Why SPRING 2018
Health Matters with
The Wonders and Benefits How It Affects
of Robotic Surgery Your Body
The Scoop on Carbs 5 Health Risks
Stress and Fertility
Lower Your Stress
Level in 10 Minutes
The Food and Mood
Managing the Stress
of Uncertainty
Choose Online Scheduling for
On-Demand minor emergencies in the
Healthcare – ER, as well as physician and
urgent care appointments.
Live Online Chat Session
to assist you with any David Strong
questions or scheduling President & CEO
needs you may have. Orlando Health
Virtual Visit* connects Andrew J. Snyder
you with a board-certified Senior Vice President,
physician in real time so you can get Marketing & Communications
a quick diagnosis and treatment plan
for non-emergency conditions, such as CHOOSE HEALTH CONTRIBUTORS
colds, flu, sinus and ear infections, and
minor bumps and bruises. STANDING FROM LEFT:
Lauren Popeck, RD, LDN
Connect With Us, at Meredith Watson-Locklear, MD
OrlandoHealth.com/Disney Diana Lomont
Ray Lebeda, MD
Tracey Choroco
Chelsea Stevens
Cary D’Ortona, COO,
Arnold Palmer Hospital
Lisa Nickchen
Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz
Dani Wigle
Kim Marcum
Jamin V. Brahmbhatt, MD
Lisa Cooper, MS, RD, LDN
Craig Fleishman, MD
Robert Hirschl, MD
Joseph Ibrahim, MD
Rod James
Ben Kaplan, MD
Jason Lemoine, MD
Charles Lerner, MD
Diane Robinson, PhD
Veronica Schimp, DO
Cherisse Stover
*Disney members have a
$10 copay for this service.
Welcome to the Spring 2018
Orlando Health Choose Health
magazine. We’re excited about
the health topics and tips we
have gathered for this issue.
We hope you enjoy reading it
as much as we did writing it.
Our special guide in this issue focuses on
stress, looked at through many different
lenses. As always, we also have included
nutrition news, men’s and women’s
health updates, and Orlando Health
community news. Our goal is to equip you
with relevant, useful information to help
you and your family enjoy good health.
Nutrition: Not All Carbs Welcome
Are Created Equal New Doctors
6&7 24 & 25
The Evolution & Revolution Upcoming Classes
of Women’s Health Care & Programs
8&9 28 & 29
Your Guide to ORMC Trauma Bay
Coping with Stress Expansion Planned
11 – 20 30
Pediatric Patient Community
Testimonial Good
22 & 23 34
3ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Are You
to Your
By Diane Robinson, PhD
Neuropsychologist at Orlando Health
More than 75 percent of Americans own Keep your phone out of reach. When you drive, store your phone
a smartphone, making these devices in the glove compartment or put it in your purse. When you’re at a
an integral part of our everyday lives. But restaurant or other social outing, turn your phone off and put it away.
for many of us, smartphones have moved Have phone-free zones. Keep your phone out of the bathroom.
from handy tools to all-consuming toys. In addition to being excessive, this behavior also may be unsanitary.
Before you go to bed at night, turn your phone off and put it away.
Two questions can determine which camp you fall into: Set designated digital-free times. Start a no-cell phone rule during
certain times, such as family dinners or weekend social activities. Shut
1 Do you check your phone every few minutes for the latest down your phone at a certain point each day during the workweek.
Facebook update, tweet, news alert or text?
Enjoy real-world conversations. When you’re socializing with
2 Do you spend more time communicating with people on family or friends, turn off your phone or at least put it on vibrate. Don’t
your phone than in person? be that person who checks their phone while someone is trying to have
a conversation with you.
If the answer is yes to either of these questions, you
may be too attached to your phone. Relying too much Instead of passing away the time on your phone, try more enriching
on digital devices can interfere with normal one-on-one activities such as exercising, seeing new sights around your town, getting
conversation and relationship-building. If your smartphone is out and meeting new people or spending time with those you care
taking up too much space — and time — in your life, here are about. These are all more worthwhile than being glued to your phone.
some ways to rein it in.
For more advice on coping with everyday issues, check out
4ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Migraine or Stroke?
Separating the Symptoms
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
Suffering a migraine headache is a sure-fire way to ruin
your day. But, what if your headache is a stroke instead of
a migraine? Can you tell the difference?
Migraine and stroke are very different conditions, but can have similar symptoms.
This can make it difficult for people to tell them apart, explains Dr. Robert Hirschl,
a neurosurgeon with Orlando Health Physicians Neurosurgery Group. The
differences in symptoms can be so subtle that people often don’t know
whether to seek treatment for a migraine or stroke — or when.
Comparing the Symptoms
Migraine symptoms include a throbbing headache on one side of the head or
behind an eye, pain on one side of the body, nausea and vomiting, and sensitivity
to light and sound. Stroke symptoms typically include slurred speech, balance
issues and a sudden headache.
Migraine and stroke share some common symptoms, such as blurred vision,
sudden confusion, numbness or weakness on one side of the body and trouble
speaking. However, it’s important to recognize symptomatic differences, which
can steer you toward appropriate and timely treatment, says Dr. Hirschl.
These differences include:
Rapid onset: Stroke occurs Repeat occurrences: Migraines are Knowing how
suddenly without any ongoing and can occur several times to separate the
advanced signs. a month. symptoms can
do more than
Weakness: Facial drooping, Pain: Migraines usually are save your day,
weakness and numbness accompanied by pain, while most
on one side of the body are strokes are not (though hemorrhagic it can save
more common in stroke. strokes can have painful symptoms). your life.
Knowing their family medical history can help guide migraine sufferers toward
the right treatment decisions, says Dr. Hirschl. If your family has a history of
stroke, and your symptoms are very different from previous migraines, you
should seek immediate medical attention.
Find out your risk of a stroke using the scorecard at OrlandoHealth.com/Stroke.
5ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Not All Carbs
Are Created Equal
By Benjamin Kaplan, MD, Internal Medicine Physician at Orlando Health
Rice, pasta, fruits and vegetables. These foods are
all carbohydrates — but they don’t share the same
nutritional benefits for your body. You’ve probably heard
the terms “good carbs” and “bad carbs” — it’s true that
some forms of carbohydrates are better for you than
others. Here’s what you should know:
Carbs 101
Along with fat and protein, carbohydrates form one of three main nutrient groups.
Our bodies convert absorbed carbs into glucose to use for energy. When our bodies
get their fill of glucose, we store the excess in two ways: in our muscles, liver and
kidneys or as fat for future use.
The two main types of carbohydrates are simple carbs and complex carbs. Simple
carbs are sugars found naturally in foods such as fruits and milk. They also are found
in foods with processed and refined sugars such as candy, table sugar, syrups and
soft drinks. While simple carbs are easily digestible and provide quick energy, not all
simple carbs are good for you. The refined sugars are the culprits to stay away from
because they contain a lot of calories with no essential nutrients.
6ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Levels of Carbs
To stay healthy, focus on consuming
mostly low and some medium
GI foods, while reducing your
consumption of high GI foods.
Complex Carbs and Fiber Low GI Foods:
Complex carbs make up foods with starch and fiber, Beans, chickpeas, lentils
including vegetables, whole grains, beans, potatoes and Bran cereals
corn. One of the benefits of fiber is that it holds things
in the gut, such as cholesterol, simple carbs and water. Green vegetables
Holding cholesterol in the gut helps to fight plaque Most fruits
build-up in the arteries and heart disease. Skim milk
Fiber also slows down the digestion of simple carbs, Sweet potatoes
which helps prevent blood-sugar spikes. This is why
consuming fruit juices isn’t as healthy as consuming Medium GI Foods:
whole fruit. Juicing removes the pulp, which contains all
of the fiber. Bananas
Brown, wild or basmati rice
Your recommended amount of fiber varies according
to your age and gender, but the average daily diet of Multigrain or rye bread
2,000 calories should include at least 28 grams of fiber Oat breakfast cereals
per day. Ideal sources for this are vegetables, beans,
fruits and whole grains. Quinoa
Why the Glycemic Index Matters Sweet corn
To make sure you choose the healthiest carbs, it’s High GI Foods:
important to understand a food’s glycemic index (GI),
the value assigned to it based on how the food affects Candy and cookies
your blood sugar. Carbohydrates with a high GI will High-sugar beverages
raise your blood sugar faster and more intensely than
foods with a lower GI. A good rule of thumb is that if Pizza
it’s white, it has a higher GI. Pretzels and corn chips
Short grain white rice
Keeping your blood sugar at a steady level is important Sweetened fruit juices
for everyone, but especially those with diabetes or
other chronic health conditions. Large spikes in blood White bread
glucose over time can lead to diabetes, heart disease White potatoes
and other health problems.
White pasta
Find more articles about health and nutrition at
7ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
of Women’s Health Care
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz,
Editorial Contributor
Women are
part of an
movement that
only within the
past 30 years has
recognized their
specific wellness
and treatment.
8ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Before that sea change, women were “It’s like an OB trauma team. Truly they More Than Patients
considered healthier and less-stressed are, many times, on the cusp of a life-and-
than men. Clinical studies that helped death situation. They practice simulation As part of this healthcare revolution,
propel these myths were based on men’s training and make sure everybody knows women have evolved into more than
health statistics “with the assumption what their role is in an emergency patients, says Swanson. They’ve emerged
that women’s health issues were the situation. as informed, committed healthcare
same,” says Kathy Swanson, who began consumers who help shape the network
her career at Orlando Health in 1977 “There are difficult clinical situations that that keeps their children, spouses, parents
and witnessed this shift. In reality, “they happen here. Most of the time, everything and siblings well, and then navigate it
are not,” she says. A dedicated focus goes smoothly, but in those moments when any one of them gets sick.
on women’s health has revealed when it doesn’t, you want to be in a place
that women have higher instances that can quickly assemble the highest skill To build this network, women seek out
of heart disease than men and the level to take care of these moms and their long-term partnerships with their doctors,
effects of certain kinds of cancer are babies.” from maternity care and pediatrics through
more significant. These observations, specialty care. Swanson thinks of this as
among many, have changed the course Specialties and subspecialties are no “relationship-driven care,” a significant
for prevention and therapy. longer an exception in women’s health. component in advancing women’s health.
Rather, they are the new norm. “We have
Among the changes is care that’s more to keep up with the changing demands of “A lot of time is spent correcting health
specialized and focused on the unique medicine. It’s becoming more and more information,” she says, “because people
— and sometimes surprising — health specialized,” says Swanson. For example, Google everything or receive their
needs of women. at Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital information through social media. It’s
for Women & Babies, specialties range important that our practitioners are their
While these changes have created a sense from high-risk OB and neonatal care to care partners to make sure that they have
of predictability in routine procedures, fetal surgical interventions to women’s correct health information.”
such as childbirth, they’ve also placed cancer care.
greater emphasis on preparing for and Women are usually the decision makers
managing the unexpected. Minimally invasive surgical procedures or head the entire family’s healthcare
and technologies, such as robotic surgery, network. They oversee health matters for
Handling the Expected have contributed to the changing face of their husbands, children and extended
and the Unexpected women’s health. Just a decade ago, certain family members. However, they often
surgical procedures often required a week- don’t prioritize their own health needs, she
“The birthing process generally goes long stay in the hospital, says Swanson. adds. “As women, typically, we put other
very smoothly. However, in a matter of With today’s advancements, that week- people first, put our kids first,” she says.
minutes, the unexpected can happen,” long stay can decrease to 12 hours or less, “You would never think of putting off a
says Swanson. That’s where advances enabling women to return to their families, surgery for your child, but you’ll put off
in research, training and technology careers and lives much faster. In addition, your hysterectomy until you can fit it in.
come into play as they shape the multi- “minimally invasive surgery means less
specialty expertise of OB-GYN teams scarring, less pain and faster recovery. “We put other people’s
that include physicians, surgeons, nurses, We’ve also been able to enhance fertility,” needs ahead of ours daily.
perinatologists and anesthesiologists. In adds Swanson. “It’s a great, great thing.” We must take care of
emergency situations, these specialists ourselves first to better take
“come together within seconds to care care of our families and pass
for the unexpected,” says Swanson, who down healthy practices to
retired as the president of Orlando Health our children.”
Arnold Palmer Medical Center in February.
Find more articles about women’s health at OrlandoHealthBlog.com.
9ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
For Your Dedication and Service
We are sincerely grateful, Kathy, for the care and compassion you have shown to
our patients — the women, babies and children — and their families as well as the
physicians, nurses and all our team members. As president of Orlando Health
Arnold Palmer Medical Center, you demonstrated a steadfast commitment that truly
has been inspiring.
We wish you all the best as you embark on this new chapter of your life.
While you may have left your role as a senior vice president at Orlando Health,
we know the legacy of your tremendous leadership will remain with us.
We offer our heartfelt congratulations to
Kathy Swanson on her retirement and 40-year
career with Orlando Health.
Kathy Swanson
Stress — it’s a part of everyday
life. But do you know the many
ways stress can harm your health?
In this special-edition Stress Guide,
we take an in-depth look at how
stress affects the body and what
you can do to reduce its impact.
We’ll equip you with positive
strategies — from meditation and
breathing techniques to a stress-
busting grocery list — to help
you manage stress in
healthy ways.
11ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor Headache Senses Adrenalin
Whether you find yourself Over time, feeling heightens your sight,
facing a minor fender-bender, a looming constant muscle hearing and other senses.
deadline or a fast-approaching locomotive, tension in your neck
can cause your head
any stressful event can to ache as well.
trigger a series of well-
coordinated, nearly Jaw The fight-or-flight tension includes the
instantaneous reactions in
your body. Often known as the “fight- muscles in the jaw and can cause clenching of
the teeth. Stress also can trigger teeth-grinding.
or-flight” response, this process evolved
as a survival mechanism for humans and Lungs Adrenalin causes the small airways in
other mammals to react quickly to life-
threatening situations, helping them to the lungs to open wider, allowing the lungs to take
fight off danger or escape to safety. in more oxygen. The body needs more oxygen to
fuel the fight-or-flight response, which can cause
While the stressors may have changed you to start breathing more rapidly. In severe
over time, the body’s response has not. cases, it may even lead to hyperventilating.
Dr. Ray Lebeda, family medicine physician
with Orlando Health Physician Associates, Blood Adrenalin, the initial stress
identifies how different areas of the body
are affected by and respond to stress. hormone released, triggers the release
of blood sugar (glucose) and fats from
temporary storage sites in the body. These
nutrients pour into the bloodstream,
bringing a burst of energy to many areas of
the body.
Digestive System Cortisol stops
nonessential body functions, including suppressing
the digestive system, so that more energy can go
toward fighting or fleeing instead of digesting food
properly. This can lead to an upset stomach, feeling
that knot in the pit of your stomach or even having
that “gut feeling.”
12ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Brain Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, enhances the brain’s use of glucose and
can help you focus on a problem while ignoring everything else that’s happening around
you. This also explains why some people are able to stay calm and in control during a
crisis. Extra oxygen is also sent to the brain, increasing alertness. However, excessive
cortisol can kill nerve cells in a crucial area of the brain that helps with memory. This
can cause you to forget things when you’re feeling stressed.
Heart Adrenalin causes the heart to beat faster than normal, pushing
blood through the heart and to the muscles and other vital organs as the
body prepares for action. Pulse rate and blood pressure also go up.
Hunger Several factors can trigger stress eating. Feeling anxious can cause
you to crave chocolate or carbohydrates, both of which will cause a release of
serotonin, a feel-good chemical, in the brain. And even though it’s short-
term, those calorie- and fat-heavy foods make us feel better. Some research
also indicates that stress might increase the hunger hormones.
Palms and Underarms
Your body wants to cool off, in
case you need to start the flight
response, causing you to perspire.
Muscles The fight-or-flight response causes muscles to tense
up, as your body prepares itself to either fight the danger or escape
from it. That constant tension can worsen existing muscular conditions
or cause new muscle pain.
Skin The fight-or-flight reaction pushes blood flow to the muscles, and
thus away from the skin. This change in blood flow can either make you look
paler or flush, depending on the person. For some, stress triggers a release of
histamine, which can cause hives or rashes.
If you have concerns about how you may be responding to stress, talk with
a primary care physician about possible treatment or management options.
Locate a doctor at OrlandoHealth.com/PrimaryCare.
13ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor
The brain’s response to acute stress is amazing, triggering a series of instinctive reactions to
ready the body for fight — or flight. And when the perceived danger or threat passes, stress
hormones go back to normal levels, and your body returns to normal function.
But when stressors are constant or long-term, the stress-response system stays on and can
negatively affect most body processes. Our bodies are designed to handle occasional acute
stress, but not for long, says Dr. Charles Lerner, an internal medicine physician with Orlando
Health Physician Associates. Chronic stress can take a serious toll on our physical and
psychological health.
14ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Dr. Lerner cites these as the most common health problems caused by chronic stress:
DCaisredaisoevascular Gastrointestinal Immune,
With acute stress, changes to heart and For any who have experienced it, and Infectious
blood vessel functions serve an immediate, there is no doubt that acute stress Disorders
but temporary, need. Chronic stress, affects the digestive system and
however, can lead to structural and can cause stomach pain, nausea Research shows that chronic stress can
irreversible changes. Your body may think and even diarrhea. Chronic stress can lead to immune dysregulation, resulting in
it needs to maintain a faster heart rate and affect the motility of the gastrointestinal low-grade inflammation, delayed wound
high blood pressure, and the heart muscles system, including how fast food moves healing, poor response to vaccines and
can become thicker. That, together with through and what nutrients are absorbed increased susceptibility to infections. It also
constant elevated levels of stress hormones, in the intestines, and can lead to chronic can worsen existing infections and viruses.
can take a toll, putting you at increased risk constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, reflux Allergies and autoimmune diseases may be
for heart attack, stroke and heart failure. or bloating as well as severe stomach pain exacerbated.
Long-term stress also causes immune or ulcers.
changes that can lead to atherosclerosis — Because stress can affect the regulation of
the build-up of fatty substances in arteries EDnisdoorcdreirnse inflammation, conditions such as asthma,
— an underlying source of cardiac disease. inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatoid
In response to the release of arthritis may intensify. The inflammatory
Muscle Pain stress hormones, the liver response also makes it harder to fight off
produces more glucose (blood infections, making symptoms worse.
Sudden stress causes the body’s sugar) to provide energy needed for a fight-
muscles to tense up to protect or-flight reaction. For most, the body is able Concerned that stress has affected
against injury and pain. When to reabsorb any extra blood sugar, even with your heart, digestive system or
that stress ends, muscle tension repeated stresses. But for some, especially immune system? Locate a specialist at
is released. Chronic stress can those vulnerable to type 2 diabetes, all that OrlandoHealth.com/Physician-Finder.
stimulate the muscles to remain in a state of extra blood sugar can lead to diabetes. There
readiness, and when muscles are tight and is also evidence that chronic stress can
tense for long periods of time, it can worsen destroy beta cells in the pancreas, causing
existing muscular conditions or cause new type 1 diabetes.
muscle pain. That constant tension can lead
to back pain and myalgia, and both tension
and migraine headaches are associated with
chronic muscle tension in the shoulders,
neck and head.
15ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
WOMENStress and Fertility
By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor
Chronic stress can disrupt the fertility cycle,
from the speed and shape of sperm to
the frequency of ovulation. While experts
don’t fully understand how this happens, it
is widely believed that high levels of stress
hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol
play a key role.
For men, recent research has shown a link between high levels of stress and
low sperm count and more sperm that are abnormally shaped or have low
motility. One theory is that stress may somehow influence the hormones or
damage the cells needed to produce healthy sperm.
Coping mechanisms used to deal with stress — such as smoking, alcohol
use and overeating — also have been linked to lower male fertility, says
Dr. Jason Lemoine, a urologist with Orlando Health Physicians Urology
Group. These lifestyle factors can cause a decrease in testosterone levels,
and sperm count and motility. Chronic stress also can reduce energy levels,
which can decrease libido and the desire for intercourse — a definite
fertility disrupter.
Those same stress-related lifestyle factors can affect female fertility, says
Dr. Meredith Watson-Locklear, an OB-GYN with Orlando Health Physician
Associates. High levels of adrenaline and cortisol can inhibit not only libido
but the release of important sex hormones, which help regulate ovulation.
