband Jef-
fery. After working and managing Nature’s Temptation in Ridge eld for many years,
the self-described foodie took a leap of faith and opened e Market located at 2
Keeler Lane in North Salem and hasn’t looked back.
Style to me is not just about looking good but about feeling good. I’m gay, so
I want my hair to be neat and for me to be pulled together, but I also think style
is what you radiate. My “style” is re ected in the light that people see in me and
my personality; the warmth, kindness, positive, hopeful, faithful and honest energy.
However, you can usually nd me wearing colorful, fun clothing and accessories.
Today I am working around the store so my style is more utilitarian. I’m wearing
LL Bean, Calvin Klein and I don’t leave home without my signature
accessory: sunglasses.
Honestly, I shop most often at Lord & Taylor and Macy’s.
My inspiration would be my culture. I’m Brazilian and I Do whatever you can to
love color. In Brazil people celebrate color and the style vibe feel your best and your style
is creative. I love wearing pink, will follow. Be curious and
green, red, black and white all
year. nd inspiration around you.
I love to read and exercise,
WHAT ARE YOUR both of which make me feel
FAVORITE CLOTHING good about myself.
Some of my favorite cloth- PASSION?
ing brands are Calvin Klein,
Diesel, Ralph Lauren, and My true passion is mak-
Bu alo. My favorite accesso- ing people feel good through
ries that I cannot live without personal connection and
are cashmere scarves and sun- friendship, at the shop where
glasses by Gucci and Ray Ban. so many customers became
close friends, in the com-
TREND THAT YOU CANNOT connecting with the North
SAY GOODBYE TO: Salem and Ridge eld com-
munities that have embraced
I am more classic than me. I am passionate about the
trendy so I hold on to my “community” that was rst
clothing and accessories. I can created when I worked for
update with new pieces and years at Nature’s Temptation
seasonal colors but they all in Ridge eld and then ex-
compliment what I have in my panded that to my own shop
closet. My clothes for work- here.
ing outside and doing mainte-
nance at the shop are classic;
jeans, sweater, and boots.
WHERE DO YOU FIND Jeffery Albanesi and Daniel Pereira
I am usually at the shop but when I’m not I can be found out in Ridge eld and
My husband Je ery and I live in an old home. Our style is eclectic but more on
often at e Farmer and the Fish.
the antique side. Je ery has a great eye for home décor, antiques and design.
Page 4 – North Salem News BALANCED ROCK Thursday, April 4, 2019
To advertise in North Salem News, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email ROCK about the horrors of the Holo-
[email protected]. FROM PAGE 2
caust and other genocides.
Spring SAarttusrd+ayC,rMaafyts11Fair Mental Health and Students from the North Sa-
(Mothers’ Day Weekend) 10A-4P lem Chorus will perform as will
Something for everyone!
The Commons of Vista Parking Area Calling All Wellness Fair dancers from the Ridge eld
Vendors! Conservatory. ere will be a re-
Reserve your
space today! North Salem Middle School/ wards ceremony for high school
No charge!
High School is hosting a Mental students whose creative projects
Health and Wellness Fair from were selected as winners, plus
9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday, a candle lighting ceremony in
May 20, in the high school gym. memory of all holocaust vic-
Contact Melissa Smith, School tims. Mr. Peter Somogyi will be
Counselor, to RSVP and con- our guest speaker. He is a child
rm your booth: melissa.smith@ survivor of the Auschwitz con-
•JBe•wBKQei•ld•rsMyVA•oi•scdAtteFairlvittFiTnt•DoieewCs•slsnoC&tDHrhaBeoifnmomtguoBen•secTeoLyriuvHTreoasusMtsiuens!gisc centration camp and the twin
Holocaust experiments conducted by Dr.
Joseph Mengele. For questions
Remembrance Day or for survivors or their children
who’d like to participate in the
Residents are invited to join in candle ceremony, please email
the Annual Somers Holocaust [email protected]. Dona-
Memorial Commission Yom tions in any amount to further
HaShoah Commemoration to the work of the SHMC are wel-
be held at North Salem High come and may be sent to the
RaPfrflizeess&! School, 230 June Road, North Somers Holocaust Memorial
For more information contact: Sponsored by The Commons of Vista Salem, on Tuesday, April 30, 7 Commission at P.O. Box 302,
Donald: 347-276-9001 or email 380 Smith Ridge Road
[email protected] South Salem, New York p.m. Lincolndale, NY 10540-0302.
e Interfaith Somers Holo- North Salem
caust Memorial Commission is
dedicated to educating students Democratic
Have Your A/C System Volunteers needed. ere are
Inspected Early a few open seats on the town
committee and the Democrats
It’s Time To Check Your A/C System Before Warm Weather Arrives! would love to have some new
volunteers come forward. It’s a
great way to meet new people
and be involved in who and
what shapes our community. If,
on the other hand, you may be
interested in serving on a town
committee we suggest you keep
an eye on the Town’s website,, and send an
inquiry to the Town Board. Sev-
eral vacancies are listed. Contact
us at P O Box 525, North Salem,
NY or northsalemdemocratic-
[email protected]
North Salem
Call Early To Schedule For The Appointment Of Your Choice! November 2019 brings a series
of local elections with opportu-
$45.00 Off nities to serve as a volunteer. If
you are interested in serving on
A/C Preventative Maintenance the Committee or volunteering
Additional costs for multiple units. Not combinable with any other offer. please contact the Committee at:
Call Early and Schedule Your Maintenance North Salem Republican Com-
Before the Warm Weather Arrives! mittee, PO Box 289, North Sa-
845-628-2580 lem, NY 10560 914-662-6620
The Schoolhouse
For more information on any of
these events, call 914-277-8477
or email schoolhousetheater@ e theater is located
at 3 Owens Road, North Salem.
“The Color of Light” by Jes-
se Kornbluth is from April 4-28,
Thursday, April 4, 2019 North Salem News – Page 5
Ruth Keeler Memorial Library is located by Cathleen Schine on May 2, and e Re-
at 276 Titicus Road. For more information mains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro on June 6.
on any of these events, call 914-669-5161 or Decorating Your Home to Sell
visit On Wednesday, April 10, from 7-8:30 p.m., 2019 JUNIOR GOLF CLINICS
Cooks and Books Party Celebrate the come to Keeler Library to learn tips for home Come join us this year for
an exciting summer clinic
10th Anniversary of Cooks and Books on staging and selling from Susan Atwell, a home
Contests! Games! Prizes!
Friday, May 3rd from 6:30-9:30 p.m.! Enjoy staging expert and President of AtWell Staged
hors d’oeuvres made by North Salem’s best Home, and Denise Giordano, an Associate Real
chefs along with beer, wine, and hundreds of Estate Broker at Coldwell Banker Residential
great books. Tickets cost $50/person in ad- Brokerage. You will learn the top ten tried-and-
vance or $70/person at the door.To purchase true do-it-yourself home staging tips,what home
tickets, send a check to the library or click buyers really want, the current climate of the
here to purchase tickets online. Northern Westchester real estate market, and
Library Fair how home sellers can edge out the competition.
e library will be having its annual Book Casino Night has been rescheduled to 7 p.m.
