Men’s Eat These Fruits To
Health Improve Your Sex Life
The Connection Between Uncovering
Florida and Kidney Stones Sleep Secrets
From Back Pain To Back In Action
Your Smartphone:
Are You Too Attached?
Men’s Eat These Fruits To
Health Improve Your Sex Life
The Connection Between Uncovering
Florida and Kidney Stones Sleep Secrets
From Back Pain To Back In Action
Your Smartphone:
Are You Too Attached?
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your healthcare even easier. Orlando Health MyChart
provides a centralized, interactive online location for you to CHOOSE HEALTH CONTRIBUTORS
safely access and share health records, view test results, Jeanne Adam
schedule appointments, pay medical bills, connect with Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz
Tim Barker
your doctor’s office and more. Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD
Dave Brummert
OrlandoHealth.com/MyChart Lisa Cianci
Kim Couch
Andrew Davidiuk, MD
Abid Malik, MD
Kim Marcum
Sean M. McFadden, MD
Lisa Nickchen
Lauren Popeck, RD
Mary Kate Reischmann, MD
Diane Robinson, PhD
Todd Sontag, MD
Martin Soto, MD
Mark Steiner, MD
Chelsea Stevens
Ravi Tak, MD
Bruce Thomas, MD
Kelly Urbanid, RD, DS, LDN
Julie Vargo
Mark Vollenweider, MD
MyChart® is a registered trademark of Epic Systems Corporation. Proud recipient
of the APEX 2020
Award of Excellence,
excellence in
Welcome to the Men’s
edition of Orlando Health
Choose Health magazine.
In this issue, we share
tips and advice, including
demystifying nutrition
myths, hints for better
sleep, how to strengthen
your immune system and
ways to reduce your risk
for injury, illness and even
heart attack.
We also introduce you to an inspiring
patient who found relief for chronic
back pain that got him back in action.
How to Build a Strong Back in Action – One
Immune System Man’s Back Pain Journey
4–5 18 – 19
Better Sleep for Berries May Boost
Better Health Sexual Health
6–7 26
Higher Temps and Repairing an
Kidney Stones Enlarged Prostate
9 34
Debunking Too Attached to
Nutrition Myths Your Smartphone?
14 – 15 37
3ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
The Importance
of a
Immune System
By Julie Vargo, Editorial Contributor
Most of us don’t realize we’re in the midst
of daily germ warfare. Like a superhero
in combat, our immune system quashes
microscopic attackers before they can make
us sick. But to be successful, our germ-kicking
crusader must be healthy and strong.
“Your immune system is designed to fight anything trying
to invade your body -- infections, viruses, bacteria,” says
Dr. Todd J. Sontag, a family medicine physician with
Orlando Health Physician Associates.
Composed of special organs, cells and chemicals
that battle infection-causing microbes, the
immune system works hard to recognize
dangerous intruders and get rid of them. “By creating a
physical barrier, the skin is actually the immune system’s first
line of defense,” says Dr. Sontag. “As long as you don’t get a cut,
bacteria have a tough time entering.”
Because the skin is so good at its job, most contagions actually
enter through your respiratory system (think nose and
mouth). Once in your body, their arrival sets off a series of
protective actions.
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Building Immunity Infection Fighting
Dos and Don’ts
Everyone is born with some general protection. Our immunity increases as we’re exposed to
various diseases or immunized against them with vaccines. Although you can’t make a
healthy immune system more
“Germs have proteins unique to them on their surface called antigens,” effective or efficient, you can
says Dr. Sontag. “These antigens prompt white blood cells to make damage it. Smoking, vaping,
protective antibodies. These antibodies attach to the antigen, the way excessive drinking, poor nutrition
a key fits into a lock, and help destroy it.” and lack of sleep can affect your
body’s ability to fight infection.
After antibodies have been created and the germ eliminated, special cells commit the culprit to To keep your immune system
memory. If you run into that microbe again, these memory cells instantly alert the body to trigger in tiptop condition, take a
the appropriate antibodies. The potential problem is eliminated before you even know you were commonsense approach. Strive to
re-exposed to the infection. control stress, get enough shut-
eye, exercise and eat well.
Immunizations work in a similar manner, introducing an antigen so the body can produce
antibodies to ward off future infection. “Because vaccines contain weakened, dead or synthetic “Much of our immune
versions of viruses, you become immune without getting sick,” says Dr. Sontag. “For example, it is system’s strength depends
virtually impossible to ‘get’ the flu from a vaccine today because it isn’t made with live virus.” on how well we take care
of our bodies,” says
Community protection, or herd immunity, happens when enough people become resistant Dr. Sontag. “The better
to a disease that its spread to others becomes unlikely. “Herd immunity usually occurs with your general health, the
vaccinations or if enough people get infected naturally,” says Dr. Sontag. “However, the more better your body will be
contagious a virus is, the more immune people it takes to activate herd immunity.” at fighting infection.”
Immune System Myth Busters Remember your
annual exam! Find a primary
Contrary to popular belief, downing large doses of vitamins care location near you at
and supplements won’t benefit a healthy immune system. OrlandoHealth.com/
“If your immune system is weak or out of balance, you can strengthen it to a PhysicianAssociates.
degree,” says Dr. Sontag. “There are vitamin D receptors on the immune system,
for example. If you are deficient in vitamin D, a supplement might help the immune
system work like it should.
“But there aren’t any supplements that will increase the number of fighter
cells or antibodies in your immune system,” he adds. “Getting vaccinated is
the only thing we can actually do to supplement the antibodies in our body.”
While taking extra vitamins probably won’t help your immune system, wearing a mask over your
nose and mouth won’t hurt it. “Right now, everyone wants an opinion on masks,” says Dr. Sontag,
who debunks the myth that not wearing one will build your immunity. “Wearing a mask is all about
minimizing risk. Anything we can do to help prevent an infection from getting into the body –
especially during flu season – is something we should do.”
5ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
SFliegeIhnptfinDecgetmoiofonf nss The right amount of quality
By Julie Vargo, Editorial Contributor sleep can help protect your
mental and physical well-being.
Quality over quantity is a common “A good night’s sleep plays a
catchphrase that works well when applied vital role in keeping us healthy,”
to friends and fashion. But when it comes to says Dr. Mary Kate Reischmann,
achieving a better night’s sleep, smart snoozers a board-certified pulmonologist
know you can’t have one without the other. and sleep specialist at Orlando
Health. “Sleep supports the
immune system, reduces the risk
of infection and helps the body
fight viruses.”
6ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
On the flip side, slumber time Quality Control Sleep Hygiene 10 Tips
that’s delayed by a variety of
sleep demons can negatively A good night’s sleep is more Instead of strapping on a BettefrorSleep
affect your immune system. than just a numbers game. wellness tracker,
“Too little sleep, called sleep Quality also matters. Dr. Reischmann suggests For better quality sleep,
deprivation, weakens the working on sleep hygiene – be sure to:
body’s defense system and Sleep-tracking devices have healthier habits that promote
makes you more susceptible to become a common way for consistent, uninterrupted sleep. • Go to bed and wake up at
contracting a virus and other Americans to monitor their Establishing behaviors like a the same time every day,
common infections,” says nightly doze, with up to sleep schedule, cozy bedroom even on the weekends.
Dr. Reischmann. 10 percent of adults using and relaxing pre-bedtime
them, according to a study in routines all contribute to • Avoid strenuous activities
The Power Hours the Journal of Clinical Sleep quality sleep. before bed.