When women ovulate less regularly, it’s difficult to pinpoint the best
timeframe for conception. But even overcoming that obstacle, stress may
contribute to problems with fertilization and implantation in the uterus.
For couples who move forward with infertility treatment, adds Dr. Watson-
Locklear, those processes and procedures can add a level of stress that can
decrease their success rate.
If you are experiencing fertility issues, talk with your doctor about
stress-reducing techniques and when to see a specialist.
ChooseHealth 16 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Lower Your Stress Level
in 10 Minutes
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
Everyone experiences stress. Whether it’s short-
term stress from getting caught in a traffic jam
or long-term concerns over finances, the more
stress you have, the more it can affect your
health and well-being.
We spend plenty of time feeling overloaded by stress. Sometimes all
we need is a few minutes to slow down, reevaluate why we are stressed
and make a conscious choice to relax, says Diane Robinson, PhD, a
neuropsychologist with the Integrative Medicine Department at Orlando
Health UF Health Cancer Center. Fortunately, there are some surprisingly
quick and fun ways you can cope with stress that take 10 minutes or less.
Practice Your Aromatherapy Take a Walk Bring Your Pup
Studies show that Walking helps your body Take that walk a step
Slowing down your specific essential oils produce endorphins — further. Bring your dog
breathing is one of the used in aromatherapy Mother Nature’s “feel along, says Dr. Benjamin
simplest ways to de- can help relieve stress, good” chemical — and Kaplan, an internal
stress. One technique relax the body and releases some of the medicine physician
is known as Sama Vritti promote better sleep. physical tension building with Orlando Health
or “equal breathing.” Essential oils such as up in your muscles. Physician Associates.
Pay attention to how lavender, bergamot, In addition, exposure Walking your dog
you breathe. Inhale and ylang ylang, clary sage to sunshine helps our helps reduce stress
count to four, hold it and jasmine can be bodies manufacture levels and can increase
briefly, then exhale and diffused into the air or vitamin D, a natural oxytocin levels, another
count to four. Slowing applied to acupressure stress buster that stress-busting “happy”
your breathing tells your points on your body. regulates serotonin. hormone.
brain to stop releasing
stress chemicals. Find more ways to lower stress levels at OrlandoHealthBlog.com.
17ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
When we feel stressed-out, many of us reach
for food to improve our mood. But foods
and moods are connected by more than a
psychological need for comfort. They are
linked through stress-driven changes that
occur in our bodies.
Consider this scenario:
A young person in his second semester of college feels
overwhelmed by his studies, which causes stress. This stress
persists for months. He craves fatty and sugary foods, and finds
that when he eats them, he feels better — temporarily. Ultimately,
his donut-induced mood and energy crash, so he frequently snacks
on even more fatty and sugary foods. Why?
That’s the brain’s way of handling longer-term stress. It releases
different types of hormones that increase hunger. One, known as
cortisol, is a hunger hormone released during extended periods of
stress. Not surprisingly, cortisol is often associated with weight gain.
Does this mean that mood controls food? Not necessarily, says Lauren
Popeck, a registered dietitian with Orlando Health. We can
actually use food to balance mood, she says, especially during
times of stress. Certain food choices contain nutrients that can
decrease stress, naturally, and help keep hunger hormones in
check. She suggests a 3R food strategy (relax, regulate and
revitalize) to manage the effects of stress on your body.
ChooseHealth 18 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Follow the 3Rs and choose from these foods to: Trifecta Foods
Relax Leafy greens • Nuts • Seeds
Green, black and white teas contain L-theanine, an amino Why pick one, when you can
acid found in tea leaves, which can promote relaxation, have all three? These foods
reduce stress and improve sleep. Choose decaffeinated contain a triple shot of nutrients
varieties to avoid further stimulation and stress. — magnesium, GABA and B
vitamins — to help you relax and
Leafy greens, nuts, seeds and beans contain both magnesium and GABA regulate your stress.
(gamma amino butyric acid), for a double dose of ingredients that fight
stress and anxiety. Magnesium also is found in whole grains and peas, while Don’t Feed Stress
GABA is a key component of oats, citrus fruits, bananas and brown rice.
Popeck of Orlando Health
Dark chocolate that’s at least 70 percent cacao can help reduce levels of the recommends these strategies
stress hormone cortisol and decrease anxiety. to keep your food from fueling
more stress:
• Stay away from foods high
Complex carbohydrates encourage the development of in saturated fat and trans fat.
serotonin, which helps regulate mood and calm nerve They’ll make you feel sluggish
impulses. Foods to focus on include sweet potatoes, and are linked to lower
minestrone soup, sautéed veggies over brown rice, beans metabolism and weight gain.
and lentils, and oatmeal with fruit.
• Limit caffeine.
Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, helps regulate stress
hormones. You can find it in citrus fruits, strawberries, cantaloupe, red bell • Don’t skip meals.
peppers and papaya.
• And, of course, avoid sugary
B vitamins provide energy, promote serotonin and maintain nervous system foods. The temporary energy
function. They are abundant in leafy greens, fish, nuts and seeds. boost and stress relief that
sugar creates is followed by a
Revitalize blood-sugar crash. This can
cause more sugar cravings
Inflammation-fighting, brain-boosting Omega 3 fatty acids and irritability.
are found in walnuts, ground flax seeds, chia seeds, salmon
and sardines.
Resveratrol — a natural phenol found in red wine, grape skins and berries —
can decrease inflammation and neurological decline.
Turmeric, a spice, has the proven benefits of improving long- and short-term
attention, memory, mood and alertness.
For more nutrition news, visit OrlandoHealthBlog.com.
ChooseHealth 19 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Managing the
Stress of Uncertainty
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
By nature, people are creatures of habit.
We feel like we’re in control of our lives,
especially when things go our way. However,
when life feels uncertain, we can lose our sense
of control, creating stress and anxiety.
Stress is far more than an emotional There is no way to remove uncertainty from our lives. However, we
state of mind. It’s a combination can manage how much power stress has over us physically and
of thoughts, words and physical emotionally. These strategies can help keep uncertainty stress in
changes to our brains and bodies check.
— a “brain-body connection”
that influences our emotions and Choose Your Dwelling: We often dwell on issues we cannot control
behaviors, says Diane Robinson, and worst-case scenarios. Counter uncertainty by focusing on
PhD, a neuropsychologist with the factors you can control, such as planning this week’s meals and
Integrative Medicine Department at other routines.
Orlando Health UF Health Cancer
Center. And, each of us reacts Take Care of You: It might be tempting to reach for comfort foods,
to life’s uncertainties differently. but it’s important to stick to your health routines. Continue to eat
Some are naturally more resilient to healthfully, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.
change, while others are less so.
