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Published by Grand Lodge, 2021-09-14 12:12:21

2021 Fall

2021 Washington Masonic On the Cover is the photo of the annual unity march that was held on
Sunday, August 8, 2021 in DuPont, Washington. The march was
jointly held between Brothers of Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of
Tribune – fall Free and Accepted Masons of Washington and Brothers of Most

Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Masons Free and Accepted
Masons of Washington and Jurisdiction.

Meet your 2021-2022 Elected Grand Lodge Team

From Left to Right: RW Jimmy Norton Junior, Junior Grand
Warden, RW Steve Martin, Senior Grand Warden, MW
Cameron M. Bailey, Grand Master, RW Edward C. Woods,

Deputy Grand Master, RW Clinton M. Brown Jr., Grand


MW Cameron Bailey, Grand Master .................................................. 2
RW Edward C. Woods, Deputy Grand Master ................................... 3

RW Steve C. Martin, Senior Grand Warden ....................................... 4
RW Jimmy C. Norton Jr., Junior Grand Warden ................................. 5

RW Clinton M Brown Jr., Grand Secretary ......................................... 7
Brothers Available for Grand South. .................................................. 8

VW Larry Foley ................................................................................... 8


VW Richard Kovak .............................................................................. 9

VW Rodger Nelson ........................................................................... 10
WB Brent Woodward, Grand Chaplain ............................................ 11
MW Cameron Bailey, Grand Master
VW Larry Foley, Grand Lecturer ....................................................... 12
Audio of article
WB Joey Ignacio, Grand Orator ........................................................ 13
The First Lesson Taught By Freemasonry
WB Ricardo “Rico” Barrientes, Grand Musician .............................. 14

VW David Burn, DGMD 02 ............................................................... 15 I think that we can all agree that our conception of right and
VW Charles Hadrann, DGMD 04 ...................................................... 15 wrong comes to us from God, and that from that understanding of
right and wrong, mankind has developed codes of morality.
VW Dean Markley, DGMD 07 .......................................................... 16
Just as mankind developed Freemasonry, as “A Peculiar System of
VW Kurt Gazowy, DGMD 10............................................................. 18 Morality…”

VW Pete Waldrip, DGMD 11 ............................................................ 19 Freemasonry is intended to be moral, and to both teach and as far
as it is able, enforce morality amongst Masons. With that in mind, I
VW Don Downing, DGMD 13 ........................................................... 19
think it is instructive to remember what the very first moral truth
VW Mark Conlee, DGMD 15 ............................................................ 20 that Freemasonry teaches to its votaries is.
VW David Rice, DGMD 19 ................................................................ 21 Before he is permitted to even knock on the door that will lead to
his Initiation, assuming that it is opened to him, a man is asked a
VW Luis Ojeda, DGMD 23 ................................................................ 22
number of questions. The very first of these questions relates to the
VW Bill Bialozor, DGMD 27 .............................................................. 23 concept of consent. We ask if he is making the request truly out of
his own desire, and attempt to confirm that he has not been
VW Justin D. Rowland, DGMD 29 .................................................... 24 pressured into becoming a Freemason by his friends.

VW Jon Lind, DGMD 30 .................................................................... 25 In fact, Freemasonry holds consent to be so important, that it is a
VW Jeremy Yielding, Leadership Training ........................................ 26 violation of our laws for a Freemason to solicit another man to join
the Fraternity. We welcome inquiries from men, who are interested,
VW Dean Markley, Washington Masonic Tribune ........................... 28 but they must bring that inquiry to us, we do not solicit it from
WB Brian Wheeler, Youth Committee ............................................. 29 them.

Grand View....................................................................................... 29 Having been satisfied both that the candidate consents to his
initiation without any pressure from friends, and having been
Notes: On the Washington Masonic Tribune, ................................. 31


satisfied that he holds a sincere belief in God, he is allowed to knock We must, I think, from time to time examine our actions and our
on the door. relationships with the Square, Plumb, and Level to ensure that we
are not forcing ourselves on those around us in a non-consensual
When it opens he is again asked a series of questions. The first,
and therefore most important, once again relates to consent. We way. Sadly, it is often a fact that those whom we hold most dearly
ask if he is there of his own free will and accord. Prior to his actual are those who suffer the brunt of our worst instincts and actions. By
Initiation, he will be asked this question three more times, by three reflecting on our actions, we can lead ourselves into becoming
better men. We can improve ourselves in Masonry.
more men.
MW Cameron M. Bailey, Grand Master
This process will repeat, with him being asked to confirm that he is
giving his consent of his own free will, multiple times, in both the
Fellowcraft and Master Mason Degrees as well. In all, a man will be
asked to confirm that he consents a total of 13 times before he is
Raised a Master Mason. That is how extremely important, sacred RW Edward C. Woods, Deputy Grand
even; Freemasonry takes the concept of freely given consent. Master

It is the very first moral lesson taught to a new Freemason, and it Audio of article
is taught to him over and over again.

It is our duty as Freemasons to act Masonically, to be moral men,
not only within our Lodge, but without it as well. We are charged to
live moral lives. So it is I think important to remember the moral Investing in our future and helping our Lodges and our Lodge
precept of consent as we go about our daily lives. leaders to be successful. We do this in many ways. We mentor our

As we learn from one of our world’s sacred texts, every individual Brothers with our personal experiences and pass on the knowledge
is a star, traveling in its own orbit, together with others forming an that has been gained through the work we have done. Much of the
infinite number of stars, each in their own orbit. training that is provided by the Lodge Leadership Committee is the
result of Brothers willingness to share and compile that information
This teaches us that everyone has autonomy. No one person has so that it can be passed on in the same way we pass on the lessons
the right to force his body, his opinion, his faith, or his desires on to of our craft. Masonry is prefaced on education. We should always
another person. If he wants another person to connect with his strive to improve ourselves in Masonry and to improve our Lodges.
body, come around to his opinion, convert to his faith, or fulfill his
desires, then he must, if he is to be moral, gain the consent of the MW Cameron has charged us this year with improving our Lodge
other person first. experience. There are many ways that this can be done and at
every level of the Masonic experience. We do this by investing in
To force ourselves on another cannot be a moral act, and stands in
our Lodges and our members, through using the Six Steps,
stark opposition to the very first lesson we are taught within conducting thorough investigations, providing quality degrees,
charging appropriate dues, and managing the affairs of our Lodges


to include taking care of our buildings. There is much work that This retreat not only provides great training for our Lodge leaders
needs to be done and at times few Brothers willing to do the work. it provides for the opportunity for your Leaders to meet with their
counterparts from across the state. To share challenges, concerns
Grand Lodge, more specifically through the efforts of RW Clint
Brown, has provided training through the Lodge Leadership and ideas with each other and to form lifelong friendships that will
committee for Secretaries, Treasurers and Temple Boards. The DRT strengthen and make our Fraternity even better.
committee (Deputy Resource Team as we call it) committee, led by I would be remiss if I did not mention that there is also a lady’s
VW Bob Nygren and VW Michael Cuadra has provided training for program so that our ladies can meet each other, learn about our
our Deputies of the Grand Master to assist them with their great Fraternity and thereby become the additional support that
important work. Lastly the Leadership Training Committee under our leaders will need to be an active participant in your Lodge.
the leadership of VW Jeremy Yielding has, through a cadre of I am asking you, to please support your current and future leaders.
experienced Brothers, provided training to our Lodges and Lodge Sponsor them in whole or in part to attend this retreat. Invest in
leaders at the Annual Lodge Leadership Retreat for many years now. your Lodges future success. I promise you won’t regret it.
This year’s Lodge Leadership Retreat is slated to take place this Mark your calendars for the Lodge Leadership Retreat, March 18
coming March 18 through March 20, 2022, in Wenatchee, through March 20, 2022, in Wenatchee, WA. For more future
Washington. This retreat is open to any Master Mason who is information be sure to check the Grand Lodge website for updated
currently serving or is interested in serving their Lodge.
details as they become available.
Our Leadership Training committee chair, VW Jeremy Yielding has Fraternally,
been working diligently to ensure another successful retreat. He
has been hard at work guiding the committee to ensure that RW Edward C. Woods, Deputy Grand Master
presentations are updated and prepared for delivery to the current
and future leaders of our Fraternity.

With all of the work that is being done on the back end leading up RW Steve C. Martin, Senior Grand
to the start of this retreat the most important element is the
attendee. The Masters, Wardens and young Master Masons who Warden
have an interest in taking on a Leadership role within our Lodges are
what ultimately make this retreat a success. Many are not aware of Audio of article
the costs to put on a successful Leadership Training retreat. In fact,
many may not even be aware that Leadership Training committee My first personal experience with Masonry was the International
runs this retreat with zero funding. The funds generated to support Order of the Rainbow for Girls. My youngest child was initiated in
this retreat are entirely through the level of participation by the the Summer of 2005. This is where I developed my love for ritual.
Brothers of this jurisdiction or your investment in your future When I first became involved in Rainbow, one of the things I got
leaders. involved in was ritual competition, first as an adult helper, then as a
judge. Watching the young women come through and deliver


