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Published by jeven338, 2021-06-12 23:18:05


考點 2:字/片語用法/搭配詞
suffer from 患…(疾病)
imagine + Ving/that + S + V 想像…

dependence on 依賴…
apologize to sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉

★ He never tries to take ______ of his colleagues; instead, he is very generous. 105

(A) advantage (B) pity (C) interest (D) turns
答案:(A) take advantage of 利用。 (B) 可惜 (C) 興趣 (D) 輪序

★ Whenever we are in need of assistance, he always tries to give us a ______. 105
(A) head (B) help (C) hold (D) hand
關鍵字:in need of(需要);assistance(協助);give sb a …
答案:(D) give sb a hand 幫助某人。 (A) 頭 (B) 幫助 (C) 握住

★ A study showed that skin cancer patients who participated ______ a support group
survived significantly longer than those who had received only standard care. 100
(A) for (B) at (C) on (D) in

答案:(D) in(participate in…:參與某事)

★ However, nobody can avoid ______ diseases. 107

(A) get (B) gets (C) to get (D) getting
答案:(D) getting(avoid + Ving)

★ From the perspectives of business, replacing humans ______ chatbots can save money.
(A) besides (B) during (C) towards (D) with

答案:(D) with(replace A with B:用 B 取代 A)

★ If you have an interview for a high-ranking job offered by a big company, then you
might want to consider ______ nice pants and a dress shirt. 102

(A) wear (B) wore (C) worn (D) wearing
答案:(D) wearing(consider + Ving)


考點 3:文法
策略: 1. S + V(一致性;主動/被動)
主詞:Ving/to V/ Wh- + S + V/ Wh- + to + V/it(含主格關代 + 動詞)
2. 關代

3. 介係詞(介係詞 + Ving/N;by/with/on Sunday morning, in a rude way;of)
4. 時態
5. 修飾原則(adv + adj; adv + V;所有格 + N;雙動詞錯誤)
6. 詞類變化

★ The use of digital cameras, cell phones, or webcams ______ it even easier for anyone
to become a reporter. 103
(A) is made (B) make (C) has made (D) have made

解 析:答案為 (C)。N1 of N2 若當主詞時,動詞的單複數要以 N1 的單複數決定。
而(A) 雖為單數動詞,但本題句意為主動,而非被動。

★ The news can be about sudden events, or it can just be about cultural festivals that
______ in their hometown. 103
(A) break (B) happens (C) happen (D) breaks
關鍵字:festivals (節日);that

解 析:答案為 (C)。that 為主格關代,後接動詞,動詞的單複數,以先行詞的
單複數決定。本題先行詞 festivals 為複數,再加上語意,應選 happen。

★ ______ groups received standard medical care. 100

(A) Each (B) One (C) Both (D) None
關鍵字:groups (團體)
解 析:答案為 (C)。因 groups 為複數,因此數量詞,應選 both(兩者)。(A) (B)
後接單數名詞。(D)則應改為 None of the groups。

★ Nowadays, the term 7-Eleven, the name of a convenience store, ______ as a metaphor
for the non-stop working pattern. 100

(A) used (B) uses (C) is used (D) is using
關鍵字:the term 7-Eleven(7-Eleven 這詞)
解 析:答案為 (C)。句子主詞為 the term 7-Eleven,而 the name of a convenience
store, 則為主詞的同位格,再搭配語意 term 與 use 的關係為被動,因此
使用被動式(be + P.P.)。

★ Nevertheless, he likes to inquire into other’s business ______ has nothing to do with
him. 105

(A) who (B) which (C) what (D) whose
解 析:答案為 (B)。先行詞為事物(business),空格後又為動詞(has),因此選
擇主格關代 which。


★ Of about 55 species of fireflies known in Taiwan, nine species ______ here. 105
(A) have been found (B) have found (C) are finding (D) will be finding
關鍵字:fireflies(螢火蟲);nine species(九種品種)
解 析:答案為 (A)。主詞為螢火蟲的九種品種,選項為動詞 find(找到)的變

化,因此為被動式(be + P.P.)。(B)(C)(D)皆為主動。

★ Therefore, people might lose their jobs due to the ______ of chatbots. 108
(A) create (B) created (C) creation (D) creative
解 析:答案為 (C)。of(的)的前後為 N 或 Ving,即 N/Ving of N/Ving。四個選

項皆為 create(創造)的詞類變化。選項的詞性依序為:動詞、P.P.、名

★ It enables strangers to introduce themselves to new friends ______ the Internet, usually
with the goal of developing close relationship. 107

(A) above (B) at (C) over (D) up
關鍵字:Internet (網路)
解 析:答案為 (C)。在網路上:on/over the Internet。

★ Some people think that watching television is more ______ and relaxing than reading.

(A) entertained (B) entertaining (C) entertainment (D) entertainer
解 析:答案為 (B)。more…than 可為副詞比較級與形容詞比較級的句型,關鍵

字 relaxing 為形容詞,因此答案也應選形容詞 entertaining(具娛樂性的)。

★ If you find it hard to choose a book for ______ enjoyment, you can read reviews or ask
friends for advice. Reading can be fun. 106
(A) you (B) your (C) yours (D) yourself

關鍵字:enjoyment (樂趣)
解 析:答案為 (B)。所有格後接名詞或動名詞,enjoyment 為名詞。

★ Online dating services are ______ available. 107
(A) ease (B) easy (C) easier (D) easily
關鍵字:available (可得的,可用的)

解析:答案為 (D)。修飾原則:副詞修飾形容詞。選項的詞性依序為:名詞、形

★ ______ the 1990s, many health experts have been promoting an idea of wellness which
suggests achieving the best possible health within the limits of your body. 107

(A) Before (B) For (C) On (D) Since
關鍵字:the 1990s (1900 年代);have been(完成式)
解 析:答案為 (D)。since(自從)後接完時間片語,主要子句常用(現在/過去)


★ The purpose is to reduce ______ and injuries. 110
(A) dies (B) dead (C) deadly (D) deaths
解 析:答案為 (D)。and 為對等連接詞,injuries 為名詞,因此應選名詞 deaths (死

亡)。(A) 死亡(動詞) (B) 死亡的 (C) 致命的

考點 4:轉承詞
策略:依照空格前後句的語意,邏輯判斷,請特別注意是否有「否定詞」,如:not, never,

seldom, hardly 等等。
★ Columbus did not reach his original goal to find treasures in Asia; ______, he opened
up a vast new world, the Americas. 109
(A) as usual (B) for instance (C) instead (D) moreover

關鍵字:not;reach his original goal to find treasures in Asia (達成在亞洲找到寶藏的
計畫);opened up a vast new world (開啟了一個新且廣闊的世界)
解 析:答案為 (C)。instead(相反地),使用在上下兩句語意轉折時。
(A) 一如往常 (B) 舉例來說 (D) 此外

★ Yet, health experts say that such diets are not successful. ______, they might not really
have the expected outcomes that they promise. 106
(A) In fact (B) In terms of (C) In regard to (D) In contrast

關鍵字:not;such diets are not successful(如此飲食並不成功);they might not really
have the expected outcomes(他們可能不會有預期的結果)
解 析:答案為 (A)。in fact(事實上),可用於上下兩句語意轉折,或,下一句