Medicine. While popular, these
Despite sleep’s significance, a also can create a preoccupation A consistent routine helps • Keep your bedroom quiet,
concerning number of Americans with getting the “perfect signal bedtime is approaching. cool and dark, with the
don’t get enough shut-eye. Adults sleep,” a new condition called Hitting the sack and waking up thermostat set between
aged 18 to 64 should strive for orthosomnia. at the same time daily, even on 60-67°F.
seven to nine hours of sleep weekends, creates consistency.
daily, according to National Sleep “In these cases, patients report Thirty minutes of quiet reading • Create a soothing pre-
Foundation recommendations. feelings of failure, anxiety and or meditation is the perfect prep bedtime routine.
Those aged 65 and over need insomnia if they miss tracking for drifting off to dreamland.
seven to eight hours a night. Yet, benchmarks,” says Ditto disconnecting from digital • Avoid caffeinated beverages
40 percent of Americans get less Dr. Reischmann. “But devices a half hour before and nicotine within four to
than the recommended amount constantly worrying about tucking in. Tablets, TVs, cell six hours of bedtime.
of sleep, according to a recent sleep can trigger or worsen phones and laptops can keep
Gallup poll. sleeplessness.” your brain revved up, making it • Stop drinking alcohol three
harder to wind down. The light hours before retiring.
That helps explain why To determine if you should from these devices also can
Americans feel sleepy on ditch your sleep tracker, ask interfere with the body’s natural • Create calm with a fan or
average three times a week, yourself whether you felt production of sleep-producing white-noise machine.
according to the National Sleep well rested before you began melatonin.
Foundation’s annual Sleep in monitoring the situation, but • Turn off screens at least
America poll. For 55 percent have since experienced poor Adopting better sleep hygiene 30 minutes before bedtime.
of those surveyed, it’s because sleep quality. If so, take off the can take time, but don’t give
they’re not sleeping well tracker before bed. up. The effort will pay off by • Spend time outside every
enough. Forty-four percent of making you more relaxed and day and stay physically
respondents tie their daytime “If you wake up refreshed, alert ready to hit the snooze button active.
doziness to not having enough and ready to take on the day, at bedtime. And while there
time to sleep. you know you’ve gotten the is more to bolstering your • Don’t invite a sleep tracker
right amount of good-quality immunity than just getting to your slumber party.
sleep,” says Dr. Reischmann. ample sleep, if you do catch
some sneezes or sniffles, a well-
Concerned about your sleep patterns? Talk to your primary care rested body will be better able to
physician or find one at OrlandoHealth.com/Physician-Finder. bounce back faster.
7ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Do You Have
Sleep Apnea?
By Abid Malik, MD, Orlando Health Medical Group
Although nearly 18 million Americans suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, it’s
quite possible you may not even know that you have it. Often, a family member
may first recognize signs of this disorder that affects breathing during sleep.
Despite its prevalence, sleep apnea is often an under-diagnosed condition, Sleep apnea is a chronic
condition that requires
perhaps because its symptoms are so broad. Beyond telltale signs such as sleep long-term management.
Lifestyle changes,
disruptions and snoring, those suffering from sleep apnea also may experience a mouthpieces, breathing
devices such as the
number of other symptoms, including: continuous positive
airway pressure (CPAP)
• Fatigue • Difficulty concentrating machine or surgery can
successfully treat sleep
• Depression • A dry mouth and sore throat apnea for most.
Sleep apnea occurs when a person’s airway collapses, or is blocked, causing a If you think you or a loved
pause in breathing during sleep. This breathing distress wakes the brain enough for one may be at risk, or are
normal breathing to resume. Usually, the brain will fall right back asleep, and you showing signs of sleep
have no memory of the apnea event. apnea, talk with your
doctor about scheduling
While there are several risk factors for sleep apnea, more than half of those affected an appointment with
are overweight. It is most common in men of African-American, Hispanic or Pacific Orlando Health Medical
Islander descent, but women also can develop sleep apnea, although usually after Group Pulmonary and
menopause. Overall risk increases with age. Sleep Medicine at
(321) 841-7856.
Sleep Apnea Is Treatable
There is a need to increase awareness about this serious sleep disorder, which can
affect multiple organ systems. Without treatment, sleep apnea can lead to high blood
pressure and higher risk factors associated with diabetes, heart failure and stroke.
8ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
As Temperatures Rise, So
Does Risk for Kidney Stones
By Lisa Cianci, Editorial Contributor The best strategy to prevent kidney
stones, even if you have a family
Welcome to Florida and the kidney stone belt. You thought you were moving here to history that makes you more
enjoy the warmer temperatures, but that could be what’s causing the stabbing pain in susceptible, revolves around three
your back. Studies show that Southerners, especially men, are up to 50 percent more diet and lifestyle choices.
likely to develop kidney stones than their friends and families up north.
Drink more water. Staying well
Several factors contribute to this. Being outside and enjoying Florida’s warmer hydrated is essential, but all fluids are not
temperatures makes us sweat more. More sweat often means less urine, and that created equal. Water is best, especially
can cause minerals to build up in our kidneys and crystallize as stones. when splashed with a squirt of juice from
a lemon slice. Avoid tea and sodas. You’ll
The southern menu of foods and drinks also can promote kidney stones. Iced tea, know you are drinking enough water when
a summertime staple, is high in oxalates, and these contribute to the formation your urine is nearly clear.
of the most common type of kidney stone. Foods high in oxalates include other
Florida favorites such as okra, spinach and rhubarb. Traditional Southern fare — Reduce salt and meat in your
as well as fast food — also is notoriously salty, and diet. Read food labels to avoid the hidden
that can lead to kidney stones, too. salt in processed foods. Limit your daily
intake of fish, chicken, red meat, pork and
While you might not feel some stones as they pass out organ meat to 10 ounces.
in your urine, others can block part of the urinary
system and cause intense pain or infection. Each Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity
year, kidney stones result in hundreds of thousands and weight gain are associated with many
of surgeries in the United States. And once you’ve health risks, including kidney stones.
had this increasingly common condition,
you are more likely to have Common Symptoms
a recurrence.
See a doctor immediately if you have any
of these symptoms of kidney stones:
• Severe flank pain
• Intense, fluctuating and
throbbing pain
• Pain when urinating and
high fever
• Blood in urine
• Nausea and vomiting
• Urgency to urinate
ChooseHealth To make an appointment with a urologist near you, call
(877) URO-DOCS or visit OrlandoHealth.com/Urology.
9 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
A Depressed Symptoms to look for include: Anger and
Dad Can hostility Over
Lead to Fatigue A constant focus on negative
Depressed time, a feeling of
Kids thoughts can lead to fatigue. constantly being
on edge can build
By Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD, Sleep problems For some, the up and lead to
Orlando Health Medical Group acting out verbally
Urology PUR Clinic negative thoughts keep them awake. or physically.
For others, sleep is an escape from
While the link between their anxiety. Substance abuse The attitude that
depression in mothers
and their children has men should be able take care of their own
long been understood, problems may lead to using alcohol or
the effect of depression drugs as a coping strategy.
in fathers has been
under-researched. Fathers should seek treatment for their depression for their own benefit as well as that
of their families. It is encouraging to know that, by emboldening fathers to get help if
However, a recent study reveals that if a they are depressed, healthcare providers may be able to reduce the risk of depression in
father experiences depression, the odds children and teens.
of his child developing behavioral or
emotional problems increase by up If you have concerns or are experiencing symptoms of depression, talk with your
to 70 percent. These problems include primary care provider.
feelings of sadness or anxiety, discipline
issues at school and clashing with
classmates or family members.
