Flashlight: By 2075, most flashlights are long last- SURVIVAL GEAR AVAIL COST
ing and super bright. Durability and brightness depend Rating x 2 Rating x 150¥
on the size—the bulkier, the better. Flashlights are also GEAR
available in low-light and infrared versions, reducing Chemsuit (Rating 1-6) — 200¥
visibility modifiers for low-light and thermographic vi- Climbing gear 6 2,000¥
sion, respectively. A flashlight can also be mounted to Diving gear —
a weapon’s top or under-barrel mount (Mounts, p. 417). Flashlight — 25¥
Gas mask 12 200¥
Gas mask: This air-supplied re-breather complete- Gecko tape gloves 8 250¥
ly covers your face and gives you immunity to inhala- Hazmat suit — 3,000¥
tion-vector toxin attacks (Toxins, Drugs, and BTLs, p. Light stick — 25¥
408). It comes with a one-hour clean-air supply (replace- Magnesium torch — 5¥
ments cost 40 nuyen) and can be attached to larger air Micro flare launcher — 175¥
tanks. It cannot be combined with a regular respirator. Micro flares — 25¥
Rappelling gloves — 50¥
Wireless: The gas mask analyzes and gives you informa- Respirator (Rating 1-6) 4 Rating x 50¥
tion about the surrounding air that you’re not breathing. Survival Kit 200¥
Gecko tape gloves: The outer layer of these gloves is toxins (Toxins, Drugs, and BTLs, p. 408). The respirator
made of a special dry adhesive that incorporates millions adds its rating to toxin resistance tests against inhala-
of fine microscopic hairs that bond to other surfaces. In- tion-vector toxins.
dividually, these bonding forces are tiny, but combined
they’re strong enough to attach a troll, upside down, to Survival kit: An assortment of survival gear in a rug-
the ceiling. Gecko tape gloves come as a set that includes ged bag. Includes a knife, lighter, matches, compass,
gloves, kneepads, and slip-on-soles. You get to use as- lightweight thermal blanket, several days’ worth of ra-
sisted climbing (p. 134) when you’re wearing the set. tion bars, a water-purification unit, and more. A good
Gecko tape gloves are useless when they’re wet. item to consider for your go-bag.
Wireless: The adhesive outer layer can be temporarily GRAPPLE GUN
neutralized with a wireless signal, useful for getting the
gloves on and off without getting them stuck to yourself This gun can shoot a grappling hook and attached
or each other. rope, using Light Crossbow ranges. It comes equipped
with an internal winch to pull back the grapple (or pull
Hazmat suit: The hazmat suit covers your whole up small loads). Use the Exotic Ranged Weapon skill
body and includes an internal air tank with four hours to shoot it. Micro rope can support a weight of up to
of air. As long as it’s not damaged, it provides you with 100 kilograms; standard and stealth ropes can support
a chemical seal (p. 437) and protects you from contact a weight of up to 400 kilograms.
and inhalation vector toxin attacks (Toxins, Drugs, and
BTLs, p. 408). Many hazmat suits come standard with a Microwire: This micro rope is made of an extreme-
Geiger counter (Sensors, p. 445). ly thin (nearly monofilament) and resilient fiber; a great
length of it can be stored in a very small compartment,
Wireless: The suit analyzes and transmits informa- and it is very difficult to see. The downside is that it
tion about the environment that you’re not touching or can only be grabbed with special protective rappelling
breathing. gloves without slicing straight through the climber’s
hands, inflicting 8P damage with an AP of –8.
Light stick: Bend, snap, and shake it to produce three
hours of soft chemical illumination that covers a ten-me- Myomeric rope: Made of a special myomeric fiber,
ter radius. this rope’s movement can be controlled remotely (over
a maximum length of thirty meters). For example, the
Magnesium torch: Strike and activate for five min- controller can wind it like a snake to reach around an ob-
utes of bright torchlight. stacle or tie to a ledge. The rope moves at a rate of two
meters per Combat Turn.
Micro flare launcher: The flare launcher can shoot
colored flares about 200 meters into the air, illuminating Stealth rope & catalyst stick: When stealth rope is
an area the size of a city block for a couple of minutes touched with the catalyst stick, the chemical reaction that
and negating the modifier for poor or low lighting. If you is triggered crumbles the rope to dust within seconds,
shoot it at someone, use the Exotic Ranged Weapon leaving almost no trace. The catalyst stick is reusable.
skill; the micro flare deals 5P Fire damage.
Rappelling gloves: These gloves are made of a spe-
cial fabric that allows you to get a tighter grip on a grap-
ple line, giving you a +2 dice pool bonus on all tests to
hold your grip on the line. These gloves are necessary
in order to use ultrathin microwire without gruesomely
slicing your hands apart as you slide down it.
Respirator: A respirator is a filter-mask worn over the
mouth and nose that protects against inhalation-vector
449<< Electronics
8R 500¥ 3 300¥
GEAR 8F 120¥ DEVICE 3 10¥
Grapple gun 4 50¥ per 100 m Biomonitor Rating x 250¥
Catalyst stick 10 200¥ per 10 m Disposable syringe Rating 100¥
Microwire — 50¥ per 100 m Medkit (Rating 1-6) —
Myomeric rope 8F 85¥ per 100 m
Standard rope Medkit supplies
Stealth rope
RANGED WEAPON ACC DAMAGE –5 SS 1 (ml) Basic — 5,000¥ per year
Gold — 25,000¥ per year
Micro flare launcher 3 5P (Fire) –2 SS 1 (ml) Platinum — 50,000¥ per year
Super-platinum — 100,000¥ per year
Grapple gun 3 7S
BIOTECH basis, and they come to you! Four contract service lev-
els are available: basic, gold, platinum, and super-plat-
Healing rules are on p. 205. inum. A DocWagon contract requires the filing of tis-
Biomonitor: This compact device measures life sue samples (held in a secure vault staffed by bonded
guards, spiders, and mages) and comes with a biomon-
signs—heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and so itor RFID tag implant or wristband that can be activated
on. The biomonitor can also analyze blood, sweat, and to call for help and then to serve as a homing beacon
skin samples. Used by medical services and patients for DocWagon armed ambulances and fast-response
who need to monitor their own health, biomonitors can choppers in the area. Rupture of the band will also alert
be worn as an armband or wristband or integrated into DocWagon representatives.
clothing or commlinks.
Upon receiving a call from a contract-holder,
Wireless: The biomonitor shares information with oth- DocWagon franchises guarantee arrival of an armed
er wireless devices you designate and can auto-alert trauma team in less than ten minutes, or else the emer-
DocWagon or another ambulance service if your life gency medical care is free. Resuscitation service carries
signs reach certain thresholds. a high premium (5,000 nuyen), as does High Threat Re-
sponse (HTR) service (5,000 nuyen). In the latter case,
Disposable syringe: Made of plastic with a metal the client or their next of kin is expected to pay med-
needle, syringes are intended for a single use. Syring- ical bills up to and including death compensation for
es can be used to apply injection-vector toxins. An un- DocWagon employees (20,000 nuyen per cold body).
cooperative victim might need to be immobilized or at
least grappled first. Gold service includes one free resuscitation per year,
a fifty percent reduction on HTR service charges, and a
Medkit: The medkit includes drug supplies, bandages, ten percent discount on extended care. Platinum service
tools, and a (talkative) doctor expert system that can ad- includes four free resuscitations per year and a fifty per-
vise the user on techniques to handle most typical medical cent discount on extended care. There is no charge for
emergencies (including fractures, gunshot wounds, chem- HTR services, but employee death compensation still
ical wounds, and poisoning, as well as offering advice for applies. Super-platinum subscribers are entitled to five
the treating of shock, handling blood loss, and of course free resuscitations a year and do not have to pay for HTR
performing resuscitations). Add the medkit’s rating to your services or death compensation.
limit on First Aid tests. A medkit of Rating 3 or lower fits
in a pocket; at Rating 4+ it’s a handheld case. The medkit Doc Wagon does not respond to calls on extrater-
needs to be restocked after every (Rating) uses. ritorial government or corporate property without per-
mission from the controlling authority.
Wireless: The Medkit provides a dice pool bonus
equal to its rating to First Aid + Logic tests, or can oper-
ate itself with a dice pool of Medkit Rating x 2 and a limit
equal to its Rating.
Don’t leave home without it! DocWagon offers first- Slap patches are adhesive dermal drug dispensers
class emergency medical care on a twenty-four-hour that allow continual, safe administration of necessary
450 Electronics >>
chemicals. They are applied directly to the patient’s wireless control, preventing wireless hacking, as long as
skin. Applying a slap patch to an unwilling patient re- all of the “moving parts” are connected to your nervous
quires a successful melee attack (which deals no dam- system. An item that has a wireless bonus, however, can
age), which may be tricky if your target doesn’t have only gain that full level of functionality if wireless func-
much exposed skin (Called Shots, p. 195). tionality is active.
Antidote patch: Add the rating of an antidote patch CYBERWARE AND
to any toxin resistance tests made within twenty minutes
after it has been applied. The window to apply an anti- BIOWARE GRADES
dote patch after being poisoned is often very narrow, de-
pending on the toxin (Toxins, Drugs, and BTLs, p. 408). Cyberware and bioware implants are available in five dis-
tinct grades: standard, alphaware, betaware, deltaware,
Chem patch: This is a “blank” patch. You can add one and used. Only standard, alphaware, and used implants
dose of a chemical or toxin (p. 408) to it, and then apply are available for purchase at character creation. The prices
it later to a patient (or yourself). for cyberware and bioware presented in this chapter are
for standard ‘ware. When purchasing implants of other
Stim patch: This patch removes a number of boxes grades, apply the Essence Cost, Cost, and Availability ad-
of Stun damage equal to its Rating. This effect lasts for justments as noted on the Implant Grades table.
(Rating x 10) minutes—after that period of time, the pa-
tient takes (Rating + 1) unresisted Stun damage (which All accessories and add-ons must be of the same
may be well become physical overflow by that point). grade as the implant to which they are added.
While a stimulant patch is in effect, the character is
unable to rest. Frequent use of stimulant patches may ‘WARE GRADES
require Addiction Tests. Treat it as Addiction Rating 2,
Addiction Threshold 1. GRADES ESS COST AVAIL COST
Tranq patch: This patch inflicts Stun damage equal to Alphaware
its rating, resisted with only Body. Betaware x 1.0 — x1
Deltaware x 0.8 +2 x 1.2
Trauma patch: If placed on a dying patient, it allows Used x 0.7 +4 x 1.5
her to make an immediate stabilization test (Physical x 0.5 +8 x 2.5
Damage Overflow, p. 209) using her Body instead of x 1.25 –4 x 0.75
First Aid or Medicine.
Wireless: Instead of making a test, the patient is auto-
matically stabilized immediately.
Rating x 50¥
Antidote patch (Rating 1-6) Rating RECOVERY TIME
Chem patch 6 Rating x 25¥ Getting cyberware and bioware installed hurts. When
Rating x 20¥ you have an augmentation implanted (after character cre-
Stim patch (Rating 1-6) Rating x 2 ation), your Physical and Stun Condition Monitors each
500¥ take a number of boxes of damage equal to the item’s
Tranq patch (Rating 1-10) Rating x 2 Essence Cost x 3 (but never into overflow). Most cyber-
clinics and body shops offer recovery rooms for patients
Trauma patch 6 to rest and heal up after cybersurgery, but beware the
sterility and cleanliness of the less-reputable chop shops.
Cyberware and bioware augmentations are every-
where in 2075. For the rich, the poor, and everyone in These small complex devices are inserted into the head
between, bodyshops on every street corner offer minor and typically constructed via less-invasive nanosur-
modifications at your convenience, legally and other- gery. Items that have a Capacity Cost [in brackets] may
wise. Even the gang-bangers on those street corners be installed in cyberlimbs instead, costing Capacity
might be equipped with cybernetic vision, hearing en- rather than Essence.
hancements, or datajacks.
Commlink: The implanted version of the commlink
Besides their wireless functionality, almost all cyber- (p. 438) comes with a sim module at no additional cost.
ware devices are equipped with a neural interface (not An integral headware commlink is popular with corpo-
to be confused with DNI) that lets you mentally activate rate operatives, company men, and sararimen on the
and control their functions. You can use this in place of go. Generally speaking, commlinks with a Device Rat-
451<< Electronics
ing of less than 5 are not installed inside your skull, for tifies, and records smells, and can play them back later.
security reasons. The massively enhanced olfactory capabilities of a sniff-
er open up a whole new world of sensory data to you—
Control rig: This implant harnesses the raw data-co- you’ll be able to sense things that ordinarily only a scent-
ordinating and synchronization power of the middle hound would. You can smell people’s emotions in their
brain for the express purpose of directly manipulating sweat (and if applicable, the maker’s mark of their tailored
rigged vehicles and drones (and other devices with rig- pheromones), traces of ammunition propellant, explo-
ger interface, like turrets). It has a built-in sim module, so sives, or biological and chemical warfare compounds—
you can use it for DNI with other devices. It also comes the list goes on and on. A cut-off function allows you
with a universal data connector and about a meter of to completely ignore intense odors, possibly the most
retractable cable (it’s like getting a free datajack). When convenient feature for use in your daily life. The olfactory
you’re jumped into a vehicle or drone, the control rig booster can even be used in VR to create an even more
provides its Rating as a dice pool bonus on all Vehicle immersive experience. Add the booster’s rating as a dice
skill tests. Additionally, the rating of your control rig is pool modifier to your scent-based Perception Tests.
added to the Handling and Speed of any vehicle you are
jumped into. As if that was not enough, your Vehicle Test Simrig: An implanted version of the simrig described
thresholds are reduced by the rating of your control rig on p. 439, this headware implant allows you to record sen-
(to a minimum of 1), again when you’re jumped in. sory data for later replay (or sale if you’re really interesting).
Cortex bomb: An illegal method of coercion, cranial Skilljack: This headware interprets knowsofts and lin-
bombs come in three flavors: kink, microbomb, and area guasofts for your brain so you can use them as though
bomb. Kink bombs are designed to damage only part they were your own. It can also run activesofts, but they
of the victim’s head, either rendering specific headware only act as Knowledge Skills unless you have skillwires
useless or damaging the brain to cause blindness, stut- (p. 455). The total of all skills running on a skilljack can-
tering, hearing loss, or some other trauma. Of course, not exceed its Rating x 2, and the maximum Rating for
sometimes when something in your head explodes, things a skill is the skilljack’s Rating. Starting skills from storage
don’t go exactly as planned and the result is a bit … much. and stopping skills is a Free Action. You can’t use Edge
The microbomb version is just powerful enough to kill the with skills you have through a skilljack. If you have more
unfortunate bearer. Area cranial bombs kill the victim, and than one skilljack, only one of them can operate at a time.
they also affect a blast area exactly like a fragmentation
grenade (p. 434). The bombs can be remote- or time-det- Wireless: The extra boost from the Matrix increases
onated, or even set to discharge by sound recognition. If the total Rating limit to the skilljack’s Rating x 3.
installed in cyberlimbs, these bombs are designed to de-
stroy specific components (kink), the entire limb (regular), Taste Booster: The taste booster performs the same
or blast the area and damage the bearer (microbomb). function as the olfactory booster, except that it enhanc-
es your taste buds. The taste booster also lets you expe-
Cyberdeck: Simply put, you’ve got a deck in your rience gustatory data in AR and VR environments with a
body. This is a very convenient for ther hacker on the go “taste track”—caveat emptor on that one, chummer. Ap-
and is often sported by G-men and military deckers. ply the taste booster’s rating as a dice pool bonus to any
Perception Test involving taste.
Datajack: A datajack gives you a direct neural inter-
face (p. 222), which can be handy in a lot of situations. Tooth Compartment: The oldest cyberware on the
It also comes with a retractable spool of micro-cable market, these hollow teeth come in storage and break-
(about a meter long) that lets you directly interface able models. The storage model is used to smuggle real-
with any electronic device via a universal access cable. ly, really tiny contraband, the size of a datachip or a real-
Datajacks are equipped with their own cache of storage ly small RFID tag. Items can be removed with a wireless
memory for downloading or saving files. Two datajack signal or hidden catch. The breakable model triggers a
users can string a fiberoptic cable between themselves linked effect (such as starting a tracking signal, or releas-
to conduct a private mental communication immune to ing deadly poison into your mouth—make sure you re-
radio interception or eavesdropping. member which is which!) with a wireless signal, or it may
trigger when you bite down hard on the tooth.
Wireless: The datajack gives you Rating 1 noise re-
duction. Ultrasound Sensor: This cyberware is exactly like the
ultrasound sensor. When active, it replaces your normal
Data Lock: This special datajack is popular with cou- vision. It can be switched between active sonar, passive
riers, spies, diplomatic aids, and executive liasions. Ef- sonar, and off with a Free Action.
fectively, it turns the character in whom it is installed into
a walking data safe. The data lock has a Device Rating Voice Modulator: This implant gives you perfect
equal to its own rating, and it protects the data from any- pitch and enormous vocal flexibility and distortion ca-
one not authorized to access it (possibly including you). pabilities. You can speak with an increased volume (up
Data locks are not wireless enabled; they can only be to 100 decibels) without strain, shift your pitch to make
accessed via universal data connector. In fact the bearer perfect bird calls or mellifluous singing, and most im-
of the implant doesn’t have mental access to the data— portantly, uncanny vocal impressions. The modulator
they’re only a carrier. can also play back (and more or less perfectly imitate) a
recorded or captured voice. Add the Rating of the mod-
Olfactory Booster: This cybersnout enhances, iden- ulator to your dice pool for Impersonation skill tests.
452 Electronics >>
HEADWARE Image link: An implanted version
DEVICE ESSENCE CAPACITY AVAIL COST of the image link enhancement (p.
Commlink 0.2 [2] — 2,000¥ + Commlink Cost 444).
Low-light vision: An implanted
Control Rig version of the low-light vision en-
Rating 1 1 — 5R 43,000¥ hancement (p. 444).
Rating 2 2 — 10R 97,000¥ Ocular drone: This enhancement
only affects one eyeball per purchase.
Rating 3 3 — 15R 208,000¥ A small spyball drone is placed in your
Cortex Bomb 0 [1] 12F 10,000¥ ocular cavity. The spyball functions as a
Kink normal cybereye (with all the relevant
enhancements) until you remove it and
Microbomb 0 [2] 16F 25,000¥ control it as though it were a Horizon
Area Bomb 0 [3] 20F 40,000¥ Flying Eye (p. 465). When it’s out and
0.4 [4] 5R 5,000¥ + deck cost you have only one eye, you suffer a
–3 dice pool penalty to all tasks. If you
Datajack 0.1 — 2 1,000¥
replace both eyes with drones, you’re
Data Lock (Rating 1–12) 0.1 — Rating x 2 Rating x 1,000¥ effectively blind while those drones
Olfactory Booster (1–6)
0.2 — Rating x 3 Rating x 4,000¥ are operating apart from you. An ocu-
lar drone is obviously not available as a
Simrig 0.2 — 12R 4,000¥
retinal modification.
Skilljack (Rating 1–6) Rating x 0.1 — Rating x 2 Rating x 20,000¥ Retinal duplication: This highly il-
Taste Booster 0.2 — Rating x 3 Rating x 3,000¥ legal modification can be loaded with
a recording of someone else’s retina
Tooth Compartment —— 8 800¥ to create an almost perfect reproduc-
Ultrasound Sensor (Rating 1–6) 0.25 [2] 10 Rating x 12,000¥ tion. Make an Opposed Test between
Voice Modulator (Rating 1–6) 0.2 — Rating x 3F Rating x 5,000¥ the retinal duplication Rating and the
retinal scanner Rating (Security De-
vices, p. 362).
Smartlink: An implanted version of
EYEWARE the smartlink vision enhancement (p.
444). Note that a smartlink installed in a natural eye or in
Probably the most common piece of cyberware avail- a pair of cybereyes is more effective than a smartlink in-
able in 2075 is cybereyes. Originally designed to gift stalled in an external device: see Smartgun System, p. 444.
the blind with normal sight, cybereyes allow for far
more than normal human vision. While they still car- Thermographic vision: An implanted version of the
ry a social stigma in places, and the idea continues thermographic vision enhancement (p. 444).
to carry a degree of squeamishness about it, it’s not
entirely uncommon for people with perfectly good Vision enhancement: An implanted version of vi-
natural eyes to trade them out for cybernetic replace- sion enhancement (p. 444).
ments. Cybereyes are available in any shape or color,
Vision magnification: An implanted version of the
vision magnification enhancement (p. 444).
from “almost natural” to all chrome to solid glowing EARWARE
purple and everything in between. Some models have
their color and pattern easily altered by downloading Earware, like eyeware, is available either with complete
a new skin. cybernetic replacements (with the modifications cost-
Most cybereye modifications are also offered as ret- ing Capacity) or as a direct modification to the inner
inal modifications to the natural eye. Vision enhance- ear, costing essence. As a rule, upgrades are installed
ments either take up Capacity in cybereyes or Essence in both ears to prevent an imbalance of hearing.
in natural eyes, not both. As a general rule, upgrades are Cyberears: Ordinarily, cyberears replace only the
applied to both eyes so that the user’s vision doesn’t be- inner ear, although the whole thing can be replaced
come unbalanced. as well if you like. Cyberears offer hearing with normal
Cybereyes: The basic cybereyes system features ranges (like an omni-directional microphone), a sound
20/20 vision for both eyes, an image link, and a built-in link, and Capacity for modifications and enhancements.
camera at no extra cost, as well as capacity for vision Audio enhancement: An implanted version of audio
enhancements. enhancement (p. 445).
Flare compensation: An implanted version of the Balance augmenter: The balance augmenter en-
flare compensation enhancement (p. 444). hances the inner ear’s natural balance mechanism. You
453<< Electronics
Cybereyes basic system
0.2 4 3 4,000¥ sic, etc.) from linked sources within the
Rating 1 0.3 8 6 6,000¥ user’s PAN (or headware memory, or
Rating 2 0.4 12 9 10,000¥ datajack) directly into the user’s cy-
Rating 3 0.5 16 12 14,000¥ berears. A sound link is a common com-
Rating 4 0.1 [1] 4 1,000¥ ponent of immersive AR environments,
Flare compensation 0.1 * 4 1,000¥ adding a sonic component.
Image link
Spatial recognizer: An implanted
version of the spatial recognizer en-
Low-light vision 0.1 [2] 4 1,500¥ BODYWARE
Ocular drone — [6] 6 6,000¥ Bodyware covers the goods to make
Retinal duplication (Rating 1–6) 0.1 [1] 16F Rating x 20,000¥ you stronger, faster, better protected,
Smartlink 0.2 [3] 8R 4,000¥ and altogether more robotic, if that’s
your thing. Bodyware cannot be in-
Thermographic vision 0.1 [2] 4 1,500¥ stalled into cyberlimbs unless it has a
Vision enhancement (Rating 1–3) 0.1 [Rating] Rating x 3 Rating x 4,000¥ Capacity cost [in brackets]. Bodyware
Vision magnification 0.1 [2] 4 2,000¥ with a Capacity cost can be installed
in cyberlimbs, costing capacity rather
* Included in the basic cybereyes system. than Essence.
Bone lacing: Your bones are laced
with lattice chains of reinforcing plas-
EARWARE tics or metals, improving their integri-
ty and tensile strength (and adding to
DEVICE ESSENCE CAPACITY AVAIL COST your body’s overall weight). Bone lacing
Cyberears comes in three types: plastic, aluminum,
and titanium—you can only have one in-
Rating 1 0.2 4 3 3,000¥
stalled at a time. It gives you extra Body
Rating 2 0.3 8 6 4,500¥ for resisting physical damage, a little Ar-
Rating 3 0.4 12 9 7,500¥ mor (cumulative with other Armor, with-
out adding to Encumbrance), and chang-
Rating 4 0.5 16 12 11,000¥ es your unarmed combat damage, all
Audio Enhancement (Rating 1-3) 0.1 [Rating] Rating x 3 Rating x 4,000¥ listed in the Bone Lacing table. Bone lac-
ing is incompatible with other augmen-
Balance Augmenter 0.1 [4] 8 8,000¥
tations that add to or alter your bones
Damper 0.1 [1] 6 2,250¥ (such as bone density augmentation).
Select Sound Filter (Rating 1-6) 0.1 [Rating] Rating x 3 Rating x 3,500¥ Dermal plating: Hard plastic and
ceramic fiber plates are bonded to the
Sound Link 0.1 * 4 1,000¥ user’s skin. The plates are clearly visible,
Spatial Recognizer 0.1 [2] 8 4,000¥ and are even more obvious to the touch,
but they can be cosmetically stylized for
* Included in the basic cyberears system. color and surface texture. Dermal plat-
ing gives you bonus Armor equal to its
receive one bonus die on all tests involving balance, Rating (cumulative with other Armor,
without adding to Encumbrance). Der-
such as climbing, walking across a narrow platform, mal plating cannot be combined with other augmenta-
landing after a jump, and so on.
Damper: This implant protects the user from sudden tions to the skin that provide armor, including orthoskin.
Fingertip compartment: This compartment is hid-
increases in sound as well as damaging sound levels.
den in the hollowed out last joint of one finger, with a
The damper adds a +2 dice pool bonus to resisting sonic catch that allows the fingernail to be lifted up as an ac-
attacks, including flashbangs.
cess panel, or the entire fingertip removed. A fingertip
Select sound filter: An implanted version of the se- compartment allows the storage of micro-sized items,
lect sound filter audio enhancement, with the difference like a micro-drone, RFID tag, or datachip. Inserting or re-
that the maximum available Rating is 6 instead of 3.
moving an object takes one Complex Action. Items held
Sound link: The audio equivalent of image link, sound within are completely concealed, and the compartment
link can play audio (recordings, movie soundtracks, mu- itself has Concealability –10.
454 Electronics >>
MATERIAL BODY BOOST ARMOR UNARMED allows you to use activesofts with a rating up to your
Plastic +1 +1 DAMAGE skillwire’s rating, but only if that activesoft is running on
Aluminum +2 +2 (STR + 1)P your implanted skilljack. Skillwires are incompatible with
Titanium +3 +3 (STR + 2)P reflex recorder bioware.
(STR + 3)P
Wireless: With the skillwire’s memory cache expand-
One popular trick is to use a fingertip compartment ed, all the skills you use with it receive +1 to the relevant
to hold a monofilament whip (p. 422), with the fingertip inherent Limit (Physical, Mental, or Social).
acting as control weight. Extending a monofilament whip
from a fingertip compartment takes a Simple Action, while Smuggling compartment: For items that won’t fit in
spooling it back up requires one Complex Action. There’s a fingertip but that you still can’t afford to have found,
no telling how many actions it will take for people to stop smuggling compartments can be placed in parts of the
being impressed at what just came out of your finger. body that can be easily hollowed out/replaced. This
includes ribs and the space between them, hip bones,
Wireless: Inserting or removing an item in a fingertip shoulder blades, and so forth. These compartments can
compartment takes a Simple Action. allow the storage of small and mini-sized items (nothing
bigger than a light pistol typically; your gamemaster will
Grapple gun: This is an implanted version of the let you know if something’s too big). The compartment
grapple gun described on p. 449. It doesn’t store any has a Concealability of –10. Inserting or retrieving an ob-
rope inside it, but you can attach an external rope before ject requires a Complex Action.
you shoot the grapple.
Wireless: Inserting or retrieving an object takes a Sim-
Internal air tank: The internal air tank replaces part ple Action.
of one lung with a pressurized internal air reserve that
allows you to hold your breath for up to (Rating) hours. Wired reflexes: This highly invasive, painful,
This allows extended underwater operations and com- life-changing operation adds a multitude of neural boost-
plete protection from inhalation-vector toxin attacks as ers and adrenaline stimulators in strategic locations
long as you’re holding your breath. Activating or de-ac- throughout your body work to catapult you into a whole
tivating the tank is a Simple Action. Refilling the air tank new world where everything around you seems to move
with pressurized air through an intake valve (located un- in slow motion. The system includes both manual and
der your ribcage) takes five minutes, or you can refill it wireless triggers to turn the wired reflexes on and off;
through six hours of normal breathing. activating or deactivating the trigger manually requires a
Complex Action, doing so wirelessly is a Simple Action.
Wireless: Activating or de-activating the tank is a Free When activated, each rating point of wired reflexes gives
Action. You’re always aware of the tank’s exact air level you +1 Reaction (and accompanying bonus to Initiative)
and purity. and +1D6 Initiative Die. Wired reflexes are incompatible
with augmentations that affect Reaction or Initiative.
Muscle replacement: Why take the time to exercise
when you can just install a physique? Vat-grown syn- Wireless: The system is compatible with wireless re-
thetic muscles replace or augment your own, and cal- action enhancers, and the total Reaction bonus from
cium treatments and skeletal reinforcement contribute both systems can be above +4 if both systems have
to your overall strength. It increases both your Strength wireless active.
and Agility attributes by its rating. It cannot be combined
with other augmentations to the muscles, including CYBERLIMBS
muscle augmentation or muscle toner bioware.
In today’s world of transplant-friendly bioware, the use
Reaction enhancers: By replacing specific, isolat- of cyberlimbs is sometimes viewed as crude and out-
ed vertebrae of your spinal column with segments of dated. On the other hand, they are cheap and easy to
superconducting material, your reactions to events be- service and upgrade, so in the end they became even
come quicker. Add the Rating of reaction enhancers to more popular for the less fortunate. Since cyberlimbs
your Reaction attribute (and remember to adjust Initiative are more capable than most natural limbs, and you can
and Physical limit accordingly). Reaction enhancers are load them up with all sorts of wiz tech, this kind of cy-
incompatible with all other enhancements to Reaction, berware has stayed in high demand.
including wired reflexes.
Cyberskulls and –torsos are included in the “cyber-
Wireless: Reaction enhancers are compatible with a limbs” category, though they are in fact shells rather
wireless wired reflexes system, and the total bonus Re- than full replacements (or actual limbs).
action from the two augmentations can be above +4 if
both systems have wireless activated. Cyberlimbs have their own Strength and Agility rat-
ings. When a particular limb is used for a test (such as
Skillwires: Skillwires are a system of neuromuscular leading an attack with your cyberarm), use the attribute
controllers that overlie the body’s natural nervous sys- for that limb (natural or cyber); in any other case, take the
tem; they are capable of aiding or completely overriding average value of all limbs involved in the task. If a task
muscular movement, controlled by the “muscle mem- requires the careful coordination of several limbs, use the
ory” played through a skilljack (p. 452). This system
455<< Electronics
Bone Lacing 8,000¥ tificial limbs unless you
0.5 — 8R cover them with clothing.
Aluminum 1 — 12R 18,000¥ They are often chromed
Titanium 1.5 — 16R 30,000¥ or matte colors but visi-
Dermal Plating (Rating 1-6) Rating x 0.5 — (Rating x4)R Rating x 3,000¥ bly mechanical in nature.
Fingertip Compartment [1] Some folks like them
0.1 4 3,000¥ glaringly obvious and
Grapple Gun 0.5 [4] 8 5,000¥ outlandish, some find the
Internal Air Tank (Rating 1-3) 0.25 [3] Rating Rating x 4,500¥ artificiality repellant and
Muscle Replacement (Rating 1-4) Rating x 1 — (Rating x 5)R Rating x 25,000¥ disturbing. This can affect
Reaction Enhancers (Rating 1-3) Rating x 0.3 — (Rating x 5)R Rating x 13,000¥ your social dealings in
some circles, especially
Skillwires (Rating 1-6) Rating x 0.1 — Rating x 4 Rating x 20,000¥
upper-crust society and
Smuggling Compartment 0.2 [2] 6 7,500¥ the purist crowd.
Wired Reflexes (Rating 1-3) 2 — 8R 39,000¥ Synthetic cyberlimbs:
Rating 1 3 — 12R 149,000¥ Synthetic limbs are dis-
Rating 2 guised as natural limbs.
The fact that they’re cy-
Rating 3 5 — 20R 217,000¥
bernetic gives them a –8
Concealability (the Cy-
bertechnology skill may
value of the weakest limb. The attributes of partial limbs replace Perception for this
(including cyberhands and –feet) may be enhanced, but test) when someone’s just looking, but synthetic limbs are
their attributes only apply for tests directly involving obviously artificial to the touch.
those limbs (such as a Strength Test when gripping some-
thing with an enhanced cyberhand). Cyberlimbs cannot CYBERLIMB
hold any bioware, nor any cyber-implants that take up Es- ENHANCEMENTS
sence rather than Capacity. Essence cost, Capacity, and
other stats can be found on the Cyberlimb table. Cyberlimb enhancements use up to the Capacity of the
Cyberlimbs have other useful features. They give cyberlimb they enhance. There are three types of en-
you 1 extra damage box on your Physical Condition hancement: Agility, Armor, and Strength. Physical attri-
Monitor for each cyberlimb you possess (ignore hands bute enhancements add their Rating to the appropriate
and feet, and partial limbs count for half a limb). They attribute of the limb. Armor enhancements provide an
have Capacity, letting you add cyberweapons and oth- Armor bonus equal to their rating, cumulative with oth-
er cyber systems that have a Capacity cost [in brackets]. er armor, without adding to Encumbrance. Each limb can
They can perform at superhuman levels with the right have only one enhancement of each type (you can’t stack
enhancements. Cyberlimbs can be dangerous even two Strength 3 enhancements in the same cyberarm), but
if they don’t have cyberweapons installed— their un- you can replace one you have with one you want.
armed Damage Value is (STR)P.
Cyberlimbs: These prosthetics are basic off-the-shelf CYBERLIMB ACCESSORIES
models. All standard cyberlimbs come with Strength
and Agility attributes of 3. These values can only be These items may only be installed in cyberlimbs; some
augmented by cyberlimb enhancements, not other aug- may only be installed in certain cyberlimbs.
Cyberarm gyromount: This accessory must be in-
Customization: You can have your cyberlimb tailored stalled in a full or partial cyberarm. When activated, coun-
and customized to your frame and musculature. Custom- terweights pop out of your wrist and a small gyro spins
ization lets you add to your limb’s base Strength and/or up to provide you with better balance and reduced recoil
Agility ratings. Each increase of either attribute increases for improving firing capability. Meanwhile, small children
the limb’s Availability and cost. If either of your limb’s at- stare at you. The effects are identical to a gyro stabiliza-
tributes are increased beyond your natural maximum for tion system (p. 432), only with Rating 3 (this effect is not
that attribute, you can’t use the cyberlimb (so don’t over- cumulative with a worn gyro stabilization system). Acti-
do it), but you can still add cyberlimb enhancements. You vating or deactivating the system is a Simple Action.
customize your cyberlimb when you buy it; you can’t cus- Wireless: Activating or deactivating the system is a
tomize it after purchase, but you can add enhancements. Free Action.
Cyberlimbs may be either obvious or synthetic. Cyberarm slide: An integral version of the hidden
Obvious cyberlimbs: These implants are immedi- arm-slide, the cyberarm slide hides a hold-out, taser, or
456 Electronics >>
Obvious limbs 1 20 4
0.25 4 2 15,000¥
Full arm 0.45 10 4 15,000¥
Full leg 0.45 12 4 5,000¥
Hand/foot 1.5 10 12 10,000¥
Lower arm 0.75 4 16 10,000¥
Lower leg 20,000¥
Torso 1 8 4 10,000¥
Skull 1 10 4
Synthetic limbs 0.25 2 2 20,000¥
Full arm 0.45 5 4 20,000¥
Full leg 0.45 6 4 6,000¥
Hand/foot 1.5 5 12 12,000¥
Lower arm 0.75 2 16 12,000¥
Torso — — Cyberlimb + 1 15,000¥
Skull COST
Each STR or AGI point above 3
Agility (Rating 1-3) — Rating (Rating x 3)R Rating x 6,500¥
Armor (Rating 1-3) — Rating Rating x 5 Rating x 3,000¥
Strength (Rating 1-3) — Rating (Rating x 3)R Rating x 6,500¥
Cyberarm gyromount — [8] 12F 6,000¥
Cyberarm slide — [3] 12R 3,000¥
Cyber holster — [5] 8R 2,000¥
Hydraulic jacks (Rating 1-6) — 9 Rating x 2,500¥
Large smuggling compartment — [Rating] 6 8,000¥
light pistol inside your cyberarm, concealing it from nor- limit for jumping and sprinting, adds twenty percent to
mal vision. As a Free Action, you can ready the weapon your maximum jump distance, and reduces your falling
in the slide. distance by two meters for the purpose of calculating
falling damage.
Cyber holster: You can hold a taser or any pistol- or
smaller-sized weapon within the holster, completely en- Wireless: The jacks add a +1 dice pool bonus to tests
closed until you activate it. Inserting or retrieving a weap- involving jumping, sprinting, or lifting with your legs.
on takes one Simple Action. A cyber holster can also be
used as a smuggling compartment to store items no larg- Large smuggling compartment: This is a larger ver-
er than a pistol (the gamemaster has final discretion). sion of the smuggling compartment (p. 455). It can hold
something the size of a heavy pistol or a small SMG
Wireless: Readying a weapon from the holster is a (gamemaster’s discretion—think breadbox size as a
Free Action. guide). Getting something out of or putting something
into it takes a Complex Action.
Hydraulic jacks: This implant requires you to have
two cyberlegs with a hydraulic jack of identical Ratings Wireless: Getting something out of or putting some-
in each leg. Each Rating point adds a +1 to your Physical thing into it takes a Simple Action.
457<< Electronics
Cyber hold-out 4 (6) 6P — SA — 2 (m) / 6 (c)
7P — SA — 10 (m) / 15 (c)
Light cyber pistol 6 (8) 6P — 1 18 (m) / 32 (c)
7P –1 SA / BF — 8 (m) / 12 (c)
Cyber machine pistol 4 (6) 7P — SA 2 18 (m) / 32 (c)
10P –1 — 4 (m) / 10 (c)
Heavy cyber pistol 4 (6) as Grenade SA / BF — 2 (m) / 6 (c)
as Grenade SS
Cyber submachine gun 4 (6) SS
Cyber shotgun 4 (6)
Cyber microgrenade launcher 4 (6)
Hold-out pistol 0.1 [2] 8R 2,000¥
Cyber-implant weapons can be installed into cyberlimbs Light pistol 0.25 [4] 10R 3,900¥
or directly into the meat. They’re popular with the deni- Machine pistol 0.5 [6] 12R 3,500¥
zens of urban wastelands like the Barrens, and with street Heavy pistol 0.5 [6] 12R 4,300¥
samurai who never want to go anywhere unarmed. Submachine gun 1 [8] 12R 4,800¥
Shotgun 1.25 [10] 12R 8,500¥
Cyberguns: Generally speaking, these are mount- Grenade launcher 1.5 [15] 20F 30,000¥
ed in a cyberarm or directly into a natural arm, but you External clip port 0.1 [1] — +1,000¥
could install one in a leg or even your torso. Cyberguns Laser sight — [1] — +1,000¥
are distinct from cyber holsters in that the gun itself can Silencer/suppressor — [2] — +1,000¥
be controlled and fired directly, as an extension of your CYBER MELEE ESS CAP AVAIL COST
body. Depending on the size of the gun, cyberguns take Hand blade (retractable) 0.25 [2] 10F 2,500¥
up part of your forearm or replace your arm altogether, Hand razors (retractable) 0.2 [2] 8F 1,250¥
with the functional parts of the arm built around the gun. Spurs (retractable) 0.3 [3] 12F 5,000¥
Smaller cyberguns fire through a hidden port in the palm Shock hand 0.25 [4] 8R 5,000¥
or knuckles, while larger cyberguns fold back the user’s
hand at the wrist. IMPLANT WEAPONS AP
For extra concealment, cyberguns are built from WEAPONS REACH DAMAGE –3
mostly non-metallic compounds, and any metallic Hand blade — (STR + 2)P –2
parts are incorporated into the (cyber) arm’s structure. Hand razors — (STR + 1)P –5
All cyberguns have internal magazines (m) and can be Spurs — (STR + 3)P
equipped with a hidden external ammo port. Howev- Shock hand —
er, once you attach a clip to the side of your forearm or 9S(e)
the back of your elbow, the cybergun becomes kind of
obvious. Laser sights and silencers/sound suppressors and styles. Spurs are one to three blades or spikes pro-
are also available; other weapon accessories can’t be truding from the back of your wrist or your knuckles,
installed in cyberguns. All cyberguns are pre-equipped sticking out from your fist as much as thirty centime-
with smartgun systems (p. 433). ters. The shock hand is like a shock glove built into the
palm of your hand, perfect for inflicting a nasty shock to
Cyber melee weapons: For a quarter of a centu- anything it comes into contact with. Shock hands deal
ry now, cyber-implant melee weapons have been the Electricity damage (p. 170) and have ten charges in each
classic, favored toys of razor guys, from street muscle hand; when plugged in they recharge at a rate of one
to professional urban samurai. They are available as cy- charge per ten seconds.
berarm upgrades, but can also be installed directly into
the flesh. Cyber weapons can be readied via muscle
flexture, neural impulse, or wireless signal. Attacks with
cyber melee weapons use Unarmed Combat skill and
the Physical limit.
