I am eager to mentor your journey of collegiate reading and writing.
Tiffany Carter
Office A225
[email protected]
Class Location and Time is listed and attendance is Mandatory.
Atascocita Campus #211
Mon/Wed/Fri 1:00-2:30pm
Textbook is required.
An Integrated Approach to Reading & Writing
by Kathleen McWhorter, 2nd Edition (2015)
ISBN: 978-01-33956535
All course information is provided in the Syllabus found in D2L.
Preparation for Reading
The Great Gatsby: Chapter 5
Read the chapter and answer the following questions before coming to class.
1. What preparations are made for Gatsby’s long awaited date?
2. Where will Jay meet Daisy for this rendezvous?
3. Write a thesis statement about the significance of the broken clock?
4. Chronicle the events in order using only five single verbs to indicate the
most important actions.
5. Consider a more effective way to prepare for a first date. Write down five
single verbs to indicate the actions required. In class, we will discuss these
verbs and generate a rewrite of the scene with group participation. Your
completion will be your ticket to blog about your ideas in class. After the
students arrive, they will turn in there CPA.
Lesson Title:
English 0309 Integrated Reading and Writing II
Mon and Wed 11:00-12:50
Actively Reading The Great Gatsby Chapter 5: “The Dreamed Date?”
Bridge: This part begins the lesson learning cycle. It builds motivation, interest, and relevance. Have you ever read a passage and it was hard to evaluate the characters
and actions or emotions, as well as locate details to make accurate characterizations about their role in the story? Look at the clip? Is it a dream date?
A brief, 5:01 minute clip at will be viewed to help students focus their attention on the essence of the chapter. “Tea for Two”
Estimated time: 5 minutes You-tube clip: “Tea for Two” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7yBQIGyunI
Course Student Learning Outcome: Locate explicit textual information and draw complex inferences about the reading selection
Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to
1. Actively read to locate essential details. (Bloom’s Level 1 and 2: Remembering and Comprehension)
2. Utilize reading process to make inferences about details not stated in the text. (Bloom’s Level 4 and 6: Analyzing and Evaluating)
Pre-Assessment: New Technology: Use PLICKER to Respond to the Bridge and PreClass Reading.
Answer questions about the chapter by participating in PLICKER Activity to check for understanding.
1. What does Gatsby deliver to Nick’s house? ( Knowledge) Why? (comprehension).
2. What inferences can you make about Jay's behavior when Daisy arrives? ( analysis).
3. Locate the passage, where Gatsby is standing in the rain and determine the effect it has on the plot (Analysis).
4. Evaluate the overall date; is Gatsby's dream realized? Explain. (Evaluation). Blog about your responses
Estimated time: 5 minutes
Participatory Learning:
Time Instructor Activities Learner Activities Lesson Materials
15 min Steps in Active Reading Power-point Make Material Relevant: Answer questions about the Slide listing steps in active
15 min (Steps are necessary in order for students to reading process include students’ personal experiences. reading.
effectively locate details in the next step) Ask questions about difficulties in reading various genres.
Locate explicit details in the text Annotate, highlight, and outline the text with group Handouts from pages 92-95
Instructor leads in with common experience about a members locating specific facts from handout Outline for students
nervous date. Instructors annotated notes
Syndicate (each group) divides the questions into parts. as a model
20 min Syndicate Activity Each person takes a question. 20 minutes is spent on Questions #1-4 or #5-8
finding the answer to the one question and making some
Instruction for groups are already designed at inferences about the reading and sharing with their
beginning of semester. As students move to groups, syndicate
rehearse appropriate group dynamic rules orally.
1. Respect others opinions
2. Have a time keeper.
3. Focus on developing your thoughts about the
selection. Representative from Syndicate reports to Whole group Answers from Syndicate
5 min. Jigsaw Activity. A representative is given time to and Notes
report his or her findings from the selection about
Gatsby and Daisy’s Date or Dream Realized
5 min. Write-Pair-Share Write One question about Gatsby behavior located in the Text and Notes
text and share with a partner
Post-assessment: Formal Assessment Questions will be given using Blooms Taxonomy and Research Stem Methods.
Estimated time: 15 minutes
Summary: In short, active reading involves several strategies and techniques: annotating, highlighting, paraphrasing, and summarizing to make complex
inferences about the characters in this story.
Estimated time: 5 minutes
Questions #1-8
The Reading Process
involves ACTIVE Reading
Active Passive
Participate in the process Do not just watch the process.
"An apple ate my appendage!"
Think to yourself : “Well, what is an appendage?”
Wait a minute, did you just think about that sentence?
You were actively reading!
Use given clues and what
you know about life to
make a guess about what
might happen in the future.
"I think that ...might
happen because...."
Annotate and Highlight Text
To clear up confusing parts. Go back, explain or re-read
something you didn’t understand.
Find similarities between the
text and
• other books
• your life
• classwork
• movies
"Oh, that's just like when..."
"I had an uncle like that, too."
