A Good Night’s Sleep
Sleep Apnea
The Menopause
Risks from
Too Little Sleep
Food & Your Sleep
Thank you for choosing David Strong
Orlando Health as your President & CEO
trusted partner in health. Orlando Health
2018 Cast Member Benefits Andrew J. Snyder
Senior Vice President,
• Award-winning doctors, caregivers and hospitals Marketing & Communications
• Primary, specialty and urgent care
• Online scheduling for doctor,
urgent care and ER visits Cherisse Stover
• Personalized Portal – online access Chadwick Smith, MD
Tracey Choroco
to your health records Ashish Gupta, MD
• Virtual Visit – Cast Members can see or talk Danny Betancourt
Chelsea Stevens
to a doctor from a mobile device or computer Diana Lomont
• 24/7/365 access just for Cast Members with Lisa Cooper, MS, RD, LDN
Dani Wigle
the Coordinated Concierge 844.WDW.OHFP Suzanne Ashworth, MSN,
(844.939.6437) and CNS, CCRN, CCNS SEATED FROM LEFT:
Jennifer Quilty, DNP, ARNP
Robert Hirschl, MD
Lauren Popeck, RD, LDN
Kim Marcum
Charles Lerner, MD
Lisa Nickchen
Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz
Jamin V. Brahmbhatt, MD
Ryann Cahill, PT, DPT
Andrea Cooper, MS, CTRS, LRT
Jose Dominguez, PT, PhD, OCS
Rod James
Jennifer Jones, RN
Vijay Kasi, MD
Kenneth Koval, MD
Ruby Lukse, MD
Abid Malik, MD
Eileen Navarro, MSN, ARNP
Cori Quigley, OTR
Diane C. Robinson, PhD
Orlando Ruiz-Rodriguez, MD
Rita Vento, PhD
Teresa Volkerson, PT, MPT
Gregory Zittel, M,D
As we celebrate our first
anniversary and head into our
second year of publication, we
continue to explore topics that
will interest, inspire and inform
our readers on the journey to
choosing good health.
In this edition, we offer a Healthy Sleep
Guide that examines sleep issues from a
variety of angles with the goal of getting
you a good night’s rest. Plus, we’ve
included a range of other features that
we hope will help you best care for
yourself and your family.
Healthy New Option for
Sleep Guide Heart Valve Surgery
5 – 13 21
Keeping Them on Road to Recovery
Their Toes
22 & 23
14 & 15
Risky Business:
Hangovers & Burns & Kids
Upcoming Classes, Good
Programs & Events
18 & 19
Top Five Benefits
of Having a
Primary Care Doctor
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
In their quest for convenience, some healthcare consumers are turning to digital health and
wellness apps or quick-care clinics as a stand-in for primary care providers.
What they may not realize is that seeing a primary care doctor actually supports timely, convenient, affordable care — and then some.
Primary care physicians can see your whole healthcare picture rather than just an isolated snapshot, says Dr. Charles Lerner, internal
medicine physician in the Celebration offices of Orlando Health Physician Associates. That advantage can help you live a longer and
healthier life, say public health researchers.
Dr. Lerner cites these five benefits of having a primary care doctor as your healthcare partner:
Longer and healthier life: Nearly 128,000 deaths could be Health and wellness advocate: Your primary care doctor will
prevented annually in the U.S. through primary care doctors, help you find a path toward long-term health and wellness. They’re
according to researchers. In areas where more primary care your direct link to information on healthcare strategies such as
doctors are available per person, death rates for cancer, heart nutrition and weight management, smoking cessation, help with
disease and stroke are lower. alcohol or drug use, and managing stress and anxiety.
A one-stop shop: Your primary care doctor is your first and often Time and cost savings: It’s faster and easier to get in for
single stop for solving your healthcare woes. They treat many day- appointments once you’re an established patient. Many primary
to-day illnesses and injuries — from colds and flu to back pain — care doctors offer convenient same-day or next-day appointments
and can detect serious illnesses such as cancer and cardiovascular for existing patients. This helps save time and money by avoiding
disease, which may require care from a specialist. urgent-care and emergency room visits.
Care coordination: Your primary care doctor knows all about you Find a primary care doctor to fit your needs at
and your medicines and supplements, as well as which tests and
screenings you need through every life stage. They also know how to
find and coordinate with the right specialists to meet your needs.
During the holiday season,
there is no lack of festivities.
Busy schedules are filled with
family time, gatherings with
friends, shopping, cooking
and celebrating. That puts
sleep at the end of a very
long to-do list. But not to
worry! Our Sleep Guide
explores how you can get a
good night’s rest, foods that
help and hinder your sleep
and the health risks of not
getting enough shut-eye —
no matter what time of the
year it is.
Count on Science — Not Sheep —
for a Good Night’s Sleep
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
If you envy friends who claim they can fall asleep “the second
my head hits the pillow,” you’re not alone. More than a third of
Americans report not getting enough sleep, says the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention. But before you head down the
path toward prescription sleep aids, you may want to consider
some alternatives that don’t include counting sheep, says
Dr. Orlando Ruiz-Rodriguez of Orlando Health Physicians
Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine Group.
They may sound simple, but Dr. Ruiz-Rodriguez and other medical experts
across the country back these 10 sleep strategies rooted in science.
Set an alarm to go to bed. Avoid caffeinated drinks before bedtime.
Alarm clocks aren’t just for mornings. Set an alarm Caffeine is notorious for disrupting sleep patterns. Don’t consume caffeinated
that alerts you when it’s bedtime. beverages for at least six hours before bedtime.
Establish (and stick to) a regular Cap the nightcap.
bedtime routine. You may want to rethink your nightcap drink, too. While
Spend your last hour before bedtime doing a alcohol can make you feel drowsy, the effect will wear off and
relaxing nightly routine. Take a bath, read a book may cause you to wake up frequently.
or listen to soothing music before you get into bed.
Sleep experts say that the routine creates positive Exercise daily.
conditioning and prepares your body for rest. Exercise, even walking, can
help calibrate your internal
clock and improve your
sleep. Be sure to finish
your workout in the late
afternoon or early evening.
Get up at the same time daily, Keep your bedroom dark and quiet.
even on weekends. Install light-blocking curtains or shades, and use ear
This helps to keep your internal clock properly set. plugs, a fan or a white-noise machine to block out
disruptive sounds.
Skip the snooze Keep your bedroom cooler.
button. The ideal room temperature for sleeping is between 60 and 67 degrees, according
Each morning when to the National Sleep Foundation. Because our body temperatures drop naturally
you hit the snooze to induce sleep, keeping your room cool can help speed up the process.
button, you can
disrupt REM sleep, Get out of bed.
which can leave you If you can’t fall asleep after 20 minutes, get
feeling groggy. Instead, out of bed. In another room, enjoy a quiet
set your alarm clock to activity such as reading in low light until
wake you at a slightly you feel drowsy enough to go back to bed.
later time.
Find more tips to improve your everyday life at
Do You Have Sleep Apnea?
By Abid Malik, MD, Director for Orlando Health Sleep Medicine
Although nearly 18 million Americans suffer from obstructive
sleep apnea, it’s quite possible you may not even know that
you have it. Often, a family member may first recognize signs
of this disorder that affects breathing during sleep.
