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Published by sydtlaireen, 2025-03-12 10:22:48

environmental awareness

let changes our world


Air Pollution 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS LE OF CONTENTS Deforestation Water Pollution Quiz game About Environmental Awareness 01] 02] 03] 04] 4—8 9—12 13—17 19—26 .......................................................... .......................................................... ......................................................... ..........................................................


The Environmental Awareness Committee is a group of students from KPTM BATU PAHAT We are a group of students coming together with a shared common goal. A goal to change the world, not through application alone, but through awareness and cognitive building of a younger generation that lends a hand in shaping a future brighter than our present. And that is what the Inspired Global Student Leadership Committees (IGSLC) are about. They are about coming together to be Proactive, Inspiring, and Creative. all for the a better future. MISSION & VISION Without a vision set in stone, the mission cannot be accomplished. Our vision is a stable future for the generations to come, through the impact we were able to make. no matter the scale. And that sets our mission to establish an environmentally wise young generation, through public and private events, together as a committee. WHO WE ARE ? 2

3 By promoting eco-friendly lifestyles, reducing waste generation, supporting renewable energy sources, and adopting greener technologies, environmental awareness plays a significant role in shaping a better future for generations to come. Ultimately, fostering environmental consciousness can lead us towards a more sustainable world where social, economic, and ecological needs are harmoniously addressed. Environmental awareness refers to the understanding and recognition of individual and collective responsibility towards the environment. It involves knowledge about environmental issues, conservation practices, and the impact of human activities on ecosystems. Environmental awareness is of paramount importance in today's world as it serves as a catalyst for sustainable development and actions that preserve our natural resources. ENVIRONTMENT AWARENESS EXPLAINED "The Era Of Global Warming Has Ended; The Era of Global Boiling Has Arrived" stated António Guterres, UN Secretary General. 3


Air pollution occurs when harmful substances are released into the air, negatively affecting human health, the environment, and the climate. These pollutants can include gases, liquids, or tiny particles that come from both natural sources, like wildfires and volcanic eruptions, and human activities such as transportation, industrial work, and agriculture. Some common pollutants are particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), which are tiny particles that can be inhaled into the lungs, and gases like carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and ground-level ozone. These pollutants can cause serious health problems, including respiratory and heart diseases, and can even lead to early death. They also harm the environment by causing acid rain, damaging plants and wildlife, and contributing to climate change. People who are especially vulnerable, such as children, the elderly, and those with existing health issues, are at greater risk. To reduce air pollution, everyone from governments to individuals must take action to lower emissions and adopt cleaner practices. AIR POLLUTION Types of Air Pollutants There are two types of air pollutants: Primary Pollutant The pollutants that directly cause air pollution are known asprimary pollutants. Sulphur-dioxide emitted from factories is a primary pollutant. Secondary Pollutants The pollutants formed by the intermingling and reaction of primary pollutants are known as secondary pollutants. Smog, formed by the intermingling of smoke and fog, is a secondary pollutant. 4 5

2. IMPACT ON TRANSPORTATION As global temperatures rise due to climate change, the atmosphere warms, which impacts the environment. First, warmer conditions cause pollutants, like ground-level ozone, to form more easily. Ozone is a key component of smog and is harmful to health. Increased heat accelerates chemical reactions that convert other pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), into ozone. This reaction happens more rapidly in hotter conditions, resulting in higher ozone concentrations. Consequently, pollution levels intensify, especially during high heat, contributing to smog and respiratory problems. This process demonstrates how rising temperatures directly lead to the formation of harmful pollutants, worsening pollution levels. As temperatures rise due to climate change, the impact on transportation and pollution becomes more significant. First, people tend to rely more on cooling systems in their vehicles to stay comfortable during hot weather. This increased use of cooling systems leads to higher fuel consumption, as more energy is required to power these systems in cars. The higher fuel consumption, in turn, results in more carbon emissions, as vehicles burn more gasoline or diesel to meet the demand. Along with carbon dioxide (CO2), vehicles emit nitrogen oxides (NOx), which are precursors to ground-level ozone. These nitrogen oxides, combined with sunlight and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), react in the environment to form ozone, a major component of smog. Ground-level ozone can cause serious health problems, particularly for the respiratory system. As more cars use cooling systems during hot weather, more pollutants are released, exacerbating pollution issues and contributing to the formation of harmful ozone. This creates a cycle in which higher temperatures lead to increased transportation-related emissions, further worsening pollution and contributing to both climate change and poor air quality. climate change : WATER POL UTION 1.RISING TEMPERATURES 6

4. CHANGES IN WIND PATTERNS 5. Climate change affects agriculture by changing rainfall patterns and increasing the frequency of droughts and floods. These shifts often lead to a higher use of fertilizers, which release nitrogen compounds into the atmosphere. These compounds contribute to the formation of particulate matter and ground-level ozone, both of which harm air quality. Additionally, burning crop residue, a common practice to clear fields, releases large amounts of particulate matter into the air, further worsening pollution. These changes in agricultural practices, driven by climate change, have a significant impact on air quality and the environment. 3. IMPACT ON AGRICULTURAL PRACTISE Climate change affects agriculture by altering rainfall patterns and increasing the frequency of droughts and floods. These changes often lead to greater use of fertilizers, which release nitrogen compounds that contribute to the formation of particulate matter and ground-level ozone, both of which degrade air quality. Additionally, the burning of crop residue, commonly done to clear fields, releases large amounts of particulate matter into the air, further worsening pollution. These shifts in agricultural practices, driven by climate change, have significant effects on air quality and contribute to environmental and health challenges. MELTING ICE AND SNOW As ice and snow melt due to rising temperatures, previously trapped pollutants in ice, such as black carbon (soot), are released into the environment. These pollutants, once in the atmosphere, can absorb sunlight and increase the warming of the planet, contributing to further climate change. Black carbon can also reduce air quality, posing health risks to vulnerable populations. 7


" Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth.. these are one and the same fight." "A Key to Saving Our Forests" SUSTAINABLE LIVING: "The forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air ang giving fresh strength to our people " By using it, we can reduce reliance on firewood and charcoal by using clean energy sources like solar or biogas. However, lower energy consumption at home to reduce the demand for fossil fuels which indirectly contributes deforestation. "Our choices matter. Every sustainable decision we make help protect forests, wildlife and our planet's future. Are you ready to be part of the change?" USE ENERGY EFFICIENCY Sustainable living means making lifestyle choices thatbreduce environmental impact and help preserve natural resources including forests. Since deforestation is a major global issue, adopting sustainable habits can reduce the demand for forest destruction and support reforestation efforts. 11 11

DEFORESTATIONBY NUR ATRISYA BINTI HAZIZUL HASAN "Deforestration rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal"– E.O Wilson 9 12

DEFORESTATIONBY NUR ATRISYA BINTI HAZIZUL HASAN "Deforestration rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal"– E.O Wilson 9

"How Deforestration is Changing Our Planet." Deforestation is cutting dowm trees often on vast scale. Hardwood timber is a high-value export. Once land is cleared of trees, it can be used for other profit-making activities such as cattle ranching, rubber and palm oil production and commercial farming. This process leads to the loss of biodiversity, disruption of ecosystem and contributes to climate change by reducing the number of tree that can absorb carbon dioxide THE SILENT CRISIS Deforestration in Malaysia is a significant environmental issue driven by logging, algricultural expansion and urban development. Illegal logging and infrastructure projects have contributed to forest loss, threatening biodiversity, including endangered species like the Malayan Tiger and Orang Utans. To combat this issue, efforts such as reforestation, sustainable land management and conversation policies are being implemented but enforcement remains a challenge. Efforts such as forest reserves, reforestation projects and eco-friendly palm oil certifications aim to balance economic development with environmental protection. 10

LET'S BEGIN! Scan me to answer few questions 12

WATER POLLUTION by Nurul Nazira binti Arman 13

"Water pollution is the addition of substances or energy forms that directly or indirectly alterthe nature of the water body in such a mannerthat negatively affects its legitimate uses." WHAT IS WATER POLLUTION ? Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies such as rivers, lakes, oceans, and groundwater due to the introduction of harmful substances, making the water unsafe for humans, animals, and the environment. This pollution occurs when chemicals, industrial waste, plastics, sewage, and agriculturalrunoff enter water sources, disrupting ecosystems and posing serious health risks. Common causes include improper waste disposal, oil spills, and excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides. Water pollution affects drinking water quality, harms marine life, and contributes to environmental degradation. Preventing water pollution requires proper waste management,recycling, and the use of eco-friendly products to ensure clean and safe waterforfuture generations. 9 14

10 RECYCLE TIPS FOR WATER POLLUTION To reduce water pollution through recycling, it is essential to minimize waste and properly manage materials that can harm water sources. One of the most effective ways is to reduce plastic waste by reusing bottles, bags, and containers instead of discarding them, as plastic pollution is a major threat to aquatic ecosystems. Proper disposal of hazardous waste, such as motor oil, batteries, and chemicals, is also crucial—these substances should never be poured down drains or toilets, as they can contaminate water sources. Composting organic waste instead of dumping it helps prevent runoff pollution, while choosing biodegradable and eco-friendly products reduces the number of harmful chemicals entering water bodies. Recycling paper products can also contribute by decreasing industrial pollution caused by paper manufacturing. Additionally, treating wastewater properly and supporting water recycling initiatives can help keep water sources clean. By adopting these recycling practices, we can significantly reduce water pollution and protect the environment. 10 15


Industrial / Factories waste THE ANSWER : Solid waste Rubish / Trash Ships Oil spill Plastic Sewage 12 15 17






The Answer 23

Acid rain Deforestation Global warming Endangered animals Airpollution Waterpollution Recycle Greenhouseeffect Ozonehole 24


C A R B O N F O O T P R I N G C O N S E R V T I O N N D E F R E S T A T I O D U M R E C Y C L N G E M I S S I O N E V I R O N M E N T C O L O Y P O L L U T I O N A C D R A I G L O B A L W A R M I N G L A N E D F I L L C O S Y S T E A E M G R E E H O U S E G A S S F O S S L F U L S B I O D E G A B D 26

REFeRENCES hat-you-need-to-know-about-climate-change-and-air-pollution ution%20and%20help,Avoid%20using%20a%20garbage%20dispos al%20...%20More%20items :text=According%20to%20World%20Resources%20Institute,the %202020%E2%80%932021%20Malaysian%20floods pollution%20and%20help,Avoid%20using%20a%20garbage% 20disposal%20...%20More%20items 01] 02] 03] 04] 05] 06] 07] 08] 27

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