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2019 Spring Legislative Issue of the OVMA Communique.

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Published by OVMA, 2019-03-06 16:17:54

Spring 2019 Communique

2019 Spring Legislative Issue of the OVMA Communique.



Let Your
Voice Be




03 President’s Letter Spring 2019 • Volume 34 • Issue 1
04 On Point
05 State Veterinarian’s Report An Oklahoma Veterinary
10 Three Effective Ways to Communicate Medical Association Publication
15 From a Legislators Perspective
20 Center Stage in Veterinary Medicine Managing Editor

Amanda Meeks


Jaclynn Gray

The OVMA Communique is the newsletter of
the Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association.
The Editor reserves the right to edit content
according to space and contact guidelines and
limit advertising space for single advertisers as

Opinions expressed in these contents are strictly
those of the author(s) and are not necessarily
endorsed by OVMA.


President District IV
Wendy Bray, DVM Megan Smith, DVM
Bryan Wright, DVM
President Elect
Kim Morey, DVM District V
Leslie Cole, DVM
Vice President Aaron Farr, DVM
Jennifer Schoonover,
AVMA Delegate
Secretary/Treasurer Charles Freeman,
Tracei Holder, DVM DVM

Immediate Past AVMA Alternate
President Delegate
Kelly Cooper, DVM Rosemarie Strong,
District Director Mike Jones, DVM
Chad Baumwart, SAVMA

District I Representative
Robert Miller, DVM Chloe Bradway
Sarah Smith, DVM Ashley Ferguson

District II Executive Director
Trent Stites, DVM Amanda Meeks
Tracy Patton, DVM

District III Membership
Gary Stone, DVM Coordinator
Chad Baumwart, Nylia Burch
Jaclynn Gray

Volume 34 • Issue 1 | SPRING 2019 | 2


Inspiration From will make mistakes, but learn from those mistakes and make
yourself better. Work hard, be dependable, but also enjoy life
outside of Veterinary Medicine. Build a good support system
at home and in the profession (you will need it), and get
involved with the OVMA!

All Angles with What do you enjoy most about your job? Although being a
small animal practitioner is about taking care of animals, it
Dr. Bray is also about taking care of people, and I enjoy making that
connection with my clients. I love talking to clients, talking
What inspired you to their children, educating clients, and helping them work
to pursue a career in through any medical issues that are thrown our way. At the
veterinary medicine? end of the day, it’s awesome to look at our team and see what
Being a Veterinarian was all we accomplished, what animals we helped, and what lives
always a dream of mine we touched in a positive way. I also love to learn and I live by
as a child, but never a true the motto, “learn something new every day”, which is easy to
pursuit until after college. do in Veterinary Medicine.
I received my Bachelor of
Arts and Science degree in Why would you recommend that someone join the OVMA?
Psychology, and worked The OVMA is the heart of Veterinary Medicine in Oklahoma. I
in a Child/Adolescent have met and become friends with so many wonderful people
Psychiatric Hospital in San from different walks of veterinary medicine, which I never
Diego, while taking Pre would have been exposed to if I weren’t an OVMA member.
Med courses on my journey The OVMA is also looking out for our profession as a whole
to becoming a Psychiatrist. I then talked to my cousin Jeff with respect to protecting our Practice Act and our rights as a
Henderson, who was in his first year of Vet School. Right then Veterinarian in the legislature.
and there I remembered my childhood dream, moved back to
Oklahoma, finished my Pre Vet courses, and applied to OSU What five adjectives best describe you? Faithful, loving,
College of Veterinary Medicine. adventurous, honest, loyal.

What type of veterinary medicine do you practice and why I want to thank everyone that attended this year’s OKVC
did you choose it? I am a small animal practitioner with a (Oklahoma Veterinary Conference). It was a huge success
particular love for Dentistry. I grew up with dogs and cats and with over 430 Veterinarians, 124 Registered Veterinarian
have never wanted to practice in any other area of Veterinary Technicians, 35 Veterinary Office Staff, 60 guests, and 98
Medicine. Over years of practice, I have repeatedly seen how Exhibitors. Our Speaker Chairs: Dr. Lauren Lamb (Equine),
excellent periodontal care improves the lives of my patients, Jenny Mathews (Practice Management), Dr. Carolynn
and improves the human animal bond between my clients McAllister (One Health), RVT’s Christen Puckett-Smith and
and patients. Taylor Carruth (Technician), Dr. Bob Streeter (Food Animal),
and Jeff Studer (Companion Animal), did an incredible job
Who is your role model/mentor? My role model and mentor getting high quality speakers that touched on many different
in life is my dad - he is my biggest cheer leader (along with and applicable topics. The OVMA Board is working hard to
my husband) and my best critic - giving me constructive bring to our members more benefits, and more face-to-face
criticism in a loving manner, and believing in me sometimes time with colleagues in the form of district meetings and
more than I believe in myself. He has an incredible business socials. I hope you take advantage of these gatherings and take
mind, is a wealth of knowledge and loves unconditionally. the time to get to know your colleagues in your area. April
Many Veterinarians in the Oklahoma community have been 25th we will have Legislative Day at the Capitol and I invite
mentors and have supported me the past 21 years. However, anyone that is interested to attend. This is a great time to learn
the Veterinarians that helped shape me in to the Veterinarian I about the legislative process, speak with legislators, speak with
am today are Dr. Gary Kubat and Dr. Jim Lee. Dr. Kubat (Gary) the OVMA’s lobbyists, learn about bills that are a concern to
hired me straight out of Vet School (a brave soul) to work our profession, and help the OVMA to have a voice. Stay in
Emergency Medicine. Anyone that knows Gary or Jim knows touch with the exciting things that the OVMA is bringing you
the depth of their knowledge, and they were willing and ready by looking at our website (, joining our Facebook
to share it with me, and welcomed me with open arms as a Page, following the Listserv, reading the Communique, and
colleague. I will be forever grateful for that intense learning attending district meetings. You can reach me at whbray@aol.
experience and their support. com with any questions or suggestions. I also want to thank
our incredible OVMA staff: Nylia and Jaclynn, and our OVMA
What advice can you offer someone coming into this Executive Director Amanda Meeks for their innovation, hard
profession? Once you graduate and if you are able, take the work and dedication to making this organization the best it
first 3-4 years of practice to see and experience as much as can be. This is YOUR organization, so the more you put in to
you can, work under multiple Veterinarians to learn different it, the more you will get out of it.
ways of doing things, have an open mind, and know that you
Thank you and here’s to an AMAZING 2019!

Wendy H. Bray
OVMA President

Volume 34 • Issue 1 | SPRING 2019 | 3


Springing Into February started the legislative season with OVMA Lobbyists
The Legislative Clayton Taylor and Jerrod Shouse, busy at the state capitol.
Session This issue of the Communique is focused on legislative issues
and the importance of the DVM PAC. A PAC FAQ sheet and a
As we head into 2019, there summary of some of the bills the OVMA is watching are listed
are many events the OVMA in this issue. The review is not all-inclusive because of space
is bringing to the members. restrictions. The OVMA is following many bills and will keep
We are all very busy with the membership updated as changes arise. As you will see,
professional and personal in this issue, giving to the DVM PAC will be vital for the next
responsibilities, but I hope two years. 2020 will be an election year and also when the
you will carve out a little Veterinary Practice Act sunsets and will come under legislative
time in your schedule to review. The OVMA Legislative Advocacy Committee and the
participate in some of our OVMA Lobbyists will be working closely with the Oklahoma
upcoming activities. State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. As with any
year, it is essential that you develop a relationship with your
Monthly Socials are a somewhat new activity for the OVMA, legislators. We currently do not have any veterinarians serving
and they are centered on the goal of creating a stronger at the capitol, so your expertise will be needed for legislators
sense of community within the veterinary profession across to call upon or to hear from you. This year OVMA Legislative
Oklahoma. These events are open to both members and Day is April 25 from 8:30-Noon in room 511A at the State
non-members of the OVMA. We have held three socials in Capitol. It is an opportune time to ask questions and learn
Oklahoma City and will hold our fourth in Tulsa on Tuesday, more about the legislative process. We hope you will be able
March 7. This social will be held at Elgin Park Brewery in to attend one of many upcoming activities, district meetings,
downtown Tulsa. The sponsors of the event are Curtis Hesser or committee meetings.
with Carr Healthcare Realty and Bank of America. All socials
are come-and-go starting at 5:30 pm. Finally, you may have heard about the $100k OYE scholarship
goal we are working towards. At the back of this issue is a
Another member benefit we are reinstating is District CE flyer with additional details. This effort is a way of reaching
Meetings. District 5 had two meetings last year, and other those Oklahoma students engaged in agriculture with hopes
districts will be following this year. These meetings happen of a future in veterinary medicine. Please consider making a
because of the work of your District Directors and generous donation and helping us achieve our $100k goal to establish a
industry sponsors. Several members have reached out to me $400k endowed scholarship.
to help coordinate these meetings. If you would like to help Best Wishes!
organize a meeting in your area, please don’t hesitate to reach
out to your District Director or me. To the right is a map Best Wishes!
of the OVMA districts. Some districts are rather large with
potentially long drives to a meeting, so these CE meetings are Amanda Meeks, OVMA Executive Director
free and a member benefit, open to all members, no matter
the district. Check your emails and the listserv for invitations
and updates!