One potential benefit of this research is
that it may be a motivator for fathers to
seek treatment. Unfortunately, it is well-
chronicled that men tend to hide their
feelings, especially negative ones that
might include symptoms of depression.
From boyhood, many men are taught to
suppress their feelings, making it more
difficult to recognize their depression.
ChooseHealth 10 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
By Lisa Cianci, Editorial Contributor
The 100 trillion bacteria in your gut can Keeping Your Gut Healthy
affect how well you feel every day — from
whether you’re tired and still have trouble A nutritious diet is a good foundation for a
sleeping to more predictable issues such as
appetite and constipation. healthy gut.
The gut is another term for your Consume a variety of fruits and vegetables,
digestive tract and includes the low-fat dairy, whole grains, nuts and legumes.
mouth, esophagus, stomach,
intestines, pancreas, liver, Scale back on sugar and high-fat red meats.
gallbladder, colon and rectum. It acts Drink lots of water.
as a barrier against external toxins and
chemicals, and produces hormones Eat dinner before 7:00 pm to give
that affect hunger, sensory perception, your body enough time to digest
cognition, emotion and behavior.
the food in your stomach before
With trillions of bacteria in your gut, it’s going to bed.
no surprise that some are beneficial and
others aren’t. The unhealthy ones can Probiotics are beneficial
lead to stomach problems and illnesses
that include a weakened immune bacteria that support gut health.
system, autoimmune disorders such as
celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis, Although they are available in pill
constipation, migraines, diabetes, insomnia,
depression and fatigue. form, probiotics also can be found
Among the factors that contribute to an unhealthy in foods such as:
gut are stress and certain foods, especially those
high in sugar and saturated fat. Tobacco, alcohol and • Yogurt • Pickles
excessive caffeine also can be detrimental. Overuse
of antibiotics is another culprit because these • Kefir • Sauerkraut
medicines kill not only the illness-causing bacteria,
but your healthy bacteria too. • Kimchi
While medicine is still learning about
the role the gut plays in our health,
we do know that watching what we
eat, controlling stress and avoiding
too many antibiotics can go a long way
toward a healthy gut.
Concerned about your gut health? Our primary care
physicians work closely with a range of experts to
help you feel your best. Find a healthcare partner at
11ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor
In the complex workings of the human body, proper
nutrition sometimes takes the combined efforts of two.
Certain nutrients interact in very distinct ways, enabling
your body to make the most of what you eat. Lauren
Popeck, a registered dietitian with Orlando Health
Physician Associates, takes a look at some powerful
and positive combos. Like Bert and Ernie, Batman
and Robin, Ben and Jerry, these nutrition duos are
better together than apart.
Calcium and Vitamin D
A vital building block of bone, calcium can only do its job right
if you also have enough vitamin D, which helps your body absorb
and deposit calcium in the bones and teeth. If you don’t get enough
calcium, your body may pull this vital nutrient from your bones. And
that could eventually lead to porous and weakened bones.
Adults under age 50 should get 1,000 mg of calcium a day. If you’re
over 50, 1,200 mg of calcium a day best supports bone health.
Calcium supplements can help, but you can get your required daily
calcium from food sources like dairy, greens, canned salmon or
sardines with soft bones, tofu, soybeans and almonds.
While most people take in enough calcium from the foods they
eat, it’s more difficult to get enough vitamin D from food alone, and
many Americans need a vitamin D supplement. Although sunlight (via UVB rays)
is converted into vitamin D after contacting your skin, concerns about exposure to UV
radiation make dietary sources a better choice. Yogurt is the best source of vitamin
D, with one 8 oz. serving of nonfat yogurt providing about 45 percent of your
daily requirement. Other options include milk, eggs, salmon and tuna.
12ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Pair up these items to maximize
their nutritional value:
Iron and Vitamin C Olive oil and other healthy fats enhance
absorption of antioxidants such as
Individually, iron and vitamin C play important roles in your health. Vitamin C is lycopene from tomatoes.
essential in maintaining healthy blood vessels and helps to produce red blood cells.
Iron is the main component of hemoglobin, the substance in red blood cells that carries To promote healthy
oxygen throughout your body. gut bacteria, pair
probiotics found
Without enough iron, your red blood cells can’t carry enough oxygen, making you feel in yogurt and
weak and tired. By itself, iron in food is not absorbed efficiently, but when these kefir with plenty
two nutrients are eaten together, vitamin C helps your body absorb iron. Foods of fiber from fruits,
rich in vitamin C can be found in fruits and vegetables such as citrus, cantaloupe, vegetables and grains
strawberries, broccoli, green peppers, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and tomatoes. such as bananas, onions, garlic,
leeks, Jerusalem artichokes, soybeans
Iron comes from meat, poultry and fish as well as dark green leafy vegetables such as and whole wheat.
spinach and kale, and beans like lentils and soybeans. Meats eaten along with foods rich
in vitamin C can unlock more iron in plant-based foods. Combinations include pairing
chicken breast with whole grain pasta, bell peppers and broccoli or salmon with citrus
spinach salad, strawberries and orange vinaigrette.
sodium and potassium Sprinkling black pepper with turmeric
has been shown to increase absorption
These electrolytes help maintain fluid and blood volume. Most Americans consume of the inflammation-fighting spice
much more than the 2,300 mg of sodium they need daily, and not enough by 1,000 percent.
potassium. Excess sodium causes fluid retention and increased blood volume, which
can lead to higher blood pressure and greater risk of heart attack or stroke. Adding lemon or any
other source
Potassium contributes to lowering blood pressure by helping the kidneys excrete of vitamin C to
sodium. Achieving the recommended 4,700 mg of potassium per day is easy because it’s green tea increases
found in so many foods — broccoli, bananas, carrots, oranges, potatoes, spinach, sweet the body’s
potatoes, watermelon, beans, lentils, almonds, milk and yogurt. absorption of the
drink’s powerful
The best way to reduce sodium intake is to avoid highly processed foods, skip adding antioxidants.
salt to your food and watch portion sizes — especially at restaurants.
For more nutrition news, go to OrlandoHealth.com/Nutrition.
13ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
By Kelly Urbanik, RD, CSP, CNSC, LDN,
Licensed Dietitian / Nutritionist at Orlando Health
With all of the trending nutrition advice and diet fads that
come and go, it’s not easy to know how to eat right for
a healthy body. To help set the record straight, let’s
debunk these common nutrition myths.
14ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
To lose weight, I need Low-carb diets always
to drastically cut back are healthier.
on calories.
