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Published by Tent of Glory, 2024-02-29 13:49:15

Tent of Glory eMagazine

March 2024 English eMagazine



3 Precious saints in Christ, Greetings in the name of JESUS CHRIST our LORD! Romans 5 18 Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift. Paul highlights the stark contrast between the consequences of Adam's sin and the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Through Adam's disobedience, sin entered the world, bringing judgment and condemnation upon all humanity. Yet, through the righteous act of Jesus Christ, God's free gift of grace has brought justification and life to all who believe. The Apostle’s words point to the universal human experience of brokenness and sin, emphasising the pervasive impact of Adam's disobedience on the course of human history. However, the good news is that God did not leave us in our state of despair and hopelessness. In His infinite love and mercy, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Through His obedient life, sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection, Jesus reconciled us to God, assuring eternal life for us. The contrast between Adam and Jesus could not be more profound. While Adam's disobedience brought condemnation and death, Jesus' righteous act brought justification and life to all who believe in Him. Through His death on the cross, Jesus paid the penalty for our sins, satisfying the righteous demands of God's justice. Through His resurrection, He conquered sin and death, offering us the hope of new life and restoration. Let us give thanks for the immeasurable gift of God's grace and live each day in light of His love and mercy. May our lives bear witness to the life-giving power of Jesus Christ, as we proclaim His Gospel to a world in desperate need of hope and salvation! May God bless you! SPECIAL MESSAGE Rev. Dr. Saji N Joy Sincerely, In His service, Rev. Dr. Saji N Joy


5 March 1, 2024 Embracing the Presence Isaiah 12:6 “Cry out and shout, O inhabitant of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel in your midst!” In the resounding echoes of Isaiah's words, we find a call to action, a proclamation to the inhabitants of Zion, the New Testament believers. Amidst the bustling streets of life, in the quiet corners of our hearts, we are summoned to rejoice, for the Divine Presence resides among us. Our joy does not stem from the grandeur of our surroundings, nor does it hinge on our circumstances. Rather, it springs forth from the recognition that the Almighty God dwells in our midst. When we lift our voices in praise, magnify His name, and offer gratitude, something transformative occurs. It is not merely our songs that break chains and shift foundations; it is the power of God moving within us. In the sacred dance of praise, our perspectives shift, and our eyes are opened to the doors flung wide before us. We come to understand that true freedom lies in the knowledge of His grace. Thus, we worship not out of obligation but out of the profound revelation of His goodness. Amidst the tempests of life, when trials threaten to overwhelm us, let us choose a different refrain. Instead of succumbing to despair, let us raise our voices in adoration, for even amid hardship, His greatness endures. His presence becomes a beacon of hope, guiding us through the darkest of nights. Our worship translates into all realms of life. So, beloved brethren, this day, embrace the power of praise and the sanctity of worship. Allow it to shape you and mould you into vessels of His love and grace. May God bless you, Amen!

6 March 2, 2024 1 John 4:2 By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God. In Christendom, heretical and apostate teachings saturate the spiritual landscape, obstructing genuine believers from spiritual maturity. The heretic distorts God's Word, while the apostate feigns piety to mislead believers. The Apostle John warns against false teachers denying Christ's deity or humanity. We are urged to discern spirits, testing them against God's truth. John's exhortation resonates: "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” Since the first century, false prophets have been infiltrating the world of believers peddling distorted gospels. So, for us genuine believers it is imperative to discern between the Spirit of God and the spirit of devil. While every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, the Apostle says in the next verse, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world. Dissenters reject Christ's full deity or humanity, but He is both fully divine and fully human. Only a sinless Man could pay for humanity's sin. Faith in the incarnate Son of God is essential for salvation. Through God's incarnation as Man, sin and death were conquered. Jesus, fully God and fully human, offers salvation. Let us cling to truth, confessing Christ crucified as our Messiah. He is the Son of God and Son of Man, the Word made flesh, our Redeemer. Dear ones, may the Spirit of God in you help you to overcome all your doubts and dilemmas with faith and conviction! Today, may the Holy Spirit enable you to discern and defeat the spirits that are at work to beset you! May God bless you, Amen!

7 March 3, 2024 Flames of Faith The Acts of the Apostles 14:11 Now when the people saw what Paul had done, they raised their voices, saying in the Lycaonian language, “The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men!” In this passage, we can see an incident of divine encounter, where the ordinary intersects with the extraordinary. Paul, fervently preaching the Word, encounters a man marked by a lifetime of affliction — crippled from birth. Yet, amidst his physical infirmity, a flicker of faith burns within him, catching Paul's discerning eye. As Paul stands alongside him, their faith intertwines, forming a bond that transcends words. With a command infused with divine authority, Paul speaks: "Stand up straight on your feet!" When the people saw what Paul had done they said Gods had come down. (Barnabas was along with Paul). It's imperative to grasp the essence of this miraculous event: the catalyst for the man's healing wasn't Paul's eloquence or skill but the reservoir of faith residing deep within his soul. In that sacred moment, the miracle unfolds — a testimony to the power of faith in action. The crippled man, buoyed by the collective strength of their faith, rises from his affliction, his steps a testament to the transformative power of belief. This episode in the Apostle’s ministry serves as a profound reminder: within each of us lies the potential for miracles, healing, prosperity, and peace. Every promise of God finds its fulfilment within the depths of our being. When we hear the message of healing and prosperity, it resonates because these blessings are already embedded within our spiritual DNA. Today, dear brothers and sisters, let the flames of faith within you burn brightly, illuminating the path to divine intervention and breakthrough. As you fan the flames of faith, may they manifest as tangible expressions of healing, miracles, deliverance, and victory in your lives. May you walk boldly in the fullness of God's blessings, anchored in the unwavering truth that His promises are steadfast and true in Christ Jesus! With each step forward in faith, may you bear witness to the wonders of His grace unfolding in your lives! May God bless you, Amen!