Volume 34 • Issue 1 | SPRING 2019 | 4


use are sourced from China. The disease is also spreading in
Eastern Europe.

African Swine Please talk to your swine clients about ASF and encourage
Fever Causing them to call you if they see any unusual symptoms in their
Concern to U.S. pigs. If you hear of or see any unusual symptoms please call
us so we can take samples to determine if it is ASF or not.
The OVMA Conference Practitioners are always our first line of defense in Foreign
was a couple weeks ago Animal Diseases, and we appreciate you all helping us protect
and I believe it was a our livestock.
great success! We had
almost 230 veterinarians Animal Disease Traceability is a topic I’ve talked about a lot
and technicians in our over the past several years. As international trade becomes
regulatory sessions on a larger part of our beef, pork, and poultry sales our trading
Thursday. People were partners want to know that we have the ability to trace diseases
attentive, asked good to ensure that they are purchasing safe food from us. USDA
questions, and made and the livestock industry leaders recognize we are not where
good comments. I am we need to be and I believe we are slowly making progress to
very appreciative of OVMA allowing us to tag along with the enhance our traceability program. I am on a working group
Conference. Overall attendance was up and I thought the CE to help set a timeline to transition to electronic official ID tags
sessions were good. I appreciate all the hard work that goes and I hope to be able to give more information on that soon.
into putting on a meeting like that and I want to say that I It is safe to say that producers, veterinarians, and livestock
appreciate the OVMA staff and officers for such a great event. markets should begin planning to transition to electronic ID
The After Party Friday night was a lot of fun and I hope we and reading systems in the next few years, as well as electronic
can find a way for more people to participate in that event CVIs.
next year.
For those of you who have equine clients that travel a lot we
African Swine Fever and Animal Disease Traceability have are now utilizing an extended equine CVI to allow horses that
occupied most of my time recently. African Swine Fever is travel often to move without getting CVIs for each movement.
a disease that has never been diagnosed in the United States. The veterinarian will input the horse’s information into an
Its presentation is similar to acute Classical Swine Fever electronic database and the client will then input movement
(Hog Cholera) in that affected swine become febrile, become information into the database so we have current movement
depressed, exhibit hyperemia of the skin, respiratory distress, information.
vomiting, and bleeding from the nose or rectum. But some
strains cause more of slow illness that is difficult to recognize. As always, please check out our website at
An outbreak in China began in August and it continues to and let us know how we can make it serve you better. You can
spread there. That is of great concern to the U.S. swine contact us at 405-522-6141 or:
industry because the majority of the vitamins and minerals we
Rod Hall Alicia Gorczyca-Southerland
405-522-0270 405-522-6136
[email protected] alicia.gorczyca-southerland@
Mike Herrin
405-522-6142 Gary Stone
[email protected] 405-258-8048
[email protected]
Justin Roach
[email protected]

Volume 34 • Issue 1 | SPRING 2019 | 5


Adopting a New
Mission, Vision and
Core Values

Our strategic planning The CVHS continues to be the destination for
process is progressing. students who want to receive a high quality
The latest session was veterinary medical education and those seeking
held on Friday, Feb. continuing education. Our intention is to
1, led by Scott Regan prominently honor the legacy of Dr. Roger
with Xpirity. To date, Panciera (’53), professor emeritus, in this new
we have adopted a classroom building. If you are interested in
new mission, vision, recognizing his contributions to the veterinary
and core values. medical profession, please contact Chris Sitz,
Senior Director of Development and CVHS
Mission: Innovation in animal and human health team lead with the OSU Foundation, at csitz@
Vision: To be innovative world leaders in or 405-385-5170.
healthcare, research, and professional education
Core values: Sincerely,

• Communication Carlos A. Risco, DVM, Dipl. ACT
• Integrity Dean, Center for Veterinary Health Sciences
• Accountability Oklahoma State University
• Teamwork

• Leadership

We had a great turnout for the new classroom
building groundbreaking ceremony, which
marked our progress toward enhancing our
veterinary students’ learning experience and
exceeding their expectations.

Volume 34 • Issue 1 | SPRING 2019 | 6


OKVC this year was exceptional! We Lisa Clark was awarded Veterinary Technician of the
had some amazing speakers, that we Year. She was nominated by Dr. Scott Mason. Our
learned a lot from but the one that Lifetime Achievement Award recipient was Krystal
stuck out the most to me would have Kirkland. Krystal has been in the profession for many
to of been Holly Kessling, RVT. She years and has been active and supportive of the OVTA
talked to us about Responsibility for the majority of her career. We appreciate the road
or Blame: Know that Difference she paved for us and future Registered Veterinary
for Better Teamwork. It was an insightful talk that Technicians!!
helped us realize that everyone needs a pat on the back During the Membership Breakfast, four Veterinary
sometimes. Technician students were awarded with the following
We also had our booth set up with information about scholarships, OACF (Oklahoma Animal Care
the Veterinary Nurse Initiative. That was a huge success Foundation) scholarship winner from Murray State
where we were able to inform and educate more College, Haley McCollister and OVTA scholarship
about what the VNI truly means for all Veterinary winner from Murray State College, Julia Gaik. OVTA
Technicians. We are excited for the future and cannot Scholarship recipient from TCC, Halee Loveland.
wait to see what it has instore for us. OVTA scholarship recipient from OSU/OKC, Joel
As always we had our Annual meeting with all the Pando. We are excited for these students as they were
members that attended conference! During the well deserved recipients.
meeting we announced our new logo for OVTA! We We are all looking forward to a year full of growth and
also talked about our new membership software where excitement! Thank you to everyone that helped make
all members can now update their information and OKVC 2019 such a great success!
stay up to date with OVTA news. It was also announced Shiloh McGee, RVT
that will be offering a 15% discount to veterinary clinics OVTA Secretary
that purchase a membership for 3 or more technicians.

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News in • Monthly Social- Tulsa, OK The app is now accessible to all doctors,
Oklahoma March 7- Elgin Park Brewery office staff, and students that are
members of the OVMA. You can renew
• District 5 CE- March 7- Ted’s OKC your dues, communicate with members,
6:15P Dinner view member benefits and discounts,
7P CE Starts receive notifications on upcoming
events and CE opportunities, and stay
• April 25, 2019 connected to the profession. There are
Legislative Day at the Capitol so many ways we can make this app
useful to the members. Please let us
• June 21-22, 2019 know if you have any suggestions.
Summer Seminar-Stillwater, OK To download the app simply go to your
App Store on your mobile device and
NEW MEMBERS search: Oklahoma Veterinary Medical
If you would like to be part of the Melinda Davis ‘91
OVMA Listserve, which is a benefit of Kenneth Leach Student Relations Committee
the OVMA membership, please email us Arienna Brouse Well-Being
at [email protected]. The address for Kimberly Carr Animal Welfare
the listserve is ovmamembers@listserve. Molly Duff ‘17 Disaster Response
com. Gatz Graf ‘08 Continuing Education
Brandon Murray Social Media and Outreach
OACF PET MEMORIALS Alexandra Wilson Business Alliance Task Force Committee
Joseph Praeger’ 81 Legislative Advocacy Committee
The Pet Memorial Program is a sincere State Fair Committees (Tulsa & Oklahoma)
and compassionate way for veterinarians SUPPORT DVM PAC Convention Committee
to honor their clients by making a Veterinary Technician Advisory Committee
donation in the pet’s memory. Animal The DVM PAC was created in Power of 10 Leadership Academy
owners utilize this program as an recognition of the need to increase
expression of gratitiude to veterinarians political activity and awareness among If you are interested in more
for outstanding care to their pets. members of the veterinary medical information or would like to volunteer,
Send the name of the animal for the professions. The DVM PAC, a non please call the OVMA .
memorial, their owners name and partisan political action committee,
address, and a donation of any amount. provides financial support for state PET OVERPOPULATION LICENSE TAG
The OACF will send a card to the political candidates. DVM PAC exists
owners showing a memorial has been through the voluntary contributions of Don’t forget that you can purchase the
made in the name of the pet. Donations OVMA Members. Contributing to the new Pet Overpopulation Tag at your
accepted online DVM PAC reflects your commitment local tag agency!
a-donation and dedication to political activity and OACF appreciates your support!
education of key issues that affect the
PET MEMORIAL DONATIONS veterinary professions. You, as OVMA
members, are vital to our political
15th Street Veterinary Group activities and success.
Warwick Animal Hospital
Sandy Creek Veterinary Care, PPLC
Marlow Veterinary Clinic