Low-carb diets have been shown to improve some health indicators,
Calories come from carbohydrates, including blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, but recent studies reveal
proteins and fats. Although studies they don’t reduce the risk of heart disease and may increase mortality. In fact,
show that cutting calories overall can carbohydrate restriction has been linked with a 30 percent increased risk of
help with weight loss, many people feel death from all causes and a slightly increased risk of heart attack.
the need to reduce calories to the point
where it slows down their metabolism. Research shows that Mediterranean-style and other plant-based diets with
That means you will stop losing high-fiber carbohydrate content and low glycemic loads have a beneficial
weight — or even gain weight — while effect on blood sugar levels, whereas diets high in meat are associated
consuming fewer calories per day. with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Bread and pasta can be healthful
Who wants that? carbohydrate sources if the pasta and bread are whole grain and less
processed. To determine if a product is made with whole grains, check out
Reducing your calorie intake by 500 the ingredient list and look for the word “whole” in front of the grain source.
per day will result in weight loss of
about 1 pound per week. So, if you All vitamin and mineral supplements
are eating around 2,500 calories daily, are safe.
cutting down to 2,000 calories will get
you results that will stick. Losing more Vitamin and mineral supplements are not regulated
than 1-2 pounds per week usually results by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Without
in loss of muscle, along with fat, and regulation, consumers can’t be sure what exactly is in
extremely low-calorie diets are hard to their supplements. For example, you can’t know whether the
maintain. Studies show that slow and 1,200 mg fish oil tablet you are taking has 100 mg of fish oil or 2,000 mg,
steady weight loss is what works for or if it even has the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA.
long-term health.
A few programs verify supplements to ensure what they claim they contain
Cutting back on fat is is actually true. One of these is the Dietary Supplements Verification Program
always a good idea. from the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP). At their website, Quality-Supplements.org,
you can learn more about verified supplements and where to find them.
It’s true that fat has more calories than
protein or carbs when measuring gram Dairy products are unhealthy.
for gram. However, fat also helps keep
you full, provides vital nutrients and Dairy products are an important food group because
makes food satisfying in flavor, texture they provide protein to build muscles and support organ health,
and taste. Fat should be a part of your and calcium to strengthen bones. Many people are now drinking soy
diet and used in combination with milk, almond milk or coconut milk. While these milk alternatives may be
protein and carbs to provide a healthy helpful for those with milk protein allergies or severe intolerances, they
balance to meals. don’t match up with cow’s milk as far as nutrition. Most of these products
are lower in protein, calcium and vitamin D than cow’s milk.
Opt for fats that have less of an
impact on your cholesterol such If you can’t digest lactose (the sugar found in dairy products), choose
as oils, avocado and nuts. fortified soy products, lactose-free or low-lactose dairy products, or other
However, even saturated fats, foods and beverages with calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is found in dark
such as butter, mayonnaise and leafy greens such as collards or kale, canned salmon, soy-based beverages
coconut oil, have a place in your or tofu made with calcium sulfate. Vitamin D can be obtained from fortified
diet — variety is key. cereals or soy-based beverages.
To learn more, visit OrlandoHealth.com/Nutrition.
15ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Why Yoga Is More
Than a Stretch Goal
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
While yoga is gaining
popularity among men, several
misconceptions prevent even more
from enjoying its many benefits.
The Myths The Realities
It’s just stretching. The benefits of yoga may begin with stretching, but What began in the 1800s as a workout for boys is
they go much further, says Dave Brummert, an exercise specialist at the practiced today by many professional NBA and NFL stars.
Orlando Health National Training Center, which is part of Orlando Health
South Lake Hospital. “Practicing yoga on a regular basis can help increase They recognize that yoga can address issues like a weak
athletic performance and core strength, decrease injury and improve body core, tight or weak hip flexors or glutes, and immobility
awareness, digestion and sex life.” of the thoracic spine. It also helps to repair tissues in
preparation for your next workout.
I’m not flexible. Men tend to believe that to practice yoga, you must
already be flexible to get started. “In fact, we take up yoga because we’re Keys to Success
not born gymnasts or acrobats,” says Brummert. “We’re ordinary people
who want to become strong and flexible.” • Find an instructor who matches your preferences
and skill level.
Yoga is only for women. “Not true,” adds Brummert. “Because men
tend to hold emotions inside and not express feelings, over time this can • Start slow.
lead to stress, anxiety or depression. Yoga helps reduce heart rate, lower • Be present and focus on your breathing.
blood pressure and ease respiration, which in turn lower anxiety and • Relax your body.
depression and can especially benefit men. Research shows that yoga may • Remember that practice makes permanent.
be considered as medication and the first option to modulating the stress
response in place of antidepressants, alcohol or drugs.” For more fitness and exercise advice,
go to OrlandoHealth.com/ContentHub.
ChooseHealth 16 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
How To Stay Safe
on Your Bike
By Kim Marcum, Editorial Contributor
Florida’s miles of trails and dedicated bicycle lanes make it
an ideal place for pedal pushers. But two-wheeling around
the community comes with its own set of road hazards.
When a crash occurs between a car and a bike, it’s usually the cyclist who sustains
injuries. Children and teens have the highest rate of nonfatal bicycle accidents, while
adults aged 50-59 suffer the most fatalities, according to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC).
Many accidents can be avoided if motorists and cyclists pay attention and follow
the rules of the road, according to Dr. Sean M. McFadden, a cyclist and surgeon with
Orlando Health Jewett Orthopedic Institute.
Before you push off, brush up on these basics of bicycle safety.
The Gear Rules of the Road Getting Organized
Make sure your bike is sized to fit Obey the same driving rules as Map out your route beforehand.
your frame. cars. Go with the flow of traffic. Opt for the road less traveled to
Observe street signs and signals. bypass traffic.
Tune up before you take off.
Check the brakes, handlebars, seat Anticipate the actions of other Pack a flat-tire kit and know how
and tires prior to every ride. drivers, pedestrians and cyclists to use it.
to avoid collisions.
A bike helmet helps prevent head Secure shoelaces and pant legs
injuries. Wear it. Be alert. Don’t wear headphones or so they don’t catch in your
use your cell phone while biking. bike chain.
Choose brightly colored, highly
visible clothing. Don’t ride Buddy up with
on the another bike
Use reflectors and turn bike sidewalk. rider for safety
lights on both day and night. If you have to and visibility.
hop a curb,
slow down near
Watch out for
cars and
For more safety tips, visit OrlandoHealth.com/ContentHub.
ChooseHealth 17 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Active Life
By Kim Marcum, Editorial Contributor
For Will Whitlock, life in
Central Florida always had
meant enjoying the outdoors
and his favorite pastimes of
hunting and fishing. But over
the past three years, he spent
more and more of his spare
time sidelined on the sofa
with chronic back pain. Some
days it was an ache, other
days it felt like somebody
was “putting a screwdriver in
my back,” he says. And then
there were the multiple back
spasms each day.
ChooseHealth 18 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
His back problems came on gradually, The Microsurgical Difference Whole-Person Rehabilitation
ever since playing sports in college. For
more than 15 years, Whitlock sought relief Instead of operating on six vertebrae, The surgery can be the easiest part of
from the pain. He tried physical therapy, the surgeon fused just two vertebrae in the journey, some doctors say. The most
cortisone shots and spinal fusion surgery. Whitlock’s lower back. His microsurgical important part is the prolonged recovery of
But whatever relief he found was only neurological approach — using an building confidence, strength, agility and
temporary. If he dared to go fishing, he operating microscope and miniaturized movement.
ended up with back spasms that lasted for instruments — is less invasive than
days, and pain that shot down his legs. traditional orthopedic spinal surgery. Whitlock’s recovery includes working with
the rehabilitation team at Orlando Health
Last year, deciding to see if a long-term Traditional spine surgery typically has a – Health Central to regain his strength and
solution was available, Whitlock made wound that is several inches and strips retrain his muscles and posture.
appointments with several orthopedic the muscle and ligament off the spine
and neurological surgeons. “The first above and below the surgical site. That “So far, I’m very pleased
doctor was a neurosurgeon who wouldn’t could potentially cause future problems. with the results,”
touch me and called my back a train Doing the surgery microsurgically
wreck,” recalls the 60-year-old Lakeland eliminates that issue. says Whitlock at four months post-surgery.
resident. The second told Whitlock that
six vertebrae would need to be bound The procedure also included placement “I don’t have any pain going
together with rods, and the surgeon wasn’t of a steel basket known as a “spine cage” down my legs, and I don’t
equipped to perform the operation. in Whitlock’s spine where the worn-down
disk used to be, with rods supporting the have the chronic pain.
