Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation Regional Centre
for Vocational and Technical Education and Training
Brunei Darussalam
Fiscal Year
“ Ensuring greater impact of TVET for
sustainable development”
The Hon. Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy
SEAMEO Council President
Minister of Education and Culture
Ministry of Education and Culture
Jalan jenderal Sudirman
Senayan, Jakarta 10270
Dear Mr. President,
On behalf of the Governing Board, it is a great honor and privilege to present to the
SEAMEO Council the SEAMEO VOCTECH Regional Centre Annual Report for Fiscal Year
The report contains the accomplishments of the Centre for the fiscal year 2017/2018.
The programmes and services provided by the Centre to its stakeholders are categorised
into the following Key Result Areas: Professional Development, Research and
Development, Knowledge Management, Organisational Sustainability, and Visibility and
Corporate Social Responsibility.
We wish to extend our gratitude for the continuous support and trust of the Council in
all our undertakings and we are hoping that our accomplishments presented in this
report meet the Council’s high expectations.
Best Regards,
Chairman, Governing Board
SEAMEO VOCTECH Regional Centre
Brunei Darussalam
Yang Mulia
Pg. Dr. Saiful Baharin Bin Pg Duraman
Chairman, Governing Board
SEAMEO VOCTECH Regional Centre
Dear Mr. Chairman,
It is with great pleasure to present to the Governing Board the accomplishments of the
Centre for Fiscal Year 2017/2018.
This Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 presents the programmes and services
undertaken by the Centre to meet its mandate of enhancing the TVET systems of
SEAMEO member countries through innovative capability building, research and
development, and information services, and reaching its vision of a globally recognised
Regional Centre of Excellence in TVET.
Guided by the 5th Five-Year Development Plan, the accomplishments presented in this
report are categorized by the following Key Result Areas: Professional Development,
Research and Development, Knowledge Management, Organisational Sustainability and
Visibility and Corporate social Responsibility.
We will appreciate very much the Governing Board’s endorsement to the SEAMEO
Council of the Centre’s accomplishments presented in this annual report. On behalf of
the management and staff of the Centre, please accept our deepest gratitude to the
SEAMEO VOCTECH Governing Board Members for the continuous support extended to
us in implementing our programmes and services.
Very truly yours,
Centre Director
Brunei Darussalam
~ ii ~
“A Globally Recognised Regional Centre of Excellence in TVET”
“We are committed to enhance the TVET systems of SEAMEO
member countries through innovative capability building,
research and development, and information services.”
Respect for Diversity
~ iii ~
KRA 1: Professional Development
For Fiscal Year 2017/2018, SEAMEO VOCTECH (SV) Regional Centre had implemented 17 training
programmes attended by 615 participants. This is an increase of 30.8% from the previous year
of 13 training programmes but a slight increase in the number of participants by 10% from 559
last year. The number of training programmes and participants by category are as follows:
regional with 4 training programmes and 88 participants; an in-country training programmes
with 40 participants; customised with 7 training programmes and 255 participants; 2 regional
forums with 232 participants. Of the overall total participants, 383 were male while 232 were
female participants. The participants include education policymakers, education and training
institution administrators, teachers, instructors, lecturers and other practitioners.
KRA 2: Research and Development
The research and development activities of the Centre for this fiscal year includes conducting
research studies, presenting research papers in conferences. Reviewing papers submission for
proceedings, and forums. The Centre regularly conducts the institutional research to measure
Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) which is intended to generate participants’ feedback for
regular, in-country and customised training programmes. A noteworthy achievement of
SEAMEO VOCTECH is the research project on “TVET Teacher Education and Training in Brunei”
funded by UNESCO Bangkok. It addresses the issue of TVET teachers in Asia Pacific, it was
proposed that a review of teacher and instructor training policies and practices be conducted.
The objectives of this initiative were to provide an up-to-date analysis of existing TVET teacher
and instructor training policies and practices and identify current regional trends and challenges.
In addition, the review will provide a database for comparison of salient TVET teacher and
instructor training practices in order to facilitate collaboration and partnership at regional level
among countries and institutions of the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. SV's role was to conduct
the above study in Brunei Darussalam. The Centre also took a role as a research validator for
~ iv ~
IBTE in its studies on Graduate Employment Survey and Employment Satisfaction Study. With
this role, the Centre’s researches reviewed the whole process of the studies to make sure that
the process followed research procedures.
KRA 3: Knowledge Management
The information sharing services of the Centre compromise print, digital and online publications,
and social media. The print publications issued by the Centre include SEAMEO VOCTECH
newsletter – The Digest (July-December Issue 2017 and January-June Issue 2018), Corporate
Profile 2018, Training Information Guide 2018/2019, Annual Report 2017/2018, and 28th
Governing Board Meeting Final Report. The participants of the regional training programme
were provided with digital copy of the course materials. The SEAMEO VOCTECH Website and
Online Journal System are maintained. The Centre’s Facebook page at is used extensively to promote training programmes,
regional forums, international conferences and significant events and serves as a rallying point
for the Centre’s alumni to reconnect and to share their interests in Technical and Vocational
Education and Training (TVET). The Centre also coordinated with the leading media
organisations, both print and broadcast media to cover and convey its activities to the public.
The opening and closing programme of the regular, customised and special training
programmes, including the forums and conferences were always covered by the media
KRA 4: Organisational Sustainability
The regular funds of the Centre were derived mainly from the grants provided by Brunei
Government. The Centre also maintained its financial viability by generating additional income
through income generating projects. All these funds were judiciously spent to ensure that the
targeted programmes and services of the Centre are properly accomplished. To upgrade the
professional competencies of the Centre staffs, they were sent to attend local and international
training programmes, conferences and forums as participant, resource person or keynote
speaker. As a means of spiritual renewal, the staffs continuously practice the weekly prayer or
“Tahlil” and the observance of all Islamic religious celebrations.
