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Published by Industrial Automation Magazine, 2023-03-04 14:16:46

Industrial Automation Magazine Mar - 2023

March Edition 2023

Keywords: Industrial automation magazine, Artificial intelligence, Robotics, Smart cities, Green energy, Industry 4.0, IIOT, products, interviews, news, articles, automation magazine, factory, process, careers, magazine


Pasteurization system in form of a cyber physical system.

featuring the Heartbeat technology offer field instruments and directly benefiting from the reliable decision-making. Information regarding
diagnostic, verification and monitoring functions digital technology through various solution availability is also displayed here. In case of a
that create value through data-based packages. discontinued instrument, a suitable replacement
notifications and warnings and enable predictive product is automatically recommended.
maintenance. Additional information regarding Plant overview solution Documentation for the monitored instruments is
entrained gas, foam or deposit buildup is Until now, monitoring the installed base of available around-the-clock in the Netilion
especially helpful for ensuring stable processes instruments in food and beverage production Library, where a digital twin of the measurement
in the food and beverage industry. For example, systems has required extensive research and a high point containing the historical life cycle data,
the Levelflex and Micropilot radar level degree of manual effort, an extremely costly and plus documentation such as the operations
instruments are capable of reliably detecting error-prone process. Added to that was the tedious guide or the calibration report from the
foam buildup and utilize internal data for maintenance of the installed base documentation. development and manufacturing process,
permanent self-monitoring. The combination of the individual, digital tools from resides.
the Endress+Hauser Netilion IIoT ecosystem
This makes it possible to verify the operation of enables efficient management of the installed Plant monitoring solution package
the instrument without interrupting the process. assets. The Netilion Scanner app, which is available Short response times are crucial when critical
The verification can also be used as a at no charge, makes manual monitoring of the outages occur in the food and beverage industry.
documented test to trigger processes where the installed base child’s play. The time-consuming interpretation of error
exact dosing of the recipe ingredients is essential messages and annoying searches for the
for product safety. Production does not continue The key data stored in the field instrument can be relevant resolution measures are costly. In
until the instrument has verified itself. Another scanned with a QR code or an RFID chip. Additional contrast, automatic interpretation of the
example of a smart sensor is the iTHERM information, such as the localisation of the instrument diagnostics information simplifies
TrustSens self-calibrating thermometer, which measurement point, can be determined quickly and maintenance in Industry 4.0 environments.
automatically calibrates itself when the easily. The measurement instruments are even Instrument maintenance is highly efficient
temperature falls below a certain level, thus automatically monitored with the help of the edge thanks to integrated solutions and explicit
permanently ensuring the safety of critical device. The easy-to-install plug-and-play solution resolution recommendations. Determination of
production processes. establishes a secure data connection to the Netilion the device and its classification according to NE
hub. Changes to the installed base are automatically 107 is precise thanks to the Heartbeat
As a result, plant operators in the food and recorded on an on-going basis. Practical dashboards technology. The edge device forwards the status
beverage industry enjoy numerous options for in the Netilion Analytics module simplify fast and error diagnostics information to the Netilion
integrating smart sensor technology into their analysis of the installed base of field instruments, Health online service via a secure data highway,
production systems for all measurement thus allowing an unprecedented level of thus making all of the information centrally
parameters, gaining access to the data in the transparency. Valid data leads to faster and more available. The Netilion Health online service



supports the user with more than 25,000 Tedious interpretation of errors is a thing of the past.
instrument diagnostics. Apart from the individual
status notifications, Netilion Health also displays
the diagnostics code, the cause, and the
recommended actions. That means the tedious
interpretation of errors is a thing of the past.
Each error message can be handled quickly and
in a targeted manner. Thanks to continuous
status monitoring and an overview in line with NE
107, the maintenance measures can be analysed
and optimised.

Mobile asset management solution package contribution to digitalisation. With the support of HART or a WiFi router with WPA2, as was
Who isn’t familiar with this situation? While Endress+Hauser and others, the Ostwestfalen-Lippe confirmed by the Fraunhofer Institute for
standing in front of an instrument in the middle of Technical University is working on a project involving Applied and Integrated Security (AISEC).
the plant, you need the operations guide, which the operation of a flash pasteurizer for beverages as
is unfortunately lying on your desk at the office. a cyber-physical system. In the current Summary
The days when documentation had to be environment, the heating process is run with a highly Smart sensors are indispensable for the
searched for and manually stored are now over idealised control model and high safety margins, realisation of Industry 4.0 in process automation
thanks to Netilion Library. In addition, combining which occurs at the expense of resources (time, environments. If we draw a comparison to the
Netilion Library with the Field Xpert SMT7x tablet energy) and product quality. As an approach for previously mentioned development of steam
PC simplifies not only the documentation of the optimised flash pasteurizer control, during power, then numerous hardware and software
maintenance activities, but the actual production the product is characterised before and innovations have already led to a significant
maintenance activities. after heating and the heat retention temperature increase in the ‘efficiency’ of field instruments in
and duration is individually adapted to the product the area of informatisation.
Field Xpert and Netilion Library achieve by means of a cloud-based data to account for
paperless maintenance across the entire life potentially harmful microorganisms. While it’s evident that Industry 4.0 is far from
cycle. The Field Xpert industrial tablet, an being implemented on a wide basis in the food
outright ‘Swiss army knife’ for maintenance and This ensures the product has the maximum and beverage industry, there are nonetheless
service activities, can be used to configure microbiological safety under the minimum thermal many interesting solution approaches in place,
instruments from various manufacturers via load. Endress+Hauser is supporting this project pilot projects are being successfully
different interfaces, including WiFi or Bluetooth® which is being funded by the German Federal implemented and individual plants have already
instrument interfaces – even in ex-zones of Ministry of Education and Research. A practical arrived in terms of Industry 4.0.
course. A digital twin is automatically created by example of this type of CPS can be found at a dairy
connecting the Field Xpert with the Netilion in southern Germany for monitoring the process of In the food and beverage sector, the Industry
Library online service. water discharge into the neighboring river. The 4.0 project will grow together like a mosaic.
system monitors the volume and temperature of the Although many individual elements are not new
The field instruments monitored in the Netilion discharged water and documents the water level and are already in place, a lot of bright minds
system are linked to specific documents such as and flow using information from the internet. The and innovation drivers will be required to bring
operations guides or technical information from reports are automatically sent to the responsible the potential to maturity. For this reason, major
the manufacturers’ databases. Endress+Hauser water management office. training, and education efforts, as well as
furthermore provides the datasets from more broadening the level of knowledge regarding the
than 40 million installed field instruments. By Data security is the top priority requirements and benefits of digital
linking the Field Xpert with the Netilion system, Information security plays a key role in determining communication in the food and beverage
it’s possible to seamlessly switch to and from the the success or failure of digitalisation in the food and industry, is just as important as technical
configuration menu and the instrument beverage industry. With this in mind, innovations.
documentation. The tablet maintains an overview Endress+Hauser had the Netilion IIoT ecosystem
of the maintenance activities and documentation certified in line with the highest possible cloud References
across the entire life cycle of the instruments. computing security standards. 1.
Reports and images of the measurement expertise/food-beverage-productivity-quality-
instruments are automatically stored in the The Bluetooth® communication employed between cost
Netilion Library. Maintenance activities are the field and mobile instruments also exhibits a 2.
recorded in offline mode in a traceable manner significantly higher level of security than Wireless
even without an Internet connection.

Excursus: cyber-physical systems in research
and practice
Measurement technology in cyber physical
systems (CPS) is making an additional


Subscriber copy not for sale VOL. 21 | ISSUE. 05 | JANUARY 2023 | WWW.INDUSTRIALAUTOMATIONINDIA.IN


Automation in Power Generation & Distribution.

Automation in power generation and distribution can help
improve operational efficiencies helping create smart grids for
better management of resources.

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‘Hexagon’s approach
is to create a Smart
Digital Reality’

Dr Vikramsinh Desai,
National Sales Head –
Production Software, India
& SAARC, Hexagon
Manufacturing Intelligence

How prepared is the Indian manufacturing Dr Vikramsinh Desai. manufacturing processes that provide insights to
ecosystem to accept digital technologies in the help the user continuously improve time-to-
industry 4.0 era? CAD/CAM software solutions? market, quality and productivity, enabling the
According to Nasscom, Industry 4.0 is at an Hexagon’s CAD CAM (Computer-Aided Design and entire ecosystem to connect, analyse, learn and
inflection point in Indian manufacturing, with Computer-Aided Manufacturing) software portfolio improve over time. Hexagon’s approach can
more than two-thirds of Indian manufacturers enables manufacturers to generate, manage and help:
embracing the digital transformation by 2025. optimise Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
Indian manufacturing has started pivoting to machining toolpaths for more efficient production 1. Unlock value from data that gets collected by
digitalisation, with $5.5-$6.5 bn being spent on processes. Working in 3D CAD software enables default but does not get used — every factory
Industry 4.0 in FY21. engineers to automate elements of the design generates a vast amount of data throughout the
process and more accurately model and visualise entire manufacturing process. Hexagon
The Covid-19 outbreak created an unprecedented designs, and to test them via simulation in digitalises the manufacturing ecosystem, putting
situation that is extraordinary in terms of the scale computer-aided engineering (CAE) software. this data to work to connect entire workflows
as well as the breadth of its impact globally. Given However, CAD software itself does not necessarily and build autonomy and intelligence into every
that we all had to work from home during the ensure the part design is manufacturable and can process.
months of lockdown, digital tools such as remote be produced at the correct quality.
monitoring and control become more important 2. Change incrementally, improve exponentially
than ever. According to a study by McKinsey, the Hexagon’s dedicated CAD for CAM solutions are — Hexagon recognises that digital
average share of digital customer interactions in designed to create a seamless workflow from 3D transformation is a process and not a single act.
the Asia Pacific region itself grew from 22% to modelling to production. Powerful computer aided Even incremental steps in digitalisation can
53% from 2019 to 2020. design capabilities allow designers and engineers vastly improve quality while reducing costs and
the freedom to explore multiple designs and waste.
As people come to realise the immense potential optimise the best candidates before exporting
of digital technologies in industries such as directly to the CAM software for manufacturing. 3. Create a Smart Digital Reality — Hexagon’s
manufacturing, the pace of adoption is only set to approach is to create a Smart Digital Reality — a
grow. The global smart manufacturing market was How does the company harness data from the living digital twin of the manufacturing process,
valued at USD 88.7 bn in 2021 and is projected to various manufacturing processes to make them so the entire product lifecycle can be simulated,
reach USD 228.2 bn by 2027. The demand for smarter and efficient? visualised and optimised in real time.
digital twins, as a means of connecting Hexagon’s manufacturing technology solutions
information about a physical product and its create a digital thread throughout all
behavior in the real world with a 3D digital
representation, is growing steadily too. The
market for enabling technologies for digital twins
is expected to grow at a CAGR of 68.9% from
2022 to 2027, reaching USD 43,614.8 mn by

What are the advantages of using Hexagon



ESPRIT CAM System is a smart manufacturing solution for machining application.

