4. S.Lenin Prakash, M.Arutchelvi, A.Revathy, “Strategies for enhancing the role of Self-
Financing Educational institutions and MSME for their mutual development”, II
National Conference on Sustainable Institute-Industry Partnership 2014, IIT Madras
Questions and Comments if any on this article shall be mailed to arutchelvieee@, [email protected]
Workshops and seminars organized:
Faculty development programmes attended (WORKSHOP / SEMINAR)
N.Shobana, P.Geetha & S.Sharon Rosy attended a Short term course on FACTS Controllers
conducted by the Department of EEE, NIT, Tiruchirappalli during 25th & 26th July 2014.
A guest lecture on " Design of PI controllers for DC-DC converters" was delivered by Dr.Senthil
kumar from NIT, Trichy on 23-08-14 , 9.30am at EEE seminar hall for faculty and PG students.
N.Shobana has attended FDP on Art of Teaching: Pedagogical Tools and Techniques Series III
November 17-21, 2014 at NIT, Trichy
N.Jenitha Deepa and ms.P.Geetha attended “Two week workshop on control systems organized
by National mission on Education through ICT, MHRD” Dec2-12, 2014 at NIT, Trichy
D.Kalyanraj, A.Stanley jesudaiyan attended QIP short term course on Advances in Solar energy
technologies, Organized by: Centre for Energy studies Indian institute of technology Delhi on 9-
15 2014.
Invited talks / interaction with outside world
D.Kalyanraj reviewer for international journal of emerging electric power systems
(IJEEPS). ISSN no: 1553-779X
Ms.Vijayalakshmi delivered a talk on "Recent trends in Power Electronics & its
application" at Roever College of Engineering, Perambalur on 17.07.14.
Dr.Kalyanakumar is a DC member at centre for energy studies, Gandhi Gram Rural
Dr.Kalyanakumar delivered a special lecture on energy conservation and management in
the one day workshop on “Energy Auditing and Smart buildings” organized by EEE
deparment at Mount Zion College , Pudukottai on 09-05-2015
Dr.D.Kalyanakumar delivered a seminar talk on 25-09-14 at Hotel SRM Annexe on
“Energy Conservation and Management through Energy Auditing” in the seminar on
organized by TANSTIA-FNF service centre(TFSC) and the Trichy District Tiny and
Small scale Industries Association (TIDITSSIA) for the micro,small and medium
Student achievements
Mr.Srinivasa Vardhan underwent internship at Shri. Shakthi Alternative Energy Limited for a
period of 1 month from 12-06-14 to 12-07-14.
N. Sangeetha and S. Naveen Raj have undergone TANGEDCO-Internship during June2014.
Mr.Srinivasa Varadhan and Mohammed Abdul Kalam team won the Best Message short flim
award at Ethiraj College, Chennai on 05-12-14
College Magazine for the year 2014-15
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engg
Papers published in National/ International Journals & Papers presented in National / International
Conferences (Volume No./Issue details/Page numbers should be given). Publications and Conference
details should be sent in the APA format.
Paper Publication in National and International Journals: Staff Name No.Of.Publication
1 Dr.S.M.Girirajkumar 15
2 T.Devashena 5
3 .G.Vijalakshmi 5
4 S.Rathnaprabha 7
5 R.Gopalakrishnan 6
6 S.Arutselvi 3
7 H.Kala 6
8 P Aravind 14
9 S.Abirami (relieved on 9
may 2015)
10 S.Ramachandran 9
11 P.Sathiya 4
12 Nithya Rani(relieved on 6
nov 2014)
1. G.Vijayalakshmi,“Design and Implementation of Controller for Wind Driven PMSG Based
Standalone System”, IJIREEICE, Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2014.
2.M.ShehenazFathima, D.Vaishnavi, EL.Ramkumar,N.NithyaRaniandH.Kala, “Comparison of PID
Controller for tuning techniques for temperature process”, International journal of innovative research in
electrical, electronics, instrumentation and Control Engineering, Vol 2, issue 8.
3.Karthik Krishnan and G Karpagam, “comparison of PID controller tuning techniques for a FOPTD
system”,international journal of current engineering and technology(ISSN: 2277 – 4106) in Vol.4, No.4
(Aug 2014) at page no. 2667-2670
4.Ramkumar.EL, “Comparison of PID controller tuning for temperature process”,IJIREEICE, vol 2,issue
5.M.Gayathri,V.Madhubala,H.Kala,Nithyarani and Abirami, “performance scrutiny of flow process using
diverse controllers”, IJEERT, Volume 2, issue 4.
6.Ganesan A, Nhizanth R, Ganesh Kumar, Nithya rani N andkala H, “Comparison of PID controller
tuning techniques for a FOPDT(first order plus delay) system”, International journal of emerging
engineering research and technology.
7. G.Hemavathy, M.Nalini and S.Anusha, “comparison of PID controller tuning method for flow
process”, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, vol2, issue 6.
8. S.Allwin, S.BikshanatesanandN.Nithya rani, “Proposal of conservative controller and model
identification of temperature process”, International journal for scientific research and development,Vol2.
9.S.Ramachandran,P.Aravind and S.RathnaPrabha, “Modelling Identification and validation for a Non-
linear Process using Recurrent neural networks”, IJREC, Volume 2, issue 4, October 2014.
10.A.Thamemul Ansari, K. Thivakaran, K. Tharani Raja, H. Kala and S. Abirami, “Modelling and
Controlling the Level of Nonlinear Process via Diverse Control Strategies” , International Journal of
Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering(2320-3765); Volume 3,
Issue 9, September 2014.
11.Jagatiskumaar B, VivekVijayan C, Vinoth K, N. NithyaRani , “Controlling of multivariable process
station using cascade and a selector in labVIEW” in IJAREEIE, volume 3, issue 9, September 2014.
12.R.Keerthana,K.S.GowthamBabu,S.Santhiya and P.Aravind, “Level Control of Non Linear Tank
Process Using Different Control Technique”, IJAREEIE,Vol 3,Issue 9
13.G.Karpagam,R.Aasinrukshna and G.Savithri,P.Aravind “Comparative of diverse methods for a non-
linear process”,International journal of innovative technology and exploring engineering,vol 3,issue 2.
14.G.Karpagam ,R.Aasinrukshna , G.Savithri,P.Aravind“comparative of diverse methods for a nonlinear
process”, blue eyes intelligence engineering and science publications pvt ltd, Volume4, issue4, IJITEE.
15.S.Allwin, S.Bikshanatesan, S.Abirami, H.Kala and A.Udhayaprakash,“Comparison of Conventional
Controller with Model Predictive Controller for CSTR process”, International Journal of Advanced
Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol3, issue 9, sep 2014.
16.A.NazreenBanu, A.Nisha, I.S.Nivethitha,H.Kala and Nithya Rani, “Evaluation of diverse controller
Strategic for a level process”, International journal of innovative Research in electrical
53lectronicsinstrumentational and control engineering, volume 2 issue 8.
17. B. Umarani, V. Krishnamurthi, S.M. GiriRajkumar, An Enhanced Approach for Iris Recognition
Using Fusion of FWT with Gabor Wavelet Transform and Daugman Encoding, Int. J. Advance Soft
Comput. Appl, Vol. 6, No. 2, July 2014ISSN 2074-8523.
