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Aksharica (अक्षरिका) is a Nepali Language Newsletter. Aksharica is made with a combination of two words “Akshar” and “America”. Akshar means “letter” in Nepali, thus goal of the Aksharica is to educate, inform, inspire, and empower the Nepali speaking community (Bhutanese and Nepalese) residing in America. Rajesh Koirala is working as an editor since it started on August 2010. This is 99th issue, published on September, 2017.

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Published by Rajesh Koirala, 2018-01-04 20:53:19

Aksharica - 099 (अक्षरिका - ०९९)

Aksharica (अक्षरिका) is a Nepali Language Newsletter. Aksharica is made with a combination of two words “Akshar” and “America”. Akshar means “letter” in Nepali, thus goal of the Aksharica is to educate, inform, inspire, and empower the Nepali speaking community (Bhutanese and Nepalese) residing in America. Rajesh Koirala is working as an editor since it started on August 2010. This is 99th issue, published on September, 2017.

Keywords: Aksharica, अक्षरिका, Nepali newsletter in the US, अमेरिकामा नेपाली न्युजलेटर, Rajesh Koirala, राजेश कोइराला

@)!& ;]K6]Da/
jif{ * c+s ((

o; c+sdf s] s] <

(What is inside ?) !* jif{eGbf ;fgfaf/]

à !* jif{ gk'us] faf/] kZ| gf]Q/=======! sfg'g;DaGwL kZ| gf]Q/
ki[ 7 @ df
(Who doesn’t need flu shots?)

à PNad ;dLIffM l/of–l/b\d==‍‍=======#

(Album Review: Riya-Rhythm)

à d x'FM dl] /Nof08 /fHo========‍‍=======$

(I am state of Maryland)

à rNtLsf c+uh]| L zAb ^%==========$

(Most common Eng. words 65)


c7f/ jife{ Gbf sd pd/] sf ags] f cGo pTkfbg vl/b ug{' gfaflnunfO{ afn–;xfotf @)!& ;]K6D] a/, jif{ * cs+ ((
ljleGg afnaflnsf (children) klg u}/sfgg' L xf] .
jf lszf/] lszf]/L (teens) nfO{ gfaflnunfO{ r'/f6] lbg' klg clgjfo{ 5 <
gfaflnu (minors) sf] bhf{ u}/sfgg' L xf] . w]/}h;f] /fHodf c7f/
lbOG5 . ljZjsf w]/h} ;f] b]zdf
pgLx?sf] /Iffy{ sfg'gx? gfaflnu;“u of}g;DaGw jif;{ Dd lzIff–lbIff, kfng–
ag]sf 5g\ . cdl] /sfdf klg /fVg'x'G5 < kf]if0f afa–' cfdfn] clgjfo{
o:tf sfg'gL k|fjwfgx? ?kdf ug{'kg{] sfgg' L Joj:yf
5g\ . /fHolkR5] km/s slt w/] }h;f] /fHodf k;} f lt//] 5 . cfˆgf] gfgL cfkm";Fu
sfg'g ePsfn] s]xL ;fdfGo jf dGh'/ eP/} klg c7f/ a:bg} eg] klg afn–;xfotf
Ifq] af/] JofVof ul/Psf] 5 . jif{d'lgsf JolSt;Fu (child support) ug{' sfg'gL
of}g–;DaGw /fVg' u/} sfg'gL clgjfot{ f xf] .
;g\ !((% df cd]l/sfn] xG' 5 . o;sf nflu cfkm" a;]sf]
!* jife{ Gbf sd pd]/sf /fHosf] sfg'g k9g\ 'xf;] \ . s] gfaflnunfO{ l;6a]N6 jf
JolStnfO{ sfgg' L ?kdf
gfaflnu kl/eflift u/s] f] s] gfaflnun] uf8L rnfpg pgLx¿sf nflu agfOPsf
xf] . t/ dfbs kbfy{ -/S;L ;S5g\ <
cflb_ / h'jfsf] ;Gbe{df @! l;6 clgjfo{ 5g\ <
jif{sf] pd]/nfO{ gfaflnusf cfkm" dfq uf8L rnfpgsf ;a}h;f] /fHodf
?kdf tf]lsPsf] 5 . tyflk, nflu cgd' lt–kq
cfk/flws 36gfdf ;+nUg -nfO;]G;_ clgjfo{ x'G5 . gfaflnunfO{ l;6aN] 6 (seat-
ePsf ;Gbed{ f ;a} gfaflnusf] nfO;G] ; (license) ePsf] / belt) clgjfo{ 5 . ev{/
cln pd]/ ePsf] JolStn] hGd]sf / sx] L jif{
l;sfpg eg] ;Sg] lgod st} k'uG' h]n;Dd pgLx?sf nflu
st} kfOG5 . w]/h} ;f] tfl] sPsf km/s vfnsf l;6df
/fv/] dfq ofqf u/fpg'
kg{] sfg'gL Joj:yf x'G5 .
tfl] sPsf] l;6af/] km/s