amazing word perfect renditions of the beautiful words, was truly
inspiring. Even more inspiring was watching them come into the
competition one year and struggle, then the next year come in and RW Jimmy C. Norton Jr., Junior
nail their parts. So I made it my goal to learn my parts to the best of Grand Warden
my ability and deliver good ritual. I am far from word perfect, and I Audio of article
have not yet learned all the ritual to memory, but I do the best I Greetings from your Junior Grand Warden.
can. It was at this point that I realized the true educational value of
our respective rituals. It was time to not only learn to repeat the
ritual, but to get an understanding of what it meant, and more I would like to start off by saying thank you to the brethren
importantly, what it means to me. for the honor to serve our gentle craft as your Junior Grand
One of the first things a Rainbow girl receives is a miniature
lambskin apron and told “To your father, if he were a Mason, the The last 75 days have been amazing as I learn the ropes and
lambskin apron was sacred, and though you may never fully know start to take the training wheels off but it is still like drinking from a
its meaning, it will be dear to you because he loved it, and to him it fire hose in a good way.
was priceless.” The white leather, or lambskin, apron is an emblem As many of you know part of my duties is to provide the
of innocence and the badge of a Mason. It is the very first piece of brethren with talking points. So here are some of them we will be
physical symbolism that we receive, and we are instructed to ensure covering as the year progresses: Guarding the west gate, Lodge
that it is laid to rest with us when we pass on. Leadership retreat, Improving the Lodge experience and Grand
Our closing charge reminds us after every stated communication
of the important lessons of how to act in the outer world. Every Here are a couple of thoughts on each to get the
human being has a claim upon your kind offices. conversation started within the Lodges and between brethren. This
can be done as an educational item on the meeting agenda and get
I believe that education is one of the greatest gifts of the Masonic
the input from the brethren.
family. I encourage you, don’t just memorize the words, but look
for the meaning. When you come across things that intrigue you in Each one can start with a couple simple questions like what
your ritual, ask your mentor, ask your Worshipful Master, talk about does it mean to you, how did your coach or other brethren in the
it in fellowship, or just talk to any Mason, try and figure out what it Lodge teach you what it means, how are you executing it or passing
means to you. By learning the meanings behind the ritual, you will it forward to the new members and how important is it to you and
learn the path to making yourself a better person, and by doing so, the Lodge in the long run to learn how to do it well?
making the world a better place.
Guarding the west gate:
Live the Legacy
This, to me, is one of the very important duties and
RW Steve Martin, Senior Grand Warden obligations we have as members.


Each and every one of us promised to “refuse to recommend any Was there a presentation that made everyone say wow?
one to a participation in our privileges unless you have a strong All the above are fantastic and each and every meeting should or
reason to believe that, by a similar fidelity, he will reflect honor needs to include those “wow” moments that leave the membership
upon our Ancient Institution”. nourished and glad they came to the meeting.
For the most part we no longer have the fortune of knowing What is your Lodge doing to meet its membership’s needs?
these men most of our lives prior to them asking to be a member so
when the Lodge adopts and exercises the 6 step program it affords Grand View:
the Lodge and membership an opportunity to get to the man, his This is one of the best tools in the tool box but sadly it’s not
family and how he interacts with others. being used as much as you would think it should be.
Brethren, please remember that every Lodge has its own look, feel The numbers of Membership that have provided their
and purpose and just because the prospective member may not be information is good but really could be better but the amount of
a good fit for your Lodge but if he is a good fit for Masonry please information still missing regarding spouses, updated contact
assist with helping him obtain his goal of Membership with another information and other masonic bodies is staggering.
Lodge that is a good fit for him.
There really is no substitute for doing our due diligence to get to The Lodge Secretaries and your Deputy can assist with any
know these men prior to handing them a petition. questions and once you’re in you’ll have access to training material,
past presentations, upcoming events and so much more. Take the
Lodge Leadership retreat: (Invest in your Lodges future!!!) time to get signed up and put all your information in and enjoy the
Grand Lodge provides an excellent opportunity for the benefits of this very useful tool made available to you.
future leadership of your Lodge to attend a leadership retreat
Reflect on what you do today, tomorrow, and beyond and
where they can meet their counterparts from around the state, think of how it will empower, enlighten, and uplift those around
build life long bonds and be able to share their successes and
stumbles with each other as we truly are all in this together.
Mark your calendar for March 18 thru the 20 .
Many Lodges pay for 2 or three to go and if your Lodge RWB Jimmy Norton, Junior Grand Warden
doesn’t maybe work on a couple fund raisers to afford these men
the best opportunity for their and your Lodges future success.

Improving the Lodge experience:
Think back to one of the best meetings you’ve ever
Did it have a great guest speaker? Was the educational part of the
meeting what made you really lean in?


are signers of a petition and especially the three Brothers who are
appointed by the Worshipful Master of the Lodge to perform an
RW Clinton M Brown Jr., Grand investigation of a candidate is much more important and complex
Secretary than that of the duties of Tiler. They are charged with not
Audio of article recommending anyone to a participation in our privileges unless
they have a strong reason to believe that he will reflect honor upon
our Ancient Institution.

We must ask ourselves, why are we bringing this person into
“Certain things a man must do, inside our temple, and in a certain Masonry? Are we bringing him into the Lodge because we need
way he must live. If he lives the life, the temple is stronger. If he members or are we bringing him into the Lodge because he will
does not live the life, the temple is weakened.” This is from Old make the Lodge and our Fraternity better? If it is simply to fill the
Tiler Talks by Carl H. Claudy. chairs in the Lodge, then our Lodges and our Fraternity are doomed
to failure.
I attended Lodge a few months back and I heard an outstanding
I spent five years as a member of the Grand Lodge Trial
presentation performed by VW Bro. Tig Dupre and a young Mason
from his Lodge, Bro. Chris D. Heck. The performance was taken Committee. I have seen what one person can do to tear a Lodge
from a book entitled the Old Tiler Talks by Carl H. Claudy. apart. Many Brothers have lamented to me after the fact: why did
Afterwards, I immediately found a copy of this book and began we ever let him in our Lodge? My response back to them is “why
reading the stories within. I highly recommend it to anyone who is did you not do your due diligence to prevent his entry into our
seeking more light in Masonry. gentle Craft in the first place?” Would you simply open your home
to a stranger just because he knocks at your door? If the answer to
In this book, I came across a chapter entitled “Keeper of the that question is no, then why would you let a man in your Lodge just
Door”. Upon reading this chapter, I knew what I had to write because he knocks?
about…keeping the door to Masonry well-guarded. We have had a
recent rash of suspensions and expulsions from the Fraternity of It has been a long time coming, but I believe that at the 2022
late. The common theme among most of these was the failure of Annual Communication we will be presented with a resolution to
the Lodge to properly investigate and get to know the candidate. require that a new candidate obtain and submit a background check
to his investigating committee during the investigation process. We
I have written before about what it means to do a proper are still working on the Resolution to be submitted. However, this is
investigation. But with the spate of suspensions resulting from not a panacea. It is not the only thing that must be done to ensure
Brothers who have run afoul of the laws of our state and country, it that we are bringing good and honorable men into our ranks. We
is perhaps once again time to discuss what it really means to guard must take the time to get to know these men. Ensure that they are
the West Gate. men who emulate what we are taught in our degrees; that they can
We all know what the Tiler’s duties are…to guard against the work together and best agree. Men who come into our ranks who
approach of cowans and eavesdroppers. But the duty of those who only seek to create havoc in our Lodges not only destroy the Lodge


but sully the Fraternity as well. Remember, it only takes one bad
apple to spoil the bunch. Guard the West Gate carefully, my
Brothers. VW Larry Foley

“With due humility, but infinite pride, I am the Guardian of the
Locked Door. As Tiler I suffer none to pass within who have not the Audio of article

right. But the open door no man may guard; it takes three. You
were appointed tonight as one of those three. Someone has rapped
at the door and now it stands ajar. To you it has been said, ‘Keep
thou the door, keep thou the faith; keep though thy temple pure "What do you feel constitutes an appropriate, sufficient and
thorough investigation into the character and background of a
and undefiled.’” Old Tiler Talks by Carl H. Claudy.
potential candidate in order to protect the integrity of the Fraternity
Fraternally, and how will you as Grand Master ensure the Lodges adopt,
Clinton M. Brown, Jr., Grand Secretary embrace and execute this approach each and every time?"
In order to protect the Integrity of the Fraternity while investigating
potential candidates is to follow the Six Steps to Becoming a
Brothers Available for Grand South. Freemason. The Six Steps outlines a very detail and thorough
process to evaluate a potential candidates desire to follow through
Here is the 1st question for the Brothers that have made themselves
available for the Grand South. There are three brothers: VW Larry after making their first contact. Having the potential candidate show
Foley, VW Richard Kovak, and VW Roger Nelson. up for dinners and events open to non-masons is an excellent way
for the Brethren to get to know him. Sitting down with him talking one
"What do you feel constitutes an appropriate, sufficient and thorough on one multiple times asking the “tough” questions about his life,
investigation into the character and background of a potential candidate desires and dreams especially his motivation to become a member
in order to protect the integrity of the Fraternity and how will you as of our Craft. His participation by coming to events and dinners would
Grand Master ensure the Lodges adopt, embrace and execute this show his commitment and allows the brethren to express the
approach each and every time?" importance of being an active member. Peruse his social media

The order of the Brothers available is alphabetical by last name. The accounts to see how he presents himself to society. Lastly, the
responses are as submitted. There was not any editing done to their potential candidate asks for a petition and the Investigative
response. They had from September 3, 2021 6:00 PM to September 6, committee goes to his place of residence to sit down with him and
2021 10:00 PM to respond to the Washington Masonic Tribune. his family for an in-depth conversation, so he and his family are well
a where of what the lodge expects if he is chosen to become a
As Grand Master, I will make my expectations known that Quality
comes before Quantity. To encourage lodges to utilize the Six Steps
to ensure we receive into our ranks men of Quality. To be an


example of this in my home lodge and district. To encourage lodges 4. Social Meeting (take inquirer to a lodge social function to
to make an Expectations Listing for their potential candidates and meet brethren)
use it along with the Six Steps. 5. Ongoing Social Event (continued social interaction with
Respectfully submitted, 6. Asking for a Petition (sponsors prepared to sign petition).
VWB Larry D Foley
Grand Lecturer 2021-’22 In the Six Steps document, a checklist is provided with more
detailed suggestions as to how to conduct each step. This
material is available on the Grand Lodge website.

