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Published by NEW INDIA ABROAD, 2023-11-18 10:15:38



Keywords: Piyush Goyal, Tesla, APEC, Hobart, Sikh, Jimmy Singh, Jarnail Singh, Dawat The Invitation, Hounslow, Afghan Sikh, Murder, UK, SGPC, Sikh Prisoners, Punjab Governor, Banwari Lal Purohit, SGPC President, Harjinder Singh Dhami, Punjab, Punjab Government, Sikh Gurdwaras Act 1925, Sikh Gurdwaras, New Zealand Sikh Games, Sikh Games, NZ Sikh Games, Sports, Pakistan Sikh Shrines, Sikh Pilgrimage, Sikh Yatra Booking Portal, Punjab Pakistan, Sikh Heritage in Pakistan, Indian diaspora, Hindu Caucus, Shailly Kumar, Republican Hindu Coalition, Amritsar, Flights, Australia, Direct Flights, Amritsar Airport, Malaysian Airlines, Singapore, Kualalampur, United Nations, Gaza, UN Resolution, Education, USA, Humanitarian Relief, Palestine, Israel, American Sikh, Animation Movie, Guneet Monga, Vikas Khanna, Chef Vikas Khanna, Vishavjeet Singh, Sikh Turban, Turban, Shri Sita Ram Foundation, Dusehhra, Jo biden, Times list, Diwali, Diwali celebration, Surender jain, Texas, Shakuntala Bhaya, NSF, Education system, Big Brother, Israel hamas conflict, Nikki haley, Donald Trump, Britain, Sikhs, Weekly news, Latest News, E-paper, Indian Diaspora, Indians, Punjabis, Hindus, Sikhs Horoscope, Sundeep kochar, Astrologer

Panjabi swl 1, AMk 5 vwiSMgtn fIsI, Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 A pla琀昀orm for the voice of next genera琀椀on Indian Diaspora Punjabi AmrIkw qoN bwAd hux AwstRyrIAw dy qsmwnIAw sUby dy hobwrt Sihr ivKy vI ‘dwvq – d ienvItySn’ nwm dw rysqrW dy mwlk ie`k is`K ‘jrnYl isMG’ aur& ‘ijMmI isMG’ ƒ AwpxI v`KrI pCwx krky nslI hmilAW dw iSkwr hoxw ipAw hY[ kuJ SrwrqI AnsrW ny ‘Gr jwE BwrqI’ kih ky jrnYl isMG ’qy n&rqI it`pxIAW kIqIAW hn[ aunHW doS lgwieAw hY ik auh lgwqwr do qoN iqMn mhIinAW qoN ies n&rq dw iSkwr ho rhy hn[ aunHW ƒ Gr vwps jwx leI ikhw igAw hY qy ku`qy dw gMd vI aunHW dI g`fI dI iKVkIAW dy hYNflW ’qy lgwieAw igAw hY[ jrnYl isMG ipCly 15 swlW qoN AwstRylIAw ivKy rih rhy hn, jo ienHW GtnwvW qoN bwAd kw&I prySwn hn[ ku`qy dy gMd vwlI Gtnw qoN ielwvw aunHW ƒ Gr vwpsI sbMDI p`qr vI Byjy gey hn[ jrnYl isMG bwkI sPw...2 nIrj copVw ivSv AQlIt ’23 dy PweInilst vjoN auBirAw sMXukq rwStr sur`iKAw kONsl ny gwzw iv`c qurMq mwnvqwvwdI ivrwm leI mqw pws kIqw SRI sIqw rwm PwaUNfySn v`loN 12vW AMqrrwStrI dIvwlI-dusihrw ....Page 7 smwroh ....Page 10 ....Page 13 • inaU ieMfIAw Abrof nYtvrk ‘Gr jwE BwrqI’ - hux AwstRylIAw ’c is~K ’qy nslI hmly Photo: Social Media is~K rysqrW mwlk jrnYl isMG B wrq dy vxj Aqy audXog mMqrI pIXUS goiel ny 14 nvMbr dI Swm ƒ kYlIPornIAw dy imlipqws ivKy BwrqI fwiesporw ƒ ApIl kIqI ik auh Bwrq dI vD rhI AwriQkqw iv`c mdd krn leI Awpxy ipMfW q`k phuMcx Aqy aunHW ƒ au`cw cu`kx[ ies smwgm dw AwXojn IIT by eyrIAw AlUmnI AYsosIeySn Aqy d ieMfs AYNtrpRIinErz (ITE) duAwrw sYn PrWissko iv`c BwrqI kONslyt dy sihXog nwl kIqw igAw sI[ kONsl jnrl fw sRIkr rYfI ny goiel dI styj qoN jwx-pCwx krvweI[ rY`fI ny gYst bulwry dI jwx-pCwx krwauNidAw ikhw ik, “Bwrq ny dunIAw Br dy invySkW leI mwhOl iqAwr kIqw hY[” goiel ny ikhw, “BwrqAmrIkw dy irSqy ieMny pRBwvI nw huMdy jykr fwiesporw nw huMdw[“ “ies pUry Kyqr ny idKwieAw hY ik ikvyN qknwlojI izMdgIAW ƒ bdl skdI hY[ Bwrq iv`c, AsIN quhwfIAW kwFW ƒ swfy sB qoN dUr-durwfy dy KyqrW iv`c vI lY gey hW”, goiel ny ikhw, ijnHW ny kYlIPornIAw dI v`fI KyqI ArQivvsQw iv`c BwrqI AmrIkIAW dy Xogdwn ƒ vI slwihAw[ Bwrq ny pRqI swl lgBg 7 PIsd dI dr nwl ivkws kIqw hY[ goiel ny Biv`KbwxI kIqI ik iesdI (Bwrq dI) nOjvwn, au`dmI AwbwdI Agly 10 swlW iv`c dyS dI AwriQkqw iv`c 30 itRlIAn fwlr dw vwDw krygI[ aunHW Bwrq bwkI sPw...2 goiel ny APEC sMmyln iv~c ih~sw lYx leI sYn PrWissko dI AwpxI PyrI dOrwn keI smwgmW ’c SmUlIAq kIqI ‘Awpxy ipMfW ƒ au~cw cu`ko’, pIXUS goiel dw BwrqI AmrIkI fwiesporw sunyhw Bwrq dy mMqrI pIXUS goiel kYlIPornIAw dy imliptws iv~c 14 nvMbr ƒ ie~k smwgm dOrwn kONsl jnrl fw SRIkr rYfI dy nwl Photo: Sunita Sohrabji *New India Abroad is a Registered trademark and not afiliated with the newspaper named India Abroad marketed in the US from 1972 to 2021. जब घर जैसा नमककन हो खाना राजभोग नमककन ही लाना Order now - *New India Abroad is a Registered trademark and not afiliated with the newspaper named India Abroad marketed in the US from 1972 to 2021. जब घर जैसा नमककन हो खाना राजभोग नमककन ही लाना Order now -

