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Published by Grayston Prep, 2021-11-29 01:44:58

Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

Keywords: Grayston Preparatory

First Row (left to right): Ina Blose, Gabriela Cutter, Mohammed Dawood, Abigail de Jong, Emma Gotthardt
Second Row (left to right): Luke Hart, Rachel Hatfield, Blake Ho, Kwesi Kalibo, Thandolwethu Kumalo

Third Row (left to right): Sian Le Grange, Maria Martin Aguilar, Mehul Mistry, Jodi Murphy, Kiaran Naidoo
Fourth Row (left to right): Senen Naidoo, Thalia Naidoo, Aadam Rawat, Uzayr Royker, Maariya Seedat
Fifth Row (left to right): Daniel Smit, Mark Veliades, James Venter, Anivuyini Zulu, Nicci Cloete


TO MAKE THE WORLD My hero is my mom because she My hero is my mom. She helps me
A BETTER PLACE makes the world a better place by when I feel sad. She works hard to
I would like to be a horse breeder, sharing her creativity and helping feed me and buy me toys as well as to
rider and coach. This will inspire kids people get better from their traumas. send me to school.
to love animals and protect them. My mom also makes me feel special
Gabriela Cutter because, whenever I’m falling down, My second hero is my dad. He stands
she makes me feel better by saying, up for what’s right and protects me.
NATURE “You can do this!” and I feel more He is someone you can count on even
Orange fish, confident. though he is forgetful.
Pretty leaves,
Beautiful flowers, My next hero is my dad because he’s My third hero is Ms J because she
Magnificent trees, someone who stands up for what’s believes in me and helps me when I
Shiny rocks, right. When someone is being mean, need help. She makes me feel happy
Short grass, he will say, “What comes around, goes and safe.
Long sticks, around.” My dad makes me feel safe Nusaybah Amod
Muddy dirt. too. He will protect me and will risk
Aadam Rawat his life for me if he has to and I love MY MOM
him for that. My mom is my hero because she
THE OTHER JACK AND JILL always finds a way to make me happy.
STORY My other hearo is my sister. She is She is not perfect but it doesn’t
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch someone you can count on through matter because she is the best. She
a pail of water. They did this every thick and thin. She is sometimes always believes in me and never gives
weekend. They loved going up the hill mean but she is usually kind. up on me. My mom makes me feel
and today was a sunny day. like one of a kind and really brave
My hero is my family! and safe. She treats me with love and
Jack fell down and broke his crown Gabriella Pearse respect. She always makes time for
and Jill came tumbling after. Jill fell me. My mom works hard to save lives.
into a thorn bush, and it pricked her THE TASMANIAN DEVIL She is other people’s hero, not just
all over. The Tasmanian Devil eats lizards, frogs mine. I love my mom and she loves
and insects. They are scavengers. The me!
Up Jack got and did trot as fast as Tasmanian Devil lives in the wild in Evan Nair
he could caper. He opened the big Australia. It has black fur and usually
brown door. Mum was home and she has white markings. The Tasmanian THE TUCKSHOP
was confused. She asked them what Devil can weigh up to 14kg and be I like the tuckshop. The good thing
had happened. He went to bed and 30cm tall. They store fat in their tails about the tuckshop is that it helps
bound his head with vinegar and and use it when they need it. The bellies stay full for long. I dislike the
brown paper. Jill got up and came Tasmanian Devil is a marsupial. tuckshop because they are slow. They
home. She told mom the story and Blake Ho could improve by selling sour worms.
Mom called it the Jack and Jill story. Ariel Nyasulu
Sian Le Grange THE POSSUM
Possums live in tree trunks. They ECHIDNAS
SPRING build nests in trees or bushes called The echidna lives in forests, meadows
Wonderful hall, drays. Possums can live up to 20 and deserts. It digs burrows and eats
Beautiful sky, years. Possums have two paws with small bugs like ants, worms, termites
Gleaming water, a good grip to climb and a very fluffy and sometimes beetles. The echidna
Tall tree, tail. They eat flowers, fruit, birds’ eggs, has very sharp claws and spines and a
Bright lamppost, insects and love nectar. Possums long tongue and shiny snout. Did you
Big catfish, are nocturnal. There are 23 different know that the echidna is related to
Concrete statue species. The ringtail and bush tail are the dinosaurs?
Solid rock. the most common. Christian Azar
Thandolwethu Kumalo Jodi Murphy


102 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

Rachel Hatfield

Aadam Rawat

Aaradhya Suresh Anaya Ayodi

Blake Ho

Anivuyini Zulu

Christian Azar Senen Naidoo
Abigail Kilpatrick

RESPONSIBILITIES I plan to use my education to help
I have the right to food, water and The queen told the servant that the people know more about having a
shelter and the responsibility not to mosquito had gotten in her palace clean environment. I will help them
waste what I have. and had bitten her. He was slightly by teaching them not to litter and
relieved to know that it was just a to recycle. I will also tell them that
I have the right not to be hurt and the mosquito that had bitten her. looting is not good.
responsibility not to hurt others.
James Venter The next morning, the queen was Kwesi Kalibo
wearing a white suit and a purple
I have the right to eat food when I am swimming cap that went over her THE LION, THE SPRINGBUCK
hungry and the responsibility to tell ears. The servant had to force himself AND THE CHEETAH
my parents if I do not like something not to laugh. The queen was straight- Long, long ago in the African jungle,
so I don’t waste food. faced. She told him that he was to kill there lived a cheetah named Chia.
every mosquito in the village. She was Chia was conceited. Her best friends
I have the right to free time and the only telling him to do this so that the were Leo, the lion who was rather
responsibility to do my chores first. villagers would admire her and do playful and Sue, the springbuck who
everything she told them to do. was very clever. Chia loved the way
I have the right to go to hospital if I she looked. She had beautiful golden
get sick or hurt and my responsibility A few days later, the servant was yellow fur, razor sharp claws and
is to take medicine and get some rest. finally prepared. He set out on his super pointy teeth.
Maria Martin Aguilar journey with great ambition. He
stopped in his tracks when he saw a One day, Chia was sitting on her
I have the right to not go to school black mosquito blocking his way. He rock when she noticed Leo and Sue
when I am sick and the responsibility immediately swatted the mosquito playing in the mud and dirt. She
to drink all the medicine and eat with his fly swatter and continued pulled a disgusted face. Leo and Sue
healthily. on his journey. After several weeks aske Chia if she wanted to play with
of swatting mosquitoes, he was them in the mud and the dirt. Chia
It is my right to live under a roof and exhausted. said, “No! I’m not going to play in that
my responsibility to keep my house dirty mud and muddy dirt.” Leo and
clean. The servant started jumping up and Sue really wanted Chia to join in the
down once he realised that he had fun but she wouldn’t.
It is my right to have some free time killed every mosquito in the land. He
and my responsibility to still work sprinted as fast as he could until he Then, one day, Chia found Leo and
around the house. reached his home. He was so tired he Sue playing in the mud and dirt again.
Ina Blose could barely see but he decided to They asked her if she wanted to play
make one more stop at the queen’s with them this time. Chia said again,
THE MOSQUITO AND THE QUEEN house. “No! I’m not going in that dirty mud
Long before your grandmother was and that muddy dirt.” Leo and Sue
born, there was a beautiful but greedy By the time he got to the palace, he were a little sad but Sue had come
queen who lived in an enormous was VERY tired. When he opened the prepared. Well, almost!
palace in the Kalahari Desert. The door, he saw one last mosquito… or at
queen was never fond of insects least, he thought he did. He took out Her idea was to somehow get Chia in
meaning that the doors and windows his fly swatter and hit the mosquito the mud. Leo thought for a moment
were always closed. She was very high over and over again until he heard a and then had a plan. He explained his
maintenance and so she only had SHRIEK coming from the mosquito. plan to Sue. She liked it. The next day,
one loyal servant. The servant tried He rubbed his eyes and realised that it the plan was in motion. So, while Chia
to please the queen but constantly wasn’t a mosquito. It was the queen! came down from her rock to drink
failed. some water, Leo and Sue climbed up
Over the time, it took the queen to to the top of Chia’s rock. They jumped
One night, while the queen was heal, she realised that it was selfish of down from the rock and into the mud
sleeping peacefully. She heard a her to tell the servant that he had to and dirt. SPLASH!
strange buzzing sound in her ear. She kill every mosquito in the land just for
woke up and slapped her ear with a her to get attention. The queen was When they jumped, they splashed
SMACK! She howled through the pain never selfish again! giving Chia her brown spots all over
so loudly that the whole village heard Liso Engler her golden fur. Chia had to wipe it off
her scream. Her servant sprinted to but it wouldn’t come out. At the end
the palace as fast as he could to see BASS of the year, Chia actually won ‘most
what was happening. Feisty, Fast stylish animal of the year’. It was all
Swimming, Sleeping, Breathing thanks to Leo and Sue. So that’s how
When the servant arrives at the Scales, Teeth, Whiskers, Fins cheetahs got spots and Chia always
queen’s room, he saw her sobbing Eating, Hunting, Jumping learned to try new things!
and saying, “It bit me. It bit me.” Strong, Sneaky
Olivia Nuen
“What bit you, your majesty?” the Barbel
Spencer Cutter

