Summer ‛18
Join Us as We Celebrate
Hospitality Homes Week
July 22-28, 2018
Your gifts are furthering our mission of improving
Thanks to you, the Foundation is more than half the health and quality of life of those in the
way to our 2018 financial goal and able to help communities we serve and come to us in many
Orlando Health increase its impact on Central forms, like: individual donations, corporate
Florida through new locations, expanded services donations, gifts in kind and stocks or bequests.
and updated facilities. Every donation has a story, and you can read about
In May, we celebrated the opening of the some of them in every edition of Inspire.
Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for In closing, with the help of our donors, like you, we
Children Emergency Room at Orlando Health have already achieved many amazing things this
Dr. P Phillips Hospital thanks to the generosity and year and we look forward to achieving many more
continued support of Dr. Phillips Charities. Families as the year continues.
who live near Orlando Health Dr. P. Phillips can
now take their children to a location closer to home John W. Bozard, President,
and still receive the same quality of care they would Orlando Health Foundation
downtown at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer. Arnold Palmer Medical Center Foundation
July 22-28 marks Hospitality Homes Week, during
which we recognize the conveniences offered by
our two hospitality home locations – Hubbard
House on the downtown campus, and the Cynthia
C. & William E. Perry Pavilion at Orlando Health
Dr. P. Phillips.
In preparation for the second half of the year,
we have started planning for exciting events
like the Florida Club Managers Association of
America (FLCMAA) golf tournament, Walk For
Winnie, presented by Panera Bread® and hosted by
SeaWorld® Orlando, and Orlando Health’s 100-year
anniversary coming up in November.
2 inspire - Summer 2018
4 Rory McIlroy Wins Arnold Palmer Invitational presented by Mastercard
5 Marching Against Children’s Cancer
6-7 Upcoming Events
8-9 Knight-Thon Leaves a Legacy
10 Meet Team Member Valerie Dosainvil, LCSW
11 Isabella Garcia: Life with Pediatric Hip Dysplasia
12-13 Get to Know Trauma Nursing Operations Manager, Jenn Thelen
13 Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Opens New Location
14-15 Another Successful Doctors’ Day
16-18 Giving Back by Planning Ahead
19-20 The Importance of a Home Away from Home
20-21 A Tribute to Ruth Hubbard
22-23 Memorial Gifts
Rory McIlroy Wins Arnold Palmer
Invitational presented by Mastercard
Rory McIlory celebrates his win.
The legacy of Arnold Palmer lives on in Rory McIlroy. On Sunday, March 18th, at the Arnold Palmer Invitational
presented by Mastercard, McIlroy birdied four consecutive holes and five of his final six at Arnold Palmer’s Bay Hill
Club & Lodge to break away from the pack.
The win, marks McIlroy’s 14th career PGA Tour win and his first since the Tour Championship on September 25th,
2016, in which he won on the 4th hole of a sudden death playoff with Ryan Moore at East Lake in Atlanta. Later that
same day, Mr. Palmer passed away marking McIlroy’s win at Palmer’s event with special meaning personally and to
the tournament.
“I wish he would have been at the top of the hill to shake my hand
when I came off the 18th green there,” McIlroy said. “But hopefully,
he’s proud of me, with the way I played that back nine. I tried to be
as aggressive as I could and tried to take on shots when I needed
to, just like he would have. So yeah, it’s come full circle since that
day in September in 2016, and I’m just proud to be sitting up here
and have my name on that trophy.”
2018 marked yet another successful Arnold Palmer Invitational presented by Mastercard and the Orlando Health
Foundation appreciates all of the support it receives from this very special golf tournament.
To learn more about how you can help continue the legacy of Arnold Palmer, visit
4 inspire - Summer 2018
Marching Against
Children’s Cancer
The 7th Annual Arnie’s March Against Children’s Cancer took place on Tuesday, March 13th next to the 9th hole at
Arnold Palmer’s Bay Hill Club & Lodge. The march provides an opportunity to recognize and honor cancer fighters,
their families, Orlando Health Arnold Palmer staff and supporters. The event took place in partnership with Arnie’s
Army Charitable Foundation and the space was provided by the Arnold Palmer Invitational presented by Mastercard.
This year, thanks in part to fundraisers, champion families, volunteers and vendors the $150,000 goal was surpassed
and is still rising. Since its start, more than $830,000 has been raised. These funds will help support cancer research
through clinical trials at the Haley Center for Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer.
• Helps the sickest children in our community have access to the best possible care
• Keeps kids and their families together as they battle this awful disease
• Directly supports the cancer research and clinical trials taking place every day
• Makes it possible to host more than 70 clinical trials every year, the largest number of trials in Florida
Marchers along the one mile route at Pediatric cancer warriors recognized
Arnold Palmer’s Bay Hill Club & Lodge. on stage at 2018 Arnie’s March.
2019 Arnie’s March will take place on March 5! 5
Upcoming Events
A | Motorcycle Charity Ride E | Walk for Winnie, Presented by Panera Bread®
When: July 14th, 2018 and Hosted by SeaWorld® Orlando
Where: ACE Café Orlando When: September 29th, 2018
Why: Benefits Arnold Palmer Medical Center Where: SeaWorld Orlando; Registration starts at
Website: 6:30 am, Walk starts at 7:30 am
Why: Benefits the Alexander Center for Neonatology
B | The Latrobe Classic – An Arnie’s Army at Orlando Health Winnie Palmer
Charitable Foundation Event Website:
When: September 9th-10th, 2018 Contact: Danielle Groves – 321.843.3230 or
Where: Arnold Palmer’s Bay Hill Club & Lodge and [email protected]
Latrobe Country Club
Why: Benefits Arnold Palmer Medical Center F | Sarah’s Sporting Clays Against Cancer
Contact: Michael Schmidt – 321.843.7016 or When: October 5th, 2018
[email protected] Where: Blackjack Sporting Clays
Why: Benefits the Sarah Szafranski Endowment Fund
C | Florida Club Managers Association of America Contact: Lauren Bolick – 321.843.1078 or
(FLCMAA) Golf Tournament [email protected]
When: September 17th, 2018 G | December Classic Golf Tournament
Where: Lake Nona Golf and Country Club When: December 7th-10th, 2018
Why: Benefits the Hewell Kids’ Kidney Center at Where: ChampionsGate Country Club &
Arnold Palmer’s Bay Hill Club & Lodge
Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Why: Benefits the Alexander Center for Neonatology
Website: at Orlando Health Winnie Palmer
Contact: Lauren Bolick – 321.843.1078 or Contact: Lauren Bolick – 321.843.1078 or
[email protected] [email protected]
D | Hematology and Oncology Awareness
Month Celebration
When: September 22nd, 2018
Where: Orlando Health Arnold Palmer’s Walt Disney
World Resort Grand Atrium
Why: To celebrate our hematology and oncology
patients and their fight against cancer and
blood disorders
Contact: Tracey Choroco – 321.841.5345 or
[email protected]
6 inspire - Summer 2018 B
Leaves a Legacy From that day in September, to the final moments of the
main event on April 7th, the UCF campus embraced
this call to action, the students chose to do more for the
patients and families that rely on Orlando Health Arnold
Palmer Hospital for Children.
