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Published by edgmv2014, 2016-03-09 11:18:15

5G Cherokee Book Final

5G Cherokee Book Final



By: Julia Murray, Dyana Burke,
Jack Walsh, Daniel Resto, Ryan


Table of Contents

G​eography Ryan

R​eligion Daniel
A​chievements Jack
Po​ litics

S​ocial ​S​tructures Dyana


​THE​ C​ ​H​E​RO​ K​ E​ E​
 by Ryan Noia







Ge​ o​ g​ r​ ​ap​ ​hy​


Geography  is  the  study  of  Earth’s  
landscapes,  peoples,  places  and  
environments.  Geography  you  learn  a​ ll  
sorts  of  information  about  the  world  
including  other  countries,  oceans,  
continents,  rivers,  cultures,  and  
governments.  ​It’s  about  how  the  
Cherokees  live  in  the  Smoky  Mountains.  

la​ ​nd​ f​ ​or​ m​ s​



Cherokee  lived  in  the  Great  Smoky  Mountains  in  Tennessee,  

Kentucky,  North  Carolina  and  Virginia.  Some  of  the  landforms  in  this  area  


-­ mountains-­  big,  steep,  rocks,  snow,  slippery,  mud,  boulders  

-­ How  did  they  travel?​  Before  the  Europeans  came  and  brought  horses,  

the  Cherokee  travelled  by  foot  or  by  canoe.  They  used  trails  and  rivers  to  

travel  between  villages.  They  made  canoes  by  hollowing  out  large  tree  


C​l​i​m​at​ e​

Climate​ is the average weather in a place over many
years. While the weather can change in just a few
hours, climate takes hundreds, thousands, even millions
of years to change.

In the Summer the climate is so warm that kids
literally didn’‛t​ have to wear clothes​. In Winter it was
cold and men and women wore animal skins. They wore
animal fur such as bear, panther, and beaver.
Additionally, the men and women also wore moccasins.



​ CH​ E​ ​RO​ K​ E​E​ ​RE​ L​ ​I​GI​ ​O​N

By​: ​Daniel Resto



                                       ​ ​After they came, the ​Cherokees​ hunted and traded. Everyone in the village

started doing animal dances because the hunters got plenty of food. Dance. When the
Cherokees​ had a bad hunt, they thought that there was something wrong with their
ceremony. The Cherokees believed that all animals have their own s​ pirits​. The C​ herokees
must respect the animals lives before they hunt. Hunters must pray to the animal’‛s spirit
and ask the animal god to take it’‛s life. If he/she does not pray to the spirit, he/she
would get ill. (Because animal spirits get angry and make them sick)



Different animal dances                                                      ​

            ​              T​ he different animal dances were the Beaver
Dance the Bear Dance, the Racoon Dance, and
the Buffalo Hunt dance.



 ​The ​Cherokees w​ ere very religious. The ​Cherokees ​believed spirits created sun, moon, and

stars. The​ Cherokees a​ lso believed that eagles fire, snakes rattle, smoke, corn, crystals,
and #7 were all sacred. Priest were figured out when they were young kids, twins had a
better chance for priest. Training started when they were kids.



Did you know there was a supreme ​Cherokee g​ od named
Yowa? A priest would say Yowa’‛s name out loud because Yowa
was so ​sacred​.


C​ C​HEROKEE ​ ELEBRATIONS                                                  ​

                     ​ ​Festivals were held every year. Festivals celebrated important seasonal

events.The dances are the green corn dance, the booger dance, and the chief
dance. To make an enemy look foolish, men would roam into a Public Social house.
Other men would wear masks and costumes and goof off in front of their child
and they would figure out which one is their father. Women would wear leg
rattles made of tortoise shells and move around in a circle. There were two
ceremonies: a friendship ceremony, and a ripe corn ceremony


       ​ IL​ LNESS  

                                   I​ f a C​ herokee​ got ill, they thought it was because the illness came from animal
spirits making them ill. (If you hurt them or kill them) Your Mother or Grandmother
would take care of you if you were very ill. Your Mother would call a ​Cherokee ​village
medicine man If the sickness does not go away.


DI​ D​ Y​OU​ KN​ OW?​


The ​Cherokees​ had 400 plants that
have special healing powers. They would
send you into a ​coffin​ if you die.


