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Published by g-02349201, 2021-09-22 21:58:42

pdf compound sentences

pdf compound sentences


• I can recognise and use compound sentences.

Su ccceessssCCr irtiteerriiaa

• IStcaatnemreecnotg1niLseortehma tipascuommdpoolourndsitseanmteent,cecocnosnetacitnestutrwaodipmisacining elit .
• S(intadteepmeenndten2t) cla uses joined by a co-ordina ting conjunction.
• I c•a nSuubsest‘aFtAeNmBenOtYS’ to remember the seven co-ordina ting

con ju n ct ion s.
• I can write my own compound sentences.

Getting Started

What is a simple sentence?

A simple sentence is a group of words that expresses one complete
thought. Every simple sentence must contain a subject a nd a verb. They

ca n a lso be ca lled a main or independent cla use.

Ca n you spot the subjects a nd the verbs in these
ma in/ independent cla uses?

subject SSamiraa liikkees ffoooottbbaallll.. verb
Beenn loovess ba sketba ll.

Getting Started

Both of these main/independent clauses make sense on their own.

Samira likes and Ben loves
football. basketball.

When we link them together with a co -ordinating
conjunction, they form a compound sentence.

Getting Started

There are seven co-ordinating conjunctions that we can remember
using the mnemonic ‘FANBOYS’.

for and nor but or yet so

Samira likes ? Ben loves
football. basketball.

Which other co-ordinating conjunctions could be used
to link these two main/independent clauses?

Next Steps

for and nor but or yet so

It was time ? My pencil
for maths. broke.

Which co-ordinating conjunctions could be used to link these two
main/independent clauses to create a compound sentence?

Is there one tha t fits best?

Are some co-ordina ting conjunctions ea sier to use tha n others?

Next Steps

for and nor but or yet so

Luke had lots ? He was a
of friends. friendly boy.

Which co-ordinating conjunctions could be used to link these two
main/independent clauses to create a compound sentence?

Is there one tha t fits best?

Are some co-ordina ting conjunctions ea sier to use tha n others?

Next Steps

for and nor but or yet so

Sally ? She got full
practised her marks in
spellings. the test.

Which co-ordinating conjunctions could be used to link these two
main/independent clauses to create a compound sentence?

Is there one tha t fits best?

Are some co-ordina ting conjunctions ea sier to use tha n others?

Next Steps

for and nor but or yet so

You can choose ? You can choose
vanilla ice cream. strawberry
ice cream.

Which co-ordinating conjunctions could be used to link these two
main/independent clauses to create a compound sentence?

Is there one tha t fits best?

Are some co-ordina ting conjunctions ea sier to use tha n others?

Next Steps

for and nor but or yet so

We can go ? We can’t jump
swimming . in the pool.

Which co-ordinating conjunctions could be used to link these two
main/independent clauses to create a compound sentence?

Is there one tha t fits best?

Are some co-ordina ting conjunctions ea sier to use tha n others?

Next Steps

for and nor but or yet so

Max didn’t ? He hurried
want to be late. to school.

Which co-ordinating conjunctions could be used to link these two
main/independent clauses to create a compound sentence?

Is there one tha t fits best?

Are some co-ordina ting conjunctions ea sier to use tha n others?

Compound Sentence Hunt

Can you spot the compound sentencesin this piece of text?

Which co-ordinating conjunctions ha ve been used?

It was a hot, sunny da y and the park was dgvoiebnraoBnynseebkrntuehtsitleobmyva.eell.s
Iza a c played on th e swings but he didn’t
slide. It was too scary. It was soon
vertica l

soo Da d got out their picnic. Iza a c could ha ve ha m

sa ndwiches or he could ha ve cheese sa ndwiches. He

chose cheese ffoor he loved the stuff! There wa s soon no

food left so Iza a c went ba ck on the swings. He would

ha ve liked a turn on the rope swing yeet there wa s a big

queue. Da d sa id it wa s time to go home. Iza a c rode his

scooter through the pa rk ga tes and he smiled.

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