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Published by Stephan Du Plessis, 2019-06-07 01:46:35

PrintScope Kiosk Operator Guide

PrintScope Kiosk Operator Guide


Kiosk Operator GuideĀ 

PrintScope Kiosk Operator Guide


Welcome to the PrintScope Operator Guide.
PrintScope provides insights on the behaviour, and records print usage, of users as they go about using the
printing environment. It is the primary data processing, storage and viewing software module to which all other
software and hardware services and clients connect and pass information to. PrintScope makes use of
authentication and authorisation functionality for users to identify themselves to the system, when they want to
copy, print, scan or fax. This kiosk operator guide will explain the different functions of PrintScope, and provide
step-by-step instructions to perform various tasks, in your role as Kiosk Operator.

Table of Contents

Logging in
Understanding the Dashboard

Logging In

Before you can start using PrintScope, you'll first need to login.

Step 1
First, click on the PrintScope shortcut located on your

Step 2
The following login screen will be opened in your web
Now, enter the Username and Password provided by
your administrator.

Step 3
Finally, click on the "Login" button to log in.

Understanding The Dashboard

The home screen of PrintScope is the Dashboard.

In your role as PrintScope Kiosk Operator, you will be responsible for monitoring and managing jobs and users in
the environment. The Dashboard gives you an overview of the environment in various sub-categories, and
displays this information via widgets (small programs running within the PrintScope application), that can be
customised to some extent. You can change the order in which the information is displayed, by simply clicking
and dragging a widget to where you want it to be. By default your dashboard will display the following widgets,
start top-left: Performance Chart, Current Jobs and History. Let's look at these in more detail.

Performance Chart
This widget displays a real-time chart of the printing
activity, showing colour prints, black-and-white prints
and the ratio between the two.

Click on the refresh icon to update the information

You can also change the range of the information
displayed from the last day, right up to 6 months, by
clicking the down-arrow next to the drop-down box and
making a selection.

Current Jobs
This widgets displays a list of all the jobs sent for
printing that still needs to print. It lists the name of the
document, its size, as well as the date and time you
sent it to print.

To update the information displayed, click on the
refresh icon.

To change the sort order (default sorting order is
highest to lowest), click on the sorting arrow.

This widget displays a history of all the jobs that have
recently printed. It lists the user, name of the
document, its size, as well as the date and time it was

To update printing history, click on the refresh icon.

To change the sort order (default sorting order is
newest to oldest), click on the sorting arrow.


The Jobs screen provides detailed information on all printing activities.

Much like the Current Jobs and History widgets on the Dashboard, this screen also displays
information on current and past printing, but in more detail and with more options.


In addition to the job name, document size and print date displayed on the Dashboard, the Jobs screen will
amongst other things, show the cost of each printed document. For even more detail, click the details icon
under the Actions column for a specific print job.

Selecting and Filtering

The default display shows all pending jobs, but can be changed to show all jobs, or only completed jobs, by
clicking on one of the tabs at the top.
Use the filter tools on the right of the screen to filter the current selection, for example, to only display
documents sent to a specific printer.
(Remember: clear the filter by pressing the Clear Filter button after using it to filter the information displayed)


Use the icons at the bottom of the screen to create a PDF report, or export the data in Excel and Text format
to use as input in your own report.


The Kiosk screen is used to manage all accounts in the environment.

The Kiosk screen allows you, as PrintScope Kiosk Operator, to manage all aspects of the user accounts
in the environment, including costing and funds management, and user management. Let's look at the Kiosk
in more detail.

New Acccount

To create a new user account, click on the New
Account button in the top-right corner of the screen.
This will bring up the Create User Account screen.
Complete the fields as required - use the information
below to guide you.

- Fill in an optional Description (useful if you'd like to
group accounts).
- Select a billing type from the drop-down list: Cash
Prepaid, Credit (Limited), or Credit. If billing type is
Credit (limited), please enter a credit limit in the Limit

- Create an unique username, ie. for John Smith, user
- Enter the user's first and last name, as well as
primary and secondary (optional) email address.

Depending on the authentication methods used in your
environment, you may have to setup a combination of
the three options.
- Click the Generate Pin button to generate a random
pin number for the new user.
- Enter the card number if the user is using card
- Biometric data will be captured by the Biometric
Services and will added to this field.

When all necessary fields are completed, click on Cre
ate Account to create a new user account.

Account Management

Adding credit to a account
To load credit to a prepaid account, click the details
icon to the right of the username you want to update.
This will open the billing information screen. Click the
Load Credit button - the Load Funds popup window
will be displayed. Enter the desired amount and click
the Ok button to apply. The transaction will now be
recorded on the billing screen.

Making changes to an account
To amend an account, click the edit icon to the right of
the username you want to update. This will open the
billing information screen. Make the desired changes,
then click the Update Account button.
Examples of possible changes:
- Updating the credit limit on a Credit(Limited) account
- Disable an account (outstanding account, inactive
- Updating authentication details or user details.
- Transfer funds between accounts.


The Usage screen provides an overview of the overall usage in the environment.

The Usage screen gives you a near-realtime view of the environment. Any job, whether it's a print, copy, scan
etc, will be listed here. Let's look at usage in more detail.

Selecting and Filtering

The default usage screen displays all jobs, but can be changed to list by Users, Devices or Accounts, by
clicking on one of the tabs at the top.
Use the filter tools on the right of the screen to filter the current selection, for example, to only display
usage for a specific user.
(Remember: clear the filter by pressing the Clear Filter button after using it to filter the information displayed)


Some of the most common problems and issues that users face can be found here. You can also look through
the FAQ-section for possible answers. If you are still struggling, please contact your administrator.


Below is a list of common-asked questions. If you have a question, check to see if it may be answered below.
Still in the dark? Please contact your administrator.

How do I change my password?
Click on your username in the top-right corner of your screen, this will open the Manage Account screen. Enter
your current password, followed by your new password, then confirm your password. Click the Update User butt
on. Your password will be updated and you will be taken back to the Dashboard screen.

What is the difference between a printer and a device?
This is a logical printer, and it's not the physical device. It is the bundle of settings you need to make the print
device run. It exists as the software on the print server that you use to configure settings for print job processing
and routing for the physical print device.

This is the physical device that does the printing. Local print devices are connected to a hardware port on the
computer requesting the printing or they are network-connected printers being printed to directly from the
workstation. Network print devices are connected either to another computer and shared or directly to the
network and shared from a print server.

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