Volume 1, Issue 5, November Edition
In this Issue
A word from the Club President.....................01
Leo of the Month..............................................02
Leo Mass Induction Ceremony 20/21.............03
Own The Stage..................................................04
Among Us..........................................................05
Rebuild Earth....................................................06
Knowledge Hub................................................11
Editor's Note.....................................................14
Editorial Panel..................................................15
Pulse of Leos |Volume 1 | Issue 5
A word from the
Club President
It's a great pleasure for me to
address you in our amazing
newsletter. And I would like to
have this opportunity to address
all my Saegis Leo members.
Leo Thisuri Nisalya My dear Leos,
Being a Leo is a great opportunity
for our lives and trust me you are
lucky to have that valuable
This makes sense not only words of LEADERSHIP,
Why? Leoism is a type of education, Leoism is a type of
making friends, Leoism is a type of having fun, and
Leoism is a good opportunity to improve your skills,
and it's a rare chance to help those indeed.
As the Club President of Leo Club of Saegis Campus,
I'm so lucky to have an editorial panel like this. I
appreciate our Chief editor Leo Hesanduni Wijesekara,
Chief Designer Leo Santhushi Hasini, and the editorial
team for your great and hard work. And I wish all the
best to our editorial panel for a successful future.
Pulse of Leos |Volume 1 | Issue 5
LLeeoo ooff tthhee MMoonntthh
Month of November
Leo Mass InductionPulse of Leos |Volume 1 | Issue 5
The Annual Leo Mass Induction Ceremony
for the years 2020/21, was held on the 15th
of November 2020 via Zoom online
The Chief Guest of the ceremony was the
International 3rd Vice President of Lions
Club International Lion Dr. Patti Hill while
the Guest of Honour was Pride of Sri Lanka,
Past International President of Lions Club
International for the years 2007/08, Lion
Mahendra Amarasuriya PMJF.
The Special Guests were Leo Lion Aayush
Bagla, Leo Lion Board Liaison 2020/21 of
Lions Club International and Lion Deva
Peter, Multiple Council Chairperson of Lions
Multiple District 306.
Over 2500+ Leos were inducted as new
blood of Leoism and there were 44 Saegis
Leos who inducted on that day.
Furthermore Saegis Leos are proud and
honoured to be a part of the organizing
committee which was held online via an
online platform for the first time in Leo
history, where we welcomed 2500+ new
blood to Leoism. Hope we could go on a long
and amazing journey with the new blood
who became a part of our Leo family.
Pulse of Leos |Volume 1 | Issue 5
""OOwwnn TThhee SSttaaggee""
When it comes to public speaking, we all get lost
sometimes as we have many concerns. It can be not
having clear knowledge about the language, stage fright
and many more.
Saegis Leos were able to find many problems regarding
this matter through research and as a result, a webinar
was held on 5th October 2020 at 6.30 p.m. via the Google
Meet platform. The guest speaker of the evening was a
well known public speaking instructor Mr. M.S.V.
Balendran. More than 80 Leos and Non Leos joined us for
the webinar and we hope everyone of you learned
something through it.
Our heartfelt gratitude goes to the guest speaker Mr. M.S.V
Balendran, our Staff Advisor Mr. Thomas Benjamin
Jeganathan and our Leo Advisor PDG Lion Kamal
Seneviratne PMJF for the guidance and the support given
to us.
Pulse of Leos |Volume 1 | Issue 5
Pulse of Leos |Volume 1 | Issue 5
Disasters can be occurred naturally or by human
activities. Sometimes we can't prevent natural
disasters, but we can prevent Man-made
disasters such as explosions, Major fires, and
aviation etc. According to statistics, 22% of
Disasters were occurred by human activities.
To prevent Man-made disasters, we should be
aware of our wrongdoings to the Earth. For that
Saegis Leos organized an online image and
caption competition to make awareness and, all
the competitors had to do was find an image
from the internet and write a caption to aware
others to prevent disasters. From this project,
we were able to find true Earth lovers, and we
have chosen the ten best images and captions
from the project.
From this month onward, anticipate more for the
best ten online images and captions in PULSE OF
Pulse of Leos |Volume 1 | Issue 5
Rebuild Earth
Winner - Most Creative
Dear Earth,
From the day we are born till the day
we are gone you bear us, giving food,
giving water, giving air and every other
things we want to live, and after we are
gone you take us into your lap forever.
You love us more than we are worth of.
Really do we deserve it as we are
destroying you in all the ways we could
I am sorry that lots of people pollute you, destroying you
and other animals who have the same right to live as
humans.Are we worth even to be pardoned?
You have been really patient through all these years.
Don’t feel sorry to give us punishments because we really
deserve it. You gave us chances to change but we didn’t.
And I know you will never stop giving chances just like a
mother who has an unconditional love for her children,
but I myself will try to make a change to protect you.