They spent a year gaining leadership, teamwork, and
nonprofit business experience while raising funds and
awareness for Orlando Health Arnold Palmer. Through
special events and peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns,
Knight-Thon participants became skilled fundraisers
and dedicated philanthropists. Gaining support from
Coca-Cola Beverages Florida, the presenting sponsor
of Knight-Thon 2018, as well as a number of other local
businesses and organizations, this year’s leaders set the
foundation for partnerships in the community.
Knight-Thon raises more than $1.5 million For the Kids. All of their hard work culminated with a final event
where 1,500 UCF students gathered together in the CFE
In the mid-1980s, Arnold and Winnie Palmer toured the Arena to stand on their feet for 20 hours – to stand for
newly opened neonatal intensive care unit and pediatrics the kids who can’t. Throughout the event, participants
wing of Orlando Regional Medical Center. Following were able to meet patient families treated at Orlando
the tour, Mr. Palmer was said to have commented: “We Health Arnold Palmer, participate in games and dancing,
can do better than this — we should do better than this enjoy live entertainment and celebrate their successes,
— for the children of our community.” It’s a quote that’s all leading up to the moment when the Knight-Thon
been shared again and again over the years, but this Executive Board revealed their annual fundraising total -
year in particular, those words resonated with a group $1,584,698.22 for the kids.
of students at the University of Central Florida (UCF). Shattering their previous year’s total amount by more
Students who weren’t alive when these words were than $330,000, their efforts this year made them the sixth
spoken, or even when the pediatric hospital opened in highest fundraising Miracle Network Dance Marathon
1989. in the country. This year’s leaders created a new culture
These students were charged with planning the 22nd around philanthropy and pediatric healthcare among
annual Knight-Thon, UCF’s Miracle Network Dance the UCF community that will last beyond their years on
Marathon, and felt it necessary to bring the focus back to campus. After all, what remains once you’ve left is the
these words – and the beginning of the hospital’s legacy. measuring stick by which to measure a legacy.
Ingrained in the tradition of Knight-Thon is the Dance Marathon isn’t just for college students!
program’s annual Goal Reveal. On this day, the student There is a city-wide program coming up on July
leaders of Knight-Thon announce the monetary goal for 28th that you can take part in as an individual, with
the year to their campus and community, challenging your company or organization, or as a volunteer.
every student to participate and help reach their goal. For more information, visit or
But daring to be different, the 2017-18 Knight-Thon email [email protected].
Executive Board displayed blank signs where numbers
would traditionally appear. They instead asked each
student to “Leave Your Legacy” for the kids, whatever
that legacy may be.
8 inspire - Summer 2018
Caring Classic Tees up Miracles For The Kids
It’s not every day that you see golf balls soar distances As a national partner of CMN Hospitals, Marriott
of 300 yards from the tee box. In fact, few professional Vacations Worldwide has hosted the Caring Classic for
golfers could achieve that with one drive. But during 21 years, raising more than $2.7 million in that time.
this year’s Marriott Vacations Worldwide Caring Classic The tournament, which sold out in weeks, provided an
in April, nearly every golfer at The Ritz-Carlton Golf exceptional on-course experience including food trucks,
Club, Orlando, Grande Lakes did just that. Although a chipping challenge, lavish celebration luncheon and
it wasn’t without a little help from an air canon. much more. Partners, sponsors and supporters came
Participants could chose to opt for the air cannon over from all over the country to participate this year, all for
their golf clubs in exchange for a donation, all to raise pediatric and neonatal programs at Orlando Health.
funds for Children’s Miracle Network at Orlando Health
Arnold Palmer.
Miracle Kids, Kendall and Carson with Air canon in action at the Caring Classic.
their family at the Caring Classic.
Miracle Balloons Have Dairy Queen found a sweet
Landed in Central Florida way to give back on
Free Cone Day.
The iconic Children’s Miracle Network Balloon unites
thousands of people across the country to make miracles
in their own communities, and is a symbol for the vision
of saving and changing the lives of kids who need it most.
Thanks to the dedication of our corporate partners across
Central Florida, and their generous customers, this spring was
blossoming with support for Orlando Health Arnold Palmer.
Be on the lookout for more Miracle Balloons this summer
in Walmart and Sam’s Club. You’ll also find them in Dairy
Queen again as they gear up for Miracle Treat Day on
Thursday, August 2nd!
Meet Team Member Valerie Dorsainvil, LCSW
Valerie Dorsainvil When someone has a negative connotation about social
work, it usually is due to a past experience that didn’t
Valerie Dorsainvil, LCSW has been a Pediatric go as expected. So, I usually assume when walking into
Hematology/Oncology Social Worker at Orlando Health the room that most people don’t fully understand what
Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children and Orlando I do. Social workers are in many settings and the roles
Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies can be different. I usually explain my role like this…
since 2016. Here, she answers some questions about what “I am here to help with the things having a sick child
that means for the families of patients going through affects. Medical questions are for doctors and nurses,
long-term treatments at the hospitals. life questions will usually come to me.” It is a clear
way for them to grasp how my involvement is a benefit
HOW WOULD YOU DEFINE THE WORK YOU to their family and recognize someone is able to help
DO AT ORLANDO HEALTH ARNOLD PALMER? guide, support and assist them in all the logistics that go
As a licensed mental health professional, I offer a into caring for a sick child. We talk about their child’s
mixture of clinical skills as well as case management. I school needs, how it will affect their job and possibly
complete ongoing assessments of a family’s dynamics their finances, coordinating transportation to and from
and needs in order to guide them as best I can. I the multiple appointments and how to connect them to
assist with coping and adjusting to a new diagnosis, other resources and services within the community they
communicating with the healthcare team, addressing may not even know exist. In the midst of these planning
barriers to care such as insurance or transportation, conversations, we also provide emotional support and
coordinating supportive care such as home health teach them therapeutic techniques to help cope with the
nursing or specialty medications and provide emotional and mental stress a hospital admission can
psychoeducation and brief counseling to address cause.