Fair and Plant Sale on Saturday, May 4 from June 22. e event will be at the Salem Golf Club, • Full Swing & Private Instruction •
• On-Course Play •Complete Short Game Program •
10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday, May 5 from 11 18 Bloomer Road, and bene ts the Ruth Keeler
• Overview of Rules and Etiquette •
a.m.-3 p.m. ere will be thousands of books Memorial Library. ere will be prizes, ra es,
and a variety of plants for sale along with cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. Tickets are $175
crafts, a bake sale, seafood, sweets, animals, per person and includes $50 in playing chips. Se-
live music, community groups, and more! quins encourages, smoking jackets welcome.Visit
Paint Night on Saturday, Apr. 6 from 7-9 to buy tickets. Sessions begin the
week of June 25th
p.m. Enjoy wine, light snacks, and be guided History and Biography Book Club: Year
Session 1: June 25-28
step-by-step through the creation of a work Zero: A History of 1945 by Ian Buruma on Apr. Session 2: July 9-12
Session 3: July 16-19
of art to take home.Canvas and paint supplies 9 at 7:30 p.m.; e War at Killed Achilles by Session 4: July 23-26 For Ages 6-14
Session 5: July 30-Aug. 9 Tuesday-Friday 9-11:30am
included. Costs $30 per person; all proceeds Caroline Alexander on May 14 at 7:30 p.m. Session 6: Aug. 6-9
Session 7: Aug. 13-16 Cost: $295 per person
support Arts, Music, and Cultural Programs. A Creative Moment every ursday from
Purchase tickets through the library website. 6 - 8 p.m., ages 10 to adult. Facilitated by Jen TO SEEING YOU SOON!
Bagels & Books Armbruster and Debbie Rizo. Work on a cre-
Keeler Library’s Bagels & Books book club ative, artistic project with family or friends. e
will be meeting on the rst ursday of each project may be your own or an easy,self-directed
month at 10:30 a.m. through June. Extra cop- project provided by one of the library’s Art Box-
ies of the books are available at the library for es. Plenty of supplies will be available from the
checkout. e books that will be discussed are Art Cart. Share your work with other creative Register by mail or sign up in the Golf Shop. Please enclose e-mail address.
Beneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan on individuals in a fun, supportive atmosphere. Make checks payable to Charlie Poole: Salem GC, PO Box 408, North Salem, 10560
914-669-5551 • [email protected]
April 4, ey May Not Mean To But ey Do School-age children must come with an adult.
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Page 6 – North Salem News Thursday, April 4, 2019
BUDGET elds are in terrible shape be- Pelosi said. “ e condition of need studies, but it needs to be instead to scrap plans for the
FROM PAGE 1 engineering studies, but keep
cause of drainage issues and the eld cannot stand in my prioritized.” the $10,000 for the tarps.
overuse, but not all agreed on a view.” “It’s a matter of principle for Daniels was the single “nay”
vote, saying “I don’t think it’s
for an additional school psy- path toward xing the problems. However, Trustee Kather- me,” Daniels said. “To spring wise to do it this way.”
chologist at the middle school/ e board is currently discuss- ine Daniels said a decision like this on everyone at the last min- e Board of Education is
scheduled to adopt its budget
high school. ing a turf eld for the middle this shouldn’t be made during ute is irresponsible.” on April 10 and there will be a
public hearing on May 8.
e biggest cost for the dis- school/high school because of scorecard night; it should have Pelosi said he had been “on
trict is salary, which Freeston many of the same issues, which been vetted and brought to the the record” talking about Tomp- ere will be at least one new
said makes up for about 80 per- is why Board President Andrew board by its Facilities Commis- kins eld since October. During face on the school board come
cent of its expenditures. Brown said he wouldn’t support sion, which includes Brown, and last year’s scorecard discussion,
On May 21, residents will
During the discussions, putting money toward studies Trustees Paul Giamundo and Pelosi said he asked to move vote on the school budget along
with three seats on the Board
Trustee Andrew Pelosi suggest- on grass elds. Deborah D’Agostino, she said. $30,000 for a new website and of Education—D’Agostino and
Vice President Jennifer Binette
ed moving around some num- “Grass is a waste of money,” “ is is why we have a facili- no one fought him on it. are running again while Dan-
iels is stepping down after more
bers to make room for $10,000 Brown said. ties committee,” Daniels said. “I was not undermining any- than a decade to turn her atten-
tion to the North Salem Town
for an engineering study for the Pelosi countered that the “It goes about it in an orga- one and I don’t see how it’s dif- Council.
two elds and $10,000 for tarps elds are “unplayable” and ex- nized, logical and purposeful ferent than asking for $30,000 Voters will have their say on
May 21; candidates must le by
at the PQ lower eld. Tompkins perts should be brought in to way; that’s the way it should for the website,” Pelosi said. April 22 to be on the ballot.
already has tarps. plot a way forward. be done, not at the last minute After about a half hour of Daniels has served on the
school board, part of that time
Board members agreed the “We are risking our athletes,” thrown in the budget. Yes, we do back and forth, the board agreed as its president, since 2006. In a
statement, she said she felt that
CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & FINANCIAL PLANNERS Service: 914-669-9679 she was leaving the school board
Auto Sales: 914-485-1195 “at a good time.”
Steven E. Bender, CPA, CFP
Fax: 914-669-9685 “I have full con dence in the
(191184N)O6R6TH6-B2E7DF5O7RD•RwOAwD w• M.sObUeNTnKdIeSCrOc,pNaYs.1c0o54m9 current administration and their
6 Dingle Ridge Road - North Salem, NY 10560 commitment to the district mis-
sion, including continuous im-
[email protected] • provement and thoughtful and
purposeful decision making,”
mrchimney.comIWCnhsoeiomrdtnsBe, yEurxCFnhilneiargauensStipntFoglav,aneCscsh,,eiCFmihrn&eiempylnaBRecyoeepRiGaleleiarlisnsr,sinGFDga,losuRoCreesop,naEFvirixerLerpsepialoeakncrsset, s Daniels said. “We are graduat-
ing a stellar class of students in
914-232-6600 2019. I am extremely proud of
them and the teachers and sta
Diwscaolvke-irnthbeatwhtourbldf’srobmest who helped them along the way.
I hope to be replaced by some-
S 1,5005W21RaelkaB1Ue-4saInl0notctrkenyaTeresiludnaoAbrgwbssymaeonAanfedmrtererexieycxpYrfaiieotocnriarnuienegSrnaStcBsateyaennsddtaaCrrddh’os ic$e one who shares my commitment
AVINGS3 to providing the district with
steady, respectful leadership.”
888-609-0248IncludesLFiRmEEiteAdmeTriimcaenOStanedr!aCrdaRlilgThotdHaeyig!ht Toilet PfLibanaiyfsstettAetawnmilmtlaaeeettdreiiWocrQanrauen,rimIcrSNaktoCnaDvLtnrayUadloDiasnnIyr®NdstGtheelmabbaotrhbAaNcDked She said the ideal candidate is
5 4in4viHgyodrraotitnhgermapayssjeatgsefor an “someone who understands that
RSpaLehunLcorCdcewhcdivoeaoemrse,aesoprfr.narSDeoneeteyeslAuinewmxlfleowienrSwrmihNc.waoaatwnsaiosleSkanritnu..aOtnNuCdbYSae,sLWrr.BadvemaCBsla9ietdcdr8hioec2enat7stnly9otse6iwtlrea;hNtnSiYwdlue,aiPtsrhoudult-pfknuupNalsllimY.eicn:so5sNml5taaY4s,lfltRa3o.toL1rHiociom;kntNlhaiotYenfCrodar:nHeNLesIYCitbp.r#eiecrr2taiho0tiono2usn2sa7We4nhad8olkf-ldo-D.IrnCMliBAcue.asSntthsab,ifneLegitby, erwTsrutaabttririmsoannCetoy., FERVEAELUINA-THIOONM!E the role of a board member is
one of policy-making and gov-
FAMILY SAFETY COURSES ernance and not uber-adminis-
• Pet CPR & First Aid trator.”
Your business card
CPRD.acovme Ba•bNysEWittiCnoguSrasfee!ty could be here. “Contrary to popular belief,
• Friends & Family board members have a great
CPR AED in home! Call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 to find out how. deal of in uence,” Daniels said.
“In many ways, the board mem-
Dave@LocCaPtioRnDs:aDvaen.bcuorym, C•T &84W5hi.t2e2P4la.in6s3, 5NY5 bers set the tone for the entire
district. A strong board member
Increase referrals and name recognition. Advertise in the North Salem News Bulletin Board and reach is respectful of the various roles
over 3,500 USPS delivered mailing addresses every week. Call 845-208-8151 today! people and committees play and
does not seek to assert her per-
sonal priorities over the collec-
tive wisdom of others.”
