October Highlights . Coming in June .
(see inside pages for details) Day in San Francisco
Thursday November 21
Chef’s Talk
Tuesday October 1
Building a Hospital in Kenya Hosting an Event? .
Tuesday October 1
Let us prepare, cook and
Scenic Drives clean up for your next
Friday October 4 party!
Friday October 18 - Pumpkin Patch Invite Dining Services
into your condo or a
Viva La Musica!at Carnegie Hall community room and let
Monday October 7 us provide delicious hors d'oeuvres, delectable
desserts and unforgettable memories for you
Reading with St. Matt’s First Graders and your family and friends. Contact 650-425-
Wednesday October 16 4226 for pricing.
Assisted Living .
Incredible India with Cheryl: PART 2 650-425-4220
Wednesday October 16
A Licensed Nurse is on duty 24 hours/day.
Oktoberfest German Dinner If you require a Coumadin test, you must come
Thursday October 17
to Assisted Living no later than 12 noon.
Nueva School Music Performance Podiatry Clinic with Dr. Chen
Sunday October 20 Wednesdays 10am to noon
Call 650-425-4220 to make an appointment.
SF Opera: The Marriage of Figaro.
Tuesday October 22
Warriors vs. Clippers Viewing Party
Thursday October 24
St. Matt’s Trick or Treat Performance
Costume & Pumpkin Contest
Halloween Dinner
Thursday October 31
RCFE# 410508359 COA# 318
Message from the Executive Director October 2019
Ruth Freeman, our Chair, opened the September Town Hall meeting with enthusiastic comments
about the recent Labor Day party and the upcoming Anniversary Celebration.
Fun at DMV
Mrs. Ruth Freeman then recounted her attempts to obtain a Real ID driver’s license—an effort that
took five visits to DMV. Doing her due diligence, she located a phone number for a DMV manager
who suggested that she expedite the process by using her birth certificate for verification instead of
her passport. At our local office, a helpful agent worked live with Sacramento to substitute Mrs.
Freeman’s birth certificate for her passport and it worked. Success!
Introducing Member Committee Chairs:
Mrs. Freeman introduced Mrs. Carol Olivier of the Outside Programs Committee and Mr. Kevin
McBride of the Wellness Committee. Mrs. Freeman also encouraged new residents to join
committees that reflect their interests.
Mrs. Olivier and the Outside Programs Committee members discuss ideas for places to visit and
events to attend—museums, historic sites, and concerts. The Program and Events Department
coordinates the logistics for these outings.
Mr. McBride, Chair for the Wellness Committee has reviewed the six dimensions of wellness:
emotional, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual. The Committee has discovered
how important it is to balance these dimensions, and how it has lead to a healthier life. The
committee is also encouraging all members to talk to your doctor about executing or updating a
Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) if you have not already done so.
Marketing Update
Marketing has sold 21 condominiums this fiscal year. Nine are currently listed,
and we know of seven coming up for listing. Ending September 30, refer friends
who want to downsize yet still maintain a comfortable and elegant lifestyle. Not
only do you receive a referral fee, you also help build this community and
strengthen its vibrant culture.
(continued on page 6)
(continued from cover article)
One Baldwin Avenue, San Mateo, California 94401 ∙ Tel 650-579-5500 ∙ www.peninsularegent.com
Resident Committees - October Schedule .
Committee Chairperson Condo Oct. Time Room
HOA/Council Ruth Freeman 202 8 3pm Boardroom
2:30pm Boardroom
Finance Arthur Tom 611 8 3pm Boardroom
Continuing Education Lynette Brohm 918 7 10:30am -
1:30pm Game Room
Film Open - Boardroom
Wellness Kevin McBride 1023 9 4pm Boardroom
House & Garden Therese Curotto & 204 28 -
Sigi Heidenreich 308
Outside Programs Carol Olivier 514 7
Social Programs Joan Connolly & 607 7
Suzanne Sullivan 414
Library Ruth Haynes 509 & Myra Sommer 401
TPR Ed. Grant Program Debbie Tindale 712 -
The Town Meeting will be Thursday, October 10 at 2pm in the Penthouse and “live” on the
In-house Channel (108). For replays, see the Film Calendar.