Reach Out to Your Network: Some of us isolate ourselves when
Some of today’s most notable we’re under stress. Instead, stay connected with trusted friends and
causes of uncertainty include family. They’re your social support network.
politics, the economy, personal
finances, healthcare concerns and Know Where to Go for Help: If managing the stress of uncertainty
natural disasters, say researchers becomes overwhelming, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your
from the American Psychological healthcare team includes experts on stress management and
Association. Events such as these coping skills.
often cause us to over-contemplate
worst-case scenarios.
Discover more ways to manage stress at OrlandoHealthBlog.com.
ChooseHealth 20 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
The Wonders and Benefits
of Robotic Surgery
By Diana Lomont, Editorial Contributor
Imagine a wrist that rotates in a circle while bent at a 90-degree Orlando Health offers
angle. Or fingers that can flex as far backward as forward. Add in robotic surgery for:
a third and fourth arm. No, this isn’t something from the set of a Colorectal surgery
science-fiction movie. It’s a surgical robot that assists doctors in
performing intricate surgery with a level of accuracy and precision General surgery
difficult to attain with the human hand.
During robotic surgery, the surgeon peers at a high-definition, 3-D image transmitted by a tiny oncology surgery
camera (called a laparoscope) from inside the patient’s body. Hand, wrist and finger movements
made at the console are translated into precise movements of miniaturized surgical tools attached Gynecologic surgery
to three or four robotic arms.
Head and neck surgery
Because the wristed instruments bend and rotate at a greater degree than the human hand, the
surgeon is able to perform intricate maneuvers not possible with its human counterpart. Complex Hepatobiliary surgery
surgeries are performed through just a few small incisions.
Pediatric general surgery
For patients, robotic surgery offers several benefits. The smaller incisions can result in less scarring
and minimum trauma to surrounding tissue. Patients require less pain medicine, and robotic Pediatric urologic surgery
surgeries typically have fewer complications. Shorter hospital stays and recovery times mean
patients can return to their normal activities sooner. Thoracic surgery
More than 10 years ago, the first laparoscopic and robotic surgery in Orlando was performed at Urologic surgery
Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children. Today, the healthcare system has specialists
in six types of robotic surgery who train medical professionals from around the world in these Weight loss/
high-tech procedures. In addition, four facilities — Orlando Health Orlando Regional Medical bariatric surgery
Center, Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies, Orlando Health Dr. P. Phillips
Hospital and Orlando Health South Lake Hospital — have been recognized as Centers of Excellence
in Robotic Surgery from the Surgical Review Corporation, a patient-safety organization dedicated to
recognizing and refining surgical care.
“All Orlando Health hospitals offer robotic surgery. Last year, more than 3,000 robotic procedures
were performed at our hospitals, making it one of the most robust robotic surgery programs in the
country,” says Dr. Veronica Schimp, program director of the Orlando Health Advanced Robotic
Surgery Center. “We offer robotic procedures in 11 medical specialties to care for our adult and
pediatric patients.”
For more information about robotic surgery at Orlando Health,
visit OrlandoHealth.com/RoboticSurgery or call 321.841.9365.
21ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Mending At a six-month checkup, however, baby
tHhies HHoealertin Alexander’s pediatrician detected a definite
heart murmur and made an urgent referral to
a pediatric heart specialist at Orlando Health
Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children. An
echocardiogram showed that her son had
a hole in his heart the size of a quarter.
Called an atrial septal defect, Stewart was
born with the same problem but knew of
no one else in her family who had it.
Children born with this issue may
not reveal any symptoms, but if left
uncorrected, the defect can cause serious
heart problems, including heart failure and
stroke, when they reach their 30s and 40s.
With a hole separating the upper two chambers,
By Diana Lomont, Editorial Contributor the heart must work harder and eventually
enlarges and weakens.
When Julia Montgomery Stewart was “He wasn’t gaining the weight that his
pregnant with her second child, she older sister had at his age,” recalls Stewart.
never imagined that she could pass on Dr. Craig Fleishman, the pediatric cardiologist who
a hereditary trait causing her baby to diagnosed Alexander’s condition, recommended that Stewart
and husband Bryan wait a few years until Alexander had a
be born with a hole in his heart. chance to grow. The parents were presented with two options.
One was traditional open-heart surgery, in which the hole would
be stitched together — the procedure Stewart underwent as a child to
repair her heart. The other, newer option was a minimally invasive catheter
procedure that would plug the hole with a device enabling Alexander’s heart
tissue to grow over it, forming a solid wall.
Dr. Fleishman recommended the catheter procedure for Alexander because it’s less
invasive, poses fewer risks than open-heart surgery and has a shorter recovery period.
While doctors at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer perform the procedure on about 50
patients each year, it comes with a small risk of complications. The catheter could
break through a blood vessel, or Alexander could develop fluid around the heart after
the procedure.
ChooseHealth 22 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Stewart and her husband did their research, Within 48 hours of the minimally invasive procedure, Alexander’s parents noticed a major
sought second opinions and visited other improvement in their 4-year-old son’s energy. “He was much more confident and a lot
heart specialists throughout the state. more outgoing,” says his mother. “We wanted him to be 100 percent before going into
What made the decision harder was that kindergarten, and now he is. He has a lot more energy and has grown a lot.”
some surgeons recommended only the
open-heart procedure for a hole as large as The family was so impressed with their experience at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer
Alexander’s. But Stewart wanted to avoid that Stewart delivered her third baby, a little sister for Alexander, right across the street
putting Alexander through such a traumatic at Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies. “For me,” says Stewart,
procedure if possible. He was smaller and
less energetic than other boys his age. “Arnold Palmer Hospital is a place where you can feel comfortable
and know that everything is going to work out.”
The heart team at Orlando Health Arnold
Palmer was confident that the minimally
invasive procedure could be done for
Alexander, but they wanted his parents
to feel 100 percent sure about the approach
they chose. They met with them and
came up with a plan that felt “just right.”
Dr. David Nykanen would start the
procedure with the minimally invasive
approach. The surgical team would be able
to see if the catheter-device method would
work. If they had any doubts, they would
cancel the surgery and schedule an
open-heart procedure to be done by
Dr. William DeCampli.
“They gave us the choice
and they helped us find that
special spot — and it worked,”
recalls Stewart.