KRA 5: Visibility and Corporate Social Responsibility
Centre officials attended the following SEAMEO meetings as part of their obligations and
networking and partnership activities. The 40th High Officials Meeting was held on 29-30
November 2017; the Centre Directors Meeting back to back with 49th SEAMEO Council
Conference on 24 – 28 July 2017. The 28th SV Governing Board Meeting was held on 17 – 19
October 2017 in Siem Reap, Cambodia with the presence of the Guest of Honor, His Excellency
Dr. Pich Sophoan, State-Secretary of Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training, Cambodia. The
Governing Board was able to approve 16 resolutions, and also acknowledged the proposed
initiatives of the Centre and the reports on the implementation of its programmes and services.
As part of its obligations as a SEAMEO regional centre for TVET and to its partners, the Centre
representatives were invited as a keynote speaker and/or as a participant in meetings,
conferences and workshops in the region and beyond. The Centre signed one new
memorandum of understanding with educational institutions from SEAMEO country partner in
China. The areas of agreement among the partners include joint implementation of training
programmes, collaborative research projects, exchange of expertise and students and resource
and information sharing.
Future Initiatives
Based on the 5th Five-Year Development Plan Fiscal Years 2014/2015 – 2018/2019 the Centre
will continue to strengthen its efforts on the three main services: training, research and
development, and information sharing. Among the initiatives the Center will undertake in the
coming fiscal year include developing innovative training programmes, consolidating the
evaluation of training programmes and analysing their impact and effectiveness, identifying
relevant research themes for fiscal year 2018/2019 and developing flagship research proposals,
identifying relevant themes for thematic publications, publishing learning materials and
research works, enhancing the database management system for alumni and resource persons,
generating income from existing products and services, implementing a regular, preventive and
corrective maintenance of the Centre’s facilities and equipment, implementing relevant staff
development programmes, and strengthening media relations both locally and internationally.
All these initiatives will be implemented under Five (5) Key Results Area in the 5th Five-Year
Development Plan, namely; Professional Development, Research and Development, Knowledge
Management, Organisational Sustainability, and Visibility and Social Responsibility. For this fiscal
year, the Centre is currently in the process of producing the 6th Five-Year Development Plan
which will be endorsed in the 29th Governing Board (GB) Meeting.
CHAIRMAN MESSAGE ..................................................................................................................... i
CENTRE DIRECTOR MESSAGE ........................................................................................................ ii
VISION MISSION............................................................................................................................ iii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................. iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................. viii
LIST OF IMAGES AND TABLES ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
KRA 1 Professional Development ............................................................................................. 1
KRA 2 Research and Development ........................................................................................... 6
KRA 3 Knowledge Management ............................................................................................... 9
KRA 4 Organisational Sustainability........................................................................................ 13
KRA 5 Visibility and Corporate Social Responsibility .............................................................. 22
FUTURE INITIATIVES .................................................................................................................... 28
GOVERNING BOARD MEMBERS .................................................................................................. 29
MANAGEMENT AND STAFF ......................................................................................................... 33
Key Result Area 1:
KRA 1 Professional Development
Training and development is one of the focus areas of SEAMEO VOCTECH (SV). With SV’s
revitalised vision and objectives, it intends to deliver these programmes to any institution or
individual that needs the services and expertise of SV, both private and public entities.
For Fiscal Year 2017/2018, SV Regional Centre had implemented 17 training programmes
attended by 615 participants. This is an increase of 30.8% from the previous year of 13 training
programmes and also a slight increase in the number of participants by 10% from 559 participants
last year. The increase was mainly attributed to the increase in number of customized training
programmes and forums. The training programmes are classified as regional, in-country,
customised, special and conference/fora/seminar and workshop.
1.1. Regional Training Programme
Four regional training programmes were conducted by the Centre for Fiscal Year 2017/2018. The
training programmes were based on the themes selected by the Governing Board from a list
provided in the 5th Five Year Development Plan covering five training areas pertaining to
research, curriculum development, management, teacher education, and information and
communication technology.
All the regional training programmes were attended by 88 participants from SEAMEO member
countries which is 13.6% more than the previous year with 100 attendees. The slight increase in
the number of participants can be attributed to the increase in fee-paying participants in almost
all of the regional training programmes. Table 1 shows the title of the regional training
programmes, date and number of participants by SEAMEO member countries for Fiscal year
Table 1 – Regional Training Programmes, FY 2017/2018
No. Title Date Venue Gender Total
Brunei MF 22
1. Development of Online 3 – 15 Feb 2018 14 8
Teaching Learning Materials
2. Restaurant Services 19 – 30 Mar Singapore 10 19 29
Operation (In Collaboration 2018
with TEMSEK Foundation
and ITEES) Singapore
3. Benchmarkig Education 23 Apr – 3 May Brunei 12 8 20
Institutional Practices and 2018
Performances Through A
Comparative Study
4. Authentic Teaching, 30 Apr – 10 May Brunei 10 7 17
Sub Total : 46 42 88
Learning and Assessment 2018
1.2. In-Country Training Programme
To expand the reach and meet the specific training needs of SEAMEO member countries, the
Centre provided in-country training programmes which were attended by TVET practitioners,
educators, and administrators in the host country. From a list of training themes provided, the
host country will select one programme and share the cost of training with the Centre.
