388 Λ Guide to Heidegger's Being and Time
being, to be ( Sein ), xix, 5, 7, 13, 122-23, 125, 150, 173, 210, 216,
15-16, 22; analogy, 15-17, as 222; theory and practice, 199;
such, 209, 211, 223; and beings,
342; horizon of being, 126; how- time, 217-25; truth, 102, 104;
being, 8, 15, 112, 140; humanity, unity, 123; whole, 37, 56, 97-100,
49; I am, 13-15, 18, 20, 32, 47,
97, 115, 117; is, are, 17, 21-23, 120, 125, 241
30, 47, 61, 71, 115, 137, 223,
254-55, 267-68, 276, 328; mean- care-for, concern, solicitude
ing, 126; nothing, 136; substan-
tial, 10; temporality, 134-35; tens- ( Fürsorge ), 76-78, 86, 192
es, 135-36; that-being, 116; time,
126, 328; transcendens pure and categories ( Kategorien ), 33, 43-44, 99,
simple, 256, 275; truth, 262;
unity, 15; what-being, 8, 15, 33, 116, 280; catégorial structure, 46
113, 140
being-here, see Da-sein causality, 266
certainty, 155-57, 160, 204
being-in-the-world (in-der-Welt-sein ), charity, 77
25, 27, 45, 51-65, 74, 89, 92-97,
187, 275-84, 289 choice, 194-96, 198, 203, 306, 322
being near (close) to ( bei ), 44, 64, 74, Christianity, 14, 309
85, 99, 180, 216, 222, 244, 275, circle, 23-24, 37-38, 95-96, 167,
209-10, 234, 331, 367
being-one’s-self, 27, 75-90
circumspect for-sight ( Umsicht ),
being-with ( Mitsein), 27, 56, 58,
69-70, 78, 86, 243
63-64, 74, 75-83, 180, 198, 222,
304 coming-toward, future ( Zu-kunft ), 18,
beings ( das Seiende), 9, 11-13, 16, 22, 36, 124, 218-21, 230
71-74; as beings, 106; being, 342; common sense, 70, 168, 210, 329
—created, 15; in the whole, 138, communication, 308, 312
176, 177 78; sinking away, concealment, see covering over and
176-77; ta onta, 11-12, 110; see hiddenness
also ontological difference concept, 135, 350, 356
Bergson, Henri, 125, 226, 331, 376
bindingness, 180, 183, 319 connection, coherence of life
birth, 120, 149, 295-96, 318
body, 20 ( Lebenszusammenhang ), 295, 315,
boundary situation, 250
calculation, 15; death, 157, 158,
160-61, 184, 333 conscience ( Gewissen ), 121-22,
care ( Sorge ), 25, 28, 35-36, 42, 64; 163-75, 190-95, 366; call, voice,
the between, 297; conscience, 163-75, 191, 193; care, 166, 167;
122, 163-75, 193; everyday, 105;
ground-being, 122; selfhood, existentiell and existential, 192;
212-17; structure, 119-20,
reprimanding, 191; wanting-to-
have-a-conscience, 122-23,
195-96; warning, 190-91
consciousness, 114-15, 117, 367
considerate looking-back (on the
other’s thrownness), considerate-
ness ( Rücksicht ), 78, 243
constancy, 181, 183, 204, 216, 226,
246, 281, 304; see also stability
conviction ( Überzeugung ), 156
correspondence, see truth
covering over, concealing, 112,
155-56, 205, 272, 334; see also hid-
Index 389
creation, 14-15 deliberation (Überlegung), 263-64; if-
culture, 300 then schema, 263-66, 283
curiosity ( Neugier ), 86-87, 243, 252, depression, 56
Descartes, René, 14, 45; cogito ergo
289; sight, 243-44
sum, 205, 369-70; method,
Da-sein, xix, 10, 12-14, 19-20, 23, 116-17
25-27, 94-95; care, 97; con- destiny ( Geschick ), 292, 321; com-
science, 164; day-by-day, 338; mon, 308-9; self-destining self-dis-
everydayness, 290-93; exists, 29, closure of being, 361
51-65, 150; factically existing, dialectic, 174, 176