Hand razors are blades two to three centimeters long,
made of chromed steel or carbon fiber. They either slide
out from beneath your fingernails or replace them en-
tirely. Hand blades slip out the side of the hand opposite
the thumb, parallel to the hand, and while they are uni-
versally thin and sharp, they come in a variety of shapes
458 Electronics >>
BIOWARE ligament augmentation lead to more fluid muscle and
joint action. Enhanced articulation provides you with a
Bioware is subtler, more holistic, and less invasive than +1 dice pool modifier to your Escape Artist skill and a
cyberware, at the cost of being substantially pricier. In- +1 increase to your Physical limit (cumulative with other
stead of replacing body parts with machines, bioware limit modifiers).
augments the body’s own functions and integrates trans-
planted organs that function as natural features. The Muscle augmentation: This biological weaving treat-
application of biotechnology is a tricky business, as the ment enhances existing muscle tissue, rather than replac-
fine balance of homeostasis between the body’s organic ing it with vat-grown muscles. Specially grown muscle
systems must be maintained. In the last decade, bionics cables are woven into existing muscle fibers, enhancing
and bio-engineering techniques have taken bioware from muscle mass and brute strength while providing a bulk-
cutting edge to commonplace. Bioware is more expen- ier look. Muscle augmentation adds its rating to your
sive monetarily, costs less Essence, and is much harder to Strength. This bioware is incompatible with augmenta-
spot. Also—and we’d like to think this goes without say- tions that increase Strength, including the muscle re-
ing—bioware has no wireless capability at all. placements cyberware.
Adrenaline pump: This enhanced gland is implanted Muscle toner: This treatment increases muscle fi-
in the lower abdomen, connected to both supradrenal ber elasticity in existing muscle tension, resulting in in-
glands. When dormant, the pump is merely a reservoir creased muscle tension and flexibility while providing a
for adrenaline. When activated, a small muscular sac con- smooth and ropy physique. Muscle toner adds its rating
tracts, sending a surge of concentrated adrenaline into to your Agility. This bioware is incompatible with aug-
the blood stream. Physical and emotional stress can force mentations that increase Agility, including the muscle
your pump to activate if you fail a Composure Test (p. replacements cyberware.
152); otherwise you can trigger it as a Free Action.
Orthoskin: A web of biofibers in the skin provides the
While the pump is active, you ignore injury modifiers equivalent of personal armor while being virtually indis-
and don’t fall unconscious, even if your Stun Condition tinguishable from natural skin. Orthoskin adds its Rating
Monitor is filled. You can’t rest, but the adrenaline pump’s to your Armor Rating, and is cumulative with other Ar-
Rating is added to your Strength, Agility, Reaction, and mor. Orthoskin cannot be combined with skin augmenta-
Willpower attributes. The pump works for Rating x 1D6 tions that give you Armor, including dermal plating.
Combat Turns (the pump can’t be switched off early).
When time’s up, you crash and take Stun damage equal Pathogenic defense: This enhanced spleen can pro-
to the number of Combat Turns the pump was active (use duce more effective and aggressive white blood cells for
your natural Body + Willpower to resist the damage). combating pathogens. Pathogenic defense adds its Rating
to Disease Resistance Tests.
After the effects end, your attribute values return to
normal and you stop ignoring injury modifiers or uncon- Platelet factories: Platelet factories increase your
sciousness from Stun damage. After use, the pump re- body’s ability to handle Physical damage by accelerat-
quires 1 hour to regenerate its supply. During that time, it ing the production of platelets within bone marrow and
cannot be activated. their concentration in the blood, which helps stop bleed-
ing faster. Any time you would take 2 or more boxes of
Bone density augmentation: The molecular struc- damage to your Physical Condition Monitor, reduce the
ture of your bones is altered to increase density and damage by one box.
tensile strength. Ligaments are strengthened, and the
increased bone density increases your weight a bit. Your Skin pocket: This skin flap can be located anywhere
Body attribute is increased by the bone density Rating on your body. A nerveless “sheath” of flesh concealed
for the purpose of damage resistance tests. You also by the flap is perfect for hiding a small object—it’s the
deal Physical damage in unarmed combat, based on the bioware version of a smuggling compartment (p. 455).
Rating of the augmentation (see the Bone Density Aug- The skin pocket has a Concealability of –10. It takes a
mentation table). Bone density augmentation is incom- Complex Action to add or remove an item from a skin
patible with other augmentations to the bones, includ- pocket.
ing bone lacing cyberware.
Suprathyroid gland: Placed on top of your existing
Cat’s eyes: These transgenic vat-grown implants are thyroid gland, the suprathyroid gland supersedes the met-
very literally cats’ eyes with a modified DNA profile and abolic functions of your thyroid. The enhanced metabolism
occipital connecting structures. The structure of cat’s eyes produces more energy, supercharging you. While you’re
amplifies light and enhances night vision, providing low- supercharged, you might want to supersize—to fuel your
light vision. Cat’s eyes are slit and reflective, just like, well, optimized metabolism, you’ll need to eat twice as much as
a cat’s. This bioware is obviously not compatible with cy- normal. You get a +1 to your Agility, Body, Reaction, and
berware eye enhancements or replacements. Strength, along with a 25 percent boost in lifestyle costs.
And you might get a bit hyperactive.
Enhanced articulation: A number of procedures like
joint-surface coating, re-lubrication, and tendon and Symbiotes: Tailored micro-organisms in your blood-
stream greatly enhance your healing. Add the Rating of
the symbiotes as a dice pool modifier on healing tests
459<< Electronics
Adrenaline pump (Rating 1–3) Rating x 0.75 (Rating x 6)F Rating x 55,000¥
(Physical and Stun). However, the symbi- Bone density augmentation (Rating 1–4) Rating x 0.3 (Rating x 4) Raxing x 5,000¥
otes have unusual dietary requirements Cat’s eye 0.1 4 4,000¥
that must be met to keep them alive. Enhanced articulation 0.3 12 24,000¥
You need to pay (Rating x 200) nuyen
per month for special symbiote food, Muscle augmentation (Rating 1–4) Rating x 0.2 (Rating x 5)R Rating x 31,000¥
although if you have a High Lifestyle or Muscle toner (Rating 1–4) Rating x 0.2 (Rating x 5)R Rating x 32,000¥
better it’s covered. Orthoskin (Rating 1–4) Rating x 0.25 (Rating x 4)R Rating x 6,000¥
Synthacardium: Artificially en- Pathogenic Defense (Rating 1–6) Rating x 0.1 (Rating x 2) Rating x 4,500¥
hanced myocardium allows cardiovas- Platelet factories 0.2 12 17,000¥
cular functions to be performed more Skin pocket 0.1 4 12,000¥
efficiently, enabling the heart to keep Suprathyroid gland 0.7 20R 140,000¥
the blood better oxygenated. The syn-
thacardium adds its Rating as a dice Symbiotes (Rating 1–4) Rating x 0.2 (Rating x 5) Rating x 3,500¥
pool bonus to your tests using skills in Synthacardium (Rating 1–3) Rating x 0.1 (Rating x 4) Rating x 30,000¥
the Athletics skill group.
Tailored pheromones: These pher- Tailored pheromones (Rating 1–3) Rating x 0.2 (Rating x 4)R Rating x 31,000¥
Toxin extractor (Rating 1–6) Rating x 0.2 (Rating x 3) Rating x 4,800¥
omones are specially tailored to subtly Tracheal filter (Rating 1–6) Rating x 0.1 (Rating x 3) Rating x 4,500¥
influence others and can be released
at will. Tailored pheromones add their DAMAGE AP
Rating as a dice pool modifier to your UNARMED COMBAT ATTACKS REACH
skill tests for skills in the Acting and In- Bone density Rating 1 — (STR)P —
fluence skill groups, but only when the Bone density Rating 2 — (STR + 1)P —
person you’re using them on is within a Bone density Rating 3 — (STR + 2)P —
comfortable conversation range—if they
can’t smell you, the pheromones don’t Bone density Rating 4 — (STR + 3)P —
work. Tailored pheromones also work
on you to make you feel better about
yourself; increase your Social limit by the Mnemonic enhancer: This highly concentrated
Rating. Tailored pheromones have no effect on magical growth of grey matter gets attached to the brain’s mem-
abilities and tests. ory centers, improving both short- and long-term mem-
Toxin extractor: A specially cultivated cluster of cells ory. Add the enhancer’s Rating as a dice pool bonus to
in your liver improves its filtering capabilities. The toxin your Knowledge, Language, and memory-related tests
extractor adds its Rating as a dice pool modifier to all your as well as to your Mental limit.
Pain editor: This cluster of specialized nervous tis-
Toxin Resistance Tests (Toxins, Drugs, and BTLs, p. 408).
Tracheal Filter: Implanted at the top of your trachea, sue is designed to filter sensory stimuli. If the pain editor
this organ can absorb airborne impurities and keep them is active, this allows you to ignore all injury modifiers,
from reaching your lungs. The filter adds its Rating as a and you even stay conscious when your Stun Condi-
dice pool modifier to Toxin Resistance Tests versus inha- tion Monitor is completely full. You feel no pain—you’re
blissfully, dangerously, recklessly unaware of the extent
lation vector toxins (Toxins, Drugs, and BTLs, p. 408).
of damage you’ve taken without either performing a
CULTURED BIOWARE self-examination (Observe In Detail action) or being in-
formed by a biomonitor (p. 450). While active, the pain
Cultured bioware must be tailor-made for the body in editor increases your Willpower by 1 and decreases your
which it will eventually find a home. This means it is Intuition by 1. Additionally, all tactile Perception Tests
more expensive and takes longer to acquire than the you make receive a dice pool modifier of –4.
off-the-shelf kind.
Reflex recorder: The first step in this particular reci-
Cerebral booster: The convolutions and gyri of your pe is growing some extra neural material in a small clus-
cerebrum are augmented and amplified with additional ter. When that’s fully cooked, you drop it in the skull and
nervous tissue, improving overall brain function. Your ce- attach it to the nerves for motor reflexes. Then boom,
rebral booster increases your Logic attribute by its Rating. you’ve got a metahuman with better muscle memory.
Damage compensator: Damage compensators are The reflex recorder adds 1 to the Rating of a specific skill
essentially cut-offs stored in the nervous pathways that linked to a Physical attribute. Multiple recorders may be
report pain from the body back to your brain. You ig- taken for multiple skills, but you can’t implant two reflex
nore a number of damage boxes (your choice of Phys- recorders for the same skill. Reflex recorder bioware is in-
ical, Stun, or a combination of the two) equal to the compatible with skillwires cyberware.
compensator’s Rating before determining your injury Sleep regulator: The sleep regulator is a modifica-
modifiers. tion to the hypothalamus, allowing for longer periods of
460 Electronics >>
Rating x 0.2 (Rating x 6) Rating x 31,500¥ Force x 5,000¥
Cerebral booster Force x 9,000¥
(Rating 1-3) Rating x 2,000¥ FOCI AVAIL Force x 18,000¥
Enchanting Focus (Force x 3)R Force x 3,000¥
Damage compensators Rating x 0.1 (Rating x 3)F Rating x 9,000¥ Force x 4,000¥
(Rating 1-12) 48,000¥ Force x 4,000¥
14,000¥ Force x 7,000¥
Mnemonic enhancer Rating x 0.1 (Rating x 5) 12,000¥ Metamagic Focus (Force x 3)R
(Rating 1-3) Power Focus (Force x 4)R COST
Rating x 95,000¥ Focus Cost x 0.25
Pain editor 0.3 18F Qi Focus (Force x 3)R
Spell Focus (Force x 3)R 2,000¥
Reflex recorder (Skill) 0.1 10 500¥
Sleep regulator 0.1 6 Spirit Focus (Force x 3)R 1,000¥
Weapon Focus (Force x 4)R 1,500¥
Synaptic booster Rating x 0.5 (Rating x 6)R
(Rating 1-3) COST
Force x 500¥
wakefulness, an incredibly useful advantage for anyone FORMULAE AVAIL
with any profession, not just shadowrunners. You need Focus Formula as Focus 20¥
less sleep per day and the sleep you get is deep and Spell Formula
restful (and harder to wake you up from). The sleep regu- 8R
lator lets you get by with three hours of sleep each night Combat 4R
and stay awake for twice as long as normal before hav- Detection 4R
ing to resist sleep deprivation fatigue (p. 172). Resting Health 8R
hours for healing purposes are not affected. Illusion 8R
Synaptic booster: The nerve cells making up the spi- AVAIL
nal cord are both broadened and replicated with this bio- MAGICAL SUPPLIES Force x 2
ware, allowing for more neural bandwidth. The result is a Magical Lodge
much faster reaction time. The booster confers a bonus Materials —
of +1 Reaction (and accompanying adjustment to Initia- Reagents, per dram
tive and Physical limit) and +1D6 Initiative Die per point
of Rating. The synaptic booster cannot be combined with
any other form of Reaction or Initiative enhancement.
Magical Supplies and Spell Formulae are described in Rigger interface 4 1,000¥
Magic, p. 316. 2,500¥
Standard weapon mount 8F 5,000¥
AND DRONES Heavy weapon mount 14F
Manual operation +1
Vehicle attributes used in combat are defined in Vehicles, Rigger interface: When added to a vehicle, this lets
p. 198. Vehicles also have a non-combat attribute, Seat- you use a control rig to jump in and control it directly
ing, which determines both how many people can fit in through immersive virtual reality. The standard rigger
the vehicle (including the operator) and also, in a pinch, interface allows the vehicle to be controlled with either
additional cargo space—one ‘seat’ can also be used to a direct fiber-optic cable or wireless link. See Being the
hold up to 250 kilograms of cargo. Seating (for people) Machine, p. 265.
can be exceeded by up to 150 percent by stuffing people
inside, but doing so decreases the vehicle’s Speed and Weapon mounts: Vehicles may be equipped with a
Handling attributes by one. So you can have that extra number of weapon mounts equal to their unaugmented
person ride on the back of a dirtbike, or stuff a more-than- Body ÷ 3 (round down). Standard weapon mounts may
safe amount of people into the back of a sedan, but your hold any assault rifle or smaller-sized weapon and 250
vehicle’s not going to provide quite its usual kick. rounds of ammo. Heavy weapon mounts count as two
weapon mounts and can hold any weapon and up to
>> STREET GEAR << 500 rounds of belted ammo or up to Body rockets/mis-
siles. All weapon mounts are operated remotely and can
SIMILAR MODELS target a ninety-degree arc of fire (horizontal and verti-
cal). Manual operation can be added, but only for vehi-
No two vehicles are created equal, but many are created cles, not drones, and at extra cost.
damn close. Every commercially available vehicle listed here has
numerous cousins, copycats, clones, and competitors that have BIKES
the same name but different branding, make, and model year.
These add an opportunity for you to define your character further Bikes are operated with the Pilot Ground Craft skill.
through his personal preference and brand awareness, without Most come available with either electric or hybrid bio-
cluttering up the game system with dozens of near-identical fuel engines.
cars. There are no differences between “similar models” except
branding and, at the gamemaster’s discretion, brand-related price Dodge Scoot: This is an electric-powered scooter
tweaks and maybe a point or so difference in an attribute or two. with a top speed of don’t make me laugh. It’s compact,
fuel-efficient, and super-affordable, but no self-respect-
VEHICLE SIMILAR MODELS ing shadowrunners would be caught dead on one.
Dodge Scoot ����������������������������������� Hyundai Hopper, Entertainment Harley-Davidson Scorpion: This bike is a classic,
heavy-bodied, heavily chromed road hog, armored and
Systems Papoose styled for intimidation. Very popular with a certain type
of go-ganger, and with big, tough orks and trolls who
Harley-Davidson Scorpion ��������� BMW Blitzen, Gaz-Niki Titan don’t worry about little things like “embodying a cliche.”
This bike is even tough enough to be used in the combat
Yamaha Growler ��������������������������� Evo Falcon, Gaz-Niki Wolverine biking circuit.
Suzuki Mirage ������������������������������� Yamaha Rapier, Thundercloud Contrail Yamaha Growler: This is a durable off-road bike used
in motocross and other extreme sports events, usually
Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit ������� Peugeot 112, Opel Luna seen in photos and footage with both the bike and its
rider covered in dust. It’s popular with thrill seekers, wil-
Honda Spirit ����������������������������������� Wuxing Breezer, Toyota Gazelle derness buffs, and light-freight drug smugglers.
Hyundai Shin-Hyung ��������������������� BMW 400GT, GMC Commodore Suzuki Mirage: This Japanese racing bike is a fast,
sleek speed machine, popular with the other type of
Eurocar Westwind 3000 ��������������� Porsche Aguilar, Ferrari Diabolus go-ganger—it’s worth mentioning that both the Scorpi-
on and the Mirage are popular with the Cutters, but the
Ford Americar ������������������������������� Mercury Comet, Honda Citizen Ancients show a notable preference for the Mirage and
its cousins and competitors. Like the Scorpion, the Mi-
S-K Bentley Concordat ����������������� GMC Cadillac Nocturne, BMW X89 rage also sees some use in the combat bike circuit.
Mitsubishi Nightsky ��������������������� Rolls Royce Phaeton SUZUKI MIRAGE
Toyota Gopher ������������������������������� Gaz P–179, Wuxing Peng You 4x4 CARS
GMC Bulldog Step-Van ��������������� Renault-Fiat Eurovan, Aztechnology Cars are operated with the Pilot Ground Craft skill.
Governor Most come available with either electric or hybrid bio-
fuel engines.
Rover Model 2072 ������������������������� Ares Humvee, Toyota Coaster
Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit: This cheap, ubiquitous
Ares Roadmaster �������������������������� Esprit Industries Sororita, Renraku electric subcompact was made in North America for de-
Kamekichi cades. Even after North American production ceased,
dozens of generic rip-offs were contract produced
Samuvani-Criscraft Otter ������������� GMC Outrider, Celebrian Nymph
Yongkang-Gala Trinity ������������������� Zemlya-Poltava Crest, Celebrian Dart.
Morgan Cutlass ����������������������������� Surfstar Marine Seacop,
Messerschmidt-Kawasaki Harbor
Proteus Lamprey ��������������������������� Kalmaar Seefuchs, Toyota TLM–2
Vulkan Electronaut ����������������������� Proteus Explorer, Aztechnology Jade
Artemis Industries Nightwing ����� IFMU Spatz, Suzuki Wingman
Cessna C750 ����������������������������������� Lear-Cessna Rover
Renault Fiat-Fokker Tundra 9 ����� Airbus JPFB-03, Toyota TX13
Ares Dragon ����������������������������������� Hughes Stallion
Northrup Wasp ����������������������������� Lockheed Kestrel, Renraku Dragonfly
Ares Venture ��������������������������������� Cascade Skraacha, Zhejiang
Shenying Industries Raptor
GMC Banshee ������������������������������� Aztechnology Lobo
Federated Boeing Commuter ����� Hughes-Aerospace Daytrader
4/3 3 1 4 4 1 11 — 3,000¥
GROUNDCRAFT 4/3 4 2 8 9 1 21 — 12,000¥
Dodge Scoot 4/5 3/4 1 5 5 1 11 — 5,000¥
Harley-Davidson Scorpion 5/3 6 3 5 6 1 21 — 8,500¥
Yamaha Growler 4/3 3 2 8 4 1 22 — 10,000¥
Suzuki Mirage 3/2 4 2 8 6 1 22 — 12,000¥
C-N Jackrabbit 5/4 6 3 10 6 1 24 — 28,500¥
Honda Spirit 6/4 7 3 10 8 3 52 13 110,000¥
Hyundai Shin-Hyung 4/3 3 2 11 6 1 24 — 16,000¥
Eurocar Westwind 3000 5/4 5 2 12 12 2 44 10 65,000¥
Ford Americar 4/3 4 2 15 15 3 58 16 320,000¥
SK-Bentley Concordat 5/5 4 2 14 10 1 23 — 25,000¥
Mitsubishi Nightsky 3/3 3 1 16 12 1 26 — 35,000¥
Toyota Gopher 5/5 4 2 15 12 2 46 10 68,000¥
GMC Bulldog 3/3 3 1 18 18 3 38 8 52,000¥
Rover Model 2072
Ares Roadmaster
* Handling and Speed are listed as On Road/Off Road when slashes are used.
throughout the third world. The sheer amount of Chrys- most straightforward and anonymous way to do so. It’s
ler-Nissan’ Jackrabbits on the road means the older model not flashy, and it’s not stylish, but sometimes flashy gets
must continue to be supported. you killed.
Honda Spirit: This sleek three-wheeled two-seater Saeder-Krupp-Bentley Concordat: This luxury sedan
features an electric engine and is popular with commut- is stylish, stately, and impressive. It is fast and powerful,
ing sprawl dwellers. The spirit has a bubble hood for bad comfortable and safe, opulently appointed, and most
weather, with a chemical coating “guaranteed to neutral- importantly, a status symbol. The SK-Bentley Concordat
ize 89 percent of acid rain.” is the kind of car that simstars and orxploitation rappers
drive; a runner behind the wheel of one has made the big
Hyundai Shin-Hyung: This cheap four-door sports time indeed. Either that, or they stole it.
sedan is a fast, powerful car for corp youth to show off
their moxie to their friends in a socially acceptable and Mitsubishi Nightsky: Decadent, secure, and high-
constructive way. Available for low prices out of the box, tech, this armored limousine isn’t for you. It’s for corp
the Shin-Hyung is often heavily customized by tuners and executives, media stars, and Mr. Johnson; only in their
street racing enthusiasts to the point of being far more company will you enjoy its spacious interior and luxuri-
functional and barely recognizable.The Shin-Hyung can ous amenities.
be bought cheap, goes fast, and handles well. What else
could you want? These facts have made it popular with TRUCKS AND VANS
Triad and Yakuza elements as well as more affluent street
gangs and slumming rich-kids. Trucks and vans are operated with the Pilot Ground
Craft skill. Most come available with either electric or
Eurocar Westwind 3000: This sleek, classic, low-slung hybrid biofuel engines.
speed machine mixes business and pleasure into perfec-
tion. Situated perfectly at the intersection of luxury and Toyota Gopher: This is a classic pickup with great
performance, this is a turbo-charged sportscar that is only off-road suspension, superior handling, and a loyal cus-
a pipe dream for most slags working their way up through tomer base. This low-maintenance design is a bit dated
the shadows. Its sexy lines and powerful engine make it but sees widespread use in third world nations and rural
consistently powerful among muscle car enthusiasts. areas, especially the NAN. It’s not the most wiz thing
you could drive, although its powerful engine and stor-
Ford Americar: This four-door sedan has an afford- age space could certainly come in handy if you have
able price point, capacious luggage storage, and safety some heavy duty hauling to do.
features that, combined, made it the bestselling family
car in North America for decades before losing out to the GMC Bulldog Step-Van: This long-running top seller
Mercury Comet. The Americar is reliable and economical, from GM is a capacious (and armored!) delivery van fa-
but not fast or sexy. If you need to ferry four metahumans vored by everybody from legitimate shipping and logis-
from point A to point B, a Ford Americar is probably the tics companies to security agencies to heavy mob crews
to shadowrunners. It has lots of room for people, gear, or ing positions for up to four scuba-equipped passengers
whatever you need to move, plus an engine and chassis (while closest to a submarine, the Lamprey does not ac-
that can take a ton of punishment and keep on running. tually protect its passengers from the rigors of the deep).
Military models of the lamprey are used for aquatic in-
ROVER MODEL 2072 sertions by specially equipped naval spec ops forces,
like the UCAS Navy SEAL teams. The lamprey also in-
Rover Model 2072: Bigger and more powerful than cludes a drone rack for a single seaworthy drone of me-
it needs to be, this luxury van is the top-of-the-line in its dium or smaller size for exploring at deeper depths than
class, and just as much of a status symbol as the Bentley. the passengers can safely go.
On top of that, it packs intimidating size and all the acces-
sories for cruising through the wilderness. Or, more com- Vulkan Electronaut: This two-person mini-sub is the
monly, through elite urban neighborhoods. This expensive cheapest available in its class and is available in a wide
vehicle is gaining more and more popularity with discreet selection of utility models. It is often used on patrol and
security details for its combination of status and security. short-range reconnaissance duties and resupply runs, but
it can also be leveraged by shadowrunner teams looking
Ares Roadmaster: This is a fragging armored car, chum- for unexpected ways to approach nautical targets.
mer, and you should be grateful you can buy it legally. Le-
gitimately used to move goods over land that need secure FIXED-WING AIRCRAFT
transportation, the Roadmaster may have the speed and
handling of the tank that it is, and it may be anything but Fixed wing aircraft are operated with the Pilot Aircraft
subtle, but it can reliably shrug off small arms fire and even skill.
grenades. For many teams, that’s a worthwhile tradeoff.
Artemis Industries Nightwing: The Nightwing is an
BOATS older model ultra-light, closely resembling those that
originated in the late twentieth century. The Nightwing
Boats are operated with the Pilot Watercraft skill. has a shrouded electric motor to minimize aircraft sound
Samuvani Criscraft Otter: This mid-size craft is main- and reduce heat emissions—while this has a stated pur-
pose of preventing noise pollution and environmental
ly used for pleasure boating, fishing, light hauling, and impact, it has the side effect of making the small, glid-
utility work. A five-meter-long vessel with a fiberglass er-like craft quite stealthy. The Nightwing is popular with
open hull, the Otter is a well-rounded, general-purpose rural aviation enthusiasts, smugglers, and anyone who
boat that doesn’t stand out in any one area. favors a classic stealth insertion.
Yongkang Gala Trinity: This small, fast-moving Cessna C750: This dual-prop civilian plane can carry
speedboat is known as a smuggler’s craft. It’s generally passengers, haul light cargo, or serve as a surveillance
built on the spot using prepared components and a hull plane. Its light frame and economy, as well as its afford-
kit, assembled with its payload built right into the hull; able price point and commonality, have ensured that
then on arrival, the Trinity is taken apart around its cargo, some see use in smuggling operations.
with the profit of the haul compensating for the fact the
boat was used only once. Renault-Fiat Fokker Tundra-9: This amphibious jet is
great for heavy cargo and personnel hauling and doesn’t
Morgan Cutlass: This commonly seen patrol boat need an airfield to land. It is used by corporate logis-
comes equipped with a pair of heavy, manually operat- tics teams for resupply of out-of-the-way facilities and
ed weapon mounts (usually outfitted with LMGs) and a by Awakened game hunters and poachers to reach their
high-quality sensor suite. dangerous game. This craft is amphibious and comes
standard with buoyancy and flotation upgrades, mean-
SUBMARINES ing it can take off from land and water.
Submarines are operated with the Pilot Watercraft skill. ROTORCRAFT
Proteus Lamprey: This underwater sea-sled is used
Helicopters are operated with the Pilot Aircraft skill.
for underwater inspection and transportation. with rid- Ares Dragon: This versatile, solidly built, double-prop
cargo helicopter is used in a wide variety of roles in ur-
ban and remote areas all over the Sixth World. It is often
used for heavy cargo hauling ops up occasionally in a
military capacity as a hybrid gunship/troop transport by
Knight Errant and their elite Firewatch special forces.
Nissan Hound: This is a bleeding-edge transport he-
licopter used by the Imperial Japanese Marines, along
with Special Forces units around the globe. To no one’s
surprise, it is also quite popular with corporate security
4 3 2 21,000¥
WATERCRAFT 5 6 3 12 6 2 2 8 — 37,000¥
Samuvani Otter 5 4 2 96,000¥
Yongkang Gala Trinity 3 2 1 10 6 1 1 3 8 14,000¥
Morgan Cutlass 3 3 1 108,000¥
Proteus Lamprey 16 10 3 5 6 14R
Vulkan Electronaut COST
6 6 1 3 4— 20,000¥
AIRCRAFT 146,000¥
Artemis Nightwing 12 10 4 4 2 10 300,000¥
Cessna C750 355,000¥
Ares Dragon 6 3 1 4 0 1 11 8 86,000¥
Nissan Hound 3 5 3 18 4 2 24 8 400,000¥
Northrup Wasp 3 4 3 20 10 3 3 24 12 2,500,000¥
Ares Venture 4 4 3 22 8 3 3 18 12 350,000¥
GMC Banshee 5 4 3 16 16 2 4 12 13R
Fed-Boing Commuter 5 5 3 10 8 3 31 12R
5 7 4 16 14 4 46 12F
6 8 4 20 18 4 6 12 24F
3 3 3 16 8 3 3 30 10
rapid response forces, especially those belonging to jap- ferrying sararimen around the world. Shadowrunners
anacorps, including the Renraku Red Samurai. It comes are unlikely to use it as their own equipment, but they
armed with two weapon mounts to ensure that its pre- may run into it, particularly if they’re on an extraction or
cious cargo survives even the hottest dustoffs and dic- executive-protection detail.
iest landings.
Northrup Wasp: This one-man rotorcraft is designed
for police and security service. A wasp, lightly armored The skill used to pilot a microdrone varies from drone
and equipped with a heavy weapon mount, is the stan- to drone.
dard, rote corporate security response to ever-mounting
shadowrunner problems. Shiawase Kanmushi: This is a four-legged “bug”
crawler drone that is hard to tell from a natural insect at
VTOL/VSTOL a glance. It’s ideal for penetrating confined areas, and
its gecko-tipped extremities and light weight render it
Vectored thrust crafts are operated with the Pilot Air- capable of crawling on walls and ceilings; it is, however,
craft skill. quite fragile, and merely being stepped on or a tag eras-
er can easily destroy it. This drone is operated with the
Ares Venture: This small, cheap LAV is manufac- Pilot Walker skill.
tured from off-the-shelf parts at environmentally friend-
ly plants for use by smugglers worldwide. The Venture Sikorsky-Bell Microskimmer: Quiet and durable,
sees a wide variety of legitimate, security, and military this disc-shaped skimmer is smaller than a frisbee and
use besides being a favorite of smugglers on a budget. can even skim over water. It moves with small and rather
It is often used as a cargo or passenger transport, and weak hoverjets. It is easier to spot than the Kanmushi,
heavily armed and armored variants exist for patrol duty. but still very small. It is operated with the Pilot Ground-
The Venture sells well among third-world customers. craft skill; the hovercraft specialization applies.
GMC Banshee: This lightning-fast, supersonic aircraft MINIDRONES
is the classic, iconic t-bird, and it has the armor, arma-
ments, and sensor suites to prove it. This LAV sees mili- Horizon Flying Eye: This spherical flying drone uses
tary use in reconnaissance and courier duty, and is a fa- omnidirectional thrust nozzles to stay airborne. Just
vorite of elite smugglers for white-knuckle illegal border about eyeball-sized, it can roll itself on the ground,
crossings, with its ability to fly under the radar through though it needs to fly to overcome obstructions like
canyons at high speeds. stairs and curbs. A version with a built-in flash-pak and
smoke grenade costs 500¥ extra; detonating them de-
Federated Boeing Commuter: This tilt-wing passen- stroys the drone. Use Pilot Aircraft to operate.
ger aircraft sees heavy use as an inter-city shuttle, hop-
ping between corporate-controlled aerospaceports and
4 2 1 0 0 3 3— 8 1,000¥
DRONES 3 3 1 0 0 3 3— 6 1,000¥
Shiawase Kanmushi 4 3 2 1 0 3 3— 8 2,000¥
S-B Microskimmer 4 3 2 1 0 3 3— 8 2,000¥
MCT Fly-Spy 4 3 1 3 3 4 3— 4 4,000¥
Horizon Flying Eye 4 4 3 2 2 3 3— 10 21,000¥
Aztechnology Crawler 3 3 1 4 4 3 3— 5R 4,500¥
Lockheed Optic-X2 5 3 1 4 4 3 3— 4R 5,000¥
Ares Duelist 4 4 2 4 4 3 3— 6 5,000¥
GM-Nissan Doberman 5 5 3 5 5 3 3— 6R 10,000¥
MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone 5 4 2 6 12 3 3— 10R 25,000¥
C-D Dalmatian
Steel Lynx
MCT FLY-SPY its primary armaments. Furthermore, it has been stylized
so its outer chassis represents the traditional oyoroi samu-
MCT Fly-Spy: This Mitsuhama drone is the size and rai armor worn by the Renraku Red Samurai, perhaps a
shape of a large insect but can achieve substantially subtle jab at a competing mega. A niche item that is sel-
better altitudes. It can serve in an “eye in the sky” role dom fielded, the duelist has two distinct advantages: its
and is handy for shadowing people given the fact that humanoid profile allows it to be mistaken for a more-ver-
it’s relatively hard to spot. This drone is operated with satile metahuman guard at a distance, making it useful at
the Pilot Aircraft skill. facilities guarded by skeleton crews, and its blade-arms
are allegedly marginally more effective at combating
SMALL DRONES spirits than the traditional drone combat payloads of guns
and more guns. This drone comes with a unique Rating
Aztechnology Crawler: This small crawler can easily 3 Targeting (Swords) autosoft and mounts a pair of stan-
handle stairs and other obstacles. Designed to operate dard swords in special weapon mounts. (The mounted
as a remote snooper in rough rural or urban terrain, the swords cannot be replaced with other weapons, but addi-
Crawler is efficient and robust. Its Pilot program is a step tional weapon mounts may be installed using the normal
above most drones in its class. This drone is operated rules.) This drone is operated with the Pilot Walker skill.
with the Pilot Walker skill.
GM-Nissan Doberman: This tracked perimeter-pa-
Lockheed Optic-X2: This VSTOL stealth craft is only the trol drone can secure its designated area effectively
size of a cyberdeck with its wings folded up for transport. during day or night conditions. It comes equipped with
When it is deployed, it is the size of a large hawk or oth- a standard weapon mount. This drone is operated with
er bird of prey. Its patented signature-limiting technology the Pilot Groundcraft skill.
makes it a favorite of intelligence agencies and shadowrun-
ners; radar systems and visual and audio Perception Tests MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone: The Roto-Drone is a sim-
all receive a –3 dice pool penalty to spot the Optic-X2. This ple, no-nonsense rotor-wing drone design that is highly
drone is operated with the Pilot Aircraft skill. modular and customizable. Treat its Body as 3 higher
than its actual Rating for determining how many weap-
MEDIUM DRONES on mounts or customizations it can integrate. This drone
is operated with the Pilot Aircraft skill.
Ares Duelist: This medium-sized, roughly anthro-
morph walker drone is an oddity, some might say a nov- LARGE DRONES
elty. It is designed to patrol on its two feet like a metahu-
man security guard and is equipped with blade-arms as Cyberspace Designs Dalmatian: This large and robust
VTOL recon drone is capable of hovering and has a sturdy
frame for its light weight. It is about the size of a lawn
mower when stored, and when deployed is the size of a
large hang glider. Lone Star and Knight Errant have both
licensed the design for urban surveillance and patrol du-
ties. The Dalmatian is operated with the Pilot Aircraft skill.
Steel Lynx Combat Drone: A hardened ground com-
bat machine, the Steel Lynx possesses four wheeled
legs and a heavy weapon mount. It is operated with the
Pilot Groundcraft skill.
