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Published by Jennifer, 2017-05-12 15:48:53

May 2017

May 2017

Motivational Monday Speaker On May 22nd
Inside this issue:
How To Use Facebook 2
Live For Your Small Mandy Barton, a go-getter with drive
Business and determination, started the first of
five businesses’ in 1997. She left her
Boerne Performing 3 job and started Barton Logistics on
Arts Announces the simple premise that she could and
Season 7 would be successful if she just didn’t
quit. Since then she’s acquired both
Champion H.S. 4 commercial and residential real estate
Shining Star Camp
holdings, developed a consulting firm
Champion H.S. Stu- 6 where she coaches and mentors others
dent Awarded on achieving their goals, and as a true
$20,000 Scholarship Hill Country native, Mandy has a
from The GVTC Foun- working exotics ranch, Moon Ridge
Ranch, where she raises Kudu and
Gemsbok. Her values, which her em- May 22, 2017
Boerne Chamber 7 ployees embrace, are deep rooted and
Welcomes our newest one of the many reasons why she’s
members 8am-9am
found success in any venture she takes
Recent Ribbon Cut- 12-13 on. $20 per person
tings Ready to start creating the life you
(includes breakfast)
C Click here to register. Hampton Inn
M Leadership Boerne Graduation Luncheon
C Guest Speaker: Justice Jeff Brown

F May 25th 11:00am-1pm
O Menger Springs
Join us on May 25th for Leadership sistently earned out-
R Boerne Graduation’s Guest Speaker RSVP required seating is limited.
E standing marks in Chamber Members $35
B Justice Jeff Brown. Justice Brown state and local bar discount of $5 if paid before May 20
M Its your business! will be discussing the Boy Scout polls. In 2010, he No Shows will be billed.
A Laws and how it teaches us about was named Appellate Call the Chamber at 830.249.8000
H ethics and leadership. Active in Judge of the Year by to make your reservation
C Scouting for most of his life, Jeff the Texas Association
became an Eagle Scout at age 16
E of Civil Trial and Ap-
N and is now the father of an Eagle pellate Specialists. He also won
R Scout. Jeff Brown has been a justice two judge-of-the-year awards
E on the Supreme Court of Texas while serving on the trial bench .
O since 2013. Before coming to the
B Supreme Court, Justice Brown
served for six years on the Four-
E teenth Court of Appeals in Hou-
T ston, and before that for six years as
A judge of the 55th District Court in
E Harris County. Throughout his judi-
R cial career, Justice Brown has con-


How to Use Facebook Live for Your Small Business

Antony Maina,

Should you be using Facebook Live for your you have just launched a new product, you ence is likely to increase your sales.
business? Is it worth your time and effort? could tap into the massive daily users of the One thing that you have to remember
According to Facebook (NASDAQ:FB), platform to get the word out. though is that any of your group mem-
videos (live and otherwise) are viewed more If you opt for this option, consider providing bers can post live video to the group so
than four billion times a link during your video to you might want to adjust the group
per day. And with Face- take pre-orders and capitalize settings so you have to approve all new
book giving priority to on your audience’s excitement. posts.
live videos in the news Use this session to also answer
feed, you certainly may questions from your custom- Customer Care
want to consider this ers. Any serious business knows the im-
service for getting your portance of having an efficient custom-
business message out. Engage with Your Face- er care service. Luckily, Facebook Live
book Group Members makes it absolutely easy to take care of
So how can you make use Do you run a Facebook group your customers’ questions. Use live
of Facebook Live to en- for your business? Well, you videos to respond to questions. This is
gage with the platform’s can now use Facebook live to especially useful when it comes to an-
over 1.1 billion active broadcast regular business swering repeat questions.
daily users, or at least updates that are relevant to Identify a common question that your
those users who are likely your group. This is definitely a customer service team receives and
to be customers? Here good opportunity to connect rather than answering the question over
are a few tips. and to deepen relationships and over again, use a Facebook Live
with your customers. video session to answer it.
Give an Inside Look
at Your Business Things to Consider Before
You can use Facebook You Use Facebook Live
Live to give your custom-
ers a behind-the-scenes Before you start streaming live
look at your business and videos, you need to:
how it works.
You can also use the ser- Have a Plan
vice to focus on an aspect Live video is great for engage-
of your business that your ment, but you don’t get a
audience would be inter- chance to fix your mistakes.
ested in. Before going live, ensure you
have your broadcast plan well
Promote an Upcoming laid out. Have points to guide
Event your conversation.
Have an upcoming event that you want to
promote? Start by making your audience Implement a Call-to-Action
aware that you will be hosting a live video Always end your live broadcasts with a call to
about the event using posts for a better action. This could be a call to sign up for your
reach. Be sure to have an easy to remember email newsletter, subscribe to your broadcasts
URL to share with your viewers. Post the or to check out your products.
link on the video comments as well just in
case your viewers don’t have a chance to Consider Your Video Quality If you are interested in participating
write it down. Use a tool such as Bitly to While many people enjoy live broadcasts be- in the Boerne Chamber’s Live FB
create a URL that you can track. cause of authenticity, you still have to make events contact Jennifer Hudson,
Use trackable URLs to tell which social plat- sure you deliver quality videos. Make sure you Director of Communications at
form is getting you the most signups for are audible enough and in an environment [email protected]
your event. that your audience would love to see.
When used correctly, Facebook Live can be a
Tease New Products great tool to work into your overall marketing
Use Facebook Live to give your audience a and social media strategy. Of course, more
sneak peek at your products. For instance, if interaction and engagement with your audi-

