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This year’s Gratitude Report serves to highlight and thank the many wonderful people and organizations that generously provide needed funds to Orlando Health. In it, you will read the stories of how our corporate partners, patients, donors and volunteers leave a lasting mark on every aspect of Orlando Health.

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Published by Orlando Health, 2020-11-20 15:22:33

Orlando Health Foundation - 2020 Gratitude Report

This year’s Gratitude Report serves to highlight and thank the many wonderful people and organizations that generously provide needed funds to Orlando Health. In it, you will read the stories of how our corporate partners, patients, donors and volunteers leave a lasting mark on every aspect of Orlando Health.


possible for results within 24 hours, helping us keep
healthy patients out of beds and making it a safer
environment for all.

• Orlando Health UF Health Cancer Center –
People are still fighting cancer every day and a new
diagnosis equals a need for an immediate plan of
action. From physician follow-ups to integrative
medicine, our cancer center has relied on increased
telemedicine functions to care for our vulnerable
patients while limiting the risk of the virus.

Dear Friends, This past fiscal year, we were honored to partner
with individual donors, companies and foundations
The emergence of COVID-19 has ushered in change who supported our mission – to improve the health
more rapidly than we could have imagined. While many and quality of life of the patients and communities we
are working from home, navigating online education serve. We are thrilled to deepen these relationships
with our children or determining how to open and run and establish new ones, confident that great
our businesses safely, the Orlando Health clinical teams things will happen in the coming year when we work
have had to quickly learn how to provide critical and together.
life-saving healthcare in the midst of a pandemic. Orlando Health needs the support of our community if
we are to help our care teams deliver the vital healthcare
Thanks to the overwhelming support we received from each and every one of us deserve. We know you are up
the community, we were able to invest more than $28.7 to the challenge.
million to the hospital system, with a significant portion This year’s Gratitude Report serves to highlight and
of those funds earmarked to support their needs during thank the many wonderful people and organizations
the rise of COVID-19. As a result, the more than 4.3 that generously provide needed funds to Orlando
million people in Central Florida have continual access Health. In it, you will read the stories of how our
to the most advanced medical care available. corporate partners, patients, donors and volunteers
leave a lasting mark on every aspect of Orlando Health.
While it may have felt as though life came to a halt in As we continue on our journey to a stronger
2020, key departments and service lines throughout community, we are honored that you have chosen to
Orlando Health saw an uptick in the needs of join us as a partner, supporter and friend. Every day, I
the community, creating an even greater need in am grateful to our supporters and those with whom we
philanthropic funding. For example: work so closely to make this success possible.
While there is no crystal ball to tell us when this new
• The Howard Phillips Center for Children & socially distanced lifestyle will come to an end, what we
Families, a part of Orland Health Arnold Palmer do know is that we will embrace this coming year with
Hospital for Children – In the midst of a global positivity, and with the mindset of a new beginning.
pandemic, vulnerable families in Orange, Osceola Gratefully,
and Seminole counties can slip further through
the cracks. Team members continue to assist with
an increase in child abuse cases, case management
services, multiple therapies and connecting families
to resources.

• Orlando Health Department of Pathology – John W. Bozard, President
Physicians and pathologists collaboratively Orlando Health Foundation
developed an in-house COVID-19 test making it

2020 Gratitude Report —2—

4-5 A Grandparents’ Enduring Love: Charlotte’s Story

6-7 Q&A with Jared and Julie Wolovnick

8-11 Donor Legacy Highlights

12-13 From California to Florida, The Legacy of the George & Reva
Graziadio Foundation Lives on Through Orlando Health

14-17 Support of Orlando Health’s Healthcare Heroes

18-19 The Disney Children’s Hospitals Program Brings Magic to
Children and Families

20-21 Impact of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Partnerships

22 Spirit Halloween Raises Over $1 Million for Orlando Health
Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children

23 “Dual of the Decade” in Support of The Howard Phillips Center

24-25 Get to Know Dan and Amy Fields

26-27 Runway to Hope’s Vision for Pediatric Cancer Care: 10 Years
of Impact in Central Florida

28-29 Leading a Legacy of Caring: The Nicolettis

30-31 Rebekah Johnson: A Journey with Breast Cancer

32 Elinor and T.W. Miller, Jr. Foundation: Impacting Generations
of Children and Families

33 Florida Blue and the DEAR Program to Improve Care for
People Living with Dementia

34 Financial Highlights

35 Tribute Gifts

2020 Gratitude Report —4—

A GRANDPARENTS’ ENDURING LOVE: While transitioning to Palliative Care, and later to
hospice with Charlotte, the family’s experience was the
Charlotte's Story same. “We had met the Palliative Care team about a
year before Charlotte’s passing. During that year before
Rich and Betty Randa have four wonderful we transitioned, the team would not only call and check
grandchildren. They first became connected to Orlando in on us, but they would come and visit anytime she was
Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children through admitted. Charlotte loved their visits! She got so excited,
their first-born granddaughter, Charlotte, who like her because again, we were treated like family. When we
older brother, Graham, was born at Orlando Health transitioned Charlotte to hospice, the Palliative Care
Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies. team was right by our side. In the days leading up to her
passing, she was very tired and slept most of the day. One
The first time the family went to Orlando Health evening, Dr. Blaine Pitts came to visit and she wanted
Arnold Palmer was when Charlotte was barely three to sit up so that she could blow him kisses. It was an
months old. Their new granddaughter developed a adorable memory in her final days.”
respiratory infection, causing a high fever and difficulty
breathing. Once admitted, she was diagnosed with The Palliative Care team also helped Brooke and David,
pneumonia. However, from her x-ray and blood work, Charlotte’s Dad, in explaining Charlotte’s passing to
the doctors suspected something more critical was at their son Graham who was five years old at the time.
play. “Orlando Health Arnold Palmer was there with us
for our entire journey. From her first hospitalization
Charlotte’s chest x-rays revealed skeletal at three months when we were stunned by the news
abnormalities and abnormal blood values. At nine that Charlotte was not your typical “healthy” child,
months old, Charlotte was diagnosed with I-cell to the very end when we were the most broken
disease (mucolipidosis II) – an inherited, rare, we’d ever been. That is something we will eternally
lysosomal storage genetic disorder affecting two out of be grateful for,” says Brooke.
one million children. For the four years of Charlotte’s
short journey on Earth, chronic respiratory issues In remembrance of their granddaughter, Rich and
resulted in numerous lengthy hospital stays. Betty Randa made a planned gift through their estate to
Orlando Health Arnold Palmer to support children like
“Sweet Charlotte was blessed with a medical team Charlotte.
comprised of loving, kind and compassionate
physicians, nurses and therapists. Even nutrition “Our hope is that our
and environmental staff offered a kind, warm, legacy gift will honor
friendly smile, each and every day,” grandmother, our precious Charlotte
Betty, remembers. by blessing other
children and their
Brooke, Charlotte’s mom, recalls, “All four years, we felt families,” says Betty.
like we were family. The doctors, nurses, specialists, and “We encourage our
child life teams truly loved Charlotte. When she would community to join us
be admitted, it wasn’t unusual to have nurses from a by sharing their time,
previous stay stop in to visit. The child life staff would talents and financial
blow bubbles and dance with her over and over. There gifts. We want all our precious children to
was even one stay where the only person she would let receive the health care they need, require
hold her was her pulmonologist.” and deserve.”

