The official newsletter of the MARvelous Mid-Atlantic Region
Jack and Jill of
America, Inc.
October 2021 | Volume 2 Issue 1
Greetings Mothers and families of the
MARvelous Mid-Atlantic Region of Jack
and Jill of America, Incorporated!
The 2021-2022 program year is off to a
great start and I am optimistic that
despite the challenges of the last year
and a half, we will continue to plan and
engage in activities that propel and
prepare our future leaders to handle
whatever life throws their way.
As chapters, we are getting back into our familiar routine of working together,
impacting our communities, and developing our children - all children, on
mission and on purpose.
To that end, we are pleased to present our first issue of "In The MARgins,"
which highlights the work of this administration while capturing the events and
news of the Region.
Under the leadership of Regional Editor Koren Townsend, we have assembled
an exceptional newsletter and we trust you will read and curate this resource
as a historical record of the great programming and community service
happening in the MARvelous Mid-Atlantic Region.
In Pink and Blue Service,
Tarcia N. Flemming
Tarcia N. Flemming
23rd Mid-Atlantic Regional Director
I am delighted to bring you this newsletter. Under Regional Director
Tarcia's guidance, the In the MARgins newsletter, is focused on brining
you the latest in the regional leadership and programming. I am really
encouraged by the submissions received from the Mid-Atlantic Region
(MAR) chapters. You will see some of the latest happenings across the
region and how MAR families are engaged in Regional and National
programming like the Jills Take Spelman and Jacks Take Morehouse
programs. Many thanks to all that submitted articles. We look forward
to sharing the great things that the Mid-Atlantic Region has in store this
programming year.
If you would like contribute an article, you can email me at
Yours in Jack and Jill,
Koren Townsend
Koren Townsend
Regional Editor
Greetings Mothers of the Marvelous Mothers, we must always remember
Mid-Atlantic Region, that you can’t pour from an empty
It is indeed a pleasure and an honor cup, so we must fill ourselves up
to be able to share “The Good News” with the necessary if we haven’t
with you! We are all accomplished in filled ourselves. It is very important
our own right, yet we all share some in this “New Season”, to know that
of the same basic needs of Love, it’s a new day every day that we all
Appreciation, and a Spiritual can prosper to take care of
Connection with God. It’s a “New Ourselves! Mother’s this is not to be
Season” mothers with our new selfish by any means, but it is meant
Regional Director Tarcia Flemming to spark the thought that we are
and our new executive board. What only as good as our best selves
an honor it is to be in a season of Mentally and Physically when we
favor for us all. We are often tested show up for “Ourselves” first!
on every hand to be many things to Mother’s we are all just Sinners
many people, but we must first be saved by Grace. It’s A New Season
true to ourselves with Self-Care. If Mothers. Be Blessed!
we as wives, mothers, daughters, Love,
sisters, friends, sorority sisters, and Mother Sonya
sisters in Christ don’t care for our Regional Chaplain
own mental and physical well-being
then we aren’t living authentically or SCRIPTURE OF THE MONTH
living out our true purpose to always
take care of “Self” first, so we can do Therefore, my dear brothers and
the many other things we have been Sisters stand firm. Let nothing move
tasked to do. you. Always give yourselves fully to
the Lord because you know that
your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
- 1 Corinthians 15:58
It’s A New Season by Israel & New
National and Regional
Carole Robertson
Carole Robertson and three other young girls were killed
when a Birmingham church was bombed by members of
the Ku Klux Klan on September 15, 1963.
Born on April 24, 1949, Carole Robertson grew up in
Birmingham, Alabama. A good student who loved reading
and dancing, she attended the city’s 16th Street Baptist
Church. On September 15, 1963, a 14-year-old Robertson
was killed, along with three other young victims, when her
church was bombed by members of the Ku Klux Klan.
Their tragic deaths led to more support for the Civil Rights
Carole Rosamond Robertson
Early Life
Born on April 24, 1949, Carole Rosamond Robertson grew up in Birmingham, Alabama, where
her family had deep roots. With her father, Alvin, her mother, Alpha, an older sister, Dianne,
and an older brother, Alvin Jr., Carole lived in Birmingham’s Smithfield neighborhood, an
African-American section of the city.