For this fiscal year, the recipients of the in-country programme is Malaysia. A total of 40
participants attended the in-country training programme. Compared to last year’s 73
participants, this fiscal year’s number of participants decreased by 45%. Table 2 presents the in-
country training programme title, date, requesting SEAMEO member countries and the
distribution of participants by gender.
Table 1: In-Country Training Programmes, FY 2017/2018
No. Title Date SEAMEO No. of Participants by Gender
1 Assessment of Students’ Member Male Female Total
Competencies Countries 21 19 40
21 19 40
6 – 10 Aug 2018 Malaysia
1.3. Customised Training Programmes
Customised training programmes are designed to meet the internal capability-building needs of
the staff or stakeholders of requesting organisations. The courses are selected from the list of
training themes for regional and in-country training programmes or developed based on the
specific training needs of requesting organisations.
For this fiscal year, seven customised training programmes were conducted by the Centre
attended by 255 participants. Table 3 shows the customised training programmes conducted for
this fiscal year, the date, the venue and the distribution of participants by gender.
Table 3 – Customised Training Programmes, FY 2017/2018
No. Title Date Venue No. of
Participants by
1 Curriculum Design and 23 – 27 Oct PH Total
PH Gender 30
25 4
Development for Don Bosco 2017
Institutions (Batch 1)
2 Curriculum Design and 6 – 10 Nov 26 4 30
Development for Don Bosco 2017
Institutions (Batch 2)
3 Curriculum Design and 15 – 19 Jan 28 6 34
Development for Don Bosco 2018
Institutions (Batch 3)
4 Curriculum Design and 26 Feb – 2 21 16 37
Development for Don Bosco Mar 2018
Institutions (Batch 4)
5 Assessment of Competency for 17, 24, 31 BN 37 4 41
Capacity Development Centre Mar 2018 &
(PPK) 14, 21 Apr
6 Authentic, Learning and 21 – 25 May PH 28 11 39
Assessment for Don Bosco 2018
Institution (Batch 1)
7 Authentic, Learning and 28 May – 1 PH 37 7 44
Assessment for Don Bosco Jun 2018
Institution (Batch 2)
Total 202 53 255
1.4. Seminar / Conference / Workshop
During this fiscal year, the Centre organised four regional forums in Brunei Darussalam and China.
The forums were attended by 232 participants altogether. Table 4 shows the
conferences/workshops/seminars conducted for this fiscal year, the date, the venue and total
number of participants.
Table 4 – Conferences/Workshops/Fora, FY 2017/2018
No. Title Date Venue Number of
China Participants
1 Training Lecture Series for 25 – 29 China
Beijing Normal University (1) Sep 2017 45
Brunei 42
2 Training Lecture Series for 1 – 3
Brunei 86
Beijing Normal University (2) August
3 Regional Forum on “Future 8 Feb
Ready Skills: Advancing a Future 2018
for Everyone”
4 Regional Forum on “Good 2 May
Oractices in Teaching-Learning 2018
Approaches for Preparing
Youths for Employment”
Sub Total: 232
1.5. Summary of Training Programmes Conducted
Overall, the Centre was able to conduct 17 training programmes attended by 615 participants.
Of the overall total participants, 383 male while the female participants comprised 232
participants. The summary of the training programmes conducted for Fiscal Year 2016/2017
shown in Table 5.
Table 5 – Summary of Training Programmes Conducted, FY 2017/2018
Type Number of Gender Total
Male Female
Regional 4 46 42 88
In-Country 1 21 19 40
Customised 7 202 53 255
Seminar/Conference/Fora 4 114 118 232
Grand Total 17 383 232 615
Key Result Area 2:
KRA 2 Research and Development
Research and Development (RD) is an important and built-in component in SEAMEO VOCTECH’s
function as an international civil organisation. RD activities such as academic inquiries,
demographic surveys, and needs analyses are significant sources of SV in determining
professional development programmes that need to be promoted.
The research and development activities of the Centre includes conducting research studies,
presenting research paper in conferences and forums, publishing a research work and conducting
a training programme on research-related topics.
2.1. Research Conducted
The institutional research to measure Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), which is intended to
generate participants’ feedbacks for regional, in-country and customised training programmes
was regularly conducted by the Centre during FY 2017/2018. This evaluation was administered
during the first half and at the end of the programme. The results of the “first half of the
programme” evaluation was used to make adjustments while the programme is on-going, while
the “end of the programme” evaluation will be used to enhance future programmes. The
indicators of the CSI are organisation and planning, instructional delivery, contents, facilitator,
and the usefulness of the session.
A research study was completed on “Research Validation Audit Report 2017” where SEAMEO
VOCTECH Research and Innovation Division conducted an audit of the IBTE Graduates’
Employment Survey 2017 for the 24th National Convocation in August, September, and
November 2017 to Research and Statistics Division, IBTE, including to the 9 schools under IBTE
Central and IBTE Satellite. The audit to the IBTE R&SD was focused on the procedures, analysis,
and report writing; while at the schools the audits were focused on the data collection and data
entry by checking the tasks of and documents from Research Coordinators and Group
Coordinators/Leaders involved in the survey. The purpose of this validation report is to check and
summarise the degree of compliance with relevant criteria, as defined in the validation checklists,
based on the evidence obtained during the audit of the division and schools.
Second research activity was the TVET Teacher Education and Training in Brunei, funded by
UNESCO Bangkok. To address the issue of TVET teachers in Asia Pacific, it is proposed that a
review of teacher and instructor training policies and practices be conducted. The objectives of
this initiative are to provide an up-to-date analysis of existing TVET teacher and instructor training
policies and practices and identify current regional trends and challenges. In addition, the review
will provide a database for comparison of salient TVET teacher and instructor training practices
in order to facilitate collaboration and partnership at regional level among countries and
institutions of the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. SEAMEO VOCTECH's role is to conduct the
above study in Brunei Darussalam.