Finally, Whitlock connected with a spine vertebrae on both sides. The spine cage Instead of having multiple
surgeon at the NeuroSpine Center of contains bone graft and stem cell proteins back spasms a day, I’ve only
Excellence at Orlando Health – Health to help Whitlock’s vertebrae grow through had one since surgery. I’m
Central Hospital. It’s the only spine surgery the cage, acting as a disc replacement. For happy to be back at work,
program in Central Florida that’s certified six months following the surgery, Whitlock and I’m looking forward to
by The Joint Commission. is also wearing a bone growth stimulator going fishing again soon.”
on his lower back for two hours a day.
“He asked me what I wanted to get out of
surgery,” recalls Whitlock. “I told him I
want to be able to hunt and fish and do my
chores again without being stuck on the
couch. I don’t need to go run marathons,
I just want to be functional and be able to
enjoy the things that I like to do. And he
said, ‘We can do that.’ ”
Learn more about the NeuroSpine Center of Excellence
at OrlandoHealth.com/NeuroSpine.
ChooseHealth 19 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
By Julie Vargo, Editorial Contributor
When it comes to tests, credit
and sports, high scores triumph.
But when it comes to your heart,
it’s low numbers for the win.
In general, the lower your blood
pressure, cholesterol and pulse
rates, the better your heart health.
ChooseHealth 20 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
The same holds true for the latest need-to- Keeping Score Who’s a
know number — your coronary artery calcium Candidate?
(CAC) score. Relatively new, the CAC score is CAC scores range from 0 to more than 400.
the number you need to know but probably “You want the lowest score possible,” says The CAC scan is not for
haven’t heard about. The CAC measures the Dr. Steiner. “Higher scores translate to more everyone. “A healthy 20-year-
amount of calcium deposited with plaque calcium, putting you at a greater risk of a old running 4 miles a day
in the walls of the heart’s arteries and was cardiac event. Above 400, there is danger of probably doesn’t need a CAC
considered significant enough to include in the significant blockage.” test,” says Dr. Steiner. “But
recently updated American Heart Association a 45-year-old runner with a
cholesterol management guidelines. A score of zero means no calcium is seen in strong family history of heart
the heart and the probability of having a heart disease and moderately high
Don’t confuse harmful coronary calcium attack in the next five years is low. Scores of cholesterol would be a great
with healthy dietary calcium found in food. 100 to 300 indicate moderate plaque deposits. candidate.”
Coronary calcium builds up inside the fatty Those already at risk for heart disease who
plaque that clogs arteries. Once there, it can score between 100 and 400 or higher are more If you are 40 years old or
harden, further restricting or even cutting off likely to have a heart attack. older and have any of these
blood flow to the heart. risk factors, ask your doctor
This simple, cost-effective scan allows doctors about scheduling a CAC scan.
The CAC score is calculated using a to identify patients with coronary blockage
specialized CT scan. Multiple images are earlier, especially those with no other visual • Family history of heart
captured, then combined into a view that symptoms. “It’s hard to look at someone and disease
shows any tiny fragments of calcium in the tell if they have heart disease if they don’t
arteries supplying the heart. have any symptoms but just risk factors,” says • High cholesterol levels
Dr. Steiner. “With this test, we can hone in
“Hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis, immediately on those who are at higher risk • High blood pressure
refers to the buildup of this rigid calcium,” and more likely to benefit from interventional
says Dr. Mark Steiner, an interventional therapies.” • Diabetes
cardiologist with the Orlando Health Heart
& Vascular Institute. “A CAC scan pinpoints Taking the Test • Past or present smoker
where the calcium is and measures the
amount it sees in the arteries.” CAC scores are calculated by a quick, • Inactive lifestyle
noninvasive test that doesn’t require dye
The resulting CAC score can be a crucial injection, removing all your clothes or even • Overweight
indicator of coronary artery disease before seeing a cardiologist. “Your primary care
other symptoms occur. “If we can identify physician can order this test for you,” says Dr. If you already have suffered
plaque and calcium deposits before someone Steiner. “It takes about 30 seconds to perform, a heart attack, have coronary
has a heart attack, we can effectively begin there is minimal radiation and the test stents or are pregnant,
aggressive treatment with statins, aspirin and provides a lot of good information quickly.” you are not considered
diet,” says Dr. Steiner. a candidate for a CAC
While early intervention can keep the CAC screening.
score from increasing, it can’t be lowered.
“Once calcium is deposited, it will be there
forever,” says Dr. Steiner. “If we do the test and
the results show calcium and plaque buildup,
we will work with the patient to stabilize the
plaque and treat the risk factors.”
21ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
on Avoiding
Back Pain
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
From strains and fractures to Daily Activities
bulging disks and arthritis, back
pain can affect anyone at any time. Everyday activities, habits and gear can boost the risk
for back pain, says Dr. Bruce Thomas, a sports medicine
How can you avoid physician for Orlando Health Jewett Orthopedic
that aching back? Institute. Paying attention to factors you often don’t
think about can reduce potential back pain causes.
Learn ways to help you avoid and
manage back pain — instead of Avoid tight-fitting clothing, which can affect your
letting it manage you. range of motion and put more strain on your back.
Purge heavy backpacks and wallets that can affect
posture and put strain on your back.
Take breaks often. Whether sitting at the office or
driving, take a break every hour to stand up, stretch
and walk.
Forget over-the-counter back braces, which can
create “lazy muscles.” If you have enough pain to
warrant a brace, see your doctor first.
ChooseHealth 22 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
I Don’t Need an Annual Exam
(and Why You Really Do)
By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor
Some of us are real sticklers when it comes to routine care and maintenance —
for our cars, homes, even our lawns. But when it comes to our health, “there seems
to be a disconnect,” says Dr. Ravi Tak, family medicine physician with Orlando Health
Physician Associates. Here are three common reasons people skip their annual
visits with their primary care physician (PCP), and why they shouldn’t.
Myth #1.
I feel fine; there’s nothing wrong with me.
With many conditions, like high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes, you may
not feel any significant symptoms early on. But these “silent” medical problems can
lead to serious health consequences if not detected early, says Dr. Tak.
And routine cancer screenings, including breast, prostate and colon, can improve
chances of detecting cancer early, when it’s most treatable.
Myth #2.
I’m young; I don’t need annual exams yet.
Some risk factors, such as genetic predispositions, unhealthy lifestyle habits and
obesity, can lead to serious health problems at any age. By reviewing your personal and
family history, your PCP can identify current risk factors and help you manage those
that could lead to future health problems.
Your PCP is your healthcare partner, and starting young with annual physical exams
can help build a trusting relationship — with someone you know and who knows you.
Myth #3. To learn more, visit
I’m busy; I don’t have time to see my doctor. OrlandoHealth.com/PrimaryCare.
Not finding the time for an annual preventive exam, or to monitor existing
conditions, could lead to spending even more time, and money,
for advanced treatment down the road.
It’s also usually easier
to get an appointment
as an established patient,
says Dr. Tak. You don’t want
to wait until you really need a
doctor to have to find a doctor.
