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Published by Consumer Action Network, 2019-05-24 12:07:19

October 2018 Flip Ver 05242019


15th Anniversary Issue

CAN is celebrating its 15th year of empowering
DC consumers to connect to the services they
need. CAN is proud to have been a part of so
many lives and look forward to 15 more!

Holidays are coming.
In addition to celebrating CAN’s
15th Anniversary, this October
2018 issue is filled with helpful
tips on coping with the stress and
emotions that often arise during
the Holidays.
Yes, you CAN!

Inside this issue:

Table of Contents

CAN Turns 15 3 Word Search 17

Nothing about Us, Without Us 4 Positive Affirmations 18

CAN’s Founders 5 Coloring Page 19

CAN’s Training 6 Coping with Holiday 20
CAN’s Activities 7 - 9
Managing Holiday 21
Donating to CAN 10 - 11 Mental Health

Four Holiday Recipes 12 - 15 DC Events (Holiday) 22 - 25

The Courage of Resiliency 16 Community Resources 26 -27

Core Values
CAN seeks to promote and model the core values of our mission;
Education, Mentoring, Planning, Ownership, Wellness, Engage-
ment, and Responsibility. It is these values that EMPOWER us all
on the journey of recovery.

CAN fulfills its mission of promoting recovery and self-advocacy every day.

Consumer consumers who heroically
travelled on their journey to
recovery and renewal. Every
Action Network person we’ve empowered is
our finest moment.
Turns 15! We, at CAN, think the

Fifteen years ago, Consumer consumers who have embraced
Action Network was brought the recovery process and found
into being by three dedicated meaning and purpose in their
founders; Mary Blake, Effie lives - via self-advocacy,
Smith, and Mary Hathaway. personal responsibility, and
growth - are truly amazing.
These three women went on to
create and develop a nonprofit It has been our pleasure to
dedicated to the premise and support each and every
core principle that recovery is consumer on their personal
possible for everyone who has journeys of resilience and
experienced some form of rebirth. We look forward to 15
mental or substance abuse more years of serving everyone
issues. who needs us.

DC has been a better place CAN needs YOU!
thanks to their dedication.
As a non-profit, CAN relies on
Now CAN is planning to grants and donations. If you
celebrate all our successes over would like to support CAN’s
the last fifteen years. mission, see Pg. 10 to learn
how to make a donation.
And those successes Thank You!
are yours.

CAN’s proudest achievements You can also visit CAN’s
are the ones we did not do website (
alone. It is the achievement of for more information.

Nothing About Us,

Without Us!

Since 2003, Consumer Action monitoring DC’s mental
Network (CAN) has worked to health system to developing
help the residents of the District innovative and evidence-
of Columbia receive the services based treatment/educational
they best need to promote their material to empower consum-
own recovery. ers who turn to CAN, we
work hard for all of DC.
Nothing about us, without us is
the principle that mental health Consumers who suffer from
agencies and their employees mental illness and substance
should always try to include use disorders are empowered
consumers in the decisions via CAN’s promotion of self-
regarding their mental health advocacy training which helps
treatment. consumers be both heard and
integral to the services they
By building partnership rela- receive.
tions between provider and
consumer, CAN supports all CAN accepts that recovery for
involved for the best possible mental health consumers is a
outcomes. ongoing process which
embraces growth, account-
CAN not only advocates, ability, education, and self-
mediates, and educates DC con- direction.
sumers about their rights and
recovery options but also advo- By promoting and modeling
cates and educates the folks the values of education,
working for the District’s Core mentoring, wellness, and
Service Agencies so they do not personal responsibility, CAN
lose focus on the consumer. believes each consumer can
find meaning, purpose and
From helping to develop and fulfillment in his or her life.
design the protocols for

CAN’s Founders

These are the women who set Consumer Action Network on it’s
journey to support the residents of Washington DC.

Since this picture was taken, one has moved on to SAMHSA.
One has retired. And the third, Effie Smith, continues to keep
CAN running smoothly as our Executive Director.

CAN had never lost its principle of recovery via self-direction,
self-advocacy, and self-education. Principles put into place by
three people with an unshakeable belief in the power of resiliency
and hope.

