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As one of the top MEAN stack app development companyour finesse in assigning the perfect tech stack for your application comes as a result of our several endeavours in the field of mobile application development. We aim to deliver the most efficient results in the best possible time frame and that happens as a result of our extensive research and throught process when it comes to picking the best tech stack for your application.

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Published by atulpawar.brainmobi, 2019-03-05 07:01:25

What to keep in mind before choosing the best tech stack for your applications.

As one of the top MEAN stack app development companyour finesse in assigning the perfect tech stack for your application comes as a result of our several endeavours in the field of mobile application development. We aim to deliver the most efficient results in the best possible time frame and that happens as a result of our extensive research and throught process when it comes to picking the best tech stack for your application.

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Which Tech Stack is 
Best Suited For Your 
Mobile App Development 








The world of technology as of today is advanced enough to give you a diverse range of tech
stack choices to pick from. Also in a world of so many different mobile applications, which are
capable of delivering different unique experiences or providing sophisticated solutions to
everyday problems it could be quite a tricky decision while picking the perfect tech stack for your
mobile application

So assuming the condition that you have access to developers having expertise in every tech
stack out there, the basic major factors that influence the choice of your tech stack could be
summarised as follows. As one of the t​ op mobile app development company​, we at B​ rainMobi
have had immense experience with back end of any mobile application let us give you a few
leads on how to pick up the best technology stack for your mobile application.

Size Of Your Project 

Based on the kind of business/organization/purpose you are aiming to hit, there are other
metrics that help classify the size of your project besides the entire development effort of the
application. These are mostly

● Volume of Traffic: 

An eCommerce application on particular seasons of the year handles a different set of
visitors compared to taxi service application. So based on the kind of business you are
implementing, the kind of traffic you anticipate should be communicated to the developer
and that could be very crucial when picking best tech stack. Considering that every
application has a unique concept, accordingly the development approach at some level
should be different as well. Such a planning helps you yielding the precise result and if it
turns out to be minimal then it might as well help you save cost and time.




● Nature of Traffic: 

Besides the amount of traffic your particular application demands to be built, how your
application handles, receives or expects its designated traffic could demand a different
approach in your application construction. To give an example, any successful mobile
game application might have a good number of users hooked to it for a prolonged period
of time compared to an event booking website which demands quick real time action at
any hour of the day. This also brings into consideration the kind of ​RESPONSIVENESS
your application demands as incorporating minimal designs could help you cut cost and

● Type of Data: 

While both an instagram as well as a netflix take responsibility of a huge number of
visitors while the kind of data they process, host and deliver are entirely different in type
and purpose. Based on such an example your application could handle, process, store,
use and deliver data in the most unique of ways and any skilled developer should know
how to construct it accordingly. This could very well affect the choice of the tech stack as
well which in turn could help you cut time and add cost benefits from your development
stage. Because constructing a netflix for the purpose of instagram would be like cutting
your chicken with cannon and where this factor hits you is the useless cost, effort and
time in development.


Any skilled development team should try to incorporate the challenges of the business strategy
as well and should be skilled enough to improvise as per the plan demands. So while your MVP
might be a mouth watering ideal to kickstart your marketing ventures, it should also be the credit
of the development to construct an application in such a way that it shall be open for future
incorporations. Future incorporations could arise as need of your marketing targets and might
require upgrades accordingly for higher demands which was not taken into consideration as
dominating risk factor.





Mobile Applications run a great deal of cyber threats and data leakages arising due to various
kinds of malicious practices. The every sophisticated real time mobile application at its core is a
basically a system and she/he who constructs the system knows its weakest points and where it
could malfunction. Not only this but incorporating payment gateways, Third Party plugins, Data
Accesses etc besides the core functionalities of the application make it vulnerable to hacker
activity and even the smallest level of threat could comprise your applications standard on a
competitive level.

Keeping in the mind the above parameters, your concerned developer in accordance to his
preferred tech stack should be able to present the security precautions and testing routines
being undertaken for your project.


While scalability is a very genuine concern, it is also important to frame your codes in such a
way that it is easy to address any issues or problems that might arise in the normal functioning
of your business process. If your developer has an expertise in the claim of his tech stack, he
should be able to sketch the application with the minimal amount of code which in turn should
be easy for other engineers to maintain and monitor at all times. This is a serious factor when
you are aiming for a cross platform development project because compatibility becomes a
serious issue when aiming the deliver the precisely same results for two separate platforms.


There are some of the basic factors to keep in mind while making your pick for a tech stack.
While it might not necessary for mobile application aspirant might be a developer, he should
definitely know where to confront an extremely skilled techie and this eventually leads to the
formation of a good mobile application. As one of the t​ op web application development  
company​ ​BrainMobi​ idolizes this fact before anything else and implements it thoroughly as a
brand statement. If you got the idea for a mobile or web application, kindly write to us at
[email protected].​



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