A Mother’s Local Produce
Story of Autism Mindfulness
Health Education Allergies
Classes & Programs Recipes
SoKuitdhneeryn SMtoenne&s
I choose state-of-the-art David Strong
breast reconstruction. President & CEO
Orlando Health
I choose Orlando Health.
Andrew J. Snyder
Orlando Health’s Aesthetic and Senior Vice President,
Reconstructive Surgery Institute offers Marketing & Communications
truly patient-specific breast reconstruction.
This allows our physicians the ability to tailor CHOOSE HEALTH CONTRIBUTORS
every patient’s breast reconstruction to fit
her lifestyle and physical characteristics. PICTURED AT RIGHT LISTED LEFT TO RIGHT:
Danny Betancourt
Women who have already undergone
breast reconstruction elsewhere but have Service Line Marketing Manager
struggled with complications can find Dani Wigle
solace in knowing that our physicians can
help them overcome this obstacle through Brand Marketing Specialist
revisionary breast reconstruction. Tracey Choroco
Our procedures include: Director, Foundation Communications
Jennifer Jones BSN, RN, CNRN
• Immediate, delayed and revisionary
reconstruction Stroke Coordinator, Neuroscience Unit/
Orlando Regional Medical Center
• Implant-based reconstruction Tirrell Johnson, MD
• Own tissue (autologous) reconstruction Medical Oncologist at
using fat from the: UF Health Cancer Center — Orlando Health
Abdomen (DIEP) Rod James
Thigh (PAP, TUG, LTP)
Buttocks (GAP) Director, Brand Marketing
Kim Marcum
• Surgical correction of post-mastectomy
lymphedema Director, Strategic Communications
Naren R. Ramakrishna, MD, PhD
Call 321.8HEALTH (843.2584) Director of Neurologic and
to schedule an appointment.
Pediatric Radiation Oncology at Orlando Health
Not an Lisa Cooper, MS, RD, LD/N
patient. Registered and Licensed Dietitian
Kim Solomon
Physician Relations Manager
Felicia Cavuoto
Service Line Marketing Manager
Amanda Maldonado
Service Line Marketing Manager
Lauren Popeck, RD, LD/N
Registered and Licensed Dietitian
Diane Robinson, PhD
Neuropsychologist at Orlando Health
Diana Lomont
Digital Content Strategist
Lisa Nickchen
Marketing Content Communication Specialist
Beth Smith
Corporate Manager, Community Relations
Jennifer Foley
Manager, Brand Management
Amanda Cooley
Physician Relations Manager
Chelsea Bettmann
Service Line Marketing Manager
We’re happy to have
you back for our second
edition of Orlando
Health Choose Health
In the coming pages, you’ll
find useful information on how
to make the most of spring,
including tips for pursuing a
healthy lifestyle and how to
cook with seasonal produce.
We hope you find these tools
helpful on your journey to
choosing health.
Healthy Spring Guide Men’s Health:
Kidney Stones
5 – 15
Heart Disease New Option for Hip
in Women 17 & Knee Replacement
A Journey from Leading the Charge in
Size 30 to Size 10 Pediatric Neuro-Oncology
18 & 19 30
Recognizing and Upcoming Classes,
Treating Autism Programs & Events
20 & 21 32 & 33
May Is National Stroke Awareness Month
What Is Your Awareness Level?
By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor
Every 40 seconds, someone somewhere in the United States suffers a stroke, making it the nation’s fifth
leading cause of death and the leading cause of long-term disability. Knowing the risks and symptoms can help
prevent stroke and ensure timely treatment when you or a loved one needs it, says Jennifer Jones BSN, RN,
CNRN, Stroke Coordinator, Neuroscience Unit at Orlando Regional Medical Center.
What Is a Stroke? Recognizing the Signs of Stroke
A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is Receiving medical treatment within the first hour after the onset of
interrupted by blocked arteries or a ruptured blood vessel. This stroke symptoms — known as the “golden hour” — increases the
deprives the brain of oxygen and nutrients, causing brain cells chances of survival and lessens the risk of permanent disability.
to rapidly die. Without immediate medical attention, damage Some treatments may be considered beyond the first hour;
can be extensive and possibly permanent or fatal. however, research shows better results if patients get to the hospital
immediately. The F.A.S.T. acronym is an easy way to remember how
Risk Factors to assess and respond to a possible stroke:
Certain factors may increase risk, and some of these are Face Drooping: Does the face droop on
controllable. Regardless, it’s important to understand that a one side when the person smiles?
stroke can occur without warning at any age. Arm Weakness: After raising both arms,
does one arm drift downward?
Potentially controllable Speech Difficulty: Does speech sound
risk factors slurred or garbled?
• High blood pressure Time to Call 911: If the person shows any of these symptoms,
• Diabetes even if they subside, seek immediate medical help.
• Cardiovascular disease
• High cholesterol Emergency Stroke Care
• Obesity
• Excessive alcohol Whenever possible, stroke alert patients should be transported to
a Comprehensive Stroke Center to receive immediate access to
consumption advanced stroke interventions that can enhance survival and recovery.
• Tobacco use
• Atherosclerosis Orlando Regional Medical Center’s (ORMC) designation as a
• Sleep apnea Comprehensive Stroke Center means advanced diagnostic capabilities
• Use of birth control pills and a trained stroke team with neurologists and neurosurgeons
available around the clock. The ORMC Comprehensive Stroke Center
Non-controllable provides a direct connection to our Primary Stroke Centers at
risk factors Dr. P. Phillips Hospital, Health Central Hospital and South Seminole
• Age Hospital, giving residents throughout Central Florida access to
• Personal/family history advanced emergency stroke care.
• Ethnicity
• Genetic factors For information, visit
With the start of
spring comes the
opportunity for
fresh starts in all
areas of our lives —
including our health.
These pages offer
suggestions and
resources to inspire
you to live well as
the year unfolds.
Fresh Is Best
Buying Seasonal and Local Produce
By Lauren Popeck, RD, LD/N, Registered and Licensed Dietitian at Orlando Health
Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is the foundation
of a healthy diet, with a goal of at least five servings of fruits
and vegetables every day. The easiest way to meet this goal
is to fill half your plate with these foods at every meal.
Local produce is an excellent option, especially while it’s Healthy Eating Tips
in season. Low in calories and loaded with fiber, vitamins,
minerals and antioxidants, fresh produce is always a great When your favorite produce is not in season, it’s still important
choice. Fruits and vegetables harvested at the peak of ripeness to fill at least half your plate with fruits and vegetables. They offer
are more flavorful and richer in nutrients than produce picked so many health benefits, regardless of whether you choose fresh,
green and shipped long distances. In fact, some antioxidants, local, seasonal, organic, frozen, dried or canned. Here are some
such as vitamin C, folate and carotenoids, will rapidly decline tips for incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet:
when stored for extended periods of time. Shopping at a local
farmers market — which are plentiful and open year-round here • Buy produce in bulk and preserve it by freezing.
in Central Florida — is a great way to get your whole family
involved in eating healthfully. • Build meals around seasonal produce, whether you are
making a stew, salad or stir-fry. Or try a baked potato bar with
Focusing on foods in season encourages a diverse diet and nutritious toppings such as steamed broccoli, chives, Greek
gives you something different to look forward to each season. yogurt or salsa.
An added benefit of seasonal produce is that it can cost less
than out-of-season produce due to less traveling, storage and • Think color first. If everything on your plate is the same
production expense. color, then your diet is probably not balanced enough.