18 .D.Mercy, S.M.Girirajkumar,Optimized Tuning of a PID Controller for aNon-Linear Spherical Tank
System, Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 8(22) Special 2014, Pages: 10-18.
19.Dr.S.M.Girirajkumar“An Enhanced Approach for Iris Recognition Using Fusion of FWT with Gabor
Wavelet Transform and Daugman Encoding”, Int. J. Advance Soft Computing. Appl, Vol. 6, No. 2, July
20.Dr.S.M.Girirajkumar“Robust Ear Recognition using Uniform Local Binary Patterns and distance
based classifiers”, International Conference on Advanced Computing (IcoAC 2014) in association with
21.Dr.S.M.Girirajkumar “Modified Solar Power Generation Using Impedance Source Inverter” in a
“2014 IEEE International conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing
Technologies” in Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram on 08th -10th May, 2014.
22. Dr.S.M.Girirajkumar “High Performance PV Power Generation Using Z Source Inverter” in an
“International Conference on Latest Trends in Electrical and Electronics Engineering” on Chennai. This
paper accepted to publish one of the Scopus indexed Journals.
23. P.N.Vasantha, A.Abirami, N.Gayathri, G.Vijayalakshmi “Playing sound files in labview using
audacity toolkit,“ IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-
1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308, Volume 4, Issue 2
24.A. Abirami, P. N. Vasantha, N. Gayathri, G.Vijayalakshmi “Acquisition of Heart rate using NI-myRIO
,“ international journal of innovative research in electrical, electronics, instrumentation and control
engineering, ijireeice, doi 10.17148, March issue 2015
25.S.Anuroopadevi, P.Mahalakshmi, R. Keerthana and S. RathnaPrabha, “ PC based monitoring of
human biological signal using LabVIEW,” in IJSRD Vol 3, ISSUE 1, March 2015.
26.P. Mahalakshmi, S. Anuroopadevi, R. Keerthana and S.RathnaPrabha, “ PC based monitoring of
human pulse signal using LabVIEW.” in IJIREEICE Vol 3, ISSUE 3, March 2015.
27.R.Keerthana, P. Mahalakshmi, S. Anuroopadevi and S.RathnaPrabha,”PC basde monitoring of human
temperature signal using LabVIEW,” in IJIREEICE Vol 3, ISSUE 4, March 2015.
28. S.Anuroopadevi, P. Mahalakshmi, R. Keerthana and S. RathnaPrabha,” PC based monitoring of
human blood pressure vsignal using LabVIEW,” in IJIREEICE Vol 2, ISSUE 3, March 2015.
29. G.Savithri, G.Karpagam, M.Nalini,P.Aravind”Implementation of cascade process in labVIEW
environment” International journal scientific research development (IJSRD),Vol 3,Issue 01,2015.
30. G.Karpagam, M.Nalini, G.SavithriP.Aravind,”Comparison of Flow process values for different PID
controller techniques“,STM Journals(JOCL), Vol 6,Issue 1,Pg (9-13)
31. G.Karpagam, M.Nalini, G.Savithri,P.Aravind”Differentiation of level process values for diverse PID
controller tuning techniques”,IJIRSET,Vol 4,Issue 2,Feb 2015,Pg (178-184)
32. P.Aravind , G. Karpagam , M. Nalini, G. Savithri , ” Real Time Implementation of Cascade Process
using NI ELVIS In Labview”, Journal of Control & Instrumentation (JoCl)- STM Journals, ISSN: 2229-
6972(online), ISSN: 2347-7237(print), Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 9 – 13, 2015.
33. Interfacing of Proximity Sensor with My-RIO Toolkit Using LabVIEW
R. Aasin Rukshna1 S.Anusha2 E.Bhuvaneswarri3 T.Devashena4
34.Operating Solenoid Valve with NI-myRIO using LabVIEW
E.Bhuvaneswarri1 S.Anusha2 R.Aasin Rukshna3 T.Devasheena4
35. Stepper motor interfacing using NI-MyRio using LabviewE.Bhuvaneswarri1 S.Anusha2 R.Aasin
Rukshna3 T.Devasheena4
36.M.ShehenazFathima, A.Nisha, A.NazreenBanu and S.Ramachandran “Comparison of controllers for a
flow process in a conical tank,” in International Journal for Innovative Research in Science &
Technology, Volume 1, Issue 9, February 2015.
37. A.Nisha, A.NazreenBanu, M.ShehenazFathima and S.Ramachandran, “Selection of efficient
controller for flow process in a Conical Tank,” in, Vol. 3, International Journal of Innovative Research in
Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Issue 2, February 2015.
38. A.NazreenBanu, A.Nisha, M.ShehenazFathima and S.Ramachandran “Comparison of controllers for a
flow process,” in International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, Vol 1, Issue 9, February
39.J. Nancy amalageetha, K. Sujitha, R. Kalaiyarasi , Gopalakrishnan.R“ wind power plant monitoring
using labview through my-RIO” (IJIRST) volume 9, issue March’2015
40.J. Nancy amalageetha, K. Sujitha, R. Kalaiyarasi, Gopalakrishnan.R“ Monitoring and controlling of
wind power station using different dynamics” (IJSRD) volume 1, issue March’2015.
41.Pradeepa.A, Rupika.P, Santhiya.S, Arutselvi.S ”Acquiring soil humidity by labview”, IJSRD .
42.G.Hemavathy1, V.Madhubala2, M.Gayathri3, DR.S.M.Girirajkumar “Implementation Of Real-Time
Temperature Pursuance Using Zn-Pid Controller, Aco And Pso Tuning Technique”(Submitted in science
alert journal) .
43. G.Hemavathy1, V.Madhubala2, M.Gayathri3, DR.S.M.Girirajkumar “Real-Time Temperature
Control System And Performance Exemplification With Conventional Pid” (Submitted in STM journal) .
44. M.Gayathri1, G.Hemavathy2,V,Madhubala3,DR.S.M.Girirjkumar “Real-Time Level System And
Performance Of Conventional And Computional Technique”(submitted in STM journal).
45.V.Madhubala1, G.Hemavathy2, M.Gayathri3, DR.S.M.Girirajkumar “Simulation And System
Identification Of Interacting Level Process Real Time Using Pso” (submitted in ICTACT).
46.1Gayathri M, 2Madhubala V, 3Hemavathy G, 4GirirajKumar S M “Comparison Of Pid Controllers
With Pso And Aco For Isothermal Process (CSTR)” (accepted in ICTACT and yet to publish) .
47.Gayathri M, Hemavathy G, Madhubala V, GirirajKumar S M“Controller Tuning And Evaluation Of
Pid Controllers With Non-Traditional Tuning Technique For Ball And Hoop System” (accepted in
ICTACT and yet to publish)
48.G.Hemavathy1,V.Madhubala2,M.Gayathri3,Dr.S.M.Girirajkumar“Analyzing Of Traditional Tuning
Techniques Of Pi 73 Controllers For Foptd System” (published in IJSRD Vol-3, Issue-2, April 2015)
49.V.Madhubala1,G.Hemavathy2,M.Gayathri3,Dr.S.M.Girirajkumar“PID Parameters Optimization For
Spherical Tank Process” (published in IJAREST Vol-2, Issue-2,March 2015).
