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Michael Allen - Misconceptions In Primary Science-Open University Press (2014) (1)

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Michael Allen - Misconceptions In Primary Science-Open University Press (2014) (1)

Michael Allen - Misconceptions In Primary Science-Open University Press (2014) (1)

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Index Illustrated references are in italics; glossary references are in bold. Abdomen, 30, 32, 37, 50 Absorption, light, 205 oxygen, 43 sound waves, 210 Allotrope, 139, 257 AC see Alternating Current Accelerate, 257 balanced/unbalanced forces, 151, 154 free fall, 145–6, 164 Acid, acid rain, 102, 138 acidity and microbial growth, 73 amino acid, 55 general, 101–2 nucleic acid, 77 Air, breathing, 25, 27, 43–9, 44–6, 48 chemical changes, 103 floating and sinking, 168, 170, 174 gravity needs air to work, 160, 163–4 heat, 253–6, 254 as a living thing, 19 meaningful erroneous conceptual network, 5 medium into which matter disappears, 98–100, 120–2 muscle pump, 39 ozone depletion, 139 particle theory, 107–12, 108, 110, 112–3 photosynthesis, 62 projectiles, 149–150 soil structure, 135–6, 136 states of matter, 115, 117, 123, 125 transmission of airborne microbes, 75–6, 81 transmission of sound waves, 207, 210–4, 212 see also Air resistance Air resistance, 257 balanced/unbalanced forces, 148–9, 154 free fall, 145–7, 151 Algae, 35 Alloy, 191, 257 Alternating Current (AC), 184, 257 Alveoli, 44–5, 46, 257 Amino acid, 55 Amphibians, Taxonomy of, 25–7, 25–6 Amplitude (wave), 213–4, 213, 257 Angle of incidence, 206, 257 Angle of reflection, 206, 257 Animal adaptations see Inheritance Anning, Mary, 93 Antibiotics, 59, 70, 77 Antibodies, 78, 257 Apes, 33, 87, 90–2, 92 Arachnids, 30–2, 31 Archimedes’ principle, 167, 175–6 Arterial, 36, 41–2, 47, 257 Artery see Arterial Arthropod, 28, 30–1, 31, 71, 257

INDEX 281 Ash, 98, 100–1 Atmosphere, Earth’s see Earth Atom, 257 electricity, 182–3 nature of matter, 107–9. 108–9 Ausubel, David, 4 Autumn see Season Backbone, Model, 30 Bacterium (plural bacteria), classification, 22, 35 decay, 80–1, 102–3 pathogens, 70–4, 77 morphology, 71–2, 72, 77 Balanced diet, 57–9, 58 Balanced and unbalanced forces, acceleration and deceleration, 150–4, 151–3 floating and sinking, 174–6, 174 projectiles, 148–50 reaction forces, 151, 158, 160 Balloons, Party, Experiments using, 73, 111–3, 111, 168, 176–7, 256 Bicarbonate of soda, Experiments using, 102, 112 Bipedalism, 91–2, 92 Birds, Taxonomy of, 22, 26–7, 29 Blood see Circulation, Blood Boiling see State change Boiling point, 100, 121, 123 Brain, 53, 196, 213 Breathing, 257 classification criterion, 19, 25, 27 physiology of, 39–40, 43–9, 44–6, 48, 72, 135–6 Bricks, 97, 105, 107–8, 126–8, 152 Buridan, Jean, 149 Burning see Combustion Candles, Experiments using, 43–4, 44, 60–1, 99–100, 107, 116, 167, 195, 199, 252 Capillaries, 45, 46, 247 Carbohydrates, 55–8, 58, 60–1 Carbon dioxide, breathing/gaseous exchange, 43–9, 44, 46, 48 cellular respiration, 39, 73 combustion, 98–9, 98 deoxygenated blood, 39, 41–2 greenhouse gas, 137–9, 138 particle theory, 112 photosynthesis, 61–2, 62 Carbon monoxide, 98–9 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), 37, 258 Cartesian diver, 171, 257 Cell (biological), 258 cellular structure, 55, 71–3 physiology, 39–41, 40, 45, 63, 77, 81, 202 taxonomic considerations, 20–3, 35, 65, 77 Cell (electrical), 258 models of electrical flow, 178–82 current, 182–8 energy, 187–8, 253 voltage, 179, 188–91 Cellular respiration, 39, 55, 61, 258 Centripetal force, 161, 258 Cetacean, 27, 27 CFSs (see Chlorofluorocarbons) CGI see Computer generated effects Chemical change, 258 combustion, 98–9 general, 101–3 Chlorofluorocarbons, 140 Chlorophyll, 34, 61, 258 Circulation, Blood, blood pressure, 40 breathing and gaseous transport, 39–40, 40, 44–7, 45 double circulation, 45–7, 46 general, 40–2 infection, 75, 78 kidneys, 53 transport of food, 40, 52, 54–5 see also Arterial; Capillaries; Venous Clashing currents model of electrical flow see Current, Electrical Classification, Biological, 22–35, 23–34, 71, 77 Clouds, Water, boiling water, 120–4, 124 as living things, 19 weather clouds, 122–4, 139, 226, 237, 242 Clay, 108, 127, 136 Cognitive conflict, 5–6, 9 Colour, The nature of, 202–6, 203–5 Combustion (burning), 258 chemical change, 98–100, 98, 103 conservation of mass, 98–9