On one particularly challenging stay, a music therapist
came in and played music for Charlotte at her bedside.
“Our dancing queen started wiggling her little
bottom to the music,” Brooke remembers. It was the
first time the family had seen her move voluntarily in


2020 Gratitude Report —6—


with Jared and Julie Wolovnick We like to travel together (until the pandemic began),
usually visiting one of our four Marriott timeshares.
Jared and Julie have graciously supported Orlando Movies have been our stay-at-home passion during this
Health since 2011. They have given to our Neonatal pandemic.
Intensive Care Unit at Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Personally, I am a golfer in the true sense of the word.
Hospital for Women & Babies, The Howard Phillips I try to play at least three times a week, usually more.
Center for Children and Families, a part of Orlando Julie likes to read, watch golf and fish.
Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, our adult
hospitals, and are members of our Champions Circle. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE?
Jared also serves on our Orlando Health Children’s
Foundation Board. The Wolovnicks have been an Julie’s favorite quote is “The best things in the world
integral piece of our success over the past decade. aren’t things, they are people.” I don’t really have
a favorite quote, but if I did, it would probably be
HOW DID YOU BECOME INVOLVED IN something like “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try
PHILANTHROPY? again.” A lot of the good things in my life have come
from second chances.
My family has been involved with charitable giving
since before I was born. My grandfather helped build WHERE IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO
both a synagogue and a hospital in Queens, New York TRAVEL?
and he and my dad were both honored multiple times
as men of the year for various charities. We love visiting Aruba.
I started donating my time and money to charitable
causes back in 1973 while helping to coordinate a WHAT IS SOMETHING SURPRISING
United Nations educational charity and working ABOUT YOU?
behind the scenes as a fundraiser for various events.
I first became involved with hospital and medical I taught ballroom dancing for 30 years. Julie had her
causes around 2006 as a sponsor of golf tournaments pilot’s license and flew small planes in her earlier life.
for various charitable causes. My involvement with Her goal is to wing walk someday.
the Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for
Children and Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ANIMAL?
for Women & Babies began in 2011 through a golf
tournament. Our favorite animal is a dog. We have two Papillons!


My wife, Julie, and I call Windermere our home, but “The DaVinci Code” and anything by Robert Ludlum
maintain an apartment in Jersey City to be closer to our are my favorites, while Julie loves “The Clan of the Cave
kids and avoid Florida summers. Bear” by Jean Auel.

We met on a strange blind date set up by the
grandmother of one of Julie’s orthodontic patients. Gone With the Wind is Julie’s favorite, while mine is
We’ve now been married for 26 years. Casablanca.


My favorite sport is golf, but I am also a devoted
Yankees fan!


LDeOgNaOcRy Bill and Debbie
As leaders in the community throughout their decades
Philanthropic support makes life-saving in Orlando, William “Bill” and Deborah “Debbie”
care at Orlando Health possible. We Dillard have made philanthropy a cornerstone of
want to recognize a portion of the donors their professional and personal lives. When friends
who have provided leadership gifts to of the Dillard’s were involved in a serious motor
Orlando Health and continue to invest in vehicle accident out of town, the local trauma center
our mission year-after-year. Thank you for saved their lives – making a lasting impression on the
your continued impact on the future of our importance of having a trauma center close to home.
community, making a difference in the lives Bill and Debbie have provided key funding necessary to
of thousands of individuals and families. make life-saving trauma care possible here in Central

2020 Gratitude Report —8—

Clifford & LaVonne
Graese Foundation

Clifford and LaVonne Graese’s support of Orlando
Health began in 1988, but their family’s commitment
to enhancing patient care became more personal when
Clifford was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. Seeing
the need for a resource center on the hospital campus,
building a library became Clifford’s dream. Through a
major gift, the Clifford E. Graese Community Health
Library was established in 2000. The library and its staff
help patients, family members, healthcare professionals
and community members better understand a
healthcare diagnosis. In recent years, the library has
evolved into a large network of electronic resources.
Having since passed, Clifford and LaVonne’s children
Diane Graese, Sally Daugherty, Susan Alfirevic and
Larry Graese continue to support the library through
generous gifts.

Clifford E. Graese Leonard Williams with Naren R. Ramakrishna, MD, PhD

Williams Family

The Williams Family Foundation has been
instrumental in bringing proton therapy to Orlando
Health through the construction of the Marjorie and
Leonard Williams Center for Proton Therapy. Funded
through philanthropy by Leonard Williams, the center
opened in April 2016 and served its 500th patient last
year. Leonard brought this cutting-edge treatment to
Central Florida in tribute to his late wife, Marjorie.
Proton therapy is a form of radiation treatment that
delivers a precise dose directly to the tumor, shrinking
the tumor while sparing the surrounding, healthy
tissue. The result is a better option for treating some
types of cancer, especially pediatric and adult cancers
near vital organs. The center has had a major impact
on the Central Florida community, offering leading-
edge technology to improve cancer care and reduce
traditional treatment side effects.

Bert W. Martin

The Bert W. Martin Foundation has been transforming
care at Orlando Health since 1988, most often funding
projects that require ongoing, long-term support.
Since their first gift as part of the campaign to build
Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children,
the foundation has provided nearly $9.5 million in
critical funding. Their support has helped Orlando
Health build the Bert Martin’s Champions for Children
Emergency Department & Trauma Center as well as the
Warden Burn Center, the only verified burn center in
Orlando. Without the Bert W. Martin Foundation and
the extended Warden Family, Central Florida would
not have the critical care resources Orlando Health
needs every day to provide expert healthcare for our

Bert W. Martin Foundation Board Member, Andy Warden, David & Linda
and his wife, Diana Warden Hughes

David and Linda Hughes have partnered with Orlando
Health to provide comprehensive, quality healthcare.
Their dedicated involvement in the Central Florida
community can be seen through their generous support
of every major effort Orlando Health has launched
in the last several decades. These efforts include the
original construction of Orlando Health Arnold
Palmer Hospital for Children and Orlando Health
Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies, as well
as the expansion of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,
the newest patient tower at Orlando Health Orlando
Regional Medical Center and support for the expansion
of our Level One Trauma Center. As philanthropic
leaders in our community, the Hughes’ have remained
dedicated to our mission for more than 30 years.