50. Research article entitled ― “Language Translator Using Ocr In Labview” was published in IJIRST –
International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume-1 | Issue-8 | January-2
ISSN: 2349-6010 byD.Vaishnavi, I.S.Nivethitha, K.Karthik, E.L.Ramkumar, P.Aravind
51. A Research article entitled ― “Tools Identification SysytemWith Audio Indication Using OCR
InLabview” got published in IJSRD (International journal for Scientific Research and Development)
volume 3, issue 1, March 2015 by D.Vaishnavi, I.S.Nivethitha, K.Karthik, E.L.Ramkumar, P.Aravind
52. Our paper work on ― “Shape Recognition With Audio Indication For Visually Impaired Using Ocr
InLabview” was recognized and we attended an International conference (ICEECE 2015) at Vivekananda
engineering college for women by D.Vaishnavi, I.S.Nivethitha, K.Karthik, E.L.Ramkumar, P.Aravind
53. G.Subramanian, K.Thangaraja, K.S.Gowthambabu, T.Devashena published paper in the
title“Simulation of automatic car washing using PLC” volume3 , Issue 1, March 2015 in IJSRD.
54.G.Subramanian, K.Thangaraja, K.S.Gowthambabu, T.Devashena published paper in the
title“Effectuation of Automobile Lavation Using PLC and Monitoring It Using Scada" (Volume IV Issue
III) .
55.A.Thamemul Ansari, K.Thivakaran,M.Hareesh Kumar, R.Gopalakrishnan “DESIGN OF A SMART
PING PONG ROBOT” in International Journal for Innovative Research in Science and
Technology(IJIRST)volume1,issue10,March 2015.
56. M.Hareesh Kumar, A.Thamemul Ansari, K.Thivakaran, R.Gopalakrishnan “Operating Smart Ping
Pong Robot From a Remote Distance using IR controller” in International Journal of Scientific Research
&Developement(IJSRD), volume 3,issue 2, April 2015.
57. R.Nhizanth, S.Kamban, A. Ganesan, R.GopalakrishnanPublished paper in the International Journal
for Science Research & Development on “Stepper motor control using LabVIEW and NI-myRIO”,
Volume 2, Issue 12, February 2015.
58. R.Nhizanth, S.Kamban, A. Ganesan, R.Gopalakrishnan published paper in the International Journal of
innovative research in electrical, electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering on “Design and
Control of 3-DOF Articulated Robotic Arm using LabVIEW and NI-myRIO”, Volume 3, Issue 3, March
59. K. Mohamed Hussain, R. AllwynRajendranZepherin, M. ShanthaKumar “Anaglyph 3Dimesional
Image Processing Using NI-LabVIEW” IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science
& Technology| Volume 1 | Issue 8 | January 2015 ISSN (online): 2349-6010.
60. K. Mohamed Hussain, R. AllwynRajendranZepherin, M. ShanthaKumar “Control and Interfacing of
Motors with NI-LabVIEW using NI-MYRIO” IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in
Science & Technology| Volume-1 | Issue-8 | January-2015 ISSN: 2349-6010.
61. K. Mohamed Hussain, R. AllwynRajendranZepherin, M. ShanthaKumar “Conversion of Single Image
to 3D Depth Image using NI-LabVIEW” IJAREEIE –International Journal of Advanced Research in
Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering | Volume 4 | Issue 3 | March 2015 ISSN(online):
2278-8875 doi: 10.15662.
62. Stepper Motor Control Using ARDUINO ATMEGA - 328 Micro-Controller r.harisudhan,
m.ganeshkumar, a.udhayaprakash, p. sathyaVolume-2, Issue-12 ; Feb 2015 ,IJSRD.
63.Acquiring Signal From Android Phone
R.Harisudhan, M.Ganesh Kumar, A.UdhayaPrakash, P. SathiyaVolume-3, Issue-2 ; April 2015,IJSRD.
64.ArduinoAtmega-328 Microcontroller
R.HariSudhan, M.Ganesh Kumar, A.UdhayaPrakash,S.AnuRoopa Devi, P. Sathiya, Volume-3, Issue-4 ;
APRIL 2015, International Journal Of Innovative Research In Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation
And Control Engineering.
65. JagatisKumaar B , Vinoth K , VivekVijayan C, P Aravind , “Monitoring and Controlling of Level in
Non-Linear tank using Rule Based Algorithm controller”, International Journal of Innovative Research in
Technology, Volume 1 , Issue 10, Pages , ISSN: 2349-6002 , Pages 73-78, 2014.
66. R.Rajeshkannan, M.J.Kesavan,S.VijayViswanath“Lpg Gas Leakage Detection, Monitoring And
Control Using Labview” got selected and was published on IJIRT in volume 10 issue 1.
67. Kettarararavinthanathan, M.M.Pravinkumar, M.Dineshkumar, S.Arutselvipublished a paper under the
title of “Obstacle Avoidance Using Ultrasonic Sensor” in IJSRD volume 3,issue1 ,March 2015
68. Kettarararavinthanathan, M.M.Pravinkumar, M.Dineshkumar, S.Arutselvipublished a paper under the
title of “Motion Control Of The Wheel Chair” in IJIRT volume 10, issue 1, March 2015 publications.
69.Automatic On/Off Of A Fan Using Atmega328, S.Rathna prabha1,A.Sivagurunathan2, A.Valith3,
R.Vimal kumar4, IJIRT
70. Smart Electric Fan System Using Arduino Atmega328,S.Rathna prabha1, A.Sivagurunathan2,
A.Valith3, R.Vimal kumar4,IJIRT.
71.G.Vijalakshmi,M.priyadharshini,S.Susila,V.Gokul,“controlled environment for accelerated
photosynthesis using embedded system”.volume 3,issue ,5,march 2015.
72.R.Latha, B.Gayathri Devi, P.Aravind, “Closed Loop Control of Transformer-Less Adaptable Voltage
Quadrupler DC Boost Converter ”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics
and Instrumentation Engineering, Volume 4 , Issue 3, pages 1468 –1478, ISSN (Print): 2320 – 3765,
ISSN (Online):2278 – 8875, March 2015.
73. JagatisKumaar B, Vinoth K, VivekVijayan C, P Aravind, “Non Linear Tank Level Control using
LabVIEW”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Volume. 3, Issue 01, Pages
939-945, ISSN (online): 2321-0613, March 2015.
74. R.Aarthi ,S.Ranganathan, P.Aravind, “ Real Time Implementation of Pressure Process for Model
Predictive Control”, Emerging Trends in Electronics, Instrumentation, Automation and Control
(ETEIAC’15), Karpagam College of Engineering, March 2015.
75. P Aravind, S.Ramachandran and M.Saranya , “ PSO based PID Controller Design for a Liquid Flow
Process” , International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, volume 4, No 6, pages 4252 -
4256, ISSN : Electronic-2277 – 4106, Print-2347 – 5161, December – 2014.
2. Papers presented in /Seminar/ Symposium/Workshop (Venue, Date,
Sponsoring Agency details should be given).