282 INDEX irreversible change, 100 state changes, 100–1 see also Chemical change Comparative densities see Density Compressed air, 110, 258 Computer generated effects (CGI), 220, 258 Conceptual change, 5–6 Conceptual convergence, 4 Condensation see State change Conduction (electrical), 180, 182, 186, 258 Conduction (heat), 253–4, 253, 258 Conservation of mass see Mass Constructivism, xxi, xxiii, 3–6, 9, 13–5 Consumer, 67, 258 Contact force see Forces Convection current, 253–4, 254, 258 Copernicus, Nicolaus, 220, 223 CPR see Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Crustaceans, 30–1, 31 Crystals, 128, 129 Current, Electrical, 258 direction of flow contradiction, 185–6, 186, models of electrical flow, 178–88 resistance, 179, 192 speed of flow, 184–5 voltage, 188–91 Current consumption model of electrical flow see Current, Electrical Day and night, 224–31, 225–30, 238–9, 238– 9, 248 DC see Direct Current Decay, 70, 80–1, 102–3 Decelerate, 148, 154, 258 Density, 258 convection currents, 250, 251 displacement, 161, 175 equation, 166 floating 111, 166–73, 172–3, 175–6 states of matter, 117 Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 77, 86, 140, 258 Descartes, René, 8 Dew point, 125, 258 Dewey, John, 4 Diffusion, 72, 258 Digestion, 54, 70, 258 Direct Current (DC), 258 current flow, 179. 182, 185, 187 resistance, 185 voltage, 189–90 Dispersion of light, 202–5, 203, 258 Displacement, 167, 167, 175–6, 258 Dissolving, acid reactions, 102 conservation of mass, 113–4 electroplating, 186 excretion, 53 gaseous exchange, 44 DNA see Deoxyribonucleic acid Double circulation see Circulation Down, Concept of see Earth Drug, 40, 53, 59, 62–3, 79, 93 Dwarf planet, 221, 231, 247, 258 E. Coli see Escherichia Coli Ear, Human, 213, 214 Earth (planet), atmosphere, 111, 125, 137–40, 138, 147, 160, 163–4 concept of down, 133–5, 134–5 flat earth, 216–20, 216–20 gravitational attraction, 145–7, 149, 155– 7, 155–6, 160–5, 162, 174 internal structure, 134, 134 reflects the sun’s light, 200 relative sizes of heavenly bodies, 231–3, 232 rotating (spinning) earth, 227, 231 see also Day and night; Earthquakes; Geocentric; Heliocentric; Moon; Orbit Earthquakes, 129–31, 130–1 Earthworms, 11, 22, 29–30, 135–6 Eclipse, 235, 237, 245–6, 246, 258 Ecosystem, 66–9 Electrical energy see Energy Electricity see Current, Electrical Electromagnetic radiation, 195, 259 Electron, 259 current flow, 182–8, 184, 186 particle theory, 107 Element, 11, 259 Elicitation of misconceptions (theory section), 10–13 Energy, 259 chemical, 187, 190, 251, 251–2, 253 earthquakes, 131 electrical, 178–9, 181, 187, 188, 190 general, 7, 97, 250–3, 251–2