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 ® inaU ieMfIAw Abrof 2 XUky dy hwaUNsloA ’c 17 swlw is~K lVky dw kql XUky dy hwaUNsloA ivKy A&gwn mUl qoN 17 swl dy is`K lVky dw do DiVAW dI dyr rwq hoeI lVweI dOrwn cwkU mwr ky kql kr id`qw igAw hY[ ies lVweI bwry puils ƒ jwxkwrI 15 nvMbr bu`Dvwr dy qVky smyN id`qI geI[ puils tIm AYNbUlYNs smyq mOky ’qy pu`jI pr pYrwmYifks dy XqnW qoN bwvjUd vI ismrjIq isMG ƒ bcwieAw nw jw sikAw[ XUky dI puils ny ies Gtnw iv`c 21, 27, 31 qy 71 swlw cwr bMidAW ƒ kql dy S`k iv`c igR&qwr kIqw hY[ ienHW iv`coN do Kud jKmI sn, ijnHW ƒ hspqwl qoN ielwj auprMq puils ny AwpxI ihrwsq iv`c ilAw[ cwry S`kI puils dI ihrwsq iv`c hn[ pRq`KdrSI ny ievinMg stYNfrf ƒ d`isAw ik, “kuJ lok ie`k g`fI iv`c Awey Aqy auh sitRt ivKy mOjUd lokW nwl lVx l`g pey[ mOky qy Sor-Srwbw qy lVweI dw rOlw sI[ iksy dI Avwz AweI ik aunHW ny myry pirvwr ’qy hmlw kIqw[ lVweI burkt klos ’qy ie`k Gr dy bwhr hoeI[ mYN ie`k lVky ƒ ausdy ie`k pwsy jKm nwl dyiKAw, ijs ƒ fMifAW nwl burI qrHW ku`itAw jw irhw sI[ mYN aunHW ƒ rukx leI ikhw pr auh nhIN ruky[ iPr auh lok lVky ƒ mirAw C`f ky kwr iv`c au`QoN B`j gey[” aus ny ikhw ik aus ƒ smJ nhIN AwieAw ik lVweI iks kwrn krky hoeI sI[ pYrwmYifks ny jKmI lVky dw mOky ’qy ielwj kIqw pr auh bc nw sikAw[ ies mwmly iv`c puils v`loN kql dI jWc ArMBI geI hY qy isMG dy pirvwr ƒ mwihr puils A&srW jrIey sihXog id`qw jw irhw hY[ ie`k sQwnk pRq`KdrSI ny d`isAw ik ikvyN ismrjIq isMG jo ik nyVy hI rihMdw sI, ƒ burI qrHW ku`tidAW aus ’qy cwkU nwl hmlw kIqw igAw[ ismrjIq isMG (&weIl) • inaU ieMfIAw Abrof nYtvrk dI ArQivvsQw ƒ vDwaux dy ie`k AiBlwSI tIcy bwry vI g`l kIqI - jo ik hux lgBg 3.5 itRlIAn fwlr hY - ƒ 2047 q`k 35 itRlIAn fwlr krn dw AMdySw id`qw[ “swfy iv`qI bwzwr ies Swndwr Biv`K ƒ Apxwaux leI cMgI siQqI iv`c hn,” goien ny ikhw[ “Bwrq A`j invySkW leI Aijhw mOkw pRdwn krdw hY ijMnw pihlW kdy nhIN sI[ dunIAw Br dy hr dyS ny Bwrq ƒ AwpxI splweI lVI iv`c Swml kIqw hY[ qusIN Bwrq nwl BrosymMd BweIvwl bxn ‘qy Brosw kr skdy ho”, goiel ny ikhw[ pr goiel ny ieh vI ikhw ik Bwrq ƒ Awpxy AwriQk ivkws iv`c ies dy sB qoN hwSIey vwly lokW ƒ Swml krnw zrUrI hY[ “Awpxy pirvwr v`l muV dyKo[ koeI quhwfy ipMf qoN bwhr AwieAw Aqy cMgI qr`kI kIqI, quhwƒ ieh mOky dyx leI jo qusIN hux mwx rhy ho”, goiel ny ikhw[ “Awpxy ipMf, Awpxy mUl sQwn qy vwps jwE Aqy au`Qy dy hwlwq dyKo[ skUl iv`c b`icAW ƒ Swml kro[ iksy pRiqBw ƒ pCwxo Aqy ausƒ jIvn iv`c cMgw krn dw mOkw idE”, goiel ny ikhw[ “quhwƒ Aijhw krn qoN jo sMquStI imldI hY auh byAMq hY[“ aunHW sYn PrWissko by eyrIAw iv`c rihMdy BwrqI-AmrIkI pRvwsIAW ƒ Bwrq dy 600,000 ipMfW iv`coN G`to-G`t 100,000 ipMfW ƒ kvr krn dI ApIl kIqI[ goiel ies hPqy swn PrWissko by eyrIAw iv`c eySIAw pYsIiPk iekonOimk koEprySn - APEC - sMmyln iv`c Swml hox leI Awey sn, ie`k ivSwl smwgm ijs iv`c ieMfo-pYsIiPk dySW dy AMdwzn 20,000 lokW ƒ vpwrk sOidAW Aqy sihXog smyq Kyqr iv`c ivkws bwry crcw krn leI ilAWdw igAw[ Bwrq ie`k APEC dyS nhIN hY, pr KuShwlI leI ieMfo-pYsIiPk AwriQk FWcy dw ie`k iDr hY, jo ik ibfyn pRSwsn duAwrw sWJydwr dySW nwl vpwrk sOidAW ƒ qyz krn leI SurU kIqI geI ie`k pihlkdmI hY[ ies qoN pihlW 14 nvMbr ƒ goiel Aqy AmrIkI vxj sk`qr jInw ny ie`k audXog golmyz iek`qrqw dI AgvweI kIqI Aqy AiDkwrq qOr ‘qy dovW dySW dy AiBlwSI “ienovySn hYNfSyk” eyjMfy dI SurUAwq kIqI, ijsdw audyS AmrIkw Aqy Bwrq ivckwr qknwlojI sihXog ƒ vDwauxw hY[ “ienovySn hYNfSyk duAwrw, AmrIkw Aqy Bwrq ie`k mh`qvpUrn qknIkI BweIvwlI bxw rhy hn jo swfy Awps iv`c juVy ienovySn iekoisstms ƒ hor mzbUq krygw,” rymoNfo ny ikhw[ “ieh AmrIkw-Bwrq vpwrk sbMDW ƒ mzbUq krn leI ie`k mh`qvpUrn kdm hY Aqy mYN AmrIkI Aqy BwrqI kwimAW Aqy kwrobwrW dI s&lqw iv`c mdd krn leI mMqrI goiel nwl ies kwrj ƒ A`gy vDwaux dI aumId krdw hW[“ goiel ny ieMfIAwsporw duAwrw AwXoijq 13 nvMbr ƒ bMd kmrw crcw kIqI[ aunHW stYnPorf Aqy pwlo Awlto iv`c v`Kry smwgmW iv`c vI iSrkq kIqI, jo ieMstIitaUt AwP cwrtrf AkwaUNtYNts AwP ieMfIAw v`loN AwXoijq kIqy gey sn[ ny mMglvwr ƒ eybIsI inaUz ƒ d~isAw, “jdoN AijhI g~l quhwfy Gr AwauNdI hY qW ieh mwnisk qOr ‘qy bhuq qxwApUrn huMdw hY Aqy Kws krky jdoN quhwfw nwm ilK ky AwieAw hovy... ieh bhuq izAwdw mwnisk qxwA hY[ kuJ krnw peygw[“ aunHW ikhw SurUAwq iv~c ienHW p~qrW ƒ bhuq gOilAw nhIN pr jdoN ieh lgwqwr hox l~igAw qW icMqw vDI[ aunHW ikhw ik SurUAwq iv~c lgwqwr cwr qoN pMj idnW q~k ku~qy dw gMd aunHW dI g~fI ’qy lgwieAw jWdw irhw ijs mgroN p~qr vI Awey[ aunHW ikhw ik dUsry p~qr iv~c B~dIAW it~pxIAW ilKIAW geIAW sn qy Bwrq vwps jwx leI ikhw igAw Aqy g~fI ’qy vI lIkW mwrIAW geIAW[ hwlWik ies sbMDI jrnYl isMG ny sQwnk puils ƒ ieqlwh id~qI hY[ qsmwnIAw puils dy kmWfr jysn eylmr ny ie~k ibAwn iv~c ikhw ik ienHW GtnwvW dI jWc kIqI jw rhI hY[ aunHW ikhw ik mOjUdw kwƒn ny AdwlqW ƒ “ieh ivcwr krn dI iejwzq id~qI hY ik nslI n&rq jW p~Kpwq dI pRyrxw szw suxwaux vwlw kwrk ho skdI hY”[ bhus~iBAwcwrk kwaUNsl dy cyArmYn AYmn jwPrI ny mMinAw ik AijhIAW GtnwvW Awm hox dy nwl-nwl vD vI rhIAW hn[ isMG ny ieh Gtnw bwry jwxkwrI jnqk ies aumId nwl kIqI qW jo Aijhw dubwrw nw hovy Aqy ies ƒ roikAw jw sky[ puils v~loN jWc SurU krn qoN bwAd, isMG ny Awpxy soSl mIfIAw pyj ‘qy iliKAw ik “swfy suMdr dyS, AwstRylIAw iv~c nslvwd leI koeI QW nhIN hY[“ pihly sPy qoN... ‘Awpxy ipMfW ƒ au~cw cu`ko’ pihly sPy qoN... ‘Gr jwE BwrqI’ 2 न् यू इंडि्ा अब्रॉि शनिवार, 18 िवंबर, 2023 Indian Star LLC Published Weekly Copyright © 2023 Indian Star LLC Editor in Chief Dr. Sridhar Krishnaswami [email protected] Chief Executive Of昀椀cer Rajeev Bhambri [email protected] Registered Address Indian Star LLC, 6215 Rockhurst Rd, Bethesda, MD 20817 USA Email [email protected] Ph. 908-472-0006 Website www.NewIndiaAbroad.Com Disclaimers: 1. New India Abroad is a Registered trademark and not affiliated with the newspaper named India Abroad marketed in the US from 1972 to 2021. 2. Indian Star LLC assumes no liability for claims / assumptions made in advertisements and advertorials. Views expressed by the writers are their own. A publication of Advisory Board Albert Jasani Entrepreneur and Philanthropist Dr Suresh Kumar President TIE-NJ Media Partner Bollywood Insider न् यू इंडि्ा अब्रॉि शनिवार, 18 िवंबर, 2023