Thank you CAN’s founders for your years of work and guiding



CAN recently presented a very Time Management Techniques help
popular topic at the McClendon you be more organized and more
Center titled “Eight Effects of productive, especially during the
Sleep Deprivation on Your holidays.
These six items will help you better
With holidays coming, sleep is manage your time as presented
more important than ever. Just a recently at MBI Day Center:
few of the negative effects of
sleep are lower stress thresholds, 1) The key to time management is
impaired memory, decreased avoiding time wasting activities. A
sociability, and more. None of Daily Maintenance Plan will show
these symptoms make the you where you may be wasting time.
holidays any easier. 2) Set daily, weekly, and long-term

But good sleep habits are easy to goals along with a plan to help you
develop. Avoiding caffeinated reach those goals.

products in the late afternoon, 3) Prioritizing your to-do list. Start
practicing relaxation exercises, with the most important items for a
and going to bed at the same day. Try not be overwhelmed by
time every night are just a few doing too much.
tips that result in a healthier
sleep style. 4) Consider time management tools
such as a day planner or calendar to
If nothing has helped, there are better manage your day.
sleep specialists available for
you. 5) Remember, there are only 24
hours in a day. Don’t run yourself
When you make sleep a priority ragged.
in your life, you will perform at
your best and improve your 6) Finally, delegate. Don't carry the
overall mental and physical well entire burden on your shoulders.
By Pertrina Thomas By Michael Sterling

Alternatives 2018

CAN and CAN’s advocates attended the Alternatives Conference this
year as both a vendor and as attendees; meeting consumers and con-
sumer groups from around the country and the globe!

We were very pleased with how many consumers and stakeholders vis-
ited CAN’s booth as well as with the variety of lectures and sessions
addressing a wide range of topics.

Held at Catholic University, the one flaw of the conference was
difficulty finding the site once on campus. But once attendees found
the right spot, everyone enjoyed the experience.

CAN handed out 100s of brochures, newsletters, and coloring books,
spreading the word regarding our ongoing mission.

Purple Wave 2018

In September at RFK Stadium, While not everyone at Purple
CAN attended the Purple Wave Wave was a consumer, CAN’s
health fair. coloring and word search books
as well as our newsletter and
While weather surely reduced the brochure flew off our table.
number of attendees, CAN
interactive with many consumers CAN looks forward to participat-
during the day. The positive feed- ing with Purple Wave next year.
back and conversations were a
pleasure for our staff. See you there!

Congratulations to Tonia Gore
CAN is particularly proud of Mrs. Tonia Gore for having been recognized by the DBH
with not one but two DBH Advocacy Awards for Dedication and Leadership.

Tonia won both awards back-to-back, 2017 and 2018. Nominated
by her fellow staff members at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, some voted
for Tonia because she led the way to develop and introduce new
services for consumers to participate in. One of many examples is
bringing in Narcotics Anonymous to St. Elizabeth’s for the very
first time.

Tonia always had advocacy in her heart but credits Consumer
Action Network with teaching her how to efficiently advocate,
educate and mediate with consumers. So she brings both her
passion and her professionalism to her work as a certified Peer
Specialist at St. Elizabeth Hospital.

On a personal note, Tonia is still in a honeymoon state after marrying for the first time
in 2017. She is also, rightly proud of her seventeen (17!) years in personal recovery.

Consumer Action Network is proud of Tonia, her resiliency, and hard work.

New Free Educational Program at CAN

Consumer Action Network is a different topic will be presented at
partnering with B.R.I.D.G.E.S. CAN’s offices for up to 20 consumers.
(Building Recovery of Dreams and
Goals through Education and Cross your personal bridges and move
Support) to offer DC consumers an further down your path to recovery!

opportunity to participate in unique Class listings can be found on
and free 10-week series of classes page 24 of this newsletter.
that can empower you and keep you
on your road to recovery. Call 202-842-0001 for details and to
reserve your place!
Every Thursday, starting Nov. 1st,

Presentation at The Hodge
In September, Consumer Action When the Tenant Association needed
Network (CAN) was invited by help, Ms. Brown stepped up and ran it
Deborah Brown, President of The by herself for a couple of years. She
Hodge’s Tenant Association Council, built up Tenant Council attendance,
to introduce resident consumers to holds an Annual Thanksgiving Dinner
CAN and the services we provide. open to any resident, hosts social
events, and creates Workshops for
Deborah Brown is an extraordinary consumer residents who need them –
woman who is the very example of like CAN’s presentation.
the resilience CAN promotes. In her
own words, Ms. Brown described her At The Hodge, CAN introduced our
path from a bad situation where she services and training programs so the
was filled with negativity and attitude residents know help is available. The
to a place of positivity and positive response from attendees
fulfillment. resulted in Ms. Brown requesting
CAN return and provide more work-
It started with CAN. shops.