367; finitude, 62, 63, 120, 224-25; Dilthey, Wilhelm, 261, 299, 325
historicity, 323-24; individuation, direction ( Ausrichtung ), 44, 55, 104,
—161, 177, 256; meaning, xiv-xv, 185, 286
67 49; occurrence, happening directions (Weisungen ), rule, law, 188
( Geschehen ), 296-97, 315-16; disclosure ( Erschlossenheit ), 30, 58, 84,
stretching ( Erstreckung), 291,
295-97, 334; temporality, 327-43; 91-97, 236, 272, 367; care, 120,
195; death, 121; resolute, 123;
that I am, 178, 204, 223, 249; truth, 101-2, 105, 112, 306,
transcendence, 175, 177-78, 180, 317-18
184-85, 275, 367; truth, 102, 104,
198, 204; understanding of being, discourse, speech ( Rede ), 55, 83-86,
96, 328; unity, 120; untruth, 198;
whole, 38, 120, 123, 128, 145-62, 102, 111, 289; communication,
206; world-forming, (weltbildend),
expression, 312; conscience, 163;
53-54, 67, 184-85; see also free- temporality, 252-55
dom discovery ( Entdeckung ), 102-3, 282,
datability, 330-33, 335, 338-41 316-17
dealings with, going about (for some-
disowned, inauthentic (uneigentlich),
thing) (Umgang ), 69 37, 40-41, 60, 76, 78, 88, 92, 98,
death, 120, 121, 123, 143, 157, 158, 120, 123-24, 141, 216, 252,
288-89, 290-92; attunement,
160-61, 218, 295-96, 346-47; cal- 236-37, 242; death, 157, 159, 373;
culation, 157, 158, 160-61; cer-
falling, 252; future, 230-32, 234,
tainty, 155-57, 160; death wish, 237-38, 240, 245-47, 265, 278;
373; flight, 143, 153, 155, 157; past, 237, 240-41; present, 232;
impassability, 157, 160, 202;
impossibility, 152, 159, 160, 161, understanding, 235-36, 239, 258
181, 364; indefiniteness, 157, 161, distantiality ( Abständigkeit ), see stand-
206; individuation, 161, 177, 202; offishness
others, 146-47, 149-62; positive
repulsion, 181, 250, 365-66; pos- dread ( Angst ), xv, 19, 23, 28, 91-97,
sibility, extremest, 121, 123, 124, 121, 152-54, 161, 166, 174, 178,
128, 152, 158, 162, 181; unrela- 196, 206, 239-42, 289, 319,
tional, 157, 159, 160, 202; when, 364-65; indefiniteness, 206;
157, 158, 161, 206 whereof, 278
debt ( Schuld ), see owing
decease ( Ableben ), 150, 156, 373 dwelling, 96, 200, 243, 293
ecstasis ( Ekstase ), 36, 124, 223-24,
230, 232, 249-50, 277, 289, 330;
ekstatikon, 223, 353; unity, 288
390 A Guide to Heidegger's Being and Time
eidos, 66 face to face, bringing
empathy ( Einfühlung), 76 ( Vergegenwärtigung), 263-64
encounter (begegnenlassen), 233 facticity ( Faktizität ), 36-38, 43, 48,
end, 120, 121, 124, 127-28, 145-50,
52, 60, 84, 95, 105, 120, 125, 182,
181, 185, 295; endingly (finite), 249-50
248; endlessness of time, 347 falling, falling prey or captive (to the
entanglement (Verfängnis), 89, world) ( Verfallen ), 27, 36-38, 41,
43, 59, 74, 88-90, 125, 170, 193,
enthralled, bemused, taken in
289; death, 154-55; temporality,
( benommen ), 59, 79
243-52; timeishness, 125
environment, see surrounding world
fate ( Schicksal ), 292, 305-7, 317, 321,
Erlebnis, 377-78
325, 334
erring, 88, 105-7, 198 fear, 57-58, 92, 93, 153, 237, 289;
es gibt, 336 confusion, 238, 242
essence, 8, 13, 29-30, 33, 53, 114, feeling, see attunement
135, 272; existence, 33, 40, 114,
354; existentia and essentia of time, finitude, 62, 63; closedness, 304; Da-
sein, 97, 106, 120, 159, 160, 224,
354 367; endingly, 248; freedom, 27,