symptoms of anxiety, depression, behavioral issues or
refer to ongoing outpatient counseling, if needed. WHAT IS THE MOST REWARDING PART OF
WORK WITH? I often get involved with a family during the most
I am assigned to work within Pediatric Oncology and terrifying time of their life; when they are being
Hematology, which includes the inpatient unit and told their child has an illness that is going to affect
outpatient clinic. I have patients with blood disorders everything. It is an extremely personal moment to sit
such as Sickle Cell, Hemophilia, or Aplastic Anemia with a family and the patient to process all their thoughts
and lots of different types of cancers outside of brain and feelings. There can be so many uncertainties, and
tumors. However, there are times I assist my team during treatment is a rollercoaster of emotions and events. Yet,
vacations, weekends or holidays. During those times, I children and families are so resilient. They go through
could potentially see any patient within Orlando Health this journey and grow, learn and change. I get to witness
Arnold Palmer or Orlando Health Winnie Palmer. those same patients and families later conquer the very
situations and experiences they believed they could
never handle and overcome. I get to personally witness
the strength of love and the human spirit. There is
nothing more powerful or more meaningful to my job
than that.
10 inspire - Summer 2018
Isabella Garcia:
Life with Pediatric Hip Dysplasia
When Isabella (Bella) Garcia was only four months old, Despite the struggles, which eventually became their
her mother noticed something strange – while changing new normal, Bella’s treatment with the Pavlik harness
her diaper and standing her up on her feet, Bella leaned was successful and she moved on to the taco brace,
to one side more than the other. Since Bella had been which is much easier on baby and family. After treatment
born with torticollis and plagiocephaly, conditions that with the taco brace was complete, Bella continued to
are known for being paired with hip issues, she was a develop on a similar timeline as other kids her age. An
doctor herself and the mother of two other children, x-ray when she was two showed no signs of hip dysplasia
Cristina Garcia felt that it could be a sign of something and her next x-ray will be at age 10.
more serious and took Bella to her pediatrician. SEVEN YEARS LATER
After a routine exam by their pediatrician showed none Bella Garcia is now seven years old, and in first grade
of the more common signs of hip dysplasia like a hip at St. James Catholic School. She is very active and
click, the pediatrician ordered an x-ray. Soon after, Bella’s participates in gymnastics, cheerleading and loves art.
father, Dr. Daniel Garcia, a pediatric pulmonologist at She enjoys spending time with her sister Gabby (13),
Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children brother Danny (10) and their
decided to consult with his colleague Dr. Charles new puppy Teddy. Sometimes
Price, a pediatric orthopedic surgeon who specializes looking back at photos of her
in hip dysplasia. Dr. Price performed the x-ray and an in the Pavlik harness, she
ultrasound on Bella and found the she did in fact have gets sad but then claims
hip dysplasia. Since Bella was still young, Dr. Price that it was because of her
prescribed the Pavlik harness for Bella and gave it a 95 hip dysplasia that she is
percent chance of success. While the Garcia’s were happy now so flexible.
to know that their daughter was likely not going to have
surgery, they did quickly find out that life in a Pavlik GET INVOLVED
harness is not always easy. Ten years ago, thanks to a
THE PAVLIK HARNESS philanthropic leadership gift from
Lucky for the Garcia’s, Bella adjusted to life in the Pavlik famed comedian, Dan Whitney (aka Larry the Cable
harness quite quickly, however, the same may not be Guy) and his wife, Cara, and support from advocates
said for the rest of the family. Bella had to spend three spanning over 7 countries, Dr. Charles Price founded
months in the harness for 23 hours a day, which meant the International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI). Under
finding new and creative ways to dress her, change her the direction of the Arnold Palmer Medical Center
diaper, and even fit her into a high chair, car seat or Foundation, the IHDI has taken the lead in the global
stroller. It also meant that she had to travel in the harness humanitarian effort in treating hip dysplasia.
to weekly doctor appointments, on errands and on the June is National Hip Dysplasia Awareness Month. To
learn more about hip dysplasia, recommended products
family vacation, and this often for infants or to read more personal stories, visit the
caused people to stare at her IHDI website at
as if something was wrong.
Her brother and sister
had to learn how to
hold her while she was
wearing the harness,
and her mom and dad
wondered if she might
have developmental
delays. 11
Get to Know Trauma Nursing
Q&A Operations Manager, Jenn Thelen
Jenn Thelen
May marked the 30th anniversary of National Trauma WHAT WOULD YOUR DREAM VACATION BE?
Awareness Month. The 2018 campaign’s theme was Being able to tour all the small towns in Germany.
“Injury is No Accident” and the month was meant as a
way to spread awareness of and help prevent trauma and OUT OF ALL OF THE PLACES YOU’VE BEEN,
Part of the trauma team in the Children’s Emergency Ireland
Department and Trauma Center at Orlando Health
Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, Jenn Thelen, BSN, IF YOU COULD MEET ANYONE WHO WOULD
RN, CEN, CPEN, nursing operations manager, answers IT BE?
some questions for Inspire both personal and about her My husband’s grandmother. From the stories I have
work. heard, she was not only an amazing woman, but the glue
that held the Thelen family together.
I grew up in Fairfax, Virginia. HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED AT
WHERE DID YOU GO TO NURSING SCHOOL? It will be 12 years in July.
I went Virginia Commonwealth University/Medical
college of VA for my nursing degree. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE NURSING AS A
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? WHAT DO YOU I had the passion to take care of people, to serve, and to
LIKE TO DO WHEN YOU AREN’T IN THE work in a fast paced, high- intensity environment.
I enjoy watching my three children play sports. I also
enjoy running, going to the beach, and camping.
