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Published by Hagit Bodenstein - Swissa, 2020-12-23 04:39:25

Orientation booklet for new members of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Agency digital




The Jewish Agency has a unique global partnership
between three entities:

 World Zionist Organization (WZO) 50%
 JFNA- Jewish Federation of North America 30%
 Keren Hayesod - United Israel Appeal 20%

KH 20%

(WZO) 50%

JFNA 30%

The Jewish Agency is recognized as a National Institution
of the State of Israel, according to the Law of Status of
the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency
for Israel, 1952, and is governed by the Reconstitution
Agreement of 1971, which has been amended at different
times (most recently February 2019).

According to the Reconstitution Agreement, the
governing bodies of the Jewish Agency are:

1. The Assembly

2. The Board of Governors

3. The Executive

These governing bodies are composed of members
of each of the organizations above, according to the
percentages stated above, ensuring that decisions
regarding the Jewish Agency's strategic plan are made
based on the discretion of Jewish leaders from around
the world, and with the coordination and consent of
the Israeli government.


Aliyah & Absorption: Core Values of Keren Hayesod


The Assembly
The Assembly is comprised of no more than 518 members,
appointed according to the partnership percentage distribution
above (Keren Hayesod appoints no more than 103 members).
The functions of the Assembly, according to the Reconstitution
agreement are:
• Establish the Jewish Agency’s basic policy and goals
• Receive and Discuss budgetary and other reports prepared by

the Board of Governors
• Provide recommendations on key issues
• Accept reolutions regarding the above
The Assembly usually takes place over the course of three days,
includes the presence of the President, the Prime Minister and the
Chairman of the Opposition, and provides in-depth sessions and
discussions on global issues concerning the Jewish people. The
Assembly serves as the AGM (Annual General Meeting) which we
consider as an annual convention of Jews from around the world and
is a demonstration of global Jewish solidarity with the State of Israel.

The Board of Governors
The Board of Governors, which convenes at least twice a year,
sets the policy of the Jewish Agency. Its 120 members are elected
by the partners according to various categories detailed in the
Reconstitution Agreement, and play a vital role in the leadership
of the Jewish Agency in overseeing budgets and actions and in
formulating recommendations regarding the policy for the Assembly.
In accordance with the Reconstitution Agreement, the members
of the Board of Governors are elected for a period of two years
according to the percentages of ownership (Keren Hayesod appoints
24 representatives to the BOG).


The Roles of the Board of Governors
The areas of responsibility of the Board of Governors, as described in the
Reconstitution Agreement), are (among others) as follows:
"The Board of Governors determines the policy of the Jewish Agency for Israel
and manages, supervises, directs and controls its actions. All bodies (except
the Assembly), professionals and employees of the Jewish Agency shall act in
accordance with the policy to be determined by the Assembly and the Board
of Governors and shall be accountable to the Board of Governors. In the period
between the meetings of the Assembly, the Board of Governors will have full
authority to act on behalf of the Jewish Agency and to set policy, provided
that its decisions and actions do not conflict with the previous decisions or
provisions of the Assembly."
The Board of Governors is also granted the following responsibilities:
• Determines the policy of the Jewish Agency, and manages, supervised,

directs and controls its actions.
• Determines the number of departments in the Jewish Agency and its

areas of responsibility
• Approve and determine the Agency's annual budget
• Elect the Chairman of the Executive, the Chairman of the Board of

Governors, the Deputy Chairman of the Executive, the Director General
and the Secretary General
• Discuss reports received from the management
• Appoint an Auditor for the Jewish Agency and determine the scope of the
Auditor's actions
• Establish regulations for the management of the Jewish Agency's affairs
and activities if necessary


Amigour: Thanks to Keren Hayesod and the Jewish Agency for
Israel, hundreds of elderly Holocaust survivors live in dignity


Youth Futures: Keren Hayesod partners with the Jewish Agency for Israel
to build a promising future for Israel's at-risk children in the periphery

The Board of Governors Committees
According to the Jewish Agency bylaws, the role of the Board of Governors'
committees is to advise, supervise and guide the activities of the Jewish
Agency in accordance with the policy established by the Assembly and the
Board of Governors.
Each member of the Board of Governors is appointed to at least one committee.
Additional committee members may be appointed from among the members
of the Assembly.
The Board of Governors operates through three types of committees:
• Content Committees
• Budget and Finance committees
• Administrative committees
Content committees and the budget and finance committees have up
to 30 members; administrative committees have up to 20 members and
subcommittees have up to 10 members.


The distribution of members to the BOG committees is made
according to the quota of Keren Hayesod, at the discretion of the
World Chairman and the Chairman of the World Board of Trustees
regarding the nominated member.