考點 5:句型

★ ______ the earth to be flat, many people at that time were afraid that he would fall off
the edge of the world. 109
(A) Been believed (B) Being believing (C) Believed (D) Believing

關鍵字:逗點(,);many people…were…
解 析:答案為(D)。分詞構句句型為:Ving/P.P., S + V。判斷到底為 Ving 或 P.P.,
需將主詞與選項動詞做邏輯判斷,題目中 many people 與選項 believe(相

★ Not only is he interested in how anyone of us does his or her work, ______ he is also
interested in our personal matters. 105
(A) or (B) so (C) but (D) nor

關鍵字:Not only;逗點(,)
解 析:答案為 (C)。not only…but (also) 意思為「不但…而且…」。

★ But what ______ explorers to leave the security of the known world to face the dangers
of the unknown? 109
(A) drive (B) drives (C) have driven (D) is driven

解 析:答案為 (B)。名詞子句 What + V 中,動詞的單複數以 what 決定,因此
為單數,且語意應選主動式。(D) 為被動式。

★ Many companies, such as Google, Amazon, and Apple, have created smart voice

assistants that can understand what you say, search for answers to your questions, and
complete some tasks ______ on your instructions. 108
(A) base (B) based (C) to base (D) are based
關鍵字:voice assistants (語音助理);tasks(任務)

解 析:答案為 (B)。and 後句型結構為:V(complete) + N(tasks) ______,因此需
套用省略主詞關代形成分詞片語,原句 complete some tasks which are
based on...,簡化完後變成 complete some tasks based on。

★ No matter ______ hard you try to please, some people are not going to love you. 104
(A) what (B) how (C) which (D) so
關鍵字:no matter;hard(努力地)
解 析:答案為 (B)。No matter Wh-ever S + V, S + V. 此句型意思為「無論…」,

又因為空格後為副詞(hard),故選 how。

★ ______, a popular social networking site for both surfers and hosts,
to gain a better understanding of how to find and contact potential hosts and begin your

journey today. 101
(A) To visit (B) Visit (C) Visiting (D) Visited
關鍵字:兩個逗點(,),to gain…
解 析:答案為 (B)。逗點內的 a popular social networking site for both surfers and

hosts 與 同位格,因此需選 (B) Visit(造訪),整句為
祈使句。如果選 (A)不定詞 (C)動名詞,只會變成名詞功能,而非句子。

★ Besides, ______ different kinds of genres to choose from, so reading can become a

hobby for every type of person. 106
(A) they were (B) they had (C) there are (D) there have
關鍵字:different kinds of genres(不同種類的類型)
解 析:答案為 (C)。中文的「有」,若為現在式,英文可用 have/has 或 there is/are。

★ Before users can use these online dating services, it is necessary for them ______
“members” and upload their personal information. 107
(A) become (B) becomes (C) to become (D) will become

關鍵字:it is…for them…
解 析:答案為 (C)。虛主詞句型為:It is …for sb to V。

★ On top of the cake ______ lit candles representing the glow of the moon. 108
(A) have (B) is (C) was (D) were
關鍵字:On top of the cake(在蛋糕上面);lit candles(點燃的蠟燭)
解 析:答案為 (D)。此題考地方副詞擺句首,若主詞為一般名詞,則需倒裝,

還原成原句應為:Lit candles were on top of the cake representing the glow
of the moon.


語意 文法
年度 轉承詞 連接詞 介係詞 句型 Total
(字用法) (時態)
100 5 5 2 1 1 1 15
101 9 1 0 4 1 0 15

102 13 0 1 0 1 0 15
103 5 1 3 1 2 3 15
104 8 0 0 0 0 2 10
105 3 1 2 1 2 1 10

106 2 5 1 1 0 1 10
107 3 2 0 1 1 3 10
108 3 4 0 0 0 3 10

109 2 2 2 1 0 3 10
110 2 0 1 2 2 3 10
Total 55 21 12 12 10 20





When traveling abroad, it is always important to follow the local customs. Here are some tips to make

sure you don’t upset someone on your travels. For example, if you have dinner at a friend’s house in
Germany, be polite enough to eat everything, 22 the host will think you didn’t enjoy the meal. In

Korea, while taking public transport, passengers should always keep quiet. Being noisy 23 to be very

rude. When visiting Saudi Arabia, be sure to eat with your right hand because most people there use

their left hand for the bathroom. In Pakistan, you don’t want to be 24 . This is because guests are
expected to be fifteen minutes late for a meal. 25 , if you are visiting a friend’s house in Denmark,

don’t be late. People in Denmark think it is impolite to be late. With so many different customs 26

the world, it is impossible to know them all. If you mistakenly upset someone, make sure to say sorry.

22. (A) and (B) but (C) or (D) so
23. (A) considers (B) is considered (C) has considered (D) had been considering

24. (A) at a time (B) for all time (C) in time (D) on time

25. (A) Consequently (B) Similarly (C) By far (D) In contrast
26. (A) around (B) beyond (C) during (D) under

22. (A) and (B) but (C) or (D) so
解 析:答案 (C)。

關鍵字:be polite enough to eat everything;the host will think you didn’t enjoy the meal。
此處的 or 意思為「否則」
23. (A) considers (B) is considered (C) has considered (D) had been considering
解 析:答案 (B)。

關鍵字:Being noisy;rude。主詞為動名詞 Being noisy 這件事,因此需用被動語態(be
+ P.P.)。(D)用過去完成式,則不符整篇現在式的時態。
24. (A) at a time (B) for all time (C) in time (D) on time
解 析:答案 (D)。

關鍵字:don’t want to be;fifteen minutes late for a meal。
(A)任何時候 (B)總是 (C)及時 (D)準時。
25. (A) Consequently (B) Similarly (C) By far (D) In contrast
解 析:答案 (D)。

關鍵字:In Pakistan;fifteen minutes late for a meal;in Denmark, don’t be late。前後兩句
26. (A) around (B) beyond (C) during (D) under
解 析:答案 (A)。

關鍵字:the world。around the world 意思為「世界各地」。


The eastern part of Taiwan is a place of natural beauty. However, it is also an area 27 earthquakes

occur very often. The government has recently completed work on an undersea cable system to detect

earthquakes and tsunamis. The system makes it possible for people 28 about 10 seconds before
an earthquake strikes. The purpose is to reduce 29 and injuries. Starting in 2011, cables were

put under the sea on the east coast. The location was chosen 30 most of the earthquakes happen

there. The undersea cable system stretches for 735 km, with nine points 31 its entire length to

detect the quakes. The deepest detection point lies 5,554 m under the sea.