W​ O​ RDS​ T​O K​ N​ OW

   About  the  Author  

             ​Daniel Resto was born in December 29, 2004. He was located in the

Bronx, New York. He now lives in Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard,

Massachusetts by the age of five. Daniel has a good sense of humor. He
has two fish and one dog. Daniel’s favorite subject is science. Daniel has a
cousin on the Vineyard named Jared Davenport. Daniel has lots of friends
on the Vineyard: Daniel Serpa, Jonathan DeOliveira, Noah Smith, Geovane
Meikel, Micah Simmons, Luke Nascimento, Nick Prieni, Gabryal Brooks, and
Ryan Noia. Daniel has a family of 5. One young brother named Samuel, (
aka Sam & cheese) one older sister named Breana, (but her last name is
Santos) another sister (she is a baby) named Evah, his mom’s name is
Valerie, and his dad’s name is Daniel. (He was named after his dad)

Cherokee Achievements    

By: Julia Murray



Men and boys would do the Cherokee women and girls Men and boys would do
the fishing. Cherokee
hunting. They would hunt would harvest the crops. They Tribes did their fishing in
lakes, streams and rivers.
deer, bear, wild turkey and grew corn, pumpkins, beans, The fishermen
would use bone hooks or
small game. Hunters would squash, sunflowers, potatoes, box traps.

use bows and arrows, persimmons, mushrooms, and

spears, blowguns and darts. berries.


Fishermen had another way to fish. First, they would make a dam in the
stream. Then, they would use horse-chestnut juice to put the fish to sleep. They would
put the horse-chestnut juice in the water.The fishermen would wade into the water
and pick up the fish that they needed. After they got the fish, they would knock the
dam down. The running water was what woke the fish up then the fish could swim

Weapons *vs* Tools


This is a spear. Hunters
(males) used this weapon to
kill big game animals like
deer and bear.


These are arrowheads. Men and
boys used arrowheads for
hunting and fishing. The
arrowheads are made by
chipping away at rocks to make
them a pointed shape.


How did you get around the water?  

*​Osiyo  (oh-sy-yo)!​  My  name  is  Adahy  
(a-dah-he).  I  make  canoes  for  the  tribe.  
First,  I  cut  down  a  tree.  I  need  a  thick  
tree  to  make  a  canoe.  Then  I  burn  the  
inside,  in  the  middle,  just  enough  for  the  
fishermen  to  sit  in.  I  make  the  canoes  big  
enough  to  hold  fifteen  to  twenty-two  

How Did You Get Around Land?

*G​ aliheli​  t​ sidenalv ​  (Gol-i-ellie)  (sid-en-olv)!  My  
name  is  Nanye-  Hi  (Non-  yay-  hi)  I  am  always  
walking  around.  That  is  pretty  much  the  only  
way  that  we  can  get  around  land.  I  walk  
around  the  village  to  collect  food.  My  son  is  
Adahy,  the  one  who  makes  the  canoes.  He  
also  has  to  walk  around  the  forest  to  get  the  
wood  for  canoes.    

Ho​ m​ ​es​

Summer Homes Winter Homes

Your summer home Your winter home was

was made out of small made out of tree saplings

trees or grasses. The bent, covered by mud.

roof was made out of The winter house was

tree bark. Your door was round. There was a fire

covered with deerskin. inside to do the cooking

You would do your on and to keep warm.

cooking outside. This home was only

Sometimes, many made for only one

different related families family because the

would live in the house was smaller for

summer house. the winter.

C​LO​ ​T​H​E​S

This is a Cherokee family.

Girls wore no clothes in the warm months. In the cooler
months, girls would wear deer skin dresses.
Women wore a wraparound skirt made of deer skin.


Boys wore no clothes in the warm months. In the
cooler months, they would wear leggings and long
sleeve shirts.


Men wore breechcloths and leggings. Men
would paint their bodies with paints.


There were no specific teachers for
the children. Parents would teach
their kids from home. You would get
taught by stories or legends. You
would also get taught by doing
things. For example, you would learn
about fishing, by fishing. There was a
language with 85 characters. It took
only a couple of days to learn it.