Page 3
Boerne Performing Arts Announces Season Seven

Sue Talford, Boerne Performing Arts

Boerne Performing Arts continues to will sizzle on stage with their twelve spec- feel-good excursion through some of the
bring exceptional professional internation- tacular dancers and a quartet of brilliant world’s greatest hits. (February 20).
al performing arts to the hill country with musicians, as their show promises an elec-
the announcement trifying evening Thanks to the continued financial support
of their 2018 sea- that showcases by Boerne Performing Arts’ patrons and
son. In their con- some of the
tinued efforts to speediest foot- corporate sponsors, season ticket prices
provide a broad work and tight- will remain at the same price level for the
2018 season. Season Ticket packages for
spectrum of per- est twirling in the 3-concert series are available as follows:
forming arts, they the dance busi-
have searched the ness! (January Patron: $170 (individuals wanting to pur-
globe for variety 23) chase premium seating that includes a do-
and quality that will nation).
appeal to every age Subscribers: $100 - $75 - $50 (student).
group…from the Something for Corporate Sponsorships: Include market-
FOR KIDS student shows…to the master THE KIDS! The overwhelming favorite ing and advertising opportunities for local
classes…to the evening performances! show that has been experienced by the businesses.
Board President Carol Schultz exclaims, FOR KIDS programs offered by Boerne
“Our goal is to find something for every- Performing Arts is the TAO drummers
one!” from Japan. Special Event Tickets to
With an all-
new show, The Ten Tenors are
The 2018 season tag line describes the Drumheart, available only with the
purchase of 2018 season
upcoming shows as “Something unusual, the interna- tickets at this
Something new, Something for KIDS, and tionally ac- time…giving season
Something for you!” claimed per- ticket holders priority for
cussion artists tickets to that event.
who have
Something unusual you say? Perhaps the transfixed Single tickets for all four
highest level of musicianship that has been audiences events will go on sale
presented by Boerne Performing Arts will worldwide, November 1, 2017.
be a total of 35 virtuoso musicians per- will be back to Check it out now! Pre-
forming a full concert ranging from mesmerize another 1,000 students (plus views of these world-class performing art-
Broadway – to Ragtime – to full orchestra- 1,000 concertgoers at the evening show) ists are available at
tion of the classics. Get ready for this! with their modern, magical and mystifying, where
These extraordinary musicians are the performance hallmarking the ancient art of you can download a 2018 Season Ticket
acclaimed Japanese taiko drumming. Order Form for the three-concert series
Accordion (April 13) and special event. If you would like a 2018
Virtuosi of season ticket packet mailed to you, please
Russia! The call the Boerne Performing Arts Message
accordion is And last but not least, Line at 830-331-9079, or request one at
a very highly Something for You! - The [email protected].
regarded, enthusiastic and supportive All performances will be at 7:30pm at the
respected audiences that have been state-of-the-art Boerne Champion Audito-
and revered attending Boerne Perform- rium. Boerne Performing Arts is proud to
instrument in ing Arts events for the first partner with Boerne ISD in these presenta-
Russia, and six seasons. With numer- tions and will be offering outreach pro-
Boerne will ous requests for a repeat grams to the students of Boerne ISD with
get to enjoy this amazing performance by performance by the vocal wonders from each visiting artist.
an ensemble that began in 1943, during down under, a special event has been added
the siege of Leningrad. (February 15) to the three concert series that will feature Boerne Performing Arts is a 501(c)3 non-
The Ten Tenors in their brand new show, profit organization whose mission is to
“Wish You Were Here!” This musical trib- bring the world of performing arts to
Something new! Boerne Performing Arts ute is a celebration of musical legends lost Boerne by presenting concerts that feature
has presented artists from North America, before their time. Honoring artists from internationally acclaimed artists, educating
Europe, Russia, Asia, Australia…and for David Bowie to Amy Winehouse to John through student outreach programs, and
the first time they will be introducing art- Lennon, The Ten Tenors will take you on a enriching the quality of life in the commu-
ists from a new continent…South Ameri- nity.
ca! Direct from Buenos Aires, Tango Fire


Champion High School Shining Star & Spirit Camp

Join the Champion High School Cheerleading & Dance teams for cheer/dance
technique and FUN! Champion High School Shining Star and Spirit Camp will
be held June 19th -22rd from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at Champion High School Gym. CHS
Charms and Cheerleading Squads will join forces to teach cheers, dance and low level
stunts, and prepare the campers for a Thursday end of camp performance where they
may SHINE!