Despite its prevalence, sleep apnea is often an under-diagnosed condition, perhaps because its symptoms
are so broad. Beyond telltale signs such as sleep disruptions and snoring, those suffering from sleep apnea
also may experience a number of other symptoms, including:
• Fatigue • Difficulty concentrating
• Depression • A dry mouth and sore throat
Sleep apnea occurs when a person’s airway collapses, or is blocked,
causing a pause in breathing during sleep. This breathing distress
wakes the brain enough for normal breathing to resume. Usually,
the brain will fall right back asleep, and you have no memory of the
apnea event.
While there are several risk factors for sleep apnea, more than
half of those affected are overweight. It is most common in men
of African-American, Hispanic or Pacific Islander descent, but
women also can develop sleep apnea, although usually after
menopause. Overall risk increases with age.
Sleep Apnea Is Treatable
There is a need to increase awareness about this serious sleep
disorder, which can affect multiple organ systems. Without
treatment, sleep apnea can lead to high blood pressure and higher
risk factors associated with diabetes, heart failure and stroke.
Sleep apnea is a chronic condition that requires long-term
management. Lifestyle changes, mouthpieces, breathing devices
such as the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine
or surgery can successfully treat sleep apnea for most.
If you think you or a loved one may be at risk, or are showing
signs of sleep apnea, talk with your doctor about scheduling
an appointment with Orlando Health Physicians Pulmonary
and Sleep Medicine Group at 321.841.7856.
Menopause Might Be Keeping You
Awake at Night
By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor
You toss and turn, and These expert suggestions can help put you on the road to better sleep.
then after finally falling
asleep, you wake up Consider Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): Make sure to discuss this
drenched in sweat. approach with your doctor. Each woman’s situation is unique, and treatment needs to be
Sound familiar? tailored to your specific needs, notes Dr. Zittel.
If so, you’re not alone. More than 60 “HRT is the most effective treatment for moderate or severe menopausal symptoms,” says
percent of menopausal women report Dr. Zittel. “Bioidentical hormone treatment is often preferred, but synthetic hormones also
frequent insomnia, often caused by hot can be effective. Women at high risk or with a history of breast cancer or blood clots should
flashes, according to the National Sleep not take HRT. However, there are non-hormonal medications that may be an option.”
Foundation. Other menopause symptoms
— such as fatigue, anxiety and trouble Stay Cool: Choose breathable, cotton sleepwear and sheets. Before bed, consider taking a
concentrating — can further lessen your cool shower and turning down the thermostat.
chances for a good night’s sleep.
Relax–Breathe–Repeat: Try relaxation techniques, such as meditation, yoga or deep
Any of these symptoms should be breathing. Soft music or easy reading also may help.
discussed with your physician, says
Dr. Gregory Zittel, a gynecologist with Get Moving: Regular aerobic exercise can improve the quality of your sleep, mood and vitality.
Orlando Health Physician Associates.
Chronic insomnia is not only exhausting Mindfully Sip: Caffeine can take up to eight hours to leave your system, keeping you awake
and frustrating, but can contribute and triggering hot flashes. Alcohol is another possible hot-flash trigger. While it may help you
to heart disease, high blood pressure relax and fall asleep, it can make staying asleep difficult.
and other medical conditions. So, it’s
important to take some action. Stay on Schedule: Stick to going to bed and waking up at about the same time every day.
To make an appointment with a doctor specializing in women’s health,
5 Health Risks of Too Little Sleep
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
Like a balanced diet and an exercise
routine, sleep is a critical component of
a healthy lifestyle. Too little sleep can do
much more than simply ruin your day by
leaving you feeling groggy, cranky and
distracted. Sleeping less than seven hours
a night — also known as short sleep — can
pose serious health risks to you, and in
some cases, those around you.
At least 50 million Americans suffer
from sleep disorders or don’t get
adequate sleep, according to the
National Heart, Lung and Blood
Institute. About 29 percent of
Americans also sleep fewer
than seven hours a night.
Take a look at how a lack of
shut-eye can boost these
common health risk factors.
ChooseHealth 10
Cardiovascular Stroke Weight Drowsy Driving
When you get too little sleep, Sleep deprivation also is A good night’s sleep may be a How often do we drive feeling
you may be compromising your associated with heightened key to maintaining a healthy a little tired? Driving while
heart health. The risk is greater stroke risk. Research shows that weight for both children and tired may seem harmless, but
for those with a common cluster resting and sleep have a positive adults. Researchers have linked sleep deprivation can seriously
of factors that includes heart effect on blood pressure. short sleep (getting less than increase accident risks for you
disease and diabetes. seven to eight hours for adults) and everyone sharing the road.
“When you rest, your body has with weight-management
“Sleep disorders, such as the opportunity to reset, allowing challenges. Dozens of studies If you drive after only
insomnia and sleep apnea, your vital organs to do less work have explored the link between four to five hours of sleep,
already have been linked to and for your blood pressure to sleep duration and childhood
several health conditions, lower,” says Jennifer Jones, BSN, obesity. Most have found a your performance
RN, CNRN, at Orlando Health. strong association between too can be “the equivalent
including heart disease, “Researchers found that people little sleep and increased weight.
irregular heartbeat, who regularly got seven to eight One of the largest and longest to driving drunk,”
hours of sleep, along with 30 to studies on adult sleep habits and
obesity, type 2 diabetes 60 minutes of vigorous exercise weight, conducted at Harvard says Dr. Chad Smith, a general
and high cholesterol,” up to six times a week, had the University, found that women and trauma surgeon at Orlando
lowest stroke risk.” who slept five hours or less were
says Dr. Ashish Gupta, 15 percent more likely to become Regional Medical Center.
an interventional cardiologist at Mood Disorders obese than those who slept
Orlando Health Heart Institute seven hours a night. The National Sleep Foundation
When you feel irritable following reports that driving after being
Cardiology Group. a sleep-deprived night, it’s not But, how are sleep and healthy awake 18 hours is comparable to
your imagination. Researchers weight management linked? It driving with a blood alcohol level
Heart rate and blood pressure at Harvard Medical School have may be hormonal. of .05 (.08 is considered legally
increase with sleep deprivation, connected chronic sleep loss intoxicated in the U.S.). If you
according to recent research in with long-term mood disorders Someone who is sleep-deprived drive after being awake for 24
Germany. Poor sleep also may including anxiety, depression “may have higher levels of hours, your impairment will be
be linked to irregular heartbeat and mental distress. ghrelin, the hunger-inducing comparable to having a .10 blood
conditions such as arrhythmia hormone, and less of leptin, the alcohol level.
and atrial fibrillation (A-Fib), Studies showed that participants hormone that tells us we are
according to preliminary who got four to four and a half full,” explains Lisa Cooper, a “Most people have probably
research presented at the hours of sleep per night reported registered dietitian at Orlando driven while tired and may not
American Heart Association’s heightened stress levels, as well Health. These hunger hormones see this as risky behavior on
Scientific Sessions 2016. as increased feelings of sadness, may play a significant role the same level as driving after
Americans diagnosed with anger and mental fatigue. in late-night snacking and consuming a few drinks,” says
insomnia had a 29 percent associated weight gain. Dr. Smith. “But lack of sleep can
higher risk of developing A-Fib, have dangerous effects behind
which can lead to heart failure or “Sheer willpower will not keep the wheel because it slows
stroke. Researchers also found you away from those cheese your reaction time, increases
that those who frequently woke puffs at 10:00 pm if your inattention and reduces
up at night had a 26 percent hormones are working against response accuracy, which
higher risk of developing A-Fib you,” Cooper says. basically means your judgment
compared to their sounder- and your ability to physically
sleeping counterparts. respond in a particular situation
are impaired.”