What constraints are the users facing in design and engineering phase of the manufacturing broad range of precision manufacturing
adoption despite the clear advantages of process by providing software solutions that enable applications. Well known for its machine-
CAD/CAM software in the manufacturing designers, engineers and analysts to embed quality optimised, edit-free G-code (toolpath), ESPRIT
domain? into product design, ensuring manufacturability and leverages a digital twin simulation platform to
Digital transformation across industries is the productivity downstream. model the finished part, tools, and CNC machine.
strategic integration of digital technologies
across businesses to have an efficient and Our simulation software lets users quickly explore AI-based algorithms eliminate manual data
effective impact on our daily lives. Thus, for the many different scenarios to find the best design, input and provide machine operators with
manufacturing industry it is a wholesome without making expensive and time-consuming greater assurance of what will happen on the
combination of replacing legacy systems or physical prototypes. shop floor. The result – simplified programming,
obsolete assets and combining traditional increased tool life and utilisation, reduced cycle
manufacturing equipment with modern systems Hexagon’s computer-aided engineering (CAE) times and improved productivity.
that would improve flexibility and deliver real- software range encompasses simulation for
time solutions. materials, products and process performance. With IMTEX is a mega event for the Indian
solutions for finite element analysis (FEA), manufacturing industry. What are your
In such a scenario accepting and integrating computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and multi-body expectations from the coming edition and any
CAD-CAM solutions may prove challenging for dynamics (MBD), as well as cost estimation and key message to the industry?
businesses because it will lead to a high design optimisation, we help designers, engineers IMTEX/Tooltech is a premier event showcasing
purchasing cost and operating cost through and analysts to share responsibility for product machine tool accessories, metrology and
identified professionals. Such software needs quality and collaborate with colleagues throughout CAD/CAM cutting tools, tooling systems and
professionals not only to use or implement it, but the manufacturing process to make improvements. current trends in the tooling industry. Hexagon is
also need regular updating of software or looking forward to presenting its technologies
operating systems. Also, compatibility of systems Our technologies are trusted by users around the and also understanding specific needs of
with no power breakdown is an important world as they design, optimise and validate the potential customers.
parameter to implement CAD/CAM systems. products people use every day.
We feel that creating awareness and answering
Can you throw some more light on the For example, the ESPRIT CAM System, its flagship the queries of the companies visiting our stall is
production software portfolio offered by solution, is the smart manufacturing solution for any an important step of advancing towards Industry
Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence? And how machining application. Supporting any class of CNC 4.0 before enterprises can procure technologies
can the machine tool industry benefit from machine via a common interface and workflow, it that go beyond Industry 4.0. Technology is a
these? provides high-performance CNC machine constant change and IMTEX is a great platform
Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence supports the programming, optimisation, and simulation for a to showcase the next changes.



Advanced Control and Automation Solutions

How to use IIoT technology
to improve your business
performance, increase
productivity and efficiency,
and more...

Durga Mechatronics Pvt Ltd is an authorised
channel partner of more than 20+ world
renowned brands across product categories such
as bearings, industrial automation and
electronics and pneumatics. We are a 40-year-
old ISO 9001: 2000 certified company with
established systems and processes for giving a
world class buying experience to our customers.

One of the brands that we represent in the Indian – at no additional charge, and UniStream Series for high end machines.
market is Unitronics, a company that designs, 8. Customised solutions: Products tailored-made
manufactures and markets advanced control and according to specifications. that offers a full range of all-in-one
automation solutions. Their extensive offering Programmable Logic Controllers with integrated
includes a complete line of PLCs with integrated Unitronics® range of PLCs from complex HMI panels. With options ranging from a palm-
HMI, full line of VFDs, a broad array of I/Os and machines to simple PLC control sized PLC up to a 12.1-inch touchscreen
complementary devices, as well as programming 1. UniStream® Series Programmable Controllers: PLC+HMI and support for 1000 I/O points, the
software for all aspects of control, motion, HMI, For easy execution of challenging, complex Vision series has something for everyone.
and communications. Unitronics PLCs range from projects
micro-PLC + HMI units for simple machine Main features
control, to complex controllers with advanced Powerful, sophisticated, award-winning UniStream a. I/O options include digital, analog, high-
functions, a variety of onboard IOs and multiple PLCs are available in three series: speed, temperature & weight measurement
communication options – including support for a. Unistream modular b. Expand up to 1,000 I/Os
Industry 4.0 (smart factory) technology. b. Unistream built-in, and c. Ports: Ethernet, CANbus, USB programming,
c. Unistream PLC with Virtual HMI: these PLC + I/O RS232/RS485
Unitronics benefits controllers support HMI applications – access it via d. Communication: TCP/IP, MODBUS, CANopen,
1. Full product range: Range: PLC + HMI your mobile. UniCAN, BACnet and M-Bus via gateway, and
controllers, I/Os, and VFDs to meet all e. Advanced COM support: Web server, SMS &
application needs Main features email, GPRS/GSM, SNMP.
2. All-in-one software: Configure and program a. I/O options include digital, analog, high-speed,
PLC, HMI, VFD, and all other components in one temperature and weight measurement 3. Samba ™ Series Programmable Controllers:
easy environment b. Expand up to 2,048 I/Os For small machines
3. Industry 4.0: SNMP, FTP, e-mail, SMS, c. Ports: Ethernet, CANbus, USB host & device Need a full-function control solution for a
GPRS/GSM, Remote Access via VNC Client / built- Audio, additional COM modules for RS232/RS485 relatively simple application, but don’t want to
in Webserver, SQL & MQTT d. Communication: Ethernet IP, Web server, e-mail compromise on the user interface or blow your
4. All-in-one software: configure hardware, & SMS, GPRS, TCP/IP, MODBUS, CANopen, UniCAN, budget? The Samba PLC+HMI from Unitronics
communications, write Ladder, design HMI – BACnet and M-Bus via gateway could be the solution you need; this all-in-one
save UniStream HMI screens as web e. Advanced COM support: Webserver, SMS & Programmable Logic Controller has an integrated
5. UniCloud service: A complete end-to-end, no- email, GPRS modem, SNMP, FTP, SQL, MQTT touchscreen, measuring 3.5, 4.3, or 7-inches,
code Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) platform f. Remote Access via VNC and onboard I/O in six possible configurations.
designed for original equipment manufacturers g. Media support: .pdf, Video, RTSP, Audio Jack
(OEMs) and machine builders Main features
6. Rich features: Auto-tuned PID, datalogging, 2. Vision™ Series Programmable controllers: For a. I/O options include digital, analog, high-speed
Recipes, HMI trends and gauges, alarms, multi- Advanced Machines & Automation Projects and temperature
level passwords, multi-language support, Unitronics’ Vision series is an award-winning series b. Ports: RS232 for 3.5” model, USB for 4.3”& 7”
Datacom via CANopen, CAN Layer2, MODBUS, c. Communication: TCP/IP, MODBUS, CANopen,
EtherNetIP and more UniCAN, BACnet, and
7. Customer care: All software, utilities, support



Vision Series for advanced machines. b. Ports: RS232/RS485* deploy UniCloud – you can benefit from IIoT
c. Communication: MODBUS, CANbus* services; increase your revenues, and save on
d. Advanced COM support: SMS & email, d. Advanced COM support: SMS via GSM costs without relying on programmers and cloud
GPRS/GSM. *For M91 only professional staff.

4. Jazz® and M91™: For simple PLC control – 5. Unicloud – Industrial IoT Cloud Platform Business benefits
with text-only HMI + keypad UniCloud is a complete, no-code IIoT Cloud UniCloud enables you, the Machine
Finding a reliable, cost-effective PLC and HMI Platform specifically designed for the OEM and Manufacturer, to take advantage of IIoT
can be the hardest part of an otherwise simple Machine Builder. End-to-end, scalable and secure, technology to improve your business
automation project. Unitronics Jazz and M91 UniCloud enables you to easily build customised performance, increase productivity and
series are here to make sure simple projects stay Dashboards and use them to harvest, analyse, and efficiency, and reduce operational costs,
simple. These Programmable Logic Controllers leverage data to boost efficiency, trouble-shoot slowdowns, and failures
have onboard I/O, built-in text-display HMIs, and problems, and implement preventative
complimentary software and technical support. maintenance – reducing your management a. Add IIoT Capabilities: Extend your machines
Everything you need for a simple, self-contained overhead and leaving you time to grow your with IIoT functionality with cloud services, use
automation project comes included with a Jazz business. dashboards to monitor performance and analyse
or M91 All-in-One PLC at one affordable price. by comparing performance from “multiple”
You do not need programming or cloud machines using data collected centrally.
Main features development skills in order to commission and
a. I/O options include digital, analog, high-speed, b. Monitor: Your own, fully customised
temperature & weight measurement* Dashboards enable you to view data using
graphs, tables, and maps, to determine and
monitor KPIs of one, or of a group, of machines.

c. Business Intelligence: Utilise the built-in BI
functionality to learn and compare machines
performance, on a global basis, in selected
geography or by specific customer.

d. Increase Sales: Exploit collected data to
generate sales opportunities and offer your
customers additional services, complementary
products, and consumables derived from
machines’ processes.

e. Extend Your Reach: Centralise management of
your Machines, PLCs, Customers, Distributors
and Employees. Assign permissions and
dashboards based on your business needs.
Control machines and data flow – centrally.

Durga Mechatronics Pvt Ltd.

Samba Series PLC. Jazz Series PLC with integrated HMI. UniCloud no-code IIoT Cloud Platform.



TPC-B610 series is an industrial touch panel PC system.