Volume 34 • Issue 1 | SPRING 2019 | 8


CVHS Welcomes New Hospital Staff

Daniel Burba, DVM, Dip. Justin Plunk, DVM, has
ACVS, has been appointed been named the first
head of the Department emergency veterinarian
of Veterinary Clinical for the Veterinary Medical
Sciences pending OSU Hospital. Dr. Plunk will
Board of Regents approval. work the overnight shift
Dr. Burba served as interim supervising interns,
head for the past two years. residents, staff, and fourth
He was selected based on year veterinary students
a strong mix of leadership and administrative skills caring for small animal patients in the Hospital’s
and a successful scholarship record. Burba will closely Kirkpatrick Foundation Critical Care Unit as well as
work with the hospital director in the operation of the any emergencies that come in overnight. He earned
Boren Veterinary Medical Hospital. Importantly, he his DVM degree from OSU in 2015. Dr. Plunk comes
will provide oversight for the quality, effectiveness and to us from the Emergency Animal Clinic located in
progress of the department concerning its missions of Oklahoma City.
teaching, research, and service.

Volume 34 • Issue 1 | SPRING 2019 | 9

Three Essential Skills for consider the following:
Effective Communication A technician is tasked with obtaining
a patient history. He asks many
By:Wendy Hauser, DVM questions and receives many answers,
Peak Veterinary Consulting which he conveys to the doctor. The
doctor goes into the examination
Effective communication skills As the three skills are discussed below, room and begins a conversation with
are critical in providing optimal the reader should remember how the client. During the exchange, the
outcomes for clients, patients and perception can influence interactions. client adds new information or even
team interactions. Veterinary Colleges contradicts information previously
recognize the value of cultivating Personality Preference provided to the technician. When
these skills in their graduates and As individuals, we have innate the doctor and the technician leave
many incorporate some form of preferences which help to govern how the exam room, the technician is
communication training in their we communicate, verbally and non- upset. He exclaims “She told you
curriculum. Training resources 1,2,3 verbally and how we interact with different information because you’re
for the practitioner and animal health others. These preferences are neither the doctor!”. With an understanding
care teams are readily available. These good nor bad. Understanding and of personality preferences, the doctor
tools teach foundational skills necessary recognizing not only your personality was able to explain that the client was
to effectively communicate with preferences but also those of others more informative not because she was
clients through techniques like open- is critical in effective communication. the doctor, but because the client has
ended questions, reflective listening, Effective communicators have learned an introverted personality preference.
eliciting the client’s perspective and to ‘read’ other people by observing The client had time and space to think
summarization. When learned, the verbal and nonverbal cues. With about the questions that were asked.
skills provide a baseline for positive this insight, they can modify their The client was then able to add to and
communication. natural tendencies to align with other clarify the original history. After this
people’s preferences. In the author’s conversation, the technician modified
To evolve into an artful communicator, experience, this results in more effective his approach with introverted clients,
an understanding of the role of communication with the client. The using communication skills like asking
perception in the communication client often feels better understood, one question at a time and then pausing,
process and three additional skills must valued and is willing to partner giving the client time to fully respond.
be mastered. A thorough understanding with the animal health care team in While obtaining the history took a
of how these components influence our achieving mutual goals. Outcomes little longer, the overall appointment
connectivity and relatability to others include increased client satisfaction and times were shorter because there were
is fundamental in developing into a retention. Team members involved in less corrections and additional history
superior communicator. The three these communications feel empowered, provided later in the appointment.
skills are: more effective and have better levels More information about how to learn
•Personality Preferences of job satisfaction. There are many to ‘read’ others is available in the
•Emotional Intelligence personality assessment tools available Veterinary Team Brief Article “How to
•Generational Differences to help individuals understand their ‘Tune In’ to the Other Person”4.
When communicating with others, it own preferences. When these tools are
is essential to recognize the role that administered to all team members, the Emotional Intelligence
perception plays in our interactions. We assessments help teams understand Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, is
must understand our own perceptions, how to respect and better communicate defined as the “ability to identify and
realizing that the person with whom with each other. When animal health manage your own emotions and the
we are communicating also has their care team members become more emotions of others”5. Identified in
own perceptions. During a successful comfortable practicing these skills with 1995 by Daniel Goleman, his research6
interaction, both individuals attempt to each other, they can begin to consider identified that Emotional Intelligence
understand the viewpoints (perception) how to apply this knowledge in their is comprised of five separate skill
of each other, seeking common ground. client interactions. For an example, sets. The first three represent self-
management skills: self-awareness,
self-regulation and motivation. The final

two are relationship management skills: empathy and social workplace. The difference lies in how respect looks to the
skills. While there is a genetic as well as a nurture component different generations. Her research uncovered that older
to Emotional Intelligence, it is widely recognized that EQ individuals in the workforce want their opinions to be valued,
increases with maturity. Furthermore, Emotional Intelligence whereas younger employees associated respect with having
can be learned. It requires that individuals break old habits their opinions heard.
and form new ones, focusing on the five EQ skills.
A working knowledge of all five skills is particularly important •All generations want trustworthy leaders.
in the veterinary profession. Our clients are often stressed
by factors beyond their control, such as ill or injured pets, •Change is uncomfortable for all generations.
anticipatory grief when faced with losing a beloved pet and
the veterinary cost of care. Within our hospitals, we encounter •Loyalty was constant across generations. The way loyalty
not only the stresses that clients experience, but also the looks in the workplace does vary by generations.
impact of those stresses on our animal health care teams.
When combined with our foundational communication skills, •All generations are life-long learners.
Emotional Intelligence provides the tools to fully respond to
our individual needs as well as those of our teammates and •Feedback is important to all generations.
As we seek an understanding of how generational attitudes
Generational Differences influence our communication, it is helpful if we consider
Generational attitudes are comprised of traits generally what broad beliefs might be ingrained within a generation.
assessed to a timeframe during which a group of individuals, Clients that are part of the Traditional generation, born before
called a generation, was born and reached adulthood. 1945, grew up in an era where authority wasn’t questioned.
Generations are shaped by the societal forces prevalent during In the examination room, they are more willing to accept
the time that they are reaching maturity. It is important to your recommendations without hesitation, as you are the
consider generational differences broadly, realizing that not all expert. An artful communicator will recognize that the lack
members of a generation align with the attributes assessed to of questions doesn’t truly represent what the client might
those age categories. Factors that might influence a member be feeling and will work diligently to partner with the client,
of a generation to embrace different characteristics than using open-ended questions, pausing and short summaries.
other members of the same category include family cultural Another technique that will work well with a client of this
differences and the role that older generations play in the generation is the chunk and check technique. This approach
upbringing of the individual. Consider the variation in societal incorporates the delivery of small amounts of information,
forces between 1946, the beginning of the Baby Boomer then checking in to ensure that there are no questions before
Generation and 2000, the final birth year of the Millennial continuing.
Generation. Baby Boomers grew up during the Vietnam
War, the Civil Rights movement, and came to age in the era By using foundational communication techniques and
of AIDS. In contrast, Millennials don’t remember a world Emotional Intelligence to support how we tailor our message
without the internet and are socially and racially more diverse considering perception, personality preferences and
than preceding generations. Many were raised in families generational attributes we can facilitate truly effective client,
that solicited and valued their opinions in family decisions, patient and team outcomes.
including major purchases and vacation plans. As such, this
generation is less constrained by hierarchical boundaries References
in the workplace, possessing the confidence to aggressively
advocate for their ideas. 1. FRANK Communications Workshop, Colorado State University; cvmbs.colostate.
Despite these disparate forces that shaped generational edu/academics/clinsci/veterinary-communication/Pages/frank-workshops.aspx
outlooks, there are some similarities that provide common
ground. According to researcher Jennifer Deal7, these include: 2. Partners for Healthy Pets
•Similar values: what matters most to all generations are the
values that matter the most. Family is the priority for all age 3. Multiple articles by authors such as Jane
groups. Shaw, Lisa Hunter, Jeff Thoren and Sally Starbuck Stamp
•Respect: all generations want to feel respected in the