104 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

Daniel Smit

Ariel Nyasulu Amy Crosby
Emma Gotthardt

Declan Gaylard
Sian Le Grange

Connor Dry

Gabriela Cutter

WE’RE GOING ON A splash! Splash, splash! Splash, splash! MY DAD
DRAGON HUNT My dad is my hero because he is kind
We’re going on a dragon hunt. We’re Into the house. Shut the door. Step, to me. He makes me feel safe. He
going to catch a big one. We’re not step! believes in me. He loves and respects
scared! me. He never gives up on me even
Into the bedroom, into the cupboard. when I do something wrong. I can
Uh-oh! Click, clack! count on my dad because he trusts
me when I do something – right or
A waterfall! A red, hot volcano! We Let’s not go on a dragon hunt ever wrong! He helps me with my work
can’t climb up it. We can’t walk past again! when I need it. He is honest.
it. We’ve got to go around it. Splash, Siara Singh Justin Cochran
splash! Splash, splash! Splash, splash!
Uh-oh! PENGUINS Green, Big
The baby penguins get brown feathers Smashing, Biting, Protecting
A volcano! A wet, cold waterfall! We but can’t swim with them because Human, Monster, Iron, Human
can’t swim in it. We can’t go between they are not proper swimming Protecting, Shutting, Flying
it. We’ve got to walk through it. feathers. Suit, Smart
Thump, thump! Thump, thump! Senen Naidoo Iron Man
Thump, thump! Connor Dry
Penguins are cold-blooded. Penguins
Uh-oh! can’t fly. Seals eat penguins. Penguins WHY GIRAFFES DON’T SWIM
are predators and prey. Long ago when the world was new,
A mountain! A tall, rocky mountain! Mohammed Dawood giraffes could swim as well as fish.
We can’t crawl beneath it. We can’t They would swim from one end of the
run through it. We’ve got to climb up Seals and penguins hate each other. ocean to another.
it. Slip, slip! Flop, slip! Flop, flop! The female penguin chews the food
to feed their babies. Baby penguins At that time, giraffes were very flexible
Uh-oh! can’t swim. and had a short neck. This giraffe
Mark Veliades was named Hank. Hank was the best
Rain! Wet, soggy rain! We can’t walk swimmer in the world. He would
around it. We can’t crawl under it. THE BEST HEROES compete in all the swimming races
We’ve got to dash through it. Splitter, A hero is someone who protects and, of course, win!
splatter! Splitter, splatter! Splitter, others, makes them feel special and
splatter! encourages people to follow their One day, Hank wanted to try
dreams. My heroes are my mother something new like using a different
Uh-oh! and my aunt. They are my heroes stroke in the water. Then he wanted
because they protect me, make me to learn to do a backflip in the water.
Snow! White, soft snow! We can’t walk feel special, and they are shaping me He tried for five days until le learned
around it. We can’t run over it. We’ve into a beautiful, strong young woman. to do it. One day, he tried doing it in
got to go through it. Stomp, stomp! Anivuyini Zulu the deep ocean. He did not stretch!
Stomp, stomp! Stomp, stomp! He tried again and got his head stuck
HOW TO BEST USE in the coral.
When I grow up, I want to be a Luckily his friends saw him. Their
A tunnel! A spooky, dark tunnel! teacher so I can help children learn. I names were Lola, Sunny and Jay. Jay
We can’t climb up it. We can’t walk will tell them about Nelson Mandela’s tugged Hank’s body and Lola and
around it. We’ve got to go through it. story to learn about forgiveness. Sunny pulled his legs. They finally
Click, clack! Click, clack! Click, clack! Emma Gotthardt pulled him out of the water and he
felt taller. His friends looked at him
What’s that? KOALAS like he was crazy. He went home.
Koalas are marsupials which means He felt so stiff. The doctor said if he
A scaly back, big teeth and a wet nose. they have pouches. They have sharp got stiff, all giraffes would become
It’s a dragon! claws to help them climb. Koalas live stiff until they became extinct. Hank
in Australia in trees and grass. They panicked. He didn’t know what to do.
Back through the tunnel. Click, clack! are nocturnal. A baby is called a joey.
Click, clack! Click, clack! They sleep for 18 to 20 hours a day and When he finally looked in the mirror,
are related to the wombat. Koalas are he was in shock, his neck was two
Back through the snow. Stomp, herbivores. They like to eat eucalyptus metres longer! H carried on living his
stomp! Stomp, stomp! Stomp, stomp! leaves. They eat half a kilogram a day. life but now he eats from tress. He
Luke Veliades loves to eat camel tree thorns and he
Back through the rain. Splitter, competes in any competition in the
splatter! Splitter, splatter! Splitter, city!
splatter! Lilia Paidas

Back up the mountain. Slip, slip! Flop,
slip! Flop, flop!

Back through the volcano. Thump,
thump! Thump, thump! Thump,

Back around the waterfall. Splash,

106 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

Evan Nair
James Venter

Abigail de Jong

Joshua Githiari

Ina Blose

Gabriella Pearse Francisco Baudrand

Jessica Osborne


MINECRAFT MY INTERESTING BRAIN for him so that he could be even
Bald, Pixelated Your brain is an organ. Its colour is richer and rule more than one
Killing, Running, Jumping pink. It feels soft, wet, wiggly and kingdom. The king could not draw
Java, Bedrock, Roleplay, Influencers wrinkly. because he was evil. He told the
Dancing, Walking, Chatting soldiers to bring Din.
Game, Players The cerebrum is the largest part of
your brain. It is in charge of all your The king asked him to draw a city of
Roblox muscles. It also helps you think, gold. Din drew the city on the other
Francisco Baudrand speak, read, do Math, remember side of the ocean. The king took
and controls all your senses. The his big boat to go there, din let the
THE BOY AND THE RAINBOW cerebellum keeps your balance. It is king go further and further until he
They stood there for a moment one of the most important parts of reached the centre of the sea. When
breathing in the refreshing orange your brain. The brain stem is in charge Din saw the king was far away, he
scent. It felt like there was magic of all the involuntary muscles. They drew a storm with lightning and
in the air, a pretty butterfly tickled make your other organs work. The thunder and it destroyed the boat.
the creature, and some cute tiger cerebellum controls your breathing,
cubs cuddled the boy while a snippy swallowing, digesting and keeping Din went back to the village. The
crab happily carved pumpkins. Just your heart pumping. Your brain has people were happy that the old king
then, a warm breeze blew some 100 000 000 000 helpers to do was not there, They rewarded Din to
autumn leaves towards them. The its work. These helpers are called be their king. His family was never
boy saw some spring flowers moving neurons. They connect while you poor again!
backwards and forwards with the sleep. They hold your new memory. Shivank Seethiraju
wind. The boy wished he could stay
forever but they had to unlock the Take care of your brain. Exercise MY HERO
other colours. Then the glowing yourself and exercise your brain. You A hero is someone who is always there
key turned yellow and they walked can do this by questioning, learning, when you need them. My parents are
straight to the door, waving goodbye reading, eating healthy foods and heroes because they love me, give me
to the orange colour and then wearing a helmet when you ride food and buy me things I need. They
disappeared. a bike. It is also good to sleep for are kind and help me with my work.
8 hours. They are good teachers when I have to
They stepped out onto a cool jetty. The do home schooling. My grandparents
blue water was very calm. It was so Did you know that your brain controls are heroes because they buy me
inviting that they dived straight in. The your entire body? Even though the presents and play with me. They are
water was warm as they floated. Some brain is an organ, it acts like a muscle! kind and they take me places. They
blue whales, sharks and fish swam Suleiman Badsha are powerful.
beneath them. The boy wanted to stay Maariya Seedat
longer but he still needed to unlock THE MAGIC PAINTBRUSH
the other colours. So they got out and Once upon a time there lived a boy CHONG’S MAGIC PAINT BRUSH
dried themselves, waved goodbye and called Din. Din loved to draw. His Once upon a time, there lived a child
disappeared through the next door. father was a farmer who worked very called Chong. All Chong wanted to do
Luke Hart hard to earn money. Din enjoyed was draw.
living on the farm because he could
MY FAVOURITE PLACE AT draw the nature around him. Chong dreamt that an old man gave
GRAYSTON him a magic paintbrush. The old
My favourite place is Martha’s Lawn. I One day, Din woke up and saw man said that he must help the poor.
like it because it is quiet and has lots a floating paintbrush. As he was Chong woke up and found the magic
of flowers and more. I also like the wondering what the paintbrush paintbrush on his desk.
fishpond and benches. What I don’t was for, he heard a mysterious voice
like is that the path is too close to the saying, “Use it wisely and for good.” The next morning Chong went to help
name plaque and there is a tree on the poor. When Chong saw there was
the side of the lawn. I would move the Din said, “What? Who is this?” But a drought, he drew rain clouds and
tree and the path to the side. no-one replied. He went back to sleep it rained. The king wanted the magic
Joshua Githiari but in the morning he still found the paintbrush to become powerful. So
paintbrush where it was. He decided his guards set off to steal Chong and
ICE CREAM to test it out and he drew a waterfall. the magic brush. The king wanted
Unhealthy, Delicious Then he drew a cow and he realised a golden mountain but Chong first
Licking, Eating, Freezing whatever he drew came to life. He drew the sea and then a golden
Sprinkles, Con, Cup, Chocolate understood it was a magic paintbrush. mountain.
Sipping, Filling, Amazing He started helping the people in the
village by drawing whatever they When the king reached the middle of
Hot, Sugary needed like water, grains and food. the sea, Chong drew big waves and
Hot Chocolate the king died. Chong lived happily
Declan Gaylard One day the cruel king heard about ever after.
the magic paintbrush. He sent his Uzayr Royker
soldiers to go and get the paintbrush