INDEX 283 heat, 99, 137–9, 137–8, 179, 187, 240, 242, 251–6, 251–2, 255 kinetic, 179, 250–1, 251 light, 61–2, 62, 137, 187, 250, 250–3, 251–2 nuclear, 251 nutrition, 55–7, 59–61, 60 potential, 164, 250–2, 251 sound, 209–10, 251–2, 251 transference model, 252 transformation model, 250–3 Enzyme, 81, 259 Epicentre, 130, 130–1, 259 Epigenetics, 87, 259 Escherichia Coli (E. Coli), 73, 77, 77 Evaporation see State change Evidence, Scientific, 6–9 Evolution see Inheritance Exhaled air, composition of, 43–5, 44, 47–9, 48, 75 see also Breathing Exoskeleton, 28, 33, 259 Fats, 55–60, 57–8 Fault, 130, 259 Feely box, 116 Ferns, horsetails and clubmosses, Taxonomy of, 34, 34 Flight or flight response, 40–1 Fish, Taxonomy of, 22, 25–9 Flat Earth concept see Earth Floating and sinking, 259, 262 in air, 111, 170 liquids that float, 172, 172 in water, 166–77, 167–70, 172–5, 213, 254, 256 weightlessness, 111, 160, 163–4, 173–4 Flora, 84, 259 Flowering plants and conifers, Taxonomy of, 34, 34 Fluid, 259 electricity analogy, 178, 181 see also Gas; Liquid Foams, 115, 210 Food chains and food webs, general, 64–9, 64–7 population changes in food chains, 66–9, 67 Force, 259 contact force, 156–9, 157, 159, 258 electrostatic forces, 190 force arrows (conventions), 64, 150–2 general, xxiii, 5, 12 reaction forces, 154–60, 176 155–9, 261 upthrust, 173–7, 174–5, 262 weight, 99, 111, 117, 123, 145–69, 146, 149, 151, 153, 155–9, 162, 171, 173–7, 174–5, 263 see also Air resistance; Balanced and unbalanced forces; Floating; Friction Free fall see Mass Freezing, 101, 107, 119, 171, 256, 259 see also State change Frequency (wave), 213–4, 259 Friction, 259 air resistance, 148–50, 149, 154 earthquakes, 130, 130 electrical resistance, 183 with bodies in contact, 160, 162 Fungus classification, 23, 23, 34–5, 77 decay, 80, 102–3 spores, 73 usefulness of, 70 see also Yeast Galen (of Pergamon), 47 Galileo, Galilei, 223 Gametes, 259 Gas see States of matter Gaseous exchange, 39–40, 46, 46, 259 Gemstones, 128–9 Gene, 259 chromosomal location, 86, 86 inheritance, variation and adaptation, 84–93 Genotype, 259 Geocentric, 259 day and night, 225–7, 225, 228 general, 220–4, 221, 224 moon’s appearance during the day, 238 Germ see Bug Global warming, 136–9, 137–8, 141, 253, 259 Globe map, 133, 219, 227, 240, 242–3, 243, 245, 259 Gravity see Weight; Mass Greenhouse gases, 137–41, 138, 259 Habitat, 26, 84, 88–9 Harvey, William, 45, 47 Heat see Energy

