THE ADVENTURE OF HERMIT KNIGHT, by ANGKI In a world gripped by an everlasting winter, a legendary figure emerged, known as the Hermit Knight. Donned in formidable armor, this solitary knight embarked on a quest to banish the lingering void that haunted him for years. As the haunting melodies of "Memories of Winter Fires" resounded through the air, the first illustration unveiled a half-body image of the Hermit Knight. Standing alone, he embodied the essence of solitude in a vast and unforgiving world. Despite his modest stature, he emanated strength and determination, carefully concealing his vulnerabilities behind his weighty armor. The next illustration captured the Hermit Knight, sword aloft in his right hand and shield firmly clutched in his left. He stood poised and ready for the adventures that awaited him, exuding an aura of unyielding fortitude. Yet beneath this facade of strength, he shielded his own fragilities, striving to project an unwavering image of resilience. As the melody shifted to "The Great Frost," it set the stage for the Hermit Knight's perilous journey through treacherous forests. The following illustration depicted him venturing through dense woods, sword resting upon his right shoulder and shield held high. Each step tested his physical and mental mettle, as he encountered numerous obstacles along the way. Doubts crept into his
THE ADVENTURE OF HERMIT KNIGHT, by ANGKI mind, questioning his destiny, but a resolute inner voice urged him onward: "Meaning may hold little significance, yet I shall persist and embrace life." Amidst the arduous journey, the Hermit Knight occasionally found solace in moments of respite. A scene unfolded beneath a towering tree near a serene river. Seated with his sword firmly planted in the ground, he savored the breathtaking beauty of his surroundings. However, even within these tranquil moments, his troubled thoughts persisted, haunting his mind and reminding him of his own vulnerabilities. The Hermit Knight's indomitable prowess was depicted in the subsequent illustration, where he triumphed over a fearsome monster. Having conquered countless challenges, both external and internal, he stood as a testament to his resilience. In truth, his greatest triumph lay in conquering his own ego and discovering inner peace, forever in harmony with his own thoughts. The final illustration portrayed the Hermit Knight, fixated on a minuscule ant. In that quiet moment of reflection, the profound truth unfolded. Despite all his accomplishments, the Hermit Knight remained a small, solitary figure within the vast tapestry of existence. Nevertheless, he resolved to persevere, embracing life's challenges with unwavering determination. The tale of the Hermit Knight, dedicated to all who endure and refuse to surrender, stands as a testament to the power of resilience and the enduring human spirit. For it is in the face of adversity that their presence shines brightest, illuminating the path to a brighter future.