12 inspire - Summer 2018
WHEN A TRAUMA CALL COMES IN, WHAT ARE patients that did not have a great outcome. And, certain
THE FIRST STEPS YOU AND/OR YOUR TEAM ones in particular that I hold close in my heart. I can
TAKE TO PREPARE? still see some of those patients’ faces and some families
imprinted in my mind. I try to always remember what is
We send out an electronic page as well as an overhead truly important and how precious life is.
page to the trauma team. All of the trauma team then
sets up the necessary equipment in the trauma bay based WHAT IS SOMETHING THAT MOST PATIENTS
on the patient care report. Roles are delegated, proposed AND FAMILIES WOULDN’T KNOW ABOUT YOU
plan of care discussed and the team awaits the patient. WHEN THEY MEET YOU?
WHAT DO YOU ENJOY THE MOST ABOUT I played four years of Division I collegiate soccer
WORKING AT ORLANDO HEALTH including playing in the NCAA Division I soccer finals
ARNOLD PALMER? my freshman year.
The Emergency Department TEAM!! I am blessed WHAT INFORMATION WOULD YOU GIVE
and humbled every day that I get to work with such an YOUR OWN FRIENDS OR FAMILY MEMBERS
AN IMPACT ON YOUR LIFE? While many facilities can care for basic injuries, those
requiring serious, complex, medical care due to a trauma
Yes, there have been several. There are some families that are best served in a trauma center. A trauma center
no longer need our care that I still keep in touch with. It has all necessary personnel, training, experience, and
is heartwarming to see these children grow and blossom equipment immediately available to the patient.
outside of the hospital environment. There are other
Orlando Health Having opened its doors in May 2018, the Orlando Health
Arnold Palmer Opens Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children Emergency Room
New Location at Orlando Health Dr. P. Phillips, offers the following
amenities and services:
• Dedicated pediatric emergency waiting room
• Separate waiting room and treatment area apart
from adult emergencies
• Clinical staff trained to provide pediatric care
• Transport to Orlando Health Arnold Palmer for
critical needs
Ken Robinson, CEO of Dr. Phillips Charities (middle), cuts the MORE LOCATIONS COMING SOON
ribbon with Orlando Health leadership. The Orlando Health Arnold Palmer experience is
reaching into Orlando Health ERs, at both community
For nearly 30 years, Orlando Health Arnold Palmer has hospitals and the freestanding ERs that are starting to
been caring for Central Florida’s kids. Now, thanks to a $1 open across the region this year.
million gift from Dr. Phillips Charities, this trusted name
in children’s healthcare has further extended its reach “We’re taking the great work we do here at the hospital
to Orlando Health Dr. P. Phillips Hospital and brings
new and enhanced care options closer to home for many and moving it further into the Southwest community
patients. thanks to the generosity of Dr. Phillips Charities,” said
Cary D’Ortona, President of Orlando Health Arnold
Palmer. “We are also increasing access to our specialists,
with satellite offices expanding into neighborhood locations,
including Maitland, Dr. Phillips, Summerport and the Lake
County – Four Corners area.”
Another Successful Doctors’ Day
At Orlando Health, doctors do more than just treat “I just wanted to thank you and
patients, they are friends and often heroes. Friday, March your staff for taking care of me
30th marked National Doctors’ Day as a way for patients over the years. I have never met
to say thank you to the doctors from whom they, or anyone there who didn’t make me
someone they love, have received extraordinary care and feel like I was the most important
compassion. More than 140 physicians were honored patient at the time.”
through donations to Orlando Health.
- Grateful Patient
Dr. Kayaleh received honors to Dr. Kayaleh
from grateful patients.
“To me you are one of the best
ABOUT OMAR KAYALEH, MD doctors at Orlando Health. At
One of our highly-recognized physicians, Dr. Kayaleh each appointment, you made
serves as the medical oncology team leader for the my husband and myself very
Gastrointestinal Cancers Specialty Section and as a comfortable and assured of
member of the Breast Cancer, Genitourinary Cancers, everything that was happening
Hematology, Lymphoma/Myeloma and Thoracic/Head or about to happen. You are the
and Neck Cancers Specialty Sections at Orlando Health epitome of what a doctor should
UF Health Cancer Center. He also served as chairman be. Thank you for all you and your
of the Department of Internal Medicine as well as chief staff has done for us.”
of the Hematology/ Oncology Specialty Section at
Orlando Health UF Health Cancer Center. - Grateful Patient
to Dr. Kayaleh
14 inspire - Summer 2018
ThToaOnur kDocytoros u
Malisa A. Agard, MD Lara D. Hitchcock, MD Annapurna Pattisapu, MD
Gregor C. Alexander, MD Steven J. Hoff, MD Angelina C. Pera, MD
Nicholas G. Avgeropoulos, MD Paul H. Hutschenreuter, PA Hal S. Pineless, DO
John C. Baker, DO Joseph A. Ibrahim, MD Joseph D. Portoghese, MD
Carl R. Barr, DO Muhammad A. Z. Jawad, MD Margaret K. Poulos, MD
David Bello, MD Gutteridge Jean-Charles, MD Kathleen A. Pulsifer, DPM
Sudhir K. Bhaskar, MD Craig P. Jones, MD Venkata Purimetla, MD
Debashish Bose, MD, PhD Michael P. Kahky, MD Naren R. Ramakrishna, MD
Steven L. Brint, MD Lindsay B. Kahn, DO Lillian Reguero, MD
Mark G. Brooks, MD Mahshid Kamyab, MD Jeffrey P. Rosen, MD
Christopher S. Bryant, MD Benjamin M. Kaplan, MD Stephen J. Rosenberg, MD
Patrick N. Capri, MD Maria C. Karam Demori, MD Regan D. Rostorfer, MD
Rachel C. Cartechine, MD Omar R. Kayaleh, MD Alden E. Sanborn, MD
Enrique J. Chapman, MD Patrick Kelly, MD, PhD Jose E. Sarriera, MD
Michael L. Cheatham, MD Farhan J. Khawaja, MD Juan Sauer, MD
Christina S. H. Chen, MD Richard D. Klein, MD Dennis Saver, MD
Jeffrey M. Cohen, MD J. Matthew Knight, MD, PA Veronica L. Schimp, DO
Donald M. Collins, MD Ronald C. Knipe, MD Mary C. Senne, PhD
David F. Cowan Jr., MD Chad D. Kollas, MD Robert N. Serros, MD