Discover other ways sleep affects our lives at
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
For early risers and night owls alike, a poor night’s sleep is rarely
the top choice on your menu. Whether you struggle with falling
asleep, staying asleep or waking up too early, these issues may
have a common denominator: the foods you eat.
Eating and sleeping are two of our most coveted creature comforts
and are vital to our overall health and wellness. But how are these
basic needs related?
What we eat and how much we eat both play a role in sleep quality,
says Lauren Popeck, a registered dietitian with Orlando Health.
She points to research from the University of Pennsylvania and
University of Chicago that found study participants who slept
less than five hours a night lacked certain nutrients in their
food intake. Among the missing nutrients was lycopene, an
antioxidant found in tomatoes, grapefruit, watermelon and
other red fruits and vegetables that may lower cancer risk
and protect against cell damage. Study participants who
slept five to six hours a night also took in less vitamin C and
certain antioxidants that reduce the risk of age-related vision
conditions, such as macular degeneration.
Early Birds vs. Night Owls Best and Worst
Food Choices
People who stay up later – night owls – also tend to for Better Sleep
eat later and have different eating habits than early
risers. Researchers discovered through a Finland- The Best
based nutritional study that night owls ate more
unhealthy foods, such as fats and saturated fats, late Foods that contain melatonin, which helps control sleep cycles:
at night. These poor eating habits may increase their Tart cherries or tart cherry juice, gogi berries and raspberries
risks for future obesity and metabolic issues. Foods that contain tryptophan, an amino acid the body uses to
make serotonin and melatonin: Low-fat milk and yogurt
On weekends, night owls’ eating habits went into Tip: Pair milk or yogurt with a complex carbohydrate such
overdrive. “The gap between morning and evening as oatmeal to make tryptophan more available to the brain.
types widened during weekends, as evening types Almonds: A good source of melatonin and magnesium, which
consumed more unhealthy foods, ate out more and help with relaxation
had more irregular meal times than their morning Bananas: A great source of magnesium and potassium, which
counterparts,” says Popeck. help muscles relax. Plus, bananas contain tryptophan
Herbal tea: Valerian root, passion flower or chamomile
Sleep and eating patterns may be related through 5 Best Bedtime Snack Hacks
hormones, which are produced in varying amounts • Raspberries + almonds
throughout the day and help regulate our appetite • Yogurt + frozen tart cherries
and even affect our metabolism. • Banana + almond butter
• Oatmeal + milk
The amount of sleep you get, as well as when you get • Homemade trail mix with nuts, seeds and dried gogi berries
your sleep, can affect hormone production, creating
different eating patterns in early risers and night owls, The Worst
says Popeck.
Caffeine: Found in coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks and
She suggests a couple of changes to help adjust chocolate, this stimulant can last from 8-14 hours
your eating patterns and remove poor sleep from Alcohol: Diminishes sleep quality and may worsen snoring
your menu: Sugar: Too much before bedtime can create an energy spike
that makes falling asleep difficult
Eat frequently throughout the day and avoid eating Spicy foods: Can raise body temperature, which can make you
after 8:00 pm: Consuming high-fiber plant foods and feel more awake, and may contribute to acid reflux when lying
lean proteins will keep you from getting so hungry late down
at night that you reach for processed, unhealthy foods. Fatty foods: Take longer to digest and may cause bloating and
indigestion, which interfere with sleep
Stay away from lots of saturated fat: Red meat,
whole-fat dairy products and fast foods contain too 13
much of this fat. Instead, choose options with healthy
fats such as olive oil, avocados, fish and nuts.
For more articles about health and nutrition news,
go to
By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor
Ah, the ballet ... dancing across the
stage with such grace and beauty,
they take our breath away with the
talent and ease with which they
move. Of course, it’s anything but
easy. Behind every arabesque, plié
and pirouette are years of dedication
and hours of rigorous training and
rehearsals — all of which can take a
toll on the body.
For the Orlando Ballet dancers, dozens of volunteer
medical professionals play key roles off stage in an
effort to keep these athletes healthy through every
performance of The Nutcracker and beyond. Athletic
trainers from the sports medicine team at the Orlando
Health Orthopedic Institute are on-site at the
Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts immediately
before and/or during performances, and a team of 12
Orlando Health physical therapists care for Orlando
Ballet dancers throughout the year. In addition, Orlando
Health provides internal medicine and radiology
services to the dancers.
Care for the Ballet’s dancers is coordinated by Teresa Volkerson, The therapists encourage the dancers to contact them right away if
PT, MPT, Outpatient Rehabilitation supervisor for Orlando they are having a problem. Usually a same- or next-day appointment
Regional Medical Center (ORMC). The physical therapy team serves can be scheduled at ORMC Outpatient Rehabilitation so they can
as the dancers’ frontline healthcare providers, triaging injuries and receive timely treatment.
coordinating further care when needed. While dancers have open
access to Orlando Health physical therapy services year-round, That level of accessibility was a great advantage for Isabella Mendez,
therapists visit the company’s studios weekly during the September who underwent surgery on both hips in her second year. “Physical
through April season to assess injuries. therapy played a huge part in my rehab,” says the 23-year-old
Mendez, now a 6th year dancer. “With their help, I was able to
“Having the physical therapy team on-site every week is recover and finish out the year and still perform, rather than missing
a big help,” says 26-year-old Alberto Blauco, a 6th year the whole season. I healed much sooner than what the doctors had
Orlando Ballet dancer. “They can spot injuries before originally thought.”
they become a bigger issue that could keep us from André Gallon, now 19, had been dealing with a stress fracture before
being able to rehearse or perform.” starting as a trainee with the Orlando Ballet at age 16, and had
undergone previous surgery and rehab. Young and in a new city, he
Physical therapist Teresa Volkerson works with dancer Adam Boreland. says of the Orlando Health team: “They made me feel as though I
didn’t need to worry about my injury. They were going to help me,
and I could focus on other things in my life. I trusted them.”
The dancers also appreciate that the therapists listen to them and
consider their input.
“As dancers, we probably know our bodies better than most people,
and we can often guess what an injury might be,” says Mendez. “The
therapists really listen to us and take that into consideration.”
That shared respect and trust enable the dancers to focus on what
they do best — entertaining, educating and enriching the Central
Florida community.
Learn more about Orlando Health’s role in the
Central Florida community at
Over the 22 years since the Orlando Ballet volunteer medical program
began, the physical therapists have become very adept at identifying
dance-specific injuries and catering to a dancer’s rehabilitation needs,
Volkerson says. Therapists’ familiarity with ballet enables them to give
dance-oriented instructions and restrictions.
“They understand what needs to be done for dancers,” says
Blair Bagley, 24, a 6th year dancer. “The therapists know a lot about
ballet movements, which makes it easier for us to explain what
problems we may be having. That’s a huge benefit for us that we
really appreciate.”
ChooseHealth 15
I choose care that’s there VOTED BEST
when I need it. URGENT CARE
For those minor injuries and illnesses that just can’t wait, Orlando Health
has teamed up with CareSpot Urgent Care to provide you and your ALTAMONTE SPRINGS
family with same-day treatment — including weekends, evenings and 512 E. Altamonte Dr., Suite 1000
holidays — at locations close to you.