Every meal should look like a rainbow:
Seasonal Foods Support Your Body’s
Natural Nutritional Needs Eat a vegetable salad at lunch filled with red bell peppers,
carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes. Opt for a fruit salad for
Eating food that’s in season harmonizes with nature’s production dessert or breakfast filled with strawberries, blueberries,
cycle. In the winter, citrus fruits are abundant. These fruits are cantaloupe, kiwi and pineapple.
high in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system. Winter
vegetables, such as carrots, broccoli and spinach, offer comfort • To create balanced meals for your family,
use the plate method:
and are perfect for hot meals, stews, soups and
casseroles. Summer produce, such as stone fruits, For dinner, fill half your plate with an assortment of roasted
provide us with extra beta-carotene that protects vegetables. Brussels sprouts, parsnips and sweet potatoes
us against sun damage. So named because of complement just about anything, so toss them with a bit of
their very large and hard seed, stone fruits olive oil plus fresh herbs, such as rosemary or thyme, and
include peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots grill or roast as a side dish.
and cherries. Summer produce also provides
sweetness for cool summer salads. It really doesn’t take a lot of effort – especially here in
Central Florida – and can even provide a lot of fun, to fit
the fruits and vegetables you need into your everyday diet.
Farmers Markets Abound Here Ask vendors
about the origin
Want to bring some variety, freshness and fun of their produce.
to your food-shopping routine? Shop at a local
farmers market.
Featuring fresh, in-season produce, farmers markets can cost less than out-of-season supermarket
produce. Fruits and vegetables harvested at the peak of ripeness are more flavorful and richer in
nutrients than produce picked green and shipped long distances. Stocking your home with fresh
produce every week also will support the recommended goal of eating at least five servings of fruits
and vegetables every day for optimal health and energy.
“Orlando Health believes every community should have access to a farmers market.
*That’s why we joined forces with the Florida Department of Health in Seminole County to support
the new Goldsboro Farmers Market, ” says Lainie Fox Ackerman, JD, Director, Community Benefit at
Orlando Health. Launched in part with a $25,000 grant from the Orlando Health Community Grant
Program, the market is open every Friday afternoon at the Westside Community Center in Sanford.
For access to a farmers market in Central Florida on any day of the week, check out this list:
Freshfields Farm Orlando Audubon Park Community Market Winter Park Saturday Farmers Market
400 E. Compton St., Orlando 1842 E. Winter Park Rd., Orlando Train Depot
Monday–Saturday: 9:30 am – 6:30 pm 5 – 9 pm 200 W. New England Ave., Winter Park
7 am – 1 pm
Sunday: 10 am – 6 pm TUESDAY
Oviedo Farmers Market @ Lawton House
SUNDAY Kissimmee Valley Farmers Market 200 W. Broadway St., Oviedo
Kissimmee Lakefront Park Highway 426
Celebration Farmers Market 201 Lakeview Dr., Kissimmee Grounds of Historic Lawton House
Lakeside Park 3 – 7 pm 8 am – 1 pm (1st Saturday of month)
631 Sycamore St., Celebration
9 am – 3 pm THURSDAY Lake Mary Farmers Market
101 N. 4th St., Lake Mary
City of Maitland Farmers Market Edgewood Farmers Market 9 am – 1:30 pm
Lake Lily at Maitland Avenue Edgewood City Hall
(intersection of Maitland Avenue & 17-92) 405 Larue Ave., Edgewood Lake Nona Community Farmers Market
9 am – 2 pm 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm Valencia College
12350 Narcoossee Rd., Orlando
Clermont Farmers Market FRIDAY 9 am – 2 pm
685 W. Montrose St.,
Clermont Windermere Farmers Market Winter Garden Farmers Market
9 am – 2 pm 614 Main St., Windermere Downtown Pavilion
9 am – 2 pm 104 S. Lakeview Ave., Winter Garden
Orlando Farmers Market 9 am – 2 pm
Lake Eola Park, Goldsboro Farmers Market
Downtown Orlando Westside Community Center Remember to look online to
South Osceola Avenue 919 S. Persimmon Ave., Sanford verify market’s date and time.
and North Eola Drive 2 – 6 pm
10 am – 4 pm To learn more about how Orlando Health
Cagan Crossings Farmers Market supports the Central Florida community,
Cagan Crossings Town Center see our Community Benefit Report at
600 Cagan Park Ave., Clermont
4 – 8 pm (September-May)
Mindfulness & Meditation
Reducing Stress and Improving Health
By Diane Robinson, PhD, Neuropsychologist at Orlando Health
For many of us, stress is an everyday part of our lives. While some
stress can be motivating, chronic stress can have very real effects on
our health. Inflammation, depression, heart disease and a weakened
immune system have all been associated with long-term stress.
Fortunately, there are ways to So the question is, how do you get started? 10 - 20 minutes
control stress. One of those is Mindfulness is simply focusing on what is in front of you and close your eyes & relax
mindfulness meditation, which letting all other tasks fall away. It means paying attention to
studies have shown to be effective your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding download an app
in reducing stress. environment. Right and wrong are set aside and you simply
evaluate what “is.” This awareness can be applied to your change the way you
Mindfulness meditation breathing, eating, or even making a cup of tea, although the respond to stress
helps you calm your mind as more classic approach is to sit quietly and really notice what is
you focus on breathing and going on within you.
paying attention to what’s
going on inside of you at a Practicing mindfulness meditation takes just 10–20 minutes of
given moment. It’s basically focus to quiet your mind. Start small, with a few minutes, and
a way to learn how to be more gradually increase the time as you adjust to this new practice.
present in our lives and to broaden Focus on your breathing, close your eyes and relax your
our perspective on things. There muscles. You also can say a positive word, or if you feel your
is also mounting evidence that mind wandering, bring it back gently to the present moment
mindfulness meditation can help without judging yourself.
individuals deal with more serious
mental health issues and even help If you find it difficult to do this on your own, a smartphone
us age better. application can guide you through the process. One of the
most popular apps, Headspace, helps meditation newcomers
A Boston University review of 39 get accustomed to the process with guided, timed sessions
studies involving 1,140 participants and supportive messaging.
found that mindfulness is effective
in relieving anxiety and improving Consistent use of mindfulness practices will change
mood. Another study involving the way your brain responds to stress. It will give you
the University of California, Los more energy and help you relax. By learning how to control
Angeles (UCLA) and Australia’s your mind, you reduce the reactiveness of your stress response.
Centre for Research on Ageing, This lowers the levels of stress hormones in your system, and
Health and Wellbeing revealed that in turn has been shown to improve immune function,
that the brains of long-term reduce blood pressure and improve heart rate. Mindfulness is
mindfulness practitioners appear one of the simplest stress-reducing techniques there is, and well
more youthful and have less worth the investment of your time and effort.
gray matter atrophy than non-
practitioners. For more coping tips from Diane Robinson, PhD, go to
Should I Detox?
By Lisa Cooper, MS, RD, LD/N, Registered and Licensed Dietitian at Orlando Health
Is it a good idea to “detox” or “cleanse?” Detoxification is a natural process by which the body rids itself
Doing a detox or cleansing diet may mean of toxins, mainly through the liver. These toxins may include
fasting, taking supplements or juicing with compounds such as heavy metals ingested from food or water,
the goal of slimming down, flushing the or chemicals inhaled from air pollutants.
colon or removing toxins from the liver.
Often, commercial products are promoted Some dietitian specialists may utilize nutrition to support
with exaggerated claims of health, weight detoxification. A detox diet may call for eliminating certain
loss and energy. The subject is not only foods, or including specific foods and supplements that support
confusing to consumers, but debated in the enzymes that aid in cellular processes.
medical community.
The body uses specific enzymes for detoxification.
Several compounds from foods may help boost
and modify the activity of these enzymes. Some
examples include:
• Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower
and brussels sprouts, for example) as well as
green beans, celery and soybeans
• Fruits such as red grapes, blueberries, black
raspberries, pomegranates, apples, apricots
and grapefruit
• Teas such as green, black, chamomile
and peppermint
• Fish oil, salmon and trout
• Garlic and turmeric
• Walnuts
A detox or cleansing diet should only be undertaken with
the guidance of a physician or registered dietitian. Some
plans can actually eliminate foods the body needs for natural
detoxification. Lifestyle and nutrition choices can support the
detoxification process. For overall health, be sure to participate
in physical activity, avoid smoking, and limit or alleviate stress.