During a mediation meeting CAN Of course, Consumer Action Network
organized, Ms. Brown said she was is delighted to revisit The Hodge as
getting needlessly hostile. Ms. Smith, often as the consumer residents like.
CAN’s Executive Director, pulled As we are for any resident of DC, we
Ms. Brown aside and suggested that are here to support anyone needing our
if she dropped her attitude, she would services to create an individual path to
get better results. Ms. Brown went recovery. Finally Ms. Brown’s resil-
home, thought about it, and returned ience, determination, and open-hearted
to sign up with CAN to help her – positivity is an inspiration to us all.
and CAN did. “CAN will help eve-
ryone get services, get off the street,
and start living a better life.”

With CAN’s advocacy, Ms. Brown
resolved all her issues and realized
that by changing her attitude good
things will happen to her. And they
have. She loves living at The Hodge
and is in the process of completing a
book titled “It’s a Mind Game Life”
describing her path to recovery (she
mentions CAN in it!).

How does helping people experiencing a mental health crisis help
all the residents of Washington DC? Because nothing happens in
a vacuum.

Mental illness and substance abuse issues can happen to folks
from all walks of life and for many different reasons ranging from
trauma to abuse; loss of housing or a job.

Connecting consumers to the services they need, then empower-
ing them through education, training, and mentoring puts con-
sumers on the path to recovery. Then starts them on re-entering
daily life, in housing, with a job; stable and healthy.

All of which makes The District a better place for everyone to
live, work, shop, and visit.

Best of all, as a 501C3 nonprofit, all your donations
to Consumer Action Network are tax deductible!

Donating To CAN

To give to Consumer Action Network, simply send a check or
money order to:
Consumer Action Network
1300 L Street NW
Suite 1000
Washington DC 20005

Be careful to include a return address if you need a receipt for
your tax records.

If you have any questions or concerns about giving to CAN,
please email or call us at either:

[email protected]


Four Holiday Recipes:
For Halloween

Hot Dog Mummies
Get some protein into your little monsters before they head out to
Trick or Treat with these fun and easy Hot Dog Mummies (based
on recipes by both Kraft and Pilsbury).

1 Can crescent roll dough
2 - 3 Slices of cheese
1 Pack hot dogs
Ketchup and/or Mustard

1) Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

2) Unroll dough and cut into strips

3) Cut cheese into strips.

4) Place one strip of cheese on a hot dog
and then wrap with up to four dough
strips. See Photo

5) Bake 12 to 18 minutes until dough is
golden brown. Add mustard or ketchup
dots for eyes and mouth.

Four Holiday Recipes:
For Hanukkah

Latkas are a traditional dish for Hanukkah that are simple,
Delicious, and served two ways: with apple sauce or caramelized
onions and sour cream. Both ways are yummy, healthy, and

2 Cups peeled & shredded potatoes
1 Onion, finely sliced
3 eggs, beaten
2 Tbls flour
1 1/2 Teaspoons salt
1/2 Cup oil (for frying)

1) Press shredded potatoes in paper towels or a sieve to remove
excess moisture.

2) Mix all ingredients except oil together in a bowl

3) Place a large, heavy skillet over medium to high heat and add

4) Once oil is hot, place large spoonfuls of potato mix into frying
pan and press down with back of spoon to make 1/4” thick pat-

5) When one side is brown, flip and brown other side.

6) Remove from pan, drain on paper towels, and serve hot with
the above mentioned apple sauce or onions and sour cream.

Four Holiday Recipes:

For Christmas

Fresh Cranberry Sauce

Fresh cranberry sauce is a super food - in fact as a super food,
cranberries pack a bigger antioxidant punch than blueberries or

Plus, cranberries have been linked to lower urinary tract infec-
tions, improved immune systems, and decreased blood pressure.
All useful during the stressful holiday seasons.

Making fresh cranberry sauce is ridiculously easy (see recipe
below). Best of all, it’s not just for turkey dinner any more. Use it
as a sandwich spread instead of mayo. Add it to fruit smoothies.
Or warm it a little and pour over vanilla ice cream or apple pie.

1 12-ounce bag fresh or frozen cranberries
1 Cup sugar
1 Strip orange or lemon peel
2 Tablespoons water.