Daniels said D’Agostino is an
example of that.
“She is committed to
thoughtful and purposeful plan-
ning and decision making, she
respects and honors the roles of
the administrators and commit-
tees, she is not combative but
instead rm and diplomatic,”
Daniels said. “I support Deb
whole-heartedly for re-election
and I will support a candidate
who shares her values to take
my place on the board.”
Thursday, April 4, 2019 OPINION North Salem News – Page 9
Temple Beth Elohim, a reform
temple established in 1950,
is committed to maintaining
a warm and welcoming
spiritual home for all without
regard to gender, race, sexual
upcoming events orientation and interfaith
composition of the family. We
offer an opportunity for those
wishing to explore, experience,
FRANCELLA lifting each jar as we searched for AFapmriilSly5eSrvahiact eb7bpamt: PaAssporvile2r0Stehd: er and celebrate Judaism in a
the red triangle. Reform setting, fostering a
FROM PAGE 8 InterAgBrpeenraielkr2faa8tsi:tonal HoloM1ca0au:y3s0t5aSpamet: aker warm and friendly community.
Suppose someone had already
cap and realized that fog is purchased the “specially marked” For more information and
nothing more than condensa- jar and there was no possibility upcoming events please
tion, so I got an old jar, headed of us winning, I thought. Wait,
out at dusk when it began to get did I just say, “us?” I found myself visit our website or
contact Suanne Ritchey
foggy, scooped it into the jar and smiling for the rst time in a very (845) 279-4585.
screwed on the lid. As I turned, long time. TBE's Vista on the Hill elegant catering hall is available for parties/events for up to 200 people.
I noticed Glenn, one of the other
“hunters.” He had a big smile Contact Jo Ann at joannfrancella@ Temple Beth Elohim • 31 Mt. Ebo Road North, Brewster, NY10509
on his face as he watched me
scooping fog. I laughed, a bit
embarrassed, and told him that
I believe in following the rules.
He applauded my e ort and we
began talking and searching for
the listed items together.
Number 5 was a used Sweet &
Low packet, so Glenn asked if I
would like to go for co ee so we
could easily get the packets we
needed. I hadn’t been out with an-
other man in over forty years, but
I was sure that we were still just
playing the game, so I said,“Sure.”
During our co ee break,
we spoke about ourselves and
I confessed that I desperately
needed something to do because
I had been pretty lonely for the
past few years since my husband
passed away. Glenn told me that
he had been a widower for ten
years, and he understood exactly
what I was talking about. An
hour passed as we talked easily. It Add Value
was good being out, and I found to Your Home
that it wasn’t as awkward as I
thought it might be.
We continued to look for items
together for the next few hours,
neither one of us in any hurry to
get home. We wondered whether
anyone else was taking this as When we’re done, there is nothing left to do.
seriously as we were.
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lipstick on the rim, a cotton ball,
and a picture of a pet. Finally we
reached Number 10, nding a red Sero’s Contracting
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a pickle jar which was on a shelf
at the supermarket in town. We
looked at each other in amaze- We specialize in targeted home improvements — both big and small —
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Page 10 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, April 4, 2019
LETTERS MELEN out of things to worry about.
People who are observing Lent have it
Community should be active at school board worst of all, because on top of everything
so I’m starting to sneeze all over the place. else they have to give up something they
ey say it’s tree pollen causing all this misery, love. I observe Lent every year by watch-
To the editor: stages of fact- nding. and why do trees even have owers on them ing my neighbor, who stops drinking for
On Monday, March 25, my hus- We also learned more about the when owers don’t have trees on them? I do 40 days, so now he has to go through all of
band and I attended an informa- summer mold problem and how it nothing but sneeze when I’m in my down- the above completely sober. Everything that
tion session with the North Salem happened. We do urge the admin- stairs o ce, and my wife thinks that there’s happens in the Bible happens for 40 days,
Board of Education which was at- istration and board to pursue, with some kind of mold growing down there. My they don’t kid around. If you have any kind
tended by about 25 parents, about other school districts who had simi- Mom used to say that when they made me of problem in the Bible, just be patient, take
eight administrators and the Board lar problems, how to get the insur- they threw away the mold, ha ha, but it got two of these and wait 41 days and it will go
members. ance companies to pay a much larger back there somehow. I remember one year away. Lent is a way of commemorating the
I was so proud to be part of a amount of the clean-up for the mold. at around this time I was sneezing almost 40 days that Jesus spent fasting in the desert,
community with such intelligent, e budget will be discussed in nonstop for an entire week before we left for and by the way he also gave up air condi-
well-spoken people who expressed April. We need to study that in- our vacation in Greece. Once we set foot in tioning. I told my neighbor that if it was me
their concerns with speci c data and tently. Is too much being spent? Are Athens I stopped, so I might be allergic to the I’d give up drinking for 40 days, but who
a calm demeanor. ese were serious the services we want for our children entire United States of America. My doctor said anything about night?
issues that must be addressed by the being presented in a cost-e ective said I should use my asthma inhaler, which Listen, I don’t want to ruin it for you,
board and the administration. With- manner? What cost-e ciencies are lets me breathe more e ciently, and my there’s plenty to love about spring. Look at
out that there will not be support for being implemented? After all, we intake of teency-weency bugs and tree pollen the beautiful owers! I almost stepped on
school endeavors and the funds to have a limited amount of money to has increased as prescribed. a bee because we were both looking at the
pay for them. at would be a pity. spend and we must do our best to If you’re going to renew all those owers same owers. And love is in the air! So go
As a retired couple who have lived manage it intelligently. and trees, you’re going to need a boatload of outside and breathe it all in. Watch out for
here for 42 years and been very active If you like the budget, tell the rain. And now because of global warming, those little bugs, though. I’m going inside
in leadership roles in town, including board that, in person or by letter as we don’t just get rain anymore, we get severe because it just started to rain- see you in 41
the Board of Education, we want our soon as possible. If you don’t like cer- weather events. Climate models predict days.
school system to be successful. We tain things, say that, too. e board that heat-trapping gases will adversely af-
want children to be well-educated, members aren’t mystics. If you don’t fect weather patterns in the coming years, Join Rick and the No Options band for some
well-rounded in their activities, and tell them, how will they know? e because warmer air can hold more water Rock & Roll, Saturday evening, April 13,
happy. Our three children graduated worst thing to ever do is just vote vapor than cooler air. Climate models often 9:30 p.m. at PJ’s Restaurant, 84 Route 6 in
from North Salem schools and have down the budget. It is terrible for know just what to say. Luckily, around here Baldwin Place.
successful careers and families. the school district’s reputation. And, we don’t have to worry about mudslides, so
We learned a lot about the idea of what does it mean? What wasn’t worrying about them is optional if you run Say hello at: [email protected]
having a turf eld and I came away liked in the budget? Now what do
with a new mind about this, an open they do? And as always, I will say, Promote Your Charity
Send us a press release at [email protected], or give us a call at
mind. We want to learn more. ere “How can I help?” 914-302-5830.
are no funds in the proposed budget Gail Pantezzi
for a turf eld. ese are the earliest North Salem
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Thursday, April 4, 2019 North Salem News – Page 11
Oakwood Friends School:
A legacy of integrity, equality Middle school students
involved in the sustainability
Social responsibility and high
class pick early-spring
greens from the four-season
academic standards at school’s core
BY BOB DUMAS provide students with the tools to Head of
EDITOR think critically, adapt quickly, col- School Chad
laborate e ectively and solve Cianfrani
For more than two centuries, open-ended problems cre-
Oakwood Friends School has atively.
upheld a strong commitment to e ceramics and tech-
educating the spirit, the scholar, the nology program, for exam-
artist, and the athlete. Today, it of- ple, exposes students to a
fers some of the most comprehen- traditional throwing wheel,
sive contemporary learning pro- glazing and ring tech-
grams, challenging students both niques as well as work with
inside the classroom and within the a 3D, Arduino-based, clay ex-
local community. trusion printer. Working with
Located on a 66-acre campus o the printer, students bring
Spackenkill Road in Poughkeepsie, their projects from concept to
Oakwood Friends School, found- computer screen to reality.
ed in 1796, is New York’s oldest “It is fascinating when a
co-educational boarding and day gure designed on screen
school. It remains true to its found- transforms into a tangible
ing principles that students learn form ready for glazing and
best within a diverse community ring in the kiln,” Cianfrani
dedicated to collaboration, social said. “ ese intersections of
responsibility and high academic creativity, chemistry, and me-
standards. Early students included chanics are fun to watch.”