Another research activity, currently on-going is the needs analysis for SV services 2018. It aims to
solicit input from the stakeholders in regards to SV programmes and services as bases for
developing the 6th Five Year Development Plan. This needs analysis will be brought to the 29th
Governing Board Meeting in September 2018 for approval and endorsement by the Governing
Board Members.
2.2. Research Papers Presented
Several researches were presented by invited Centre representative to different conference
conducted by international organisations. Below are the research works presented during the
Fiscal Year 2017/2018:
Delivered a paper titled, “Competency-Based Education and Training: Principles, Issues,
Challenges, And Way Forward”, at Teachers Day Conference at International Convention
Centre, Brunei Darussalam, 1 February 2018.
Delivered a keynote paper titled, “TVET responses in Southeast Asia to Labour Market
Needs” at the 2nd ICIEVE (International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and
Vocational Education), Manado, Indonesia, 25 – 26 October 2017.
A panellist in a policy dialogue titled, ”Building Talent for the Next Production Revolution”
at the experts meeting organised by OECD, MoLISA, and ADB, in Hanoi, Vietnam, 11-12
October 2017.
Delivered a keynote paper titled “The Importance of TVET and Its Contribution to
Sustainable Development” at the International Conference on Green Construction
Technology and Engineering Education for Sustainable Future, organized by Civil
Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Malang, East Java,
Indonesia, 8 – 9 August 2017.
Delivered a keynote paper titled “New Development of TVET in ASEAN and in Response
to the Demand for Skilled Workforce” at the Inauguration Ceremony of ASEAN-China
Consortium for TVET Cooperation & Forum on Integration of Industry and Education in
conjunction with the 10th China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week. Guiyang, China, 4
July 2017.
Key Result Area 3:
KRA 3 Knowledge Management
SV as an international organisation acts as a gatekeeper of accurate and reliable information
whereby individuals and institutions, local or global can have full access in acquiring and utilising
knowledge in the library and database system of SV. The explicit and tacit knowledge are carefully
managed through proper classification and dissemination and used upgraded technology to
conform to the needs of global collaborations and in line with its strategic goals. In addition, this
effort is to enhance knowledge management system for local and international clients and
The information sharing services, which include print, digital and online publications were
harnessed by the Centre in presenting its programmes and services, and accomplishments to its
constituents. In addition, social media was also fully maximised for wider marketing reach and
for reconnecting the alumni and the Centre. The Centre also coordinated with the media
organisations to cover and convey its activities to the public.
3.1. Information Sharing
The Centre used print and digital publications as the main medium in sharing new development
in TVET, studies and researches, and important events to the public. These publications are
thoroughly maintained and updated to ensure that interested parties are well-informed about
the Centre’s programmes and services.
3.1.1. Regional Knowledge Platform (RKP)
During this fiscal year, a major activity in relation to the RKP was the Technical Workshop on the
Introduction to and Capacity Building for the RKP. It was held in SEAMEO Secretariat, Bangkok,
Thailand on 22 – 23 January 2018 with 29 participants whereby SV were represented by Dr.
Paryono, Dr. Abbes Sebihi, Ms Sadvi Mathur, and Mr Ariffin Yusof. The main activity is to
introduce content focal points to the RKP and followed by a demonstration of how to use RKP/s
functions in practice and secure commitment. With their expertise and access to TVET
knowledge, the platform will source authentic and comprehensice content, which will be
instrumental in improving the quality of learning in the region. The Launching of the RKP will be
held in September 2018.
3.1.2. Print Publication
The Centre issued its regular print publications during the fiscal year. All these publications were
distributed to the Centre’s stakeholders and made available to the public in general. These
publications are:
SEAMEO VOCTECH newsletter – The Digest (July-December Issue 2017 and January-June
Issue 2018)
Annual Report FY 2016/2017
The 28th Governing Board Meeting Final Report.
Corporate Profile 2018
TVET Conference Proceedings
3.1.3. Digital and Online Publication
The Centre maintained its digital publications as one of the main medium in disseminating and
sharing information. The participants to the regular training programme are always provided with
digital copy of the course materials. The corporate multimedia was upgraded to incorporate the
latest information on the activities and new programmes and services of the Centre. For this fiscal
year, the digital publications developed by the Centre include the annual report presentation to
the Governing Board, and the major accomplishment report submitted to SEAMEO Secretariat.
Online publication continues to be a major information dissemination medium of the Centre. The
SEAMEO VOCTECH Website ( was enhanced to include additional links for
information sharing and dissemination.
Our learning management system, EDUNET continue to serve as the database of all the learning
materials used in the training programmes of the Centre. All the learning materials of the regular
training programmes for this fiscal year were uploaded to EDUNET which could be accessed by
participants and alumni.
The Online Journal System (OJS), which is linked to the SEAMEO VOCTECH website, consists of
the SEAMEO VOCTECH Journal and the SEAVERN journal which are both available for download.
The SV Journal is the official journal of the Centre which contains abstract and full paper research
works published in its printed publication counterpart. The SEAVERN Journal is a compilation of
research information from the Southeast Vocational Education Research Network (SEAVERN)
project comprises research reports, research conference proceedings and research abstracts of
works done by other researchers. The website address of the journal system is and is linked to TVET@Asia – The Online Journal for Technical and
Vocational Education and Training in Asia ( Through this system,
dissemination and access to the research works related to vocational and technical education is
3.1.4. Social Media
SV incorporated social media tools into its broader marketing and communications programs as
one of many pillars supporting a main message. This includes dissemination of news, promotions,
interactions with prospective participants/alumni, posting professional videos, photo-sharing
and community building.