October Birthdays . Dining Hours During Construction .
Name Date Condo Lion’s Lounge (Monday - Friday only):
Isabel Green 10/1 Breakfast Lunch
Hertha Harrington 10/3 504 8:30am - 10:30am 11:30am - 1:30pm
Frances Yandow 10/4 --------
Gerald Bigus 10/7 511 Dinner To-Go
Linda Shea 10/13 Please complete menu at the Front Desk before 2pm
Jan Simonds 10/15 1003
Nancy Araki 10/16 Pickup in the Lobby from 4:30pm - 5pm
Bob Logan 10/23 302 --------
Marianne Shine 10/24 1021 Main Dining Room:
Ulla Carter 10/26 Lunch
Ken McCloskey 10/30 11:30am - 1:30pm
Isabel Hidzick 10/31 Last seating at 1:30pm - Closes at 2:15pm
Arlene Segraves 10/31 Dinner
5pm - 7:30pm
Please note: Some members prefer their Closes at 8:15pm
birthday not be published.
Assisted Living Dining Room:
Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Page 2 - October 2019
Ballroom Dancing . Weekend Movies in October .
Tuesday October 29 Fridays 10:30am and Saturdays 8pm .
on Channel 108 (subtitles)
7:45 pm - Penthouse Sundays 1:30pm
Bee Meyer will lead the evening’s dancing. on Channel 108 (without subtitles)
Bring a friend/partner!
Grocery Shopping - Draeger’s . October Movie
Wednesday October 30 4, 5 & 6 First Man
11, 12 & 13 Welcome to Marwen
Leave 10am/Return ~11:30am
18, 19 & 20 The Souvenir
Bring your recyclable shopping bags with you. 25, 26 & 27 The Mustang
Trick or Treat Performance .
Thursday October 31
Scenic Hike: Devil’s Slide Trail
11am - Lobby
St. Matthew’s first graders will treat us with cos-
tumes, a parade and a short performance to get
everyone in the Halloween spirit!
Costume and Pumpkin Contest .
Thursday October 31
4pm - Lobby
Dust off an old favorite costume, or wear a new
one. At 4pm wear your costume to compete to
win either the Funniet, Scariest or Most Original
costume. If the weather is nice we will have a
parade in the Flag Court
Also...find out who wins our annual departmental
pumpkin decorating contest!
Halloween Dinner .
Thursday October 31
4:45 pm– Dining Room
Reservations highly suggested by Wednesday,
October 24. To make a reservation, contact the
Dining Room Hostess at 650-425-4251.
Page 15 - October 2019
Here comes the bride. And her rival! And the Burlingame Route .
man trying seduce her! And his wife! Friday October 25
Leave 10:30am/Return ~1:30pm
Lust, power and gossip threaten to throw all of Drop-off and pick-up will be offered on
Figaro’s wedding plans into disarray. How Burlingame Avenue. Shop, have lunch or people
will the wily servant save watch on The Avenue.
the day? Find out in this irresistible, brand- Lunch at Metate Mexican Restaurant
new production of Mozart’s masterpiece.
Activity Level: EASY: Minimal walking to and Tour of the Mission Murals .
and from the Opera Center. Tuesday October 29
Fully accessible.
Leave 10:30am/Return ~4pm
Enjoy a delicious Mexican lunch at El Metate
Cost: Orchestra seating: $113/ticket. Tick- Restaurant and then take a tour of the Mission’s
ets will be purchased upon sign-up and are
therefore non-refundable. Precita Eyes Muralists have been celebrating
Member Emergency Drill community mural art and culture since 1977. As
Zone Training: 10th Floor . an inner-city, community-based, mural arts or-
Thursday October 24 ganization, Precita Eyes Muralists work to enrich
Start 4pm/Stop 4:20pm and beautify urban environments and educate the
public about the process and history of communi-
See page 6 for more details. ty mural art. Working with a wide variety of
neighborhoods and communities, they nourish
Warriors vs. Clippers Viewing Party . one’s inherent creativity and celebrate the beauty
of their community.