39-40, 120, 41; time, 18, 124, 225
eternity, 233, 346, 354, 361
ethics, 162, 168-70, 173, 189, 211 fleeing, 143, 153, 155, 157, 169, 205,
215, 248, 318, 346-47
Europe, 13
for the sake of (for the will of)
everydayness ( Alltäglichkeit ), 21, 27,
( umwillen ), see sake
41-42, 52, 68, 79-88, 105, 120,
forbearing looking-to (the other self),
128, 147; conscience, 164; Da-
un-caring toleration ( Nachsicht ),
sein, 290-93; day-by-day, 338;
78, 86, 243
death, 153; taking care, 125; time,
fore-going ( vorgängig ), 37, 38, 45-46,
124, 328
evil, 151, 169, 191, 237, 240 fore-throw, project ( Entwurf ), 36, 170,
existence, 9-10; Da-sein, 29, 32,
175, 179, 210, 218, 364; fore-struc-
36-37, 43-48, 51-65, 83, 84, 95, ture, 59, 60-61, 70, 88-89, 97, 121
125, 159; essence, 33, 40, 114; forgetting, 235, 237, 238, 242, 252,
existentia, 47, 134, 135, 183, 276,
258, 289
354, 357, 377; finitely free, 367; forward-running, 159, 160, 201-7,
light, 38; real, 12, 14, 19, 29;
truth, 196, 202-3; see also self 234, 242, 298; resoluteness, 206,
208, 216, 218, 325; understand-
existential (existenzial), 42, 43, 45-46,
ing, 121
52, 70, 84; conscience, 121; death, freedom, 27, 39-40, 41, 58, 95, 104,
151-53, 158-62; existential-onto- 161, 172, 177, 194, 367; free play,
logical, 42-43, 44, 48-49, 52, 70, 182; free will, 187; sake of (for
the), 180; setting free, 160, 274,
80, 82, 122
372; transcendence, 181, 195
existentialism, 19, 196, 249, 324, 373
fundamental constitution
existentials ( Existenzialien), 43-46, 83
( Grundverfassung ), 44-45, 65, 68
existentiell (existenziell), 46; existen-
future, 36, 136, 218-21, 230, 289; see
tiell-ontic, 120 also coming-toward
expectancy ( Erwarten ), 231, 237, 240
extension, 15
Index 391
Galileo, Galilei, 270 hermeneutical situation, 325
hero, 291, 311-14
generation, 308 hiddenness, 105-7, 113
God, 14, 189; philosopher’s, 14, 18
historical situation, 182
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, xv historicism, 323; historism, 378
historicity ( Geschichtlichkeit ), 174,
good and bad, 187-88
Greek-Western thinking, 14-15, 18, 175, 212, 226, 290, 291, 292, 295,
298, 298-326, 310; authentic, 295,
65, 66, 67, 74, 99, 101, 106 298, 302-25
grim (das Grimmige), 188 historiography ( Historie ), 299, 314,
ground-being (Grund-sein), 122, 143, 317, 320-21, 323; antiquarian,
monumental, critical, 324
169-72, 175-87, 193, 215; found-
ing ( Stiften ), 181-82; gaining or history (Geschichte), 10, 13, 105, 125,
taking ground (Bodennehmen ),
182, 304; grounding, proving 150, 290-93; Hegel, 350; nature,
( Begründen ), 182
ground-laying ( Grund-legend ), 201, 300; Nietzsche, 324; past, 301; vul-
212, 273, 340-41 gar understanding of, 300-2;
guilt, 187-95; see also owing world history, 301-2, 315-26
Hölderlin, Friedrich, 84
handiness, handy reality
holy, wholesome, healing ( das Heile ),
( Zuhandenheit ), 27, 65, 72-74, 77,
134, 262, 272; proposition, 103;
sun, 337-38; utensils, 257-61, 266 hope, 242
having-been, has-been, (gewesen), see horizon, 6-8, 94, 185-86, 286; being,
past 126, 180; meaning, 207; nothing,
hearing, 84; conscience, 191, 199 232; possibilities, 182; schema,
hearsay, 85, 103 267, 278-79, 283; time, 18, 125,