I will plant more trees, protect your water and keep them
clean. I will protect the air clear enough to see the stars.
I’ll promise to be a responsible human being.
I’m with you because there is NO “PLANET B”
Kushani Perera
"ඇය" Pulse of Leos |Volume 1 | Issue 5
"දැහැන දග ත ස අ
ෂණය වන මාලෙ
යතඹරාව ෙ හඬ ,
මෘතශ රාගාරෙ ෂණය ෙනා
ආ හනය ෙනාවන ගැහැ යකෙ
ආ මය වැළෙපන හඬ
ෙව ට ෙනාඇෙ . ම දය
බළ ලවා ෙකා ඇට
බාවග නා ගයක න
හා රැව ෙ ය, බ
හා රැව ෙ ය. සමාජෙ එ
අ තයක ගැහැ ය අෙන
අ තය ආ ම ෂකයා හා
අධ ය පව ෙ
අෙ සමා ය ෂමතාවය ට
ශාප ව නටය. “ ය
ෙනා ෙ ම ද ප අන
තවම ……..”අෙහ ඊ වර…. ! ”
පෘථ ජනෙය ය ෙල ම කහව ෙර නානය කල
ෙනාෙව . යෙථ ත කරැ අෙ මෙන තය ෙ
ච තානය පමණ ම ෙ මළෙපාෙ අ ර ෙනාද
ග ස හරය ෙනාෙ . ය ල ෙහාදහැ ද නා හ නන,
අ ශය ය ෙය ප වන ධනය, බලය , ං ක වය
හ ෙ හබායන කාම ව වට අය ව ය.
Pulse of Leos |Volume 1 | Issue 5
කා ක ෙන ඇ , පැ යා ම රන ෙමව
සමාජයක යක, දැ යක, තරැ යක, සෙහ ද යක, ෙයෙහ යක,
මවක ෙලස " ගැහැ යකෙ උ ත තර කාව ර ත කර
හැ ආදර ය ෙසායා ගැ ම ෙද ය ට පවා අ ෙය ගය
ව ඇත.
ම දය , ගැහැ යකෙ සෙය උපත ලබ නට තර
ෙද ය ද කර ෙනාමැත. එ වරම ෙද ය ටද අ ය.
කා තාව ෂණයට ල ව ෙ , ං ක අ ලසට හ ව ෙ
රැෂ ප ෂය ල ඇ ෙසෟ ද ය සංක පයට ගැහැ ය ආරැඪ
වන බව, අ ගතවන බව ෙහ ගැහැ යකෙග ෙතාරව සමාජගත
ය ෙනාහැ ෙසෟ ද යකා ය ල න බව සමාජගත
ෙ න පරමා ථය සා ෙනාව, එ ගැහැ යකට
වකළ ෙනාහැ පාලනෙය ෙතාර සහගත ච ථානෙ
ප වන මෙන තය ෙග ඔ දල කා ක පර ඩතාවෙය
ෙපෙලන ෙ සං ය ඉතාඉහළ බැ අවධාරණෙය
ෙප වා මටය.
"සමාජය ප ව තනය කල හැ ආ ය ශ ය ගැහැ ය
".මවක ෙලස දරැව ර කර න , ඒ රජ පැට ෙ ව වයට
ප කර න , බව පතනා ට යත වරණ මට වර
ලද එකම තැනැ ය " ගැහැ ය ". රාජ ස ඇද,
කඩමා ගත දැව ව , රජ මැ රක ය , පැලක ය
ඇෙ ණ වද ස අමර ය . න ක ග ළ ෙගන
දැෙවන කාම අ ෙය ඇෙ වත මට පට ෙගන ඇත.
" මහමායාව ...., යෙශ දරාව ....... බව පතා පාර ද රනා
අ මාවරැ .....ඔබට ෙ ය උපහාරය ම ෙ වා!
න හා රැව ෙ , බ හා රැව ෙ වන රටක, කැ ෙ
ර ෙන බැසග ෙල කයක , උ රට ෙහාරා ෙබෙහ
ෙබාන සමාජයක, " ගැහැ ය " ෙව ෙව ෙද ය ද අසරණ ."
ෙය එර පෙබ ධා
Pulse of Leos |Volume 1 | Issue 5
Diabetes Day
November 14th
According to WHO, Diabetes is the 7th leading
cause of death!
Diabetes is a lifestyle disease affecting all around
the world. Diabetes is not limited to only one age
limit and there's no age limit for Diabetes.
Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as Diabetes
is a chronic, metabolic disease characterized by
elevated levels of blood sugar. With diabetes, the
body doesn't make enough insulin or can't use
insulin effectively. There are more than four
diabetes types when it comes to diabetes in
different stages. The main symptom of diabetes is
rising blood sugar. Frequent urination, increase
hunger, increased thirst and blurry vision can be
seen as general symptoms of diabetes.