Thursday October 24
7:30pm - Penthouse The tour will begin inside the Precita Eyes studio
Cheer on the Golden State Warriors as they play for a brief introduction before beginning a guided
the Los Angeles Clippers in their first game at walk in the neighborhood. The tour will take just
their new home, the new Chase Center in San over an hour to complete.
Activity Level: ACTIVE: Walking and
Eyeglass Repair . standing of more than 30 minutes.
Friday October 25 Cost: No-host lunch. Cash only for lunch.
11am - Game Room $10/ticket for the tour. Tickets are purchased
Stop by between 10 and 11am. Gerry Bundy, upon sign-up and are therefore non-refundable.
Bundy Opticians, will be available to adjust
your glasses and speak with you about your
optical needs.
Page 14 - October 2019
Labor Day Hoedown & BBQ .
Page 3 - October 2019
TED Talks: This month wraps up the theme Animals, and begins Money .
Sundays & Tuesdays at 8pm & 8:30pm and
Mondays at 2pm & 2:30pm
In-house Channel (108) - See Film Calendar
What’s a TED Talk? TED Talks are powerful short talks given
by experts in a variety of topics, from science to psychology to
business to global issues.
Four Billion Years of Evolution in Six Minutes
Did humans evolve from monkeys or from fish? Ichthyologist Prosanta Chakrabarty dispels some
hardwired myths about evolution.
How Blockchain is Changing Money & Business
Don Tapscott will describe what the blockchain is, and how it has potential to transform money,
business, government and society.
The Future of Money
Digital currency researcher Neha Narula describes the collective fiction of money and paints a pic-
ture of a very different looking future of money.
How to Buy Happiness
Michael Norton shares fascinating research on how money can indeed buy happiness -- when you
don't spend it on yourself.
How the Blockchain will Transform the Economy
Bettina Warburg describes how the blockchain will eliminate the need for centralized institutions
like banks or governments to facilitate trade.
Activity Level Ratings .
Activity level ratings have been established as a guide in decision-making for TPR’s organized
trips. Organized trips will be rated Easy, Moderate or Active, based on the amount of walking,
stairs and any other logistics found on each excursion. In addition to the rating posted, each trip
will provide further detailed descriptions of trip logistics.
EASY: A minimum amount of physical activity r equir ed. Fully accessible/minimal walking.
MODERATE: A moder ate amount of physical activity r equired. Walking up to one-half mile
and some standing. May have a few stairs or uneven pavement. See trip details for specifics.
ACTIVE: Walking as much as two miles, stair s and standing for 30 minutes or mor e.
To ensure trips are safe as well as enjoyable, the trip leader may contact you if there are questions
or concerns.
Page 4 - October 2019
Day in San Francisco . bus or get off at the Pumpkin Patch. Sign-up at
the Front Desk!
Thursday October 17
Leave 10am/Return ~4pm Nueva School Outreach Club
This month, drop-off and pick-up will be offered Musical Performance .
at Westfield Centre, the St. Francis Hotel at Pow- Sunday September 29
ell and Post and the Ferry Building. Please note 2pm - Penthouse
your destination when signing up. If there are
fewer than 5 signed up, the outing will be can- Founded in 2017, the Nueva Musical Outreach
celled. Club gives high school students the opportunity
Oktoberfest German Dinner . to share their musical talents and love of music
with the community.
Thursday October 17 Nueva School is looking forward to performing
once again at TPR. Their performance will in-
4:45pm - Dining Room clude award-winning performers who are pas-
sionate about music.
Brush off your lederhosen, jetzt geht’s ab (the
party starts now)! Get in the German holiday
spirit at our Oktoberfest dinner. This is a 23 point
meal. The Dining Room will begin taking reser- Hillsdale Shopping Center .
vations on Wednesday, October 10. Monday October 21
Fitness Equipment Instruction: Leave 10:30am/Return ~2pm
Focus: Total Body Strength Fitness . Drop-off and pick-up will be offered at two lo-
Friday October 18
cations: Hillsdale Shopping Center (in front of
10:30am - Fitness Studio
Starbucks) and Trader Joe’s across the street.