Jonathan and Krista

When Jonathan and Krista Ledden moved to Central
Florida in 2014, they dedicated themselves to giving
back to their new community. After joining the
Orlando Ballet Board, they soon became connected
with the ballet’s medical provider, Orlando Health.
Jonathan recognizes the importance of having a
trauma center close by for critical care cases after
seeing his father suffer from a critical dissecting aortic
aneurysm when he was only 13 years old. It is because
of that incident that Jonathan and Krista have become
instrumental in making sure acute care is available to
everyone in our community. Their commitment to
expand our trauma services will be felt throughout
Central Florida for decades to come.

Steve and Deborah

Steve and Deborah Schrimsher have been connected to
Orlando Health since the birth of their three children,
all born at Orlando Health Orlando Regional Medical
Center. Steve became more closely connected through
his service on the Orlando Health Foundation Board
and Deborah spent time volunteering in the Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit at Orlando Health Winnie Palmer
Hospital for Women & Babies. Through the decades,
the Schrimsher’s have financially supported the
Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children
Endowment Fund and the Orlando Health UF
Health Cancer Center, where Steve’s mother received
treatment. Most recently, a gift made through their
company, Schrimsher Properties, is slated to impact the
expansion of our Level One Trauma Center. “We believe
that it is our responsibility to take care of our neighbors
and our community in their greatest time of need,” said
Steve and Deborah. “We are very blessed to have a Level
One Trauma Center here in Orlando and it brings us
great joy to help provide for the care they give.”

2020 Gratitude Report — 12 —


George & Reva Graziadio Foundation


George L. Graziadio, Jr. has been heralded as a “feisty, lives and we were scared, as were our families
risk-taking” entrepreneur, but his granddaughter, Gina who were unable to be with us due to distance,”
Graziadio-Pashley, remembers him as a warm, loving remembers Gina. “However, the care we received
and funny man who made his Italian family the center at Orlando Health Winnie Palmer made all the
of his world. difference. The nurses even checked in on us during
their days off and the staff provided all of the little
On a road-trip in his early twenties, George landed touches you could ask for. They made an extremely
in California from his hometown of Connecticut. personal and memorable moment special for us.”
Suffering from appendicitis and in need of emergency
surgery, George decided to remain in California to Although from different areas of the country and
pay-off his medical bills. He made the state his home backgrounds, Chris and Gina share a key belief instilled
and built a personal, professional and philanthropic through both of their families – give back to the
legacy alongside his wife, Reva, and their children and community that serves you. Chris remarks, “Yes, it
grandchildren. Gina, and her husband, Chris Pashley, a feels good to earn and provide for my family. But
Central Floridian, have continued that heritage as they it feels great to share our success and be able to
build their life together in Orlando. make a difference in our community, especially
alongside an organization that has given us so
Gina, a classically trained opera singer, and Chris, a much. We look forward to passing that belief on to
wealth management advisor, met through a mutual our children as well.”
friend while Chris was on a motorcycle trip along the
California coast. They hit it off and nurtured a long- In addition to their financial support, Chris continues
distance relationship once Chris returned home. After to serve the organization as a member of the Orlando
marrying and settling in Orlando, Chris and Gina Health Foundation Board.
were pregnant with their first child when a friend
recommended Orlando Health, leading the soon-to-be The legacy of philanthropy that began with George
parents to deliver at Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Graziadio, Jr., and continued with his son, Louis, has
Hospital for Women & Babies. “We were away from now migrated all the way to Florida through the
Pashley family.
our families at such an important moment in our

Favorites Gina Chris

Book “Midnight Sun” “The Art of Racing in the Rain”
Food Pasta (Italian) Curry (Indian)
Family Hobby Going to the beach
Movie On Golden Pond Camping outside in the backyard
Music/Band The Rolling Stones The Bourne Series
Sport 1990’s Music
Car Racing (and Go Knights!)



At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, generous
support from individuals, organizations and
corporations provided hope to everyone part
of the Orlando Health family. From financial
contributions to critical personal protective
equipment (PPE), support from the community
helped to continue the legacy of compassionate,
leading-edge medical care that Orlando Health has
been known for since opening our doors more than
100 years ago. In the months that have followed,
the continued investment in our mission ensures
that our healthcare heroes can remain focused on
the care and safety of our patients, visitors, team
members and the communities we serve.

Thank you to the following corporations,
foundations and organizations who contributed
to our COVID-19 preparedness and relief efforts.
(View list on the next two pages.)

2020 Gratitude Report — 14 —

#SewTOGETHER Challenge City of Groveland Harbor Freight
1000 Degrees Pizza of Winter ClubsHELP Healthcare Financial Management
Garden Coca-Cola Beverages Florida Association
3D Print Orlando Comcast NBCUniversal Hearts to Hands
3M Cornell Fine Arts Museum at Hilton Properties
3n2 Sports Rollins College Hindu Society of Central Florida
AAA Costco Wholesale Honey Baked Ham Company
AAMP Global Crafting is the Best Medicine House Blend
Ace Hardware Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Hyatt Place across from Universal
Addition Financial CVS Pharmacy Orlando Resort
Aflac Cypress Creek High School ICON Park
Altamonte Alterations Da Leo’s Hot Dogs, LLC IKEA
Ambitex Gloves Diamond Resorts Impact Lighting, Inc.
ARMS Disney Imprint Events Florida
Army of Masks DK Mobility, LLC Industrial Webbing Corp.
Arnold and Winnie Palmer Domino’s Pizza Infinity Provisions
Foundation DoubleTree by Hilton Insight
AT&T - Florida DPH Fund Ismaili Community Engaged-in
Atomic Tattoos Dre’s Haven
Atrium Management Company Drusilla Farwell Foundation Responsible Volunteering
Austin Medical Dunkin’ Jacaruso Enterprises
AVI Foodsystems, Inc e4 Jackson Lewis
BAPS Charities, Inc. Ellie Lou’s Brews & BBQ Jason’s Deli
BANG Energy Family Church Jeremiah’s Italian Ice
Barton Malow Flippers Pizzeria Restaurants Jersey Mikes Subs
BBQ50 Florida Blue Joffrey’s Coffee & Tea
Benco Dental Florida Department of Health Joy in Childhood Foundation
Bert Martin Foundation Florida Division of Hotels & JSC Consulting
Biosafe Supplies, LLC JW Marriott Bonnet Creek
Bite Squad Restaurants JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes
BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse Flower’s Foods Kendra Scott
BJ’s Wholesale Club Floyd’s Barber Shop Kindred at Home
Black Nurses Rock Orlando Ford Lake County Mask Creations
Franzen Graphics Lake County Public Safety
ThankBodyarmor Full Sail University Learning Care Group
Boy Scout Troop 184 Gator’s Dockside Lilly Pulitzer
Buca di Beppo Gaylord Palms Little Caesars Pizza
C.T. Hsu + Associates Giorgio Armani Lockheed Martin
Camper Fun Pass, LLC Give Hope Foundation Love’s Travel Stops & Country
Cardiovascular Systems Inc. GoSports Stores
CDW Gourmet Crepe’s Café & Catering Maddy’s Mission to Help
Cheeriodicals Grace Covenant Church Magic Saber Systems LLC
Chemistry Marketing Grain and Berry Maker Effect Foundation
Chronic Tacos Gra-V Robotics Marriott International
Chuck E. Cheese Greening Boutique Marriott Vacations Worldwide
Church Street Market GuideWell Marriott Village
Church the Light of the World H W Davis Construction, INC. Marriott’s Grande Vista
Circle K Happy Owl of Highlands Mary Kay Cosmetics
Citrus Club Orlando Harbor Chase Senior Living Center Mask A Million
City National Bank -Dr. Phillips Max & Meme Café