Modular TPC Series – A Flexible Industrial HMI

TPC-B610 series shows resistive touch versions. The state-of-the-art iBMC There are three main applications that will
what a future HMI should be feature delivers reliable out-of-band device benefit from TPC-B610's powerful data and
like, putting Industry 4.0 management and TPC-B610 adds TPM 2.0 which image processing performance.
HMI systems at your ensures system integrity. TPC-B610 comes in two
fingertips. SKUs versions – one is TPC-B610H-A00A, a clean- Defect inspection
cut and simple powerhouse with 10th Gen Intel TPC-B610's two PCIe slots will benefit
Advantech, a global leader in Industrial IoT processor and one PCIe x16; the other is TPC- industries such as food and beverage, which
technology, introduces modular TPC computing B610W-A00A, an ultimate computing system with demand the highest quality control during
box series. With its special configurable design, all expansions. TPC-B610 series shows what a processing and manufacturing. PoE cameras
Modular HMI allows the computing box module to future HMI should be like, putting Industry 4.0 HMI play a vital role in quality assurance standards
be interchangeably combined with the FPM- systems at your fingertips. and can easily be installed onto TPC-B610 via its
display panel modules in six different sizes side door access. Up to 8 cameras can be used
ranging from 15" to 23.8". Flexible modular design with multiple display simultaneously, thanks to the two PCIe slots and
options multi-core processor performance.
Modular TPC series provides not only a flexible The modular design of the TPC-B610 computing
industrial HMI solution lineup with security to box allows it to be paired with six different IP66- Data and image calculation
meet your HMI expectations in rapid grade displays in P-CAP or resistive touch types, With PCIe x16, PCIe x4 and the M.2 2280 NVMe
customisation, but an utmost industrial panel PC and ranging in sizes from 15", 15.6", 17", 18.5", slots, electronics manufacturers can fully utilize
solution with the introduction of the whole new 21.5" to 23.8". Among them 15.6", 21.5", and the industrial grade graphic card (up to 75W)
TPC-B610 series. 23.8", deliver FHD resolution and represent a and the M.2 2280 SSD with NVMe to create a
highly flexible HMI system adapted to every premium HMI system with strong image and
TPC-B610 series is an industrial touch panel PC application requirement. TPM 2.0 secures drawing capabilities facilitated by the precise
system with a 10th Gen Intel processor socket in confidential data by encrypting your hard drive and and fast read/write speeds of the NVMe signal
a fanless design coupled with 6 x USB ports and SSD and comes with Win 11 and RAID 0/1 support SSDs. When needed, data can also be
featuring multiple expansions via 1 x PCIe x16, 1 as well as Advantech’s new out-of-band transmitted via M.2 4G/5G modules, giving real-
x PCIe x4, and 2 x M.2 (NVMe, SATA, 5G) for management solution – an intelligent board time data flows both remotely and on the
ultimate data and image processing management controller known as an iBMC, which shopfloor.
requirements. With its special modular design, can reduce system downtime via out-of-band
TPC-B610 can be paired with various IP66-grade management and allows remote power control Face recognition
FPM-display panel modules in six different sizes even when encountering OS failure. The internal graphics capabilities mean TPC-
ranging from 15" to 23.8" and FHD, P-cap, and B610 can easily identify faces and the
Three applications that will future-proof your appearance of any object or person, even if they
Industry 4.0 applications wear a surgical mask or the object is constantly



Modular design of TPC-B610 computing box.

moving. This provides great help for WebAccess/HMINavi are feature rich software TPC-B610 will fulfill most of your application
pharmaceutical companies and medical tools for complete SCADA and HMI architecture demands.
equipment manufacturers, which requires deployment, building an Industry 4.0 factory and
double mechanisms of identification that industrial environment with both on-site and Advantech’s TPC-B610 series is the first
involves instant face recognition before a panel remote control features. industrial touch panel PC that can deliver all
PC is successfully unlocked and used. these kinds of performance features via its 10th
In terms of hardware expansion, for ultimate Gen Intel processor socket and future-proof
For embedded OS support, TPC-B610 has image processing, by installing NVIDIA GTX-1650 features for software and hardware expansion.
options for Windows Microsoft 10 LTSC and or AMD-E9260, these industrial graphic cards can Its 2 x PCIe slots and multiple expansions
Advantech Linux. With its inclusion of TPM 2.0, really boost 3D graphics drawing performance and future-proof your Industry 4.0 applications.
the latest Windows 11 OS is supported upon AI capabilities. Alternatively, for applications that
request. As for applications, Advantech's require PoE cameras for visual inspection of Advantech Industrial Computing India Pvt Ltd
VisionNavi provides a machine vision edge production lines, Advantech PCIE-1674 or PCIE- Pune Office – Tel: 1-800-425-507091-942-260-
solution ready platform suitable for defect 1182, 4-Port/2-Port PCI Express GigE vision 2349.
inspection. Faceview is a touchless AI facial frame grabber cards can be employed Bangalore Office – Tel: 1-800-425-5071, 080-
recognition software, WISE-DeviceOn is a simultaneously via the two PCIe slots supporting 68144600/60191, 94483-9730091, 94483-
remote device management tool that works with up to 8 PoE cameras. And by applying the wide 9730191, 94483-97302.
iBMC, and web-based WebAccess/SCADA and temperature versions of memory and HDD/SSDs, Email: [email protected]

TPC-B610 has options for Windows Microsoft 10 LTSC and Advantech Linux.



it only gets bigger
and better!’

JK Agarwal, Chairman,

Overall, how do you see a growth in the sheer
number of exhibitors in ELECRAMA 2023?
Yes, last time, which was ELECRAMA 2020, we
had around 1,300 exhibitors. For the upcoming
15th Edition, ELECRAMA 2023, we are expecting
well over 1,500 exhibitors.

How do you gauge the RBSM phenomenon in the
upcoming ELECRAMA?
The Reverse Buyer Seller Meet (RBSM) has
generally been very successful. Till the last
edition, ELECRAMA 2020, Central government
support was limited to developing countries, and
developed countries such as the USA, European
nations, etc., were not included. However, this
time we will have buyers from all over the globe.
In this RBSM, we are expecting over 700 buyers
from across the globe – South East Asia, Africa,
Latin America, North America, Europe, etc.

We will now be in a position to cover the whole

Can you please share details of your new Mr JK Agarwal, Chairman, ELECRAMA 2023. How is ELECRAMA becoming a platform for
initiative known as the Start-up Challenge? budding engineers and technology startups?
IEEMA Start-up Challenge is a platform for some We want that IEEMA and ELECRAMA should be Like it has always been, this edition of
of the most promising ones to showcase their known to all connected to the electrical equipment ELECRAMA will also feature an Innovation Hub.
innovations at ELECRAMA 2023. While only the and allied industries. This will be supported by the Fraunhofer Society,
top 10-12 will get a chance to showcase at Germany. We are also in talks with the Ministry
ELECRAMA, we will enable visitors to have a look Are there countries that would be participating of Commerce whereby grants could be given to
at all the participating ones too. Do leverage this in ELECRAMA for the first time? startups to finance up to 95 per cent of the
opportunity and provide a platform for these start- As far as I can recall, US, Canada, Portugal, are expenses incurred in showcasing their
ups to pilot/scale-up their ideas at your plants and some of the countries, which if they set up a innovations. This tie-up with the ministry is still
perhaps invest in relevant ones to help them country pavilion at ELECRAMA 2023, it would be
scale! their first time.

How is IEEMA faring with respect to extending
the popularity of ELECRAMA?
We have always done domestic road shows to
spread the message of ELECRAMA. However, this
time, we are not just targeting the larger cities but
also smaller cities and towns that have industrial
clusters relating to electrical equipment. We are
doing road shows in such places even if there are
just about 500 industrial units in the cluster.



How is ELECRAMA 2023 tackling new and
emerging areas like energy storage,
renewable energy, etc?
ELECRAMA 2023 will have a co-located event,
‘eTECH nxt’ that will be addressing only
emerging areas like e-mobility, energy storage
systems, etc.

This will be a specific sub-event, within
ELECRAMA 2023, focusing only on emerging
areas. In fact, the brochure of this event was
launched at the IEEMA Annual Convention.

What is your broad vision for this mega event?
My personal vision as Chairman, ELECRAMA
2023 is that wherever we are today, after 10
years, ELECRAMA should be four to five times
bigger. It should be like the Canton Fair, for
electricity, at the global level.

The ‘eTECH nxt’ brochure launched at the IEEMA Annual Convention. If you need anything in electrical or electricity
under one roof, ELECRAMA is the place. That is
in progress. We are very close to getting the deal of startups to participate in the Innovation Hub of the vision that I have. And as I have been saying,
finalised. Once this is done, you can expect a lot ELECRAMA 2023. with ELECRAMA, it only gets bigger and better!

TATA Projects, CSIR-IIP ink MoU for clean energy solutions

CSIR – Indian Institute of Petroleum is located at Dehradun and dedicated to R&D in the hydrocarbon sector.

TATA Projects Limited, one of India's fastest growing and most admired infrastructure companies yesterday inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with
the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research – Indian Institute of Petroleum (CSIR – IIP) to collaborate and work together towards ensuring clean energy

As part of this endeavor, clean energy solutions such as room temperature bio-diesel produced from CSIR – IIP shall be used across some of Tata Projects'
ongoing sites. Further, the partnership will also actively explore utilisation of by-product Green Diesel from the existing DILSAAF™ (Drop-In Liquid Sustainable
Aviation Fuel and Automotive fuel) Pilot Plant at CSIR-IIP's campus in Dehradun and proposed commercial scale demonstration unit in Tata Projects' fleet.

Construction and infrastructure remains one of the largest industry sectors in India. Thousands of light and heavy vehicles, including various types of
construction equipment – both small and large – are utilised during project execution. If even a portion of these vehicles and equipment are migrated from
diesel to a cleaner energy source, the shift will ensure lower emissions and a more sustainable future for the sector and the planet.

Mr Vinayak Pai, Managing Director – Tata Projects Ltd, said, "We are proud to partner with CSIR – Indian Institute of Petroleum, in taking their indigenous,
sustainable, bio-based technologies to our construction sites, in our efforts to decarbonise the hard to abate engineering and construction industry. As part of
the Tata Group's commitment to the planet, our shift to cleaner alternate energy remains at our core, and we look at continuous collaboration between
academia and industry, to find innovative pathways to that goal."

Dr Anjan Ray, Director – CSIR – IIP, affirmed that "CSIR – IIP is excited to progress this partnership with Tata Projects Ltd as a specific thrust within the ambit
of our initiatives with Tata Sustainability Group. The MoU aligns well with our mandate to reduce India's energy imports and enhance national self-reliance by
repurposing waste and under-utilised local renewable carbon resources."

CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum is located at Dehradun and dedicated to R&D in the hydrocarbon sector. Its charter is to provide competitive and
sustainable technologies and products to meet the requirements of the ever-growing energy sector and develop capacity and capability in new energy areas
such as bio-, hydrogen and solar energy and their innovative combinations.

The Tata Sustainability Group ("TSG") serves as a Centre of Excellence and nodal resource on sustainability for Tata group companies. It has, since its
formation in 2014, been partnering with Tata group companies to embed sustainability in their business strategies and transition them to a low carbon
scenario. The Tata Group recently outlined a transformative vision on sustainability which envisages the Group becoming Net Zero by 2045. The Tata group has
been ranked as the top Sustainability Leader in Asia Pacific and the only Asian company to appear among the top 15 corporates globally as per the GlobeScan
Sustainability Leaders Survey, 2022.



Single cubes are joined via keyways to form the Domino module as required.