ChooseHealth 23 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
By Julie Vargo, Editorial Contributor
ChooseHealth 24 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Zach Hoover is an outlier. While more than half the Hoover dismisses these excuses. “You make
men in America find excuses to avoid the doctor’s time for things that are a priority,” he says.
office, this Central Floridian religiously shows up to Fear the doctor will uncover something
his annual physicals and routine screenings. seriously wrong is the excuse 21 percent
of men surveyed use to circumvent
Hoover wasn’t always this health-conscious. smokers are at least three times more likely checkups. “You know what’s worse than
Elevating his own wellness to priority status to get bladder cancer than nonsmokers. being frightened you might have cancer?”
occurred only after unexpectedly losing his Caught early, bladder cancer is highly says Hoover. “Finding out you have
father to bladder cancer three years ago. treatable. But even with twice-yearly blood stage 4 cancer and it’s too late to do
work and primary care visits, Dick’s cancer something about it because you put
“I was always terrified of doctors and remained hidden until it was too late. off going to the doctor.”
bloodwork,” says the 39-year-old, who’s
on the government affairs team at Orlando “Dad was a ‘we don’t need to worry anyone Embarrassment and
Health. “But my father’s death taught me about this’ kind of guy,” says Hoover. “So, uncomfortable exams keep
a man’s health impacts everyone around I wonder if he had painful symptoms and 18 percent of men away from
him, and that getting regular checkups is did not investigate, or took comfort in good the doctor’s office. “Being
important.” blood work results as an excuse not to.”
embarrassed or uncomfortable
In 2017, Hoover His father’s passing pitched Hoover into
flew to Georgia with what he calls an early-onset midlife crisis. is a small price to pay for an
his wife and two Fresh from the funeral, he quit his job and increased chance of survival,”
young children to moved his family from Philadelphia to says Hoover. “Being alive is
enjoy Easter with his Central Florida to be closer to his widowed more important than being
parents, Dick and mother. His own health and wellness embarrassed.”
Jayne. “After dinner that night, Dad shared became paramount.
popsicles on the deck with my three-year- “We had all these plans,” says Hoover. “We Family Matters
old son, which was their tradition,” he says. were talking about adventures we would
“Everything seemed normal.” have traveling together with the kids. I just When deciding if they should see a doctor,
took for granted my dad would be around.” Hoover suggests men imagine what choice
Following an Easter egg hunt the next their family would make for them. Then
day, the situation shifted. Exhausted, Dick Excuses, Excuses simply do that.
climbed into bed mid-afternoon. “That was
so unlike him,” says his son. “But what we According to a 2016 survey commissioned “There was a richness
didn’t realize is it was the beginning of the by Orlando Health, most men avoid to the way my dad
end. Dad never really got out of bed again.” seeing a doctor, especially for annual lived his life that my
checkups. Common excuses include children will never
Nagged to see a doctor, his father was being busy, fear something may be wrong, experience,” says
diagnosed with late-stage bladder cancer. and embarrassment and discomfort with Hoover. “Dad had a
Less than three months later, he was gone. certain exams like prostate checks. Yearly way of lighting up a
A lifelong smoker until his sixties, the physicals often catch issues like high room. I’m heartbroken my kids will miss
74-year-old was otherwise in good health. cholesterol, elevated blood sugar or other out on knowing him.
Lingering Questions concerns early, before they become big “And I will always wonder whether he had
health problems later. Yet 22 percent of been suffering and, if so, why he didn’t see
His family still wonders why the elder the men surveyed said they were too busy a doctor sooner.”
Hoover didn’t see a doctor sooner. for annual checkups.
According to the American Cancer Society,
For more patient stories, go to OrlandoHealth.com/Stories.
ChooseHealth 25 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Berries May Boost
Men’s Sexual Health
By Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD, Orlando Health Medical Group Urology PUR Clinic
Berries, blackberries and cherries are good
for overall health, but they also
may improve sexual health in men.
In a study published last year in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers
found that foods rich in flavonoids — nutrients that give fruits and vegetables their color —
are linked to a lower risk of erectile dysfunction,
a condition that affects 40 percent of men older than 40 and 52 percent
of men overall. Flavonoids also are found in citrus fruits and red wine.
More fruit consumption reduced a man’s risk of erectile dysfunction by 14 percent. Adding
regular exercise to a diet rich in flavonoids reduced the risk by 21 percent.
Three types of flavonoids — anthocyanins, flavanones and flavones — had the biggest effect
on preventing erectile dysfunction. Anthocyanin, an antioxidant found in blue, purple and red
fruits and vegetables, also is linked to improved blood vessel health, which may explain why it
helps combat erectile dysfunction.
All it takes is a few servings a week of flavonoid-rich foods for men to reap the health benefits,
the study showed. However, it’s important to note that the research only found an association
between these foods and men’s sexual health — not a direct cause-and-effect relationship.
Erectile dysfunction can signal other, more serious health issues. In young healthy males,
erectile dysfunction can be an early warning sign of heart disease.
If you’re concerned about this condition, there are things you can do to reduce your risk.
Staying fit and healthy is key, so get a few hours of moderate exercise
every week. And follow a balanced diet — berries included.
For more articles about
men’s health, go to
ChooseHealth 26 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Ways to
By Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD, Urologist and Male Infertility Specialist at Orlando Health Medical Group Urology PUR Clinic
For couples wanting to conceive, reproductive health 7 Curb the caffeine. Research
is important for both mom and dad. The ideal sperm found that sperm count was
are more likely to be found in men who have healthy reduced slightly in men who
consumed too much caffeine.
lifestyles, so here are 10 ways men can do their part: It’s best to stay under 300
milligrams a day (about 18
1 Maintain a healthy weight. Excess fat can cause hormonal ounces of regular coffee).
imbalance, which may affect sperm health.
8 Limit alcohol. Excessive
2 Eat right. Fresh, whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables, alcohol has been shown to
have antioxidants and vitamins that help with fertility. reduce sperm production.
Limit consumption to 1-2 drinks
3 Don’t skip the workout. Exercise is great for healthy sperm a day at most.
production. We recommend moderate physical activity for at least
9 Don’t smoke (or chew).
150 minutes a week. Tobacco reduces sperm
4 Remember vitamins. Some vitamins — specifically D, C, E and count and motility.
CoQ10 — are important for healthy sperm. Stay away from testosterone.
Testosterone replacement
10Get out of the hot tub. Sperm live and function best at a narrow therapy may stop natural
5 temperature range (usually 2-3 degrees less than core body
temperature). Too much heat can cause fertility problems. production. There are
natural and medical ways to
6 Watch out for that laptop. Heat generated by a laptop boost testosterone without
sitting on your lap can have the same effect as a hot tub. affecting fertility.
Better to have it on a desk or table. For more expert advice about men’s health,
visit OrlandoHealth.com/ContentHub.
ChooseHealth 27 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
NoWfehaeydRYetoocutBaDel EoAxnfa’rtamid
By Tim Barker, Editorial Contributor
Mention “rectal exam” and many people
will cringe, then start looking for excuses
to avoid a trip to the doctor. But what
exactly does a digital rectal exam entail,
and who needs one?
Doctors use them to look for tumors or cancers, assess the
functioning of the anal sphincter, examine for hemorrhoids or
determine other causes of pain or bleeding. While these exams
are sometimes performed on women, they’re more frequently
recommended for men because of the increased risk of prostate
cancer that comes with age.