It’s also important to eat a plant-based diet of vegetables, fruits,
nuts, seeds, beans, whole grains, herbs and spices, while limiting
the consumption of processed foods, sugars, food additives and
For more nutrition advice from Lisa Cooper, MS, RD, LD/N,
go to
Health Screening Guide
Health screenings assess your ongoing wellness and flag any Health check-up
unusual changes in your health. These regular exams and tests
also can identify potential issues that may require attention before Blood Pressure
they develop into life-threatening Blood Sugar
problems. By getting the right
screenings at the right time in Cholesterol
your life, you are taking steps
that can help you live longer Colonoscopy
and stay healthier, says Martin
Derrow, MD, of Orlando Health Dental Exam
Physician Associates. Eye Exam
Talk with your primary care Hearing Test
physician about what tests Human Papiloma Virus
you might need.
(HPV) Vaccine
To schedule an appointment Influenza Vaccine
with a primary care
physician, call 321.8HEALTH Pneumococcal
(843.2584). Vaccines
Skin/Mole Exam,
Pertussis Vaccine
Booster Vaccine
(shingles vaccine)
Bone Density Test
Pap Test and
Pelvic Exam
Antigen Test
ChooseHealth 10
Health Screening Guide
Ages 18-39 Ages 40-49 Ages 50-64 Ages 65+
Annually Annually Annually Annually
Annually Annually Annually Annually
Every 5 years but more often for smokers, After age 45, every 3 years Every 3 years Every 3 years
diabetics or those with a family history Every 5 years Every 5 years Every 5 years
of heart disease Every 10 years Every 10 years
Every 6 to 12 months Every 6 to 12 months Every 6 to 12 months Every 6 to 12 months
Discuss issues with your physician Every 2 to 4 years Every 2 to 4 years Every 2 to 4 years
Starting at age 18, every 10 years Discuss with your physician Discuss with your physician Discuss with your physician
Between ages 11 and 26
Annually Annually Annually Annually
After age 65, 2 doses
Every 3 years Annually Annually Annually
Once after age 19
Every 10 years Every 10 years Every 10 years Every 10 years
Once at age 60 or older
Every 2 years
Discuss with your physician Every 1 to 2 years Every 1 to 2 years
Starting at age 21, every 3 years Every 3 years Every 3 years Discuss with your physician
Discuss with your physician Discuss with your physician
Clearing Out To dispose of medications yourself, follow these guidelines:
the Clutter
Mark out your name and prescription number for safety.
By Diana Lomont, Editorial Contributor
Add some water or soda to dissolve pills. For liquids, add a
Spring cleaning provides a dry substance such as cat litter, dirt or cayenne pepper.
chance to hit the refresh button
on your home. But what to Secure the lid of the bottle with duct or packing tape.
do with all those extras?
These suggestions can help. Place the bottle in an opaque container such as a coffee can
or plastic laundry bottle.
If half-filled prescription bottles or expired over-the-counter
medications are crammed into your cabinets, now is the time Tape the outside container closed
to take action. But no matter how tempting, never flush them and place in the trash.
down a toilet or pour down a drain. Although these methods can Do not put in the recycle bin.
prevent accidental ingestion, they contaminate Florida’s aquatic
environment in the process. Wastewater treatment systems
simply are not designed to remove most medications.
Instead, safely drop off unused medications at a collection
site. Select police departments and sheriff substations collect
them. Visit for a list of locations.
Or you can drop them off at a medication disposal kiosk
within certain Walgreens locations. Find a nearby kiosk at
Re-purpose Items for Others
As you clear out unwanted Edgewood Children’s Ranch
items, remember that
something you’re tired of
could find a welcome new Habitat for Humanity ReStore
home with someone else.
These organizations collect
gently used items for others A Gift for Teaching
in your community:
HOPE Helps, Inc.
Please visit each organization’s website before making a donation for additional information, The Christian Sharing Center
including drop-off instructions, hours of operation and a full list of donation needs.
There’s Spring
More Than Allergy Alert
Just Spring
in the Air By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor
While there is no sure way to predict Springtime is here — and so is allergy season.
allergic rhinitis, risk factors include: Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is marked by a
sensitive reaction to things in the environment, such as
• Being male pollen, dust mites or pet dander. If you suffer from a runny or
• Being a firstborn stuffy nose and watery, itchy eyes around this time of year, it’s
• Family history of allergic rhinitis likely that you have seasonal allergic rhinitis. And in spring,
• Maternal smoking pollen is the main culprit.
• Early use of antibiotics in infants
One of the best ways to combat spring allergies is to stay
indoors, but that’s easier said than done. In addition to
planned activities that may take us outside, it’s hard not to
want to enjoy the mild temperatures that come with springtime
in Florida. “Staying indoors as much as possible on windy
days and in the morning when pollen counts are highest can
be a good compromise. Keeping windows closed and using
air-conditioning also can help. And it’s important to change air
filters regularly,” says Deborah Lauridsen, MD, Family Medicine
at Orlando Health Physician Associates.
Common allergy symptoms include sneezing, a runny nose
with clear discharge, and itching of the eyes, throat, ears and
nose. Small children commonly will rub their noses frequently
or “click” their mouths in an effort to scratch their throats.
Symptoms that are severe or do not respond to medication
require referral to an allergist and possible allergy testing.
Allergies require more than one exposure in order to develop,
so allergic rhinitis is not very common in children under
the age of 2, but is possible. Treatment for children 2 and
younger includes cromolyn nasal spray and second-generation
antihistamines. All of these are available in liquid form. A
nasal steroid can be prescribed for children with persistent
symptoms. As children age, allergies become more common,
with 9 percent of 6-year-olds and 15 percent of 13-year-olds
affected. Treatments for older children include antihistamines,
nasal steroids and saline nasal irrigation.
Children with suspected indoor environmental allergies can
benefit from “allergen avoidance” techniques such as replacing
carpeting with hard flooring, using pillow and mattress
protectors, limiting soft fabrics that can harbor allergens, and
not allowing pets in the bedroom.
If you think you or your children may have allergies,
discuss your concerns with your primary care physician.
To find a primary care physician, call 321.8HEALTH
By Dani Wigle, Editorial Contributor Spinach
On your trips to farmers markets this spring, A great source of protein, iron, folate, potassium,
you’re likely to see some of these featured fiber and vitamins A, C and K
ingredients at their freshest and best. Here are
some suggestions for new ways to incorporate Spinach Basil Pesto
them into your menu. We hope you enjoy!
Combine the following in a food processor
and process until it becomes a fine paste:
2-3 cups of fresh spinach leaves
1 small bunch of fresh basil leaves (optional)
½ cup of walnuts, almonds, or pine nuts
Pinch of red pepper flakes
2 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Mix with roasted vegetables or spread on top of
baked chicken breasts. Refrigerate leftover pesto in
an airtight container or freeze in an ice cube tray.
Cauliflower Fresh Berries Radishes
Packed with potassium, fiber and A sweet source of calcium, selenium, A source of potassium, calcium, folate
vitamins K and C – rich in phytochemicals and iron, zinc, magnesium, fiber, folic acid, and cancer-fighting phytonutrients
antioxidants several highly active phytochemicals and
vitamins A, C and E Oven Roasted
Quickly Pickled
Tangy-Sweet Cut and remove radish tops, then slice
Cut cauliflower florets into bite-sized pieces; Salad Dressing radishes in half lengthwise.
set aside. Add a few tablespoons of olive oil and
Toast seeds such as mustard and coriander in a Mix the following ingredients in a parsley. Toss to coat.
small saucepan until fragrant. blender until contents are relatively Spread evenly on a baking sheet,
Add vinegar* and onion, ginger or garlic. smooth. cut-side down.