If the lodge does not decide to follow the Six Step process, and
VW Richard Kovak a Petition is submitted to the lodge at a stated meeting with the
requisite three sponsors, and accepted by the lodge, the
Audio of article ordinary way to guard the Wesr Gate is to assign an
Investigating Committee of three lodge members per WMC Sec.
19.01 B.L. The Committee can then perform some of the Six
Article Re JGW Question For Masonic Tribune Fall 2021 Issue Steps procedures to assist them in their investigation and add
Question: What do you feel constitutes an appropriate, sufficient their own lodge’s procedures.
and thorough investigation into the character and background of a It is suggested here that the Investigating Committee speak
potential candidate in order to protect the integrity of the Fraternity with each of the sponsors and obtain their knowledge of the
and how will you as Grand Master ensure the Lodges adopt, candidate’s background and character. If one or more of the
embrace and execute this approach each and every time? sponsors are only nominal sponsors, the candidate should be
Answer: Protecting the integrity of the Fraternity with respect to asked to furnish other references in the community who can
the candidate petition process should begin Pre-Petition. The Grand vouch for his integrity and background. Absolutely essential to
Lodge of Washington has put out an excellent guide to this Pre- the investigation process is an in person meeting with the
Petition process in its Six Steps Before Becoming a Freemason candidate. A checklist of questions and issues to be discussed
document. In it the inquiring candidate is thoroughly “investigated” with the candidate, such as is found in the Six Steps checklist
should be used. In some instances, a criminal background check
pre-petition. The Candidate Selection Process consists of six steps:
1. Brief Interview and Discussion (initial response and meeting can be ordered if there is doubt about the candidate’s
arrangement) background. The final recommendation of the Investigating
2. In Depth interview and Discussion ( first meeting Committee should be a consensus agreement on the candidate
questionnaire explained) and not a majority vote. The report should be in writing.
3. Follow Up Meeting (explain lodge protocol, degrees and The Grand Master can ensure the integrity of this process by
etiquette) directing his District Deputies to conduct oversight reviews of


the petition investigation processes and to attend meetings both helped fuel this resurgence. However, like the contrasts in the
where the Lodge will take a ballot on the Petition for Degrees or tessellated floor, the benefits of more men seeking Masonic light
Affiliation to ensure that the investigation process has been have also brought darkness to the reputation of the Fraternity by
duly followed. criminal acts of several men who should never have been admitted
past the Western Gate.
A Grand Master may also want to propose an Emergent
Resolution to add some of the steps of the Six Steps or the Also potentially damaging is the disharmony created in a Lodge
investigation suggestions mentioned above to the WMC at when a candidate is admitted only to see him depart - unfulfilled -
Chapter 19, Course of Petitions. within a couple of years when his initial expectations are not met.
Admitting a candidate, helping him progress through the degrees,
No process of investigation is foolproof, but attention to detail and then having him leave because his lodge is not focused on the
in the processes of prepetition and investigation should ensure area which piqued his initial interest usually results in the Brother
that only the most worthy and dedicated men are admitted to distancing himself not only from the Lodge, but from the entire
our Fraternity. In this age of shrinking fraternal membership all Fraternity.
we can hope for is that those fewer numbers of men coming
into the Fraternity to replace us will have the belief, moral fiber Avoiding the admission of unworthy candidates and ensuring men
and zeal to carry Freemasonry forward into the 21 century and are matched with the most appropriate Lodge can be better
beyond. accomplished with more deliberate and increased attention by all of
us as these men approach the portals. Toward these ends, I feel the
VWB Richard M. Kovak investigation into a candidate’s suitability should be more of a
strategic process, rather than a one-time event.

The “Six Steps to Initiation” structure has been made available by
VW Roger Nelson Grand Lodge for several years, accessible through the Grandview
Membership Platform. I feel strongly that the investigating team
designated to meet with the candidate go to his home for the
Audio of article
interview, to see first-hand how their potential Brother lives and have
the opportunity to meet and talk with his family. Each Lodge typically
Video has one or two primary focuses, whether it be charitable works,
Masonic education, ritual, or social events – and making sure the
candidate’s interests are aligned with the lodge’s focus is of utmost
Renewed interest in Freemasonry has more men reaching out to
Grand Lodge about membership than we’ve seen perhaps since I feel perhaps even stronger that Grand Lodge should begin to
immediately following World War II. The availability of information require each candidate to submit to a mandatory criminal
about the Craft on the internet, and an ambitious public education background check and provide a copy to the investigating team to
project with the Washington State Association of Broadcasters have review. This requirement has already been established by several


other Grand Jurisdictions, and in these cases the candidate is broke out some of the "old" books to see what I could find. Claudy,
required to utilize a vendor approved by Grand Lodge to supply the Mackey, Heywood. As I am reading, I realize the fundamental role of
background check, (typically $25 to $50 dollars), and all of this the Chaplain in our Lodges. He is the herald of that most important
documentation is returned to the candidate at the conclusion of the element of our Lodge experience, Brotherly Love and Fellowship. As
interview. Granted, this additional step will not completely safeguard I read further, I found that fundamental message right at the very
the fraternity from potential “bad actors” but may well keep many of beginning of our Masonic journey, in the form of a Psalm.
those with contrary history from petitioning at all. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for
The commitment to ensure our Lodges adopt, embrace and brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the
execute these approaches should be made by all of us. Working precious ointment upon the head, that ran down
together deliberately and with sincere purpose to safeguard the upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went
reputation and honor of our Beloved Craft is and should be the down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of
sacred duty of every Brother in every Lodge. Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the
Thank you mountains of Zion: for there the Lord commanded
the blessing, even life for evermore.

I have heard this many times, as we all have, but I have never
WB Brent Woodward, Grand Chaplain stopped to consider the meaning of this Psalm. The first line seems
Audio of article pretty straight forward, but oily beards and soggy ground does not
really make a lot of sense. Now, after 20 years, I felt an urgency to
delve into the meaning of these words spoken thousands of years
Identity Crisis: Tales of an un-ordained chaplain of a non-religion. ago. And in doing so, I came to realize that they encapsulate not just
the essence, but the very life force of our Fraternity. Let's explore
Priests talk about heeding a Heavenly call to their ministry. In my
case, I took a call. From a certain gravelly voiced Brother, who asked this together.
me to be Grand Chaplain during his year in the Grand East. I
certainly felt honored, and surprised, I did not see that one coming. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell
But his simple message and focus for the year resonated with me; together in unity!
improving our Masonic Lodge Experience. So I accepted, full of When we gather at Lodge, it is intrinsically good and pleasant. It is
excitement. Then I scratched my head, and thought, what is the agreeable to God, and it is good for us. But pay attention to the
Chaplains role in improving our Lodge experience? I have never sat word dwell. To dwell together means to live together. Dwell also
in the Chaplain's chair, and while I know about prayers and implies something that carries on at length. Remember, we are
always Brothers, not just once a month. Delight in our fellowship,
memorials and such, I can't say I ever really paid it much attention.
and promote each other’s welfare and happiness.
So, I retired to my study, and opened up the standard work. I read
It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon
through the various rituals, memorials, dedications and the like.
That was informative, but not really what I was looking for. So I the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his


garments. have soda shooting out their noses after reading that interpretation,
but what is clear in this Psalm is that dwelling in unity is the
This really illuminates our fellowship in a whole new light. Let's
start with the act of pouring oil over a person. That is anointing, and fundamental element to our Fraternity.
can be done as means of health and comfort, or as a token of Brethren, I am just beginning the journey to understand my new
honor, for example to a visiting guest. In general these oils were identity as a Chaplain of our Fraternity. I will be exploring this topic
rare and expensive, and also very fragrant. When poured it would further in future articles. For now, as we begin to meet once again
awaken the senses to the great delight all nearby. in our Lodges, may we all let the precious ointment of our
fellowship delight and fill our senses! Let the dew refresh our spirit
In the case of this Psalm, they are referring to the holy anointing
oil poured upon the first High Priest, Moses' bother, Aaron. and invigorate us. And may we all dwell together in unity! With a
Anointing the high priest was done as an act of consecration, for the strong bond of brotherly love, we can do nothing but improve our
one man that could enter the Holy of Holies and be in the presence Lodge experience. Where every Brother new or old, looks forward
of God. For this, they did not just dribble a bit on his head, but to the next time they get to meet upon the level and share in true
poured it on him, and let if flow down his face and onto his Masonic Fellowship.
garments, filling the room with the sweet fragrance. When seen in WB Brent Woodward, Grand Chaplain
that context, our dwelling in unity should fill our senses with delight.
And our unity, by its very nature, makes sacred our fellowship. This
is quite appropriate within our sacred retreat of friendship and VW Larry Foley, Grand
virtue. Lecturer

As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the Audio of article
mountains of Zion: Musings from the Grand lecturer
Dew is moisture that condenses from the atmosphere. At Greeting’s brethren,
Hermon and in the mountains around Zion, it was an arid desert, My message this year is “know your ritual”. Now what does that
with no rain between May and September. But in the summer the mean one may ask? It is simple; know what it is you are saying. We
dew coalesced as if it was rain. It sustained their crops and provided all memorize the opening/closing ritual or any of the lectures but do
comfort by its cool touch upon their skin. That sustenance and we “own” it? I have been to many lodges where the officers run
comfort is what our fellowship should provide us, and without it, we through the ritual which is fine. However, then one goes to a lodge
will also wither and die. where the officers “own” the work and it becomes amazing. They
pause to emphasize certain points, they use “tone” & “inflection” in
For there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for
evermore. their voice, they understand there is a deeper meaning and how
words work together. When lodges “own” their work, it makes for a
This is God commanding that where brethren dwell in unity, they
are blessed with life forevermore. The way I see it, to God there is better lodge experience not just for the brothers of that lodge but
enough spiritual importance to dwelling in unity, that He attributed to the brothers who visit that lodge. Who does not want a better
a cosmic perk to it. I am sure Biblical scholars the world over would lodge experience? I for one visit a lodge more when they own the