2020 Gratitude Report — 16 —

Max King Realty Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld The Orlando Face Mask Strong
Mazda Motor Corporation REV Ambulance Group Team
McDonald’s Roaring Riptide The PepsiCo Foundation via
MICROFLEX Rollins College Children’s Health Fund
Milestone Reporting Company Rotary Club of Dr. Phillips The Pittsburgh Foundation
Miller’s Ale House Rotary Club of Lake Mary The Pretzel Spot
Million Mask Challenge RSM Communications The Simmons Law Group, PLLC
MOOYAH Ryan’s Case for Smiles Thomas Printworks
Murphy Lighting Systems Samaroo Law Transamerica Corporation
My 3 Sons Orlando Sam’s Club Tre Magazine
Nautique Boat Company, Inc. Saveway Supplies Troy Design and Manufacturing Co.
New Vision for Independence Seal Shield, LLC Tru Nature Juice Bar
Niagara Bottling SeaWorld Orlando Truist Foundation
Nona Video Second Harvest Food Bank Trustco Bank
Nova Southeastern University Sheraton Vistana Villages Uline
Nuance Communications SHERLOQ Solutions United Health Group
Oakmonte Village at Lake MarySingha North America, Inc.United States Postal Service
Opera OrlandoSkanska Universal Orlando
Oracle CorporationSlice Out Hunger Universal Studios Florida
Orange Blossom StitchersSloan’s Automotive University of Central Florida
Orange County Library SystemSmart WarehousingVELCRO
Orange County Public SchoolsSoco Thorton ParkVendemos Por Voce, LLC
Orange County Regional HistorySonny’s BBQ Vietnamese Catholic Church
Special Olympics Vietnamese Community of Orlando
CenterSpecial Olympics Florida Vistaprint
Orlando Against CoronaSpectra Food Services & HospitalityVitality Bowls
Orlando BalletSquareTrade, Inc. VITAS Healthcare
Orlando City Soccer ClubSt James Insurance Group, IncVUDOO WOOD
Orlando Face Mask StrongSt Johns Insurance CompanyWalgreens
Orlando Modern Quilt GuildSt. James Cathedral SchoolWalmart
OurLegacySt. Luke’s United Methodist Church Walmart Foundation
Pammie’s SammiesStaples Walmart Neighborhood Market
PAN CommunicationsStarbucks Waterford Lakes Town Center
Panda ExpressState Farm Agency Wawa
Pearson’s Catering Stiches of Love WG Face Shields
Philipsk YouPatchesofLove Stratasys Ltd. Williams Company
Pho-Real LLC Sugar Divas Bakery Wings of Angels Transport Services
Pickles Catering Sysco World Central Kitchen
Pineloch Management Corporation Tainted Fruits & Treats Bakery WXXL Radio
Pollo Tropical TD Bank, N.A.
Premier Power Inc. The Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical
Produce Alliance Foundation
Publix Aprons Catering The Chimi Spot *List as of November 20, 2020

Publix Super Markets, Inc. The Commons at Orlando Lutheran
Rasmussen College Towers
REALTORS Association for Lake The ImPrint Source, Inc.
and Sumter Counties The Julian
Red Lobster Seafood Co The Legacy Club & Heathrow
Reformation Lutheran Church Golf Club

— 17 —

THE DISNEY Together with Disney, Orlando Health Arnold Palmer
CHILDREN’S HOSPITALS Hospital for Children’s clinical and professional teams
built a state-of-the-art, interactive Disney-themed
PROGRAM BRINGS environment for young patients and their families.

Magic to Children Thanks to the team at Disney, Orlando Health
and Families Arnold Palmer has been incorporating an
array of transformative patient experiences -
from low-tech elements such as Disney-themed
Starlight Gowns and care packages, to high-
tech installments such as interactive murals
and digital artwork integrated throughout
our facility. These elements, along with the
storied expertise and collaboration of teams
across Disney, have brought to life the magic
of Disney for kids undergoing a stay within
our walls.

The transformational projects have been focused in
areas where children and their families experience the
greatest amount of stress. Children undergoing in-
patient treatment are especially in need of unique and
specialized services to help calm and ease stress while
they go through the oftentimes scary procedures related
to their care.

2020 Gratitude Report — 18 —

Young patients are frequently being connected and Similar to our entire region, Disney and Orlando Health
disconnected from machines and devices, traveling have faced challenges due to the COVID-19 global
in and out of testing rooms, encountering large and pandemic, but we are incredibly fortunate that the
intimidating medical equipment and preparing for major points of installation for the Disney Children’s
exams, surgeries and other treatments. By working Hospitals Program project took place at our hospital
with The Disney Children’s Hospitals Program, we prior to the initial peak in our region. In fact, the
have been able to outfit units in a way that helps kids presence of the Disney elements within our walls has
feel welcomed and comforted by their favorite Disney helped our patients, their families and even our team
characters. Not only that, but Disney’s world-renowned members amid this crisis. Disney program elements
innovation and creativity on this project has allowed have many contact-free options, which makes it easy to
for characters to be interwoven into magical patient be safely enjoyed by kids who visit the hospital during
experiences each step of the child’s hospital journey. this time. This has been a challenging time for our
This will foster a tremendous positive impact for community and being able to connect with the magic of
children and their families as it will provide them joy Disney has been a reprieve for many families.
and comfort during their time of highest need.
Working together to build a magical,

Disney-themed interactive environment has

created an atmosphere where kids are

inspired and have their spirits lifted by the

Disney characters they love. With creative

collaboration and charitable contribution

from The Walt Disney Company, we are

establishing ground-breaking patient

experience concepts that will bring magic to

some of the sickest kids we serve.