Alvin was an educator with an interest in music, and Carole was a musical child herself. She
sang in the chorus at Wilkerson Elementary School, played the clarinet and was a member of
Parker High School’s marching band. In addition to reading and studying—Carole was a high-
achieving student—she participated in Saturday dance lessons, the science club, Girl Scouts
and Jack and Jill of America, a civically minded youth and family organization (in addition to
working as a school librarian, Alpha Robertson served as a regional director for the group).
Carole Robertson cont...
Bombing in Birmingham Carole Robertson's parents and her sister at Carole's gravesite.
Having seen 50 racially targeted
bombings since 1945, Carole Robertson’s service on the Tuesday after the attack—
hometown was sometimes called as her sister, Dianne, later explained, “The
“Bombingham.” Though her parents world was upset and hurt, but it was our
wanted to protect their daughter, not family’s grief.” The bombing had shocked
allowing her to go out alone at night, the the entire country, and in its aftermath
family also continued to lead a regular support grew for the Civil Rights Act,
existence. One part of their routine was which became law in 1964.
attending services at the 16th Street
Baptist Church, a nerve center for the After identifying his daughter’s body,
city’s African-American community that Alvin Robertson came home and broke a
had also served as a gathering place for porch door in his grief. Though the three
leaders of the Civil Rights Movement. other victims had a funeral service
together, Carole’s family chose to hold a
On September 15, 1963, a Sunday, Carole private service on the Tuesday after the
went to church and attended a Sunday attack—as her sister, Dianne, later
school class. While she was preparing for explained, “The world was upset and hurt,
a “Youth Day” service, a bomb went off at but it was our family’s grief.” The bombing
10:22 a.m., killing the 14-year-old. Three had shocked the entire country, and in its
other young girls were killed in the blast aftermath support grew for the Civil
—14-year-olds Addie Mae Collins and Rights Act, which became law in 1964.
Cynthia Wesley, and 11-year-old Denise
McNair—and more than 20 other people 6
were injured. Horrified by the attack,
protests followed in Birmingham, during
which two African-American boys were
killed, one by a police officer.
After identifying his daughter’s body,
Alvin Robertson came home and broke a
porch door in his grief. Though the three
other victims had a funeral service
together, Carole’s family chose to hold a
Carole Robertson cont'd
Wait for Justice
Ku Klux Klan member Robert “Dynamite” Chambliss was arrested after the bombing,
but was only found guilty of possessing dynamite. Years later, Alabama Attorney
General Bill Baxley had Chambliss charged with murder. Chambliss was convicted in
1977 and died in jail in 1985.
In 2000, the FBI arrested two other Klan members for the bombing. Thomas Blanton Jr.
was convicted in 2001. A year later, Bobby Frank Cherry was found guilty. Both received
life sentences; Cherry died in prison in 2004. Herman Frank Cash, a fourth suspect, died
in 1994, before he could face charges.
Alpha Robertson passed away in 2002, after testifying at both Blanton’s and Cherry’s
trials. Though the verdicts did not bring closure to the Robertsons, it was a relief for
Alpha “that even after all that long time, they were brought to justice,” according to
Carole Robertson Day
The 1963 Birmingham bombing took place during the tenure of 7th National President
Margaret Emory Sims. Her background as a sociologist provided helpful in bringing comfort
to the families of Jack and Jill in Birmingham and across the nation who were emotionally
wounded by this tragedy. The theme for the 1964 National Convention was “Jack and Jill’s
Role in Bringing Chaos Out of Tragedy”. Professionals spoke and conducted workshops to
help members and youth heal from the hurt of loss and to face struggles ahead. During the
National Convention, tribute was paid to Carole Robertson during Carole Robertson
Recognition Night. It was established that every year in September, chapters would
highlight those goals of human rights that Carole did not live to enjoy.
Source: For The Children: The History of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated 1938-2018
Margaret E. Sims 8
7th National President
Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated.
How the Regions Began
In 1957, at the Annual Convention in San Francisco the Regional Plan of Organization was
finally adopted. It was decided that Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated be divided into
seven regions: Central, Eastern, Far West, Mid-Atlantic, Mid-Western, South Central, and
South Eastern. Each region had three elected officers—Regional Director, Regional
Secretary-Treasurer and Foundation Member at Large. During the National Convention,
expansion of Jack and Jill continued with the addition of new chapters. Chapters in San
Mateo and South Los Angeles, California increased the Far West Region’s number. In the
Mid-Atlantic Region, Charlotte and Fayetteville, North Carolina and Portsmouth, Virginia
joined membership. Kansas City and Topeka, Kansas added to the Central Region bringing
an overall total of 93 chapters.