ritual as opposed to the lodges that do not. So, I urge you all to work. I want to see who “Owns” it. The winners will be recognized
work to “own” your ritual. at the next Annual Communication with Plaques awarded to the
winners. I will be hosting a virtual Q&A soon. The State
Speaking of owning the ritual, this last Saturday, the district eight
Symbolic Lodge Officers Council (SLOC) hosted the Torchlight competitions will be held during the Team meeting next April. I will
Fellowcraft Degree at the Masonic Family Park. The lodge was make sure dates & time are announced at the virtual Q&A.
opened by Daylight Lodge #232 where five brothers were passed to That is all I have for now my dear Brothers. I hope to see you all
the degree of a Fellowcraft. The Worshipful Master led a fine crew during my travels and I look forward to sharing a better lodge
of officers that did a fine job. Later that night, Daylight brought us experience with you soon.
back from refreshment in the twilight hours to Pass three more
brothers with a conferring team made up mostly of our Grand Be well & stay safe……….
Lodge elected & appointed officers. Our Grand Master was the Sr.
Deacon for the conferral who “owned” the Circumambulation. The VW Larry D Foley, Grand Lecturer
conferring Master, Damion Stephen Crystal #122, “owned” the
conferral. The Stewards and Deacons “owned” their floor work. But
the most impressive team was VW Clayton LaVainge, Assistant WB Joey Ignacio, Grand Orator
Grand Secretary, WB Dean Willard-Daylight #232 & VW Sam Ali- Audio of article
Daylight #232 who also beat your current Grand Lecturer in our SW I am so proud to be part of this fraternal organization, the largest,
Competition way back in 2014. Clayton performed the Middle oldest and richest fraternal organization in the world. Fraternal
Chamber Lecturer, Dean, the “G” lecturer with Sam doing the members have included Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Politicians,
Charge. Talk about “owning” the work! It was as smooth & Generals and many more. The first President of the United States was a
effortless as I have ever seen, and I was in Awe. Thank you to all the Freemason, President George Washington. There were fourteen
brothers who made this degree and the whole day a huge success presidents of the United States that were Freemasons. Nine of the
while making a better lodge experience. fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence were Freemasons.
Thirteen of the Thirty-nine signers of the Constitution of the United
Lastly, I would like to remind all the brethren of our Ritual
Competition coming soon to your district. States were Freemasons. Freemasons played a big role in uniting this
There are three (3) different competitions with the traditional SW We are the successor of this great Fraternal Organization. We must
competition open to new SW’s only. There is an Individual
own it, embrace it and live the Masonic life to the fullest. The future of
competition open to FC & MM’s. This will include the Apron, “G” & Freemasonry is in our hands. Let us change the old habits that created
Closing Charge lecturers. Finally, the Team competition will consist
negativity to out fraternity and create new ones that will help build our
of a WM, SW, JW, SD, and JD. These brothers need to be from the great Fraternal Organization ones again. We must guard the west gate,
same district. Along with the usual judging of miss/add words, I will to ensure that good men who seek self improvement are the ones
be focusing on who “owns” the work. Meaning extra points will be admitted and help them build with moral character.
given if there is excellent Tone, Inflection, hand movements, floor


May we continue to have that strong desire to make a difference in Yet, somewhere along the line, at least in the United States, we
this world, to lead by example, to practice Humility and Integrity, and lost that tradition of song. Do we need to bring it back? Yes! We
to act wisely and righteously! May we become an instrument of peace need to create a New Evolving Musical Tradition for our
to everyone even in the most difficult times, to love and serve God and ceremonies, rituals, education, retention and procurement of new
his creation with our Aprons spotless and unblemished so we may Brothers. This will reset or begin a new gospel of a Holistic Musical
enjoy the happy reflection consequent on a well spent life and die in Masonic Movement.
the hope of a glorious immortality.
Strategically incorporating and playing songs by any form of media
WB Joey Ignacio, Grand Orator. medium for the enjoyment and nourishment of our older and
younger Brothers is needed. This is especially true when using music
to focus on the procurement of new young, successful, educated
WB Ricardo “Rico” and esoterically hungry potential Brothers. I believe thru music,
Barrientes, Grand Musician targeted events and technology we can attract these men and their
Audio of article Therefore, I am asking all Past Grand Musicians, Lodge Musicians
and all Musicians of our Masonic Family to participate in this
Visionary Work of creating a new Holistic Musical Masonic
Tradition. More especially, I am asking the Centralia Masonic
David’s Lyre, Solomon’s Song & Ricardo’s Guitar Temple Board and the Worshipful Master of Centralia Lodge No.63
Traditions are important in our lives and provide many to expedite the outline I submitted many months ago to update the
benefits. We intentionally create and continue traditions because Technology of our Lodge. Hence, “it be” the Flag Ship of this new
they provide a sense of belonging and meaning to our lives.
gospel of the Holistic Musical Masonic Movement.
Family rituals nurture connection and give us comfort. Familial
culture is also passed down from generation to generation and My Sincere Gratitude’s to MWGM Cameron Bailey for appointing
this means that it is both shared and learned. It is shared me his Grand Musician. Thank you Kindly, Brothers. (I give credit to
because as a family grows, new generations are introduced to Wikipedia and Emeth).
traditional family practices and then it becomes a routine to that In Your Service,
new generation.
W Ricardo Rico Barrientes, Grand Musician, GL MVS & Tech
Traditions are created by a number of interrelated ideas; an Committee Man
unifying tradition refers to beliefs, objects or customs performed 360-523-4197
or believed in the past, originating in it, transmitted through time [email protected]
by being taught by one generation to the next, and are
performed or believed in the present.


VW David Burn, DGMD 02 understand our Fraternity and participate more fully in its future. To
Audio of article “Live the Legend”, you must first understand it.
Here in District 2 it has been an unusually busy summer. Since
Grand Lodge, through July, we have initiated five candidates and VW David Burn, Deputy of the Grand Master in District No. 2
raised a Master Mason and there is more degree work scheduled
for August. My sense is that our Grand Master’s charge to “Guard
the West Gate” is being heeded. I am pleased with the investigation VW Charles Hadrann, DGMD 04
processes ongoing and more especially with the work of our Lodges Audio of article
to maintain prospect interest. Sometimes for many months, until An Inquiry into the Ancient Origins of the Seven Liberal Arts and
we were able to actually begin floor work again. Ashler Lodge #121 Sciences
developed its own Six Step program via Zoom and the prospects

who attended those sessions not only were better prepared for the
membership process, but they were well educated in the history of The Fellow Craft Degree has a section of one my favorite subjects
the Craft and their Lodge in particular. that I have used for many years, “The Seven Liberal Arts and
The District 2 Resource Team, which we refer to as the Ed.Team, is Sciences”. It may be thought that these “Arts” are of recent
busy planning workshops for the officers of our Lodges. Saturday invention, it may come as a surprise that this method of teaching
ritual practices will begin in the fall and we are working on our has been used for thousands of years.
annual Leadership Retreat, which combines Lodge management While I was the Genealogist and Historian for the Irish Heritage Club
training with fellowship, allowing officers from our various Lodges here in Seattle, giving presentations and lectures at the Seattle
to get to know each other, exchange ideas and promote District Center for Irish Week, my researches gave reference to Saint Isidore
visitations. of Seville, author of an Encyclopedia Dictionary known as “The

Our 6 District Youth Groups have remained active throughout the Etymologiae”.
Covid “lock down”, thanks to the enthusiasm of its members and My reference books are as follows; “Isidore of Seville: The Medical
the untiring and creative efforts of its adult leaders. Writings, An English Translation with an Introduction and
Finally, I was reminded recently of the danger to the Craft if we Commentary”, by William D. Sharpe M.D., and “Isidore of Seville on
move candidates through the degrees too quickly. The lessons of the Pagan Gods”, by Katherine Nell MacFarlane, Assistant Professor
each degree are cumulative. They need to be thoroughly explained of Classics, Ohio University.
to be truly understood. We can show an EA how to use a 24 Inch St. Isidore was born about the year 560 A.D./C.E. (Common Era)
Gauge and a Common Gavel, but we cannot manage their time for and his family moved to Seville, possibly escaping the invasion of
them, nor build their Spiritual Temple for them. Coaches have an the troops of Justinian into Southern Spain. The Roman Empire had
opportunity to communicate those messages and in so doing, we been collapsing for some time, being divided, reunited, and divided
may be better insured of members who will better embrace and again into the Western Roman Empire with Rome as its seat of


power and the Eastern Roman Empire with Byzantium, to be highly respected both for his eloquence and for his learning, and he
renamed Constantinople, as its center of power. enjoyed the personal friendship of King Sisebut.
To gain insight into the deterioration of the Roman Empire, more In our Craft, “The Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences” are listed as
than a century before St. Isidore was born, Attila the Hun was at the such: Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, and
gates of Rome with his vast army. A delegation was sent to send Astronomy.
him away, stating that if he and his army didn’t depart, Rome’s best
Any encyclopedia is based upon previous knowledge, usually
Legions, especially the 10th Legion, would come and do battle and accumulated over centuries, and St. Isidore’s Etymologiae was no
defeat him. Attila then motioned to some of his men, who different.
deposited the Banners and Eagle Standards of the Legions just
mentioned, “You mean these Legions”, Attila replied, “I already In his introduction of St. Isidore, Dr. William D. Sharpe lays out in
defeated your Legions”. The delegation now tried to come to terms great detail the works of this Spanish scholar, who used both Pagan
by paying tribute or ransom for Attila to leave Rome untouched, to and Christian sources. Isidore’s Encyclopedia Dictionary was divided
which Attila told them “We are here to free our people and others and organized into 20 volumes, “Book I deals with grammar and it’s
from slavery and to take your wealth”, the delegation now pleaded various subdivisions, Book II with rhetoric and dialectic, Book III with
and exclaimed, “What will you leave us”? Attila replied, “Your lives”. mathematics: arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy, Book IV
deals with medicine, Book V considers laws and instruments of
The situation of the Western Roman Empire in St. Isidore’s time judgment, and units of time”. For our inquiry, these first five books
did not fare any better, with invading and plundering Germanic suit our purpose.
tribes, the Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Vandals, and Franks, Rome was
never to be the same. The Ancients used 14 divisions of time or “units”, long is disuse,
from the micro to the macro, from the smallest particles to the
Isidore was the youngest of four children and when Isidore was expansion of an age.
still very young, his parents died and passed onto the next world.
His oldest brother was almost twenty years his senior and raised his The next issue of the Masonic Tribune, I will write how time was
siblings, already being a monk when the family moved to Seville. measured by the Ancients, where St. Isidore’s sources are examined
The oldest brother was named Leander, who made sure that his two and compared to another ancient source.
younger brothers and sister received a good education, and “who As always, best regards.
took a direct hand in” as such. It is no wonder later that Leander
was to become the bishop of Seville and the foremost religious VW Charles Hadrann, Deputy of the Grand Master in District No. 4
leader of Spain, while Isidore’s brother Fulgentius, became the
bishop of Astigi, and his sister Florentia became a nun.
VW Dean Markley, DGMD 07
After the death of Leander in 599 A.D./C.E., Isidore would succeed
his brother to the episcopal see of Seville. At the time Spain was Audio of article
enjoying an interval of peace and a minor renaissance, Isidore was Has the time come for your lodge to rebrand itself? One of the
Lodges in District 7 has done just that. They took the time to