The Centre’s Facebook page at and Instagram page at are being used extensively to promote training
programmes, regional forums, international conferences and significant events. The page aims
to build collaborative community around a shared experience or interest especially in the areas
of ICT, Curriculum Design, Teaching & Learning, Management and Research. In addition, the page
serves as a rallying point for the Centre’s alumni to reconnect and to share their enthusiasm for
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
3.2. Media Publicity
Leading media organizations, both print and broadcast media, had always been a partner in
disseminating the important events in the Centre. The opening and closing programme of the
regular, customised and special training programmes, including the forums and conferences,
were always covered by the media organizations.
The leading English and Malay-language daily newspapers and some Chinese media groups in
Brunei published news articles prepared by media correspondents and by the Centre. Most often,
these articles were located in the prime page of their newspaper and were usually published in
their online publications.
Aside from the print media, the broadcast media was always covering the Centre events and
activities. The Radio Television Brunei (RTB) Network in its latest news broadcasting programme
always aired the opening and closing ceremony of the regular training programme and the
forums conducted by the Centre. In some cases, the Centre Director is invited as guest in their
public affair programme to discuss the latest events in the Centre.
Key Result Area 4:
KRA 4 Organisational Sustainability
Organisational Sustainability is a key result area in which activities revolve around the internal
operations of SEAMEO VOCTECH. It focuses on three important aspects of operation, which are
financial management, infrastructure improvements and human resource management and
development. In as much as SV is looking towards achieving global recognition, it included in its
strategic plan activities that would establish sustainable sources of funds, enhance its physical
facilities, and reinforce the capabilities of its existing human capital.
During this fiscal year, under Key Result Area 4 - Organisational Sustainability, SEAMEO VOCTECH
has been working on strengthening and expanding partners, clientele and funding donors to
collaborate and support each other in implementing the Centre’s programmes. By doing so, this
will sustain the image of the centre and offer more services to the targeted community.
In addition, the Centre is also working on marketing its services and facilities to create additional
revenues for implementing more programmes. Customised training programmes and funding for
projects from partners, such as Don-Bosco Institutions and IBTE are some of the examples, not to
mention renting Centre’s facilities.
3.3. Staff Development
For Fiscal Year 2017/2018, the Centre has a total of 39 manpower complement comprising the
management and support staffs distributed among the different offices and divisions. For this
fiscal year, SV’s deepest condolences to the family of one of the former SV staff, admin clerk, Pg
Sulaiman Pg Haji Amin who passed away in April 2018, the Centre is thankful for all the support
and contribution that he have made during his days in SV. Table 7 shows the management and
support staffs distributed among the different offices and divisions.
~ 13 ~
Table 7 – Centre Management and Staff, Fiscal Year 2017/2018
Designation/Position No. of Staff
Centre Director 1
Deputy Director in Administration 1
Deputy Director of Professional Affair/Research Development Manager/Research 1
Training and Professional Development Manager/Teacher Education Specialist 1
Knowledge Management Manager/Senior Technical Specialist 1
Estate Mangement Manager 1
Finance and Procurement Manager 1
Facilities Management Manager 1
Office of Centre Director 1
Office of Administration 2
Training and Professional Development Division 3
Knowledge Management Division 4
Business and Marketing Division 1
Finance and Procurement Division 3
Estate Management Division/Voctech International House Division 17
The upgrading of the professional competencies and the physical and spiritual well-being of the
staff is at the forefront of the Centre’s strategy in strengthening its organizational capacity. Centre
staff attended training programmes, conferences and forums as participant, resource person or
keynote speaker. The training programmes, conferences and forums attended by the staffs were
either local or international. Table 8 and 9 show the local and international courses attended by
the staff during the Fiscal Year.
For this fiscal year, ‘Tahlil’ Prayers is held every Thursday morning and is continuously practiced
by the staff as a means of spiritual renewal. As part of their sacred duty, the staff also observes all
Islamic Religious celebrations. The Centre’s staff regular physical fitness programmes showed
good participation every Saturday afternoon.