27. (A) when (B) where (C) which (D) whose

28. (A) are warned (B) to warn (C) to be warned (D) will be warned

29. (A) dies (B) dead (C) deadly (D) deaths

30. (A) if (B) till (C) unless (D) because

31. (A) along (B) during (C) except (D) since

27. (A) when (B) where (C) which (D) whose
解 析:答案 (B)。

關鍵字:an area;earthquakes occur。此題考關係副詞,因為先行詞(the area)為地點的
概念,此處的 where = in which。判斷為關係副詞抑或關代的方式,只要將原本
的句子還原成最初的兩句即知道:it is also an area ___ earthquakes occur very

often =(句一)it is also an area +(句二)earthquakes occur very often the area,
句二很明顯在 the area 前少了介係詞 in,因此應用關係副詞 where。

28. (A) are warned (B) to warn (C) to be warned (D) will be warned
解 析:答案 (C)。
關鍵字:makes it possible for people。虛受詞句型:make/think/believe it (for sb) to V;

被動語態:be + P.P.,因此語意上,應該是人們被警告某事。
29. (A) dies (B) dead (C) deadly (D) deaths

解 析:答案(D)。
關鍵字:_____ and injuries。對等連接詞 and,前後所連接詞性虛對等,injuries(受傷)
為名詞。(A)死亡(v.) (B)死亡的(adj.) (C)致命的(adj.) (D)死亡(n.)。

30. (A) if (B) till (C) unless (D) because
解 析:答案 (D)。

關鍵字:The location was chosen;most of the earthquakes happen there。上下兩句為因果
關係。(A)如果 (B)直到 (C)除非 (D)因為。
31. (A) along (B) during (C) except (D) since

解 析:答案 (A)。
關鍵字:its entire length。因為 length(長度),搭配介係詞 along(沿著…)。


Rainforests are the Earth’s oldest living ecosystems. They 22 only a small part of the Earth’s
surface, about six percent, but they are very important to us. For example, they provide us with 23
of the Earth’s oxygen and fresh water. A lot of medicines we use today to treat cancer or heart disease

24 from the plants that grow only in rainforests. Many items we use in our own homes come from
the rainforest as well. 25 , rainforests are disappearing at an alarmingly fast pace, largely due to
human development over the past few centuries. Problems 26 from the decrease of rainforests
include more pollutions, less oxygen, and fewer species of animals. To keep rainforests from disappearing

and save the Earth for our children, we must do something immediately.

22. (A) call off (B) look into (C) make up (D) turn down
23. (A) many (B) much (C) several (D) a few
24. (A) manufacture (B) manufactured (C) are manufacturing (D) are manufactured

25. (A) In addition (B) Luckily (C) To conclude (D) Unfortunately
26. (A) result (B) resulting (C) have resulted (D) that resulting

22. (A) call off (B) look into (C) make up (D) turn down
解 析:答案 (C)。

關鍵字:They(指 rainforests); a small part of the Earth’s surface。
(A)取消 (B)調查 (C)構成、(D)拒絕。
23. (A) many (B) much (C) several (D) a few
解 析:答案 (B)。
關鍵字:of the Earth’s oxygen and fresh water。oxygen(氧氣)與 water 皆為不可數名詞,
因此用 much。(A)(C)(D)接與複數名詞連用。
24. (A) manufacture (B) manufactured (C) are manufacturing (D) are manufactured
解 析:答案 (D)。
關鍵字:A lot of medicines we use today to treat cancer or heart disease ____ from the
plants…。分析長句,分析時要抓主詞動詞:S1(A lot of medicines)+ [S2 (we) +
V2(use)…] + _____,當發現句子有兩個主詞時,十之八九就是省略受格關代後
的主詞 + 動詞,因此可略過不看,因為主要動詞(空格選項)的單複數變化,

是依主要主詞(A lot of medicines)而定,又因選項動詞 manufacture(製造),
與 medicines(藥)的關係需使用被動語態。

25. (A) In addition (B) Luckily (C) To conclude (D) Unfortunately
解 析:答案 (D)。

關鍵字:Many items we use in our own homes come from the rainforest as well. rainforests
are disappearing at an alarmingly fast pace。上下兩句語意轉折。
(A)此外 (B)幸運地 (C)總之 (D)不幸地
26. (A) result (B) resulting (C) have resulted (D) that resulting
解 析:答案 (B)。
關鍵字:Problems _____ from the decrease of rainforests include more pollutions, less
oxygen, and fewer species of animals. 分析長句,分析時要抓主詞動詞:Problems
(S)+_____ + include(V)…,分析得知句子已有主詞與動詞,因此,空格
(A)(C)。(D)應改為 that result,而(B)則是由(D)省略主格關代,形成分詞片語,
口訣:主動 Ving,被動 P.P.。


In 1275, Marco Polo(馬可波羅)arrived in China. During this journey, he came close to losing his life a
few times, 27 he kept going and finally succeeded in reaching his goal. At about the same time,
Polynesians(玻里尼西亞人)were exploring the islands of the South Pacific. 28 the great dangers
of sailing long distance in open canoes, they managed to explore and occupy all the major islands.

About 200 years later, Christopher Columbus (哥倫布)left Europe to find a new way to Asia. 29
the earth to be flat, many people at that time were afraid that he would fall off the edge of the world.
Columbus did not reach his original goal to find treasures in Asia; 30 , he opened up a vast new
world, the Americas. Every explorer needs a vision. But what 31 explorers to leave the security of the

known world to face the dangers of the unknown? For many of them, it is simply the love of adventure.

27. (A) for (B) or (C) so (D) yet

28. (A) Compared to (B) Despite (C) Rather than (D) Unlike

29. (A) Been believed (B) Being believing (C) Believed (D) Believing

30. (A) as usual (B) for instance (C) instead (D) moreover

31. (A) drive (B) drives (C) have driven (D) is driven

27. (A) for (B) or (C) so (D) yet

解 析:答案 (D)。
關鍵字:came close to losing his life;he kept going and finally succeeded…。語氣轉折。
(A)因為 (B)或者/否則 (C)所以 (D)但是

28. (A) Compared to (B) Despite (C) Rather than (D) Unlike
解 析:答案 (B)。
關鍵字:the great dangers of sailing long distance;they managed to explore and occupy all the
major islands。語氣轉折。(A)相較於 (B)儘管 (C)而不是 (D)不像。
29. (A) Been believed (B) Being believing (C) Believed (D) Believing

解 析:答案 (D)。
關鍵字:______ the earth to be flat, many people at that time were afraid that…。分析長句,分
析時要抓主詞動詞:_____ N(the earth)…, S(many people)+ V(were)…套

用分詞構句公式:Ving/P.P., S + V.,利用 many people 與 believe 判斷主動或被動,
因人們主動相信,因此選 Believing。
30. (A) as usual (B) for instance (C) instead (D) moreover
解 析:答案 (C)。

關鍵字:Columbus did not reach his original goal;he opened up a vast new world。語氣轉折。
(A)一如往常 (B)舉例來說 (C)相反地 (D)此外。
31. (A) drive (B) drives (C) have driven (D) is driven
解 析:答案 (B)。

關鍵字:what…?。疑問詞 what 引導的疑問句,若主詞不明,可以以 what 當主詞用,且視
為單數,可以用 What happened? 聯想。另外,who 亦有類似用法,可以用 Who did
it? 聯想。


Have you ever imagined that you can chat with a robot instead of a real person? The techniques of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) 22 become mature. Many companies, such as Google, Amazon, and
Apple, have created smart voice assistants that can understand what you say, search for answers to your

questions, and complete some tasks 23 on your instructions. More recently, chatbots, which are
computer programs with AI techniques on apps, have been developed in order to present useful
information whenever users request 24 . From the perspectives of business, replacing humans 25
chatbots can save money. As a result, many companies nowadays want to develop their own chatbots.