108 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

Mohammed Dawood Kaia Shaw
Maariya Seedat Jodi Murphy

Laura Hardy

Thandoluwethu Kumalo

Kiaran Naidoo

Lilia Paidas


What you need: A RED BUM
• Leprechauns like hats that are Long, long ago in a dull forest with Uh-oh!
lots of hills there lived a jolly family.
bigger than they are They were called Mr Baboon, Mrs A river!
Baboon and baby Baboon. Mr Baboon
• Double-sided tape shaped like the was not very clever. His wife was very An icy, cold river!
hat’s rim clever. Baby baboon was very cheeky. We can’t go around it.
We can’t go under it.
• A stick and some string One day, Mr Baboon was finding We’ve got to swim through it.
lovely ripe leaves for dinner. On the
• Chocolate coins way home he happened to come Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Splash
across a really ripe tree but it had splosh!
• A glass of milk lots of twigs and thorns. He wasn’t so
clever so he decided to climb it. When We’re going on a snake hunt.
• Patience he was on a branch, he suddenly fell We’re going to catch a huge one.
and got his bum stuck. He waited We’re not scared.
What to do: there for about three hours until all
the bum hair came off! That night, he Uh-oh!
First, place double-sided tape on a went home very embarrassed but he
tiled floor. still got good leaves. A tornado!

Second, stand the hat on the stick The next morning, he went to find A big, dangerous tornado!
and put the glass of milk and the breakfast, all his friends saw him. They We can’t go below it.
chocolate coins under the hat. Wait thought he looked nice so they all We can’t go around it.
until you see a leprechaun. When you did it. It hurt but they thought it was We’ve got to go through it.
see a leprechaun, pull the string. worth it.
Howl, howl, howl!
The hat will stick to the double-sided After that, every single baboon in
tape. Africa had a red bum – all because What’s that?
of Mr Baboon. So that is how come Two big ears.
Now you’ve caught a leprechaun! baboons have red bums and the A wet nose.
Rachel Hatfield animals learned to try new things! And a long tail!
Abigail Kilpatrick
Penguins live in the southern WE’RE GOING ON A WILD
hemisphere in burrows, snow, ice, ANIMAL HUNT! Back into the mud, squirt, squirt,
nests and rookeries. They have to be in We’re going on a leopard hunt. squirt!
water. Penguins can live in cold areas We’re going to catch a hungry one.
and hot areas. We’re not scared. Back through the tornado, howl, howl,
Penguins are birds but they can’t Uh-oh!
fly. The two smallest penguins are Back through the forest, crack, crack,
the Chinstrap and African Penguin. Mud! crack!
Penguins have smooth waterproof
feathers and a layer of fat to trap Oozing, wet mud! Back through the river, splash splosh,
the heat. They have black and white We can’t go below it. splash splosh, splash splosh!
feathers. They also have flippers, beaks We can’t go on top of it.
and wings. Chinstrap and African We’ve got to go around it. Back into the house! Close the door!
Penguins can lay two eggs at a time. Into the bedroom and under the
Penguins have to hunt for their food. Squirt, squirt, squirt! covers. We are NEVER going on a wild
They like fish and squid. They have animal hunt again!
to open their beaks wide to swallow We’re going on a tiger hunt. Mehul Mistry, Abigail de Jong, Thalia
their food whole. We’re going to catch a sneaky one. Naidoo and Daniel Smit
We’re not scared.
Penguins can swim very well and KANGAROOS
glide well too. They waddle to keep Uh-oh! Most kangaroos are found in Australia,
their balance. They can hold their New Guinea and Tasmania. They
breath for 30 minutes. They can swim A forest! live in mobs. Kangaroos eat plants,
in cold water and can toboggan. leaves and grasses too. They have very
A big, dark forest! strong back legs which makes them
Emperor Penguins lay their eggs in We can’t go above it. great jumpers. They have small heads
winter. They lay one egg. Both mother We can’t go around it. and can run 60 km per hour. They
and father care for the chick. The baby We’ve got to go across it. have small arms and large feet. They
chick sits on their feet. They are the carry their babies in a pouch. Did you
biggest penguins. Emperor Penguins Crack, crack, crack! know that male kangaroos are called
stand 122 cm tall. They weigh 45 kg boomers, bucks, Jack or old man?
and have yellow and orange marks on We’re going on a jaguar hunt. Kangaroos cannot move backwards.
their necks. They have a big head and We’re going to catch a huge one. Otis van Praet
a small neck.
Jessica Osborne

110 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

Liso Engler Olivia Nuen
Nusaybah Amod

Otis van Praet

Luke Hart

Justin Cochran

Maria Martin Aguilar

Luke Veliades

Zoe Nieuwoudt 111

HOW TO CATCH A LEPRECHAUN ALL ABOUT THE BRAIN 5. Put the fake cake in the blanket,
What I need In your body is a pink organ called making sure the cake does not
• A small pot/bucket the brain. It is soft, wiggly, wet and fall in.
• Invisible wire 6. Now hide in the bush with your
The cerebrum is the largest part of spade and bag. Be quiet!
• A cardboard box your brain. It makes you think, speak,
read and do Math. It also helps you 7. Wait for the leprechaun to try to
• Gold paint remember, use your senses and mov. get the fake cake and so fall in the
It even helps with your behaviour hole.
• Tiny rocks and personality. It has four parts. The
cerebellum keeps your balance. If you 8. Now you know how to catch a
• Glue didn’t have a cerebellum, you’d fall leprechaun!
everywhere! Your brain stem keeps
• Coloured paint your heart pumping, it makes you Zoe Nieuwoudt
swallow food, digest and breathe. You
What to do wouldn’t be able to live if you didn’t JACK AND JILL
1. First, cut the cardboard box into have a brain stem. One beautiful morning, Jack and
Jill had just woken up. Their mom
seven arcs. There are billions of neurons in your wanted a pail of water but she had a
body. Neurons produce enough sore leg so Jack and Jill had to go and
2. Then, paint them with rainbow electricity to power a light bulb. They get water. They went outside and up
colours which include red, orange, send messages to your body. When the hill to the well with their pink and
yellow, green, blue, indigo and you learn something new or sleep, blue bucket.
violet. your neurons connect. You are making
yourself smarter! On the way back, Jack said, “Race you
3. Next, tie another box to an down!”
invisible wire close to the rainbow Your skull protects your brain. If you
arc. exercise, have good sleep, read and Jill said, “I will win.”
eat healthily, you are keeping your
4. After that, paint the tiny rocks in brain strong. When you learn new So they raced down. There was a big
gold and place them in the pot. things, your brain stretches. Don’t grey rock. Jack tripped and rolled all
Keep them beneath the wired forget to wear a helmet. the way down and broke his leg. Then
box. Jill tripped over the same rock. She
Your brain never stops working! Your hurt her head and cried. Jill had to
5. Finally, wait for the leprechaun to brain weighs three whole pounds! Did help Jack walk home. Their mom and
be trapped. you know that the left side of your dad had a shock!
brain controls the right side of your
Aaradhya Suresh body and the right side of the brain The children said that they didn’t
controls the left side of your body? get the water but mom said that it
JACK AND JILL Anaya Ayodi was alright. Dad had to take Jack to
Jack and Jill were playing in the the hospital. He came home with a
garden with a ball. They realised that HOW TO CATCH A LEPRECHAUN bandage. Jill aske Jack id he was okay
they were thirsty so they went up the What I need and he said he was. Mom was worried
tall hill. They saw a massive well. They • Fake cake but dad told her Jack was fine.
got some clean water in their red
bucket. • A picnic blanket They didn’t have water but they had
each other!
Jack and Jill were carrying the heavy • Pillows Amy Crosby
bucket of water when Jack tripped
over a bog, grey rock. He we tumbling • A deep giant hole HORSE
down the steep hill. He got to the Clumsy, Cute
ground and broke his head. Jill • Spade Roaming, Jumping, Running
tripped over the same rock. She just Appeloosa, Chestnut, Arabian, Friesian
hit her head. They were both so sore • Bag Drinking, Eating, Yawning
on their heads. Crazy, Smart
What to do
Jack and Jill got up slowly and trotted 1. First pack a bag with a picnic Pony
slowly back home in pain. Jill was Laura Hardy
complaining to Jack for making her blanket, a fake cake, pillows and a
fall and bump her head. They had a spade. BLACK COLLARED BARBET
big fight. The Black Collared Barbet eats fruits,
2. Next go to a field and dig a deep insects, lizards, frogs and geckos. It
Mom got home and she almost had hole with your spade. lives in Kenya and has black feathers
a heart attack when she saw Jack on its body and bright red feathers on
with a broken head. She ran to the 3. Then lay pillows at the bottom of its head. It lays two eggs which hatch
bath with the bucket of water and the hole. between December and February.
filled it. Then she grabbed, Jack and Kiaran Naidoo
cleaned his wound. Jack was crying. 4. Now spread the blanket over the
Mom sealed the wound and he finally hole, making sure the blanket
stopped crying. They lived happily does not fall in.
ever after.
Kaia Shaw