Danial Anthony, father of Susan Courses such as Science
B. Anthony, and Lucretia Mott, of Sounds and Robotics pro-
the noted abolitionist. Oakwood’s vide further opportunity for An upper school engineering student solders Middle school students work with their OF PHOTOS
rst international students arrived research collaboration and components for a theramin instrumentation (beetle) lab partner during a bio- COURTESY
creativity. In the sound course, mechanical strength project OAKWOOD
in 1860 and in 1934 it admitted students look at the funda- design project. FRIENDS
its rst black students. Today, the mental properties of sound SCHOOL
school draws students from nine
countries, multiple states and sur- and signal processing. In past engineering. pleted by the students. Professional phy remains focused on inquiry,
rounding New York towns. years, students have met with Bose “ e goal of many of our classes, collage artist, Jonathan Talbot, a re ection, and action.
“A culturally, socio-economical- researchers, toured the local IBM not just in the math/sciences, is to 1957 alumnus, who’s exhibited “ e diversity of our classrooms
ly, and religiously diverse program facilities, and analyzed noise can- give students a foundational un- pieces in Museum of Modern Art and educational approach re ect a
enriches the learning for all mem- cellation technologies. ey have derstanding, while showing them and the National Academy, has multi-cultural world and evolving
bers of the community,” said Head even designed, soldered, built and the real-world applications and ca- returned several times and worked workspace,” Cianfrani said. “Stu-
of School Chad Cianfrani. “When learned to play the eremin, an reer opportunities,” Cianfrani said. with students in the classroom and dents are encouraged to collaborate
students discuss material in courses early electronic musical instrument. e Oakwood program also in his studio. academically and step outside their
such as globalization or ethics, they Robotics is a lab-based course that strives to take learning from the Political writer, commenta- comfort zone. Actively engag-
gain a deeper understanding from uses Arduino micro-controllers to classroom to the community. tor and best-selling author Juan ing students in a shared ‘search for
classmates who bring their own build small autonomous vehicles Cianfrani is particularly proud of Williams, a Class of ’72 alumnus, truth,’ we attempt to model deep
perspectives from Rwanda, China, and explore programming, logic, the school’s eater and Arts for has returned to Oakwood several listening, respect for competing
Afghanistan, Poughkeepsie and all and circuit design. Social Justice program. is pro- times, speaking powerfully about viewpoints and active participation
places in between.” Having o ered several of these gram starts in the classroom where the in uence the school had on in society.”
Unique aspects of the sixth- courses for over a decade, it is re- students research artists, actors and him. When asked by one of Oak- To learn more about Oakwood
through 12th-grade program in- warding to see alumni return and plays that focus on race, class, and wood’s student reporters about his Friends School, visit www.
clude a curriculum that stresses share their perspective. One alum- gender in society. It then moves high school years,Williams replied,
depth over breadth, multiple sus- nus, who recently nished his into the eld,where one recent unit “What I notice when I am back at
tainability initiatives and a com- PhD research in Stanford’s elec- on nutrition and food scarcity led Oakwood is that there still is this
mitment to community engage- trical engineering program, talked to service opportunities at several sense of small community, where
ment and service learning. Of with the students about his work. community gardens, CSAs and everyone is of value and people are
particular pride, Cianfrani said, are He pointed to aspects of the pro- food pantries. engaged.I think this sets Oakwood
the o erings within its STEAM gram that prepared him for fur- Under the same umbrella, the apart - there’s a sincerity about try-
(science, technology, engineering, ther studies and now a career in students have engaged with local ing to be yourself and trying to be 22 Spackenkill Road
arts, math) curricula. e classes nanotechnology. Another alumnus muralists and professional artists. of value to a community and be- Poughkeepsie, NY
provide a true hands-on experi- pointed to her Oakwood lab work Multiple public parks and build- lieving in the idea of progress and 845-462-4200
ence, o ering practical application on bio-instrumentation design, ings throughout Poughkeepsie positivity. at’s the Oakwood ex-
layered over foundational material. which launched her undergraduate, show colorful signs of planters, perience for me.”
Cianfrani believes it is essential to graduate and career in bio-medical benches and wall murals com- [email protected]
Oakwood’s educational philoso-
Page 12 North Salem News – T
Students flip for Chine
PQ got a visit from Chinese Acrobats,
who performed many tricks to the
delight of students and teachers alike.
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Thursday, April 4, 2019 Page 13
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Page 14 – North Salem News SCHOOLS & CAMPS Thursday, April 4, 2019
CONTINUED Connecting with the world
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Thursday, April 4, 2019 SCHOOLS & CAMPS North Salem News – Page 15
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 Contact Us North Salem News is located at Bailey Court, 334 Route 202, Unit C1S, Somers, NY
10589. You can contact us at 914-302-5830 or email [email protected].
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Shrub Oak International School does not offer legal advice.
Page 16 – North Salem News Sports Thursday, April 4, 2019
ATHLETE SPOTLIGHT Catherine Senatore
Pitcher gives 100 percent on pitchers mound
Catherine Senatore is a junior on the North throwing faster and with more power a team forever. So that career will always
keep me on a team.
Salem varsity softball team. behind it.
BY DOMINICK DEPOLE What is your favorite team activity, pre- Who is your favorite professional
CONTRIBUTING WRITER game or post-game ritual that you share athlete and pro or college sports team?
with your teammates?
How old were you when you started Easy! I love the New York Yankees. I
playing softball and how did you get Both before and after games, my favorite can’t even pick a favorite player. When I
started? thing to do is just talk to my teammates. go to the games the energy there is just
We are allowed to let o some steam from contagious and you can’t help but love the
First grade. My start was just like every the day and can just be ourselves. Whether game.
other kid; my dad was the coach and I was it’s laughing or complaining or even crying
in the rec program. After trying all the if that’s what you got to do you can. What is your favorite music to listen to
positions I decided that pitching was my while warming up for a game?
favorite. What goals do you have entering this
season after last year’s injury? I can listen to anything as long and it has
What is your favorite part about being a good beat. If it was up to me we’d listen to
part of the softball team at North Salem? My goal as a pitcher has always been country music but others would probably
to get stronger. But this season it’s really disagree with my choice.
My favorite part about being on the emphasized. My
team is the family we become for the season. injury was If you could have one superpower, what
I know I can rely and trust these girls, as because would it be and why?
well as Mr. Mittelstadt, both on and o the I wasn’t If I had a superpower it would
eld. Everything we do is for the good of using all of be the ability to talk to animals.
the team and each other. Being able to have my body If you know me then you know
people behind me means the world. when that I love my dog. And I
I just want to know what she’s
How do you see your role on the team, thinking.
and how much do you value being a pitch.
leader on the mound? is season I If you could pick one place to
hope to strengthen my legs that visit on vacation that you’ve never
My role on the way I won’t have to rely on just my arm. been to, where would you go and why?