Cherokee Language

The Cherokee language was created by a man named Sequoia. The
Cherokee didn’t have a written language until 1821. The Cherokee
language is not made up of letters, it is made up of syllables.
Sequoia noticed that the new settlers (Europeans), had papers
with writing on them. He thought that the papers rustled and
sounded like leaves, Sequoia thought the papers were talking to
the people. Sequoia called them talking leaves. He thought that
the Cherokee needed so called talking leaves also. It took him 12
years, working hard on the talking leaves. His daughter, Ahyoka,
helped him draw the hundreds of *g​ lyphs. ​But, unfortunately, it
was too difficult to memorize every glyph. They decided to make
a glyph for each Cherokee sound. They used some letters from
the English alphabet and tied those in with the Cherokee
syllabary. There were 85 characters in the Cherokee syllabary. One
character for each Cherokee sound. Many Cherokee people learned
how to read and write in a couple days.

Massachusetts by the age of five. Daniel has a good sense of humor. He
has two fish and one dog. Daniel’s favorite subject is science. Daniel has a
cousin on the Vineyard named Jared Davenport. Daniel has lots of friends
on the Vineyard: Daniel Serpa, Jonathan DeOliveira, Noah Smith, Geovane
Meikel, Micah Simmons, Luke Nascimento, Nick Prieni, Gabryal Brooks, and
Ryan Noia. Daniel has a family of 5. One young brother named Samuel, (
aka Sam & cheese) one older sister named Breana, (but her last name is
Santos) another sister (she is a baby) named Evah, his mom’s name is
Valerie, and his dad’s name is Daniel. (He was named after his dad)


By: Jack Walsh




The Cherokee indians had two leaders for each village one was the peace
chief the other one was the w​ ar chief.​ The war chief also know as the red
chief.The war chief was in charge in time of war.He had a group of women called
the w​ ar women​ and he had 7 clan members to help him.He also was d​ raped​ in red
deer skin.The​ peace chief​ was dressed in white deer skin.The peace chief was very
religious.He had 7 clan members to help him.There were other important people in
the tribe too.The priest and the ​headman​ were also very important. Women had
the same rights as a man but a women could not be chief. Women could be warriors




Many  things  changed  for  the  Cherokee  when  the  U.S  was  formed    some  things  that  

 ​changed  were.That​ in  1783  the  U.S  government  wanted  the  Cherokee  indians  to  act  

like  other  americans.  But  then  the  U.S  government  found  gold  on  Cherokee  land  and  
kicked  them  out.Some  Cherokee  people  went  deeper  into  the  woods  to  avoid  contact  
with  the  Americans.When  some  of  the  Cherokee  did  not  leave  the  U.S  sent  7,000  
troops  to  kick  them  out.Around  4,000  Cherokee  out  of  15,000  died  on  the  trail  of  tears.It  
was  hard  to  find  food  on  the  trail  to  indian  teroterotory.The  Cherokee  who  didn’t  leave  
went  to  boot  camps.The  trail  was  2,200  miles  over  land  and  water.It  was  a  horrible  116  
day  jorny.Some  tribes  gave  in  others  like  the  Cherokee  did  not.  



The Cherokee indians bigest enemies were the
Creek,Shawnee,Chickasaw,Choctaw and the Seneca.You did not have to fight if you
did not want to.Warriors usally went to war to for revenge for a clan members
death.But when you attacked you only killed as many as they killed of your tribe.So
wars went back and forth.The Cherokee battled in many wars such as the War of
1812 with General Jackson vs the Creek.The Cherokee learned to s​ calp​ people from
the Europeans but they rarly used it. When settlers came they started to use
guns,knives and tomahawks for their weapons.They used battle clubs in combat and
there were three kinds. One of them was a 3ft long stick with a large knob on the
end. Second was a short club with deer antler spikes.Last but not least, was a club
with a sharp rock on the tip.

Cherokee warrior

Social  Structure  
By  Dyana  Burke  


Cherokee  Fun  Facts  
 They  lived  in  cone  buildings.They  grew  crops  
inside.  Siblings  and  their  parents  lived  in  each  
house.  They  lived  in  villages.  There  was  60-­80  
villages  along  the  river.    
In  summer  and  winter  the  Cherokee  switched  
houses.  In  summer  the  house  would  be  in  the  
shade  to  stay  cool.  And  in  the  winter  the  the  house  
would  be  in  the  sun  to  stay  warm.  Siblings  and  
Adults  lived  in  a  house  together.  Sometimes  you  
wouldn’t  live  with  your  dad  you  belong  to  your  
mother’s  clan.  Your  parents  lived  in  different  clans.  
The  dad  had  no  right  to  punish  the  children.  The  
men  who  taught  the  boys  how  to  hunt  and  play  
sports  was  there  uncle  instead  of  there  dad.  