Penny A. Danna, MD Swathy Kolli, MD Nikita C. Shah, MD
Hazel-Ann M. David, MD Richard M. Konsens, MD Alexander Sheppe, MD
Virgil A. Davila, MD Daniel A. Landau, MD Dean Sider, MD
Susan E. desJardins, MD Calvin S. Ledford, MD William M. Silverman, DO
Paul M. Desrosiers, MD Kenneth R. Lee, MD Judith S. Simms-Cendan, MD
Doctor’s of Orlando Health Mickey Liao, MD Chadwick P. Smith, MD
Dr. P. Phillips Hospital Kenneth B. Lim, MD Howard G. Smith, MD
Aurelio Duran, MD Brian M. Lipman, MD Stephen P. Snow, MD
Arnold M. Einhorn, MD Javier Lorenz, MD Neil B. Soskel, DO
Juan C. Escalon, MD Mitchell W. Madden, MD Lawrence D. Spack, MD
Jeffrey H. Feld, MD Rafael R. Manon, MD Mark A. Steiner, MD
Julie K. Ferguson, MD Israel J. Mantecon, MD Geoffrey E. Stewart, MD
Andrea Ferrara, MD Deborah M. Marcus, MD Robert M. Sutphin, MD
Melvin Field, MD James L. Mayo, MD Mark P. Trolice, MD
Roland A. Filart, MD Tammy T. McDowell, MD Jennifer E. Tseng, MD
Joel R. Garcia, MD Devendra I. Mehta, MD Travis B. Van Dyke, MD
M. Kathy Garrett, MD John L. Meisenheimer, MD Egerton K. Vanden Berg Jr., MD
Douglas E. Gearity, MD Renee F. Modica, MD Jessica M. Vaught, MD
Richard W. George, MD Hamish M. Munro, MD Carlton Vollberg, DO
Daniel G. Goddard, MD Robert L. Murrah Jr., MD Adam J. Waldman, MD
Christine C. Greves, MD Rajesh M. Nair, MD Jamee M. Walters, MD
Pavel A. Guguchev, MD Akash Nanda, MD Brian D. White, MD
George J. Haidukewych, MD Caroline N. Nguyen-Min, MD Paul R. Williamson, MD
Julio J. Hajdenberg, MD Dr. Gregory Nieckula The NICU Doctors at Orlando
Jamal A. Hakim, MD Clay E. Nordquist, MD Health Winnie Palmer Hospital
Kendra M. Harris, MD Anthony J. Orsini, DO Barry S. Yarckin, MD
Charles W. Heard Jr., MD April Oxford, MD Alberto Yonfa, MD
Luis J. Herrera, MD Paul A. Palma, MD Gregory A. Zittel, MD 15
John and Gale Hillenmeyer
1972 Generosity
Giving Back by John Hillenmeyer graduates
Planning Ahead
from Duke University and takes
John Hillenmeyer joined Orlando Health in the early
1980s to develop Sand Lake Hospital, now known as a job at a healthcare system in
Orlando Health Dr. P. Phillips Hospital. John and his
wife Gale moved to Florida from Birmingham. John Greenville, South Carolina.
was working for another Orlando hospital system and
was recruited to Orlando Health when the decision was 1981
made to expand Orlando Health’s footprint and build a
hospital in Southwest Orange County to accommodate Orlando Health purchases 46 acres
significant growth. After serving in several senior of orange groves form the Dr. Phillips
management positions, John became CEO of Orlando Foundation at a reduced rate, making the
Health in 1995 and stayed in this position until his dream of Orlando Health Dr. P. Phillips
retirement in 2010. Hospital a reality.
Below, John and Gale share about themselves, what
Orlando Health means to them and why they give back 1982
to the organization.
John Hillenmeyer is recruited to
HOW DID YOU MEET? work at Orlando Health.
John: We met at the University of Kentucky as
undergraduates and were married in 1970. After 1985
college, I originally intended to go to law school but an
uncle of mine asked if I had any interest in healthcare Sand Lake Hospital, now known as
administration. Once I learned a little more about what Orlando Health Dr. P. Phillips Hospital,
it was, I decided to apply to Duke for graduate school. At opens its doors with 100 ER patients on its
my first job in Greenville, South Carolina I learned a lot first day.
about how to innovate and manage rapid changes. Those
skills helped a lot in my career at Orlando Health. 1995
HOW DID YOU GET INVOLVED WITH John Hillenmeyer, becomes CEO
ORLANDO HEALTH? and President of Orlando Health.
John: I was recruited from another hospital to develop
Sand Lake Hospital. I was given autonomy and 2003
corporate support to refine the market strategy, build a
management team, determine needed clinical services, As President and CEO, John Hillenmeyer
recruit medical staff and participate in the design and shares his biggest struggle and concern -
construction of the hospital. Building a service-based keeping the Central Florida’s only Level One
culture was a key goal. I became President of ORMC Trauma Center open despite dramatic cost
(Orlando Health Orlando Regional Medical Center) in increases.
Gale: The people John worked with became our friends 2008
and family. I joined Women Playing For T.I.M.E., which
supports Orlando Health UF Health Cancer Center. I am Along with the then Vice
very proud of Orlando Health. Both of my parents were President, Chief Marketing and
treated at the Cancer Center and I recently spent time Communications, John Hillenmeyer
leads the hospital system’s name
change to Orlando Health.
John Hillenmeyer retires after 13 years at
Orlando Health and 36 years in hospital
with a good friend who was a patient at ORMC and was WHY DO YOU CHOOSE TO GIVE TO
overwhelmed by warmth, kindness and caring.
WHAT ARE YOUR FONDEST MEMORIES OF John and Gale: People frequently ask us why they should
ORLANDO HEALTH? give to Orlando Health. We answer them by saying that
we know first-hand what philanthropy has done and
John: My fondest memories all have to do with the continues to do for the hospitals. Orlando Health is able
people. If you don’t have the right people, it diminishes to offer so many amazing services and new technology
any other services and amenities you may offer. The skill because of money raised by the Foundation. To us, it is
and care I saw was amazing. Everyone shared a common an easy decision to give knowing the needs and seeing
vision and mission to take the best care of the people the way patients are treated. Recent events allowed the
who trust us with their health. How you feel in the world to witness the commitment of Orlando Health to
hospital impacts how you recover. our community. Orlando Health gives so much to the
community and we want to give back. We chose to give
WHAT DOES ORLANDO HEALTH MEAN with a planned gift.