Whether it’s X-rays, lab testing or even getting a common prescription (East of I-4, across from
filled, you’ll find the care you need, when you need it, at CareSpot Palm Springs Center)
Urgent Care – Orlando Health. And, you can schedule an appointment
time online, so we’ll be ready when you are. APOPKA
3840 E. State Road 436, Suite 1000 (Corner of SR 436 & Bear Lake Road)
7751 Kingspointe Pkwy., Suite 114
(In Crownpointe Commerce Park)
1414 E. Osceola Pkwy.
(At Michigan, across from Walmart)
136 Parliament Loop, Suite 1020
(In Parliament Loop)
2555 S. Kirkman Rd.
(Across from Walmart)
2323 South Orange Ave.
(Across from Sodo)
5355 Red Bug Lake Rd.
(Across from Walmart)
(coming soon)
*2017 Orlando Sentinel
Best Bets
ChooseHealth 16
Not actual patients.
The Science Behind
Hangovers and Prevention
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
Holiday parties are upon us and for many these festivities include alcoholic beverages.
Whether you’re gulping eggnog laced with rum or sipping one of the season’s trendy
cocktails, you may be headed for a hangover.
Those symptoms — headache, fatigue, thirst, dizziness, nausea and a loss of appetite — occur once alcohol
has left the body. While drinking in moderation, or not at all, is the best way to avoid hangovers, scientific
studies have identified types of alcoholic beverages that are likely to cause more severe symptoms, says
Orlando Health registered dietitian Lauren Popeck.
Congeners More science-backed tips
The main active ingredient in alcoholic Popeck also suggests reducing the
beverages is ethanol, which is made symptoms and severity of hangovers by:
through distilling and fermenting. These
processes also create toxic by-products — Eating a healthy meal when drinking.
known as congeners — that include methanol, This helps slow the rate that alcohol
isopentanol and acetone. gets into your system. Aim for healthy
proteins such as tuna or salmon,
Numerous clinical studies have shown that which contain B vitamins, to promote
alcoholic beverages containing high amounts
of congeners may increase the likelihood metabolism and eliminate alcohol from
and intensity of hangover symptoms as your body.
compared to beverages with low amounts.
Drinks with low congener levels typically are Avoiding salty foods, which increase
clear beverages. thirst and lead you to drink more.
Drinks with High Congener Levels Drinking water with alcohol to alleviate
• Cognac/Brandy its dehydrating effects. Try mixing half a
• Red Wine glass of wine with seltzer, or a tall mixed
• Dark Rum drink with only one shot of liquor plus
• Tequila double the club soda, or simply drinking a
• Whiskey and Bourbon Whiskey glass of water between each cocktail.
Drinks with Low Congener Levels Reaching for potassium-rich foods the
• Vodka (has nearly no congeners) next day. Cantaloupe, kiwi or bananas
• White Wine can help replenish electrolytes lost due
• Gin to increased urination. Potassium also
• Light Rum will help reduce dizziness and lethargy.
• Certain Beers Plus, fruits contain healthy carbs that
counteract alcohol-induced low blood
Childbirth Education
Please call 321.8HEALTH (843.2584) for more Prenatal Breastfeeding
information on how to register. These classes Introduces women to breastfeeding basics: the benefits, how
are held at Orlando Health Winnie Palmer breast milk is made, how to know if your baby is getting enough
Hospital for Women & Babies, 83 W. Miller St., milk, prevention and treatment of common breastfeeding
Orlando, FL 32806. problems and pumping, collecting and storage of breast milk.
$40 per couple.
Baby Inside You
Specifically designed to provide information during a woman’s Mothers Matter
second trimester. Topics: relaxing techniques, pre-term labor An emotional support group for pregnant and postpartum women.
recognition, nutrition, exercise, etc. $40 per couple. The group offers peer-to-peer emotional support facilitated by a
licensed clinician specializing in perinatal mood disorders. No fee.
Preparation for Childbirth For information, call 321.841.5615.
Access to our eight-chapter, interactive, web-based e-class that
uses videos, personal birth stories, animations, activities and Basic Infant Care
games to teach essential information parents need to know to A lecture-style class where parents-to-
prepare for their baby’s birth. $100 per couple. be learn what they need to know about
caring for a newborn. Information about
Prenatal Yoga normal behaviors and parenting included.
Prepare your mind and body for the arrival of your baby in a one- $40 per couple.
hour class designed for expectant mothers.
Mother-Baby Connection
Formerly known as Moms Meeting Moms, the Mother-Baby
Connection is designed for mothers with babies from birth to
9 months. Meet other moms and receive interesting information
from our expert guest speakers. $10 fee.
ChooseHealth 18
Cancer Support Community Upcoming
To learn more about these and other cancer support groups and classes, call 321.841.5056.
Annual Gynecologic
Most sessions are held at the Ambulatory Care Center, 22 W. Underwood St., Community
2nd Floor, Orlando, FL 32806. Please call to register and confirm.
Awareness Event
Breast Cancer Support
This group is open to any January 21, 2018
woman at any stage of her 8:00 am – 11:00 am
breast-cancer journey.
Lake Eola Park
Caregivers Support Group Laughter Yoga Women’s Cancer Downtown Orlando
Drop by to relax with fellow Join the world’s happiest Support Group
cancer caregivers. Learn workout and reap multiple Come for support and to
ways to cope with stress, benefits, including improving connect with other women GynEvent
while enjoying snacks and breathing, managing your who have been diagnosed
companionship. stress and boosting your with cancer. This group covers
creativity. You only need a a wide range of topics and
The Inspiration Choir sense of humor. occasionally features guest
An informal singing group speakers.
for cancer patients and Open Art Studio
caregivers interested in having Cancer patients and caregivers
fun. No prior singing or choir join artist Angilyn Watson
experience necessary. for creative art time. No art
experience necessary, just
the desire to participate and
surprise yourself.
Support, Classes & Programs
To learn more about these and other support groups and classes, call 321.8HEALTH (843.2584).
Please call to register and confirm.
Bariatric Weight Loss Support Group Stroke Support Group Smoking Cessation
Postoperative patients are strongly encouraged to attend this Offered to both stroke Classes
survivors and their caregivers.
group. We also welcome preoperative patients who are Join us for these open-forum Quit Smoking Now
interested in learning more about the lifestyle changes gatherings, giving participants and Tools to Quit
necessary to be successful with weight loss. an opportunity to share stories
and experiences. Meets on Offered on select days at
Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Information Session the last Wednesday of each various Orlando Health
Learn more about the bariatric surgical options available, month. For more information, locations.
find out if you are a candidate for surgery and speak visit
with one of our bariatric surgeons at this free information StrokeSupport. For specific dates and times of
session. Register at these sessions, visit
Pre-Operation Joint Replacement
This patient-education class provides an overview of what you
need to know about having joint replacement surgery. The content
will cover general information to prepare you for your surgery,
recovering in the hospital, planning for your safe discharge and
rehabilitation, including physical therapy.
ChooseHealth 19
Things Your Radiologist
Wants You to Know
By Ruby Lukse, MD, Radiologist with Orlando Health Imaging Centers
State-of-the-art machines that can see inside your body —
and make unfamiliar noises in the process — are essential in
diagnosing and treating many medical conditions. Whether
you’re having an X-ray, CT scan, MRI, PET scan, nuclear
medicine or ultrasound, it’s helpful to know about the
process before your scheduled imaging study.
Here are five things I wish all my patients knew.
1 Know where and who will be performing your study.
Your doctor will refer you to an imaging center for tests needed to make
an accurate diagnosis. All Orlando Health Imaging Centers have highly
trained, board-certified radiologists on-site. These radiologists will view
your study, interpret the results and communicate them to your doctor
in a timely manner.