/fHodf km/s pd/] x'G5 .

s] gfaflnu;“u lax]

ægful/stf, !* jif{s] f] ug'{x'G5 <
lhDd]jf/L / dtbfgÆ af/] yk ;a}h;f] /fHodf

hfGg cIfl/sfsf] km]ac'| /L gfaflnu;Fu lax] ug{ gkfOg]
@)!^ sf] c+s xg] '{xfn] f . sfgg' agfOPsf] kfOG5 .
o;sf nflu cfkm" a;]sf]

/fHosf] sfgg' x]gx{' f;] \ .

s] gfaflnunfO{ :s"n

k7fpg} k5{ <

kl/efiff km/s kg;{ S5 . /fHox?df uf8L rnfpg] ;ah} ;f] /fHodf ^ b]lv
o:tf gfaflnusf ;Gbed{ f cg'dlt–kq kfpg !^ jif{ !^ jifs{ f gfgLnfO{ clgjfo{
k'u]sf] x'g'k5{ eg] sx] L /fHodf ?kdf :sn" k7fpg} k5{ .
sx] L sfgg' L k|Zg / ltgsf] ;f9] rf}w, kGw| jf ;q jif{ :s"n hfgs] f nflu vfk] x?af/]
pQ/M ku' ]sf] xg' 'k5{ . lgod hfGg cfˆgf] :s"n
l8l:6S« 6df ;Dks{ ug{'xf;] \ .
gfaflnunfO{ r'/f]6 jf /S;L gfaflnunfO{ PSn} 3/df
5f8\g ldN5 < s] gfaflnunfO{ ;hfo
a]Rg' jf lbg' x'“b}g < :j?k kf6lk6 ug{ ldN5 <
;a} /fHodf gfaflnun] w]/h} ;f] /fHodf !@ jif{
gs6s] f gfaflnunfO{ dfq olb tkfO+{n] ;hfo :j?k
lao/, jfOg jf cGo s'g} 3/df 5f8/] lxF8g\ ' u}/sfgg' L kf6lk6 ug'{eof] eg] o;nfO{
vfnsf /S;L vl/b ug'{ xf] . sg' } /fHodf of] pd/] afn bJ' o{jxf/ dflgG5 . of]
u/} sfg'gL xf] . gfaflnunfO{ km/s x'g;S5 . o;/L /fHon] 3/]n' lx+;fsf] ?k xf] . o:tf]
a]Rg' jf lbg' u}/sfgg' L xf] . tfs] s] f] pd/] gs6]sf gfgL cj:yfdf tkfO{+nfO{ sfg'gL
/S;L;DaGwL o:tf sfgg' -x?_ :sn" hfg] / 3/ lkmg]{ sfjfx{ L xG' 5 / gfgLnfO{
/fHolkR5] ©/s x'g– a]nfdf pd/] bf/ ;fy} xg' k' 5{ . kl/jf/af6 56' fP/ cnUu} /fVg
;S5g\ . ;a}h;f] /fHodf klg ;lsG5 .
gfaflnun] l;u/6] jf ;t' L{af6

@)!& ;]K6]Da/, jif{ * c+s ((#

v]dsf] csf]{ PNad

l/of–l/b\dsf uLtx?

