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This is a guidelines document issued by Radhasoami Satsang Sabha for the year 2017

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Published by naagraaj, 2019-12-25 09:02:48

Summer Camp Guidelines 2017

This is a guidelines document issued by Radhasoami Satsang Sabha for the year 2017

Keywords: Summer Camp

Radhasoami Satsang Sabha
Guidelines 2016

Guidelines for Holding of Summers Youth Training Camp.


1. These Guidelines supercede all previous Guidelines issued prior to this date.
2. Branch Secretaries desirous of holding Summer School should apply to the Secretary,

Radhasoami Satsang Sabha through their Regional President, at least three months prior to
the proposed commencement of the School. The proposal should contain the following
information -
(1) Venue of the proposed Summer School,
(2) Proposed date of commencement,
(3) Name, educational qualification and Date of Initiation of the Director,
(4) Names of male and female Wardens (separate for boys and girls) who will be on duty

in shifts throughout the day,
(5) Names of male and female Doctors. (Only Lady Doctor should attend to the girls.

Doctors, preferably, should be initiated Satsangis. If Satsangi Doctors are not
available, other Doctors may be arranged on call basis.)

3. Eligibility criterion for participants -
(1) Students in the age group of 11 to 16 years and studying in classes VII th to Xth can
be admitted. The date of reckoning the age, irrespective of the date of commencement
of the Summer School, will be taken as 15th May of the year.
(2) Only those students will be admitted who have at least one of their parents as an
initiated Satsangi. In addition, children staying with their grandparents (who are
initiated Satsangis), who participate in Branch Satsang with them and are being
brought up in Satsang environment, can be admitted if seats are available. However,
their parents will have to certify that they have no objection to their wards joining the
Summer School.
(3) Students who have participated in a Summer School earlier, can be enrolled once
more, subject to availability of seats.
(4) Student should be residing in the territorial jurisdiction of the Regional Association,
which is holding the Summer School.

Radhasoami Satsang Sabha
Guidelines 2016

4. Other criterion for Summer School -
(1) The strength of participants should be 30 with a margin of 10%. In case the number
falls below 27, approval of Sabha for holding the camp may be obtained. If it falls
below 20, then it would be advisable for the Region to consider merger of Summer
Camp with another camp.
(2) Every student admitted to a Summer School shall pay Rs. 150 on account of
boarding, lodging, books and study material.
(3) Expenses of journeys from home to the place where the Summer School is being
organized and back, including those of an escort, if any, shall be borne by the parents
of the students.
(4) On the day of commencement of the Summer School, a medical check-up of the
students should be arranged such that male students are examined by a male doctor
while female students are examined by a female doctor. In case any student is found
to be suffering from any viral infection, he/she may not be admitted.
(5) The duration of the Summer School shall be three weeks.

5. In case the conditions mentioned in para 3 above are totally fulfilled, the Regional
President may directly approve admission of the student in the Summer School. However,
the actual admission will be made after clearance in a medical checkup to be conducted on
the day of commencement of the Summer School.

6. Lodging Arrangements : Separate arrangement of stay of boys and girls will be made This
should be clearly mentioned in the proposal and if possible, a rough sketch-plan may be

7. Daily Schedule : Daily schedule of the participants will be as per Annexure B, enclosed with
these Guidelines.

8. Study Material : The book entitled "Dayalbagh and Satsang Culture" will be provided to the
students for the duration of the Summer School. Students desirous of owning a personal
copy may purchase it at cost price. In addition, they will be provided with a notebook, a pen
and a bag.

9. Other Conditions :
(1) The total number of teachers, volunteers and other staff, should not normally exceed 50.
(2) Such teachers, volunteer and other staff shall pay Rs. 35/- per day per head for their
boarding expenses.

Radhasoami Satsang Sabha
Guidelines 2016

(3) The expenditure on food account should not exceed Rs.35/- per head per day.
(4) The deficit on holding of Summer School should normally not exceed Rs.12,000/-.
(5) The deficit shall be borne by the society so designated by FA (S) of Dayalbagh, or by the

regional education society, as the case may be. The Regional Radhasoami Association
may send a copy of the proposal along with the final accounts to designated society for
reimbursement of deficit.
(6) Mementoes and prizes may be given to the students, but they should not exceed Rs. 5
and Rs. 15, respectively . Items selected should be Dayalbagh products.
10. Budget : A budget for the Summer School may be prepared as per Annexure F, keeping in
mind the points mentioned in these Guidelines and sent alongwith the proposal.
11. President or Vice President of the Regional Association should pay a visit to the Summer
School and address the students.
12. The Director of the Summer School shall be responsible for the day to day functioning of
the School. At the conclusion of the Summer School, the Director shall submit a report on
the prescribed format with Attachments as given below, on the working of the Summer
School to the Branch Secretary, within a period of one month. Branch Secretary will submit
it to the Regional President who will forward it, with comments if any, to the Secretary
Sabha within a month

Enclosures :

Attachments to the Report

1. Annexure A List of participants

2. Annexure B Time Table and Daily Schedule

3. Annexure C Syllabus - course covered

4. Annexure D Name and particulars of Instructors

5. Annexure E Brief note by the Director Summer School

6. Annexure F Budget and Accounts

Radhasoami Satsang Sabha
Guidelines 2016

Format of Report

Report of Summer School__________________
______________ (Place)

1. Held from ______________to__________________________________
2. Location where held (Town, Premises)___________________________
3. Approved by R.S.Sabha vide letter No.________Dated______________

II. Participants (Give details in Annexure-A)
Total Number: Boys_________Girls_________

III. Place of stay for boys and girls
(i) Boys:________________________________________________
(ii) Girls:________________________________________________
(Confirm that boys and girls were lodged separately)

