Icetrip DIBUJOS drawings 2006-2018
El dibujo es una herramienta del pensamiento, nos ayuda a traducir los impulsos de la mente, de los sueños o de la imaginación a una huella tangible. Desde el año 2006 decidí adoptar el pseudónimo Icetrip como una forma de inventarme una nueva identidad y poder retomar mi propuesta artística a través del dibujo primordialmente y también de otros medios como la fotografía, el video y el sonido. Así es como comienzo la búsqueda de un vocabulario gráfico personal. A través del dibujo encontré la libertad y descubrí que construir las ideas a través de líneas me permitía hablar de lo que he nombrado “tramas subyacentes”; dichas tramas son los patrones, los ritmos cromáticos, las constantes visuales que encuentro en distintos lugares y contextos. Hacer visible lo invisible, hablar de las conexiones que nos hermanan y nos hacen comunidad, esas redes invisibles que fluyen a través de toda materia. Te invito a habitar estos dibujos. Drawing is a tool of thought, it helps us translate the impulses of the mind, of the dream or the imagination into a tangible trace. Since 2006 I decided to adopt the pseudonym Icetrip as a new identity and being able to take up my artistic proposal through drawing primarily and also from other media such as photography, video and sound. This is how I start the search for a personal graphic vocabulary. Through drawing I found freedom and discovered that constructing ideas through lines allowed me to talk about what I have called “underlying patterns”; These patterns are the connections, the chromatic rhythms, the visual constants that I find in different places and contexts. Make visible the invisible, talk about the connections that make us community, those invisible networks that flow through all matter. I invite you to inhabit these drawings.
BULL (2006), ink on cotton paper or vynil
PARANOID DREAM (2006), ink on cotton paper or vynil
FREE FALLING (2006), ink and watercolor on cotton paper
JULIO GALÁN (2006), ink and watercolor on paper
THE ABYSS (2008), ink and watercolor on cotton paper
DEAD END (2008), ink on cotton paper
SPIRAL VIRUS (2008), ink on cotton paper
ESTRUKTUR I (2008), ink on cotton paper
ESTRUKTUR II (2008), ink on cotton paper
ESTRUKTUR III (2008), ink on cotton paper
ESTRUKTUR IV (2008), ink on cotton paper
ESTRUKTUR V (2008), ink on cotton paper
ESTRUKTUR VI (2008), ink on cotton paper
TRAMA SUBYACENTE (2010-2011), ink on cotton paper
CRYSTALS (2011), ink on cotton paper
VORTEX (2008), ink and watercolor on cotton paper
AVOINDING BLANK SPACES (2010), ink on cotton paper
GRAVITY I (2011), ink on cotton paper
GRAVITY II (2011), ink on cotton paper
NEOPLANTS I (2010), ink on cotton paper
NEOPLANTS II (2010-2011), ink on cotton paper
NEOPLANTS III (2010), ink on cotton paper
CLUSTER (2011), ink on cotton paper
GRAVITY III (2011), ink on cotton paper
PATTERNS (2011), ink on cotton paper
CIVILIZATION (2012), ink on cotton paper
INTERNAL TISSUES I (2012), ink on cotton paper
INTERNAL TISSUES II (2012), ink on cotton paper
CHALLENGING ROAD (2012), ink on cotton paper
STELLAR I APOLO (2006), ink on cotton paper
STELLAR II (2008), ink on cotton paper
CHALLENGING ROAD WITH PEOPLE (2012), ink on cotton paper and photography
ENERGY COSMOS (2012), acrylic on wood
DRA-GRO-WINGS (2013), ink on stone paper and wall
DRA-GRO-WINGS (2013), ink on stone paper and wall
STELLAR III (2013), ink on cotton paper
STELLAR IV (2013), ink on cotton paper
STELLAR V (2013), ink on cotton paper
CONSTRUKTO VII (2013), ink on cotton paper
GRAVITY IV (2014), ink on cotton paper
GRAVITY V (2014), ink on cotton paper
STELLAR VII (2014), ink on cotton paper
FIREFLIES (2008), ink on cotton paper
NEOPLANT V (2014), ink on cotton paper
NEOPLANT VI (2014), ink on cotton paper
FLOATING CITIES I (2008), ink on cotton paper
FLOATING CITIES III (2009), ink on cotton paper
FLOATING CITIES IV (2014), ink on cotton paper