Anywhere with a pretty sunset, nice
people, and good food would do.
team is to go Who has been your biggest role model What is your favorite food to eat before
out and give it my over the years and what have you learned or after a meet?
all. As long as I do my job from them?
by throwing the right pitches my Well, I don’t necessarily have a favorite
in eld and out eld will do their job. I am lucky enough to have two great role food for before or after a game but I love to
I really value being incontrol on the models in my life. My mom and dad have drink Dunkin iced co ee before or after. I
mound because I get to set the tone always been there to show me right from know that drinking co ee probably isn’t the
and pace. When I see that we need wrong. ey truly have shaped me into the best for before a game but it’s just so good.
a breather I can give us that. After person I am today. From my dad coaching
getting worked up I can take a little me ever since the beginning and my mom Best place to eat in North Salem and
walk and calm down to get my head coming to every game. ey have showed why?
right back in it. me how to be amazing parents. And as I
get older I begin to appreciate everything ere isn’t really a best place to eat
How would you describe what they have taught my sister and I. because each place is so di erent. My
your best strengths are as a friends and I love to eat everywhere. It all
Tell us one thing about yourself that depends on what we are in the mood for
pitcher? not a lot of people know? and honestly where we can get a ride to.
My best strength is my
speed. Coupled with the One thing that people might not know Facebook,Twitter or Instagram? Why?
natural curve of the about me is that when I was in seventh De nitely Instagram. I don’t use
ball, those factors grade I volunteered at an alpaca farm Facebook or Twitter. I think Instagram
work in my favor. because I love alpacas. And I got to do all is also directed towards teens, so I just
Although my these di erent things with the animals gravitated to it.
speed is there, which was really cool.
I’m still For a young athlete growing up in
working Although it is early, do you plan on North Salem, what would you tell them
on continuing to play softball in college? If about the experience of being part of the
yes, where are you going and why did you softball program and why should they go
choose that school? out for the team?
I would like to continue to play softball I would tell young athletes that if you
in college but on a club team. at way I really love the sport to not let anything
can still play but really enjoy it and have stop you from playing. Everyone has bad
time for other things days so the best thing to do is shake it o
and focus on the next day. One game isn’t
Do you know what you want to study in going to determine your whole softball
college? If yes, what and why? career. I encourage anyone that is thinking
of playing to just go for it. You never know
I want to study sports management. I what could happen.
like being a part of teams but I can’t be on
Thursday, April 4, 2019 SPORTS North Salem News – Page 17
Tigers drops three in girls lacrosse
BY ROB DIANTONIO lected four draw controls. Gabriella Pelosi controls. Jane Fetterolf on the move.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Isabelle Conley was impressive Gabrielle Marino looks to clear.
Isabelle Conley looks
e North Salem girls lacrosse in net with 18 saves for the Tigers. to make the save.
team got o to a slow start to the North Salem battled but fell to
2019 season, dropping its rst PHOTOS: ROB DIANTONIO
three games last week. host Pawling 10-8 on March 27.
“It was a close game and statis-
“After this rst week of games,
I think the biggest takeaway is tically we should have won,” Hey-
to trust the process,” North Sa- de said.“We won the draw control
lem coach Amanda Heyde said. more than Pawling, possessed the
“ ere are some new faces on the ball more and took more shots.
eld and it is imperative to our is was an opportunity for us to
success that we learn to work to- learn and focus on the basics. As
gether. After our rst three games, we continue on this season, we
we have learned how to deal with are improving each day and each
loss: loss of our 2018 senior class contest.”
and losses on the eld.”
Fetterolf had three goals and an
e Tigers opened the season assist. Jenna Shaughnessy scored
against John Jay-Cross River, twice. Jenna Murphy, Ashley Bi-
which won the Section 1 Class nette and Lily Guiliano had a goal
B title last season. Visiting North each. Conley made six saves.
Salem fell 18-3 on March 25.
e Tigers fell to host Lake-
John Jay jumped out to a 12-1 land/Panas 16-6 on March 28.
halftime lead. Fetterolf tallied three goals and an
assist. Murphy, Shaughnessy and
“Playing John Jay was an eye- Guiliano had a goal apiece. Ellie
opener for us as a program,” Hey- Molina notched an assist. Conley
de said. “It’s important that we made seven saves.
are challenged this season being
in the power league in Class D. North Salem was scheduled to
In order to prepare for that type return to the eld when they trav-
of competition, we needed to play eled to Carmel on April 1.
strong programs.”
“Gaining experience together
Camille Flayhan netted two will be the key to our success this
goals for North Salem. Jane Fet- season,” Heyde said. “Although
terolf scored one goal and col- we are 0-3, this group has a great
foundation and I expect big things
from them.”
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Page 18 – North Salem News SPORTS Thursday, April 4, 2019
North Salem falls to Briarcliff, Pleasantville
BY ROB DIANTONIO Kevin Connolly focuses at the plate. North Salem’s Rian Balbino delivers against Briarcliff. Chris Dolce heads for third.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Michael Puletz winds up. Shortstop Kyle Singer has a Briarcliff player in a rundown.
Starting the season against
last year’s Section 1 Class B
runner-up and champion,
North Salem’s baseball team
su ered two losses to open
the 2019 campaign.
e Tigers fell to Briarcli ,
last year’s runner-up, 7-0, in
ve innings, on March 28.
North Salem’s pitch-
ers struggled with control
as the Bears were patient
at the plate and went deep
into counts. Briarcli scored
one run in each of the rst
two innings o Tiger starter
Rian Balbino.
Michael Puletz relieved
Balbino in the third inning
and struck out three of the
four batters he faced in the
inning. e Bears got to Pu-
letz in the next inning with
a pair of two-run singles to
stretch the lead to 6-0.
e next day, visiting
North Salem lost to defend-
ing Class B champ Pleasant-
ville, 3-2. Anthony Foglia
launched a solo home run
for the Tigers. Jake Torres
also had an RBI single.
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Thursday, April 4, 2019 LEISURE North Salem News – Page 19
Crossword Puzzle solutions on page 23
CLUES ACROSS 10. Single-celled animal 26. Electronic countermeasures Fun By The Numbers
1. Defense Department 12. National capital 27. Asian nation
4. Diminutive hoopster Webb 14. China’s chairman 28. Neither Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This
8. Cools 15. Al Bundy’s wife 29. Peacock network mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from
10. Chili con __ 17. Acid in all living cells 30. List of candidates the moment you square off, so sharpen your
11. Quantitative fact 19. Told 31. Medieval garment pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test!
12. Enliven 20. Displays heartbeat 32. Type of juice Here’s How It Works:
13. A woman of refinement 23. Softly 33. “Coach” actor Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid,
15. Where royalty live 24. Swiss river 34. Puerto Rican dance music La __ broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a
16. Beverage made of oatmeal 25. Small chapel 36. Texas politicianTed sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each
17. Replaced row, column and box. Each number can appear
18. UK’s largest city only once in each row, column and box. You
21. Obamacare can figure out the order in which the numbers
22. When you expect to get there will appear by using the numeric clues already
23. Deutschland provided in the boxes. The more numbers you
24. Consumed name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
25. Paddle
26. A way to consume
27. “Walter White”
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35. Honk
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43. The habitat of wild animals
1. Dreary
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5. Attached a figure to
6. Hungry
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Page 20 – North Salem News LEGAL NOTICES Thursday, April 4, 2019
NORTH SALEM CENTRAL Education. Polls, for the purpose preceding the Annual budget, and will be posted NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN,
SCHOOL DISTRICT of voting, will be kept open Meeting, OTHER THAN on District bulletin board(s) that the register prepared
NORTH SALEM, NEW YORK between the hours of 7:00 a.m. A SATURDAY, SUNDAY maintained for public notices, as pursuant to Section 2014 of the
10560 and 9:00 p.m. OR HOLIDAY, at each of the well as on the District’s website. Education Law will be led in
NOTICE OF ANNUAL NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN the O ce of the Clerk in the
MEETING, ELECTION, NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, following schoolhouses in which District O ce of the North
BUDGET VOTE AND that petitions nominating Salem Central School District,
REGISTRATION OF VOTERS that a public hearing on the school is maintained, during the candidates for the o ce of 230 June Road,North Salem,NY,
Member of the Board of and that the same will be open
proposed 2019-2020 budget hours designated: Education must be led with
of the North Salem Central Pequenakonck Elementary
School District, will be held School, 173 June Road - 8:00
on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 at a.m. to 4:00 p.m. the Clerk of the District at for inspection by any quali ed
e Board of Education of 7:30 p.m. in the Library of the North Salem Middle School/ 230 June Road, North Salem, voter of the District between the
the North Salem Central School North Salem Middle School/ High School, 230 June Road - NY, not later than 5:00 p.m. hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
District, HEREBY GIVES High School, 230 June Road, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on April 22, 2019. Vacancies on each of the ve (5) days prior
NOTICE that the Annual North Salem, NY. e purpose North Salem District on the Board of Education are to and including the day set for
Meeting, Annual School District of such hearing will be for the Administrative O ces, 230 June not considered separate, speci c the election, OTHER THAN
Election and Budget Vote of the Board to receive comments from Road - 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. o ces; candidates run at large. A SATURDAY, SUNDAY OR
residents of the School District, the public on the proposed 2019- Such statement will also be Nominating petitions shall not HOLIDAY.