2 Your study may start before you even enter the imaging
center. Depending on the type of imaging study, you may have to
follow special instructions beforehand, such as fasting, taking a bowel
prep solution or just continuing your usual routine.
3 Be a know-it-all about your health care. Make sure to provide
complete information about your medical conditions, any prior surgeries
and current medications so the imaging team has all they need to get the
best images and the most accurate results.
4 Discuss your imaging study results with your doctor.
Your doctor is best suited to determine how the imaging results fit into
your overall health plan. If there are questions about the study that your
doctor can’t answer, these can be clarified by the radiologist.
5 Be aware that you may need to schedule a follow-up
study. These technologies are an important part of monitoring particular
conditions or treatment plans and may require follow-up studies.
To learn more, visit
ChooseHealth 20
MitraClip Procedure a New Option
for Heart Valve Surgery
By Diana Lomont, Editorial Contributor
Patients with the most common type of heart valve disease
now have a minimally invasive option available to them at
Orlando Health Heart Institute.
While open-heart surgery is the standard treatment for this condition, known as
mitral valve regurgitation (MR), nearly 50 percent of patients are considered too high
risk for surgery because of other illness or advanced age. The MitraClip®, which is a
permanent implant device, is the first minimally invasive procedure approved by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treatment of MR.
In patients with MR, one of the four heart valves (the mitral valve) does not close
tightly, allowing blood to flow backward into the left chamber of the heart and
lung. This requires the heart to work harder and may raise the risk of pulmonary
hypertension, stroke and heart failure.
Those with MR may have no symptoms for decades and be
unaware that they have this condition until fatigue or shortness of
breath set in. The condition can develop over time as a result of
coronary artery disease.
“We’re excited to offer this option to patients who would not be
good candidates for open-heart surgery,” says Dr. Vijay Kasi of
the Heart Valve Center at Orlando Health Heart Institute.
“We have had good success performing this procedure
at Orlando Health with patients experiencing a rapid
recovery and improvement in quality of life.”
Unlike surgery, this procedure does not require
opening the chest. Instead, doctors access the heart
through a vein in the leg to implant the MitraClip,
which closes the center of the mitral valve, allowing
the heart to pump blood more efficiently.
For more information about the MitraClip
procedure, or to make an appointment with
an Orlando Health Heart Institute doctor, call
Jay Tackett’s
Back Home
By Diana Lomont, Editorial Contributor
Jay and Dorrie Tackett had
planned their bucket-list trip
to Niagara Falls for months,
plotting the route and stops
for their motorcycle ride
along the East Coast. Now
their vacation was almost
over and the couple would
soon be home. After a full
day of riding, it was starting
to get dark as they neared
their hometown of Polk City.
Tackett, who had ridden
motorcycles for decades, was
traveling south on State Road
417 when the bike suddenly hit
something on the pavement
and crashed.
ChooseHealth 22
The next thing Tackett remembers is waking improvements. His
up in the emergency room of Orlando
Regional Medical Center (ORMC). He appetite returned and
had broken ribs and a broken collarbone.
His lower back was fractured and his legs he began interacting
paralyzed. And then he learned that his
wife, Dorrie — whom he had known since with team members
childhood — did not survive the accident.
who provided Tackett has worked with a variety of therapists. He is pictured
“We were going to be home in emotional support and here with Andrea Cooper (recreational therapist), Ryann Cahill
20 minutes and go about our encouragement. His (physical therapist) and Cori Quigley (occupational therapist).
everyday life. Everything changed in rehab team included a
an instant,” recalls Tackett, age 59.
neuropsychologist, a
Because Tackett was taken to a Level One
Trauma Center, a multidisciplinary team rehabilitation nurse and physical, occupational Not all days were easy, and there were many
of surgeons was on-site to stabilize his
life-threatening injuries, which included and recreational therapists. hours of grieving. But Tackett didn’t feel alone
contusions to the lungs. Four days later, he
was stable enough for the operating room. “I worked with several different for long. “When Ryan, the music therapist,
Six hours of surgery started with orthopedic therapists, and I learned something began playing his guitar, the black hole went
specialist Dr. Kenneth Koval placing a metal away,” recalls Tackett. “So many people here
plate in his chest to compensate for his
shattered collarbone. Then, neurosurgeon from all of them,” says Tackett. have been very caring and attentive. They take
Dr. Robert Hirschl realigned Tackett’s “You have to retrain your brain to the time to listen and to just talk.”
fractured vertebrae, fusing two metal rods to
his lower spine. But Tackett’s spinal cord had maneuver your body in different After five weeks of rehabilitation, Tackett’s
been completely severed in his lower back, therapy team deemed him ready to return
where the spinal cord nerves control lower ways to do what you want it to do.” home — where he hadn’t been for months.
body movement, and nothing could be done
to regain the use of his legs. Tackett worked on his balance and strength Tackett will continue to build his strength
Next, Tackett spent 13 weeks resting at a with physical therapist Ryann Cahill, PT, and independent living skills through
skilled nursing facility so his fractures could
heal enough to bear his weight. He then DPT, progressing to sitting in a chair and outpatient rehabilitation. And he’ll have a
returned to ORMC and began working with moving from his wheelchair to a bed or car network of support through the Spinal Cord
the Orlando Health Rehabilitation Institute’s with minimal to no assistance. Occupational Injury Program.
Spinal Cord Injury Program. The first few days
were especially tough, recalls Tackett, who therapist Cori Quigley, OTR, helped him Tackett’s progress was largely a result of his
had lost 17 pounds of muscle mass during his relearn the basics of self-care, from brushing positive attitude, says his therapy team.
recovery. At first, he had to rely on three staff his teeth to showering and dressing. Tackett’s “He works absolutely the hardest, and always
members and a slide board to get him in and therapy also included leisurely community goes above and beyond,” says physical
out of bed. activities with recreational therapist Andrea therapist Cahill.
Cooper, MS, CTRS, LRT. Their outings
Four hours of physical and occupational
therapy every day were exhausting, but included lunch at a casual restaurant, a coffee Patients with life-changing injuries do best
after the first week he started noticing trip and time at ORMC’s first-floor garden when they continue to see purpose in their
— all in an effort to re-integrate him into the lives, says therapy manager Jose Dominguez.
community from a wheelchair. For Tackett, it was looking forward to
returning to his job making eyeglasses,
taking care of his horses and 12-acre farm,
and continuing his hobby of restoring old
motorcycles and cars.
Andrea Cooper, a recreational therapist, “The Lord blessed me with my hands,” says
helped Tackett through a variety of Tackett. “My legs are gone, but I still have my
leisurely community activities. hands. I just can’t walk, that’s all.”
To learn more about Orlando Health
Rehabilitation Institute, go to
ChooseHealth 23
Think Twice About
Cooking with Coconut Oil
By Lisa Cooper, MS, RD, LDN Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist at Orlando Health
As a dietitian, I watch for fads that can lead well- replacing saturated fat intake with
meaning consumers astray. Lately, I’ve noticed monounsaturated or polyunsaturated
a lot of attention focused on the benefits of fat — and eating more vegetables,
consuming coconut oil. In fact, a recent survey fruits and grains — you can reduce
reported that 72 percent of Americans rated your risk of heart disease by up to
coconut oil as a “healthy food” compared with 30 percent.
only 37 percent of nutritionists.