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® 3 AwpxI szwvW pUrIAW kr cu`ky 9 bMdI isMGW dI irhweI leI SRomxI gurduAwrw pRbMDk kmytI dy pRDwn AYfvokyt hrijMdr isMG DwmI dI AgvweI iv`c ie`k au`c-p`DrI v&d ny rwjpwl pMjwb sRI bnvwrI lwl puroihq nwl mulwkwq kIqI[ v&d iv`c AYfvokyt DwmI dy nwl SRomxI kmytI dy sInIAr mIq pRDwn s. hrBjn isMG mswxw, jUnIAr mIq pRDwn s. gurbKS isMG ^wlsw, jnrl sk`qr BweI rijMdr isMG mihqw, mYNbr AYfvokyt BgvMq isMG isAwlkw, mIq sk`qr s. lKbIr isMG qy s. hrBjn isMG vkqw Swml sn[ ies mulwkwq dOrwn SRomxI kmytI v&d v`loN SRomxI kmytI dI dsq^qI muihMm qihq sMgq v`loN Bry gey 26 l`K pRoPwrimAW dw smu`cw vyrvw ifjItl rUp iv`c mMg p`qrW smyq rwjpwl pMjwb ƒ sONipAw igAw[ rwjpwl pMjwb ƒ Bwrq dy rwStrpqI SRImqI dROpdI murmU dy nwm ’qy id`qy gey ie`k mMg p`qr iv`c aumr kYd qoN du`gxIAW szwvW Bugq cu`ky 9 bMdI isMGW dI irhweI mMgI geI hY[ ienHW iv`c BweI gurdIp isMG KyVw, pRo divMdrpwl isMG Bu`lr, BweI blvMq isMG rwjoAwxw, BweI jgqwr isMG hvwrw, BweI lKivMdr isMG l`Kw, BweI gurmIq isMG, BweI SmSyr isMG, BweI prmjIq isMG iBErw, BweI jgqwr isMG qwrw dy nW Swml hn[ ies qoN ielwvw rwStrpqI dy nwm id`qy ie`k hor mMg p`qr rwhIN BweI rwjoAwxw dI PWsI qoN aumr kYd qbdIlI dy mwmly dy h`l dI ApIl kIqI geI hY[ ienHW mMg p`qrW iv`c bMdI isMGW sbMDI ivsQwrq vyrvy drj kIqy gey hn Aqy srkwrW v`loN p`KpwqI rv`eIey dw vI izkr hY[ ies dy nwl hI SRomxI kmytI v&d ny rwjpwl pMjwb ƒ pMjwb srkwr v`loN is`K gurduAwrw AYkt 1925 iv`c kIqI CyVCwV dy mwmly ’c gMBIr ivcwr Aqy PYslw lYx leI ikhw igAw[ rwjpwl nwl mulwkwq mgroN mIfIAw nwl g`lbwq kridAW SRomxI kmytI pRDwn AYfvokyt hrijMdr isMG DwmI ny ikhw ik bMdI isMGW nwl dyS Aqy sUbw srkwrW v`loN ivqkrw mnu`KI AiDkwrW dw aulMGx hY[ SRomxI kmytI v`loN ies gMBIr mwmly ’qy PYslw lYx leI smyN-smyN srkwrW pwsoN mMg kIqI jWdI rhI hY pr du`K dI g`l hY ik srkwrW v`loN inrxwiek PYslw nhIN ilAw jw irhw[ ies sbMD iv`c sRI Akwl q^q swihb dy AwdyS ’qy SRomxI kmytI ny ie`k dsq^qI muihMm mukMml kIqI sI, ijs qihq 26 l`K lokW ny bMdI isMGW dI irhweI dy h`k iv`c Avwz auTweI hY[ sMgq dIAW ieh BwvnwvW rwStrpqI q`k phuMcwaux leI rwjpwl pMjwb q`k phuMc kIqI geI hY, ijnHW ny ies swry kys ƒ Bwrq srkwr pws jld Byjx dw Brosw id`qw hY[ aunHW ikhw ik BwvyN ik Bry gey ieh pRoPwrmy ie`k tr`k rwhIN AMimRqsr qoN cMfIgVH ilAWdy gey sn, pr pMjwb rwj Bvn v`loN ies dI iezwjq nw dyx kwrn pYn frweIv rwhIN ifjIcl rUp iv`c hI vyrvy sONpy hn[ AYfvokyt DwmI ny ikhw ik bMdI isMGW dI irhweI dw mwmlw is`K kOm leI ies smyN dw sB qoN Aihm mwmlw hY, ijs dI pYrveI leI koeI ksr nhIN C`fI j w v y g I [ BweI blvMq isMG rwjoAwxw bwry g`l kridAW aunHW ikhw ik ipCly 17 swlW qoN 8 Pu`t dI PWsI c`kI iv`c bMd hox dy bwvjUd vI aunHW dy kys ’qy koeI PYslw nhIN ilAw jw irhw[ aunHW dI PWsI qoN aumr kYd ’c szw qbdIlI bwry Bwrq srkwr v`loN notIiPkySn vI kIqw jw cu`kw hY Aqy ies mgroN mwnXog suprIm kort ny vI kyNdrI gRih mMqrwly ƒ Awpxy qOr ’qy PYslw lYx dw AwdyS id`qw hoieAw hY[ ies dy bwvjUd vI inAW nw dyx pIVwmeI hY[ SRomxI kmytI pRDwn ny ikhw A`j rwjpwl pMjwb nwl mulwkwq kIqI geI hY, jdik jylH AMdr BweI rwjoAwxw ƒ vI jld imilAw jwvygw[ ies dy nwl hI kyNdrI gRih mMqrI nwl mulwkwq vwsqy vI kwrvweI ArMBI geI hY[ AYfvokyt DwmI ny pMjwb srkwr v`loN is`K gurduAwrw AYkt 1925 nwl kIqI CyVCwV dy mwmly bwry rwjpwl pMjwb nwl kIqI g`lbwq bwry d`isAw ik ieh iblkul gYr kwƒnI hrkq sI, ijs ’qy auh gMBIr ivcwr mgroN srQk PYslw lYx[ aunHW ikhw ik BgvMq mwn srkwr ny gurduAwrw AYkt iv`c d^l dy ky Awpxy AiDkwrW qoN bwhr dw kMm kIqw hY[ pMjwb srkwr dI ies hrkq ƒ is`K kOm brdwSq nhIN kr skdI[ SRomxI kmytI pRDwn ny rwjpwl pMjwb v`loN id`qy gey smyN leI DMnvwd vI kIqw[ Photo: @iSidhuMooseWala • inaU ieMfIAw Abrof nYtvrk bMdI isMGW dI irhweI leI 26 l`K lokW dI Avwz rwStrpqI q`k phuMcwaux rwStrpqI q`k phuMcwaux leI rwjpwl pMjwb leI rwjpwl pMjwb ƒ imilAw SRomxI kmytI v&d BweI rwjoAwxw dI szw PWsI qoN aumr kYd ’c bdlx dw Awpxw notIiPkySn lwgU kry kyNdr srkwr- AYfvokyt DwmI rwjpwl pMjwb kol 9 bMdI isMGW dy irhweI dw mwmlw r~iKAw rwjpwl pMjwb ƒ mMg p~qr sONpdy SRomxI kmytI pRDwn qy mYNbr @SGPCAmritsar न्यू इंडि्ा अब्रॉि शनिवार, 18 िवंबर, 2023 [email protected]

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® 4 pMjvIN ‘inaUzIlYNf is`K KyfW 2023’ jo ik Awaux vwlI 25 qy 26 nvMbr ƒ AwklYNf dy twkwnInI dy brUs pulmYn pwrk ivKy kwrvweIAW jw rhIAW hn, leI iqAwrIAW pUrI zorW ’qy c`lI rhIAW hn[ ienHW KyfW leI 25 nvMbr ƒ v`fI styj lgw ky audGwtnI smwgm hovygw, ijs mOky inaUzIlYNf is`K KyfW Aqy pMjwbI BwSw ƒ smripq ie`k ivSyS fwk itkt jwrI kIqw jwvygw[ fwk itkt iv`c ie`k dsqwrDwrI iKfwrI mSwl PVky B`jdw Aqy ienHW KyfW dw pMj swlW dw s&r drswieAw igAw hY Aqy gurmuKI pMjwbI iv`c ‘inaUzlYNf is`K KyfW òõ qoN òö nvMbr òúòó’ ilK ky pMjwbI BwSw ƒ mwx id`qw igAw hY[ ies XwdgwrI fwk itkt dI kImq do fwlr drj kIqI drsweI hY[ kwrobwrI Adwry ies fwk itkt ƒ pRwpq krky ies dI vrqoN AwpxI fwk Byjx leI kr skdy hn[ ieh au`dm ‘pMjwbI hYrlf’ mIfIAw Adwry v`loN kIqw igAw hY[ inaUzIlYNf iv`c v`sdy pMjwbI Aqy is`K BweIcwry v`loN is`K KyfW lgwqwr pMjvy swl krvweIAW jw rhIAW hn, jo ik ie`k cMgw hwsl hY[ inaUzIlYNf is`K KyfW 2023 dI iqAwrI zorW ’qy, pMjwbI ’c fwk itkt hovygI jwrI nYSnl pwrtI dy AwgU ƒ s`dw idMdI ho is`K KyfW dI tIm न् यू इंडि्ा अब्रॉि शनिवार, 18 िवंबर, 2023 ienHW is`K KyfW iv`c kb`fI, Pu`tbwl, bwskytbwl, nY`tbwl, vwlIbwl, vwlIbwl (SUitMg), hwkI, icVI iC`kw, rgbI lIg, ikRkt, tYins, AQlyitks, Ko-Ko Awid Swml hn[ Photo: Facebook @NZSikhGames