284 INDEX Heat snake, 255–6, 255 Heart, anatomy and physiology, 36–42, 37–8, 44–7, 45–6, 51, 72 cardiovascular disease, 57–9, 79, 141 Heart rate, 40–1 meaningful erroneous conceptual network, 5 Heliocentric, 220–1, 222–3, 223, 225–6, 260 see also Geocentric Helium balloons, 111–2 Hominidae, 33 Homo sapiens, 23, 33, 91, 260 Human characteristics see Inheritance Humidity, 48, 122, 124–5 Ice, anomalous expansion of, 106, 119 conservation of mass during melting, 109, 118–9, 119 density of, 119, 170 ice balloons/ice hands, 176–7, 255–6 particle theory, 106, 109 speed of melting when insulated, 255–6 steam/water vapour, condensation of, 121 weather clouds, 124. 139 Icebergs, 168–71, 168 Inertia, 145–7, 155, 260 Infectious disease, 70, 72–6, 78–9 Inhaled air, composition of, 43–4, 47–8, 48 see also Breathing Inheritance, evolution and natural selection, 3, 33–4, 84–93, 86, 90 human characteristics, 82–3, 83, 85–8, 90–3, 92 see also Variation Insect, classification, 23–4, 24, 30–3, 31–2, 71 decomposition, 81, 103 Interdependence (ecology), 67–9, 260 Inverse square law, 161 Invertebrate, 22, 28–9, 29, 135, 260 Ion, 97, 161, 186, 260 Irreversible change, 100–1, 120, 122, 260 Jupiter, Gravity associated with, 163 Key (biological), 31, 260 Kidneys, 51, 53 Kinetic energy see Energy Kingdom (taxonomy), 22–3, 23, 28, 33–5, 34, 77 Larynx (‘Adam’s apple’), 41 Laser pen, Experiments using a, 63, 195, 199, 205 Leaf prints, 62 LED see Light emitting diode Lichens, Taxonomy of, 34 Light emitting diode (LED), 180–2, 260 Light energy see Energy Light ray/beam, 193–207, 194, 196–9, 201, 203–5 Light, Reflection of, 196, 196–9, 198–205, 204 Light sources, 193–202, 197, 205, 227, 235, 237, 242, 245 Linné, Carl von (Linnaeus), 23 Lego bricks, 12, 107, 109 Life cycles, 11, 20–1, 25–6, 31 Liquid see States of matter Listening walk, 208 Living things, characteristics of see Processes of life Longitudinal wave, 211–5, 211–4, 260 Lung cancer, 74, 78–9 Lungs, 5, 39, 43–9, 45–6, 51, 55, 71–2, 72 Macroscopic, 107–9, 108, 123, 190, 260 Magma, 130 Magnetism, 12, 161, 163, 191–2 see also Metals Mammals, Taxonomy of, 26–7, 27, 29, 33 Man in the moon, 238–9 Marble painting, 147 Mass, 260 body mass, 56, 58, 61–2, 89 conservation of mass, 98–100, 113–4, 118–9 density, 111–2, 117–8, 166–7, 171 gases, 98–9, 111–2 gravitational attraction, 14, 145–7, 146, 155–6, 160–5, 161–2 Material (definition), 97 Matter, 80–1, 97–8, 103, 260 see also States of matter Meaningful erroneous conceptual network, xxiv, 5, 7, 39, 260