Name Table 8 - Local Courses/Programmes Atten
Haji Nordin Haji Ahmad
Program Membimbing Pegawai Keselam
Nursyuhaidah Haji Ahmad Sesi Perjumpaan Unit Majlis Mesyua
Pendidikan bersama Pegawai Fokal
Dr. Paryono Sesi Perbincangan Kali Pertama “IBTE Th
Haji Abdul Haris Haji Mohammad Human Resource Organisational Develo
nded by Officers and Staff, Fiscal Year 2017/2018
Workshop/Seminar/ Place Date
matan (DSO) Unit Keselamatan, 08 -09 August 2017
arat Negara, Kementerian Jabatan Keselamatan 01 November 2017
Dalam Negeri
Kementerian Pendidikan
hink Tank 2018” IBTE, Kampus Mekanikal 21 February 2018
opment (HROD) Roundtable 09 – 10 May 2018
Dewan Musyawarah,
Pusat Persidangan
Antarabangsa, Berakas
~ 15 ~
Name Table 9 - Overseas Courses/Programmes Att
Hajah Noorzainab Haji Abdulladi The 49th SEAMEO Council Conference
Hajah Noorzainab Haji Abdulladi
Dr. Paryono Cemtre Directors Meeting (CDM)
Hajah Siti Rusiah Haji Kawang
2016/2017 SEAMEO Service Award
Dr. Paryono SEAMEO Council Conference
Dr. Abbes Sebihi
Noorhayati Cynthia Abdullah Keynote Speakers – Green Cons
Engineering for Sustainable Future
Hajah Siti Rusiah Haji Kawang
Dr. Paryono Upgrading Programme for TVET Teach
“Service Excellence in Hospitality”
Upgrading Programme for TVET Teach
“Service Excellence in Hospitality” (Tra
In-Country Training Lecture Series
Dr. Paryono GIZ-RECOTVET-OECD Expert Meeting
of the initiative on Employment and S
Dr. Paryono Asia (ESSA) and RECOTVET’s 6th Region
Hajah Noorzainab Haji Abdulladi 2nd LCIEVE (International Conference o
Dr. Paryono and Vocational Education)
Noorhayati Cynthia Abdullah
28th SV Governing Board Meeting
tended by Officers and Staff, Fiscal Year 2017/2018
rkshop/Seminar/ Activity Place Date
Jakarta, Indonesia 24 – 26 July 2017
Jakarta, Indonesia 26 – 28 July 2017
ds (Awardee) – The 49th Jakarta, Indonesia 25 – 26 July 2017
struction Technology and Malang, Indonesia 08 – 09 August 2017
dation-ITEES Technical Skills Singapore 18 – 29 September 2017
hers and Trainers in S.E.A on
dation-ITEES Technical Skills Singapore 18 – 29 September 2017
hers and Trainers in S.E.A on
aining Assistant)
Beijing Normal 23 – 30 September 2017
University, China
: 9th Annual Expert Meeting Hanoi, Vietnam 11 – 12 October 2017
Skills strategies in Southeast
nal Policy Dialogue on TVET
on Innovation in Engineering Manado, Indonesia 25 – 26 October 2017
Siem Reap, 17 – 19 October 2017
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Nursyuhaidah Haji Ahmad Cutomised Training Programme :
Noorhayati Cynthia Abdullah Development
Dr. Abbes Sebihi International Conference on Vocatio
(ICOVET 2017)
Dr. Paryono Revitaisation in Sekolah Menengah Ke
Noorhayati Cynthia Abdullah
Cutomised Training Programme :
Dr. Paryono Development
Dr. Paryono Regional Consultative Meeting on the
Hajah Noorzainab Haji Abdulladi Regional Centre for STEM Education (
Dr. Paryono
Revitaisation in Sekolah Menengah Ke
40th SEAMEO High Official Meeting (H
Educational Visit-Meeting
Noorhayati Cynthia Abdullah Cutomised Training Programme :
Dr. Paryono The workshop on the Introduction to a
Dr. Abbes Sebihi Regional Knowledge Platform and Par
Ms Sadvi Mathur
Ariffin Haji Yusof The 7th Regional Working Group M
Dr. Haji Mohd Zamri Haji Sabli Teacher Standard “Alignment of Natio
Dr. Paryono Standard”
Cutomised Training Programme :
Noorhayati Cynthia Abdullah
: Curriculum Design and Makati City, 23 – 27 October 2017
nal Education and Training Faculty of 04 – 05 November 2017
Universitas, Negeri
ejuruan (SMK) Jakarta, Indonesia 06 – 08 November 2017
: Curriculum Design and Makati City, 06 – 10 November 2017
e establishment of SEAMEO Bangkok, Thailand 09 – 10 November 2017
ejuruan (SMK) Jakarta, Indonesia 22 November 2017
HOM) Bangkok, Thailand 29 – 30 November 2017
Wuxi Institute of 01 -02 November 2017
Technology, P.R
Curriculum Design and Cebu, Philippines 15 – 19 January 2018
and Capacity Building for the Bangkok, Thailand 22 – 23 Jannuary 2018
rtners’ meeting
Meeting on Regional TVET Bangkok, Thailand 24 – 25 January 2018
onal Standard with Regional
Curriculum Design and Manila, Philippines 26 February – 03 March 2018
Leanne Abdullah Lee Development
Hazleyanawati Abdullah
Noorhayati Cynthia Abdullah Upgrading Programme for TVET Teach
“Restaurant Service Operations”
Cutomised Training Programme :
ation-ITEES Technical Skills Singapore 19 – 30 March 2018
hers and Trainers in S.E.S on
Curriculum Design and
Key Result Area 5:
KRA 5 Visibility and Corporate Social Responsibility
To ensure global visibility and to meet its social responsibility, the Centre participated in SEAMEO-
initiated meetings, continued expanding and strengthening its partnership with relevant
international organisations, and participated in international conferences. The annual SEAMEO
VOCTECH Governing Board Meeting was also held to seek guidance and policy direction in carrying
out the mandate of the Centre. SEAMEO VOCTECH also signed three new memorandum of
understanding (MOU) with foreign educational institutions during the fiscal year.
4.1. SEAMEO Meetings
Centre officials regularly attend and participate actively in the deliberations of SEAMEO meetings.
For this fiscal year, the meetings attended were the Centre Directors Meeting and the High Officials
The 40th High Officials Meeting was held in Bangkok, Thailand on 28 November – 01
December and was attended by the High Officials from the 11 SEAMEO Members Countries,
1 Associate Members, 4 Affiliate Members, 21 SEAMEO Regional Centers/Network and 5
development partners. SEAMEO VOCTECH Regional Centre was represented by its Acting
Centre Director, Hajah Noorzainab binti Haji Abdulladi. The issues discussed and decisions
made during the meeting were based on SEAMEO’s 7 Priority Areas: (1) Early Childhood Care
and Education (ECCE); (2) Addressing barriers to inclusion; (3) Resiliency in the face of
emergencies; (4) Promoting Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET); (5)
revitalising Teacher Education; (6) Promoting harmonisation in Higher Education and
Research; (7) Adopting a 21st Century Curriculum.