— 19 —


Marriott properties donated RE/MAX offices and agents in
essential items for our Central Florida helped make
miracles possible - one home
frontline workers throughout at a time - by making donations
the pandemic, and were to our hospital for each "Miracle

excited to welcome guests Home" they sold in 2020!
back with open arms!
Central Florida Ace Hardware
Publix made shopping a stores didn't let COVID-19 slow
pleasure this summer while them down from fundraising for
supporting Orlando Health
Arnold Palmer during their sick and injured kids. In fact,
annual register campaign - they raised $40,112.17 during
bringing their lifetime giving
to more than $5 million in their annual round up
campaign this July.
Central Florida.
photo before COVID-19

The dates may have changed Wawa
due to COVID-19, but the celebrated their
dedication from Costco annual register
campaign in May,
Wholesale and its members
remained at an all time high while also
during their miracle month stepping up to
campaign this September. support our

photo before COVID-19 frontline
caregivers through

free coffee and
donated meals.

IHOP kicked off the first — 20 — Knight-Thon
campaign of the year, raising at UCF celebrated
funds from January through
their first-ever
March, and even hosting a virtual main event
patient pancake party! We're
in April, uniting
grateful for their support their campus to
serving up stacks of hope & fight for the future
healing - both in and out of
of pediatric
2020thGerahtoitusdpeitRael!port healthcare in
Central Florida -
revealing a
year-long total of

photo before COVID-19

Our partners at Speedway made our
Great Clips spent hospital 'not so spooky' as they
October raising
funds for the kids, raised funds throughout the
proving that giving year - including on
back never goes out Halloween weekend!

of style! Panda Express' commitment to
supporting Orlando Health was
Walmart & Sam's felt through their generous PPE
Club made it easy to and food donations for frontline
help kids live better
by giving customers workers for COVID-19 in
the chance to donate addition to their year-long
in store, online or on register campaign, employee
giving program, and in-kind
the Walmart app -
raising nearly donations.
$358,000 this
summer! Stetson University
celebrated 5 years of
From selling chocolate bars and wrist bands, to providing snacks
for our healthcare heroes, Marriott Vacation Club associates were making miracles
possible on their
dedicated to making a difference. campus through
Hatterthon, raising
Whether raising funds during $84,407.20 with more
their Miracle Balloon participants than ever

campaign, or collecting before!
change through their round
photo taken before COVID-19
up efforts, Dairy Queen
knows that every dollar

makes a difference!

photo before COVID-19

Embry-Riddle Announced as the 2020 CMN Hospitals Champion for
Aeronautical University Orlando Health Arnold Palmer in February, Miracle Child Lauren
soared to incredible heights spent the year on many virtual meetings & events sharing her story
during their inaugural Miracle — 21 — and encouraging partners and progOrarmlansdotoHehaeltlhpFokuidndsaltikone.choemr!
Network Dance Marathon
year, raising $15,496.20 for

the kids!

*Photo taken prior to COVID-19.

Spirit Halloween


Since 2007, Central Florida Spirit Halloween stores have Funding may also support art, music and pet therapy
supported Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for programs which can be essential to supporting a child’s
Children and have raised more than one million dollars development while in the hospital setting.
to help make hospital stays less scary for kids and their
families! “Kids deserve to be kids no

For any child, entering the hospital can be scary. matter what their situation.
That’s why at the heart of Spirit Halloween is Spirit of
Children, a program which provides fun and funding to With funding from Spirit
its partner hospitals during the Halloween season.
Halloween and Spirit of
Every year, over 1,000 Spirit Halloween stores
Children, our staff has
across the United States and Canada raise
access to more resources.
money in-store and online to support the child life
These resources help
departments at 141 partner hospitals, like Orlando
to make experiences in
Health Arnold Palmer. Customer donations help
the hospital as normal
Spirit Halloween bring the transformative magic of
as possible through
Halloween to kids across the country.
various interventions that include play, procedure
Spirit of Children champions the extraordinary work preparation and diagnosis education,” said Sheri
of Child Life Specialists. These unsung heroes help Mosely, Manager for Children’s and Women’s Services
children and their families navigate through difficult and Community Engagement at Orlando Health
medical challenges. Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children and Orlando
Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies.
Funding provided to Child Life services can enable
hospitals like Orlando Health Arnold Palmer to Whether in the hospital or at home, kids just want to be
purchase items such as: kids. Child Life staff members and partners like Spirit
Halloween help kids turn the scary into fun.

• Distraction toys,
• Mobile sensory equipment,
• Medical teaching dolls,
• Arts & crafts supplies,
• Electronic and educational items, and
• Memory making legacy items.

2020 Gratitude Report — 22 —

"Dual of the Decade"
in support of
The Howard Phillips Center

TeamAndiHPC TeamTreyHPC

Your 40th birthday is a big milestone, no matter Andi was moved to become more involved after taking
how excited you are (or are not) to reach it! a tour and hearing firsthand about the work being done.
Andi’s husband, Russ, served as a Hospitalist for many
Making the most of this milestone were Andi Prather years at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer and rotated
and Trey Vick, members of the Community Leadership through the Child Protection Team as a resident.
Council (CLC), a group of community leaders who
provide philanthropic support and advocacy for The “Every time I saw one of the donation notification
Howard Phillips Center for Children & Families, a emails in my inbox, I felt so loved, hopeful and
part of Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for encouraged. It was truly better than any other
Children. Andi is currently the Chair of the CLC and birthday gift I could get. And the knowledge,
Trey is a Past-Chair. in these times that are harder, that people are
As Andi and Trey approached their 40th birthdays willing to give and help others brightens your day
last August, the fun-at-heart, yet fiercely competitive, absolutely immediately,” Andi shares.
friends decided to seize upon the consequential
moment and use it as an opportunity to raise funds B I R T H DAY
for The Howard Phillips Center – also celebrating a C E L E B R AT I O N
milestone birthday in 2020 – 20 years at their home on
Michigan Street. Cawnfao’tyrpthltaeointrttgkinoivog-fefDgm,aaitlveehbianbegnettk!e!asr nHeeaCdhpLhyoepoei-vlnyeuSpearroBstrthsuaihtprohroatehscteycdoyioaammouylumo!d&’!
Trey has been on a mission to change the lives of
as many children and families as he can since first
becoming introduced to the mission of The Howard
Phillips Center more than eight years ago.
Andi and Trey, along with their spouses, are also
members of our Advocates for Children Giving Society
for The Howard Phillips Center. Advocates have chosen
to partner with us through a five-year pledge of $1,000,
$5,000 or $10,000 per year. They play a critical role
in helping families, healing children and building a
stronger community.

The funds raised as part of their 40th
birthday campaign totaled over $16,500!