For more information about
Orlando Health Arnold Palmer, visit
ChooseHealth 23 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Meet the Newest Doctors
on the Orlando Health Team*
Anita Sumith David Lisa Cox
Ahmed, MD Aleti, MD Duany, MD Gibbons, PhD
321.841.6444 407.354.0717 ORLANDO CAMPUS
Board certified In November, 321.841.3820
A family medicine in cardiology, Dr. Duany joined
physician, Dr. Ahmed interventional Orlando Health Dr. Gibbons joined
joined Orlando cardiology, Physician Associates Orlando Health
Health Physician echocardiography as a board-certified Arnold Palmer
Associates in and nuclear cardiology, pediatrician. Hospital for
October. She earned Dr. Aleti joined the He earned his Children as a clinical
her medical degree at Orlando Health Heart medical degree neuropsychologist in
American University Institute Cardiology at Universidad October. She earned
of Antigua School of Group in January. He Autonomus de her doctorate degree
Medicine (Antigua earned his medical Guadalajara in clinical psychology
and Barbuda) and degree from Osmania (Mexico) and with a specialization
completed her Medical College completed his in neuropsychology
medical residency (India) and completed pediatric residency from Rosalind
at Western Reserve both a medical at the University of Franklin University
Health Education residency and general Florida College of of Medicine and
(Youngstown, OH). cardiology fellowship Medicine. Dr. Duany Science in Chicago.
at University of is also board eligible She completed her
Arkansas for Medical in sports medicine. internship in clinical
Science (Little In addition to neuropsychology
Rock). He went on to English, Dr. Duany at the University
complete a fellowship speaks Spanish and of Florida Health
in interventional Portuguese. Science Center
cardiology at Baystate (Gainesville) and her
Medical Center/Tufts residency in pediatric
University School of neuropsychology
Medicine (Springfield, at the Medical
MA). College of Wisconsin
ChooseHealth 24 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
The doctors at Orlando Health are part of a collaborative
network that works toward one common goal: your health.
Robert Robert Pamela Alina Meredith Watson-
Middleton, MD Olson, MD Ponce, MD Stanica, MD Locklear, MD
407.354.0717 407.614.8320 407.354.0717 407.354.0717 407.635.3024
Board certified Dr. Olson joined Dr. Ponce joined Board certified Dr. Watson-Locklear
in pediatrics, Orlando Health Orlando Health in pediatrics, joined Orlando Health
Dr. Middleton joined Physician Associates Physician Associates Dr. Stanica joined Physician Associates
Orlando Health as a board- in November as Orlando Health in November. A
Physician Associates certified family a board-certified Physician Associates board-certified OB-
in November. He medicine physician pediatrician. She in November. She GYN, she earned her
earned his medical in December. earned her medical attended medical medical degree from
degree from the He earned his degree from the school at Victor the Brody School
University of medical degree Ohio State University Babes University of Medicine at East
Michigan Medical from University College of Medicine of Medicine and Carolina University
School (Ann Arbor). of Minnesota (Columbus). She Pharmacy (Romania) (Greenville, NC).
He completed his Medical School completed her where she completed She completed
pediatric residency (Minneapolis) pediatric residency a residency in allergy her internship and
at Henry Ford and completed a at Orlando Health and immunology. residency in obstetrics
Hospital (Detroit) medical internship Arnold Palmer She completed her and gynecology at
where he served and fellowship at Hospital for Children. pediatric residency Orlando Health
as chief resident. Southern Illinois Dr. Ponce’s clinical at Flushing Hospital Winnie Palmer
Dr. Middleton is University Center interests include Medical Center Hospital for Women
a fellow of the for Family Medicine asthma management, (Queens, NY). In & Babies. Dr. Watson-
American Academy (Quincy). obesity prevention addition to English, Locklear has a special
of Pediatrics and and lactation Dr. Stanica speaks interest in minimally
a member of the counseling. Spanish, Romanian invasive gynecologic
American Medical and Hungarian. surgery and is certified
Association. in da Vinci® robotic
*New doctors from
October 2017 through
February 2018
ChooseHealth 25 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Healthy West Orange
Strives to Make Healthy Living Accessible
By Diana Lomont, Editorial Contributor
Finding ways to make healthy living practical and fun is at the
heart of Healthy West Orange (HWO), a movement to make
west Orange County the healthiest community in the nation.
Not everyone can find the time or energy to run a 5K. But anyone can do a virtual 5K over
the course of a month and track their progress walking, running, biking or swimming, says
Tracy Swanson, executive director of the West Orange Healthcare District. Using digital
tools and social connections, HWO encourages residents to eat well, stay active and enjoy
life no matter their age or activity level.
“We define getting healthy in pretty broad terms — it’s not always doing CrossFit or
training for a marathon,” says Swanson. “It can be cooking at home, choosing healthy
ingredients, gardening or even playing outside with your kids. Or if you’re in
the older demographic and not able to go out and exercise as much, it’s
mindfulness and volunteering, finding ways to plug into your community.”
At the HealthyWestOrange.org website, residents can track health
goals and receive updates on health events, tools, contests and
campaigns. For example, a downloadable “Rescue Resolution”
sheet lets users track their own list of healthy goals that can
be taped to the refrigerator. Videos on the website feature
residents sharing their own health motivators and inspiration.
Launched in September 2016, HWO is supported by its
three founding champions, the West Orange Healthcare
District, Orlando Health – Health Central Hospital and the
Observer Media Group. HWO’s vision is to make west
Orange County the healthiest community in
the country based on benchmarks from the
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s program,
County Health Rankings & Roadmaps.
To achieve this goal, the organization is
building relationships with businesses, schools,
government and other community groups to provide
access to health-focused programs, from free screenings and
educational classes to health challenges with prizes. Collectively, they aim
to inspire healthy behaviors, champion wellness programs, unite health-
minded organizations and advocate for healthy community decisions.
Learn more at HealthyWestOrange.org.
ChooseHealth 26 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
A Depressed MEN ’S HEA LTH
Dad Can
Lead to
By Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD, Symptoms to look for include: Anger and
Co-Director of The PUR Clinic at hostility Over
Orlando Health South Lake Hospital Fatigue A constant focus on negative
time, a feeling of
While the link thoughts can lead to fatigue. constantly being
between depression on edge can build
in mothers and their Sleep problems For some, the up and lead to
children has long acting out verbally
been understood, the negative thoughts keep them awake. or physically.
effect of depression For others, sleep is an escape from
in fathers has been their anxiety. Substance abuse The attitude that
men should be able take care of their own
However, a recent study reveals that if a problems may lead to using alcohol or
father experiences depression, the odds drugs as a coping strategy.
of his child developing behavioral or
emotional problems increase by up Fathers should seek treatment for their depression for their own benefit as well as that
to 70 percent. These problems include of their families. It is encouraging to know that, by emboldening fathers to get help if
feelings of sadness or anxiety, discipline they are depressed, healthcare providers may be able to reduce the risk of depression in
issues at school and clashing with children and teens.
classmates or family members.
If you have concerns or are experiencing symptoms of depression, talk with your
One potential benefit of this research is primary care provider.
that it may be a motivator for fathers to
seek treatment. Unfortunately, it is well-
chronicled that men tend to hide their
feelings, especially negative ones that
might include symptoms of depression.
From boyhood, many men are taught to
suppress their feelings, making it more
difficult to recognize their depression.
ChooseHealth 27 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Not actual patients.
Childbirth Education
Here is a sampling of classes offered by Prenatal Breastfeeding
Orlando Health. Please call 321.8HEALTH Introduces women to breastfeeding basics: the benefits, how
(843.2584) for more information on how to breast milk is made, how to know if your baby is getting enough
register. For classes available at Orlando Health milk, prevention and treatment of common breastfeeding
South Lake Hospital, call 352.241.7109. problems and pumping, collecting and storage of breast milk.