The Next Level of Modular Industrial Connectors

Han-Modular® Domino Han®, which is now the standard for rectangular the modular connector. The new series primarily
Modules are set to take the industrial connectors. meets the industry's requirements for saving
world of modular industrial installation space and weight. Users of Han-
connectors to the next level, Dietmar Harting was highly aware of the potential Modular® Domino modules can save up to 50%
says Heiko Meier. of this technology and dedicated himself to it after installation space by integrating different
joining the company in 1967. It was his impetus transmission types in one module, for example.
The foundation for today's industrial that led to the introduction of the first modular
transformation is formed by basic technologies connector Han-Modular® in the 1990s, another The Domino module contributes to cost
such as interfaces for the transmission of power, milestone in the company's history. It was the first reduction and resource conservation. This is
data and signals. HARTING is therefore launching connector that could transmit power, signals, data true for production because less energy and
the Han-Modular® Domino modules, which will and even compressed air side by side in one hood material are needed to manufacture smaller
take the world of modular industrial connectors or housing. The series went on to revolutionise the components. But it also applies to logistics,
to the next level. They open up new possibilities market. which benefit from the space and weight savings
for optimisation, including space and weight and also from more flexibility. Modularity is
savings of up to 50%, thus reducing the CO2 Support for industrial transformation increased by the use of smaller components that
footprint. Almost 30 years later, the world is once again can be arranged next to each other in hinged
facing the challenges of a major transformation. It frames. Individual modules can be reused (in the
HARTING has accompanied and supported the is necessary to prepare for the future in order to sense of the platform idea); sustainability is
industrial transformation for more than 70 years. meet challenges in the areas of energy and improved.
In the 1940s and 1950s, the first successful digitalisation, as this transformation requires
products, electrical consumer goods for everyday enabling technologies. Connectors represent such Less work, lower energy costs
use, laid an important foundation stone for the a technology by enabling the safe and error-free Installers also benefit: With shorter assembly
new beginning. The young engineer Wilhelm transmission of power, data and signals. Connector times, the overall labour input is reduced. This
Harting discovered that connectors are an technology must also follow global megatrends and picks up on the megatrend of demographic
important basic technology for the industry – and offer customers additional added value, such as change and counteracts the shortage of skilled
developed the HARTING standard connector: the sustainability. workers. The lighter and smaller interfaces
support decarbonisation. A major rail
Thus, HARTING presents the Han-Modular® manufacturer has calculated that a train in
Domino modules as the next development stage of operation saves 14,000 EUR in energy costs with



Han-Modular® connector equipped with Domino modules. A Han B housing offers space for 8 Domino cubes, replacing four standard modules.

every kilo of weight over the 40-year service life. surface in which even larger contacts can be modules and module types than before fit into
The calculation is based on the energy prices of accommodated. The Cubes support the one connector.
2015; today, the value is significantly higher due configuration of customised connectors that are
to the cost increase. precisely tailored to the requirements of a design. Benefits of Han-Modular® Domino modules
‘Cubes’ support customisation Power, signal, data or compressed air as well as - Smaller light-weight connectors allow up to
Just as dominoes have two separate squares, a male and female contacts can be combined in one 50% of space savings
domino module is made up of two building module. Overall, the number of required interfaces - Compatible with existing components of the
blocks or ‘cubes’. The Han-Modular® mating face per unit is reduced. The connection technology Han-Modular® series, the market standard for
is divided in two. The result is an almost square becomes smaller and more lightweight, more modular industrial connectors
- Sustainability due to consistent
- Reduced installation time, since several
types of connections can be combined in one
interface, and
- Maximum flexibility, scalable to ‘individual’

(Image credit: HARTING Electric Stiftung &
Co. KG)

Customised Domino module: signal contacts are combined with M12 data transmission to save space. Heiko Meier is Product
Manager Han-Modular®,
"We have achieved our goals" HARTING Electric Stiftung &
Co. KG. HARTING offers a
comprehensive portfolio of
tools for all relevant
termination techniques and assembly steps.

The HARTING Technology Group has achieved a milestone in its corporate history and, in spite of adverse conditions, has exceeded the billion euro revenue
mark for the first time. Turnover jumped by 21.8 % (€ 190 million) to € 1,059 million – compared to € 869 million in the previous year. Growth emanated from
all regions and markets. In Germany, the largest market, turnover was up by 12 % to € 270 million. The EMEA region grew by 17 % to € 373 million in turnover.
The Asia/Pacific region put in even stronger growth of 25 % to € 269 million and the Americas by an impressive 57 % to € 147 million. The number of
employees was up by 256 to 6446, mainly due to the expansion of the plants in Mexico, Romania and the USA. The number of employees in Germany
remained almost constant (+ 0.5 %).

"We have achieved our goals," said Philip Harting, CEO of the HARTING Technology Group. A year ago, he had thought double-digit growth was possible. "We

In addition to catch-up effects resulting from the Corona pandemic, the main growth drivers were the industrial transformation, advancing digitalisation and
the development of energy-efficient production technologies and products.



CNC machines are capable of carrying out a wide range of tasks.

How Vulnerable are CNC Machines to Cyberattacks?

Computer Numerical sophisticated helicopter blades. Parts created with amount and diversity of tools that the machine
Control (CNC) machines are CNC technology are presently used in almost every can automatically access throughout the cutting
susceptible to cyberattacks sector. Thanks to CNC machines, we have more process, as well as the number of planes of
that can result in physical accessible goods, a more robust national defense, movement (axes), determine how complex a
harm, data theft, and and a higher standard of living than is conceivable workpiece a CNC can make.
hijacking, cautions Dr in a pre-industrial civilisation. Punch card-operated
Shekhar Pawar. calculating equipment was first referred to as a CNC machines are capable of carrying out a wide
‘computer’ in 1946. Digital instructions are needed range of tasks with a high level of effectiveness,
John T Parsons (1913-2007), a founder of the for the CNC, and these are frequently produced reliability, and accuracy. They include lathes,
Parsons Corporation in Traverse City, Michigan, is with CAD or CAM software like SolidWorks or punch presses, mills, plasma cutters, water jet
credited with developing the numerical control, MasterCAM. The software creates G-code that the cutters, electric discharge machines, and lathes.
the predecessor to the modern CNC machine. controller of the CNC machine can comprehend.
John Parsons' accomplishments have given him The computer program on the controller Users may manage CNC machines remotely and
the moniker ‘father of the second industrial comprehends the design and moves the cutting add-ons to make them more helpful as they get
revolution’. He realised that computerising tools and/or the workpiece on several axes to cut more complex. As they get more complicated,
production was the way of the future when he the desired shape from the workpiece. When they might be more vulnerable to cyberattacks.
realised that he needed to manufacture compared to older equipment's manual tool and Researchers from Trend Micro have looked at
workpiece movement utilising levers and gears, the CNC products used by industrial businesses all
automated cutting process is noticeably faster and around the world from Haas, Okuma,
more accurate. Modern CNC machines can do a Heidenhain, and Fanuc. According to the
range of cuts and have many tool holders. The analysis, each of these manufacturers' products



CNC machines are getting more sophisticated. Image source: BI-MU, Milan.

is vulnerable to around a dozen distinct types of Despite the possibility that an attacker may A new framework called BDSLCCI offers a
attacks. activate one of these alarms, they are made to shut domain-specific security posture that helps to
down the machine in the event of a hardware or defend the organisation's key asset areas. For
The researchers showed that an attacker has the software error. Trend Micro claims that by instance, CNC machines are mission-critical
ability to steal important intellectual property, implementing industrial intrusion detection and equipment in the manufacturing sector that has
hijack a system, and inflict harm or disruption. prevention systems, segmenting networks, setting to be secured against online attacks. BDSLCCI
Each of these possibilities may have a large up CNC machines appropriately, and making sure offers similar assistance.
financial effect on a company. they are safe, these assaults may be prevented.
Dr Shekhar Pawar is a DBA in the
For instance, a hacker might damage or stop a By changing certain elements of the device's cybersecurity domain at SSBM,
CNC machine from operating by altering certain design or the controller's program, a hacker, for Switzerland. He has completed
aspects of the device's design or the controller's instance, may harm or prevent a CNC machine from his executive management degree
program. The attacker may cause noticeable running. The attacker could make significant from SJMSOM, IIT Bombay, and
damage or make major changes that result in a alterations that lead to a faulty product or cause engineering in electronics and
defective product. Hackers might possibly obvious harm. telecommunications from Mumbai University.
disrupt production by activating alarms that Some of his skills and certifications include
prevent the machine from operating until a By setting off alarms that prohibit the machine Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA),
human intervenes. Although an attacker may from working until a person steps in, hackers might Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Computer
conceivably set off one of these alarms, they are potentially interrupt production. Despite the Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI), ISO 27001
designed to shut down the computer in the case possibility that an attacker may activate one of – Lead Auditor, PCI DSS Implementer, Diploma in
of a hardware or software malfunction. these alarms, they are made to shut down the Cyber Laws, Microsoft Certified Professional
machine in the event of a hardware or software (MCP), Certified Blockchain Developer, Certified
For instance, a hacker might change certain error. ATM for CMMi Assessment, DSP & Applications –
features of the device's design or the controller's IIT Madras, and Diploma in Industrial
program to harm or prevent a CNC machine from Hackers may interfere with production by setting Electronics. He is also the author of the
running. The attacker could make significant off alarms that stop the machine from working until nonfiction book ‘Air Team Theory: Understanding
alterations that lead to a faulty product or cause a person steps in. These alarms are intended to 10 Types of Team Mates and Best Practices to
obvious harm. By setting off alarms that prohibit shut down the computer in the event of a hardware Succeed’. Currently he is working as Founder and
the machine from working until a person steps in, or software fault, even if an attacker may CEO of SecureClaw Inc., USA, and GrassDew IT
hackers might potentially interrupt production. theoretically set one off. Solutions Pvt Ltd, Mumbai.



‘Indian machine tool
industry doing well in
terms of consumption
and production’

Jibak Dasgupta, Director General & CEO, IMTMA.