Sprinkle with freshly ground pepper. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
Spice it up with red pepper flakes. 1/2 cup fresh blueberries Roast at 450˚ for 20 – 25 minutes or
Add water.* until vegetables are tender and crisp
Bring to a boil until flavors blend. 1/8 cup fresh basil, chopped on the edges.
Pack heat-resistant, sterile canning jars with
cauliflower. Add pieces of carrot, bell pepper or 1 1/2 Tbsp. white wine vinegar
radishes for color and variety.
Pour hot brine over vegetables. 2 Tbsp. olive oil
Cover and refrigerate for up to 14 days.
1/2 tsp. agave
*2:1 Vinegar to Water
Pinch of salt
Simply Mashed
Drizzle on a spinach salad topped with
Boil florets of cauliflower until tender walnuts and extra blueberries.
Mash with some olive oil,
salt and pepper to taste.
Mix in some fresh parsley or rosemary
Serve with a piece of baked fish or tempeh. Enjoy!
I choose expert specialty care,
close to home.
I choose Orlando Health.
When you need specialty medical care, Orlando Health is
ready, offering an extensive network of physician practices
with convenient locations throughout Central Florida. We
help you navigate and bridge your medical care between
specialists, referring physicians, hospitals and other healthcare
professionals. With access to more than 500 physicians
representing more than 40 areas of specialty, Orlando Health
is the right choice for specialty care.
Our specialty practices include:
Cardiology Physician Medicine
and Rehabilitation
Infectious Disease
Neurosurgery Pulmonology and
Sleep Medicine
Orthopedics and
Sports Medicine Urology
Pediatric Specialties Women’s Health
For more information or to schedule an appointment with
a specialist or primary care physician, call 321.8HEALTH
(843.2584) or visit
Not an actual patient. 321.8HEALTH (843.2584)
UndHeerasrttanDdisineagsaenidn PWroevmeennting
By Diana Lomont, Editorial Contributor
Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women, causing more deaths than all forms of cancer
combined. “But the signs of heart disease in women can differ from those in men, so
many women do not recognize when their heart is in danger,” says Maria Demori, MD, a
cardiologist with Orlando Health Heart Institute Cardiology Group. Although chest pain is
still the main symptom, women more often than men experience atypical symptoms such as:
Shortness of breath Fatigue, weakness Back, neck or jaw pain
Light headedness Abdominal pain Nausea, vomiting
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, be sure to see your doctor for a diagnosis.
Several factors can increase your risk for heart disease, including: Screening for
Heart Disease
High Cholesterol. High Blood Pressure. Diabetes.
There are two main types of Women have a greater risk Having The Prevention and
cholesterol: LDL or “bad” of developing high blood diabetes Wellness Program at
cholesterol, which sticks pressure if they have reached doubles your the Orlando Health
to your blood vessels and menopause, have a family risk for a heart Heart Institute provides
arteries, and HDL or “good” history of high blood attack or stroke screenings to test
cholesterol, which prevents pressure, or are for potential heart
clogging in the arteries. High 20 pounds by causing high blood glucose issues. These include
LDL cholesterol can build or more levels and damaging nerves lipid screenings to
up in the inner wall of your overweight. and blood vessels. determine cholesterol
arteries, harden and turn into and triglyceride levels,
plaque. This causes blockages Smoking. Excess Weight. and the coronary calcium
that can lead to a stroke, heart Smokers are Women with score screening to assess
attack or blood clot. four times excess weight calcium buildup on the
more likely around the walls of the coronary
to suffer stomach are arteries.
from heart especially at risk.
disease or a Weight carried We’ll also help you make
stroke. Smoking reduces the here produces hormones and lifestyle changes — from
amount of oxygen that reaches inflammatory substances diet management and
your heart, damages your that make their way into the exercise planning to
blood vessels and increases liver and muscles, causing quitting smoking — to
your risk for a blood clot. imbalances in the body that get your heart and
also can affect your heart. health on the right track.
For information, visit
or call 321.843.2584.
herself – and
her lifestyle
By Kim Marcum, Editorial Contributor
For years, no decades, Michelle
Milliner walked through
department stores and dress
shops admiring the designer
labels and their elegant styling.
She looked but never for very
long. She knew her size 30 body
was not going to fit into any of
those clothes.
ChooseHealth 18
“I have been overweight for the majority of my life,” says “My entire attitude has changed,” says Michelle. “I have so much
Michelle, who lives in Central Florida with her husband more energy and more self-confidence. I’m not afraid to get out
and children. “I was not only overweight, but I was very there and be with friends, or try things that I never thought I would
depressed. I didn’t want to go out. I didn’t want to spend try again or do again — like zip lining and horseback riding.”
time even with my closest friends. I didn’t care about how I
looked when I got up to get dressed for work.” Bariatric surgery is a tool to help patients change their lifestyle,
says Andre Teixeira, MD, another surgeon at the Bariatric and
But mostly she didn’t feel very well. By her early 40s, Laparoscopy Center. “I tell prospective patients that if the only
Michelle had developed pre-diabetes and sleep apnea, and muscle they want to move after the surgery is their thumb on the
her joints ached from carrying 315 pounds. remote control, then this isn’t going to work for them.”
“I’ve had family members who, because they were Michelle has learned to balance her lifestyle choices through
overweight or obese, had a variety of health-related issues,” programs such as nutrition and diet counseling, and psychiatric
says Michelle. “I didn’t want to be like that. I wanted to make support at the Bariatric and Laparoscopy Center.
a change.”
“There are some days, you know, you’re
Her growing list of health problems, coupled with her high not always happy. And then I pull out a picture
body mass index (BMI) made her an ideal candidate for
bariatric surgery. and I realize how far I’ve come. That just
motivates me more.” — Michelle Milliner
“Typically the best patients for these procedures have a
BMI of more than 35 and other health conditions such as “Making better meal choices is easier, quantity control is a lot
hypertension, diabetes or sleep apnea,” says Muhammad easier, exercise comes a lot easier,” says Michelle. “As the weight
Jawad, MD, a surgeon at Orlando Health Physicians Bariatric comes off, I can do more and more, and I have a competitive
and Laparoscopy Center. “They also need to have been nature so that drives me forward to a new goal.
overweight for more than five years and have tried dieting
with no long-lasting results.” “People have been very supportive of my surgery,” she adds.
“One of the most exciting things that has happened was at an
Since having bariatric surgery on April 1, 2015, Michelle has annual conference I attend. Some of those people I only see once
lost more than half of her original weight and is down to 148 a year, so they hadn’t seen me since my surgery.
pounds and a size 10 dress.
“I walked up to a friend I’ve known for many years and said ‘hi’
“When I look in the mirror I definitely and he said ‘hi,’ then walked away. Five minutes later he came
see myself, but I see myself better.” running back and said, ‘Oh my god, I didn’t realize that was you.
— Michelle Milliner You look absolutely amazing.’
“You have no idea how good that feels. And I get that quite often.”
To learn more about Orlando Health Physicians Bariatric and Laparoscopy Center, its services and designation as
a Center for Excellence from the American Society of Bariatric Surgery, go to
ChooseHealth 19
and Treating
By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor
“I didn’t want to hear it,
I didn’t want to know.
I felt like the son I thought
I had was gone. All the
dreams and hopes I had
for him disappeared in a
split second.”
Those are the words of Shirliene Navarro, remembering how she felt when her son Marcello was diagnosed OTHER
with autism — feelings that many parents of a child diagnosed with autism can relate to. But as Shirliene RESOURCES
discovered, her son’s journey became one of hope and encouragement.