quali ed to vote at school 2020 expenditure of funds and available at any public or free describe any speci c vacancy NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN,
meetings in the District, will be the budgeting thereof. association library in the District, upon the Board for which a that any proposition to amend
held in the multipurpose room of AND FURTHER NOTICE on the District’s website and at candidate is nominated; must the budget, referenda or question
the Pequenakonck Elementary IS GIVEN, that a copy of the the Annual Meeting and School be directed to the Clerk of the permitted to be proposed by
School, 173 June Road, North statement of the amount of District Budget/Election Vote District; must be signed by at anyone other than the Board of
Salem, NY on Tuesday, May money which will be required to be held as aforesaid, Tuesday, least twenty- ve (25) quali ed Education in accordance with the
21, 2019, for the purpose of to fund the School District’s May 21, 2019. voters of the District; must state provisions of Sections 2035 and
voting by voting machine on the budget for 2019-2020, exclusive NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, the name and residence address 2038 of the Education Law, may
statement of estimated expenses of public monies, and specifying that a Real Property Tax of each signer, and must state be submitted for voting at such
for the ensuing school year the several purposes and amount Exemption Report prepared in the name and residence address election, providing a Petition is
(School District Budget), and for each, may be obtained by any accordance with Section 495 of of the candidate. e following signed by at least twenty- ve
for the purpose of electing three resident in the District during the the Real Property Tax Law will vacancies are to be lled on the (25) quali ed voters, together
(3) members of the Board of fourteen (14) days immediately be annexed to the nal adopted Board of Education: with the legal residence address
of each; must be printed in the
TERM/NAME OF LAST English language; and is led
TAX NOTICE INCUMBENT with the Clerk of the District not
TOWN OF NORTH SALEM ree (3) years, expiring June later than thirty (30) days before
the Annual Election. However,
30, 2022/Jennifer Binette the Board of Education will
ree (3) years, expiring June
The undersigned, RECEIVER OF TAXES FOR 30, 2022/Deborah D’Agostino not entertain any petition to
ree (3) years, expiring June place a proposition before voters
THE TOWN OF NORTH SALEM, 30, 2022/Katherine Daniels that is not within the power of
**** the voters to determine, or any
gives notice that she has received the warrants for the AND FURTHER NOTICE proposition which fails to include
Collection of State, County and Town Taxes IS GIVEN, that voter a speci c appropriation where
Due April 1, 2019 registration is ongoing in the the expenditures of monies is
o ce of the District Clerk, 230 required by the proposition, or
June Road, North Salem, NY any proposition prohibited by
during regular business hours law.
(8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.). e last AND NOTICE IS ALSO
AND THAT SHE WILL SIT FOR THE COLLECTION OF TAXES AT HER day to register to vote is ursday, GIVEN, that applications for
OFFICE AT LOBDELL HOUSE, 270 TITICUS ROAD, NORTH SALEM, NY, May 16, 2019. Any person absentee ballots for the election
shall be entitled to have his/her of members of the Board of
COMMENCING APRIL 1, 2019 FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. name placed upon such register Education and for voting on the
EXCEPT SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS, DURING THE provided that s/he personally annual school district budget
appears and is known or proved and proposition, in accordance
MONTH OF APRIL 2019 to the satisfaction of the District with the provisions of Education
Clerk to be then and thereafter Law, Section 2018-a, may
************************** entitled to vote at the school be obtained at the o ce of
THE FOLLOWING PENALTIES ARE PRESCRIBED BY THE TAX LAW meeting/election for which this the Clerk of the District, 230
register is prepared. e Board June Road, North Salem, NY.
FOR DEFERRED PAYMENT OF STATE, COUNTY AND TOWN TAXES: of Registration will also meet Completed applications must be
during the foregoing election, in submitted to the District Clerk at
the lobby of the Pequenakonck least seven (7) days prior to the
If paid during the month of April. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Penalty Elementary School, 173 June Annual Meeting if the ballot is
If paid during the month of May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two, 2 per centum Road, North Salem, NY, on to be mailed to the voter or the
If paid during the months of June and July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Five, 5 per centum Tuesday, May 21, 2019 during day before the Annual Meeting
the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 if the ballot will be picked up
If paid during the months of August and September . . . . . . . . . . . . Seven, 7 per centum p.m., for the purpose of preparing personally by the voter at the
If paid during the months of October, November and December . . Ten, 10 per centum a register for elections/votes held District Clerk’s o ce. A list of
If paid during the months of January, February, March and April. . Twelve, 12 per centum subsequent to such election/vote. all persons to whom absentee
ballots shall have been issued, will
that any person otherwise be available for public inspection
Thereafter 1% per month until either the date that all taxes and assessments quali ed to vote, who is currently to quali ed voters of the District
registered for any general in said o ce of the Clerk, during
are paid, the date on which the municipality takes title to the delinquent election, pursuant to Article 5 regular o ce hours, 8:00 a.m.
property or up until the date the property is finally redeemed. of the Election Law, or who is to 4:00 p.m. prevailing time,
currently registered with the until the day of the Election and
School District and has voted Vote. Any quali ed voter may
DATED: NORTH SALEM, NY, MARCH 29, 2019 in 2015, 2016, 2017 or 2018 in le a written challenge of the
RECEIVER OF TAXES, TOWN OF NORTH SALEM a school district election, shall be quali cations of a voter, whose
entitled to vote without further SEE LEGALS PAGE 21
Thursday, April 4, 2019 LEGAL NOTICES North Salem News – Page 21
LEGALS Lot 40 on the Tax Assessment heard. A copy of the application proposed 37.10 ft. existing;); a Salem, New York, consisting of
Map, for Area Variances, per and related documents may side yard height variance of 4 ft. approximately 13.53 acres in an
FROM PAGE 20 Article V, Section 250-15 for be examined at the Board of is requested for construction of R-2 Zoning District and shown
construction of a 2-story addition Appeals Office at the North fencing, piers and a gate (5 ft. as Sheet 15, Block 1695, Lot 11
name appears on such list, stating to a single-family residence Salem Center, 274 Titicus Rd. permitted; 9 ft. proposed); and a on the Tax Assessment Map, for
the reasons for the challenge. including a deck and a porch. The North Salem, New York. front yard height variance of 1 ft. a Special Permit for the keeping
following variances are requested: is requested for a single pier (4 ft. of up to eight (8) horses and
BY ORDER OF THE • Decrease the combined side Brian Ivanhoe, Chairman permitted; 5 ft. proposed). maintenance of a commercial
BOARD OF EDUCATION yard setbacks from 15 ft./40 ft. boarding operation, including
OF THE NORTH SALEM required to 2 ft./13 ft. proposed. North Salem Board of Appeals At such hearing all persons construction of a barn, storage
will have the opportunity to be building, riding arena, manure
CENTRAL SCHOOL • Increase the maximum TOWN OF NORTH SALEM heard. A copy of the application dumpster-pad and paddock
DISTRICT building coverage from 10% BOARD OF APPEALS and related documents may fencing, per Article XIII, Section
permitted to 32.72% proposed. be examined at the Board of 250-72 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Westchester and Putnam PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Appeals Office at the North
• Increase the Floor Area Salem Center, 270 Titicus Rd. At such hearing all persons
Counties, New York Ratio from .20 permitted to .29 NOTICE IS HEREBY North Salem, New York. will have the opportunity to be
proposed. GIVEN that the Board of heard. A copy of the application
Dated: April 4, 2019, North Appeals of the Town of North Brian Ivanhoe, Chairman and related documents may
At such hearing all persons Salem will hold a Public Hearing be examined at the Board of
Salem, New York will have the opportunity to be at the North Salem Town North Salem Board of Appeals Appeals Office at the North
heard. A copy of the application Meeting Hall, at 66 June Road, Salem Center, 274 Titicus Rd.