     ​   ​  W​ hat  the  Cherokee  people  looked  like  

The  Cherokee  girls  had  long  hair  in  a  braid.  Boys  
shaved  their  hair.  Young  children  were  naked  in  
summer.  In  the  winter  everyone  wore  animal  skin  
clothes.  They  had  light  or  dark  tan  skin.  



Stickball,  also  known  as  (​ Anesta),​  was  a  major  
Cherokee  sport.  
Long  ago  stickball  was  used  to  combat  with  an  
enemy!  Sometimes  in  stickball  they  killed  one  
another!  Stickball  is  today  called  lacrosse.  Men  
would  play  with  a  stick  and  women  would  play  with  
their  bare  hands.  
Boys  enjoyed  a  game  called ​  Hawk-­fighting.​  
To  play  two  boys  crouched  down  facing  each  other.  
Each  boy  put  his  knees  and  arms.  Each  player  tried  
to  trip  his  opponent  over.  The  first  to  get  tripped  
over  was  the  loser.  

Chunky ​  was  another  Cherokee  game  boys  liked.  
To  play  a  stone  disk  was  rolled  across  a  flat  field.  
The  players  armed  with  spears  chased  the  disk.  
When  the  stone  stopped  rolling  the  player  whose  
spear  the  closest  got  2  points.  You  needed  100  to  


Everyone  helped  in  any  way  they  could.  Women  
and  girls  farmed.  They  harvested  the  corn  and  
took  care  of  the  tobacco  for  religious  ceremonies.  

They  even  helped  build  the  houses!  No  one  had  to  
hire  a    
babysitter  because  the  mothers  would  teach  the  
girls  how  to  farm,crop,and  do  household  stuff.    


Boys  and  men  learn  new  skills.  The  men  would  
teach  the  boys  the  skills.  Normally  the  mothers-­    
brothers  (their  uncles)  would  teach  the  boys  to  
hunt.  They  cut  down  trees  to  build  houses.  The  
men  and  boys  built  all  the  weapons  like  a  fishing  
pole,  a  spear  and  other  hunting  weapons.  
Sometimes  the  boys  farmed!  The  men  and  boys  
fished  too!  They  loved  to  eat  fish.  


Cool  facts  about  names  
Your  named  the  7th  day  of  your  life.  You  have  
different  names  throughout  your  life.  Your  parents  
had  a  ceremony.  You  were  named  from  your  
features  ex.if  you  had  blue  sparkly  eyes  you  would  
be  named  on  that.  


Galilei Tsidena Lv- Pleased To Meet You
Glyphs- A hieroglyphic character or symbol; a
Great Smoky Mountains- a​ ​range​ o​ f​ t​ he
Appalachian​ M​ ountains
Headman- The chief or leader of a community
or tribe.
Landform- a natural feature of a land surface
Moccasins- A heelless shoe made of deerskin

Osiyo- Hello

War Chief- In charge of the attacks

Peace Chief- In charge when not in war


By:Julia  Murray,  Dyana  Burke,  Jack  Walsh,  Daniel  Resto,  Ryan  Noia  

Julia  Murray  

1-­    Hakim,  Joy.  T​ he  First  Americans​.  New  York:  Oxford  UP,  2005.  Print  

2-­Roop,  Peter,  Connie  Roop,  and  Kevin  Warren.  Smith.  -​ ­-­If  You  Lived  with  the  
Cherokee​.  New  York:  Scholastic,  1998.  Print.  
3-­N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  <>.  
4-­N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  



Dyana  Burke  

1-­  Hakim,  Joy.  T​ he  First  Americans.​  New  York:  Oxford  UP,  2005.  
2-­Roop,  Peter,  Connie  Roop,  and  Kevin  Warren.  Smith.  ​-­-­If  You  Lived  with  the  
Cherokee.​  New  York:  Scholastic,  1998.  Print​.  
3-­    N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  <h​ ttps://>​ .  hi  


Jack  Walsh  

1.Hakim,  Joy.  T​ he  First  Americans.​  New  York:  Oxford  UP,  2005.  Print.    

2.Roop,  Peter,  Connie  Roop,  and  Kevin  Warren.  Smith.  -​ ­-­If  You  Lived  with  the  

Cherokee​.  New  York:  Scholastic,  1998.  Print.    

