Herbs of Nuntaland Level 1 herbalism identification Guide
Anti-Poison Herbs Less Bite Blueish tinge on flowers with light pink stamen. Less Bite buses are found in the coastal biome.. Collect the roots. Boil them for 10 minutes and mash them into a salve or use the water for potions. Tremer Dark stem, light green leaves with yellow viens. Tremor is found in desert or dry sandy biomes. It is a small knee-high plant with green stems, green leaves and red buds.
Wasnt Wart This small mushroom has light brown stems and caps. Dark brown gills. Wasnt Wart is found in swamp biomes. It is usually found in bunches in dark places and grows to only a few inches tall. It swells to 5 or 6 inches after rain. Dry and grind stems and caps for potions or salves. Hooded Blade This plant grows to 3 feet high under trees. It has a brown hood and yellow eyes with a spotted stem. It has been mistaken for a snake. Hooded Blade is found in forest biomes. It is usually found as a single plant. Separate the leaves and cook and shred them until they become a gell. Viper Weed This small plant has green leaves and a pink wirey flower. Viper Week grow in grasslands where their flower stand out. Dry and grind the leaves and stems into a powder.
Cure Disease Herbs Vacks Bush Stout Bush with dark green waxy leaves and deep purple berries. Vacks Bush is found in coastal biomes in sandy soil. Pick the waxy leaves and scrape the waxy film from the leaves and heat into a paste. It takes a lot of leaves to make a small potion or salve. Medusa’s Locks This is a small tree (about 4 or 5 feet tall. It’s long stiff green leaves are tangles into a disorderly ball. Locks are found in the swamp biome in soggy soil. Boil the leaves until tender and then squeeze them to remove the gell like substance for use in potions or salves.
Cat’s Eye This small plant has a single spiky fruit with an eye-shaped center. The white of the eye is very white and the iris is very dark black. The rest of the fruit is reddish in colour. Cat’s Eye is found in desert biomes. When water is available it opens up and its eye is visible. Heat the inside or the fruit to make salves and potions. Sharp Tongue This plant has yellow petals with a bright red center to the flower. It also has very shart thorns along it’s pale stem. Sharp Tongue is found in grasslands biomes and is hard to see because it is usually smaller than surrounding grass. Grind and dry the roots into powder. Venom Lick This small tree has a single pale green leaf at the end of each spindly light brown branch. Venom Lick grows in forest biomes near clearings or along waterways. Scrape the bark from the tree and heat it until tender for potions.
Perception Herbs Eldas Bark Eldas is a grand tree that sheds it’s light brown leafy bark seasonally. Bark is often found near the tree. Eldas grow in coastal biomes in sandy soil. Pick up bark around the tree and break it down by soaking it in salt water. Then squeeze it until soft. Five Leaves This is a small plant with bright multi-coloured flowers and curly dark green leaves. Five Leaves are found in swamps along water sources. They like their feet wet. Boil leaves and flowers into mushy substance.. They will dissolve when ready for use.
Callinme This creamy white mushroom is small but grows in large bunches. Callinme grows in deserts in sandy soil near oases. Dry and grind stems and caps into a fine powder for use. Sia Root This 1 to 2-foot tall plant has red flowers shaped into a bowl, long pale stems and yellow leaves. Sia Root is found in grasslands, poking it’s flower above the surrounding grass. Cut and grind roots into a fine powder for use. Pig’s Ear This 4-foot tall plant has a dark brown stem and light green leaves with pink centers. Pig’s Ear are found in forest biomes in shady spots. Harvest the pink spots from the leaves and boil them until tender for use.
Fortifying Herbs Strong Firma Strong Firma is a winding climbing plant with light blue leaves and dark blue flowers. Strong Firma is found in coastal biomes growing on palm trees. Their roots need dirt, but with a long colorless stem, they wind quite high up at times. It’s the leaves of the plant you want. Dry them and grind them into a powder for use. Stone Might This plant grows low to the ground with bright green leaves that fan out like a fan. Stone Might grows in swamps in any area with even the slightest light penetrating the trees. The leaves and stems can be boiled until they break down to use.
Forty Fingers This cactus has long yellow fingerlike bulbous leaves that hold water after rain. The yellow round body of this plant sports a bright red flower. Forty Fingers grows in deserts out in the open. The flower can be dried and ground to a fine powder for use. Jojopopo This brush has bulky black stems that each end in a single paper-thin purple flower. Jojo grows in grassland biomes in valleys. The roots of this plant can be ground carefully in a powder for use. Balme Balme trees have many uses. Their leaves are dark green and have 4 points and light purple veins. Balme trees grow in coastal areas. The leaves of this tree can be boiled and the water used in potions.