rebrand themselves. I would like to share the outcome of the i. Not all topics are suitable for Stated
rebranding process used at that Lodge. Communication programs
1. They wanted to honor a great Mason. So they have ii. For certain topics, attendance might be
renamed the Lodge from Mercer Island to Dean LeClare restricted to Brothers of a certain degree
Quigley Lodge at Mercer Island No. 297. iii. Certain topics are suitable for non-Masonic
2. Changed their start time and committed to shorter business Visitors
meetings, which are to be followed by fellowship Table b. The education topic should be scheduled and
Lodge or dinner discussion with a topic of Masonic published well in advance of an upcoming meeting.
education. In some cases pre-reads might be distributed.
3. For the rebranding process they met at the home of one of c. Topics for consideration:
the Brothers where a fabulous dinner was prepared. After i. Meaning of ritual.
dinner the group was divided into two smaller groups. ii. Spiritual, Esoteric and Symbology.
These smaller groups entertained a question: What kind of iii. Procedural, Lodge Officers Handbook and
Lodge do we want to be?” Here were the topics discussed: Delivery of the Ritual.
a. Social iv. History of Masonry.
b. Ritualistic
c. Historical Updates to, or compliance with, the Washington Masonic Code
d. Charitable was discussed and the Brothers agreed that topics related to the
e. Esoteric Code falls short of Masonic education and are better categorized as
f. Educational Masonic training. The best Masonic education is rooted in our ritual
4. The two groups came back together to share and discuss while providing real world guidance on how good men become
their findings. better.
5. They came up with a Mission Statement and Keys to Success
in moving their Lodge forward. I hope this rebranding of Dean LeClare Quigley Lodge at Mercer
6. Educational Programs was a key topic of conversation and Island No. 297 in District 7 gives you some ideas on how to make
was considered the most important for the future success your Lodge better.
of their Lodge. General reference points:
a. All forms of education should be considered as VW Dean Markley, Deputy of the Grand Master in District No. 7
opportunities to better align with the attendees.


VW Kurt Gazowy, DGMD 10 befriend and relieve our Brethren; to whisper wise council to a

Audio of article Brother when they may need it; to defend our Brothers character.
“Do Good Unto All” Yet further, Brothers, does our Charge inspire us to reach out in
service of our communities, reminding us that “these generous
When I took my first step as an Entered Apprentice Mason, it was
principals extend further, for every human being has a claim upon
in District 19 (Rule 3!) at North Bank Lodge No. 182 in Washougal,
your kind offices. Do good unto all.”
Washington. Our Lodge met on Monday evenings, and I felt lucky
to kick off my week in fellowship with my brothers. In 2014 I This admonishment, to ‘do good unto all’, is repeated throughout
relocated to Bellingham, Washington, and joined Bellingham Bay our Masonic teachings. One such place is in the Charge to the
Lodge No. 44. We currently meet on Friday evenings, and as such I Master, delivered upon his Installation. At that time, the Master of
feel fortunate to round out my week meeting in lodge with my a Lodge is reminded that when instructing the Brethren of his
Brethren. It’s fair to say I’m used to beginning and ending my weeks Lodge, he should:
with Masonry in my head, heart, and hands. For me, our Lodges
have truly been a sacred retreat of friendship and virtue. “Charge them to practice out of the Lodge those duties
which they have been taught in it; and, by amiable, virtuous
At each Lodge meeting, one element I look forward to is the
and discreet conduct, to convince mankind of the goodness
closing charge. This isn’t because it marks the end of our meetings;
of the Institution; so that, when a person is said to be a
far from it! There is so much meaning you can, and many have,
member of it, the world may know that he is one to whom
engage on significant study of just that brief section of our ritual. As
the burdened heart may pour out its sorrow; to whom
my Lodge meetings have a history of being at the beginning and end
distress may prefer its suit; whose hand is guided by
of my weeks, so has the Closing Charge often been the words I
justice, and whose heart is expanded by benevolence.”
heard to start my week, and that now prompt a reflection on the

days before. As I listen to the Charge, I think back to my week; amid
As we navigate our daily lives and consider our words, acts, and
those urgent concerns and employments, was I sure not to lose
deeds, and work to better exhibit the values of our Craft to our
sight of the duties so frequently inculcated in my Lodge? These
broader community, our Charges and Rituals remind all of us of our
words are instructive, and in many ways, a call to action for any
duty to tend, with care, to our Brothers, our friends, and our
neighbors. These challenging times leave many of those we care for,
There is a particular phrase in the Closing Charge that highlights, both in and out of Lodge, in need of a friendly word, a helping hand,
for me, a Masons call to engage with, and care for, our broader and perhaps in need of an act of kindness. Where we can consider
community. You’ll recall that while the Charge begins by reminding and tend to the betterment of all in our communities, so do we
us of our duties, to ourselves and to our Brethren; our duty to


better exhibit the tenants of our noble profession, particularly as we brothers stay for a few years, but eventually quit coming to the
extend generosity and service to others. meetings for fear of being obligated additional work. When I joined,
I was put on several committees, assigned to the temple board,
We are embarking on a new Masonic year, Brothers. In uncertain work projects and more. After a while I had to begin declining some
times, our Brotherhood and our Lodges provide a sacred retreat of work, which was difficult in itself to do. We all have to balance our
friendship and virtue. From this sacred space, we are charged not time between work, family and fraternal obligations (remember the
only to celebrate our brotherhood and ensure that we all learn and symbolic 24” gage about dividing our time). Most of these newer
brothers are at the age where they are raising a family, and time is a
grow, but to take that call to service, and share it to the broader
premium. I encourage those in charge to invite brothers to serve,
rather than to assign work. However, I recognize that in some cases
Be well, travel safely, and I’ll see you soon in Lodge. assignments are necessary, especially when the workings of the
Lodge are at stake. So please be sensitive to our brothers’ non-
fraternal life. I believe we can keep more brothers fraternally active
VW Kurt Gazow, Deputy of the Grand Master in District No. 10
by treating them with a little more sensitivity when soliciting work.

Those are my thoughts and report for now from District 11 on the
VW Pete Waldrip, DGMD 11 beautiful Olympic Peninsula.

Audio of article VW Pete Waldrip, Deputy of the Grand Master in District No. 11.
District 11 is finally up and running again, after being down over a
year. All but one of our Lodges has met several times by the writing
of this note, the one being dark over the summer. I have been able VW Don Downing, DGMD 13
to visit them and found some very happy Masons, as well as myself Audio of article
being happy. It is so good to see them again, gathering as before. BEST KEPT SECRET IN MASONARY
Some brothers have yet to return, but all the Lodges are well Brethren of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Washington, did
represented. The ritual work is a bit rough around the edges, but you know the “Best Kept Secret” in this Grand Jurisdiction? This
that can be expected after a year without practice and will improve jurisdiction has a Masonic Camping Club, Northwest Travelers #38.
with time. Most of the Lodges have been active on projects during
We are a group of Mason’s and affiliated concordance body
the shutdown. For example, Mount Olympus Lodge No. 298 in organizations that gather together with their families in a relaxing
Forks rebuilt the entire inside Lodge room, installing a new floor, atmosphere of camping, sightseeing, fun, playing a variety of fun
redecorated the three stations and more. It’s great to return and games, good fellowship, making new friends and of course lots of
we all look forward to a great year of brotherhood.
great food. NO green beans! The NCT (National Camping Travelers)
Here is a friendly word of advice concerning our newer brothers. I was founded in 1966 and has since expanded throughout the United
have experienced and observed new brothers being tasked with States and Canada. As a member of NCT you have opportunity of
work that may become overly burdensome for them. These networking in other jurisdictions throughout North America. NCT is


divided into districts, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and California is We are sure you and your family will truly find Masonic hospitality
in District 10. We meet from April thru October at various RV parks in NCT/NWT, fraternal warmth and a genuine call from labor to
thru out the state at scheduled campouts. November thru March refreshment. We invite you to come to one of our campouts or
we meet once a month at a selected location to have fellowship and winter monthly luncheon meetings and check us out. All you need
discuss future campout locations. is the information when and where we hold our campouts and
Our camping club consists of a Master of Travel, a Wagon Master,
Secretary, Treasurer and Chaplain. The Master of Travel is like the For more information contact:
Worshipful Master of a Lodge. The Wagon Master selects or Wagon Master Master of Travel
suggests the locations for our campouts for the next year with input Frank Rinehart Merle Smith
from the group. The Secretary records the minutes, sends out [email protected] [email protected]
birthday, anniversary, get well and sympathy cards to the members, 206 930-5171 206 819-3055
the Treasurer keeps track of the club's funds. An audit is completed
annually by 3 Masons and is submitted to National. We also VW Don Downing Deputy of the Grand Master in District No. 13
contribute to a philanthropic organization of the groups choosing.
We currently have 22 registered members and 6 associate
members. At any campout we usually have 8-12 rigs (16 to 20 VW Mark Conlee, DGMD 15
people.) We also look for campgrounds that have cabins on the Audio of article
premise or hotels/motels nearby.