Workshop /Conference/Training attended by Staffs:
The faculty of ICE, have participated in number of FDPs/Seminars/Worhshops/Conferences, that
covers technical, pedagogy, research areas, and it includes the organizers from NIT, AICTE sponsored
etc. It is to be remembered that SCE, encourages and permits participation in only reputed and quality
organizations. It is expected that the experience improves the awareness , increases the knowledge
provided to the students, in a progressive and phased manner. Almost all the staff in the department of
ICE, have attended external programs. The details are as follows Name of the Workshop/FDP/Seminar Organizer Date/Venue
Staffs Attended Attended
IIT, 02-12-2014 to 12-
1. T.Devashena Workshop on Control System Karaghpur 12-2014,NIT,
2. G.Vijayalakshmi Soft skill for Teaching and life NIT,Trichy 24.11.2014 to
skill for survival CEESAT, 26.10.2014,NIT
NIT,Trichy Trichy
3. S.RathnaPrabha Workshop on Necessity of ICTACT with 20-12-2014,Sangam
EMC Hotel, Trichy
calibration in Industry corporation,
4. P.Aravind Redefine Your Skills
5. S.Arutselvi Workshop on Control System IIT, 02-12-2014 to 12-
Karaghpur 12-2014,NIT,
6. S.Ramachandran Workshop on Control System Trichy
IIT, 02-12-2014 to 12-
Karaghpur 12-2014,NIT,
7. S.Ramachandran Productive Teaching Method for Saranathan 28-06-2014
Effective Learning college of
8. R.Gopalakrishnan Introduction to robotics Bharathidasan 26-06-2014 to 27-
institute of 06-2014
Special training courses with Certification:
The following programs were conducted in the department of ICE through MoU signed.
LabVIEW core, CLAD training program was conducted by National Instruments Bangalore for the
faculty of ICE and PLC and DCS training program was conducted by YOKOGAWA Pvt, Ltd Bangalore
for the faculty of ICE. The staffs are certified in the following courses Name of the Staff Certified In
1. T.Devashena Field instruments in Process controlTraining
2. S.RathnaPrabha PLC& DCS Overview, YOKOGAWA
3. GopalaKrishnan Field instruments in Process controlTraining
4. GopalaKrishnan PLC& DCS Overview, YOKOGAWA
5. P.Aravind Field instruments in Process
6. S.Abirami Field instruments in Process
7. S.Arutselvi PLC& DCS Overview, YOKOGAWA
8. S.Ramachandran
9. S.Ramachandran PLC& DCS Overview, YOKOGAWA
LabVIEW core2 &core1
10. P.Aravind CLAD Certified Lab VIEW Associate
11. S.Nithyarani Developer)
CLAD (Certified Lab VIEW Associate
Webinar attended by the faculty:
Also the faculty, have been effective in participating in webinars. The details are as follows
S.No Name of the Staff Webinar Topic Date/Venue
2. Devashena.T Outcome Based Education session2 18/12/2014/SCE
Gopalakrishnan.R Automation of curriculum Design for 17/12/2014/SCE
Outcome Based Education
3 Sathiya.P Nptel in classroom & beyond 23.6.15/SCE
4 Sathiya.P IUCEE course on Teaching Design using 25.6.15/SCE
5. S.Rathnaprabha IUCEE course on Teaching Design using 25.6.15/SCE
6. H.Kala IUCEE course on Teaching Design using 25.6.15/SCE
7. S.Sivakumar IUCEE course on Teaching Design using 25.6.15/SCE
3. Sponsored / Aided projects –
It is an all India level competition conducted by Texas Instruments, to design an innovative instrument by
using the Texas instruments components only. With more than 3100 project proposals received for the
competition, ICE Department takes pride to have one team, comprising of two students from pre-final
year - S.Sriram and D.Nhishanth, guided by Mr.S.Ramachandran -Assistant Professor and
Ms.S.RathnaPrabha- Assistant Professor being shortlisted to enter the quarter finals.
NIYANTRA 2015-16:
Out of 13 projects, 5 teams has been shortlisted for second level of NIYANTRA competition organised
by National Instruments, Bangalore. In NIYANTRA 14-15, one team from ICE has shortlisted for the
final round of competition.
National level Project Contest Project Expo'2015 was organized by the Department of
Instrumentation and Control Engineering in collaboration with National Instruments and ICTACT
on 21st March 2015. The event saw top notch industry experts gracing the occasion with their
In this Project Expo, Mr. Ganesh Shankar, Co-founder and Managing Director of Flux gen
engineering Technologies got impressed with “Talking HerzfrequenzMessgerat” project and
which in turn provides the Job opportunity for a student named P.N.Vasantha.
S.NO Name of the dignitaries Industry/ Company Name
1 Prof. K. Jayaraman
2 Dr. V. Krishnamurthy ICET Pedagogy Systems Architect & ICET
3 Mr.Visweswaran ALCHEMIST in ICET, Bengaluru
4 Mr. Ganesh Shankar
5 Mr. Rajesh Muruganandam Director-in-charge, National Institute of
6 Mr.Yuvraaj Electronics and Information technology, Chennai
Senior academic consultant, National Instruments,
Co-founder and Managing Director of Flux gen
engineering Technologies
Innovative Invaders Technologies, Coimabatore
Optithought, Chennai
The project exhibition of final year ICE student’s project “Project Expo” was conducted by the
department on 27-02-2015.
4. Awards Received
Lab VIEW Award:
National Instruments, USA presents Saranathan College of Engineering with the
prestigious “NI LabVIEW Academy Award”. ICE received the “LabVIEW academy award”
during the NI-DAYS 2014 Conference on 18th September, 2014 at Bangalore.
The department of ICE is proud to announce that our college has been nominated and selected for
the “NI LabVIEW Academy Award” by National Instruments, an American enterprise pioneering
in the field of Virtual Instrumentation. This marks the second successful event, after the success
of CLAD examination, with regard to the MoU undertaken with NI in the past academic year.
The LabVIEW Academy Award is presented to an educational institution that presents ex-
ceptional training to its students and good CLAD examination results.
The LabVIEW Academy provides the students with a classroom curriculum package that
supports both credit and noncredit courses on LabVIEW – A Visual Programming language for
Virtual Instrumentation. The department received the award from Mr.AlexDavern, COO, CFO
and Executive Vice President of National Instruments, USA on 18.09.2014, at the NIDAY 2014
in NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bangalore.
Certification of merit and cash award of 4000 rupees was received by the team members in the e-yantra
robotics competition held on dec 11, 2014 at bharathidasan institute of technology. The objective of the
competition was to design the valet parking system using the robotic platform.
Team members:
Co-ordinated by
Dr.S.M .Girirajkumar/HOD-ICE
5. Seminars/ Conferences/ Training Programmes/ Workshop/Faculty
Development Programmes organised
Faculty development program was organized by the Department of Instrumentation and Control
(BYOES) USING LABVIEW" on the 19th and 20th of March, in collaboration with National
Instruments and ICTACT.
Workshop on LabVIEW Software was conducted for the faculty of ECE and Mechanical
department on 14.5.15 &15.5.15 in Virtual Instrumentation Lab. Out of five resource persons,
two of them were final year students who got internship in that company.
A one day workshop organized by Department of ICE on “SMART SYSTEMS FOR ENERGY
AND WATER MANAGEMENT”conducted by. Er. KaustubhKarnataki&Er. Dhanush, Senior
Project Consultant at Flux gen automation Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore, India on 10.07.2015.
Guest Lecture/ Training Organized By ICE Department:
In this academic year, we have organised 12 guest lectures in various topics.
1.Guest Lecture on “Role of Instrumentation and Control Engineering in Power Plants” was
delivered by Dr.S.DharmalingamEx-General Manager, BHEL, Trichy on 15th July, 2014.
2.Mr.Atal Anil Kumar, a Masters in Science student from France, interacted with the final year
students of ICE and gave guest lecture on the prospects of studying abroad.