About one in nine American men will be diagnosed with prostate
cancer in their lifetime, and the average age at diagnosis is 66,
according to the Prostate Cancer Foundation.
“The exam takes just a few seconds,” says Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt, a
board-certified urologic surgeon with the Orlando Health Medical
Group Urology PUR Clinic. “Despite this, many men are reluctant
to get one, because they’re worried about what we might find or
because of the test itself.”
Why a Rectal Exam
You may wonder why there aren’t less-invasive options. There are,
but there’s no substitute for this simple exam, which also helps the doctor
evaluate other issues, including an enlarged prostate and urination problems.
To get to the prostate, doctors must go through the rectum.
ChooseHealth 28 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
These recommendations may seem confusing. At a
minimum, you should start asking your doctor about
prostate cancer screening by the age of 40. Based on
your demographic and medical history, your doctor
can guide you from there.
What Happens on Exam Day?
It’s your doctor’s job to make sure you have a
comfortable experience, so ask questions. Remember,
this exam is the equivalent of your doctor checking
your heart with a stethoscope or looking into your
ears with an otoscope. The most important thing you
can do is just show up.
Patients may sometimes say, “Wait, but my PSA is
fine, I’m peeing fine, I don’t have cancer.” But often,
prostate cancer is found in small parts of your prostate
and won’t show up in lab work. You may not feel it
when urinating or notice any other issues, but doctors
can detect it just based on that nodule. It’s similar to
how women sometimes miss breast irregularities that
are discovered by their doctors.
During the exam, the doctor wears gloves and gently
inserts one finger, using ample lubrication. Your doctor
will feel for lumps, bumps and nodules — looking
for irregularities on the prostate. Don’t be surprised
if it feels like you need to go to the bathroom. That
happens because your urethra goes through your
prostate. But because the exam is quick, that feeling
When to Discuss Screening With Your Doctor should pass quickly. Otherwise, you shouldn’t feel any
Prostate cancer is the second-most common cancer in aftereffects from the exam unless you have prostatitis,
men (after skin cancer) and can be treated when caught a common condition.
early. Your family history and demographic offer a guide It’s natural for patients to feel self-conscious before
for when you should start screening. The American Cancer the exam. It doesn’t matter — your doctor won’t judge!
Society recommends: All they care about is protecting your health.
• Age 50 for men who are at average risk of Other Advice
prostate cancer
Remember, your primary care physician can perform
• Age 45 for men at high risk, including African this exam — you don’t need to see a urologist.
Americans and men who have a father or brother And although you won’t necessarily need one every
diagnosed with prostate cancer before 65 year, be sure to visit your doctor annually for a
• Age 40 for men at even higher risk, including those wellness check.
with more than one close relative who had prostate
cancer before 65
Need to schedule your annual exam or wellness visit?
Talk to your primary care physician or find one at OrlandoHealth.com/Physician-Finder.
ChooseHealth 29 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Testing your Testes
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, , Editorial Contributor
If you have testes, you’re at risk for The Test
testicular cancer, says Dr. Andrew Davidiuk,
a urologist with Orlando Health Medical Testing your testes only takes about a
Group Urology. And if you’re between the minute and can be done at home during
ages of 15 and 35, it is the most common or after a hot shower.
cancer that will affect you.
[Step 1] Test each testicle one at a time.
That’s why examining your testes is among the most important
tests you can take to manage your risk for testicular cancer. [Step 2] With both hands, hold the testicle
The Odds between your thumbs and fingers, and
gently roll it between your fingers.
Unlike prostate cancer, which usually affects men 65 and older,
testicular cancer is a young man’s disease. About half of men [Step 3] Look and feel for hard lumps,
diagnosed are 20 to 34 years old. Caucasian men also are at
higher risk and are 4 to 5 times more likely to be diagnosed smooth or rounded bumps and changes in
with testicular cancer than African-American and Asian- size, shape or consistency.
American men.
[Step 4] Repeat the process each month.
It may take a couple of self-tests to learn
what your normal is, but you’ll soon be able
to detect even the slightest change.
However, when detected early, testicular cancer is among If you do notice something out of the
the most treatable and survivable types of cancer. About 99 ordinary, contact your doctor. Early
percent of men diagnosed survive with early detection and detection and treatment are key factors in
treatment, says Dr. Davidiuk. surviving this disease.
Find a urology specialist and location near you at OrlandoHealth.com/Urology.
ChooseHealth 30 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Navigating Early Prostate Cancer Detection
By Julie Vargo, Editorial Contributor
When it comes to prostate cancer, early detection is key to treating the 1 in 9
men diagnosed in their lifetime. UroNav, a software-based technology, makes
early detection of this common male cancer even more accurate.
“Normally, prostate cancer is slow growing, so early detection is key to successfully treating it,” says
Dr. Andrew Davidiuk of Orlando Health Medical Group Urology. “UroNav updates the traditional
biopsy procedure to give us the best tools possible for quickly detecting this disease.”
Screening for prostate cancer usually begins with a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood
test and a rectal exam done manually by your doctor. If PSA levels are elevated, or if the
rectal exam indicates an abnormality, the doctor schedules a biopsy to get a more
detailed look at the prostate cells.
During a traditional ultrasound biopsy, it can be difficult to visualize the prostate and
guide the needle toward tumors or lesions using ultrasound alone. Improved MRI
imaging can identify the location of cancer within the prostate even before biopsy.
UroNav combines the best of both methods. Like a car’s GPS navigation system, it
directs the doctor’s needle down the clearest path toward prostate lesions for a more
targeted biopsy.
“Not all prostate cancer is equally lethal, so UroNav helps hone in on the most
suspicious areas, reducing the number of tissue samples taken and lowering the
risk of infection, bleeding, pain and recovery time,” says Dr. Davidiuk. “Compared
to traditional biopsies, UroNav technology increases the accuracy of finding the
more significant prostate cancer lesions.”
Men should head to the urologist at the first sign
of possible prostate problems. These include:
• Frequent or painful urination
• Difficulty starting or stopping their urine stream
• Trouble maintaining an erection
• Blood in their urine or semen
• Pain or pressure in the rectum
To make an appointment with a urologist or learn more about
the UroNav process, visit OrlandoHealth.com/Urology.
31ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Two years ago,
Don Schaus was
moping around the
house, wishing he could
attend his grandson’s
graduation. But he had
heart problems, and that kept
holding him back.
“I was living with a little fear in the back
of my head that my heart could go awry at
any moment and I would be in trouble,”
says the retired Orlando businessman,
who had spent decades crisscrossing
the country while working in the
food industry.