District 15 has returned to in-person meetings and is busy dealing
with the men who inquired about Freemasonry during the pandemic.
We expect that we will be doing multiple degrees soon and will be
welcoming several new Brothers into our Fraternity.

The prospect of adding new members to our Lodges has reminded
me of an issue I have seen in Lodges over the years. It is the issue of
the burnout and loss of the “Go to Guy”.
The process goes like this. We initiate a new member and he
progresses through the Degrees. He is excited with the newness of the
Fraternity and wants to participate in the activities. We ask him to take
All you have to do to join the campouts is to have a recreational parts in multiple degrees, to serve on committees, and to help on work
vehicle, travel trailer, motor home and/or camper, tent campers are parties, etc. After all, he is the “Go To Guy” who never says “No” when
also welcome, just ask for an application to join. we need someone to fill a spot or help out with a project. Often, we ask
Yearly dues are $35 which includes an informational magazine News him to serve as an officer. We are eager to have him advance through
to Campers. the chairs and become Worshipful Master. If he questions or objects


to the speed of his advancement, we tell him he will be “just fine”. VW David Rice, DGMD 19
We may ask him to join other Masonic bodies to “complete his Audio of article
Masonic education”. We elect him to the Temple Board.
Over time, we find he is becoming less and less active. He often
does not show up or complete tasks he has agreed to. Many times, We read in First Corinthians 13:13 – “….the greatest of these is
he declines to accept election to the South. We wonder why he is
charity.” And so we as Masons are charitable. And charity can be
now backing away from commitments to the Lodge. If asked, he defined as” the voluntary giving”. Giving of what? Well, typically,
will cite work conflicts or family obligations. In reality, he in burned the first thought is money, but this is certainly not the only thing.
out on the amount of time and effort he is spending at the Lodge. Charity comes in many different sizes, character, and descriptions
He does not feel he has been properly prepared to assume the from a variety of sources.
responsibility of office and does not have the time to properly learn
the ritual parts he has been pushed into. In the extreme case, he Quite possibly, the most charitable Masonic organization is the
will completely drop out of participation and will, after a year or Shrine. For certain, it’s probably the most visible and for good
two, be dropped as NPD. He has changed from a “Go to Guy” to the reason. Their contribution to medical assistance is widely known
“Oh yeah, I remember him” Guy. and indeed charitable. Here in Washington Shriners contribute to
their centers in Spokane and across the Columbia in Portland OR;
We can avoid this problem by more carefully monitoring the not just in money but time and effort. You can witness that Shrine
amount of effort we ask of our new brethren. This might look like Clowns voluntarily visit these centers (discounting the recent Covid-
limiting him to one or two committee(s), not five. Have his Coach 19 pandemic) to pick up the spirits of patients as well as employees
who helped him through his Proficiency continue to assist him in at the centers. This is without a doubt “voluntary giving”.
learning an officer’s part. Instead of placing him in an office, have
him learn Monitorial parts like Working Tools, Apron Lecture, and / Other Masonic bodies have their charitable targets as well. The
or Charges etc. Give him some time by starting him as Chaplain, Scottish Rite has a childhood language program. The York Rite
Marshal or as a Steward rather than as a Deacon. Suggest he spend bodies sponsor auditory, medical research, and eyesight programs.
time in the Blue Lodge before moving on to other Masonic The Order of Eastern Star supports a variety of worthy charities, e.g.
Organizations. OES Service Dogs. The list goes on and on.

With the number of inquiries we have, we should have several And then there are charitable activities that go relatively
new members in the coming months. Let them develop slowly unnoticed. Brother Scott Keller (Tigard-Orenomah Lodge #207 OR)
within the Lodge and become long term active members. Spread happened upon a food distributor and organized a massive food box
the work to multiple members and develop all of them as long-term program in Battle Ground WA in the early Fall of 2020. He
active members of your Lodge. contacted the Grand Secretary of WA Grand Lodge who notified VW
David Rice (DoGM District 19 WA& Washington # 4). Arrangements
VW Mark Conlee, Deputy of the Grand Master in District 15 were made to pick up food boxes on a weekly basis for distribution
to the needy.


Things got a little interesting as most resource centers, e.g.
churches, food centers, etc., either could not or would not accept
outside donations due to Covid restrictions. Reaching across the
Columbia River, VW David contacted WB Greg O’Neal (Corvallis
Lodge # 14 OR) – ah, the universality of Masonry - who was able to
identify victims of the massive forest fires in southern and central
OR and others who were desperate for assistance. Brothers around
the Corvallis OR area helped deliver these boxes once transported
down from Battle Ground WA. Every weekend over two months this

worked exceptionally well, until those victims and others finally got Brother Scott Keller and his lady, Jennifer
back on their feet.

In the meantime, families were being identified in the SW Yes, charity does indeed come in many different sizes, character,
Washington area that were in need. WB James Bebee (North Bank and descriptions. And we can thank the Almighty Artificer of the
Lodge # 182) and his lady, Nancy, along with Brother Matt Quinlan Universe for giving us, as Masons, the desire and ability to provide
(Washington Lodge # 4) and his lady, Kaci as well as VW David’s this wherever and whenever we can. SMIB!
lady, Margot, were very much actively involved in the distribution of
nearly 1,000 food boxes. Some families were so smitten that it VW David Rice, Deputy of the Grand Master in District No. 19
wasn’t unusual to see their hearts so warmed that their eyes would
VW Luis Ojeda, DGMD 23
Brother Scott’s program came to an end in late Spring of 2021.
Notably, he was named Battle Ground’s Citizen of the Year for his Audio of article
efforts. Nearly 300,000 tons of food (that’s over 500,000 plates)
was distributed. As one person stated, “There would be so many Charity Begins at Home.

more hungry people if it weren’t for Scott.” The program ended in In life, we all are asked to give of our hard earned money to our
late Spring of 2021 – but Brother Scott found another source and favorite charities…but have you considered giving to your Home
food box distribution continues through the Summer.
I understand that giving to your personal Lodge is not tax
deductible, but it will leave a lasting legacy where future
generations of Masons can come and do their work as you did from
the day you became an Entered Apprentice.

In this month’s Tribune I want bring up a very personal
topic…giving. Blue Lodge and its future is very near and dear to my


I want to make sure that future generations are able to enjoy Zoom allows multiple prospects to share their answer to that
something bigger than all of us. question which may clarify things a bit for others.
I have made it no secret that I love being a part of something that My purpose here, though, is a bit more direct. How exactly do I
will outlive every one of us and that is Freemasonry. set up a Zoom session to be used in a Lodge meeting? My day job is
a high school teacher. I spent the last year teaching first all Zoom
I also believe what Freemasonry has been able to accomplish in its
history has been totally amazing. The men that have walked then a combination of students in class and via Zoom. Doing the
latter is actually not that complicated. Here are some things to
through your Lodge doors and the lifelong friendships that we have
made are truly priceless. think about as we prepare for steadfast resumption of Masonic
duties this fall. By the way, I use Zoom generically to indicate a web
In conclusion, when thinking about your personal giving, don’t meeting hosting platform. There are others if Zoom is not your cup
forget how you made yourself a better man, a Legendary Man. of tea.
I would love for generations to enjoy what we all have We’ll call this the Zoom station. Have a table large enough to hold
experienced as Freemasons and it’s up to us to leave our Blue a TV, laptop, and mouse as well as a chair for the Virtual Officer
Lodges better than we found them. (VO). A logical place of the station is in the West just inside the
Tyler’s post. TV should face the East and be visible for all Brethren.
May Brotherly Love Prevail…our Lodges depend on it.
I recommend TV with minimum viewing screen of 48”. Off to a side
VW Luis Ojeda, Deputy of the Grand Master in District 23 of the TV on the table is the laptop. Laptop screen does not need to
be visible to the Lodge as it is controlled by the VO. USB external
mouse and pad is much easier to control than touch pad on laptop
VW Bill Bialozor, DGMD 27 but that is based on the comfort level of the VO. Connect the

Audio of article laptop to the TV via HDMI cable. You will also need a Webcam and
tripod. You can get a fairly high quality wide angle business

webcam with built in speakers for between $40 and $80. Webcam
Physically Setting up Zoom Meetings
connects to the laptop via USB cable which will come with the
Over the past 18 months, we have discussed the pros and cons of webcam. Tripods are only about $25. I do recommend you put the
Zoom meetings for our Masonic purposes. There are great webcam on a tripod because the VO can rotate it around to focus
opportunities to engage all our Brothers and prospects in a variety on whoever happens to be addressing the Lodge at any given time.
of settings. I have been part of some wonderful Masonic VO will see the Lodge picture on his laptop. With a tripod off to the
educational programs. It is also a great way to connect with side of the TV table to be able to pan the whole Lodge room. The
multiple prospects as part of the Six Step Process to Initiation. I was Lodge members are watching the TV and the VO is watching the
at a meet and greet about a week ago. One candidate was asked laptop screen. Quality built-in webcam speakers and microphones
the standard “what is your interest in Freemasonry?” question and are actually pretty good. They are designed to be used in business
he said he was not quite sure. A group gathering particularly using settings. However, you may need to buy a pair of external speakers