INDEX 285 Medicines, 40, 63, 77 Melting, 53, 99–101, 104, 106–7, 109, 116–9, 139, 176, 179, 190, 255–6 see also State change Metals, electrical conduction, 180, 182–3, 186 floating and sinking, 111, 174–6 internal structure of the earth, 134 magnetism, 12, 191–2 natural resources, 133 particles, 109 transmission of sound waves, 210, 161–2, 161–2 see also Rusting Microbe, 70–8, 72, 77–8, 80–1, 103, 260 see also Bacterium; Fungus; Protoctists; Virus; Yeast Mineral, 260 earth science, 126–9, 129 living organisms, 23, 55, 59, 69, 81, 98 Misconception, Science (definition), 4–5 Molecule, 55, 72, 97, 161, 260 Molymod, 106 Moon, 260 appearance during daylight hours, 238–9, 238 eclipses, 245–6, 246 flat earth, 217 heating of the moon’s surface, 137, 137 geocentric/heliocentric models 220–3, 223–4, 226–7, 227–8 gravitational attraction, 147, 160–3, 162 orbit, 233–4, 233–4, 245–6, 246 phases, 234–7, 235–6 planet classification, 247 reflector of the sun’s light, 199–200 relative sizes of heavenly bodies, 231–3, 232 Mosses and liverworts, Taxonomy of, 34, 34 MRS GREN, 19–21 see also Life processes Multicellular, 22, 71, 125 Multimeter, Experiments using a, 181, 183, 187, 190, 260 Muscles, 5, 38–40, 55, 85 Myriapods, 30 Naked flames, Using, 84–5 National Curriculum for England, xx–xxi, xxiii, 39, 134 Natural selection see Inheritance Necessary/sufficient reasoning, 19 Newton, Sir Isaac, 149 Newton’s disc, 205, 205 Newton’s laws of motion first law, 148–9, 154 third law, 150, 152, 155, 158 Newton meter, Experiments using a, 160, 165, 174–6, 175 see also Tension, Spring North Pole (geographical), 227 Nucleic acid, 77 Obesity, 57, 59 Opaque, 200–1, 201 Orbit, 262 appearance of moon during daylight hours, 238–9, 238 eclipses, 245–6, 246 geocentrism/heliocentrism, 220–3, 223–4, 226–7, 227–8 gravitational attraction, 162–4 moon, 233–4, 233–4, 245–6, 246 orbiting spacecraft, 163–4 phases of the moon, 234–7, 235–6 planet classification, 247 planets’ orbits, 248–9, 248 seasons, 240, 240, 242 see also Day and night Ovum (plural ova), 82, 86, 261 Oxygen apple browning, 81 breathing/gaseous exchange, 40, 43–9, 46, 48 cellular respiration, 39, 72 combustion, 98, 98 (de)oxygenated blood, 41–2, 45, 46 photosynthesis, 48, 61–2, 62 rusting, 103 Ozone depletion, 138–41, 140 Particle theory, conservation of mass, 98, 119 currant bun model, 107–8, 108 electric flow, 182, 184, 186, 188 general, xxi, 104–14, 105–6, 108–10, 112–3 gravitational attraction, 161, 161

