The official newsletter of the MARvelous Mid-Atlantic Region
IN THIS ISSUE: Jack and Jill of
MAR Fall area America, Inc.
Volume 2 Issue 2 | December 2021
4611 Hard Scrabble Road
WELCOME Suite 109
Columbia, SC 29229-9499
I’d like to welcome you all to the second issue of the 2021-2022
program year of In The MARgins, the official regional newsletter of
the Mid-Atlantic Region of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. The focus of
this newsletter will serve as a showcase of the marvelous EDITORIAL
programming our amazing chapters are implementing.
You will read how the Gastonia-Piedmont Chapter provided Koren Townsend
community service, the Orangeburg Chapter learned about the rich MAR Regional Editor, Raleigh-Wake
Gullah culture, and the Richmond Chapter went on a weekend Chapter
retreat amongst many more chapter highlights. Crystal Johnson
Other highlights include Mother and Teen achievements, MAR Fall Chapter Editor, Richmond Chapter
Area Workday, and the Module Madness Academy. CONTRIBUTORS
Needless to say, the Mid-Atlantic Region continues to excel with
outstanding programing and enriching activities for our families. Tarcia N. Flemming
MA Regional Director
Yours in Jack and Jill, Columbia Chapter
Koren Townsend Tomisha Gladman
MA Regional Secretary
Koren Townsend Winston-Salem Chapter
MAR Regional Editor
Tiffany Spann-Wilder
MA Member at Large
Charleston Chapter
Kimberlei Davis
MAR Public Relations Chair,
Orangeburg Chapter
Table of Contents
Greetings Mothers!
We are excited to present our December publication
of “In the MARgins”. In the pages you will find
highlights of our regional programs and chapter events,
and spotlights of our members and children; proof that
great things are happening in the Mid-Atlantic Region.
In these pages, you will also notice a transition to in-person
programming. We are having fun, fun, fun in the Mid-Atlantic
Region. Chapters have not wavered from the cause of our
organization and continue to develop quality programming to
empower our children and positively affect our communities. As
COVID-19 protocols become more relaxed to allow for more in-
person programming and participation, remember to adhere to
the guidelines as set forth by our National Executive Board and
your local government.
It is my hope that as you read this historical record, you will see
the resilience of our families and how we are creating ways to
work, play and live together differently. We are thriving. Our
children are thriving. Our communities are thriving. All that we
are doing, we are doing #forthechildren; and it is evident in the
On behalf of the MARvelous Mid-Atlantic Regional Board, keep
doing great things and submitting your chapter events for In the
Long live Jack and Jill.
Tarcia N. Flemming
Tarcia N. Flemming
23rd Mid-Atlantic Regional Director
GOOD By: Regional "BEING
Brailsford THEME OF
It is indeed a pleasure to be able to share “The SCRIPTURE OF THE MONTH
Good News” with you this month! In the song by
Hezekiah Walker, “Grateful” one verse speaks to Scripture calls us over and again
me as a mother, and he sings that “I’m Grateful to give thanks to the Lord. “Oh
for the things that God has done. Yes, Mothers we give thanks to the Lord for He is
should all be “Grateful” for the things that God good, for the Lord is good, his
has done for us individually and collectively as an steadfast love endures forever”.
organization. (Psalm 107:1)
The “Good News” will focus on being “Grateful”. In SONG OF THE MONTH
this month let us take time to reflect on the
blessings of the season with a thankful heart. As Grateful by Hezekiah Walker &
you put your attention on all that you have to be Love Fellowship Choir:
“Grateful” for, you will connect to the happiness
that is part of your inherent nature as a mother.
Being “Grateful” is the natural theme of the fall
season. From making gratitude lists to sharing
what you are grateful for at your Thanksgiving
table, there are myriad ways you can express your
thanks as mothers to your families, communities,
and your respective Jack & Jill sister moms
throughout the season.
Yet, being “Grateful” starts from within you first
mothers. Before you can express gratitude in an
authentic way, it’s important to connect to all of
the goodness in your life in your own heart first.
The spirit of being “Grateful” can set your day on
a new course and can place your entire life on a
different trajectory. Take time this season to
reflect, reenergize, and renew yourselves into
what God has ordained you to be, which is to be a
virtuous woman of noble character who works as
a humble servant leader in her home and
community. We are indeed “Grateful” for the
mothers of the Mid-Atlantic-Region who have
committed themselves to Regional Director
Tarcia’s theme of being "Fit, Focused and Ready to
Mothers, we are all just sinners saved by grace…
Its A Season to be Grateful.