Jibak Dasgupta, Director 22 and consumption is estimated to have increased EVs, hence, machine tool industry business is
General & CEO, IMTMA. by around 30% year-on-year in 2021-22. not affected negatively. There is no adverse
impact on heavy commercial vehicles and
With Covid behind us and manufacturing What are the factors that are driving growth of tractors. Also, the machine tool industry is
activities gathering momentum, what is the the machine tool industry in India? diversifying into sunrise sectors such as
present status of the machine tool industry in Auto sector is doing extremely well; the EV two- agriculture machinery, construction equipment,
India? wheeler industry is also giving good business, aerospace, defence, furniture/woodworking,
The Indian machine tool industry has been doing especially in sheet metal forming. Demand from toys, etc., where government schemes are
well in terms of consumption and production. The agriculture, consumer sector and general beneficial. IMTMA has formed special interest
half-yearly results have been good, and the engineering are also driving machine tool industry task forces whose members visited these
forthcoming quarters also look promising with business. Newer segments such as electronics and sectors to obtain a deeper understanding of the
good order bookings. semiconductor and core segments like defence, opportunities for machine tools and the
aerospace and railways are also driving the technologies to be adopted to serve them.
As per the World Machine Tool Survey by Gardner industry growth. Thrust for infrastructure
Intelligence 2021, India occupies 11th position in development by the government, various PLI What are the digitalisation trends impacting
production and 8th position in consumption of schemes, and the Make in India initiative is also the new generation machine tools for smart
machine tools globally in 2021. The country auguring well for industry business. manufacturing?
moved up by two ranks in the global machine tool Digitalisation refers to process change being
producing nations list as against its ranking in The Automotive Sector is a major consumer of implemented in machine tool industry for smart
2020. machine tools. How will the transition to EVs manufacturing:
impact the industry? a. Machines are sensorised so that they can
Indian machine tool production is estimated to Metal forming manufacturers are getting an uptick capture information about various subsystems
have reached around Rs 9,307 crore, and in their business. Auto industry is also getting good like power utilisation, noise, vibration,
consumption is estimated to have reached around business in the two-wheeler segment and for temperature, coolant level, and thermal
Rs 15, 791 crore. Production is estimated to have three-wheeler carrier vehicles. When it comes to behaviour.
increased by around 40% year-on-year in 2021- passenger vehicles, internal combustion engines b. They have the capability to send data to a
(ICE) are still in good demand with less demand for centralised server for further analysis.



c. Future machine tools that are currently being
built can communicate with other machines,
equipment and devices.
d. Machine tools are also embedded with
network connectivity so that it can do remote
monitoring and other updations.

Everything works well as one cohesive unit which
merges well with smart manufacturing. Moving
on, machines are being built for self-monitoring,
and future machines can go a step forward in
performing self-diagnostics which paves way for
building self-correcting machines in future.

SMEs are a big part of the manufacturing and Domestic production, consumption and exports/imports. India remains a net importer of machine tools
supply chain of machine tools. Are they even as it exports. How is IMTMA approaching
keeping pace with digitalisation? aerospace, where parts are complex and light this issue?
Software related design, simulation, modelling, weighted. The strength of additive manufacturing lies Domestic consumption is met through
inventory management, customer relation in small batch production and some of the parts production and imports. Our domestic
project management, etc., are being already meeting conformal cooling, difficult to machine production is more than imports for the past two
adopted by SMEs. Hardware related components, remanufacturing of parts, etc., where it years as seen from the graph.
developments which need investments are is finding requirements. Industry knows the benefit of Indigenisation/localisation of imported
happening in phases since many of the industries additive manufacturing and it is exploring the machines, design and development of globally
are stuck with legacy machines. Larger adaptability and usage of additive manufacturing competitive machine tools and enhancing
companies are hand holding their supply chain innovatively. Both additive manufacturing and hybrid exports are the steps being taken by the Indian
units and helping and encouraging them to adopt ones have different advantages and are used machine tool industry to further its business.
digitalisation as a hub and spoke model. Some depending on the application. All find their own uses, Most of the imports are project-based ones,
units are adopting a cluster approach for all exist, and there is no one solution. examples the PLI ones, SEZ, etc.
enabling digitalisation among SMEs.

How is the emerging additive manufacturing
ecosystem blending with conventional
machine tools for hybrid machines?
Metal additive manufacturing has started picking
up pace in some of the sectors like space and

A view of a previous IMTEX event. IMTMA is supporting the export efforts of its
members through various initiatives such as
group participation in overseas fairs, trade
missions, etc. IMTMA has established an ‘Export
Development Cell’ to promote and boost
exports. For this purpose, the association has
formed a group of companies who are interested
in exporting to the overseas markets. Objectives
of the IMTMA Export Development Cell:
i. Bring together export oriented MTMs to work
together as a cohesive group.
ii. Gather information, analyse the information,
and disseminate the information on target
markets through Country reports, Market news,
iii. Facilitate international presence through
interactions between buyers and sellers.
iv. Network through EEPC and leverage on its
support to promote the ‘Made-in- India’ brand
v. Facilitate joint participation and send
delegations to trade fairs in target markets.



Musings on Automation: Happy New Year!

Many new things are
happening in the field of
automation, says PV

Anand comes bouncing with joy – “Happy New
Year”! I reciprocate in a more sober manner.
Magazines are full of numbers – achievements of
the old year, and targets for the New Year.
Alongside, there are also predictions. Predictions
based on knowledge, predictions which are
guesswork. Astrologers too get a premium
position for their type of predictions.

What will be the important topic of the coming
year, Anand? He is a little stuck, but naturally. His
mind is going along the predictions of the
journalists. Anand, I pull him back out of his
reflections. We are not going to talk about politics
or economics. We are going to talk about

Many new things are happening in the field of
automation. Hardware and the controllers are
always gaining in speed, memory capacity, and
power of computation, communication
bandwidth and speed. One thing that has long
term implications is how algorithms or codes get
generated. Is there any new programming
language or system going to be launched, Anand
asks a little breathlessly. A new programming
language or coding platform will not create a
major change. What is going to gain in strength is
a completely new approach.

What is this new approach? Well, as you know, all Happy New Year! Image by Alexandra Koch from Pixabay of ML, we present the machine (the
programs, including programs for PLCs and such computer/the algorithm) with a large number of
controllers, start with a method. This method algorithm or control program. This program is results in three buckets. The buckets are
may also be called an algorithm. This algorithm is created by a programmer at his desk, using his labelled as apple/orange/neither. The
a way to solve a problem and yield a result. The knowledge and experience and intelligence. This is processor/controller/algorithm studies each of
method is codified in a language for the an endless loop. these samples in each bucket and extracts some
computer or processor. Then we provide inputs, defining traits or features which distinguish an
and the program yields a result. apple from an orange. By inspecting a random
fruit coming in, and measuring for the traits, the
In the real time world of automation and control, The new way is that instead of the human algorithm can put the fruit into the appropriate
it works in a similar way. There is a desired programmer, Artificial Intelligence can generate bucket.
process output. The deviation from the desired the algorithm. How does this work? We use a
value to the actual achieved value is the error. specialised part of Artificial Intelligence (AI) called Anand has lost the thread. How does all this
Effort of the control loop is to bring the error or Machine Learning (ML). connect with the famous PID loop? That is the
deviation to a minimum. So the error value is fed
to the controller, who tries to adjust the process Let us take an easy example of oranges and apples.
in a way to reduce the error. The way in which the The control problem is to sort fruit into three
controller adjusts the process is the control buckets – apples/oranges/neither. In the technique



system behaviour and adjusts its parameters
on an ongoing basis. This yields much higher
efficiency. Do you now see the connection to
ML, Anand?

Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful
New Year.

PID techniques offer a neat starting point to implement a solution. PV Sivaram, Evangelist for
Digital Transformation and
core of all control processes! Wait, Anand, guess. As the process runs in a closed loop, to Industrial Automation, is
wait. You surely know that the PID controller introduce a set-point change and check the mentor and member of
makes use of three significant parameters behaviour. Based on the behaviour, one can steering committee at C4i4.
such as kP, kI and kD to drive the controller. change the parameters. An improvement on He retired as the Non-
The choice of these three parameters can this strategy is to allow auto-tuning. In auto- Executive Chairman of B&R
seriously influence efficiency of the process. tuning a set-point change is imposed and the Industrial Automation and earlier the
The indications are obtained from response to system calculates the parameters. Using these Managing Director. He is a past President of the
a step change in the set-point or response to parameters, the system is switched to online Automation Industries Association (AIA). After
process disturbance. closed-loop control mode. his graduation in Electronics Engineering from
IIT-Madras in 1976, Sivaram began his career
The classical way of going about discovering The advanced mode is self-tuning. Here the at BARC. He shifted to Siemens Ltd and has
these parameters is to first make an intelligent controller is continuously monitoring the considerable experience in Distributed
Systems, SCADA, DCS, and microcontroller
applications. Sivaram believes strongly that
digitalisation and adoption of the technology
and practices of Industry4.0 is essential for
MSME of India. . He works to bring these
concepts clearer to the people for whom it is

Honeywell and Nexceris work to improve safety for electric vehicles

Honeywell announced last week it is expanding its strategic alliance with Nexceris, developer of Li-ion Tamer® lithium-ion gas detection solutions, to help
make electric vehicles (EVs) safer. Honeywell and Nexceris will co-develop sensor based solutions to help prevent conditions leading to thermal runaway in EV
batteries, a phenomenon that causes extremely high temperatures within the battery cell and can result in a fire. Several industries are moving to electrified
power sources, and for the automotive industry specifically, global sales of EVs doubled in 2021 from the previous year to nearly 7 million.1 Many of these
vehicles today use lithium-ion batteries as an energy source, which can pose rare but significant safety risks including fires that can impact drivers on the road,
homeowners who may have EVs parked in their garages and shipping handlers transporting EVs to their final destinations. To help mitigate these risks,
automobile manufacturers are looking to incorporate technology to provide enhanced safety.

"As the world transitions to electric powered vehicles, automakers are faced with the need to provide lithium-ion batteries that function properly and safely
during all stages of their lifecycle. At Honeywell, we are supporting this transition with ready-now solutions to help our customers mitigate safety risks as they
expand their electric vehicle portfolios," said Victor Verissimo, general manager of the Transportation line of business of Honeywell Sensing and Safety
Technologies. "Furthermore, by collaborating with Nexceris to develop an enhanced suite of battery monitoring sensors, we will help automotive
manufacturers strengthen their battery health monitoring systems with the ability to detect thermal runaway conditions even earlier." The companies will
collaborate with leading global vehicle manufacturers to deliver advanced gas detection solutions in EV battery packs to allow for early intervention, helping
avoid costly property damage and safety issues.

"Our work with Honeywell will help us empower the global transition to electric vehicles through enhanced battery monitoring," said Kyle Shen, president and
CEO, Nexceris. "Fires from lithium-ion batteries are dangerous and often difficult to contain after they start. By combining our shared expertise in battery
sensing and gas detection technology with Honeywell's extensive manufacturing capabilities, we will be working toward offering our vehicle manufacturing
customers a more advanced safety solution and meeting the growing demand for lithium-ion batteries." Honeywell offers a wide range of lithium-ion battery
safety and performance solutions, including sensors used in battery management systems to monitor the health of EV batteries, gas detection solutions used
throughout the manufacturing process and electrical safety personal protective equipment, providing protection to workers and allowing them to operate
safely in hazardous conditions. In 2020, Honeywell and Nexceris formed its strategic alliance to address lithium-ion battery system safety for energy storage
applications, combining Honeywell's very early warning smoke detection and Li-ion Tamer's leading off-gas detection technology for a safe, redundant way to
protect facilities of any scale. The Li-ion Tamer products were developed by Nexceris. Nexceris is an energy innovation company dedicated to the clean energy
transition. Founded in 1994, Nexceris' vision is to create a better world through clean energy innovations. The company collaborates with global customers
and partners to transform powerful ideas to make energy production safer, more efficient, and environmentally responsible.



