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Consumer Action Network's April - June Newsletter covering addiction recovery

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Published by Consumer Action Network, 2019-04-17 10:57:43

Addiction Recovery

Consumer Action Network's April - June Newsletter covering addiction recovery



Inside this issue:

Table of Contents

Addiction & Recovery 3 Donating to CAN 10-11

CAN‟s Training Setting Goals Worksheet 12-13
Nothing about Us, Without Us 4

Spring Recipe 14

Drugs & The Brain Wallet Card 5

Recovery Word Search 15

CAN‟s Activities 6

Gratitude on the Brain 16

Finding Recovery Help 7

Coloring Page 17

The Recovery Lifestyle 8

DC Events 18-21

Top Tips for Recovery 9

Community Resources 22-23

Core Values

CAN seeks to promote and model the core values of our mission;
Education, Mentoring, Planning, Ownership, Wellness,
Engagement, and Responsibility. It is these values that
EMPOWER us all on the journey of recovery.

CAN fulfills its mission of promoting recovery and self-advocacy every day.

Addiction & but the consumers who
Recovery continue to travel on their
recovery journey (substance
This volume of the Consumer use, abuse or mental health)
Action Network newsletter is are truly CAN‟s heroes.
dedicated to Addiction &
Recovery; both mental illness We, at CAN, think the
and substance use abuse. consumers who have embraced
the recovery process and found
In fact, many of the techniques meaning and purpose in their
used for substance abuse lives - via self-advocacy,
recovery are similar to those personal responsibility, and
used in your mental health growth - are truly amazing.
wellness path.
It has been our pleasure to
In this newsletter, you will find support each and every
articles about various aspects of consumer on their personal
addition recovery from journeys of resilience and
informational articles to rebirth. And if you need us, we
worksheets for recovery, tips on are here for you.
re-entry to life, and much more.

Addiction is an extraordinarily
difficult obstacle to overcome

CAN needs YOU! You can also visit CAN’s
website (
As a non-profit, CAN relies on
grants and donations. If you for more information.
would like to support CAN‟s
mission, see Pg. 10 to learn
how to make a donation.
Thank You!


Nothing About Us Without Us

A small sample of CAN’s training activities from the past few months

“Gratitude” play a major role in overcoming
Just simply understanding the
gratitude you share can be We all have the ability and
beneficial to good mental health. opportunity to cultivate grati-
tude. Rather than complain about
Studies have shown practicing the things you think you deserve,
gratitude on top of receiving take a few moments to focus on
psychological counseling carries all that you have.
greater benefits than counseling
alone, even when that gratitude Developing an “attitude of
practice is brief. gratitude” is one of the simplest
ways to improve your satisfac-
Gratitude has lasting effects on the tion with your life.
brain. Be patient and remember
that the benefits of gratitude might Daily gratitude practice can
take time to kick in. change our personality, and pro-
vide immediate positive feelings.
With gratitude people acknowl-
edge the goodness in their lives. As But be patient with yourself as
a result, gratitude helps you to con- the effects of full gratitude can
nect to something larger than takes a long time to completely
themselves, whether it be other develop. Gratitude also strength-
people, nature, or a higher power. ens positive emotions, reduces
the feelings of envy, makes
Gratitude helps people refocus on memories happier, and helps you
what they have instead of what bounce back from stress.
they lack it; enhances empathy and
reduces aggression. Gratitude not By Pertrina Thomas
only releases stress, but it may also


Nothing About Us Without Us

“Triggers” - Family tensions
- Associating with former addiction
Triggers are anything which partners
stimulate your brain in such a way - Spending too much time alone
that you either over-react - Feeling bullied, teased or put
emotionally or experience a sub- down
stance abuse related craving.

Taking the time to self-evaluate Once you can identify your per-
what in your life triggers these sonal trigger, the second step is to
negative responses is absolutely create an Action Plan to cope with
vital to any recovery lifestyle. your situation. Identify the most
effective tools for these situations;
The first step is to identify your whether it is physically leaving the
personal trigger. Some examples negative situation, taking a moment
of triggers are: for self-care via relaxation tech-
niques, or simply having a prede-
- Certain smells, tastes or noises termined statement you can use to
- Anniversary dates of loss/trauma diffuse the situation.
- Frightening news events
By Michael Sterling

Drugs & The Brain*

Substance abuse makes actual physical changes to your brain and how it functions; leading to
harmful behaviors. These changes can also cause drug cravings even when you‟ve been clean
and sober for years. A “trigger” is a response to anything that makes your brain crave drugs.
Learn your triggers so you can learn to avoid them. Use the space below to write down your
triggers, then cut out this section and save it in your wallet for your personal reference. And
remember the risk of an overdose is much higher after being clean for a while.