7. Deal, Jennifer J. Retiring the Generation Gap: How Employees Young & Old Can
Find Common Ground. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA 2007

MAXIMIZE YOUR amenities your space will offer. You can choose to be
PROFITABILITY in a stand-alone or multi-tenant building. You can
THROUGH determine the length of lease, concessions you ask for,
REAL ESTATE economic terms, business terms, etc. So if real estate
is your second highest expense behind payroll, and if
by Jeremy Burroughs / Carr Healthcare Realty there are so many options and choices to make when it
comes to your office space, how can you maximize the
LETS START WITH staff and payroll as well. opportunity?
SOME BASICS: These two items are not
only needed to have a To start, you need to understand how the game is
1. Unless you own a mobile practice, but are also the played. As a healthcare professional, the playing field
clinic, you will need an office two highest expenses for is not level. You are a healthcare professional who
space to see patients most practices. That being might engage in 2 to 6 commercial transactions in your
the case, only one of career; whereas most landlords and sellers negotiate
2. A practice’s office lease them is really negotiable. professionally for a living. You specialize in your field;
or mortgage is typically it’s You may decide to cut they specialize in their field. If the outcome was based
second-highest expense staff, but when it comes upon understanding medicine or providing a health
to payroll, you either related service, you would probably win.
3. In today’s economy, pay people what they However, the process and outcome are instead based
maximizing profitability is are valued at, or they go upon comprehensive real estate market knowledge,
not only a desire, but it’s also somewhere that will pay authoritative posturing, and negotiation expertise.
essential for most practices them. Winning requires having more options, understanding
the correct timing, posture and negotiation tactics
to stay in business Real estate however, is that landlords use, and in many cases, being able to
100% negotiable. You can withstand the stress and conflict that many landlords
Now let’s dig in further. If decide if you want to and sellers use to exploit unsophisticated tenants
you own a practice, you be in an office building, and buyers. Let’s focus on a few of these concepts.
most likely have an office. retail center or medical If you start the transaction at the wrong time, you
That office carries with it office building. You can lose leverage and posture. If you don’t know the
many expenses: the most decide if you lease or market, you are simply begging or bluffing. If you
obvious is the monthly own. You can determine can’t handle conflict, you will most likely receive
rent or mortgage. With the size, location, and even more pressure and stress from the landlord or
an office space also comes seller to make you uncomfortable and force you into
making a decision that you will regret. And even if
you could overcome all of these, without professional
representation you are going to be viewed as a
novice and are not going to receive the respect that is
necessary to achieve the most favorable terms available
to you.

Carr Healthcare Realty is the nation’s leading provider
of commercial real estate services for healthcare
tenants and buyers. Every year, thousands of medical,
dental, veterinary and other healthcare practices trust
Carr Healthcare Realty to achieve the most favorable
terms on their lease and purchase negotiations. Carr
Healthcare Realty’s team of experts assist with start-
ups, lease renewals, expansions, relocations, additional
purchases, and practice transitions. Healthcare
practices choose Carr to save them a substantial
amount of time and money; while ensuring their
interests are always first. Nearly all landlords and sellers

Volume 34 • Issue 1 | SPRING 2019 | 12

hire or consult with professional commercial real estate that money or gives their broker a double commission.
brokers to give them even more leverage so they can If you are looking to maximize profitability, start
win. Why? Because they understand what is really on by understanding how much is on the line with
the table when it comes to each negotiation. For them, your lease or mortgage. Then, make the choice to
if they give up unnecessary concessions or go lower on hire representation that is 100% free to you. Select
rates than they need to, it costs them tens to hundreds a commercial real estate broker that understands
of thousands of dollars of profit per lease. The reality healthcare, only works for you as the tenant or buyer,
is, those are the same items you are trying to maximize can help you find the most options, has the strongest
and capitalize on. game plan, and who can take and absorb the conflict
and confrontation that is inherent in every negotiation
Large national tenants and buyers understand this that involves a lot of money. In doing so you are
concept as well. If you polled fortune 500 companies, positioning yourself to win.
you would find they either hire professional
representation on every transaction, or they have The bottom line is there are tens to hundreds of
a team of in-house professionals who are trained thousands of dollars available to either be won or lost
and equipped to maximize the opportunity. They in every commercial real estate transaction; especially
understand the potential upside or downside involved with healthcare real estate. Your profitability affects
in every transaction, and they are committed to getting your patients, your staff , your family, and many others.
the best possible terms in every transaction. Most Maximize every commercial real estate opportunity
doctors and administrators don’t understand that by taking advantage of the best resources available
commissions in commercial real estate are typically to you. Winning on your next commercial real estate
paid the same as they are in residential real estate: by transaction can transform your practice!
the seller or landlord. This means representation does
not cost the practice more money. Fees are set aside Carr Healthcare Realty is the nation’s leading provider of commercial real estate
in advance and are either used to provide each party
with representation, or the landlord or seller keeps services for healthcare tenants and buyers. Every year, thousands of healthcare

practices trust Carr to achieve the most favorable terms on their lease and

purchase negotiations. Carr’s team of experts assist with start-ups, lease renewals,

expansions, relocations, additional offices, purchases, and practice transitions.

AVMA REPORT its members once again. This health insurance has been a core
benefit of AVMA membership for nearly 60 years before regulatory
As you read this AVMA report I would like to reflect on a few things changes forced an end to those plans in 2013. It will again be
regarding my tenure as the Alternate Delegate and subsequently available in several states beginning in July and hopefully in all
the Delegate for the Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association. states soon after that date.
My term will culminate after the summer AVMA meeting which
will be held in Washington DC in early August. I have certainly One focus of our meeting related to enhancing the use of
gained much insight and experience with the inner workings of veterinary technicians in our practices. This topic was discussed at
the American Veterinary Medical Association and the governing length, and the HOD approved a recommendation that the board
process by which this organization operates as it strives to serve of directors convene a working group to design a plan to improve
its membership throughout the United States and around the veterinary technician utilization. The subjects of telehealth as it
globe. My service in both capacities has been a great experience relates to VCPR and extra-label drug use, prescription mandate
and one that I would not trade for anything. The friendships and legislation, public service loan forgiveness programs, student debt,
associations I have made with colleagues across the United States veterinary nurse initiative, strengthening licensure requirements
will be treasured for my lifetime. I have enjoyed serving with Dr. and many other timely topics were addressed.
Ken Bartels and Dr. Rosemarie Strong, and I know Dr. Mike Jones,
the new Alternate Delegate, will do a great job in this capacity for I would encourage each of you to fully utilize the AVMA’s website
the OVMA. which is The website is undergoing a full redesign this
year helping us advance our digital experiences to meet the needs
The collective body of Delegates and Alternate Delegates from all and expectations of our members. The project is underway, and we
of the states as well as the allied organizations serves as a sounding anticipate launching the new website in late 2019.
board and a think tank for new ideas and concepts of how best to
serve the members of our changing profession. As you all know With the cost of doing business continuing to rise the AVMA House
the demographics of our profession have changed dramatically of Delegates at its January meeting approved a recommendation
and continued to change all of the years I served in the House of by the Board of Directors for a modest and responsible member
Delegates. There was an attempt a few years ago to do away with dues increase that would take effect in 2020. It is a three-year plan
the House of Delegates and narrow the governing body down to with a dues increase of $30 in 2020, and then if needed to cover
an Executive Director or CEO and 11 Directors from across the operational expenses there would be an additional $10 in 2021
United States. This idea was met with an alarming reaction from and up to $10 in 2022. This dues increase is necessary to preserve
the states and allied organizations represented in the House and the value of today’s and tomorrow’s programs and to ensure the
was overwhelmingly rejected. It is safe to say the governance of the AVMA’s ability to continue providing members with what they
AVMA will remain as it has been for many years to come. want and expect from their national association.

If anyone should have a question or would like to discuss any of
these topics, please contact myself or Rosemarie Strong.