3.Dr. A. Subramanian M.B.B.S., D.C.H., F.C.C.P., Senior Medical Administrator & Medical
Superintendent, Kauvery Hospitals, Trichy gave guest lecture on the topic “Stress management for
the adolescence”. For second and third years of ICE on 3rd September 2014.
4.Guest lecture for ICE students on“Preparing the students for the 21st century system design
challenges” by Mr. Visweswaran Jagadeesan,Senior Academic Consultant at National Instruments.
5.Guest lecture for ICE final year students on “Career guidance to acquire an opportunity in core
company” by Mr. Sultan Alaudeen Control systems engineer at Honeywell
6.Guest lecture for ICE students on“Developing the required skills for the Instrumentation
Industry” by Mr. Vishnuvardhan J., Managing Director of TREND Instrumentation and
Automation Pvt. Ltd.
7. Guest lecture for II & III year ICE students on "Yes You Can - A Winning Maneuver" by
Dr.Karthikeyan, HOD-MBA/SCE on 13th January 2015.
8. Guest lecture for III year ICE students on “Motivational Quotes & Emotional Intelligence” by
Ms.Leema Peter, consultant psychologist on 20th February 2015
9. Guest lecture for all branches on "Out Reach" by Mr.Vengadesan, Professor, Department of
Applied Mechanics, IIT Madrason 17th March 2015.
10.Guest lecture for III year ICE students on “Motivational Quotes & Emotional Intelligence” by
Ms.Leema Peter, consultant psychologist on 20th February 2015
11.Guest lecture for III year ICE students on “Bridge gap between industry and Institute” by
Mr.IyerGopalSrinivasan, Head , T&P department/SCE on 2nd April, 2015
12.Guest lecture for ICE students on “Winning Tactics- Igniting the Possibilities” by
Dr.K.Karthikeyan, Head of the Department of Management Studies on 06.08.2015.
Exclusive Value Added Training For Students And Staffs:
S.No Date & session Title of the course Participants
1 11.07.2014
2 12.07.2014 CLAD Training, NI Eligible students for
3 18.07.2014 (Certified Lab VIEW Associate CLAD exam of final
4 19.07.2014
Developer) year
5 12.08.2014
CLAD Training, NI Eligible students for
CLAD exam of final
CLAD Training, NI Eligible students for
CLAD exam of final
CLAD TRAINING AND MOCK Eligible students for
TEST CLAD exam of final
Training for Online NI CLAD Eligible students for
exam CLAD exam of final
6 22.08.2014 to 23.08.2014 Labview core 2 training 37 students from III
7 29.10.2014 to 31.10.14 Labview on MyRIO final year ICE
8 05.11.2014 to 07.11.2014 Labview core 1 &2 training 37 students from III
9 18.12.2014 to 22.12.2014 PLC and DCS overview 48 students from IV
10 29.12.2014 to 31.12.2014 Field Instruments on Process 35 students from III
control Year
11 18.02.15 to 19.0.15. Labview core – 2 39 Second year
12 20.04.15 – 22.04.15. CLAD training III year students
13 23.04.15 – 25.04.15. Labview core 2 II year students
14 28.1.15. Clad-Re exam 23 final year
15 CLAD examination. 6 final year students
05.03.15 and 1 staff have
16. 19.6.15 – 20.6.15 CLAD TRAINING 39 Final years
17. 26.6.15 – 27.6.15 Workshop on Robotics 25 sudents from
Third years
Spoken tutorial – Quality Improvement Cell:
Through Spoken tutorial, 342 certificates were secured by the ICE students in various software
SCILAB software had been thought to finalyear, third year and second year ICE students through
Spoken tutorial to improve their technical skills. The basic concepts of SCILAB software were explained
in the session. Students found more interesting that it enabled the students to solve the exercises
simultaneously in SCILAB window.
And also students successfully cleared the online SCILAB certification Exam, the details
S.No Date & session Title of the course Participants
1 25.09.2014 SCILAB certification exam
2 25.10.2014 SCILAB certification exam 61 final year ICE
3 25.10.2014 SCILAB certification exam students successfully
4 11.02.15 cleared
5 12.02.15 scilab test
scilab reexam. 18 Third year ICE
students successfully
24 Third year ICE
students successfully
6 second year
students were cleared
19 third year ICE
students were cleared
6 10.02.15 java test. 27 final year students
7 24.02.15 spoken tutorial C exam were cleared
8 06.03.15
9 17.03.15 Latex exam. 46 out of 58 students
10 06.04.15 Latex spoken tutorial exam. were cleared
11 07.04.15 C++ exam. 23 out of 55 final
12 27.5.15 C++ exam. year students were
C++ exam. cleared
10 second year
students were
31 out of 36 final
year students were
51 out of 64 final
year students were
26 out of 39 third
year students have
College conducted a National Level Technical Symposium on the 19th and 20th
september,2014 for which ICEDepartment organized technical events likeConferenzo ICE (Paper
Presentation),TRIVIA (Technical Quiz),Circuit Ran (Circuit Debugging),Ludo-Tech (Technical Dumb
Charades)and non-technical events like Online Photography,YazhinumIniyadhuwhich staged the
program with attainment more than just a fulfillment. . Many students from various engineering colleges
in Trichy zone had participated and won cash prizes.
6. Consultancy:
Memorandum of Understanding:
The department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering is proud to have signed a
Memorandum of Understanding with TREND Instrumentation and Automation Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
on 11th October, 2014. The Moupurposeisto achievethe various aims and objectivesrelatingtothe
Instrumentation and Control.
TREND Instrumentation and Automation Pvt. Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company
providing complete solution for Instrumentation, Automation and Electrical activities for various
process industries.
They take care of all industrial projects handling aspects right from Design till Installation,
Testing and Commissioning.
They specialize in the following domains of engineering solutions:
1. Automation Solutions.
2. Detail Engineering.
3. Project Scheduling.
4. Field as built Engineering.
5. Site test reports.
6. Site material close out sheet.
They also train students in various industrial skills that are in demand in the Instrumentation
The department has initiated a positive tie-up with TREND Instrumentation and Automation Pvt.
Ltd. with hopes of mutual benefit and growth in the days to come.
The department also encourages the students to actively take part in the future activities as a
result of this MoU.
Internship details: Student Name Year Company Period Remarks
3 months(18-02-
1 Ben- IV Chalk Studio, a 2015) to 13-03- a stipend of Rs.
HurS.Christopher, Bangalore 2015 15,000/month
10-02-2015 to
2 Thivakaran IV Kaleesuwari refinery 11-03-2015
Mohammed IV Optithought 01-04-2015 to
3 Hussian 31-05-2015
Shantha kumar Trend Automation 09-02-2015 to
IV Internship 14-02-2015
4 R.Kalaiyarasi,
J.Nancy amala
S.Biksha natesan
Hindustan Coca-Cola 16-02-2015 to
5 K.Sujitha IV beverages private
6 P.N.Vasantha IV IITMSAT 06-06-2014 to a stipend of
7 P.N.Vasantha 06-08-2014 Rs.5000 per
IV FluxGen Technologies 11-05-2015 to
8 Biksha Natesan IV Automated Test 11-05-2015 to Rs.16000/-
9 Nhizanth IV Solution 10-08-2015 stipend per
10 Karthik IV Automated Test 11-05-2015 to month
11. Preethi III Solution 10-08-2015
09-02-2015 to
12. Sriram III BHEL 21-02-2015
13. Ranjani III
14. Ramachandran Staff ANI Systems (India) 03-06-15 to 31-
Private Limited 07-15
“Innovative Invaders
technologies”, 3.6.15 to 30.6.15
FluxGen Technologies 9.6.15 to 26.6.15
2.6.15 to 12.6.15
FluxGen Technologies
7. Books published (Complete Publication details should be given) - NIL
8. Remarkable achievements of your department students (Extra
Curricular and Co curricular Activities)
Co-curricular Activities:
S.No Student name year Event name College name Prize
1 Vasantha P.N Extempore I
IV competition(TYSON- Rotary club , Trichy I
2014) II
2 Shuprajhaa III Paper Presentation AnnaiMaathammalSh
eela Engineering
College, Namakkal.