My Triggers
____________________________________ _________________________________

____________________________________ _________________________________

____________________________________ _________________________________

See the back of this section for resources in DC.

*The worksheet above is based on the NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse “Drugs & The Brain” wallet card.

NBC4 Health & Fitness Expo
Changing Minds

This past January, CAN participated in NBC 4 Health & Fitness Expo,
Changing Minds section (which covers all aspects of behavioral health) at the
Washington Convention Center.

Over the course of this two-day event, CAN distributed supportive tools and
informational material to all who stopped by our booth. This included
Activity Books created by CAN to help reduce stress, reinforce positive
thinking, and help focus the mind. CAN also distributed brochures on
Entrepreneurship & Recovery; Frequently Asked Questions (about CAN), and
CAN‟s latest newsletter.

Additionally CAN prepared a presentation covering trauma, who we are, and
what we do designed for a bi-lingual audience thanks to a translator volunteer.
CAN was delighted to be approached by GW Hospital to collaborate with
their Mammogram Van outreach. In all, it was a fabulous event and we look
forward to next year‟s expo!

DC Resources for Addiction Recovery

Consumer Action Network (CAN) Assessment & Referral Center
202-842-0001 (The ARC) - 202-727-8473

Department of Behavioral Health DC Alcholics Anonymous -
Access Help Line - 888-7WE-HELP 202-966-9115

VA CRRC DC Narcotics Anonymous -
(Community Resource and Referral
Thrive DC - 202-737-9331
Center) Medical Center - 202-636-7660

Finding Recovery Help

Once you decide you need help, it Family and friends are important in

can be overwhelming figuring out your life and can provide vital support

where to start. With so many addiction for your recovery. If you want some-
treatment options, finding the one
one involved, make certain the treat-
best tailored to your individual needs ment program you have selected
can seem like too big an obstacle.
allows others to be included.
Below are some tips on finding the

treatment most likely to help you find While the rehab program is vital for
your recovery path.
recovery, continuing care both

professional and self is integral to a
First steps are always the hardest but clean and sober life. Do not hesitate to
in this case it is fairly simple. If you inquire about ongoing medication and
have some form of health insurance, recovery supports your treatment pro-
contact them and determine what
gram offers. High quality programs
provider options you have. If you
are with you for the long term and
don‟t have insur-
should include on
ance, each state has Start today with a call to going counseling or
funding to provide
treatment for the National Helpline: recovery coaching/
people without
coverage. 800-662-4357, CAN at 202- support.

What to look for 842-0001, or any of the Additionally, your
DC based resources listed selected treatment

in a provider is on pages 22 - 23 program should either

important, make certain your directly or

treatment program is licensed or indirectly (via third party recovery

partnerships) offer help with other
certified by your state and that they needs, such as, sober housing,
use proven “evidence based treat-
employment supports, and continued
ment” to help you. Quality treatment family involvement programs.
programs should offer several

effective treatment options. Once you have found a treatment

program that meets all if not most of
If you feel you need medication for the above, make the call for an
recovery from alcohol or opioid use appointment or take advantage of their
disorders, confirm that the program walk-in services. If they can‟t see you
you have selected offers FDA Ap-
in 48 hours, find another provider as it
proved Medication. (Also be aware is vital you get connected to care as
there are no FDA Approved Medica- fast as possible.
tions that prevent relapse from other

problem addictions.) (This article is based “Struggling with Addiction? Tips On
Finding Quality Treatment, published on the SAMHSA blog,

January 23, 2019.)