Mothers be Blessed!
The MARvelous
Mid-Atlantic Region
Regional Foundation National Vice President Regional Director Regional Treasurer Regional Secretary
Member-At-Large Durham Chapter Columbia Chapter Fayetteville Chapter Winston-Salem Chapter
Charleston Chapter
Associates Highlights
Burlington-Graham Chapter
Congratulations to Chapter President Reisha Drumgold and the
members of the Burlington-Graham Chapter. The Burlington-Graham
Associates Group was chartered on Sunday, November 14, 2021. The
Associates are seated and listed left to right - Karla Leath, Roslyn Crisp,
Janice Ratliff (Past Regional Secretary-Treasurer), Tameka Ferrell, Sharon
Harris, Sandra Doonquah, Beverly Graves, Barbara Sellars (Past Regional
"The Family Behind the Mask; Fit, Focused and Ready to Serve"
FUN DAY The MARvelous Mid-Atlantic Region and
the Mothers of the Roanoke Valley Chapter
under the leadership of Chapter President
Kianna Marshall planned and executed an
exceptional hybrid meeting on the campus
of North Carolina A&T State University.
The theme for this year’s session was “Our
Family Behind the Mask: Fit, Focused and
Ready to Serve!” The goal was to look at
who we are and have become behind the
veil of the COVID-19 mask and how we
move focus with our mission despite the
pandemic restraints. We heard from
Lanice Harris on the topic of self-care, Dr.
Inger Daniels on mental health, and Dr.
Anthony Baffoe-Bonnie with a COVID-19
update. We were wowed by our luncheon
guest speaker, Dr. Tahari Jackson on the
theme topic "Masking Who We are; It's
Lonely Being the Only".
As with all things MARvelous, on Friday,
there was a Fireside Chat kick-off event
with the Regional Executive Board, hosted
by Roanoke Valley Chapter President
Kianna Marshall. This was an opportunity
for moms to get up close and personal
with the Regional Executive Board (REB).
The REB was dressed to impress
MARvelously with matching navy-blue silk
Jack and Jill embroidered pajamas.
There was a little something for everyone,
Mothers and Teens alike.
"The Family Behind the Mask; Fit, Focused and Ready to Serve"
A unique track to area workday was the Teens FAWD 2021 FUN PHOTOS
Leadership Track programming which
provided a fabulous opportunity for our
Regional Teen Officers to take center stage
and communicate with their constituency.
They had training on parliamentary
procedure, legislative update and protocol
along with a presentation of the status of the
Jack and Jill of America Foundation and how
they can play a part supporting the
foundation. After the morning session the
teens split up into the gender-based
discussions where the young men had
barbershop talk and the young ladies looked
introspectively at their Black Girl Magic. After
the joint luncheon speaker, they had an
opportunity to engage with MAR Regional
Director Tarcia N. Flemming to discuss their
desires for Teen Leadership Conference 2022.
They ended the afternoon with workshops on
college acceptance, public speaking, and
adversity to triumph looking at a success
story from foster care to lifelong success.
The day ended with mom and teens feeling
totally fulfilled and their needs met and
addressed. We can’t wait to see everyone in
person for MAR Fall Area Workday 2022 in
Charlotte, NC with an even more interactive
agenda to move everyone forward and out
from behind the mask.
Over 180 teens joined us Sunday, November 21, 2021 for our first
session of Module Madness for the Mid-Atlantic Region. These virtual
events are designed to provide teens throughout the region with
valuable opportunities to build leadership and success skills. We had
two really great and engaging presenters. The Confidence module
was facilitated by Tiffany Howard, a licensed professional counselor
and proprietor of Unity's Essence, LLC counseling and Loving the
Unique You, a non-profit organization focused on helping young
women of color achieve their educational goals. Tiffany encouraged
teens to speak positive to themselves and others through affirming
language. The Goal Setting session was facilitated by Elise Buckner of
WiserEd Solutions & Access 2 Admission who challenged teens to set
S.M.A.R.T. goals and take small steps to achieve them each day.