ChooseHealth 32 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Schaus suffered from atrial fibrillation Another Option? Zing, Zing, Zing and Done
(AFib), a common heart arrhythmia
affecting almost 3 million Americans. During a regular cardio checkup, his doctor Schaus decided to have the minimally
Patients with this condition have irregular suggested an option — a minimally invasive invasive outpatient procedure. Done under
heartbeats, which occur when the heart’s procedure for patients who cannot be on general anesthesia, the Watchman device
upper and lower chambers (the atria) blood thinner. The tiny device, called the takes about an hour to implant. While some
contract rapidly and erratically. Because Watchman™, is implanted in the heart to patients stay in the hospital overnight,
AFib can lead to the formation of blood close the left atrial appendage and minimize Schaus was able to leave the same day.
clots that increase the risk of stroke or heart the risk of blood-clot related strokes. The
attack, it’s critical to diagnose and treat any Watchman is a one-time implant that “The procedure was honestly a piece of cake
signs of it immediately. doesn’t need to be replaced. — zing, zing, zing and done!” says Schaus,
who attended his grandson’s graduation and
“I discovered I had AFib by a fluke,” says “The initial thought was frightening,” says hasn’t stopped moving since. “Best of all,
Schaus, who follows a regular schedule Schaus. “I didn’t want to mess with my I don’t have to constantly worry about my
of wellness exams with his primary care heart. I didn’t want to have another stroke. heart anymore.”
physician. “During a routine physical, my But with the Watchman, my doctor assured
family doctor didn’t like how my heart me I wouldn’t have to worry.” Schaus tips his hat to Dr. Filart. “He is a
sounded, so he sent me to a cardiologist great surgeon and a great man. Not just
right away.” Before Schaus agreed to the procedure, because of what he did for me, but because
he wanted more information. Dr. Roland he kept his word about that graduation,”
Dr. Adam J. Waldman at the Orlando Health A. Filart, a board-certified clinical cardiac says Schaus.
Heart & Vascular Institute diagnosed electrophysiologist at the Orlando Health
Schaus’s AFib immediately and placed him Heart & Vascular Institute, provided the “He cares about his patients and he is smart
on the anticoagulant, warfarin. With time, reassurance he needed. as a whip. He is my hero.”
however, the blood-thinning therapy “This state-of-the-art device has
became ineffective for him. demonstrated a successful track record for
patients just like Don,” says Dr. Filart. “He
Concerned about his “ticker,” wanted to go to his grandson’s graduation.
the active septuagenarian I told him, ‘If I put the Watchman in, I’ll get
curtailed his busy lifestyle you there.’ ”
and hobby of collecting
signature hats from every Is the Watchman Right for You?
city he visited. “I was
scared to death. Your To be a candidate for the Watchman procedure, patients should have:
heart keeps your motor • AFib not caused by heart valve problems
running,” says Schaus. • A doctor recommendation for blood-thinning medicines
• A history of bleeding or lifestyle with bleeding risks from long-term therapy
“I just didn’t see how • A need for an alternative to blood thinners
I could travel with this Orlando Health Orlando Regional Medical Center (ORMC) is the only hospital in Central
AFib situation,” he says. Florida, and one of only two hospitals in the state of Florida, to have full accreditation from
the Society of Cardiovascular Patient Care for its Atrial Fibrillation Program.
ChooseHealth 33 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Repairing an Enlarged Prostate
By Julie Vargo, Editorial Contributor
For aging men, a diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia
(BPH) is as common as going gray. BPH, a non-cancerous
enlarged prostate, afflicts nearly 40 million American men
and 500 million worldwide.
“By age 60, half of all men have an enlarged prostate,” says Dr. Andrew J. Davidiuk,
a urologist with Orlando Health Medical Group Urology. “By age 85, the proportion
reaches 90 percent.”
Medication is usually the first-line therapy for those struggling with BPH. However, a
new procedure called the UroLift System offers a minimally invasive treatment with
minor possible side effects, rapid recovery and improved quality of life.
Warning Signs
Symptoms of BPH occur when the urine stream is blocked by an enlarged prostate
pressing against and narrowing the urethra. These symptoms can be frustrating, painful
or embarrassing, resulting in interrupted sleep, loss of productivity, decreased social
activity and depression.
Symptoms include: • Increased urgency and
• Slow or intermittent urine stream frequent need to urinate
• Incomplete emptying of bladder
• The need to double void • Incontinence
How It Works
Developed in 2015, the UroLift System opens a blocked urethra without cutting, heating
or removing prostate tissue. To visualize how the implant works, picture the prostate as
two curtains on a stage, hanging pressed together. When the curtains are pulled apart,
the stage opens up.
Performed in-office under local anesthesia, tiny implants are inserted through the
obstructed urethra using the UroLift device. The implants permanently lift and hold
the enlarged prostate tissue out of the way, increasing the urethra opening and making
urination easier.
For more information, visit OrlandoHealth.com/Urology.
ChooseHealth 34 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Are You
By Diane Robinson, PhD
Neuropsychologist at Orlando Health
More than 75 percent of Americans own Keep your phone out of reach. When you drive, store your phone in
a smartphone, making these devices the glove compartment or out of reach. When you’re at a restaurant or
an integral part of our everyday lives. But other social outing, turn your phone off and put it away.
for many of us, smartphones have moved Have phone-free zones. Keep your phone out of the bathroom.
from handy tools to all-consuming toys. In addition to being excessive, this behavior also may be unsanitary.
Before you go to bed at night, turn your phone off and put it away.
Two questions can determine which camp you fall into: Set designated digital-free times. Start a no-cell phone rule during
certain times, such as family dinners or weekend social activities. Shut
1 Do you check your phone every few minutes for the latest down your phone at a certain point each day during the workweek.
Facebook update, tweet, news alert or text?
Enjoy real-world conversations. When you’re socializing with
2 Do you spend more time communicating with people on family or friends, turn off your phone or at least put it on vibrate. Don’t
your phone than in person? be that person who checks their phone while someone is trying to have
a conversation with you.
If the answer is yes to either of these questions, you
may be too attached to your phone. Relying too much Instead of passing away the time on your phone, try more enriching
on digital devices can interfere with normal one-on-one activities such as exercising, seeing new sights around your town, getting
conversation and relationship-building. If your smartphone is out and meeting new people or spending time with those you care
taking up too much space — and time — in your life, here are about. These are all more worthwhile than being glued to your phone.
some ways to rein it in.
For more advice on coping with everyday issues, check out
ChooseHealth 35 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
New Robot Helps
Evaluate Lung
Spots Faster
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
A tiny camera and a navigation system like your car’s GPS are the newest tools helping
doctors identify whether that spot on your chest X-ray is scar tissue from an old infection
or lung cancer.
Not all lung spots that show up during screenings are cancerous. How They Work
But the only way to know for sure is to get a biopsy — a
procedure where the doctor removes a tiny piece of the lung Controlled by the doctor, the FDA-cleared robot uses a thin tube,
spot tissue then sends it to a lab for testing. With the help of called a bronchoscope, to travel through a patient’s mouth and
the specialized Monarch robot and Ion by Intuitive, getting that into their lungs while they’re under anesthesia. It locates the lung
biopsy is now safer and easier for patients. spot using tiny cameras and a navigation system so the doctor can
take a biopsy.
The Benefits
“Lung cancer often goes unnoticed in its early stages, so there
“With the Monarch and Ion, we have the ability to see and is an unmet need to diagnose this disease much earlier in our
access parts of the lungs that were previously out of reach,” says patients,” says Dr. Vollenweider. “The Monarch and Ion help
Dr. Mark Vollenweider, section chief for pulmonary medicine at us speed up diagnosis and potentially improve survival rates.”
Orlando Health.
Performed as an outpatient procedure, the process takes from
Doctors at Orlando Health are the first in the southeastern United 30 to 90 minutes. Because it is minimally invasive and no incisions
States to use the Monarch robot and Ion by Intuitive, a new lung are made, safety is enhanced and side-effect risks are reduced.
biopsy system that allows physicians to navigate through small
airways to detect lung lesions and obtain tissue samples. Both Learn more about lung cancer screening and testing at
Monarch and Ion help diagnose lung cancer earlier. OrlandoHealth.com/LungScreening.
ChooseHealth 36 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
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