Boldface abbreviated book titles precede new powers, SG 169-76 Agriculture, DT 89, 92 Amateurs, Mr. Johnson from, RF 211
their page references, using the following new ways qualities, SG 176-78 Aid Amazonia, DT 90, 100; RG 90;
key: Chrome Flesh (CF); Data Trails (DT); power bleed, SG 91 sorcery, SG 201 SG 15, 23; SR5 21, 26
Rigger 5.0 (R5); Run Faster (RF); Run & Gun public perceptions, SG 165 study, SG 201 Ambassador pack, RF 239
(RG); Street Grimoire (SG); and Shadowrun, rituals and, SG 121-22 Aikido, RG 128 table, RF 239
5thEdition (SR5). shadows, SG 166 Aim, SR5 166, 178 Ambidextrous/ambidexterity, SG 109; SR5 71
surge in, SG 166-67 Aimae/animi spirits, SG 189 Ambushes(ing), RG 96, 110; SR5 192, 357
A unfair advantages, SG 165 Aimed burst, RG 119 AMC NatioNet, DT 22
Aberdeen and Fuzhou Sky Tower, SG 29 walking the path, SG 165-66 Ain-Beni Mathar Host, DT 96 Amenities, R5 169-70
Abduction, DT 158 ways of, SG 167-69 AIPS. CF 179 American Airboat AirRanger, R5 92
Abomination spirit, SG 87 Adept powers, RG 137; SG 26, 165; Air American Association for the
Absorption, SG 151 SR5 92, 308-11 engulf, SR5 396 Advancement of Thaumaturgy, SG 16
Academic knowledge, SR5 91, 148, 149 Aztec, SG 41 -naval warfare, SR5 204 degree fields, SG 17
Academics, RF 15; SR5 35 black magic, SG 43 spirit, RG 159 Amin, Dr. Kira,, DT 140
Acceleration Buddhist, SG 43 walking, SG 156 Ammo/ammunition, RG 13, 54-55;
drone, R5 123 chaos, SG 44 Air combat drone, RF 251 SR5 417, 433-34
vehicle, SR5 199 Christian theurgy, SG 45 table, RF 251 bins, R5 159
Access limitation, SR5 358 druidic, SG 45 Air Force, RF 82, 83 called shots, RG 115-18
Accessories, SR5 440 Hindu, SG 46 Air superiority, R5 94 packs, RF 229, 235-36
Accident Islamic, SG 47 Airburst link, SR5 431 short on, SR5 180
power, SR5 394 Path of the Wheel, SG 47 Airbus “Lift Ticket” ALS-699, R5 102-3 -specific called shots, RG 111
prone, R5 33 Qabbalist, SG 48 Aircraft, R5 95-109; SR5 465 table, RG 208
Acclimated, SG 25, 31, 32 Sioux, SG 49 speed, SR5 200 Ammo crates packs, RF 235
Accuracy, SR5 168, 417 Vodou, SG 50 table, R5 188 note, RF 236
Ace Zoroastrian, SG 53 vehicle actions, R5 178-79 tables, RF 235
of Clubs, RG 60 Adoposis, RF 119 Airplanes, R5 21 Ammonium nitrate, RG 193
of Coins, RG 60 Adrenaline Airstream Traveler Line Motorhomes, R5 59-60 Amnesia, RF 152
of Cups, RG 60 boost, SR5 308-9 Aisa, CF 179 Amphibious drone, R5 125
of Diamonds, RG 60 pump, SR5 459 AK-97, SR5 428 Amphibious fixed-wing aircraft, R5 100-102
of Hearts, RG 60 pump optimization, CF 165 AK-98 assault rifle, RG 36 Amphibious secondary propulsion, R5 156-57
of Spades, RG 60 surge, RF 145 Akichita code, RF 29-30 Amplified immune system, CF 111-12
of Swords, RG 60 Advanced air combat drone pack, RF 251 Alamais (dragon), SR5 38 Amusement, SR5 39-41
of Wands, RG 60 table, RF 250 Alamos 20,000, SR5 37 Analytical Mind, SR5 72
ACHE, DT 11 Advanced alchemy, SG 218-20 Alarm ward, SG 122 Analytics, SG 169
Acid ritual/spellcasting, SG 152-53 Alarms, SR5 364 Analyze
damage, SR5 170 Advanced bowman pack, RF 231 Albinism, RF 151-52 device spell, SR5 285
IC, SR5 248 table, RF 231 Alchemical focus, SR5 318 magic spell, SR5 285
Acid Stream, SR5 283 Advanced combat drone pack, RF 250 Alchemical preparation, SR5 316 truth spell, SR5 286
Acrobatic defender, RG 127 table, RF 250 quickening vs.. SG 152 Anaphylactic shock, SG 105
Acting, SR5 153 Advanced combat eyes pack, RF 241 Alchemy, SG 209; SR5 142 Anaphylaxis, SG 193-94
Action(s), SR5 49 table, RF 241 advanced, SG 153, 218-20 Anchored rituals, SR5 296
declare, SR5 158-59, 161 Advanced cyberdeck programs pack, RF 249 basics preparation, SG 209-10 Anchored spells, SG 122, 127, 133-37, 219
delaying, SR5 161 table, RF 249 bound spirit and, SR5 302 Anchoring, SG 152
interrupt, RG 124-26 Advanced decker pack, RF 249 steps, SR5 304-5 Anchors, DT 114
modifiers, space, RG 162 table, RF 249 Alchera, SG 29 Ancients, RF 206; RG 98; SR5 382
new, RG 199-24 Advanced demolitions, RG 171-75 Aleph Society, SG 71 Andrw, Jason, DT 79
phase, SR5 158-59, 163 Advanced driving rules, R5 173-83 Algeria, SR5 27 Aneki, Inazo, DT 131, 136; SR5 31
power, SR5 394 Advanced drone commander pack, RF 249 Alexandria data library, CF 80 ANFO, RG 193
resolve, SR5 159 table, RF 249 Algonkian-Manitou Council, RF 67 Angry drunk, RF 224
scene, SR5 352-53, 363 Advanced ‘Jack pack, RF 238 Aligned, SG 25 Animal
threshold table, CF 52 table, RF 238 Alignment, SG 30-31, 32 control power, SR5 394
vehicle, SR5 202 Advanced magician pack, RF 251 “All the Angels,” SR5 328-31 empathy, RF 145; SG 169
Active defenses, SR5 190-92 table, RF 251 All the Angles, R5 24 handling, SR5 143
Active hardwires, CF 81 Advanced medicine bag pack, RF 252 All-American pack, pelage, RF 145
Active skill(s), DT 111; SR5 128 table, RF 252 RF 248 sense, SG 106
combat, SR5 130-32 Advanced programs, AIs and, DT 157-61 table, RF 248 toxins table, RF 117
devising new, SR5 147 Advanced razorboi pack, RF 242 Allergen tolerance, CF 163 Animal Tongue, CF 186
list, SR5 151 table, RF 242 Allergy, SR5 78, 401 Animate spell, SR5 292
physical, SR5 133-37 Advanced rigger pack, RF 243 resistance, CF 123 Animu, CF 182
Active spells, SR5 285 table, RF 243 Alleviate Ankle hits, RG 112
Activesofts, CF 78; SR5 442 Advanced safety systems, RG 50 addiction, SG 109 “Another Night, Another Run,” SR5 8-13
Activists, RF 15 Advanced speedboost pack, RF 242 allergy, SG 109 Ant spirit, SG 95
Adapsin, CF 160 table, RF 242 AlleyCatz, SG 70 Antennae, CF 74, 75
Adaptive coloration, RF 143 Advanced spirit stick pack, RF 252 Alliance, SG 132 Anthromorphic drones, R5 145-48
Addaya, Ibrahim, SG 47 table, RF 252 Allied German States (AGS), Antidote(s)
Addiction, SR5 77-78, 413-14 Advanced spy drone pack, RF 250 RF 47, 49, 51, 52’, SR5 27 patch, SR5 451
drug, SR5 411 table, RF 250 Ally conjuration, SG 122, 148 spell, SR5 288
fix, SR5 415 Advanced vatjob pack, RF 242 Ally spirit(s), SG 190 toxin, SR5 409
overdosing, SR5 415 table, RF 242 abilities, SG 201-2 Anti-rad, CF 147
role-playing, SR5 414-15 Advanced wires pack, RF 239 conjuring. SG 201 Anti-rejection drugs, CF 174
staying clean, SR5 415 table, RF 239 creating formula, SG 201 Anti-removal modifications, RG 198
table, CF 188-89; RF 134; SR5 414 Aeronautics Mechanic, SR5 143 enhancing, SG 202 Antisocial personality disorder, CF 42, 51
tests, SR5 414 Aether, CF 213-16, 217 formula, SG 200-201 Anti-theft system, R5 159
type, drug, SR5 411 Aerodesign Systems losing, SG 202 Anti-tox, CF 149
withdrawal, SR5 415 Condor LDSD-23, R5 129 loyalty, SG 207 Anti-vehicle, SR5 436
Adept(s), SG 122, 128; SR5 53, Aeroquip Dustoff, R5 141 Allies, Foundation and, DT 109 Anxiety, SR5 83
68-69, 276-77, 308 AEXD, CF 179 All-Seeing Eye of GOD, DT 68 APDS rounds, SR5 434
building, SG 166 Affect, apply, SR5 173 AlohaNET, DT 22 Apex predator, SG 157
cannibalize, SG 91 Affected magicians, SR5 69 Alphasprin, CF 176 Apollo Station, RG 166
centering, SG 156; SR5 325 Africa, SR5 27 Altantean Foundation, SR5 21 Apotropaic magic, SG 150
character, RF 64 Agent(s), SR5 215, 246, 441 Alterations, RF 56 Aptitude, SR5 72
drain, SR5 308 Agile defender, RG 127 Alternate identities, RF 42 Aquadyne Shark-X5 harpoon gun, RG 22-23
metamagics for, SR5 325 Agility, SR5 90, 133, 145, 146, 151 Alternate initiative, RG 108-9 Aqua
mystic, SG 166 Agony, SR5 290 Altskin, CF 152-53 fictus, SG 211
468 shadowrun, fifth edition master index >>
fortis, SG 211 customizations, RG 84-87, 212 Assault rifles, RG 14, 36-38; SR5 428 Audio devices, SR5 445
regia, SG 211 drone, R5 123 table, RG 206 Audio enhancement(s), SR5 445, 453
vitae, SG 211-12 encumbrance and, SR5 169 Assensing, SR5 142 Augmentation(s), CF 3, 54; RF 56-57;
Aquadyne Shark-X5 harpoon gun, RG 22-23 features, RG 59 table, SR5 313 SR5 23, 95, 451
Aquaticus, RG 160 jacket(s), RG 56; SR5 437 Assets, RF 218 bundles, CF 92-93
Arabian Caliphate, SG 14, 74 modifications, SR5 437-38 Asthma, RF 152 drugs and, CF 168-70
Arcana, SR5 142 packs, RF 236-38 effects table, RF 152 functional genetic, CF 137
mundane and, SG 126 penetration, SR5 169, 417 Astral acclimation, SR5 74-75 military grade, CF 69
Arcane piercing ratings, SR5 171 Astral attributes, SR5 314 negative qualities, CF 57-60
arrester, RF 111-12 power, SR5 394 Astral beacon, SR5 78-79 positive qualities, CF 54-56
bodyguard, SG 151 program, SR5 245 Astral bluff, SG 150 Augmented culture, characters and, RF 57
enhancements, CF 201-2 spell, SR5 292 Astral chameleon, SR5 72 Augmented healing, CF 156
organizations, RF 38-39 table, RG 210-11 Astral clairvoyance, SG 106 Augmented reality (AR), DT 176, 179;
service providers, SG 19 vehicle, SR5 199 Astral combat, SR5 142, 315 SR5 53-54, 215, 221-23, 229
Arcanoarchaeologist, SG 33 vest, SR5 437 Astral damage table, SR5 315 games, DT 55-56
Archery, SR5 130 Armorer, SR5 143 Astral detection, SR5 314 gloves, SR5 439
Archive, DT 109, 113-14, 140; SR5 215 Armory, RF 220 Astral doppelganger, SG 122-23 pilot using, SR5 201
Arcology, DT 136 Arms dealer, RF 182 Astral echoes, SG 190 Augmented reality objects (AROs),
living, RF 68 ArmTech MGL-12, SR5 431 Astral form(s), SR5 312 SR5 53, 54, 221-22
Arcology Mile, RG 154 Army, RF 82, 83 power, SR5 394-95 Augury, SG 124
Arctic diver suit, RG 80 Arnis de mano, RG 128 Astral gateway, SG 194 Aura(s), SG 115; SR5 312
Area attacks, R5 28 Arrowheads, RG 23-24 Astral hazing, RF 119 masking, SG 194
Area spell(s), SR5 281, 306 table, RG 203 Astral intersections, SR5 316 Aurora Borealis, SG 31
Ares Corporation/Macrotechnology, Art prize, DT 171 Astral journeys, RF 36-37 Auschwitz, SG 31
SG 18-19; SR5 22, 25, 30, 31, 38 Artemis Industries Astral limit, SR5 278 Australia, SR5 27
Alpha, SR5 428 Nightwing, R5 155; SR5 464 Astral living, SG 183 Australian Republic, SR5 27
Alpha gunner table, RF 233 Artemis Lunar Arcology, RG 167 Astral message, SG 106 Authority, DT 158
Antioch-2, SR5 430-31 Artifact assensing, SR5 307 Astral movement, SG 191-92; SR5 313-14 Autodocs, SR5 208
Archon Heavy MP laser, RG 49 Artificial intelligence (AI), CF 209; Astral perception/projection, RG 158; Auto-injector, CF 82, 85
Arctic Forces suit, RG 77-78 DT 134, 145; SR5 21 SG 27, 204, 207; SR5 167, 309, 312-13 Automated Army, The, R5 116-18
Armored coldsuit, RG 78 advanced programs and, DT 157-61 Astral phenomena, SG 32-33 Automated defenses, SR5 366
Armored Survivalist, RG 75 attributes, DT 146 Astral plane, cost of staying, SR5 314 Automated gun systems, SR5 366
Arms Sentry V (and Mercury), 130 calculations table, DT 155 Astral powder, SG 212 Automatics, SR5 130, 185
biotech anti-rejection drugs, CF 174 CFD and, CF 211 Astral rifts, SG 28 Automotive Mechanic, SR5 143-44
Cheetah, 138-39 creation of, DT 145-46 Astral shallows, SG 28 Autonomous Tracking and
Chuck Wagon, 59 damage repair, DT 157 sample, SG 29 Heuristics Robot, CF 215
Crusader II, SR5 427 data packet nature of, DT 152 Astral signature, SR5 312 Autopicker, SR5 447
demiGOD, DT 70-71 depth, DT 146 Astral Space Preservation Society, SG 57-58 Autosofts, SR5 269
Desert Strike, SR5 428 emergence of new ones, DT 132 Astral topography, SG 28-30 drone, R5 127
Dragon, SR5 464 essence, DT 145 Astral tracking, SR5 315 group, R5 127
drones and, R5 121 grid messages and, CF 214 modifiers, SR5 315 prices, R5 127
Duelist, R5 155; SR5 466 home, DT 156-57 Astral window, SG 107-8 skillset, R5 127
Echo Unlimited, DT 64 Karma, DT 146 Astral world, SR5 312 Auto-Assault 16 shotgun, RG 40
Executioner submachine gun, RG 35 loading into devices, DT 153-54 Athabaskan Council, RF 67; SG 15 Auto-injector, RG 84, 85
FlaShield, RG 72 Matrix combat, DT 154-56 Athame, SG 91-92 Availability, SR5 94, 417, 418
Garuda, 149 megacorps citizenship, CF 220-21 Athlete, adept, SG 167, 176 Avatar, SG 188, 202; SR5 215
Getting Network, CF 81 negative qualities, DT 151-52 Athletics, SR5 153 Avengers, SG 85
Giantslayer slingshot, RG 23 old ones, DT 131-32 Atlantean Foundation, CF 39; SR5 35-36 Awaken, SG 109
Global Grid, DT 15, 19 persona, DT 133, 152 Atmosphere sensor, SR5 446 Awakened, SG 5; SR5 68, 276, 277, 308
head case, CF 17 personal index, DT 157 Atomizer, RG 196 born, SG 11-12
HVAR assault rifle, RG 37 positive qualities, DT 146-51 Atonement, SG 123, 207 critters, SR5 362
Integrated Solutions, CF 14 power source for, DT 136 Attack(s), DT 179; SR5 173, 244 drugs, CF 178, 184-86
Johnson (Mr.) from, RF 204 priority chart, DT 147 against vehicles, SR5 205 registration of, SG 26, 27
KN-YO, R5 143-44 quality assurance, DT 146 from cover with imaging device, SR5 177 research, CF 137-38
Lancer MP laser, RG 48 restoration and realignment, DT 156-57 dongle, DT 61, 62 Awakening, CF 176-77
Light Fire 70, SR5 425 sapients, DT 134-36 matrix, SR5 227 Ayao’s Will, CF 184
Light Fire 75, SR5 425 shelters, DT 134 steps in, RG 96 Azania, SR5 27
Matilda, R5 141 SINs and, DT 133 types of, RG 95-96 Azanian Confederation, RF 49
Monads citizenship, CF 220 skills, DT 146 upgrade, SR5 258 Aztec tradition, SG 41
Monads grid messages, CF 216 struggles of, CF 218 Attacker Aztech Chew, CF 183
Mule, R5 141-42 update at home, DT 156 firing burst or semi-auto burst, SR5 190 Aztechnology, CF 71, 77, 103-4, 197;
“One” monosword, RG 19 variant attribute table, DT 147 firing full auto burst, SR5 190 RG, 57, 61, 90; SG 15, 19, 41, 64-65;
Paladin, R5 142 vehicle combat, DT 156-57 firing long burst, SR5 190 SR5 22, 30, 31, 35, 38
PED Mark III, RG 104 Artificially induced psychotropic making charger attack, SR5 186-87 Agular GX-2 and GX 3AT, R5 97-98
Picus Smartgun System, CF 66 schizophrenia, CF 51 in melee combat, SR5 177 Cerepax, CF 174
pistol pack/table, RF 233 Artificing, SR5 142, 316 from moving vehicle, SR5 177 Crawler, SR5 466
Polar Sneak suit, RG 78 steps in, SR5 306-7 prone, SR5 187 Criado Juan, R5 145
Predator, CF 67; SG 231; SR5 426 Artisan, SG 224; SR5 143 reach advantage, SR5 189 Cuanmiztli bundle, CF 92, 93
Redline laser pistol, RG 48 adept, SG 167, 176 running, SR5 178 demiGOD in, DT 71
Roadmaster, SR5 464 Artist, SG 156-57 using image magnification, SR5 178 drones and, R5 121
S-111 Super Squirt, SR5 429-30 adept, SG 167, 176 using off-hand weapon, SR5 178 Emissary, DT 64
Screech sonic rifle, RG 26 As You as You Can Be, RF 144 wounded, SR5 178 genetech, CF 198
-Segway Terrier, R5 42 Asamando, SG 13-14; SR5 27 Attendance, SG 130 genetic memory, CF 198-99
subject appropriation, CF 205 Asatru, SG 20 Attention co-processor, CF 78, 82 grid, DT 14.19
Thunderstruck gauss rifle, RG 45 Asceticism, SG 141 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, CF 51 head cases, CF 17
Trident, RG 160 Ash Arms Attention-seeking, CF 58 Hedgehog, R5 129
UnlimiTech, CF 202 combat chainsaw, RG 21 Attitude, SR5 334-35 Johnson (Mr.) from, RF 204
Venture, SR5 465 monofilament chainsaw, RG 21 Attribute(s), SR5 51-52, 66-67, 95, 105 Monads denied citizenship by, CF 220
Victory, RG 63-65 Asia, SR5 26-27 ally spirit, SG 201 Monads grid messages and, CF 216
Vigorous Assault cannon, RG 46 ASIST, DT 10 assigning points, SR5 67 nanites, CF 200
Viper Slivergun, SR5 426 -related deaths, DT 11 boost, SR5 309 Nightrunner, R5 81-82
Argentum coat, RG 58 Aspect Mana line, SG 122 -only tests, SR5 152 Striker, SR5 431
Arm, drone, R5 125 Aspected magician(s), RF 80; SG 25; karma advancement table for, SR5 107 Tialoc space station, DT 132-33
Armand’s Armor Emporium, RG 57 SR5 68, 276 using, SR5 152 Aztechnology Military Aquacology, RG 160
Armanté, RG 57, 61 character, RF 64 Attune animal, SG 123 Aztlan, DT 24; RG, 153; SG 13, 15,
Armor, CF 152; R5 159; RG 14-15, 56; Assassin(s), RG 16 Attune item, SG 124 33, 81; SR5 26
SR5 168, 269, 417, 436-38 Assassin’s Creed, SR5 79-80 table, SG 124 normal in, CF 206-7
clothing, SR5 437 Assassination, SR5 340 Auctioneer Business Clothes, SR5 437
clothing, high-fashion, RG 57-65 Assault cannon rounds, SR5 434 Audio analyzer, CF 75
469<< shadowrun, fifth edition master index
B Berserker’s rage, SG 169 Blandness, SR5 72 Border patrol, RF 83
Baby monitor program, SR5 245 Berwick suit/dress, RG 58 Blank slate, CF 57 agent, RF 183
Backdoor Beta inhibitors, CF 176 Blanks, CF 38 Born free spirit, SG 202-3
creation, DT 163 Beta quality, CF 71 Blast(s), SR5 284, 417 Born to Hack, DT 50
finding, DT 162-63 Betameth, CF 180 in confined space, SR5 183 Born to kill, 60
Background(s), RF 18-20 Betel, CF 180 effects, SR5 182-83, 195 formative years, CF 60-61
Background count(s), SG 30 Better to be feared than loved, CF 54 multiple simultaneous, SR5 183 real life education, CF 61
examples, SG 31 Better-than-life (BTL, beetle), out of hand, RG 111, 142 teen years, CF 61
ratings, SG 31 CF 175 SR5 215, 410, 412-13 shield, RG 104 Born rich, RF 145
rules, SG 32 chips, CF 178-79, 192-93; SR5 42-43, 413 Blaster IC, SR5 248 Borodin, Julian, CF 14
triggers, SG 219 costs, SR5 413 Blasting cap, RG 194-95 Borrow sense, SG 106
Background noise, DT 138 downloads, SR5 413 Bleed out, SG 220 Borrowed time, RF 153
Backup weapons, RG 13 example, CF 193 Bleeder, CF 186 Boston, DT 25; RG 155
Bad Luck, SR5 79 specialized, CF 193 Bleeker Street Medical, CF 38-39 Boston Harbor, RG 155, 161
Bad Rep, SR5 79 Bicardiac, RF 112 Bletcherous, DT 29 Boston Hub, DT 10
Bag of organs, CF 60-61 Bicycle speed, SR5 200 Blighted, RG 169 Bottled Demons on the Wall, SG 218
Bailout, R5 179 Big boom pistol pack/table, RF 231 Blind, RF 153 Bottled spells, CF 176
Balance, SG 141 Big Game Hunter clothing, RG 64 fighting, SG 169 Bound Hands Club, CF 39
augmenter, SR5 453-54 Big regret, RF 153 fire, SR5 178 Bound spirit(s), SR5 300-301
receptor, RF 112 Big Ten (megacorps), SR5 22-23, 25 Blinded, SG 220 services, 302
tail, CF 82, 85; RF 115 Big vehicles, R5 20 Bliss, SR5 411 Bounding overwatch, RG 99
Balkans, SR5 27 Bike(s), SR5 462 Blitz, SR5 56, 161 Bounty hunter, RF 76, 183
Ball lightning, SR5 284 racing armor, RG 68 Block, RG 124; SR5 168, 192 Bovine shapeshifter, RF 100
Ballestra, RG 119, 135 Bilingual, SR5 72 levels of, CF 190-91 Boxing, RG 129, 130
Ballistic projectiles, SR5 185 Binder IC, SR5 248 Blohm & Voss Gmbh, DT 102 Bow(s), SR5 183, 423, 424
Ballistic mask, RG 74 Binding power, SG 113; Classic III, R5 88-89 fire, SR5 165
Ballistic shield, SR5 438 SR5 142, 278, 300-301, 317, 320, 395 Blood of Kali, CF 181 load and fire, SR5 167
Bandersnatch, RF 136 free spirit ritual, SG 204 Blood magic, SG 19, 41, 50, 81, 90 Brahmin, SG 46
Banishing, SR5 142, 278, 301, 316, 320 long-term, SG 192 cannibalize, SG 91 Bowman packs/tables, RF 231
resistance, SG 194 spirits and, SG 186 foci, SG 91-92 Bozoku, CF 184
test, SG 87 Binoculars, SR5 443 path of, SG 90 Braggart, RF 158
Banshee, RF 136-37 Biocompatibility, CF 54 power bleed, SG 91 Brain blaster, RG 119
Barbed hooks, RG 135 Bio-computer pack/table, RF 243-44 sacrifice, SG 91 Brain boost, CF 180
Baret Model 122 sniper rifle, RG 40 Bioengineered Awakened drugs (BAD), Blood rite/ritual, SG 122, 125 Brain Eaters, SR5 382
Barghest, SR5 403 CF 173-74, 175, 178 Blood sight, SG 125 Brand loyalty, RG 127
Bark skin, RF 113 compliance, CF 176 resistance factors, SG 125 Branding, SG 131
Barrage, SG 159 Bioengineering, CF 198 test table, SG 125 Brass Balls, CF 181
Barren spirit, SG 89 Biofeedback Blood spirit(s), SG 92 Brawler boxing, RG 129
Barrens, DT 11, 14 damage, SR5 229 invocation, SG 92 Brawling adept, SR5 117
Barrier(s), SR5 362-63 filter, SR5 269 Blood thirst, SG 132 Breaching charges, RG 191
damaging, SR5 198 filter program, SR5 245 Bloodhound, DT 76 Breadcrumbs, DT 174
destroying, SR5 197-98 program, SR5 245 Bloom, Eliza, SG 57-48 Break away, SR5 204
ratings, SR5 197 Bioluminescence, RF 119-20 Blow Up Good, RG 170 Break target lock, R5 30
shooting through, SR5 197, 198 Biometric reader, SR5 439 Blowgun, RG 26 Break weapon, RG 111
Bartender, RF 182; SR5 390 Biomonitor, CF 82, 85; SR5 450 Blubber, RF 113 Breaking & entering pack/table, RF 246
Barter, RF 174, 176 Biosculpting, CF 107-8 Blue biotech, CF 96 Breaking shit, SR5 29
optional qualities, RF 175 table, CF 108, 230 Blue Blood, CF 182 Breast implants, CF 73, 74
Bartista, RG 128 Biosonar, RF 112 Blue Sky, Jeremy, SG 43 Breath
Bartoli, Lenora, CF 65 Bio-tattoos, CF 109 BluSix, CF 26-27 holding, SR5 137
Base cost, SR5 375 Biotechnology, CF 67; SR5 144, 155, 450 BMQ, DT 16 scanners, SR5 364
Baseball, CF 66 blue, CF 96 BMW Breeder, SR5 14
Basic bioware/table, CF 229-30 green, CF 96-97, 102 Blitzkrieg, R5 66-67 Brew master witch/warlock, SG 212
Basic combat drone pack/table, RF 250 grey, CF 96 I8 Interceptor, R5 68-69 Brick(ing), DT 176, 180; SR5 215, 228
Basic combat eyes pack/table, RF 241 history of, CF 94-96 Luxus Limo, R5 73 Broadened auditory spectrum, RF 112-13
Basic cyberdeck programs pack/table, RF 249 Type-O transplants, CF 98 Stürmwagon, R5 75-77 Broken
Basic decker pack/table, RF 249 white, CF 97-98, 101-2 Teufelkatze, R5 71 fang, RG 135
Basic drone commander pack/table, RF 249 Bioware, CF 99, 197-98’ Boats, SR5 464 grip, SG 220
Basic magician pack/table, RF 251 SR5 55, 94-95, 459-60 Body, SR5 51, 90, 133, 151 Brotherhood of Darkness, SG 67
Basic medicine bag pack/table, RF 251 basic, CF 229-30 armor bag, RG 70-71 Brotherhood of the Iron Crescent, SG 64
Basic razorboi pack/table, RF 242 beef pack/table, RF 244 barriers, SR5 198 Browning & Beretta pistol pack/table, RF 232
Basic rigger pack/table, RF 243 cosmetic, CF 109-11, 231 drone, R5 123 Browning Ultra-Power, SR5 426
Basic speedboost pack/table, RF 242 cultured, CF 118-20, 231 repairs, RG 143 Browse program, SR5 245
Basic spirit stick pack/table, RF 252 grades of, CF 99; SR5 451 searching for, SR5 314 Brute block, CF 190
Basic spy drone pack/table, RF 250 lean pack/table, RF 243 vehicle, SR5 199 Brute force, DT 178-80; SR5 238
Basic vatjob pack/table, RF 242 standard, CF 111-16 Body Hunt, DT 122-27 Buddhism, SG 43
Basic wires pack/table, RF 239 table, CF 117 Body Redefined, The, CF 94 Budget ‘jack pack/table, RF 238
Basilisk, SR5 403-4 Biowaste storage expansion, CF 82, 85 Bodyguard, RF 13, 182 Bug(s)
Basketball, CF 66 Bio-weaponry, CF 120-22, 232 Bodyware, CF 81-86, SR5 454-455, 456 scanner, SR5 440
Bat cave, RF 224 Bipod, SR5 431 tables, CF 85, 224-25 zapper, SG 114
Battering rams, RG 103-4 Bi-polar, RF 152-53 Bogotá, DT 9; RG 153 Bug-out bag/table, RF 244
“Battle Fought, The,” SR5 16-19 Bipolar disorder, CF 42, 51 Bolas, RG 26, 27 Buell Spartan, R5 44-45
Bayonet, RG 50-51 Bitter, CF 180 Bolt hole, RF 216-17 Build/repair table, SR5 146
Beak, RF 112 Black Box, CF 140-41 Bonb, SG 220 Building/structure, SR5 145-46
Bear, SR5 321 Black Forest, RF 51, 52-53 Bone charges, RG 178
Beast, RG 159; SG 157 Black IC, SR5 248 density augmentation, SR5 459 damage value threshold, RG 179
adept, SG 167, 176-77 Black Lodge, SR5 38 lacing, SR5 454, 455 demolitions tests, RG 182-83
Beat Cop, SR5 390 Black market spikes, RF 112 explosives needed, RG 180-82
Beetle spirit, SG 96 goods, SR5 418 Bonus(es) planting explosives,
Beggar’s Gaze, CF 182 pipeline, RF 145 home ground, SR5 74-75 detonating, RG 183-84
Belief, SG 130 Black Out, SR5 83 simple, SR5 187-88 Building the Perfect Beast, R5 150
Bellevue Community College, SG 17 program, SR5 245 wireless, SR5 421 Built-in medkit, CF 86, 89
Bellringer shot, RG 116 Black Shakes, The, DT 143, 165 Book of Shadows, SG 128 Built-in timer
Benandanti XXV, SG 67 Black Trenchcoat, RF 18 Bookie, RF 183 detonation, SR5 181
Bending of the reed, RG 135 Blackjack, SR5 422 Boomerang, RG 24, 25 projectile triggers, SR5 182
Beretta 201T, SR5 425 Blackmail, RF 178; SR5 42 Boosted reflexes, CF 118 Built-in utility kit, CF 86, 89
Berserk, SG 132, 169 Blackstone Prison, SG 27, 31, 35 Booster, R5 34 Bulk modification, CF 86, 89
Berserker, RF 119; SG 199-200 Blademaster pack/table, RF 231 endosont, CF 123 Bulletproof jeff pack/table, RF 241
Berserker BTL, CF 193 Blades, RG 18-20; SR5 130, 422, 423 Bootleg turn, R5 174 Bullets around armor, RG 109-10
table, RG 202 Bootstrap, DT 56 Bulls-eye double-tap/burst shot, RG 116
470 shadowrun, fifth edition master index >>
Bullwhip, RG 20-21 Causal groups, SG 56 skills, SR5 348 of cleansing, SG 127
Bunker gear, RG 69 Causal societies, SG 56 spotlight time, SR5 348, 349 of healing, SG 127; SR5 298
Bunny hopper pack/table, RF 247 Cavalier Arms superior position, SR5 187 of protection, SG 127; SR5 298
Burglary, SR5 29 Alamo EBR, SR5 428-29 targeted by area-effect attack, SR5 190 Citron-Brouillard Smoke Generator,
Burma, Juliette, SG 42-43 Deputy pistol, RG 32 trolls, RF 53 R5 130-31; 130-31
Burn, SG 131 Safeguard taser, RG 29 Character creation, RF 20 City government, RF 177
Burned company man, RF 160 Urban Tribe tomahawk, RG 25 attributes, SR5 66, 68 City official, RF 184
Burnout, SG 157; SR5 78 Celebrity, RF 76 checklist, SR5 101 City slicker, RF 145
adept, SG 167, 177 Celedyr (dragon), SR5 21, 32 choosing concept, SR5 62, 64 pack/table, RF 236
Burst Fire (BF), SR5 179 Celerity, RF 113 contacts, SR5 98, 100 Clairaudience, SR5 286
mode, SR5 165 Cellular glove molder, SR5 447 final numbers, SR5 100-102 Clairvoyance spell, SR5 286
Buses table, R5 186 Cellular repair, CF 156-57 final steps, SR5 99 Classic boxing, RG 129
Bushido, RF 30-31; SR5 80 Cellular scanners, SR5 364 final touches, SR5 103-9 Claws, CF 120; RF 113; SG 157
Butch, CF 20, 21, 23-25, 48 Centaur, CF 87-88, 89; RF 98 Infected, RF 133-35 Clean, SG 114
Butcher’s Bill, SG 160-63 Centering, SG 134-35, 154; SR5 325 Karma spending, SR5 98-100 metabolism, CF 109
Buzz, CF 180; SR5 14 focus, SR5 319 knowledge, language skills, Cleaner, CF 123; SR5 252
Byrnes, Johnny “Shocky,” SG 231 Central America, SR5 26 SR5 88-89, 91-92 Cleaning service/table, RF 220-21
Centurion Financial, SG 19 lifestyle, SR5 95 Cleansing, SG 154-55
C Centurion Services Group, SG 17 magic and, SR5 68-69, 70 Clear, CF 194
Cable tap, DT 61, 62 Cephalopod skull, RF 120 metatype selection, SR5 65 Clear exit, R5 177-78
Cadmus Deep Habitat Colony, RG 160 Cerebral booster, SR5 460 prime runner, SR5 64 Clearsight autosoft, SR5 269
CalFreenetwork, DT 22 Cerebrally implanted identities, purchases and restrictions, SR5 98 Climate adaptation, RF 113
California Free State (CFS), legal status of, CF 219-20 qualities, SR5 71-86 Climbing, SR5 134
DT 22; SG 30, 58; SR5 25 Cereprax, CF 180 questions to ask, RF 19 failures and glitches, SR5 134
metaspients citizenship in, CF 221 Cermak Blast Region, RG 155 resonance and, SR5 68, 70 gear, SR5 448DEX <<
tour of duty, RF 84 Certified credstick, SR5 39, 442 resources, SR5 94-95 table, SR5 134
Called shot(s), RG 109, 110-12; SR5 163 Ceska Black Scorpion, SR5 427 specialization, SR5 88, 89 Clinch, RG 119-20, 136
ammo, RG 115-18 Cessna C750, SR5 464 starting nuyen, SR5 95 Clinic, SR5 370-71
martial arts, RG 136, 142 Chaff, SG 111 street-level, SR5 64 Clip, SR5 14
Calling spirit, SG 126 Chain of command, RG 93 tips for, SR5 62 insert, SR5 165
Calm Chain mail, RG 71 types and their roles, SR5 63 remove, SR5 166
animal, SG 114 Chainsaws, RG 21 Charge attack, RG 120 Cloak, SG 169
pack, SG 114 Chakram fighting, RG 129 Charged ward, SG 127 Clockwork, R5 118
CalTech, SG 31; SR5 35 Chameleon, CF 152-53 Charisma, SR5 51, 138, 139, 143, 151 Cloning, CF 98-99
Cambridge University, CF 49 coating, R5 163-64 Charm, RF 17 Close call function, SR5 46, 56
Camelot Research Station, RG 166 skin, CF 109 Charmer foundation, CF 190 Close combat, SR5 153
Camera(s), SR5 365, 443 suit, SR5 437 Charon, RG 167 Close quarter
Camford, David, DT 137-38 Change Chase defense, RG 137
Camouflage, RF 113 linked device mode, R5 174 actions, SR5 204-5 firearms, RG 136
check, SG 111 speed, R5 174 combat, SR5 203 Clothes buying table, RF 253
power, SR5 256 Changeling, RF 101, 102 environment, SR5 203 Clothing, SR5 436-37
Campaign characters and, RF 55 ranges, R5 174; SR5 203 Cloudless, DT 56
alternate, SR5 354-55 creating, RF 103 table, SR5 204 Clout, SR5 284
data management, SR5 354 culture, RF 55 Chaser, R5 33 Club(s), DT 62; RG 20; SR5 131, 422, 423
plot, SR5 353 Channeling, SG 148 Chatty AI, DT 146 table, RG 202
plot pacing, SR5 353-54 Chaos, SG 44, 200; SR5 290 Cheap soldier pack/table, RF 233 Club kid, RF 184
plot simplicity, SR5 354 Chaotic world, SR5 290 Chem patch, SR5 451 Club franchises, SR5 41
time and character advancement, SR5 354 Character(s), SR5 50 Chemical detection ClusterF*cked: Augments Post-CFD, CF 8
Cancer prevention treatment, CF 156 advancement, SR5 103, 104, 106, 354 explosives modifiers, RG 197 Cockatrice, SR5 404
Canine shapeshifter, RF 100 age, RF 19 modifiers table, SR5 365 Cocktail kid pack/table, RF 245
Cannibalize, SG 91 attributes, SR5 51-52 systems, SR5 365 Code(s)
Cannons, RG 45-47; SR5 430-31 augmented culture and, RF 57 Chemical enhancements, CF 201 of Akichita, RF 29-30
table, RG 207 backstories, SR5 104-5 Chemical glands, CF 112 cultivation, DT 13
Cansasa, Snana, SG 50 birthplace, RF 19 Chemical protection, SR5 437 of the good cop, RF 31-32
Cantor-Kurosawa Analyst, DT 63-64 changelings, RF 55 Chemical repulsion, CF 116 of the hacker, RF 27
Canttenom Void, SG 33 contacts, SR5 55 Chemical seal, SR5 437 of healers, RF 28-29
Capacity, SR5 417, 420 death, SR5 334 Chemistry, SR5 144 of honor, DT 46; RF 23, 30; SR5 79-80
Capoeira, RG 129 dwarfs, RF 47 Chemsniffers, SR5 365 of Paladin, RF 28
Capsize, R5 179 edge and, SR5 56 Chemsuit, SR5 448 of shaman, RF 26-27
Capsule ammo, RG 55 education of, RF 19 Chevrolet Longboard, R5 52 of silence, RF 25, 26
Car bombs elves, RF 50 Chica, RF 13 of soldiers, RF 29
for assassins, RG 187-88 family life, RF19 Chicago, DT 24-25; RG 155; SG 29 of the streets, RF 26
for property damage, RG 185-87 gear, SR5 54-55 Child of the shadows, CF 61 of white hat, RF 31
Carbine assault rifle, RG 37 gender, RF 19 Children of the Dragon, SG 68 of Wuxia, RF 27-28
Carcerand-plus, CF 149 general appearance, RF 19 Chill, SR5 14 Codeblock. SR5 80
Cardreaders, SR5 363-64 goals, RF 19 Chill BTL, CF 192 CodeBlue biomonitor bracelet, CF 31
Carib League, SG 20 hair, eyes, skin color, RF 19 Chimera pets, CF 166-67 Codeslinger, SR5 72
Carrier, RF 141 hatred and, RF 19 Chin na, RG 136 Coeur D’Hiver, CF 183
Carromeleg, RG 129 human culture and, RF 54 Chip(s), CF 187 Cognitive Disorder Research Center, CF 49
Carrying, SR5 152 improvement table, SR5 107 gaining, RF 176 Cognitive Fragmentation Disorder (CFD),
Cars, R5 19-20, 47-59; SR5 462-63 lifestyle, SR5 56, 373-74 tech, CF 175 CF 9-13, 15-16, 48, 132, 200, 209, 219;
table, R5 184 limitations, RF 19 truth, SR5 14 RF 35, 38, 41; SG 71
Cascade, DT 158 loves of, RF 19 Chipjack, CF 79, 82 biological platform, CF 49
Cash, RF 173, 174; SR5 375-76 magic and, SR5 53 Chipped, SR5 14 care and feeding, CF 48
CASnet, DT 23 metatype, SR5 50-51 Chisel, SR5 447 countermeasures, CF 143-44
Casemod(eling), CF 72, 74 modular generation (sample), RF 84-86 Chloroplast skin, CF 109 cure for, CF 210-11
Cat, SR5 321 moral code, RF 19 Choke settings, shotgun, SR5 180-81 delusions, CF 139-40
Cat’s eyes, SR5 459 name of, RF 19 Chop shop mechanic, RF 183 minds integration, CF 48-49
Cat’s Paw, DT 56 negative qualities, RF 151-59 Choson Ring, DT 36-37 new treatment protocols, CF 49-50
Catalog, SG 107 off-hand weapon use, SR5 187 Christianity, SG 20, 44-45 original coding, CF 211
Catapult, DT 76 orks, RF 51 Chrome, SR5 14 possible treatment, CF 20
Catch up/break away, R5 174-75 personality, RF 19 Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit, SR5 462-63 replicators in, CF 148
Catfall, SG 114 physical size, RF19 Chugi, RF 25 salvaging, CF 139