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 126, 267, 277; understanding, 24,
60, 66, 128
125; Aristotle and time, 354; Housman, Alfred Edward, xv, 3
Aufhebung, 328, 350, 352, 358; humanity, 49
Husserl, Edmund, xix, 26, 28, 42, 44,
becoming, 353-54; being and
nothing, 137; concept, 356, 357, 45, 75-76, 107, 109, 310, 374,
359, 361; consuming, 354-55; his- 378; intentionality, 114, 115, 116
tory, 350; intuited becoming, hylê, stuff, material, 116
353-54, 358; life, 359-60; nega- I, 76, 79, 210, 212-17, 367; cogito ergo
sum, 205; Hegel, 357, 360
tion of negation, 355-56, 358-60;
nothingness, 137; power of time, ideal, ideell, 381
360; punctuality, 352, 355; space,
351-53; space and time, dialectic, idle talk, hear-saying idle talk
353; spirit, 328; time and spirit,
328, 349-51, 356-61 ( Gerede ), 83-86, 103, 153, 243; tra-
held (gehalten), 246, 247
Heraclitus, 117, 189 dition, 304
here, 133, 161, 163, 166, 179, 199, if-then, see deliberation
219, 230; there, 282
immortality, 151
here-being, see Da-sein impossibility, 121, death, 152, 159,
hermeneutic phenomenology, 113 364
inauthentic (uneigentlich ), 40-41,
76-77, 91, 232-40, 242, 288-89,
392 A Guide to Heidegger's Being and Time
inauthentic (uneigentlich ) (continued) also addressing and discourse and
318, 320; attunement, 236-38, self-expression and talking about
242; falling, 252; future, 230-32, laying out ( Auslegung), 337; see also
234, 237, 240, 245-48, 265, 278;
history, 290-91; past, 277,
leaping ahead (vorausspringen), 77,
240-41; present, 232; understand-
ing, 233, 235, 238, 239; see also 197
indifferent, 42, 77, 290; forbearance, leaping in ( einspringen ), 77
toleration (Nachsehen), 78
infinity, time, 18, 124 letting, 58, 111, 112, 118; letting
inhabiting, 96 things be relevant, 258, 261, 376
inheritance, 305-12, 319-25
initially (in the first place) and for life, 20, 42, 105, 150, 210; connec-
the most part ( zunächst und
zumeist), 41, 290 tion ( Lebenszusammenhang ), 295,
instant, see Moment
intentionality, 114, 115, 116 315, 319-20, 378; Hegel, 358; phi-
interpretation (Auslegung), 84, 208,
211, 262, 273, 329-30; schema, losophy of, 299
283; violence, 207; see also laying logic, 10, 15-16, 100, 164
out logos, 110, 111-12
joy ( Freude ), 56, 58, 242 lostness, 334-35, 337
Kant, Immanuel, 2, 43, 111, 116, man ( Dasein), xiv-xv, 7, 10, 12-14,
117, 134, 141, 232; anticipations
of perception, 185; awe, 319; 19-20, 23, 25, 29-30, 47, 97
being, 135; categories, 280, manifestness, 142
mathematical physics, 270-72
283-84, 375; cause, 181; concept,
mathematics, 10, 104-5, 273
135; fortune, 307; morality, 169,
meaning, sense (Sinn ), 2, 6-7, 36, 42,
309, 374-75; nature, 375-76; 112, 257; being, 126; beings, 272;
, essence, 114; horizon, 207; onto-
practical reason, 274-75; pure
logical, 123, 217-25; see also signi-
reason, 279; respect, 319; schema-
fication and significance
tism, 267, 283-84; self, 213-15; meaninglessness, 367
synthesis, 263, 280; time, 313, means, by means of, 55, 61, 64,
342; time and space, 284-85, 379;
totality, 280; transcendental 69-70
object, 185; transcendental self-
consciousness, 310; will, 195 measurement, 225, 379; astronomi-
Kierkegaard, Soren, 233 cal, 292, 337, 339-41
knowledge, 67, 104