112 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

Thalia Naidoo

Mehul Mistry

Shivank Seethiraju

Spencer Cutter

Suleiman Badsha
Mark Veliades

Kwesi Kalibo

Uzayr Royker

Siara Singh



114 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021


116 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021


118 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021


120 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021


122 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021



124 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

First Row (left to right): Adam Badsha, Matthew Crerar, Katie Crosby, Sahil Fakir, Diyanah Fazel-Ellahi
Second Row (left to right): Zaila Forsdyke de Almeida, William Fouche, Milana Girdharlal, Eli Hatchuel, Aashi Lalloo

Third Row (left to right): Kayan Moosa, Botshelo Moseneke, Alyssa Naicker, Giorge Natsas, Vivienne Papazian
Fourth Row (left to right): Michael Picton, Atlegang Sibanda, Levi Want, Celia Griggs



126 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

First Row (left to right): Zara Bagratee, Zivanka Chetty, Kano Dick, Annabelle Gwilt, Benjamin Hale
Second Row (left to right): Toby Howard, Mathew Joseph, Sean Knight, Liam Levinson, Christopher Martins
Third Row (left to right): Kytara Moodley, Nyasha Mudzengi, Kieran Naidoo, Shahil Nathoo, Isabella Natsas

Fourth Row (left to right): Oliver Phillips, Bianca Rayfield, Brinda Yarramachu, Mart-Marie Archer


The BFG is very kind, caring and Nginambitha ngolimi lami. Singing and dancing is a great
unique. Ngilalela ngezindlebe zami. tradition here
Ngithinta ngezandla zami. On 18 July is Nelson Mandela, a former
If he were an animal, he would be Ngibona ngamehlo wami. president of SA's birthday
something like a giraffe because they Nginuka ngamakhala ami. Using natural resources to create
are calm and tall like him. Nginyathela ngezinyawo zami. wealth
Ngigijima ngemilenze yami. The rainbow nation we love
If he was the sky, I think all the people Ngikhuluma ngomlomo wami. Having no natural disasters on our
on the land would see the northern Ibhalwe ngu-Alyssa Naicker land
lights every day, but they would be After all we've been through, we are
dreams. stronger than ever
RECIPE FOR A DREAM ABOUT A Forests and the bush are a wonderful
And he likes to be creative with his STOWAWAY ON A SECRET SHIP part of us
words as he takes out letters to make Ingredients: Rocks of all sorts you will find here
his own words. • 2 cups of endless adventure Incredible people you will meet
Cool things that you'll see
If he were a work of art, it would be • 3 days of absolute silence Although we have a bad reputation
very colourful and abstract with lots of in some areas, there are a lot of good
weird things that normally you would • 1 barrel of courage things too
only dream of.
• 1 cup of exciting moments Mathew Joseph
His heart is very loud and beats fast.
• 4 scary bouts of terrifying fear
And his ears are ginormous, and can DIT IS EK, LIAM
hear EVERYTHING. • 21 duffel bags of rations My naam is Liam en ek is ‘n seun. Ek is
in Monringside Hospitaal gebore. Ek
His eyes have seen both wonderful • 1 secret ship is 10 jaar oud. Ek het baie troeteldiere,
and scary things that make me want katte, honde en visse. My honde se
to see the things he sees. • 1 brave stowaway name is Zoë en Satin. My katte se
Isabella Natsas name is Luna en Max. My gunsteling
Method: stokperdjie is swem, stap en teken. My
1. Mix 2 cups of endless adventure gunsteling vakansie is by die see en
DIT IS EK, ANNABELLE in die berge en moenie die bosveld
My naam is Anabelle en ek is ‘n with 4 scary bouts of fear. vergeet nie.
dogter. Ek is in London gebore en is
10 jaar oud. Ek het een sussie en haar 2. Next, boil the above mixture with Liam Levinson
naam is Emily. Ek het twee katte as 1 cup of exciting moments and 21
troeteldiere. My gunsteling kleur is duffel bags of rations.
pienk. My stokperdjie is gimnastiek. MINA
Annabelle Gwilt 3. Pour this into a ship-shaped cake Igama lami nguZaila. Isibongo
mould. sami ngu-Almeida. Ngihlala eGoli.
Ngineminyaka eyisishiyagalolunye.
UMANGIKHULILE NGIFISA 4. Then sprinkle one barrel of Ngifunda ibanga lesine. Ngifunda
UKUBA courage into the same mould. eGrayston Prep. Umngane wami
Igama lami nguSean. Isibongo sami ngu-Olivia. Ngithanda ukufunda
nguKnight. Ngineminyaka eyishumi. 5. Place the mould into 1 large, secret izicwadi kakhulu. Nginomfowethu,
Ngihlala eMorningside. Ngifunda ship with 1 brave stowaway. igama lakhe nguKaio. Uneminyaka
ibanga lesine. Ngifunda eGrayston eyishumi nambili. Naye ufunda
Prep. Umngane wami nguChristopher. 6. Leave to bake in a stormy sea until eGrayston Prep.Ufunda ibanga
Nginabafowethu ababili. Amagama the land is finally reached. lesithupha. Umngane wakhe nguJack.
wabo ngu-Owen no Harry. Umfowethu uthanda ukudlala ibhola
Umangikhulile ngifuna ukuba Benjamin Hale lezinyawo.
ngumdlali weCricket. Ngithanda
umdlalo wecricket kakhulu. Ibhalwe nguZaila Forsdyke de
Ibhalwe nguSean Knight HERFS Almeida
My ma se verjaarsdag is in die herfs.
Die bome se oranje blare val af. Ek
hou daarvan om met die blare te
speel. My hond hou ook daarvan om
in die blare te speel. My sussie hou
baie van herfs, want sy geniet die
koue weer.
Giorge Natsas


128 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

Michael Picton
Aashi Lalloo

Annabelle Gwilt, Bianca Rayfield,
Mathew Joseph, Christopher Martin

Sean Knight

Vivienne Papazian Brinda Yarramachu, Kytara Moodley,
Liam Levinson, Oliver Phillips