Each of the committees are chaired by a Chairman and a Deputy
Chairman, usually one from WZO and the other from the JFNA or KH.
The Chairmen of the Board of Governors' committees and the Deputy
Chairmen of all the committees, with the exception of Budget and
Finance committee, are appointed by the Chairman of the Board of
Governors in consultation with the Chairman of the Executive and after
approval by the General Appointments Committee of the Jewish Agency.

The Honorary Members of the Board of Governors

In addition to its members, the Board of Governors may elect former
Chairmen of the Board of Governors and members of the Executive as
well as retiring members to serve as Honorary Members.

Generally speaking, Honorary Members have the right to attend all
meetings of the Board of Governors committees, but are not voting
members of the BOG plenary session.

Associate Members of the Board of Governors

Up to 20 Associate Members (without voting rights) may be appointed
by the Board of Governors for a two-year term according to the
partnership percentage distribution.

Members of the Assembly Serving on the Committees of the Board of

In order for the assembly to be involved in the decisions of the Board
of Governors, about 60 members of the Assembly are elected to serve
as members of the committees of the Board of Governors, according
to the partnership percentage distribution (Keren Hayesod has 12
such members).

The members of the Assembly who sit on the committees of the Board of
Governors are an integral part of those committees, with full voting rights
in committee. However, they can only serve as observers in the Board of
Governors Plenary session and do not have the right to vote there.


Government of Israel Representatives on Board Committees
As part of the joint effort of the Government of Israel and The Jewish Agency
to strengthen the connection with Diaspora Jews and in order to deepen the
coordination between the two, representatives of Governments Ministries
take part in the work of The Jewish Agency Board committees. These
representatives are members of the Assembly on behalf of the WZO and serve
in this framework on Board committees.

The Chairman of the Board of Governors
The Chairman of the Board of Governors, who is also a member of the Board,
is elected to a four-year term, from among the JFNA/ KH members only.
The Chairman of the Board of Governors will chair each meeting of the
Board of Governors and has the authority to convene extra meetings, after
consultation with the Chairman of the Executive. He appoints committees
and determines the scope of their activities.

Members of Board of Governors Committees
120 Board Members

Honorary Board Members
20 Board Associate Members
60 Assembly Members on Board Committees

Total: 200 (not including Honorary Members)

KH Representatives at the Jewish Agency Governing Organs
We consider membership in the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency to
be of great significance both because of the ability to represent Keren Hayesod
and its donors and make its voice heard, as well as the ability to influence the
Jewish Agency's strategy, programs and methods of operation.
Prior to each BOG session we will have a joint meeting between all KH
Representatives at the BOG to discuss the issues raised at the BOG and
formulate Keren Hayesod’s position on each issue.


Expectations of Keren Hayesod Representatives Serving as Members
of the Jewish Agency’s Governing Organ

• Report on issues as they arise

• Represent the point of view and position of Keren Hayesod and
its donors worldwide

• Responsibility for making policy decisions in accordance with
the spirit of Keren Hayesod

• Attend the meetings of the Board of Governors and its
committees, in person or by electronic means

• Accept ad-hoc assignments

Being a member at the BOG means to be present in different
committees, representing Keren Hayesod. As such, your participation
in the committees is important, and each has its own responsibility
to report to Keren Hayesod's Management (Chairman, World Board
of Trustees, World Chairman and CEO)any issue you may think Keren
Hayesod’s management should be aware to.

Keren Hayesod's contact person for all issues regarding the Jewish
Agency's Board of Governors is the Secretary of the Company, Ms.
Inbar Ruimy

Wings: Keren Hayesod supports our strategic partner, the Jewish 11
Agency for Israel, to ensure that lone immigrant soldiers are not
alone in Israel

Net@: Keren Hayesod supportst a technological and leadership
curriculum for disadvantaged Israeli youth


Governance Structure

Chairman of the Board Chairman of the Executive

NCLeooammdmienraistthtienipeg Board of Governors The Executive

Geographies ECdSoutnrcataetteniogtny&al Evaluation & FRD Marketing
& Regions Measurement Unity of Task Force
the Jewish on Anti-
Board Statutory Committees Board Mission Committees People Semitism

Assets & Comptroller Budget & Audit SGtoaEvntedhranicradsn,sc&e Government Aliyah Israeli Connecting
Liabilities Finance Relations Society Jews

Companies Budget Mana&RgisIeTkment AEdtJh-eHiwooprciyaonn Social EPanangrdtangVeeirrmsthueiapnlst Immersive Shlichut Peoplehood
Resilience Experiences in Israel



Committees Description – New Governance Structure

Committees of the Executive

Geographies & Regions Oversees the Agency's operations in various regions of the world and deals with small Jewish communities and Russian Speaking Jewry.