To provide future support for Orlando Health patients
and their families, you too can give back! One of the
easiest ways to include Orlando Health in your estate
plans is through a beneficiary designation.
To do so, simply follow these steps:
1. Contact your broker or banking institution and
request a change of beneficiary form or beneficiary
designation form (Note: This may be a paper
document, or it may also be online)
John Hillenmeyer and Director of Nursing, Mary Jane Pell, 2. Enter Orlando Health Foundation as the
at the future site of Orlando Health Dr. P. Phillips Hospital. beneficiary (tax ID 59-2244943)
WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO IN YOUR SPARE 3. Designate the percentage you would like to assign
TIME? to the Foundation and submit your request back to
your broker or bank institution
John: I am on several non-profit volunteer boards around We are happy to provide you with more information on
Central Florida, including Westminster Services, where how these types of gifts can make a lasting difference.
my knowledge of healthcare is appreciated. I have also Contact Tiffany Collier, Director of Planned Giving and
been involved in issues around homelessness, which is Major Gifts, [email protected] or
a problem in our community. For fun, we enjoy playing 321.841.7010.
Gale: We are also both involved in an organization that
helps disadvantaged people in Central Florida complete
the steps necessary to attain personal identification like
birth certificates, Florida ID cards and Social Security
cards. Now that John is retired, we have more time to
travel to San Diego and Austin to see our sons and their
families. We have three grandkids that we like to visit
and have them come stay with us in the summer.
18 inspire - Summer 2018
The Importance
of a Home
Away from
The Hubbard House and The Cynthia C. and William E. with one another. The staff is food, automated external
Perry Pavilion will celebrate Hospitality Homes Week defibrillator (AED) and CPR certified.
July 22-28, 2018. The celebration is rightfully deserved,
considering the impact these accommodations have had “Our number one goal, is to provide a healing
on people’s lives during some of their most challenging environment where patients know their family is being
times. Often for weeks at a time, both hospitality homes well taken care of while they are in the hospital,” explained
provide families a place to stay that is within steps of Peggy Smith, Resident Manager at the Hubbard House.
their loved ones who are receiving medical treatment at “We try and help restore a sense of calm during a time of
one or more Orlando Health hospital. illness or injury that can reduce stress and keeps loved ones
THE HUBBARD HOUSE close to the patient.”
The Hubbard House opened in 1994 adjacent to Orlando
Health Orlando Regional Medical Center (ORMC) and ADOPT-A-DAY
provides a home away from home for the loved ones
of patients who find themselves in the hospital for an Before Hubbard House was built almost 25 years ago,
extended period of time. Hosting an average of 50 guests it was not unusual to find family members of patients
per night, the Hubbard House has provided for families sleeping in the waiting areas or hallways throughout the
from more than 100 countries and every state in the US. hospital, afraid to move away from a loved one who was
Supported through philanthropy and under the direction critically ill. Hubbard House now provides them all of
of a live-in manager and two assistant managers, the the amenities of being in their own homes but still close
Hubbard House provides its guests three meals per enough to feel comfortable leaving the hospital. You can
day, a gym, laundry facilities, a kitchen, TV room, play help provide this service to those in need by adopting
room, library and common areas for guests to mingle a day ($100) or a week ($500) that is special to you and
your family. Call 407.649.6886 to schedule, or donate
online at 19
In September 2004, the Cynthia C. & William E. Perry
Pavilion opened at Orlando Health Dr. P. Phillips
Hospital to provide many of the same comforts as the
Hubbard House. Thanks to many generous individuals
such as Cynthia and William Perry, as well as local
hoteliers and lodging associations who funded this
project, the two-story hospitality pavilion is designed
to comfortably accommodate families with overnight
lodging. The Perry Pavilion hosts an average of 12 people
a night, serving over 6,000 guests since it opened. Often,
the Perry Pavilion supports many out-of-town guests
whose family members require medical attention while
on vacation in Central Florida.
The Hubbard House is always in need of volunteers
between the hours of 8am and 9pm to help cook, clean,
organize, make snack bags and help put away donations.
Volunteers are typically asked to commit to 4 hours per
week for a year. Teen volunteers, including those in the
Bridges to Success or Bright Futures programs are also
Ruth Hubbard A Tribute to
Ruth Hubbard
The Orlando Health Foundation said goodbye to a dear
friend, Ruth Hubbard, who passed away on March 14, 2018
at the age of 96. Ruth was born in Frostproof, FL on August
6, 1921 to the late Leonard and Ruth Scorgie. She grew up
in an orange grove and at the age of 16 graduated from high
school a year early and attended Florida State Woman’s
College, which later became Florida State University in
A few years later, Ruth’s mother introduced her to Frank
Hubbard, a Rollins College student who was spending
his summer in Frostproof building a road for his
family’s construction company, Orlando-based Hubbard
Construction. The couple dated long distance while Ruth
studied piano at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and
later married in 1941.
Frank enlisted in the service shortly after their wedding, Frank and
shipping out just before their first anniversary and was Ruth Hubbard
overseas for the next four years. When Frank returned
to the US, he and Ruth moved to South Carolina so he Frank Hubbard served as Chairman of the Board for
could run a second location of Hubbard Construction. Orange Memorial Hospital, following in his father’s,
After giving birth to their son, Evans, the family moved Francis Evans Hubbard, footsteps. Francis Evans served
to Orlando in 1949. The Hubbard’s later added a in the same position for the hospital when it was called
daughter, Connie, to the family and took in a foster son, Orange General. Upon Francis Evans passing in 1954,
Eddie Mesa, a refugee from Cuba when both he and the community raised money to add a wing on to the
Evans were 14. hospital in his honor and named it the Hubbard Wing.
Frank preceded his wife in passing in 2007, but Ruth Eventually, the wing was replaced with what is now
is survived by her children Connie Miller and Evans Orlando Health UF Health Cancer Center, and with
Hubbard; foster son, Dr. Eddie Mesa; grandchildren, the family’s blessing, the Hubbard name was moved to
Mike Hubbard, James Handberry, Brandon Miller, and Orlando Health’s home-away-from-home; a place for
Joe Mesa; and great-grandchildren, William and Locklin families of patients to stay while their loved one is being
Hubbard. cared for in the hospital.
The Hubbard family in front of the Hubbard House.
A LIFE WELL LIVED Ruth and her grandson.