Fitness Instructor Jon Ellis will provide equip-
ment instruction with a focus on Total Body Monthly Birthday and
Strength and Fitness. If you need a change in your
exercise routine and want to improve your total New Member Celebration .
body strength. Come join the class! Classes are
limited to four students/session and are not in- Monday October 21
tended to be training sessions. You must sign up
in the Fitness Studio to participate. 4pm - Fountain Court
Celebrate this month’s birthdays and welcome
new members with hors d’oeuvres and a drink
from 4 to 5pm in the Fountain Court.
Scenic Drive: Pumpkin Patch . SF Opera presents: Mozart’s
Friday October 18 The Marriage of Figaro .
1pm/Return ~2:30pm Tuesday October 22
Let’s go to the pumpkin patch in Half Moon Bay Leave 6pm/Return ~11pm
and get into the Halloween spirit! The San Francisco Opera presents...The Mar-
Activity Level: EASY: You may stay on the riage of Figaro with music by Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart.
Page 13 - October 2019
Smartphone Photography . African Violet Club .
Monday October 14 Tuesday October 15
7:45pm - Penthouse 2:30pm - Penthouse
We’ve all seen the commercials that proudly How are your plants doing? Bring your violets
boast “shot on the smartphone,” but who among and let's explore tending and propagating these
us has been able to shoot images that good on wonderful plants. Whether or not you have a
their own iPhone or Android phones? green thumb, all are welcome!
On Monday, October 14 at 7:45pm in the Pent- Grocery Shopping - Ranch 99 .
house Emanuela Quaglia from College of San
Mateo will give a presentation along with TPR Wednesday October 16
member, Evan Reader that can help to you how
to take high quality photographs with your Leave 10am/Return ~11:30am
Bring your recyclable shopping bags with you.
smartphone. Reading with St. Matthew’s
Emanuela Quaglia is a part of CSM’s School of First Graders .
Broadcast and Electronic Media. She will ex-
plain the basic features of smartphone cameras Wednesday October 16
and how to get the best use from them. After the
presentation Emanuela will display and provide 2 pm - Lion’s Lounge
critiques for recent photos submitted by TPR’s
Photo Club. Enjoying books is contagious. Share your inter-
All are welcome to join this educational pro- est in reading with the next generation. Meet the
new first graders from St. Matthew's across the
Whether this is your first time or your sixth, we
encourage you to come on by!
Lost & Found . Sign up at the Front Desk!
Monday October 21
10am - Game Room Incredible India with Cheryl Hylton:
Have you recently lost something? Stop by and Part 2 .
see if it’s been found.
Wednesday October 16
Day in Palo Alto . 7:45pm - Penthouse
Tuesday October 15
South India has their own unique culture, foods,
Leave 10am/Return ~2:30pm
traditions, scenery and architecture. In this sec-
Enjoy shopping in Palo Alto at the Stanford ond part of her Incredible India travel talk,
Cheryl Hylton will share photos and stories of
Shopping Center or visit Stanford’s Cantor Cen- her adventures in South India.
ter for the Arts and the Rodin Sculpture Garden.
Page 12 - October 2019
Dining Services Article for October Update
Beginning in April, our Dining Services team began participating in the Chefs to End Hunger pro-
gram through Los Angeles &San Francisco Specialty Foodservice Distributors. Chefs to End Hun-
ger provides mea ls to the hungr y by r edistributing the excess prepa red food tha t would
normally go to waste in hotels, restaurants and other food service operations to local chari-
table organizations to serve meals.
In 2018 the Chefs to End Hunger diverted over 3.2 million pounds of food from landfills to people
who need a meal, which is the equivalent of 2.6 million meals.
foodrecoverynetwork.org, April 2019 Sean Strader
The Problem of Food Waste
The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) estimates that up to 40% of the food
produced in America goes uneaten. In this country alone, food loss costs billions of dollars
annually. Yet 1 in 8 Americans struggle to put food on the table. There is a huge discon-
nect. While millions of tons of edible food is finding its way into landfills our food inse-
cure populations continue to grow. Therefore, if we are not part of the solution, we are
contributing to the problem.