Content & Educational Supervises the Jewish Agency's Content and Educational Strategy unit, including Makom.

Evaluation & Oversees the evaluation and measurement of Jewish Agency's programs; reports annually to the Executive.

FRD Responsible for the review and approval of policies applicable to the Jewish Agency's programs and/or operations in the area of fundraising, customer
relations and for the activity of Jewish Agency International Development, and for oversight of the implementation of these policies. It operates in
coordination with the Marketing Committee.

Marketing Oversees and guides the marketing and communications work of JAFI relating to the JAID/JAFI Marketing Unit and the Spokesman’s Office. The
Committee operates in coordination with the FRD Committee.

Statutory Committees of the Board

Comptroller Reviews the reports of the JAFI Comptroller and the response of the Chairperson of the Executive to such reports. It reports its findings to the full Board
along with any recommendations.

Budget & Finance The Budget & Finance Committee oversees the budget and financial operations of the Agency.

Budget Subcommittee The budget subcommittee is responsible for the annual budget and the budget process. It will encompass the entire budget.

Risk Management & IT Reviews and oversees the Jewish Agency insurance activities and oversees its activity within computerization and information. It determines and
Subcommittee approves strategic directions and receives reports on continuous issues within computerization and information. Reports to the Budget & Finance
Assets & Liabilities
Responsible for overseeing the assets, companies and liabilities of the Agency.
Companies Oversees the work of the Companies Authority with regard to creation, management or disposal of JAFI-owned companies and in charge with setting
Subcommittee policy and overseeing the active Israel Education Fund subsidiary companies. Reports to the Budget & Finance Committee

Audit Assists the Board of Governors in fulfilling its oversight responsibility relating to the integrity of JAFI's financial statements, including the financial
reporting process, and approves the balance sheet. The Chair of the Board and the Chair of B&F will be included as ex - officio in the audit committee and
will participate in its meetings.

Ethics, Standards and The committee assists the Board of Governors to review from time to time the Agency's documents relating to proper management and good
Governance governance.

Government Relations Oversees the Agency's work in the Knesset, and with the Government of Israel, including the Lobby for the Jewish People in the Knesset.

MIssion Committees of the Board

Connecting Jews Oversees Jewish Agency activities regarding immersive experiences in Israel and around the world, including Masa, Birthright, Onward, Ten and Shalom
Corps, as well as Partnerships, Peoplehood in Israel and Shlichut.

Partnerships & Virtual Oversees Jewish Agency activities in the area of partnerships, school twinning and virtual engagement between Israel and the World Jewish community.

Immersive Experiences Oversees Jewish Agency activities regarding immersive experiences in Israel and around the world, including Masa, Birthright, Onward, Ten and Shalom

Shlichut Oversees Jewish Agency activities in the area of shlichut around the world, including the Shlichut Institute.

Peoplehood in Israel Oversees Jewish Agency activities in the area of promoting Jewish peoplehood in Israel, including allocations to the streams and AmiUnity.

Aliyah Oversees the Jewish Agency's operations in the area of Aliyah, Rescue and Absorption.

Ad-Hoc on Ethiopian Focuses on Aliyah from Ethiopia. Reports to the Aliyah Committee.
Israeli Society Oversees Jewish Agency activities in the area of vulnerable populations, such as Youth at Risk and Amigour as well as change agents in Israeli society such
as young communities and pre-army academies.

Social Resilience Oversees Jewish Agency activities in the area of change agents for Israeli society, including young communities, pre-army academies and shinshinim.
Unity of the Jewish
People Established following the Neeman Commission and deals with issues of religious pluralism in Israel and around the world, including issues like the
Western Wall and conversion.

Task Force on Anti- Oversees the Jewish Agency's role in the struggle against anti-Semitism.

Governance Structure

Mission Committees Connecting Jews Aliyah
Mission Subcommittees Israeli Society
Unity of the Jewish People
Statutory Task Force on Anti-Semitism

B&F Subcommittees Partnerships & Virtual
Executive Committees Engagement Immersive
Shlichut Peoplehood in Israel
Ad-Hoc on Ethiopian Jewry
Social Resilience

Comptroller's Report Budget &
Finance Audit
Assets & Liabilities
Ethics, Standards and
Governance Companies
Government Relations

Risk Management & IT

Geographies & Regions
Content & Educational
Strategy Evaluation &
Measurement FRD


Jerusalem, January 2021 |
16 Photo Credits: The Jewish Agency for Israel

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