Autism spectrum disorder is a general term for a group of complex disorders characterized by impaired
social relationships, communication difficulties and repetitive behaviors. Parents often experience guilt Center for Autism
with a diagnosis, believing it is their fault, or are concerned about the risk for future children. and Related
“Only 15 percent to 20 percent of autism cases are found to accompany another diagnosis or have a specific Disabilities (CARD)
cause,” says Lynda Pollack, MD, medical director for the Howard Phillips Center for Children & Families,
Developmental Center for Infants & Children. “However, researchers are now finding some answers.”
ChooseHealth 20
Marcello had been an easy, quiet baby, but as he grew older, Shirliene was determined to get Marcello the help he needed and
Shirliene realized that those very qualities that had made him to learn as much as she could about his diagnosis. Her efforts
seem like such a good baby just weren’t right. brought them to The Howard Phillips Center for Children &
“It was almost like, when I touched him, it hurt,” she recalls. “He Families and its Early Steps program for children from birth
wouldn’t make eye contact, didn’t like to be touched, and didn’t to age 3 who may have a developmental delay or disability,
interact at all with others.” including autism. The Howard Phillips Center is part of Orlando
Signs of autism often do not show up until 1 to 2 years of Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children.
age and are displayed in four main ways:
• Sensory – high sensitivity to lights, noise, touch “They provided me with so much hope and information and
• Social challenges – lack of eye contact or social involvement resources,” Shirliene says. “I realized that there are many positive
• Behavioral – stress in dealing with sensory and social possibilities for my son.”
overload, which can prompt hand flapping, yelling, spinning, Through the Developmental Center for Infants & Children/
repetitive movements Early Steps program, families can learn about their child’s
• Communication – delay in language development development, how they can help their child overcome delays,
Early diagnosis by a qualified pediatrician or neurologist and the and how to obtain appropriate community services and support.
right treatment are key to successful outcomes. While there is no
cure, with the right tools and therapy, children with autism can Lourdes Quintana, program director, says their goal is to provide
grow to lead productive, successful lives. culturally appropriate support to help families strengthen their
“Autism is not a static diagnosis,” notes Dr. Pollack, adding child’s intellectual, physical, emotional, social and sensory
that continual reevaluation is necessary to provide successful abilities. Family participation and cooperation are critical, she
education and support for affected children. says, noting that Early Interventionists are treating and teaching
not only the child but also parents, who are often in crisis when
Children with autism may try to bring order to their life they enter the Early Steps program.
by repetition or grouping and are often drawn to items
with wheels. It wasn’t long after Marcello started receiving a variety of services
that Shirliene noticed he was much more talkative and receptive
to touch. He has made tremendous strides since beginning
early intervention. The quiet baby who Shirliene did not think
would ever hug her became a cuddly, chatty little boy and a
technological whiz.
“He has so defied the definition of what I thought was going to be
his life. He talks, he reads, he writes, and when he said ‘I love you’
for the first time, my husband and I just cried. What a feeling.”
Shirliene herself is now a team member in the program as
a Family Resource Specialist, where she is able to share her
experience with other parents going through similar events.
If you are concerned about any of your child’s behaviors, do not
wait — early intervention is key. Talk to your doctor, request that
your child be screened, and get the right diagnosis.
To learn more about the programs offered by the Howard Phillips Center for Children & Families,
As Temperatures Rise,
So Does Risk for Kidney Stones
By Jeffrey Thill, MD, Board-Certified Urologist with Orlando Health Physicians Urology Group
COMMON SYMPTOMS Welcome to Florida and the kidney stone belt. You
thought you were moving here to enjoy the warmer
See a doctor immediately temperatures, but that could be what’s causing the
if you have any of these stabbing pain in your back. Studies show that Southerners,
symptoms of kidney stones: especially men, are up to 50 percent more likely to develop
kidney stones than their friends and families up North.
• Severe flank pain
Several factors contribute to this. Being outside and enjoying Florida’s warmer
• Intense, fluctuating temperatures makes us sweat more. More sweat often means less urine, and that can
and throbbing pain cause minerals to build up in our kidneys and crystallize as stones.
• Pain when urinating The Southern menu of foods and drinks also can promote kidney stones. Iced tea, a
and high fever summertime staple, is high in oxalates, and these contribute to the formation of the
most common type of kidney stone. Foods high in oxalates include other Florida
• Blood in urine favorites such as okra, spinach and rhubarb. Traditional Southern fare — as well as fast
food — also is notoriously salty, and that can lead to kidney stones, too.
• Nausea and vomiting
While you might not feel some stones as they pass out in your urine, others can block
• Urgency to urinate part of the urinary system and cause intense pain or infection. Each year, kidney stones
result in hundreds of thousands of surgeries in the United States. And once you’ve had
this increasingly common condition, you are more likely to have a recurrence.
The best strategy to prevent kidney stones, even if you have a family
history that makes you more susceptible, revolves around three diet and
lifestyle choices.
Drink more water. Staying well hydrated is essential, but all fluids are not
created equal. Water is best, especially when splashed with a squirt of juice from a
lemon slice. Avoid tea and sodas. You’ll know you are drinking enough water when
your urine is nearly clear.
Reduce salt and meat in your diet. Read food labels to avoid the hidden
salt in processed foods. Limit your daily intake of fish, chicken, red meat, pork and
organ meat to 10 ounces.
Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity and weight gain are associated with many
health risks, including kidney stones.
To make an appointment with a urologist near you, call 877.URO.DOCS
or visit
ChooseHealth 22
Mako™ Robotic Arm-Assisted Surgery
A New Treatment Option for
Knee and Hip Replacement
By Diana Lomont, Editorial Contributor
Your joints are involved in almost every Mako Partial Knee Replacement
daily activity. For those with osteoarthritis,
the condition over time may wear away Mako partial knee replacement is a
at your cartilage and cause pain, as bone surgical procedure that helps relieve
rubs against bone. Knees and hips are most pain caused by arthritis in any of the
frequently affected by this condition. When three compartments of the knee. With
pain medication and other treatments no a 3-D model of your knee, the surgeon
longer work, you may face the option of joint resurfaces its diseased portion, saving
replacement surgery. as much healthy bone and surrounding
tissue as possible. The surgeon guides
Orlando Health has a new tool with a proven track record of the Mako robotic arm while preparing
improving patient outcomes for these surgeries. With Mako™ the knee socket and positioning the
robotic-arm technology, surgeons can restore diseased joints with implant to precisely fit your anatomy.
implants designed to accurately replace your lost cartilage. During
the procedure, implants are custom-designed by the surgeon Mako Full Hip Replacement
to fit a patient’s unique anatomy and to minimize the wear and
loosening that can occur with implants used in manual surgery, When replacing a diseased hip, Mako
says Jeffrey Petrie, MD, an orthopedic surgeon with Orlando robotic-arm assisted surgery uses
Health Orthopedic Institute who uses the Mako technology. a similar process with the surgeon
positioning a custom-designed implant
Patient Benefits based on a CT scan and 3-D virtual
model of the patient’s unique hip
More than 50,000 Mako hip and knee procedures have been anatomy.
performed since 2006. The patient benefits are documented
in extensive clinical research that includes 50 peer-reviewed The Mako procedure provides surgeons
clinical publications and 300 scientific abstracts. with a clear picture of the hip joint and
pelvis tilt to perform accurate implant
When compared surgery. The surgeon is able to guide
to traditional joint the robotic-arm during the procedure
replacement surgery, based on an individualized patient
research shows that plan. This helps the surgeon focus on
patients who undergo removing diseased bone, preserving
Mako procedures healthy bone, and positioning the
experience more hip implant for the patient’s specific
accurate implant anatomy.
placement. This can
result in less pain for For more information about
patients after surgery. Mako robotic-arm assisted surgery
available at Orlando Health, visit
ChooseHealth 23
New Treatments for Lung Cancer:
Immunotherapy and Other Novel Therapies
By Diana Lomont, Editorial Contributor
Harnessing the body’s immune system to help destroy lung cancer cells is the goal
of new therapies being developed at UF Health Cancer Center — Orlando Health.