The AVMA’s winter business meeting and Veterinary Leadership Charles R. Freeman, DVM
Conference was held recently in Chicago and enjoyed the largest Rosemarie Strong, DVM
ever attendance. Oklahoma has been proactive by sending
potential emerging new leaders to this leadership conference each
year. This practice must be continued as well as the tradition
of sending our newly elected leaders to allow them to gain a
broader view of how our AVMA works. Our new leaders also
have the opportunity to visualize how other state VMA’s and
allied organizations conduct business to benefit their respective

I will give you a brief overview of topics and actions taken by the
House of Delegates in the recently completed business meeting and
leadership conference. The AVMA continues to enjoy membership
growth and this year at the close of 2018 we had a record
membership of 93,438 members. I look for this to continue to rise
as our association is going to provide health insurance to

From a interject our ideas about bills that affect our profession.
Legislator’s I understand reading the bills seems like you should
Perspective be calling an attorney, but I want to offer suggestions
when reading bills. When you look at a bill, if the
by Lee Denney, DVM paragraph starts with the words amendatory, then look
for strikeouts of what the author wants to delete, and
As we are heading toward Spring, the Oklahoma then look for underlines of what the author wants to
Legislative is in full swing working on their 16-week add. Everything else is already in law. If a paragraph
schedule. I think most of us feel like the legislature is starts with the words, new law, then everything is new
difficult to establish a communication channel. Before language and must be considered. Always look for the
I served in the House, I would have agreed with you. I mays and shalls as language that indicates the strength
always felt I was working in our clinic doing what I was of the statement.
expected to do, and I expected the individuals who I also like to stress the importance of having a personal
were elected, do what we elected them to do. After relationship with your own House member and
spending 12 years in the House, I now know it is very Senator. You can become their resource on animal
important we have relationships and can communicate health issues, and they will know the importance of
with our individual House members and Senate veterinary medicine to the state of Oklahoma. Do not
members. be afraid to contact your legislative members. They
First, let me outline the schedule of the 16-week want to hear from you. The OVMA has contracted with
session. The first six weeks, House bills are moved two lobbyists to help us navigate the legislative process.
through the committee process and then brought to They are both very well respected and offer us a wealth
the full House floor for a vote. Only the bills that pass of information and ways we can engage.
the House floor move on to the Senate. This same I hope all OVMA members will consider attending the
schedule occurs in the Senate. The second six weeks OVMA Legislative Day on April 25, 2019. It’s a great
involves all measures that pass off the floors to switch time to network with legislators and colleagues.
chambers. House bills move to the Senate and vice
versa. Then the process repeats itself. Bills go through Come Join Us!
the committee process first and then to the floor. The
last four weeks of the session involve finishing up loose 2019 OVMA Legislative Day
ends on bills that have made it through the entire
process. As bills finish the entire process, they are April 25, 2019
sent to the governor for signature. This is simplistic Oklahoma State Capitol
but gives you an idea of where we as professionals can
8:30am- 12pm
Room 511A


How Can I Make What is the oversight of the DVM PAC?
A Difference in
Veterinary Medicine -With guidance from the OVMA lobbyists, Clayton
Taylor and Jerrod Shouse, the OVMA Legislative
Advocacy Committee is responsible for the distribution
of funds collected by the PAC.

I gave to the DVM PAC once, isn’t that

What is a PAC? -The DVM PAC survives on contributions from our
generous members. PAC donations of any size are
-A political action committee is an organization created appreciated, but the more funds donated, the stronger
to raise and spend contributions from its members. the PAC, and the more influence the DVM PAC will
Those contributions are donated to campaigns, ballots, have at the state capitol.
or legislation the committee supports or opposes. Any
contributions made to a PAC are voluntary. Where does my money go?

Why did the OVMA create the DVM -Contributions are deposited into a DVM PAC account
PAC and are dispersed based on the recommendations
of the OVMA lobbyists with the approval of the
-Many associations create PACs, even the American Legislative Advocacy Committee members. The DVM
Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has a PAC. It is PAC is nonpartisan and gives to legislators who sit
a useful tool to increase engagement with members of on committees that influence our issues, have been
Congress or state legislators. supporters of the veterinary profession, or have a
willingness to understand the issues and opportunities
-The OVMA created the DVM PAC to make of the veterinary profession in Oklahoma. Candidates
contributions towards policies and candidates in that accept money from the DVM PAC must deposit
Oklahoma who support veterinary medicine. the funds into their campaign account. These accounts
are regulated by the Oklahoma Ethics Commission
-The DVM PAC supports candidates for election to to ensure contributions are collected, dispersed, and
elective state and local offices by collecting money spent in line with set regulations.
from DVM PAC members and contributing that money
to the political campaigns of such candidates. Are there limits on contributions?

What does the DVM PAC do? -Individuals are limited to a $5,000 per calendar year
-The DVM PAC is used to promote the unique value
veterinarians provide in animal healthcare and public Are contributions tax deductible?
health. PACs do not “buy votes” but contributions are
effective tools in allowing access to educate legislators -Contributions to the DVM PAC are not tax deductible.
and their staff about the OVMA and the issues
important to veterinary medicine in Oklahoma. Is there a difference in corporate and
personal contributions?
Who does the DVM PAC support?
-Yes, according to the rules of the Oklahoma Ethics
-The DVM PAC is a voluntary, unincorporated Commission no corporation or labor union may
organization of individual veterinarians and others, make a contribution to a PAC (Rule 2.23) Corporate
which shall be independent of any political party, contributions are checks or credit cards on a business
candidate, or other organization, except that it shall account (LLC, PC, or Inc.). Personal contributions
be affiliated with the Oklahoma Veterinary Medical are checks or credit cards from personal account.
Association Any corporate contributions can be used for the
administration expenses of the DVM PAC, but cannot
be used for contributions to candidate committees.


2019 Legislative felony if he or she removes any permanent mark, including
Bills To Monitor metal ear tags official identification, from an animal with a
reportable disease or those classified as diseased in a herd
The 2019 Oklahoma Legislative Session being depopulated, without prior authorization from the State
began on Monday, February 4th. The Veterinarian.
OVMA Legislative team consisting of
the Legislative Advocacy Committee SB 543 (Pederson): Feral Swine Definition
and OVMA Lobbyists monitors any
changes to bills and advises the board Summary: This new legislation would amend the definition
accordingly. of “feral swine” to mean any domestic or wild animal of
the species Sus scrofa with Eurasian boar or heritage breed
Here are several of the bills OVMA will ancestry, or any Sus scrofa that are running at large, free
be monitoring this session: roaming, or wild upon public or private lands, or have been
captured, hunted, pursued, maintained, utilized, or released
ANIMAL WELFARE for any sporting purposes.
SB 950 (Leewright) & HB 2149 (Pfeiffer): Pet Store Licensing

Summary: Creates the Pet Store Licensing Act to be HB 2368 (Kannady): Recreates the Oklahoma Commission
administered by the State Board of Agriculture; and prohibits on Opioid Abuse
a pet store from selling a dog unless the dog was obtained
from one of the following sources: an animal rescue for dogs, Summary: Provides for the re-creation of the Commission on
an animal shelter, a dog wholesaler, and a qualified breeder. Opioid Abuse, to exist until July 1, 2023.
HB 1146 (Bell): Cruelty to Animals
Summary: Adds domestic abuse, violation of an ex parte or HB 2612 (Echols): Oklahoma Medical Marijuana and Patient
final protective order, and cruelty to animals to the list of Protection Act
violent crimes.
HB 2008 (Mize): Working Animals Summary: Creates the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana and
Summary: Provides protection for the right to utilize working Patient Protection Act, which provides for oversight and
animals. regulation of the medical marijuana industry, to be overseen
HB 2080 (Dollens): Pets Not to be Used as Awards or Prizes by a Medical Marijuana Authority within the Dept. of Health.
Summary: Makes the award and advertisement of an award
for a pet unlawful in any lottery, sweepstakes, drawing, or SB 863 (Allen): Industrial Hemp Production Act
other contest.
Summary: The bill relating to industrial hemp would require
HB 2172 (Pfeiffer): Ear Tags on Diseased Livestock the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry
Summary: This new legislation would charge a person with a to develop a plan to regulate and license industrial hemp
production. The Department shall submit the plan to the U.S.
Secretary of Agriculture for approval. Submission of the plan
shall occur no later than Jan. 1, 2020. If disapproved, then
the Department shall consult with the Office of the Attorney
General and the Office of the Governor and submit a revised
plan. The revised plan shall be submitted within 90 days of
receipt of the notice of disapproval.