Picture what that would look like
make a movie in your head
Make an educated guess
or conclusion about
something that happened
using clues from the text
and your own knowledge.
People can't eat carrots
very quietly.
to make a judgement or to give an opinion
For example:
"Twilight was the best book ever written! It was so realistic I
felt like I knew Bella and Edward."
"That was dumb. He should have just ignored his coach and
suited up anyway."
Questions using Bloom's Taxonomy:
1. Where does Gatsby and Daisy's reunion take place? (Remember)
A. Gatsby's House
B. Nick's House
C. Coney Island
D. Staten Island
2. Why does Nick reject Gatsby offer to provide him a job? (Understand)
A. Nick believes Gatsby's offer is illegal.
B. Nick believes Gatsby's offer is too flamboyant.
C. Nick enjoys the work that he currently has.
D. Nick hates the work that he currently has.
3. Why does Daisy began to cry when she sees all of the shirts that Gatsby owns? (Analyze)
A. She thinks Gatsby is too materialistic.
B. She is disappointed that she did not marry him.
C. She is overwhelmed by his great success.
D. She thinks he is a very lonely man.
4. How does the change in the environmental climate parallel the change that occurs in the room
as Daisy and Gatsby attempt to rekindle their relationship? ( Evaluate)
Rubric for Position paper Name ___________________________________ Total Points _________
Criterion Assessed Insufficient Limited Adequate Proficient Exceptional
1 pt 2pts 3pts 4pts 5pts
(title page, Elements missing; Some elements All elements present All elements well All elements are
introduction, position, minimal organization missing; with occasional presented; well presented extremely
analysis, conclusion, and lack of flow. regular breaks in disorganization and organized and flows well; organized,
presentation, Cited 0-1 source organization; flow flow interrupted. smoothly allowing smooth &
resources, and works breaks down. Cited 3 sources Cited 4 sources logical flow;
cited) Cited 2 sources Cited 5+ sources.
Frequent errors; Regular errors; Errors noticeable, and Some errors, which are Essentially faultless;
Positions seriously impairs flow/meaning of paper on occasion, detract minor in nature, & don't errors do not detract
flow and meaning of breaks down. from flow or meaning detract from overall from the meaning of
Analysis paper. 7-8 error of paper. meaning of paper. paper.
(compare/contrast, 9 or more error 5-6 error 3-4 errors May have 1-2 errors
evaluate positions)
Positions incomplete; Positions partially Positions substantially Positions completely Two or more
ineffective presented; weak presented; some presented; relevant, positions
explanation (minimal information; shows imbalance in accurate, clear and well thoroughly
information). lack positions; some explained. presented;
of relevant data. information missing comprehensive,
or gaps in explanation. relevant
and accurate
Little or no Some examination of Adequate examination Skillful examination; Demonstrates
examination of data data (information); little of data (information); shows strong degree of thorough
(information); lacks comparison, contrast some degree of comparison, contrast, & examination of data
comparison, contrast, and evaluation. comparison, contrast evaluation. (information); shows
and evaluation. & evaluation. advanced degree of
OVERALL SCORE 0-4 5-8 9-14 15-18 19+
NOVEMBER 10, 2015
Table of Contents
Student Preparation Strategy
BOPPPS lesson
CAT Techniques
Questions : Good Questions
Technology PLICKERS
Chapter 5: The Great Gatsby Homework-each student mu
submit there CPA at the beginning of class.
In order to be prepared for the discussion on to
Read the chapter and answer the following qu
1. What preparations are made for Gatsb
2. Where will Jay meet Daisy for this rende
3. Write a thesis statement about the sign
4. Chronicle the events in order using only
most important actions. (Application and
5. Consider a more effective way to prep
single verbs to indicate the actions requir
verbs alternative outcomes with group pa
ust complete all five questions and
omorrow, please do the following:
uestions before coming to class.
by’s long awaited date?
ezvous? (Remember)
nificance of the broken clock?
y five single verbs to indicate the
d Analysis)
pare for a first date. Write down five
red. In class, we will discuss these
articipation. (Evaluation)
In order to gain the learners’ attention, a mini clip fro
bridges-in the lesson.
A brief, 5:01 minute clip will be viewed to help stu
essence of the chapter. “Tea for Two.” http://youtub
om the Movie, The Great Gatsby,
udents focus their attention on the
Learning Outcome: Locate explicit textual informa
and analyze and evaluate the information within a
varying lengths.
Specific Objectives:
1. Students will be able to actively read
2. Students will be able to utilize the rea
inference about details not stated.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Utilized:
Knowledge: identify key details and list essential fact
Comprehension: summarize key facts to write about
Application and Synthesis: apply reading skills to write
Analysis: analyze literary devices to make complex in
Evaluation: evaluate inferences to critically write cha
ation, draw complex inferences,
and across multiple texts of
d to locate essential details.
ading process to make
t the reading.
e summaries about actions.
Use technology to assess the pre-reading, b
Video Blog
bridging and preassessment.
