Set your own Domain with Anyflip

Once we publish our created flipbook online, the book URL would be automatically generated. Someone has long realized that the book URL contains too much information. The homepage URL of the flipbook maker you used appears as a base domain in your flipbook URL. Image if you send your flipbook URL to your clients, then your clients would find out the obvious base domain, what damage would bring to your company especially your reputation. Sometimes by mistake, clients may fail to input the additional flipbook information appended at the end of the URL, and the landing page could probably be other website.

Therefore, to keep yourself away from those unnecessary embarrassments, you should design your own domain beginning with With the page flip software Anyflip, you can customize your domain or sub-domain in three steps.
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How Anyflip Customize your Domain?

Achieve a Domain

First of all, you should get your domain at the domain registrar. Once you have published the created flipbook online through Anyflip, you can get a domain heading with

Link Your Custom Domain

The last step is to input your designed domain and apply it into action. There are two methods for you to link your custom domain: open the Anyflip online website or launch Anyflip software. For Anyflip online website, you should sign up your enterprise account first and enter into the Custom Domain of Anyflip website to enter your domain name. For Anyflip software platform, you can search the Custom Domain in Design Setting icon.

Add a CNAME Record

A CNAME record mainly takes effect in three aspects: customize your web address, verify domain ownership, and reset your administrator password. You can add a CNAME record to your domain DNS at your domain registrar instead of the Google Admin console.

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