16 July 2021 Igama lami ngu-Atlegang. isibongo What if we didn’t make so much
sami nguSibanga. Ngazalwa smoke?
Dear Diary, ngomhlaka 31 kuMeyi 2011. Iphathi What if it didn’t make us cough
yami izoba ngomhlaka 31 kuMeyi and choke?
It was midnight. There was a thin light 2022. Iphathi yami izobe iseGold Reef
shining on my face. It kept me awake City. Ngithanda ukumema abangane What if we didn’t litter the streets?
all night. I couldn't sleep. I was in my bami ngosuku lokuzalwa kwami. What if we didn’t make so many
dormitory with all the other children. Ngizomema uBotshelo, uDiyanah useless plastic sheets?
They were fast asleep. When I looked noShivank. Ngizojabulela izipho
through the window, I saw the black engizozithola ngosulku lokuzalwa What if we didn’t just throw
sky. It was as black as night. I thought kwami. Kuzobe kunomhlekisi uzocula everything away?
for a while, and it came to my mind ingoma yosuku lokuzalwa aphinde What if, instead, we recycled all our
that it was the witching hour. Now, futhi ahlekise abangane bami. plastic bottles from today?
you're probably thinking, "What's Ibhalwe ngu-Atlegang Sibanda
witching hour?" Well, the witching What if we stopped polluting the
hour is like the day for monsters, and water with all our poisonous
if anyone catches you out of bed at THE GOBBLEFUNKING GIANT factory waste?
the witching hour, you'll get into He is happy, and he is sneaky and not What if all the leftover plastic was
serious trouble. Even if you got out of so good at speaking. reused in a new type of disposable
bed to go to the bathroom, you would plate?
get into trouble. I got out of bed Even so, his vocabulary is fun and new,
anyway. I was too curious. I tiptoed to even though it is often wrong. I think that would be a good world in
the window, and you will never guess my book,
what I saw. If he were a work of art, it would be Instead of all standing by and taking
abstract because he is always getting a look.
There was this tall, thin, black figure his words muddled up.
carrying a suitcase in one hand and, Sahil Fakir
in the other hand, there was a long As a phase of the moon, he would
trumpet thing. It was also carrying be a new moon because he is not so
a jar filled with magic dust. It was bright. SOUTH AFRICA
walking to each house one by one, South Africa
opening room windows where If he were the clouds in the sky, he Our beautiful land
children were sleeping. Each time would have the weather all mixed up Unlike most countries, there are so
it blew magic dust through the because he can be foggy, and then many cultures
windows, it looked like it was blowing when he gets an idea, the sun comes Though COVID has come, people are
dreams through the windows. It kept out to shine. still positive
on walking along with its trumpet How our lives have changed, but
thing and its black case. Suddenly, it His heart is big, and it goes, "Boom! SOUTH AFRICA is still
turned around, and it saw me. I ran Beat! Boom!" A wonderful country
across the room, and I quickly crawled For you and me
under my bed. I was terrified, and He also has big ears that look kind Rand is our currency
then it happened! of funny and a round tummy full of I think our cuisine is so special
snozzcumbers that aren't so yummy. Cool people live in SOUTH AFRICA.
A gigantic hand grabbed me, I It is
screamed, and a big noise echoed While his mouth is like a cave, each of A stunning country
around the dormitory, but luckily for his teeth is as big as a grave. William Fouche
me, everyone was asleep. It seemed
like it was a giant! It ran very fast. And his eyes are as big as boulders
"Its strides were as long as a tennis with which he can see for miles. UTHISHA WAMI
court." I was scared, and I was getting Liam Levinson Uthisha wami nguMnumzane Mofolo.
bumped on the giant's leg as it ran. It Uhlala eAlberton. Uneminyaka
was very uncomfortable! I was getting engamashimi Amathathu
worried that I'd get eaten. I started to AS MY DIER KON PRAAT nesikhombisa. NgoMsombuluko
think, was this the end for me? As ek met ‘n dier kon praat sou dit my udlala ibhola lezinyawo. Uthanda
hond wees. My eerste vraag aan my abantwana futhi uthanda ukucula.
Sophie hond sou wees: “Hoekom hou jy nie Akathandi abantwana abavilaphayo.
Zara Bagratee van my nie?” Ek wonder soms hoekom Uthisha wami ufundisa abantwana
my hond eerder na my ma toe sal futhi ungumqeqeshi webhola
hardloop as na my toe. My tweede lezinyawo. Uqeqesha abafana njalo
WE CAME FIRST! vraag aan my hond sou wees: “Hou jy umakuphuma isikole. Umangikhula
It is amazing. van jou naam?” Ek wonder of my hond ngifisa ukufana naye uthisha wami.
South Africa came first place. van sy naam hou en of hy eerder ‘n Ngithanda uthisha wami kakhulu.
Swimming is our game. ander naam sou wou gehad het.
Christopher Martins Ibhalwe nguKano Dick
Shahil Nathoo

130 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

Alyssa Naicker

Shahil Nathoo

Michael Picton, Zaila Forsdyke de Almeida,
Diyanah Fazel-Ellahi, Atlegang Sibanda

Katie Crosby

Milana Girdharlal

Milana Girdharlal

Zara Bagratee, Isabella Natsas, Benjamin Hale 131

15 July 1982 What if all dogs could speak? My naam is Sahil en ek is ‘n seun.
What if, instead of whiskers, cats had a Ek is 10 jaar oud en in Suid-Afrika
Dear Diary, big, red beak? gebore. Ek het nie troeteldiere nie.
My gunsteling kleur is goudgeel. My
You won't believe what happened to What if there was no violent crime? gunsteling stokperdjie is om op die
me. I couldn't sleep. I tried to sleep What if buying stuff wouldn't cost a rekenaar te speel. My gunsteling
so many times but just couldn't. single dime? vakansieplek is by die see. Ek het een
There was a light shining sharply boetie en sy naam is Dhruv.
through the curtain onto my pillow. What if people could travel at the Sahil Fakir
It was probably the witching hour, I incredible speed of light?
thought. The witching hour is a time What if people had extreme might?
at night when everyone is asleep, and RECIPE FOR A DREAM ABOUT
monsters and witches rule the night. What if we had no delusion? BEING A HERO
I wanted to close the curtain very What if there was no pollution? Ingredients:
quickly, but I knew that no one was • 5 handfuls of huge fists
allowed to get out of bed when it was That would be described as the best
past bedtime. Since I couldn't sleep, life we ever had, • 10 lightning bolts of superpowers
I very sneakily walked to the curtain I'm pretty sure I would be very glad.
and looked outside. Kieran Naidoo • 1 heart of your favourite
All the houses looked like the ones
in a fairy tale. I looked down the A PERFECT WORLD • 1 continuous bout of nagging
street, and then I saw it. It was... Well, What if nobody ever comes last? from mom saying, "This is too
I'm not sure what I saw. It was big, What if all crime was a thing of dangerous."
bigger than a two-storey house and the past?
black, very black and thin. Put those • 3 powerful kicks in the face
together, and you get something you What if absolutely everyone in the
don't want to meet. It was definitely world is super happy? • 1 soft whisper of big secrets
a person. You could see crinkles on its What if babies didn't have to wear
face. A giant, perhaps? It was by Mr a nappy? • 1 mean bully
and Mrs Goochey's house and looking
into the two Goochey boys' room. What if everyone had the same Method:
Then it put down its suitcase and took respect? 1. Stand on the pavement.
out a glass jar. It unscrewed the top What if everything was just perfect?
and put something in a long trumpet, 2. Whisper the big secrets and do a
and in the blink of an eye, it saw me. What if there was a world filled couple of punches in the air with
with peace? your huge fists.
I ran to my bed, hoping it didn't see What if all dogs could wear a coat
me, but I was wrong. It saw me and made of fleece? 3. Run around in circles and do it
took me with it with my bedsheet. I again.
was going to scream, but the sheet That world would be the best ever.
from my bed smoothed across my And if it were to exist, I would want it 4. Add 2 powerful kicks to a mean
face before I could do it. Luckily, I to last forever. bully, then stop running.
found a gap in the sheet and saw that Sean Knight
I was zooming past the high street. 5. Strike 10 lightning bolts of your
Each stride it took was "as long as a superpowers in the background.
tennis court". I was being bumped TRAPPED IN A BLACK HOLE
against its leg. Where was it going? I A black hole is caused by two or 6. Do another powerful kick.
was scared I was going to be eaten for more stars crashing into each other.
breakfast or, worse, a late-night snack! If you were trapped in a black hole, 7. Repeat all the steps softly and
no person would be able to hear you, wait for thirty minutes.
Sophie and the only thing you would hear is
your clothes rustling. You would get 8. Sprinkle with some nagging from
Christopher Martins stretched and look just like a strand your mom.
of spaghetti. It would suddenly suck
you into its huge mass, and you would 9. Now dream about using your
BY DIE SEE barely see any colour but black. You favourite superpower to save the
Almal speel vlugbal op die strand en would never escape, and you would world.
swem in die diep water. Ek maak ‘n always be falling. The only thing you
groot sandkasteel op die warm strand. would be able to touch is yourself. I Nyasha Mudzengi
Die kinders lees hulle boeke onder would definitely not want to fall into
‘n sambreel. Mamma eet roomys. black holes.
Die son is warm en die blou water is Giorge Natsas BY DIE SEE
vandag koud. Ons speel met ‘n rooi en wit bal op die
strand. Ek maak die emmer vol sand.
Aashi Lalloo Ek bou ‘n baie groot sandkasteel. Ek
speel saam my maat in die koue en
souterige water. Ek sit sonblok op my
arms om nie te brand nie. Die geel son
is in die lug en ek geniet die see.
Vivienne Papazian

132 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

Kieran Naidoo

Botshelo Moseneke Matthew Crerar, Botshelo Moseneke,
Giorge Natsas Alyssa Naicker, William Fouche

Eli Hatchuel Aashi Lalloo


Goeiemôre en welkom by BEACH HOLIDAY Goeiemôre en welkom by die
die weerberig. My naam is Ingredients: weerberig. My naam is Toby Howard
Milana Girdharlal en ek is julle • A ray of scorching hot sun en ek is julle weervoorspeller vir
weervoorspeller vir die dag. Kom die dag.. Kom ons kyk hoe die weer
ons kyk hoe die weer vandag gaan • A quarter cup of strong bellies vandag lyk. Dit is vandag ‘n koue dag
lyk. Vandag gaan dit bewolk wees in in Johannesburg en die wind waai in
Kaapstad. Dit is bewolk met ysreën • A cup of spectacular imagination Kaapstad. Dit is baie warm in Durban
in Johannesburg. Dit gaan ook koud en yskoud in Bloemfontein. As jy
wees in Bloemfontein. Gelukkig • A bucketful of beach sand vandag ‘n draai maak in Bloemfontein
is daar ‘n bietjie sonskyn in die raai ek jou aan om ‘n trui aan te trek.
Drakensberge. As jy ‘n bietjie sonskyn • A ½ cup of extra heat Groete tot môreoggend.
wil gevoel het, stel ek voor jy die
Drakensberg die naweek gaan besoek. • A sprinkle of salty seawater Toby Howard