The theme for World Diabetes Day 2020 is "The
Nurse and Diabetes". This aims to raise
awareness around the crucial role that Nurses
play in supporting people living with Diabetes.
Anyone can prevent Diabetes by a healthy and
balanced diet, appropriate body weight, moderate
physical exercise, no smoking and drinking.
Don't let Diabetes ruin your life,
let's beat it together!
හැරදා Pulse of Leos |Volume 1 | Issue 5
ෙනා ෙ ශයක ස ග ෙ
දමක අවසැන ෙමයද ය ෙ
පාසැ කාලෙ ර රැ නැෙහන
ෙ ර රැ රය ෙකතර ද?
අද ඔබ හඬ ෙදෙන වසාෙගන
ෙනාෙ ෙරන ෙදය ම තට දැෙ
ඇ ඔෙ නා ර නැවත වගට
එ ෙනාඑ ෙ
පවස න එය මට මෙ ෙ
ෙනාෙ ෙරන ෙදය දැ මට වැටෙහ
ස දක ඔබ සැත ඇ බව
ෙකතර ව ම ත එය ෙනාග
ම කර නද ෛධවෙ සරදම ෙ ෙමය
ෙනතට ක ල න ඹ
ය ඉපෙද ර අ ෙලාව මැද
ඉපෙදන හැම භවය පාසා
ස ඉ මැන ස
ෙය ෂා ච දර න
Pulse of Leos |Volume 1 | Issue 5
Knowledge Hub
It's a Fact What happened this month
~One Direction~ The first medical school for
women opened in Boston.
Although five of them eliminated The European Union came
earlier from "X factor". Simon into existance as a result of
Cowell invited them back to
compete together as a group the Maastricht Treaty.
,Simon told the band during the Soviet Russia launched the
1D Day web event in 2013 that it world's first inhabited space
took him 10 minutes to come up
with the idea to combine the five capsule, Sputnik ii.
of them into a group. Abraham Lincoln was elected
as the 16th U.S. President and
W “The First Teacher”
the first Republican.
written by a famous X - rays were discovered by
o Soviet author Chingiz Wilhelm Roentgen at the
Uniiversity of Wuerzberg in
r Aitmatov' (most of
our Sinhala readers Germany.
m may know this novel The first experimental blood
s as GURUGEETHAYA) transfusion took place in
Britain, utilizing two dogs.
This story is about a young girl, Puerto Rico was discovered by
Altynai, who lives in Kirghiz and wants Columbus.
The first free balloon flight
c to go to school. Duishen, is a young
took place
o man and communist who decides to The Cold War came to an end
start a school and educate the
r children. He goes to their houses and 12
n collects them and brings them to
e school every day. I think this novel
will help everyone to overcome
r obstacles and reach their goals.
Pulse of Leos |Volume 1 | Issue 5
Race Your Brain
1.In 1990, a person is 15 years old. In 1995, that
same person is 10 years old. How can this be?
2.A man stands on one side of a river, his dog on
the other. The man calls his dog, who
immediately crosses the river without getting
wet and without using a bridge or a boat.
How did the dog do it?
Last Issue Answers Explanation (answer at bottom): 13
This puzzle is very simply stated and yet
stumps those who have not heard it before,
because the listener tends to make an
implicit assumption about gender
— in this case that a blind beggar is a man.
Brain Use:
This puzzle touches on analytical functions
like abstract reasoning, hypothesis testing,
and implicit assumptions residing in your
frontal lobes, as well as your creativity in
finding novel solutions to problems and
emotional memory.
The blind beggar was the sister of her
brother, who died.
Pulse of Leos |Volume 1 | Issue 5
Hunting Zone
Any Sudoku Lovers out there?
1. Seek a 2 in the
centre block of
2. Finish the centre
block of squares
3. Search for 2s
Got everything
Last Issue Answers 14
Pulse of Leos |Volume 1 | Issue 5
Editor's Note
When it comes to the talents 15
of our Saegis Leos, you might
have seen how talented they
are while looking through
our 5th issue of volume 1
As the Chief Designer, I'm very honoured
and proud to design and create a
fantastic newsletter where there are
many talented people's articles, poems
and free versions of our talented Saegis
Leos. Also you can see a brief
introduction of our monthly projects and
stuff throughout this month of
We hope that everyone of you who were
with us since our first issue might have
learnt something new, something
valuable for your lives.
This is just the 5th issue of our
newsletter and be with us; come along
throughout our journey with us till the
end. Life is a journey to be experienced.
Await till the next issue!
Leo Santhushi Hasini
Chief Designer, Editor
Leo Club of Saegis Campus
Pulse of Leos |Volume 1 | Issue 5
Editorial Panel
Leo Hesanduni Wijesekara Leo Santhushi Hasini
Chief Editor Chief designer,Editor
Leo Kalani Wasana
Leo Angelica Athapattu
Leo Erandi Prabodha