286 INDEX sound wave, 211–4, 212–4 see also Atom; Ion; Molecule Pathogen, 74–5, 261 Phases of the moon see Moon Phenotype, 82, 261 Photosynthesis, 22, 34–5, 61, 61, 250, 253, 261 Phylum (plural phyla) 23, 28, 29, 33–5, 34, 261 Physical change, 261 see also State change Piaget, Jean, 4–5, 9 Pitch (sound), 208, 210, 214–5, 214, 261 Pitfall trap, 31 Plane glass, 198, 261 Plasticine, 116, 168 Pluto, 247 Pneumatic, 39, 214, 261 Population changes in food chains see Food chains and food webs POS (see Programme of Study) Positivism, 4 Potential difference, 189, 190, 261 see also Voltage Potential energy see Energy Pratchett, Terry, 217 Predator, 64–8, 67, 261 Prey, 64–8, 89, 261 Primary colours, 202–3, 205, 205, 261 Prism, 202–3, 203, 205 Processes of life, 19–21, 261 Producer, 66–7, 69, 261 Programme of Study, (POS), xx, xxiii, 39, 42, 63, 84, 180, 250, 253 Projectile, 148–50, 148–9, 261 Prokaryotes, 22–3, 23 Propagation (wave), 212–3, 212, 261 Proteins, 53, 55–9, 58, 61, 77 Protoctists, 22–3, 23, 35 Pseudoscience, 7, 76, 85, 261 Puddle prints, 122 Pulse (heartbeat), 36, 41 Radiation, 140, 195, 254, 261 Rainbow, 202–3, 203 Raw materials, 55–6, 61, 97 Rayleigh scattering, 42 Reaction forces see Forces Recognition of misconceptions (theory section), 13 Reconstruction of misconceptions (theory section), 13–4 Reflected light see Light, Reflection of Relative density, 177, 261 Reptiles, Taxonomy of, 25–6, 25–6, 29–30 Resistance, Electrical, 179, 192 Resistor, 185, 185, 261 Respiration, Cellular see Cellular respiration Retina, 202, 229, 261 Reversible change, 100–1, 120–1, 261 Rock, 126–30, 129–32, 261 Rusting, 73, 102–3 Salt, Experiments using, 114, 116–7 Sand, 12, 60, 114, 116–7, 136 Seasons, 239–45, 239–41, 243–4 Secondary colours, 203, 205, 261 Seeds, 20–1, 62, 73 Sexual reproduction, 82, 89 Shadows, 200–2, 201, 224, 231, 234–7, 235– 6, 246 Short circuit, 179 Sinking, 262 see also Floating and sinking Sodium bicarbonate see Bicarbonate of soda, Experiments using Sodium chloride see Salt, Experiments using Soil, 31, 34, 61–2, 69, 135–6, 136 Solar system, 200, 220–5, 221–5, 231, 234, 234, 238, 245–6, 246, 247–9, 248, 262 see also Geocentric; Heliocentric Solid see States of matter Solutions see Dissolving Sound energy see Energy Sound wave, 207–14, 208–9, 211–4, 263 Soundproofing, 210 Sources, Light see Light sources South Pole (geographical), 133–4, 140, 240 Spectrum (light), 202–3, 203, 205, 262 Sperm cell, 86, 89, 262 Spring see Seasons Stars, 163, 200, 217, 247–9, 248 States of matter, 261 general, 100–1, 115–25, 116–20, 122, 124 particle theory, 104–7, 105–6 State change, 261 see also States of matter Steam, 98, 100, 104, 120–1, 123, 124, 262