Food waste is the single largest component of organic waste going into municipal landfills.
This wasted food quickly generates methane, helping to make landfills the third largest
methane source in the US.
Organic waste accounts for 8% of global greenhouse emissions, according to the UN’s
Food and Agriculture Institution and the World Resources Institute. Additionally, these in-
puts generate impacts on the environment that may endanger the long term health of our
Chefsendhunger.org 2018
The Peninsula Regent’s Kitchen takes extra food that does not reheat well enough to serve our Mem-
bers and packages them into kits to deliver that food to people in need. TPR’s biggest donation day
is Monday mornings following our brunch service. TPR sends at least 2 meal kits weighing roughly
15lbs each. The kits are composed food such as left over proteins, various potato dishes, rice,
breads, chili and soup. The kits are labeled and dated with a 3 day shelf life.
Since TPR joined Chefs to End Hunger in April, Chef Tyler Holmes and his team have donated 12
kits weighing 20 lbs. each. At 240 lbs. of food, if each person ate 8 ounces of our food we would
have fed approximately 480 people at no cost to them.
We are proud to be a part of a program that is making a difference and helping to feed people in
need, while at the same time minimizing our food waste.
Page 5 - October 2019
Survey Results:
We are grateful for the everyone’s participation in the Housekeeping, Maintenance and Dining
survey. Your feedback provides us guidance for how we can improve. It is clear that we have work
to do in dining services, but as you can see from the memo we sent out we have already committed
to making improvements.
Project Update:
The front doors and refreshment area door are in production. Barring unforeseen circumstances,
the contractor has promised that they will be installed before the holidays.
The garage lights are on order. They should be finished and delivered six to eight weeks from
the date of this edition of the Update.
We are compiling a list of priority projects for fiscal 2020 and will keep you updated via memo
and in Town Meetings.
There’s an autumn crispness in the mornings and evenings. Halloween and the start of the 2019
holiday season will be here before you know it. Enjoy the lovely warm days and cool nights!
Marianne Nannestad
Executive Director
Safety Corner .
Member Emergency Response Zone Training.
Each month a 20-minute Member Emergency Zone Training session is conducted by Bill Tidwell,
our Safety and Compliance Trainer. This important safety session includes what to do and how to
when emergencies occur. The floor designated for the month is based on the number
corresponding to that month. We strongly encourage you to attend either the session held on your
floor or another floor during the year.
9th floor training will be held Thursday, October 24 at 4pm. To ensure that we begin on time,
meet at the elevator on your floor promptly at 4pm. Roll will be taken. Please bring your 5-page
Member Emergency Guide with you. Take this opportunity to read it and keep it handy. If you
cannot locate it, please pick up a copy at the Front Desk. Chairs in the hallways pose a safety
hazard. If you have difficulty standing, please bring your walker to sit on.
Page 6 - October 2019
the Golden State Warriors and the growing Book Club .
Dogpatch and Mission Bay neighborhoods.
Friday October 11
Activity Level: MODERATE: Walking 1/3 3pm - Boardroom
mile and standing up to 40 minutes.
October’s book is Oil and Marble by Stephanie
Cost: $15/ticket for the tour & bring CASH Storey.
for the no-host lunch. Tickets are pur-
chased upon sign-up and are therefore non- In her brilliant debut, Storey brings early 16th-
century Florence alive, entering with extraordi-
refundable. nary empathy into the minds and souls of two
Grocery Shopping - Safeway . Renaissance masters, creating a stunning art
history thriller. The story takes place from 1501
Wednesdays October 9 & 23 to 1505, when Leonardo da Vinci and Michelan-
gelo Buonarroti both lived and worked in Flor-
Leave 10am/Return ~11:30am ence.
Bring your recyclable shopping bags with you. Michelangelo is a virtual unknown when he
returns to Florence and wins the commission to
Yom Kippur - Break the Fast carve what will become one of the most famous
Wednesday October 9 sculptures of all time: David.