Catholic Church, SG 14, 15, 20, 72-73 positive qualities, RF144-51 Chummer, SR5 14 social integration, CF 50
“Catspaw,” RG 6-9 qualities, RF 19; SR5 53 Church treatment attempts, CF 25
Catalyst stick, SR5 449 reasons for shadowrunning, RF 19 pastor, RF 184 vaccine development, CF 140-41
Catch up, SR5 204 reputation, SR5 372-73 working for, SG 19-20 -xeno, CF 24-25
Catlike, SR5 72 resume, RF 19 Church of Scientology, SG 19 Cold adaptation, CF 163
shapeshifters, RF 56 Circle Cold damage, RG 150; SR5 170
471<< shadowrun, fifth edition master index
physical, RG 149-50 Compel truth, SG 114 using, SR5 388 Cracker Underground, DT 38-39
substance, RG 150 Compendium Maleficarum, SG 218 verbal quirks, RF 181 Cracking, SR5 153
Cold surfaces/substances, RG 150 Competence-on-a-chip pack/table, RF 240 Contacts, eye, SR5 443 Cracking the Bones, SG 74
Cold-blooded, RF 120 Competition, tabs on, DT 171 Containment systems, SR5 366 Cram, SR5 411
Cold-sim, SR5 215 Compiled Sprite Task, SR5 256 Contaminate, DT 165 Cramped area, SR5 374
virtual reality, DT 179; SR5 229 Compiling, SR5 143 Contracted magical security, SR5 361 Cramped quarters, RF 225
Coldsuit, RG 76-77 Complex actions, SR5 167 Contractual ritual, SG 122, 126, 129-30, 136 Crank, SG 109-10
College education, RF 145 vehicle, SR5 203 Contrax, CF 176 Crash(es), DT 57; SR5 201-2
Colleges, SG 16-17 Complex form(s), DT 164; SR5 215 Control actions, SG 141 IC, SR5 248
Color blindness, CF 156 kill(ing), SR5 250, 251 animal, SG 115 program, SR5 238
Color packs, RF 245-47 learning, SR5 106 pack, SG 115 Crash 2.0, DT 131-32
Colloton, Angela, SR5 38 new, CF 25 spell, SR5 292 CrashCart, CF 26, 29, 102; SR5 43
Colt sustain, SR5 256 Control rig, SR5 215, 266, 452 MediCart, R5 142-43
America L36, SR5 425 thread, SR5 250, 251 augmentation, SR5 266 Crazy Ivan, R5 175
Cobra TZ-120, SR5 427 using, SR5 253 booster, CF 147 Create ally spirit, SG 127
Government 2066, SR5 426 Complimentary genetics, CF 165-66 optimization, CF 165 Creature of comfort, RF 153
M23, SR5 428 table, CF 166, 238 Control thoughts spell, SR5 293 Cred, SR5 14
pistol pack/table, RF 232 Composure, SR5 152 Control vehicle, R5 175 Credit, SR5 442
ComaDoze, CF 176 Compulsion power, SR5 395 Control weapon mount, R5 163 account, SR5 442
Combat, RG 11-16; SR5 158 Compulsive, RF 158 Convenience stores, SR5 41 Credsticks, SR5 442, 443
abstraction, RG 107 Computer(s), SR5 41, 144, 226 Convergence, DT 152; SR5 231, 232 Creeping featuritis, DT 29
actions, SR5 162 illiterate, RF 153 Cool resolve, SG 169 Crime scene, DT 173
active skills, SR5 130-32 working together, DT 60 Cookie power, SR5 256-57 Crime syndicates, CF 220
astral, SR5 315 Con, SR5 138 Cooperative, The, DT 37-38 Criminal(s), RG 97-98
axe, SR5 422 fanatic, RF 185 Core packs, RF 228 penalties, illegal possession
balance, RG 107 modifiers, SR5 140 Coriolis, CF 25, 48 of explosives, RG 172
biker pack/table, RF 248 using, RF 178 Corp, SR5 14 Criminal Syndicate campaign, SR5 355
correspondent, RF 76-77 Concealability, RG 59 drone, RF 68 Crimson Orchid, CF 184-85
critter, SR5 402 modifier, SR5 417, 420 Corpcandy, CF 180 Crimson Sky suit, RG 58
damage.consequences, DT 180 Concealable holster, SR5 431 Corporate, RF 77 Cripple, SG 131
drone, SR5 270 Concealed quick-draw holster, RG 51 administrator, RF 185 Critical glitch, SR5 45-46, 48
drone packs, RF 250 Concealment, RG 95 Court, CF 213-14; SR5 22 Critical power, SR5 394
edge, RG 126 power, SR5 395 education, RF 69 Critical strike, SR5 309
eyes packs, RF 241 Concentration, toxin, SR5 409 espionage, DT 171 Critter(s), SR5 361-62, 392-93
junkie, RG 127 Condition monitor, SR5 52, 199 lore stores, SR5 276 attributes and skills, SR5 393
knife, SG 226; SR5 422 exceeding, SR5 209 -owned domicile, RF 224-25 combat, SR5 402
mage, SR5 116 grunts, SR5 379 research, CF 21-22 dracoforms, SR5 406-8
maneuver steps/tests, RG 98-99 Confederation of American States (CAS), Rorschach test, DT 175 form, SG 118-19
maneuvers, RG 99-102 RF 66; SG 13, 23, 26-27, 74; SR5 25 scrip, RF 173, 174 movement, SR5 393-94
Matrix, DT 179-80 AI, Monads citizenship in, CF 221 security, SR5 382 mundane, SR5 402-3
medic, RF 161 details, RF 66 societies, SG 60-65 powers, SR5 394-401
monster, RF 158 normal in, CF 206 sponsorship, DT 78-81 powers, new, RF 143
multiple opponent, RG 139 tour of duty, RF 83 wageslave, RF 186 spook, RF 120
objective, RG 12 Configuration program, SR5 245 Corporations, RF 42 weaknesses, SR5 401-2
options, RG 107-15 Confuse pilot, R5 30 magic and, SG 17-18 Crooked house, DT 141
options cheat sheet, RG 213 Confusion power, SR5 290, 395 Corps, RF 12-13; SR5 30-32 Cross Applied Technologies, SG 64
power, RG 94 Conjuring, SR5 153, 299-300 Corpsec vehicles, R5 66-77 Cross Biomed R&D site, DT 100
realism, RG 107 geas, SG 207 Corpus Hermeticum, SG 128 Crossbows, SR5 183, 424
resolution, SR5 172-73 reckless, SG 192-93 Corrective gene therapy, CF 156 table, RG 203
rigger pack/table, RF 248 Connection rating table, SR5 387 Corrode spell, SG 102 Crossfire, RG 100
rigging, R5 16 Conspirational societies, SG 56-57 Corrosive secretions, RF 143 Croteau, Raymond, RF 169
sense, SR5 286, 309 Constrictor’s crush, RG 137 Corrosive spit, RF 113; SR5 395 Crowbar, SR5 447
sequence, SR5 173 Contact toxins, SR5 408 Corrupter, DT 151 Crush block, CF 190
spells, SG 102-6; SR5 282, 283-85 Contacts, RF 172; SG 22-23; SR5 27-28, Corruption, SG 87 Crushing jaws, RG 137
spirit services, SR5 302 55, 390-92 fighting, DT 172 Cryo tolerance, CF 163
stress, CF 46 age, RF 179 sites, SG 87 Cryptesthesia, SG 108
surprise in, SR5 193-94 burning bridges, RF 179 Cortex bomb, SR5 452 CS gas, SR5 409-10
tactics, RG 89-90 connection, SR5 386 Corsair Cube, The (Tokyo), RF 227
teamwork, RG 98 cost, RF 173-75 Elysium, R5 85 Cultured bioware, CF 118-20; SR5 460-61
triggers, SG 219 cutting a deal, RF 175 Panther, R5 85-87 table, CF 231
turn sequence, SR5 158-59 favor for a friend, SR5 389-90 Trident, R5 87-88 Cure disease spell, SR5 288
turns, SR5 49 favors, SR5 388-89 Cosmetic alteration/modification, Curiosity killed the cat, DT 46
underwater, RG 158 fencing and, SR5 419 R5 169-71; CF 158 Currency, SR5 39
vehicle, SR5 202 gaining chips, RF 176 table, R5 171 Curse, SG 127; SR5 297
Comforts, RF 213, 218-19 gear availability and, SR5 418 Cosmetic bioware, CF 109-11 Cuspy, DT 29, 30
Comm, SR5 14 gender, RF 179 table, CF 111, 231 Custom fit, RG 59
Command glitches, SR5 389 Cosmetic cyberware, CF 72-74 Custom fit (stack), RG 59
control, RG 95 hobbies/vices, RF 180 table, CF 74 Custom protection, RG 59
preparation trigger, SR5 305 legwork, SR5 387-88 Cosmetic modifications, CF 99-100 Customization, cyberlimbs, SR5 456
Commanding voice, SG 170 loyalty, SR5 387 Cosmetic surgery, CF 72-73, 74 Customized drone, R5 125
Commcode, SR5 215 maintaining relations, RF 178 Cost, SR5 417 Customized drugs
Commercial explosive, SR5 436 memory test, RF 179 modifiers, SR5 375, 376 cost per dose table, CF 192
Commercial lifestyle, RF 217, 218 mental quirks, RF 181 Cougar fineblades, RG 20 example, CF 192
Commercial vehicles table, R5 186 metatype, RF 179 Counseling, CF 44 Cut-off, R5 175-76; SR5 204
Commlink (‘link), DT 55, 60; RG 90; networking, SR5 388 Counter peal, RG 99 Cutters, CF 155
SR5 215, 221, 438-39, 451-52 options, group or organization, RF 176-77 Counterfeit gear, RG 197 Cutting charges, RG 192
apps, DT 55-56 organizational, RF 177 Countermeasures, SR5 440-41 Cyber
dongles, DT 61-62 personal life, RF 181 Counterspelling, SR5 142, 278, genitalia, CF 73, 74
form factor, DT 60-61 personality generator, RF 179 294-95, 317, 319-20 holster, SR5457
Matrix attributes, SR5 222 physical quirks, RF 181 Counterstrike, RG 137, 142; SG 170 melee weapons, SR5 458
shadowrunning with, SR5 223 preferred payment type, RF 180 Courage, RF 24 packs, RF 238-44
voice, DT 178 relationship nature, RF 178 Courier sprite, SR5 258, 259 singularity seeker, CF 54
Common programs, SR5 243, 245 reputation and, RF 178-79 Court, Miles, DT 10 solutions, DT 54
Common sense, RF 145 samples, RF 182-95 Cover, RG 95; SR5 190, 356-57 Cyberarm gyromount, SR5 456
Communications, SR5 440-41 skills, RF 180 take, SR5 166 Cyberarm slide, SR5 456-57
Community colleges, RF 72-73; SG 17 stats, RF 180 Covert operations, RF 77 Cybercombat, SR5 144, 226
ComPac-Esprit General, RG 105 swag, SR5 388 Cowboy way, RG 133-34 Cyberdarwinists, DT 144, 164
Company man, RF 12-13, 77 triggers, SG 219 Coyote, RF 186 Cyberdeck(s), DT 11, 16, 60; SR5 53, 227, 439
Company suit, RF 184 types, RF 172-73 Crack sprite, SR5 258, 259 configuration, SR5 227
472 shadowrun, fifth edition master index >>
form factor, DT 62-63, 64 building/structure, RG 140 Deckhead, SR5 14 Dermal alteration, RF 113-14
modules, DT 64-65 explosives, RG 177, 179 Declare, SR5 173 Dermal deposits, RF 114
programs packs, RF 249 manipulation spells, SR5 292 Decompiling, SR5 143 Dermal plating, SR5 454
reconfiguration, SR5 228 material, RG 179 Decompression, space, RG 165 Desert suit, RG 75
specialty, DT 63-64 vehicle, RG 179 Decoy, SG 111 Designer AI, DT 146
standard, DT 62-63, 64 Damper, SR5 454 Decrease (attribute) Designer drugs, CF 190
Cyberdoc, CF 69 Dandelion eater, SR5 14 gear limits, SG 116-17 foundations, CF 190
Cyberears, SR5 453 “Danger of Side Jobs, The,” inherent limits, SG 110 Desire reflection, SG 194
Cybereyes, SR5 453 SR5 155-57, 260-63 noise, SG 116 Destroy spell
Cyberfingers, CF 86-87, 89 Danger sense, SG 147; SR5 309 reflexes, SG 110 free spirit, SG 103
Cyberguns, CF 90; SR5 458 Dangerous area, SR5 374 spell, SR5 288 vehicle, SG 103
modification, CF 90 Daniel Howling Coyote, RG 89-90 Decryption program, SR5 245 Destruction, SR5 340
Cyber-history, CF 63-65 Dante’s Inferno, SR5 220 DeeCee, SG 75 Detailed observation, SR5 165
Cyber-implant weapons, CF 90-92 Daoineann Draoidheil, SG 36, 37 Deed, SG 130 Detect (life form) spell, SR5 287
Cyberlight, CF 87, 89 Daredevil, RF 146 ordeal, SG 141 extended, SR5 287
Cyberlimb(s), CF 65, 86-88, 90; RG 136; Dark Deep Lacuna, SG 30 Detect (object) spell, SR5 287
SR5 455-56, 457 data, CF 203 Deep run Detect enemies spell, SR5 286
accessories, SR5 456-57 fighting in, RG 141 addiction, DT 112 extended, SR5 286
enhancements, SR5 456, 457 magic, SG 5, 78 advice, DT 113 Detect individual spell, SR5 286
hands, RG 136 twin, SG 80 creating, DT 118-19 Detect life spell, SR5 286
optimization, CF 87, 89 Darkfeather, Dr. Harold, CF 65 examples, DT 119-20 extended, SR5 286-87
table, CF 86, 89, 226-27 Darkness, falling into, SG 79-80 paradigm, DT 116 Detect magic spell, SR5 287
Cybermancy, CF 201-2 Dassault Sea Sprite, R5 99-100 hitchhikers, DT 115-16 extended, SR5 287
field advancement, CF 203-4 Data legitimate users, DT 117 Detection spell(s), SG 106-9;
process perfection, CF 203 anomaly, DT 44 Deepweed, SR5 411 SR5 282, 285-87
subject appropriation, CF 205-6 erasure, DT 163 Defaulting, SR5 53 results, SR5 286
subject production, CF 205 gathering, speculative, DT 58 Defend, SR5 173 triggers, SG 219
Cybernetic liberator, DT 46-47 Defender Detect target lock, R5 30
pricing, CF 68 locating, DT 163 defended against previous attacks, SR5 189 Detective, RF 79
technician, RF 186 processing, DT 179 Foundation, CF 190 Detonating cord, RG 193
Cyberprograms, DT 54-58; SR5 441 recovery, DT 164 has good cover, SR5 190 Detonation, DT 57
common, DT 56-57 spike, DT 179 inside moving vehicle, SR5188 Detonator(s), RG 190, 194-96
complex forms, DT 57-58 Data bomb in melee target of ranged attack, SR5 190 Detonator cap, SR5 436
illegal, DT 55 disarm, SR5 239 prone, SR5 189 Detox spell, SR5 288
legal, DT 55 set, SR5 242 receiving charge, SR5 189 Deus, DT 131-32, 136, 144
rigger, SR5 269 Data management, SR5 354 running, SR5 190 Dev/Grrl, DT 106; RF 213
Cyberpsychosis, CF 42, 51, 57, 70 Data Processing, SR5 244 unaware of attack, SR5 189 Device(s), SR5 215
Cybersafety, CF 83, 85 Matrix, SR5 227 wounded, SR5 189 artificial intelligence, DT 153-54
Cyber-snob, CF 57 rigger, SR5 267 Defense(s), DT 92, 94; R5 27-28; RG 95 control, SR5 238
Cyberspace Designs upgrade, SR5 258 active, SR5 190-92 format, SR5 239-40
Dalmation, SR5 466 Data spike, SR5 239 full matrix, SR5 240 icon, DT 17
Dragonfly, R5 129 Data sprite, SR5 258, 259 melee, SR5 188 manipulation, SR5 244
Cybersports, CF 66 Data Steal, SR5 14, 29, 340 modifiers table, SR5 189 Matrix, SR5 219
Wolfhound, R5 131 Data tap, SR5 440-41 multiple opponent, RG 139 mode, change, SR5 164
Cybersurgery, recovery time, SR5 451 Data trail(s), DT 108-9, 112-13 ranged, SR5 188 rating(s), SR5 234, 360, 417, 421
Cybertechnology, CF 195-97; SR5 144 creating, DT118-19 in space, RG 164 reboot, SR5 242
Cybertram, CF 184 hiding, DT 164 spell, SR5 294-95 use, SR5 167
Cyberware, CF 63, 209; R5 130; SR5 54, 94-95 Datachips, SR5 440 Defensive arts, SG 150-52 Device modification, DT 65
availability, CF 69 Datacourier pack/table, RF 240 Defensive secretion, RF 114 electronic parts, DT 65-66
cosmetic, CF 72-74 Datajack, DT 19; SR5 452 Defiance making, DT 66
grades, SR5 451 Dataslave, SR5 14 EX-Shocker, SR5 424 Matrix attribute, DT 66
invasiveness of, CF 68-69 Datasofts, SR5 441 T-250, SR5 429 module addition, DT 66
omega-grade, CF 71 Daviar, Nadja, SG 19; SR5 38 Defiant dance, RG 137 persona firmware, DT 66
quality of, CF 70-71 Day job/table, RF 154 Deflect spell, SG 151 stripping modifiers, DT 66
reasons for using, CF 67-68 Day trippers, CF 172-73 Deflection, SG 115 Devil rat, SR5 404
reliability of, CF 68 De Forma Absolutionis, SG 128 Deformity, RF 120 Devouring, SG 194
scanner table, SR5 366, 367 De la Mar, Danielle, DT 9-10, 12, 14-15, 85 Defuse program, SR5 245 Diagnose, SG 107
scanners, SR5 366 De Leon, Nathaniel, SG 45 Degree-on-a-chip pack/table, RF 240 Diagnostics, DT 56
sensor, SR5 446 De Praestigiis Daemonium, SG 218 Dehydration, RG 146-47 power, SR5 257
value of, CF 68 de la Rosa, Flava, SR5 30 Delatour, Benoit, SG 50 Diamond formation, RG 100
Cyberweapons table, CF 91 Dead emotion, CF 57 Delayed action, SR5 161 Did you just call me dumb?, RF 154
Cyberzombie, CF 205-6 Dead/inanimate vessels, SG 197 Deliberate attack, RG 95 Dietary requirement, SR5 401
Cyclopean eye, RF 120 Dead Man’s Trigger, SR5 56, 197 Delivery, SR5 29-30, 342 Dietware, CF 109
Cyclops, RF 93 Dead vessels, SG 214 times, SR5 418 Difficult to find, RF 226
Dead Warlocks, SG 75 Delphi, CF 186 Digester endosont, CF 123
D Dead zones, DT 59 Delta facilities, CF 71-72 Digigrade legs, CF 87, 89
DADA, SR5 173 Deadly heat hazard, RG 146 Demi-GODs, SR5 215, 360 Digital celebrity, SG 158
Daihatsu-Caterpillar Horseman, R5 41-42 Deadly killing frost, RG 149 corporate, DT 69-75 Digital doppelganger, RF 146
DakotaNet, DT 23 Deadly pollution, RG 152 IC forms, DT 76-77 Digital turf, SR5 75
Damage, SR5 100, 169-70 Deadly radiation, RG 153 operations, DT 69-76 Digital underworld, SR5 223
changing types, SR5 186 Deaf, RF 154 Demolish, SG 105 Digital warfare, RG 90-91
compensation, SR5 460 Deafened, SG 220 Demolition(s), SR5 144 Dilated time, DT 174
electricity, RG 140 Dealer connection, R5 33 advanced, RG 171-75 Dim mak, RG 137
elemental, SG 105; SR5 170-72 Death, ASIST-related, DT 11 gear qualities, RG 197-98 Diploma-on-a-chip pack/table, RF 239
falling, RG 164; SR5 134 Death mark, SG 127 knowledge, RG 176 Direct assault, R5 16
Foundation, DT 112 astral tracking modifiers, SG 127 program, SR5 245 Direct combatant, RG 92-93
frostbite, RG 149 Death touch, SR5 284, 306 supplies and equipment, RG 190 Direct neural interface (DNI), SR5 215, 222
healing radiation, pollution, RG 153, 156 Deathly aura, SG 194 Demolition Derby, R5 40 Direct spells, SR5 283
Matrix, SR5 228 Debt, DT 171-72 Demolitionist pack/table, RF 247 Direction sense, SR5 310
melee, SR5 187 Decade, RF 6-10 Denizens, DT 116-17, 118 Directional microphone, SR5 445
modifiers, space, RG 162 Decaying dissonance, DT 47-48 Denver, RF 67; SG 30; SR5 21, 25 Dirty trick, RG 111; SR5 195
for no defense, RG 110 December 2011, SR5 20 Denver Nexus, SR5 38 Disarm, RG 111
possession, SG 197 Deck, SR5 14, 215 Deparment of Amazonian Disclaimer/trigger warning, CF 45
special types, SR5170 configuration, DT 179 Intelligence and Security, SG 15 Discordians, DT 164
spellcasting, SR5 282-83 reconfiguration, DT 180 Department stores, SR5 41 Discreet cleaning service, RF 221
splitting, RG 112; SR5 196 Decker(s), DT 170; RF 13, 77, 80; Dependent(s), SR5 80 Discreet deliveryman/candyman, RF 221
vehicle, SR5 205 SR5 14, 63, 214, 223 Depth actions, DT 154 Discreet pursuit, R5 176
Damage value(s) (DV), SR5 417 packs, RF 248-49 Derelict Building, SR5 371-72 Disease(s), RF 142-43; SG 86
riggers and, SR5 266 Derezz, DT 58 Disenchanting, SR5 142, 307
473<< shadowrun, fifth edition master index
focus, SR5 319 alchemy, SR5 305 mind-altering, SR5 42-43 Ehran the Scribe, SG 22
Disgraced, RF 146 pact, SG 137 pharmacy, CF 176 Einstein block, CF 190
Disgraced bodyguard, RF 162 resisting, SR5 282 stats on, CF 179-84 Eisa, Ibn, SG 14
Disguise, SR5 133 summoning, SR5 300 table, CF 234-35 Ejection seats, R5 164
using, SR5 136 Drain value, SR5 278 tolerance, CF 54 Elastic joints, CF 112
Disjoining, SR5 307, 317 artificing, SR5 307 value of, CF 177-78 Elastic stomach, CF 158-59
Disorientation, SR5 409 disenchanting, SR5 308 Drug interactions, CF 178, 192 Electric Knights, DT 39-40
Dispelling, SR5 295 Dream, SG 111 table, CF 193 Electrical detonator, RG 195
Dispersion, RG 95 link, CF 79, 82 Druidism, SG 20, 45-46 Electrical discharge, CF 120
circle, SG 127 logic, DT 107 Drunken boxing, RG 130 Electricity damage, RG 140; SR5 170-71
Displacement alchera, SG 28, 30 pact, SG 137 Dry addict, CF 57 Electroception, RF 114
Disposable syringe, SR5 450 Dreamchips, SR5 413 Dryad, RF 95 table, RF 114
Disrupt spell, SG 102-3 Dreamsage, CF 186 Drysuit, RG 79-80 Electrochromic clothing, SR5 437
Disruption, SG 186, 192; SR5 316 Dreamscape, DT 175 Dual-natured spirit, SR5 301-2, 312, 395 Electromagnetic modifications, R5 166-69
Dissociative amnesia, CF 41, 51 Drek, SR5 14 Duchy of Pomorya, RF 49 table, R5 169
Dissociative identity disorder, CF 41-42k 51 Dress code, DT 172 Dues, SG 130 Electromagnetic shielding, R5 166
Dissonance, DT 143-44 Drift, R5 178 Dumb bomb, RG 188 Electron storm, SR5 257
Dissonant echoes, DT 165 Drifter, RF 77 Dump, SR5 14 Electronic component(s)/parts, DT 65-66
Dissonants, DT 164-65 Driveby/broadside, R5 176 Dump of One’s Own, A, RF 212 packs, DT 65-66
Distinctive Style, SR5 80-81 Driven, RF 154 Dump trucks, R5 63 scrounging for, DT 66
Distribution and logistics, DT 101, 104 Driving Dumped, rigger, SR5 268-69 Electronic countermeasures (ECM), R5 166
Dive advanced rules, R5 173-83 Dumpshock, DT 180; SR5 15, 229 Electronic lock bypass, R5 18
for cover, RG 124 with style, R5 180 Dunzelkahn (dragon), SG 68-69; Electronic paper, SR5 439
on grenade, RG 125 Drone(s), R5 10, 16, 22-23; SR5 21, 35, 407 Electronic warfare, R5 30-31; SR5 144, 226
Divination, SG 124-25, 147, 194 SR5 215, 269-71, 362, 461-62, 466 Dunkelzahn Institute for Magical autosoft, SR5 269
table, SG 125 amphibious, R5 125 Research (DIMR), SG 57, 62, 68 rigger, SR5 268
Divine touch, DT 174 arm, R5 125 Duration, SR5 252 Electronic witness, DT 48
Diving, SR5 133 assembly line improvement, R5 125 of drug, SR5 411 Electronics, SR5 41, 153
armor, RG 80 attribute modifications, R5 123 of spell, SR5 283 accessories, SR5 439
gear, SR5 448 autosofts, R5 127 Dust bomb, R5 18-19 Electroreceptor endosont, CF 123
DNA basics, R5 122-26 Dwarfs, RF 88-91; SR5 20, 50 Electroshock, CF 116
masking, CF 157 customized, R5 125 characters and, RF 47 Elegant, DT 29, 30, 31
scanners, SR5 364 downgrades, R5 123 culture of, RF 45-47 Elemental attack, SG 195; SR5 396
DNArt, CF 167 engine warm-up, R5 118-19 game information, RF 47 Elemental body, SG 170
Docs Around the Clock, CF 29 explosives and, RG 189-90 society and, RF 47-48 Elemental damage, SR5 170-71
Doctor Bob’s Allergy Elixer, CF 184 gecko grips, R5 126 Dweller on the Threshold, SG 28; SR5 317 Elemental effects, normal/toxic, SG 170
Doctorate-on-a-chip pack/table, 240 gunnery, SR5 183-84 Dynamic entry Elemental spells, SR5 283
Document hand-outs, SR5 339 handling, R5 123 “chuck and charge,” RG 100 Elemental strike, SG 170
DocWagon, RF 42; SR5 43, 206 hobbyist, R5 35 standard, RG 100 Elemental weapon, SG 170-71
basic service, CF 30 ignition, R5 118-20 Dynamic handprints, CF 151 Elf Mystic Adept, SR5 111
campaign, SR5 355 immobile, R5 126 Dynamite, RG 193 Elf Poser, SR5 81
competitior contracts, CF 29 leg, R5 125-26 Dyson 3, RG 166 Elite Corporate Security, SR5 384
contract, SR5 450 mechanic pack/table, RF 245 Dysphoria, DT 143, 165 Elite Special Forces, SR5 384
gold service, CF 31 missile, R5 149 Dzoo-noo-qua, RF 137-38 E-loading, CF 202-3
platinum service, CF 31-32 modification, R5 122-26 Elongated limbs, RF 114
subscribing to, CF 27-29 mounted weapons, SR5 176 E Elves, RF 95-97; SG 16; SR5 20, 50
super-platinum service, CF 32-33 movement, R5 28 Eagle, SR5 322 characters and, RF 50
Dodge, RG 124; SR5 168, 191 packs, RF 249-51 eyes pack/table, RF 241 chivalry, RF 28
Caravaner, R5 58-59 popularity of, R5 119-20 Eagle Eye-II Deep Space culture of, RF 48-49
Charger, R5 67-68 primitive arm, R5 125 Observation Platform, RG 166 society and, RF 49-50
General, R5 74 rack, R5 160 Ear Emerald City, DT 25
Goliath, R5 70 realistic features, R5 125 buds, SR5 445 grid, DT 10
Rhino, R5 76, 77 size of, R5 25 hits, RG 112-13 Emerald Palace, The, SG 23
Scoot, R5 155; SR5 462 skyguide, R5 126 protector, CF 75 Emerald Tablets, SG 128
Stallion, R5 71-73 smartsoft (restricted), R5 127 Earnhardt V, Dale, R5 14 Emergency lockdown, DT 86
Xenon, R5 47 software, R5 126-27 Earth engulf, SR5 396 Emotional attachment, RF 154
Dodger, DT 131 software tweaks, R5 127-28 Earth spirit, RG 159 Emotions, SG 31
Dog, SR5 321, 402 splines reticulation, R5 119 Earther, RG 169 Empathic healing, SG 171
Dog brain pack/table, RF 250 spotlight, R5 126 Earware, CF 74-75; SR5 453-54 Employer(s), SR5 343
Dog pile, RG 100 suspension mod, R5 126 table, CF 75, 223 table, SR5 343
Domain(s), SG 25, 31 table, R5 188-90 Easily exploitable AI, DT 151 Empower, SG 128
of the spiritual, SG 158 tire mod, R5 126 East Anglian Stinkens, RG 155 Emulate, DT 154
of the warrior, SG 159 upgrades, R5 122 East Coast Stock Exchange, DT 137 Emulation, AIs, DT 152-53
Domestically Disturbed, RF 168-71 using, R5 26 Eastern dragons, SR5 407 Enabler, SG 110
Dongles, DT 61-62 vehicle actions, R5 179 Eau de vivre, CF 179 Enchanting, SG 139, 143-44, 147,
Doom, SG 86 weapon mounts, R5 124 Eavesdropper pack/table, RF 114 149, 155; SR5 153
Door wards, SG 127-28 Drone catalog, R5128-30 Echo(es), DT 58-59; SR5 215, 258 foci, SR5 318-19
Doors, SR5 363 anthromorphic drones, R5 145-48 Echo Motors steps, SR5 304-7
Dopadrine, CF 180 drone missile, R5 149 Metaway, R5 47-48 Enclosed breathing helmet, RG 79
Double elastin, CF 160 huge drones, R5 143-45 Zip, R5 44 Encryption, SR5 269
Double image, SG 111 large drones, R5 141-44 Echo Station, RG 166 program, SR5 245
Double jointed, SR5 72 medium drones, R5 138-41 Eco-shaman, RF 80 Encumbrance, SR5 420
Double-tap, RG 120 small drones, R5 130-38 Edge, SR5 46-48, 52 armor and, SR5 169
Down the gullet shot, RG 116 Drop burning, SR5 57 end run, R5 176
Downer BTL, CF 192 object, SR5 163 character creation, SR5 65-66 Endless archive, DT 140
Draco Foundation, SG 19, 57; SR5 21, 35, 36 prone, SR5 164 effects of, SR5 56 Endoscope, SR5 444
Dracoforms, SR5 406-8 Drug(s), SR5 410-11 initiative and, SR5 160-61 Endosymbionts, CF 123
Dragon(s), SG 15; SR5 21, 406-8 available enhancers, CF 191 regaining, SR5 56 Endowment, SG 195
astral signature, SG 107 Awakened, CF 184-86 spirits and, SR5 304 Enemy identification, DT 172
eastern, SR5 407 bio-Awakened drugs, CF 173-74 Edit program, SR5 245 Energy aura, SR5 396
feathered serpents, SR5 407 costs of, SR5 411 Editor, SR5 252 Energy drain, SG 195
hide, CF 116 customizing, CF 190 Effect, toxin, SR5 408 free spirit, SG 205
lines, SG 35 daytrippers, CF 172-73 Efficient ritual, SG 153 Energy industrym DT 94, 97
skin, RF 113-14 dosing, CF 171-72 Egghead, CF 180 Enfield AS-7, SR5 429
western, SR5 407-8 getting high, CF 171 E-ghosts, DT 145, 161 Engineering, SR5 153
Dragonslayer, SR5 321-22 Ghost Cartels, CF 175 Ego, RG 12 hosts, DT 92, 93
Dragonspeech, SR5 395 grades of, CF 190 Eguchi smile, DT 158 Engineering Corps, RF 82, 83
Drain, RG 14; SR5 278, 283 illegal, CF 174-75 Egypt, RG 153-54; SR5 27 Engkanto, SG 100-101
adept, SR5 308 legal, CF 174 Engulf power, SR5 396
474 shadowrun, fifth edition master index >>
Enhance aim, SG 107 genetech, CF 198 -light system, CF 76 File(s), DT 168; SR5 215, 219, 229
Enhanced accuracy, SR5 309 Green field, CF 103 mount, additional, CF 75-76 crack, SR5 238
Enhanced articulation, SR5 459 head cases, CF 17 protectors, CF 76 edit, SR5 222, 239
Enhanced image screens, R5 170 HEL suit, RG 81 Eye, The, SG 23 manipulation, SR5 244
Enhanced perception, SR5 309 Johnson (Mr.) from, RF 204 Eye-Fivers, SR5 382 Matrix attributes and, SR5 227
Enhanced senses, SR5 396 -Krime “Krime Wing,” R5 105-6 Eyes of the pack, SG 106-7 Final Calculations, SR5 100, 102
Enhanced suppression, RG 120 Krokodil, R5 139-40 Eyeware, CF 75-77; SR5 453, 454 table, SR5 101
Enhanced symbiosis, CF 165 Monads acceptance by, CF 216 table, CF 76, 223 Financial prize, DT 171
Enhancements, SG 139, 156-59 nanotechnology, CF 200-201 EZBreathe, CF 175 Finger
Enhancers, available, CF 191 normal in, CF 207 grenade, CF 87, 89
Enlightenment, nine paths to, SG 140, 141 Proletarian, R5 131-32 F pistol, CF 87, 89
Entanglement(s), RG 111 PsychChips, CF 175 Face, RF 80; SR5 63 popper shot, RG 116
Entering combat late, RG 110 Saotome Aquadome, RG 160 Facial recognition, SR5 364 Fingerlighter, CF 87, 89
Entertainment, RF 215, 219-24 Water Strider, R5 84-85 Facial sculpt, SG 171 Fingertip compartment, SR5 454
buying table, RF 253 Waterking, R5 79 Facility, SR5 443 Finishing move, RG 120, 137
illusion, SR5 290 White biotech division, CF 101-2 Factory child worker, CF 61 Fiore dei liberi, RG 130
Entertainment Systems Cyclops, R5 43 Evoculture, RF 57 Fade to black, DT 44 Fire
Environment, fatigue and, SR5 172 EvoGrid, DT 20 Fading, SR5 215, 251-52 armor piercing ratings, SR5 171
Environmental effects Evotech Himitsu, DT 61 Fading value (FV), SR5 252 damage, SR5 171-72
cold damage, RG 150 Ex, CF 180 Fae-touched, SG 158-59 engulf, SR5 396
underwater fatigue, RG 156 Ex pacis cult, DT 164 Failed tests, retrying, SR5 49 resistance, SR5 437
Environmental manipulation, SR5 292 Ex-explosive ammo, RG 54 Failures, climbing, SR5 134 shield, RG 100-101
Environmental microadaptation, CF 163-64 Exceptional attribute, SR5 72, 74 Fairbairn, Tiana, CF 14 spirit, RG 159
table, CF 164, 238 Exceptional entity AI, DT 147 Fairlight Paladin, DT 63, 64 weapon, R5 176, 179
Environmental modifiers, SR5 173-75, 187 Exchanges, SG 191 Fake license, SR5 443 Firearm(s), SR5 153, 425-29, 431
compensation, SR5 173, 174, 175 Exclusive membership, SG 130 Fake magic items, SG 215 accessories/modifications,
Environmental protection, RG 74-75 Exclusive ritual, SG 130 Fake SIN(s), SR5 367-68, 442-43 RG 54; SR5 431-33
table, RG 212 Ex-con, RF 155 details, SR5 367 accessories/modifications table,
Environmental protection, RG 74-75 Exec, SR5 15 Falconine shapeshifter, RF 100 RG 208-9
Environmental severity Executive Suite, RG 61 Falling damage, SR5 134, 172 reload, SR5 167
heat hazard, RG 146 Ex-explosive ammo, RG 54 In space, RG 164 Fireball spell, SR5 306
killing frost, RG 148-49 Exhalation spray, CF 112 Falling leaf, R5 178-79 Fire-bringer, SR5 322
pollution, RG 151-52 Exorcism, SG 148-49, 158 False face, CF 79-80, 82 Firefight, RG 130
radiation, RG 152-53 Exotic melee weapon(s), RG 20-21; SR5 438 Fame, RF 146-47 Firefly spirit, SG 96
Environmental test modifiers, RG 147 table, RG 202 Familiar, SG 142 Firepower, RG 90
Epilepsy, CF 42 Exotic metagenetics, CF 158-60 Family, RF 178 Firewall, DT 179; SR5 215, 244
Equine shapeshifter, RF 100 table, CF 159, 237 curse, CF 58 Matrix, SR5 227
Equipment packs, RF 228 Exotic ranged weapon (specific), Fancy restaurant, SR5 28 rigger, SR5 267
advanced runner/table, RF 229 RG 26-28; SR5 131 Fangs, CF 90-91, 120; RF 115 upgrade, SR5 258
basic runner/table, RF 228, 229 table, RG 204 FAQ, DT 58 Firewater, SG 103
buying the basics, RF 252-55 Exploder, RG 196 Far sensing, SG 133 Firing Mode, SR5 178-80
core, RF 228 Expanded ammunition bay, RF 124-25 Faraday himself, DT 49 table, SR5 180
intro runner, RF 228 Expanded grimoire, SG 5 Fashion, SG 115 First Aid, SR5 144, 205-6
Erased, RF 146 Expanded reservoir, CF 112 hits table, SG 115 First Impression, SR5 74
Eros, CF 180 Expanded volume, CF 112-13 Fast, SG 110 5-K Aerospace SKA-008, R5 98-99
Escape, RG 120 Exploit program, SR5 245 FastJack, SR5 24, 38 Fix, SG 116
Escape artist, SR5 133 Exploration, DT 175 Fatigue damage, SR5 172 Fixation, SG 153; SR5 325
table, SR5 135 Explosions, background count and, RG 177-78 from environments, SR5 172 Fixed-wing aircraft, SR5 464
using, SR5135 Explosive(s), RG 16, 190; SR5 436 from running, SR5 172 Fixer, SR5 28, 390-91
Escaped technomancer, DT 52 accessories, RG 196-97 Fatigued, SG 220 basics, RF 196-97
Esprit Industries, SR5 38 arrowhead, RG 23 Fault sprite, SR5 258, 259 Fixing What’s Broke, CF 26
Essence attribute, SR5 52, 54, 55, 287-88 base effectiveness ratings, RG 176 Favor(s), RF 176; SR5 388-89 Flame on shot, RG 116
cost, SR5 417 breaching/cutting, RG 191-92 for a friend, SR5 389-90 Flamethrower(s), RG 49-50; SR5 284
drain, SR5 396-97 building demolition and, RG 180-84 rating table, SR5 389 table, RG 208
drain addiction, RF 134 chemical detection modifiers, RG 197 Fear power, SR5 397 Flametosser, CF 91
Infected and, RF 141 cooking, RG 192-93 Feathered serpents, SR5 407 Flare, RG 55
loss, CF 155-56 criminal penalties for Feathers, RF 120 compensation, SR5 444, 453
loss, critters, SR5 401 illegal possession, RG 172 Federated Boeing Flash blind shot, RG 116
Estenssooro, Matt, CF 213 damage value, RG 177, 179 Commuter, SR5 465 Flashback(s), RF 155
Etchers, CF 153 determining values, RG 176 Kull, 139, R5 140 system, CF 151
Eternal Horizon, DT 19-20 drones, RG 189-90 PBY-70 “Catalina II,” R5 100-102 Flash-bang grenades, SR5 435
Ethics, Codes, & Other Jokes, RF 22 effective rating modifiers, RG 177 Feedback clothing, SR5 437 Flashlight, RG 51; SR5 449
Ethnicity modification, CF 107 erasing fingerprints, RG 189 Feint, RG 111-12 Flash-pak, SR5 435
Ethiomalian Territories, SR5 27 foam, SR5 436 Fencing Flatscreen, DT 17-18
Etiquette, SR5 138 homemade vs. commercial, RG 175-77 gear, SR5 418-19 Flechette
glitches, SR5 141 making, RG 192-93 table, SR5 363 fired on medium spread, SR5 189
modifiers, SR5 140 rounds, SR5 434 Fen shui master, SG 143 fired on narrow spread, SR5 189
using, SR5 141 time frame for building charges, RG 178 Fernseit Lunar Mining Facility, RG 167 fired on wide spread, SR5 189
Euphoria, SG 111 types of, RG 193-94 Ferret RPD-IX Wheeled Perimeter Drone, R5 132 rounds, SR5 434
Eurocar vehicles, RG 185 Festo suppressive fire, RG 120
Northstar, R5 56-57 Extendable baton, SR5 422 Pigeon 2.0, R5 129 Flex hand, CF 83-84, 85
Westwind 3000, R5 155; SR5 463 Extended test(s), SR5 48 Sewer Snake, R5 132 Flexibility, SG 171
Europe, SR5 27 difficulties, SR5 48 Fetish, SG 212 weapon mount, R5 163
Evade, RG 120 glitches and, SR5 48 Fettering, SG 192 Flexible signature, SG 149, 150; SR5 325-26