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths among both men and women,
causing more deaths every year than breast, prostate, and colon cancers combined,
according to the Cancer Research Institute. Cigarette smoking is responsible for nearly
80 percent of lung cancers.
UF Health Cancer Center — Orlando Health is among the Recently, several new drugs were approved to treat non-small
institutions working to develop new treatments to fight this cell lung cancer, which makes up about 85 percent of all lung
disease, including participating in clinical trials for a new class of cancer cases.
therapeutics called immunotherapies or immuno-oncology drugs.
Immunotherapies are designed to help the body’s immune Some types of cancer cells produce a protein that deactivates the
system work better to destroy cancer cells that can hide from body’s cancer-killing T cells.
traditional drug treatments.
New drugs such as Opdivo® work by overriding the cancer cells’
Tirrell Johnson, MD, and Jennifer Tseng, MD, have extensive defense process, activating the immune system to do its job.
experience in the use of immunotherapy. The physicians at UF
Health Cancer Center — Orlando Health have completed multiple Yet other new drugs utilize antibodies, generated in the lab, to
clinical trials for immunotherapy drugs, including studies to target specific proteins found on cancer cells to enhance the
expand the use of immunotherapies in rarer types of tumors and immune system’s ability to kill these cells while sparing normal
in combination with radiation therapy. cells. Another class of drugs treats specific mutations that occur
in patients who have no smoking history, accounting for about 15
“We are especially interested in seeing how immunotherapies percent of non-small lung cancers.
can be combined with chemotherapy to reduce the recurrence
of lung cancer in patients following surgery,” said Dr. Tseng. For information about lung cancer treatment or clinical
“Unfortunately, lung cancer has a very high recurrence rate, but we trials, contact UF Health Cancer Center – Orlando Health
are beginning to see that the use of immunotherapies combined at 321.841.1869.
with chemotherapy are prolonging the lives of patients.”
ChooseHealth 24
Medical Center
Arnold Palmer
for Children
Health Central Hospital Winnie Palmer
& Babies
Orlando Health – Health Central Hospital is a nationally
recognized, full-service hospital dedicated to providing quality ORLANDO
and compassionate care to the residents of west Orange County.
Orlando Health
Our facilities include an accredited Chest Pain Center, an Heart Institute
accredited Joint Replacement Program, a Women’s Imaging
Center and Outpatient Center for Radiology and Diagnostic ORLANDO
10000 W Colonial Dr. UF Health
Ocoee, FL 34761 Local residents also have access to state-of-the-art cancer Cancer Center –
407.296.1000 treatment at the Ocoee location of UF Health Cancer Center Orlando Health
– Orlando Health, as well as a nearby Express Care walk-in
urgent care center. Other medical services include the Wound ORLANDO
Healing and Hyperbaric Medicine Center and Health Central
Park, a 228-bed, long-term nursing and rehabilitation facility. Dr. P. Phillips
At our Outpatient Surgery Center, Orlando Health board-
certified surgeons perform orthopedic, podiatry, urology, SOUTHWEST
general, vascular and pain management procedures. ORANGE COUNTY
To continually provide the best care and facilities, we recently South Seminole
expanded and updated our Emergency Department, now Hospital
offering 60 examination rooms, and built a new patient tower
to provide all private rooms for our patients. LONGWOOD
For more information about Health Central Hospital, and to South Lake
take a virtual tour of our facilities, visit Hospital
ChooseHealth 25
Tiki Ingrid Ingrid Adam Anthony Ryan
Bakhshi, MD Cristian, MD Fiallo, MD Gerber, MD Gielow, DO Harris, MD
407.291.7257 877.876.3627
321.841.8555 407.648.7802 407.649.6884 321.841.6600
Board certified in Dr. Gerber is a
Dr. Bakhshi joined Dr. Cristian is a internal medicine, board-certified In October, Dr. Dr. Harris joined
the Winnie Palmer clinical geneticist Dr. Fiallo joined urologist who Gielow joined the Orlando Health
Hospital for who joined the Orlando Health joined Orlando Orlando Health Internal Medicine
Women & Babies Arnold Palmer Physician Associates Health Physicians Advanced Surgical practice in October.
Center for Maternal Hospital for Children in September. She Urology Group Associates, where He is board certified
Fetal Medicine Division of Genetics earned her medical in September. An he performs both in internal medicine
in October. He in November. She degree from Juan honors graduate of general surgery and and specializes in
is board certified is board certified in N. Corpas Medical Harvard University, surgical critical care. preventive care
in obstetrics- medical biochemical School (Bogota, he earned a He is board certified as well as the
gynecology as genetics (metabolic), Colombia) and distinguished in internal medicine. management of
well as maternal clinical genetics completed her student scholarship Dr. Gielow earned complex or chronic
fetal medicine. He and pediatrics. She residency at Florida to Washington his doctorate of conditions. He
earned his medical earned her medical Hospital in Orlando. University School osteopathic medicine earned his medical
degree from the degree from the Dr. Fiallo is fluent of Medicine (St. from the Kansas degree from Ross
University of Miami, Universidad del in both English and Louis, MO) where City University University School
and completed Norte (Colombia), Spanish. he completed his of Medicine and of Medicine
his residency at then completed a medical degree and Biosciences. He (Commonwealth
Brooke Army pediatric residency urology residency. completed a of Dominica) and
Medical Center at the Icahn School Dr. Gerber provides general surgery completed his
(San Antonio, of Medicine at comprehensive residency at the residency at Orlando
Texas) followed by Elmhurst Hospital care for a variety of Philadelphia College Health.
a fellowship at the Center (New York) urologic conditions, of Osteopathic
University of Texas and a residency in including kidney Medicine, followed
Health Science clinical genetics at stones. by a fellowship in
Center. Mount Sinai Hospital surgical critical care
(New York). at Orlando Health.
ChooseHealth 26
The physicians at Orlando Health are part of a collaborative network
that works toward one common goal: your health.
Stephen David Gary Jason Virgilio
Hersperger, MD Jablonski, MD Kalser, MD Lemoine, MD Matheus, MD
ORLANDO CAMPUS 877.876.3627 877.876.3627 877.876.3627 ORLANDO CAMPUS
407.649.6884 Dr. Jablonski joined In January, Dr. Kalser Dr. Lemoine is a 321.841.7550
Orlando Health joined Orlando board-certified
Dr. Hersperger Physicians Urology Health Physicians urologist who Dr. Matheus
joined Orlando Group in January Urology Group as joined Orlando joined UF Health
Health Advanced as a board-certified a board-certified Health Physicians Neurosurgery –
Surgical Associates urologist. He earned urologist. He earned Urology Group in Orlando Health
in October as a his medical degree his medical degree January. He earned in November as
board-certified from the University from the University his medical degree a board-certified
general surgeon of Florida College of Miami Miller from the University neurosurgeon. He
and critical care of Medicine and School of Medicine, of South Florida earned his medical
surgeon. He completed his and completed College of Medicine degree from the
earned his medical residency at the residencies in (Tampa), where J.M. Vargas School
degree from the University of Florida general surgery and he also completed of Medicine
University of Kansas College of Medicine urology at Mount his residency. Dr. (Venezuela) and
and completed – Jacksonville. Dr. Sinai Medical Center Lemoine provides completed both a
his residency at Jablonski provides (Miami) followed by comprehensive neurological surgery
the University comprehensive a urology fellowship urologic care to help residency and a
of Oklahoma, a urologic care, with a at SUNY Downstate manage conditions complex spine
fellowship in surgical special emphasis on Medical Center from urinary surgery fellowship
critical care and minimally invasive (New York). Dr. incontinence, to low at Cleveland Clinic
emergency surgery surgery, kidney stone Kalser subspecializes testosterone, and Foundation. His
at the University disease and pediatric in cryotherapy for erectile dysfunction. clinical interests
of Pennsylvania, surgery. the prostate, which He also has a special include treatment
and a fellowship in uses very cold interest in minimally of spinal diseases,
trauma and surgical temperatures to kill invasive procedures spinal deformity
critical care at Penn the cancer. related to kidney correction surgery
Medicine’s Level stones and the and treatment of
1 Trauma Center prostate. brain tumors. *New physicians
(Philadelphia). from September 2016
through January 2017.