The Recovery Lifestyle

Getting sober and living sober are think HALT:
two different things and both are
challenges that must be met. Hunger
Clean and sober is an incredible Loneliness
achievement which you should be Tiredness
very proud of. Don‟t lose your
brighter future by attempting to re- Besides HALT, your individual Re-
turn to your old lifestyle. covery Lifestyle may need to include
leaving toxic friendships; people who
Embrace “The Recovery Lifestyle” do not support your recovery and
want to drag you back to your old
One of the first principles of The life.
Recovery Lifestyle is putting your-
self and not drugs or alcohol as the In exchange, you will be able to
center of your life. You deserve make new, more supportive friends,
better; to feel better emotionally, both in recovery and out, who will
mentally, and physically. One of both enjoy the new you and appreci-
these best ways to accomplish this is ate what you have overcome. Indeed
learning to resist “now appeal”. you now have an opportunity to
realized how much addiction had
“Now Appeal” is the act of putting consumed your life .
the immediate gratification of drugs
or alcohol ahead of your long term Free from addition, you can focus
goals and dreams. But by resisting with a clear mind on creating new
the temptations of the Now Appeal, short and long term goals that will
you risk exhaustion. A better ap- help you create a positive and fulfill-
proach is to recognize the triggers ing future.
that cause your addictive cravings,
acknowledge these temptations via Learn new things and explore new
honest personal evaluation, and de- activities or interests. Kickstart a new
velop a Wellness Toolbox that em- career path or finish your schooling.
powers you to resist. So much is possible once you

HALT The Triggers Take those important first steps by
To avoid triggering situations that following the Recovery Lifestyle
can lead to a relapses, tips.

Top Tips for Recovery

Early addiction recovery, the first 90 Take Care of Yourself
days or so, are crucial to long term You know the drill: eat healthy, exer-
success of achieving a Recovery cise, sleep. This is not blather. As your
Lifestyle. You have passed the de- body gets healthier, you don‟t just
tox portion of your recovery, now physically feel better, you feel better
you need to re-enter your new life. emotionally and mentally as well.
Which helps you resist temptations as
During these early days, there are you recollect how much improved your
coping tips that will help you. These new life is. And don‟t forget hygiene
are: (you don‟t just get physically clean,
good hygiene make you feel better too).
Structuring your daily life.
In rehab, every moment of your day Taking care of yourself includes all of
was structured: specific mealtimes, you. From setting personal goals that
counseling sessions, even activities. invigorate your thinking (further educa-
Don‟t stop. Creating structure out- tion, exploration of new interests) to
side of addiction treatment will help making meditation or prayer a daily
you avoid falling into the old pat- activity, your mind and spirit deserve
terns that contributed to your addic- attention too.
tion. Keep it simple but plan at least
three to five important things you Set Some Personal Goals
want to do each day. Things that are Having a purpose is vital to everyone.
achievable, reasonable, and when Take some time to think of a few things
possible enjoyable. Not only will you‟ve always wanted from getting a
developing daily routines help you job to a bucket list trip. Then break
continue with your recovery, it will down each step you would need to take
provide the satisfaction of becoming to make that goal happen. Whether you
healthier every day. accomplish those steps every day or
once a year, it will move you closer to a
90 Days - 90 Meetings positive goal.
Recovery meetings don‟t end when
you leave your rehab facility. Not One Last Note
only does attending help you build a Studies have shown relapse gets rarer
positive recovery support system, it the longer you are clean. Focus on your
lets you realize you are not alone. day-to-day life in these first 90 days but
Try setting yourself the goal of at- take heart. The more successful you are
tending 90 meetings in 90days. It‟s now, the more successful you will be
not that hard when you make it a your whole life.
central part of your daily routine and
Recovery Lifestyle.

How does helping people experiencing a mental health crisis help
all the residents of Washington DC? Because nothing happens in
a vacuum.

Mental illness and substance abuse issues can happen to folks
from all walks of life and for many different reasons ranging from
trauma to abuse; loss of housing or a job.

Connecting consumers to the services they need, then empower-
ing them through education, training, and mentoring puts con-
sumers on the path to recovery. Then starts them on re-entering
daily life, in housing, with a job; stable and healthy.

All of which makes The District a better place for everyone to
live, work, shop, and visit.

Best of all, as a 501C3 nonprofit, all your donations
to Consumer Action Network are tax deductible!