— 23 —

GET TO KNOW In 1999, Amy walked into a Fields dealership in
Chicago in search of a new vehicle. Although general
Dan and Amy manager at the time and not a salesperson, Dan Fields
Fields “took the up” and helped Amy take a test drive. As Amy
left, having not purchased a new car that day, Dan asked
her out on a date. Amy turned him down on the spot
and Dan left town for two-weeks on a family vacation to
Alaska. However, undeterred, Dan returned to Chicago
and asked Amy to dinner one more time. On their
first date, Dan and Amy talked for hours, surprised to
see everyone but the staff had left for the evening as
the restaurant’s lights dimmed. The rest, as they say, is

Throughout their marriage, Amy and Dan have made
an impeccable team. Dan has served as the President of
Fields Motorcars of Florida for the past 10 years, while
Amy has taken on the role of Community Relations for
the Fields Foundation. In addition to their professional
lives, they are also partners in raising their daughter,
Sammy, now four years old. (pictured right).

Dan’s family has held a deep belief in the
power of philanthropy for generations.
“Fields Auto Group started as just one little
dealership in Chicago, then one little group
of dealerships,” says Dan, “but as we grew,
my grandmother made sure the family
also gave back to our city. She taught us
that giving back is an obligation and a
responsibility to your community.”

For Amy, philanthropy has been woven into her life
since a young age. She grew up three blocks from
Michael Jordan and volunteered with his Chicago-
based foundation for years – from stuffing goodie bags
to leading the adult afterschool programs. Hearing
stories from her very own neighbors about how much
the support had changed their lives shaped Amy’s view
of the importance of giving back.

Throughout their time living in Orlando, Dan and Amy
Fields have made a mark on not-for-profits throughout

the city. They have provided significant support that has Personal Favorites:
changed lives, making a significant impact throughout
Orlando Health Orlando Regional Medical Center, Dan Amy
Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women
& Babies, Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Animal: Dolphin Lion
Children and The Howard Philips Center for Children Music: Southern Rock Reggae
& Families. Color: Yellow
Movies: Green Sixteen Candles
“I agree with the mission of Orlando Alien
Health. They’re helping the community and
serving those with the greatest needs,” WHAT ARE THREE UNEXPECTED ITEMS IN YOUR
says Amy. “Orlando Health Arnold Palmer HOME OFFICE?
and The Howard Phillips Center helps Drone, polaroid camera and monster truck matchbox
and protects children. So many people car.
throughout both facilities have their ear
to the ground, paying attention to what WHAT WOULD SOMEONE BE SURPRISED TO
families truly need. I’m super proud to be LEARN ABOUT EACH OF YOU?
Amy: Dan has a huge library at home and has read
Taking the time to understand the issues facing families
dealing with medically complex diagnoses, premature every single book, some twice. He can speed read,
babies, pediatric cancer, developmental delays and which was incredibly helpful when in school, and also
more, Dan and Amy Fields are creating lasting change speaks fluent Spanish after attending a few college
right here in the Orlando community. semesters in Madrid.

Dan: Amy used to be a special education teacher

and will always hold a special place in her heart for
children with special needs. Beyond that, we’re both
very approachable and treat everyone, especially Fields
employees, like family.

This or That:


• Passenger or Driver
• Hi Tech or Low Tech
• TV or Book
• Swimming or Sunbathing
• Coffee or Tea
• Hamburger or Taco


• Big Party or Small Gathering
• Pen or Pencil
• Computer or Tablet
• Dog or Cat
• Day or Night
• Drama or Comedy


10 Years of Impact in Central Florida

2020 Gratitude Report — 26 —

Runway to Hope’s mission is to support families relating to COVID-19, Runway to Hope had to
primarily in Central Florida, fighting pediatric postpone their annual Spring Soiree in 2020, but at
cancer, while also seeking a cure. Through this time, they are still operating at full capacity and
relationships with local children’s hospitals, facilitating family assistance within our Central Florida
Runway to Hope fosters collaborative efforts pediatric cancer community.
among corporations, local businesses and
philanthropists to not only raise funds and Looking back, co-founders Mark and Josie
awareness, but also bring new programs and NeJame remember, “What started out as a
initiatives to the pediatric cancer community. simple dream has blossomed into a beautiful
Additionally, they provide direct support and reality. Ten years ago, we envisioned a way
aid primarily to Central Florida children and of providing direct support to children and
their families impacted by pediatric cancer. families who have been affected by pediatric
cancer in our local community. As we come
Funds raised at the Runway to Hope Spring Fashion together, united as one, we hope for nothing
Soiree directly benefit the pediatric oncology programs more than to all hold hands, to walk together,
at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for and to find a cure for childhood cancer.”
Children, AdventHealth for Children and Nemours
Children’s Hospital, as well as Runway to Hope’s Family
Assistance Program.

At Orlando Health Arnold Palmer, Runway to Runway to Hope’s 10th annual Spring Soiree
Hope’s initial $1 million contribution supported will be hosted at the Rosen Shingle Creek on
Central Florida’s first ever comprehensive Pediatric
Neuro-Oncology Program, comprised of a team that May 15th, 2021.
provides the full range of medical and emotional
support specific to pediatric brain tumor patients.
After completing their initial pledge, Runway to Hope
committed additional funds to support the next phase
of growth - investment into a pediatric neuro-oncology
translational research program. The donation will cover
start-up costs as well as two years of annual operations
ensuring the sustainability and long-term success of the

This year marks the beginning of Runway to Hope’s
tenth year. The event has grown from 30 children
walking the runway in 2010, to over 175 children
modeling in 2019. Unfortunately, due to concerns

— 27 —

2020 Gratitude Report — 28 —


Legacy of Caring:


Three years ago, Matthew and Laura Nicolettis’ friends, whose son’s life was saved at Orlando
Nicoletti experienced a life-changing Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children when they
moment, altering their commitment to were visiting Disney World from New York.
one another, along with their passion for
philanthropy. In December 2019, Matthew and Laura proudly

Matthew, originally from New York, and Laura, from welcomed their baby boy Roman into the world. Laura
Connecticut, met in college while students at the shared, “After my emergency surgery, I felt
University of Central Florida. After dating in college, like my body had betrayed me. But to be
they gradually drifted apart, Matthew leaving town to able to carry a healthy baby to term made
work in investment banking in Charlotte and Laura it seem like everything had finally come full
traveling the world with her events and promotions circle.”
business. Both Matthew and Laura developed a love for
traveling in the years they spent apart in separate cities. Inspired by their emergent medical experience abroad, a
Reconnecting 10 years after college, Matthew and Laura friend whose child was saved at Orlando Health Arnold
resumed dating and began to enjoy traveling the world Palmer and their desire to leave a legacy of caring for
together. their son Roman to follow, Matthew and Laura gave
generously to support Orlando Health Arnold Palmer.
During one vacation to St. Lucia, Laura suddenly found With their passion for children and desire to support
herself needing emergency medical care – including advancements in healthcare, their significant gift will
major surgery under grueling conditions in a country help to ensure more children can receive the quality
unfamiliar to them. Throughout the experience, care that is a hallmark of Orlando Health and make sure
we’re able to provide the best care when it is needed,
Matthew remained by her side and told Laura “If you closest to home.
walk out of this place, I’m going to marry
you.” Laura made it through the surgery, and they When asked why give to Orlando Health, Matthew

have now been married for nearly three years. Living shared “Why give? Well, giving provides
through this experience, the Nicolettis felt called the opportunity, whether it be for mother or
to financially support the advancement of quality child, to receive the best care.”
healthcare in the United States so no person would have
to walk through an experience like Laura’s. Today, the Nicoletti family lives in Viera, Florida. The
family of three are excited to continue their relationship
This past year, when deciding where to deliver their with Orlando Health, support kids and make a
first-born child, they instantly thought of Orlando difference in the lives of children.
Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies.
Part of making this decision came from one of the