medieval philosophy, 14, 16, 135; see
lack, 145, 147-48, 151
language, 71, 83-86, 102, 141, 173, also Schoolmen
metaphysics, 10, 13, 16, 20, 72, 118,
252-55, 329, 378; speech, 329; see
369; death, 151; beings, 138
method, 109, 112-13, 117, 142-44,
158, 175, 201, 212, 273;
Descartes, 116-17; historical sci-
ences, 325; violence, 207
mind, 19, 325
mine, 120, 147, 333, 373
Moment ( Augenblick ), 222, 233, 241,
248, 250, 289, 310, 313, 319, 334,
mood, see attunement
Index 393
morality, 162, 169, 172, 173, 187-89, ontology, 11, 22, 68, 369; essence,
272; fundamental, 11, 19, 25, 29,
46, 113, 173, 212; meaning of
movedness ( Bewegtheit ), 176, 234,
beings, 272; ontological-existen-
297, 316, 325; movement in space,
288 tial, existential-ontological,
42-43, 44, 48-49, 52, 70, 80, 82;
nature, 15, 19, 44, 45, 52, 53, 69, regional, 19, 113, 270; traditional,
269-71; history, 300; time, 342 11-12, 19, 42, 71, 83, 99, 183
order, in order to, 55, 61, 69-70, 278
Nazism, 373-74 organism, 20, 42
necessity, 8; world, 139; historical, otherness, 138, 178, 180, 186, 280,
10, 19, 29, 33 365
never, 171, 173, 174, 186-87, 304, 366
Newton, Isaac, 270 others, 56, 64, 76, 99, 160; birth and
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 160; history,
death, 120, 146-47
323-24; Übermensch, 307, 378;
will, 195 onsia, 184, 369
overturning ( Umschlag ), 268
nihilism, 9
noein, 18-19, 66, 112 overview ( Übersicht ), 263-64
noema, 116
owing ( Schuld ), 122-23, 167-75,
not, 8-9, 34-35, 39, 60, 63, 80,
186-200, 202, 216
96-97, 98, 174, 249, 251, 304,
own, 38, 47
365-67; debt, 122, 170-71
nothing(ness) ( Nichts ), 8-9, 93-94, owned, authentic (eigentlich ), 38,
171, 175-87, 365; conscience, 40-41, 76-78, 83, 91, 95, 102,
164; horizon, 232; negates,
138-40, 170, 177, 206; notness, 120, 123-24, 141, 143, 158, 163,
167, 201-27, 245, 246, 248-50,
nullity ( Nichtigkeit ), 39, 122, 173,
-288-89, 291 92; attunement, 242;
224; shrinking back from, 176;
time itself, 366; see also Hegel death, 158-62, 373; existence,
now, 187, 233, 329-36, 339-40,
344-48; Hegel, 352-55 187-200, 274; future, 232-34,
nowhere, 93-95, 365
240, 252, 278; history, historicity,
object (Gegenstand), 15, 23, 68, 111, 298, 304-5, 315, 318-24; occur-
rence, 302, 314; past, 234, 238,
obligation, 180, 188 247; present, 233; science,
274-75; temporality, 310-11;
occurrence, happening (Geschehen ),
understanding, 236
296-97, 305-6, 315-16, 325
ownmost ( eigenst ), xviii, 32, 35, 154,
on, to on, xv; ta onta, 11-12, 110
157, 159, 193
ontic (ontisch ), 48, 68, 97, 150; ontic-
existentiell, 46, 52 Parmenides, 106, 376
ontological constitution past, 18; having been, 36, 124, 136,
( Seinsverfassung), 44, 46, 272 218-19, 234-35, 289
ontological difference, 178, 273, 276 perception, 112, 115, 277, 282
ontological structure (Seinsstruktur), perishing (Verendung ), 150
phenomenology, 6, 26, 28, 75-76,
42, 84
109-18; hermeneutic, 113
phenomenon, 18, 109-11
phusis, 270, 343
physics, 270-72
394 A Guide to Heidegger's Being and Time
place, neighborhood, region 320, 322; explicitness
( Ausdrücklichkeit ), 311-12; Kant,
{ Gegend ), 93-94, 128, 199, 223; 313; philosophical, 313-14
representation, 15, 206, 213-14, 263
