Warning signs of abuse, Yes you can!
neglect and exploitation
Intimidation through yelling or
threats Consumer Action Network (CAN) is a
not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization
Humiliation and ridicule established by consumers. CAN’s
Misuse of a consumers’
personal checks, credit cards or mission is the empowerment of mental
health consumers by promoting
accounts recovery and self advocacy.
Not providing care, but charging
Consumer Action Network NEGLECT & ABUSE
for it
Lack of support 1300 L Street, NW, Suite 1000 SEE IT!
Physical abuse Washington, DC 20005 STOP IT!
Verbal abuse PREVENT IT!
202.842.0001 | 202.842.2685 (f)
NEGLECT AND ABUSE Nothing About Us Without Us
SEE IT , STOP IT , PREVENT IT Email: [email protected]
Website: www.can-dc.org or
find us on Facebook
Abuse and Neglect is Everyone Reporting abuse, neglect,
defined as: has the exploitation:
right to
Any knowing, reckless, or intentional act live free Verbal notification shall be done
or omission by a person that causes, is immediately (or no later than one
likely to cause/contribute to, or which has from fear hour after discovery/learning of
caused physical or emotional injury, of abuse. the incident) followed up by the
death, or financial exploitation of a written report no later than 24
mental health consumer. Department of Mental Health hours after discovery/learning of
Responsibilities: the incident
Exploitation is defined as : Consumer Rights
Misuse or misappropriation of a Consumers shall be free from physical,
consumers’ assets for personal gain. emotional, sexual, or financial abuse, Division of Quality Improvement at
Using a position of authority over a neglect, harassment, coercion, or the Office of Accountability (OA) at:
consumer to extract personal gain. exploitation when seeking or receiving
mental health services and supports. (202) 673-2292
If you think you are being abused or Monday — Friday
exploited, take steps to protect your- Enforce the protection of consumers by 8:30am – 5:00pm
ensuring appropriate actions are taken by
self as soon as possible! the MH Provider whenever allegations of Weekends, holidays, or after 5:00pm:
abuse, neglect or exploitation are reported. contact the Administrator-on-call
(AOC) for the Department of Mental
Ensure consumers are informed of the Health (DMH) at:
right to be free from abuse, neglect or
exploitations and the reporting procedures Access helpline 1(888) 793-4357
if they feel their rights have been violated.
Protection of consumers from abuse,
neglect or exploitation Protection of consumers from abuse neglect
or exploration: you can volunteer to
educate people about consumer abuse, and
you can lobby to strengthen laws.
The life you save down the line may be
your own.