There were about 190 teens in attendance for the sessions and
participation was great. The next Module Madness session will be
held on Sunday, January 23, 2022 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm and will cover
two of our financial modules. 13
Best of the Best
The Mid-Atlantic Region
Executive Board celebrates the
Capital City Chapter, Norfolk
Chapter, and South Charlotte
Chapter for exceptional chapter
programming. These chapters
were selected by National
Program Director Shirell A.
Gross and the National
Programming Committee as
winners for the November 2021
National Bi-Monthly Best of the
Best in Programming.
MAR C.A.R.E. Program
Community Advocates Reaching Everyone
Chapters will partner with Double Good Popcorn to “Beat their Best”
fundraising efforts and make a greater contribution to their non-profits
of choice. Join the teens in the Mid-Atlantic Region to raise funds for the
Jack & Jill Foundation Closing the Gap Fund. Top prizes will be awarded
to top sales in the region. Watch out for a Double Good Sale coming to a
chapter near YOU!
Mother Spotlights
65th Sapphire Anniversary:
Class Redefined, On Mission, On Purpose
Sunday, January 16, 2022 11am - 1pm
Prestonwood Country Club
Cary, North Carolina
Chapter Highlights
Chesapeake Chapter
Together Again
We are so excited to reintroduce ourselves In The MARgins newsletter!
After a long 18 months apart, the ladies of the Chesapeake Chapter got
all dressed up and met in person at one of Chesapeake's scenic parks for
our chapter photoshoot. We were able to celebrate our family and
individual triumphs while supporting each other through some difficult
losses. The Charming Chesapeake Chapter has a fantastic program year
planned, "On Mission, On Purpose!"
Chapter Highlights
Columbia Chapter
Early Teens HBCU Experience
The Captivating Columbia Chapter Early Teens kicked off their
programming year touring local HBCU Benedict College. They
learned about the school’s history and the diverse fields of study
offered at the college. Afterward, they attended the football game
and enjoyed time with President Rosalyn Artis, a Jack and Jill
chapter mother.
Chapter Highlights
Florence Chapter
CrossFit Obstacle Course
As a chapter, we started off October getting FIT! Thanks to Chief Thomas
McFadden, we participated in a CrossFit/Obstacle course. We burned over
600 calories. The exercises included the use of weighted medicine balls
and jogging up a steep hill. We even had a friendly competition with Tire
Flipping that the guys barely won. We concluded with a healthy snack and
water. A challenge was issued for each family to continue exercising
together at least 2-3 times a week. We, as a chapter, are choosing to stay
healthy, happy and full of love.
Chapter Highlights
Gastonia-Piedmont Chapter
Gastonia-Piedmont strives
to Service our Community
Gastonia-Piedmont teens are
dedicated to keeping our
community beautiful by
committing to a year long
community service initiative
aimed at sprucing up parks and
common areas. During the
month of October, they
participated in such a project
for Stowe Park in Belmont,NC.
City Councilwoman and our
own Jack and Jill Associate
Mother, Donyel Barber, created
a service opportunity for the
teens to pick up litter at
Highland Rail Trail in the city of
Gastonia, NC in November.
These activities allow our teens
to socialize with each other and gain desired community service hours. A
recent activity organized by Mother’s Twana Burris-Alcide and Lisa Largent,
taught our Cubs and Cougars, ages 2 to 8, how families can end up in
homeless shelters and have to rely on the generosity of their community.
The Cubs and Cougars made care bags for homeless men and women in
the facility they toured.
Chapter Highlights
Gastonia-Piedmont Chapter
Carole Robertson Day
Gastonia-Piedmont started
our year by recognizing
Carole Robertson. We held a
chapter wide virtual event
consisting of trivia on Carol
Robertson and Jack and Jill.
We also had a scavenger
hunt and watched a video
about Carole Robertson.
Families donated items
through Amazon to help
victims impacted by
Hurricane Ida. Host moms for
our teen event, Chimma Coq, Christa Daniels and Shawnya Gore held an in
person and virtual event at Bethelwoods Camp in York, SC. They watched a
video about the bombing at 16th Street Baptist Church, donated canned
foods at a local food bank, participated in archery, collaborated in a team
building exercise and enjoyed a game of GaGa ball. Our mothers attended
a meet and greet event in Fort Mill, SC hosted by Chapter Vice President
Kim Lindstrom. Our moms enjoyed seeing one another after a year of not
physically being able to meet.