that also plug into the laptop. Test fire the webcam first before Despite the hardship we all have had to endure with the last 18
buying speakers. months, brothers have kept in touch with phone calls, Zoom
meetings, social media, and other ways of sharing Brotherly love,
Virtual Officer obviously can be whomever the Worshipful Master
designates. There is some logic to the Tyler being the VO. Our Tyler relief, and truth.
guards the West physically and virtually. Set up you Zoom meeting Summer has been a time of degree work in District 29, and one in
so that people entering automatically enter a virtual waiting room. particular has truly embraced the Grand Master’s theme of “Live
Let them know they must be patient. When the Lodge completes the Legend.” On June 29 at Paul Revere Lodge #205, Dakota Lane
opening and invites the Tyler to tile from within, he takes his place was initiated as the newest EAM of the lodge. The significance is
at the station and invites everyone in the waiting room into the that his father, WB Jeff Lane is the Master of the lodge. Attending
meeting. If a Zoom member has something to say, they click their this ceremony was his grandfather, Illustrious Sir Don Lane, Nile
“raise hand” icon and the Tyler raises his hand (or stands each time) Shrine and Aurora Lodge #201, and his great-grandfather WB Gene
on behalf of the virtually Brother. Lane of Paul Revere #205. What an honor it was for all to be present
on the initiation of a fourth generation Mason! It was a great night
As with everything in life, changes take time, practice, and
patience. It did not take long for my students to adjust to our new of fellowship as many brothers throughout the district traveled to
world and I am sure the Brethren will adapt. I believe there will also Othello for such an amazing event. Also present was VWB IS Jon
be a session at the Lodge Leadership Retreat on how to conduct Lind of District 30, PP of El Katif Shrine.
Zoom meetings. I am guessing you can get all the technology pieces Several of the lodges in our bright district have men knocking on
I mentioned for under $500 minus the laptop. If your Lodge needs a the door and asking about Freemasonry. There are good men out
laptop type device dedicated to just the station, you can get a there seeking light, knocking on the door a waiting for it to be
Chrome book for under $200. Given that you can Zoom in via cell opened to them. Moses Lake Lodge #174 had a good turnout at the
phone or laptop from anywhere in the world, imagine the positive “Meet a Mason” open house in June. In fact, petitions went home
aspects to our meetings if we make this transition. “If you built it, with some good men who are seeking membership to our fine craft.
they will come!” a quote from the movie Field of Dreams. July 29 saw Paul Revere #205 pass Brother Mark Cameron from EA
to FC. Through the use of social media and chat groups, assistance
VW Bill Bialozor, Deputy of the Grand Master, District 27 was once again rendered by brothers of District 29. Through strong
ties in the state, Brothers from of District #26 assisted with the
degree work, and also brought a brother as well that was passed
VW Justin D. Rowland, DGMD 29 that very same night from EA to FC. Masonry at work, brothers
helping brothers! Also good to visit with one another from different
Audio of article
Greetings from District 29!
The final stages of the moratorium in Washington State have seen Almria #120 recently had a brother prove up on his MM, and two
lodges opening once again for meetings. Masonry and fellowship is EAs are awaiting their FC later this fall. Odessa #156 was in need of
very much alive and growing in the bread basket of our State. conferring a 3 Degree, however, their lodge having construction


done they were in need of a lodge. Moses Lake #174 opened its VW Jon Lind, DGMD 30
doors, and on August 17 a courtesy degree was performed by the Audio of article
brethren of #120, and visiting brothers from Pasco Lodge as well.
The kicker? The brother who received his FC in Othello was also My goodness, the first half of 2021 sure has whizzed by. District 30
raised MM that night in Moses Lake! Lodges are working on summer activities and thinking about what
they can accomplish in 2021 that eluded them in 2020. It sure has a
August 7 was the friends and family BBQ in Ritzville at the good feel to be back with our peers and doing activities that were
WAWG building. The five lodges that compose of our district all not possible last year.
pitched in with BBQ, sides, dessert, rental, and more! It was a great
way to all be together again after such a long time apart, meet I hope we really take Long-Range-Planning seriously right away.
everyone’s families, and invite those that have sought out petitions While discussing how to get that old energy back with one of our
for the lodges, or are interested in Masonry. It’s also important to Worshipful Masters recently, I found he was a little discouraged
note that this is a time to celebrate the families of our brothers; that everyone doesn’t share the same drive as he (WM)feels. I
wives tend to become evening widows, losing their husband for asked him if his Lodge membership has a sense of their true
evening meetings or special weekend degree work. It is a strong mission? (This is a great place to start by the way.)As members we
family backbone that supports our brothers throughout the lodges. often assume all members have the same goals the Lodge. But that
We are grateful, and we say thank you. is likely not the case. How about brainstorming a life history for our
Lodge; sort of like obituaries we see in news publications for
In District 29 we have a motto – “The Light Will Always Shine in deceased citizens. For example, when was our Lodge born? Why
District 29”. Light is so very important to our daily lives, and also our were it started and how many shared the event? What were their
Masonic lives. As we go through the first three degrees we seek accomplishments? What did individuals contribute to the successes
light, more light, and then further light. We are hungry and seeking and what motivated them? How did the brothers communicate
out light. We must be the example to the world of what Masonry is back then; telephone, email, FB, Zoom?
about. By squaring our actions, people will see the good character
Hmmm, you know, all those communication mediums were
of men in the lodges, and then likely will want to join. The last 18
months have left people seeking a place of belonging, somewhere science fiction way back then. Our long-passed brothers either
they can be with people of similar values and understanding. I am walked or rode horses to get their tasks done quickly and never
reminded of a song from my youth that had me thinking of those talked on the phone. Snail mail was really “Snail” back then! My
that are knocking at our doors seeking light; goodness, how did they make all those decisions and get the
support of Masons far away to get their new Lodge started? Why
Make 'em wonder what you've got did they want to start their new Lodge? Did they have and share
common goals? Later, as their new Lodge began to grow, they may
Make 'em wish that they were not
On the outside, looking bored” have realized how wonderful it was to come together and talk of
common problems and really look forward to their next meeting
VW Justin D. Rowland, Deputy of the Grand Master in District No. 29 even though distances were often very great. Some old members
used to hitch rides and even ride the daily train to and from Lodge


meetings. Very few had automobiles, never mind the huge cost of A final note: Be sure to read the August message composed by VW
owning one. In short, this may be a process to start our members Justin Rowland in District 29. A Lodge in his District, Paul Revere in
thinking how lucky we are today with all the communication Othello, just initiated a fourth generation Mason! What a fantastic
mediums at our fingertips and how quickly we can make decisions event! I was fortunate to participate in this and it was very moving
and work out a plan for some task. .All family members in the legacy participated. Masons from all over
Eastern and Central Washington, plus a great brother from North
Next, a topic that we seem to avoid discussing is, “How long will
Idaho, sidelined, and had parts, in this historic event. Cheers.
our Lodge survive at the current rate of decline?” I will bet that this
will stimulate thoughts on what must be done to reverse our Lodge VW Jon Lind, Deputy of the Grand Master in District No. 30
death. Hopefully, now we can get down to real planning, short and
long range. The ideas will flow freely and very soon after combining
some and discarding others we will have a simple roadmap. Even VW Jeremy Yielding, Leadership Training
more importantly, determining how to share ourselves with our Audio of article
communities and take part in most activities. Our fellow citizens will
take notice of our efforts. With luck they may assist us in our many The Leadership Training Committee is already at work preparing
charities. We will work on this topic later as we resume our Labors. for the Leadership Retreat – which, pandemic permitting, we are
How many of you have heard of Emeth? This is one of the most determined to hold in person in Wenatchee, March 18-20, 2022.
exciting opportunities I have experienced in Freemasonry. It is a The last couple of years have taught some valuable lessons about
forum available to us on email; it was established and is hosted by technology, about the need for interpersonal connection, and about
our Grand Master MW Cameron Bailey. Almost every day ideas are ourselves. We’ve been shown that adaptability, flexibility,
shared for us to think about and comment on. We may have communication and proper planning are the keys to our success.
casually discussed these items but not seriously as a group. Some We also understand that nothing happens without focused effort.
examples are, “what to do about possible petitioners that aren’t We began the Masonic year by offering the chance to provide
fluent in English”, or “should Lodges go dark in the summer”, or input on the level of interest for each of the classes offered. The
“separating the secretary/treasurer positions” or “family survey, which is still open, can be accessed at the following link (cut
participation”, etc. We are encouraged to share our thoughts and and paste into your browser):
hopefully receive feedback or at least encourage new thoughts from
others. I do not know how many topics have been given us so far
The early indications are that many of you are attending or have an
but the opportunity to freely discuss them is fabulous and very
simple. It is easy to join Emeth and get started for a small, per interest in attending the Lodge Leadership retreat. Excellent!
We’re excited to see everyone next March! We asked folks to
person, fee that is charged to help defray the costs for hosting the
forum. I bet you will like it. Get started by searching for Emeth on choose their top 10 classes that they want to see at the Retreat –
Google or whatever platform you have. If this doesn’t work, contact and here are the results:
me and I will help set you on the road to Emeth!  Membership Retention


 Lead and Motivate Masons Charities’, ‘What’s on Your Trestle Board?’, and ‘Six Steps to
Initiation’ among others.
 Lodge Finances
The March Leadership Retreat will see the introduction of new
 Lodge Long Range Planning
classes. ‘Effective Hybrid Communications’ examines the best
 Ritual and Masonic Education practices and lessons learned after the rough and rugged pandemic
road of informal and formal Masonic communications over Zoom
 Beyond Six Steps
this past year. ‘Leads are for Closers’ will explain the process by
 The Elephant in the Room which leads are assigned from the Grand Lodge office out to the
districts and Lodges. The class will also discuss the commitments
 Effective Mentorship
that the Lodge needs to make in order to make the process
 Masonic Education Program successful - and so that they continue to receive more leads in the
future. Finally, all of the ‘Elected officers, Deputies, and
 What They DON'T Tell You About Being WM
Committeemen” class will explore what the Grand Lodge Team can
In light of these results, we’re looking at updating the schedule – do for your Lodge. We’ll cover what each of these entities do for us,
we want to be able to devote larger blocks of time to explore some what kind of help they provide, and how to ask for that assistance.
of these topics and ensure that some of the most popular classes
The committee is refining our existing classes – emphasizing
are offered more than once. We will keep the survey open to the interactivity and imparting knowledge, tips, tools, and techniques
end of September in case you haven’t had the opportunity to that will help the attendees to bring the lessons learned back to
participate yet.
their Lodges after the Retreat is finished. We’re also going to be
I was really pleased with our efforts to provide value and content emphasizing getting feedback on each of the classes so that we can
to the jurisdiction last year with the introduction of virtual classes. continue to improve.
We don’t want to lose the ability to provide that extra outreach. I’ve found that the discussion that occurs over the meals and in
We strongly believe that the information presented is valuable to
the hallways of the Leadership Retreat, the ability to meet up and
the Lodges. A reminder – we recorded our virtual instruction last coming leaders from throughout our jurisdiction has been a
year – the virtual classes we held last year are available in the right- fantastic opportunity to reset and re-energize my Masonic life. To
hand navigation pane of Grandview’s Seminars section.
stimulate that dialogue, we’re dedicating a couple of classes as a
We’ll continue to offer virtual classes this fall, with a class each discussion forum/best practices session. VWB Zane McCune has
month beginning in October and running through February. Please agreed to help facilitate the panels.
keep in mind that these classes are open to all members of the Speaking of the meals at the Retreat, RW Ed Woods has already
Grand Jurisdiction and cost nothing to attend. We’re tentatively
scheduling the virtual classes for the 3 Saturday of each month at confirmed one of our two anticipated guest speakers for the Friday
and Saturday night dinners. While I cannot announce the guest
10 a.m. Classes will include ‘Partnering with Washington Masonic
speakers yet, I am extremely excited about what we have in store
for attendees. We can confirm that we will be offering a Ladies