Donating To CAN

To give to Consumer Action Network, simply send a check or
money order to:

Consumer Action Network
1300 L Street NW
Suite 1000

Washington DC 20005

Be careful to include a return address if you need a receipt for
your tax records. Additionally, you can visit CAN‟s Facebook
page ( and make a
donation to our latest fund-raising drive.

If you have any questions or concerns about giving to CAN,
please email or call us at either:

[email protected]



Setting Goals for Positive Change

One of the best ways to change negative behavior or feelings is
to set positive goals. This worksheet, based on the 8 Dimensions
of Wellness, helps you set reasonable positive goals to help you
make a change for the better in your life.

Physical: What step(s) will you take to eat healthy, get exercise,
and sleep better?
Why: ________________________________________________
How (Be specific, reasonable, and attainable):

Social: What step(s) will you take to develop positive
relationships and spiritual connections?
Why: ________________________________________________
How (Be specific, reasonable, and attainable):

Social Emotional: What step(s) will you take to learn your
“triggers” and coping effectively with them?
Why: ________________________________________________
How (Be specific, reasonable, and attainable):

Setting Goals for Positive Change

One of the best ways to change negative behavior or feelings is
to set positive goals. This worksheet, based on the 8 Dimensions
of Wellness, helps you set reasonable positive goals to help you
make a change for the better in your life.

Environmental: What step(s) will you take to surround yourself
with a positive environment?
Why: ________________________________________________
How (Be specific, reasonable, and attainable):

Intellectual: What step(s) will you take to explore your creative
abilities, skills, and expand your knowledge?
Why: ________________________________________________
How (Be specific, reasonable, and attainable):

Occupational/Financial: What step(s) will you take to develop a
job situation that is satisfying and positive?
Why: ________________________________________________
How (Be specific, reasonable, and attainable):

Spring Into Good Nutrition

So many spring-themed recipes expect you to buy rather expensive prod-
ucts which can be frustrating, indeed. This egg pie recipe
relies on simple ingredients that are both inexpensive and super healthy.
It‟s great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and makes enough for 4 to 8.


One defrosted frozen pie shell (unless you want to make your own pie
dough). These usually come in packages of two so you can either double this
recipe or keep one in the freezer.
About 6 Eggs (more if you buy small eggs, less if you buy jumbos)
Milk or Cream (I prefer cream for the richness but if you want to cut calo-
ries, milk is just fine.)
1 to 1 1/2 cups Feta, crumbled. (If feta is too expensive or you don‟t like it,
substitute mozzarella.)
1 Cup Frozen Spinach (Defrost spinach and squeeze to remove excess mois-
ture. If you prefer fresh spinach, use a bag of baby spinach and microwave
until wilted so you can squeeze to remove excess moisture.)
1/2 cup diced onions
Seasonings; Salt & Pepper, garlic (1 clove if fresh, 1tsp if powder), and any
herbs like Dill or Rosemary.

To Make:
1) Set oven to 350 Degrees F.

2) You can pre-bake your pie shell if you want but it‟s not necessary.

3) Spread cheese, spinach and onions evenly in pie shell.

4) Beat eggs, milk, and seasonings (to taste) together and pour over cheese
and spinach. Bake in oven for about 30 -45 minutes or until center is firm.

5) Let cool about 15 minutes before slicing to eat warm or cool completely if

Word Search

The main focus of this activity is to think about the words as you search for
them and, hopefully, experience uplifting thoughts.

Words can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, or backwards.

Gratitude: An Attitude that Helps Recovery

At first, hearing the phrase “An attitude of gratitude” can feel like a lecture but as
the ancient Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelias said, our lives are what our
thoughts make them. And scientists have now proven this is true.

Just as substance abuse changes the structure of your brain, a team of researchers
from Indiana University ran a study using brain scans which showed „profound‟
and „long-lasting‟ neural effects as „particularly noteworthy‟ in subjects who
completed gratitude tasks. (Inc. Magazine, 1/15/2016).

Recent research by Joel Wong and Joshua Brown has shown “Gratitude unshack-
les us from toxic emotions.” Study participants in their research who wrote a
letter of gratitude once a week as part of their therapy produced better mental
health even when the letters are merely written and never mailed. These benefits
took time to develop but once they did, positive effects were long lasting. Those
who wrote gratitude letters were more positive and showed “greater activation in
the medial prefrontal cortex” in their brains during a fMRI scan - even after three
months. (Mind & Body, 6/6/2017)

Gratitude improves emotional health too. A National Institutes of Health (NIH)
study (cited by Conscious Lifestyle) reveals that acts of kindness and feelings of
gratitude flood our brains with dopamine, making us feel better.