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 ® inaU ieMfIAw Abrof न्5 यू इंडि्ा अब्रॉि शनिवार, 18 िवंबर, 2023 न् यू इंडि्ा अब्रॉि शनिवार, 18 िवंबर, 2023 ihMdU AmrIkI BweIcwry leI ie`k mh`qvpUrn hwsl iv`c, irpbilkn ihMdU kulISn (RHC) duAwrw ie`k kWgrySnl ihMdU kOks (caucus) dI SurUAwq kIqI geI hY[ dIvwlI vwly idn kIqy ie`k smwroh iv`c ies gu`t dI SurUAwq mOky AmrIkw qoN 600 qoN v`D ihMdU AmrIkI AwgUAW ny hwzrI BrI[ RHC dy cyArmYn SlB “SYlI” kumwr kOks nIqI slwhkwr vjoN kMm krngy jdoN ik hwaUs irpbilkn kwnPrMs dy cyAr AYlIs styPwink (AY`nvweI) Aqy kWgrsmYn pIt sYSnjs (tIAYks) sih-cyArW vjoN kMm krngy[ “A`j mYN XUnweItf styss kWgrs iv`c kWgrySnl ihMdU kOks dI AiDkwrq SurUAwq dI GoSxw krn leI bhuq auqsuk hW,” styPwink ny ikhw, ijnHW nwl kWgrs dy 16 hor mYNbrW vI Swml hoey sn[ ies dOrwn bolidAW, SYlI kumwr ny ikhw, “ieh AmrIkI kWgrs iv`c sB qoN v`fy kOks iv`coN ie`k hovygw jo ihMdU AmrIkI BweIcwry leI mh`qvpUrn kwƒn bxwaux Aqy mqy pws krn iv`c srgrmI nwl kMm krygw[“ ie`k ibAwn dy Anuswr, kOks ihMdU Aqy BwrqI AmrIkIAW dy nwl-nwl AmrIkw-Bwrq duv`ly sbMDW leI mh`qvpUrn ivDwink audySW dI pYrveI krygw[ ikhw igAw hY ik ieh ihMdUAmrIkI BweIcwry Aqy AmrIkI nIqI inrmwqwvW Aqy nyqwvW ivckwr ie`k pul dw kMm krygw[ p wiksqwn iv~c qIrQ sQwnW ‘qy jwx vwly is~K SrDwlUAW dI shUlq leI srkwr ny iek nvIN shUlq SurU kIqI hY[ pwiksqwn ’c pMjwb srkwr v~loN is~K Xwqrw buikMg portl SurU kIqw igAw hY[ ies dI mdd nwl Bwrq qoN qIrQ Xwqrw ‘qy Awaux vwly is~KW leI hotl bu~k krnw Aswn ho jwvygw[ ieh jwxkwrI idMidAW pwiksqwnI pMjwb sUby dy kyArtykr mu~K mMqrI mohisn nkvI ny d~isAw ik Dwrimk tUrIzm leI Awaux vwly SrDwlUAW dI shUlq leI ieh byimswl suivDw SurU kIqI geI hY[ Bwrq dy SrDwlU hI nhIN sgoN dunIAw dy hor dySW qoN Awaux vwly SrDwlU vI ies dw lwB lY skdy hn[ aunHW d~isAw ik is~K Xwqrw buikMg portl rwhIN hotlW dI AwnlweIn buikMg kIqI jw skdI hY[ ies qoN ielwvw, ies ƒ hor shUlqW leI vI vriqAw jw skdw hY[ ies rwhIN pwiksqwn Awaux vwly is~K vIAweIpI drjy dIAW lgzrI kwrW Aqy sur~iKAw syvwvW hwier kr skxgy[ qusIN pihlW qoN hI AwvwjweI dy pRbMD AwnlweIn krn dy Xog hovogy[ pwiksqwn dy kwrjkwrI pRDwn mMqrI Anvwrul h~k k~kV ny ikhw ik ies portl nwl pwiksqwn ivc is~K qIrQ AsQwnW ‘qy jwx vwly lokW ƒ Pwiedw hovygw[ aunHW ikhw ik pwiksqwn iv~c ieh AwpxI iksm dw pihlw Xqn hY[ ies dw audyS dunIAw Br qoN Awaux vwly SrDwlUAW dI Xwqrw ƒ Aswn bxwauxw hY[ AMimRqsr, Bwrq qoN AwstRylIAw, inaUzIlYNf Aqy hor d`Kx-pUrbI eySIAweI dySW dw sPr hux Awswn hox jw irhw hY[ ienHW dySW dI Xwqrw krn vwilAW kol hux AMimRqsr hvweI A`fy qoN is`DI aufwx Brn leI pihlW nwloN izAwdw ivklp hoxgy[ ies dw is`Dw Pwiedw ienHW dySW iv`c vsdy pMjwbI BweIcwry ƒ hovygw[ drAsl, mlySIAw dIAW cwr pRmu`K eyArlweInW - bwitk eyAr, eyAr eySIAw AYks Aqy mlySIAw eyArlweInz Aqy isMgwpur dI skUt eyArlweInz ie`QoN is`DI aufwx syvw SurU krn jw rhIAW hn[ ieh swrIAW eyArlweInW kuAwlwlMpur Aqy isMgwpur iv`c Awpxy-Awpxy h`b rwhIN AMimRqsr leI aufwxW clwauxgIAW[ PlweI AMimRqsr ienISIeyitv dy koAwrfInytr smIp isMG gumtwlw ny d`isAw ik mlySIAw eyArlweInz 8 nvMbr qoN kuAwlwlMpur qoN AMimRqsr leI do-hPqwvwrI is`DIAW aufwxW SurU krygI[ ieh pMjwb qoN mYlbrn, isfnI, AYfIlyf, ibRsbyn, AwklYNf, bYNkwk, Pukyt, bwlI, hocI imnh istI Aqy mnIlw leI is`DIAW aufwxW vI muh`eIAw krvweygI[ quhwƒ d`s dyeIey ik mlySIAw dI ieh qIjI eyArlweIn hY jo AMimRqsr leI is`DI aufwx SurU krn jw rhI hY[ ies nwl hr hPqy lgBg 700 XwqrIAW ƒ Xwqrw krn dw mOkw imlygw[ isMgwpur dI skUt eyArlweInz ny suivDwjnk knYktIivtI vDwaux leI iek hor kdm cu`ikAw hY[ skUt eyArlweInz srdIAW dy m`dynzr nvMbr qoN mwrc q`k AwpxI aufwx dw smW bdl rhI hY[ skUt aufwx hux svyry 9:05 vjy AMimRqsr hvweI A`fy ‘qy phuMcygI Aqy svyry 10:30 vjy isMgwpur leI rvwnw hovygI[ eyArlweIn ies rUt ‘qy 335 jW 375 sItW vwly boieMg 787 fRImlweInr jhwz dw sMcwln krdI hY, jo hr h&qy ku`l 3,430 sItW pRdwn krdw hY[ kwks ihMdU qy BwrqI AmrIkIAW dy nwl-nwl AmrIkw-Bwrq duv~ly sbMDW leI mh~qvpUrn ivDwink irpbilknW ny kWgrySnl ihMdU kwks dI kIqI SurUAwq kWgrySnl ihMdU kOks dI SurUAwq mOky dy idRS • stwP irportr pMjwb pwiksqwn srkwr v~loN is~K XwqrIAW leI buikMg portl dI SurUAwq gurduAwrw jnm AsQwn, sRI nnkwxw swihb dy bwhr dw idRS Facebook @GurdwaraSriJanamAsthanNankanaSahib • inaU ieMfIAw Abrof nYtvrk AwstRylIAw, inaUzIlYNf qoN AMimRqsr dw sPr hux hor vI Aswn hoieAw • inaU ieMfIAw Abrof nYtvrk