indifferent, 269; place, places, 140 resistance, 260-61
plants, 20, 150 resoluteness ( Entschlossenheit ), 83,
Plato, 268
163, 196-98, 201, 203-4, 252;
positivism, 173, 271, 273 fate, 306, 318; forward-running,
possibility, 8, 31, 32-35, 38-40, 59-60, 206, 208, 216, 218, 325
63, 65, 70, 80, 88-90, 145, 152, response, 313
179, 203, 238, 364; dread, 95, 319; responsibility, 82, 122, 173
extremest, 121, 123, 124, 128, 152, retention ( Behalten ), remembering,
158, 162, 181, 193, 205, 234, 240,
235-36, 258-59, 261, 264, 267,
318, 364; historical, 13; potentiality, 275, 286-89, 330
32-33, 166, 203-4; world, 139 ripeness, 37, 124, 148, 222
practice, 65-66, 72; care, 200 roominess, 284-89
preontological, 20, 207, 272 running away, running after, 247,
prephenomenological, 113, 213 252, 289, 318
present, make present (gegenwärti- sake of, for the ( Umwillen ), 31, 35,
gen ), 10, 37, 124, 205, 232, 236,
39, 49, 51, 60-61, 65, 67, 68, 70,
240, 242, 252, 253, 255, 258, 261,
263, 289, 330; presence, 12, 15, 73, 76, 78, 83, 170, 173, 179-81,
73, 94, 232, 255, 281; schema of 188, 221, 231, 258, 262, 263, 289;
presenting, 266; vis-à-vis, 232, 281 founding (Stiften), 182; freedom,
185; significance, 276-77
presuppositions, 206-9
proposition, 102-3, 112, 164, 197 scatteredness, dispersion
( Zerstreuung), 232, 247, 317-18
publicity, publicness, public dis-
Scheler, Max, 261
closedness (Öffentlichkeit ), xv, 41, schema, 267, 278, 283-84; see also as
83, 85, 290-91; time, 124, 336-38, and deliberation and Kant
340 Schoolmen, 14, 16-17
science, 7, 10, 15, 67, 72, 104-5, 112,
real, reell, 381
150, 244, 261-62, 273, 322; con-
reality ( Realität, Vorhandenheit ), 12,
18, 20, 26, 27, 29-30, 45, 53, science, 165; owned existence,
71-74, 115, 134, 276; real beings, 275; see also mathematical physics
277; time, 345-46 and physics
reason, 12, 319; pure reason, Kant, seduction, 88-89, 154, 248
279 seeing, sight (Sicht ), 78, 86, 112, 113,
reduction, 115; phenomenological, 115, 337
115-16 self, 26, 40, 58, 76, 79, 83, 96, 123,
reference (Verweisung ), 65; reference- 159, 172; care, 212-17
structure, 134, 258; reference- self-consciousness, 20
whole, 67, 197 self-expression (Sich-aussprechen),
region, 286 329-30
relevance ( Bewandtnis ), 72, 257-58 sense, meaning ( Sinn ), 2; see also
repetition, retrieval, recollection, meaning
recapitulation ( Wiederholung ),
225-27, 234, 240-42, 310-11,
Index 395
significance ( Bedeutsamkeit ), 61, 65, subjectivity and objectivity, 72,
276-77 -141 42, 146, 282, 322, 328, 339,
significance-structure, 69, 72-73,
341, 343
197, 338 subject-object, 68, 282
substance, 10, 12, 15, 17, 67, 83
significance-whole, 83-84, 104, 197, substantia, 369
substantial, objective, reality or pres-
signification, 61, 69, 255 ence (Vorhandenheit), 14, 73, 134,
silence, 84, 163, 164, 166, 173, 196, 165, 184, 272-73
312 surrounding world, for-world
situation, 199-200, 219, 232, 241,
( Umwelt ), 27, 60, 68-70
303, 334; boundary, 250;
swaying ( Schwebe ), 86
hermeneutical, 325; historical,
synthesis, 111-12, 116, 263, 280
solicitude, see care-for taking care, heedfulness ( Besorgen ),
solipsism, 277 64, 257-61, 289, 328, 349; defi-
something, 8, 98, 138, 185-86, 281