Therefore, people might lose their jobs due to the 26 of chatbots. At the same time, many new
companies which build chatbots have sprung up, and this will create many new job opportunities.

22. (A) has (B) has been (C) have (D) have been
23. (A) base (B) based (C) to base (D) are based

24. (A) it (B) its (C) their (D) them

25. (A) besides (B) during (C) towards (D) with

26. (A) create (B) created (C) creation (D) creative

22. (A) has (B) has been (C) have (D) have been

解 析:答案 (C)。
關鍵字:The techniques of Artificial Intelligence ____ ....。N1 of N2 當主詞時,動詞的單
複數要以 N1 的單複數來決定。techniques(技術)為複數型。另外,become
23. (A) base (B) based (C) to base (D) are based

解 析:答案 (B)。
關鍵字:complete some tasks _____ on your instructions。先利用刪去法,將(A)(D)刪去,
因為會變成雙動詞錯誤。此句是省略主格關代而來,原句為 complete some

tasks which are based on your instructions。
24. (A) it (B) its (C) their (D) them
解 析:答案 (A)。
關鍵字:have been developed in order to present useful information whenever users request
_____。根據語意及選項(皆為代名詞),往前找一般名詞,得知 information

(資訊;為不可數名詞)的代名詞為 it。
25. (A) besides (B) during (C) towards (D) with
解 析:答案 (D)。

關鍵字:replacing humans _____ chatbots。replace(取代)的用法為 replace A with B(用
B 取代 A)。
26. (A) create (B) created (C) creation (D) creative
解 析:答案 (C)。
關鍵字:the _____ of chatbots。介係詞 of 前後應為名詞或動名詞。四個選項皆為 create

的詞類變化。(A)動詞 (B)過去式動詞或 P.P. (C)名詞 (D)形容詞。


Many people celebrate their birthdays with a cake and candles. But, have you ever wondered how the

birthday celebration started? According to some historians, putting candles on the cake 27 in
Ancient Greece. The Greeks would make moon-shaped cakes to honor Artemis, the goddess of the moon.

On top of the cake 28 lit candles representing the glow of the moon. The smoke from the candles

was believed to serve the dual purpose of preventing 29 evil spirits, and carrying prayers and
wishes to the heavens. Today, birthday cakes with lit candles on top have become a popular way of

birthday celebration. The number of candles usually represents the age of the person 30 celebrated.

He or she will make wishes including a silent one and then 31 all the candles in one breath. As a

modern tradition, the silent wish would not be told to anyone else, or it would never be realized.

27. (A) begin (B) began (C) begun (D) beginning

28. (A) have (B) is (C) was (D) were
29. (A) at (B) down (C) from (D) off

30. (A) be (B) being (C) had (D) has

31. (A) blow out (B) break into (C) take off (D) turn on

27. (A) begin (B) began (C) begun (D) beginning

解 析:答案 (B)。
關鍵字:putting candles on the cake _____ in Ancient Greece。主詞為動名詞(putting
candles on the cake),又因 in Ancient Greece(在古希臘),因此,時態應用過

28. (A) have (B) is (C) was (D) were
解 析:答案 (D)。
關鍵字:On top of the cake(在蛋糕上面);lit candles (點燃的蠟燭)。此題考地方副
詞擺句首,若主詞為一般名詞,則需倒裝,還原成原句應為:Lit candles were

on top of the cake representing the glow of the moon.
29. (A) at (B) down (C) from (D) off
解 析:答案 (C)。
關鍵字:preventing _____ evil spirits。防止:prevent…from…。

30. (A) be (B) being (C) had (D) has
解 析:答案 (B)。
關鍵字:of the person _____ celebrated。原句為 the person who is being celebrated,省略
主格關代和 be 動詞後,剩下 being celebrated。另外,若選(A)(C)(D)則會發生

31. (A) blow out (B) break into (C) take off (D) turn on
解 析:答案 (A)。
關鍵字:_____ all the candles in one breath。candles(蠟燭)搭配 blow out(吹熄)。

(B)闖入 (C)起飛/脫掉 (D)開啟(電器)


Online dating is very popular today. It enables strangers to introduce themselves to new friends 22

the Internet, usually with the goal of developing close relationship. Users need to get access to online

dating services. 23 some of these services are free, the others are not. Before users can use these

online dating services, it is necessary for them 24 “members” and upload their personal information.
Besides, users 25 to add photos or videos to their profiles for other members to decide whether they

would like to make contact or not. Online dating services are 26 available. The popularity of online

dating services just shows how difficult it is for people to find partners in their everyday life.

22. (A) above (B) at (C) over (D) up

23. (A) Because (B) If (C) Unless (D) While

24. (A) become (B) becomes (C) to become (D) will become
25. (A) encourage (B) encouraged (C) are encouraged (D) have encouraged

26. (A) ease (B) easy (C) easier (D) easily

22. (A) above (B) at (C) over (D) up

解 析:答案 (C)。

關鍵字:the Internet。在網路上可以 over/on the Internet(internet)。

23. (A) Because (B) If (C) Unless (D) While

解 析:答案 (D)。

關鍵字: some of these services are free, the others are not. 逗點前後的兩句語意轉
折。(A)因為 (B)如果/是否 (C)除非 (D)當、而

24. (A) become (B) becomes (C) to become (D) will become

解 析:答案 (C)。

關鍵字:it is necessary for them “members”。利用虛主詞句型:It is… (for sb) to V.

25. (A) encourage (B) encouraged (C) are encouraged (D) have encouraged
解 析:答案 (C)。

關鍵字:users to add photos。語意上應是「使用者被鼓勵去增加照片」,

被動語氣:be + P.P.,後接第二個動詞,常用不定詞(to V)。

26. (A) ease (B) easy (C) easier (D) easily

解 析:答案(D)。

關鍵字:are available。詞性修飾原則:副詞 + 形容詞。available 可得的(adj.)。
副詞字尾常是以-ly 結尾。


Good health is one thing in life that money can’t buy. You cannot buy it at any drugstore or get it 27
by visiting the doctor when you are sick. 28 the 1990s, many health experts have been promoting
an idea of wellness which suggests achieving the best possible health within the limits of your body. In
terms of exercises, one person might prefer a lot of easier exercises to more 29 exercises.

Whereas some people enjoy playing one game of golf per week, others 30 play a competitive game
of basketball. The key indeed is to understand the needs of your body. However, nobody can avoid
31 diseases. Poor diet and stress can damage your health as well. Thus, if you want to reduce the
risk of developing diseases, the best advice is to change your bad habits or the conditions around you.