Source: Work Play and Commitment: The First Fifty Years 1989
For The Children: The History of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated 1938-2018
1957 National Convention 9
JACK 1 9 5 7 -
2 0 22
R I C A ,
Leadership Highlights
Regional Director National Vice President Regional Treasurer Regional Secretary Regional Foundation
Columbia Chapter Durham Chapter Fayetteville Chapter Winston Salem Chapter Member-At-Large
Charleston Chapter
The Mid-Atlantic Regional Board
Fit, Focused & Ready to Serve
The MARvelous
Mid-Atlantic Region
Click or scan below to hear more about your
Regional Executive Board!
Regional Teen Executive Board
What's the
name of your
Jonathan Ward chapter?
Durham, NC
Regional Teen President How long have
you been in
I have been in
Jack and Jill
since 2008.
What’s a fun
fact about you?
I am Secretary
of my school’s
first ever Black
Student Union.
Regional Teen Executive Board
What’s the
name of your
Amaya Williams chapter?
Capital City, NC
Regional Teen Vice President How long have
you been in
11 years
What’s a fun
fact about you?
I spend a lot of
time at the lake
Regional Teen Executive Board
What’s the
name of your
Erin Hearn chapter?
James River, VA
Regional Teen Treasurer How long have
you been in
2 years
What’s a fun
fact about
I've been playing
the alto
saxophone for 7
years now.
Regional Teen Executive Board
What’s the
name of your
Chandler Grant chapter?
Midlothian, VA
Regional Teen Secretary How long
have you
been in JJOA?
6 years
What’s a fun
fact about
I love writing
Regional Teen Executive Board
What’s the
name of your
Bryce Lindsay chapter?
Regional Teen Foundation Chair Charlotte
How long
have you
been in JJOA?
10 years
What’s a fun
fact about
My favorite
movie is
Remember the
Leadership Highlights
Thank you to all the MAR Mothers who are
serving on National and Regional Committees.
Carol Bolden Stone-El
Durham, NC Chapter
Leadership role:
National Archivist
Fun Fact:
I collect all Barbie Dolls especially the Holiday
Barbie and anything Winnie the Pooh.
Sukeena Stephens
Greater Fredericksburg, VA Chapter
Leadership role:
National Emergency Responders Task
Force Chair
Leadership Highlights
Thank you to all the MAR Mothers who are
serving on National and Regional Committees.
Jeniqua Duncan
Florence, SC Chapter
Leadership role:
National Growing Strategically Task Force
Fun Fact:
I’ve been in 2 commercials. First in
elementary school for the circus and
second for the hospital I was working for a
few years ago.
Jasmine C. Smith
Durham, NC Chapter
Leadership role(s) held:
National Chair, Strategic Partnerships
Fun Fact:
I wanted to be the female Magic Johnson
(on the court) as a kid.
Leadership Highlights
Thank you to all the MAR Mothers who are
serving on National and Regional Committees.
Felicia McNeal Millner
Greensboro, NC Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Nominating Chair
Fun Fact:
My favorite snack is raw cookie
dough and circus peanuts.
Monique N. Brown
Charleston, SC Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Bylaws Chair
Fun Fact:
I played the violin for 10 years and
was part of a Youth Symphony Prep
Leadership Highlights
Thank you to all the MAR Mothers who are
serving on National and Regional Committees.
Karen Washington
Charlotte, NC Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Associates Chair
Fun Fact:
I dance every day for fitness. Every
day includes ESPN. I am an avid
follower of all college and
professional sports.
Christopher F. Oliver
Fayetteville, NC Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Fathers' Auxiliary Chair
Fun Fact:
I’m an Alabama football fan. ROLL TIDE!!
Leadership Highlights
Thank you to all the MAR Mothers who are
serving on National and Regional Committees.
Aimy Steele
Queen City, NC Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Legislative Chair
Fun Fact:
I was accepted to all three military
academies and I’m fluent in Spanish.