Chapter Highlights
Greensboro Chapter
Black Family Day
Sunday, September 26, 2021, the
Greensboro Chapter of Jack and Jill
paid tribute to Carole Robertson during
Black Family Day. The event started
with our Teens paying tribute to Carole
Robertson. Afterward, we celebrated
our Black Family Day with a Goose
Chase in downtown Greensboro. This
event was hosted by Mothers LeKecia
Glover and Tiara Rorrie (Co-Chairs)
along with other members of the
Family Activity Committee. There were
over 120 participants, 20 teams and 3
food trucks. The participants raced
throughout downtown searching for
clues that had been downloaded to an
app. The clues led them to black
historical monuments/statues, black
owned businesses and paintings of
black culture. The team with the most
points at the end received a trophy and
recognition of being the best Goose
Chasers. It was a fun day for all in
Chapter Highlights
Greenville Chapter
"Putt"ing an End to Food Insecurity
The USDA estimates that 1 in 6 children,
experience food insecurity. Food insecurity
occurs when children may not have
consistent access to enough food for an
active, healthy life. The Navigators
combined health and civic thrusts to “Putt”
an end to food insecurity in September.
Prior to the Navigator’s health activity, they
spent time researching and creating a PSA
about food insecurity. Next, they shopped
and purchased food for the residents living
in the Pleasant Valley Community. They
finished this activity by enjoying a few
rounds of golf. All food was delivered to our local non-profit 501(c)3
Pleasant Valley Connection, Inc. (PVC). The Greenville Chapter has chosen
to support the PVC for the next two years. Their mission is to connect
community residents, families, churches, businesses and other
organizations in a coordinated effort to improve the education, health,
well-being and community involvement within Pleasant Valley and
surrounding communities.
Chapter Highlights
Hampton Chapter
2021 Jack and Jill
Day & Carole
On August 22, 2021, the
Hampton Chapter got a
glimpse of what it was
to simply gather and
enjoy each other’s
presence. In the past,
we have taken a
chapter photo inclusive
of our families. Pictured
here is a COVID safe improvise. Our teens gave a historical presentation
and recorded videos in her memory. Mothers were supplied pins while
children were supplied stickers that were worn on September 15, 2021.
Mothers were encouraged to promote knowledge of Carole Robertson
Day by sharing this history with those around us and through social
media outlets. Finally, the chapter was encouraged to view and reflect on
Spike Lee’s 1997 documentary, 4 Little Girls. For reflection, a film
discussion guide was provided. The Hampton Chapter will forever honor
our beloved Carole Robertson along with Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia
Wesley, and Carol Denise McNair.
Chapter Highlights
Orangeburg Chapter
Sharing Our Stories
Mid-Atlantic Regional Public
Relations Chair Kimberlei
Davis recently shared her
story as an invited guest
speaker for Jack and Jill of
America, Incorporated on the
March of Dimes' National
Service Partner President’s
Meeting Call. When Mom
Kimberlei delivered Benjamin,
he weighed just over two
pounds. He spent 63 days in
the NICU and had over a
dozen subsequent surgeries
after a tumor developed on
his airways from being intubated. He has survived sepsis and three
bouts of pneumonia. Now 15, Benjamin is a multi-hyphenate scholar,
published children's book author, golfer, culinary enthusiast, newly
permitted driver, and an overall active teenager who holds positions in
several student and civic organizations. Benjamin is the current
Sergeant-at-Arms for the Orangeburg Chapter and also completed the
inaugural “Jacks in the House” Enrichment Program in partnership with
Morehouse College.
Chapter Highlights
Orangeburg Chapter
Orangeburg teens take Gullah tour of Holy City
It was a summerlike day with clear blue skies and bright sunshine on
October 30th in Charleston, South Carolina - which made for the perfect
weather to explore the places, history, and stories that are relevant to the
rich and varied contributions made by Black Charlestonians. Lead by tour
guide Alphonso Brown, Mothers and several 'Vogues and Esquires' of the
Orangeburg Chapter learned about the rich Gullah culture. During the
driving tour of the Holy City, we visited the home of Denmark Vesey,
Catfish Row - which served as the inspirational setting of George
Gershwin’s opera, “Porgy & Bess”, the Old Slave Mart and slaves' quarters
at the Aiken-Rhett Mansion, Mother Emanuel A.M.E. Church, and the
home of internationally known blacksmith/ornamental gatemaker Philip
Simmons. Teens also saw skilled sweetgrass basket makers sewing and
selling their baskets. With Brown’s energetic personality and descriptions
in a native Gullah, we were reminded and educated about our heritage.