27. (A) back (B) down (C) out (D) up

28. (A) Before (B) For (C) On (D) Since

29. (A) intense (B) effortless (C) identical (D) eager

30. (A) had better (B) used to (C) ought to (D) would rather
31. (A) get (B) gets (C) to get (D) getting

27. (A) back (B) down (C) out (D) up

解 析:答案 (A)。

關鍵字:get it by visiting the doctor when you are sick。It 代替前一句的單數名
詞,推出 good health,因此,依據語意,使用片語 get…back:拿回…。
28. (A) Before (B) For (C) On (D) Since

解 析:答案 (D)。
關鍵字: the 1990s, many health experts have been promoting。空格後是時間片語

(the 1990s),主要句子內有完成式(have been promoting),因此,選用 since

29. (A) intense (B) effortless (C) identical (D) eager
解 析:答案 (A)。

關鍵字:one person might prefer a lot of easier exercises to more ____ exercises。prefer A to
B 意思為「比起 B,比較喜歡 A」,因此,easier 需相對於選項的 intense(激

30. (A) had better (B) used to (C) ought to (D) would rather

解 析:答案 (D)。
關鍵字:Whereas some people enjoy playing one game of golf per week, others play

a competitive game of basketball. whereas 大概等於 although/though,因此逗點
(A)最好 (B)過去習慣於 (C)應該 (D)寧願。

31. (A) get (B) gets (C) to get (D) getting
解 析:答案 (D)。

關鍵字:avoid diseases。特殊動詞 avoid(避免)後接名詞或動名詞。


Do you prefer reading or watching television in your leisure time? Some people think that watching
television is more 22 and relaxing than reading. Reading tends to take so much time, something
which the modern person cannot easily afford. 23 these observations might be true, at least to some

extent, but reading is still very popular. When you use your 24 , a book can become so interesting
that you can find it difficult to stop reading it. Besides, 25 different kinds of genres to choose from,
so reading can become a hobby for every type of person. You can choose to read a romance, action, or
historical novel. If you find it hard to choose a book for 26 enjoyment, you can read reviews or ask

friends for advice. Reading can be fun.

22. (A) entertained (B) entertaining (C) entertainment (D) entertainer

23. (A) Each (B) Some (C) None (D) All

24. (A) image (B) imagination (C) imagine (D) imagining

25. (A) they were (B) they had (C) there are (D) there have

26. (A) you (B) your (C) yours (D) yourself

22. (A) entertained (B) entertaining (C) entertainment (D) entertainer
解 析:答案 (B)。

關鍵字:is more and relaxing than reading。more…than(比…更…);relaxing
(放鬆的)。more…than 可為副詞比較級與形容詞比較級的句型,關鍵字

relaxing 為形容詞,因此答案也應選形容詞 entertaining(具娛樂性的)。選項

23. (A) Each (B) Some (C) None (D) All
解 析:答案 (D)。
關鍵字: these observations。先用刪去法,將(A)刪掉。依據語意,應選 all。

24. (A) image (B) imagination (C) imagine (D) imagining
解 析:答案 (B)。

關鍵字:When you use your 。依據修飾原則,所有格(your)後接名詞或動名
詞,先刪掉(C)想像(v.),又因 imagine 有自己名詞 imagination,因此不選(D)。

25. (A) they were (B) they had (C) there are (D) there have
解 析:答案 (C)。

關鍵字: different kinds of genres(不同種類的類型)。中文的「有」,若為現在
式,英文可用 have/has 或 there is/are。

26. (A) you (B) your (C) yours (D) yourself
解 析:答案 (B)。

關鍵字:for enjoyment(樂趣)。根據修飾原則,所有格後接名詞。
(A)主格/受格 (C)所有格代名詞 (D)反身代名詞。


Weight-loss diets, which help us reduce our weight, continue to rise in popularity. Yet, health experts say
that such diets 27 not successful. 28 , they might not really have the expected outcomes that
they promise. Researchers 29 that 80 % of people who lose weight on extreme diets are likely to
regain it all within three years. Their view could well be correct because leading nutritionists believe that

permanent weight loss will only occur 30 people eat sensibly and exercise regularly. In other words,
changes have to be made to our lifestyle. The possibility of this 31 is low, though. One expert
points out that we are always looking for a quick cure. The only solution then would be for us to come up
with creative ideas to change the style of life.

27. (A) is (B) are (C) be (D) have

28. (A) In fact (B) In terms of (C) In regard to (D) In contrast

29. (A) suggests (B) suggesting (C) suggest (D) suggestion

30. (A) when (B) whereas (C) whom (D) whether
31. (A) happened (B) happen (C) happening (D) happens

27. (A) is (B) are (C) be (D) have
解 析:答案 (B)。

關鍵字:such diets not successful。主詞(such diets)為複數,successful(成功的)

為形容詞,因此空格應選 Be 動詞。
28. (A) In fact (B) In terms of (C) In regard to (D) In contrast
解 析:答案 (A)。

關鍵字:such diets are not successful. , they might not really have the expected

(A)事實上 (B)從…方面來說 (C)關於 (D)相較之下。
29. (A) suggests (B) suggesting (C) suggest (D) suggestion

解 析:答案 (C)。
關鍵字:Researchers that…。依據主詞動詞一致性原則:主詞為複數接複數動詞;

30. (A) when (B) whereas (C) whom (D) whether
解 析:答案 (A)。

關鍵字:permanent weight loss will only occur people eat sensibly and exercise

(A)當 (B)儘管 (C)受格關代 (D)是否。
31. (A) happened (B) happen (C) happening (D) happens
解 析:答案 (C)。

關鍵字:The possibility of this is low。this 後接名詞,而動詞轉變成名詞功能,
可用動名詞(Ving)或不定詞(to V)。


Chapter 5


1. 文章結構

因此,以 Wh-問句開始的題目、何者為是/何者為非就是從支持句發展出來的。

2. 提高閱讀速度:

3. 熟悉長句的結構:

◆ It is a pity that they do not know the true meaning of happiness, without getting and spending money.
句子分析:It is…that S + V + N, without Ving.

◆Cocoa trees were first brought to Taiwan from Indonesia by the Japanese when they ruled the island.
句子分析:S + be + P.P. by N when S + V.

◆ In some companies, the addicted players are allowed to play video games only on stressful days, but
their bosses will check their computers from time to time to make sure that they are doing their work.

句子分析:地點, S + be + P.P. to V, but S + V + to V that S + V.

◆ However, at the new supermarket-like food bank, recipients can choose what they want and what they
need from a wide range of products, which include diapers, infant formula milk powder, and

children’s shoes. (103)
句子分析:轉承詞, 地點, S + V what S + V and what S + V, which + V + N1, N2, and N3.

◆ The rise of Taiwan’s chocolate industry and its wonderful results even gave the country the honor of

hosting the ICA’s Asia-Pacific competition in 2019. (109)
句子分析:N1 and N2 + gave + N3 + N4.

◆ To solve this problem, Eric Li, the founder and CEO of Ecomo, has developed the world’s first smart

water bottle. (108)
句子分析:To V, S, N(同位格), + V + N.

◆ In addition to measuring temperature, the Bluetooth wristband records users’ daily activities,
calculates their water needs, and monitors their water intake. (108)
句子分析:In addition to Ving, S + V1, V2, and V3.

◆ Sophia is one model of a new invention known as social robots, a smart machine created to interact
and work closely with people in different areas. (107)
句子分析:S + V + N + P.P. as N1, N2(同位格)+ P.P. to V and V.

◆Furthermore, because of K-pop, other Korean products like Samsung smartphones, Korean-made cars,
and Korean-style clothes have become very popular. (106)
句子分析:轉承詞, because of N, S like N1, N2, and N3 + have + P.P.