1) Put all ingredients into saucepan.

2) Cook over low heat, stirring regularly until sugar dissolves and
berries begin to burst. About 30 minutes.

3) Add additional sugar to taste.

Go ahead and experiment. Flavor your sauce with raspberry jam,
cinnamon or even a little chili spice. Use OJ instead of water. All
are excellent additions and make your cranberry sauce uniquely

Four Holiday Recipes:
For Kwanzaa

Kwanzaa is about family, visiting, and community connections.
This delicious side dish is not only easy to prepare; it includes
heart-healthy Yams, nutricious spices, and a touch of lemon juice
for vitamin C.

But best of all, it is easy to share with all your loved ones.

4 Yams (or sweet potatoes) cleaned and cut in half
1/2 Cup butter
1/4 Cup brown sugar
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
Spice Mix: 2 Teaspoons each:
powdered ginger, cinnamon, chili powder,
salt, and pepper

1) Melt butter over low heat and stir in brown sugar and lemon

2) Once sugar has melted, add spice mix.

3) Place potatoes on baking dish, cut side up. Pour butter mixture
over cut yams/sweet potatoes

4) Cover with tin foil and bake at 350 degrees until a knife slides
in easily.

5) Uncover potatoes and cook for five additional minutes. Then

The Courage of Resiliency

It is easy to believe courage Tips to put courage into your
and resiliency are two differ- resiliency:
ent ideas. Being brave and
being able to bounce back 1) Keep your “best self” in
seem, on the surface, entirely mind. Always remember the
different, but they are not. person in yourself that you ad-
mire the most.
You need to be courageous to
be resilient and you need to 2) Think about what makes you
have resiliency to grow your stressed or fearful; the “limiting
courage. beliefs” that hold you back.
Work to replace those with
And yes, you can grow both. more positive/empowering
No one is born courageous or thoughts.
resilient. Just like you work
out to get into shape, you need 3) Make and maintain positive
to develop your courage and social connections. A respectful
resilience with practice. support system provides you the
confidence to face conflicts.
It takes courage to because
resilience is the ability to 4) Understand you deserve to
recover from a negative be taken care of and do it. Get
incident. Picking yourself up, exercise, eat healthy, get good
learning from your mistakes, sleep because you are worth it.
and moving forward with
acceptance and strength is 5) When you catch yourself
Resilience. It takes the thinking negative thoughts;
strength of courage to get stop, take a deep breath; and tell
there. yourself you can get through
this because you have courage,
The more you practice, the resilience, and strength.
better you get, and the further
you will travel down your With courage and resilience,
recovery path . progress will follow.

Positive Affirmations:
What Are They? How Do They Help?

Positive Affirmations are, in helped thousands of people find
essence, positive thoughts we both a better “head space” and a
repeat to ourselves to overcome more positive outlook on life.
negativity and strengthen our
self-regard, self-compassion, With the holidays fast ap-
and how we face the world. proaching, below are a few
positive affirmations that can
Changing our thoughts via help you get through what can
positive affirmations has be a stressful time of year.
Holiday Affirmations

I feel the love and joy of the season.

Holiday traffic allows me to repeat my positive affirmations.

I release the need to control others in my life.

Counting my blessings opens my heart to the joy of the season.

I focus on the beauty of the holidays to be centered and calm.

Compliments are gifts of love that I accept with grace.

I am worthy of love and acceptance.

My home is a happy place in which I bless all who enter.

I am filled with the peace of the season.

Abundance comes to me and I am grateful for it.

I see all the good in my life and know I am deserving of it.

The food and beverages I enjoy during these holidays contribute
to my good health and well being.

I remember I can choose what I do for the holidays.

Techniques for Coping With Holiday Stress

The demands of the holidays can easily turn a time of celebration
into a period of stress and depression. Knowing in advance that
some aspects of the holidays can take an emotional and mental
toll on you is the first step to coping.

Following the techniques below will help you prepare for, and
possibly even prevent, stress and depression in the first place.

Feel what you feel: If someone close to you has died or you can’t
be with the people you wish to be with, it is okay to grieve. Don’t
force yourself to be happy just because it is the holidays.

Be realistic: Holiday traditions are important but they are not
chiseled in stone. Don’t expect perfection or exact replicas of
your past. Be in the now and enjoy today.