T400 C hardface valve seat (left) and PTA hardfacing on valve seat.

Tribaloy Materials and Drivetrain Components

Suryakant Sharma and alloys, such as Stellite®F, Tribaloy®T-400 and seats and guides as well as for other
Matthew Yao examine the Stellite®6, have proven effective under these components in the drivetrain requiring enhanced
role of tribaloy materials in circumstances. Now, a host of cobalt-based alloys wear performance at elevated temperatures
extending the life of are used in the automotive industry for wear
drivetrain components. resistance. Examined inlet and exhaust valves are bi-metal
friction welded valve spindles (valve disc
Drivetrain components, especially valves, are The hardfacing of engine valve seats, which is a diameter of about 110 mm, total length about
subjected to a variety of wear modes such as high high-volume process, was originally done using Oxy 550 mm) consisting of a martensitic and an
temperature, erosion, adhesion, galling, Fuel welding (OFW) and gas tungsten arc welding austenitic stainless valve steel. The valves were
corrosion, and fatigue, posing a perplexing (GTAW) processes.Since the 1980s, hardfacing of taken from the same type of large bore gas
problem for internal combustion engine designers engine valves has moved steadily to plasma engine. The first set is hard-faced with a Stellite®
and manufacturers for many years. Additional transfer arc (PTA), due to consistently repeatable 12 alloy and was removed from the engine after
demands like fuel efficiency, power-to-volume quality, productivity, and enhanced deposit 250 hours of operation, while the second set is
rating increase, and fuel quality impose further characteristics. overlaid with a Tribaloy® T-400 and was
strain on these components. investigated after 5,000 hours of operation.
What is Tribaloy material?
The harsh environment the valve seat operates in The Tribaloy family of alloys (CoMoCrSi) are Tribaloy®T-400C– an improved Tribaloy® T-400
makes alternative cooling by other means characterised by a substantial resistance to wear material
impossible, so the seat must rely only on the alloy and corrosion within a wide range of temperatures. It has been found that the commercial Tribaloy®
used in its construction to provide operational These properties are a direct result of their T-400 lacks resistance to oxidation. Insufficient
protection – this makes correct alloy selection the microstructure including the presence of Laves oxidation resistance leads to welding or casting
top-most priority for manufacturers. phase in varying proportions. defects. For high temperature applications,
excessive oxidation may result in sticking of the
Kennametal Stellite™ manufactures consumable Tribaloy alloys' high molybdenum content accounts moving parts. Our study has found that the alloy
weld overlay materials as cast rod, cored wire, for the excellent dry-running properties of Tribaloy® T-400 can be improved in oxidation
electrodes, and powder, with a special focus on Tribaloy®alloys and makes them very suitable for resistance if the three major alloying elements
nickel and cobalt base materials.Cobalt-based use in adhesive (metal-to- metal) wear situations. Cr, Mo and Si are balanced in the ranges as
Tribaloy®alloys can be used up to 800-1000°C shown in US patent 6,852,176. The best
Tribaloy® alloys are used extensively as hard-phase properties of the improved alloy Tribaloy® T-
particles in powder metallurgy of automotive valve 400C in both oxidation resistance and ductility



Wear profiles of inlet valves (left) and exhaust valves. Substrate microstructure – inlet valves (left) and exhaust valves.

Fig. 4 Thermogravimetric analysis. Fig. 5 Comparison of Tribaloy® T-400 with Tribaloy® T-400C.

The Tribaloy® T-400C has been invented for use
in industrial applications where resistance to
wear and corrosion are critical, and the results of
this trial prove that it is an ideal choice for gas
engine valves, owing to its excellent dry-running
properties due to high Moly content, as well as
enhanced wear performance at elevated
temperatures of 800-1000°C.

These properties allow for its application in
processes where buildup material needs to be
applied to components such as valves by plasma
transfer arc welding, welding on areas subject to
wear on gas turbine blades in jet engines and
cast turbocharger parts, etc.

VFig. 6 Tribaloy® T-400C has improved corrosion resistance.

can be achieved if the Cr/Si ratio is kept above properties of Tribaloy® T-400C (see Fig. 4
4.5 and Mo/Si ratio above 9. The former is thermogravimetric analysis).
important to the oxidation resistance and the
latter ensures sufficient ductility for most Compared with alloy Tribaloy® T-400, Tribaloy® T- Suryakant Sharma, Sales Manager – Stellite,
applications. 400C can be weld deposited with plasma transfer arc Kennametal India, and Matthew Yao, Sr Staff
welding with fewer defects (see Fig. 5). Engineer, Kennametal Stellite, Canada.
Quantitative measurement of weight change of
materials exposed to a temperature of 1400°F Compared with the alloy Tribaloy® T-400, Tribaloy® T-
(760°C) showing the better oxidation resistance 400C has improved corrosion resistance (see Fig. 6).



Manufacturers are diversifying in order to survive in an era of uncertainty.

Machining Challenges – Gaining Resilience

Gaetano Massimo Pittalà For example, one Sandvik Coromant customer in Eliminating vibrations
explains how CoroMill® Dura the US has diversified from general engineering First, let’s look more closely at the machining
solid carbide end mills help into other sectors like aerospace, defence and challenges. As written in an analysis of system
manufacturers diversify. medical, to a point where no one customer or parameters for machining tough materials by
industry is more than 25% of its total business. The International Journal of Advanced
“Multitasking, throughput, efficiency – these are Manufacturing Technology, “Vibration is more
excellent machine concepts,” said the American In cases like this, diversification entails producing prone to occur in milling titanium due to self-
computer programmer and author Ellen Ullman. new and previously-unfamiliar components to tight excited vibrations (i.e. chatter) between the
“But are they principles that nurture human tolerances. But the challenges don’t end there. workpiece and cutting tool,” which also applies
thought and imagination?” The answer is yes for According to another McKinsey and Company to other difficult-to-machine materials like
machine shops, which are diversifying into new report, “Delivering products at the right time, the aluminium and Inconel.
product areas to grow more resilient but, in doing right quality, and the lowest cost is no longer
so, must deal with a wider range of tough enough.” The report continues that, “Organisations Vibrations during the machining process have
materials. This article explains how CoroMill® now need networks with the resilience to tolerate several negative consequences. They include
Dura solid carbide end mills can help shocks and the agility to respond to demanding degraded surface finishes on the component;
manufacturers diversify with optimal throughput customers and fast-changing markets,” and must and extra wear on the cutting edges and
and efficiency. achieve this with, “environmental and social unpredictable wear patterns of the cutting tool.
sustainability.” Vibrations negatively impact overall machining
According to McKinsey and Company, “The Covid- security and can lead to increased energy usage,
19 crisis, post pandemic economic effects, and However, diversification also means machining a costs and component quality.
the ongoing conflict in Ukraine have exposed the wider range of difficult-to-machine materials like
vulnerabilities of today’s global supply chains.” To aluminium, titanium and Inconel. How can machine Naturally, these problems are exacerbated in
gain resilience in this era of uncertainty, shops overcome these challenges while also machine shops handling different materials as
manufacturers are diversifying in order to survive. realising the objectives outlined in McKinsey and part of a diversification strategy. So, what can be
Company’s report? The answer lies in better tools done? This was the challenge Sandvik
together with machine tools. Coromant’s R&D team faced: to produce a



The DIN 42CrMo4 workpiece had an ultimate
tensile strength (UTS) of 95 kg/mm2 and a
Rockwell hardness (HRC) of 39. The tools’
diameter (D) measured 12.7 millimeters (mm)
with a stick out, which means the distance from
the tip of the tool to where the tool shank goes
into the tool holder, of 33 to 40 mm.

Each tool’s performance was assessed on the
total volume of material (cm3) removed from the
workpiece. For a maximum material removal
rate (MRR), the tools were run at a cutting speed
(vc) of 150/60 m/min, a feed per tooth (fz) of
0.04 to 0.1 mm/tooth; with an axial depth of cut
(ap) of 1 x D and radial depth of cut (ae) of 0.5 x
D. The tools ran for a maximum of 60 minutes
and coolant was applied.

Different cutting data was used for the AISI 304
workpiece, which included a vc of 80/40 m/min,
an fz of 0.05 mm/tooth, an ap of 1xD and ae of
0.5 x D. Again, the tools were run for a maximum
of 60 minutes and coolant was applied.

Sandvik Coromant’s CoroMill® Dura range of solid carbide end mills is designed to eliminate vibrations. In the end, when side milling the DIN 42 CrMo4
workpiece, CoroMill® Dura gave a more than
25% improved performance over the competing
solid carbide end mill, and a more than 20%
improved performance when side milling AISI
304. Sandvik Coromant also tested CoroMill®
Dura against a previous-generation tool from its
own range, and found the newer tool to be
overall stronger on competitiveness, price and

complete range of solid carbide end mills that each cutting flute is oriented at a different helix angle, Based on these tests, CoroMill® Dura is proven to
can eliminate vibrations while being very relative to all the remaining flutes, which allows good be a high performance tool for versatile
versatile in terms of application and materials. stability and effectiveness in eliminating harmful applications. It’s well suited to the needs of
The range must be easy to use, while harmonics. Because each flute is unequally spaced machine shops that are seeking to branch out
outperforming competitors’ tools in terms of from the others, this reduces the constant harmonics into new industry segments, or increase their
productivity and tool life. typically produced with conventional end mills. focus on small batch production. With these
more advanced tools, machine shops can, to
To this end, Sandvik Coromant developed Because of this, CoroMill® Dura solid carbide end paraphrase Ellen Ullman, help machine shops
CoroMill® Dura. The range comprises several mills, equipped with the WhisperKutTM technology, gain resilience with the utmost throughput and
solid carbide end mills, including sold carbide are designed to be a one for all tooling solution. The efficiency – while also nurturing human thought
end mills of different lengths, diameters and end mills can be used in all processes needed to and imagination.
designs with two, three, four, five and seven produce a component – including roughing, finishing,
flutes. In addition, the range relies on a new semi-finishing and ramping. However, it was also More information about the advantages of
patented technology from Sandvik Coromant necessary to assess whether CoroMill® Dura could CoroMill® Dura solid carbide end mills is
called WhisperKutTM, which has been developed outperform competitors’ mills in terms of productivity available on Sandvik Coromant’s website.
to significantly break up harmonics, while also and tool life.
reducing chatter and vibrations. Gaetano Massimo Pittalà, PhD, is
Versatile performance Principal R&D Engineer at the
The WhisperKutTM technology is notable for its The performance of CoroMill® Dura was then Solid Round Tools Business Unit,
asymmetrical variable Helix design. It’s long assessed in a side milling operation versus a Sandvik Coromant. He specialises
been known that optimised flute spacing, along competitor’s carbide end mill. First, for machining a in product development,
with other aspects of an end mill’s design, can DIN 42CrMo4 chromium-molybdenum steel ISO P mechanical design, management
greatly reduce vibrations and chatter in workpiece and, second, for machining an AISI 304 of research projects, management of team,
machining. But, with WhisperKutTM technology, stainless steel ISO M workpiece. writing scientific reports, and patent watching.