Shuprajhaa. T Tech buzz and Circuzzar Kurinji college of
3 and Nivethidha. III in ELECTNOVA’14. Engineering, Mana-
R parrai.
4 Shuprajhaa. T III Spell Bee Kurinji college of
Engineering, Mana-
Naachammai III Paper presentation Jeppiar engineering Participated
5 and JerinSum- college, Chennai
itha. S
ShehenazFathim Jeppiar engineering
6 a and I.S. IV Tech- Fest 2014 college, Chennai Participated
Paper presentation
SubaSree. S, Dhanalakshmi Participated
7 Kanchana, Brin- III College of
da, Ranjani Engineering, Chennai
8 G. Savithri and IV Paper presentation RVS College of I
G. Karpagam Engineering and
S.Priyadharshini RVS College of I
engineering and
and V. IV technical quiz technology, Dindigal
9 SelviSowmya
G. Savithri and technical quiz RVS College of
G. Karpagam Engineering and
10 IV II
S.Priyadharshini Paperpresentation RVS College of
Engineering and
11 and V. IV
SelviSowmya Dindigal. II
Vasantha P.N. VasaviVidhyala Participated
12 and Anusha S.
13 Nivetha . S Test Your Skills On Matriculation Higher
IV Character&Competenece Secondary School,
presentation(MANTHAN New Delhi,
II BY CAG (Citizen for conducted on 20th Participated
Accountable September 2013.
A.KamalaSherli National Level Techno- Mepco
sym Schlenk Engineering
14 n and II - II
J.Rubamathy College. I
A.KamalaSherli Mepco
Schlenk Engineering
15 n and II technical quiz
J.Rubamathy College.
NarsimNandhak hydraulic arm inthe finals
umar. J, of the event hydro in NIT,Trichy Participated
16 Subasree. S and III pragyan NIT,Trichy Participated
17 Shuprajhaa.T III puzzlemania
and Subasree. S
9. Sport Activities of the students (Won in National / District, &
Intercollegiate events)
Ram Kumar E.L., Final year ICE participated in the zone 13 sports meet conducted at Anna
University, Trichy campus on 19th September, 2014. He led our college’s chess team comprising
of 6 members, out of which 4 were main players and 2 were substitutes. They as a team won the
event’s title and also bagged the gold medal thereby opening the medal account of our college
sports team.
Karthik K. of Final Year ICE was a part of the college football team that went up-to the Semi
Finals in the Anna University Sports Meet held at JJ College of Engineering, Trichy.
K. Thivakaran of final year ICE won a gold medal in the state level Table Tennis tournament
conducted at PITS college of Engineering and was awarded a cash prize of Rs. 2000.He was also
given a cash award of Rs. 10000 by the secretary of our institution to commend his winning
streak of 40 medals since he joined the institution.
Ramkumar EL of final year ICE led the college chess team to inter - zonal state level chess meet
held at Srikrishna College of Engineering, Coimbatore.
MANTHAN BY CAG (Citizen for Accountable Governance):
Nivetha . S, of 2nd year ICE, with other department students, Participated in MANTHAN,
National Conference Organized by CAG, National wide paper presentation, at New Delhi,
conducted on 20th September 2013.
S.Suvedha III year ICE has won first Prize in district level Karate Tournament held at trichy on
10. Acted as Resource Persons for workshop/training programmes/
faculty development programmes(Venue/Date/Sponsoring Agency details
should be given)
Dr.S.M.Girirajkumar acted as resource person on 03/12/2014 and 04/12/2014 for the ISTE
approved STTP on “Hands on Experience in MATLAB(HEM’14) at Annamalai University
Dr.S.M.Girirajkumaracted as resource person on 22/01/2015 for the department of management
studies in the topic “Process manufacturing in industrial management” atSaranathan college of
Ms.GVijayalakshmi acted as resource person on 29/12/2014 for the Faculty Development
Programme in the topic “Essential skills for Successful career” at Saranathan College of
Dr.S.M.Girirajkumaracted as resource person on 06/05/2015 for the department of Mathematics
in the topic “Control engineering & enrichment through Mathematics”atSaranathan college of
Dr.S.M.Girirajkumaracted as resource person on 27/07/2015 for the department of Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering in the topic “Genetic Algorithm for controller Design” at Sri
Angalamman College of Engineering & Technology.
Mr.R.Gopalakrishnan/AP/ICE, has delivered a guest lecture, on the topic "Introduction to
Robotics and Automation"in the platform of IEEE young professionals on 27-7-15, as a webinar
global event.
Supervisor Recognition
Dr.S.M.Girirajkumar is an active research supervisor for Anna University, Tamil Nadu. Heis
currently guiding eight research scholars. All of them have completed their comprehensive viva this year.
11. Highlights of the technical activities of the departments.
National Instruments, a US based Multinational Core Company that specializes in Virtual
Instrumentation, certifies students and working professionals on its award winning System Design
software – Lab VIEW. 18 students from Final Year and 3 Professors have been accredited with the
title of CLAD.17/18 students were got placed in various companies.The Certified Developers are listed
on the National
InstrumentsGlobalWebsite( as
part of the list of International Certified Developers with a validity of 2 years to stay at par with the ever-
advancing field of instrumentation. The relevant details follow as:
2.P.Aravind 1.Biksha Natesan 10.Shantha kumar S.Abirami
3. 2.Ganesan 11.Vasantha
3.Karthick 12. kalaiyarasi.
Students: 4.Nizanth 13.Gokul.V
5.Mohammed Hussain 14.Kamban.S
6.Bhuvaneswari 15.Nisha.A
7.Savithri 16.Subramanian.G
8.Shenaz Fathima 17.Tharani Raja.K
9.M.Gayathri 18.Vaishnavi
Memorandum of Understanding:
The department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering is proud to have signed a
Memorandum of Understanding with TREND Instrumentation and Automation Pvt. Ltd.,
Chennai.The MoU withTREND Instrumentation and Automationwas signed on 11th October, 2014 by
the Principal, and Mr. Vishnuvardhan J., Managing Director of TREND Instrumentation and Automation
Pvt. Ltd. The Moupurposeisto achievethe various aims and objectivesrelatingtothe Instrumentation and
TREND Instrumentation and Automation Pvt. Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company
providing complete solution for Instrumentation, Automation and Electrical activities for various
process industries.
They take care of all industrial projects handling aspects right from Design till Installation,
Testing and Commissioning.
They specialize in the following domains of engineering solutions:
7. Automation Solutions.
8. Detail Engineering.
9. Project Scheduling.
10. Field as built Engineering.
11. Site test reports.
12. Site material close out sheet.
They also train students in various industrial skills that are in demand in the Instrumentation
The department has initiated a positive tie-up with TREND Instrumentation and Automation Pvt.