Ruth Hubbard was best described by those who knew
her as gracious, loving and kind. She loved cats, always THE HUBBARD FAMILY HAS GENEROUSLY
put her family first and made it her job to passionately SUPPORTED THE HUBBARD HOUSE AND MANY
support her husband both personally and professionally. OTHER SERVICES AT ORLANDO HEALTH.
Ruth was a charter member of St. Michael’s Episcopal
Church and never missed a service when she was in 21
town. Ruth was an active board member for A Friends’
Foundation, contributing more than $11,000,000 to
mostly local charities.
With a love for entertaining, Ruth had a knack for being
able to sit down and talk with anyone about anything.
Until the day she passed, Ruth was determined to do
something good for someone every day and always
put others first. Ruth planned her own Celebration
of Life and told her son Evans to do two things upon
her passing – call the caregiver to take her cats, and,
say hallelujah (which is how Father Luoni ended her
Celebration of Life).
MEMORIAL GIFTS | February 1, 2018 - April 30, 2018
An ideal way to celebrate the life of someone special is through a gift in their name. Not only does your gift honor the
individual, it also enables Orlando Health to carry on life-saving care for others.
Tribute(s) for Kayleen M. Ala Tribute(s) for Wayne L. Carse Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Samuelson Tribute(s) for James E. Kennedy
Mrs. Marion C. Azzariti Dr. Scott D. Greenwood and Mr. and Mrs. William J. Scharpf Mr. Edwin Carpenter
Mr. John Lehner Dr. Pamela G. Freeman Mr. William J. Scharpf Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Olavarria Mrs. Janice K. Spahn Tribute(s) for Gloria R. Leedberg
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Polan Tribute(s) for Noah Catto Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Veglucci Ms. Ada Dumont
Mr. Ronald Vogrin Mr. and Mrs. John McBride Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Wilson Ms. Margaret Leedberg
Mrs. Janet Wiesner Tribute(s) for Charles D. Harris Mr. and Mrs. James R. Leedberg
Tribute(s) for Argelio Chappotin Mrs. Lois E. Bish
Tribute(s) for Matthew Allen Mr. Thomas Baker Tribute(s) for Betty L. Hawthorne Tribute(s) for Emir J. Lopez-Perez
Mrs. Martina Allen Mrs. Susan Broussard Ms. Karen P. Britt Ms. Peggy J. Smith
Mrs. Jeanne B. Hinson
Tribute(s) for John L. Apodaca Tribute(s) for Joseph S. Columbus Tribute(s) for Giovanni B. Losito
Mrs. Lucille C. Apodaca Ms. Amy E. Columbus Mr. and Mrs. Gene B. Losito
Tribute(s) for Brian and Joshua Bernauer Tribute(s) for Coree A. Colwell Tribute(s) for Bonnie Hill Tribute(s) for Mary G. Marchesano
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bernauer Jr. Mr. Joseph E. Colwell Ms. Miriam L. Bonilla Mrs. Becky Raatz
Tribute(s) for Shay M. Berryman Tribute(s) for Johnathan B. Davis Tribute(s) for Allen K. Holcomb Tribute(s) for Geraldine Martin
American Family Homes, Inc Friends of Johnathan Davis Dr. and Mrs. John Mark Cappleman Mrs. Alice Rair
Mr. Austin C. Dillinger Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hudson
Ms. Elise Johnson Tribute(s) for Leroy E. Davis Tribute(s) for Kenneth B. Martin
Mr. and Ms. Jerry R. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mackay Tribute(s) for Ruth S. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Walmer
Ms. Traci Parker Arnold Palmer’s Bay Hill Club and
PH Adjusting LLC Tribute(s) for Marlie K. Dodson Lodge Tribute(s) for George A. McNeme
Ms. Kelly Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Agnew BOK Tower Gardens Mr. Clyde Combs Jr.
Vac-Tron Equipment, LLC Ms. Sarah Dodson Dr. and Mrs. John Mark Cappleman
Ms. Margaret H. Donelson Tribute(s) for Geraldine L. Miller
Tribute(s) for Marybeth Brawley Tribute(s) for Ronnie P. Dotson Mrs. Virginia Garske Mrs. Gloria S. Corson
Mrs. Ann T. Hoglund Ms. Andrea Trubia Mr. Daniel Giordano Mr. Ronald Dudine
Dr. and Mrs. Chaney Bruce Gordy Ms. Kathryn Kenney
Tribute(s) for Barbara M. Calabrese Tribute(s) for Deborah R. Farrell Dr. and Mrs. William N. Hubbard Jr. Mr. Bill Miller
Ms. C. Patricia Rogner and\ Ms. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lee Ms. Karen Thornton Jensen Ms. Sara J. Rich
Deborah E. Austin Mr. and Mrs. J. Dan Johnson Ms. Melissa Vehouc-Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Lawrence Tribute(s) for Robert F. Gertenbach Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Kelsey Mr. and Mrs. John M. Violett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Adcock Mr. and Mrs. John Picton
Tribute(s) for George S. Callahan Mrs. Leslie Almeraris Mr. Byron Potter Tribute(s) for Allison M. Morris
Mrs. Marlene K. Petty-Geis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Berlepsch Mr. Scott Riley Ms. Nikki Carlson
Ms. Kathi G. Blake Mrs. Joan D. Ruffier
Tribute(s) for Judith I. Callahan Mr. and Mrs. James Day Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Serros Tribute(s) for Martha M. Myers
Dr. Scott D. Greenwood and Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lamirande The Dr. P. Phillips Foundation Anonymous
Dr. Pamela G. Freeman Ms. Silvia Larson W. K. Kellogg Foundation Anonymous
Ms. Linda E. McFarland Mr. and Mrs. Lynn E. Aschliman
Ms. Patricia M. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. John L. Barber
Orlando Health Foundation Board of Directors Jess Bailes Helen Leon
Executive Committee Simon T. Bailey Rafael E. Martinez
Sudhir Bhaskar, MD Sheryl Meitin
Richard T. McCree, Sr., Chairman Brian Bowen Justin Melnick
Bill Dillard, Vice Chair Brad Busbin Megan Morris
Brock Kelsey, Secretary Helen Cairns Diane O’Dell
Phillips A. Easterling, Treasurer James P. Caruso Bert Pearsall
M. Kathryn Garrett, MD, Immediate Past Chairman Kenneth M. Clayton William E. Perry
Gregor Alexander, MD, Appointee, APMCF Board Chairman Emeritus Annette Ford Cynthia C. Perry
Kathy Johnson, Appointee Peter Fox Jim Phillips
Scott Weisz, Chairman, APMCF Board Kathy Gilchrist Sibille Pritchard
David Strong, President & CEO, Orlando Health Kerry L. Griffis Philip W. Rich
Jamal Hakim, MD, Representative, Adult Hospital Group Lee Heard Jennifer Schmitt
John W. Bozard, President, Orlando Health Foundation John W. Hillenmeyer Dean Sider, MD
Britta Hooker Ralph Veerman
Richard T. Hurt Andy Warden
Joanne Kostantinidis Bryce West
22 inspire - Summer 2018
MEMORIAL GIFTS | February 1, 2018 - April 30, 2018
An ideal way to celebrate the life of someone special is through a gift in their name. Not only does your gift honor the
individual, it also enables Orlando Health to carry on life-saving care for others.