Evaluate, DT 57 Extra secure area, SR5 374 Fiber-optic hair, CF 73 focus, SR5 319
Evanescence, weakness, SG 101 Extra secure quarters, RF 225 Fichetti Fling spell, SR5 293
Evasion autosoft, SR5 269 Extraction, SR5 29, 340-41 Executive Action pistol, RG 30 Flow, SG 141
Evasive driving, SR5 205 Extraterritoriality, SR5 21-22 Pain Inducer, SR5 430 Fluid-motion ram, RG 103
Event Horizon, DT 139, 142, 163 Extreme cyber-implant weapons, CF 90, 91 Security 600, SR5 426 Fluorescing astral bacteria, SG 212
Event programming table, CF 52 Extreme environment modification, RG 51 Fichetti Tiffani Flux, SG 150
Evo Corporation, CF 14; SR5 22, 27, Extreme fatigue, RG 156 Needle, SR5 425 Fly spirit, SG 96-97
30, 31-32, 43 Extreme heat hazard, RG 146 Self-Defender 2075, RG 30 Fly on a Wall, DT 57
Aquavida, R5 90-91 Extreme killing frost, RG 149 Fifth World, SG 20; SR5 20 Flying kick, RG 121, 137
Armadillo armored space suit, RG 82 Extreme pollution, RG 152 52 blocks, RG 128 FN
Atlantis Bundle, CF 93 Extreme radiation, RG 153 “Fight for Your Life,” RG 10 -AAL gyrojet pistol, RG 26, 27
bioware, CF 197 Extremist organizations, RF 210-11 Fight-or-Flight Filter, DT 58 HAR, SR5 428
demiGOD in, DT 71-72 Johnson (Mr.) from, RF 208-11 Fighting, RG 12-13 MAG-5 (MMG), RG 43
drones and, R5 121-22 Eye in dark, RG 141 P93 Praetor, SR5 427
Falcon-EX, R5 43 hits, RG 113 Fnord, DT 158-59
475<< shadowrun, fifth edition master index
Focus (foci), SR5 318, 326 binding, SG 204 grenade, SR5 435 contacts, SR5 389
activate, SR5164 born, SG 202-3 mask, SR5 449 detection spells, SR5 285
addiction, SR5 319 feeding, SG 204 -vent system, SR5 431-32 etiquette and, SR5 141
crafting, SR5 307 greater powers, SG 205 Gastric neurostimulator, CF 84, 85 extended tests and, SR5 48
formula, SR5 306 Karma and, SG 203-4 Gate of Ishtar, SG 59-60 healing and, SR5 207
individualizing, SG 230 new powers, SG 203 Gatherings, SG 55 host, DT 163-64
table, SR5 318 pact, SG 205 GE Vindicator mini-gun (LMG), RG 42 ritual spells, SR5 296
types, SR5 318-19 powers, SG 204-5 Gear, SR5 47, 54-55 spellcasting, SR5 282
upgrading, SG 230 services, SG 203 access, RG 59 summoning, SR5 300
Focused concentration, SR5 74 summoning, SG 204 actively hiding, SR5 419 Global grids, CF 214; DT 19-22; SR5 234
Folding stock modification, RG 51-52 true names, SG 203 availability rating, SR5 416 Globetrotter jacket/vest/clothing, RG 63
Fomóraig, RF 138 Freefall, SG 171; SR5 133 breaking and entering, SR5 447-48 Gloves, DT18
Fomorian, RF 93-94 Frenitico, CF 184 buying, SR5 96-97, 416 “Glow City,” RG 155
Fororian Usquebaugh, CF 181 Fresnel fabric, RG 84, 85 capacity, RG 87 Glue, SG 116
Food, SR5 41 Friends, SR5 75 carrying, SR5 420 solvent, SR5 448
buying table, RF 253 in high places, RF 147 checklist, SR5 94 sprayer, SR5 448
Foot in melee, SR5 187 concealing, SR5 419-20 strip, SG 116
anchor, CF 84, 85 Frog tongue, RF 115 installed, RG 87 GM-Nissan Doberman, SR5 466
hits, RG 113 Frostbite, RG 149 listing, SR5 421-38 GMC
speed, SR5 200 Fugitive, RF 68 noticing hidden, SR5 419-20 Armadillo, R5 54
Football, CF 66 Fugue states, CF 41, 51 ratings, SR5 416 Banshee, R5 155; SR5 465
Forbidden item, SR5 419 Full body armor, SR5 437 ratings glossary, SR5 417 Bulldog, R5 155
Forbidden knowledgem SG 218 Full defense, RG 110, 121, 124, 137; repairs, RG 143 Bulldog Step-Van, SR5 463-64
Force, SR5 278 SR5 168, 191 sizing, SR5 420 Commercial D-Series, R5 63
ritual spell, SR5 296 Full face mask, RG 79 starting, SR5 418 Commercial G-Series, R5 62-63
spell, SR5 304 Full-auto weapon, SR5 179 using unadapted, SR5 420 Escalade, R5 57-58
spirit, SR5 300 fire mode, SR5 165, 167 Gearhead, SR5 74 442 Chameleon, R5 48
Forced defense, SG 110 Functional tail, RF 115 Geas, SG 142 Gryphon, R5 103-5
Ford Furst, Rivel, SG 67 Geasa, SG 130 -Nissan Doberman, R5 155
Americar, SR5 463 Further education, R5 35 Gecko Phoenix, R5 50-51
Econovan, R5 58 Future service, RF 176 crawl, SG 116 Riverine, R5 92-93
Percheron, R5 54 grip, R5 126; RG 52 Universe, R5 59
Forearm G tape gloves, SR5 449 Gnawer, RF 138
guards, RG 73 Gagarin Mars Base, CF 211-12, 213, 215; RG 167 Geek, SR5 15 Gnome, RF 88
hits, RG 113 Galak, CF 180 Geiger counter, SR5 446 Gnome factory, DT 118-19
snap-blades, SR5 422 Gamemaster, SR5 44 Gel nodes, DT 120
Foreboding, SG 112 attitude and, SR5 334-35 packs, RG 84, 85, 86 workers, DT 119
Foregrip, RG 52 background writing, SR5 338 round, SR5 434 Gnome foreman, DT 119
Forensic thaumaturgist, SG 144 campaigns, SR5 353-55 Gene infusion, CF 134 Go anywhere jacket pack/table, RF 236
“Forest of Wisdom,” DT 23 character approval by, SR5 103 Gene therapy basics, CF 155-56 Goblin, RF 138
Forgery, SR5 144 character identification, SR5 366- 68 General block, CF 191 Goblinization, SR5 20
using, SR5 145-46 character lifestyles, SR5 373-75 Genesis Consortium, CF 104 GOD Speaks, DT 4-7
Forget-me-not, CF 180-81 character reputation, SR5 372-73 Genetech, CF 198-200 Go-gang(s), RG 98; SR5 15, 35
Fork program, SR5 245-46 designing run, SR5 335-36 rules, CF 155-67 Goggles, SR5 443
Formative years, DT 51; R5 34-35 document hand-outs, SR5 339 Genetic infusion, CF 166 Going dark, RG 102
Form-fitting body armor, RG 65 drop-in locations, SR5 368-72 side effects table, CF 166 Golden Rule of Spirits, SG 185-86
Formula(s), SR5 326 extended test difficulties and, SR5 48 table, CF166 Golden screwdriver, DT 44
pact, SG 137 game management, SR5 348-50 Genetic memory, CF 198-99 Gorepak, RG 72, 73
Foxwife, CF 34, 37 group rules, boundaries, SR5 333 Genetic optimization, CF 157-58 Goring horns, RF 115
Foundation, SR5 296 group template, SR5 334 Genetic restoration, CF 156 Govekli Tepi, SG 31
active skills, DT 111 grunts, SR5 381 table, CF 157, 237 Government agent, RF 78
allies and, DT 109 maps, SR5 339 Genewipe, CF 157 Government official, RF 186
anchors, DT 114 mentor spirits awards by, SR5 320 Genitals hits, RG 113 Govi, SG 212-13
attributes, DT 110 music, SR5 340 Genius foundation, CF 190 Gradual release, CF 112
damage, DT 112 non-player characters, SR5 343-47 Genome Granite shell, RF 114
data trails, DT 108-9, 112-13, 118-19 opposition design, SR5 338-39 manipulation, CF 132-35 Grapple/board, R5 179
denizens, DT 116-18 passion of, SR5 333 modification, CF 198 Grapple gun, SR5 449-50, 455
discovery in, DT 118 plot building, SR5 337 Geomancy, SG 136, 143 Grapple hand, CF 87. 89
dream logic, DT 107 plot hole check, SR5 339 Geosynchronous Earth orbit, RG 166 Grasping vines, RG 137
entering, DT 110 pre-game considerations, SR5 332-33 Geo-tapping, SR5 215 Grave binding, SG 129, 144
hacking, DT 106 props, SR5 339 Gerlixir, CF 181 Gravitational complications, RG 161-62
knowledge skills, DT 111 random run tables, SR5 342-43 Gesture, SR5 164 Grease monkey, R5 33
magic, DT 110 role of, SR5 332 Getaway driver, R5 35 Greasy skin, RF 116
magical skills, DT 111 roleplaying NPCs, SR5 347 Ghillie suit, RG 74-75 Great Cahokia Mound Web, SG 31
Matrix and, DT 111 run rewards, SR5 375-76 Ghost(s), DT 174-75; RF 131-33, 138; Great Cairn line, SG 31
nodes, DT 112-15, 118-19 run templates, SR5 340-42 SG 190; SR5 215 Great cat, SR5 402
outside world, DT 112 scene relocation, SR5 350-51 blessing, DT 175 Great Duchy of Westrhine-Luxembourg, RF 47
paradigm, DT 107-8, 118 scene replacement, SR5 351 communion, DT 174-75 Great form spirit(s), SG 136, 187, 205
resonance skills, DT 111 scene running, SR5 351-53 Infected, RF 131-32 Great Ghost Dance, RG 89-90
variance, DT 117 scenes, SR5 335-36 glimpse, DT 174 Greatcoat, RG 58
working, DT 107, 108-9 security, SR5 355-65 Ghost Cartels, CF 175 Greater DemiGOD, DT 77
Fourth directive, DT 175 surprise management, SR5 349-50 Ghost Chips, CF 175 Greater reflection, SG 151
Fovea runs, RF 36 transitions, SR5 337-38 Ghostwalker (dragon), SR5 21 Greater ritual, SG 153
Foveae, SG 33, 34 Gamma-grade cyberware, CF 72 Ghoul(s), RF 131-33, 138; SR5 404-5 Greater spirit power, SG 137
Frag, SR5 15 Gamma-scopolamine, SR5 410 Infected. RF 131-32 Green biotech, CF 96-97
Fragged, SR5 15 Gangers, SR5 382 Ghoul Homeland, SG 13-14 Greenhouse, RF 221
Fragmentation, SR5 436 Gangs, RF 26; RG 97-98; SR5 34-35 Ghulpille, CF 183 Gremlins, SR5 81, 257
AI, DT 151 boss, RF 187 GI belief, RF 23-24 Grenade(s), SR5 181, 434-35
defects, DT 151 street docs and, CF 38 Giant, RF 94 boxes of/tables, RF 236
grenade, SR5 435 warfare, RF 69 Gills, CF 113; RF 115 -cam, RG 102
France, SR5 27 Ganger, RF 78 “Girls with Guns,” SR5 58-61 launcher(s), RG 36, 37; SR5 181-83
Franchi SPAS-24 shotgun, RG 41 Garage, RF 221 Gladio, SG 64-65 Grendel, RF 139
Frangible ammo, RG 54 table, RF 221 Glamour, RF 115 Grey biotech, CF 96
Fraternity, SG 130 Garbage in/garbage out action, DT 178-79 Glass, DT 18 Grid(s), DT 168; SR5 215, 220-21, 222, 233-34
Freaks, RF 123 Garbage trucks, R5 62-63 Glasses, SR5 443-44 access, mark, DT 173
Free actions, SR5 163-64 Garrote, RG 20 Glendower Export Associates, SG 18 global, DT 19-22
vehicle, SR5 202 Gas Glitch(es), CF 210; DT 54; SR5 45-46, 48 hop, SR5 240
Free spirit(s), SG 188 delivery systems, SR5 366 alchemy, SR5 305 on run, SR5 233
banishing, SG 204 climbing, SR5 134 subscription, RF 222
476 shadowrun, fifth edition master index >>
Grid Overwatch Division (GOD), CF 216; shadowrunning and, DT 34 movement in, RG 163 Hooders, RF 15
DT 9, 10, 12-15, 30, 68, 173; RF 31; Hacking the Metahuman Code, CF 130 Heavy pistols, RG 32-33; SR5 426-27 Hooding, SR5 30
R5 25; SR5 215, 220, 221, 360 Hair growth, CF 109 table, RG 205 Hoop, SR5 15
GridGuide, SR5 43 Half sword, RG 121, 137 Heavy rotorcraft, R5 102-3 Horizon, CF 14, 71; DT 133; SR5 22
host, DT 14 Halfer, SR5 15 Heavy security pack/table, RF 233 -Aztechnology relationship, CF 103-4
Gridlink, R5 166-67 Halloweeners, RG 98; SR5 382 Heavy weapons, SR5 132, 185 attachment psychology, CF 206
override, R5 167 Hamburg Shipyards, DT 102 Hecate’s Blessing, CF 185 CU^3, R5 130
Grimoire, expanded, SG 5, 102 Hammer program, SR5 246 Heist demiGOD in, DT 72-73
Grimoire, The, SG 128 Hammerfist, RG 138 angle, DT 171 -Doble Revolution, R5 42-43
Groceries, SR5 41 Hammerhead, RG 24 collecting money, DT 173 Experience! Bundle, CF 93
Ground craft speed, SR5 200 Hand complications, DT 172-73 -Flynn rapier, RG 18-19
Ground vehicle actions, R5 177-78 blades, SR5 458 execution, DT 172 grid, DT 14
Group cannon, RG 13 motivation, DT 171-72 head case, CF 17
autosofts, R5 127 hits, RG 113-14 prize, DT 171 Johnson (Mr.) from, RF 204
bond, tattoo magic and, SG 131 razors/blades/spurs, RG 136; SR5 458 research, preparation, planning, DT 172 Little Buddy, R5 146
command, rigger, SR5 267 Hand of Five, SR5 37 Heist, The, DT 171-73 Mini-Zep, R5 132
strictures, SG 129 Hand of glory, SG 213 Helios, RG 167 Monads grid messages and, CF 216
summoning, SR5 300 Hand of God, SR5 386 Helix, DT 45 Monads restrictions, CF 220
template, SR5 334 Handling Hell hound, SR5 405 Noizquito, R5 128
Grudges, RF 21 drone, R5 123 Hell-Hole Bar, SR5 368-69 normal in, CF 207
Grunts, SR5 377-78 environment, SR5 204 Hello world AI, DT 147 Singularity, CF 77
condition monitors, SR5 379 vehicle, SR5 199 Helmets, SR5 438 Horizon Group, SR5 31, 32
groups of, SR5 380 Hang time, SR 171 Hemorrhage, SG 92 Horns, CF 120
lieutenants, SR5 380-81, 382, 383, 384 Hannibelle, RF 131 Herding, RG 121, 138 Horse, SR5 403
professional rating, SR5 379-80, 381-84 Haptics, SR5 216 Here’s muck in your eye shot, RG 116 Hose, SR5 15
G3, CF 181 Hard Corps, CF 202 Heritage, RG 61-62 Hospital, SR5 370-71
GTS Tower, R5 143 Hard exit, CF 44 Hermetic code, RF 32 Hospitalized lifestyle, SR5 373-74
Guard, SR5 269 Hard nanites, CF 145 Hermetic mages, SR5 279 Host(s), DT 82-83; 166; SR5 216, 218-20,
power, SR5 397 Matrix and, CF 147 Hermetic tradition, SR5 279 225, 229, 232, 245-47
program, SR5 246 reprogramming, CF 147 Hermit, SG 142 archives, SR5 247
Guardian spirits, SG 193 Hard nanohive, CF 151 Hermitic Order of the Auric Aurora, SG 76 attributes, SR5 247
Guidance spirits, SG 193 Hard nanoware systems, CF 147-48 Hernandez, Dr. Rozilyn, SG 59 basement, DT 84-85
Gun table, CF 148, 233 Hidden arm slide, SR5 432 buying, DT 85
canes, RG 27 Hardened armor, SR5 397 Hidden life, free spirit, SG 205 convergence, SR5 247
mode, change, SR5 165 Hardened mil-spec battle armor, RG 66-67 Hide, DT 180; SR5 240 deep run on, 106
port, R5 160 Hardened mystic armor, SR5 397 High arts, SG 143-46 enter/exit, SR5 239
Gun kata, RG 130 Hardening, DT 64 High explosive, SR5 436 evolution, DT 83-84
Gunbunny pack.table, RF 245 Harder knock, SR5 195 High Life campaign, SR5 354-55 glitch, DT 163-64
Guncam, RG 52 Hard-shell briefcase, RG 196-97 High life pack/table, RF 245 industries and, DT 86-88
Gungnir, SG 228 Hardware, SR5 145, 226 High lifestyle, RF 217, 218; SR5 373 intrusion countermeasures, SR5 359-60
Gunnery, SR5 146, 183-84 damaging, DT 180 High pain tolerance, SR5 74 invasion, DT 87
Gunpowder, RG 193-94 Hardy, Jason M., R5 37 High school, RF 69 location, DT 172
Gunslinger Adept, SR5 123 Harley-Davidson High threat response (HTR), SR5 356 ratings, SR5 247
Gut(s), CF 181; SR5 74 Nightmare, R5 45 High-end residential, SR5 371 sculpting, DT 85, 86, 137, 138
check block, CF 190-91 Scorpion, R5 155; SR5 462 High-explosive grenade, SR5 435 UV, DT 161
flora, CF 123 Harmonic aura theory, SG 40 High-fashion armor clothing, RG 57-65 Hostile extraction, RG 198-201
hits, RG 113 Harmony with nature, RF 26-27 table, RG 211 Hot gear, RG 197
Guts of the Matrix, DT 60 Harmony, SG 141 Highland Forge Claymore blade, RG 18 Hot potato, SG 112
Gym, RF 222 Harpoon, RG 24, 25 Himmelsschimede Orbital Factory, RG 166 Hot qi, SG 157
Gymnastics, SR5133 guns, RG 22-23 Hindu, SG 20, 46 Hot Rubber and Cold Steel, R5 10
using, SR5 134-35 Harsh fatigue, RG 156 Hip Hotel(s), SR5 28, 41
Gyro stabilization, SR5 432 Harsh heat hazard, RG 146 hits, RG 114 Hotel California, RF 226
Gyrojet pistol, RG 26-27 Harsh killing frost, RG 149 pad bracing system, RG 52 Hot-sim, DT 179; SR5 216
Harsh pollution, RG 151 Hippocraqtic Oath, RF 28-29 virtual reality, SR5 230
H Harsh radiation, RG 153 Hiroshima, SG 31 House rules, SR5 334
Ha Taew, SR5 319 Harvester, RF 139 Histrionic personality disorder, CF 42. 51 Housewares buying table, RF 253
Hack on fly, SR5 240 Hash power, SR5 257 Hit(s), SR5 44, 45 Hovercraft, R5 64-66
Hacked, rigger, R5 28; SR5 268 Hasty attack, RG 95 buying, SR5 45 secondary propulsion, R5 156
Hacker(s), DT 26-27; RF 77; R5 18; RG 90; Haulers, R5 59-62, 64 the dirt, SR5 168 table, R5 186
SG 22-23; SR5 15, 214, 216, 224-26 Hawai’I, DT 22 grazing, SR5 173 H-Red, CF 184-85
action bias of, DT 34 Hawkeye, RF 147; SG 107 location of, RG 112-15 HTR teams, RG 89
assassin, DT 52 Haymaker, RG 121, 138 Hit ‘em where it counts shot, RG 116 Hualpa (dragon), SR5 21, 26
background, DT 27-28 Hazards, RG 145 Hitchcock tension, DT 177 Hub grid, DT 25
binges, DT 31 Haze, CF 168 Hive insect spirits, SG 95-96 Hubbard, Michael, CF 14
code of, RF 27 Hazmat suit, SR5 449 Hive mind, SG 195 Huge drones, R5 143-45
dark side of, DT 33 Head cases, CF 210-11, 215; RF 35, 41 HK Hughes Stallion WK-4, R5 95-97
education paths, DT 52 corporate, CF 17-20 -227, SR5 427 Hull breaches, space, RG 165
egalitarian nature of, DT 32-33 Headjammer, SR5 441 Urban Combat submachine gun, RG 36 Human(s), RF 97-98; SR5 50
group resources, DT 43 Headphones, DT 18; SR5 445 XM30 assault rifle, RG 37 characters and, RF 54
groups, DT 35-43 Headware, CF 78-81; SR5 451-52, 453 Hobgoblin, RF 90 norms, RF 54
high-profile, DT 53 table, CF 148, 233 Hobo with a shotgun, RF 155 scale, SR5 310
hobbyist, DT 53 Heal spell, SR5 206, 288 Hoi interject, SR5 15 society and, RF 54
imagination of, DT 35 Healer code, RF 28-29 Hold it together baby, R5 176 Humanis Policlub, SR5 36-37, 381
noise and, DT 34-35 Healing, SR5 205-8 Hold-fast adhesive spray, RG 104 Johnson (Mr.) from, RF 210
noticing, SR5 236 mind, CF 43-44 Holdout(s), RG 30; SR5 425 Human-looking, SR5 75
rigger and, R5 28-29 modifiers table, SR5 208 pistols table, RG 204 Human-metahuman vampire virus
rules and, DT 31-32 Healing Circle Ward, SR5 206 Hollow point rounds, SR5 434 (HMHVV), CF 133-34; SR 13; SR5 42
schedules and, DT 32 Health service provider, CF 26 Holster, RG 59 strain I, RF 142
slang, DT 29 Health spells, SG 109-10; SR5 282, 287-89 Holtun, Everett, R5 15 strain II, RF 142-43
society and, DT 31 Healthcare corps, SR5 43 Home Ground, SR5 74-75 strain III, RF 143
Hackerdom, paths to, DT 51-53 Hearing Home Security, R5 6-9 Humidity, high/lack of, RG 150
Hacking, DT 29-30, 166; SR5 145, 226 enhancement, CF 113 Home tutored, RF 69 Hung out to dry, RF 155
combat, DT 176 expansion, CF 113 Homunculus(i), SG 133 Hunger, SR5 172
cyberprograms, DT 56-57 Heat waters and, SR5 298 Hunting, RF 34
Foundation, DT 106 adaptation, CF 163 Honda Spirit, SR5 463 Hurlg, CF 181
pack (intro)/taqble, RF 248-49 hazard, RG 145-48 Honesty, RF 24-25 Hush, SR5 291, 292
programs, SR5 243, 245-46 lack of, protection, RG 76-77 serum, CF 175 Hybrid nanites, CF 143
purity of, DT 30-31 protection, RG 75-76 Honor, RF 22-30 Hydraulic jacks, SR5 457
Heavy gravity, RG 163 Hong Kong, SG 23, 29; SR5 26 Hyper BTL, CF 192
477<< shadowrun, fifth edition master index
Hyperglucagon, CF 160 Industrial chemicals, SR5 448 Instruction, SR5 138 handoff, RF 200-201
Hyper-reality price, DT 162 Industrial Mechanic, SR5 145 using, SR5 141 Horizon, RF 204
Hyperthymesia, CF 159 Industries, DT 86-88 Insulation, CF 116; SR5 437 meeting, RF 197-99
Hysterical societies, SG 67-71 Industrious clothing, RG 64 Intelligence megacorporate background, RF 202-3
Hyundai Inertia strike, SG 172 gathering, R5 24-25 Mitsuhama Computer Technologies, RF 204
Equus, R5 51-52 Infected, RF 35, 125 obscuring, R5 27-28 NeoNET, RF 205
Shin-Hyung, R5 155; SR5 463 addiction and, RF 126-27 Intercept, SR5 168 notoriety and, RF 202
creating characters, RF 133-35 Interception, RG 122; SR5 194 Renraku Computer Systems, RF 205
I diseases, RF 142 Interests, SR5 91, 148, 149 run and, RF 199-200
I C U, DT 44 essence and, RF 141 Interface mode, switch, SR5 243 Saeder-Krupp, RF 205
I know a guy, RF 177 ghouls, RF 131-33 Interference, SG 117 Shiawase Corporation, RF 205
Iaijutsu, RG 122, 138 giving in, RF 128-30 Interior cameras, R5 171 syndicate, RF 206-8
Icarus Station, RG 166 how it happens, RF 125-26 Internal air tank, SR5 455 Wuxing Incorporated, RF 206
IC forms, demiGOD, DT 76-77 hunger and, RF 126 Internal release, CF 112 Joint replacement, CF 113
IC Tray, DT 58 hunting, RF 128 Internal router, CF 84, 85 Judaism, SG 20
Ice, SR5 15 magic and, RF 141 International courier, RF 188 Judge intentions, SR5 152
sheet spell, SR5 293 metatype attribute table, RF 135 Interrupt actions, RG 124-26; SR5 167-68 Jujitsu, RG 131
spear, SG 103-4 negative qualities, RF 136, 141 Interval, SR5 48 Jumping, SR5 134-35
storm, SG 103 optional powers, RF 136 Intimidation, SR5 138 around, rigger, SR5 267
Ichtaca, Tlalli, SG 41 play and, RF 134-35 modifiers, SR5 140 out, rigger, SR5 266
Icon, SR5 216, 217 positive qualities, RF 136-41 using, RF 178 Junior security spider, DT 104
change, DT 178; SR5 222, 238 resonance and, RF 141, 142 Into the Night, RF 124 Junkyard jaw, CF 91
trace, SR5 243 shadowrunning, RF 130-31 Intro runner pack/table, RF 228 Juryrigger, SR5 75-76
ID manufacturer, RF 187 what it’s like, RF 127-28 Intruders, CF 155
Identification, SR5 442-43 Infection power, SR5 398 Intrusion countermeasures (IC), SR5 247, 216 K
Identity, building, RF 45 Infiltrating a site, R5 17-18 host and, SR5 359-60 K-10, CF 181
Ignite spell, SR5 293 Infiltration programs, SR5 229 Kam, CF 130, 131
Illegal actions, DT 180; SR5 231 drone, SR5 270 types of, SR5 247-48 Kamikaze, SR5 412
Illinois, RG 155 pack/table, RF 247 Intuition, SR5 51, 90, 128, 133, 134, Kane, R5 95
Illiterate, RF 155 Infiltrator, CF 193 142, 145, 150, 151 Kao Yord, SR5 319
Illuminates of the New Dawn, RF 210-11; SG 59 Infirm, RF 156 Investigation, DT 173-74 Karate, RG 131
Illuminating, RG 59 Influence spell, SR5 153, 293, 398 clues, leads, DT 173-74 Karma, SR5 376
Illusion spells, SG 111-13; SR5 282, 289-91 Informant, RF 188 mystery, DT 173 addiction and, SR5 77-78
Image link, SR5 444, 453 Information gathering, SR5 244 reveal, DT 174 advancement table for attributes, SR5 107
Imaging devices, SR5443-44 Informational societies, SG 56 scene, SR5 335-36, 351-52 advancement table for skills, SR5 107
Imaging scope(s), SR5 432, 444 Infrared targeting laser, CF 76 Investigative reporter, RF 165 AI, DT 146
Imbue item, SG 133 Infusion, SG 156 Invisibility, SR5 291 balancing, SG 207
Imbued traits, SG 132 Ingested toxins, SR5 408 Invisible way, SG 158 free spirits and, SG 203-4
Immaterial touch, SG 5, 180-81 Ingram adept, SG 167, 177-78 initiation cost, SG 140
Immortal Flower, CF 186-87 Smartgun X, SR5 427 Invisible Wounds, CF 44-45 random negative value, RF 110
Immunity power, CF 164; SR5 397-98 Valiant, SR5 430 Invocation, SG 147-48 random positive value, RF 108
Immunization, CF 164 Inhabitation, SG 195-96 IOND, SG 68 spending, SR5 69
Impact projectiles, SR5 185 spirits, SG 184-85 Islam, SG 20, 46-47 spending on character creation,
Impaired attribute, RF 120-21 Inhaled toxins, SR5 408 Islamic Unity Movement, SG 14 SR5 98-100
Imperial Japan, SR5 26 Inherent limits, SR5 47 ISCC Ain Beni Mathar, DT 96 Karmic balance, RF 84
Impersonation, SR5 139 Inherent program AI, DT 147 Isolated rural upbringing, RF 68, 71 Karmic boon/curse, SG 101
using, SR5 136 Initiation, SG 139; SR5 324-25 IT ace, DT 53 Karmic exchange, SG 191
Implant cost of Karma, SG 140 Italian Confederation, SG 14 Karmic response, RG 138
-induced immune deficiency, CF 58 ordeals, SG 140 Ivy League university, RF 73, 74 Kashmir Wastes, RG 154
medic, CF 147 rite, SG 139-40 Katana, SR5 422
weapons, SR5 458 Initiative attribute, DT 179; SR5 52, 66, 159 J Kawasaki
weapons table, CF 228 blitz, SR5 161 Jack, SR5 15 Manta Ray, R5 81
Imposing stone, RG 138 changing, SR5 160 Jack of all trades, RF 147 Stingray, R5 81
Improved ability, SR5 309 chart, SR5 159 Jack out, SR5 240 Keeb, SR5 15
Improved invisibility, SR5 291 dice, SR5 52 ‘Jack packs/table, RF 246 Keen-eared, RF 116
Improved physical attribute, SR5 309 drone, SR5 270 JackPoint, CF 21; DT 45; RG 11; Kelly, Steven, CF 14
Improved potential, SR5 309 edge and, SR5 160-61 SR5 38, 216, 225 Kenjutsu, RG 131
Improved reflexes, SR5 310 pass(es), SR5 158, 159-60 Jaguar Guard, SG 18 Kent Irradiated Zone, RG 155
table, SR5 310 score, SR5 159 Jamil Islamyah, SG 74 Kenya, SR5 27
Improved restoration AI, DT 149 seizing, SR5 56, 160-61 Jammer, SR5 441 Key lock(s), SR5 363, 446
Improved sense, SR5 310 timed items and, SR5 161 Jammer IC, SR5 248 Keycard copier, SR5 447-48
Improved synthskin, CF 87, 89 Initiatory societies, SG 57 Jander, SR5 15 Keypads, SR5 363
Improved tactile, SR5 310 Injection Jane Fraggin’ Austen nodes, DT 120 Khalistan, RG 154
Improvised weapons table, RG 203 arrow/bolt, SR5 424 Japancorp light security pack/table, RF 232 Khorasani, Hester, SG 53
In debt, RF 156 darts, SR5 434 Javelin, RG 24, 25 Kick attack, RG 138-39
Inanimate vessel preparation, SG 214 Injury Jaw, CF 180 Killer Apps & Razor Forms, DT 54
Incarceration, SG 27 cold damage modifiers, RG 150 Jaw hits, RG 114 Killer IC, SR5 248
Incendiary arrowhead, RG 24 types of, SR5 169 Jazz, SR5 411 Killing frost, RG 148-50
Incompetent, SR5 81 Innate spell, SR5 398 Jeep Trailblazer, R5 54-55 Killing hands, SR5 310
Incomplete deprogramming, RF 156 Insanely great, DT 29 Jeet kune do, RG 130 Killshots, RG 106
Increase (attribute) spell, SR5 288 Insanity, SG 79 J-H, CF 182-83 Kindnessm RF 24
gear limits, SG 116 mode, DT 60 Jiao di, RG 138 Kinesics, SR5 310
inherent limits, SG 110 principles, DT 128-31 Jin, RF 24 mastery, SG 172
noise, SG 116 Insect magic, SG 81 Jing, SR5 15 King, Robyn ‘Rat’, RF 59; RG 6-9
reflexes spell, SR5 288 Insect shamans, SG 94 Job(s), SR5 25 Kingdoms of Nigeria, RF 51; SR5 27
Increased hearing spectrum, CF 75 Insect spirit(s), SG 93-98 packs, RF 245-47 Kip-up, RG 122, 139
Increased myelination, CF 159 queen/mother, SG 94-95 type table, SR5 342 Kit, SR5 443
India, SG 29 solitary, SG 96 types of, SR5 29-30 KivaNet, DT 40
Indian Tobacco, CF 183 summoning, SG 93-94 Jogo du pau, RG 130-31 Kleptomania, CF 41, 51
Indian Union, RG 154 types, SG 98-99 Johnson, Mr., SR5 15, 28, 391-92, 437 Kline, Gary, SR5 31, 32
Indirect spells, SR5 283 Insecticide, SG 103 amateurs, RF 211 Kluge, DT 29, 30
Individual Insectoid features, RF 121 Ares Macrotechnology, RF 204 Knee hits, RG 114
skills, SR5 90 Insertion, SR5 29, 340-41 Aztechnology, RF 204 Knife, SR5 422
strictures, SG 130-31, 133 Insomnia, SR5 81-82 basics, RF 196-97 Knight, Damien, SG 19, 63-64; SR5 30, 31
Indomitable, SR5 75 Inspired, RF 147 betrayal by, RF 201-2 Knight Errant Security, CF 66, 202; DT 86;
Indoor arboretum, RF 222 Instant powers, SR5 394 Big Ten, RF 203 RF 42; RG 132; SG 144; SR5 38, 383
Induced dormancy, SR5 401 Instinct, SG 141 Evo Corporation, RF 204 dispatcher, RF 188
Induction receiver, DT 64-65 Institut Thaumaturgique du Québec, SG 19 extremists, RF 208-11 PS Pursuit Drone, R5 133
Institute of Magical Research, SR5 35
478 shadowrun, fifth edition master index >>
Seattle East Precinct Host, DT 94 Leeching, SG 133-34 Little Smoke, CF 187 Made man, RF 146
Knockdown, RG 110, 112; SR5 194 Leeeeeeeeroy Jenkins, DT 48 Living persona, SR5 100, 216, 250-51 Mafia, RF 206; SR5 25, 33, 34, 383
Knockoff gun cane, RG 27 Leg, drone, R5 125 rebooting, SR5 251 consiglieri, SR5 391
Knockout, SR5 284 Legal item, SR5 419 Living vessel(s), SG 197 Johnson (Mr.) from, RF 208
Knowledge Legal PsychChips, CF 187 preparation, SG 135 Mage(s), CF 35; RF 13; SR5 277, 279
category examples, SR5 89 Legendary reputation, RF 149 LMG assault rifle, RG 37 sight goggles, SR5 444
hardwires, CF 80, 82 Legwork, RF 172; SR5 29, 387-88 Loaned task, SR5 256 Mage Corps, RF 82, 83
infusion, CF 118 Leonine shapeshifter, RF 100 Local Magecuff/magemask, SG 27, 215
Knowledge skill(s), DT 111; Leónization, CF 156 bar patron, RF 222 Magestone, SG 23
SG 22; SR5 88,128,147-48, 149 Lesser demiGOD, DT 77 city grids, DT 24-25 Magic, CF 138; R5 18-19; RG 89-90;
category examples, SR5 89 Level, SR5 251 grids, DT 15; SR5 234 SR5 20-21, 53, 66, 90, 142, 143, 151, 276-78
choosing, SR5 147 Leverage, DT 174 groups, SG 74-77 arts, SG 139
imagination and, SR5147 Levitate spell, SR5 293 hangout, DT 173-74 attribute, SR5 52
specializations, SR5 148 Ley lines, SG 35 Locales, RF 35-37 basics, SR5 278-79
using, SR5 148-49 Ley sight, SG 134 Lockdown program, SR5 246 books of, SG 128
Knowsoft, CF 78; SR5 442 Liar, RF 156 Lockheed Optic-X2, R5 155; SR5 466 choosing, SR5 68, 70
Knucklebreaker, RG 139 Libra Holdings, SG 19 Lockpick set, SR5 448 corporations and, SG 17-18
Knucks, SR5 422 License plate morphing, R5 152 Locks, SG 117; SR5 363-64 ethnic cultures and, SG 217
Koborokuru, RF 90 Life module(s), DT 51-52; RF 65-66 Locksmith, SR5 145 fingers, SR5 294
Kobun, SR5 15 formative years, RF 67-69; R5 34-35 Locust spirit, SG 95 Foundation, DT 110
Komata-Kai, DT 90 further education, RF 72-76; R5 35 Lofwyr (dragon), SR5 21, 32-33, 38 increased, SR5 325
Kong-WalMart, SR5 416 jobs, RF 76-81 Logging, DT 89, 92 Infected and, RF 141
Koshari, SR5 33, 34, 383 real life, R5 35 Logic, SR5 51, 90, 128, 142-45, 151 item price index, SG 217
Kowloon_MK, SG 23 teen years, RF 70-72; R5 35 London, DT 103; SG 23 loss, SG 131
Krause, Sarah, CF 213 tours of duty, RF 82-83 Lone Star Security Services, CF 66; material, SG 26-27
Krav maga, RG 132 Life pact, SG 137 RF 42, 177; SG 17, 44; SR5 38, 383, 418 martial arts and, RG 137
Krime Cannon, SR5 431 Life of a Talismonger, The, SG 222-24 Castle Guard, R5 133 meeting Mr. Johnson and, RF 198
K-10, CF 181 Lifespan extension, CF 156 Department of Paranormal packs, RF 251-52
Kunst de fechtens, RG 132 Lifestyle, RF 12-16, 213; SR5 95 Investigations, SG 27 pact, SG 137
Kything, SG 133 background, RF 214, 215 detective, RF 188 popular culture, SG 12-13
Kyujutsu, RG 132 buying, SR5 374-75 IBall, SR5 465 resistance, SR5 76
categories, RF 218 tactical, RG 132-33 sales, SR5 35
L CFD costs, CF 10 Lone wolves, RF 21 sense, RF 116; SG 179
L-1 Treffpunkt-Raumhaffen, RG 166-67 costs, DT 157 Long burst (LB), SR5 179 skill use, ally spirit, SG 202
L-2 Darkside Junction, RG 167 costs table, SR5 95 fire, SR5 167 in space, RG 93
L-3 Nerva, RG 167 fashion and, RF 217 Long haul, SR5 412 spear pack/table, RF 252
L-4 Daedelus, RG 167 game information, RF 216-18 Longarms, SR5 132, 185 staff pack/table, RF 251
L-5 Angel Station, RG 167 maintaining, RF 226 Long-range weapons, RG 13 surviving, SG 5, 10-11
La verdadera destreza, RG 132 options, RF 224-26; SR5 374 Longsword fighting, RG 132 support, RG 93
Lack of focus, CF 58 packs, RF 244-45 Long-term illness, RG 152 thoughts on, SG 12
Lactose tolerance, CF 123-24 paying for, SR5 374 Lore stories, SG 19 threat countermeasures, SR5 361-62
Laés, CF 185 Lifting, SR5 152 Los Angeles, RG 154 traditions, SG 5
Laésal Wine, CF 185 Light, SR5 174 Loss of confidence, SR5 82 underwater, RG 158-59
LaGrange Point Bases, RG 166-67 of Dharma, SG 134-35 Lost lore, seeking, DT 173 user types, SR5 69
LaGuardia, Sylvia, SG 71 of influence, SG 122 Lot’s curse, SG 220 wand pack/table, RF 251
Lam, SR5 75 Light body, SR5 310 Lothan the Wise, SG 55 world, SG 5
Lambeth Martyrs, SR5 37 Light ‘em up shot, RG 116 Louis Vuitton Store, Manhattan, DT 96 Magic in the Matrix:
Landing Light pistols, RG 30-31; SR5 425-26 Loup-garou, RF 139 Secrets of the Technomancers, DT 140
distance table, R5 31 table, RG 205 Low gravity, RG 162-63 Magic in the World, SG 24
drones, R5 160 Light security pack/table, RF 232 movement in, RG 163 Magical barriers, SR5 361
Landscaping, SR5 362 Light spell, SR5 293-94 Low lifestyle, RF 217, 218; SR5 373 Magical compounds, CF 186-87; SG 218
Language skill(s), SR5 88, 128, 150 Light stick, SR5 449 Low oxygen adaptation, CF 163 empowered, SG 218-20
social skills and, SR5 151 Lighter than air vehicles (LTAVs), R5 22, 106-9 Low pain tolerance, SR5 82 side effects, SG 220
table, SR5 151 >> Lighting, SR5 364 Low profile AI, DT 149 Magical education, RF 71
using, SR5 150 Lightly worn, RG 59 Low-altitude vehicles (LAVs), R5 22 Magical equipment/goods/supplies,
Large Circle League, SR5 33 Lightning block, CF 190 Low-Earth orbit, RG 166 SR5 326, 461
Large Corp Office, SR5 370 Lightning bolt, SR5 284 Lowlife pack/table, RF 244 Magical good manufacturers, SG 19
Large drones, R5 141-44; SR5 466-67 spell, SR5 306 Low-light vision, RF 116; SR5 444, 453 Magical guard, SG 196
Large smuggling compartment, SR5 457 Lightning reflexes, RF 148 Loyalty, RF 25; SG 132 Magical healing, SR5 206, 208
Las Vegas, RF 67 Lightweight, CF 58 ally spirit, SG 201 Magical imprints, publications, SG 19
Laser Like a glove, R5 176 test, RF 177 Magical lodge(s), SR5 280, 306-7
microphone, SR5 445 Limb replacement, CF 118 Loyalty rating, SR5 55 temporary, SR5 317
range finder, SR5 446 Limbic neural amplifiers, CF 149 table, SR5 387 Magical preparations, SG 26
sight, SR5 432 Liminal body, CF 87-88, 89 Loyola University in New Orleans, SG 144 Magical skills, DT 111; SR5 142-43
Laser weapons, RG 47-49 Limit(s), SR5 47, 66 Lucky, SR5 76 Magical societies, SG 5, 54-57
basics, RG 47 astral, SR5 278 cover, RG 126 Magical Studies Undergraduate Program, SG 16
table, RG 208 from gear, SR5 47 duck, RG 126 Magical theories, SG 39-40