Plan ahead & budget: Schedule days for shopping, cooking, and
visiting. Write menus, shopping lists, and a budget you can stick

Stay healthy: All those yummy holiday treats can
lead to over-indulgence and guilt. Eat healthy as
much as possible, exercise daily, and get a good
night’s rest.

It is Okay to say “no”: Take care of you. Give yourself a
breather now and again. Say no when you feel overwhelmed -
without guilt or stress.

Reach out: Despite following all these tips, you may still find
yourself feeling lonely, depressed, or overwhelmed. Volunteer,
seek out social events with trusted loved ones, and most
importantly, seek professional help if nothing else works.

This article was adapted from “Stress, Depression, and the Holidays” by the Mayo Clinic.

Managing Your Mental Health
During The Holidays

Coping with Holiday Stress is the holidays and budget accord-
one thing, remembering to ingly. Sticking to a budget is
take care of your mental not only satisfying, but it will
health is another. reduce your anxiety.

From taking the time to enjoy Sometimes during this season, it
something of the season to feels like you are being pulled
learning to accept that the in too many direc-
people in your life can not be tions. Make certain
changed (although you can you enjoy the holi-
always change how YOU days as well. From
cope with them), managing taking a break from
your mental health is even family to repeating
more important during the holiday-themed af-
holidays. For yourself and firmations to healthy behavior
everyone who loves you. like good eating and sleeping,
taking care of your body and
Consider creating a self-care mind will help you be happier
calendar for the holiday sea- and happier to be around.
son. Schedule time for holiday
events and time for yourself to Also important, don’t let the
relax. Plan when to shop and days get away from you! Re-
when to visit friends so you member to take your mediations
can both feel in control and if you are on any.
better able to budget your
valuable time and money. Finally, consider voluntering
your time to a cause close to
Speaking of budgets, nothing your heart. Or making new
can cause stress faster than space for the new year by clean-
financial issues. Take a ing out a closet and donating
moment to realistically review what you don’t need.
what you want to spend over
Kind acts result in happy hearts.


Every Evening, 6P, Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center, see www.kennedy- for event listing - FREE
Year Round Views, Fall Foliage of DC, 9A–5P, Th–Sun., Old Post Office
Clock Tower, Trump International Hotel, FREE
Every Monday, 6–9P, Blue Monday, Blues music at WestminsterDC, $5
Every Wednesday, 4–5P, Seated Yoga, WestminsterDC, FREE
Every Third Thursday, 10A-12P, Disabilities Rights Council Meeting, 441
4th Street, NW, FREE, Check at information desk for room.
Every Friday, 6–9P, Jazz Night in DC, Westminster DC, $5
Every Second Saturday, 7–9P, Faith & Film, Visit for
listing, FREE

Oct. 6 – Dec. 31 , 10A–5P M-Sa, Churchill’s Shakespeare Exhibit, Folger’s
Shakespeare Library, FREE
Nov. 23 – Dec. 23 , 12–8P, 14 Annual Downtown Holiday Market, 8 & F
Nov. 23 – Jan. 1 , 5–9P (except Dec. 24, 25 & 31), Zoo Lights, Smithsonian
Dec 1 – 31 , 5–10P, Georgetown GLOW, Light Art Festival, Georgetown,
Dec. 1 – 31 , Basilica of the National Shrine, Christmas Decorations, FREE
Dec. 1 – 31 , 10A–5P, Season’s Greenings: All Aboard, Smithsonian US
Botanic Garden, FREE

Oct. 5 – 15 , 10A– P, Vikings At The Wharf, Transit Pier, FREE
Oct. 13 , H-Street Festival, FREE
Oct. 13 , 6:30–8:30P, Nerd Nite DC at The Zoo, Smithsonian Zoo,
visit for Ticket Prices
Oct 13 –14 , 7A–8P, Old City Farm’s Patio Pop-Up, Shop Made In DC,
Oct 14 , 11A, History Tour, Art & Artists, Arlington National Cemetery,
FREE – Register at
Oct. 14 , 3:30P, Curtis on Tour, National Gallery; West Building, FREE
(1 come/1 served seating)
Oct. 19–21 , 5P–6P, Birthday Weekend, Shop Made In DC, FREE