LaQuisha McMiller Parks
South Charlotte, NC Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Membership Chair
Fun Fact:
I can bake a mean Five Flavor Pound Cake;
NVP Claudia can attest to it as I was almost
coerced into baking a cake and placing it in the
mail for her husband. Yeah…it’s that good!
Leadership Highlights
Thank you to all the MAR Mothers who are
serving on National and Regional Committees.
Kimberly Cope McCrary
Queen City, NC Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Policies & Procedures Chair
Fun Fact:
I do Improv as a hobby and have had the
opportunity to perform on stage with
Wayne Brady in Las Vegas.
Rebecca A. Wheeler Walston
Hampton, VA Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Program Chair
Fun Fact:
I have spent time in Nigeria and South
Leadership Highlights
Thank you to all the MAR Mothers who are
serving on National and Regional Committees.
Audrey Kemp Curry
Durham Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Protocol Chair
Fun Fact:
I was a participant in the Macy’s
Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Kimberlei Davis
Orangeburg, SC Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Public Relations Chair
Fun Fact:
I am a second-generation Army
Leadership Highlights
Thank you to all the MAR Mothers who are
serving on National and Regional Committees.
Chris Carlisle
Richmond, VA Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Strategic Planning Chair
Fun Fact:
My sister and I were born on the
same day but 2 years apart.
Elan Taylor
James River, VA Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Technology Chair
Fun Fact:
I’m afraid of heights, but I’m drawn to
extreme activities like elevated ropes
courses, flying trapeze and bungee
jumping. I’ve done them all.
Leadership Highlights
Thank you to all the MAR Mothers who are
serving on National and Regional Committees.
Allison L. Copeland
Portsmouth,VA Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Five Star Task Force Chair
Fun Fact:
I like lots of adventure.
Ruth Gilliam Phillips
Greensboro, NC Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Our Health Matters
Task Force Chair
Fun Fact:
I had a baby after being told I was in
Leadership Highlights
Thank you to all the MAR Mothers who are
serving on National and Regional Committees.
Reisha Drumgold
Burlington-Graham Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Small & Mighty Chapter
Support Task Force Chair
Fun Fact:
I have lived in NC for 20 years and
have never visited an NC beach.
Lisa Clark Reynolds
Gastonia-Piedmont, NC Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Investment Committee
Fun Fact:
I modeled in Paris and NY after
graduating from college-undergrad.
Leadership Highlights
Thank you to all the MAR Mothers who are
serving on National and Regional Committees.
Talethia Thomas
Greater Fredericksburg, VA
Leadership role:
Regional Logistics Chair
Fun Fact:
I ran 13 miles in the Rock ‘n’ Roll
Half Marathon in Virginia Beach.
Warrenetta Crawford Mann
Winston-Salem, NC Chapter
Leadership role:
Regional Teen Advisor
Fun Fact:
I have been a member of a chapter in
each state within the Mid Atlantic
Region (Hampton, VA - Columbia, SC
and now Winston Salem, NC).
Programming Highlights
The National Executive Board and Author- Aimy Steele,
National Legislative Committee Regional Legislative Chair
hosted the bi-annual 2021 On The Hill The Mid-Atlantic Region teens made
Legislative Summit in Washington, the case for the reasons why their
D.C. from September 9th-12th at the Representatives and Senators
Washington Hilton Hotel. The hybrid needed to pass the George Floyd
event welcomed approximately 500 in Justice in Policing Act, the Crown
person participants and over 300 Act, and the For The People Act.
online attendees. Further they discussed relevant
ways to address inequities in
The Mid-Atlantic Region represented education for students guaranteed a
Virginia, North Carolina, and South free, appropriate and viable public
Carolina with 35 attendees including education.
National and Regional Officers,
Regional Teen Officers, Lead Teen 31
Advisors, Moms, and Teens.
The events kicked off with our
National President’s Welcome
Reception. Here, NP Kornisha McGill
Brown welcomed guests to an all
white and black affair highlighting
Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel
Bowser and the Howard University
Jazz Ensemble. The teens enjoyed
heavy hor’s d'oeuvres, a relaxing
ambiance under the D.C. sky, and
each other’s company.
The main focus of the On The Hill
Summit is to engage in meetings with
Congressional Representatives and
Senators in order to advocate for
various pieces of legislation that are
important to Jack and Jill of America
as well as Black and Brown people
across the nation. This occurred on
Friday as our teens learned from
industry experts on how to advocate
for legislation they hold near and
dear to their hearts and they took
this knowledge into the more than
250 meetings scheduled with
Congressional Representatives and
Senators as well as their staffers.