à 5d5d 5d5d
à lal;{of] ls k/b]zLn]
à cK;/f b]lvG5\of}+
à k'/fgf] Tof]
à atf;n] s]z
à lgbfPsf] lyPF
à gahfpm ;f/+uL
à slxn] b]lv
à cfh ef]ln
à l;/df nfpg]
à km"n xf} ltdL

uLt–;u+ LtsdL{ vd] l/hfnåf/f 5 . pgsf] klxnf] PNadsf l/hfnsf c? s[lt
/lrt uLtx?n] el/Psf] bf];|f] …h–] h] x'g' e}uf] ca======Ú, …u'/f“;
PNad …l/of–l/b\dÚ sx] L km"Nof] kfvd} f, emDs] km'nL======Ú cf7 uLtsf] PNad …klxnf] e]6Ú
xKtfcl3 g]kfn / To;kl5 uLt lgs} rlrt{ 5g\ .
cf]xfof]sf] l;lG;Gof6Ldf &) uhnsf] ;u+ |x
;fjh{ lgs ePsf] 5 . pgn] …klxnf] e]6Ú df s"n * …lsgf/fsf] 5fnÚ
PNadsf] gfd cfˆgf 5f/] f / j6f uLt 5g\ . pgsf] Psn
5f]/Lsf] gfddf h'/fPsf xg' \ . /rgf clg ;To/fh cfrfo{ /
:j¿k/fh cfrfo{sf] ;+uLtdf
PNaddf cfw'lgs, uhn, ;To/fh cfrfo,{ :j¿k/fh
nf]s, efj's;lxt !! j6f cfrfo,{ pbo ;ft] fª, dlgnf
uLtx? 5g\ . % j6f uLtdf ;f]tfª, lzj kl/of/ / /lhgf
l/hfnsf] cfˆg} ;+uLt 5 . l/dfnn] :j/ lbPsf 5g\ .
c? uLtdf /fh ;fu/, lg/h
nfdf, afa' af]u6L / nId0f …klxnf] e]6Ú / …l/of
lbofnLsf] ;+uLt 5 . l/bdÚ bj' s} f /rgfdf u0' f:t/
sfod /fVg /rgfsf/ ;kmn
uLtx? k|]d, j0f{g, lj5f]8, ePsf] bl] vG5g\ . pgsf sg' }
pd+u cflbaf6 k|l] /t eO{ uLtn] ;f]Rg afWo agfpF5g\
n]lvPsf 5g\ . eg] s'gn} ] h?' Ss p7fP/
grfpF5g\ . ;kmn uLtsf/df
uLtx? s0f{ bf;, d]lngf xg' ] Ifdtf klg oxL xf] .
/fO{, lszf]/ lzjfsf]6L,
dgf]h/fh lzjfsf]6L, /dz] g]kfnL–efifL e"6fgL
sF8n] , cfgGb sfsL{, /fh l/hfnsf] &) j6f uhn
;fu/, ls/0f uhd/] , /fdsi[ 0f ;+u|lxt …lsgf/fsf] 5fnÚ
9sfn, afa' af]u6L, hulbz uhn;+u|x ks| flzt 5 .
;dfn, / Pp6fdf :jo+ l/hfnn] v]dn] c? uLt /rs] f klg
ufPsf 5g\ . 5g\ . o;/L l/hfn sflJos
l;h{gf;lxt g]kfnL uLt–
o;cl3 l/hfnsf] …klxnf] ;+uLtsf] If]qdf lrlgPsf 5g\ .
e6] Ú gfds PNad cfO;{ s]sf]


dl] /Nof08 @)!& ;]K6D] a/, jif{ * cs+ ((


d d]l/Nof08 /fHo x'F . (Washington DC), pQ/df w]/} hg;V+ of ePsf
d]l/Nof08, cd]l/sfsf] k]G;ne]lgof (Pennsylvania), /fHodf of] !( cf}+
k"j{df 5, / dWo–cfGw| / k"j{df 8]nfj/ (Delaware) xf] . of] /fHo 3gf
/fHo xf] . d]l/Nof08sf] cfafbLsf] /fHo
/fhwfgL cGgfkf]ln; 5g\ .
(Annapolis), / 7"nf] zx/ xf] .
aflN6df]/ ( Baltimore) xf] . nnn
nnn o; /fHonfO{ 5f]6s/Ldf
MD n]lvG5 . d]l/Nof08sf] j]a;fO6 www.
d]l/Nof08df @$ j6f xf] .
sfpG6L (county) jf nnn
sfpG6L–;dfg e"efu 5g\ . nnn
d]l/Nof08, cd]l/sfsf] !#
nnn j6f ;:+ yfkg /fHodWo] Ps o; /fHonfO{ Old Line State,

o;sf] blIf0f tyf /fHo xf] . Free State, Little America,
klZrddf elh{lgof (Vir-
ginia), j]:6 elh{lgof (West nnn / America in Miniature sf
Virginia), jfl;ª\u6g l8;L pkgfdn] lrlgG5 .
of] cd]l/sfsf] $@ cf}+ 7"nf]
/fHo xf] . o;sf] If]qkmn nnn
!@ xhf/ $ ;o & ju{
dfOn -#@ xhf/ ! ;o ##

ju{ lsnf]ld6/_ 5 .