Finally, according to a report titled “Counting Blessings vs. Burdens” studies

indicate people sleep better when grateful. This also acts as stress relief, even to

the point of “significant decrease in systolic blood pressure.” Ultimately this all

means gratitude may help to reduce anxiety and depression while providing in-

creased energy. (The above information was provided by MindValley Academy.)

If you are looking for ways to be grateful, here are a few ways to

 Write a gratitude letter, once a week to a person or thing you are grateful to
have in your life.

 Keep a gratitude journal with daily entries on what good thing happened to
you, no matter how small. You can start with the Gratitude Journal page
opposite this article.

 Volunteer to help others; whether through a formal event to simply helping a

 Practice positive affirmations both daily and whenever you find yourself in a
negative situation

 Make a Gratitude list every day as part of your morning or evening routine

 Talk to others about what makes them grateful.



Year Round Views, Winter Scenes of DC, 9A. – 5P, Th – Sun., Old Post Office
Clock Tower, Trump International Hotel
Every day, 6pm, Millennium Stage Performances, Kennedy Center
Every Mon., 6P – 9P, Blue Monday, Blues music at Westminster
Presbyterian Church, $5
Every Mon., 11A, 12:30P, 2P, Decatur House Tours,
Every Wed., 4P – 5P, Seated Yoga, Westminster Presbyterian Church,
Every Fri., 6P – 9P, Jazz Night in DC, Westminster Presbyterian Church, $5
Every Fri., 10A, Tasting at 10, Counter Culture Coffee DC Training Ctr,
Every Fri., 3P-7P, Deanwood Community Meal, 4816 Sheriff Rd, NE
Every Sat., 10A, Introductory Group Ride, 1412 Q St. NW
Every Sat., 10A-3P, Deanwood Community Meal, 4816 Sheriff Rd, NE
Every 2nd Sat., 7P – 9P, Faith & Film, for listing,
Every 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Sat. of the Month, 6:30A-9A, Volunteer with Our
Homeless Breakfast, Calvary Episcopal Church
Every Sun., Free Tours of The National Cathedral
Every Sun., 8:30A, Intermediate/Advanced Group Ride, 1412 Q St. NW
First Sun., National Museum of Women in the Arts, Community Day
Every 4th Mon., 10A-12P, Free Legal Clinic, Benning Library
Every 3rd Wed., 3-5P, Free Legal Clinic, Woodridge Library
Every 2nd Thu., 11:30A-1:30P, Free Legal Clinic, Parklands-Turner Library
Every 3rd Thu. 10A, Craft for a Cause, 716 Monroe St. Studio 7
Every 2nd Sat., 10A, Craft for a Cause, 716 Monroe St. Studio 7
Every Other Wed., 1:30-3:30P, Workshop Wed., Museum of African Art
Every Other Sat., 8:45A, District Triathlon, Social Run Series,
First Fri., 11:45A – 12:45P, Fundraising Brown Bag, 1575 I St. NW, 11th fl


Now to Dec. 21, 11A-5P, Every Saturday, ArtRave Art Meet, Dupont NW
Now to May 5, “Disrupting Craft” exhibit, Renwick Gallery
Now to June 30, “Watching Oprah”, Museum of African American
History & Culture
Now to June 30, “Special Olympics at 50”, American History Museum
Now to Oct. 31, 10A-5:30P, “Good as Gold: Fashioning Senegalese Women”,
African Art Museum