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 ® inaU ieMfIAw Abrof 6

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Email [email protected] Website www.NewIndiaAbroad.Com Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® 7 ieh koeI v`fI hYrwnI dI g`l nhIN hY ik AmrIkw hr swl 10 l`K qoN v`D ivdySI ividAwrQIAW ƒ dw^l krky au`c is`iKAw iv`c mohrI bixAw hoieAw hY, ijs iv`c sB qoN v`D igxqI cIn Aqy Bwrq dy b`icAW dI hY[ AmrIkw jwx dI kwhl hYrwnIjnk nhIN hY ikauNik ieh Ajy vI ivSv p`Dr ‘qy jnqk Aqy in`jI sMsQwvW dovW iv`c AMfrgRYjUeyt Aqy gRYjUeyt AiDAYnW iv`c pRImIAm vjoN dyiKAw jWdw hY[ ieh q`Q ik pUrI ividAwrQI AwbwdI dw Cy pRqISq ivdySW qoN hY, dyS dI au`qmqw drswauNdw hY ijs bwry dUijAW ƒ isrP eIrKw hI ho skdI hY[ swlwnw qOr ‘qy ieh AMdwzw lgwieAw jWdw hY ik ivdySI ividAwrQI AmrIkI ArQcwry ƒ 38 iblIAn fwlr dw ie`k v`fw ih`sw pwauNdy hn, jo ik CotI rkm nhIN hY[ Aijhw nhIN hY ik AmrIkw ƒ ividAwrQIAW dI BrqI dy Kyqr iv`c cuxOqI dw swhmxw nhIN krnw pYNdw; Aqy mukwblw isr& XUrp Aqy au`qrI AmrIkw iv`c au`qmqw dy kyNdrW qoN nhIN hY[ jdoN g`l ivdySI ividAwrQIAW dy dw^ly dI AwauNdI hY qW AwstRylIAw, inaUzIlYNf, isMgwpur Aqy qweIvwn vrgy vDdy hoey dySW ny p`Cm ƒ icMqq kIqw hY, Kws krky ivigAwn Aqy hweI-tYk dy KyqrW iv`c[ mukwblqn G`t mihMgy itaUSn PIs FWcy dy nwl nyVqw ny eySIAw pYsIiPk iv`c kyNdrW ƒ ividAk qOr ‘qy AwkrSk bxwieAw hY[ auh idn gey jdoN Bwrq dw koeI ividAwrQI isr& mwstrz jW pIAYcfI leI ivdySI ifgrI hwsl krdw sI[ A`j gRYjUeyt hox vwly hweI skUl dy ividAwrQI vI AglIAW ifgrIAW ivdySW iv`c hwsl krn leI auqsuk hn[ Aqy sB qoN au`qm Aqy cMgy globl sMsQwnW AMdr mukwblw kw&I qIbr ho igAw hY[ Bwrq vrgy dyS leI ivdyS jw rhy nOjvwnW ƒ idmwgI inkws (brian drian) dy qOr ‘qy dyKxw iek g`l hY ikauNik jwx vwilAW dy izAwdwqr ih`sy iv`coN pVHweI pUrI hox ‘qy G`t dI hI vwps Awaux dI aumId kIqI jw skdI hY[ pr smyN-smyN ies g`l ‘qy vI pRqIibMb huMdw hY ik ie`k dyS jo iksy smyN igAwn kyNdr vjoN jwixAw Aqy dyiKAw jWdw sI, hux ies Kyqr iv`c pRmu`K SkqI ikauN nhIN hY[ ieh AMdwzw lgwieAw igAw hY ik Bwrq iv`c lgBg 1000 XUnIvristIAW Aqy lgBg 50,000 kwlj hn, pr au`qmqw dy smUhW dI g`l krn leI nhIN[ iPr vI, mu`TI Br sMsQwnW qoN ielwvw AMqrrwStrI ryitMgW iv`c jgHw pRwpq nhIN krdy[ nMbr Gtwauxw jW sMsQwn bMd krnw loVINdI Xogqw nhIN, pr is`iKAw ƒ ie`k sMpUrn idRStIkox iv`c dyKx dw sMklp Xogqw hY[ keI vwr au`qmqw ƒ svrg qoN if`gx vwlI cIz vjoN vyKx dI pRivrqI vI rhI hY[ ipCly keI swlW iv`c bhuq izAwdw iDAwn id`qw igAw hY, Kws krky au`c is`iKAw dy drvwzy aunHW swry vWJy Aqy ipCiVAW lokW leI KolHx dw shI kdm cu`k ky[ Ajy vI is`Kx dy pVwvW iv`c nwkw&I iDAwn jwpdw hY[ Bwrq ƒ ie`k igAwn SkqI dy rUp iv`c Awpxy Awp ƒ muV sQwipq krn leI, K-12 p`DrW ‘qy ie`k cMgI buinAwd hoxw lwzmI hY; ie`Qy iPr, muFlw iDAwn srkwrI skUlW ‘qy hoxw cwhIdw hY[ bhuq swry ivksq dyS, audwhrn vjoN AmrIkw, Awpxy pbilk skUlW iv`c mwx mihsUs krdy hn jo AwKrkwr auh au`c guxv`qw vwly ividAwrQI muh`eIAw krvwauNdy hn, ijnHW dI XUnIvristIAW Bwl huMdI hY[ ie`k mzbUq nINh ‘qy inrmwx krnw hI ies v`l jwx dw ie`ko ie`k rsqw hY[ sMpwdkI is`iKAw dy portlW dI PweIn itaUinMg sMXukq rwStr sur`iKAw kONsl ny 15 nvMbr ƒ mwltw v`loN iqAwr mqw pws kIqw ijs iv`c sur`iKAq Aqy byrok shwieqw phuMcwaux leI gwzw iv`c “kw&I idnW” dw qurMq Aqy lMmyrw mwnvqwvwdI ivrwm lgwaux dI mMg kIqI geI hY[ iezrweIl-PlsqIn sMkt 7 AkqUbr, 2023 ƒ SurU hoieAw[ rxnIqk Aqy AMqrrwStrI AiDAYn kyNdr dy Anuswr A`qvwdI sMgTn hmws ny AMdwzn 1,400 iezrweIlIAW ƒ mwirAw Aqy 200 qoN v`D bMDk bxwey[ iezrweIl ny gwzw iv`c jvwbI POjI kwrvweIAW SurU kIqIAW, ijs bwry irportW Anuswr lgBg 5,000 b`icAW smyq 11,000 qoN v`D PlsqInI mwry jw cu`ky hn[ ies mOky 15 sur`iKAw mYNbrI kONsl ny mqw pws kIqw ijs iv`c 12 mYNbrW ny mwnvqwvwdI ivrwm dy h`k iv`c vot pweI, koeI vot ivroD iv`c nhIN AweI Aqy iqMn gYrhwzrIAW (rUs, XUky, XUAY`sey) ny Awpxy AiDkwr dI vrqoN krn qoN sMkoc kIqw[ ieh mqw ipCly mhIny cwr AsPl koiSSW qoN bwAd pws kIqw igAw, ijs iv`c qurMq kwrvweI dI mMg kIqI geI[ miqAW dIAW SrqW iv`c hmws duAwrw bMDk bxwey gey swirAW ƒ ibnW Srq irhwA krnw vI Swml hY, hwlWik, ies iv`c 7 AkqUbr dy hmilAW dI inMdw nhIN kIqI, ijsƒ XUAY`s ny Awpxw sMkoc krn dw kwrn d`isAw[ AmrIkI rwjdUq ilMfw Qwms-gRInPIlf ny ikhw ik auh aus ilKq ‘qy “hW” ƒ vot nhIN kr skdI jo hmws dI inMdw nhIN krdI jW swry mYNbr dySW dy Awpxy nwgirkW ƒ A`qvwdI hmilAW qoN bcwaux dy AiDkwr dI puStI nhIN krdI[ gRInPIlf ny ikhw ik auh bhuq hYrwn hoeI sI ik kuJ kONsl mYNbrW ƒ 7 AkqUbr dy hmilAW dI inMdw krn iv`c muSkl Aw rhI sI[ aunHW ikhw, “hwlWik ies ilKq iv`c hmws dI inMdw Swml nhIN hY, ieh pihlI vwr hY jdoN AsIN ie`k mqw pws kIqw hY ijs iv`c ‘hmws’ Sbd dw vI izkr kIqw igAw hY[“ mqy dI g`l krdy hoey, mwltw ny Kyqr iv`c jMgbMdI dI mMg kIqI, hwlWik, mqw ies dI bjwey “ivsiqRq mwnvqwvwdI ivrwm Aqy lWGy” dI mMg krdw hY, qW jo dovW pwisAW dy ibmwr qy nOjvwnW ƒ bwhr k`iFAw jw sky Aqy shwieqw qy murMmq dI iejwzq id`qI jw sky[ mqy ivc PlsqIn ‘qy iezrweIl dy zmInI hmly dI vI inMdw nhIN kIqI geI[ iPr vI, vot qoN pihlW, sMXukq rwStr ivc mwltw dI rwjdUq, vYnysw PryzIAr ny ies dI inMdw kIqI, nwl hI hmws dy hmilAW dI vI inMdw kIqI ijs ny sMkt dI SurUAwq kIqI[ 15 mYNbrI kONsl ny 12 “hW” votW nwl mqw pws kIqw Aqy XUky, XUAY`s qy rUs v`loN Awpxy AiDkwr dI vrqoN qoN sMkoc, 3 gYrhwzrIAW qy koeI ivroD nhIN sMXukq rwStr sur`iKAw kONsl ny gwzw iv`c qurMq mwnvqwvwdI ivrwm leI mqw pws kIqw • XwsmIn iqnvwlw

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 ® inaU ieMfIAw Abrof 8 AkYfmI Avwrf-ivjyqw inrmwqw gunIq moNgw kpUr Aqy imSyiln-stwrf SY`P ivkws KMnw iPlm ‘AmrIkn is`K’ dy kwrjkwrI inrmwqw vjoN kMm krngy[ ieb iPlm AmrIkw iv`c v`sdy ivSvjIq isMG dI s`cI khwxI ‘qy ADwrq hY, jo ie`k is`K hY, jo Awpxy kYptn AmrIkw vwly pihrwvy kwrn jnqk qOr ‘qy jwixAw jWdw hY[ vYrwietI dI irport Anuswr ieh iPlm 2024 AkYfmI Avwrf leI Xog ho geI hY[ iPlm isMG duAwrw bxweI geI sI, ijs ny inrdySk irAwn vYstrw nwl sWJydwrI iv`c inrdySk-inrmwqw vjoN kMm kIqw[ ieh isMG dI Asl izMdgI ‘qy AwDwirq hY, ij`Qy auh AmrIkI hox dw kI mqlb hY, ies bwry p`Kpwq Aqy smwijk aumIdW nwl lVn leI Awpxy suprhIro kYptn AmrIkw dI vrqoN krdw hY[ brimMGm, Alwbwmw iv`c hwl hI iv`c hoey sweIfvwk iPlm PYstIvl iv`c, ies iPlm ny srvoqm lGU AYnImySn leI purskwr Awpxy nW kIqw[ iesdy nwm dy hor AvwrfW iv`c sYn ifeygo ieMtrnYSnl iPlm PYstIvl iv`c srvoqm AYnImySn, srboqm lGU dsqwvyzI leI gRYNf ijaUrI Avwrf, sIAwtl dy qsvIr iPlm PYstIvl ivKy d AwifAMs coies Avwrf, iSkwgo ieMtrnYSnl iPlm PYstIvl iv`c ivSyS izkr Aqy twlgRws iPlm PYstIvl iv`c ie`k snmwnXog izkr[ moNgw ny Awpxy AYks post iv`c iliKAw, “swfI nvIN AYnImyitf lGU iPlm, ‘AmrIkn is`K’ pyS krn leI ivkws KMnw nwl h`Q imlwaux iv`c mwx mihsUs hoieAw[“ KMnw ny ie`k lMby AYks post iv`c pRgt kIqw ik “swfy smyN dI sB qoN mh`qvpUrn iPlmW iv`coN ie`k” nwl juVy hox dw kI mqlb hY[ “myrw idl tu`t igAw jdoN mYN 1984 dOrwn, 9/11 qoN bwAd jW 2012 iv`c ivskwnisn is`K gurduAwry dI golIbwrI dOrwn is`KW au`qy hoey hmilAW ƒ dyiKAw[ mYN is`K Drm dI Asl SkqI Aqy ies pRqI jwgrUkqw pYdw krn leI AmrIkw dy 18 SihrW Aqy AweIvI l I g kwljW Aqy AwksP orf X UnIvristI iv`c holI i k c n z dsqwvyzI dI skRIinMg dw pRbMD kIqw[ mYN ivSvjIq isMG bwry lMby smyN qoN jwxdw sI Aqy jdoN mYN irAwn vYsqrwduAwrw bxweI AmrIkn is`K ƒ dyiKAw qW myrw idl ruk igAw[ iviBMnqw Aqy BweIcwry ƒ kwiem r`Kx leI AmrIkn is`K A`j smyN dI shI loV hY,” KMnw ny AwpxI AYks post iv`c iliKAw[ ‘AmrIkn is`K’ ivSvjIq isMG dI s`cI khwxI ‘qy ADwrq hY, jo ik ie`k dsqwrDwrI Aqy dwVHI vwlw is`K ivAkqI hY, jo kYptn AmrIkw dI SKsIAq ƒ Apxw ky AsihxSIlqw ivru`D lV irhw hY • XwsmIn qInvwlw gunIq moNgw qy ivkws KMnw hoxgy ‘AmrIkn is`K’ iPlm dy kwrjkwrI inrmwqw PHOTO: @americansikhflm & @sikhtoons न् यू इंडि्ा अब्रॉि शनिवार, 18 िवंबर, 2023

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® न्यू इंडि्ा अब्रॉि शनिवार, 18 िवंबर, 2023 9