— 29 —



In March of 2014, Rebekah Johnson was to an end. However, Rebekah’s joy for life has
diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer. Like not diminished. Her family and friends find
with most new cancer patients, her diagnosis inspiration in Rebekah on a daily basis. A
rapidly turned her life upside down. As a wife friend, Pam, explains her as “extremely giving
and stay-at-home mom of three teenagers, and compassionate” as she continues to think
Rebekah enjoyed traveling with her family, of others during this time and her positivity
spending time with friends and being defies her medical experiences.
involved with her church and community.
Then, suddenly, Rebekah was undergoing This is not to say that Rebekah is never
painful biopsies and tests. Although she worried, or downright scared. Whole brain
worked hard to remain positive while radiation was terrifying, but the caregivers
regaining her health, overall, her medical at the cancer center helped to make it better.
journey was extremely stressful. Nurses sang to her to keep her entertained
and helped to keep her comfortable while
Fortunately, in January of 2017, Rebekah making her laugh at the same time. “There
began treatment with a new physician at was almost a sense of sadness when I
Orlando Health UF Health Cancer Center. had to leave them,” says Rebekah.
“The Cancer Center was a gift of hope,”
says Rebekah. “I was treated with “Whenever I was in the hospital, all
courtesy and respect by every team of the nutrition and housekeeping
member at Orlando Health.” women were amazing - such jovial and
fun conversations! One of my fondest
Rebekah, now 52 years old, has defiantly memories is a very content, smiling
fought against breast cancer for more than six housekeeping employee. I was so
years. Throughout that time, she’s continued impressed with her! My husband Steve
to raise her children with all the love and is 60 years old, and this young lady was
support a mom could offer. Parker, 24, is in approximately the same age. She was
his second year of law school; Hunter, 22, is a great-grandmother to one and another
now a Naval officer living in Charleston; and one on the way! Sharing family stories
Dakota, 15, loves boating and spending time with my care team was always a favorite
with friends at the beach. part of visits to Orlando Health,” shares
Over time, in the midst of numerous
procedures and treatment protocols, Over the course of hospital visits, Rebekah
Rebekah’s cancer continued to spread – to her developed close relationships with
bones, her skin and now, to her brain. Despite oncologists, nurses, lab workers, receptionists
aggressive care, including whole brain and more. And who could not? Staff played
radiation, her treatment options have come 80’s music and danced for her, visited her

2020 Gratitude Report — 30 —

on their own days off and brought gifts and made a
point to raise her spirits, all while fighting her cancer Garrett Atherton
alongside her – always looking for the most advanced Betty Boaz
treatment protocols or clinical trials available for her. Mary Brower

“Although there are no longer existing treatments Alon Chow, PharmD
open for me, I always remain hopeful for new Jared Clauss
medical options, as well as when God will heal
me,” says Rebekah. During this time, she continues Garrett Drango, BSN
to think of others in the same compassionate way she Tomas Dvorak, MD
always has. Desiring the best possible outcomes for Stephanie Feliberti, RN
other patients, Rebekah has asked to share her story Patrice Gorman, RN
with readers in hopes it will inspire donations to
Orlando Health, especially for other patients facing the Nancy Irwin
challenges of a cancer diagnosis. Elaine Jones
Jennifer Lee-White, CMA
“I have been incredibly blessed. Not only Barbara Mathis
throughout my life with my husband and children Linda Pekarek
and loved ones, but also during my cancer journey Colleen Phillips, RT
with Orlando Health. Everyone, from physicians Naren Ramakrishna, MD
and nurses, to the lab technicians and food service Regan Rostorfer, MD
workers, have been so genuinely caring. I want Jonathan Santizo, PharmD
for others in our community to receive this same Jessica Schofield, RN
level of care and help to sustain and even improve Eigan Smith, RN
the resources offered to patients. It would mean so Myrtle Smith
much to me if people donated whatever amount Charlotte Thomas, RT(T)
they could to help support the hospital.” Linda Watkins
Miles Wiseman, RN
To make a donation in honor of Rebekah, please visit Hollie Zammit, RD, LD/N or send
a check payable to Orlando Health Foundation to our
office at 3160 Southgate Commerce Blvd., Suite 50,
Orlando, FL 32806 (please add “Rebekah Johnson” to
the memo line).

to come. Their foundation supports the surrounding
areas of Winter Park, Florida and Ashland, Ohio and
is dedicated to the causes they cared for the most:
education, healthcare, athleticism, spiritual health and
community engagement.


Impacting Generations of Representatives of the Elinor and T.W. Miller, Jr.
Children and Families Foundation first became connected with The Howard
Phillips Center for Children & Families, a part of
Those with a passion for helping others seem to find Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children,
ways to do so throughout their life, leaving an example in the summer of 2019. After hearing and seeing
for others to follow. This holds true for both Elinor firsthand the work being done, The Howard Phillips
and T.W. (Bill) Miller Jr., founders of the Elinor and Center was given an opportunity to submit a grant
T.W. Miller, Jr. Foundation. Both Elinor and Bill request.
were passionate about service and finding ways to
support those in need. Throughout their lives, they What transpired was a generous two-part gift from
were committed to many organizations, such as the the Elinor & T.W. Miller, Jr. Foundation. In the Fall of
American Red Cross, American Cancer Society, Girl 2019, the foundation presented The Howard Phillips
Scouts and the YMCA. Having met while attending Center with a $75,000 matching grant to be used at
Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, their alma their November fundraising luncheon. This inspired
mater was especially close to their hearts. In addition to attendees to give abundantly as seen by 128 attendees
supporting Rollins College, both Elinor and Bill were making a gift, 69 first time donors and 13 new families
dedicated to serving the communities in which they joining the Advocates for Children Giving Society. The
lived. synergistic effect of these additional funds are helping
Elinor, born in Orlando, and Bill, born in Ashland, the Center to continue protecting and healing abused
Ohio, created their foundation to ensure their resources children, bringing therapies to families of children with
would continue to support their communities for years special needs, delivering medical care to underserved
teens and helping families at risk for child abuse raise
their children with love and support.