soul, 13-14, 20, 213, 343; Aristotle cient modes, 64-65; everyday,
125; timeishness, 125
and time, 349; Augustine and
talking about, discussing ( Besprechen ),
time, 349
space, 7, 44, 45, 63, 67, 104-5, 128, 329, 331
132, 199-200, 223, 269-70, tautologies, 136-41
284-89; irreducibility of space to technology, 15, 67, 184
temporality, 124, 134-35, 137, 220,
time, 341; predominance of time
over space, 293; truth of, 353 335, 343; attunement, 236-42;
care, 217-25, 222, 225; circum-
spaceish, spatial ( räumlich ), xv, 44, spect taking care, 257-61; dis-
course, 252-55; everydayness,
290-93; falling, 243-52; horizon,
spannedness ( Spanne ), duration,
-277 78, 282; roominess, 284-89;
332-33, 338, 339-40
schema, 282; transcendence of
spirit, 20, 44, 286, 300, 325; Hegel, the world, 276-84; understand-
125, 328 ing, 230-36
stability, standing (Ständigkeit), 83, temptation, 88-89
183-84, 188, 215, 246; standing- thematization, 274
then, 329-36, 339-40, 344-48
ness of the self ( Selbst- theology, 14-15; conscience, 165
ständigkeit ), 216-17, 296-97; see
theory, 65-67, 72, 86, 243-45,
also constancy 261-76; care, 200; of knowledge,
stake, to be at ( es geht um), 30-31, 35, 67, 275
there, 121, 133, 248, 281, 330; here,
147, 152, 155, 160
stand-offishness ( Abständigkeit ), xv,
there-being, see Da-sein
81, 82 “ they,” “ them,” one, people ( das
standing presentness ( ständige Man ), lostness in, 41, 80-82, 133,
Anwesenheit ), 183-84, 216
153-54, 156, 166, 189, 197-99,
stones, 20, 30, 84
205; hero, 291
stretching (Erstreckung), 291, 295-96,
318, 332, 334
subject, 67, 68, 76, 213-17, 293; tran-
scendental, 114-17
396 A Guide to Heidegger’s Being and Time
“ they-self" (.Man-selbst ), 98, 122, 124, transparency ( Durchsichtigkeit ), 243
133, 190 truth, 28, 66, 101-7, 198, 204,
254-55; being, 262; corespon-
things, 8-9; real and ideal, 9, 20, 27, dence, 102-3, 266; existence, 196,
202-3; ontic, 101, 104, 211; onto-
44, 53, 71-74, 94; things them- logical, 101, 104, 182-83, 211;
phenomenological, 256; scientific,
selves, to the ( zu den Sachen selbst), 104; see also disclosure
84, 109, 112 turn-round, from being and time to
time and being, 128, 174, 187,
thinking, 14, 264; I think therefore I 305
am, 14-15, 205; I act, 375
uncanny, unhomely, not-at-home
thither and hither, 289 ( unheimlich), xv-xvi, 23, 86,
96-97, 166, 176, 193, 365
thrownness (Geworfenheit), 20, 36-37,
42, 56, 58-59, 78, 88-90, 97, 99, understanding ( Verstehen,
120, 122, 153, 170, 176, 179, 204,
Verständtnis), 6-7, 22, 24, 25, 36,
216, 218, 246, 248-49, 251, 280,
54, 55, 58, 60, 70, 83, 96-97, 158,
283, 289
163; average, 13, 85, 89; being,
time, 7, 8, 9, 18, 104-5, 116, 117, 161, 328, 364; existendell-ontic
and existential-ontological, 196;
132, 139, 175; astronomical, 292, forward-running, 121; interpreta-
tion, 262; temporality, 230-36;
337; calendars, 292, 333, 337; timeishness, 125
undifferentiated, 42
counting with, 327-28; datability,
- -un-distancing, de-distancing ( Ent fer
330-33, 338-41; finitude, 124,
nung ), 244, 281, 286, 289
225; horizon of being, 126, 267,
untruth, 106, 198
328; infinite, 124; irreducibility of
unworlding ( Entweltlichung ), 269
space to time, 341; measurement, utensil, useful thing ( Zeug ), 257-61,