The The culminating Sunday
began with an inspirational
breakfast featuring a tribute to
the late Carole Robertson and a
special gospel worship experience
by Kurt Carr and the Kurt Carr
Singers. The morning would not
have been complete without
Pastor Michael Pender bringing
the word regarding how to best
position oneself to be an advocate
for their local communities. The
event ended with the Best of the
Best National Legislative
Programming. Focusing on the
good that came out of the past
Friday was also filled with virtual programming year really helped
college tours, Trailblazer awards
honoring Senator Raphael Warnock, solidify the purpose of legislative
Activist Tamika Mallory, Attorney
Benjamin Crump, and Representative committees all through each Jack
Karen Bass. This was followed by a
party featuring Trae the Truth and and Jill chapter in the nation.
Jaicei among others.
This On The Hill Legislative
The next day was filled with lots of
fun, hype interactions, and a day Summit 2021 was one of historic
party. The Activate the Advocate in
You Legislative Breakfast featured proportions since it was the first
the Mid-Atlantic Region’s own most
recent Queen City Chapter Teen of the organization’s history to be
Graduate, Kiersten Hash. Her remarks
regarding the passage of the Crown hybrid, offering in-person and
Act were salient and impactful. Due
to the honoring occasion of those online experiences. The National
who lost their lives on 9/11 when our
country was under siege, a special Legislative Committee enjoyed
tribute to was held while the
McKinley Technical High School ROTC this conference and are looking
Color Guard posted the colors. The
breakfast was followed by an forward to continuing to assess
interactive panel including Rev. Dr.
Starksy Wilson of the Children’s how to make it better. The next
Defense Fund, Tezlyn Figaro, advisor
to the George Floyd Foundation, and two years are shaping up to
Sharon Cooper, Speaker, Author, and
Sister of Sandra Bland. The panel possibly return to pre-pandemic
outshined every other event through
the relevant engagement around gatherings in Washington DC. We
advocating for oneself as well as a rap
battle between Tezlyn Figaro and any look forward to seeing all those in
teen who dared battle her. The
Reppin’ Your Region event capped off 2023 who did not attend in 2020.
the night as the teens celebrated with
one another and danced the night
The National Executive Board has Tatia Granger
launched the Inaugural Jack and Jill of Hampton, VA Chapter
America, Incorporated Marion Stubbs MST National Leadership Academy
Thomas (MST) National Leadership Chair/National Leadership & Development
Academy. The purpose of this year-long
experience is to equip our leaders with the Committee Chair
tools necessary to serve beyond the lo cal
level with focus on regional and national Class of 2022
leadership. The MST National Leadership
Academy will kick off at the 2021 Regional Donna Dawson Lydia C. Bailey-Padgett
Mothers’ Conference and culminate with a Wilmington Chapter Columbia Chapter
closing ceremony held at our 45th Biennial
National Convention in July 2022. This
unique learning experience will provide
information and insight needed to help
invitees gain a deeper understanding of
our mission, purpose and value
proposition. Participants will also gain
knowledge on core leadership
competencies preparing them to navigate
leadership in Jack and Jill at the regional
and national levels. We welcome this
inaugual class of partipants from the Mid-
Atlantic Region.
Kimberly C. Odom Regional MAL Tiffany Spann-Wilder
South Charlotte Chapter Charleston Chapter
Kimberlei Davis Stephanie Oliver Nakenge Robertson
Orangeburg Chapter Fayetteville Chapter Durham Chapter 33
Victoria Morris Jills take Spelman Program was held July 26-30,
Durham Chapter 2021 which included an intensive SAT test
prep workshop, preparing your college
application series, and leadership skill building
sessions. Space was limited in the intimate
online experience. The rising juniors and
seniors displayed a consistent academic
record and progressive leadership experience.
The inaugural summer program took place
virtually this year, with hopes to welcome Jill
students to campus in future years.