Ltd. with hopes of mutual benefit and growth in the days to come.
The department also encourages the students to actively take part in the future activities as a
result of this MoU.
It is an all India level competition conducted by Texas Instruments, to design an innovative instrument by
using the Texas instruments components only. With more than 3100 project proposals received for the
competition, ICE Department takes pride to have one team, comprising of two students from pre-final
year - S.Sriram and D.Nhishanth, guided by Mr.S.Ramachandran -Assistant Professor and
Ms.S.RathnaPrabha- Assistant Professor being shortlisted to enter the quarter finals.
Laboratory Equipments Purchased:
The department has made purchases worth Rs.7lakhs,( Especially My RIO from NI worth
Rs:3,58,000), Multi variable control trainer, AC and DC drives & pH control trainer (all three equipment
worth Rs. 6,11,974) for its labs to fulfil the requirements, to match the technical demands, and also as per
the revised syllabus as per the new regulations of Anna University Chennai. With the parent organization
support, we have enhanced the existing laboratories like Virtual instrumentation lab, Process control lab,
Industrial Instrumentation lab, Transducer and Measurement Lab and Circuits and Instrumentation system
design lab. We are ready for the Anna University Inspection with respect to revised Anna university
One of our Faculty Mr.P.Aravind, Assistant Professor has registered hisPh.D, in Anna University
Out of 64 students in final year ICE, 34 students have placed in various companies .In the year
2014-2015, Maximum percentage of placements were in ICE department.6 students are placed in core
company where project EXPO acted as a gateway for few students. Details of the placement for 2014 &
2015 passed outs were given below.
KG 1
LTD., 1
21 BE/ICE 1
12.Articles from students & staffs:
Krishna drawn by Ms.Vijayalakshmi/AP/ICE
At 4 years:
My daddy is great
At 6 years:
My daddy knows everybody
At 10 years…
My daddy is good but is short tempered
At 12 years….
My daddy was very nice to me when I was young
At 14 years
My daddy is getting fastidious
At 16 years
My daddy is not in line with the current times
At 18 years
My daddy is becoming increasingly cranky
At 20 years
Oh,Its difficult to tolerate daddy. Wonder how mother puts up with him
At 25 years
My Daddy is objecting to everything
At 30 years
It’s becoming difficult to manage my son. I was so scared of my father when I was young
At 40 years.
Daddy brought me up with so much discipline. Even I should do the same
At 45 years
I am baffled as to how my daddy brought up
At 50 years
My daddy faced so many hardships to bring us up.Iam unable to manage a single son
At 55years
My daddy was so far sighted and planned so many things for us.he is one of his kind and unique
At 60 years
My daddy is GREAT
S.RathnaPrabha AP/ICE
Comparison OfEnglish Poets
A Long Poet - H.W.Long Fellow
A Cool Poet - Robert Frost
A Moving Poet - William Shakespeare
A Heavy Poet - Bernard Barton
A Strong Poet - Woodrow Wilson
A Poet in Shell -B.P.Shelly
A Poet with Bridge -Robert Bridges
A Poet with Stamp - Dubley Stamp
A Poet with Words - William Wordsworth
A Poet with Number - Lord Tennyson
Life is a game
Play it firm
Life is a stage
Don’t act as a sage.
Life is beauty
Enjoying is your duty
Life is a boon
Don’t treat it as a buffoon.
Life is as precious as time
Don’t play a role of mime
Life is powerful
Don’t make it sorrowful.
Life is beautiful
Make it meaningful
By being joyful
Make it blissful.
Life is wonderful
Don’t be playful
Always be hopeful
It will make life beautiful.
12 =1
112 = 121
1112 = 12321
11112 = 1234321
111112 = 123454321
1111112 =12345654321
11111112 = 1234567654321
111111112 = 123456787654321
1111111112 = 12345678987654321
Syed AhamedRaza
Syed AhamedRaza
The"God particle" is the nickname of a subatomic particle called the Higgs boson .Despite being present
everywhere, the existence of the Higgs field has been very hard to confirm, because it is extremely hard to
create excitations (i.e. Higgs particles). The search for this elusive particle has taken more than 40 years
and led to the construction of one of the world's most expensive and complex experimental facilities to
date, the Large Hadron Colliderable to create Higgs bosons and other particles for observation and study.
On 4 July 2012, the discovery of a new particle with a mass between 125 and 127 GeV/c2 was announced;
physicists suspected that it was the Higgs boson. By March 2013, the particle had been proven to behave,
interact and decay in many of the ways predicted by the Standard Model, and was also tentatively
confirmed to have positive parity and zero spin, two fundamental attributes of a Higgs boson. This
appears to be the first elementary scalar particle discovered in nature. More data is needed to know if the
discovered particle exactly matches the predictions of the Standard Model, or whether, as predicted by
some theories, multiple Higgs bosons exist.
In layman’s terms, different subatomic particles are responsible for giving matter different properties.
One of the most mysterious and important properties is mass. Some particles, like protons and neutrons,
have mass. Others, like photons, do not. The Higgs boson, or “God particle,” is believed to be the particle
which gives mass to matter. The “God particle” nickname grew out of the long, drawn-out struggles of
physicists to find this elusive piece of the cosmic puzzle. What follows is a very brief, very simplified
explanation of how the Higgs boson fits into modern physics, and how science is attempting to study it.
The “standard model” of particle physics is a system that attempts to describe the forces, components, and
reactions of the basic particles that make up matter. It not only deals with atoms and their components,
but the pieces that compose some subatomic particles. This model does have some major gaps, including
gravity, and some experimental contradictions. The standard model is still a very good method of
understanding particle physics, and it continues to improve. The model predicts that there are certain
elementary particles even smaller than protons and neutrons. The only particle predicted by the model
which has not been experimentally verified is the “Higgs boson,” jokingly referred to as the
Each of the subatomic particles contributes to the forces that cause all matter interactions. One of the most
important, but least understood, aspects of matter is mass. Science is not entirely sure why some particles
seem mass-less, like photons, and others are “massive.” The standard model predicts that there is an
elementary particle, the Higgs boson, which would produce the effect of mass. Confirmation of the Higgs
boson would be a major milestone in our understanding of physics.
The “God particle” nickname actually arose when the book The God Particle: If the Universe Is the
Answer, What Is the Question? by Leon Lederman was published. Since then, it’s taken on a life of its
own, in part because of the monumental questions about matter that the God particle might be able to
answer. The man who first proposed the Higgs boson’s existence, Peter Higgs, isn’t all that amused by
the nickname “God particle,” as he’s an avowed atheist. All the same, there isn’t really any religious
intention behind the nickname.
Hadron collider
Rubamathy.J,III year ICE.
Department of
Association Activities:
Inauguration on 01 September, 2014. by Dr.Jayapaul, DGM, BSNL .
The IT department e-magazine DO-IT was released by the Principal on 01 September
Engineers’ Day celebration on 15 September, 2014.
Guest Lecture on “Big Data” by Mr.S.Venkatasubramanian head of the department
FDPs / Workshops / Courses organized:
A FDP was conducted on 18th June, 2014 on “Operating Systems”. Dr.S.Valli,
Associate Professor, Dept of CSE, Anna University, Chennai was the resource
ICTACT – EMC2 Academic Alliance certification course on “Cloud
Infrastructure & Services” was conducted from 26th Dec 2014 to 3rd Jan 2015.