Name of Wardens for boys and girls
Boys (Name of Warden and Profession and Age)
Girls (Name of Warden and Profession and Age)

(Please confirm that respective wardens stayed with boys and girls 24 hours) Yes/No

IV. Medical Check up was done / not done
a. When and by whom
b. Any case of illness reported
c. Action taken in case of illness:

V. Time table followed (Annexure-B)

VI Course covered (including Arts and Crafts and Topics of Discussion (Annexure-C)

VII Instructors (Annexure-D)

Name Qualification Subject taught No. of Days

VIII Volunteers (Total Number)
(Total number of volunteers and instructors should not exceed 50)

IX A brief note on running of Summer School covering the opening and
valedictory function (Attach a note not exceeding one page – Annexure-E)

Radhasoami Satsang Sabha
Guidelines 2016

X Mementos given, if any, (not to exceed Rs.5 per student) and prizes up
Rs.15 each to winners of competitions. (The items selected to be Dayalbagh
products only.)

XI Budget and Expenditure in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-F)
In case excess expenditure of deficit occurs reasons for variance be explained in brief on the
account sheet submitted and where variation is more than 5%, detailed reasons be given.

Signature of Regional President Signature of Course Director

Radhasoami Satsang Sabha
Guidelines 2016

Annexure – B (Time Table)


I Period (a) Physical, mental and spiritual faculties in man; Sant Mat, tenets of
8.45 A.M. Radhasoami Faith (Note provided)
9.30 A.M. (b) Significance of Satsang, Seva, Bhandaras, Basant, Holi
(Notes – reference provided) in the draft letter and Appendix-II.

(c) Selected (specified) Bachans of Huzur Mehtaji Maharaj -
delivered in Students’ Satsang.

II Period Lives of Sant Satgurus – listed paragraphs from Souvenir.
9.30 A.M. (Appendix-III to letter)
10.15 A.M.

III Period Readings from Early History of Dayalbagh – listed paragraphs
10.15 A.M. to (Appendix IV to letter)

11.00 A.M.

IV Period (a) Organisation of Sabha; Mahila Associations – Youth Associations
11.20 A.M. to (short note provided). Units – Exhibitions. (Paragraphs from 25-
year Progress of Satsang) Appendix-V to letter.
12.00 Noon

12.00 – 2.30 P.M. LUNCH – REST- RECREATION

V Period Recitation of Shabads with Musical accompaniment
2.30 P.M.
3.30 P.M.

VI Period Crafts (3 out of list given common to boys and girls)
3.30 P.M. Appendix VII to draft
4.00 P.M.

4.00 – 4.30 P.M. T E A B R E A K

Radhasoami Satsang Sabha
Guidelines 2016

4.30 p.m. to 5.30 P.M G A M E S

5.30 – 6.15 p.m. BREAK (BATH ETC.,)
6.15 P.M to 7.00 P.M. SATSANG
7.00 P.M. to 8.00 P.M. Interaction and Group Discussion
8.00 P.M. DINNER

Note: In case the day temperature is rather high in the month of May, the outdoor Activities (games)
can then be held either in the evening from 5.30 P.M. to 6.30 P.M. or could be held early in the
morning soon after day break.

Annexure –C (Syllabus) Radhasoami Satsang Sabha
Guidelines 2016
Courses Covered
Yes / No

I Lives of Sant Satgurus
Param Purush Puran Dhani Soamiji Maharaj
Param Guru Huzur Maharaj
Param Guru Maharaj Sahab
Param Guru Sarkar Sahab
Param Guru Sahabji Maharaj
Param Guru Mehtaji maharaj
Param Guru Dr. Lal Sahab

II Early History and Progess of Dayalbagh
Proclamation announcing Headquarters of Satsang
Speech delivered by Huzur Mehtaji Maharaj at the
time of Satsang Centenary
DEI Education Policy - Aims and Objects

III Selected bachans
Bachans of Huzur Mehtaji Maharaj
Bachans of Huzur Dr. Lal Sahab

IV Tenets of Radhaosoami Faith

V Satsang Organization and Satsang Community
Satsang Organization
Satsang Community

VI Decentralized mode of production of goods of
daily necessity

VII General:
Advice to Students by Huzur Sahabji Maharaj
Precept - Huzur Sahabji Maharaj
Messages - Huzur Mehtaji Maharaj

Radhasoami Satsang Sabha
Guidelines 2016

Annexure-D (Name & Particulars of Instructors)

S.No. Name Date of Initiation Qualification Topic Taught No. of days

Radhasoami Satsang Sabha
Guidelines 2016

Annexure-F (Budget)


S.No. INCOME Budget Actual EXPENDITURE Budget Actual
1. (with (with reasons
2. reasons for variation
3. variation)
Students @ 1. Food*
Rs.150 each
for 21 days. 2. Fuel

Staff, 3. Water and
volunteers / Electricity Charges
guests @
Rs.24.50 per 4. Cleaning
day. materials, detergents

Miscellaneous# 5. Stationery
including cost of
Deficit (to be Reports
financed by
designated 6. Material for quiz
Society) competitions, sports
Total :
7. Mementos, Prizes

8. Wages/Labour
charges if any

9. Miscellaneous**
Total :

# including any return of surplus * Food expenses not to exceed Rs.35.00 per head per day
material and sale of scrap Illustrative List:
1. Grains (Wheat, rice, pulses)
2. Ghee and oils
3. Spices, Sugar, Condiments
4. Vegetables and Fruit
5. Milk
6. Tea
** Details of Miscellaneous expenses be given.

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