Chapter Highlights
Raleigh-Wake Chapter
Carole Robertson Day
On Saturday, September 18th, the families of
the Raleigh-Wake Chapter of Jack and Jill of
America, Inc. gathered at historic John Chavis
Memorial Park to celebrate Jack and Jill Day and
to honor the late
Carole Robertson. This
was the first chapter-
wide in-person
celebration in over a
year, due to Covid-19.
Forty-five families
gathered for a
protocol friendly event
with knocker ball, lawn
darts, splash pads and
fun moments on the state-of-the-art
playground. In addition to the activities, we
were entertained by the Bouncing Bulldogs of
Chapel Hill/Durham. This group wowed us with
their Double Dutch skills, while encouraging
families to join the fun. This event closed with
recognition of more than 63 Jack and Jill Student
Athletes and a reading of a poem honoring
Carole Robertson.
Chapter Highlights
Richmond Chapter
Senior Teen Retreat
Saturday, October 2nd, the Richmond Senior Teens traveled to the
Massanutten Resort for a weekend retreat. Our teens spent the day
ziplining, horseback riding, go-karting and wrapped up with a Spooky
Forrest adventure. The day was filled with modules, team building,
bonding, laughter and all-around good times, all while handling the
business of Jack & Jill.
Chapter Highlights
South Charlotte Chapter
"FALLing" into FUN at the Apple Orchard
What better way to show our children about securing healthy foods and
to show the farm-to-table process in action than to take a trip to the
apple orchard! The South Charlotte Chapter leaped into the fall season
with a trip on October 2nd, to the Windy Hill Orchard, located in York, SC.
There, they learned about the southern variety Stayman Winesap apple -
how it's grown and several foods made from them. In addition, the
2nd-3rd Grade Group had the opportunity
to purchase a few of these farm-fresh-
made foods like apple doughnuts, apple
cider, and apple pie from the orchard's
Farm Stand and Cider Bar. As a bonus,
some of the moms went home and taught
their Jacks and Jills how to make their own
cider and pies.
Chapter Highlights
Spartanburg Chapter
Spectacular Spartanburg Fit, Focused and Serving!
The Five Star Spectacular Spartanburg Chapter has been super busy! Our
Annual Mothers Planning Meeting was held Sunday, August 1st, 2021,
from 1:30PM – 6PM, at Silver Hill United Methodist Church, Spartanburg,
SC. The 2021-2022 Programming year was planned with 21 of our 23
Chapter moms in attendance. Carole Roberson Day was observed on
Sunday, September 26th, 2021, from 4-5PM, at Tyger River Park, located
in Duncan, SC. There were 20 families represented with children from
ages 2 to 17. The Carole Roberson display allowed for a ceremony
observance. Prizes were given to the children who could quickly recall
facts about Carole Roberson. Jack & Jill Day along with a Community
Service Event, donation of 40
packs of socks to a local
Shelter, followed soon after.
The fellowship of the families
continued with activities at the
Tyger River Park, from 5-7PM,
located in Duncan, SC, with a
pot-luck style meal.
Chapter Highlights
Wilmington Chapter
Personal Health and Safety
On Saturday, October 23, 2021, the
Wee Wisdom and Elements Groups
participated in an outdoor workshop
provided by the Lower Cape Fear
Chapter of the YWCA. The children
and their families learned self-
Personal HealdthefaenndseSatfeecthy niques – an activity that
On Saturday, October 23, 2021, the wWaesepWaristdoofmthaenYdWECleAm’se“nWtseGekroWupitshout
participated in an outdoor workshop proVvioidleendcbey” tchaemLpoawigenr .CWapee lFeeaarrnCedhaaptleort
of the YWCA. The children and their famaiblieosulteuasrninegdsseellff--ddeeffeennse atescahnmiqeuaenss–
an activity that was part of the YWCA’s “Week Without Violence” campaign. We
spaeferslyoenn. gWageeawreithgroanteefaunl otothMeroitnhpererJshoann.iqWueaaPraelmgraetre, fDuilrteoctmoor mofJhOauntirqeuaach
at PthaelmYeWr,CDAir,efoctrocrooofrOduintaretiancghtahtistheeveYnWtC. A, for coordinating this event.