Latest and greatest, DT 49 push, SR5 56 move, RG 126 Magical tradition, SR5 279
Launcher(s), RG 45-47; SR5 430-31 rigging and, SR5266 Luftshiffbau Personal Zeppelin LZP-2070, Magical Traditions, SG 38
minimum range, SR5 182 Limiting visibility, SR5 361 R5 106-8 Magician(s), SG 158; SR5 53, 69, 276
table, RG 208 Limos table, R5 185 Lunar bases, RG 167 character, RF 64
Law enforcement, RF 15, 78; RG 97; SR5 38 Line of sight (LOS), SR5 282, 394 Lung dragon, SG 31 currency, SG 211
Laws, SR5 419 spell, SR5 306 Lung expansion, CF 159 packs, RF 251
of magic, SG 25-26 Linear cutting charge, RG 194 Lupine shapeshifter, RF 100 witness my hate, RF 151
Lead into nuyen, SG 5 Lined coat, SR5 437 Lurssen Mobius, R5 89-90 MagicNet, SG 55-56
Leadership, RG 94; SR5 139 Lingo Guide (2075), SR5 150 Luser, DT 29 Maglock(s), SR5 447, 363
modifiers, SR5 140 Lingos, SR5 150 Luxury lifestyle, RF 217, 218; SR5 373 passkey, SR5 448
using, SR5 141-42 Linguasoft, CF 78; SR5 442 Lynchpin, SR5 304-5 Magnesense, CF 160
leaping mantis, RG 137, 139 Linguist, RF 148 Lyran, SG 223 Magnesium torch, SR5 449
Leaf on the wind, R5 178 Linguistics, SG 172 Magnetic anomaly detectors (MADs), SR5 366
Leäl, CF 185 table, SG 172 M scanner, SR5 446
Learning spells, SR5 299 Linked attribute, SR5 128 Machine gun(s), RG 42-43; SR5 430 Magnetic boots, RG 83
Learning stimulus, CF 149 Linked device change mode, SR5 164, 202 ammo belt pack/table, RF 235 Magnetic system, CF 84, 85
Learning tests, bound spirit and, SR5 302 Link-locking, DT 180; SR5 229 table, RG 207 Magnetoception, RF 116
Leather jacket/duster, SR5 437 Lincoln, Richard, R5 13 Machine pistol(s), RG 14, 34-35; SR5 427 Maid is out, RF 226
LED tattoos, CF 73, 74 Liquid explosives, RG 194 table, RG 205 Make a hole, R5 178
Lee, Philip A., SG 6-9 Liguistics, drone, R5 128 Machine sprite, SR5 258, 259 Makeover, SG 117
Leech symbionts, CF 122-23 Little Hornet, DT 62, 64 Mack Hellhound, R5 60-62 Malakim, SG 63-64
“Little Shadow Music, A,” SR5 272-75 Makoto, RF 24-25
479<< shadowrun, fifth edition master index
Maleficium, SR5 277-78 Mass confusion, SR5 290 user modes, SR5 229-30 Mental manipulation, SR5 292
Malevolent spirits, SG 81 Mass removal, SG 112-13 virtual visions in, SR5 217-18 Mentor spirit(s), SG 187-88; SR5 320-21
Man spirit, RG 159 Massachusetts Institute of wireless world of, DT 12-13, 131; SR5 214 archetypes, SR5 320-24
Mana, SG 122, 127, 133-35; SR5 21 Technology and Thaumaturgy, SR5 21, 35 WMI, DT 15-16 dark side of, SR5 322
aspects, SG 31-32 Masque, CF 157 Matrix action(s), SR5 163, 164, new, SG 199-200
bind, SG 114 Master, SR5 216, 233 167, 222, 237-38 Merc, SR5 15
chasers, SR5 35 crafted, RF 175 indices, SR5 244 Mercenary
corruption, SG 84 of the nine chakras, SG 158 by limit, SR5 244 campaign, SR5 355
illusion, SR5 290 shedim, SG 93 Matrix attribute(s), SR5 226-27 tour of duty, RF 82
power, SR5 394 of taijiquam, SG 159 diffusion of, SR5 252 Merchandise, RF 222
sensitivity, SG 25 Master control, DT 114 infusion of, SR5 252 goods (specific item), RF 222
spells, SR5 282 node, DT 109 and ratings, SR5 251 Mercury Comet, R5 49
Mana barrier(s), SR5 294, 315-16 Masterpiece, SG 142 Matrix authentication recognition key Merging, DT 174
breaking, SR5 317 Mastery of time and space, SG 141 (mark), SR5 216, 219-20, 236 Meridional Agronomics, CF 104-5
getting around, SR5 316 Material Matrix damage, SR5 228 Merseysprawl, SG 75
table, SR5 315 damage value threshold, RG 179 non-devices, SR5 229 Mesametric Kodiak, R5 144, 145
Mana ebbs, 32 link, SG 122, 125, 127, 136, 146-47; repairing, SR5 228 Meshed, SR5 216
sample, SG 33 SR5 296, 297 rigger, SR5 266 Message, send, DT 178; SR5 222, 242
Mana group, SG 70 Materialized alchera, SG 28, 29 Matrix perception, SR5 241-42 Metabolic control, SG 172
Mana lines sample, SG 30 action, SR5 234 Metagenic improvement, RF 116
game information, SG 34 Materialization, SR5 398 Matrix search, SR5 222, 241 Metagenic qualities
sha and sheng effects, SG 35-36 Math subprocessing unit, CF 80, 82 table, SR5 241 negative, RF 119-23
types of, SG 35 Mathemagics, DT 58-59 Matrix spotting table, SR5 234, 241 negative Karma, RF 110-11
Mana net, SG 114 Matrix, CF 138; DT 3; RG 90; Matrix surfers positive, RF 111-19
Mana static, SG 117 SG 23; SR5 39, 53, 214 negative qualities, DT 46-49 positive Karma tables, RF 109-10
Mana storms, SG 25, 36 access, DT 16 positive qualities, DT 44-46 random, RF 108
game information, SG 34 AIs and, CF 215 Maximum Pursuit, R5 172 Metahuman(s)
sample, SG 37 augmented reality, DT 154-56, 176 Maya cloud, SG 34 adjustment, R5 170
Mana surge, SG 25 background noise, DT 138-39 Maya Cloud, SG 36, 37 characteristics table, SR5 380
table, SG 34 base theme, DT 17 McGillicuddy, Pat, CF 38 genetic manipulations, CF 135-37
Mana voids, SG 32-33, 186 basic persona, DT 17 McGuffins, SR5 343 leaving body behind, CF 208-10
sample, SG 33 basics, SR5 217 table, SR5 343 metal implants, CF 210
Mana warp, SG 31, 33 cave, DT 177 Mayhem, DT 172 nano-pocalypse and, CF 130-31
sample, SG 35 CFD and, CF 20 Meat, SR5 15, 216 norms, CF 206-8
Mana window, SG 107 code of white hats and, RF 31 Mechanic, SR5 391 outliers, CF 208
Manananggal combat, DT 179-80; SR5 228 shop pack/table, RF 245 potential, CF 131-32
detached legs, SG 100 combat example, DT 181-82 Media mogul, RF 189 rights activist, RF 189
detached torso, SG 100 components overview, DT 167-70 Medic, DT 159 takeovers, legal ramifications of, CF 218-19
whole, SG 100 computers working together, DT 60 pack/table, RF 246 traits, RF 116
Manaball, SR5 284 conceptualizing, DT 166 Medical attention, SR5 170 Metahumanity, SR5 20-21
Manabolt, SR5 284 cracking spine of, SR5 224-25 Medical contract, SR5 43 augmentation and, SR5 23
Manashrooms, CF 182 damage, consequences, DT 180 Medical Corps, RF 82, 83 Metamagic(s), SG 91-92, 139, 146-47,
Manatech, CF 201 datajack, DT 19 Medical patches pack/table, RF 246 149-50, 152-59; SR5 325-26
Mandelas, SG 43 demiGODs in, DT 69 Medical support, RG 93 foci, SR5 319
Maneuver, RG 94 depth actions, DT 154 Medical technology, CF 3 Metaphysicist, SG 29
ability, RG 96 device icon, DT 17 Medicine, CF 43 SR5 145 Metaplanar access, SR5 325
considerations, RG 95 drones in, SR5 269 bag packs, RF 251-52 Metaplanar quest, SG 140-41, 203
Maneuvering autosoft, SR5 269 fear and, DT 68 lodge, SR5 280 Metaplanes, SR5 317
Manhandling, RG 15-16 Foundation and, DT 111 skill, SR5 207-8 Metasapients, DT 135, 146
Manhattan, DT 25; SG 75, 76 full defense, DT 180; SR5 222 taking, CF 53 attribute table, RF 105
Maniatis, Joe, R5 15 ghost(s), DT 53, 174-75 Medium drones, R5 138-41; SR5 466 centaur, RF 98
Manifest alchera, SG 29 gloves, glass, headphones, DT 18 Medium lifestyle, RF 217, 218 changelings, RF 101
sample, SG 29 grids, DT 19 Medium-range weapons, RG 13 naga, RF 98-99
Manifest sha, SG 135 hacking, DT 30; SR5 224 Medkit(s), SR5 208, 450 pixie, RF 99
Manifesting, SR5 314 heist in, DT 171-73 Meet, SR5 28 sasquatch, RF 99-100
Manipulation spells, SG 113-19; SR5 282, 292-94 host in, DT 82-85 location table, SR5 342 shapeshifters, RF 100-101
Man-Machine Resonance, DT 59 incidents in, DT 137-38 Meeting places, SR5 28 Metatype
Mantid spirit, SG 97 investigation in, DT 173-74 Megacorps, DT 10; SR5 21-22 attribute modifiers, SR5 380
Mantras, SG 43 jargon, SR5 215-16 rankings, SR5 22 attribute table, SR5 66
Manufacturing, DT 101 juxtaposition, DT 176-77 working for, SR5 22-23 cost table, RF 64
Maps, SR5 339 keyboard with flatscreen/trideo, DT 17-18 Megaera, DT 131-32 extended ‘A’ priority chart, RF 106
Mapsoft, SR5 441 lag, RG 161 Melee, SR5 167, 177 extended ‘B’ priority chart, RF 106
Marching fire, RG 101 living persona, SR5 100 attack, R5 179 extended ‘C’ priority chart, RF 107
Mark(s), DT 168-69 making connections, SR5 230 combat, SR5 184, 186 extended ‘D’ & ‘E’ priority charts, RF 107
erase, SR5 239 model rating, DT 17 damage, SR5 187 modification, CF 107-8
invite, SR5 240 monitoring, SR5 220 defense, SR5 188 point buy, RF 64
manipulation, SR5 244 new actions, DT 178-79 ganging up, SR5 187-88 reduction, CF 73, 74
Marker IC, SR5 248 new map of, DT 15-16 knockdown, SR5 195-96 Metavariant(s)
Markers, CF 148 object, SR5 216 modifiers, SR5 187 attribute tables, RF 104-5
Marking systems, SR5 366 oracle, DT 177-78 shooting into, SR5 190 creating, RF 102
Marksman adept, RF 164 perception, DT 17-18, 178 teamwork, RG 13; SR5 188 cyclops, RF 93
Mars bases, CF 211-12, 215; RG 167 perception tests, DT 86 Melee weapons, SR5 421-23 dryad, RF 95
Marsupial pouch, RF 116 population of, SR5 218-19 cyberlimb, CF 90 fomorian, RF 93-94
Martial arts, RG 16 resonance realm, DT 140-41 cyberweapons, CF 91 giant, RF 94
in action, RG 142 retrospective, DT 166-67 exotic, RG 20-21 gnome, RF 88
called shots, RG 136 scenario development, DT 170 improvised, RG 22 hanuman, RF 88-89
cybernetics and, RG 136 search, DT 178 Melt spell, SG 102 hobgoblin, RF 90
electricity damage and, RG 140 security, DT 85-86 Melyo, RF 25 koborokuru, RF 90
learning, RG 128 simple actions, DT 178 Memory, SR5 152 making, RF 101-2
magic and, RG 137 singularity, DT 177 test, RF 179 menehune, RF 90-91
multiple attacks, RG 139 skills, SR5 226 Momory Fog, CF 181-82 minotaur, RF 94-95
spirits and, RG 140 storage, SR5 223 Memory loss, SR5 83 nartaki, RF 97-98
styles, RG 128-35 story metaphors, DT 175-76 Mender endosont, CF 124 nocturna, RF 95-96
techniques, RG 135-41 support, RG 93 Menehune, RF 90-91 ogre, RF 91-92
Mask(ing), SG 149; SR5 291, 326 threat countermeasures, SR5 358-59 Mental attributes, SR5 51, 66, 68 oni, RF 92
focus, SR5 319 trodes, DT 18 Mental illness, CF 39-40 satyr, RF 92
ward, SG 135 tropes, DT 170 field guide, CF 40-42 special attributes and, SR5 65
Mass agony, SR5 290 underworld, DT 175-76 table, CF 51 wakyambi, RF 96-97
Mass animate spell, SR5 292 user modes table, SR5 231 taking medications, CF 53 xapiri thëpë, RF 97
480 shadowrun, fifth edition master index >>
Metoposeur, CF 158 nanites, CF 200 Multiple opponent Monads, AI citizenship, CF 221
Michaelson, Sgt. Guthrie, R5 14 -Nissan Roto-Drone, R5 155; SR5 466 combat, RG 139 tour of duty, RF 82
Micro flare launcher, SR5 449 normal in, CF 207 defense, RG 139 Native American worship, SG 20
Microdeck, SR5 416 Seven, R5 133-34 Multiple personality disorder, CF 41-42, 51 Native plane, ally spirit, SG 202
Microdrones, R5 128-29, 160; SR5 465 Trojan Nanites, CF 144 Multiple spells, casting, SR5 281 Natural alignment, SG 32
piggybacks, R5 18 Trainee, DT 63, 64 Multiple vectors, R5 25-26 Natural athlete, SR5 76
Microgravity adaptation, CF 163 Tunneler, R5 140 Multiprocessing AI, DT 150 Natural hardening, SR5 76
Microscopic lenses, CF 76 Mitsuhama Research Unit 13, SG 61-62 Multi-sense illusion, SR5 290 Natural immunity, SR5 76, 311
Microtrónica Azteca 300, DT 62, 64 Mnemonic enhancer, SR5 460 Mundane, SR5 15 Natural recovery, SR5 206-7
Micro-transceiver, SR5 441 Mob arcane and, SG 126 Natural venom, RF 117
Microwire, SR5 449 control spell, SR5 292-93 electronics, using, SR5 251 Natural weapon, SR5 399
Middle class suburban home, RF 227 mind, SR5 293 security, SR5 361 Nausea, SG 220; SR5 409
Middle lifestyle, SR5 373 Mode, SR5 417 Munge AI, DT 149-50 gas, SR5 410
Migraines, SR5 83 Moderate fatigue, RG 156 Murai Holdings, CF 22 Nautical Mechanic, SR5 145
Mild fatigue, RG 156 Moderate heat hazard, RG 146 Murder, SG 26 Navigation, SR5 145
Mild heat hazard, RG 146 Moderate killing frost, RG 149 armor, RG 72-73 using, SR5 146
Mild killing frost, RG 148-49 Moderate pollution, RG 151 Murky Future, The, CF 194 Navy, RF 82, 83
Mild pollution, RG 151 Moderate radiation, RG 152-53 Muscle Nazca Geoglyphs, SG 31
Mild radiation, RG 152 Modification, CF 107 augmentation, SR5 459 Nazca Lines, SG 28
Military, RF 15 Modifiers, use of, RG 110 replacement, SR5 455 Necessities, RF 214-15, 218-19
academy, RF 73, 74 Modular connector, CF 88, 89 toner, SR5 459 Neck hits, RG 114
brat, RF 69 Modular gear, CF 88 Muse, SG 92 Necromancy, SG 143-44
campaign, SR5 355 Modular limb, CF 88, 89 Music, SR5 39-40, 340 Negative qualities, SR5 71, 73, 77-85, 87
school, RF 71 Modular mount, CF 75 Muslims, SG 46-37, 74 Negotiation, SR5 139
tactics, RG 96-97 Mojo, SR5 15 Mutable form, free spirit, SG 204-5 modifiers, SR5 140
tours of duty, RF 82-83 Mom and Pop Shop, RF 38; SR5 369-70 Mutagen, SG 196 Neighborhood, RF 215, 219
Military vehicles, R5 66-77 Monads, CF 212-15 Mutaqua, RF 139 zone, RF 220
table, R5 187 corporate reactions to Mutation, SG 86 Neijia, RG 140
Millimeter wave detection, SR5 366 grid messages by, CF 216-18 Muzzle, CF 121 Nemesis Arms
Millennium (Los Angeles), RF 227 megacorps and citizenship, CF 220 My Brother’s Keeper, CF 4-7 maul stun staff, RG 20
Mimic spirits, SG 189-90 Money, SR5 39 Myomeric rope, SR5 449 Suruchin monofilament bolas, RG 26, 27
Mimicry, SR5 398 Monkey Myostatin inhibitor, CF 159 Neo-anarchist(s), RF 211
Mind link, SG 196 climb, RG 137, 139 Mystic adept(s), RF 64-65; SG 166; policlubs, SR5 37-38
Mind over machine, SR5 258 foot, CF 88, 89 SR5 53, 68, 69, 111 Neocortical neural amplifiers, CF 150
Mind probe, SR5 287 paws, RF 116-17 Mystic armor, SR5 310, 399 Neo-EPO, CF 160
table, SR5 287 Monobe Internation, head cases, CF 17 Mystic Crusaders, SG 62-63 Neon lights pack/table, RF 237
Mind-mana connection theory, SG 40 Monocle, SR5 444 Mystic cuffs/masks/jackets, SG 27 NeoNET, CF 14, 71, 77-78;
Mindlink, SR5 287 Monofilament chainsaw, SR5 448 Mystic restraints, SG 214 DT 14; SR5 21, 22, 25, 31, 32
Mindnet, SG 108 Monofilament whip, SR5 422-23 Avenging Angel, R5 145
extended, SG 108 Monowhip pack/table, RF 231 N data architecture, CF 144
Mindstorm, CF 14 Monowire, CF 153 Naga, RF 98-99 demiGOD in, DT 73-74
Ming Solutions, SG 18 Montgomery, Desika “Dizzy,” R5 13 Nagasaki, SG 31 head cases, CF 17
Minidrones, R5 129; SR5 465-66 Montgomery, Dirk, SR5 24 Nahuati traditions, CF 206-7 Johnson (Mr.) from, RF 205
Mining, DT 89, 92 Montana Tech and Geomancy, SG 143 Nanite(s), CF 132, 140-41, 200, 211 Juggernaught, R5 147
Minion, SG 122, 127, 133, 136; SR5 297 Mood hair, RF 121 detecting soft, CF 146-47 Monads citizenship, CF 220
Miniwelder, SR5 448 Moodchips, CF 43; SR5 413 e-loading, CF 202-3 Monads grid messages and, CF 217
Minor variance, DT 117-18 MoonSilver, RG 62 hunters, CF 147 nanotechnology, CF 200
Minor wheelman, R5 34 Morality, SR5 333 performance, CF141-43 Prairie Dog, R5 134
Minotaur, RF 94-95 More muck, better duck shot, RG 117 Nanocybernetics, CF 150-52 virtuakinetics, CF 174
Miracle shot, RG 126 More Than Skin Deep, RF 44 table, CF 152, 236 NeoNETwork, DT 20
Mirage, DT 131-32 Morgan Cutlass, R5 155; SR5 464 Nanogear/equipment, CF 153-55 Neoteny, RF 121
Misao, Dr. Higashiyama, CF 33-34 Morland, Samuel, DT 140 table, CF 154, 236 Neo-Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau,
Miscellaneous buying table, RF 254 Mortimer of London, RG 58 Nanohi, CF 182 SR5 232
Miscellaneous support, RG 93 Mortis optigram, SG 214 Nanohives, CF 151 Nephrine, CF 63, 177
Misdirection, R5 25; SR5 30, 341 Mortuus Malum, SG 218 Nanomagic, CF 144 Nephritic screen, CF 113
Misplaced magic items, SG 211 Mosquito spirit, SG 97-98 Nanomaintenance system, R5 165 Nerdrage, DT 48-49
Misread marks, DT 58 Mossberg AM-CMDT shotgun, RG 41 Nanopaste disguise, CF 153 Nerve strike, SG 173
Missile(s), SR5 435-36 Mostrans KVP-28, R5 64 Nano-pocalypse, wake of, CF 130-31 Net, RG 24-25
defense system R5 160 Mother insect spirit, SG 94-95, 99 Nanoscanner, CF 153 bind, SG 113
mastery, SG 172 Motion sense, SG 172-73 Nanospy, CF 153-54 guns, RG 29
parry, SR5 310 table, SG 173 Nanosymbiotes, CF 149 hits, SR5 45
Missions, SR5 24, 29 Motion sensor(s), SR5 365, 446 Nanotattoos, CF 148 Netcat, CF 20-21
Mist, SG 117 detonation, SR5 181 Nanotechnology/nanotech, Netwatch, RF 83
form, SR5 398-99 projectile triggers, SR5 182 CF 135, 139-40, 200-201 Networking, RF 173; SR5 388
form power, RF 133 Motion sickness, R5 33-34 detection table, CF 153 Neural amplifiers, CF 149
MIT&T, SG 16 Motorcycles, R5 19, 41-47 essence costs, CF 146 Neurofilter, SR5 258
Mitsubishi table, R5 184 soft and hard machines, CF 145-50 Neuro-retention amplification, CF 118
Nightsky, R5 155; SR5 463 Mountain, SR5 322-23 weaponized, CF 155 Neuro-stun, SR5 410
Waterbug, R5 83-84 Mountaineering pack/table, RF 247 Nanoware Neverland, CF 186
Yakusoku MRL, RG 47 Mounted weapon, fire, SR5 167 availability, CF 143 New gear rules, RG 85
Mitsuhama, Toshiro, SR5 31 Mounts, SR5 417 degradation, CF 146 New Haven, DT 142
Mitsuhama Computer Technologies (MCT), Mouth Breathers, SR5 381 ratings, CF 146 New Revolution, SR5 38
DT 20, 137-38; RG 90; SG 18; Move-by-wire system, CF 84, 85 table, CF 233 Newer, Safer World, A, DT 9-10
SR5 22, 26, 31, 32, 34, 35, 38 Movement use, CF 146 Newest model, RG 59
arcane foci, CF 202 elements, SR5 161-62 Nanoware systems Newprint, CF 153
Blue Defender, DT 61 penalties by speed, RG 108 hard/table, CF 147-48, 233 News reporter, RF 190
demiGOD in, DT 73 power, SR5 399 soft/table, CF 149-50 Nexus, DT 45
drones and, R5 120 rates table, SR5 202 Nantidotes, CF 149 Nictitating membranes, CF 113
EE suit, RG 83 vehicle rates, SR5 202 Narcissistic personality disorder, CF 42, 51 Night blindness, RF 156-57
Fly-Spy, R5 155; SR5 465-66 Muay thai, RG 133 Narco, CF 159-60 Night vision, RF 148; SG 108
Globenet, DT 20 Mugger program, SR5 246 Narcoject, SR5 410 Nightbird pack/table, RF 237
Gun Turret, R5 133 Mujaji, SG 14 Nasty finger prick shot, RG 117 Nightmare, SG 92
head cases, CF 17 Mullen, Brigid, SG 47 Nasty vibe, RF 117 NightShade, RG 62
Johnson (Mr.) from, RF 204 Multidimensional coprocessor, DT 65 National grids, DT 15, 22-24 Nightwatch, CF 182
Kenchiku-Kikai, R5 146-47 Multifuel engine, R5 155 Nationalities, DT 51; RF 66-67 Nimble fingers, SG 173
Lucifer Lamps, CF 201 Multi-host hookups, DT 92 Native American Nations (NAN), DT 11, 23; Nimbus, Tamara, SG 58
Malakim, R5 143-44 Multiple attack(s), SR5 164, 196 RF 66-67; RG 90; SG 13, 26-27, 226 Nimbus Shipyard, RG 166
Monads grid messages and, CF 216-17 martial arts, RG 139 details, RF 67 Nine paths to enlightment, SG 140, 141
Monads provisional citizenship, CF 220 Multiple attackers, SR5 187-88 Ninja vanish, DT 44
481<< shadowrun, fifth edition master index
Ninjutsu, RG 133 Obituaries, CF 33-34 Organlegging, SR5 15 Passenger
Nissan Object Orichalcum, SG 209-10; SR5 316 actions, SR5 205
Hound, R5 155; SR5 464-65 pick up/put down, SR5 165 creating, SG 210 protection system, R5 159
Hauler, R5 56 resistance table, SR5 296 Oreintation system, CF 80, 82 vehicle actions, R5 179
Optimum II assault rifle, RG 38 Oblivious, RF 157 Ork(s), RF 90-92; SR5 24, 50 vehicle damage and, SR5 205
Nitama Sporter pistol, RG 31 Obscure, RF 228 characters and, RF 51 Passive Sense, SR5 285
Nitro/nitroglycerin, RG 194; SR5 412 Obscure/difficult to find area, SR5 374 culture of, RF 50-51 Patel, Reuben, SG 44
Nixdorf Sekretär, DT 61 Observer spirits, SG 190 society and, RF 51-52 Path
No, Jimmy, SG 39 Obsessive-compulsive disorder, CF 41, 51 underground, RF 51 of the Ronin, RF 22-23
No action phase, RG 154 Obvious cyberlimbs, SR5 456 Ork Poser, SR5 82 of the Samurai, RF 22-25
Nocturna, RF 95-96 Obvious illusion, SR5 290 Ork Rights Commission, SR5 37 of the Sun, SG 15
Nocturnal, RF 121 Occult OrkStaff’s XXX, CF 181 of the Wheel, SG 47-48
Node(s), DT 108, 109 investigator, RF 80; SR5 114 Orphan, RF 69 Pathfinders, SG 65
actions, DT 113-15 knowledge, SG 126 Orthoskin, SR5 459 Pathogenic defense, SR5 459
creation, DT 118-19 profiler, SG 144 upgrades, CF 116, 118 Pathogens, resistance to, SR5 77
Nofear, CF 181 Oceana, SR5 27 Otaku, DT 141, 144 Patrol IC, DT 86; SR5 248
Noise, DT 169-70; SR5 216, 230-31 Oceanic operations, RF 35-36 to technomancer, DT 45 Patron of the arts, RF 223
background, DT 138 O-cells, CF 150 time, DT 53 Patron table, RF 223
Matrix use, SR5 231 Ocular drone, SR5 453 Other runners, SR5 27 Pawn broker, RF 190
reduction, SR5 230 Odd jobs, RF 34-35 Outdoors, SR5 153 Pawn shop, RF 222
reduction and sharing, rigger, SR5 267 Off road pack/table, RF 248 Outdoorsman, RF 148 Pax, DT 144
rigging and, SR5 266 Offense, RG 95 Outer Circle, The, SR5 33 Paydate, SR5 15
styles of, DT 59 Offensive Mana barrier, SG 117 Outside world, DT 112 Paying off debt, RF 178
Non-combat rigger pack/table, RF 248 Offering, SR5 296 Overclocking, RF 148; SR5 258 PBG, CF 182
Nonconductivity, SR5 438 Off-hand weapon, SR5 187 Overdosing, SR5 415 Peace Keepers, RF 83
Non-player character (NPC) Office in abandoned warehouse, SR5 28 Overdrive, CF 186 Peacemaker, SG 200
artificial intelligence, DT 146 Off-road Overland travel, RG 156 Peach Champagne Club Bunraku Parlour, DT 90
background, SR5 344 suspension, R5 155 Overwatch, DT 170 Peak-discharge battery packs, RG 52
contacts, SR5 386-92 tires, R5 153 mask, DT 65 Pedal to the metal, R5 180-81
critter stats, SR5 379 Ogre, RF 91-92 Overwatch score, DT 111; SR5 231, 232 Penetrating spell, SG 153
critters, SR5 392-408 stomach, RF 117 check, SR5 238 Penetrating strike, SG 173
description, SR5 343 Ogre Hammer SWS assault cannon, RG 46 Owains, Dr. Carol, CF 197 Penetration
full build, SR5 346 Oil slick sprayer, R4 161 Owains BioNatural, CF 197 toxin, SR5 409
grunts, SR5 377-84 Okichitaw, RG 133 Owners, SR5 236-37 weapons, SR5 198
improvised build, SR5 346-47 Olfactory booster, SR5 452 Ownership, DT 169 Penguin blubber, CF 116
motivations, SR5 344-46 Olfactory scanner(s), SR5 365, 446 Oxford Royal College of Magicians, SG 144 Pentacle Distribution, SG 18
personality, SR5 344 Olympia Lunar Base, RG 167 OXSYS cybergill, CF 85 Pentjak-Silat, RG 133
personality traits table, SR5 344 Omae, SR5 15 Oxygenate, SR5 288-89 People, SR5 27-28
physical traits table, SR5 344 Omega-grade cyberware, CF 71 Oxygenated fluorocarbons, CF 182 People’s Party, SR5 37
prime runners, SR5 385-86 Omerta, RF 25-26 Oxyrush, CF 150 People’s Plunge, RG 160
roleplaying, SR5 347 Omni Motors Omnibus, R5 62 Oyabun, SR5 15 Pepper punch, SR5 410
stats, SR5 346 Omni-directional microphone, SR5 445 Perception, SR5 133
story build, SR5 346 Omniscience, CF 81 P drone, SR5 270
Nopaint, CF 182 On the Bleeding Edge, DT 44; R5 32 Pacifier, CF 193 magic, SR5 280-81
North America, SR5 24-25 On pins and needles shot, RG 117 Pacifist, RF 157 shift, SR5 166
North Manitou Island, SG 29 One-armed bandit, SG 220 Pacing montage, DT 177 surprise and, SR5 192
North Sea, RG 154 Oneiro, CF 186 Pack, of parts, DT 65 test modifiers, SR5 135
Northeastern Metroplex Axis, RG 155 One good thing about this place, RF 226 Pack Your Kit, RF 228 thresholds, SR5 136
Northern Toxic Zone, RG 155 One less metatype/species, SG 104 Padded armor, RG 59 using, SR5 135
Northern Wastelands, RG 155 One Rig to Rule Them All, R5 110-15 Padded leather, RG 72 Perceptive, RF 148; SG 132
Northridge Community College, SG 17 One-shot dartgun, CF 91 Paddle tail, RF 115 defender, RG 127
Northrup Wasp, R5 155; SR5 465 One of them, CF 58 Paed Tidt, SR5 319 Perfect code, DT 31
Nosferatu, RF 139-40 One trick point, RG 127 Pagpágtezezὶl, DT 23 Perfect eyes, CF 109-10
Not dead yet, SR5 57 Oni, RF 92 Pain Perfect Host, The, DT 82
Not a home, RF 226 Online fame, DT 45 of death, SG 131 Perfect pitch, SR5 310
No-Tell Motel, SR5 370 Onotari Arms editor, SR5 460 Perfect time, RF 148
Nothing personal, just business, RF 177 Ballista MML, RG 46 relief, SG 173 Performance, SR5 139
Notoriety, SR5 372 Equalizer pistol, RG 34 resistance, SR5 311 using, SR5 141
Novacoke, SR5 412 Interceptor, SR5 431 Pain is gain, DT 45 Periphery, SG 77
Nova-Hot Club, SR5 369 JP-KSO sniper rifle, RG 39 Paint grenade, RG 102 Periscope, SR5 432, 444
Novatech, DT 132 Violator pistol, RG 33 Painted Horse Lodge, SG 69-70 cam, RG 103
tactician, RG 105 Open-ended service, ally spirit, SG 202 Paintjob, DT 57 Permanent powers, SR5 394
Noxious Operational security, RG 95 Pakistan, RG 154 Persnickety renter, DT 152
breath, SR5 399 Operational time, R5 31 Paladin’s code, RF 28 Persona(s), DT 167; SR5 216, 218, 235
spirit, SG 87 Opium den, SG 200 Panic room, RF 222 Matrix, DT 17
N-P, DT 144 Opponent Pantherine shapeshifter, RF 100 Personafix chips (p-fixes), SR5 413
Nuclear spirit, SG 89 assessing, RG 12 Paper lotus, SG 215 Personal area network (PAN),
Nuke-from-Orbit, DT 57 prone, SR5 187 Papyrus of Ani, SG 128 SR5 216, 219, 233, 267, 358-59, 421
Null node, DT 109, 114 Opposed tests, SR5 47 Parkour, RG 133 Personal armor, R% 159
Numb, CF 182 Opposing force, RG 139 Palming, SR5 133 Personal domain, free spirit, SG 205
Nutrisoy, SR5 15 Opposition, SR5 30-31, 334, 338-39 Panchamukhee, SR5 319 Personal favors, RF 173
Nutrition storage system, CF 84-85 Oppositional defiant disorder, CF 42, 51 Panopticans, SR5 37 Personal information, DT 171
Nuyen, SR5 15, 39, 375 Optical detonator, RG 195 Panther XXL, SR5 431 Personal Integrated Tactical Network, RG 104-5
buying table (single), RF 255 Optical devices, SR5 443-44 Paracritters, SR5 403-6 Personal issues, SR5 333
starting, SR5 95 Optimization bonuses, DT 157 Paralysis, SR5 409 Personal mobility vehicle, R5 40-41
NYCnet, DT 25 Optional rules, SR5 57 Paralyzing howl, SR5 399 Personal motorized vehicle, R5 19
Nyetworking, DT 159 Oracle, SG 200 Paralyzing touch, SR5 400 Personal watercraft, R5 20
Nytemares, DT164 Oral slasher, CF 91, 92 Paranimals, RF 34 Personality, RF 16-17
Nymph spirit, SG 98 Ordeals, SG 141-42 Paranoia, RF 157; SR5 83 drone, R5 127-28
initiation, SG 140 Paranoid personality disorder, CF 42, 51 fragments, CF 21-22
O Order of Chaos, The, R5 36=39 Paraphernalia, SG 126 Perspiration, RG 146-47
O’Malley, Dona Rowena, SR5 33 Order of St. Sylvester, RF 177; SG 71-73 Paraplegic, RF 157 cold damage, RG 150
O’Malley syndicate, SR5 33 Ordo Maximus, SG 65-66 Parashield, SR5 38 Peru, SG 28
Oaken stance, RG 139 Organic link, SG 122, 125, 127, 135, 137 Dart Pistol, SR5 430 Pestilence, SG 197
Oath, SG 142 Organized crime, RF 39-40, 42, 78; Dart Rifle, SR5 430 Petrification, SR5 400
Obedience, SG 130 SR5 25, 33-34 Parazoologist, RF 190 Petrovski Security, SR5 38
spirits, SG 183-84 street docs and, CF 38 Parry, RG 124; SR5 168, 191-92 Petschukov, Andrei, SR5 33
Obfuscating ward, SG 135-36 syndicates, RF 207-8 Partial cyberskull, CF 88, 89 P4MO, CF 182
Organized Crime Gang, SR5 383 Phalanx, CF 20-21, 22
482 shadowrun, fifth edition master index >>
Phantasm, SR5 291 Poland, SR5 27 Principles of Insanity, DT 128-31 Q
Phantom Islands of Caribbean League, SG 30 Polar survival suit, RG 76-77 Print Qabbalist tradition, SG 48
Pharmaceutical drugs, CF 190 Polarized ward, SG 136 removal, CF 158 Qi
Pharmacy, CF 176 Pole arm, SR5 422 scanners, SR5 364 foci, SR5 319
tech, RF 190 Poli, SR5 15 Printer, SR5 439 marked, SG 129
PharmaFarm, CF 29 Political activist, RF 79 Priority sculpt, SG 156
Phenotype Police patrols, SR5 383 F ratings, SR5 386 Quake, SG 197-98
adjustment/tables, CF 157-58, 237 Police vehicles, R5 66-77 levels, SR5 65 table, SG 198
alteration, CF 158 table, R5 187 Sum to Ten/table, RF 62, 63 Qualia, CF 161
variation, CF 158 Policlubs, SR5 36 system, SR5 65 Quallia and the Plausibility
Pheromone scanners, SR5 365-66 Politicians, SR5 36-38 table, SR5 68 of Matrix Realms, DT 140
Phobia(s), CF 41, 51; RF 157 Pollutant, SG 195 Private investigator, RF 79 Qualities, SR5 71
table, RF 158 damage, SG 105 Private room, RF 223 choosing, SR5 86
Photographic memory, SR5 76 stream, SG 106 in nightclub, SR5 28 learning, SR5 106
Photometabolism, RF 117 wave, SG 106 Privileged family name, RF 149 negative, RG 127; SR5 71, 73, 77-85, 87
Physical arts, SG 158-59 Pollution, RG 150-52; SG 32, 84-86 Probe IC, SR5 248 positive, RG 127; SR5 71-77
Physical damage, SR5 169, 207 hazard zones, RG 153-55 Proboscis, RF 117-18 Quarterstaff fighting, RG 133
overflow, SR5 170 healing damage, RG 153-54 Prodigal spell, SG 136; SR5 297 Quasimodo, CF 59
rigger, SR5 266 tolerance, CF 163 Professional knowledge, SR5 91, 148, 149 Québec, SR5 25
Physical elements Poor link, RF 148-49 Professional rating, grunts, Queen insect spirit, SG 94-95, 99
active skills, SR5 133 Poor self control, CF 58; RF 158 SR5 379-80, 381-84 Queen mother, CF 100-101
attributes, SR5 51, 66, 68 Pop-out weapon mounts, R5 124 Profiler, DT 46 QuetzalCare, CF 27
barrier spell, SR5 294 Popular mefeed personality, RF 191 Progeria, RF 121 Quick confide, DT 46
condition monitor, SR5 52, 209 Portable chemical injector, CF 176 Program(s), SR5 243 Quick & Dirty Augmentations, CF 168
manipulation, SR5 292 Portal, DT 114 table, SR5 246 Quick draw, SR5 165
mask, SR5 291 node, DT 109 Program Carrier, DT 65 holster, SR5 432
power, SR5 394 Poltergeist, SR5 294 Programmable ASIST biofeedback, Quick healer, SR5 77
spells, SR5 282 Portugal, SR5 27 CF 44, 51, 53 Quickening, SG 152
spirit services task, SR5 302EX 471 Positive qualities, SR5 71-77 Progressive recoil, RG 110; SR5 175-76 Quicksilver camera, SG 215-16
threat countermeasures, SR5 356-58 Possession, DT 174-75; SG 197 Project Exodus, CF 213 Quiet, DT 59
Physical magic, SG 5, 164 roleplaying, SG 197 Projectile(s), SR5 181
Physical vigor, CF 41, 51 spirits, SG 184 triggers, SR5 182 R
Pickup, R5 176 Post-banishment conjuring, weapons, SR5 423, 424 Rabbit ears pack/table, RF 241
Pie iesu domine, dona eis requiem, RF 158 spirits and, SG 186 weapons table, RG 203 Racing bike pack/table, RF 247
Pied piper, SG 156-57 Postgraduate studies, RF 79 Prophylaxis, SR5 289 Racing tires, R5 153
Pilot, SR5 216 Post-traumatic stress disorder, Props, SR5 339 Racism, SR5 36-37, 333
aerospace, SR5 146 CF 41, 46-47, 51 Prosthetics, SR5 23 Racketeer pack/table, RF 235
aircraft, R5 128-32, 134, 136-37, Potency, SR5 305 Prostitution, SR5 42 Radar sensor, CF 81, 82
140-41; SR5 147 Pouncing dragon, RG 122, 141 Protect vehicle, SG 117-18 Radiation, RG 152-53; SG 105, 195
damaged vehicle, SR5 201 Povryejhda, SR5 33 Protecting the principle, RG 125 beam, SG 105, 106
drone, R5 123 Power(s), SG 80 Protection, RG 14-15, 56, 94; SR5 30, 341-42 burst, SG 105, 106
drone software, R5 126-27 bleed, SG 91 Protein queens, CF 100-103 hazard zones, RG 153-55
enhancement, R% 167-68 critters, SR5 394 Proteus AG, CF 17, 71, 104, 199-200 healing damage, RG 153-54
exotic vehicle (specific), SR5 147 foci, SR5 319 Arkoblocks, RG 160 shielding, RG 84, 86
ground craft, R5 130-34, initiate, SR5 325-26 head cases, CF 17 sponge, RG 169
136-37, 139-44; SR5 147 pact, SG 137 Krake, R5 134-36 tolerance, CF 164
impaired visibility, SR5 201 spirit services use, SR5 302 Lamprey, R5 155; SR5 464 Radio detonator, RG 195
limited light conditions, SR5 201 toxin, SR5 408 North Sea Arkoblocks, RG 160 Radio frequency identification tag
origins, AI, DT 150-51 Power point(s), SG 156’ SR5 278-79, 326 Protosapients, DT 135 (RFID), SR5 216, 440
programs, SR5 269 Power train Prototype transhuman, CF 54-55 Radio Shack PCD[500, DT 62, 64
unaware of event, SR5 201 acceleration enhancement, R5 154 Provenance, RF 175 Radio signal scanner, SR5 446
using augmented reality, SR5 201 gecko tips, R5 154 Proximity wire, SR5 365 Rad-tolerant, RG 169
using virtual reality, SR5 201 gliding system, R5 154 Pryon, DT 165 Raids, RG 95-96
vehicle, SR5 199 handling enhancement, R5 154 PSK-3 collapsible pistol, RG 32 Railway pass, RF 223
vehicle actions, R5 179 improved economy, R5 154 PsychChips, CF 187 Ram(ming), R5 177; SG 104;
walker, R5 130, 138-39, 141-42; SR5 147 manual control override, R5 154-55 Psyche, SR5 412 SR5 201, 203. 204