DSEE is going to be the future of employment generation.

Decentralised Sustainable Employment Ecosystem

The DSEE king of platform drastic flops. Even turning the coin to a traditional required are to support this new evolving model
can act as a national entrepreneurial model, like encouraging start-up with an ecosystem empowered by strong
platform for employment ecosystems, has very little contribution to the platform(s) and communities and endorsement
generation, says Utpal larger issue. These clearly indicate that we are from Governments and Enterprises. For one, a
Chakraborty. approaching the problem from a wrong direction. DSEE can serve the purpose of skilling or up-
Decentralised Sustainable Employment Ecosystem skilling professionals and prepare them to take
Many countries across the globe have been (DSEE) is going to be the future of employment up matching assignments; on the other hand, it
successful in building infrastructure, enhancing generation. can facilitate enterprises to offer a range of
defense capabilities, expanding education, assignments that require specific skills and
promoting technology and rapid digitisation, and The pandemic has already proved that many of the expertise.
in many other avenues. But most of the job functions are evolving into self-managed,
governments across the globe have failed to decentralised, entrepreneurial, community- On a broader level there are two major aspects
tackle the growing unemployment over the last supported model wherein people are more of the concept – DSEE, the core philosophy
few decades. Unemployment is the biggest comfortable with freelancing (not exactly behind it, and the technical architecture to
challenge for the entire world today and has freelancing but I am using an analogy) kind of a support such an ecosystem. The core philosophy
direct adverse impact on the economy and social flexible model rather than a conventional nine-to- may sound a bit similar to a DAO (Decentralised
setup of a nation as well as humankind at large. six office going, fixed-salary employment model. Autonomous Organisation) but in reality, it is
Increasingly, enterprises are also comfortable to beyond a DAO and there are other elements that
The conventional approach of generating get the work done cheaper from some expert make it sustainable. Again, sustainability is
employment has already failed miserably and all hailing from a trusted tech community rather than another core component of a DSEE.
such missions had very little or no outcome. hiring full-time employees for short-term and
Governments across the globe have invested need-based projects. The technical architecture and the technology
huge funds for producing jobs and came out to be stack of DSEE are somewhat similar to a Web3
This transformation in the employment ecosystem DAO but there are some fundamental
is a positive sign that can solve the unemployment dissimilarities when it comes to DSEE. We will
problem to a great extent. The only components discuss more on this in the Part-II of the article.



Of course, DSEE brings the flavour of This kind of a platform (DSEE) can act as a national (Views expressed above are personal opinions
decentralisation and transparency with powerful platform for employment generation if nurtured of the author.)
Blockchain as backbone and strong community well and endorsed by the Government by
guidelines and security. encouraging talents and syndicates to join as Utpal Chakraborty is Chief
independent entrepreneurs; and enterprises to Digital Officer at Allied
“The conventional support such ecosystems by offloading their work Digital Services Ltd. A
approach of to be accomplished to the DSEE platform. former Head of Artificial
generating employment A decentralised ecosystem like DSEE is both Intelligence at YES Bank,
has already failed employee and employer friendly, that can boost the he is an eminent AI,
miserably and all such economy in contrast to the traditional centralised Quantum and Data
missions had very little or ecosystem that introduces disparity in the work Scientist, AI researcher
no outcome. and employment balance. and Strategist, having 21 years of industry
experience, including working as Principal
Industry and academia collaboration in the DSEE Support and Endorsement from the Government is Architect in L&T Infotech, IBM, Capgemini and
is also essential. On one hand, academia supplies essential for such an ecosystem to flourish. It’s a other MNCs in his past assignments. Utpal is a
the talent and on the other hand industry big employment culture change, and only well-known researcher, writer and speaker on
generates projects and assignments. Academia Government support can democratise such Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Agile & Lean at
also plays an important role in many R&D related concepts and ideas. Government can encourage conferences around the world.
initiatives and utilises those in the industry such initiatives by offering various benefits and
specific use cases. bring policies to support such noble initiatives for His recent research on machine learning titled
the betterment of the country and its citizens. “Layered Approximation for Deep Neural
Networks” has been appreciated in different
We will discuss more on this in the Part-II of the premier conferences, institutions, and
article. universities.

Redington Limited shaping the future of 3D Printing

Redington Limited, a leading technology solutions provider, signed an agreement for ETEC, Materialize & Wipro products at AMTECH Expo. The recent
partnership of Redington with Wipro 3D for the distribution of the newly launched polymer 3D printer across the country will boost and support the efforts to
democratise 3D printing via indigenous products in India. The collaboration will accelerate the adoption of additive manufacturing technology across
industries which will also support Wipro 3D’s foray into indigenous design & development of 3D printers, with its dense distribution network across MSMEs,
Education Institutes & Industrial firms.

Redington 3D has transformed and reiterated the way the print market operates and is ready to lead the digital transformation. Redington's key feature and
USP across industries is to avail and enable new technology into the markets and manufacturers with rapid adoption. Redington 3D is now positioned to lead
the digital transformation and change the way products are designed and manufactured. Digital manufacturing, such as 3D printing and additive
manufacturing, is enabled by Redington across industries for effective product design and precise manufacturing. With a strong presence in the organised
distribution sector, Redington 3D is the exclusive distributor of HP MJF Industrial 3D Printing Solution in India. HP Multi Jet Fusion Technology (MJF) allows for
rapid functional prototyping of complex components and the creation of on-demand tooling -increasing design flexibility, shortening product development
timelines, and streamlining production.

Redington 3D has partnered with Desktop Metal Inc., USA, a Pioneer company in Metal 3D Printing for the all-inclusive range of solutions including Metal,
Ceramic, Composites, and Polymer 3D Printing (ETEC DLP). Redington has added Materialize Software for streamlining 3D printing workflow & save time.
Materialize software enables businesses to the next level with digital manufacturing services and fully connected software solutions, on the platform to
manage orders, automate laborious tasks, and scale operations.

Redington has forayed into On Demand Part Manufacturing Services under the brand name, ‘Visuali’. It has revolutionised product development by leveraging
multiple 3D Printing technologies for its in-house production, Visuali is fully equipped to respond to customer requirements from any part of the world with a
range of services offered under the Part Manufacturing division which includes SLA, SLS, MultiJet Printing, ColorJet Printing, Vacuum Casting, Direct Metal
Printing, Metal Die Casting, CNC Machines plastic and metals and Investment casting patterns. Sharing his views, Mr Ramesh Kalpathy, VP, Redington Limited –
Digital Printing said, “Redington 3D is now in a position to drive the digital transformation and transform, how products are built and designed. Our established
partnerships & strategic initiatives with industry leaders, HP MJF, Desktop Metal Inc., Etec, Wipro3D & Materialize Software, will be an offering to enterprises
that will accelerate the adoption of additive manufacturing technologies and will help revolutionise 3D printing technology across the country. Our aim is to
avail and enable new and advanced technology to the markets and manufacturers with rapid adoption.”

Redington 3D has partnered with Desktop Metal Inc., USA, a Pioneer company in Metal 3D Printing for the all-inclusive range of solutions including Metal,
Ceramic, Composites, and Polymer 3D Printing (ETEC DLP). Redington has added Materialise Software for streamlining 3D printing workflow & save time.
Materialize software enables businesses to the next level with digital manufacturing services and fully connected software solutions, on the platform to
manage orders, automate laborious tasks, and scale operations.



Picture of the plant in Solapur.

A Model Drinking Water Project in Solapur

JUMO supports the Drinking As one of India's 100 smart cities, Solapur has the new JUMO Cloud and the new JUMO automation
Water Model Project in opportunity to implement exemplary solutions and system JUMO variTRON 300 were also used.
Solapur, India; smart set the course for sustainable urban development.
measurement technology Important drinking water parameters such as
‘Made in Germany’ for The goal of the project was to digitally monitor flow, conductivity, acidity, and turbidity are
Indian metropolis. water treatment at the city's largest waterworks. measured. Digital sensors from the JUMO
This ability to monitor the drinking water online is a digiLine family are used here.
The State Agency for Environmental Technology crucial aspect for Solapur because the Ujani
and Resource Efficiency Baden-Württemberg reservoir, the city's main source of water, is located JUMO digiLine is a bus-compatible connection
(LandesagenturfürUmwelttechnik und more than 100 kilometers away. The quality of the system for digital sensors that gives users the
Ressourceneffizienz Baden-Württemberg) and water is heavily impacted by discharges of ability to establish intelligent sensor networks.
the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial wastewater from settlements above and below the As a result, all important measurement
Engineering and Biotechnology IGB have worked reservoir. parameters for liquid analysis can be measured
hand in hand with JUMO GmbH & Co KG and with a single system. Only a single digital signal
other industry partners in Solapur to implement a In September 2022, the project report of line is routed to the evaluation unit or controller.
showcase project for simple monitoring of water Umwelttechnik BW and Fraunhofer IGB was This enables more efficient and faster cabling of
quality. officially handed over to the mayor of the city plants in which several parameters need to be
during a water conference in Solapur. The mayor measured simultaneously at various locations.
In India, more than 500 million people have no, was very satisfied with the joint cooperation and
or only difficult, access to drinking water. The can imagine additional measuring systems at other The DSM software (Digital Sensor Management)
government is aiming to provide a country-wide waterworks in the city or in the surrounding area. included with the system allows the necessary
water supply by 2024. To achieve this goal, 100 He thanked all project participants for the parameterisation and calibration of pH or redox
cities have been named ‘smart cities’ in which successful project and for the good monitoring probes to be carried out conveniently in the
methods to establish an effective supply of values, which are now available online to the city. laboratory using a PC or laptop, a USB interface
drinking water are to be tested. Solapur, with a converter, and the JUMO digiLine software.
population of more than one million, has Acquired data is used to identify further measures Calibration data and the evaluation of the sensor
developed into a vibrant industrial center in the for improving the drinking water supply. Technical status are stored directly in the sensor and
western Indian state of Maharashtra. Forecasts implementation of the project was carried out by enable seamless documentation over the entire
predict that the population will double by 2041. the JUMO Engineering department in Fulda. The lifecycle.
Indian JUMO subsidiary handled the on-site
construction management. In addition to digital The JUMO variTRON 300 automation system is
JUMO sensors for analysing the drinking water, the used to evaluate the data and process it further.



Schematic diagram of the measuring point setup with the JUMO digiLine system. The JUMO variTRON 300 automation system.