Break the fast at TPR. This is a 20 point meal. Meanwhile, Leonardo's life is falling apart: he
The Dining Room will begin taking reserva- loses the hoped-for David commission; he can't
tions on Tuesday, October 1. Please indicate seem to finish any project; he is obsessed with
you will be breaking the fast for the holiday his ungainly flying machine; he almost dies in
when making your reservation. war; his engineering designs disastrously fail;
and he is haunted by a woman he has seen in the
Town Meeting . market--a merchant's wife, whom he is finally
commissioned to paint.
Thursday October 10
2pm - Penthouse
Each monthly Town Meeting is aired “live” on Leonardo despises Michelangelo for his youth
and lack of sophistication. Michelangelo both
the In-house Channel (108) and is shown again loathes and worships Leonardo's genius.
later in the month. See the enclosed Film Cal-
endar for dates and times. All are welcome to join the discussion!
Line Dancing . Foster City/Bridgepointe Center .
Monday October 14
Thursdays October 10 & 17
Leave 11:30am/Return ~1:30pm
7:45pm - Penthouse
Drop-off and pick-up will be offered at two lo-
Learn line dancing to exercise your mind and cations within Bridgepointe Center.
get in at least 2,000 steps. Join us!
Page 11 - October 2019
Aquacise , Viva La Musica at Carnegie Hall
Saturdays October 5, 12, 19 & 26 Presentation .
9:15am - Pool Monday October 7
Join your neighbors in the pool for some self– 7:45pm - Penthouse
led exercise.
Join Therese Curotto and Naoko Masuno as they
Ping Pong Hours share a film viewing of their V iva La Musica!
Saturday October 5 . Carnegie Hall performance.
5pm to 9pm - Penthouse
Saturdays October 12 & 19 On June 16, 2018 TPR members Therese Curot-
11am to 9pm - Penthouse to and Naoko Masuno joined 200 chorus mem-
Sundays October 6 & 27 bers to perform Dan Forrest’s Requiem for the
11am to 9pm - Penthouse Living live at the Stern Auditorium in Carnegie
Hall. The performance was conducted by Shula-
mit Hoffmann and accompanied by Angela
Sunday October 13 Theis, soprano and Omar Namji, tenor.
5pm to 9pm - Penthouse Viva La Musica! choral group was joined by the
Sunday October 20 Upper Columbia Academy Choraliers from
4pm to 9pm - Penthouse Spangle, WA, Ottawa High School Chamber
Tuesday October 22 Choir from Ottawa, KS and Coronado High
Noon to 9pm - Penthouse School Varsity Chior from El Paso, TX.
Friday October 25 Watch their Carnegie Hall performance in the
2pm to 9pm - Penthouse Penthouse on Monday, October 7 at 7:45pm.
Wednesday October 30
6pm to 9pm - Penthouse Lunch at Delancey Street Restaurant,
Ping Pong is cancelled on Saturday, October 26. Walking Tour of Salesforce Transit
**Schedule is subject to change. When the room Center Park & Bus Tour of the NEW
is unavailable, a notice will be posted on the Chase Center Neighborhood .
credenza outside the Penthouse, as well as on In- Tuesday October 8
House Channel 108.
Leave 10:30am/Return ~3pm
Thespian Rehearsal . Enjoy a no-host lunch at Delancey Street Res-
Mondays October 7, 14, 21 & 28 taurant and then our guide, Craig Smith, will
2pm - Penthouse meet us for a walking tour of the newly re-
opened Salesforce Transit Center Park.
Members with all levels of talent are invited to See the Venus Sculpture, take the gondola up to
get in the act!
the 5 1/2 acre park, high above street level. Hear
about the history of the park, its landscaping and
the plans for its future. We’ll then board the bus
to view the new home of
Page 10 - October 2019
Page 7 - October 2019
Yoga . Drydock Fitness .
Tuesdays October 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 Wednesdays October 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30
9am - Penthouse
9am - Penthouse
Saturdays October 5, 12, 19 & 26
Join Instructor Jon Ellis on Wednesdays at 9am
9am - Penthouse for strength training to music! Members with all
Members with all levels of ability are invited to levels of ability are encouraged to attend.
spend the morning focusing on your mind your Grocery Shopping - Trader Joe’s .
mind, stretching your body and soothing your
soul. Wednesday October 2
Chef’s Talk Leave 10am/Return ~11:30am
. Bring your recyclable shopping bags with you.