3-­    N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  <>.  



By  Daniel  Resto  


 ​1-­  Hakim,  Joy.  T​ he  First  Americans​.  New  York:  Oxford  UP,  2005.  Print.  

Roop,  Peter,  Connie  Roop,  and  Kevin  Warren.  Smith.  -​ ­-­If  You  Lived  with  the  Cherokee​.  New  York:  
Scholastic,  1998.  Print.    





"Cherokee  Environment."  C​ herokee  Environment.​  N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  16  Feb.  2016.

Front Cover Photo:

Roop,  Peter,  Connie  Roop,  and  Kevin  Warren.  Smith.  ​-­-­If  You  Lived  with  the  Cherokee.​  New  York:  
Scholastic,  1998.  Print.

About  the  Author  
Dyana  is  a  10  year  old  girl.  She  lives  in  Edgartown  
on  Martha’s  Vineyard.  She  also  has  a  house  in  
Florida,  which  she  goes  to  in  January  or  December,  
February,  April,  June  or  July,  and  August.  She  has  
4  people  in  her  family.  She  has  no  pets.​  Her  
favorite  animal  is  a  dog.  Her  favorite  colors  are  
Teal  and  Coral!  She  does  gymnastics  and  is  
starting  volleyball.  Thanks  for  learning  about  

About  the  author  


The  author’s  full  name  is ​  Jack  C.  Walsh.  He ​  has  six  pets  two  dogs,two  cats  and  two  
lizards.His  favorite  food  is  salmon.Jack’s  brother’s  name  is  Alex.They    love  sports  Jack  

and  Alex.  They  are  both  very  smart.      

About the Author

Ryan Noia lives on Martha’‛s Vineyard, Massachusetts.
He is in 5th grade at the Edgartown School and is 10
years old. He enjoys playing Mario Kart 8. He has a
baby brother and a mom that also live on Martha’‛s
Vineyard. His best friend is Derek. Science is his
favorite subject.


About the


Julia Grace Murray is 11 years old in
5th grade. She lives on Martha’s

Vineyard. She has 2 older brothers,
Jack and James. Her mom and dad’s

names are Judy and Jerry. Her
whole family’s names begin with ‘J’!
She dances, plays hockey, plays golf,

and loves to have fun. She has a
great sense of humor. She loves to

do gymnastics. Julia lives to have
fun with friends and always sees
the best in everybody. Julia’s family
is all very close and always have

eachothers backs.


By:Julia  Murray,  Dyana  Burke,  Jack  Walsh,  Daniel  Resto,  Ryan  Noia  

Julia  Murray  

1-­    Hakim,  Joy.  T​ he  First  Americans​.  New  York:  Oxford  UP,  2005.  Print  

2-­Roop,  Peter,  Connie  Roop,  and  Kevin  Warren.  Smith.  -​ ­-­If  You  Lived  with  the  
Cherokee​.  New  York:  Scholastic,  1998.  Print.  
3-­N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  <>.  
4-­N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  



Dyana  Burke  

1-­  Hakim,  Joy.  T​ he  First  Americans.​  New  York:  Oxford  UP,  2005.  
2-­Roop,  Peter,  Connie  Roop,  and  Kevin  Warren.  Smith.  ​-­-­If  You  Lived  with  the  
Cherokee.​  New  York:  Scholastic,  1998.  Print​.  
3-­    N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  <h​ ttps://>​ .  hi  


Jack  Walsh  

1.Hakim,  Joy.  T​ he  First  Americans.​  New  York:  Oxford  UP,  2005.  Print.    

2.Roop,  Peter,  Connie  Roop,  and  Kevin  Warren.  Smith.  -​ ­-­If  You  Lived  with  the  

Cherokee​.  New  York:  Scholastic,  1998.  Print.    

3-­    N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  <>.  


Daniel  Resto  





Ryan  Noia  

"Cherokee  Environment."  ​Cherokee  Environment.​  N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  16  Feb.  2016.  

Front  Cover  Photo:​  h​ ttps://  

Roop,  Peter,  Connie  Roop,  and  Kevin  Warren.  Smith.  ​-­-­If  You  Lived  with  the  Cherokee.​  New  
York:  Scholastic,  1998.  Print.  



By: Julia Murray, Dyana Burke,
Jack Walsh, Daniel Resto, Ryan


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