Mary Rhuda, District Clerk and related documents may North Salem, New York, on TOWN OF NORTH SALEM North Salem, New York.
be examined at the Board of Thursday, April 11th, 2019, at BOARD OF APPEALS
TOWN OF NORTH SALEM Appeals Office at the North 7:30 P.M. or as soon thereafter Brian Ivanhoe, Chairman
BOARD OF APPEALS Salem Center, 274 Titicus Rd. as the public may be heard to PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE North Salem Board of Appeals
North Salem, New York. consider the following:
Brian Ivanhoe, Chairman Application BA19-09 of GIVEN that the Board of BOARD OF APPEALS
NOTICE IS HEREBY Pietsch Gardens Co-operative, Appeals of the Town of North
GIVEN that the Board of North Salem Board of Appeals owner of the property located Salem will hold a Public Hearing PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE
Appeals of the Town of North at Cottage Lane, North Salem, at the Town Meeting Hall, 66
Salem will hold a Public Hearing TOWN OF NORTH SALEM New York, located in an R-1 June Road, North Salem, New NOTICE IS HEREBY
at the North Salem Town BOARD OF APPEALS Zoning District and shown as York, on Thursday, April 11th, GIVEN that the Board of
Meeting Hall, at 66 June Road, Sheet 7, Block 1781, Lot 1 on 2019 at 7:30 P.M. or as soon Appeals of the Town of North
North Salem, New York, on PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE the Tax Assessment Map, for an thereafter as the public may be Salem will hold a Public Hearing
Thursday, April 11th, 2019, at Area Variance to allow expansion heard to consider the following: at the North Salem Town
7:30 P.M. or as soon thereafter NOTICE IS HEREBY of an existing, non-conforming Meeting Hall, 66 June Road,
as the public may be heard to GIVEN that the Board of parking area within a required Application BA19-12 of North Salem, New York, on
consider the following: Appeals of the Town of North front yard, per Article VI, Section Gregory and Jean Daros, owners Thursday, April 11th, 2019, at
Salem will hold a Public Hearing 250-20. of the property located at 1 7:30 P.M. or as soon thereafter
Application BA19-06 of at the Town Meeting Hall, 66 Daniel Road, North Salem, New as the public may be heard to
Mollie and Brian McGrath, June Road, North Salem, New At such hearing all persons York, located in an R-1/2 Zoning consider the following:
owners of the property located York, on Thursday, April 11th, will have the opportunity to be District and shown as Sheet 11
at 14 Sugar Hill Road, North 2019 at 7:30 P.M. or as soon heard. A copy of the application Block 1785, Lot 5 on the Tax Application BA19-11 of
Salem, New York, located in an thereafter as the public may be and related documents may Assessment Map, for an Area Finch Farm II, LLC, owner of
R-1 Zoning District and shown heard to consider the following: be examined at the Board of Variance, per Article V, Section the property located at 119-151
as Sheet 39, Block 1356, Lot 102 Appeals Office at the North 250-15 of the Zoning Ordinance and 155 Finch Road, North
on the Tax Assessment Map, for Application BA19-08 of Salem Center, 270 Titicus Rd. of the Town of North Salem to Salem, New York, consisting of
an Area Variance to decrease the Patrick Spillane, owner of the North Salem, New York. permit construction of an in- approximately 30.02 acres in an
minimum combined side yard property located at 9 Memorial ground pool and pavilion and R-4 Zoning District and shown
setbacks, per Article V, Section Drive, North Salem, New Brian Ivanhoe, Chairman installation of pool equipment. A as Sheet 26, Block 1765, Lots 22
250-15 of the Zoning Ordinance York, located in an R-1 Zoning rear yard setback variance of 10 and 23 on the Tax Assessment
of the Town of North Salem. A District and shown as Sheet North Salem Board of Appeals ft. is requested (35 ft. required; 25 Map, for a Special Permit for
variance of 29 ft. is requested 7, Block 1775, Lot 1 House1 ft. proposed). the keeping of up to twenty-five
(20 ft./50 ft. required; 10 ft./21 on the Tax Assessment Map, TOWN OF NORTH SALEM (25) horses and maintenance of a
ft. proposed) construction of for Area Variances, per Article BOARD OF APPEALS At such hearing all persons commercial boarding operation,
an addition to a single-family V, Section 250-15 and Article will have the opportunity to be per Article XIII, Section 250-72
residence and a shed. XIV, Section 25- 79 (A) of the PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE heard. A copy of the application of the Zoning Ordinance.
Zoning Ordinance of the Town and related documents may
At such hearing all persons of North Salem (because the NOTICE IS HEREBY be examined at the Board of At such hearing all persons
will have the opportunity to be non-conforming lot is subject GIVEN that the Board of Appeals Office at the North will have the opportunity to be
heard. A copy of the application to R-1/2 bulk requirements) for Appeals of the Town of North Salem Center, 274 Titicus Rd. heard. A copy of the application
and related documents may construction of a single-family Salem will hold a Public Hearing North Salem, New York. and related documents may
be examined at the Board of residence and deck with steps. at the North Salem Town be examined at the Board of
Appeals Office at the North The following variances are Meeting Hall, at 66 June Road, Brian Ivanhoe, Chairman Appeals Office at the North
Salem Center, 270 Titicus Rd. requested: North Salem, New York, on Salem Center, 274 Titicus Rd.
North Salem, New York. Thursday, April 11th, 2019, at North Salem Board of Appeals North Salem, New York.
• Decrease the front yard 7:30 P.M. or as soon thereafter
Brian Ivanhoe, Chairman setback from 30 ft. required to 15 as the public may be heard to TOWN OF NORTH SALEM Brian Ivanhoe, Chairman
North Salem Board of Appeals ft. proposed. consider the following: BOARD OF APPEALS North Salem Board of Appeals
TOWN OF NORTH SALEM • Decrease the combined side Application BA19-10 of PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE LLC FORMATION NOTICE
BOARD OF APPEALS yard setbacks from 15 ft./40 ft. Wellington Trust, owner of
required to 7 ft./14 ft. proposed. the property located at 397 NOTICE IS HEREBY Notice of Formation of Lilly
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Mills Road, North Salem, New GIVEN that the Board of Jane LLC. Art. Of Org. filed
• Decrease the rear yard York, located in an R-4 Zoning Appeals of the Town of North with SSNY on 2/7/19. Office
NOTICE IS HEREBY setback from 35 ft. required to 13 District and shown as Sheet Salem will hold a Public Hearing Location: Westchester County.
GIVEN that the Board of ft. proposed. 33, Block 1364, Lot 4 on the at the North Salem Town SSNY designated as agent of the
Appeals of the Town of North Tax Assessment Map, for Area Meeting Hall, 66 June Road, LLC upon whom process against
Salem will hold a Public Hearing • Increase the maximum Variances per Article V, Section North Salem, New York, on it may be served. SSNY shall mail
at the Town Meeting Hall, 66 building coverage from 10% 250-15 and Article VI, Section Thursday, April 11th, 2019, at process to: 564 Cross River Road
June Road, North Salem, New permitted to 36.25% proposed. 250-20 of the Zoning Ordinance 7:30 P.M. or as soon thereafter Katonah NY 10536. Purpose: any
York, on Thursday, April 11th, of the Town of North Salem. A as the public may be heard to lawful purpose.