So which is the best heart-healthy
While coconut oil does have some health-promoting properties, it is oil to use in the kitchen? Olive oil
also very high in saturated fat — a proven contributor remains a recommended favorite.
to heart disease. Because heart disease accounts Olive oil has one-fifth the saturated
for one in three deaths in the U.S., the oil fat content of coconut oil and is
you choose to cook or bake with, or add high in monounsaturated fat. Extra
to your smoothie in the morning, is an virgin olive oil contains antioxidants,
important decision for your health. polyphenols and omega-3 fatty acids
that are good for your heart and
Coconut oil contains more saturated brain function while boosting your
fat than butter, more than twice immune system and protecting you
that of lard and very little in the way from cancer.
of monounsaturated or Use extra virgin olive oil for salad
polyunsaturated fats. dressings or dipping. Choose a
Why is this important? light virgin olive oil for baking, oven
Because study cooking or stir frying. If you need an
upon study has oil that can withstand a high smoke
demonstrated point for searing, browning or frying,
that by choose refined olive oil, sunflower oil,
almond oil or avocado oil.
For more diet and nutrition news,
ChooseHealth 24
Winter’s Low Light
Can Hamper Male Libido
By Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD, Urologist and Co-Director of The PUR Clinic at South Lake Hospital
The same factors that drive seasonal depression also may be responsible
for low libido in men. With winter’s shorter days and reduced sunlight,
testosterone levels often decrease in men from November through
April. This is in dramatic contrast to the increased testosterone
levels of the warmer months — especially the long, sunny
days of June, when a man has the highest likelihood of
producing offspring.
As an alternative to medication, a more natural solution for boosting
testosterone may be available in the future. European researchers found
that exposing men to light during winter months can boost testosterone
and sexual satisfaction, just as light therapy helps many people deal with
seasonal affective disorder.
In the study, half of the male participants spent 30 minutes in front of
a UV-filtered light box in the morning. The other half were exposed to
a placebo light treatment. By the end of two weeks, men in the brighter
light group reported triple the level of sexual satisfaction, increasing
from a score of 2 to a score of 6 (on a 1-10 scale). Their testosterone
levels also increased. Men in the placebo group didn’t experience any
change in their testosterone levels or sexual satisfaction scores.
Why is light therapy so effective? The answer may be biological.
Researchers believe light therapy combats gland activity in the brain
that depresses testosterone levels. Light therapy also may increase
testosterone-boosting hormones in the body.
That doesn’t mean men should spend all day out in the Florida sun. After
all, overexposure to UV rays can be dangerous. It just means that for men
dealing with low libido, light therapy could one day be an alternative to
prescription medications. The operative word is “could” — much more
research is needed to truly assess the benefits of light therapy for male libido.
To discuss sexual performance issues with a board-certified
urologist, go to
ChooseHealth 25
Meet the Newest Physicians
on the Orlando Health Team*
Ololade Olamide Faris Khaled Andrew Monique
Akintoye, MD Al-Mousily, MD Bittar, MD Davidiuk, MD Dieuvil, MD
407.649.6907 407.649.6907 321.841.3338 Dr. Dieuvil joined
Dr. Davidiuk joined Orlando Health
In August, Dr. Dr. Al-Mousily joined A board-certified the Orlando Health Physician Associates
Akintoye joined The Heart Center pediatrician, Dr. Bittar Physicians Urology in August as a
The Heart Center at Arnold Palmer joined the Arnold Group in August family medicine
at Arnold Palmer Hospital in August. Palmer Hospital and specializes in physician. She
Hospital, specializing He is board certified Center for Digestive minimally invasive earned her medical
in pediatric and in pediatrics, pediatric Health and Nutrition urologic surgery. degree from the
fetal cardiology. She cardiology and adult in August. His research Dr. Davidiuk earned University of Florida
earned her medical congenital heart includes pediatric cases his medical degree College of Medicine
degree at the Medical disease, with training of celiac disease, from the University (Gainesville), then
College of Wisconsin and certification type 1 diabetes mellitus of North Carolina completed a family
(Milwaukee), in cardiac MRI. and mastocytic School of Medicine medicine residency
completed her Dr. Al-Mousily earned enterocolitis. Dr. Bittar (Chapel Hill). He at UF Health Shands
residency at his medical degree received his medical completed both Hospital (Gainesville).
Cincinnati Children’s at Al-Mustansiriya degree from the a general surgery
Hospital Medical University (Iraq), Damascus University internship and
Center, her pediatric completed his (Syria), completed urology residency
cardiology fellowship residency at the his residency at at Mayo Clinic
at Duke University University of Florida Children’s Hospital (Jacksonville, FL),
Medical Center (Jacksonville) and of Michigan (Detroit) and specialty training
(Durham, NC) performed his and performed his in urologic robotic
and an advanced fellowship at the fellowship with the surgery through
fellowship in University of Florida University of Florida. the Southeastern
noninvasive imaging (Gainesville). Section of the
and fetal cardiology at American Urological
Children’s Healthcare Association.
of Atlanta.
*New physicians from March 2017 through October 16, 2017. ChooseHealth 26
The physicians at Orlando Health are part
of a collaborative network that works toward one common goal: your health.
Darlene Melia Michael Shveta Monica Sushma
Eckert, MD Evans, MD Farias, MD Gupta, MD Hamburgh,MD,PhD Koneru, MD
407.240.5554 407.635.3027 ORLANDO CAMPUS DOWNTOWN 407.240.5554 321.841.6444
Board certified Board certified in 407.649.6907 Board certified A board-certified
in pediatrics, family medicine, 321.841.3338 in pediatrics, Dr. noninvasive
Dr. Eckert joined Dr. Evans joined Board certified in Hamburgh joined cardiologist and heart
Orlando Health Orlando Health pediatric cardiology, In August, Dr. Gupta Orlando Health failure specialist,
Physician Associates Physician Associates Dr. Farias joined The joined the Haley Physician Associates Dr. Koneru joined
in September. in September. She Heart Center at Arnold Center for Children’s in October. She the Orlando Health
She earned her earned her medical Palmer Hospital in Cancer and Blood earned her medical Heart Institute
medical degree degree from the July. He earned his Disorders at Arnold degree from the Cardiology Group in
at Northeastern University of medical degree from Palmer Hospital University of July. She earned her
Ohio Universities Arkansas for Medical Harvard Medical for Children. Board Rochester School medical degree from
College of Medicine Sciences College School (Boston, MA) certified in pediatrics of Medicine & Rangaraya Medical
(Greater Akron) of Medicine (Little and completed both as well as pediatric Dentistry (New College (India)
and completed her Rock) and completed his residency and his hematology, she York), completed a and completed her
residency at Arnold her family medicine fellowship at Boston specializes in sickle pediatrics residency residency in internal
Palmer Hospital for residency at St. Children’s Hospital. cell disease, and at Brown University medicine at Southern
Children. In addition Vincent’s Medical bleeding and clotting (Providence, RI) Illinois University
to English, Dr. Eckert Center Riverside disorders. Dr. Gupta and earned a PhD (Springfield).
speaks Spanish. (Jacksonville, FL). earned her medical in microbiology She performed a
degree from All India and immunology fellowship in adult
Institute of Medical from Albert Einstein cardiovascular
Sciences (New Delhi) College of Medicine diseases at Creighton
and completed (Bronx, NY). University (Omaha,
her residency in NE) and a fellowship
pediatrics and in advanced heart
a fellowship in failure and transplant
hematology oncology cardiology at the
at Children’s Hospital University of
Los Angeles. Rochester (New York).