Milana Girdharlal Method:
1. Whisk your scorching hot sun until THE 24-FOOT GIANT
He is like a huge, tall juggernaut.
WHAT IF you can’t hold the whisk anymore. If he were an animal, he would be a
What if all animals talked? giraffe because he is so big.
What if the dinosaur skeletons in 2. Pour your strong belief into the He is like a full moon.
museums suddenly got up and mixture. His ears have the size and strength of
walked? two powerful radars.
3. Mix until it forms a hot puddle. While his mouth is like a black hole,
What if our bodies didn’t have any His eyes are as enormous as two outer
bones? 4. Sieve the imagination. space planets.
What if we didn’t have any ice-cream
cones? 5. Put the mixture in the hot sun for Matthew Crerar
one hour.
What if there were no awful zoos?
What if cows didn’t speak using 6. Sprinkle on the beach sand. IMISHO
moos? UBianca ubhukuda ephulini.
7. Add your seawater to the mixture U-Isabella ucula iculo.
What if all humans become zombies? and stir. UBhuti ukhuluma isiNgisi.
What if vampires were only ever found UMama ubhaka ikhekhe.
in book copies? 8. Gently place in the extra heat Umfana ugqoke ibhulukwe
and leave outside for another ten namasokisi.
Imagine if all of these things were real, minutes. Intombazane igqoke ilokwe elibomvu.
And these things were the real deal. Umalume uthenga isinkwa esitolo.
9. Then, you will have your dream, Ubaba ugeza imoto.
Kayan Moosa and you will find yourself lying on
a beach on holiday. Ibhalwe ngu-Isabella Natsas

Igama lami nguKatie. Isibongo sami BY DIE SEE
nguCrosby. Ngizobhala ngomama Ek speel met my blou en rooi emmer
wami. Igama lakhe nguJaqui. Isibongo FOCUS WORD FOR THE YEAR: op die strand. Ons het ‘n groen
sakhe nguCrosby. Uneminyaka TRAVEL sambreel en ek het ook ‘n geel en wit
engamashumi amane nane (44). Going from place to place. Moving snorkel. Vandag is dit ‘n baie warm
Ilanga lakhe lokuzalwa ngumhlaka my body. My focus word for 2021 dag. Op die strand het ons vandag ‘n
6 kuMeyi. Umama wami uthanda is TRAVEL. I will hopefully TRAVEL reënboog gesien. Ek en my vriende
ukufunda nokubhaka. Uthanda more this year. I want to go to my speel vlugbal op die strand. Dit is
umbala oluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka. grandma’s house, and I would like to lekker by die see.
Umngane wakhe nguClaudia. Umama go to the beach. When I TRAVEL, I will
wami usebenza ebhangi.Umsebenzi learn new things. If I TRAVEL, I will Diyanah Fazel-Ellahi
wakhe ukuhlela ezomnotho. become smarter and will be rested
for school. I chose this word because
Ibhalwe nguKatie Crosby I love to TRAVEL to places. This word INGXOXO PHAKATHI
makes me feel excited and happy. It is KUKADOKOTELA NESIGULI
a good word for me. Dokotela: Sawubona Giorge.
MY GUNSTELING SEISOEN Michael Picton Giorge: Yebo sawubona dokotela.
In die herfs hou ek daarvan om onder Dokotela: Uphethwe yini?
‘n groot boom te sit. My hond spring Giorge: Ngiphethwe yizandla.
in die herfsblare onder die boom AS MY DIER KON PRAAT Dokotela: Woza ngikuhlabe umjovo.
rond. Die blare is droog en daar is ‘n As ek met ‘n dier kon praat sou dit ‘n Giorge: Ngiyabonga dokotela.
sterk wind. In die herfs dra ek warm hond wees. My eerste vraag aan my Dokotela: Hamba kahle Giorge.
klere. My mamma se verjaarsdag is hond sou wees: “Hoe voel dit om aan Giorge: Sala kahle Dokotela.
ook in die herfs. ‘n leibandjie te wees?” Ek voel altyd
jammer vir ‘n hond as ek sien hulle Ibhalwe nguGiorge Natsas
Bianca Rayfield is aan ‘n leibandjie. My tweede vraag
aan my hond sou wees: “As jy ‘n ander
dier kon wees wat sou jy wou wees?”
Ek wonder of my hond dalk eerder ‘n
kat sou wou wees.
Zivanka Chetty

134 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

Toby Howard

Zaila Forsdyke de Almeida

Zivanka Chetty

Adam Badsha

Levi Want Bianca Rayfield

Sahil Fakir

Oliver Phillips THE WINDOW
15 July 2021

Dear Diary,

Last night something terrible
happened! I couldn’t sleep. There
was a beam of moonlight shining on
my face. It was the witching hour. I
have heard that every child and every
grown-up is asleep and all the dark
things come out at this time.

I reached for my glasses and decided
to look out of the window. Then, I saw
a big shadow by the Goocheys’ house.
It took out a trumpet and blew it but
no sound came out. The shadow was
tall, black, and thin. Soon, it started
getting closer. I was terrified. After
that, it peered into my window, and
snatched me! It started running. Each
stride it took was ‘as long as a tennis

I was really scared and I screamed a
lot. But, no one heard me because
they were all asleep. I’m not sure what
that giant was doing but I know it was
up to no good.

Adam Badsha

Eli Hatchuel

Atlegang Sibanda
136 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

Brinda Yarramachu
Kayan Moosa

Shahil Nathoo

Kytara Moodley Nyasha Mudzengi

Kano Dick



138 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

First Row (left to right): Amira Allie, Matthew Cochran, Ciana de Abreu, Matthew de Jong
Second Row (left to right): Neil Dunstan, Rinnah Habte, Zandré Hall, Zuhayr Hargey, Laura Henriquez Munizaga

Third Row (left to right): Devanan Martin, Rahul Mistry, Jaydon Munsami, Hugo Price-Hughes, Riley Prinsloo
Fourth Row (left to right): Rania Royker, Maya Russell, Taylor Silverman, Chayne Slack, Leila Springer
Fifth Row (left to right): Rebecca Buchholtz, Nina Westerveld, Jessica de Castro



140 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

First Row (left to right): Cruz Baptista, Sophie Beevers, Avani Bhuse, Zihan Dullabh, Jacques Eagland
Second Row (left to right): Alexia Fanucchi, Taylor Gordon-Bennett, Simran Govender, Rachel Hardy, Mishka Mahida

Third Row (left to right): Riley McKenzie, Muhammad Patel, Payton Pietersen, Jordan Ramokoka, Vivaan Rowjee
Fourth Row (left to right): Gabriel Sines, Thelson Thela, Linden van Heerden, Ashleigh Elliott



142 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

First Row (left to right): Isabella Akeroyd, Peter Beevers, Anna-Rose De Wet, Muhammad Gattoo
Second Row (left to right): Ashton Ho, Suhail Ismail, Kimmel Jimmy, Teyana Kuni, Thato Mahlabegwane
Third Row (left to right): Rebantle Mmutlana, Thamarai Moodley, Niara Nair, Maximilian Rowberry, Honor Royston

Fourth Row (left to right): Eva Achilleoudes, S’phiwo Shabalala, Roxanne Teasdale, Busisiwe Manana