ChooseHealth 27
Javier Akash Penelope Jeffrey Patricia
Miller, Jr., MD Pandey, MD Pauley, MD Thill, MD Wheeler, MD
Dr. Miller is a 321.841.3338 321.841.3303 In January, Dr. Thill 407.648.7802
board-certified joined Orlando
urologist in practice A board-certified Dr. Pauley joined Health Physicians Dr. Wheeler joined
with Orlando pediatrician, the Arnold Palmer Urology Group as the Arnold Palmer
Health Physicians Dr. Pandey joined Hospital for Children a board-certified Hospital for
Urology Group the Arnold Palmer Endocrinology and urologist. He Children Division
since December. Hospital for Children Diabetes Center in earned his medical of Genetics in
He earned his Center for Digestive November. Board- degree from the January. She is
medical degree Health and Nutrition certified in pediatrics University of Iowa board-certified in
from Florida State in October. He and pediatric and completed medical genetics
University College earned his medical endocrinology, she his residency at and pediatrics.
of Medicine, and degree from Odessa earned her medical the University of Dr. Wheeler earned
completed both a State Medical degree from Instituto Florida College her medical degree
urology residency University (Ukraine), Tecnologico de of Medicine. In from Indiana
and general surgery completed his Santo Domingo 2004, Dr. Thill University School
internship at The residency in general (Dominican became one of the of Medicine.
University of pediatrics at New Republic) and first physicians in She completed a
North Carolina at York Medical College completed her Central Florida to pediatric residency
Chapel Hill. Dr. (Manhattan), pediatric residency use the da Vinci® at Riley Hospital for
Miller is trained in and performed at Lincoln Medical robotic surgical Children (Indiana)
robotic surgery and his fellowship and Mental Health system, and and a residency
urologic prosthetic in pediatric Center (NY). continues to utilize and fellowship
surgery, and fluent gastroenterology, She performed a this technology in medical
in both English and hepatology and pediatric endocrine for treatment and molecular
Spanish. nutrition at clinical fellowship of prostate and genetics at Indiana
Maria Fareri at Connecticut kidney cancer. University.
*New physicians Children’s Hospital Children’s Medical
from September 2016 (Valhalla, NY). Center.
through January 2017.
ChooseHealth 28
Orlando Health in the Community
By Beth Smith, Editorial Contributor
Gift of Service
This past holiday season, Orlando Health shared the gift of time and service
with the Central Florida community. More than 130 Orlando Health team
members and their family members volunteered at local nonprofits during
the holiday season, celebrating the spirit of caring and compassion.
1 Habitat for Humanity – 17 team members from the Emergency
Department at Orlando Health Dr. P. Phillips Hospital volunteered to help
paint a local home.
2 IDignity Client Service Day – Team members volunteered at the
Orlando Union Rescue Mission, assisting individuals to obtain personal
1 3 Center for Independent Living – Team members from Orlando Health
Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children’s Pediatric Critical Care volunteered at
the center’s Silent Night holiday event for the hearing impaired.
4 Community Hope Center – Team members helped with kids’ activities
at Christmas Village event for those in need in Osceola County.
5 Orlando Repertory Theatre’s production of “The Happy Elf” – Team
4 2 members and their families helped hand out programs, direct guests and sell
concessions at the non-profit theater, which focuses on young audiences.
Come Dance With Us! Goodnight Lights
Through a new program with the Orlando Ballet, Orlando Chief of Police John Mina and several members
Come Dance With Us! creates workshops to help of the Orlando Police Department visited Arnold Palmer Hospital
children with special needs express themselves to say “goodnight” to the children in a special way – by flashing their
through dance. The goal of this unique program patrol car lights from below to the delight of the children watching from
is to help children, ages 3 to 6, build mobility, their hospital room windows. The children signaled back, turning their
confidence and independence. Orlando Health room lights and flashlights on and off. The officers also came in
team members to visit with the children and pass out badges. The
assisted by providing department plans on making Goodnight Lights
helpful tips and a monthly event.
instruction for the
dancers working with To learn more about how Orlando Health supports the
the children. Central Florida community, see our Community Benefit
Report at
ChooseHealth 29
Leading the Charge in
Pediatric Neuro-Oncology
By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor
“Using a Amy Smith, MD, arrived at the Orlando Health Arnold
comprehensive, Palmer Hospital for Children with one mission: to create
multidisciplinary a national center of excellence for children with brain
approach ensures and spinal cord tumors. Brain tumors are the second-
that the whole most common cancers in children and account for about
family receives 26 percent of all childhood cancers.
care personalized
to their child’s “The treatment and outlook for every tumor are different,” Amy Smith, MD, left
diagnosis and says Dr. Smith, a pediatric neuro-oncologist and director of
family needs.” the Brain Tumor Program at the Arnold Palmer Hospital.
“That’s why it takes so many pediatric specialists and
Amy Smith, MD advanced technologies to provide optimum care.”
In addition to Dr. Smith and her medical partner, pediatric neuro-oncologist Ana Aguilar-Bonilla, MD,
the Brain Tumor Program works closely with a nationally ranked pediatric neurosurgery team led by
Greg Olavarria, MD. Often, surgery to remove the tumor is the first step in treatment. Dr. Olavarria’s
expert team uses specialized equipment such as intraoperative imaging and neuro-navigation
systems to see the exact location of the tumor during surgery. “Our physicians and neuro-pathology
team work together during surgery to make sure children get the best chance of cure while
protecting their precious quality of life,” says Dr. Smith.
The neuro-oncology team includes skilled medical professionals with specialized training in caring
for pediatric brain and spinal tumor patients. Nurses, radiation oncologists, neuro-pathologists
and radiologists, a compassionate social work team, and Child Life specialists all work to support
children and families on their journey.
The Brain Tumor Program provides patients access to innovative care options such
as proton therapy, which delivers precision cancer treatment. Proton therapy is often
recommended for pediatric brain and spinal tumor patients, says Naren R. Ramakrishna, MD,
PhD, director of neurologic and pediatric radiation oncology at Orlando Health. Located just a
few blocks from the Arnold Palmer Hospital, the Marjorie and Leonard Williams Center for Proton
Therapy is the only proton therapy center in Central Florida and one of only three in the state.
Patients also have access to new treatments through clinical trials. The Arnold Palmer Hospital is
one of the most active pediatric cancer research sites in Florida and remains on the leading edge of
therapy through translational research partnerships.
Along with innovative treatment options and an exceptional healthcare team, the Brain Tumor
Program features inpatient and outpatient facilities specially designed to nurture and support
children and their families during their visit.
For information or to schedule an appointment, call 321.841.8588 or visit
ChooseHealth 30
Staying Active On Spring Break
By Shaista S. Safder, MD
Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children Center for Digestive Health and Nutrition
Parents, take note: Many types of activities you can plan involve both mental and physical
Spring break is exercise. Options include home projects, field trips, hobbies and sports.
coming up fast. Help Involve your children in planning these activities to get them excited
your children have a about their time off from school. Here are some ideas to get you started:
healthy spring break
by planning activities Build a tree house Have a pajama dance party
now that will keep Build a pet home or a birdhouse and sleepover for friends
them physically active Plant a garden in the backyard
and off the couch. The Go camping in the backyard Go on a nature hike to explore
Centers for Disease Play team sports with friends — and collect things from nature
Control and Prevention kickball, basketball, soccer, etc.