ChooseHealth 27
Meet the Newest Physicians
on the Orlando Health Team*
Ray Charles Brandon Naina Prajwol
Lebeda, MD Lerner, MD Locklear, MD Mehta, MD Pathak, MD
407.635.3023 407.635.3022 407.905.6014
In September, Dr. Lerner is a board- Dr. Locklear joined ORLANDO CAMPUS COUNTY
Dr. Lebeda joined certified internal Orlando Health
Orlando Health medicine physician Physician Associates 321.841.9340 321.843.7440
Physician Associates who joined Orlando in October. A board-
as a board-certified Health Physician certified OB-GYN, he Board certified in In August, Dr. Pathak
family medicine Associates in earned his medical neurodevelopmental joined Orlando
physician. He earned October. He earned degree from the Brody disabilities, Dr. Mehta Health UF Health
his medical degree his medical degree School of Medicine joined the Arnold Cancer Center as a
from the University from St. Christopher’s at East Carolina Palmer Hospital for medical oncologist
of Arkansas for College of Medicine University (Greenville, Children Behavioral and hematologist. He
Medical Sciences (Luton, England) NC) and completed his and Developmental earned his medical
College of Medicine and completed his residency in obstetrics Center in October. degree from the
(Little Rock) and medical residency and gynecology She earned her Rajendra Institute
completed a family at Mercer University at Winnie Palmer medical degree of Medical Sciences
practice residency at School of Medicine Hospital for Women from the University (India), completed
St. Vincent’s Medical (Macon, GA). & Babies. Dr. Locklear of London (UK). his residency at
Center Riverside is certified in da Vinci® She completed a Nassau University
(Jacksonville, FL). Robotic Surgery and pediatric residency Medical Center
has a special interest at Thomas Jefferson (East Meadow, NY)
in minimally invasive University Hospital and performed
gynecology. (Philadelphia, PA) his fellowship at
and performed her University of Florida
developmental/ College of Medicine
behavioral pediatric (Gainesville).
fellowship at Dr. Pathak is board
Children’s Hospital certified in internal
of Philadelphia. medicine.
ChooseHealth 28
The physicians at Orlando Health are part
of a collaborative network that works toward one common goal: your health.
Annapurna Surabhi Jason Cameron James Jay
Pattisapu, MD Ranjan, MD Rich, MD Swanick, MD Toledano, MD Vachhani, MD
407.635.3021 321.841.7218 DOWNTOWN
Dr. Rich is a CENTERS ORLANDO CAMPUS 321.841.7550
Board certified in Dr. Ranjan joined pediatrician who
internal medicine, Orlando Health joined Orlando 321.841.8650 321.841.3040 Dr. Vachhani
Dr. Pattisapu joined UF Health Health Physician joined Orlando
Orlando Health Cancer Center in Associates in Dr. Swanick is a Board certified in Health Physicians
Physician Associates September and is October. He earned radiation oncologist pediatric orthopedic Neurosurgery
in October. She board certified. She his medical degree who joined Orlando surgery, Dr. Toledano Group in July. He
earned her medical earned her medical from the University Health UF Cancer joined the Arnold specializes in general
degree from degree from Seth of Florida College Center in August. Palmer Hospital neurosurgical
Andhra Medical GS Medical College of Medicine She specializes in for Children Center conditions involving
College (India) and and King Edward (Gainesville) where advanced radiation for Orthopedics in the brain, spinal cord
completed an internal Memorial Hospital he also completed treatments. Dr. October. He earned and peripheral nerves.
medicine residency (India), completed his residency in Swanick earned her his medical degree He earned his medical
at Hahnemann a neurology pediatrics. Dr. medical degree from from Georgetown degree from the
University School residency at the Rich’s clinical Duke University University School University of Florida
of Medicine University of Virginia interests include School of Medicine of Medicine College of Medicine
(Philadelphia, PA). In (Charlottesville), and raising awareness (Durham, NC) (Washington, DC), (Gainesville),
addition to English, a clinical neuro- about Neisseria and completed a completed a general completed his
Dr. Pattisapu is fluent oncology fellowship meningitidis — or residency in radiation surgery internship neurosurgical
in Telugu. through the National meningococcus — oncology at The at the Naval Medical residency at the
Institutes of and the importance University of Texas Center Portsmouth University of
Health (Bethesda, of vaccinating MD Anderson Cancer (Virginia), an Illinois College of
MD) and Johns children against this Center (Houston). orthopedic surgery Medicine (Peoria)
Hopkins University illness. residency at Saint and performed
(Baltimore, MD). Louis University an open vascular
School of Medicine and endovascular
(Missouri) and his fellowship at the
fellowship in pediatric Semmes-Murphey
orthopedic surgery at Clinic (Memphis, TN).
Orlando Health.
*New physicians from March 2017 through October 16, 2017. ChooseHealth 29
Teen Xpress
Tackles Health Basics
By Diana Lomont, Editorial Contributor
Vaccines and physicals, asthma inhalers, nutrition classes, counseling
sessions. These healthcare basics can help teens break the cycle of poverty,
says Eileen Navarro, a family nurse practitioner with Teen Xpress, part of
The Howard Phillips Center for Children & Families.
During the program’s 20 years, she has seen the “For many of these
difference these simple services can make in the lives of families, health care
disadvantaged teens. from Teen Xpress is
the only care their
“Vaccines enable teens to attend school, health physicals allow kids get. The priority
them to participate in sports, inhalers keep them out of the ER, for parents is to work
and nutrition advice reduces their likelihood of obesity and all its and put food on the
associated risks,” says Navarro. “And the mental health counseling table,” says program
we provide gives these teens a safe place to talk about their life director Rita Vento,
difficulties and learn skills to create a better future for themselves.” PhD. “We’re serving
communities in
The Teen Xpress clinical team provides all of these services Orange County where
aboard a 40-foot-long, brightly colored bus (pictured below) close to 75 percent of the households live below the poverty line.”
that’s equipped with modern medical technology. Weekly visits
to seven Orange County schools served nearly 800 uninsured Teens served by the program also receive help getting dental care
youth, ages 11-18, last year. and other assistance from community resources. Teen Xpress will
even help youths get their first form of identification so they can
apply for jobs.
The award-winning program has been so successful that expanding
to serve other communities is a top goal.
“We are finding more teens who have gone without basic care
for years and are pre-diabetic, severely obese, asthmatic, lack
vaccinations and have chronic mental health conditions without
psychiatric evaluations,” says Navarro. “Additional staff would help
us treat more youth, address more health issues and make sure we
are doing the very best for the community we serve.”
To learn more about Teen Xpress or make a donation,
ChooseHealth 30
Falling Temperatures
Raise Burn Risks
By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor
Even in Florida, cooler temperatures come with
heightened burn risks — especially for children.
Beginning in late autumn, the Arnold Palmer Hospital for
Children Pediatric Burn Clinic sees an uptick in injuries
from two primary sources — fire pits and hot chocolate,
says Jennifer Quilty, DNP, ARNP, a manager and nurse
practitioner at the clinic. Fireplaces and portable heaters
also can pose dangers.
Many children and parents don’t realize that ashes from
fire pits may still be hot the next day. Covering the ashes
with sand or dirt not only hides the danger from view, but
also can hold dangerous heat in even longer, says Quilty.