2019 at 7:30 P.M. or as soon • Increase the maximum side yard setback variance of 38 consider the following:
thereafter as the public may be development coverage from 25% ft. is requested for construction SEE LEGALS PAGE 22
heard to consider the following: permitted to 42.29% proposed. of a concrete utility pad attached Application BA19-13 of
to an existing, non-conforming Diane Bartone-Sarro, owner
Application BA19-07 of James • Increase the Floor Area structure (75 ft. required; 63 ft. of the property located at 10
Murphy, owner of the property Ratio from .20 permitted to .46 Little Mountain Road, North
located at 13 Bonnieview Street, proposed.
North Salem, New York, located
in an R-1/2 Zoning District and At such hearing all persons
shown as Sheet 7.1, Block 1754, will have the opportunity to be
Page 22 – North Salem News CLASSIFIEDS Thursday, April 4, 2019
LEGALS Westchester County. InCorp ATTORNEY/LEGAL AIRLINE CAREERS Start Here Some restrictions apply. Call
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LLC FORMATION NOTICE be mailed to: 650 Lee Blvd. Risk. No Money Out Of Pocket. JOB OPPORTUNITY $18 P/H NYC Reliability. UnlimitedTexts to 120
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598. * $15 P/H LI * $14.50 P/H UPSTATE Countries w/ AT&T Wireless. Call
AUTO DONATIONS NY If you currently care for your 4 FREE Quote - 1-888-534-6918.
Smart Retreats, LLC, Arts Purpose: any lawful purpose. relatives or friends who have Earthlink High Speed Internet. As
Donate your car to Wheels For Medicaid or Medicare, you may Low As $14.95/ month (for the first
of Org. led with Sec. of State LLC FORMATION NOTICE Wishes, benefiting Make-A-Wish. be eligible to start working for 3 months) Reliable High Speed
of NY (SSNY) 1/15/2019. We offer free towing and your them as a personal assistant. No Fiber OpticTechnology. Stream
donation is 100% tax deductible. Certificates needed. (347)462- Videos, Music and More! Call
Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. Notice of Formation of Call 914-468-4999Today! 2610 (347)565-6200 EarthlinkToday 1-855-970-1623
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Thursday, April 4, 2019 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE North Salem News – Page 23
Updates to elder law and related topics in 2019
In 2019, some important cost sharing. is unfortunately GUEST considered; the need to have a guardian ap-
changes became e ective, which undermined innovation in care CORNER 4) It is now even more im- pointed to enroll in and fund the
are of particular importance to se- delivery and discouraged patient trust, which is an expensive and
niors and their health care, elder centered care. ANTHONY J. portant that one have a general time-consuming proposition.
law and estate planning needs. ENEA durable power of attorney that
Some of the most notable are as For example, if a patient gives the agent greater powers, Anthony J. Enea, Esq. is a member
follows: needed a grab bar in the shower death so that part or all of their including the power to create and of the rm of Enea, Scanlan &
because of a physical in rmity or state exemptions can be utilized fund a pooled income trust. Sirignano, LLP with an o ce in
1) e Trump administration because of a chronic illness, such on the death of the rst spouse or White Plains and a home o ce in
issued new rules a ecting more as diabetes, and/or needed more it will unfortunately be otherwise If one is applying for Medicaid Somers. He can be reached at 914-
than 21 million seniors that are frequent foot exams or a tailored forever lost; home care, there is the ability to 948-1500. Mr. Enea is the Past Chair
enrolled in the Medicare Advan- supplemental bene t, under the protect and utilize the income of the Elder Law and Special Needs
tage (MA) Health Plan. (Medi- old rules he would not be able 3) New York has also enacted one has above $879 per month Section of the New York State Bar
care program: contract year 2019 to receive the bene t because N.Y.Tax Law § 945 (a) (3), (the dollar amount one is allowed Association (NYSBA). He is currently
Policy and Technical change of the restrictive interpretation which for decedents dying on or to keep and be eligible for home the Chair of the Senior Lawyer Section
to Medicare Advantage). e of the “uniformity” requirement after Jan. 1, 2019, removes from care Medicaid), by enrolling in a of (NYSBA). Mr. Enea is the Past
changes result in plan participants and “primarily health related” inclusion in the decedent’s gross pooled community trust. How- President and a founding member of
(approximately 36 percent of standard. taxable estate, gifts made by the ever, if one is utilizing a power of the New York Chapter of the National
the total Medicare population) decedent within three years of his attorney to enroll the applicant Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
receiving new and more exible Under the new rules, a class or her death, even if the gift was into the pooled community trust, (NAELA). He is also a member of the
supplemental bene ts, which are of persons who all experience a made before Jan. 1, 2019. With Medicaid is now requiring that Council of Advanced Practitioners of
especially bene cial to seniors certain disease may be o ered a the size of the current federal tax the power of attorney speci cally the National Academy of Elder Law
su ering from chronic illnesses. bene t speci c to that disease, so exemption, utilizing one’s credit authorize the agent to create and Attorneys. Mr. Enea is the President
long as all other persons in the to make gifts should be strongly fund the pooled trust. of the Westchester Bar Foundation
Medicare Advantage (MA) same class receive the bene t at and a Past President of the Westchester
is an available option for seniors the same level of cost sharing. us, reviewing one’s power of County Bar Association.
eligible for Medicare that allows Bene ts can now be targeted to a attorney to ensure said language
them to choose private health patient’s health status or disease is contained therein is of signi -
coverage that purportedly helps state and applied to services that cant importance so as to avoid
promote innovative treatment op- are medically related to each
tions. e new rules issued by the disease; DUI?
Trump Administration permits We resolve all
the expansion of the MA plans 2) E ective Jan. 1, the Federal criminal matters
and the tailoring of the available Tax Act increased the federal
coverage to the speci c needs of estate and gift tax exemption FEDERAL • STATE • COUNTY • TOWN • COURTS
the patient, especially those with from $11.18 million per person to POLICE ARRESTS | DWI and DRIVING WITH
chronic illnesses. $11.4 million per person ($22.8 SUSPENDED LICENSE | VEHICLE and TRAFFIC
million per couple). is federal OFFENSES | TOWN CODE VIOLATIONS
e new MA rules addressed exemption sunsets on Dec. 31,
two signi cant problems with 2025, thus, returning the exemp- Vigorous Representation
the plans. Prior to the new rules tion to $5.6 million per person Effective Results
being implemented, an overly with adjustments for in ation
restricted “uniformity” require- after 2018. It should be noted FORMER TOWN JUSTICE
ment limited a plan’s ability to that the federal exemption is por- TOWN OF SOMERS
target bene ts and cost sharing table between spouses. us, on
for bene ciaries with speci c the death of the rst spouse, the FORMER ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY
medical conditions. Additionally, surviving spouse can elect porta- COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER
a restricted de nition and ap- bility and preserve the exemption
plication of the “primarily health available to the deceased spouse,
related standard” limited the irrespective of whether or not he
scope of bene ts the MA plan or she had assets in their name
could o er. alone or with another at the time
of their death.
e old rules were originally
intended to foster uniformity of e New York estate tax
the bene ts available so as to help exemption increased to $5.74
ensure all participants would be million per person for 2019.
treated the same by providing the
same supplemental bene ts at ere is no portability available
the same cost level. us, when in New York, thus, it is important
o ering a special bene t, the plan for married couples with a taxable
had to o er it to all individu- or potentially taxable estate to
als enrolled at the same level of have assets in one spouse or the
other’s name alone on the date of
Anthony John Messina
Providing legal services to the community with
integrity and professionalism for over 35 years.
Messina & Associates
Katonah, NY | (914) 949-9440