8 March 4, 2024 John 8:35 And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. In this verse, Jesus illuminates a profound truth about our relationship with God, using the comparison between a slave and a son. He highlights that while a slave may serve dutifully, their tenure in the household is temporary and lacks the permanence and privileges granted to a son. As children of God, we are heirs to eternal blessings and a permanent place in His house. Understanding our identity as children of God is paramount. It is not a title bestowed by others but a divine inheritance already granted to us. This realization transforms our perspectives. We move from mere servants to cherished sons and daughters, deeply loved and fully accepted by our Heavenly Father. As heirs of God, our primary focus should be on cultivating intimacy with Him. Regardless of our circumstances — be it at home, work, or on the road — we carry the assurance that we are in our Father's house. This awareness shifts our priorities. Instead of being consumed by worldly concerns, we prioritize communion with the Father, nurturing our relationship with Him above all else. By embracing our identity as God's children, we step into our rightful inheritance — a life marked by His presence, provision, and purpose. Our status as sons and daughters secures our place in His house for eternity, where we partake in the abundance of His blessings. Beloved brethren, may you today be able to reaffirm your identity as children of God and dwell in the assurance of His unfailing love! May your lives be characterized by an unwavering pursuit of fellowship with the Father, knowing that in His presence, you find true fulfilment and abundant goodness! May the grace of our Heavenly Father overflow in your life, guiding you in every step you take! May God bless you, Amen! Children, Not Slaves

9 March 5, 2024 1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. As we reflect on this verse, we confront the fact that none of us are exempt from the reality of sin. The verse admonishes us against self-deception, reminding us that to deny our own vulnerability to sin is to deny the truth of our human existence. However, this acknowledgement of our human frailty does not lead us to despair, for we are reminded of the invigorating power of Christ's sacrifice. Through His blood, we are cleansed and made whole, yet the probability of us committing sins cannot be ruled out. In increasing our dependence on the grace of Christ, we find freedom from the tyranny of sin. It is not by our own strength or righteousness that we stand, but by the indwelling presence of Christ within us. As vessels of His grace, we are empowered to resist the seduction of sin and walk in the light of His truth. Our conviction lies not in our own abilities, but in the unfailing love and mercy of our Heavenly Father.Therefore, let us journey forward with hearts filled with confidence and gratitude, knowing that God is our strength, our holiness, and our truth. In Him, we find the foundation upon which our lives are built, secure and steadfast against the storms of temptation and doubt. Dear ones, may you be able to journey forward with hearts filled with confidence and gratitude, knowing that God is your strength, your holiness, and your truth! May you today be able to live in the assurance of your sonship, knowing that you are beloved children of God, redeemed and set free by His boundless grace! May God bless you, Amen! Overcoming the Seduction of Sin

10 March 6, 2024 John 6:57 As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me. Here, Jesus declares that just as the living Father sent Him, and He lives because of the Father, those who feed on Him will experience life because of Him. This verse invites us into a deeper understanding of spiritual nourishment. When Jesus speaks of feeding on Him, He is not referring to mere physical consumption, but rather to an absorption of life-giving spiritual food. Our relationship with Jesus profoundly influence and sustain us. Jesus' life on earth was intricately woven into the Father's will. He completed the work entrusted to Him by the Father, and His very existence was a testament to their inseparable relationship. Similarly, as believers, our lives find their foundation in Christ. Our identity, purpose, and sustenance are all rooted in Him. It is not by our own strength or abilities that we experience the miraculous in our lives, but by the power and grace of Jesus. When we abide in Him and live in intimate communion with Him, we tap into His limitless resources and potential. Therefore, let us embrace this truth today: that our lives are sustained and empowered by Christ. As we deepen our relationship with Him, we open ourselves up to the abundance of His blessings and the manifestation of His glory in our lives. Dear brothers and sisters, may the glory of God be revealed in you as you walk in close fellowship with Christ! May you experience His miraculous provision and surpassing power, transcending the limitations of your circumstances and abilities! May you live today and every day because of Christ, drawing from His inexhaustible wellspring of grace and truth! May God bless you, Amen! Feed on Jesus

11 March 7, 2024 Mark 9: 23 In this verse we see Jesus speaking to a father who brings his possessed son for healing, as the disciples were unable to cure him. The father, desperate for help, pleads with Jesus, saying, "If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us." Jesus, in response, challenges the father's doubt, stating everything is possible for him who believes. Here, Jesus emphasizes that the efficacy of healing is not about who performs the act or who intercedes but is rooted in faith-filled declarations and approach. In our lives, we often engage in spiritual practices such as giving to God's kingdom, praying, and fasting, yet may not see the anticipated results due to a lack of faith. However, Jesus teaches that aligning ourselves with God's will and praying in faith can yield extraordinary outcomes. As the Scriptures affirm, when we abide in Christ and His word, our prayers become powerful. When we pray in accordance with God's will, we can expect to receive from Him. Therefore, beloved brethren, approach each day with the conviction that God's love surrounds you and His protection is upon you. Pray with unwavering faith in God's promises, trusting that all things work together for our good. May today be a day of abundant blessings as you stand firm in faith and reliance on our Lord! May God bless you, Amen! All Things Possible