Chapter Highlights
Wilmington Chapter
Wilmington Sub-Teens Ride with Ease
The Wilmington Sub-Teens Age Group kicked off the programming year
with their "Riding with Ease" horseback riding event and community
service project. The event took place at high noon on September 26, 2021,
at the Hanover Stables in Castle Hayne, North Carolina. This event allowed
the Sub-Teens to not only experience riding a horse, but also learn about
the rich history of horseback riding within the African-American
community. The group had a blast and learned a lot about horseback
riding fundamentals.
The Sub-Teens also brought their loose
change donations and Wilmington
Chapter Little Library Project book
contributions to demonstrate their
commitment to community service.
Chapter Highlights
Winston-Salem Chapter
Filling The Pantry
The Winston-Salem Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. participated in
“Filling the Pantry” Thanksgiving community service initiative at Ashley
Elementary School. Special thanks to the Forsyth County Sheriff Office
Community Service division. They also provided bookbags and other
school supplies.
Teen Spotlights
Greater Fredericksburg Teens
The Xi Upsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority, Incorporated and the Sisters of the Ivy
Educational Foundation, Incorporated hosted its 19th
Biennial “Cultured Pearls Debutante Cotillion” virtually
on Saturday, November 20, 2021. This year’s theme
Poised and Polished included 15 debutantes and their
escorts. The Cotillion serves as a vehicle for
scholarship, service and preparation in social graces
and cultural acumen.
It is our esteemed pleasure to congratulate and
celebrate the participating teens of the Greater
Fredericksburg Chapter of Jack and Jill of America,
Miss Jaden Ella-Rebecca D’Lima was crowned Miss
Debutante 2021 for fundraising $30,945; First Runner
Up: Debutante Rhian Elizabeth Batts raised
$17,693.60 and was also awarded Miss Academic for
her 4.37 grade point average; and Second Runner Up:
Debutante Talia Janay Thomas raised $8,500 among
the corps of debutantes.
Greater Fredericksburg escort participants included
Mr. Connor William Hairston who escorted Miss Jaden
D’Lima was awarded Mr. Debonair 2021. Mr. Sakorii
Georgee Whiteman escorted Miss Rhian Batts and Mr.
Bryce McCall Valentine also served as an escort.
Congratulations to the Greater Fredericksburg
Chapter debutantes, escorts and their parents.
Teen Spotlights
Hampton Jr Teen
Jordyn DePina a Jr. Teen, who
participated in the LPGA program
this past summer has been accepted
into the 2022 Virginia House of
Delegates Page Program and it will
begin this January-March 2022.
Jordyn DePina
Hampton Chapter
Lauren Patridge, Winston-Salem Jr Teen
Winston-Salem Chapter
Our Jill & Junior Teen, Lauren
Patridge, had the pleasure of
performing the national anthem at
the Winston-Salem Open (WSO) in
August 2021. This was her first
performance at WSO but she's
previously performed for the
Winston-Salem Dash and her
church, St. Paul United Methodist
Church. Great job, Lauren!
Father Spotlights
Charleston Chapter
We Wear the Mask Again - Art Exhibit
The work of Award-winning artist, and Charleston
Chapter dad, Damond Howard has been featured in
exhibitions across the country including, including the
Columbia Museum of Art and the Center for
Contemporary Art in Columbia, SC; the Museum of
Science and Industry in Chicago; the Wooster Art
Museum in MA and many others. Damond received
his Bachelor of Science degree in Art Education from
the South Carolina State University and his Master of
Fine Arts in Studio Art degree from the University of
Florida in Gainesville. He has taught art professionally
at various institutions in Higher Education, and in the public schools of
South Carolina. From November 5 - December 30, 2021, you can visit the
Public Works Art Center in Downtown Summerville, SC to experience
Damond Howard's powerful solo exhibition exploring race and his own
identity. For more information on the exhibit go to
Want to submit an article for the next
edition of the MAR newsletter?
Click or scan below.
happy Holidays
Best wishes from the MARvelous Mid-Atlantic
Regional Executive Board!
(Pictured above L-R) MAL Tiffany, NVP Claudia, RD Tarcia,
RT Daralyn & RS Tomisha.