Oct. 20 , 9–11A, Waterfront Workouts, Transit Pier, FREE
Oct. 20 , 12–5:30P, Air & Scare, Air & Space Museum, Udvar-Hazy Center,
FREE (Parking $15/Public Transport via Metro Silver & 983 Shuttle Bus)
Oct. 21 , 3:30P, Funeral Music for a Prince & a Queen, National Gallery;
West Building, FREE (1 come/1 served seating)
Oct. 22 , 3-5P, Last of CAN’s four Annual Focus Groups, Bellevue Library,
FREE, 115 Atlantic Street, SW
Oct. 26 , 7–10:30P, Night of The Living Zoo, Smithsonian Zoo, visit national- for Ticket Prices
Oct. 27 , 10A– P, Victorian Halloween Party, DAR Museum, FREE
Oct. 28 , 3:30P, MIND/THE/GAP, National Gallery; West Building, FREE
(1 come/1 served seating)
Oct. 30 , 9P, High Heel Race, Starting Line is at 17 NW & R Streets FREE
Oct. 31 , 10P–2A, Halloween Night At Abigail, The Costume Party, FREE
Before 11P
Oct. 31 , 7–11P, Superfine! Art Fair, Union Market Dock 5, Masquerade
Vernissage, $12 - $55, Register at


Nov. 1 , 3-4:30P, BRIDGE to Recovery Class at CAN, FREE, Call to
register; 202-842-0001
Nov. 1 –3 , 11A – 10P, Superfine! Art Fair, Union Market Dock 5, $12 - $55,
Register at
Nov. 4 , 11A–8P, Superfine! Art Fair, Union Market Dock 5, $12 - $55, Reg-
ister at
Nov. 4 , 11A–2P, Thanks for Giving, District Pier, FREE
Nov. 4 , 4P, Flophouse Crew, National Gallery; West Building, FREE (1
come/1 served seating)
Nov. 8 , 3-4:30P, BRIDGE to Recovery Class at CAN, FREE, Call to
register; 202-842-0001


Nov. 8 , 6–9p, Evenings at The Edge; From Light to Dark, Smithsonian Mu-
seum of Fine Arts, East Building, FREE – Register at
Nov. 11 , 3:30P, Lessons of Darkness: Armistice Day 1918, National Gallery;
West Building, FREE (1 come/1 served seating)
Nov. 12 , Veteran’s Day. 10:30A, Concert, Arlington Cemetery’s Memorial
Amphitheater, FREE
Nov. 12 Veteran’s Day, 11A, Wreath Laying Ceremony, Arlington
Cemetery’s Tomb of Unknown Soldier, FREE
Nov. 15 , 5–7P, Craft Night, Shop Made In DC, FREE – Register at Event-
Nov. 15 , 3-4:30P, BRIDGE to Recovery Class at CAN, FREE, Call to
register; 202-842-0001
Nov. 18 , 11A, History Tour, World War I, Arlington National Cemetery,
FREE – Register at
Nov. 21 , 10A-3P, Safeway Feast of Sharing, Washington Convention Center,
Nov. 22 –30 , 10A–5P, Season’s Greenings: All Aboard!, US Botanic
Garden, FREE
Nov. 25 , 3:30P, Brasscinacion, National Gallery; West Building, FREE
(1 come/1 served seating)
Nov. 29 , 3-4:30P, BRIDGE to Recovery Class at CAN, FREE, Call to
register; 202-842-0001
Nov. 30 , Heurich Christmas Market, Heurich House Museum, visit for details


Dec. 1 –7 , Heurich Christmas Market, Heurich House Museum, visit for details
Dec. 1 , 11A–5P, DC Christmas Bazaar, House of Sweden – Georgetown,
Dec. 1 , 1–4P, Deck the Halls: A Family At Christmas, Tudor Place, $5 - $10,
registration at
Dec. 1 , 6– 9P, The District’s Holiday Boat Parade, The Wharf, FREE
Dec. 2 - 10 , HAPPY HANUKKAH
Dec. 2 , 3–5P, Make Your Own Stocking, Shop Made In DC, $35 – Register at