4. 隨手畫重點:
轉承詞與連接詞,則可預測下一句的語意走向。舉例來說:therefore 的下一句呈現結果;however

的下一句呈現轉折語氣;for example 的下一句呈現更具體的例子;besides 的下一句呈現上一句
以外的另一個例子;so 的下一句呈現結果等等。

5. 多閱讀:

茲以 109 學年度閱讀測驗為例:
Early this year, a new coronavirus(新冠狀病毒)caused the rapid spread of the Coronavirus Disease
2019 (COVID-19). Many countries began practicing “social distancing” to prevent infection spread by

increasing the space between people. All over the world, social distancing brought about changes in
people’s ways of living, learning, and working.
Lifestyle changes due to social distancing affected almost everyone. People avoided crowded places and
unnecessary traveling. In Italy, for example, church leaders spoke to followers online. Elsewhere, online

shopping in Taiwan and home entertainment in China rose significantly in February.
Social distancing also had an effect on learning. In Australia, when schools were still open, teachers tried
not to let students mix in common areas that included the classroom, café and library. As the crisis
worsened, schools closed one after another. By early April, over 90% of the world’s students were not

attending school. In some places, such as Italy and Hong Kong, students turned to learning from home
through Internet connection.
To lower the risk of infection, companies put distance between employees in the workplace and told sick
employees to stay home. Offices were generally flexible in the time and place of work. Furthermore, to

keep the workplace safe, the United States passed a law to provide paid sick leave for all employees.
This was to make sure that workers who fell ill with the coronavirus would stay home without fear of
losing their income.
In the fight against the coronavirus, people stayed apart to stay healthy. However, they all stayed

connected to feel a sense of togetherness. (109)


主題句 1 新冠狀病毒造成新冠肺炎的擴散
主題句 2 因保持社交距離帶來的生活方式改變幾乎影響每個人
主題句 3 保持社交距離亦影響學習

主題句 4 為降低感染,公司行號也要求員工遵守相關防疫工作
結 論 段 人們雖為了防疫保持距離,但團結友愛感連接彼此

第二段 In Italy, for example, church leaders spoke to followers online.
第三段 In some places, such as Italy and Hong Kong, students turned to learning from home
through Internet connection.

第四段 Furthermore, to keep the workplace safe, the United States passed a law to provide paid
sick leave for all employees.

第五段 However, they all stayed connected to feel a sense of togetherness.

第三段 In Australia, when schools were still open, teachers tried not to let students mix in common
areas that included the classroom, café and library.
 地點, when S + V, S + V + N that + V + N.

第四段 To lower the risk of infection, companies put distance between employees in the workplace
and told sick employees to stay home.
 To V, S + V1 + between N and V2 + N.

This was to make sure that workers who fell ill with the coronavirus would stay home

without fear of losing their income.
 S + V + to V + that N + who + V + V + without N.


1. 整體理解

What is the best title of this passage?(最佳文章標題)
What is the main idea of this passage?(大意)
What is the passage mainly about?(大意)
What’s the author’s attitude toward…?(作者態度)

According to the third paragraph of the passage, what does the author think about money?(作者態度)
What is the main purpose of the passage?(文章目的)
Which of the following could be inferred from the passage?(推論)

Which of the following inferences can be drawn from the last paragraph?(推論)

2. 局部細節
5W1H (what, why, which, where, when, how)
What is the contribution of the Japanese to Taiwan’s chocolate industry? (109)

Why was the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize given to the WFP? (110)
Where is Changdong? (106)
Which of the following is NOT suggested for would-be backpackers to do in the passage? (108)
Who is Hannah Montana? (106)

破解法:清楚 5W1H 要找的是甚麼,搭配題幹裡的關鍵字(通常為名詞、形容詞、動詞),


破解法:往前一句找名詞:it (its), one (one’s), another 找單數名詞;they(their, them), ones
(one’s), (the) others 找複數名詞。
What does the word “one” in paragraph 3 refer to? (109)

In line 2, what does the word “it” refer to? (102)


Which of the following is closest in meaning to “go hand in hand” in the second paragraph?

What does the phrase “ take off ” in paragraph 3 mean? (109)
What does the phrase “with open arms” in paragraph 3 mean? (107)
Which of the following is an example of “fluids” shown in line 1 in the third paragraph? (105)

According to the passage, which statement is true? (110)

Which of the following is NOT true when Chi was making Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above?


圖表判讀能力,因此,破解之法:確認題幹 5W1H + 搭配題幹裡的關鍵字(通常為



範例(105 年):
Water is a major component of the human body. Lack of water can affect bodily functions. The body
continuously loses water through daily activities and must make up for this loss through food such as fruits
and vegetables, and beverages such as milk and soda. Water, which is calorie free, is the healthiest drink.

Men need 13 cups of water per day and women need nine. Water requirements depend on activity levels,
climate, and health. If you are doing exercise, you need to drink an extra two cups of water. For intense
exercise, such as marathon running or road cycling, you need even more. Sports drinks are one way to
replace water and sodium lost through sweat. In hot and dry weather, the body must have enough water to

keep cool. Furthermore, in mountains of over 2500 meters, people breathe faster, so they require five cups of
water more than usual.
People suffering from fever should also take in additional fluids to balance water loss. Pregnant or
breast-feeding women need large amounts of water, too. Doctors advise mothers-to-be to drink ten cups of

water daily and women who are breast-feeding 14 cups per day. All in all, water needs differ according to
various factors and drinking proper amounts of water is key to good health.

37. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor influencing water needs?

(A) Personal health. (B) Climate conditions. (C) Sports activities. (D) Emotional status.

38. According to the passage, how much water should a pregnant woman drink per day?

(A) 9 cups. (B) 10 cups. (C) 13 cups. (D) 14 cups.
解題:答案為(B)。pregnant 意思為「懷孕的」,對應到文中 mothers-to-be「即將成為媽媽」。Doctors
advise mothers-to-be to drink ten cups of water daily.

39. Which of the following is an example of “fluids” shown in line 1 in the third paragraph?
(A) Milk candy. (B) Chicken breast. (C) Orange juice. (D) Hot dog.
解題:答案為(C)柳橙汁。整篇都在講「水」,且下一句講到 need large amounts of water, too。

40. Which of the following is true about this passage?
(A) Water is needed for the body to function well.
(B) You need less water if you get a high temperature.

(C) Sports drinks do not provide sodium for athletes.
(D) Soda is the best drink for the body.
解題:答案為(A)。關鍵句:Lack of water can affect bodily functions. 缺水會影響身體功能。

41. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Sportsmen and Water (B) Water and Healthy Living
(C) Hot Weather and Water Needs (D) Sodium Loss through Excess Water
解題:答案為(B)水與健康生活。由所有主題句及結論句:water needs differ according to various

factors and drinking proper amounts of water is key to good health. 可推出選(B)。其餘選項只

範例(110 年):

Read the following job advertisements from the classified section of the website. Then answer the questions

based on the given information.
(A) Auto Mechanic (B) Hiring dependable helper

Goodcar dealership has openings for certified Mature capable person to work on standard bred

mechanics. Pay based on ability. horse farm. General maintenance & farm work.

Range from $160 to $200 per hour. Health care & housing provided.

Benefits include uniforms, health care, paid Call 08-7769521
vacations. Call 06-5893642

(C) Want a career in real estate? (D) Food delivery on wheels
No experience needed. We offer a training No experience needed. Have motorcycle with

program for employees on how to sell land and driver license. $160/hr.

buildings. Come in person to the main office of Health care provided.