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® 10 SRI sIqw rwm PwaUNfySn XUAY`sey ny roznbrg, tYksws iv`c Port byNf AYpIsYNtr ivKy 12vyN AMqrrwStrI dIvwlIdusihrw smwroh dI myzbwnI kIqI[ AmrIkw iv`c BwrqI ivrwsq ƒ aujwgr krn vwly ies smwgm iv`c lgBg ie`k drjn dySW dy sQwnk pqvMiqAW Aqy kONsl jnrlW ny iSrkq kIqI[ ies smwroh iv`c dunIAw Br dy dySW dI numwieMdgI krn vwly 200 JMfy, styj pySkwrI, ijs iv`c iSv qWfv fWs, vIAqnwm qoN ie`k Syr fWs Aqy ie`k imsrI fWs dy nwl-nwl ie`k pRiqBw SoA vI Swml sI, ijs iv`c 20 qoN v`D b`icAW ny gwaux, n`cx Aqy swz vjwaux iv`c Awpxy hunr dw pRdrSn kIqw[ Bwrq qoN vYidk ivdvwn pdm BUSx CInw jIXwr svwmI ny ivSyS mihmwn vjoN ies smwgm iv`c iSrkq kIqI[ “dIvwlI dusihrw iqauhwr ‘qy mnweIAW jWdIAW AmIr prMprwvW Aqy kdrW-kImqW dw AnuBv krnw s`cmu`c kmwl dI g`l hY[ v`K-v`K AMqrrwStrI klwkwrW dy pRdrSn ny vsuDYv kutuMbkm dy ivSvivAwpI isDWq ƒ pRPu`lq kIqw, ik ivSv ie`k pirvwr hY,” aunHW ikhw[ ivSyS mihmwnW iv`c XUnIvristI AwP ihaUstn isstm dI pRDwn ryxU Ktor, ihaUstn qoN kWgrsvUmYn ilzI PlYcr, Port byNf kwauNtI dy j`j kypI ijErj Aqy izlHw Adwlq dy j`j suryNdrn ptyl Swml sn[ ies mOky ivSwl pryf dy nwl-nwl rwvx dhn, rwvx au`qy Bgvwn rwm dI ij`q dw pRqIk ivSwl p`Dr ‘qy swiVAw puqlw ies smwgm dIAW mu`K ivSySqwvW iv`coN ie`k sn[ Bwrq dy kONsl jnrl fIsI mMjUnwQ ny pryf dy gRYNf mwrSl vjoN syvw inBweI[ “ieh smwroh ihaUstn dy s`iBAwcwrk lYNfskyp dw ie`k mh`qvpUrn ih`sw bx igAw hY, rwmlIlw, iviBMn fWs ivDIAW Aqy jIvMq BweIcwrk BwgIdwrI duAwrw dIvwlI dy q`q ƒ pRdriSq krdw hY[ ieh hux ie`k auqsukqw nwl aufIikAw jwx vwlw slwnw jSn hY, jo ik hnyry au`qy roSnI dy sMdyS leI dunIAw Br iv`c pRSMswXog hY”, mMjUnwQ ny ikhw[ bwbw siqAwnwrwiex mOirAw duAwrw Bgvwn rwm ƒ smripq pyNitMgW, bUQW ‘qy hor rvwieqI Aqy h`Q nwl bxy auqpwd pRdriSq kIqy gey sn[ smwroh dI smwpqI ie`k mnmohk lyzr SoA Aqy Puhwry dy Awly duAwly rvwieqI grbw fWs nwl hoeI[ XMg ihMdUz AwP gRytr ihaUstn dI pRDwn Aqy pryf iv`c Bwg lYx vwlI hrIipRAw suMdr ny ikhw, “AMqrrwStrI dIvwlIdusihrw iqauhwr iv`c Swml hoxw nOjvwnW leI ie`k jIvMq Aqy romWck qjrbw hY Aqy dosqW nwl sQweI XwdW bxwaux dw mOkw vI[“ ryxU Ktor, ny it`pxI kIqI, “myrI sB qoN XwdgwrI Xwqrw Coty b`icAW ƒ mwx nwl rwStrI pihrwvy pihndy hoey, s`iBAwcwrk fWs krdy hoey Aqy BwrqI imiQhws bwry is`Kdy dyKxw hY[ ieh qjrbw pirvrqnSIl hY ikauNik ieh swfy Biv`K iv`c ie`k invyS hY[” Awpxy sMboDn iv`c, SRI sIqw rwm PwaUNfySn dy sMsQwpk fw Arux vrmw ny swry spWsrW, pqvMiqAW, ivdySI kONslytW, vlMtIArW, ivkryqwvW Aqy BweIcwirAW dw AwpxI hwzrI nwl ies mOky dw AwnMd lYx leI qih idloN DMnvwd kIqw[ aunHW ikhw ik, “ieh iqauhwr BwrqI fwiesporw Aqy bwkI dunIAw leI swfI AmIr s`iBAwcwrk ivrwsq ƒ sMBwlx Aqy auqSwihq krn leI swfI smUihk vcnb`Dqw dw jSn Aqy pRmwx sI[” SRI sIqw rwm PwaUNfySn v`loN 12vW AMqrrwStrI dIvwlI-dusihrw smwroh roznbrg, tYksws ivKy dIvwlI-dusihrw smwroh dy idRS • inaU ieMfIAw Abrof nYtvrk न् यू इंडि्ा अब्रॉि शनिवार, 18 िवंबर, 2023 classified [email protected] Book Your

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 ® inaU ieMfIAw Abrof 11 न्यू इंडि्ा अब्रॉि शनिवार, 18 िवंबर, 2023

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® शनिवार, 18 िवंबर, 2023 12 ARSHA VIDYA PITHAM 651, Route 115, SAYLORSBURG, PA 570-992-2339 The Gift For a Day Program Arsha Vidya Gurukulam was founded in 1986 by Pujya Sri Swami Dayananda Saraswati. The Gurukulam is situated on 99 acres of partially wooded land in the Pocono Mountains, graced by a Lord Dakṣ iņ ā mū rti temple. The facility houses a 400-seat state of the art auditorium and dining complex, library, reading room, bookstore, modern accommodations suited to contemplative study, The traditional study of Vedanta & Yoga, Sanskrit, Jyotisha, and Ayurveda camps are organized at the Gurukulam . The ashram is run on the donations of the members. The Members value the teachings at AVG and support the gurukulam by donating $500 for a day’s expense of running the gurukulam under Gift For a Day Program. When $2000 is donated for four Gift-For-A-Day programs per family of 2 adults & children and they become Patron Members for that year. The features of Patron Membership are as given below: 1. The new patron members (who opt for 4 GFDs per year) can avail one week camp for free in place of free books for the first year. 2.All the existing patron members can avail themselves of any one of the long weekend camps if they do not get a chance to attend the patron camps. 3. There is no need to pay donation for using homa building once a year for all the patron members depending on the availability of the priest’s slot for that day. 4.The donation is tax exempt.

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® 13 Photo: @ Sansad_TV न् यू इंडि्ा अब्रॉि शनिवार, 18 िवंबर, 2023 BwrqI stwr AQlIt nIrj copVw ƒ cwr hor AQlItW dy nwl ivSv AQlYitks sMsQw duAwrw “vrlf AQlIt AwP id eIAr” dy purS iKqwb leI PweInilst vjoN coxvyN iKfwrIAW dI sUcI iv`c r`iKAw igAw hY[ “pMj AYQlItW, jo cwr Kyqr AYsosIeySnW dy cwr dySW dI numwieMdgI krdy hn, ny 2023 iv`c AQlYitk AnuSwsnW iv`c snsnIKyz pRdrSn kIqw[ ienHW iv`c ivSv AQlYitks cYNpIAniSp 2023 iv`c iKqwb ij`qxw, ivSv irkwrf qoVxw, ie`k idnw mIitMg srkt, lybl rof rys Aqy ivSv Br qoN hor AnuSwsn Swml hn”, ivSv AQlYitks ny ie`k rIlIz iv`c ikhw[ Bwrq dy hirAwxw sUby qoN 25 swlw jYviln QRoAr nIrj copVw ElMipk Aqy ivSv cYNpIAn hY[ ivSv cYNpIAniSp iv`c Awpxy Kyf iv`c son qmgw ij`qx vwlw pihlw eySIAn AQlIt bxn dy nwl, nIrj ny jYviln iv`c ElMipk son qmgw ij`qx vwly pihly eyiSAweI AQlIt vjoN vI ieiqhws ricAw hY[ BwrqI POj iv`c ie`k jUnIAr kimSnf APsr sUbydwr, nIrj copVw ivSv AMfr-20 cYNpIAniSp ij`qx vwlw pihlw BwrqI trYk Aqy PIlf AQlIt vI sI[ swl 2016 iv`c, nIrj ny AwpxI 86.48-mItr QroA nwl ie`k ivSv irkwrf sQwpq kIqw, Aijhw krn vwly Bwrq dy pihly AQlIt vjoN ieiqhws ricAw[ Avwrf leI AMiqm rostr ‘qy ausdy mukwbly Swt put iv`c AmrIkw dy irAwn krwaUzr, pol vwlt iv`c svIfn dy moNfo fuplWits, mYrwQn iv`c kInIAw dy kylivn ikptm Aqy 100 qy 200 mItr iv`c AmrIkw dy noAwh lwielz hn[ vrlf AYQlIt AwP id eIAr dy jyqUAW bwry Kulwsw 11 dsMbr ƒ ivSv AQlYitks dy plytPwrmW ‘qy kIqw jwvygw[ ivSv AQlYitks soSl mIfIAw plytPwrmW rwhIN pRSMskW duAwrw AwpxIAW votW AwnlweIn irkwrf krn dy nwl-nwl ku`l 3-qrIky vwlI voitMg pRikirAw krvweI geI hY[ AwnlweIn mwiDAm rwhIN irkwrf 2 imlIAn votW drj kIqIAW geIAW[ ies qoN ielwvw ivSv AQlYitks kONsl Aqy ivSv AQlYitks pirvwr ny eImyl rwhIN Awpxy bYlt jmHW krvwey[ nIrj copVw ivSv AQlIt ’23 dy PweInilst vjoN auBirAw BwrqI jYviln AQlIt nIrj copVw @Neeraj_chopra1a