225, 292, 327; not, 366; origin of
vulgar concept, 327-61; phantom, 266
343; predominance of time over values, 73-74, 172, 180, 188
space, 293; primordial, 141-42;
wanting (willing)-to-have-a-conscience
published, 124, 336-37; reckon-
( Gewissen-haben-wollen): see con-
ing, 336-37, 339-41; soul,
Aristotle, 349, Augustine, 349; when, 186-87; indefinite, 206; pure,
standing, 187; subjectivity, 366
where, whereness, whereish, 93-94,
341-42; timeishness (Zeitlichkeit ),
XV, 42, 124, 125, 134-35, 137; 132, 365
transcendence, 341; unity of care, whirl ( Wirbel ), 89-90, 106
123, 216; within-timeness, 327-61,
336-43; world-time, 338, 341-42; whole, wholeness, totality, 37, 38, 43,
Zeitlichkeit, 370 51-53, 94, 120, 123, 139, 145-62,
177-78, 204, 206, 280; see also Da-
totality, see whole
tradition, 300, 304
tranquillizing (Beruhigung), 248
transcendence, transcendental, 44,
60; consciousness, 114, 117; Da-
sein, 175, 177-78, 180, 275, 367;
freedom, 181, 195, 308; ground-
giving, 183; philosophy, 310; sub-
ject, 114-17; time, 341; world,
181, 275-84, 280, 341
Index 397
willing, 180, 195; see also sake of, for world-forming, world-imaging (welt-
the bildend ), 53-54, 67, 184-85
with-world ( Mitwelt ), 76 worldishness, worldliness
witness ( Zeugnis ), 156, 162, 163 (Weltlichkeit ), xv, 26, 27, 42,
world, 25, 51-70, 71-74, 93, 289;
51-70, 94, 124, 128, 338, 340
past, has been, 302; significance- world-time, 338
whole, 367; transcendence, 181,
Yorck, Paul, Graf von Wartenburg,
275; world history, 315-26; world
299-300; historical and ontic, 316
worlds, 140, 180
A Guide to Heidegger s
Beirut and Time
Edited byJohn Llewelyn
This is the most comprehensive commentary on both Divisions of Heidegger's Being
and T ne, making it the essential guide for newcomers and specialists alike. Beginning
with a non-technical exposition of the question Heidegger poses "What does it mean
— —to be?" and keeping that question in view, it gradually increases the closeness of focus
on the text. Citingjoan Stambaughs translation, the author explains the key notions of
the original with the help of concrete illustrations and reference to certain of the most
relevant works Heidegger composed both before and after the publication of Being
and Tinu
"Originally published in the early sixties as one of the first English-language -commentar
ies on Heidegger’s B mg and Time, Magda King’s masterful Guide has now been vastly
expandtd to cover the whole of B ing and Time, its renderings of Heidegger’s German
terms revised to correspond toJoan Stambaughs new translation of Bang and Time, and
its discussions of Heidegger's later texts supplemented with references to his recendy
.published earliest texts before B mg and Time In this expanded and revised edition
prepared by John Llewelyn, King’s Guide is now the best companion volume to use
with Stambaugh’s new translation of B mg and Time ”
— —John van Buren, author of The Young Heidegger: Rumor of the Hidden King
"Of all the studies of B ing and Time with which I am familiar, Magda King’s is the most
direct, the simplest, and the clearest. ”
— —Joseph P Fell,J H. Hams Professor Emeritus Bucknell University
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