(CDC) recommends Play games in the park — Play active video games such
that school-age children tag, hopscotch, etc. as Wii Fit for indoor exercise
participate in at least
60 minutes of moderate Take field trips to the zoo,
to vigorous physical museum, science center, etc.
activity every day.
Remember to make activities age-appropriate and appealing to your
child. And don’t forget to have fun!
Brought to you by:
Childbirth Education
Please call 321.8HEALTH (843.2584) Mother-Baby Connection
for more information on how to register. This class was formerly known as Moms Meeting Moms. The
These classes are held at Orlando Health Mother-Baby Connection is designed for mothers with babies
Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies, from birth to 9 months. Meet other moms and receive interesting
83 W. Miller St., Orlando, FL 32806. information from our expert guest speakers. $10 fee.
Baby Inside You Prenatal Breastfeeding
Specifically designed to provide information during a woman’s Introduces women to breastfeeding
second trimester. Topics: relaxing techniques, pre-term labor basics: the benefits, how breast milk
recognition, nutrition, exercise, etc. $40 per couple. is made, how to know if your baby is
getting enough milk, prevention and
Preparation for Childbirth treatment of common breastfeeding
Access to our e-class eight-chapter, interactive, web-based class problems, and pumping, collecting and
that uses videos, personal birth stories, animations, activities and storage of breast milk. $40 per couple.
games to teach all of the essential information parents need to
know to prepare for their birth. $100 per couple. Mother-Baby T.E.A.
Created especially to meet the unique needs of mothers with
Preparing for a Healthy Baby babies just a few days old up to 8 weeks of age, this group
Designed for women planning a pregnancy or in the early weeks of provides T.E.A. – TLC, Education and Answers, in an informal,
pregnancy. Topics include protecting your unborn child and coping comfortable setting. $5 per meeting. For information, call
with the physical discomforts of early pregnancy. $40 per couple. 321.843.2229.
Basic Infant Care Mothers Matter
A lecture-style class where parents-to-be learn what they need An emotional support group for pregnant and postpartum women.
to know about caring for a newborn. Information about normal The group offers peer-to-peer emotional support facilitated by a
behaviors and parenting included. $40 per couple. licensed clinician specializing in perinatal mood disorders. No fee.
For information, call 321.843.7034.
Perinatal and Neonatal Support Group
Support for grieving parents who have experienced
a miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal loss. No fee.
For information, call 407.649.6947.
ChooseHealth 32
Cancer Support
To learn more about the support groups and classes listed below, as well as others available, call 321.841.5056.
Most classes are held at the Ambulatory Care Center, 22 W. Underwood St., 2nd Floor, Orlando, FL 32806.
Please call to register and confirm.
Caregivers Support Group Open Art Studio Gentle Yoga Tai Chi
Drop by for a relaxing time Cancer patients and caregivers Whether you are newly Whether
with fellow cancer caregivers. join artist Angilyn Watson diagnosed, in treatment or you are
Learn ways to cope with stress, for creative art time. No art a cancer survivor, you will newly
while enjoying snacks and experience necessary, just experience restoration-learning diagnosed,
companionship. the desire to participate and yoga with movements tailored in treatment
surprise yourself! to your ability. No experience or a cancer
Women’s Cancer is necessary – even if you are survivor,
Support Group The Inspiration Choir limited to using a chair. this ancient
Come for support and to An informal singing group Call to register. Chinese
connect with other women for cancer patients and practice
who have been diagnosed caregivers interested in having will help
with cancer. This group covers fun! No prior singing or choir revitalize your body with
a wide range of topics and experience necessary. simple mindfulness breathing
occasionally features guest and smooth, flowing
speakers. movements. In addition to
providing positive effects on
Breast Cancer Support the physical body, Tai Chi also
This group is open to any aids in mental, spiritual and
woman at any stage of her emotional functioning.
breast cancer journey.
Support, Classes & Programs
To learn more about the support groups and classes listed below, as well as others available, call 321.8HEALTH (843.2584).
Please call to register and confirm.
Pre-Operation Bariatric Surgery Information Session
Joint Replacement Learn more about the bariatric surgical options available, find
Patient Education Class out if you are a candidate for surgery, and speak with one our
This patient education class bariatric surgeons at this free information session.
provides an overview of what Visit to register.
you need to know about
having joint replacement Bariatric Weight Loss Support Group
surgery. The content will Postoperative patients are strongly encouraged to attend this
cover general information to group. We also welcome preoperative patients who are interested
prepare you for your surgery, in learning more about the lifestyle changes necessary to be
recovering in the hospital, successful with weight loss.
rehabilitation including
physical therapy, and planning
for your safe discharge.
ChooseHealth 33
Award-winning Specialty Care Near You.
Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women Orlando Health Arnold Palmer
& Babies is designed to meet the unique health needs Hospital for Children is nationally
of women and babies in a caring, family-centered recognized as one of the “Best
environment. A leader in obstetric and neonatal intensive Children’s Hospitals” by U.S. News &
care, Winnie Palmer Hospital was selected as a “Top World Report and a “Top Children’s
Teaching Hospital” by the Leapfrog Group, which Hospital” by the Leapfrog Group, which measures quality
measures quality and safety. Winnie Palmer Hospital and safety. Arnold Palmer Hospital offers expertise in
also provides comprehensive healthcare for women virtually all pediatric specialties and is one of the most
throughout all stages of life. trusted names in children’s healthcare.
Orlando Health UF Health Cancer
Heart Institute Center – Orlando
is Central Health is one
Florida’s premier of Florida’s four
cardiovascular state-designated
program, receiving Cancer Centers of
the highest quality Excellence and the
ratings possible only one in Central
from the Society of Florida. It brings
TM Thoracic Surgeons together the most
(STS) for three of experienced cancer doctors and top cancer researchers
the most-common heart surgeries. Our team of renowned from Orlando Health and the University of Florida’s health
cardiac care professionals, including specialized heart system to provide the most effective cancer care for our
physicians and surgeons, work together to create the best communities and unique treatments tailored to each
possible patient experience. patient’s needs.
When it comes to medical care in Central Florida,
Orlando Health has you covered.
Choose Orlando Health.
52 W. Underwood St. Visit for exact locations.
Orlando, FL 32806
321.841.5111 Near You: Conveniently located in downtown Orlando, Orlando Health
Orlando Regional Medical Center (ORMC) offers the area’s only Level
One Trauma Center. Also, located within the same downtown campus,
you will find Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, Winnie Palmer
Hospital for Women & Babies and UF Health Cancer Center – Orlando
Health. Together, they provide the most advanced care for all of your
medical, surgical and emergency care needs.
Orlando Health presents MAILING ADDRESS Non-Profit
Salud Es Vida Organization
1414 Kuhl Ave., MP 56 U.S. Postage
Weekly Health and Wellness at Orlando, FL 32806 PAID
Permit No. 3459
Orlando, FL
I choose a team dedicated
to heart health.
I choose Orlando Health.
The Orlando Health Heart Institute offers the most comprehensive
care available for a wide range of cardiovascular conditions. Our
physicians are trained in the newest and most advanced treatments to
give patients more options for improved health and quality of life.
Two of the innovative minimally invasive procedures offered are:
MitraClip® – This noninvasive procedure improves heart function for
patients with mitral valve regurgitation who cannot undergo open-
heart surgery.
WatchmanTM – This one-time implant procedure reduces the risk of
stroke for patients with atrial fibrillation who cannot be treated with
the blood thinner warfarin due to bleeding concerns.
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