oxfFsf] hg;V+ of ^) nfv
!^ xhf/ $ ;o $& 5 .

c+u]|hL zAb ;r" L 65 la6 dfbf{dfb}{
gfaflnusf uxg ;Gbe{
cu+ |h] Ldf ;fwf/0f af]nrfn ug{ rflxg] sl/a # xhf/ zAbdWoa] f6 k};+ 6\7Lcf}+ ;"rL -efu ^%_
lgod–sfg'gsf] s/' f ubf{
• decline:
ug',{ l/6\ofpg', l/6fpg', l;Fufg',{ w/] } ulx/f], ulx/fO,{ ulx/f] 7fpF, gfaflnu, dlxnf, ckfu+ /
lqmof– v:sg', pFwf] nfUg,' afSnf,] 3g, dxf;fu/, ;fu/,
7fFl6g', tnfl;g', cn+s[t ug'{, ;db' ,| :yfoL . j[4j4[ fsf lgod–sfg'g a9L
3xl/g,' 3s{g', tn em'Sg,' lqmof–ljz]if0f– ulx/fOd{ f, tn
3/sf] leQfdf /ªu\ nufpg' . lgs} ulx/f];Dd, uDeL/ ;j+ ]bglzn b]lvG5g\ . km/s
tl/sfn] .
lgx'l/g,' emg{', 9Nsg', 36g\ ', • decrease: bz] sf lgod km/s xG' 5g\ .
• deeply:
lug,'{ x6\g', gfOFgfl:t ug,'{ lqmof– 36g\ ,' 36fpg', sd xg' ', pbfx/0fsf nflu, afa'–cfdfn]
lqmof–ljz]if0f– u8/] , clt,
cl:jsf/ ug,{' cem laug| ', cem 5f]6f] x'g,' sd ug,{' xf| ; xg' ' . cToGt, cTolws, kz| :t, ;fdfGotM lk6kf6 kfg]{ g]kfnL
kof{Kt, uDeL/tfkj" {s, ulx/f],
v/fa xg' ,' sd xg' ,' OGsf/ ug,'{ gfd– sdL, Iflt, lu/fj6, 36L, lgtfGt, 6f9f;Dd, clt w/] }, rngn] oxfF cK7\of/f] kfg{;S5 .
ulx/f];Dd, uf9f ?kdf, w]/} tn,
IfL0f x'g', Ifo x'g', gdfGg,' gi6 Gog" tf, xflg, xf| ; . Pg] , lgod, jf sfgg'

g=xg' ,' ktg xg' ,' sdhf]/ xg' ,' • deep: ;a} hl6n x'G5g\ . ;fwf/0f

cGt xg' ', 9Ng' . ljzi] f0f– ulx/f], uf9f, d:t dflg;sf] ae' mfO, / JofVof

gfd– lgkft, c3ktg, cflv/L -lgb|f_, d;Ss, uxg, cufw, kofK{ t kSs} xFb' g} . t} klg

cj:yf, x|f;, cwfu] lt, cjglt, uDeL/, 8a' s] f], lgs} tn, xfdLn] of] ;I' d a'emfOnfO{

c:tudg, sdL, Ifo, lu/fj6, c;fWo uf]Ko, rlDsnf,] rnfv, tn lgs} ulx/f;] Dd, uDeL/ k|sfzgdf NofPsf 5f+} .

36tL, ktg . tLj|, dUg, /x:ok0" f,{ /x:odo, tl/sfn] . ;fy} o;} cs+ af6

• decorate: ku| f9 . cIfl/sfn] k|sfzgsf] *cf+} jif{

• deer: k|jz] u/]sf] 5 . ;a}df cfef/ Û
lqmof– ;hfpg', ;Hg', ljel" ift gfd– h;sf] h/f tn;Dd x'G5, gfd– d[u, ldu{, x/L0f . qmdzM

Editor : Rajesh Koirala, Advisors : Doug Hall, Sattan Acharya, Tara Acharya, Tika Acharya, and Bhagirath Khatiwada
Bhutanese Community of New Hampshire, 510 Chestnut Street, Manchester, NH 03101, Email: [email protected]

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