Dec. 2 , 4P, National Menorah Lighting, The Ellipse, FREE – Register at for tickets
Dec. 2 , 5–8P, First Night of Hanukkah, The Wharf, FREE
Dec. 6 , 3-4:30P, BRIDGE to Recovery Class at CAN, FREE, Call to
register; 202-842-0001
Dec. 7 , 7:30P, Annual Christmas Concert for Charity, National Shrine,
Catholic University Campus, Free Will Offering
Dec. 8 , 11A-12:30P & 1 - 2:30P, How to Celebrate Kwanzaa Workshop,
Alexandria Black History Museum, $2
Dec. 8 & 9 , 1:30P & 2:30P, Caroling in the Rotunda, National Gallery;
West Building, FREE (1 come/1 served seating)
Dec. 9 , 10A–5P, Russian Winter Festival, Hillwood Museum, $5 - $18,
under 6 free – visit for tickets
Dec. 13 , 3-4:30P, BRIDGE to Recovery Class at CAN, FREE, Call to
register; 202-842-0001
Dec. 15 & 16 , 1:30P & 2:30P, Caroling in the Rotunda, National Gallery;
West Building, FREE (1 come/1 served seating)
Dec. 15 , 8P, & Dec.16 , 4P, Kwanzaa Celebration, Dance Place;
Coyaba Academy, $15-$30
Dec. 16 , 3:30P, Hot Club Cool Yule, National Gallery; West Building, FREE
(1 come/1 served seating)
Dec. 20 , 3-4:30P, BRIDGE to Recovery Class at CAN, FREE, Call to
register; 202-842-0001
Dec. 22 , 7P – 8P, Christmas Caroling, The Wharf, FREE
Dec. 22 , 12–1:30P & 2P–3:30P, Gingerbreadpalooza; ginger bread house
workshop, Tudor Place, $5 - $10 – Register at
Dec. 26 - Jan. 1 , HAPPY KAWANZA
Dec. 28 , 11A-2P, Celebrate Kwanzaa!, THEARC, Register online
Dec. 27 , 3-4:30P, BRIDGE to Recovery Class at CAN, FREE, Call to
register; 202-842-0001
Dec. 30 , 3:30P, A Toast to Vienna in ¾ Time, National Gallery; West
Building, FREE (1 come/1 served seating)


Community for Creative
Department of Behavioral Health Non-Violence
Access Help Line 202-393-1909
1-888-7WE-HELP DC General
DC Housing Authority Family Shelter
202-535-1000 202-675-5000
Income Maintenance Admin Central Union Mission
Food Stamps, TANF, Medicaid, IDA 202-745-7118
202-698-3900 Hypothermia Shelter Hotline
Board of Elections and Ethics 1-800-535-7252
Division of Tax and Revenue
Mayor’s Office House of Ruth
311 202-667-7001
Ramona’s Way
My Sister’s Place
Social Security Administration 202-529-5991
1-800-772-1213 Nat’l Domestic Violence Hotline
Housing and Urban Development 1-800-799-7233
202-708-1112 Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline
Immigration and Naturalization 202-671-7233
National Customer Service Center Champs Hotline
1-800-375-5283 202-481-1450
Internal Revenue Service Crisis and Family Stress Hotline
1-800-829-1040 202-223-2255
Adult Protective Services Hotline
LEGAL AGENCIES 202-541-3951
Mary’s Center
University Legal Services 202-483-8196
Washington Legal Clinic
202-328-5505 APRA
DC Bar Pro Bono Program 202-442-5955
202-737-4700 N St Village NW



Energy Hotline Human Touch
202-673-6750 202-483-9111
DC Rape Crisis Center
Mental Health Emergencies
202-673-9319 Rehabilitation Services
Safe Link phones Administration
1 800 977-3768 202-442-8400
and Referral Center) Medical Center 1500 Franklin St. NE
Community Council for the Department of Behavioral Health
Homeless (CCHFP) 64 New York Avenue, NE, 3rd Floor,
202-364-1419 Washington, DC 20002
Manna Housing Phone: (202) 673-7440
202-832-1845 Fax: (202) 673-3433
Woodley House, Inc. TTY: (202) 673-7500
202-328-4069 Access Help Line
Landlord Tenant Resource Center 1-888-7WE-HELP
M-F 9:15am to 12 pm
510 4th St., NW 35 K St NE Washington DC 20002
(202) 442-4100

Consumer Action Network (CAN)

1300 L St., N.W.
Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20005

Phone: (202) 842-0001
Toll Free: 1-866-314-9226
Fax: 202-842-2685

e-mail: [email protected]

CAN Mission Statement

Consumer Action Network (CAN) empowers mental health
consumers by promoting recovery and self-advocacy.
CAN is a 501(c) (3) Organization

Celebrating 16 years

of Service in DC

Newsletter Contributors

E. Effie Smith , Executive Director
Patricia Wade
Michael Sterling
Pertrina Thomas
Earl Morton
Kristen Murray

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