Healing Herbs Balme Bark Balme trees have a dark bark and dark green leaves. Balme trees grow in coastal biomes. Drying and grinding the bark into a fine powder will unlock it’s healing properties for potions and salves. Purple Nurse This is a very large mushroom whose cap can reach 2 ft across. It’s light purple cap with white spots and stem make it unmistakeable. Purple Nurse only grows in swamp biomes where moisture is plentiful. Roast this mushroom over a fire until it is crispy. Then grind it to a fine powder for use in potions and salves.
Feel Better Feel Better is a grassy green plant with a single orange hard flower in the center. Feel Better grows in the desert biomes and needs almost no water. Crushing the flower and simmering in water will make this plant useful in potions and salves. Doc’s Mint This plant has thick green leaves and a small delicate stem in the center with a wispy white flower on top. Doc’s Mint grows in grasslands. The think leaves can be heated over a fire and then ground fine for use. Split Hearts Vine This crawling vine has red leaves shaped like broken hearts and an almost translucent stem. It clings to anything vertical. This plant grows in forests on trees and rocks. The leaves and stem can be boiled until tender and then crushed into a gel for use.
Ink Herbs Yellow Fern This bright yellow fern makes it easy to find, but its rarity makes it quite a find. Yellow Ferns grow in coastal biomes. The roots of this plant can be dried and ground into a fine powder for use. Red Tongue This is a small plant that has a light brown fuzzy flower in the shape of a cup. A single thick fat “tongue” comes out of the flower and is reaches 3 or 4 inches out of the cup. Red Tongue grows in swamp biomes. The tongue is the part you want. This can be soaked and crushed into a red liquid ink.
Crawling Hand This plant is rarely seen with any leaves or flower. It looks like a beige root that grows on rocks and stumps. Crawling Hand is found in the desert and can live with very little water. The root and stem is useful, but you also want to gather the bugs. All are crushed into a fine powder for use. Crimson Cress This bush has white leaves and small bright red berries. Crimson Cress only grows in grassland biomes. The berries can be crushed into red ink. Blue-Belled Bonnie This flower has unremarkable leaves and stem, but the flowers look like upside down deep blue bells. The Bonnie grows in forest biomes. The flower can be crushed or dried and ground for use.
Night Vision Herbs Stealy-Eyed Palm This palm is not that different from ordinary coconut palms, except that it’s nuts are white on the outside and have a distinct frown. These trees grow in coastal biomes in sandy soil. The nuts can be ground into powder for use. Karen’s Carrot This wild carrot has attitude. It has red leaves, stem and one large almost purple root. This carrot grows in swamps and needs flooded soil to be potent. The root is the part you want. Chop it up and boil it until it is tender, then crush it for use.
Dim Seed This cactus has a single tall phylloclade covered in spines and yellow in colour. Atop that sits a large hard seed pod with tiny red leaves. Dim Seed only grows in desert in sandy soil. The seeds are the part you want. Grind them into fine powder for use. Luminator This flower is shaped like a ball made up of tiny red and yellow balls. Luminator grows in grassland biomes. Be careful when harvesting this flower. The seeds will scatter unless you wrap them up before troubling the plant. Grind to a fine powder for use. Dark Seemor This plants sports a yellow flower, green when unopened. The leaves are delicate and almost white with orange veins. Seemor grow in forest biomes. The large delicate leaves can be dried and ground up for use.
Sleep Herbs Sandman Mushroom This mushroom has concentric rings that range from white to dark purple (almost black). This mushroom grows in coastal biomes on rotting wood stumps and fallen tree trunks. The mushroom as a whole can be dried and ground fine for use. Fallen Crown This mushroom has a pure white stem and a golden cap that sits off center around the stem that itself stick out the top of the plant. Fallen Crown grows in swamps on the ground. The cap and stems can be dried and ground fine for use.
Putrid Pickle This small cactus has a single brown stem in the middle and thick green leaves around all sides. It sits barely 4 inches high at maturity. The pickle grows in desert biomes. The brown parts of this plant can be cooked and crushed for use. Silent Eye This tree only has leaves for less than a week per year. It’s grey with spindly limbs that weep downward. Its defining feature is a large open knot in the center of the tree that opens and shuts while you watch. The Eye grows in grasslands. The sap in the eye can be cooked and used for potions. Queen Maab This flower has two leave per stem. Each stem is topped with a large bulbous yellow and orange (variegated) flower. Queen Maab grows in forest biomes. The leaves make a tea that is used in portions.