watercraft, R5 134-36, 139-40, 143 SR5 147 modification table, R5 158 Psychokinesis, SR5 400 alchemical spell, SR5 306
wounded, SR5 201 off-road suspension, R5 155 Psychological trauma, CF 44-45 damage table, R5 177
Pin, RG 112 Powerball, SR5 284 dealing with, CF 45-48 plate, R5 161
Pink Mohawk, RF 18 Powerboats, R5 20, 79-85 Psychometry, SG 144-45 Randori, RG 140
Pioneer 60 sniper rifle, RG 39 Powerbolt, SR5 284 table, SG 146 Range(s), SR5 175
Pistols, SR5 132, 185 PPSK-4 collapsible machine pistol, RG 34 Psychosis, CF 42, 51 chase, SR5 203, 204
Pistons, DT 68 Prank warrior, DT 49 Psychotropic biofeedback, DT¸160 finder, improved, RG 52
Pit fighter, CF 61 Pratt & Whitney Sundowner, R5 134 P2.1, DT 56 power, SR5 394
PIT vehicle, R5 176-77 Pre-emptive block, RG 122 Public awareness, SR5 372-73 in space, RG 164
Pixie, RF 99; SR5 15 Pre-emptive parry, RG 122 table, SR5 373 spellcasting, SR5 282
Pixie Dust, CF 186 Prehensile tail, RF 115 Public grid (PubGrid), DT 10, 13-14, spirit, SR5 302
PJSS Model 55, SR5 429 Prejudice(d), SR5 82, 139 15, 23; SR5 233-34 table, SR5 185
Placebo effect, SG 40 tables, SR5 82 Public health systems, SR5 43 Ranged attack modifiers, SR5 173
Plague cloud, SG 173 Preparation Public sector, DT 86 Ranged combat, SR5 173-76
Plague spirit, SG 89 creation, SR5 305 Public transportation, RF 223; R5 62 Ranged cyberweapons, CF 91
Plan 9, CF 48, 311 trigger, SR5 305 Puck, DT 130, 137, 138 Ranged defense, SR5 188
Planestriders, SG 75 using, SR5 305-6 Pueblo Corporate Council, DT 23; Ranged weapons, RG 22-23
Planning, SR5 29 Preparatory school, RF 71 RF 67; RG 154; SG 65; SR5 25 cyberlimb, CF 90
Plant spirits, SG 193 Presence, SG 159 Puebnet, DT 23-24 exotic, RG 26-28
Plasmid delivery systems (PDS), CF 133-34 Preserve, SG 117 Pull detonator, RG 195 Ranger Arms SM-5, SR5 429
Plastic explosives, SR5 436 Pressure mesh, SR5 365 Pulsar, DT 132-33 Ranger sliver pistol crossbow, RG 23
Platelet factories, SR5 459 Pressure pads, SR5 365 Pulse, SG 118 Rank, RF 86
Play, levels of, SR5 49 Price, SR5 20 storm, SR5 252 table, RF 86
Player personality, SR5 348-49 Pride, RG 12 weave, RG 84, 85 Ransom, DT 171
Playing possum, RG 122 Prime datahaven membership, DT 45-46 Punch, SR5 283 Rapid draw, SG 173-74
Plex, SR5 15 Prime runner(s) Puppeteer, SR5 252 Rapid healing, SR5 311
Plot building, SR5 337 advancement, SR5 385 Push, CF 182 Rapid Transit clothing, RG 64, 65
Plot points, SR5 353 building, SR5 385 detonator, RG 195 Rapier fighting, RG 132
key, SR5 349-50, 351 Hand of God, SR5 386 move, RG 123 Rappelling, SR5 134
Pneumatic ram, RG 104 play, SR5 64 Pushed, CF 160 gloves, SR5 449
Point Buy method/system, RF 64-65, 84 profile, SR5 385 Pyle, Adam, CF 212
Poisoners, SG 85 Primitive arm, drone, R5 125 Pyramids of Egypt, SG 31
Poke, DT 159-60 Primitive prosthetics, CF 86, 89 Pyromania, CF 41, 51
483<< shadowrun, fifth edition master index
Raptor foot, CF 88, 89 Renascence, SG 136; SR5 298 Restrictive armor, RG 59 speed, SR5 200
Rat, SR5 323 Renault-Fiat Resurfacing Rounding, SR5 48
Rat Pak, SG 76 Fokker Tundra-9, SR5 464 deep water, RG 157-58 Rover Model, SR5 464
Ratings, skill, SR5 131 Funone, R5 47 shallow water, RG 157 RPK HMG, SR5 430
Raven, DT 40-41; SR5 323 Renegade Works “Mothership” LAVH, R5 108-9 Retail industry, DT 97 Ruhrmetall
Razor mind block, CF 191 Renraku Arcology/Computer Systems, Retinal adjusters, CF 151 SF-20 (HMG), RG 44
Razorboi packs, RF 242 CF 71; DT 131-32, 137, 144; Retinal duplication, SR5 453 Wolf II, R5 77
Razorgirl, SR5 15 SR5 22, 25, 26, 31, 32 Retractable climbing claws, CF 85, 86 Ruger 101, SR5 429
Razorguy, SR5 15 cybertechnology, CF 195-96 Retrans unit, R5 168 Ruger Super Warhawk, SR5 427
Reach, SR5 189, 417 demiGOD in, DT 74 example, R5 168 Rule(s), SG 26
Reaction, SR5 90, 151 Dove, R5 136 Revelation, DT 175 of engagement, RG 97
enhancers, SR5 455 drones and, R5 120-21 Revels in murder, CF 56 hackers and, DT 31-32
optimization, CF 165 Gerbil, R5 130 Reversal, RG 112, 124 optional, SR5 57
Reading the defense, RG 123 grid, DT 14 Reversers, CF 22-24 of six, SR5 56
Reagents, RF 34; SG 126; SR5 276-77, 316-17 head cases, CF 17 Revitalization, CF 157 Ruling the Waves, R5 78
harvesting, SR5 317-18 Jardinero, R5 136 R-F Fokker Rundra-9, R5 155 Run flat tires, R5 153
individualizing focus for, SG 230 Job-A-Mat, R5 137 RFID chips, CF 31-32 Run on the Wild Side, A, RF 58-61
quality and amount harvested, SG 228 Johnson (Mr.) from, RF 205 RG1: no action phase, RG 107-8, 213 Run for your life, RG 125
refined and radical, SG 210-16 LEBO-2 Law Enforcement RG2: target size modifiers, RG 108, 213 Run(ning), SR5 25, 133, 161-62, 164
spending, SR5 307 Backup Drone, R5 140 RG3: movement penalties by speed, background, SR5 375-76
standard, SG 209-10 Monads citizenship, CF 220 RG 108, 213 cost calculations, SR5 375-76
talismongers and, SG 227-30 Monads grid messages and, CF 217 RG4: alternate initiative, RG 108-9, 213 design, hook, SR5 335
Reakt, CF 161 normal in, CF 207 RG5: putting bullets around armor, fatigue from, SR5 172
Real life (RL), DT 51; R5 35; SR5 216 Okoku, DT 21 RG 109-10, 213 pace of, SR5 349
Real world Pelican, R5 137 RG6: damage for no defense, RG 110, 213 rewards, SR5 375-76
naiveté, DT 162 Scuttler Remote Cyberhand, R5 130 Rhino hide, RF 114 silent, SR5 235-36
task, DT 175 self-assembling cybernetics, CF 144 Rhonabwy (dragon), SR5 21 modifiers, SR5 162-63
Realignment, DT 156 Taka, RG 105 Rich kid, RF 69 pace of, SR5 349
Realistic form, SG 198 Tradejack Bundle, CF 93 Ricochet shot, RG 117 random tables, SR5 342-43
Realistic illusion, SR5 290 Rent-a-cop, RF 192 Rigged device, jump into, SR5 241 rewards, SR5 375-76
Reality Hackers, DT 41-42 Repairing/repairs, RG 143; SR5 145-46 Rigger(s), SR5 63, 216, 264-65 silent, SR5 235-36
Reality rules, DT 174 drone, SR5 270 Cocktail, CF 180 using, SR5 136
Recall neural amplifiers, CF 150 making, R5 30 cocoon, R5 155-56 Rush, CF 182
Receiver, DT 62 rules, R5 29-30 cyberprograms, SR5 269 Russia, SR5 27
Reception enhancer, CF 118 table, R5 30 defense, R5 27-28 Rust, DT 160
Recharge reagents, SG 136 Repayment time frames, RF 177 examples, R5 13-15 Ruthenium polymer coating, RG 84, 85, 86
Recicladore, RF 191 Replacement limb, CF 113-14 experience, R5 12-15 RVs table, R5 185
Reckless spellcasting/conjuring, Replicators, CF 148 hackers and, R5 28 Ryumyo (dragon), SG 19; SR5 20, 21
SG 192-93; SR5 281 Reprint, CF 157 interface, R5 171; SR5 266, 461
Recoil, SR5 175 Reproductive replacement, CF 118-19 jump in, SR5 167 S
progressive, SR5 175-76 Reputation, SG 206; SR5 372-73 negative qualities, R5 33-34 SA
in space, RG 164 contact and, RF 178-79 other riggers and, R5 28 Nemesis (LMG), RG 43
Recoil compensation (RC), SR5 417 repair, DT 173 packs, RF 243, 248 Retiarus net gun, RG 28
compatibility, RG 53 Research, DT 171 paths to, R5 32-33 Saab
Reconnaissance, R5 16-17 Research & development, DT 99 positive qualities, R5 33 Gladius 998 TI, R5 49-50
Records on file, RF 158-59 Reset ownership, DT 154 strengths coordination, R5 24-27 -Thyssen Bloodhound, R5 136
Rectitude, SG 132 Resilience, SG 141 support pack/table, RF 250 Saar-Lorraine-Luxembourg Special
Red, RF 125 Resist block, CF 191 Rigger command console (RCC), SR5 266-67 Administration Zone, RG 154; SG 33
Red light district safehouse, RF 227 Resist drain table, SR5 267 Sabotage, DT 171
Red Mescaline, CF 182 ally spirit, SG 202 Rigger Corps, RF 82, 83 Sacrifice, SG 91, 142
Red Rovers, SR5 382 spirits and, SG 186 Rigger X, R5 24 move, RG 123
Red Samurai, SR5 384 Resist pain spell, SR5 289 Rigging basics, R5 11-12 throw, RG 125, 140
Red Wheel Engineering Maximum Security Resistance to pathogens/toxins, SR5 77 Right back at ya, RG 124-25 Saddhu, SG 46
Prison, RG 160 Resonance, DT 138, 143 Righteousness, RF 23-24 Sadistic, CF 58
Redliner, CF 55 actions, SR5 250 Ring of Light Special, DT 64 Saeder-Krupp Heavy Industries, CF 71;
Redmond, RG 155 attribute, SR5 52, 66, 90, 151, Riodpatch, CF 182-83 RG 90; SR5 21, 22, 32-33
Reduced senses, RF 159; SR5 401 216, 226, 249-50 Rioste, SG 174 Advanced Frontier Cybernetics, CF 14
Redundancy, DT 58 channel, SR5 252 Riot AIs not allowed citizenship, CF 220-21
artificial intelligence, DT 151 choosing, SR5 69, 70 control armor, RG 69 -Bentley Concordat, SR5 463
Reflect spell, SG 151 increased, SR5 257 shield, SR5 438 Cyberlogician Bundle, CF 93
Reflection, SG 151 Infected and, RF 141, 142 Riposte, RG 125, 140 cybertechnology, CF 195
Reflex recorder, SR5 460 link, SR5 258 Ritual(s), SG 122-37, 139, 143-44, 146-47, demiGOD in, DT 74
optimization, CF 165 program, SR5 258 149-50, 152-56; SR5 296-98 Direktionssekretar, R5 148
Regeneration, SG 205; SR5 400 signatures, SR5 250 of change, SG 136 drones, R5 122
Registering, SR5 143 skills, DT 111; SR5 143 failure, SR5 296 grid, DT 14
Regular ammo, SR5 434 spike, SR5 253 spellcasting, SR5 142, 278, 317, 320 head cases, CF 17
Regular job, RF 79 veil, SR5 253 spellcasting, advanced, SG 153 Johnson (MR.) from, RF 205
Reinforce, SG 118 Resonance library, SR5 252 spellcasting steps, SR5 295-96 Konstructors, R5 64
Reinforcement, SG 198 Resonance realms, DT 140, 141, 162; SR5 216 Rivalries, RF 21 MK-170 Neptune, R5 143
Reinhard, Nadine, CF 14 access to, SR5 257-58 Roach spirit, SG 98 Monads citizenship and, CF 217
Rejuvenation treatment, CF 156-57 event horizon in, DT 163 Road strip ejector, R5 161 nanomagic, CF 144
Rel, RF 24 goals in, DT 163 Road strips, R5 152-53 normal in, CF 208
Relationship improvement, RF 176 navigating, DT 163 Robyn’sm, RF 227 Überwelt, DT 21
Releasing talons, RG 139 searching, DT 142 Rock Lizard Blood, CF 187 Safe spot, DT 172
Religions, SG 19-20 traveling to, DT 141-42 Rocker, RF 165 Safe target system, RG 52
Religious organizations, SG 71-74 Resonance Riding, DT 59 Rocket(s), SR5 435-36 Safe for Whom?, DT 10
Relocation, SR5 350-51 Resonance rift(s), DT 139-40, 142 booster, R5 156 Safehouse, RF 226
Remington Resonance Scream, DT 59 Rockstar, RF 192 master, RF 192
950, SR5 429 Resonance wells, DT 138-39 Roke, SR5 15 Safety fuse, RG 197
990 shotgun, RG 42 Respec, CF 21, 22, 23, 48 Rolling cloud(s), RG 137, 141 Safety third, RF 226
Roomsweeper, SR5 426-27 Respect, RF 24; SG 132 Rolls-Royce Phaeton, R5 52, 53 Sage, SG 220
Remote sensing, SG 136; SR5 297 Respiration, SR5 449 Ronin, SG 61 Sai-Fong Lee, Dr., CF 49
Remote service, spirit, SR5 302 Response interface gear, RG 84, 85, 86 “Rooftops and Rainbows,” SR5 210-13 Sailboats, R5 20-21
Remote task, SR5 254 Restaurants, SR5 41 Rooted tree, RG 140 Sailcraft, R5 85-93
Removed manual controls, R5 155 Restless, SG 199 Rootkit, DT 160 Sakura Security, SR5 38
Removal Restoration, DT 156 Rosen, Frederick, SG 48 Salish-Shidhe Council, DT 23; RF 67; SR5 25
mass, SG 112 Restraints, SR5 447 Rotor, R5 157 Salt Lake City, RF 67
single-sense, SG 112 Restricted gear, RF 149 Rotorcraft R5 21-22, 98-100; Samurai, SR5 15
Removing traits, SG 133 Restricted item, SR5 419 SR5 464-65
484 shadowrun, fifth edition master index >>
classic pack/table, RF 229-30 Matrix, DT 85-86 noise and, DT 59 Shredded flesh shot, RG 117
path of, RF 22-25 response, SR5 247 sample modular generation, RF 84-86 Shredder, DT 56
way of, RG 132 spacesuit, RG 81-82 Shadowscanner, CF 9 Shuffle, CF 157
Samuvani Criscraft Otter, SR5 464 spiders, DT 78, 104 Shaman(s), SG 12-13, 15 Shunt, DT 160
San Onofre Irradiated Zone, RG 154 tags, SR5 440 code of, RF 26-27 Shuriken, SR5 181, 424
Sangre y acero, RG 133 technomancer, DT 76 insect, SG 94 Signal scrub, SR5 269
São Paulo district, DT 90 troubleshooter, DT 105 Shake things up a bit, R5 177 program, SR5 245
Sap, SR5 422 vehicles table, R5 187 Shake up, RG 112; SR5 196 Signals, jam, SR5 240
Sapience, SR5 400 Security control, DT 115 Shake, rattle and boom shot, RG 117 Signature, RF 159
Sapient Bio-Integrated Lifeforms (SBILs), CF 213 node, DT 109 Shake, rattle and pop shot, RG 117 masking, R5 168
Sapper, DT 151 Seducer, SR5 323 Shaman, SR5 279-80 resonance, SR5 250
Sarariman, SR5 15 Seduction, using, RF 178 Shamanic tradition, SR5 280 table, SR5 184
Sasquatch, SR5 406 Seelie court, SG 14 Shape material, SG 118 Sikorsky-Bell Microskimmer, SR5 465
Satellite link, R5 168; SR5 439 Select sound filter, SR5 445, 454 Shapechange, SG 118 Silence, SR5 291-92
Satori, SG 141 Selective hearing, CF 160 Shapeshifter(s), RF 100-101 Silence, SG 199
Satyr, RF 92 Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors attribute table, RF 105 Silencer/suppressor, SR5 432
legs, RF 118 (SSRIs), CF 184 creating, RF 102-3 Silken storm, RG 140
Savalette Guardian pistol, RG 33 Self control, RG 12 culture, RF 55-56 Silky skin, CF 110-11
Savior medkit, CF 154 Self power, SR5 394 metahuman form cost, RF 108 Silver Pinnacle, RG 166
Scaffolding control, DT 109, 115 Self-destruct, DT 65 Sharia law, SG 14 Silver-tonged devil, SG 159
Scales, RF 121 Semi-Automatic (SA), SR5 178-79 Sharpshooter, RG 127 Sim Module, SR5 438
Scanners, SR5 364-65 fire mode, SR5 165 Shark, SR5 323-24, 403 Simple actions, SR5 164-67, 202-3
Scarlet Bliss, CF 184-85 Semi-Automatic Burst (SB), SR5 167, 179 Sharkskin, CF 116 Simple object use, SR5 202
Scatter, SR5 182 Sense of direction, RF 149 Shasta Shamans, SG 68, 69, 70 Simrig, SR5 216, 439, 452
diagram, SR5 182 Sense link, SG 198 Shatter, SR5 284 Sim-sational pack/table, RF 241
Scavenging parts, R5 29 ally spirit, SG 202 Shattershield, SG 106 Simsense, CF 67; SR5 15, 216
Scene(s), SR5 335 Sensei, RF 149 Sheba, SR5 27 Vertigo, SR5 83
relocation, SR5 350-51 Sensing, SG 155 Shedim, SG 93 SIN (system identification number),
removal, SR5 351 Sensitive skin, CF 110 Shell, SR5 269 SR5 15, 24, 366-68
replacement, SR5 351 Sensitive system, SR5 83 program, SR5 246 AIs, DT 133
types, SR5 335-37 Sensor(s), SR5 364-65, 445, 446 Shenanigans, DT 172 Single sensor, SR5 445
Scent glands, RF 121-22 array, SR5 445 Sheng effect, SG 36 Single shot (SS), SR5 176, 178
SCK Model 100, SR5 428 attacks, SR5 184 Shiawase Corporation, CF 77; fire mode, SR5 165
Schletz, Scott, CF 127; DT 123; RF 7; R5 111 drone, R5 123 SR5 22, 26, 32, 33 Single-sense illusion, SR5 290
School of hard knocks, RF 149 functions, SR5 446 biotech, CF 100-101 SINless, SR5 15, 24
Schools, undergraduate, SG 15-16 housings, SR5 445, 446 Blazer, RG 50 SINner, SR5 15, 24
Schwartzkopf dragon, SG 67 tags, SR5 440 Central, DT 21 SINner (layered), SR5 84-85
SCIRE system, DT 137 targeting, SR5 184 citizenship moratorium in, CF 221 Sioux Nation, RF 67; SG 35, 49-50; SR5 25
Scorched, SR5 83 upgrade, AI, DT 151; R5 168 Cyber-4, DT 62-63, 64 Sioux Wildcats, SR5 384
Scorched physical side effects table, SR5 83 use of, SR5 202 demiGOD in, DT 74-75 Sip Tidt, SR5 319
Scottish Fringe Toxic Zone, RG 155 vehicle, SR5 199 drones and, R5 122 Siphon, DT 165
Scottish Irradiated Zone, RG 155 Sensor defense table, SR5 184 head cases and, CF 17 Sisterhood of Ariadne, SG 76-77
Scout spirit, SG 98 Sensory overload, CF 42, 51; RF 159 I-Doll, R5 148 Situational modifiers, SR5 176-78
Scramble IC, SR5 248 Seoulpa Rings, RF 206 Johnson (Mr.) from, RF 205 table, SR5 176
Screamer, SR5 15 Seppuku, SG 61 Kacho Bundle, CF 93 Sixth sense, RG 126
arrowhead, RG 24 Sequencer, SR5 448 Kammushi, R5 155; SR5 465 Sixth World
Scrip, RF 173, 174; SR5 15 Seraphim, SR5 384 Monads grid messages, CF 217 Awakened in, SG 5
Script kiddie, RF 192 Sergevnay, Alexei, CF 215 normal in, CF 207 language in, SR5 150
Sculpting, SR5 216 Service(s), RF 173-74, 215016; SG 130 Puzzler pistols, RG 31 magic in, SG 12, 41-53
Se Liga Macumba, SG 23 buying table, RF 254 Shiawase Fashion, RG 58, 60 metasapients, RF 98-101
Sea, SR5 323 possession and, SG 197 Shibanokuji, Yuri, SR5 30 sapients, RF 88-98
Sea Dragon’s Lairs, RG 160-61 sector, DT 88-89 Shibanojuki Free Fall Resort, RG 166 start of, SR5 20
Sea Ray Cottonmouth, R5 80-81 spirit, SR5 302, 304 Shielding, SG 151; SR5 326 Size, weapon mount, R5 163
Seal skin, CF 116 Servile, SG 199 Shields, SR5 438 Skate(s), CF 88, 89; SG 174
SEAL Team 6, SR5 384 Setae, RF 118 Shifter, CF 153 Skeletal pneumaticity, CF 161
Sealer, CF 153 Seven-7, SR5 410 Shin hits, RG 114 Skill(s), SR5 45
Sealing, ritual spell, SR5296 Severe variance, DT 117-18 Shinto tradition, SG 48-49 active, SR5 91, 92
Search Sèvis Gine, SG 20 Shiny: The Latest Chrome, CF 62 autosofts, R5 127
modifiers table, SR5 401 Sex change, CF 107 Shiva arms, RF 118 choosing, SR5 91, 92
power, SR5 400 Sexuality, SR5 41-42, 333 Shock defaulting, SR5 130
program, DT 56 Sha effect, SG 35 frills, SR5 438 groups, SR5 129, 153
Searchlight, R5 171 Shack ram, RG 104 gloves, SR5 423 groups and individual skills, SR5 90
Sears Tower, SG 29 Shade, CF 187; SG 92 hand, SR5 458 Karma advancement table for, SR5 107
Seating, SR5 461 Shadow(s), SR5 23-24, 294 pad, SR5 432 knowledge, SR5 91, 92
Seattle, DT 10, 25; RF 51; RG 155; block, RG 125-26, 140, 142 weave, RG 84 language, SR5 91, 92
SG 23, 57-58, 60; SR5 25, 419 cloak, SG 198 Shocker, DT 76 numbers, SR5 88-89
Metroplex, SG 76 magic in, SG 21-23 Shock&Awe block, CF 191 ratings, SR5 129, 131
Metroplex Administration Host, DT 68 rigging, R5 15-19 ShockNet, RG 28 restricted, SR5 89
Second chance, SR5 56 rituals, SG 5, 120-21 Shofar, SG 216 substituting, SR5 130
Second skin, RG 63 services, RF 173 Shop, SR5 443 tables, SR5 105-6
Secondary manual controls, R5 156 slang, SR5 14 Shop kid, R5 35 types of, SR5 128
Secondary propulsion, R5 156 spirits, SG 91-92, 189 Shoppazulu, CF 80 use of, SR5 128, 167
adjustments, R5 157 touch, SH 158 Shopping, SR5 41 Skilljack, CF 78; SR5 452
modes, R5 157 working, RF 80; RG 11-12 Shooting Skillsofts, SR5 442
rotor, R5 157 Shadowrun bracer, RG 28 networks table, CF 78
tracked, R5 157 with commlink, SR5 223 range, RF 223 technology, wireless, CF 77-78
walker, R5 157 defined, SR5 1 Shopsofts, SR5 441-42 Skillwires, CF 78; RG 136; SR5 455
Secrecy, SG 130 hacking, DT 34 Short-range weapons, RG 13 Skimmers, CF 88, 89
Secret Research Station, SR5 369 three worlds of, SR5 348 Shot(s) Skin
Secret societies, RF 40-41 SG 65-67 Shadowrunner(s), RG 97; SR5 24 called, SR5 178, 187, 195 artist, SG 157
Secrets of the Initiates, SG 5, 138 background, RF 11 spread, medium/large, RG 121-22 pigmentation, CF 111
Secured Matrix site, SR5 28 codes and, RF 11 Shotguns, RG 40-42; SR5 180-81, 429 pocket, SR5 459
SecureTech PPP. RG 70 construction kits, RF 11 assault rifle, RG 37 toner, CF 74
Security, RF 215, 219 gear packs, RF 11 table, RG 207 Skinlink, DT 59
armor, RG 67-68 home and, RF 11 Shotozumi, Oyabun Hanzo, SR5 33 Skullcracking, RG 15-16
companies, RG 97 Infected and, RF 11, 130-31 Shotozumi-rengo, SR5 33 Skyguide drone, R% 126
critter references, SR5 362 jobs, RF 11, 80 Shoulder hits, RG 114 Slab, CF 183
devices, SR5 362-66, 446-47 life of, SR5 14 Shove move, RG 123 Slamm-O!, DT 26; RF 88
guard, RF 77 mental illness field guide, CF 40-42 Showdown, DT 174 Slap patches, SR5 450-51
485<< shadowrun, fifth edition master index
Slaughter/slay metatype/species, SG 104 language and, SR5 151 Specific target, RG 112 man, SR5 304
Slave, CF 60; SR5 216, 233 tests, SR5 141 Specific tradition, SG 31 man, toxic, SG 89
Slave control, DT 115 using, SR5 139 Speculative data gathering, DT 58 martial arts and, RG 140
node, DT 109 Social stress, SR5 85 Speed, RG 95 nature, SG 181-82
Sleaze, DT 179; SR5 231, 244 Société Suisse Technique, DT 93 demon, R5 33 new mentor, SG 199-200
in Matrix, SR5 227 Society of Hawks, SG 75 demon block, CF 191 new options, SG 192-93
upgrade, SR5 258 Society of the Phoenix Arisen, SG 70-71 drone, R5 123, 124 new powers, SG 193-99
Sledge hammer, RG 22 Soft nanites, CF 145 enhancement, R5 157 new qualities, SG 199
Sleep detecting, CF 146-47 environment, SR5 204 new rules, SG 191-92
deprivation, SR5 172 Soft nanohive, CF 151 loader, SR5 433 new types, SG 193
regulation, SR5 460-61 Soft nanoware systems, CF 149-50 reading, RF 149-50 packs, SG 191
Sleepwaker, DT 59 table, CF 150 toxins, SR5 408 pacts, SG 136-37
Slicing the pie, RG 102 Software, SR5 145, 226, 441-42 vehicle, SR5 199, 200 pain, SG 186
Slide mount, RG 52 drone, R5 126-27 Speedballing, CF 176 pariah, SG 199
Slimworm, CF 124 drone tweaks, R5 127-28 Speedboost packs, RF 242 phenomena, SG 190-91
Sling, RG 52 license agreements, DT 133 Spell(s), RG 158-59; SG 26, 177, 127, 136 presentation, SG 186-90
Slingshot, BRG 23 Sojourner, DT 132-33 Aztec preferred, SG 41 ram, SG 174
Slot, SR5 15 Soldiers, SG 98-99 binding, SG 186; SR5 302, 304 range, SR5 302
and run, SR5 15 code of, RF 29 black magic, SG 43 services, SR% 302-3
Slow death, SG 220 Solid reputation, RF 149 Buddhism, SG 43 services table, SR5 303
Slow healer, RF 122 SolNET, DT 24 cast, SR5 167 strength, SG 220
Slow vehicle, SG 118 Solus, CF 161-62 chaos, SG 44 -summoner link, SR5 302
Slowed, SG 220 Song lines, SG 35 characteristics, SR5 282-83 type and force of, SR5 300
Sludge spell, SG 102 Sonic projection, SG 199 Christian theurgy, SG 45 underwater, RG 159
Sludge spirit, SG 89 Sonic rifle, RG 26 defense, SR5 294-95 vessels, SG192
Smackdown, SR5 57 Sons of Sauron, SR5 37 druidic, SG 45 water, SR5 304
Small drone, R5 130-38; SR5 466 Sony foci, SR5 319-20 water, toxic, SG 89
Small-unit tactics, RG 89 drones and, R5 121 Hindu, SG 46 whisperer, RF 150
adaptation, RG 98 Goldfish, R5 128-29 Islamic, SG 47 zapper, SG 119
concepts/definitions, RG 94 Soothsayer, CF 184 learning, SR5 106, 299 Spirit formula
criminals/gangs, RG 97-98 Sorcery, SR5 153, 281-82 Path of the Wheel, SG 47 copies, SG 203
knowledge skill, RG 99 bound spirit and, SR5 302 Qabbalist, SG 48 design, SG 203
law enforcement/security, RG 97 Sortilege, SG 124 resistance, SR5 311 learning, SG 203
maneuver considerations, RG 95 Sosa, Alexandra, CF 14 ritual, SR5 297 Spiritual arts, SG146-49
military, RG 96-97 Sound shaping, SG 153; SR5 319, 326 Spiritual relationships, SR5 300
mission, RG 94 barrier, SG 113 Shinto, SG 49 Spiritual sites, SG 31
offense/defense, RG 95 detectors, SR5 365 Sioux, SG 49 Spiritual way, SG 158
operations, RG 94-95 link, SR5 454 timing of, SG 102 adept, SG 168, 178
shadowrunners, RG 97 South America, SR5 26 Vodou, SG 50 Spit, CF 112
Smart articulation, CF 85, 86 Southeast Asia, SG 15-16 Wicca, SG 51 Splitting damage, RG 112
Smart bomb, RG 188 SOX, SG 33 Wuxing, SG 51 Spoof
Smart corrosives, CF 154 Irradiated Zone, CF 58 Zoroastrian, SG 53 chip, R5 152
Smart firing platform, SR5 433 Soy processing unit, RF 223 Spellcaster, SG 22-23 SR5 63 command, SR5 242
Smartgun(s), CF 66 Soykaf, SR5 15 Spellcasting, SR5 143, 278, 317, 320 Sports, SR5 40-41
clip, ejecting, SR5 164 Space advanced, SG 153 Sports court, RF 224
pack/table, RF 233 asset evaluation, RG 166-67 reckless, SR5 165 Sportsman pack/table, RF 234
system, SR5 433 attire, RG 80-83 steps in, SR5 281-82 Spotlight, drone, R5 126
Smartlink, SR5 444, 453 combat, RG 162 Spider(s), SR5 216, 360 Spotter, DT 160; SG 127, 133, 136; SR5 297
Smartskin, CF 151-52 decompression, RG 165 eyes, CF 76 Spotting, SR5 234
Smartsoft (restricted), R5 127 defense, RG 164 Spidersilk gland, CF 114 duration of, SR5 235
Smashing blow, SG 174 falling damage, RG 164 Spike Sprawl, SR5 15
Smiling Bandit, The, CF 14, 17, 44, hazards, RG 161-62 resistance, RF 150 Sprawl ganger, RF 193; SR5 126
48, 130, 139; SR5 24 hull breaches, RG 165 strip, R5 152 Sprayer, CF 121
Smoke, SR5 435 long-term effects, RG 165, 168 Spin, Dr., CF 94 Sprint(ing), SR5 162, 167
projector, R% 161, 163 magic in, RG 168-69 Spinal re-alignment, CF 114 Sprite(s), SR5 216, 229, 254
Smoke-and-Mirrors, DT 57 movement, RG 164 Spindle Space Platform, RG 166 call/dismiss, SR5 250
Smoking Mirror, SG 22 qualities, RG 169 Spinner shot, RG 117 command, SR5 250
Smoothtalk block, CF 191 range, RG 164 Spinrad Industries, CF 71 compile(ing), SR5 250, 254
Smudging, SG 136 runs, RF 36 cybertechnology, CF 195, 196 compiled tasks, SR5 254
Smuggler(s), RF 80; SG 14; SR5 125 suit leaks, RG 165 Spirit(s), RF 34-35 SG 26, 141, 182-83; database, SR5 258
Smuggling compartment, R5 165; SR5 455 suits, RG 80-82 SR5 299-300, 303, 362 decompile(ing), SR5 250, 256
Snake, SR5 324 throwing weapons, RG 164 affinity, SR5 77 powers, SR5 256-57
fingers, CF 88, 89, 90 Spacer, RG 169 air, SR5 303 register(ing), SR5 250, 254, 256
mesh socks, RG 76 Spain, SR5 27 air, toxic, SG 87 registered tasks, SR5 256
Sneak(ing), SR5 133, 269 Spam zone(s), DT 59; SR5 216, 230, 231 astral energy payments, SG 185 technomancer link, SR5 256
program, SR5 246 Spare clip, SR5 433 bane, SR5 85 Spurs, SR5 458
Sniper rifles, RG 38-40; SR5 428-29 Spare parts, R5 29 banish, SR5 167 Spy drone packs, RF 250
assault, RG 37 Sparky IC, SR5 248 barrier, SG 119 Squad assault weapon pack/table, RF 234
pack/table, RF 234 Spatial recognizer, SR5 445, 454 basics, SR5 301EX >> Squat, SR5 15
table, RG 206 Spatial sense, SG 108 beasts, SR5 303 Squatter, RF 193; SR5 373
Snohomish, SG 76 extended, SG 108 beasts, toxic, SG 87 lifestyle, CF 10; RF 217, 218
Snoop, SR5 242 Speak, SR5 164 behavior, SG 183-86 Squishy, SR5 15
uses of, SR5 242 Speaker’s way, SG 158-59 binding, SR5 301 Stability power, SR5 257
Snooper, AI, DT 151 adept, SG 168, 178 call, SR5 164 Stabilization, SR5 209
Snuff, CF 183 Special actions, SG 150; SR5 192-93 champion, SG 199 Stabilize spell, SR5 289
So jacked up, CF 59 Special armor modification, R5 159 claw, SG 174 Staff, SR5 422
So ka, SR5 15 Special attributes, SR5 53 command, SR5 165 Stagger, RG 141
Soaring shackles, RG 141 metatype and, SR5 65-66 dead vessels, SG 214 Stalwart endosont, CF 124
Sober Time, CF 183 Special equipment, vehicle, R5 165-66 dismiss, SR5 165 Stand up, SR5 166
example, CF 183 Special Forces, RF 82, 83; RG 97 earth, SR5 303 Standard bioware, CF 111-16
Social anxiety, 41, 51 Special weapons, SR5 429-30 earth, toxic, SG 89 Standard drugs, CF 190
Social groups, SG 55 table, RG 207 edge and, SR5 304 Standard goods, SR5 416
Social influence skills, using, SR5 139 Special work area, RF 226; SR5 374 exchanges, SG 191 Standard ‘jack pack/table, RF 238
Social media, DT 166-67 Specialization(s), SR5 88, 89, 129-30 fire, SR5 303 Standard security spider, DT 104
Social modifiers, SR5 139, 140 knowledge skill, SR5 148 fire, toxic, SG 89 Standby, SR5 256
limit, RG 59 Specialized better-than-life chips, CF 193 foci, SR5 320 “Standing Storms,” SG 37
Social networking, RF 177 Specialized protection, SR5 169 golden rule, SG 185-86 Star, the, SR5 15
Social scene, SR5 335, 352 Specialty armor, RG 65-74 hunger, SG 149 Starting nuyen table, SR5 95
Social skill(s), SR5 137-39 Specialty chains, SR5 41 index, SG 206-7 State college/university, RF 75
486 shadowrun, fifth edition master index >>
Static, SR5 15 Sublime, The, DT 144, 164-65 Symbiotes, SR5 459-60 Team, RF 17
bomb, SR5 253 Submachine guns, RG 35-36; SR5 427-28 Symbolic link, SG 216 balancing, RF 18
veil, SR5 252 table, RG 206 creation, SG 216 leader, RG 92
zone(s), SR5 216, 230, 231 Submaries, SR5 464 Symbiosis, RF 122 lifestyle, SR5 375
Staying alive, RG 144 Submersibles, R5 21, 156-57 Sympathetic linking, SG 144-46 response time, SR5 356
Stealth, SR5 153, 292 Submersion, SR5 216, 257-58 Synaptic acceleration, CF 162 securing communications, R5 18
autosoft, SR5 270 task, DT 164 Synaptic booster, SR5 461 van pack/table, RF 248
dongle, DT 62 Substance abuse, SR5 413-15 Synch, CF 162 Teamwork, RG 92
program, SR5 246 Subtle (vehicle) pilot, R5 33 Syndicate, Johnson (Mr.) from, RF 206-8 tests, SR5 49
rope, SR5 449 Subtle pistol pack/table, RF 232 Synergist Business Line, RG 61 Tear gas, SR5 409-10
tags, SR5 440 Suburban home, middle class, RF 227 Synthacardium, SR5 460 Tech support, DT 173
using, SR5 136 Subvocal microphone, SR5 439 Synthetic cyberlimbs, SR5 456 Technical college, RF 75, 76
Steamers, CF 74 Success Synthlink, CF 81, 82 Technical school education, RF 150
Steampunk, RG 61 planning for, DT 178 SynthSkin, CF 67 Technical skills, SR5 143-45
Steel Lynx Combat Drone, R5 155; SR5 466 test, SR5 47 System Identification Number (SIN), Technicolor Streams, DT 42
Steeling the Future, CF 126-29 thresholds, SR5 45 CF 28, 219-20; SR5 366-67 Technology prize, DT 171
Steely eyed wheelman, RF 150 Success in the Shadows pack/table, RF 245 burned, SR5 368 Technomancer(s), DT 45, 47-48, 170; RG 90-91;
Stemschutz, SR5 38 Succubus, SG 92 checking fake, SR5 368 SR5 63, 66-68, 122, 214, 216, 223, 249
Stench, SG 113 Suea, SR5 319 fake, SR5 367-68 boarding school, DT 51
Sterilize, SG 119 Suichini Magical Mechanics, SG 19 issuing, SR5 367 character, RF 65
Sternum hits, RG 114-15 Suit leaks, RG 165 licenses, SR5 367 dissonant, DT 143-44
Steyr TMP, SR5 427 Sum to Ten verification details, SR5 368 early emergence, DT 51
Stick-n-Shock, RG 24; SR5 434 character building with, RF 62-64 escaped, DT 52
Stillness, SG 174 option, RF 62 T Foundation, DT 110
of the void, SG 158 summary, RF 62 T’ai Shan, SG 31 groups, DT 36
Stim patch, SR5 451 Summit suit/dress, RG 58 Table rules, SR5 333-34 life of, SR5 249
Stinger, CF 121 Summoning, SR5 143, 167, 278, 300, 317, 320 Tactical combat, vehicle, SR5 202 resonance realms and, DT 140-41
Stink, SG 113 great form spirit, SG 136 Tactical helmet pack/table, RF 237 resonance wells and, DT 138-39
Stitches, SR5 253 grimoire form spirit, SG 147-48 Tactical networks, RG 90 sprite link, SR5 256
Stoner-Ares M202, SR5 430 Sun, Charlie, SG 52 Tactical team, RG 91 Technomagicians, SG 69
Stonewall block, CF 191 Sun Tracker Lake King, R5 90 building, RG 91 Teen years, DT 51; R5 35
Store owner, RF 193 Sunburn, RG 147-48 roles, RG 92-94 Teergrube, DT 160
Storm, Garrett, CF 206 Suncell, R5 168 types, RG 91-92 Telescopic limbs, CF 89, 90
Storm, SG 199 Sunshine, CF 33 Tactics, RG 15, 88 Telescoping mirror on a stick, RG 102
Strafe, R5 179 Sunshine Cosmetic Surgery Group Menu, CF 108 references, SR5 358 Telescoping staff, SR5 422
Strand fraying, CF 134 Superhuman psychosis, CF 59 Tactile sensitivity, CF 114-15 Telesma, SR5 306
Strange talents, RF 14 Supernatural prowess, SG 156 Tae kwon do, RG 133 Telestrian Industries Shamus, R5 137-38
Street Support, RF 173 Tag, SR5 216 Temperature tolerance, SG 175
cooked drugs, CF 190 network, CF 47 eraser, SR5 441 Temporary transfer, SG 128-29
gangs, RF 177; SR5 34-35 Suppress noise, R5 30 shot, RG 117 Teotihuacan, SG 31
kid, RF 72, 194 Suppression power, SR5 257, 357 Taggants, CF 148 Termite spirit, SG 95-96
knowledge, SR5 91, 148, 149 Suppressive fire, RG 110; SR5 179-80 Tail, CF 115 Terracotta Arms AM-47 sniper rifle, RG 38
life, RF 13; SR5 373 vehicles, SR5 200 Tailored critter pheromones, CF 115 TerraFirst!, SR5 381
lifestyle, CF 10; RF 217 Suprathyroid gland, SR5 459 Tailored pheromones, SR5 460 activist, RF 194
mage, RF 80 SURGE, CF 102, 134, 161, 209 Tainted spirits, SG 80 Terrain, R5 173-74
magic, RF 80 classes, RF 103 Taj Mahal, SG 29 modifier expanded table, R5 173
politics, SR5 75 Surprise, SR5 193 Takeoff distance/table, R5 31 modifiers table, SR5 201
racer, RF 166 basics, RG 110 Talismonger(s), RF 80, 194; SG 223-27; Terrorist, RF 81
rat pack/table, RF 244 in combat, SR5 193-94 SR5 276, 392 Teskit, DT 133
urchin, RF 69 effects of, SR5 194 business, SG 231 Test, SR5 46-48
Street cred, RF 178-79; SR5 372 perception and, SR5 192 focus issues, SG 230 to stand while injured, RG 110
Street doc(s), CF 33-38, 39, 61; RF 193; tests, SR5 192 life, SG 5 subject, CF 61
SR5 392 Surveillance, R5 16 reagents, SG 227-30 Tetrachromancy, CF 162
clinics, CF 38 pack/table, RF 246 shop, SG 211 Tex-Mex tea, CF 170
Street grimoire, SR5 68 Survival, SR5 133 tool cleansers, SG 230 Text, SR5 164