The second part of the gift came in the form of helping
our Teen Xpress program through a $50,000 grant.
This portion of the gift was extremely timely as our
organization was feeling the effects of the COVID-19
crisis. The additional funding helped us continue
serving teens in our area with medical and other needed
services throughout the pandemic, despite early school
closures at the onset.

The Howard Phillips Center could not be
more grateful to the Elinor and T.W. Miller,
Jr. Foundation for bringing the legacy of its
founders to us and to others in our area. Elinor
and Bill’s lasting passion for helping others will
impact generations of children and families in
our community for years to come.

2020 Gratitude Report — 32 —

Florida Blue


The DEAR Program is slated to launch in early
2021 and will train over 1,000 hospital
providers and staff, and 500 caregivers. The
program will be instrumental in improving the
quality of life for those living with dementia
within our community by:

• Increasing provider and caregiver knowledge of
dementia symptoms and caregiving skills,

Located in a quaint Winter Garden • Improving the hospital experience for patients
neighborhood, Orlando Health - Health with dementia, and
Central Park Nursing and Rehabilitation
Center is dedicated to providing professional, • Increasing the amount of time people living
compassionate care that enriches and with dementia remain at home rather than in the
enhances the lives of residents living in long- hospital.
term care and rehabilitation.
“Dementia touches the lives of so many people
The Dementia Special Care Unit at Health Central Park in our community. The DEAR Project is an
provides a safe, nurturing environment where residents additional way our organization is providing
are treated with the utmost respect and care. Thanks to the best possible care for patients living with
a recent grant provided by Florida Blue, team members dementia and their families,” says Heather
at Health Central Park will be bringing their expertise Prinzel, RN BSN, Director of Nursing, Orlando
to hospital providers and caregivers in Central Florida. Health Center for Rehabilitation.
The Dementia Education and Resource (“DEAR”)
Program aims to increase the quality of care for people Photo Caption: Health Central Park staff coordinated a
living with dementia. The Health Central Park team will party to celebrate a resident turning 101 years old.
provide training in evidence-based, dementia friendly
practices to hospital-based providers, and educate
caregivers on how to best provide and advocate for their
loved ones.

— 33 —

Financial Highlights



IN-KIND: 463

$4,200,000 NEW PLEDGES: 117





$20 MILLION 19%

$15 MILLION 54% Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children
$10 MILLION Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies
19% The Howard Phillips Center for Children & Families
2020 Gratitude Report
11% Orlando Health

7% Orlando Health Orlando Regional Medical Center

7% Orlando Health UF Health Cancer Center

2% Community Hospitals


— 34 —

Tribute Gifts

AUGUST 1, 2020 - OCTOBER 31, 2020

An ideal way to celebrate the life of someone special is through a gift in their name. Not only does your
gift honor the individual, it also enables Orlando Health to carry on life-saving care for others.

Tribute for Seth Adams Ms. Cori Eggert Tributes for Gary A. Rader
Mr. Paul Sievert Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Fones Ms. Nancy Richmond
Mr. Logan Galli Mrs. Jacqueline S Smith
Tribute for William F. Boehm Ms. Lorisse Garcia
Ms. Kelly Hendrickson Mr. Evan Harbot Tribute for Kathy Rohe
Ms. Maria Keesee Ms. Heather S. Miller
Tribute for Laurrie L. Buckley Ms. Chelsea Korth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Ken L. Kupp Tribute for Jean L. Smith
Ms. Kathleen Larson Anonymous
Tribute for Kailee A. Clark LPL Financial
Mrs. Lori Lyons Mr. Andrew M. Mapple Tribute for Anna M. Snyder
Ms. Christine Masuda Mr. and Ms. Mark A. Snyder
Tributes for Marlie K. Dodson Mr. James Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Agnew Mr. Michael Plante Tribute for Bellah South
Ms. Sarah Dodson Mr. Jared Russ Mrs. Jenny Smart
Mr. Mark Scheidter
Tribute for Anita C. Graves Ms. Cindy Schuch
Mr. Randy E. Graves Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Talley
Ms. Sue Zelgert
Tribute for Roy A. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Zizmer
Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Pearson Tribute for Elaine M. Lustig
Ms. Molly Rose
Tributes for Linda “Lindy” R. Kuykendall Tribute for Michael J. Madden
Mr. and Mrs. Jess D. Bailes Mr. John J. Prawlocki
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cairns Tributes for Daniel M. Marozzi
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Dymond Mr. Stephen Matush
Interlachen Ladies Golf Association Mrs. Adrienne Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Johnson Tributes for Steven R. Miles
Mr. Jack M. Kuykendall Mrs. Jan Collier
Ms. Kathleen H. Montoya Mr. Kevin Roberts
Mr. Bob & Debbie Summers Tribute for Geraldine L. Miller
Mrs. Michelle Traicoff Mr. Bill Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Trammell Tribute for Allison M. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Stankavage
Tribute for Ashlyn M. Langford Tribute for Wendy E. Morris
Mrs. Janet Symmonds Ms. Wanda B. Lehman
Tributes for Brenda Pribell
Tributes for Jared S. Larson Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cairns
Ms. Esme Anderson The Country Club of Orlando
Ms. Hilary Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Trammell
Mr. Christopher Bauer
Ms. Kacey Bell
Mr. Jagan Bommineni
Mr. John Bowen
Ms. Danielle Cast
Ms. Deborah Coan
Mr. John Colegrove
Ms. Kelly Correll
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Driskel

Please consider giving a lifesaving gift today! You may call us at (321) 841-5194, send a check
in the envelope enclosed or make a secure online gift at

— 35 —

Orlando Health Foundation Non-Profit
3160 Southgate Commerce Blvd., Suite 50 Organization
Orlando, FL 32806 U.S. Postage

Permit No. 3299
Orlando, Florida

Ways to Give

Did you know that community-owned Make an online donation that is safe,
hospitals provide 95 percent of all vital but secure and simple. You can designate your gift
often unprofitable health services? As Central
Florida’s only community-owned hospital, to a number of areas or programs.
Orlando Health reinvests all available revenues Go to:
into programs, equipment, facilities, and
medical staff. We are governed by a local board
of trustees who serve without pay and whose
interests lie in placing patients before profits, Make a credit card or check donation by mail
and community needs before returns. to support Orlando Health at:
Only through the financial investment of Orlando Health Foundation
committed donors can Orlando Health continue
to provide excellent, leading-edge medical care 3160 Southgate Commerce Blvd., Suite 50
in a warm and healing environment. We hope Orlando, FL 32806
you will join us in helping to secure a legacy of
excellent medical care for our community. Make a donation by phone by
giving us a call at:
(321) 841-5194


You may elect not to receive any further fundraising communications from the Orlando Health Foundation.
To do so, you may write to us at Orlando Health Foundation, Attn: Director of Development/3160 Southgate Commerce Blvd., Suite 50/Orlando, FL 32806,

call our toll-free line at 1.855.678.6889 or e-mail [email protected].

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