Definitions include:

Administer means the direct application of a controlled
dangerous substance, whether by injection, inhalation,
ingestion or any other means, to the body of a patient, animal
or research subject by: a practitioner (or, in the presence of
the practitioner, by the authorized agent of the practitioner),
or the patient or research subject at the direction and in the


presence of the practitioner. requirements that the applicant be of good moral character or
have not been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude.
Practitioner means: a veterinarian; an allopathic or Specific licensure requirement sections allow for denial of
osteopathic physician; a dentist, a podiatrist, an optometrist, licensure only for a conviction of a crime that substantially
a physician assistant under the supervision of a licensed relates to the practice of that occupation and poses a
physician, a scientific investigator, or any other person, reasonable threat to public safety
licensed, registered or otherwise permitted to prescribe,
distribute, dispense, conduct research with respect to, use SB 661 (Pugh): Occupational Licensing Exemptions for
for scientific purposes or administer a controlled dangerous Military
substance in the course of professional practice or research
in this state, or a pharmacy, hospital, laboratory or other Summary: Relates to occupational licensing by exempting
institution licensed, registered or otherwise permitted to members of the armed forces and their spouses from
distribute, dispense, conduct research with respect to, use licensing requirements to practice in Oklahoma, provided
for scientific purposes or administer a controlled dangerous they are licensed and in good standing by any other state or
substance in the course of professional practice or research in jurisdiction.
this state.
SB 666 (Pugh): Reciprocal Licensing for Military & Spouses
Summary: Provides for the automatic reciprocal licensing of
SB 101 (Bergstrom): Occupational Licensing 10+ years after a military persons and their spouses who are licensed and in
crime good standing in another state upon entry into Oklahoma.

Summary: This new legislation would require all state SB 651 (Dahm): Comprehensive review of all occupational
entities, charged with oversight of occupational licenses, regulations
to establish procedures by which individuals who were
convicted of a felony or misdemeanor offense and thereby Summary: This new legislation would require all occupational
lost an occupational license may appeal or apply to have such regulations be limited to those demonstrably necessary and
license reinstated in the event such conviction is subsequently carefully tailored to fulfill legitimate public health, safety,
reclassified or decriminalized by the Legislature or by the vote or welfare objectives; and require every agency to conduct
of the people. a comprehensive review of all occupational regulations and
occupational licenses within their jurisdictions within 1 year
following enactment.

HB 1373 (Taylor): Occupational Licensing requirements SB 387 (Floyd)
related to criminal history
Summary: This new legislation would allow a licensed
Summary: The Proposed Committee Substitute requires a chiropractic physician to provide chiropractic treatment to
state entity charged with oversight of occupational licensure an animal, without being certified in animal chiropractic
to explicitly list the specific criminal records that would treatment by the Board of Chiropractic Examiners, if an
disqualify an applicant. animal has been referred by a licensed veterinarian in writing.

Those criminal records must be directly related to the duties SB270 (Daniels)
and responsibilities of the occupation. Disqualification for
a criminal conviction may last for a period no longer than 5 Summary: Authorizes the Governor, Pro Tempore, and
years, as long as the crime is not violent or sexual in nature Speaker to remove their respective appointees on any agency,
and there have been no convictions within that 5-year period. board or commission at any time if such a removal does not
The measure allows an individual with a criminal record otherwise conflict with state law.
to petition the licensing authority for a determination of
whether that criminal record would disqualify the individual.
An individual may petition a licensing authority to determine
whether their criminal record will disqualify them from
receiving a license. The bill further eliminates many licensure


EMPLOYMENT ISSUES member of the bona fide association.

SB 102 (Young): Minimum Wage Increase “Bona fide association health plan” means a health benefit
plan that:
Summary: Provides for a state minimum wage rate of
$10.50 per hour, or the current federal minimum wage rate, -Is sponsored by a bona fide association as defined in Section
whichever is greater. 6512 of this title;
-Is delivered or issued for delivery to a bona
fide association in a form that meets the requirements of
SB 788 (Hicks): Minimum Wage Increase Section 4502 of this title; and

Summary: Increases the Oklahoma minimum wage rate over Satisfies all of the following:
a period of time, starting at $8.25/hour, up to $10/hour.

HB 1053 (McEntire) -The initial premium rate for small employers in the bona
fide association health plan shall be subject to the restrictions
With an effective date of Nov. 1, 2019, would amend statute regarding premium rates contained in Section 6515 of this
relating to the Small Employer Health Insurance Reform Act title;
and modify definitions and application of act.
-The association shall not discriminate in membership
Summary: The Small Employer Health Insurance Reform requirements based on actual or expected health status of
Act shall apply to any group health benefit plan that provides individual enrollees or prospective enrollees;
coverage to at least 1 eligible employee of a small employer
in this state and to individual health benefits plans providing -Small employer groups that have at least one 1 eligible
coverage for the eligible employees of a small employer which employee and that meet the membership requirements for
may include the employer when 3 or more of such individual the association are not excluded from the association health
plans are sold to a small employer if any of the following plan, and
conditions are met:
-Except as provided in paragraph 2 of this subsection, the
-Any portion of the premium or benefits is paid by or on association health plan maintains an eighty percent (80%)
behalf of the small employer; retention rate.

-An eligible employee or dependent is reimbursed, whether -Topics of future considerations include the Veterinary Nurse
through wage adjustments or otherwise, by or on behalf of the Initiative, Cannabis and Telehealth.
small employer for any portion of the premium; or Let the OVMA know your thoughts and what direction you
would like the OVMA to take on these issues.
-The health benefit plan is treated by the employer or any
of the eligible employees or dependents as part of a plan or Make a Donation Today!
program for the purposes of Section 162 or Section 106 of the -Let your Voice Be Heard-
United States Internal Revenue Code Ways to Donate:

“Bona fide association” means an association that:

-Has been formed and maintained in good faith for purposes
other than obtaining insurance;

-Does not condition membership in the association on Mail a check to DVM PAC
any health-status related factor relating to any individual PO Box 14521 OKC, OK 731154
including an employee of an employer or a dependent of an
individual; Call the OVMA Office
-Makes health insurance coverage offered through the
bona fide association available to all members regardless of Online Donation:
any health status related factor relating to the members or
individuals eligible for coverage through the member; and

-Does not make health insurance offered through the bona
fide association available other than in connection with a



YEAR 2019 OF THE YEAR 2019 THE YEAR 2019

Dr. Charles Freeman Dr. Jessica Carter-Arnold Dr. Jennifer Schoonover


Maverick Squires, AHI Dr. Kristy Bradley Dr. Steven Hart


Lisa Clark, RVT Krystal Kinard, RVT Dr. Wendy Bray

AWARD 2019
Dr. Kelly Cooper 2019
Hope Cox & Dr. John Otto
Mavis Pearl & Dr. Jenn Patton

Volume 34 • Issue 1 | SPRING 2019 | 20

POWER OF 10 JumpStart® antimicrobial surgical dressings generate microcurrents
to reduce the risk of infection and support healing.1,2
2018 Power of Ten Recipients • Powered by Advanced Microcurrent Technology™*, an embedded
matrix of moisture-activated islands designed to mimic physiologic
• Dr. Jennifer Jaycox currents creates an optimal environment for wound healing
• Dr. Andrea Monismith
• Dr. Jennifer Anderson • JumpStart dressings kill a broad spectrum of harmful
• Dr. Britani Quijano pathogens including multidrug-resistant
• Dr. Cyrena Hull and biofilm-forming bacteria1,3,4
• Dr. Devyn Weichel
• Dr. Bridget Wagnon Proprietary islands of silver and
• Dr. Diana Gettysbourke zinc form microcell batteries that
• Dr. Melissa Gillock
generate microcurrents
• Dr. Amy Canida- Facilitator
Available in a variety
This seven session program is an in-depth leadership of shapes, sizes,
opportunity that provides 20 hours of continuing and configurations
education credit at no cost to the participant. The specific for
program is designed for veterinarians who have been orthopedic and
in practice 10 years or less since graduation and are sports medicine
OVMA members. applications


1. Kim H, Makin I, Skiba J, et al. Antibacterial efficacy testing of a bioelectric wound dressing against clinical wound © 2018 Arthrex, Inc. All rights reserved. VAD1-00240-EN_B
pathogens. Open Microbiol J. 2014;8:15-21. doi:10.2174/1874285801408010015.