The walk-in clinic sees dozens of children each year with
burns from fire pits. They range from foot and hand burns
caused from children walking or falling onto hot ashes, to
burns from flying embers or falls
into active fires. She recommends FAST FACTS
that parents and other caregivers
enforce a 3-foot “kid-free zone” • About 250,000
around open fires — and space children in the U.S.,
heaters too. ages 0-17, receive
burns severe enough
Hot liquids can burn like fire, and to require medical
adults must be watchful when attention each year.
kids are around cool-weather
favorites such as hot chocolate. • About 40 percent
Scald burns, often from hot of these are scalds
chocolate, are frequently the from spilled food and
result of younger children pulling • Scalds are the cause
the hot liquid off a counter or of most burns in
table, or older children spilling it children under age 5.
in their laps, says Quilty. Source: The Burn Foundation Brought to you by:
Regardless of how they occur,
burns require prompt medical attention, she says. If you
are unsure about the severity of a burn, go to the nearest
ER or call 911 for immediate assessment.
2017 Orlando Health Dr. P. Phillips Hospital
Orlando Health Dr. P. Phillips Hospital is a comprehensive community hospital providing the residents
of southwest Orange County with a complete continuum of care, including advanced technology and
expertise in cardiovascular and stroke care, surgical services and rehabilitation therapy.
That expertise has earned the hospital Chest Pain Center and Heart Failure accreditations and
designation as a Primary Stroke Center, equipped to deliver rapid diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Additionally, the Get With The Guidelines® – Stroke Gold and Target: Stroke Honor Roll awards from the
American Heart Association and American Stroke Association recognize continued success in using the
most up-to-date, evidence-based treatment guidelines to improve patient care and outcomes.
The hospital also has received The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for Advanced
Certification for Total Hip and Total Knee Replacement. Outpatient rehabilitation services include
physical, speech, occupational and hand therapy at on-campus and Dr. P. Phillips YMCA locations.
Dr. P. Phillips Hospital has been recognized consistently for quality and safety, including a silver-level
Beacon Award for Excellence from the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (Intensive Care
Unit). Also, in addition to receiving a third consecutive “A” Hospital Safety Grade, the hospital earned
the prestigious Top Hospital award for 2017, presented to the highest-performing hospitals by The
Leapfrog Group, a national, nonprofit advocate for healthcare quality and safety.
To learn more about our hospital and take a virtual tour of our facility,
ChooseHealth 32
Award-Winning Specialty Care Near You.
2017 2017
Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Orlando Health Arnold Palmer
Hospital for Women & Babies provides Hospital for Children has earned
comprehensive healthcare for all stages national recognition as one of the
of a woman’s life. It has received “Top “Best Children’s Hospitals” by
Teaching Hospital” recognition for meeting rigorous U.S. News & World Report and a
quality and safety standards, and “Magnet” designation “Top Children’s Hospital” by the Leapfrog Group, which
for nursing excellence and high-quality patient care. The measures quality and safety. Arnold Palmer Hospital offers
hospital also has earned national certification in perinatal expertise in virtually all pediatric specialties and is “Magnet
care for excellence in prenatal through postpartum care. Recognized” for nursing excellence and high-quality
patient care.
Orlando Health Orlando Health
Heart Institute
is Central UF Health Cancer
Florida’s premier
cardiovascular Center is one
program, receiving
the highest quality of Florida’s four
ratings possible
from the Society state-designated
of Thoracic
TM Surgeons (STS) for Cancer Centers of
two of the most-
common heart surgeries. Our team of renowned cardiac Excellence and the
care professionals, including specialized heart physicians
and surgeons, work together to create the best possible only one in Central
patient experience.
experienced cancer
doctors and top cancer researchers from Orlando Health
and the University of Florida’s health system to provide
the most effective cancer care for our communities and
unique treatments tailored to each patient’s needs.
ChooseHealth 33
Orlando Health in the Community
By Cherisse Stover, Editorial Contributor
Winning Women in Purple Come Out with Pride National Night Out
More than 120 women attended the Orlando Health participated in the Come Out Orlando Health joined the Orlando
first-ever Winning Women in Purple with Pride Parade at Lake Eola Park in Downtown Police Department (OPD), the City of
Orlando. Team members from across the system Orlando and thousands of communities
networking and walked in the parade to show our support for the across the country to celebrate the
women’s leadership LGBTQ community. 28th annual
event at Orlando City National
Stadium featuring Donation Collection for Hurricane Relief Night Out.
Orlando Health’s own In three days, Orlando Health team members This unique
Dr. Veronica Schimp collected more than 2,500 pounds of donations crime
on a panel with 106.7 for hurricane relief efforts in Puerto Rico. This was prevention
radio host Laura Diaz and Olympic made possible by the hard work and coordination event
Gold medalist, World Cup winner and of team members in many different departments, involves
Orlando Pride player Ali Krieger. including central supply, guest services, internal the city’s Neighborhood Watches,
communications, neighborhood organizations, and
Painting Quest Kids Academy consolidated faith-based and community groups in
Seventy Orlando Health team members service center and partnership with OPD. One of the goals
and their families recently volunteered volunteer services. of National Night Out is to assist in the
to paint the interior of Quest Kids strengthening of neighborhood spirit
Academy. The academy is a program and police-community partnerships
of Quest, Inc., a local non-profit by sending a
organization that supports Central message to
criminals letting
Floridians with developmental them know that
disabilities by offering choices neighborhoods
and opportunities to live, learn, are organized.
work and play. Team members,
including Andy Gardiner and
Quest, Inc. board member
Bernadette Spong, had a great
time working together on such a
worthy project, and their time and
effort are appreciated!
Orlando Health Community Grant MVP Families – Stress Management
Program Recognition Ceremony LIFT Orlando’s MVP Families recently learned fun ways to manage
Orlando Health’s Community Benefit Department held an their stress through an interactive education session held by Orlando
event in July to recognize the 2017 Orlando Health Community Health’s Christine Karper, PhD. Families and children from ages 6+
Grant recipients. We funded 22 applications, three of which were learned how to identify someone who is stressed and become their
submitted by team members. This year’s grant process is especially “life saver.” As part of the education, participants learned to cope
meaningful because every age is represented by a program from with stress through a worry stone. By drawing an image on the stone
prenatal, newborn, adolescent, adult and seniors. Over the past two that makes you smile, the stone helps you focus on something other
years, we have funded 33 applications totaling $439,719. Our next than your stress. For the event, our team members volunteered to
assist Dr. Karper with the interactive session.
grant cycle is underway now.
ChooseHealth 34
*Coming soon - five medical pavilions
and freestanding emergency rooms.
When it comes to medical care in Central Florida,
Orlando Health has you covered.
Choose Orlando Health.
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Orlando, FL
© 2017 Orlando Health
Choose minimally invasive robotic surgery.
Choose Orlando Health.
Orlando Health is proud to be a leader in robotic-assisted surgery, offering
the benefits of this advanced minimally invasive technology to our patients.
In our ongoing commitment to enhance patient care, our Advanced Robotic
Surgery Center brings together top surgeons to perform minimally invasive
robotic surgery at hospitals throughout Orlando Health. By using robotic surgery
techniques, our surgeons are able to achieve greater precision and control for
complex procedures than is possible through conventional surgery. Benefits to
our patients include less pain, smaller incisions associated with minimal scarring
and faster healing.
At Orlando Health, we offer one of the largest robotic surgery programs in the
country. Our surgeons even serve as trainers and mentors to other physicians
seeking to learn robotic surgery.
• Colorectal Surgery • Pediatric General Surgery
• General Surgery • Pediatric Urologic Surgery
• Gynecologic Oncology Surgery • Thoracic Surgery
• Gynecologic Surgery • Urological Surgery
• Head and Neck Surgery • Weight Loss Surgery
• Hepatobiliary Surgery