Apr. 11, 5:30-7:30P, Youth Photography Workshop, Deanwood Library
Apr. 11, 5:30-8:30P, DowntownDC Cherry Blossom Yoga & Sunset Celebra-
tion, Freedom Plaza
Apr. 12, 12-3P, Taking the Angst out of Anxiety, 901 15th St. NW
Apr. 12, 10:30A-12P, & Apr. 14th, 1-2:30P, The Art of Listening, Nat‟l Gal-
lery of Art
Apr. 12, 6-8P, District of Joy, by Washington Ballet, 825 10th St. NW
Apr. 12, 6-9P, Art as A Voice, 1640 Columbia Rd. NW
Apr. 13, 7-9P, Lights of Freedom for Emancipation Day, Walter Pierce Park
Apr. 13, 10A-12P, National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade, Constitution
Ave. NW (Grandstand Tickets start at $20)
Apr. 13, 3-5P, Hand Dancing, 3737 Branch Ave.
Apr. 13, 8:30A-12P, Anacostia River Festival, Anacostia Arts Center
Apr. 14, 1P-3P, Easter Egg Hunt, Grace Covenant Church
Apr. 18, 6-8P, Circle of Endurance: Support Group, 9221 Hampton Overlook
Apr. 20, 8P-10P, Jazzmania Horn Quintet Concert, Coolidge Auditorium,
Thomas Jefferson Building
Apr. 21, 6:30A-7:30A, 41st Lincoln Memorial Easter Sunrise Service
Apr. 21, 10A, Easter Service & Easter Egg Hunt, Parish of St. James &
St. Monica
Apr. 21, 11A, Easter Service and Easter Egg Hunt, St. Peter‟s Catholic
Apr. 21, 4P, Easter Day Festival Choral Evensong, National Cathedral
Apr. 22, 10A-2P, Easter Monday at The National Zoo
Apr. 23, 7-10P, Black Food Geographies w/Dr. Reese, Deanwood Library
Apr. 25, 5:30-7:30P, Youth Graffiti Workshop, Deanwood Library
Apr. 27, 1-2:30P, The Art of Empathy, National Gallery of Art



May 1, 8:30P, “Help, I‟m Raising My Son All By Myself!” Male Institute, with
Registration on
May 1, 11A, Baby & Toddler Story Time, Southeast Neighborhood Library
May 3, 7:45P, Yogah, Yoga Heights, 3506 Georgia Ave. NW
May 3, 7-11P, Soviet Romance Art Exhibit, 1469 Harvard St. NW
May 4, 9A, Capitol Hill St. Cleanup & Neighborhood Social, registration at
May 4, 10A-4P, 2019 National Math Festival, Washington Convention Ctr.
May 4, 10A-1P, Finish The Race 20, 11 Michigan Ave. NE
May 8, 4:30-6:30P, Youth Street Art Workshop, Shaw Library
May 8, 1-2P, Mind-Body Connections, 3700 O street NW, M-31
May 9, 7-9P, The Moving Print: an Evening of Print & Performance, 4400 Mass
Ave, NW
May 10/11, 10:30A/1P, “The Art of Perspective Taking” National Gallery
May 11, 10A-4P, 7th Annual African American Children‟s Book Fair, Regional
May 11, 6:30A, “Volunteer with Our Homeless” Breakfast, 820 6th St. NE
May 13, 6P, Diabetes Care Class (registration req.), Congress Heights Giant
May 14, 1P, Diabetes Care Class (registration req.), Park Road Giant
May 15, 11A, “Caught in the Web? Business Tools That Help”, 120 2nd St. SE,
5th floor, LA-5239
May 16, 7P, “A Conversation with Jessye Norman”, Coolidge Auditorium
May 16. 5:30-6:30P, Leadership Lessons, 805 21st St., NW, Room305
May 18, 8:30A, DC Bike Ride, 121 West Basin Dr, SW
May 18, 13:30-4P, Kick4Kanz Kickball, 1100 Michigan Ave, NE
May 18, 10A, 2019 Volunteering in the Garden, Children‟s Garden at 2301
Bryan Point Rd
May 22, 12P, “Self Forgiveness Interventions Among Substance Abusers”, 1015
15th Street, NW