Street samurai, RF 80; SR5 63, 110 bubble, RG 83 Tamaha Pulsar, SR5 425 Thagomizer, RF 115
classic pack/table, RF 243 gear, SR5 448-49 Tan Tien, CF 105 That hit the spot shot, RG 117
Street scum, SR5 382 kit, SR5 449 Tantrum, DT 57 Thaumaturgical arts, SG 152-55
campaign, SR5 354 knife, SR5 422 Tank, SR5 120 Thaumaturgy, SG 16-17
Street shaman, RF 80; SR5 115 test table, SR5 137 foundation, CF 190 Theme
Street slugger pack/table, RF 233 using, SR5 136-37 Tank!, CF 88, 89 Matrix, DT 17
Street-level play, SR5 64 Suspects, unusual, RF 37-38 Tanker pack/table, RF 238 music, DT 56
Streetline Special, SR5 425 Suspension mod, drone, R5 126 Taoism, SG 20 Therapeutic genetics, CF 156
Strength, SR5 51, 90, 133, 134, 151 Sustained powers, SR5 394 Tar Baby IC, SR5 249 Thermal damping, SR5 438
Strictures Sustaining, SR5 320 Tarball, DT 57 Thermal smoke, SR5 435
group, SG 129-30 Sustenance, SG 174-75 Target, SR5 252 Thermal sensitivity, RF 118
individual, SG 130-31, 133 Suzuki, Shifetoshi, SG 49 device, R5 30-31 Thermite burning bar, SR5 448
violating, SG 130-31 Suzuki Mirage, SR5 462 lock, R5 26-27, 28 Thermographic vision, RF 118; SR5 444, 453
Strike block, CF 19- Swag, RF 173; SR5 15, 388 priority, SR5 361 Thesis, SG 142
Striking callus, CF 121 Swarm(s), R5 179; SR5 290 size modifiers, R5 181; RG 108 Thickened digestive tract lining, CF 160
Striking skin pigmentation, RF 122 table, R5 31 Targeting Thief, catching, DT 173
Stubbard, Katherine, SG 51 Swarmer boxing, RG 129 active, SR5 184 Thigh hits, RG 115
Stubby arms, RF 122 SWAT autosoft, SR5 270 Think tank, RF 81
StudlyCaps, DT 29 armor, RG 70 laser, CF 76, 77 Third eye, RF 122
Study, aid, SR5 256 teams, RG 89 passive, SR5 184 Thirst, SR5 172
Stuffer Shack, RF 227; SR5 245, 416 Sweep, RG 141 Taser(s), RG 29; SR5 424-25 Thomas, R. J., CF 5; SG 161
Stun Swerve, DT 57 dart, SR5 434 Thompson, Benjamin, CF 212
baton, SR5 422 Swimming, SR5 134 table, RG 204 Thorns, CF 39; RF 118
condition monitor, SR5 52 pool, RF 224 Task difficulty threshold, SR5 47, 48 Thought recognition, SG 108
damage, SR5 169, 207 using, SR5 137 Task spirits, SG 193 Threading, SR5 251
dongle, DT 62 Switch the six, R5 177 Tasking, SR5 153 assist, SR5 256
Stunball, SR5 285 Switch vehicle signature, SG 113 Tasmania, SR5 27 360-degree eyesight, RF 111
Stunbolt, SR5 284 Sword, SR5 422 Taste booster, SR5 452 Three-dimensional memory, SG 175
Stunned, SG 220 fighting, RG 130 Tata Hotspur, R5 53 table, SG 175
Stunt, SR5 204-5 Symbionts, CF 100, 122-24 Tattletale, SR5 253 Thresholds, SR5 44, 45
benefits, R5 180 dangers of, CF 122 Tattoo magic, SG 131 Thrift store, RF 222
driver, R5 33 leech, CF 122-23 Taurus Omni-6, SR5 426 Thrifty, RF 226
Stylish suit pack/table, RF 237 parasitic, CF 122 Taxi driver, RF 194 Thrill gangers, RG 98
Subduing, RG 123; SR5 195 tables, CF124, 233 Thrill seeker, RF 158
487<< shadowrun, fifth edition master index
Throwbacks, SR5 232, 421 Tractor/trailers table, R5 186 attack, RG 141 Usenet groups, SG 23
Through and through—and into shot, RG 117-18 Trade school. RF 75, 76; R5 35 defense, RG 141 UV host, DT 161
Throw person, RG 123, 141, 142 Training rate table, SR5 105, 107 Type-O transplants, CF 98, 194-95 actions in, DT 161-62
Throwing Trainwreck, RF 84-86 UV lighting, RF 134
knife, SR5 181, 424 Tranq U Uzi IV, SR5 428
Throwing weapons, SR5 132, 181, 423, 424 darter pack/table, RF 234 Ultimate Fighting Championship, SG 64
in space, RG 164 patch, SR5 451 Ultimax 70 machine pistol, RG 35 V
table, 204 Trance, CF 186 Ultra-glide industrial lubricant, RG 104 V/STOL, R5 103-6
Thugs, SR5 381 Transcendent grid, SR5 253 Ultramarine Kingfisher, R5 92 Vacation-on-a-ship pack/table, RF 240
life, RF 26 Transference, CF 53 Ultramax HMG-2, RG 45 Valentino, Marco “Red Sauce,” CF 38
Thunder strike, RG 141 Transgenic alteration, CF 164-65 Ultramax MMG, RG 44 Valkyrie module, R5 166
Thunderbird, SR5 324 table, CF 165 Ultrasound, SR5 446 Vampire, RF 125-31, 140; SR5 406
Thundercloud Transgenics, CF 160-62, 166-67 sensor, SR5 452 Vanguard spirits, SG 189
Morgan, R5 52-53 tables, CF 162, 167, 238 Ulysses coat, RG 58 Vans, SR5 463-64
Mustang, R5 46-47 Transitions, SR5 337-38 Unable to speak, SG 220 table, R5 185
Ti khao, RG 141 Translate, SG 106 Unarmed situations Variance, DT 117-18
Ticker, DT 56 Translate-ear, CF 75 attack, SR5 167 sample, DT 117
Tiffani Élégance shooting bracers, RG 28 Transmit phrase, SR5 164 combat, SR5 132 Varma, Adi, SG 46
Tiffani-Defiance Protector taser, RG 29 Trans-Oceanic Mining host, DT 91 Unbound spirit services, SR5 302 Vashon Island, RG 58, 60, 61
Time, passage of, SR5 49 Trans-Polar Aleut Nation, RF 67 Uncanny healer, CF 56 Vasocon, CF 162
Timer detonator, RG 195-96 Transponder-embedded keys, SR5 363 Uncertainty, DT 160 Vatjob, SR5 15
Timer method, scenario switching, DT 176-77 Transportation, R5 19-23; SR5 43 Unclassifiable, RF 16 packs, RF 242
Tír Ghosts, SR5 384 Transporter, SR5 75 Uncouth, SR5 85 Vector, SR5 408
Tír na nÓg, RF 49, 67; SG 13-14, TransUnion Intercorp Searchnet, SG 19 Undecided way, SG 156 Vectored Signal Filter, DT 65
26, 31, 37, 47; RG 90 Transys Steed, R5 140-41 Underbarrel Vegas Technomancer Massacre, DT 72
Tír Tairngire, DT 24; RF 49, 67; Trap ward, SG 137 bola launcher, RG 53 Vehicle(s), SR5 461, 463
RG 90; SR5 25, 40 Traps, SR5 358 chainsaw, RG 53
blocking Monads citizenship, CF 221 Trauma flamethrower, RG 53 actions, R5 174-77
details, RF 67 control system, CF 148 grapple gun, RG 53 assembly/disassembly, R5 163
tour of duty, RF 82-83 damper, CF 119 grenade launcher, RG 53 body modifications, R5 163-66
Tire(s) patch, SR5 451 weight, RG 53 body modifications/table, R5 163-67
modifications, drone, R5 126 Traveler lifestyle, RF 217, 218 Undercover cop, RF 167 called shot on, SR5 205
special, R5 153 Traveling overwatch, RG 102 Undergraduate schools, SG 15-16 chameleon coating,R5 163-64
Tirtlenet, DT 24 Treading water, SR5 137 Underwater chase example, R5 176
TLE-X, CF 59 Tremor reducer, CF 119-20 combat, RG 158 combat, DT 156-57; SR5 198-99, 202
TNT, RG 194 Triads, RF 25, 206; SR5 33, 34, 383 habitats, RG 160-61 combat example, R5 180, 182
Toadstone, CF 186 Johnson (Mr.) from, RF 208 hazards, RG 156-58 control, R5 174; SR5 203
Toggling, SR5 421 Trick shot, RG 102; SR5 196 magic, RG 158-59 cosmetic modifications, R5 169-71
Tomahawk, RG 25 Tricking, RG 141 perception modifiers, RG 157 damage, SR5 205
Toms, Malik, R5 7 Trickster spirits, SG 189 protection, RG 79-80 damage threshold, RG 179
Tongkang Gala Trinity, R5 155 Trid visibility table, RG 157 disabling, RG 189
Too much data, R5 34 entertainment illusion, SR5 290-91 vision, RF 118 drone support, RG 93
Too pretty to hit, RG 127 phantasm, SR5 291 Underworld, DT 175-76 ejection seats, R5 164
Tools, R5 30; RG 88, 102-5; SR5 443 pirate, RF 195 Uneducated, SR5 87 electronic modifications/table, R5 166-69
buying table, RF 254 projection, SR5 439 critter, SR5 401 empathy, RF 151
cleansers, SG 230 stunt driver, R5 35 Unexplained Genetic Expression (UGE), equipment/table, R5 152-53, 154
kit, R5 153 Trideo, DT 17-18; SR5 15, 40 SR5 20 erasing explosive fingerprints, RG 189
Toolbox, SR5 269 Trimline, CF 176 United Canadian and American States explosive and, RG 185-89
program, SR5 245 Trip beams, SR5 364-65 (UCAS), RF 51, 66 RG 155; SG 26-27, 29, 33, extra entry/exit points, R5 164
Tooth compartment, SR5 452 Tripchips, SR5 413 68, 74; SR5 21, 24-25, 38, 419 extreme environment modification, R5 164
Totem form, SG 157 Tripod, SR5 433 details, RF 66 fire weapon, SR5 203
Touch Tripoli hot zone, RG 153-54 Monads, AI citizenship, CF 212 hits, RG 115
link, CF 85, 86 Trodes, DT 18; SR5 216, 439 normal in, CF 206 increased seating, R5 164
power, SR5 394 Trog, SR5 15 Online, DT 24 life support, R5 164
spells, SR5 306 Trojan Nanites, CF 144 tour of duty, RF 83 make test for, SR5 203
Touch sensors, R5 169 Troll(s), RF 52, 93-95; SR5 34, 50-51 United Kingdom, RG 155; SR5 27 mask, SG 113
Touch-only attack, RG 124; SR5 187 characters and, RF 53 United Netherlands, RG 155 mechanical arm, R5 165
Tough as nails, RF 150 eyes, CF 115 United Talismongers Association, SG 58 modifications, SR5 461
Tough and targeted, CF 60 finger popper shot, RG 118 Universal data connection, SR5 232 modifiers, SR5 201
Toughness, SR5 77 reduction, CF 108 Universal environmental protection, RG 75 -mounted weapons, SR5 176
Tourist pack/table, RF 239 society and, RF 53 Universal Hovercraft Minnesota, R5 65 nanomaintenance system, R5 165
Toxic adepts, SG 85-86 street samurai, SR5 110 Universal mirror material, RG 84, 86 packs, RF 247-48
Toxic magic, SG 80-81, 84-87 Troll Republic, RF 51, 52-53 Universal Omnitech, CF 71, 106-7 range, R5 174
Toxic mentor(s), SG 69 Tropes, DT 170 head cases, CF 17 realistic features, R5 165
spirits, SG 85 Trucks, R5 20; SR5 463-64 Universal sealant, CF 154-55 similar models of, SR5 462
Toxic spirits, SG 87-89 table, R5 185 Universities, SG 16-17; SR5 35 skills, SR5 146-47
Toxic strike, SG 176 True Hackers, Lusers & Dirtballs, DT 26 University of Washington, SR5 35 smuggling compartment, R5 165
Toxic wave, SR5 283 True names, SG 203 Unknown, SG 81-84 special equipment, R5 165-66
Toxin(s), SR5 408, 409-10 TrueHacker, DT 29, 30 UnlimiTech, CF 202 speed, SR5 199, 200
costs, SR5 409 Trust, RF 17 Unseen arts, SG 149-50 speed table, SR5 203
extraction of, SR5 460 Trust fund, RF 151 Unseen beings theory, SG 39-40 stats, SR5 199
resistance to, SR5 77 Trustworthy, RF 151 Unsteady Hands, SR5 87 suppressive fire and, SR5 200
using, SR5 409 Tsimshian Protectorate, RG 155; SR5 25 Unusual hair, RF 122 tag eraser, R5 171
Toxin and drug protection table, SR5 408 Tsung, Sally, SR5 24 Unwanted cerebral revision test(s), R5 177; SR5 199
Toxin resistance test, SR5 408 Tunisia, SR5 27 legal ramifications of, CF 218-19 test modifier table, SR5 201
Toyota Turkestan Border, RG 154 legal ramifications of copies, CF 219 test threshold table, SR5 199
Gopher, R5 155; SR5 463 Turkish archery, RG 134 Up the ante shot, RG 118 Valkyrie module, R5 166
Talon, R5 55-56 Turn to goo, SG 119 Up close and personal pack/table, RF 230 weapon fire, SR5 167
Traceless walk, SR5 311 Turning Lead into Nuyen, SG 208 Upper arm hits, RG 114 winch, R5 166
Tracer rounds, SR5 434 Tusk(s), CF 121-22 Upper BTL, CF 192 workshop, R5 166
Tracheal filter, SR5 460 Tusker, SR5 15 Urban brawler, CF 61 Vehicle modification, R5 151-52
Track(ing), SR5 134 toughskin pack/table, RF 237 Urban Explorer jumpsuit, SR5 437 adding example, R5 152
IC, SR5 249 Tutorsofts, SR5 443 Ursine shapeshifter, RF 100-101 core, R5 155
program, SR5 246 Twist(s), SR5 343 Use parts and plan, R5 151
strip, R5 153 table, SR5 343 sensors, R5 177 power train, R5 154
using, SR5 137 Twisted arts, SG 87 simple device, R5 177 protection, R5 159
Trackback action, DT 179 Twisted way, SG 84-85 Used car salesman, RF 195 removing, R5 152
Tracked propulsion, R5 157 Two-headed snake, RG 141 Used goods (specific item), RF 222 skill, R5 151
Tracker ammo, RG 55 Two-weapon slots, R5 151-52
488 shadowrun, fifth edition master index >>
table, R5 160 Warrior foundation, CF 190 Wide area network(s) (WANs), Xiao MPG-1, DT 62, 64
tools, R5 151 Warrior’s way, SG 159 SR5 216, 233, 358-59 Xiao-Renraku v. Horizon, DT 133
Vendetta, RF 159 adept, SG 168-69, 178 rigger style, SR5 268
Vengeance, SG 80 Washington, DC, SG 28 Wild Hunt, RG 63 Y
Venom, SR5 401 Wasp spirit, SG 96 Wild spirits, SG 191 Yachts, R5 21
Versception, CF 176 Watada, Aleksya “Spider,” R5 14 Wildcat, RG 134 Yak Killer, DT 64
Vertigo, CF 182 Watcher, SR5 298 Willpower, SR5 62, 90, 133, 142, 151 Yakashima, CF 105
Vessel(s) Water Wilma, R5 41 Yakuza (Yak), DT 90; RF 206;
dead/inanimate, SG 197 damage, SG 105 Winch, R5 166 SG 19; SR5 15, 25, 33, 34, 383
free spirit trading, SG 205 jet, CF 89, 90 Wind, SR5 174-75 Johnson (Mr.) from, RF 208
living, SG 197 spirit, RG 159 Wind River Corporation, CF 49 Yamaha
spirits and, SG 192 sprite, RF 151 Winded, SG 220 Growler, R5 155; SR5 462
Vestigial tail, RF 123 Water Engulf, SR5 396 Windows, SR5 363 Kaburaya, R5 44
Vibration detectors, SR5 365 Watercraft, SR5 465 Winter, Ryanne, SG 46 Nodachi, R5 45-46
Victoria Falls, SG 30 actions, R5 179 Winterhawk, SG 25, 79 Raiden, SR5 428
Vigilant Iron Schooling House, SG 60 speed of, SR5 200 Wirasaup, Franklin, CF 49 Yamana, Korin, SR5 32
Vigor Sanguis, SG 66 table, R5 187 Wire, SR5 364 Yantra tattoos, SR5 319
Villiers, Richard, SR5 31 Watergate Rift, SG 28 packs, RF 239 Yard, RF 224
Vindictive, RF 158 Watermark, SR5 257 Wired, SR5 15 Yerzed out, R5 171
Vintage, RF 175 Wave Works, R5 79 reflex optimization, CF 165-66 Yielding force, RG 141
Violating strictures, SG 130-31 Weak reflexes, SR5 455 YNT softweave armor, RG 84, 86
Violence, SG 31; SR5 333 immune system, SR5 87 security, SR5 360 Yongkang Gala Trinity, SR5 464
Virally Induced Toxic Allergy Syndrome side, SG 220 Wireless Yord Mongkut, SR5 319
(VITAS), SR5 42 Wealth bonuses, SR5 421 Yorkshire Fringe Toxic Zone, RG 155
Virtuakinetic abilities, CF 138 free spirit, SG 205 functionality, SR5 420-21 Yucatan, RG 155
Virtual machine, SR5 269 redistribution, DT 172 skillsoft networks, CF 78 Yuki, RF 24
program, SR5 245 Weapon(s) smartgun, SR5 178
Virtual reality (VR), DT 9-15; SR5 54, 216, 217 accuracy of, SR5 168 Wireless link Z
pilot using, SR5 201 commlink, RG 53 detonation, SR5 181 Z, DT 29
rigging and, SR5 266 cybernetic, CF 69 projectile triggers, SR5 182 Zaibatsu, SR5 15
Virtual stability AI, DT 151 expanded ammunition bay, R5 124-25 Wireless Matrix Initiative, CF 67 Zapper strip, R5 152-53
Viruses, SR5 42 firing modes of, SR5178-80 Wireless War of ’74, CF 77-79 Zen, SR5 412
Visibility, SR5 174 foci, SR5 320 Wires table, CF 78 control, R5 177
weapon mount, R5 163 launcher, CF 91, 92 Wise Warrior, SR5 324 den, RF 224
Vision modifications, R5 162; RG 51 Witch’s moss, SG 220 Zero, CF 184
enhancement(s), SR5 444, 453 mounts, R5 163; SR5 461-62 Witchcraft, SG 20 Zero gravity, RG 162
magnification, SR5 444, 446, 453 mounts, drone, R5 124 Witness, DT 174 movement in, RG 163
Visions of Zosimos, SG 128 packs, RF 229-35 Witness my hate, RF 151 Zero-Zone, DT 74
Visualizer, CF 81, 82 penetration, SR5 198 Wiz, SR5 15 Zeta-Imperial Chemicals, CF 201; DT 100
Vitalite, CF 181 personality, RG 53-54 Wizard, SR5 15 Zion Amalgamated, CF 71, 105-6
Vitals, SR5 196 pop-out mounts, R5 124 Wizworm, SR5 15 Zodiac Scorpio, R5 82-83
VitaMax, CF 176 reach of, SR5 186 Woad, CF 184 Zoé, RG 61
Vodou, SG 20, 50 ready, SR5 165 Wolf, SR5 324, 403 Zombie Dust, CF 187
Vocal range enhancer, CF 115-16 reloading, SR5 163 Wolverine, CF 202 Zone, CF 184
Vodyanoy Assault Hovercraft, R5 65-66 repairs, RG 143 Wombat, RG 56 Zoroastrianist tradition, SG 52-53
Voice reservoir, CF 112 World of Wheels, R5 41 Zulu Nation, RF 49
control, SR5 311 specialist, RF 80; SR5 118 World in Your Pocket, The, DT 8 Zurich Orbital, RG 166
mask, CF 81, 82 throwing, SR5 132, 166, 181 Worker, SG 99 platform, DT 9
mimic, CF 152 vehicle/drone mounted, SR5 176 Working, SR5 28-29 Zuvembie Power, CF 186
modulator, SR5 452 Weapon accessories, RG 50 Workshop/facility, RF 224
recognition, SR5 364 advanced safety system, RG 50 Wound modifiers, SR5 169-70
Vomeronasal organ, RF 118-19 bayonet, RG 50-51 Wraith, SG 92
Vory, RF 206 commlink, RG 53 Wrapper, SR5 269
Johnson (Mr.) from, RF 206 concealed quick-draw holster, RG 51 program, SR5 246
Vory v Zakone, SR5 33, 34 extreme environment modification, RG 51 Wreck, SG 105
VTOL/VSTOL, SR5 465 flashlight, RG 51 Wrestling
Vulkan Electronaut, SR5 464 folding stock, RG 51-52 MMA, RG 135
Vulnerability, critter, SR5 401-2 foregrip, RG 52 professional, RG 134
Vulpine shapeshifter, RF 101 gecko grip, RG 52 sport, RG 134
guncam, RG 52 sumo, RG 134
W hip pad bracing system, RG 52 Wright, CZ, DT 5
W Zone, RF 226 improved range finder, RG 52 World population breakdown, RF 45
Wagemage, RF 77; SR5 15 peak-discharge battery packs,RG 52 Worlds traveler pack/table, RF 239
Wageslave, RF 77; SR5 15 personality, RG 53-54 Wu Lung-Wei, SR5 32
WagonWheel Outreach Program, CF 28 safe target system, RG 52 Wudang sword, RG 135
Wakyambi, RF 96-97 slide mount, RG 52 Wudu’aku, CF 187
Walk and Talk Like a Monkey (Wat-lam), sling, RG 52 Wuken, SG 13
DT 160-61 tracker, RG 53 Wuxia, code of, RF 27-28
Walker propulsion, R5 157 underbarrel, RG 53 Wuxing Incorporated, SG 18, 51-52;
Walk-in freezerm RF 224 Weaponized nanotech, CF 155 SR5 22, 26, 32, 33
Walking, SR5 161-62 table, CF 155 arcane foci, CF 202
Walking the Light, SG 128 Weather Control, SR5 401 demiGOD in, DT 75-76
Walking People, The, DT 43 Webbed digits, RF 119 head cases and, CF 17
Wall, SG 115 Webbing, hand and foot, CF 113 Johnson (Mr.) from, RF 206
running, SR5 311 Wellesley College, SG 17 Monads grid messages and, CF 217-18
Walters, Allen, R5 13 Western dragons, SR5 407-8 Monads, AI temporary citizenship, CF 221
Wanted, RF 159 Wetware, DT 152 normal in, CF 208
by GOD, DT 49 Wheeled warrior, CF 88, 89 Prosperity, CF 27, 29
Ward(s), SR5 297 “Where Few Dare to Tread, SG 6-9 Wuxing Worldwide Shipping, DT 21-22, 103
combining traits, SG 135 Whip fighting, RG 134
fooling, SG 135 Whipcrack, CF 175 X
masking, SG 135 Whisper of bones, SG 137 Xapiri thëpë, RF 97
obfuscating, SG 135-36 White biotech, CF 97-98 X-Cite, CF 186
trap, SG 137 White collar, RF 69 Xenogenetic materials, CF143
Warden, CF 180 White hats, RF 27 Xenogenetics, CF 138
spirits, SG 188-89 White noise generator, SR5 441 Xenosapient AI, CF 20-25
Warning shot, RG 118 Who You Know, RF 172 Xenosapients, DT 135-36
Warps, SG 31 Whodunit, DT 174 Xerxes Positive Research, SG 19
Wicca, SG 20, 50-51, 76
489<< shadowrun, fifth edition master index
FREE ACTIONS Eject Smartgun Clip CHARACTER ROLL Con + Charisma [Social]
Call a Shot Multiple Attacks Con + Charisma [Social] Perception + Charisma [Social]
Change Linked Device Mode Run Etiquette + Charisma [Social] Perception + Intuition [Mental]
Drop Object Speak/Text/Transmit Phrase Impersonation + Charisma [Social] Intimidation + Willpower [Social]
Drop Prone Intimidation + Charisma [Social] Leadership + Willpower [Social]
SIMPLE ACTIONS Quick Draw Leadership + Charisma [Social] Negotiation + Charisma [Social]
Activate Focus Ready/Draw Weapon Negotiation + Charisma [Social] Charisma + Willpower
Call Spirit Reckless Spellcasting Performance + Charisma [Social]
Change Device Mode Reload Weapon (see table)
Command Spirit Remove Clip EXTENDED TEST INTERVALS P. 48
Dismiss Spirit Shift Perception
Fire Weapon (SA, SS, BF, FA) Take Cover Fast 1 Combat Turn
Insert Clip Throw Weapon Quick
Observe in Detail Use Simple Device Short 1 minute
Pick Up/Put Down Object Average 10 minutes
COMPLEX ACTIONS Melee Attack Long 30 minutes
Astral Projection Reload Weapon (see table) Consuming
Banish Spirit Rigger Jump In Exhaustive 1 hour
Cast Spell Sprint Mammoth 1 day
Fire Weapon (FA) Summoning 1 week
Fire Long or Semi-Auto Burst Use Skill 1 month
Fire Mounted or Vehicle Weapon
Block Intercept DICE POOL
Full Defense Attacker making charging attack
Attacker prone +2
SUCCESS TEST THRESHOLDS P. 45 Attacker making a Called Shot –1
Character attacking multiple targets –4
DIFFICULTY THRESHOLD Character has superior position Split dice pool
Easy 1 Character using off-hand weapon +2
2 Attacker wounded –2
Average 4 Defender receiving a charge –wound modifier
Hard 6 +1
Environmental modifiers Use the Light
Very Hard 8–10 and Visibility
Extreme Attacker has friends in melee +1 or Teamwork
Opponent prone +1
Touch-only attack +2
Easy 6
Average 18 Physical Reaction + Intuition 1D6
Hard 24 Astral 2D6
30+ Matrix: AR Intuition x 2 1D6
Very Hard Reaction + Intuition 3D6
Extreme Matrix: cold-sim VR Data Processing + Intuition 4D6
Matrix: hot-sim VR Data Processing + Intuition 1D6
Reaction + Intuition
Rigging AR
490 TABLES >>
Load Program Call/Dismiss Sprite Break File
Switch Two Matrix Attributes Change Icon Brute Force Format Device Spoof Command
Swap Two Programs Command Sprite Check Overwatch Score
Unload Program Jack Out Crack File Grid-Hop Trace Icon
Invite Mark Crash Program
VARIABLE ACTIONS Send Message Data Spike Hack on the Fly Compile Sprite
Control Device Switch Interface Mode Disarm Data Bomb
Matrix Search Edit File Hide Decompile Sprite
Enter/Exit Host
Erase Mark Jam Signals Erase Resonance Signature
Jump Into Rigged Device Kill Complex Form
Matrix Perception Register Sprite
Reboot Device Thread Complex Form
Set Data Bomb
The NPC’s attitude toward the character is: –1 Prejudiced +0
Friendly –3 Enemy –2
Suspicious –4
Hostile +1 Of no value to NPC
Character’s desired result is: –1 Harmful to NPC +0
Advantageous to NPC –4 Control Thoughts/Emotions spell cast on –3
Annoying to NPC + (Street Cred, –1 per hit
Disastrous to NPC see p. 372) Subject has (known) street reputation – (Street Cred,
see p. 372)
Character has (known) street reputation +2† Subject has romantic attraction to +2
Subject has “ace in the hole” –1§ DICE MODIFIER
Character is intoxicated Subject is distracted
Character has plausible-seeming evidence –1 ETIQUETTE MODIFIERS –2
Subject has time to evaluate situation Character is obviously nervous, agitated,
Character is wearing the wrong attire or –1 to –3
doesn’t have the right look –2 INTIMIDATION MODIFIERS –2
Subject is distracted Subject is physically imposing –2
INTIMIDATION MODIFIERS –1† Subjects outnumber the character(s) +2†
Character is physically imposing DICE MODIFIER Subject wielding weapon or obvious magic
Characters outnumber the subject(s) Subject is oblivious to danger or doesn’t think DICE MODIFIER
Character wielding weapon or obvious magic +1 to +3 character “would try something so stupid” –1 to –3
Character is causing (or has caused) +2 LEADERSHIP MODIFIERS –1 to –3
subject physical pain (torture) +2 Subject has superior rank
LEADERSHIP MODIFIERS Character not part of subject’s social strata DICE MODIFIER
Character has superior rank +2 +2§
Character is an obvious authority figure NEGOTIATION MODIFIERS
Subject is a fan or devoted to character DICE MODIFIER Character has blackmailed material or
NEGOTIATION MODIFIERS +1 to +3 heavy bargaining chip
Character lacks background knowledge of +1
situation +2
* Unless otherwise noted, these dice pool modifiers apply to the acting character’s dice pool. † These modifiers apply to the target character’s dice pool.
§ These modifiers can apply to either character’s dice pool.
491<< TABLES
+0 –6
Taser 0–5
Hold-Out Pistol 0–5 RANGE IN METERS
Light Pistol 0–5
Heavy Pistol 0–5 6–10 11–15 16–20
AUTOMATICS 0–5 6–15 16–30 31–50
Machine Pistol 0–10 41–60
SMG 0–25 6–15 16–30
Assault Rifle
0–15 6–20 21–40
Shotgun (flechette) 0–50 RANGE IN METERS
Shotgun (slug)
Sniper Rifle 0–25 6–15 16–30 31–50
0–40 81–150
HEAVY WEAPONS 0–50 11–40 41–80 351–550
Light Machinegun 5–50*
Medium/Heavy Machinegun 20–70* 26–150 151–350
Assault Cannon
Grenade Launcher 0–STR RANGE IN METERS
Missile Launcher 0–6
0–9 16–30 31–45 45–60
Bow 11–40 41–80 801–1,500
Light Crossbow 0–STR
Medium Crossbow 0–STR 51–350 351–800
Heavy Crossbow
Thrown Knife 26–200 201–400 401–800
Shuriken 751–1,200
41–250 251–750 751–1,500
Standard 51–300 301–750 451–1,500
51–100 101–150
71–150 151–450
To STR x 10 To STR x 30 To STR x 60
7–24 25–60 91–150
10–36 37–90
16–45 46–120
To STR x 2 To STR x 3 To STR x 5
To STR x 7
To STR x 2 To STR x 5
To STR x 4 To STR x 6 To STR x 10
To STR x 15
To STR x 4 To STR x 8
* See Launcher Minimum Range, p. 182
0 None
1 The general state of the subject’s health (healthy, injured, ill, etc.). The subject’s general emotional state or impression (happy, sad,
angry, etc.). Whether the subject is mundane or Awakened.
2 The presence and location of cyberware implants. The class of a magical subject (fire elemental, manipulation spell, power focus, curse
ritual, and so on). If you have seen the subject’s aura before, you may recognize it, regardless of physical disguises or alterations
The presence and location of alphaware cyber implants. Whether the subject’s Essence and Magic are higher, lower, or equal to your
3 own. Whether the subject’s Force is higher, lower, or equal to your Magic. A general diagnosis for any maladies (diseases or toxins)
the subject suffers. Any astral signatures present on the subject.
4 The presence and location of bioware implants and betaware cyber implants. The exact Essence, Magic, and Force of the subject.
The general cause of any astral signature (combat spell, alchemical combat spell, air spirit, and so on).
5+ The presence and location of deltaware implants, gene treatments, and nanotech. An accurate diagnosis of any disease or toxins
which afflict the subject. The fact that a subject is a technomancer.
492 TABLES >>
None or Light Breeze Short —
Clear Full Light/No Glare Medium –1
Light Winds Long –3
Light Rain/Fog/Smoke Partial Light/Weak Glare Moderate Winds Extreme –6
Moderate Rain/Fog/Smoke Dim Light/Moderate Glare Strong Winds
Heavy Rain/Fog/Smoke Total Darkness/Blinding Glare
Combination of two or more conditions at the –6 level row
DICE POOL MODIFIER Defender inside a moving vehicle +3
Defender prone –2
Attacker firing from –3 Defender unaware of attack No defense possible
cover with imaging device Defender wounded –wound modifiers
Attacker has longer Reach –1 defense per point of net Reach
Attacker firing –2 Defender has longer Reach +1 defense per point of net Reach
from a moving vehicle Defender Receiving a Charge +1
Defender has defended against previous attack –1 per previous attack
Attacker in melee combat –3
Attacker running –2 Attacker firing flechette shotgun on narrow spread –1
Attacker firing flechette shotgun on medium spread –3
Attacker using –2 Attacker firing flechette shotgun on wide spread –5
off-hand weapon Attacker firing full-auto (Complex) –9
Attacker firing long burst or full-auto (Simple) –5
Attacker wounded –Wound modifier Attacker firing burst or semi-auto burst –2
Defender in melee targeted by ranged attack –3
Blind fire –6 Defender running +2
Defender/Target has Good Cover +4
Called shot –4 Defender/Target has Partial Cover +2
Targeted by area-effect attack –2
Previously aimed with Take Aim +1 Dice Pool,
+1 Accuracy
Wireless Smartgun +1 (gear)/+2 (implanted)
Directly connected (any distance) 0 BASE COST 3,000¥
Up to 100 meters 0
101-1,000 meters (1 km) 1 SITUATION MODIFIERS
1,001-10,000 meters (10 km) 3
10,001-100,000 meters (100 km) 5 Highest opposing Dice Pool + (Dice Pool / 4)
Greater than 100 km 8
SITUATION NOISE LEVEL Runners were outnumbered three to one in a combat situation +1
Dense foliage 1 per 5 meters
Runners were outnumbered two to one in a combat situation by NPCs +1
Faraday cage no signal, with Professional Rating 4 or higher (not cumulative with modifier listed
action blocked above)
Fresh water
1 per 10 cm Runners faced a pack of at least six critters +1
Jamming 1 per hit on
Jam Signals Runners encountered at least three different spirits (besides watchers) in +1
Metal-laced earth or wall a single encounter
Salt water actions
Spam zone or static zone 1 per 5 meters Runners accomplished the task with impressive speed and/or subtlety +1
Wireless negation 1 per centimeter
(e.g., wallpaper or paint) Runners risked public exposure or a raised profile as a natural part of the +1
Rating run* +1
Rating Job brings runners into direct contact with a notably dangerous part or
element of Sixth World lore (the Red Samurai, a Mitsuhama Zero Zone,
Standard run +10-20%
(nothing special, normal work for a runner) –10-20%
Run will make you a cold-hearted bastard
(wetwork, helping corps oppress people, drug running, human
Run has good feelings as part of its reward
493(hooding, helping the little guy, taking some “dys” out of “dystopia”)
Roll on each of the below tables as specified,
then fill in the appropriate blanks — instant run idea!
For more on designing shadowruns, see Gamemaster Advice, p. 335.
The runners go to a meet ____M_E_ET_L_O_CA_T_IO_N_S ___ for their next job.
They are hired by _____EM_P_L_O_YE_RS_____ for _____J_O_B_T_YP_E_____ job, targeting _____M_A_CG_U_F_FIN_____.
The run gets complicated when ______T_W_IS_TS______!
1 At a bar, club, or restaurant
2 At a warehouse, loading dock, or other underused location
3 In the barrens district or some other urban hell hole
R OLL 1D6 4 In a moving vehicle
5 In a Matrix host
6 In Astral space
2 A secret society (Black Lodge, Human Nation)
3 A political or activist group (Humanis Policlub, Mothers of Metahumans)
4 A government or government agency
5–6 A minor corporation
7–8 A megacorporation
R OLL 2D6 9 A criminal syndicate (Yakuza, Mafia)
10 A magical group (Illuminates of New Dawn)
11 A private individual
12 An exotic or mysterious being (free spirit, dragon, AI)
1 A data steal
2 An assassination or demolition
3 An extraction or insertion
R OLL 1D6 4 A misdirection
5 A protection
6 A delivery
1 A key employee
2 A prototype product
3 Cutting edge technology research
R OLL 1D6 4 A bioengineered life form
5 A Magical object
6 An urban building, rural location, or infrastructure object
1 Security is unexpectedly high
2 A third party is also interested
3 The target is not what it appears to be (group was lied to)
R OLL 1D6 4 The job requires a rare piece of equipment
5 Target has been moved or is being moved
6 The employer decides to double-cross them
© 2013 The Topps Company, Inc. Shadowrun is a registered trademark of The Topps Company, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries. Permission given to copy for personal use.
NAME/PRIMARY ALIAS Primary Armor Rating
RC Ammo
Metatype Ethnicity Primary Ranged Weapon
Dam Acc AP
Age Sex Height Weight AP Mode
Public Awareness
Street Cred Notoriety Primary Melee Weapon
Karma Total Karma Misc Reach Dam Acc
Body Essence CONDITION MONITOR Stun Damage Track
Agility Magic/Resonance Physical Damage Track
Strength Initiative -1 -1
Willpower Matrix Initiative
Logic Astral Initiative -2 -2
Charisma Composure -3 -3
Judge Intentions
Edge Points Memory
Physical Limit: Movement
Mental Limit: Social Limit:
Skill RTG Type Skill SKILLS -4 -4
A/K RTG Type -5 Characters have 8 + (Will ÷ 2, round up) boxes on
A/K A/K the stun damage track; black out extra boxes.
A/K A/K -6
A/K A/K Overflow
A/K A/K Characters have 8 + (Body ÷ 2, round up) boxes on
A/K A/K the physical damage track; black out extra boxes. For every 3 boxes of damage on any
A/K A/K one damage track, the character
A/K A/K takes a –1 Dice Pool modifier on
A/K A/K tests; these modifiers are cumulative
A/K A/K within and across damage tracks,
A/K A/K see Wound Modifiers, p. 169.
A/K A/K Quality P/N
Primary Lifestyle Name Loyalty Connection Favor
Nuyen Licenses
Fake IDs / Related Lifestyles / Funds / Licenses
© 2013 The Topps Company, Inc. Shadowrun is a registered trademark of The Topps Company, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries. Permission given to copy for personal use.
Weapon Dam Acc AP Mode RC Ammo Weapon Reach Dam Acc AP
Armor Rating ARMOR CYBERDECK Attack Sleaze
Data Processing Firewall
Notes Model
Device Rating
Matrix Condition Monitor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Augmentation Rating Notes Essence Vehicle Handling
Item Acceleration Speed
Pilot Body
Armor Sensor
S/P/R/CF Type/Target Range Duration Drain
Name Rating Notes
© 2013 The Topps Company, Inc. Shadowrun is a registered trademark of The Topps Company, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries. Permission given to copy for personal use.