It was my first day of school, Igama lami nguGabriel. Isibongo sami As ek ‘n nuwe roomys geur kon skep,
I thought it was cool. nguSines. Ngizalwe ngoJanuwari. sou dit noedel roomys wees, want
We jumped in the pool, Ngineminyaka eyishumi nanye. noedels is my gunstelling kos. Ek het
and broke every rule. Ngifunda eGrayston prep. Ngifunda nog nooit vantevore noedel roomys
ibanga lesihlanu. Ngihlala eRevonia. gesien of geproe nie. Dit mag dalk ‘n
We wrote on the board, Uthisha wami nguMa-Elliot. Ubhuti bietjie vreemd wees, maar ek dink dit
we wrote on the wall wami ngu Viggo. Usisi wami nguSofia. gaan lekker wees.
and snapped the projector cord. Ngithanda ikhilikithi nethenisi Eva Achilleoudes
The teachers didn’t like this at all! angithandi uMsombuluko. Nginenja
igama layo nguStormy. UStormy
I woke up in my bed, uzalwe ngomhlaka 22 kuJuni. IF I HAD A DINNER PARTY, I
“Get ready for school”, a voice said. UStormy uthanda ukudla amathambo WOULD INVITE THE FOLLOWING
Was it just a dream? nokuvakashela emfuleni. UStormy THREE PEOPLE:
Thank goodness, as I let out a scream! uthanda ukukhokhonta nokugijima Mr Meola
Thamarai Moodley YouTuber. I would ask him, "Why did
Ibhalwe nguGabriel Sines you get into YouTube, and how did
you become so successful?"
Igama lami nguPeter. Isibongo CRICKET IS MY GAME Adrive
sami nguBeevers. Ngihlala eGoli. My name is Shane,
Ngihlala nomama nobaba. Ngizalwe It might sound plain. YouTuber. I would ask him, "Why
ngomhlaka 12 kuMeyi. Ngineminyaka Let me tell you about my game, aren't you as famous as the other guys
eyishumi. Ngithanda ibhola lezinyawo. there is no shame. that you play with?"
Umngane wami nguThomas. Igama
likamama wami nguFiona. Uthisha My favourite game is cricket, Steve Jobs
wami nguMaGumede. Umngane I often take a wicket.
wami nguThomas. Nginenja igama It makes me smile, He was the chairman, chief executive
layo ngushua. Mina ngifunda In just a short while. officer (CEO) and co-founder of Apple
eGrayston Prep. Ngifunda ibanga Inc. I would ask him, "Why did you
lesihlanu. Mina ngiyasithanda isikole Then I hear mom scream choose Apple as a name for your
sami. Ngithanda isiZulu neSingisi. as I bat for my team. company?"
Ngithanda ezemidlalo kakhulu. It’s a real big deal, Devanan Martin
Umdlalo engiwuthanda kakhulu I can’t believe this is real!
umdlalo webhola lezinyawo.
Suhail Ismail MY CAT
Ibhalwe nguPeter Beevers I have a cat,
and a couple of dogs.
S’PHIWO’S MONSTER He sleeps on a mat
I WENT TO THE ZOO My monster’s head is very big with the and my dogs on logs.
I went to the zoo, biggest grey teeth shaped like a knife.
I saw a tiger. He has ten of the scariest, red eyes My cat is named Odin,
I think he was a little coo-coo with a line from top to bottom in the he likes tasty meat.
As he thought his name was Liger. middle of each eye. At the top of my He won’t eat from the bin
monster’s gigantic head is spikey, blue and always wants a treat.
Next, I went to the loo hair and five sharp, green horns. My
After that, it smelt like doo-doo. monster has a zigzag-shaped mouth. He likes to climb walls
Next to the bathroom, was the that are very high.
elephant shack, He has a circular shaped body, and in He won’t go to malls,
Where there was a huge haystack. one hand, he is holding a knife, and in because he is very shy.
the other, he is holding an axe. There
By the elephant shack, there it stood. are ten fingers, not five like humans He isn’t very fat,
The hyenas, part of the hood. have. My monster’s tummy does not but he may give you a scratch.
Now it was time to go home, have a belly button. It has three legs So be careful when you pat,
To where I had a garden gnome. with spikes underneath. or rather, just play a game of catch.
Maximillian Rowberry
Jacques Eagland S’phiwo Shabalala


144 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

Muhammad Patel

Anna-Rose De Wet
Rinnah Habte

Eva Achilleoudes

Ciana de Abreu Cruz Baptista

Thelson Thela

Isabella Akeroyd 145

Mina igama lami nguThato. Isibongo
As ek wakker word op ‘n 17 Place sami nguMahlabegwane. Ngifunda
Saterdagoggend, die eerste ding wat Sandton eGrayston Prep. Ngizalwe ngomhlaka
ek doen is om op te staan en ontbyt 21 kuSepthemba 2010. Mina
te gaan eet. Daarna trek ek aan en 2021 ngizonitshela ngabangane bami.
speel speletjies. As ‘n gesin gaan ons Mina nginabangane abathathu.
na my nefies toe en speel daar. Ons 31 March 2021 Amagama wabo nguNiara, Teyana
geniet dit ook as ‘n gesin om saam by noPayton. UNiara isibongo sakhe
‘n restaurant te gaan uiteet. Dear Niara nguNair. Uthanda ukudla okumnandi
njengehabhula, ubhanana
Ashton Ho Please help us. We are in a crisis! If you neklabishi futhi uthanda ukubukela
are reading this, you are most likely in umabonakude zonke izinsuku. Ugeza
great danger. ubuso bakhe ekuseni nantambama.
IKATI LAMI UTeyana isibongo sakhe nguKuni.
Igama lekati lami nguMemphisi. Ikati My town, family and I need your help. Uthanda ukudla amabhisikidi nobisi.
lami lithanda ukudla kakhulu. Ikati It’s so devastating that I’m currently Uthanda nokudweba. Unabangane
lami likhuluphele. Ikati lami linamehlo looking out of my window, and all I ababili nabazali ababili. Omunye
aluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka. Ikati see are clouds and clouds of locusts umngane wami nguPayton. Isibongo
lami linomzimba omncane futhi devouring everything we’ve worked sakhe nguPietersen. Uneminyaka
linombala omnyama. Ikati lami so hard on creating. It’s getting even eyishumi, Uthanda ukudansa
lithanda ukugijimisa amagundane. worse by the minute. It is so horrid nokucula. Unodadewabo omncane
Ikati lami alithandi uGabriel futhi that I can’t even open my door nabazali ababili. Ngiyabathanda
alithandi izinja. Ikati lami lithanda without getting attacked by locusts. bonke abangane bami.
inyama kakhulu. Ikati lami lithanda Look at the pumpkin patch, for
ukudlala nobaba futhi lithanda example. We used to have the world’s Ibhalwe nguThato Mahlabegwane
ukuhlala ekhaya. Ikati lami lithanda most vibrant, juicy and well-grown
ukulala ngaphansi kwetafula. Ikati pumpkins; now, we have the world’s
lami lithanda ukudlala ngebhola. most eaten pumpkins. MY PETS
Mina ngyalithanda ikati lami kakhulu. My cat is fat.
Aaaah! Help! They’re attacking. We She has a big belly.
Ibhalwe ngu-Anne-Rose De Wet need you over here! I haven’t eaten She ate a bat,
in six days. All because of the locusts. and for dessert, she had jelly.
No one can grow anything. Although
DIT IS EK, REBA everyone does have seeds, we’re just I have a dog.
Aangename kennis, laat ek myself really scared to plant them. The only He’s really mean.
voorstel. My naam is Reba en my van reason is that they’re going to eat the If I push him in the bog,
is Mmutlane. As ek myself sou beskryf, seeds, but if it grows even a little bit he will no longer be clean.
sou ek sê ek is kort, ek het bruin oë en more, they’re going to eat it!
bruin hare. As ‘n gesin, hou ons baie I love my bird.
daarvan om saam met vakansie te Please can you send some help? You She’s really posh.
gaan. My beste vriende is Lexi, Honor are so needed. Please stay safe. She must have heard,
en Maya. there is chocolate named Nosh?
Lots of love,
Rebantle Mmutlana Teyana Isabella Akeroyd

Teyana Kuni
As ek ‘n nuwe roomysgeur kon skep, My monster has a huge, round head
sou dit avokado roomys wees, want MY PLEASANT BIRDS with three terrifying, silver eyes at
avokado is my gunstelling vrug. Ek het I have four birds, the top of her head. She has not one
nog nooit vantevore avakado roomys my favourite is the third. nor two but three grizzled miniature
gesien of geproe nie. Dit kan dalk They make me absurd, spikes for her hair. When you first
lekker lyk maar ek wonder oor die as they can always be heard. meet her, you will think her teeth are
geur. Dalk is dit heerlik. extremely clean, but she actually uses
The birds can be fast, white chalk and rubs it all over her
Roxanne Teasdale it’s like they came here from the past. teeth.
Their colour is like dust,
oh, see them you must! Her stomach is twice the size of
MY GUNSTELING ITEM IN MY a human stomach, with five belly
SPENS They always make you smile, buttons at the bottom of her stomach.
My gunsteling item in my spens is even from a mile. She has sapphire, scrawny arms with
springmielies. Ek geniet springmielies If you are very sad, ghostly silver fingers.
as my mamma dit op die stoof maak they will make you feel glad.
met verskillende sout op dit. Ons eet She has four ruby legs, with tiny
altyd springmielies as ons saam If you stare them in the eye, bright, purple toes, sticking out of her
‘n film kyk. it could also mean goodbye. spikey, enormous heels.
If you say they aren’t divine,
Kimmel Jimmy they will send a shiver right down Cruz Baptista
your spine.