12 March 8, 2024 A Sabbath Healing Luke 13:12 But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.” In the depths of our struggles and challenges, we often find ourselves burdened, much like the woman with the crooked back in this verse. For eighteen long years, she carried the weight of her infirmity until she met Jesus. In His presence, she found liberation and healing. Consider the significance of that encounter. Jesus did not merely offer physical healing; He bestowed a holistic blessing upon her. In the midst of the Sabbath, a day of rest, Jesus revealed the essence of true rest — a rest that pervades the depths of the soul. As we navigate the complexities of life, there are moments when the world around us seems to demand rest, yet our souls remain restless. It is in these moments that we must heed Jesus' call to experience true Sabbath, to find solace in His presence. Despite the trials that encompass us, the promise of peace remains steadfast. The Lord does not promise exemption from hardships, but He assures us of His unwavering companionship amidst the storms. In the darkest valleys, His light shines brightest, illuminating the path to serenity and tranquility. So today, dear brethren, in the midst of life's chaos, hold fast to the promise of Sabbath rest. Allow the gentle whispers of His love to soothe your weary soul and grant you the courage to face each day with unwavering faith. Trust in the Lord, for He is the harbinger of peace and the ultimate source of solace. May His presence envelop you, granting you the strength to endure, the courage to persevere, and the peace to flourish, now and always! May God bless you, Amen!

13 March 9, 2024 John 17:24 Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. In the depths of eternity, before the universe unfurled its wonders, God's love already enveloped us. This verse unveils this eternal truth, revealing that before time began, we were cradled in the boundless embrace of divine affection. Such is the magnitude of His love that it transcends all understanding and surpasses every earthly measure. As children of the Most High, we bask in the radiant glory of our Heavenly Father. His love, pure and unyielding, bestows upon us a grace beyond compare. We need not strive to earn His favour, for His love flows freely, unmerited and unconditional. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the epitome of divine love, quenched the flames of God's righteous wrath. Through His blood, we are cleansed, made anew, and ushered into the splendour of His presence. No deed of ours can summon forth His glory; it is the sheer magnitude of His love, the Agape that knows no bounds. In Christ, we find restoration. In Him, we discover our true identity as beloved children of God. Through His grace, we are granted the privilege to walk in intimate communion with the Creator of the universe. Dear ones, today, heed the call to embrace the love and glory of God in every facet of your lives. Allow your hearts be attuned to His presence, your spirits aligned with His will. In the quiet moments of reflection and the bustling rhythms of daily existence, be ever mindful of His unfailing love. As you journey forth, may the Lord direct your steps, guiding you deeper into the depths of His love and the splendour of His glory! And may His grace, like gentle whispers upon the wind, accompany you always! May God bless you, Amen! Infinite Glory

14 March 10, 2024 Counted Faithful by Him 1 Timothy 1:12 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry. In this verse we see the apostle Paul penning his heartfelt acknowledgement to Christ Jesus. He poured forth his gratitude, recognizing the boundless grace that infused his life with strength and purpose. In those sacred moments, Paul marvelled at the divine trust bestowed upon him, as Christ deemed him worthy of His service. Consider the depth of Paul's revelation: he, once a persecutor of the faith, now stood as a testament to the transformative power of grace. It was not through his own might or merit that he found himself entrusted with the Gospel, but through the unmerited favour of Christ. Likewise, when we reflect upon your own lives, we can find threads of grace woven with precision and purpose. Christ, in His infinite wisdom, has deemed us trustworthy, appointing us to a divine service that transcends earthly limitations. In moments of doubt and uncertainty, we should remember the source of our strength. It is not found in fleeting accolades or worldly recognition, but in the steadfast love of Christ, who empowers us to fulfil His purposes. Therefore, we should embrace the call to service with humility and reverence, knowing that we are chosen for such a time as this. Let gratitude be the melody that echoes in the chambers of our hearts, for every breath, every step is infused with the grace of the One who called each one of us by name. Beloved brethren, as you journey forth today, may you walk in the confidence of Christ's strength, knowing that His grace is more than sufficient for every task set before you! And may your lives reveal the transformative power of His love, shining brightly as a beacon of hope in a world longing for redemption! May God bless you, Amen!

15 + March 11, 2024 Luke 5:4 When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” In his boat in the Lake of Gennesaret, Simon Peter was transfixed by the miraculous catch of fish that strained against his nets. In that supernatural ambience, Jesus spoke words that echoed through the corridors of his soul. “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men” (Verse 10). Imagine the weight of those words resting upon Simon's shoulders — a humble fisherman, called to a higher purpose, beckoned to cast his nets not for fish but for souls. In that divine commission, Jesus unveiled the magnitude of Simon's destiny, inviting him to partake in the greatest adventure of all: the journey of discipleship. Consider the resonance of those words in the depths of your own heart. Like Simon, you stand at the threshold of divine possibility, called to cast aside fear and embrace the calling that beckons you forth. Do not be afraid, for the same hands that fashioned the universe now guide your steps. From this moment onward, you are invited to join the ranks of those who cast nets of love, compassion, and grace into the turbulent seas of humanity. Your life is a vessel, brimming with the potential to draw others into the embrace of divine love. Each encounter, each moment, becomes an opportunity to extend the invitation of hope to those adrift in the storms of life. With courage as your compass and faith as your anchor, navigate the waters of discipleship. In your obedience, miracles await — souls redeemed, hearts restored, lives transformed. Dear ones, follow your calling with boldness and humility, for challenges may arise, but Christ's presence remains unwavering. With each step, become a fisher of men, casting light into the world's farthest corners. This day, cast your nets into the deep, knowing you are chosen, called, destined to catch men for His glory. May God bless you, Amen! Fishers of Men

16 Pray as per His Will 1 John 5:14 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. In this verse, we discover the essence of prayer aligned with God's will. How do we discern His will amidst life's dilemmas? It's in our knowledge of salvation and our eternal inheritance that we find confidence to pray in faith. With assurance, we know that He hears us. Yet, prayer requires alignment with His purpose. We must surrender our desires to His holy will, for therein lies true fulfilment. As believers, we are called to walk in the newness of life, allowing Christ to shape us from within. The more we yield to His presence, the clearer His will becomes. Our prayers, then, echo the heartbeat of our Heavenly Father. In surrendering our fleshly desires, we pave the way for His divine purpose to unfold in our lives. Therefore, let us trust in His salvation, anchoring ourselves in Christ's unwavering love. As we dwell in His praise and glory, may our prayers rise as sweet incense before His throne! For in Him, we find the confidence to ask according to His will, knowing that He hears and answers in His perfect time. Beloved brethren, as you journey in faith today, do remember: your confidence lies not in yourselves, but in the unshakeable promise of His unfailing love. In the rhythm of prayer, may your hearts be attuned to His whispers, your spirits aligned with His purpose! May God bless you, Amen! March 12, 2024

17 Death or Eternal Life Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. In the solemnity of this verse, we confront the stark reality of sin's consequence: death. It's a matter of grave concern, reminding us of the deadly separation from God that sin brings. Yet, within this verse, a glimmer of hope pierces through the darkness — the gift of God. It's a gift beyond measure, beyond comprehension. Through Christ Jesus, our Lord, we find the pathway to eternal life, a life infused with His grace, His love, and His redeeming power. Reflect on the gravity of sin's wages — a debt we could never repay on our own. It's a reminder of our inherent brokenness, our desperate need for a Saviour. But in the midst of our frailty, God extends His hand, offering the gift of eternal life. It's a gift rooted in His unfathomable love, a love that knows no bounds, no limits. Our hope of salvation is in the promise of the divine gift contained within these words: eternal life in Christ Jesus. It's more than just an escape from death; it's a transformation of the soul, a restoration of our relationship with the Divine. Through Christ, we find forgiveness, we find redemption, we find everlasting hope. Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, receive today this gift with hearts overflowing with gratitude and awe. Cherish the preciousness of eternal life, living each moment in the light of His grace. And as you journey forth, may you be bearers of this wondrous gift, sharing the hope of Christ with a world longing for redemption! In the dawning light of eternity, may the truth of today’s verse — eternal life in Christ Jesus — resound in your hearts! May God bless you, Amen! March 13, 2024

18 John 20:31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. In the final verse of John's Gospel, a resounding truth echoes. The Apostle's words encapsulate the heart of the Gospel — belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God is the gateway to eternal life. It's more than mere acknowledgement of historical facts; it is a dynamic faith that ignites the soul and breathes new life into the spirit. Consider the profundity of this truth: Jesus, born of Mary, raised in Nazareth, is the Messiah foretold by prophets, the Saviour of humanity. It is not simply knowing about Him that brings salvation; it is placing our trust, our hope, our very lives in His hands. When we accept this truth, when we surrender our doubts, fears, and insecurities to Him, we open ourselves to the life-changing power of His love. Jesus bore our sins, endured the cross, and rose victorious, offering us a new beginning, a fresh start in Him. Regardless of our past mistakes, our perceived weaknesses, or our self-condemnation, Christ offers redemption, restoration, and renewal. Through faith in Him, our negative situations are transformed, and our preconceived notions are shattered by the light of His truth. So, dear ones, cast aside doubt and embrace faith. Allow the truth of Jesus Christ to permeate every aspect of your being, lifting you to higher realms, not by your own merit, but by the immeasurable riches of His grace. In the name of Jesus, may you today find the courage to believe, the strength to endure, and the hope to overcome. For in Him alone is life abundant, life eternal. May God bless you, Amen! Life in His Name March 14, 2024

19 1 Corinthians 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory. Here, we glimpse into the depths of God's wisdom, a mystery veiled from human understanding until the appointed time. Before the dawn of creation, before the first breath of life, God ordained a plan for our redemption, a plan shrouded in divine secrecy yet destined for our glory. Pause and ponder the magnitude of this truth: before time began, before the fall of man, God's sovereign hand was at work, weaving a tapestry of grace and redemption. Through Christ, we are chosen, predestined to walk in holiness, blameless before Him, adopted as His beloved children. In the midst of life's trials and tribulations, it's easy to succumb to worry and despair. Yet, in the face of uncertainty, let us anchor our faith in the unshakable promise of God's providence. He who holds the universe in His hands has already charted the course of our lives, and His plans are filled with hope and victory. Therefore, lift your eyes from the transient concerns of today and fix them upon the eternal truths of God's Word. Though storms may rage and darkness may loom, we stand firm in the knowledge that our Lord is the victor over every circumstance. His grace sustains us, His love surrounds us, and His faithfulness endures forever. So, beloved brethren, trust in the wisdom of God's eternal plan. Embrace today the assurance that He who began a good work in you will carry it to completion. For in Him, your future is secure, your hope is alive, and your destiny is sealed in His unfailing love. May God bless you, Amen! March 15, 2024 The Hidden Wisdom

20 2 Corinthians 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. The benedictory words of 2 Corinthians encapsulate the essence of Christ’s grace, the depth of God’s love and the warmth of Holy Spirit’s communion. Take a moment to let the weight of these words sink into the depths of your soul. Together, these three pillars of faith — grace, love, and communion — form the bedrock of our Christian faith. They sustain us through the trials, uplift us in moments of despair, and remind us that we are never alone. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is like a boundless ocean, pouring forth unmerited favour from the heart of God. It's a grace that not only forgives our sins but also heals our deepest wounds, empowering us to live victoriously in Him. Then there is the love of God, vast and unfathomable, reaching far beyond the limitations of human understanding. It is a love that pursues us even in our darkest moments, drawing us near to the heart of the Father. In His love, we find solace, acceptance, and the assurance of our identity as beloved children of the Most High. And let us not overlook the communion of the Holy Spirit — a sacred fellowship, a divine presence dwelling within us. It's a fellowship that guides, comforts, and empowers us to walk in the fullness of God's purpose for our lives. Dear brothers and sisters, as you meditate on these words today, may you be filled afresh with the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, enveloped in the love of God, and strengthened by the communion of the Holy Spirit! And may this divine trinity abide with you always, guiding, comforting, and empowering you to live boldly for His glory! May God bless you, Amen! March 16, 2024 Grace, Love and Communion

21 Luke 12:32 "Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom." These reassuring words echo across the ages, resonating deeply within the hearts of believers. They serve as a beacon of hope, a reminder of the Father's boundless love and His desire to lavish His blessings upon His children. In a world fraught with uncertainty and turmoil, fear often seeks to grip our hearts and cloud our vision. Yet, in the midst of life's storms, we are called to stand firm in faith, knowing that we belong to a loving Father who delights in bestowing His kingdom upon us. Consider the magnitude of this truth: the kingdom of God, with all its glory and splendour, is not withheld from us as a distant dream, but rather offered to us as a precious gift. It is a kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit, a kingdom where we find refuge, purpose, and fulfilment. Our Father's heart overflows with joy as He lavishes His kingdom blessings upon us. Therefore, let us cast aside our fears and anxieties, knowing that we are heirs to a kingdom that transcends the temporal confines of this world. Dear ones, as you reflect on these words today, allow them to permeate every fibre of your being. Let them instil within you an intense sense of peace and assurance, knowing that you are deeply loved and cherished by your Heavenly Father. In the light of His love, may your fears be dispelled, your doubts erased, and your faith strengthened! For in Him, you find your truest security, your greatest joy, and your eternal inheritance — the kingdom of God. May God bless you, Amen! God’s Kingdom Gift March 17, 2024

22 John 10:17 Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. This verse unveils the sacrificial essence of Christ's infinite love and the unwavering commitment He holds to fulfil the Father's will. Upon reflecting on this scripture, we witness Jesus' resolute determination to offer Himself for the sake of humanity. His readiness to lay down His life epitomizes the highest form of selflessness and love. It serves as a poignant reminder of the lengths He would go to demonstrate His affection for us. He willingly endured the cross, carrying the burden of our sins, so that we may attain redemption and everlasting life. His act of self-sacrifice stands as a testimony to the limitless depths of His love and the extent of His dedication to our salvation. Let us ponder the immense impact of Christ's sacrifice on our lives. His willingness to lay down His life not only reveals the depth of His love but also sets a precedent for us to follow in our own lives. Dear brethren, derive courage and motivation from the understanding that you are deeply cherished and valued by the One who sacrificed His life for you. May you today draw inspiration from Christ's example of sacrificial love! May you be willing to offer yourselves for others, serving with selflessness, and expressing love through your actions! May God bless you, Amen! The Sacrificial Love of Christ March 18, 2024

23 Isaiah 5:13 Therefore my people go into exile for lack of knowledge; their honoured men go hungry, and their multitude is parched with thirst. In this verse, we come across the sobering reality of ignorance and its damaging consequences. Here, Isaiah speaks to the spiritual and practical ramifications of a lack of understanding. Firstly, ignorance leads to exile. When individuals and communities forsake knowledge of God's truth and wisdom, they wander into spiritual desolation. Without the guidance of divine wisdom, they become lost, estranged from the presence and purpose of God. Ignorance blinds us to the richness of spiritual truth and separates us from the life-giving presence of God. Secondly, the absence of knowledge breeds hunger and thirst. This hunger is not merely physical but extends to the depths of the soul. Without the nourishment of God's Word and understanding of His ways, we find ourselves spiritually famished and parched. We long for fulfilment and sustenance but remain unsatisfied because we have neglected the source of true nourishment. Lastly, Isaiah highlights that even the honoured and esteemed among us suffer in ignorance. Regardless of status or stature, ignorance spares no one from its detrimental effects. The absence of knowledge humbles the mighty and brings them to a place of need. Isaiah's words reminds the readers that true honour and dignity come from aligning one’s life with God's truth and wisdom. His words serve as a poignant reminder of the critical importance of knowledge, particularly knowledge of God's truth. Ignorance leads people to exile, hunger, and thirst, leaving us spiritually destitute and disconnected from the abundant life God desires for them. Dear ones, may you today heed the call to seek wisdom and understanding, realizing that in the true knowledge of God, you find true fulfilment and purpose! May God bless you, Amen! March 19, 2024 The Outcomes of Ignorance

24 Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. In these words here, we can comprehend the depths of God's abundant provision and protection, even amid adversity. The vivid imagery of a table spread before us amidst adversaries reflects God's unwavering presence and care amidst our trials. Despite the threats looming around us, God extends an invitation to partake in His bountiful grace and blessings. He showcases His sovereignty over every situation, including those intent on causing harm. In the midst of opposition, God's table becomes a sanctuary of solace, where we find sustenance and courage to persevere. The anointing of our heads with oil symbolizes God's abundant love and favour lavished upon us. In ancient customs, the act of anointing with oil signified consecration and empowerment for divine purposes. Similarly, God's anointing fills us with His Spirit, enabling us to conquer adversity and fulfil His calling. His anointing brings forth healing, renewal, and a divine mandate, empowering us to triumph over challenges. The overflowing cup embodies God's boundless provision and blessings poured generously into our lives. Despite life's trials, God's goodness knows no limits. His blessings surpass our expectations, flooding us with joy and thanksgiving. Even in the face of adversaries, God's abundance remains, a testament to His steadfast faithfulness and sustenance through every season of life. Psalm 23 resounds with the declaration of God's unwavering faithfulness and provision amidst adversity. Dear brothers and sisters, as you navigate life's storms, may you find comfort in knowing that God prepares a table before you, anointing us with His Spirit, and fills your cups to overflowing! On this day, rest in the assurance of His boundless love and abundance, knowing that He is always by your side, even in the presence of your enemies. May God bless you, Amen! March 20, 2024 God’s Abundant Provision

25 Matthew 7:24 Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock. In the heart of every believer lies a desire for stability, security, and lasting peace. Yet, in a world where storms rage and winds howl, finding such stability can seem like an elusive dream. However, in the above verse, Jesus puts forward a timeless principle for building a life that withstands the fiercest tempests. Imagine two builders: one wise and the other foolish. The wise builder hears the words of Jesus and puts them into practice. He doesn't just listen; he obeys. His foundation is solid, built on the unshakable truth of God's Word. When the storms of life come, he stands firm because his life is rooted in Christ. On the other hand, the foolish builder hears the same words but fails to act upon them. He chooses convenience over commitment, seeking short-cuts rather than enduring principles. When the storms come crashing in, his house crumbles, for it was built on shifting sands. Today, beloved brethren, ponder on your own life's foundation. Are you building upon the solid rock of Christ's teachings, or are you relying on the shaky ground of worldly wisdom and fleeting pleasures? Heed the words of our Saviour, not merely as listeners but as doers. Cultivate a life marked by obedience, faith, and unwavering trust in God's promises. When the storms of life threaten to overwhelm you, may you stand firm, knowing your foundation is secure in Christ! May God bless you, Amen! Build Life on a Solid Rock March 21, 2024

26 Genesis 5:2 He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created. In the beginning, when God created humanity, He did so with intentionality and purpose. This verse reminds us of God's divine design in creating us male and female. Each person bears the image of God, reflecting His nature and character in unique ways. As we journey through life, it's essential to remember that every individual is a reflection of God's image. Regardless of our differences in appearance, background, or personality, we are all valued and loved by our Creator. Furthermore, being created in God's image carries profound implications for how we live our lives. It calls us to treat one another with dignity, respect, and love, recognizing the inherent worth and significance of each person we encounter. When we embrace the truth that every human being reflects God's image, it transforms how we view ourselves and others. We are called to see beyond external differences and instead recognize the divine imprint present in every individual. Moreover, understanding our identity as bearers of God's image compels us to live in a manner that honours Him. We are called to conduct ourselves with integrity, compassion, and righteousness, knowing that our actions reflect not only on ourselves but also on the God we serve. Today, dear ones, strive to walk in God's image, treating others with love and compassion, and living lives that bring glory to His name. As you do so, may you embody the beauty of God's design and fulfil the purpose for which you were created! May God bless you, Amen! March 22, 2024 Walking in God’s Image

27 2 Samuel 6:21 So David said to Michal, “It was before the Lord, who chose me instead of your father and all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the Lord, over Israel. Therefore I will play music before the Lord.” King David danced before the Lord with all his might. His wife Michal criticized Him for his undignified display, but David's response revealed his heart of worship and devotion to God. David's worship was not driven by a desire for approval or recognition from others. Instead, it flowed from a deep understanding of God's sovereignty and faithfulness. He recognized that his position as king was not due to his own merit but was a result of God's divine choice and grace. Likewise, our worship should be characterized by wholeheartedness and authenticity. It's not about putting on a show or seeking the applause of men, but about glorifying God with sincerity and reverence. David's example challenges us to examine our own attitudes towards worship. Are we willing to set aside our pride and self-consciousness, like David, and worship God with abandon? Are we willing to prioritize God's pleasure above the opinions of others? True worship goes beyond outward expressions; it involves surrendering our hearts and lives to God completely. It is about aligning our desires, thoughts, and actions with His will and purposes. Today, beloved brethren, follow David's example of wholehearted worship. Come before the Lord with humility and gratitude, acknowledging His sovereignty and faithfulness in your lives. May your worship be marked by sincerity, passion, and a desire to honour God above all else! And as you worship Him in spirit and in truth, may you experience the joy and freedom that come from being fully devoted to the Heavenly Father. May God bless you, Amen! Wholehearted Worship March 23, 2024

28 2 Timothy 2:13 If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself. Life often presents us with challenges that shake our faith and make us doubt ourselves. In those moments of uncertainty, it's easy to feel abandoned or forgotten by God. However, the above verse serve as a powerful reminder of God's unwavering faithfulness, even when our own faith falters. The essence of this verse lies in the unchanging nature of God. Despite our shortcomings, doubts, and moments of weakness, God remains steadfast in His love and commitment towards us. His faithfulness is not contingent upon our own, for it is rooted in His character – a character of love, grace, and mercy. In times of trial and tribulation, it's natural to question God's presence in our lives. We may wonder if He hears our prayers or if He cares about our struggles. Yet, even when we falter in our belief, God remains constant. His promises endure, His love never wavers, and His faithfulness knows no bounds. Knowing that God remains faithful, regardless of our circumstances, empowers us to persevere through life's challenges with unwavering hope. It encourages us to trust in His plans, even when we cannot comprehend them, and to lean on His strength when ours falters. So, dear brothers and sisters, take comfort in the assurance of God's faithfulness. Anchor your hearts in His unchanging love, knowing that He will never leave you nor forsake you. As you journey through life today, may your courage increase, embracing the unwavering faithfulness of our Heavenly Father. In every season, in every circumstance, He remains faithful – for He cannot disown Himself. May God bless you, Amen! God Remains Faithful March 24, 2024

29 2 Corinthians 2:11 Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices. In this verse, the Apostle Paul addresses the importance of discernment and vigilance in the face of spiritual warfare. He emphasizes the need for believers to be aware of Satan's schemes, lest we fall into his traps. As followers of Christ, we are engaged in a spiritual battle against the forces of darkness. The enemy, Satan, seeks to deceive, distract, and destroy God's people through various cunning tactics. He prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). However, we are not left defenseless. Saint Paul reminds us that we are not ignorant of Satan's devices. Through Scripture, prayer, and the power of the Holy Spirit, we can discern and resist the enemy's schemes. By staying grounded in God's Word and maintaining a close relationship with Him, we can stand firm against the devil's attacks. Furthermore, we are called to support and encourage one another in the faith. Together, as the body of Christ, we can strengthen one another, pray for each other, and hold each other accountable. By standing united against the enemy, we become a formidable force for God's kingdom. Dear brothers and sisters, do not underestimate the reality of spiritual warfare or the tactics of the enemy. Instead, remain vigilant, prayerful, and steadfast in your faith. Be alert to the schemes of the devil and cling tightly to the truth of God's Word. And in doing so, may you experience the victory that is yours in Christ Jesus! May God bless you, Amen! Defeating Satan’s Schemes March 25, 2024

30 March 26, 2024 Luke 9:62 But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” In this verse, Jesus illustrates the importance of commitment and perseverance in following Him. He uses the analogy of a farmer ploughing a field to emphasize the need for single-minded dedication in the Christian journey. Putting one's hand to the plough symbolizes making a deliberate decision to follow Christ and embark on the journey of faith. It signifies a willingness to leave behind the old life and embrace the new life found in Jesus. However, Jesus warns against the temptation to look back, as it hinders our ability to move forward in faith. Looking back can take many forms in the Christian walk. It may involve dwelling on past sins and failures, longing for the comfort of familiarity, or being enticed by the distractions of the world. Whatever form it takes, looking back slows our progress and prevents us from fully experiencing the abundant life that Jesus offers. The Lord calls us to fix our eyes on Him and press forward with unwavering determination. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6), and in Him, we find everything we need for the journey ahead. As we keep our focus on Jesus, He empowers us to overcome obstacles, endure trials, and grow in our relationship with Him. Today, dear ones, heed Jesus Christ's words and commit to moving forward in faith. Release the grip of the past and embrace the future God has prepared for you. With your eyes fixed on Him, may you press on with courage and perseverance, knowing that He is faithful to lead you every step of the way! May God bless you, Amen! Forward in Faith

31 March 27, 2024 Colossians 1:19 For it pleased the father that in Him should all fullness dwell. The richness of the Christian faith lies in the depth of God's love and the completeness found in Christ. In Christ, we encounter the embodiment of God's grace, mercy, and truth. He is the ultimate expression of God's love for humanity, the fulfilment of His redemptive plan. Every aspect of God's character finds its completeness in Christ, for He is the image of the invisible God. The verse we read today unveils the divine intention behind Christ's incarnation. It pleased the Father to dwell fully in Christ, to reconcile all things to Himself through His beloved Son. This profound truth speaks volumes about the depth of God's love and His desire for intimate communion with His creation. As recipients of this boundless love, we are invited to embrace the fullness of Christ in our lives. Through Him, we find forgiveness, restoration, and purpose. In His fullness, our deepest longings are satisfied, and our souls find rest. Moreover, this verse reminds us of our identity as children of God, heirs of His kingdom. As we abide in Christ, His fullness becomes our own, transforming us from glory to glory. Our lives become a testament to the richness of His grace, shining brightly in a world longing for hope and redemption. Therefore, beloved brethren, rejoice in the fullness found in Christ. May you daily experience the depth of His love and the richness of His presence, knowing that in Him, all things hold together! May you this day become inspired to delve deeper into the abundance of Christ's glory and live in the fullness of His grace! May God bless you, Amen! All Fullness Dwells in Him