1. What does Gatsby deliver to Nicks
house? ( Knowledge) Why?
2. What inferences can you make about
Nick's behavior when Daisy arrives? (
3. Locate the passage, where Gatsby is
standing in the rain and discuss the effect it
has on the plot (Analysis).
4. Evaluate the overall date; is Gatsby's
dream realized? Explain. (Evaluation What
did Gatsby have sent over to Nicks House?
The goal is to allow students to practice active reading to locate and
and cultivate group collaboration in order to increase motivation and
CAT #4 - The Empty Outline. This is a good tool for the students to locate sp
allows all of the students to start with background knowledge in order to draw
Syndicate and Jigsaw method. The outline can also be used as an exit tick
students have read and accomplished the objective.
Participatory Learning: Learner Activi
Time Instructor Activities
15 min Steps in Active Reading Power-point Make Material
15 min Locate explicit details in the text reading proces
Annotate, highl
members locat
20 min Syndicate Activity Syndicate (eac
5 min Instruction for groups are already designed at Each person tak
beginning of semester. As students move to finding the answ
groups, rehearse appropriate group dynamic some inference
rules orally. their syndicate
1. Respect others opinions
2. Have a time keeper. Representative
3. Focus on developing your thoughts about
Write One quest
the selection. the text and sha
Jigsaw Activity. A representative is given time to
report his or her findings from the selection about
Gatsby and Daisy’s Date or Dream Realized
recall data from chapter 5 and draw complex inferences
d practice
pecific details and events that drive the plot of the chapter. This
w inferences for questions asked during the next activity
ket as well as it provides me with a tool that I can readily assess all
ities Lesson Materials
Relevant: Answer questions about the Slide listing steps in active
ss include students’ personal reading.
light, and outline the text with group Handouts from pages 92-
ting specific facts from handout 95
Empty Outline
ch group) divides the questions into parts.
kes a question. 20 minutes is spent on Questions #1-4 or #5-8
wer to the one question and making
es about the reading and sharing with
from Syndicate reports to Whole group Answers from Syndicate
and Notes
tion about Gatsby behavior located in
are with a partner Text and Notes
Sample Questions using Bloom's Taxonomy
1. Where does Gatsby and Daisy's reun
A. Gatsby's House
B. Nick's House
C. Coney Island
D. Staten Island
2. Why does Nick reject Gatsby offer to
A. Nick believes Gatsby's offer is illegal.
B. Nick believes Gatsby's offer is too flam
C. Nick enjoys the work that he current
D. Nick hates the work that he currently
nion take place? (Remember)
o provide him a job? (Understand)
tly has.
y has.
At the end of the lesson, students wo
focused reading of the devices and key elements of th
target words generated at home and in group to iden
complex inferences.
Blog about your initial impressions about the beha
impressions after completing the CAT activities and f
these factors when planning for a reunion or date? (A
evaluation and extension to life lessons.
ould have pre-read at home, participated in
he chapter, and completed a paragraph using
ntify key details and draw conclusions from
aviors seen in the clip and your final
formal assessment. Will you consider any of
Activity allows an opportunity for self
Personal Reflection on My ACP Exper
I can deliver BOPPPS Lessons effectively using data dr
COURSE: English 0309 Integrated Reading
Lesson Title:
Mon and Wed 11:00-12:50
Active Reading Great Gatsby Chapter 5
Course Student Learning Outcome: Locate explicit textual information and draw complex in
Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Actively read to locate essential details.
2. Utilize reading process to make inferences about details not stated in the tex
Participatory Learning:
Time Instructor Activities Learner Activities
15 min Steps in Active Reading Power-point Make Material Relevant: A
(Steps are necessary in order for students to effectively process include students’ p
locate details in the next step) Ask questions about difficu
15 min Locate explicit details in the text Annotate, highlight, and o
Instructor leads in with common experience about a locating specific facts from
nervous date.
20 min Syndicate Activity Syndicate (each group) d
5 min Instruction for groups are already designed at beginning Each person takes a quest
of semester. As students move to groups, rehearse the answer to the one que
appropriate group dynamic rules orally. about the reading and sha
1. Respect others opinions
2. Have a time keeper. Representative from Syndic
3. Focus on developing your thoughts about the
Jigsaw Activity. A representative is given time to report
his or her findings from the selection about Gatsby and
Daisy’s Date or Dream Realized
5 min Write-Pair-Share Write One question about
and share with a partner
rience : AWESOME!
riven research and technology tools.
and Writing II
5: “The Dreamed Date?”
nferences about the reading selection.
Answer questions about the reading Lesson Materials
personal experiences.
ulties in reading various genres. Slide listing steps in active
outline the text with group members
m handout Handouts from pages 92-95
Outline for students
divides the questions into parts. Instructors annotated notes as
tion. 20 minutes is spent on finding a model
estion and making some inferences Questions #1-4 or #5-8
aring with their syndicate
cate reports to Whole group
Gatsby behavior located in the text Answers from Syndicate and
Text and Notes