Royal Estate, 33 Lily Rd., Taipei. Email: [email protected]

Come between 11 a.m. & 5 p.m.

34. Ju-Yi is graduating from the Animal Science Department. She wants to find a job with a place to stay.

Which job advertisement is she most likely to be interested in?

(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

解題:答案為 (B)。
題幹關鍵字:a place to stay;表格(B) Hiring dependable helper 關鍵字:housing provided。

35. Ming-Hua is interested in becoming a house seller. What should he do to apply for the job?

(A) Call 06-5893642. (B) Visit Royal Estate.

(C) Email [email protected]. (D) Mail the resume to 33 Lily Rd., Taipei.

解題:答案為 (B)。
題幹關鍵字:becoming a house seller;表格(C) Want a career in real estate? 關鍵字:We offer

a training program for employees on how to sell land and buildings.


In 2020, the United Nations World Food Program ( WFP ) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its
efforts to fight hunger, to help bring about peace, and to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war.

The WFP focuses its work on hunger and food security issues. In 1962, the organization shipped wheat,
sugar and tea to Iran after an earthquake killed 12,000 people. Since then, it has been helping victims of
natural disasters.
Other areas of work include the school meals program which covered about 17 million children in

2019. The WFP believes that food security and peace go hand in hand. The world cannot end hunger
without putting an end to conflict. In 2010, the WFP successfully resolved a conflict situation in Central
Asia. Several villages on the border of two countries were quarreling over water resources. The WFP
helped to rebuild water supply systems which were shared across borders and provided food for people

who joined in the construction.
In 2017, millions of people in the Arab country of Yemen were close to starving in the war between
rival groups. Some of these groups cut off food supplies to cause fear in the population. However, WFP
workers managed to bring wheat flour to people in need, preventing the use of hunger as a weapon of war.

About 100 million people received WFP food assistance in 2020. By winning the Nobel Prize, the WFP
hopes that it will draw attention to the problem of hunger.

36. Why was the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize given to the WFP?
(A) For putting an end to war and natural disasters

(B) For protecting people from hunger and conflicts
(C) For preventing the use of hunger and weapons in war
(D) For persuading people to welcome food aid and conflicts
37. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “go hand in hand” in the second paragraph?
(A) need hard work (B) need real action (C) are available (D) are connected

38. According to the passage, which statement is true?
(A) About 17 million children worked for their school meals.
(B) Groups fighting in Yemen managed to receive wheat flour.

(C) In Central Asia, the WFP ended a conflict through cooperation.
(D) The WFP donated food to 12,000 victims in the Iran earthquake.

36. 解 析:答案(B) For protecting people from hunger and conflicts(保護人們免於飢餓和衝突)。
關鍵句:In 2020, the United Nations World Food Program ( WFP ) was awarded the Nobel Peace

Prize for its efforts to fight hunger, to help bring about peace, and to prevent the use of
hunger as a weapon of war.
37. 解 析:答案(D) are connected(相連結)。
關鍵句:The WFP believes that food security and peace go hand in hand. 而 hand in hand 意思

38. 解 析:答案(C) In Central Asia, the WFP ended a conflict through cooperation.
關鍵句:In 2010, the WFP successfully resolved a conflict situation in Central Asia.


Cocoa trees were first brought to Taiwan from Indonesia by the Japanese when they ruled the island.

But, the Japanese could not overcome the difficulties in growing the crop. It was not until about 20 years
ago that Taiwanese farmers succeeded in growing the tropical plant. Thanks to modern techniques, local

farmers in Pingtung (屏東)are able to produce better-quality beans that can be made into fine chocolate.

In order to promote chocolate industry, local chocolate makers have also created new flavors of chocolate

such as tea, fruit, and pepper for the past few years. Starting in 2016, this newly emerging cocoa industry
in Pingtung went on to win international fame. In years 2018 and 2019, Taiwanese chocolate makers won

numerous top prizes in the International Chocolate Award (ICA)’s World Finals.
The rise of Taiwan’s chocolate industry and its wonderful results even gave the country the honor of
hosting the ICA’s Asia-Pacific competition in 2019.

Even then, the industry is facing a problem. Not many chocolate eaters in Taiwan go for local

products. To meet local taste, chocolate makers have come up with a variety of fine chocolates. They hope
that as more people learn to appreciate and buy fine chocolate, the domestic market will take off.
Encouraged by their success in global competitions, the chocolate makers are also targeting at the global

market. They are eager to win over chocolate lovers worldwide with the delicate flavors of Taiwanese

34. What is the contribution of the Japanese to Taiwan’s chocolate industry?

(A) They knew how to produce chocolate.
(B) They moved from Indonesia to Taiwan.
(C) They introduced cocoa trees to Taiwan.

(D) They succeeded in growing cocoa trees.

35. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) Taiwan-made chocolate is gaining world attention.
(B) Taiwan’s chocolate makers produce a single flavor.

(C) Many Taiwanese chocolate eaters like local products.
(D) Indonesia farmers planted cocoa trees in Taiwan 20 years ago.

36. What does the phrase “ take off ” in paragraph 3 mean?
(A) Remove its obstacles

(B) Become successful
(C) Appear competitive

(D) Present its challenges
37. What is the main purpose of the passage?

(A) To discuss Taiwan’s problems of planting cocoa trees.
(B) To introduce different flavors of Taiwanese chocolate.

(C) To show the development in Taiwan’s chocolate industry.
(D) To describe Taiwan’s success in selling chocolate worldwide.



34. 解 析:答案(C) They introduced cocoa trees to Taiwan.(他們為台灣引進可可樹)。

關鍵句:Cocoa trees were first brought to Taiwan from Indonesia by the Japanese when they

ruled the island.

35. 解 析:答案(A) Taiwan-made chocolate is gaining world attention.


關鍵句:Starting in 2016, this newly emerging cocoa industry in Pingtung went on to win

international fame. In years 2018 and 2019, Taiwanese chocolate makers won

numerous top prizes in the International Chocolate Award (ICA)’s World Finals.

36. 解 析:答案(B) Become successful(成功)。

關鍵句:They hope that as more people learn to appreciate and buy fine chocolate, the

domestic market will take off. 更多人欣賞並購買,國內市場將______,選項一

一帶入:(A)移除阻礙 (B)成功 (C)似乎有競爭力 (D)呈現其挑戰。

37. 解 析:答案(C) To show the development in Taiwan’s chocolate industry.


關鍵句:句一 Cocoa trees were first brought to Taiwan from Indonesia by the Japanese when

they ruled the island.

句二 It was not until about 20 years ago that Taiwanese farmers succeeded in

growing the tropical plant.

句三 Starting in 2016, this newly emerging cocoa industry in Pingtung went on to

win international fame.

句四 In years 2018 and 2019, Taiwanese chocolate makers won numerous top prizes

in the International Chocolate Award (ICA)’s World Finals.



Water pollution is a serious problem in the United States. Unsafe levels of toxic chemicals linked to
cancer have been found in the drinking water of 33 states. To solve this problem, Eric Li, the founder and
CEO of Ecomo, has developed the world’s first smart water bottle.