2. Banerjee J, Das Ghatak P, Roy S, et al. Improvement of human keratinocyte migration by a redox active bioelectric
dressing. PLoS One. 2014;9(3):e89239. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089239.

3. Kim H, Izadjoo MJ. Antibiofilm efficacy evaluation of a bioelectric dressing in mono- and multi-
species biofilms. J Wound Care. 2015;24(Suppl 2):S10-S14.. doi:10.12968/jowc.2015.24.Sup2.S10.

4. Banerjee J, Das Ghatak P, Roy S, et al. Silver-zinc redox-coupled electroceutical wound dressing disrupts bacterial
biofilm. PLoS One. 2015;10(3):e0119531. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0119531.

*Advanced Microcurrent Technology is a trademark of Vomaris Innovations, Inc.


The skills DVM’s will learn by participating in the Power of 10 are:

Leadership skills for use in your practice
Increase your level of communication by increasing your emotional intelligence
Identify various communication styles and learn how to communicate with all styles
Improvements in both your personal and professional business acumen
A vision of the leader you can be and what it takes to become that leader
How and why you should be involved in organized veterinary medicine

Establish professional relationships in a supportive environment

Consider being a part of 2019 Power of 10 by contacting the OVMA office!

Thank you to our 2018 Power of 10 Sponsors

Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Bayer Animal Health, Nations Advisors, CARR Realty, Banfield & Oklahoma Vet Board


Send news and advertising to: who loves working with animals and fully equipped surgical site, experienced
their owners. Position is at Danforth and dedicated staff and supportive
OVMA Animal Hospital in Edmond. Position doctors! Employment package includes
P.O. Box 14521 requires handling multiple phone lines, competitive salary, paid vacation, health
Oklahoma City, OK 73113 basic computer skills, greeting clients and dental insurance, CE reimbursement
and their pets, and handling payments and a 4 day work week for a full time
Phone: (405) 478-1002 Applications available on our website: veterinarian. Mentoring available for new
Fax: (405) 478-7193, applicants grads and NO EMERGENCY CALLS.
Email: [email protected] can also be filled out in person at 800 E Email resumes to: rogersaveanimal@
Danforth Rd., Edmond, OK 73034.
Advertising rates available upon request. Resumes and applications can be
Deadlines for submitting materials: [email protected]/405-340-1020 NEEDED

Spring Issue....................February 1 VETERINARIAN NEEDED Veterinarian needed in a busy small
Summer Issue.................May 1 animal exclusive practice in Duncan, OK.
Fall Issue.........................August 1 Seeking veterinarians interested in a New graduates are welcome. Hospital is
Winter Issue...................November 1 flexible schedule! Our small animal well equipped and support team is caring,
practice in northern OKC is in search fun, and very experienced. Salary based
VETERINARIAN NEEDED of a relief or part-time veterinarians. on experience and includes licensing,
Take advantage of work/life balance, dues, and CE stipend.
Seeking the fourth veterinarian to join competitive pay, benefits, discounts, and Contact Michael Hudson, DVM at
our fast-paced, Edmond based small more! Amy Canida, DVM Duncan Veterinary Hospital
animal practice! If you’re enthusiastic 360-784-7471/[email protected] 580-255-0830 or hudsondvm@yahoo.
about preventive care and relationship com.
building with clients, Banfield is the place ER VETERINARIANS WANTED
for you. Take advantage of competitive RVT NEEDED
pay, benefits, student debt relief, CE, and BluePearl Oklahoma is seeking ER relief
more! Amy Canida, DVM doctors. Excellent nursing staff and a Well estrablished South OKC clinic
360-784-7471/[email protected] multitude of specialists will support seeling a RVT to come be a part of our
you. We have surgeons on call 24/7 for team. Our clinic has 3 veterinarians and
PRACTICE FOR SALE emergency surgeries. Day, swing and an expereinced staff located in a busy
overnight shifts available. area. Please call and ask to speak with the
Predominantly small animal practice, BluePearl is an Equal Opportunity Practice Manager: Jackie Taylor/ 405-691-
located in Cleveland, Oklahoma. 1/2 Employer. For details, visit: 5245
way between Tulsa and Stillwater. More Penn South Pet Clinic
large animal if desired. Owner is ready to areas/
retire. Contact: Dr. Alan Potter Contact: Blue Pearl OKC/ 405-749-6989 RVT NEEDED
VETERINARIAN NEEDED Busy small animal practice in north
VETERINARIAN WANTED Edmond is looking for a full time (would
Full-time or part-time associate needed consider PT) technician. Surgery and
Large animal practice seeking an for progressive, well established small anesthesia experience helpful. AVIMARK
associate veterinarian in a well established animal practice in Fort Smith, AR and computer, IDEXX lab and iurine, FUGI
clinic in southwest Missouri (est. Sallisaw, OK. Ideal candidate would hold CR. Salary based on expereince, dues
1974). We have excellent indoor cattle licenses in both AR & OK, the ability 100% health for FT, Cont. Ed. Allowance.
working facilities with a hydraulic chute, to handle a diverse caseload, possess Contact: Jennifer Bianchi, DVM
hydraulic foot table and ambulatory excellent communication skills, and White Oaks Veterinary Clinic
services. Please email or send resumes to: work well with others. Our clinic boasts 405-330-0676
[email protected]/ digital radiography, IDEX in-house [email protected]
417-326-2992 laboratory, high speed dental equipment,


Looking for friendly, outgoing individual

Volume 34 • Issue 1 | SPRING 2019 | 22


certified, well-equipped, full service
Mixed animal practice in Comanche, Would you like to practice high-quality, companion animal practice in NW
OK seeking an Associate Veterinarian small animal medicine, yet establish and Oklahoma City. Benefits include
to join our team. New graduates are raise your family in a small community license fees, membership dues, CE and
welcome. Practice owner is wanting to at the foot of the Arbuckle Mountains of insurance allowance and 401k.
retire, so there is a great opportunity southern Oklahoma? Our community Salary commensurate with experience.
to work towards practice ownership. (area) is blessed with friendly people, Please e-mail resume to crestwoodvets@
We have been in business for 43 years great hunting, fishing and camping and
and have a well-established client base, our practice is a very well-equipped
with room to expand to utilize special hospital with a great staff and a clientele VETERINARIAN NEEDED
interests. Facilities include two large that appreciates the services we
animal barns, both with hydraulic provide! The income is good(six figures We are looking for a full-time
chutes, several treatment/holding pens potentially, depending on experience) veterinarian. We’re a mixed animal
and horse stocks. We feature digital and the work schedule is great. Feel practice that’s equipped to care for dogs,
x-ray, a laser therapy unit, in house free to look us up on Facebook. Very cats, horses, farm animals, and exotics.
blood analysis, large small animal motivated to add an associate with We’re fully equipped to offer mobile
kennels and boarding facility, large potential to purchase in the future! Call services and emergency care. We offer
surgical suite, small animal suite, wet today and ask for Dr. John Collins or a competitive salary and benefits. Call
table, dental unit and a willing and Danielle Pack RVT/Practice Manager. 405-547-8381 and ask for Brittany. We
supportive staff with good rapport with 580-622-3133 look forward to meeting you!
our clients. Benchmark Animal Hospital.
Contact person: John Rector, DVM VETERINARIAN NEEDED 1701 W 116th St. Perkins, OK 74059
Address: P.O. Box 220, Comanche, OK
73529/Phone: 833-439-8884 Associate veterinarian needed at equine PART TIME VETERINARIAN NEEDED
Email: [email protected] or practice in central OK. Practice is
[email protected] 50% reproduction/embryo transfer/ Avalon Veterinary Hospital is seeking a
neonatal, 50% general practice. Benefits part-time veterinarian! We are a small-
VETERINARIAN NEEDED include license, dues, health and liability animal hospital in Broken Arrow; Dr.
insurance and CE allowance. Pay based Jennifer Morley is our full-time DVM.
Located in Lindsay, Oklahoma, on experience. All levels of experience OUR TECHNICIANS ARE AMAZING!!!
Grassland Veterinary Service is a high encouraged to apply. Send resume to We are willing to consider new grads.
volume mixed animal practice now [email protected] This position is part-time/relief, but we
seeking a third veterinarian. Our clinic Dr. Joe Noble/405-550-3798 would consider this turning into full-
offers a wide array of options including time for the right candidate!
digital radiography, two ultrasound VETERINARIAN NEEDED Phone: 918.258.9569
machines, a dental unit, an in-house
Abaxis lab, large and small animal Seeking experienced or newly graduated VETERINARIAN NEEDED
surgical capabilities, a cattle barn (with veterinarian for growing small animal
a hydraulic squeeze chute and an OB practice in SE Tulsa. Please apply to We are looking for a full-time
chute), and a separate horse barn (with [email protected] or come tour Tulsa associate veterinarian to join our 2
two stocks and two stalls). We also offer General Veterinary Hospital. doctor team here at Oakridge Animal
competitive pay/401K, health insurance, Located at 7910 S. 107th East Ave. Tulsa, Center in Lawton, OK. We are open
and emergency compensation. All OK 74133 to new graduates or an experienced
levels of experience considered and Contact: Dr. Gregory Prisinzano veterinarian. We are a small animal
new graduates are encouraged to apply. 918-806-1111 practice only, located in Southwest
Please email resumes to grasslandvet@ Oklahoma. The hospital offers in or call (405) 756-4448. VETERINARIAN NEEDED house Idexx Laboratory, digital radio