 Grades Pre-K through 8th -camp
 Pre-Registration is $70 per person (**2nd child same family is $60)
 T-shirt and snacks included

For further information, please contact Cheryl Sides [email protected] 210-667-3615 or
Gioia Ferrill [email protected] 512-577-5453

Page 5

Page 6
Champion H.S. Student Awarded $20,000 Scholarship from

The GVTC Foundation
Bruce Forey
pool of more than 90 total appli-
A passion for robotics helped Zachary cants, who were screened and re-
Albrecht stand out from other candidates
for the $20,000 Ritchie T. Sorrells Schol- viewed by the New Braunfels Area
Community Foundation (NBACF).
arship for Leaders awarded by The A team of educators selected the
GVTC Foundation. final recipients.
The Champion High School senior
demonstrated several accolades fitting for The scholarship recipients were
honored during a reception in the
a scholarship awarded for leadership.
According to his application, Zachary GVTC board room attended by
their parents, school representa-
started the first robotics club at Champion tives, NBACF members, the
H.S. and recruited several members. That GVTC executive team and The
initiative led Boerne I.S.D. to establish GVTC Foundation board of direc-
robotics classes at Champion H.S.
Other accomplishments include earning Since 2011, The GVTC Founda-
Eagle Scout status and a member of the
Business Professionals of America. Zach- tion has awarded $163,000 in
ary plans to attend Abilene Christian Uni- scholarships to local high school
versity and major in Computer Science. students.
The GVTC Foundation also awarded the
Ola Armstrong scholarship, worth
$20,000, to Alyssa Boggs from Smithson
Valley High School.
Albrecht and Boggs were selected from a

Page 7
Boerne Chamber Welcomes our newest member investors!

Please click on the business name for more information.

Addax Mark-It Co.

Adjuvant Consulting, Inc.

Best of TX Hill Country Magazine


Blinded by Delight

Boerne Berges Fest, Inc.

Christmas Lightfest

Complete Weddings & Events

Crest Home Health



Edward Jones-Alfred Fuentes, Jr Financial Advisor

Heartland Payment Systems

Lisa Marie Sharp Vocals

New York Life - Bernell Smithen

Parkhurst NuVision

Sam's Club

Starlite Recovery Center

The Abbey at Dominion Crossing

The Interface Financial Group

Young Living Essential Oils



Board of

Executive Committee

Baron Houser, Chair
StoneHouse Builders, LLC

Susan Allen, Chair Elect
Jefferson Bank

Patrick Cohoon, Immediate
Past Chair
Leger Ketchum & Cohoon,

Heather Dickens, Secretary
Hill Country Memorial–

Mary Jo Floyd, Treasurer
Broadway National Bank

Board Members

Jacques DuBose Join us for a Mega Networking event sponsored by the Bandera
American Red Cross Hill
Country Chapter Electric Cooperative and hosted by the Boerne Chamber of Com-

Jo Lynn Fisher merce. Make new connections with business people from all over the
Ebensberger-Fisher Funeral
Home Hill Country including the Chambers of Commerce in Boerne, Kerr-

George Monroy ville, Bulverde, New Braunfels, Comfort and Fredericksburg.
Monroy Information
Technology Services

Jennings Anderson Ford

Kat Flores
Digital Wheelhouse

Kevin Thompson
Centennial BANK Boerne Ambassador Corner

Mick Mazour
Cibolo Creek Brewing Co.

Advisory Board Members:
Misty Mayo, President
Boerne/Kendall County EDC Congratulations!

David Stelmazewski, Supt. Kami Fiedler

Linda Zartler, Asst. City Mgr. April’s Boerne Ambassador
City of Boerne

Daryl Lux Of the Month
Kendall County Judge

We appreciate all that you
do to support local Boerne

Page 9


Page 11

Recent Boerne Chamber Ribbon Cuttings

Capital Title

Kendall County


Peggy’s on the Green

Page 13

Park 31

The Oaks of


MB Merit Institute

VOLUME 7 ISSUE 1 Page 14

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