Tuesday October 1
TPR-ias Rehearsal .
10:30am - Penthouse
Director, Dining Services, Jerry Loomer and Wednesday October 2
Chef Tyler Holmes will share a new culinary 3:30pm - Game Room
topic, news of upcoming events and will have Wednesdays October 9, 16, 23 & 30
time for Q & A.
3:30pm - Penthouse
Building a Hospital in Kenya . Sing with the TPR-ias!
Tuesday October 1 Scenic Walks .
7:45pm - Penthouse
Thursdays October 3, 17 , 24 & 31
In 2004, TPR member Norma Bozzini was
encouraged to join a group of seven friends in a Leave 8:30am/Return ~9:45am
very remote area of western Kenya which had
no medical care. The closest medical facility Meet in the Lobby
for the villagers of Ukwala at that time was a
45 minute drive. Without any motor vehicles, Take a lovely scenic walk with Ellise on Thurs-
this difficult yet necessary travel for medical
help required more than a full day’s journey by day mornings at 8:30am. Locations vary and
include such places as Seal Point, Sawyer Camp
Norma and her colleagues joined forces with a
non-governmental community organization to trail at Crystal Springs and Coyote Point. To help
build Matibabu Hospital from the ground up.
Today, Matibabu is a 70-bed hospital, a highly plan your day, expect to be back between 9:30-
regarded laboratory and their entire staff
is Kenyan. 9:45am. The bus will return before Mat Yoga,
Norma will share inspiring stories and slides. which begins at 10am on Thursdays. Sign up at
Join us for this most interesting program.
the Front Desk!
There will be no scenic walk on Thursday,
October 10, but we encourage you to walk as a
group or on your own.
Activity Level: ACTIVE: Walking between
one and two miles. See page 6 for more details.
Page 8 - October 2019
Mat Yoga . Transportation to Local
Thursdays October 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 Destinations .
10am - Penthouse Fridays October 4, 11, 18 & 25
Mexican Train Dominos Leave 11am/Return ~TBA
Thursdays October 3, 10, 24 & 31 . Transportation to local banks, pharmacies, the
San Mateo Public Library, Post Office and
1:30pm - Game Room nearby assisted living communities is available
Thursday October 17 once a week.
3pm - Game Room To accommodate members, errands are limited
Flu Vaccine Clinic to two per person. Please indicate your destina-
. tion(s) when signing up at the Front Desk.
Friday October 4 Grocery shopping is available on Wednesdays
9am to Noon - Penthouse at 10am only. Although transportation for
Friday October 11 these local destinations will begin at 11am,
1:30pm to 3:30pm - Penthouse Ellise or Jim will contact you to confirm the
exact time.
Want to minimize your wait in line on the day of
vaccination day? Please bring your Medicare Scenic Drive .
card to Assisted Living and complete your con- Friday October 4
sent form before Friday, September 27.
1pm/Return ~2:30pm
If you have an HMO, there will be a charge Take a beautiful drive with Ellise around the
from Safeway, who is running the clinic. Peninsula. Sign-up at the Front Desk.
Hi dose flu vaccine is $74.99, Pneumococcal On Friday, October 18 there will be a Scenic
(Hi dose), $200, (Regular) is $132 Drive to the pumpkin patch. See page X for
more details.
The completed forms stay with Health & Well-
ness, so you will only need to bring your Medi- San Francisco Dominoes .
care card with you on the day of the clinic. Fridays October 4, 11, 18 & 25
AquaFit . 1:30pm - Game Room
Fridays October 4, 11, 18 & 25 Wine Friday .
Mondays October 7, 14, 21 & 28
9:30am - Pool Fridays October 4, 11, 18 & 25
Join Jon Ellis on Mondays and Ginny Plato on 4:30pm - Lion’s Lounge
Fridays for a weight “less” workout in the pool.
Relax in the Lion’s Lounge with friends, wine
and cheese.
Page 9 - October 2019