$40 per couple.
Baby Inside You
Specifically designed to provide information during a woman’s Mothers Matter
second trimester. Topics: relaxing techniques, pre-term labor An emotional support group for pregnant and postpartum women.
recognition, nutrition, exercise, etc. $40 per couple. The group offers peer-to-peer emotional support facilitated by a
licensed clinician specializing in perinatal mood disorders. No fee.
Preparation for Childbirth For information, call 321.841.5615.
Access to our eight-chapter, interactive, web-based e-class that
uses videos, personal birth stories, animations, activities and Basic Infant Care
games to teach essential information parents need to know to A lecture-style class where parents-to-
prepare for their baby’s birth. $100 per couple. be learn what they need to know about
caring for a newborn. Information about
Prenatal Yoga normal behaviors and parenting included.
Prepare your mind and body for the arrival of your baby in a one- $40 per couple.
hour class designed for expectant mothers.
Mother-Baby Connection
Formerly known as Moms Meeting Moms, the Mother-Baby
Connection is designed for mothers with babies from birth to
9 months. Meet other moms and receive interesting information
from our expert guest speakers. $10 fee.
ChooseHealth 28 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Cancer Support Community Upcoming
To learn more about these and other cancer support groups and classes, call 321.841.5056.
Most sessions are held at the Ambulatory Care Center, 22 W. Underwood St.,
2nd Floor, Orlando, FL 32806. Please call to register and confirm.
Breast Cancer Support Open Art Studio
This group is open to any Cancer patients and caregivers
woman at any stage of her join artist Angilyn Watson
breast-cancer journey. for creative art time. No art
experience necessary, just
the desire to participate and
surprise yourself.
Caregivers Support Group Laughter Yoga Women’s Cancer Stop the Bleed
Drop by to relax with fellow Join the world’s happiest Support Group Training Classes
cancer caregivers. Learn workout and reap multiple Come for support and to
ways to cope with stress, benefits, including improving connect with other women Occur Once Every Three
while enjoying snacks and breathing, managing your who have been diagnosed Months (Quarterly)
companionship. stress and boosting your with cancer. This group covers
creativity. You only need a a wide range of topics and Visit OrlandoHealth.com/
The Inspiration Choir sense of humor. occasionally features guest StoptheBleed for more
An informal singing group speakers. information.
for cancer patients and
caregivers interested in having
fun. No prior singing or choir
experience necessary.
Support, Classes & Programs
To learn more about these and other support groups and classes, call 321.8HEALTH (843.2584). Smoking Cessation
Please call to register and confirm. Classes
Bariatric Weight Loss Support Group Quit Smoking Now
Postoperative patients are strongly encouraged to attend this and Tools to Quit
group. We also welcome preoperative patients who are interested
in learning more about the lifestyle changes necessary to be Offered on select days at
successful with weight loss. various Orlando Health
Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Information Session Stroke Support Group
Learn more about the bariatric surgical options available, find Offered to both stroke For specific dates and times of
out if you are a candidate for surgery and speak with one of our survivors and their caregivers. these sessions, visit
bariatric surgeons at this free information session. Register at Join us for these open-forum
OrlandoHealth.com/WeightLoss. gatherings, giving participants OrlandoHealth.com/QuitSmoking.
an opportunity to share stories
Pre-Operation Joint Replacement and experiences. Meets on
This patient education class provides an overview of what you the last Wednesday of each
month. For more information,
need to know about having joint replacement surgery. The visit OrlandoHealth.com/
content will cover general information to prepare you for your StrokeSupport.
surgery, recovering in the hospital, planning for your safe
discharge and rehabilitation, including physical therapy.
ChooseHealth 29 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Trauma Bay Expansion Planned
at Orlando Health ORMC
By Diana Lomont, Editorial Contributor
As Central Florida continues to grow, so does its number of trauma cases.
“It’s very typical on Friday and Saturday nights that the Trauma Bay is full
from just one carload of people. Central Florida is a busy area and the
population is rapidly growing,” says Dr. Joseph Ibrahim, trauma medical
director at the Level One Trauma Center of Orlando Health Orlando
Regional Medical Center (ORMC).
To keep pace with the community’s expanding The expansion will allow Trauma Bay staff To learn more about
needs, Orlando Health ORMC plans to double to rapidly add 10 more treatment areas in supporting Central Florida’s
the size of its Trauma Bay, where the most response to a mass casualty. Electrical power
urgent patients are treated. and gas lines for medical equipment will be only Level One Trauma
installed in the ceiling, where they will be out Center, contact Thomas
Originally built more than 25 years ago, the of the way when not in use, but immediately Bolick, director, Orlando
Trauma Bay at Orlando Health ORMC was available should the need arise.
designed to treat 1,000 patients a year. Today, Health Foundation at
that number has increased to more than The renovation also will provide more privacy 321.841.5194 or
5,100 trauma patients annually. An increase in at the ambulance entrance and upgrade the Thomas.Bolick@
trauma patients, coupled with needs identified communications technology within staff
in the aftermath of the Pulse tragedy, meeting rooms and the Incident Command OrlandoHealth.com.
are driving the Trauma Bay’s
expansion plans. Center where disasters
are managed.
ChooseHealth 30 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Arnold Palmer Hospital Services —
Expanding Into Your Community
By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor
For nearly 30 years, Orlando Health Brought to you by:
Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children
has been caring for Central Florida’s
kids. Now this trusted name in
children’s health care is further
extending its reach, bringing new
and enhanced care options closer
to where patients live.
“We’re taking the great work we do here at the hospital and
moving it further into our communities,” says Cary D’Ortona,
chief operating officer of Orlando Health Arnold Palmer.
“That includes our primary care network of pediatricians and
specialist satellite offices as well as our renowned emergency
care. And they’re all backed by the strength of the Orlando
Health Arnold Palmer standard of care.”
All part of the same healthcare family, the pediatric
specialists of Orlando Health Arnold Palmer work
hand-in-hand supporting the providers at Orlando
Health Physician Associates’ 22 pediatric primary
care practices. “We also are increasing access to
those specialists, with satellite offices expanding into
neighborhood locations, including Maitland, Dr. Phillips,
Summerport and soon the Lake County – Four Corners
area,” adds D’Ortona.
The Orlando Health Arnold Palmer experience also is
reaching into Orlando Health ERs, at both community
hospitals and the freestanding Emergency Rooms that will
begin opening across the region this year. New features here
will include kid-friendly waiting areas and treatment rooms
as well as dedicated pediatric teams delivering the child-
centered care that has made Orlando Health Arnold Palmer
a national leader. Orlando Health Dr. P. Phillips Hospital
will be the first hospital to offer this enhanced pediatric
service later this spring.
31ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Orlando Health South Seminole Hospital
Residents of Seminole County don’t need Orlando Health South Seminole offers Surgeons at Orlando Health South
to go far to find award-winning health care. best-in-class service and technology, Seminole are skilled in the latest
Orlando Health South Seminole Hospital starting with the emergency room. procedures, including robotic and robotic-
has earned three consecutive “A” safety Convenient online ER scheduling is assisted surgery, known for greater
grades from the Leapfrog Group, a national, available at OrlandoHealth.com/ER, precision, less scarring and a shorter
allowing patients to reserve a spot in line recovery time. In addition, patients are
nonprofit advocate for non-life-threatening emergencies. offered a full range of surgical treatments,
for healthcare from knee and hip replacement to
quality and safety. The accredited Chest Pain Center includes surgical oncology and minimally invasive
the latest imaging technology, including gynecologic procedures. A new outpatient
We regularly hear diagnostic catheterization allowing rehabilitation center offers a variety of
from patients cardiologists to view the coronary arteries therapeutic services for patients recovering
who’ve been in hospitals around the of the heart. Available procedures by board- from orthopedic surgery, stroke or sports
country that we stand out as the best. certified cardiologists include angiography, injuries, as well as lymphedema.
They appreciate our comprehensive stent placement and cardiac device
expertise and the kindness and family-like implantation.
environment we provide while they’re here.
For more information about Orlando Health South Seminole,
visit ChooseOrlandoHealth.com.
ChooseHealth 32 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Award-Winning Specialty Care Near You.
2017 2017
Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Orlando Health Arnold Palmer
Hospital for Women & Babies provides Hospital for Children has earned
comprehensive healthcare for all stages national recognition as one of the
of a woman’s life. It has received “Top “Best Children’s Hospitals” by
Teaching Hospital” recognition for meeting rigorous U.S. News & World Report and a
quality and safety standards, and “Magnet” designation “Top Children’s Hospital” by the Leapfrog Group, which
for nursing excellence and high-quality patient care. The measures quality and safety. Orlando Health Arnold Palmer
hospital also has earned national certification in perinatal Hospital offers expertise in virtually all pediatric specialties
care for excellence in prenatal through postpartum care. and is “Magnet Recognized” for nursing excellence and
high-quality patient care.
Orlando Health Orlando Health
Heart Institute
is Central UF Health Cancer
Florida’s premier
cardiovascular Center is one
program. It has
earned a Chest of Florida’s four
Pain Center with
PCI Accreditation state-designated
by the American
College of Cancer Centers
Cardiology (ACC).
Our team of of Excellence and
renowned cardiac
care professionals, the only one in
including specialized heart physicians and surgeons, work
together to create the best possible patient experience. Central Florida. THE ONLY CANCER CENTER OF
experience and
expertise of Orlando Health and University of Florida
Health, you can count on the most advanced treatment
options. Their multidisciplinary teams work together to
determine the best possible treatment for each patient.
ChooseHealth 33 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Orlando Health in the Community
By Cherisse Stover, Editorial Contributor
1 From MLK Day to Heart Month, Orlando Health kicked off 2018
with exciting celebrations in the community.
1 Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade In celebration of the Martin
Luther King Jr. holiday, Orlando Health and YMCA Teen Achievers proudly sponsored
2 and walked in the City of Orlando’s celebratory walk through downtown Orlando.
2 Go Red for Women Cindy Reed, COO of Orlando Health Heart Institute,
chaired the American Heart Association’s 2018 Go Red for Women campaign,
which included an annual luncheon celebrating women’s health during Heart
Month, as well as a healthy cooking competition for local students.
3 3 Leu Gardens Nature Connects® Art with LEGO® Bricks! Orlando Health
Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children is thrilled to sponsor this incredible exhibit at
Leu Gardens featuring larger-than-life sculptures built with LEGO® bricks. See it before
4 it ends on April 22!
4 ACHECF Gala and Awards At this year’s American College of Healthcare
Executives of Central Florida’s (ACHECF) Annual Gala and Awards Presentation,
Rick Smith, COO of Orlando Health – Health Central Hospital and then chapter
president of ACHECF, accepted the Distinguished Fellow’s Award. Orlando Health
5 UF Health Cancer Center received the Inaugural Innovation Award for
demonstrating improvement in patient care, access and satisfaction.
5 Volunteer Project at A Gift for Teaching Twenty Orlando Health team
members volunteered at A Gift for Teaching, a local non-profit whose mission is to
improve public school education by providing resources and materials free to teachers
for their students in need. Our volunteers broke the record for most donations sorted in
one volunteer shift!
Stop the Bleed
In February 2017, Orlando Health Orlando Regional Medical Center’s Level One Trauma Center Team launched
the bleeding control training known as Stop the Bleed. Through our program, medical and non-medical
community members are trained on bleeding control techniques such as how to properly apply a tourniquet and
how to pack a wound to help save lives following man-made or natural mass casualty events. Since the launch,
more than 450 individuals from our community have taken advantage of our free program.
Training classes for the community are held quarterly at Orlando Health ORMC. To learn more, visit
OrlandoHealth.com/StoptheBleed. For questions or to request a training for a company/organization,
email [email protected].
To learn more about how Orlando Health supports the Central Florida community,
see our Community Benefit Report at OrlandoHealth.com/CommunityBenefit.
ChooseHealth 34 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
44 441 46 415
Mount Dora Sanford
Florid 27 429 46
rida Turnpi Lake Mary
a Turnpike 75 Apopka Winter Oviedo
436 Springs 426
434 417
33 27 Altamonte
Flo Maitland 434
Winter Park
50 Winter
ke Garden 408
Ocoee 528
33 50
435 Avalon Park S Orange Ave
Orlando Health Hospitals 429
Emergency Room W Gore St
Medical Pavilions 441
CareSpot Urgent Care Dr. Phillips S Lucerne Terrace 520
Primary Care Practices
Specialty Care Practices 528 Sligh Blvd Kuhl Ave
Outpatient Services* S Hughey Ave
Community Physicians
S Division Ave S Lucerne TerraceW Miller St E Miller St
*Includes Imaging, Rehab, Atlanta Ave
Laboratory and Cancer Centers. 417 417 Kaley St
Celebration 192 95
St. Cloud
17 192
98 Florida Turnpike
Lakeland 27
When it comes to medical care in
Central Florida, Orlando Health
17 has you covered.
Coordinated Concierge for MAILING ADDRESS Non-Profit
Disney Cast Members 1414 Kuhl Ave., MP 56 U.S. Postage
Orlando, FL 32806
OrlandoHealth.com/Disney Permit No. 3459
Orlando, FL
© 2018 Orlando Health
Choose award- Orlando Health didn’t choose to be
winning care. a leader in healthcare for the awards.
We did it for you.
It is our privilege to bring you a family of hospitals and
programs consistently recognized for quality and safety
in patient care. To learn more about our award-winning
care, visit ChooseOrlandoHealth.com.
Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children
Orlando Regional Medical Center