June 1, 1-3P, Kids and Culture Camp Community Day, 33 Riggs Road, NE
June 1, 10A-12p, Poetry Hike, Rock Creek Park Entrance at 17th St.
June 1, 10A-5P, Black Girl Health Exhibitor Opportunities, 800 21st St, NW
June 1, 10-11A, Morning Tai Chi, Chinatown Park (6th & I St.)
June 5, 4-6p, Hip-Hop Dance Youth Workshop, Georgetown Public Library
June 8, 10A-1P, United By Blue Waterway Cleanup, 2401 Tilden St. NW
June 8, 10-11A, Morning Tai Chi, Chinatown Park (6th & I St.)
June 8, 9:30A-12:30P, Boys to Men EmPOWERment Mastermind (Session 2),
Howell Branch Library, 806 Lyons Boulevard, Fredericksburg VA
June 10, 11A-2P, Washington DC Job Fair, Crystal City Gateway Marriot
June 13, 6-8P, DC Healthy Start 2nd Annual Father‟s Day Kickoff, Benning
June 15, 12-4P, Real Talk with Our Little Sisters, 1901 Mississippi Ave. SE
June 16, 8:30A-10:30A, 5th International Day of Yoga, Washington Monument
June 20, 9A-4P, Book Buzz DC, Cleveland Park Library
June 22, 10-11A, Morning Tai Chi, Chinatown Park (6th & I St.)
June 22, 10-11A, UDC Green Roof Tour, 4200 Connecticut Ave, NW, Bld 44
June 23, 2-3P, August Savage: A Woman of Her Word, Nat‟l Gallery of Art
June 24, 11A-2P, Arlington Job Fair, Holiday Inn Crystal City
June 26, 5-7P, Fine Arts Youth Workshop, Parklands-Turner Library
June 26, 8A-5P, Brain Health Across the Lifespan Workshop, 2101 Connecti-
cut Ave, NW
June 27, 3-5P, Hip-Hop Dance Youth Workshop, Bellevue Library
June 29, 10-11A, Morning Tai Chi, Chinatown Park (6th & I St.)




Department of Behavioral Health Community for Creative
Access Help Line Non-Violence
1-888-7WE-HELP 202-393-1909
DC Housing Authority DC General
202-535-1000 Family Shelter
Income Maintenance Admin 202-675-5000
Food Stamps, TANF, Medicaid, IDA Central Union Mission
202-698-3900 202-745-7118
Board of Elections and Ethics Hypothermia Shelter Hotline
202-727-2525 1-800-535-7252
Division of Tax and Revenue
Mayor’s Office
311 House of Ruth
Social Security Administration My Sister’s Place
1-800-772-1213 202-529-5991
Housing and Urban Development Nat’l Domestic Violence Hotline
202-708-1112 1-800-799-7233
Immigration and Naturalization Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline
National Customer Service Center 202-671-7233
1-800-375-5283 Champs Hotline
Internal Revenue Service 202-481-1450
1-800-829-1040 Crisis and Family Stress Hotline
LEGAL AGENCIES Adult Protective Services Hotline
University Legal Services Mary’s Center
202-547-4747 202-483-8196
Washington Legal Clinic
DC Bar Pro Bono Program APRA
202-737-4700 202-442-5955
N St Village NW



Energy Hotline Human Touch
202-673-6750 202-483-9111
DC Rape Crisis Center
Mental Health Emergencies
202-673-9319 Rehabilitation Services
Safe Link phones Administration
1 800 977-3768 202-442-8400 VETERAN RESOURCES

and Referral Center) Medical Center 1500 Franklin St. NE
Department of Behavioral Health
Community Council for the 64 New York Avenue, NE, 3rd Floor,
Homeless (CCHFP) Washington, DC 20002
202-364-1419 Phone: (202) 673-7440
Manna Housing Fax: (202) 673-3433
202-832-1845 TTY: (202) 673-7500
Woodley House, Inc.
202-328-4069 Access Help Line
Landlord Tenant Resource Center 1-888-7WE-HELP
M-F 9:15am to 12 pm
510 4th St., NW 35 K St NE Washington DC 20002
(202) 442-4100

Consumer Action Network (CAN)

1300 L St., N.W.
Suite 1000

Washington, D.C. 20005

Phone: (202) 842-0001
Toll Free: 1-866-314-9226

Fax: 202-842-2685

e-mail: [email protected]

CAN Mission Statement

Consumer Action Network (CAN) empowers mental health
consumers by promoting recovery and self-advocacy.

CAN is a 501(c) (3) Organization

Celebrating 16 years
of Service in DC

Newsletter Contributors

E. Effie Smith , Executive Director
Patricia Wade

Michael Sterling
Pertrina Thomas

Earl Morton
Kristen Murray

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