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Published by Chelsea Hodge Bell, 2019-06-28 21:49:07



Breathe 2019

Chelsea Hodge

Chelsea Hodge

Business Plan

I. Executive Summary

DontThinJustGo, (hereinafter “Business) is intended to be formed as a Georgia Limited Liability
Partnership (LLP) located at 35 Lake Charles Court, Covington, Georgia 30016, Poised for rapid growth in
the tattoo industry. The Business seeks for her partner to take advantage of a window of opportunity for
introducing a new BLOOM product, which has the potential to dominate the market.

-Mission Statement. To change how we see the (Im-possible)

-Business Description. The Business is to be organized as a Limited Liability Partnership, Only If the

other party, Richard Colson Baker agrees to this partnership opportunity. and will be led by Chelsea
Hodge and Colson Baker, who will serve as Owners. If the other party turns down this opportunity, the
business will be formed as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) and will operate under the laws of the State
of Georgia, ran by Chelsea Hodge, and manufactured by Rose Incorporation, and packaged by Davison

Youngest Collage Freshman to be awarded the Entrepreneur Scholarship. Winning the vote for Best
Business Idea in 2019. Chelsea is certified in Graphic Design & Visual Arts, and HTML 5. She took oath in
office and became a Notary to the Public. Chelsea continues on an is now studying towards her MBA.

-New Product. The Business has developed a BLOOM product which has the following specifications:

1. Reverse tattoo pigments from oxidation
2. Reduces tattoos from scaring
3. used before, during, and after tattooing process

The Business has a window of opportunity to introduce its products and gain a significant piece of the
market share.

-Partner Request: The partner request is for Richard Colson Baker aka Machine Gun Kelly for a

forever brand based of his Licensed work (album, record) BLOOM. Combining the two together and
forming this LLP would be the first step towards the goal both partners are trying to reach.

The Business is looking for a long-term business partner.

II. Business Summary

The Business is a start-up business, providing clients with BLOOM.

-Seasonal Factors. The Business would only be influenced by the seasonal factors that affect our

customers. Since the demand for our services crosses many different businesses and industries, seasonal
fluctuations are expected to be limited to the typical downturn in the dull period months are not affected
by the annual holiday schedules.

-Legal Issues. Once the partnership is approved the promoters will have to secure the required patents

and trademarks for the products and processes of the business in accordance with the statutory

Chelsea Hodge

-Services. The Business intends to provide exceptional, personalized service which will be the crucial

factor in the building and protecting the business’s brand within the community. The Business intends to
handle customer concerns and issues with a customer oriented forced with the intent of providing timely
resolution and preventing the loss of customers.

III. Strategy and Implementation Summary

Company Goals and Objectives. Reaching Out to ask Machine Gun Kelly ask Colson Baker for his

hand in partnership to build this forever foundation (brand) for both Partners to reach their goal of
financial freedom.

The business plans the following tactics as part of sales promotion:
-Advertising through press release to industry publications and local newspapers
-Internet Marketing
-Direct Sales
-Posting signage and flyers about the new business on bulletin boards in stores and public places.

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