INDEX 287 Stratosphere, 139–40, 262 Stomach, 50–1, 51, 53 Stones, 126–7, 174 Subatomic particles, 107, 109, 109, 182, 188, 262 Summer see Season Summer solstice, 229, 244, 262 Sun, angle in the sky, 229–30, 230 Aztec beliefs, 3, 5 global warming, 137–8, 137–8 gravitational attraction, 162, 248 light source, 199–200 as a living thing, 19 moon’s phases, 234–7, 235–6 ozone depletion, 140 relative sizes of heavenly bodies, 231–3, 232 rising and setting, 228–31, 229–30 safety (no direct staring at the sun), 228 shadows, 200, 202 visibility of the moon during daylight, 238–9, 238 white light, 203 see also Day and night; Eclipse; Geocentric; Heliocentric; Seasons; Solar system Taxonomy, 262 see also Classification Tectonic plates, 130, 262 Tension, Spring (Newton meter), 174–5, 175 Terminal velocity, 151, 262 Thermal expansion, 106–7, 109, 112, 119 Thorax, 30, 32–3, 32, 262 Tin can, Experiments using a, 191, 210 Top predator, 68, 262 Translucent, 200 Transmission (learning), 4 Transmission (waves), 140, 195, 200–1, 262 Trans-Neptunian object (TNO), 247, 262 Transparent, 42, 99, 123, 200 Trophic level, 68, 262 Troposphere, 139–40, 262 Tsunami, 131 Ultra-violet radiation, 140 Unbalanced forces see Balanced and unbalanced forces Unicellular, 262 Unipolar model of electrical flow see Current, Electrical Universe, The, 7, 160–1, 220, 223 Upthrust see Forces Urinary system, 51–4, 52 UV light (see Ultra-violet radiation) Vaccines, 70, 74, 78–9 Vacuum, 107, 109–10, 162, 210, 262 Variation (biological), 85, 89–90, 90 Veins see Venous blood Venn diagrams, 23–4, 24 Venous blood, 41–2, 47, 262 Vertebrate, 22, 27, 28–30, 29, 33, 40, 262 Vestiges, Human, 87–8 Virus, 20, 70, 74–9, 78 Viscosity, 116, 262 Vitamins, 55–6, 59, 70, 78, 140 Volcanoes, 102, 129–31, 132 Voltage, 179, 188–91, 189–90, 262 Vygotsky, Lev, 4, 6, 9 Water cycle, 122–3, 122, 255 Water droplets, 124 see also Clouds, Water Water vapour, 48, 104, 121–2, 124–5, 137, 139, 263 Wave, 262 see also Pulse (heartbeat); Sound wave Wavelength, 213, 213–4, 263 Webcam, Experiment using a, 180 Weight see forces. Weightlessness, 111, 160, 163–4, 173–4 White light, 202–5, 203–5, 263 Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, 112 Winter see Season Winter solstice, 244, 263 X-rays, 86 Yeast, 35, 73

PRIMARY SCIENCE Teaching the Tricky Bits Neil Rutledge 9780335222285 (Paperback) 2010 eBook also available The book provides a combination of engaging, practical lesson ideas and subject knowledge to help you teach the trickiest parts of primary science such as materials and their properties, magnetism, circuits, forces and life processes. The book includes a range of accessible ideas, hints and tips with a focus on providing a skills-based, problem-solving approach to learning. Each topic area includes advice on: • How to link the topic with other areas of learning • Identifying and challenging common misconceptions • How to effectively pre-assess the learners’ ideas to best meet their needs • Practical activities for challenging and developing children’s ideas • Explanatory models to help pupils consolidate their understanding

“This essential, clear and readable text is a must! … It is a most welcome resource for anyone involved in primary science teaching and should be in every classroom.” Sue Dale Tunnicliffe, Institute of Education, University of London, UK “This is an enormously valuable resource, each section outlines the form of common misconceptions and suggests lucid and effective tactics that might easily be used.” Mike Watts, Professor of Education, Brunel University, UK Most pupils start their scientific learning with previously formed ideas, based on prior reasoning or experience, but these ideas are often founded on common misconceptions, which if left unexplained can continue into adulthood. The new edition of this bestselling book offers advice on how to recognize and challenge such misconceptions. This book offers coverage of the most common scientific misconceptions that you may come across and, in addition to background theoretical and research material, offers appropriate teaching strategies to help you seek out and challenge misconceptions during your primary science teaching. This handy book has been expanded to offer even more support and practical advice for dealing with the common misconceptions encountered in the primary science classroom. Michael Allen describes over 100 common misconceptions and their potential origins, and then offers creative activities to help you grasp the underlying scientific concepts and bring them alive in the classroom, as well as practical strategies to improve pupil learning. Highlights of the second edition include: • Updated in line with the new primary science National Curriculum Programme of Study • Incorporates the latest research findings • Covers the new National Curriculum elements and other more advanced material including Drugs, Energy, the Environment and Evolution • Includes new boxed features: Did you Know?, Famous Scientists, and Be Safe This easy to navigate and friendly guide is a superb toolkit to support you as you prepare to teach in the primary school, irrespective of your training route. Michael Allen is Senior Lecturer in primary science education at Kingston University, UK, and holds a PhD in science education. Cover design: Phil Barker Misconceptions in Primary Science Second Edition

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