Ivy Boyd
Columbia Chapter
Norah Smith Alexis Bennett
Eastern Chapter Fayetteville Chapter
Samaria McFadden Amiya Alston
Florence Chapter Florence Chapter
Benjamin Brown Timothy James
Orangeburg Chapter Portsmouth Chapter
Maurice Orr Morehouse College, in partnership with Jack and Jill of
Charleston Chapter America, Inc., hosted, “Jacks in the House,” a week-long
(July 26-30, 2021) lecture series designed to enrich the
personal and professional development of young men
(grades 9-12). Jacks were both educated and
challenged by some of the brightest minds the
Morehouse College faculty and alumni have to offer.
Jacks In the House Enrichment Program empowered
the next generation of leaders by building a global
community and designing interdisciplinary programs
that foster intellectual curiosity, deepen understanding
and inspire creative action across all borders.
Two MAR Jills participate in the Ladies Congratulations to Jordyn and Sophia!
Professional Golf Association (LPGA)
Leadership Academy in Virginia
Jack and Jill, Inc. announced a partnership with the LPGA
in June to provide Jills with the opportunity to attend the
2021 Leadership Academy. The two-day training event is
designed to keep teenage girls engaged in golf and
prepare them for leadership opportunities. The LPGA
Leadership Academy uses golf as a vehicle to provide a
framework for young women to develop their confidence,
communication, and leadership skills. Group exercises,
expert led discussions, journaling and interaction with
female executives and mentors help girls discover their
unique strengths and leadership style.
Jordyn DePina of the Hampton Chapter and Sophia
Bullard of the Burke-Fairfax Chapter participated in the
Virginia LPGA Leadership Academy on July 13-14. JJ Mom
Kryste’l (Jordyn’s mom) said the program was AMAZING!
The Virginia academy is one of four opportunities across
the country. The other academies are in Michigan
(previously held in June), California, and New Jersey.
Fayetteville Raeford CARES
Mobile Mentoring
The Fayetteville Chapter was proud to be a sponsor and supporting
partner with Fayetteville Raeford CARES, local affiliate of the National
CARES Mentoring Movement for their mobile mentoring bus ribbon
cutting ceremony. Chapter children participated on program with the
reading of an affirmation poem titled "Mentor Me".
Regional Treasurer Daralyn Bryant brought greetings on behalf of Jack
and Jill. Stephen Powell, chief programs and partnerships officer for
National CARES Mentoring Movement and Jack and Jill father was also
present to bring greetings. Chapter families donated bookbags and
school supplies to help fill the bus.
Chapter Highlights
RD Tarcia's First Official Visit to the Durham
RD Tarcia Flemming's first
chapter visit in her new
leadership role was to the first
chapter established in the
MARvelous Mid-Atlantic Region
(and the 6th in the nation!) as
she visited the Durham
Chapter's annual retreat! RD
Tarcia brought greetings and
participated in the Chapter's
back-to-school backpack
volunteer project.
Chapter Highlights
The Five Star Spectacular Spartanburg Chapter started the 2021-2022
Programming year off well! Our students from all age groups started
back to school on Monday, August 16th, 2021. We shared candid
snapshots as an informal tradition amongst chapter moms. This
Pandemic has truly been tough; however, through challenges we as a
people always persevere and succeed. Each Spectacular Child had to
review safety protocols for upcoming chapter events as well as for in
school attendance across Spartanburg County. Each chapter mom
reviewed with their children the importance of wearing a mask, social
distancing, and vaccinations. Now we are ready to do the work this
school year! Many blessings to all of the Marvelous Mid-Atlantic Region
Students! Let’s Work, Let’s Play, Let’s Live Together!
Chapter Highlights
South Charlotte
Scoops and Summer
Farewell Selfies!
Another programming year started with a SPLASH on August 29, 2021. As the
Junior Teens of the South Charlotte Chapter said farewell to Summer, they came
together to connect and kick-off the 2021-2022 program year! With their swim
gear in tow, participants enjoyed the pool as well as an ice cream social with fun
selfie props. Virtually, participants were able to join in with their friends on-line
as they ‘dove’ into Kahoot! Trivia. This was an amazing opportunity to meet new
friends, reconnect with old friends and ultimately have fun. In addition, Teens
contributed to the community through service. They collected school supplies,
such as Pencils, crayons, and pocket folders during the event. Donated items
were given to Classroom Central: an organization whose mission is to equip
students in need to effectively learn by collecting and distributing free school
supplies to their teachers in the Charlotte Region.
Want to submit an article for the next
edition of the MAR newsletter?
Click or scan below.