Crestwood Animal Hospital has a
position available for a full time

Volume 34 • Issue 1 | SPRING 2019 | 23


graphs, companion laser therapy unit, Great salary and employment benefits. for expanded in-house laboratory
companion regenerative therapy unit, Adam Dobbels, DVM 405-743-7906/ facility and outside lab, K- laser therapy,
dental and cautery unit. [email protected] surgery suite, dental machines and
Contact Dr. Robert Bower/ 580-695-7179 Kim Sossamon 405-732-0043/ digital dental radiography, anesthetic
[email protected] monitors in surgery and over both
ASSOCIATE VETERINARIAN scrub sinks, IV pumps, and warming
ASSOCIATE VETERINARIAN NEEDED units. 5000 sq. ft. facility with feline
We are looking for a full time associate only examination room, wellness puppy
to join our established, high tech, Bartlesville Animal Hospital is seeking room, large dog room, isolation room
mixed animal practice (80% small, 20% an energetic Associate Veterinarian to with table - stocked for the critical
equine). Our 2 1/2 doctor hospital is join and enhance our team. Signing patient, see-through hospitalization/
seeking a third veterinarian for our fully bonus and relocation package available. surgery ward, courtyard and additional
equipped facility. Our new associate will Our paramount goal is to continually building for kennels. Excellent
be exposed to in-depth, small animal provide outstanding patient care; compensation and benefits package.
internal medicine and surgery utilizing practice exemplary veterinary Submit resumes to [email protected].
the most modern equipment. Our medicine and guarantee courteous
equine practice is diversified including customer service. About our Hospital- ASSOCIATE VETERINARIAN NEEDED
internal medicine, lameness exams, Established in 1980/Loyal & Diverse
radiology and soft tissue surgery. We Cliental/Dedicated Surgical Suite/ Associate Veterinarian needed in well
look forward to providing mentorship Three Dedicated Exam Rooms/General established, family-oriented practice
and support to this veterinarian in Treatment Area/In House Pharmacy/ in Tahlequah/Lake Tenkiller Area. Our
all of our daily cases, including after In House Lab/Paperless Records/Digital mission is to communicate with clients
hour calls. Salary based on experience. Radiographs/Laser Therapy/Large as we care for their companion animals.
Generous benefit package for health and Boarding Facility open to the public. Potential to expand into large animal
liability insurance, CE, and Licensing. mobile practice. Great opportunity for
Please contact Joe Cannon, DVM/817- PRACTICE FOR SALE new graduate, Mentorship available.
371-2605/ email: [email protected] Please contact Dr. Horn @918-931-2778
Turn key mixed animal practice for or [email protected].
VETERINARIAN NEEDED sale in north Central OK. Solo practice,
predominantly small animal. Facility
Veterinarian wanted, full or part time. includes 1800 Sq. Ft. building, 2700
Fast growing 2 doctor practice in NW Sq. Ft. covered large animal area with
OKC looking to add 3rd associate. hydraulic chute and low stress pens.
Digital Radiography, in-house labs, Equipment includes Idexx blood
new renovations, recent equipment analyzer, CR Digital X- Ray, Engler
upgrades. Offering competitive salary, dental scaler, USSI cages, Vetland gas
CE, dues, health insurance, and licenses. machine, and DVM Software. Priced for
Great staff and fun environment. quick sale. For details call Dr. O’Mealey
Email Dr. Mark Reser at reserdvm@ at 405-880-4061


Small animal practitioner desired for Grandview Veterinary Clinic in
growing practice in Midwest City, Odessa, TX is seeking an Associate
OK. We have a large facility with Veterinarian to join our team ($20,000
an excellent support staff and a fun Sign-on Bonus). GVC continues to
working environment. Our in house be a progressive practice that invites
Idexx lab equipment/digital radiology practitioners who want to advance their
link directly with our software program. quality of medicine. DR radiography,
ultrasound, and telemedicine available

Volume 34 • Issue 1 | SPRING 2019 | 24

legacyCREATE A



The first $100,000 gifted towards the permanent endowment will be matched dollar for dollar by an anonymous OYE donor.
These funds will, yet again, be matched dollar for dollar by Mr. Bob Funk’s ONWARD Campaign, totaling $400,000.
Upon full funding of the endowment, four $5000 scholarships will be awarded annually.



– A high school senior 4-H or FFA member must participate in – $2500 will be distributed once the student is accepted to
OYE by showing an animal or competing in an OYE contest, Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Health Sciences.
such as the Skillathon. The remaining $2500 will be distributed upon completion of the

– Student must attend an Oklahoma university for undergrad and student’s first year of veterinary school.
must be accepted to OSU College of Veterinary Health Sciences.

Endowment will be managed by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation. All gifts are tax deductible.

Name State Zip Code
Business (Optional)
Mailing Address
Phone Number
Email Address
Amount Donated

Make checks out to: Mail checks to:
Oklahoma Youth Expo Oklahoma Youth Expo
Memo: Onward Endowment – Vet
500 NW 30th St
Oklahoma Youth Expo Oklahoma City, OK 73118
405.235.0404 Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association

[email protected]


Dr. Elizabeth Calabria OKL ‘08 Dr. ELizabeth Calabria
TEX’88 (918) 504-6692 TEX ‘88
(580) 326-4573 [email protected] SA/Mixed
[email protected] Dr. Heather Cobb (580) 326-4573
Dr. Sherry Craycraft OKL ‘85 [email protected]
OKL’ 08 SA Dr. Charles Clinkenbeard
SA Mixed (405) 265-1866 KSU ‘64
(405) 334-1834 [email protected] Mixed
[email protected] Dr. Andy Cooper (918) 333-5848
Dr. Shanna Eddings A&M ‘91 [email protected]
OKL ‘03 SA Dr. Carolyn Fairless
SA ER/SA/Limited Mixed (575) 631-8764 TEX ‘89
(580) 927-0094 [email protected] (918) 625-5200
[email protected] Dr. Bridget Duroche Dr. Peiman Milani
Dr. Stephanie Elliott AUB ‘04 Urmia ‘00
SA (503) 891-3171 (918) 720-8272
(405) 614-0575 [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] Dr. Dorrie Parrott Dr. Camille Sieger
Dr. Jimmy Fuchs OKL’ 94 OKL ‘09
SA/Mixed (405) 831-1444 (405) 721-7090
(580) 243-7426 [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] Dr. Stacey Riffel Dr. Carolynne Cash
Dr. Sarah McGee OKL ‘97 OKL ‘96
ER/SA/Mixed (405) 330-8930 (918) 261-6963
(918) 448-1680 [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] Dr. Camille Sieger
OKL ‘09
Dr. Joanna Brackett SA
OKL ‘15 (405) 721-7090
SA/Mixed [email protected]
(918) 938-3184 Dr. Tami Spivey
[email protected] OKL ‘96
OKLAHOMA CITY AREA (405) 642-3529
Dr. Jacob Boyer [email protected]
OKL ‘05 Dr. Mary Kay Webster
SA OKL ‘02
(405) 255-8506 SA
[email protected] (405) 923-6806
Dr. Elizabeth Calabria [email protected]
TEX ‘88 Dr. Jerilyn Wright
SA/Mixed OKL ‘92
(580) 326-4573 SA
[email protected] (806) 435-8451
[email protected]

Volume 34 • Issue 1 | SPRING 2019 | 26

Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association
P.O. Box 14521
Oklahoma City, OK 73113

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expire in the next ONLY TENANTS AND BUYERS.™
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If so, allow our team of expert brokers to Jeremy Burroughs
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