Muhammad Gattoo

146 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

Thato Mahlabegwane

Honor Royston Zuhayr Hargey
Linden van Heerden

Gabriel Sines Nina Westerveld
Leila Springer
Muhammad Gattoo


My monster has two heads, and they Imidlalo engiyithandayo kakhulu. My friends had a duel,
are not your ordinary-looking heads; Ngithanda imidlalo yokugijima. it wasn’t very cool.
they are triangular-shaped heads! Lapho uma ufanele ugijime kufanele The teachers came to rule
They have to share an eye, so only one ugijime ngokuzimisela. Ugijime and said go back to school.
will have an eye, and the other will kakhulu. Kukhona futhi omunye
have a hole as dark as a pit. The eye omdlalo engiwuthanda kakhulu. When they got to class,
is completely indigo! The left one’s Umdlalo we-ayisiketingi. Yonke the teacher did not let them pass.
head has red, spikey hair, while the indawo igcwele iqhwa. Lomdlalo She gave them detention instead
right one’s hair is long and somehow uma uwudlala kumele ungasheshisi and told them to march right on
always flowing. The right one’s hair is kakhulu ngoba ungawa futhi ulimale. ahead.
completely purple with black polka Ngithanda nomdlalo wombhoxo.
dots! Pardon? What is that, you ask? Uyalimala kakhulu uma uwudlala A hundred words they had to write,
Where are their noses? Oh my! I’ve kodwa amaSpringbok awine indebe saying why they should not fight.
never noticed this before, but they yomhlaba. Ngithanda nomdlalo After this big exercise,
don’t have any! Don’t make them cry wokubhukuda ngoba uma kushisa the friendship in them came to rise.
about it, for they are awfully sensitive. uyakwazi ukuthi ungene ephulini
Don’t tell them their awful brown ubhukude. Umdlalo engiwuthanda Niara Nair
teeth make them ugly. They think kakhulu umdlalo webhola lezinyawo.
it’s beautiful. They also have orange Ngithanda ukudlala ibhola lezinyawo
pimples. Their faces are completely ngoba uyakwazi ukusebenzisa AS 'N JUFFROU
lime green. izinyawo zakho ulikhahlele. Uyakwazi As ek ‘n juffrou kon wees sou ek graag
ukusebenzisa imilenze yakho ugijime. LO as ‘n vak wou gee. Ek hou baie
My monster has not one, not two, but Uyakwazi ukusebenzisa izandla van LO. Dit is vir my lekker, want ek
three legs! My monster’s legs have one zakho uliphonse. Ukudlala ibhola hou baie van sport en ek is passievol
fat toe on each end. What is that, you kuyangijabulisa kakhulu. daaroor. Ek sal ‘n kwaai, vriendelike en
ask? Where are the feet? Why it has energieke juffrou wees. In my klas sal
none! The toenails are long and grey. Ibhalwe nguS’phiwo Tshabalala die kinders mag eet en gewonde klere
The legs are skinny and bright yellow. dra. Ek sal die kinders dwing om aan
The toes are huge and extremely alle sport deel te neem.
hairy. My monster is very hairy. AS 'N JUFFROU
As ek ‘n juffrou kon wees sou ek graag Leila Springer
Anna-Rose de Wet Geskiedenis as ‘n vak wou gee. Ek
hou baie van Geskiedenis. Dit is vir
my lekker, want ek is passievol en AS 'N JUFFROU
FRIENDLY LETTER dit is my gunsteling vak. Ek sou ‘n As ek ‘n juffrou kon wees sou ek graag
Sandown Crescent vriendelike en energieke juffrou wees. Kuns as ‘n vak wou gee. Ek hou baie
Morningside In my klas sal die kinders mag eet, van Kuns. Dit is vir my lekker want
Johannesburg water drink, lang hare hê, gewone ek is passievol daaroor en dit is pret.
2910 klere dra en troeteldiere skool toe Ek sal ‘n kwaai en vriendelike juffrou
bring. Ek sal nie toelaat dat die wees. In my klas sal die kinders
31 March 2021 kinders oor my praat nie en hulle sou gewone klere mag dra en eet. Ek sal
nie mag kougom eet nie. nie toelaat dat kinders boelies is nie.
Dear Muhammad,
Nina Westerveld Rebecca Buchholtz
I hope you and your family are doing
well. I am writing to you because my
family and I need help. PETER’S MONSTER RILEY’S MONSTER
My monster has a square head. He My monster has a huge green afro,
We need help because exactly a has three blue eyes on his orange face. and he has shiny, yellow teeth. He’s
week ago, a small group of locusts He has two noses under his eyes. He got five brown eyes. His face is orange,
came and started eating our crops has another head with two eyes, a and it looks like the sun. He has
and pastures. By the second day, they nose and two horns. He has a neck to five big white horns. By the way, he
had already eaten 27 000 crops and which both of his heads are attached. doesn’t have a nose. He can’t hear very
pastures. They came in small waves. He has a mouth on each head with well. You will have to speak up. He
On the fifth day, they had eaten sharp red teeth. does have huge ears, though.
50 000 crops. We only had 23 000
pastures left. Yesterday, they left our He is huge and has a giant battle-axe His skin is light blue with purple spots.
farm with no more crops on his back. He has a massive blood He’s got two arms on each side. Weird
and pastures. blade. He has four arms on each side right? On those hairy arms, he has
of his red body with a flute in each seven fingers. He has the sharpest,
Let me know if you can do anything hand. longest pink nails in the world! He
to help. I hope you can send food and doesn’t have a belly button.
supplies. He has two giant legs with hair all over
them. He has a big pair of blue boots He’s got three legs, and on each of
Kind regards, on his feet. those legs, he has a foot. Finally,
Ashton he’s got one toe with a long, sharp,
Peter Beevers pink toenail.
Ashton Ho
Riley McKenzie

148 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

Jaydon Munsami

Riley McKenzie

Roxanne Teasdale

Ashton Ho

Jordan Ramokoka Zihan Dullabh
Payton Pietersen


My name is Alexia, and Alexia means WOULD INVITE THE FOLLOWING My monster has a medium-sized
princess warrior. Even though my THREE PEOPLE: head, not too big and not too small.
name is Alexia, I prefer to be called Kevin Hart She has bright pink, frizzy hair
Lexi. I’m half Italian and an eighth that goes all the way down to her
Scottish. My dad’s grandparents are He is an American stand-up comedian knees. She always wears big bows of
from Luka and Genova, and my mom’s and actor. I would ask him, "Can you different colours in her hair every day.
grandparents are from Scotland. tell me your funniest joke?" She has very large ears on both sides
When I was born, my sister Ella was of her head. She has two huge, blue
small, so she wanted me to be named Sofia Vergara eyes with a very big nose. Just so you
Lola from Charlie and Lola. I used to know, she has pearly white teeth.
have a hamster named Twitchy. I got Sofia is a Colombian-American
him for Christmas in Grade One, and actress, television producer, presenter My monster has a very big tummy,
sadly he passed away last year. We and model. I would ask her, "Was and she is covered in purple and blue
also have a dog called Si Si, who is an it difficult to become one of the fur. Her belly button is normal, but she
Ozzie Shepherd. She is very happy highest-paid actresses in Hollywood, a has eight arms. Each hand has three
now, but when we got her, she was place that is dominated by American fingers, and each arm is a different
very insecure because she had four actors/actresses?" colour.
different owners who didn’t want her.
Beyoncé She has two very furry legs with two
I have always loved ballet since I was fat fuzzy feet and five medium-sized
three. It has been a passion from then American singer and songwriter. I toes on each.
onwards. I also like the band Queen. would ask her, "What is it like being Honor Royston
I like eating pizza and gnocchi. I like Hollywood royalty and being known
the colours teal and grey and the as America's power couple with
Harry Potter movies and books. I like partner Jay Z?" FRIENDLY LETTER
ballet because dancing makes me feel Chayne Slack 26 Young Road
free. I like Queen because their music
is cool. The colours teal and grey I like United Kingdom
because they are light and cool. The DIT IS EK, VIVAAN 2918
Harry Potter movies and books I enjoy Aangename kennis, laat ek myself
because they are too good not to voorstel. My naam is Vivaan en my van 2 April 2021
love! My worst fears are fire, birds and Rowjee. Ek is tien jaar oud en in Graad
snakes. I’m very scared of fire because 5 by Grayston Prep. Die tale wat ek by Dear Aunty Sha
when my mom was a kid, she and her die huis praat is Gujarati en Engels.
friend got third-degree burns. This As ‘n gesin, hou ons baie daarvan om I hope you are well. We need your
was because of fudge! I’m scared of saam kriket te speel. help with supplies, please.
snakes because, in the Drakensberg, I Vivaan Rowjee
nearly stepped on a puff adder. I really need your help. The locusts
have destroyed my home. We have no
My goals for 2021 are to hang out with MY TROETELDIER food and no shelter; we are starving.
Honor, get better at ballet in the new My troeteldier se naam is Timmy. Hy It happened earlier in the week. My
school, be kinder to Ella and run more is ‘n wit allergievrye hond. My hond is mom, dad, granny, sister and I have
with my dad. drie jaar oud. My hond hou daarvan been affected. The locusts have
om hoender te eet. Hy geniet dit ook destroyed our home and have eaten
Alexia Fanucchi om parke toe te gaan. Ek hou baie van all our food. I really need you to bring
Timmy, want hy is baie oulik. all the help you can get. Please can
Hugo Price-Hughes you help to repair our home and bring
A MOTHER us some food?
A beautiful mother
Had a brother MY PETS Please get back to me as soon as you
Who made rubber I have a goat can. My address is 12 South Road.
And sold a cover That wears a coat
He sits in a boat Kind regards,
She has a cat And likes to float. Simran
Who wears a hat Simran Govender
And eats a rat I have a cat,
While sleeping on a mat Who is very fat
He bites my toes MY TROETELDIER
She also has a frog And nibbles my nose. My troeteldier is ‘n hond. Sy naam
Who sleeps on a log is Mac. Hy is ‘n Duitse herdershond.
And hates dogs I have a toad Hy is wit en swart. My hond eet net
Who play with hogs. I found on the road. hondekos. Max se gunsteling ding
He jumps on logs om te doen is om te eet en saam met
Mishka Mahida And plays with other frogs. my te speel en te gaan stap. Ek is lief
Muhammad Patel vir my hond, want hy is baie oulik en
Neil Dunstan

150 Grayston Preparatory Ad Futura 2021

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