Ms. Phyllis Bogart Tribute(s) for Arnold D. Palmer Tribute(s) for Anna M. Snyder Tribute(s) for John Van Horn
Mrs. Donna Buehrer & Family Mr. Doug Ayars Jr. Ms. Nicole Snyder Ms. Julie G. Sonstegard
Ms. Sue G. Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Buster T. Chapman
Mr. Patrick Hurd Mr. Robert S. Kline Tribute(s) for Douglas Streed Tribute(s) for Marjorie H. Williams
Ms. Ritchelle Lamb Ms. Monica Mahtani Mrs. Angela M. Grant Williams Family Foundation
Ms. Virginia P. Minton Mrs. Deborah Kruse
Ms. Mary N. Nixon Tribute(s) for Winifred W. Palmer Mrs. Susan McNaughton
Mrs. Lynette Ollio Mr. Doug Ayars Jr. Ms. Deb Niemiec
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rogan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wright Tribute(s) for Nicholas Paterakis Tribute(s) for Brody L. Strycharz
Tribute(s) for Joseph C. Nagelsen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Linz Albert P. Benvenuto, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cairns Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Bacica
Tribute(s) for Mary Lou O’Connell Tribute(s) for Cody L. Probts Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Boido
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Crandall Mrs. Amanda Manning Mrs. Jeannie Boudet
Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Kozlowski Mrs. Arika Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Lind Jr. Tribute(s) for C. R. Raby Ms. Monica P. Cardona
Tribute(s) for Gloria Osorio Ms. Bridget Hall Mrs. Lori Chillemi
Mrs. Ana Cuartas Ms. Judith C Henry Ms. Catherine Dorsey
Tribute(s) for Robert S. Ott Ms. Raychelle Drew
Dr. Jennifer Cavenaugh Tribute(s) for Madison G. Redditt Mrs. Gerri C. Ferreira
Mrs. Laurel Habgood Ms. Isobel Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A.
Ms. Gail E. Jones Gardner
Ms. Pamela Mason Tribute(s) for Eileen C. Rock Mrs. Nancy Kahn
Mrs. Donata-Marie Nutter Mrs. Jane G. Allen Ms. Kerri Keating-Martinez
Dr. Judy Schmalstig Mrs. Elizabeth A. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Max Kolshak
Mr. and Dr. Andrew B. Sutherland Mr. and Mrs. Bryan F. Duarte Mrs. Lauren Koteles
Mrs. Kathleen Zang Mrs. Arlene Etchells Mr. Thomas A. Lanze
Tribute(s) for Alfred D. Overton Mr. Gerard Garant Mrs. Sharon Morse
Mr. Michael T. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. George Hafele Ms. Arlene Newman
Tribute(s) for Waeman D. Owens Ms. Patricia M. Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Joey R. Pedraza
Ms. Ethyla B. Cuello Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Mann Mr. Douglas W. Santoro
Ms. Barbara Wolfe
Tribute(s) for Johnny Shelly Mrs. Andrea Wunderlich
Ms. Janell A. Crowe
Tribute(s) for Chelsey J. Taylor
Tribute(s) for Jean L. Smith Broward Bonsai Society, Inc.
Anonymous Gold Coast Bonsai Society, Inc.
Mr. Dennis Lee Stockdale Jr.
Please consider giving a lifesaving gift today! You may call us at 407.841.5194, send a check
in the envelope enclosed or make a secure online gift at
Arnold Palmer Medical Center Foundation Rob Andrews Randy Mixon
Board of Directors Regine Bonneau David Nykanen, MD
Amanda Caruso Julie Petrakis
Executive Committee Warren Christie W. Russ Prather, MD
Avani Desai Matthew Rearden
Scott Weisz, Chairman Matthew Gable Heath Ritenour
Brock Kelsey, Vice Chair *Bill Gillaspie Sean Roberts
Gregor Alexander, MD, Chairman Emeritus Adam Goldstein Abdullah Tharoo
Richard McCree, Chairman, Orlando Health Foundation Board Hana Hakim
John W. Bozard, President, Arnold Palmer Medical Center Foundation Melvin Haught
Arnold Palmer, Founder (1929-2016) Jose Herrera-Soto, MD
Ed Kinney
Paul Manos
Erik Melville
*Honorary Member 23
Orlando Health Foundation Non-Profit
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Ways to Give
Did you know that community-owned Make an online donation that is safe,
hospitals provide 95 percent of all vital but secure and simple. You can designate your gift
often unprofitable health services? As Central
Florida’s only community-owned hospital, to a number of areas or programs.
Orlando Health reinvests all available revenues Go to:
into programs, equipment, facilities, and
medical staff. We are governed by a local board
of trustees who serve without pay and whose
interests lie in placing patients before profits, Make a credit card or check donation by mail
and community needs before returns. to support Orlando Health at:
Only through the financial investment of Orlando Health Foundation
committed donors can Orlando Health continue
to provide excellent, leading-edge medical care 3160 Southgate Commerce Blvd., Suite 50
in a warm and healing environment. We hope Orlando, FL 32806
you will join us in helping to secure a legacy of
excellent medical care for our community. Make a donation by phone by
giving us a call at:
You may elect not to receive any further fundraising communications from the Orlando Health Foundation.
To do so, you may write to us at Orlando Health Foundation, Attn: Director of Development/3160 Southgate Commerce Blvd., Suite 50/Orlando, FL 32806,
call our toll-free line at 1.855.678.6889 or e-mail [email protected].