Program – and plan on having a mixed schedule with an offsite Trimming these bushes gives me time to think about many subjects.
activity in the afternoon on Saturday the 19 . On this day I was thinking about Freemasonry and how we hold
One of the concerns that always comes up about the Leadership ourselves to higher standards. Wondering how could I hold myself
Retreat is about the cost. You may not realize this, but the to a higher standard? Then I had a fleeting thought of who will know
Leadership Retreat is revenue neutral and not provided for in the if I do or not?
Grand Lodge budget each year. We pay for the Retreat, the meals,
At that very moment of that fleeting thought, I looked down at a
the conference center, the A/V equipment, the name badges, the log. Low and behold on the log was an eye in the log that someone
materials, supplies – everything – by the funds that we receive from
our registration. We continue to work with the hotels and had placed.
convention center to make it the best experience for the right price.
I would encourage Lodge sponsorship of brethren attending the
Leadership Retreat. If your Lodge supports the growth and
development of its officers, build the cost for attending the retreat
into your annual budget. Consider bunking with a brother from
your Lodge or from a nearby Lodge – there is a price break for
having a double occupied room rather than a single occupied room.
It is a great way to get to know someone and you’ll save your Lodge
some money.

More information about registration (including prices) and about
the Retreat in general will be forthcoming in November. We’ll keep
you updated as we move forward. Thank you for your support.

VW Jeremy Yielding, Chairman, Leadership Training

VW Dean Markley, Washington Masonic I saw this eye as an instant answer to my misplaced
Tribune thought. I would know. The “All Seeing Eye” would know.
How many times in our lives do we do something that is not
Audio of article
a higher thought or noble deed because no one is looking? If we get
Who is watching?
into the habit of lesser thoughts they would over take us. But by
One day while working for King County Parks, I was
continually practicing those higher thoughts or noble deeds we
trimming bushes along one of the trails in the Cedar River District.
would become those better men not worry about who is watching.


able to openly communicate with us and likewise want to know how
Fraternally, to continue their journey in our Masonic bodies.
Just recently, I attended a majority service for three DeMolay
VW Dean Markley, Chairman Washington Masonic Tribune brothers, at the remarks, I spoke about all the great service that
they had done in their time as DeMolay’s and asked them if they
plan to continue being of service to their community. Of course was
the answer all three gave, it is service or charity that each of us, as
WB Brian Wheeler, Youth Committee Masons, make a difference in our communities. After the meeting
one of the youth thanked me for the comments and indicated that
Audio of article he would reach out to a lodge to start this journey in our fraternity.
Let me start by bringing you back to the first time you came to the
Start the open lines of Communications with our youth is all we
Lodge. Do you remember how you felt during that visit with the
brothers of the lodge? Now, I would like to take you back even can do to make them part of our future. They need to see we are
further, do you remember being in high school? Of course you do, not the old women/men of the concordant bodies, we have fun, we
were you the outgoing person or the one who was more reserved in like to play all kinds of different games, we like to watch movies, we
nature? Either way, you needed help to connect with others, it was play sports, we read books, we talk to each other and have a laugh.
a two-way street, you needed to either start the conversation or We are the youth of yesterday and someone else’s future; together
answer the call to connect. we will make the world a better place!
Thank you Most Worshipful Brother Cameron Bailey for giving me
It has been said many times that the youth are our future, well
that time is now and the Grand Lodge Youth committee has been the honor of serving this Grand Lodge and supporting our future! I
working on helping the lodges or concordant bodies in connecting and the fellow committee men are already taking up the charge
with the youth. Over the last year we have developed five focus “For every human has a claim upon your kind office“. Let us all
points that we feel will help. These are Communication, Education, spread the cement a brotherly love, and Open the lines of
Support, Recognition and Retention. We feel any lodge or Mason Communications!
that use the five focus points will help them develop relationships
WB Brian Wheeler, Youth Committee Chair
that will help start the process of connecting with our youth and
continue the success of all parties.
We are starting with opening the doors to Communication by
asking each lodge to send one Master Mason to each of the youth Grand View
group meetings, twice a year within their district. We ask that this You are able to access your Masonic record, communicate
Mason wear his apron as an outward symbol of his pride in our with your Lodge, edit your own information, register for
fraternal organizations. As the youth see the Masons as a friendly
seminars, and more. Check it out!
face at more of their meetings and functions, they will feel more


If you have not yet registered, you will need to create your own Please keep in mind that the Grand Lodge office is not able to
Member Portal Account by clicking on the CREATE A MEMBER create your account for you nor do we have access to your
PORTAL ACCOUNT link below and following the steps to assign a password. If you are having trouble logging in once you have
CASE SENSITIVE username and password. Your old Grand Lodge created an account, please use the “Forgot your password” link
Credentials does NOT work on the new Grand View Member Portal.
There are different levels of access such as member, secretary, found directly under the login section. If you have found a mistake in
Lodge officer, District Deputy, and various levels of Grand Lodge. your history or member information that you are unable to update
yourself, please contact the Grand Lodge office. Grand Lodge of Washington Office info:
The Membership Registration will look like this:
Phone: (253) 625-7891
Emails: [email protected]
[email protected]

Once you are activated, at the top of the page there are tabs that
you can select. My Portal has different areas to select.
1. “Feed” has news worthy information from Grand Lodge
2. “Events” shows a calendar.
3. “My Profile” gives you the opportunity to edit your profile.
4. “Virtual Card”: Temporary dues card (Not working)
5. “Grand Lodge”” information on Grand Lodge, committees,
boards, PGM
6. "Member Portal and Mobil App" Mobile App
7. “Seminars” This shows different meetings both past and future
Examples of past seminars / meetings that you can watch.

Lodge accounting & Dues Notices
Member Portal and Mobile App
If you do not know your membership number, check your dues Introduction to Grand View
card. You can contact your Secretary or Grand Lodge for assistance Secretary Forum
if needed. After the three fields are filled in, click on the “Check Six Steps with the Senior Grand Warden (parts 1, 2, 3)
Membership Status” blue button. This will take you to a sign on What they don’t tell you about being Worshipful Master
screen, where you can establish a password or reset your password. Leadership
Once, you have established your membership registration, here is Grandview Training for Secretaries
the link to sign in the future: Ritual and Masonic Education
Officer Protocol and Practices


Lead and Motivate Masons Lodges, I was told, used the 2nd Degree for most of their meetings.
Membership Retention Your essay, which included information about the For Get Me Not
Lodge Finances flower, brought back memories.

Maybe RWB Bailey would enjoy reading that his essay
touched an old mason.

Danny Beatty

Note: this letter was written before Grand Lodge annual

Danny Beatty, Letter to Editor:
Audio of article Notes: On the Washington Masonic Tribune,

Brother Dean, Masonic Tribune Editor: This publication has been made possible through great effort and
thought by those who have submitted articles. I am very grateful for
An article in the Summer Masonic Tribune caught my attention those articles.
and I would like to respond but do not have the contact means and The Masonic Tribune is one of the many means to communicate
thought maybe you would forward. RWB Bailey wrote about the to the membership efficiently and provide effective ideas, best
German Masons and the For Get Me Not flower. I spent 1 1/2 years practices and successful programs that were promoted in your
in Germany 1957-58 and the German lodges were still somewhat districts and our jurisdiction. You can email an article or provide
hidden from public view. The first city I was stationed, feedback to me at [email protected]. When you write the
Aschaffenburg, a city I was told of about 75,000 residents, did not article, please have your NAME and title at the BOTTOM of the
have, as far as I could determine, a Masonic lodge. The second, article. Please put your article in a Word document (doc, docx, rtf
Wurzburg, our 10th Division Headquarters, did have a Lodge but not using the Calibri format with a font size of 11. If you have picture(s),
marked as such until a person went up the steps from the street to links or audio version of article, maybe even your voice provide in
the 2nd floor. In Wurzburg I did find a brother Mason and was separate file. Acceptable formats for pictures or audio are: jpeg, jpg,
invited to attend military lodge. In any case, when our Military lodge gif, pgn, m4a, flac, mp3, mp4, wav, or wma.
was invited to attend a special German Lodge meeting, all of us
Americans were given the small For Get Me Not lapel pin that had Here are the future deadlines due dates for article submissions:
its beginning about 30 years previous. I also received a 1/2 L. beer November 22, 2021 – Winter issue
mug with the 2nd degree symbol with Wurzburg written February 20, 2022 – Spring Issue
underneath. The pin I no longer have, lost somehow in moves over May 22, 2022 – Summer issue
65 years but I do still have the never used beer mug. The German August 21, 2022 – Fall issue


November 20, 2022 – Winter issue
Again, my personal thanks for all the articles submitted so far this
year. I truly appreciate the time, attention, and love for our Craft.

VW Dean Markley, Chairman of Washington Masonic Tribune,


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