81 students from CSE, IT & ECE have registered for the course and 79 students
have been awarded certificates..
Summer & Winter workshops : 3
Seminars / Guest Lectures organized: 4
Inter departmental Events conducted:
A mini project contest for the III year students..
Paper presentation, Query solving, code debugging & multimedia contests for the
II & III year students.
Multitasking contest for II year Students.
Paper Presentation, Coding and Debugging and Technical Quiz events were
conducted in Genesis 2K15.
Faculty development Programmes attended: 6
QIC activities
IV year - Spoken Tutorial JAVA course
III year - Spoken Tutorial C, C++ & Java Programming Certification course
University Ranks:
8 University Ranks in AUT, Trichirapalli.
Ms.R.Rathiya Angeline of III IT won the first place in the STYX- Media Event at Indira
Gandhi College, Trichy.
Ms.R.Rathiya Angeline was placed second at the ICTACT Finale at Coimbatore for her
talk on The Human Mind and was offered a trip to Singapore.
Mr. Kumaran Ravi of II IT was placed first in Youth Talk at the ICTACT regional finals..
Ms.R.Jayashree of III IT won the Miss.Top Notcher conducted by the Rotaract Club.
Ms.R.Jayashree of III IT won the I place in the STYX – Leader/Pleader contest held at
Indira Gandhi College, Trichy.
Ms.Kiruthika Valathy won the first prize in the paper presentation contest for the topic
Green Computing at Kongunadu College of Engg.
Mr.Venkatasubramanian & Mr.Askar Hussain won the third prize at the science
Exhibition at MAM College of Engg.
Ms.D.Abirami of IV IT won the II Prize in the State level Quiz contest Techquiz’14.
Ms.D.Abirami of IV IT won the I prize in Paper presentation at IFET, Viilupuram.
Mr.S.Srinivasan and Mr.R.Venkatasubramanian won first prize in Paper Presentation
contest for the topic “Chess Game for Blind People” at MIET Engineering College.
Ms.A.Sagaya Priya and Ms.S.Kavitha won third prize in Technical Quiz at MIET
Engineering College.
Mr.S.Srinivasan has participated in Android Amaze hackathon of Longest Android App
Development and became an “Official Record Holder”.
Ms.A.Sagaya Priya and Ms.S.Kavitha has won II place in Abacus for NPM contest
conducted by CEG Campus.
About 6 students from IV Year IT have completed their Internship at Phrenic Solutions
and worked on Real time projects in Web Designing and Android Application
About 5 students from IV Year IT have completed their Internship at Bluesharp
Technologies and worked on Real time projects in Web Designing.
Mr.Hari Ganesh, Renganatha Varun , Sathish and Vikas have won Best Final Year
Project Award.
Mr.S.Srinivasan, Mr.R.Venkatasubramanian and Mr.G.Sriram have won first prize in
Mini Project Contest.
Ms.S.Kavitha, Ms.A.Sagaya Priya, Ms.R.Rathiya Angeline and Ms.R.Pavithra have won
second prize in Mini Project Contest.
Mr.S.Srinivasan and Mr.R.Venkatasubramanian have won first prize in Paper
Presentation at Genesis 2K15.
Ms.RM.Kiruthika Valathy has won second prize in Paper presentation at Genesis 2K14.
Ms.P.Akshaya, Ms.B.Nihitha and M.Raziya Rizwana have won third prize in Paper
presentation at Genesis 2K15.
Mr.B.Naveen Kumar won first prize in Coding Contest
Ms.G.Rajeswari won second prize in Coding Contest.
Ms.A.Sagaya Priya and Ms.R.Rathiya Angeline have won first prize in Technical Quiz
Ms.R.Jayashree and Ms.K.Preethi have won second prize in Technical Quiz contest.
Why is Google algorithms more important??
Here is the find:
Finding useful information on the World Wide Web is something many of us take for granted. According to
the Internet research firm Netcraft, there are nearly 150,000,000 active Web sites on the Internet today
[The task of sifting through all those sites to find helpful information is monumental. That's why search
engines use complex algorithms -- mathematical instructions that tell computers how to complete
assigned tasks.
Google's algorithm does the work for you by searching out Web pages that contain the keywords you
used to search, then assigning a rank to each page based several factors, including how many times the
keywords appear on the page. Higher ranked pages appear further up in Google's search engine results
page (SERP), meaning that the best links relating to your search query are theoretically the first ones
Google lists.
For Web Page administrators, being listed prominently on Google can result in a big boost in site traffic
and visibility. In 2007, Google surpassed Microsoft as the most visited site on the Web [source: The San
Fransico Channel]. With that much traffic, getting a good spot on a Google SERP could mean a huge
boost in the number of site visitors.
Google's keyword search function is similar to other search engines. Automated programs
called spiders or crawlers travel the Web, moving from link to link and building up an index page that
includes certain keywords. Google references this index when a user enters a search query. The search
engine lists the pages that contain the same keywords that were in the user's search terms. Google's
spiders may also have some more advanced functions, such as being able to determine the difference
between Web pages with actual content and redirect sites -- pages that exist only to redirect traffic to a
different Web page.
Keyword placement plays a part in how Google finds sites. Google looks for keywords throughout each
Web page, but some sections are more important than others. Including the keyword in the Web page's
title is a good idea, for example. Google also searches for keywords in headings. Headings come in a
range of sizes, and keywords in larger headings are more valuable than if they are in smaller headings.
Keyword dispersal is also important. Webmasters should avoid overusing keywords, but many people
recommend using them regularly throughout a page.
Google's PageRank System
The Google algorithm’s most important feature is arguably the PageRank system, a patented automated
process that determines where each search result appears on Google's search engine return page. Most
users tend to concentrate on the first few search results, so getting a spot at the top of the list usually
means more user traffic. So how does Google determine search results standings? Many people have
taken a stab at figuring out the exact formula, but Google keeps the official algorithm a secret. What we
do know is this:
PageRank assigns a rank or score to every search result. The higher the page's score, the further up the
search results list it will appear.
Scores are partially determined by the number of other Web pages that link to the target page. Each link
is counted as a vote for the target. The logic behind this is that pages with high quality content will be
linked to more often than mediocre pages.
Not all votes are equal. Votes from a high-ranking Web page count more than votes from low-ranking
sites. You can't really boost one Web page's rank by making a bunch of empty Web sites linking back to
the target page.
The more links a Web page sends out, the more diluted its voting power becomes. In other words, if a
high-ranking page links to hundreds of other pages, each individual vote won't count as much as it would
if the page only linked to a few sites.
Other factors that might affect scoring include the how long the site has been around, the strength of the
domain name, how and where the keywords appear on the site and the age of the links going to and from
the site. Google tends to place more value on sites that have been around for a while.
Some people claim that Google uses a group of human testers to evaluate search returns, manually
sorting through results to hand pick the best links. Google denies this and says that while it does employ
a network of people to test updated search formulas, it doesn't rely on human beings to sort and rank
search results.
Google's strategy works well. By focusing on the links going to and from a Web page, the search engine
can organize results in a useful way. While there are a few tricks webmasters can use to improve Google
standings, the best way to get a top spot is to consistently provide top quality content, which gives other
people the incentive to link back to their pages.
Google algorithms-Names and years: