December 2018
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Webster Welcomes New
Rhonda Callaway replaced Interim
Superintendent, Georgiann McCord, upon her
retirement, December 1st. Mrs. Callaway has
served the district for the past four years as the
Director of Secondary and District Assessment
Coordinator. Prior to her tenure in Webster
County, Mrs. Callaway served as a classroom
teacher in Daviess County, middle school and alternative school principal
in Union County and elementary assistant principal and high school
principal in Crittenden County.
Best Wishes Mrs. McCord
Georgiann McCord, Interim Webster
County Superintendent, was honored at
a retirement reception prior to the BOE
meeting on Monday, November 26th. Mrs.
McCord retired effective December 1st
after spending 39.5 years in
education. We will miss you!
Mrs. McCord replaced Dr. Rachel
Yarbrough who retired this past summer. Rhonda Callaway has replaced
Mrs. McCord as Superintendent of Webster County Schools.
Character Counts in
Webster County!
All Webster County teachers
participated in Character Counts
training on November 6th, 2018.
The training was conducted by
Jenny Winstead, Sebree
Counselor, and Tammy White,
Providence Counselor, who are the
district's Character Counts trainers.
Character Counts is a nationally
recognized initiative that focuses
on the six pillars of character:
trustworthiness, respect,
responsibility, fairness, caring, and
Character Counts is an integral
component of the district's True
Blue Drug Free Community. The
goal of CC is to ensure WC
students receive character
education which will hopefully
improve the ethical quality of their
decisions, and thus their character
and lives.
Lori Corbin WC Teachers Receive
Renee Pratt National Board Certification
Two Webster County teachers,
Renee Pratt, Clay Elementary
teacher, and Lori Corbin, WCHS
Media Specialist, recently joined
the ranks of those Webster County
teachers who have received their
National Board Certification which
is the most respected professional
certification available in K-12
education. It requires teachers to
demonstrate a deep understanding
of their students, content
knowledge, use of data and
assessments and teaching
practice. They must also show that
they participate in learning
communities and provide evidence
of ongoing reflection and
continuous learning. We are proud
of you!
Congratulations WC
Sports Teams
The Webster County Boys and
Girls Cross Country Teams were
recognized at the BOE meeting on
Monday, November 26th.
The Lady Trojan Cross Country
Team finished 3rd in the region.
The Trojan Cross Country Team
captured its 7th straight Class AA
Regional title.
The WCHS Cheerleaders are
KHSAA Medium Division Sectional
Champs and advanced to state
competition. We are proud of you!
True Blue DFC
Sponsors Narcan Training
Webster County law enforcement,
emergency personnel and school
personnel attended Narcan training
sponsored by Webster County
True Blue and WCASAP on
October 17, 2018 at the Extension
Office. Training was provided by
Daviess County Coroner, Jeff
Narcan Nasal Spray (Naloxone) is
an FDA approved nasal form of
naloxone for the emergency
treatment of a known or suspected
opioid overdose. Participants were
given information around opioid
misuse and overdose as well as
how to use Narcan.
Webster County
Council of Councils
APEX Learning SBDM council members and
Center Off to a student representatives from all
schools participated in a district
Great Start Council of Councils on September
10th, 2018. The school councils
met with district administrators and
Webster County Board of
Education members to highlight
school and district initiatives and
obtain feedback around what they
feel is going well and opportunities
for improvement.
District administrators shared
information about the following
district initiatives:
*Striving Readers Literacy
Collaborativ e
*WC Kids to College
*WC True Blue Drug Free Community
*Accountability Update and Graduate
*Facilities Update
*Attendance Data
*Student M ental Health & School
Safe ty
*WCM S APEX Learning Center
*New Industrial M aintenance program
the Area Technology Center
CPR Instruction
The APEX Learning Center at STEM Enrichment Activity
Webster County Middle School is
off to a great start this year. The
center is a sister center to the high
school's Capstone Learning
Center. These 21st Century
Learning Centers provide before
and after school tutoring,
homework help and enrichment
activities. APEX has served to date
over 200 students since opening in
August. For more information you
may contact Hillary Bumpus, APEX
Coordinator, @ 270-639-0284 or
hillary.bumpus@we bste
Literacy Design Webster County True Blue
Collaborative Training Proclamation
Webster County teachers I n a formal True Blue Proclamation
participated in professional on December 10, 2018, County
learning that linked LDC and Judge Executive, Steve Henry, with
Striving Readers for #1WC by the approval of Fiscal Court,
having teachers experience literacy declared the first day of each
tasks as students before creating month to be "True Blue" Day in
them to implement as a Webster County. All county
teacher. Teachers spent the residents are encouraged to wear
afternoon creating a lesson that blue on the 1st day of each month
incorporated the literacy tasks to promote and show visible
modeled in the morning support for the county's True Blue
session. All teachers collaborated initiative which supports a drug
and created a lesson to implement free Webster County.
in their classrooms. Since its inception in 2017, True
All teachers in Webster County are Blue has provided Character
trained in Literacy Design Counts training in Webster County
Collaborative. LDC tools have been Schools and organized faith based
designed and implemented to and law enforcement groups
embody the key shifts in teaching around the True Blue initiative.
and learning that the new True Blue has provided free anti-
standards demand. drug/alcohol/tobacco resources
The district began its focus on and speakers in the community.
literacy and work with LDC four Webster County residents are
years ago to provide literacy encouraged to participate in drug
templates and train teachers prevention education activities not
across content areas in literacy only on the 1st day of the month,
strategies. but all year long.
1WC Employees of the Webster County Schools
Month Honors Veterans
August 2018
Susan Owens and Tina Kirkwood
September 2018 Clay
Carly Newton and Lori Puckett
October 2018 Sebree
Leighann Harper and Amy Wright
November 2018
Elizabeth Warren and Carol Hill
Webster Students L to R: Erick Escalante,Paola Rivera, Sylvia
Participate in 2018 Migrant Mendez, Kerem Vazquez
Education Fall Academy L to R: Paola Rivera, Sylvia Mendez, Erick
The Kentucky Migrant Fall
Academy was held in Louisville, KY
November 13-15,2018. Webster
County students attended along
with the district's Migrant
Coordinator, Robert "Sherrill"
The students had the privilege of
interviewing Sylvia Mendez, the
keynote speaker for the
conference. Sylvia Mendez is an
American civil rights activist of
Mexican-Puerto Rican heritage. At
age eight, he was denied entry to
an all-white school in Westminster,
California. She and her family
played an instrumental role in the
Mendez v. Westminster case, the
landmark desegregation case of
1946. Her family’s case paved the
way in 1947 for the famous
Supreme Court case, Brown v.
Board of Education which led to
desegregation of schools across
the country eight years later. Sylvia
Méndez received the Presidential
Medal of Freedom in 2011.
Principal--Susan Owens
Principal--Eric Wheatley
Principal--Nita Johnson
Principal-Dawn Forker
Principal--M ichael Gooch
Principal--Aaron Harell
Webster County Administrators
Wish you a Merry Christmas
Happy New Year!
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