32 March 28, 2024 John 15:4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. Here, Jesus invites us into a solid relationship of abiding in Him. He refers to the vine and its branches to illustrate the intimate connection we are meant to have with Him. Just as branches draw nourishment, strength, and life from the vine, so too are we to draw our sustenance and vitality from Christ. The call to "abide in me" echoes in our hearts, reminding us of our constant need for communion with our Saviour. It addresses the core of our Christian faith – a journey marked by intimacy, dependence, and surrender to the One who is the source of all life. When we abide in Christ, we position ourselves to receive His love, grace, and wisdom abundantly. It is in this place of intimacy that transformation occurs, as His life flows through us, shaping us into vessels of His glory. Furthermore, Jesus emphasizes the necessity of abiding in Him for bearing fruit. Just as a branch separated from the vine withers and dies, so too do we find ourselves spiritually barren when we disconnect from Christ. Our efforts apart from Him are futile, but when we remain rooted in Him, our lives become fruitful expressions of His love and goodness. In every season, in every circumstance, we should abide in Him, for apart from Him, we can do nothing. Dear brothers and sisters, you should cultivate a lifestyle of abiding in Christ, seeking His presence in every moment and surrendering your will to His. As you abide in Him, may your lives bear witness to the life-changing power of His love, bringing glory to His name and blessings to those around us! May God bless you, Amen! Abiding in the Vine

33 Romans 8:19 "For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God." In this verse, Paul the Apostle provides us with a key insight into the universal longing for redemption and restoration. He describes how all of creation eagerly anticipates the revelation of God's children – those who are called to reflect His glory and usher in His kingdom on earth.This verse paints a vivid picture of creation's anticipation, a world holding its breath expecting a glorious unveiling. It speaks to the deep yearning within every heart for the fulfilment of God's promises and the manifestation of His kingdom in its fullness. As believers, we are called to be bearers of this hope – ambassadors of God's love and agents of His redemption in a world longing for wholeness. Our lives are to reflect the transformative power of the Gospel, shining as divine lights in the midst of darkness and pointing others to the source of true hope and restoration. This verse also points to the interconnectedness of all creation. The redemption of humanity is intricately woven into the fabric of God's plan for the entire cosmos. As we eagerly await the revealing of God's sons and daughters, we join with creation in longing for the day when all things will be made new and every tear will be wiped away. In our daily lives, let us live with a sense of expectancy, knowing that we are part of a larger narrative – a story of redemption and restoration orchestrated by the hand of a loving and faithful God. Our lives should bear witness to the hope that lies within us, as we eagerly await the revealing of the sons of God and the dawn of a new creation. As we journey forward in faith, we should embody the hope of glory, knowing that our lives are a testament to the transformative power of God's love and the promise of His kingdom to come. Dear ones, may you today live with earnest expectation, knowing that you are a vital part of God's redemptive plan for the world. May God bless you, Amen! Earnest Expectation March 29, 2024

34 Mark 10:38 But Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?” Here, Jesus responds to James and John's request to sit at His right and left hand in glory with a question that penetrates to the heart of discipleship. He challenges them to consider the depth of commitment and sacrifice required to follow Him fully. The imagery of drinking the cup and being baptized with His baptism speaks to the suffering and sacrifice that Jesus Himself would soon endure on the cross. He invites James and John to count the cost of discipleship, to understand that following Him entails more than just honour and glory—it requires a willingness to undertake the His mission in its fullness, even unto dying to the flesh. As followers of Christ, we, too, are called to drink from the cup of suffering and be baptized into His death and resurrection. It is a call to surrender our own desires and ambitions, to take up our cross daily, and to follow Him with unwavering devotion and obedience. While the path of discipleship may be marked by trials and troubles, it is also one of profound intimacy and transformation. As we journey with Jesus, sharing in His suffering, we also partake in His victory and experience the abundant life He offers to all who believe. Let us, declare our readiness to follow Jesus wherever He may lead. Let us drink deeply from the cup of His love and grace, and be baptized into His death and resurrection, knowing that in Him, we find true fulfilment and eternal life. As we follow the call to discipleship, we will find strength and courage in the assurance that Jesus walks beside us, empowering us to lead lives worthy of His calling. Beloved brethren, may you today count the cost of discipleship and follow Jesus wholeheartedly, knowing that He is with you every step of the way! May God bless you, Amen! Share in Jesus’ Cup and Baptism March 30, 2024

35 The Acts of the Apostles 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. This verse captures the essence of the Christian mission and the empowerment promised to believers by Jesus Himself. It serves as a rallying cry for all who profess faith in Christ, reminding us of our commission to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth.The promise of receiving power through the Holy Spirit is not merely for personal enrichment or spiritual experience; it is for the purpose of fulfilling God's redemptive plan for humanity. We who have received this divine empowerment are called to boldly proclaim the Gospel, both in word and deed, to every corner of the earth.The scope of our mission, as outlined here, is comprehensive and far-reaching. It begins in our own communities, extends to the regions beyond, and encompasses people of every nation, tribe, and tongue. No one is beyond the reach of God's love, and no place is beyond the sphere of His kingdom. As followers of Christ, we are entrusted with the sacred task of bearing witness to His grace and truth in a world longing for hope and redemption. Our lives are to reflect the transformative power of the Gospel, drawing others into relationship with Jesus and ushering in His kingdom on earth. The fulfilment of the Great Commission hinges upon our willingness to yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit and step out in faith, trusting in His provision and guidance every step of the way. It is not by our own strength or wisdom that we accomplish this task, but by the power of God working within us. This verse serves as a constant reminder of our calling as ambassadors of Christ, empowered by the Spirit to proclaim His love to the ends of the earth. When we embark on this mission wholeheartedly, we should know that He who has called us is faithful to equip and empower us for every good work. Dear brothers and sisters, may you today be able to witness Christ in all areas of life! May God bless you, Amen! To the Ends of the Earth March 31, 2024


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