It took Li about two years to develop the water bottle that is very easy to use. After filling water from
a tap, lake, or even toilet, all you need to do is shake, twist, and drink. In less than five seconds, the filter,
the bottle’s water-cleaning mechanism, removes 99 percent of bacteria, pesticides, petroleum products,
and heavy metals. If the water is clean, the word “Good” appears on the LED monitor with a green light

flashing. If it is still undrinkable, a yellow or red light and the word “Fail” or “Bad” will appear on the
monitor at the same time.
Ecomo, which is the name of the bottle and is short for “eco-monitor,” has other features that
consumers will enjoy. The bottle weighs just 0.37 kilograms, but it can store almost 600 milliliters of

water. Furthermore, it can keep water hot for 12 hours or cold for 24 hours. Customers are warned,
however, not to fill the bottle with other kinds of liquids because these will damage the bottle.
Two other notable aspects of the product are the app and Bluetooth wristband that the product works
with. The app sends a notice to users when it is time to change the filter. In addition to measuring

temperature, the Bluetooth wristband records users’ daily activities, calculates their water needs, and
monitors their water intake.

32. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) To show the process of making clean water.
(B) To introduce a product that keeps water clean.
(C) To examine how much water to drink per day.
(D) To describe the ways to protect water sources.

33. According to the passage, what does Eric Li do?
(A) He teaches chemistry. (B) He sells LED monitors.
(C) He writes news articles. (D) He develops new products.
34. According to the passage, why is the water bottle, Ecomo, smart?

(A) Because it has a blue light. (B) Because it has a cheap monitor.
(C) Because it uses a Bluetooth device. (D) Because it uses a big capacity bottle.
35. Which of the following statements is true about Ecomo?
(A) Its filter removes unwanted substances fast.

(B) It can change any liquid into drinking water.
(C) Its filter tells users to change the LED monitor.
(D) It can be used to store water, juice, or coffee.
36. Which of the following inferences can be drawn from Ecomo?

(A) Users can easily get the weather report through the bottle.
(B) Users can use it to make an appointment with their doctor.
(C) Users can use it to find various water drinking sites nearby.
(D) Users can decide how much water they should drink daily.


32. 解 析:答案(B) To introduce a product that keeps water clean.
關鍵句:To solve this problem, Eric Li, the founder and CEO of Ecomo, has developed the

world’s first smart water bottle. In less than five seconds, the filter, the bottle’s
water-cleaning mechanism, removes 99 percent of bacteria, pesticides, petroleum
products, and heavy metals.
33. 解 析:答案(D) He develops new products.(他開發新產品)。

關鍵句:solve this problem, Eric Li, the founder and CEO of Ecomo, has developed the
world’s first smart water bottle.
34. 解 析:答案(C) Because it uses a Bluetooth device.(因為它使用藍芽裝置)。
關鍵句:最後一段整段都在介紹 Bluetooth(藍芽)。

35. 解 析:答案(A) Its filter removes unwanted substances fast.
關鍵句:In less than five seconds, the filter, the bottle’s water-cleaning mechanism, removes

99 percent of bacteria, pesticides, petroleum products, and heavy metals.
36. 解 析:答案(D) Users can decide how much water they should drink daily.
使用刪去法:(A)天氣報告 (B)預約看診 (C) 找附近水源,以上三個選項都


32. On which day is it mostly likely to rain?

(A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Thursday (D) Friday
33. Jane is planning a two-day trip to Hualien. She likes sunny days, so which period would be the best
choice for the trip?
(A) Monday to Tuesday (B) Tuesday to Wednesday

(C) Wednesday to Thursday (D) Thursday to Friday.

32. 解 析:答案(C) Thursday(星期四)。

關鍵句:Thursday 的 chance of rain(降雨機率)有 80%,為最高。
33. 解 析:答案(A) Monday to Tuesday(星期一至星期二)。
關鍵句:題目提到 a two-day trip;She likes sunny days。而 Monday 與 Tuesday 的降雨機
率分別為 10%與 0%,為整個禮拜最低。


Changdong is in the north of Seoul in South Korea. Only a few hundred thousand people live there,
and it has few facilities. It is not as wealthy as many other places in Seoul, but after 2021, it will be one
of the most exciting places to visit. The reason for this is Korean popular music, which everybody knows

as K-pop-the South Korean government wants Changdong to become the K-pop capital of the world.
South Korea knows that K-pop is very important. In 2015, South Korea made $ 5 billion from selling
K-pop music and related TV shows, films, games, and so on. Furthermore, because of K-pop, other
Korean products like Samsung smartphones, Korean-made cars, and Korean-style clothes have become

very popular.
K-pop is very global today. For a long time, it has been very popular in China, Japan, Taiwan, and
Hong Kong. However, Billboard magazine found a different trend between 2013 and 2016. During this
time, the United States was the third biggest buyer of K-pop music. Thus, it can be said that K-pop has a

lot of fans in the West today.
To attract fans from around the world, there are big plans for Changdong. It will have concert halls,
music schools, recording studios, art galleries, and a K-pop museum. The place that will be the most
important venue, however, is the huge arena. About 20,000 fans will be able to enjoy K-pop events there.

Since it is a very big and important project, the arena, which won’t be completed until 2021, is already
being built. When everything is finished, Changdong will be a very exciting place to visit. For K-pop fans,
it will be the coolest place on earth!

37. Where is Changdong?
(A) In the north of Seoul. (B) In the east of Seoul.
(C) In the south of Seoul. (D) In the west of Seoul.
38. What does the South Korean government want to do to Changdong?

(A) They want to reduce the number of visitors going there.
(B) They want to change it into the K-pop capital of the world.
(C) They want only a few hundred thousand people to live there.
(D) They want to protect its beautiful natural environment.

39. What can be inferred from the passage about other Korean products?
(A) They became cheaper and smaller. (B) People got disinterested in them.
(C) People bought more of them. (D) They were seen less often on TV.
40. What happened between 2013 and 2016?

(A) Asian people tended to buy less K-pop than American people.
(B) Billboard magazine was eventually founded in America by then.
(C) K-pop unexpectedly gained a larger customer base in America.
(D) A lot of passionate fans traveled to America to spread K-pop.

41. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage about the facilities?
(A) Fans that visit Changdong will feel excited because of them.
(B) The main facility will take some time to build.
(C) The facilities will include some venues for education.

(D) 20,000 people will attend the opening of the arena.



37. 解 析:答案(A) In the north of Seoul.(在首爾的北邊)。

關鍵句:Changdong is in the north of Seoul in South Korea.
38. 解 析:答案(B) They want to change it into the K-pop capital of the world.


關鍵句:the South Korean government wants Changdong to become the K-pop capital of the


39. 解 析:答案(C) People bought more of them.(人們買更多這些商品)。
關鍵句:Furthermore, because of K-pop, other Korean products like Samsung smartphones,

Korean-made cars, and Korean-style clothes have become very popular.

40. 解 析:答案(C) K-pop unexpectedly gained a larger customer base in America.


關鍵句:However, Billboard magazine found a different trend between 2013 and 2016.
During this time, the United States was the third biggest buyer of K-pop music.

Thus, it can be said that K-pop has a lot of fans in the West today.

41. 解 析:答案(D) 20,000 people will attend the opening of the arena.


關鍵句:About 20,000 fans will be able to enjoy K-pop events there. 多達兩萬人可以在場


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