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® 20 14 न्यू इंडि्ा अब्रॉि शनिवार, 18 िवंबर, 2023

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 ® inaU ieMfIAw Abrof 15

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® 16 DIVINE MAJESTY Inside the Largest Hindu Mandir in the Western Hemisphere

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® 17 At Shayona Café, enjoy a delightful ensemble of vegetarian Indian and Western cuisines. Here, culinary artistry melds with spiritual principles, creating a menu that not only tantalizes the taste buds but also resonates with the core ideas of non-violence. Each dish is made with mindfulness, aiming to nurture the mind, body, and soul. It provides an opportunity to experience a fusion of 昀氀avors, and appreciate diverse dishes. In Hindu tradition, welcoming guests is sacred. The Welcome Center re昀氀ects this ethos, blending traditional Indian haveli architecture with its embracing corridors that promote warmth and hospitality. It extends a gracious welcome to individuals of all backgrounds. The Center’s aesthetics showcase India’s cultural heritage, featuring lamps, design motifs, and vibrant murals The Brahma Kund, which foregrounds Swaminarayan Akshardham, is a traditional Indian stepped pond that brims with water from 108 of India’s holy rivers and the waters 昀氀owing through the 昀椀fty states of the US. This reservoir pays tribute to our planet’s precious resources and expresses reverence for na ture within Hinduism by represent ing the rivers as sacred beings their personi昀椀ed forms. It inspires visitors to pause and experience the beauty of nature and its divine creator. At the campus entrance stands a 49-foot sacred image (murti) of Bhagwan Swaminarayan, as a youthful yogi. During his youth, he was known as Nilkanth, and he embarked on an extraordinary 7-year, 8,000-mile journey across India. Throughout his travels, he shared valuable teachings about faith, forgiveness, and perseverance, while also embodying these virtues in his own life. This image pays tribute to his inspiring journey and serves as a space for profound re昀氀ection. Nestled in Robbinsville Township in New Jersey, BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham is a sacred Hindu place of worship and a testament to Hindu art and spirituality. Visitors experience the beauty and teachings of Hinduism through the serene Nilkanth Plaza, the Welcome Center, and the Akshardham Mahamandir. Each part of the campus invites a transformative journey toward the Divine’s radiant joy. BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham is a spiritual campus by the BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha. BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham Campus

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® 18 Inspiring Architecture Experience the awe-inspiring fusion of design and divinity at BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham. This architectural masterpiece is more than a visual marvel; it’s a spiritual journey where each detail narrates a tale of inspiration. As you explore, you’ll discover that Akshardham transcends conventional beauty, carrying the profound wisdom and devotion of centuries. It’s a testament to human creativity, a wellspring of spiritual enlightenment, and a bridge between the physical and the divine. Visiting Akshardham is an opportunity to witness the di vine through design, an encounter that leaves an indelible impression on your heart and soul.

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® 19 Sacred Murtis in Akshardham 1.3 million sq. ft. OF CONSTRUCTION AREA 12,500 185 acres OF LAND Millions 1.9 million cu. ft. OF STONE 110,000 tons OF STONE USED Unparalleled scale in the history of Hindu architecture At 255 ft. wide, 345 ft. long, and 191 ft. tall, the Akshardham Mahamandir is unique amongst all Hindu mandirs built from stone in the last 600 years. Aksharbrahma Shri Gunatitanand Swami & Parabrahma Bhagwan Shri Swaminarayan Bhagwan Shri Venkateshw Shri Padmav Bhagwan Shri Ram, Shri S Shri Lakshmanji, Shri Hanum Bhagwan Shri Shiv, Shri Parv Shri Kartikeyaji, Shri Gane Bhagwan Shri Kris Shri Rad

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® 20 Over 12,500 people volunteered in the creation of BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham. Students, parents, professionals, and more, dedicated their time and effort—for two weeks, six months, two years, or even more than a decade—to make Akshardham a reality. The volunteers came to help build the mandir but discovered transformative experiences. Following are a few stories highlighting the devotion and sacri昀椀ce of the volunteers excerpted from the book, People of Akshardham: Stories Beyond the Stones. You can order a copy of this exceptional book at Yesha Shah, 27, of Skokie, Illinois, volunteered for three days in 2019 but when she returned to pharmacy school, she missed the ful昀椀llment she had felt while volunteering. She took a 1.5-year leave to continue volunteering to be part of this once-in-alifetime opportunity. She served as co-lead of the rebar team. Inspired by the virtues of her teammates, Yesha strove to serve humbly, accept criticism positively, and develop patience. Re昀氀ecting on the impact of her time volunteering, Yesha said, “I used to get very easily hurt if someone point ed out my mistakes. Over the last year, I stopped dwelling so much on the external factors I can’t change and chose to focus on things that can change in myself. This has helped me feel more at peace with myself “One of the things we gain from serving is spurts of inspiration from those around us that help us grow.” “Every stone we place, every stone we dip, is an ofiering to God.” People Of Akshardham “Site seva has made a big impact on my life. Being here every day for three months, it truly has become my home. - Upasna, San Diego, CA Student (Biology) “I learned unity as well as patience here. I work as an ER nurse. I am used to fast-paced environments, and something that I live by is always being on the go.” - Devanshi, Gainesville, FL “The core principle of volunteering here is to give back to the commu nity. Akshardham gives back without any prejudice” - Tapas, Hartford, CT Corporate Quality Assurance “This opportunity would never come again. I’m a 昀椀rst-year student studying arti昀椀cial intelligence at King’s College, London. I am here for seva for a month.” - Vatsal, Harrow, United Kingdom Student (Arti昀椀cial Intelligence) “I would describe Akshardham as my home, a place where you 昀椀nd peace. I’ve learned to be patient and to deal with different types of problems.” - Sarika, Robbinsville, NJ Human Resources “I’m here for about 6 weeks. I’m a part of the low voltage team. We help lay all the pipes down for all the wiring.” - Jay, New York, NY Orthopedic Surgeon “It’s really inspiring seeing all these people’s stories come together into one big story, which is Akshardham here. - Jina, Atlanta, GA Student (Psychology) Nilkanth Rao, 40, vividly remembers accompanying his father, Ramesh, to Kandla, Gujarat the stone carving site at the age of 10. Inspired by his father’s years of volunteering in mandir construction, Nilkanth began serving on the Akshardham site in 2012 and joined full-time in January 2022, taking a year’s sabbatical from his work as a manager at Accenture Federal Service. He weatherproofed, cut, clamped, placed, and repaired stones throughout the Akshardham campus. Nilkanth’s volunteering has taught him to imbue all his actions with spirituality. “With the right sentiments, there is no real difference between physical service on site and devotion we offer in the mandir. Every stone we place, every stone we dip, is an offering to God.” “I‘m a resident at Rutgers NJMS. I think being here, I’ve learned how to be a better leader, how to be a better team player, and give my best effort.” - Prit, Flushing, NY Medical Resident

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® 21 Celebrating Sanatan Dharma Saturday, September 30, 2023 Diksha Din Monday, October 2, 2023 Celebrating Interfaith Harmony Wednesday, October 4, 2023 Establishing an eternal path of faith in God, a program called “Celebrating Sanatan Dharma” welcomed 400 Hindu faiths and organizations to collectively honor timeless values of peace, harmony and unity set by ancient Hindu scriptures at the BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham in Robbinsville, NJ. Leaders of Hindu organizations gathered to celebrate Sanatana Dharma, emphasized its global signi昀椀cance and unity within diversity. Jeffrey Armstrong praised the event and Akshardham as the start of a Vedic renaissance. Swami Mukundanandaji highlighted the unity of 400 organizations, particularly honoring BAPS’s devotion and guru bhakti. Swami Govinddev Giri expressed awe at Akshardham’s construction in America, symbolizing Hinduism’s diversity and unity. Finally, His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj emphasized the role of mandirs (temples) in sustaining Sanatan Dharma, praising Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s vision in building Swaminarayan Akshardham and encouraging service to society based on Dharma’s principles. Devotees participated in a grand Vedic Mahayagna. The three-month long Vedic Mahayagna was a 昀椀rst of its kind in the West, celebrating the inauguration of a Hindu mandir symbolizing sel昀氀ess service, peaceful coexistence, and timeless Hindu spirituality. The Mahayagna is performed to invoke peace within one’s life and family, as well as peace around the world. It promotes universal values of peace and harmony to inspire future generations. It stands as one of the cornerstone events of the opening of Akshard ham. The Vedic Mahayagna features ancient rituals designed to connect participants with the divine. This among the oldest all-encompassing Hindu rituals aimed to inspire pure and virtuous thoughts and actions. His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj, following in the footsteps of his guru HH Pramukh Swami Maharaj, has carried on the tradition of hosting grand yagnas for global peace and harmony. At the BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham in Robbinsville, New Jersey, a historic diksha din ceremony took place where 30 American-born youths were initiated as Hindu Swamis by HH Mahant Swami Maharaj. This event, marked their commitment to a life of faith, unity, and devotion. These youths, from diverse educational and professional backgrounds, had contributed to the construction of Akshardham and were now dedicating their lives to sel昀氀ess service, embodying values like humility and compassion. Mahant Swami Maharaj blessed them, emphasizing their chosen path of service to God and society. Diksha Din is not just an event; it is a testament to the indomitable spirit of these 30 young souls who have pursued diverse 昀椀elds of study and professions at reputable universities and companies. Among them are individuals who are the sole children of their parents, indicating the profound sacri昀椀ce they and their families have embraced for the greater good. Twenty delegates from prominent religious traditions gathered for an event named Interfaith Harmony Day. The event brought together representatives from Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. The gathering was a testament to the core principles of Akshardham, where unity emerges from diversity, and the common threads that bind humanity together are celebrated with reverence and appreciation. Bishop Darin Moore praised Akshardham as holy ground, lauding its architecture and the peoner of The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints shared his tem ple experience, “As I looked at the spires, I started to recognize that I was looking heavenward. I was do ing exactly what a temple should do It should turn me to God. It should help me see that.” Interfaith Harmo ny Day celebrated mutual respect, compassion, and understanding, embodying Akshardham’s message of harmony and unity. Interfaith Harmony Day celebrated mutual re spect, compassion, and understand ing, embodying Akshardham’s mes Longest Vedic Mahayagna Prayers for Peace Within and Around Akshardham Mahotsav Events