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The 49th SEAMEO Council Conference back to back with Centre Director Meeting on on 24 –
27 July 2017 at the Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia. The conference was officially
opened by His Excellency Dr Teerakiat Jareonsettasin, Minister of Education, Thailand.
Approximately 200 participants from 14 countries – comprising education ministers, high-
level government
education officials, and representatives from international organizations. The 49th SEAMEO
Service Award Meeting was also held back to back on 25 July 2017 whereby Hajah Siti Rusiah
Haji Kawang, Training Officer from SEAMEO VOCTCEH, was one of the recipient. SEAMEO
VOCTECH Regional Centre was represented by Hajah Noorzainab Haji Abdulladi, Dr. Paryono,
and Hajah Siti Rusiah Haji Kawang.
Group Photo of SEAMEO Member Countries and Associate Member Country in Opening Ceremony
A group photo of SEAMEO Centre Directors and SEAMEO Member countries
Photo of Minister of Education, Brunei Darussalam and SV representatives
SV Training Officer, Hajah Siti Rusiah Haji Kawang received SEAMEO Service Award delivered by Minister of Eduction, Indonesia
4.2. Governing Board Meeting
The 28th Governing Board Meeting was held on 17 - 19 September 2017 at Siem Reap, Cambodia.
The opening ceremony was graced by the presence of the Guest of Honor, His Excellency Dr. Pich
Sophoan, State Secretary of Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training, Cambodia.
For this fiscal year, the Governing Board approved the following resolutions:
Follow-up actions on the resolutions of the 27th Governing Board Meeting
Annoaul report for Fiscal Year 2016/2017
Financial Performance Report for Fiscal Year 2016/2017
The Governing Board also acknowledged the proposed initiatives of the Centre and the reports on
the implementation of its programmes and services. The proposed initiatives of the Centre were as
Regional Training Programme Theme for Fiscal Year 2018/2019
Update on Regional Knowledge Platform – A Collaboration with GIZ-RECOTVET
Progress on the Development of Southeast Asian Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (SEA-TVET)
The Continuation of Technical Skills Training for TVET Teachers in Southeast Asia – A
Collaboration between TEMASEK Foundation and ITEES, Singapore
Update on Development of Regional Common Core Competencies with GIZ-RECOTVET
4.3. International Conferences, Workshops, Meetings and Visits
As part of its obligations as a SEAMEO Regional Centre for TVET and to its partners, Centre
representatives were invited to attend, either as paper presenters or participants in conferences,
workshops and meetings, by international organisations in the region and beyond. Aside from
performing its obligations to its partners, it also serves as a way of maintaining and establishing new
Other meetings, conference, and workshops attended by the Centre representatives during the
fiscal year are as follows:
The 10th China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week: Co-organising the inauguration of SEA-
China TVET Consortium and preparing SEAMEO-China Cultural Twinning Programme
1st Green Construction and Engineering Education Conference, Indonesia, 08 – 09 August
The OECD Southeast Asia Regional Policy Network on Education and Skills and RECOTVET 9th
Annual Expert Meeting of the initiative on ESSA and 6th Regional Policy Dialogue on TVET
“Building Talent for the Next Production Revolution”, Hanoi, 11 – 12 October 2017
Regional Consultative Meeting on the Establishment of SEAMEO Regional Centre for STEM
Education (SEAMEO STEM-ED), Indonesia, 24 July 2017
International Conference on Vocational Education and Training (ICOVET), Indonesia, 04 – 05
November 2017
The 7th Regional Working Group Meeting on Regional TVET Teacher Standard “Alignment of
National Standard with Regional Standard”, Bangkok, Thailand, 24 – 25 January 2018
Expert Meeting on Developing Competency Framework for World Heritage Site
Management, Bangkok, 04 – 06 June 2018
Workshop on Regional Development of TVET Training Modules, Bangkok, Thailand, 07 June
Visit of Secretary General from the Ministry of education and Culture, Indonesia to SEAMEO
VOCTECH Regional Centre was held on 26 August 2017. The Secretary General from the Ministry of
Education and Culture, Indonesia, Dr. Didik Suhardi accompanied by Dr. Suharti, the Director of
International Relation and staff visited SEAMEO Voctech Regional Centre. From the Ministry of
Education, Brunei Darussalam, Dr. Azman Ahmad, the Deputy Permanent Secretary for Higher
Education greeted the guets and delivered his speech. Considering that Indonesia is now revitalizing
its TVET, visiting SEAMEO Voctech is very relevant. During the visit, besides sharing about TVET
development in the region, SV also shared TVET in Germany and Austria. After the sharing sessions,
a visit to IBTE was organized especially to the Business Trading Centre and the Mechanical Campus.
Moreover, during this fiscal year, under Key Result Area 5 –Visibility and Corporate Social
Responsibility, SEAMEO VOCTECH prides itself to be able to extend corporate and social
responsibility to the local community. In conjunction with the school holiday, SV held a lecture series
on ‘Misteri Jong Batu’, a literatue piece by Haji Mohd Firdaus bin Orang Kaya Kaya Haji Nordin, a
local author and poet who is also the owner of the Academy of UF. This charity event was held in
SV on 25 November 2017 with a total of 30 invited students and teachers from Aliff School.
4.4. Networking and Partnership
During this fiscal year, SEAMEO VOCTECH signed one (1) memorandum of understanding (MOU) on
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) with “Wuxi Institute of Technology”, China.
The areas of collaboration are joint activities in TVET, training professional staff members and
sharing of facilities and human resources.
Aside from signing agreements with new partner, the Centre maintained its partnerships with the
following institution for Fiscal Year 2017/2018:
Wuxi Institute of Technology, China
Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Medan,
SEAMEO Regional Centre Open Learning Centre (SEAMOLEC), Indonesia
Guiyang Vocational and Technical College, China
UNESCO Asia and Pacific Bureau for Education
Korea Research Institute of Vocational Education and Training
Oak Tree Simulations, LLC, USA
China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE), China
Guizhou Provicial Department of Education (GPDE), China
Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Korea
National University of Laos (NUoL)
Ho Chi Minh City of Technical Education, Ho Chi Minh
UniversitiTun Hussein Onn, Malaysia
Tongji University, Shanghai
Ansaldo Thomassen B.V, Netherlands
Rajabhat University Network, Thailand
Open University Malaysia, Malaysia
Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University, Indonesia
SEAMEO Regional Centre for Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH), Philippines
SEAMEO Regional Centre for Tropical Biology (SEAMEO BIOTROP), Indonesia
Institute of Brunei Technical Education, Brunei Darussalam
Institute of Technical Education, Singapore
National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd. (NCVER), Australia
Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC), Philippines
GIZ, Gemany
UNESCO, Bangkok
Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT), Thailand
University Technology Malaysia (UTM)
Malang State University, Indonesia
Polytechnic Padang, Indonesia
Tabung Ekonomi Gagasan Anak Bumiputera Sarawak, Malaysia
SEAMEO VOCTECH envisions undertaking the following programmes, projects and
activities for the succeeding fiscal years:
Design and develop innovative training programmes.
Organize conference on TVET sustainability.
Consolidate evaluation results of training programmes and analyse impact and
Identify relevant funding donors for flagship research projects.
Publish thematic materials on contemporary issues in TVET.
Collaborate with partners within and outside the region for knowledge
generation, acquisition, dissemination and utilisation.
Enhance database management system for alumni, and existing and potential
pool of resource person.
Generate income from existing products and services.
Implement a regular, preventive and corrective maintenance programme for
the Centre’s facilities and equipment.
Implement staff development programmes based on a TNA.
Develop and implement international relations programme.
Establish an attractive marketing package for the local and international
Initiate and sponsor student-related activities and adopt-a school programme.
Initiate environmental awareness programmes.
Award sponsorship for student/teacher leadership development training
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Technology Brunei
Tungku Highway, Gadong BE1410
Deputy Director General of Directorate
Department of TVET
Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training
Russian federation Blvd, Toek Laak
Technical and Vocational Education
Directorate General of Basic and Secondary
Ministry of Education and Culture
Jalan Jenderal Suirman, Jakarta 10270
Deputy Director General
Department of Technical and Vocational
Ministry of Education and Sports
PO Box 67, Vientiane
Technical and Vocational Education Division
Ministry of Education
Federal Government Administrative Centre,
62604 Putrajaya
Director General
Department of Technical and Vocational
Ministry of Education (Science and
Office No. 21, Nay Pyi Taw
Executive Director
Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority (TESDA)
South Superhighway, Taguig City
Deputy CEO (Industry)
Institute of Technical Education
2 Ang Mo Kio Drive, 567720
Office of the Vocational Education Commission
Ministry of Education
Retchadamnoen Nok Avenue Dusit, Bangkok
National Labor Force Development Institute
Hung Yen University of Technology and
Dan Tien, Khoai Chau,
Ministry of Education and Training, Hanoi
SEAMEO Secretariat
920 Darakan Building, Sukhumvit 40 Road,
Bangkok 10110, Thailand
SEAMEO VOCTCEH Regional Centre cum Acting
Director of Intitute of Brunei Technical
Education (IBTE), Brunei Darussalam
Director Deputy Director for Professional Affairs/
Research & Development Manager/Research
Deputy Director for Administration
Estate Mangement Manager/Voctech International
House Manager
Finance and Procurement Manager Knowledge Management Manager/Senior
Technical Specialist
Training and Professional Development Facilities Management Manager
Manager/Teacher Education Specialist
Ibarizah@Edah binti Haji Ibrahim Ariffin bin Haji Yusof
ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Monarita binti Haji Harris Mohd Noor Ilham
Nooraini binti Haji Lamit Nursyuhaidah binti Haji Ahmad
Asmad bin Haji Lamat
Nurul Amin Salehah binti Mahmud
Norakasmawaty binti Simpul ESTATE MANAGEMENT DIVISION
Norlia binti Haji Dullah Hazleyana Susanti binti DP Othman
Mohd Al-Aiman Syazwi bin Abdullah Bupor Haji Mohd Sofian bin Haji Julaihi
Saronni bin Haji Rashid
DIVISION Md Nur Alief Shahfie bin Abdullah
Haji Shahron bin Haji Ismail
Mimi Syafi’ah binti Haji Ja’afar Nordin bin Haji Dullah
Hajah Siti Rusiah binti Haji Kawang
Hazleyana Susanti binti DP Othman Haji Muhd Suhaili bin Haji Abas
Yusrey bin Haji Gapor @ Mohd Daud
Md Kasim bin Haji Abd Rahman Ashraful Qushaini bin Haji Abd Momin
Hartini binti Haji Harun Sunerddy bin Haji Abdullah Sani
Haiati binti Ibrahim
Nazman bin Haji Musa
Asarwih bin Abdullah Siandok
Muhammad Zulerwandie bin Haji Hamdan
Mohammad Amin Shah bin Haji Kasah
Rambli bin Ahmad