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® 22 See many more guests opinions @akshardhamusa Guest Opinions “By constructing BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham, you have constructed a lighthouse. It shall give its light forever for generations in the form of knowledge. This is a temple of humanity; a temple of faith; a temple of universal love; a temple of universal brotherhood.” - Pujya Swami Govinddev Giri Treasurer of the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust “The spiritual approach when it comes to the temple and everything around it, because sometimes when you’ lost in your own life, living the daily life, you forget about that side and it’s really cool to see that this exists, and you can de昀椀nitely learn from it.” - Maxi Kleber Dallas Mavericks, NBA “I had the fortune to meet Mahant Swami Maharaj nearly 48 years ago. ... I stayed with him. All these years, one thing I observed, he is nothing but the embodiment of Hindu culture, Hindu values and Hindu dharma.” - Pujya Swami Paramatmanandaji Founder Acharya of Arsha Vidya Mandir I heard the stories of the amazing volunteers. They sacri昀椀ced to put this amazing temple together. Absolutely phenomenal. And that really resonates with me as I served in the US Air Force. Your service gave me so much hope for humanity. It was really, really special.” - Sergeant Elizabeth Rabjohn US Air Force “The message of Akshardham is clear. It is for everyone. It is not con昀椀ned to one religion; it is for humanity. I think that people who want to search for something, the truth of life - they should come to this place. Many answers which you don’t get in your life, you will 昀椀nd them here.” - Arif Aajakia Human Rights Activist “I was really inspired today because the Festival of Inspirations celebrates the things that America really needs more than ever right now: a sense of community, rootedness, serving others. Those things are in decline, and we see that across our country unfortunately.” - Michael Adams Secretary of State, Kentucky “The diversity resonated with me greatly, and the respect for one another and for one another’s gifts. The intelligence of the children, the dedication that they have, and the inclusivity, the way they work together. It’s one big family, and that’s what I got out of it.” - Tanya Lehmann Robbinsville Board of Education, President “It’s not the number of breaths you take in your life; it’s the number of times your breath gets taken away. I feel this is the eighth wonder of the world, and not just because of the structure, but because of how it happened.” - Guy Chiarello Chief Operating Of昀椀cer, Fiserv “This will transcend generations, thousands of years from now. When we are not here, this will still be here as a testament to the importance of inclusion and unity and embracing others.” - Mayor Lisa Morotta Rocky Hill, CT “I encourage everyone, no matter what your background is, no matter what your religion is, to come see what’s happening here in Robbinsville, Akshardham, New Jersey. Robbinsville is second to none.” - Seth Lewis Member of Illinois Senate “Robbinsville Akshardham represents the devotion to one’s guru. It’s a tes tament to the love that volunteers have for Pramukh Swami Mahara Akshardham is majestic, it’s magical, it’s mystical.” - Gurudev Shri Rakeshji Shrimad Rajchandra Mission “We are so happy to have 400 organizations of our Sanatana Dharma gathered here to celebrate the accomplishment of BAPS. We honor the devotion in their hearts. We take inspiration from their guru bhakti & appreciate their wonderful achievement here. - Pujya Swami Mukundanandaji Founder of Jagadguru Kripaluji Yog

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® 23 112 North Main Street, Robbinsville, NJ 08561 Open to visitors every day except Tuesday. For the latest visiting hours & details, please visit Mahant Swami Maharaj The Inspirer of Akshardham His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj is the current spiritual head of BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha and the sixth spiritual successor of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. It was solely due to his inspiration that, thousands of volunteers from different walks of life and across the globe came together to build the Akshardham. BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham was envisioned by HH Pramukh Swami Maharaj. He was the 昀椀fth spiritual successor of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and the inspirer of millions. He envisioned a majestic spiritual campus in the United States that would consolidate thousands of years of inspiring Hindu art, architecture and culture. Pramukh Swami Maharaj The Visionary of Akshardham NOW OPEN VISITORS WELCOME The grand dedication ceremony of the BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham, held on October 8, celebrated Akshardham as a beacon of tradition, inspiring harmony, service, devotion, and as the abode of God. Scan the QR code to relive this momentous event. Grand Dedication Ceremony Scan to see YouTube Video SCAN TO VISIT

Sincrvwr, 18 nvMbr, 2023 inaU ieMfIAw Abrof® 24 शनिवार, 18 िवंबर, 2023 Published Weekly Copyright © 2023 Indian Star LLC Editor in Chief Dr. Sridhar Krishnaswami [email protected] Chief Executive Of昀椀cer Rajeev Bhambri [email protected] Registered Address Indian Star LLC, 6215 Rockhurst Rd, Bethesda, MD 20817 USA Disclaimers: 1. India Abroad is a Registered trademark and not affiliated with the newspaper named India Abroad marketed in the US from 1972 to 2021. 2. Indian Star LLC assumes no liability for claims / assumptions made in advertisements and advertorials. Views expressed by the writers are their own. Indian Star LLC A publication of Editor (Hindi) Dr. Rameshwar Dayal [email protected] sMXukq rwStr jlvwXU pirvrqn dI ie~k nvIN irport d~sdI hY ik rwStrI jlvwXU AYkSn plwn Ajy vI globl qwpmwn ƒ 1.5 ifgrI sYlsIAs q~k sImq krn Aqy pYirs smJOqy iv~c drswey audySW ƒ pRwpq krn leI nwkwPI hY[ hwlWik kuJ dySW ny Awpxy XqnW iv~c vwDw kIqw hY, pr irport ivSv pRdUSn inkws dy cwl-clx ƒ hyTW ilAwaux leI vDyry qurMq Aqy Tos kwrvweI dI loV ‘qy zor idMdI hY, ijs nwl jlvwXU pirvrqn dy bury pRBwvW qoN bicAw jw skdw hY[ “A~j dI irport drswauNdI hY ik srkwrW iml ky jlvwXU sMkt ƒ twlx leI Coty kdm cu~k rhIAW hn[ Aqy ieh drswauNdw hY ik ikauN srkwrW cMgy hwlwq v~l Awaux leI dubeI iv~c sIEpI28 iv~c A~gy vDx leI dlyr kdm cu~kxy cwhIdy hn”, sMXukq rwStr jlvwXU pirvrqn dy kwrjkwrI sk~qr, sweImn stIl ny ikhw[ “iesdw mqlb hY ik sIEpI28 ie~k sp~St qy nvW moV hoxw cwhIdw hY[ srkwrW ƒ nw isr& ies g~l ‘qy sihmq hoxw cwhIdw hY ik ikhVIAW mzbUq jlvwXU kwrvweIAW kIqIAW jwxgIAW blik ieh idKwauxw vI SurU krnw cwhIdw hY ik aunHW ƒ ikvyN lwgU krnw hY”, sweImn ny ikhw[ sweImn ny ies g~l ‘qy zor id~qw ik rwStrW leI mh~qvpUrn moV Awpxy XqnW ƒ muV surjIq krnw Aqy swry moricAW ‘qy kwrvweIAW ƒ qyz krnw sIEpI28 ’qy pihlI golbl stwktyk dw is~tw hvygw[ stwktyk ƒ pYirs smJOqy dy qihq jlvwXU AYkSn plwn dy bwAd dy dOr leI sUJ pRdwn krn leI iqAwr kIqw igAw hY, ijsƒ nYSnl iftrmweINf koNtrIibaUSns (AYfIsIs) vjoN jwixAw jWdw hY[ ienHW AYfIsIs dy 2025 q~k pyS kIqy jwx dI aumId hY, ijs nwl qyzI nwl kwrvweI dw rwh p~Drw ho jwvygw[ jlvwXU pirvrqn ‘qy sMXukq rwStr dy AMqr-srkwrI pYnl dIAW sB qoN qwzw ivigAwnk KojW ny 2019 dy p~DrW dy mukwbly 2030 q~k gRInhwaUs gYsW dy inkws ƒ 43 pRqISq q~k Gtwaux dI zrUrq ‘qy zor id~qw hY[ “ifgrI dw hr ih~sw mwieny r~Kdw hY, pr AsIN burI qrHW trYk qoN bwhr hW[ sIEpI28 ies ƒ bdlx dw swfw smW hY”, sweImn ny ikhw[ “hux dlyr jlvwXU kwrvweI dy v~fy lwBW ƒ idKwaux dw smW Aw igAw hY: vDyrI nOkrIAW, au~c qnKwh, AwriQk ivkws, mOky Aqy siQrqw, G~t pRdUSx Aqy ibhqr ishq[“ rwStrI jlvwXU AYkSn plwn nwkwPI: sMXukq rwStr kuJ dySW duAwrw qyz XqnW dy bwvjUd, irport qurMq Aqy Tos kwrvweI ƒ ryKWikq krdI hY[ • mihk lUQrw Representative Image | Unsplash

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