This system provides users with a smart solution All data is collected and analysed in the JUMO operators on site to the extent that they can
for simple automation applications. The device is Cloud. The Fraunhofer IGB analyses the data in monitor the water values themselves and
based on the JUMO JUPITER platform and uses detail every 3 months and draws up maintain as well as operate the measurement
numerous features of this high-quality recommendations on how to proceed. technology; because only then can the project
embedded system. be truly sustainable.”
As an IoT platform for process visualisation as well
JUMO variTRON 300 is based on a powerful CPU as for data acquisition, evaluation, and archiving, Matthias Kremer also emphasises the model
with an 800 MHz single-core processor. The the JUMO Cloud enables worldwide access to character of the project: “The complete system
software has a modular structure based on a measurement data using common web browsers. that we have developed here can be transferred
Linux platform and uses the CODESYS V3.5 It is characterised by a high degree of security to other cities and regions in India and, in
programming environment SP16. Another special along with valuable visualisation, alarm, and principle, around the world. It also perfectly
feature is a customer-specific configuration and planning functions. Customers can use the JUMO showcases JUMO technology and our cloud as
process data editor. In addition, individual Cloud to monitor several plants that are scattered, an efficient system solution for the water
applications can be created using the modern processes, or sites in one dashboard, which, in industry.”
programming environment Node-RED. turn, increases process reliability. The possibilities
provided by the JUMO Cloud span from simple The partners involved in the project got to know
The central processing unit has 1 USB host, 2 alarm messages through to condition monitoring one another as part of the India network of the
Ethernet interfaces, and 1 RS485 port as and complete plant controls. German Water Partnership e. V. (GWP) and
connection options. Up to 32 wireless JUMO quickly joined forces. GWP e. V. includes around
Wtrans sensors can be connected via a wireless Another important goal of the project according to 350 specialist companies, universities, and
gateway for various purposes including Matthias Kremer, Head of JUMO Market Segment research institutions from the water and
measuring temperature or pressure. Management, is so-called ‘capacity building’: “Pure wastewater sectors. Their aim is to solve global
technology is only one side of the coin. We train the problems relating to water and wastewater by

JUMO Cloud. All important drinking water parameters are measured.

applying German and European expertise.



Elements' system-level modelling can be used across a wide range of industries, from robotics to aerospace, and from automotive to energy generation.

Evaluating Design Concepts with Simulation Software

Hexagon introduces domains and tackle mechatronics challenges in a Elements further speeds up engineering
Elements to help engineers robust way, fuelling a growing trend towards development because it also ensures that
design increasingly system-level engineering. Achieving this requires system-level models compute quickly and
complex products with the integration of all relevant engineering efficiently by optimising equations and code for
system-level modelling. disciplines, control systems, and third-party fast calculation, but with no loss of fidelity.
supplier systems to understand how the domains
Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division interact, and how a design decision in one As the design develops, and components and
has introduced Elements, new simulation discipline impacts others. subsystems are detailed in specialist simulation
software that helps engineering teams software, the components can be routinely
understand the behaviour of systems that are Systems engineers can easily learn to use the integrated into a larger system through full
becoming increasingly complex in modern Elements software, using its drag-and-drop compliance with the FMI standard and
products. Using the software, teams can evaluate environment to model any physics type or logic and Hexagon’s proprietary SmartFMU technology.
the performance and feasibility of new design analyse systems by intuitively connecting blocks – SmartFMU unlocks the Functional Mock-up Unit
concepts quickly to inform more efficient product regardless of whether they represent electrical, (FMU) for supported Hexagon products so that
development and reduce risk and cost. hydraulic, mechanical components – to solve changes can be made directly in the Elements
system-level engineering problems. It is based on system-level model without having to go back to
Elements addresses the growing importance of the Modelica language, which is an open and the specialist Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)
integrated, multi-disciplinary system widely used standard for building fast, flexible, and software and its expert user. This helps to avoid
development and end-to-end workflows. customisable models. resource bottlenecks, time-consuming switching
Customers in every industry are demanding between applications, and versioning problems.
technologies that consider many physics Systems modelling is indispensable in the early
design phases because little information is Hexagon’s roadmap will see its best-in-class
required – often a CAD model, equation, or lookup CAE technologies readied for easy and
table is sufficient and a 3D mesh is not required. productive use with Elements. At launch, the



software provides SmartFMU connectivity with
Adams multibody dynamics software and Easy5.
Future plans are likely to include workflows with
Cradle CFD thermal-fluid dynamics and Actran
acoustic simulation products, among others.

Both standard FMI support and the novel
SmartFMU plug-and-play capabilities offer
immediate value and address challenges of
system complexity, including those for
transportation electrification; for example:

i. Helping automotive engineers to find optimal Landing gear simulation in Elements uses Hexagon’s unique SmartFMU
solutions to vehicle range optimization issues by capability to provide enhanced integration with its Adams software.
considering a vehicle’s energy use under different
driving conditions, taking into account eDrive fast efficient simulation to Hexagon’s customers. many industries benefit from new productivity-
design, regenerative braking, climate control, Chris Harduwar, VP of Strategic Solutions at boosting solutions that significantly reduce
ADAS safety requirements, and battery choice. Maplesoft, commented: “We are excited to begin simulation effort.”
ii. Improving the flexibility and accuracy of this long-term collaboration with Hexagon, which
industrial robotics by designing control systems has an impressive vision and track record of Mahesh Kailasam, General Manager for Design
that take detailed mechanical system vibrations innovation. By combining the tried-and-tested and Engineering Software at Hexagon,
and interactions from multi-body dynamics Maplesoft system-level modelling technology with commented, “Elements offers engineers an easy
simulation into account. the extensive Hexagon CAE portfolio, engineers in way to explore behaviour of systems quickly and
iii. Right-sizing heavy battery systems in new find better solutions to problems using
eVTOL aircraft designs by helping engineers simulation, before committing designs to
understand the power draw during take-off and subsequent resource-intensive engineering
landing, safety margins, and thermal processes. We look forward to a long-term
management system controls. collaboration with Maplesoft, using its powerful
iv. Implementing safer, more sustainable long- and open technology foundations to realise
life battery systems by using Elements to design synergies with our extensive Hexagon CAE
control systems that balance the improved ecosystem portfolio and deliver valuable
performance of lithium-ion batteries at elevated capabilities to our customers.”
temperatures with the impact heating has on cell

Elements was developed in close cooperation
with Maplesoft, building upon its powerful maths
engine to optimise system equations and deliver

Elements combines user-friendly drag-and-drop modelling with comprehensive Hexagon is a global leader in digital reality
multi-physics simulation – e.g., mechanical, hydraulic, control, and many others. solutions, combining sensor, software and
autonomous technologies. The company is
putting data to work to boost efficiency,
productivity, quality and safety across industrial,
manufacturing, infrastructure, public sector, and
mobility applications. For more information, visit


Industrial Automation Magazine
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Dynamic Mixing Head, dynamicLine Welded Wire Mesh Partition System
DOPAG, a system Aadhiti Industries
provider for offers Welded Wire
gasketing, bonding, Mesh Partition System.
and potting in highly Each partition panel
automated consists of welded wire
production sheets welded to
processes, offers sturdy L angle or
dynamicLine for fast Tubular frames, which
and convenient are then bolted to
dynamic mixing. The square steel tube posts
to create a strong rigid
system was designed as a standalone solution and includes two cell
sizes with 3-axis linear robot. modular wall or enclosure. Standard configuration of partition
enclosures are 2-, 3- or 4-sided enclosures with an entry door.
The ‘plug-and-play system’, which is immediately ready for operation
with little preparation, is of compact design and requires only a little The standard sizes of panels come in 1000mm width and 1800mm
floor space. It fits in every production hall and can be transported as a height. However, it is possible to customise the sizes in case the
whole. With the automated turnkey solution, one can easily realise all requirement calls for it.
relevant dynamic mixing applications in one smooth production process
from foam sealing to bonding and potting. Partitioning can not only be made to any lengths and breadths of an
enclosure, but also be stacked up to height of 10m. The wire mesh
dynamicLine is based on the high-performance new dynamic mixing partition panels can also be used for ceiling panels up to a continuous
head based on over 40 years of experience in multi-component low- span of 1800mm.
pressure metering and features with innovative and unique valve
technology. The dynamic mixing head has a modular design and is Wire partitions are often used in manufacturing and warehouse facilities
available in three forms. Different mixing chamber sizes enable for safety, guarding, storage and maintenance purposes. The wire
discharge capacities of 0.1 to 30 g/s. partitions from Aadhiti Industries are also ideal for the following
The various types of valves and mixing chambers can be combined • Free-standing, multi-use storage cages and enclosures on facility
flexibly in accordance with the required discharge quantity and material floors
properties. This ensures an optimal relationship between the flow rate • As anti-collapse safety panels- in storage warehouses – preventing the
of the material and the application speed. forklifts from pushing the things placed on pallet racks too far back on
the racking. Thus, preventing any accidents.
Functions such as rinsing the mixing system with water as standard, • To keep inventory secure – where open access to products maybe a
without the need for an environmentally harmful solvent, controlled problem -some examples include Document storage cages, server cages
opening and closing of the mixing system, and high-precision metering and storage lockers.
are setting new standards in the market. • Machine guarding and robotic work cells where safety is a major
With dynamicLine, DOPAG is setting the benchmark in terms of user
friendliness, precision, and reliability in dynamic mixing. DynamicLine Features: standard panels – 1000-1500mm; custom size panels and
automates all production steps, thus ensuring process reliability, special heights; hinged, double hinged and sliding doors with patented
replicability, and cost-efficiency. tamper resistant latch mechanism; angle frame design for clear access;
assembly hardware inaccessible from the secured side; heavy duty
This guarantees the consistently high quality and durability of all options available; panels may be ordered with any mesh or sheet metal;
components produced. and clear see through.

DOPAG India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore. Tel: 080-40921332. Aadhiti Industries, Chennai. Mobile: +91-8610977204.
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected], [email protected]



IIoT Cloud Platform, UniCloud Cabinet-Free Automation, Vario-X

UniCloud is a complete, no-code IIoT Cloud Platform specifically Murrelektronik’s Vario-X is a modular, highly flexible automation
designed for the OEM and Machine Builder. End-to-end, scalable and platform that allows all automation functions to be implemented
secure, UniCloud enables you to easily build customised Dashboards completely decentrallyfor the first time. Vario-X brings sensors and
and use them to harvest, analyse, and leverage data to boost efficiency, actuators directly into the control environment and ensures reliable
trouble-shoot problems, and implement preventative maintenance – voltage, signal, data management and the seamless integration of
reducing your management overhead and leaving you time to grow your decentralized servo drives. At the heart of Vario-X are robust, IP65 rated
business. waterproof and dustproof modules, which include power supplies,
controls, disconnect switches, safety technology and I/Oconnections.
You do not need programming or cloud development skills in order to They can be easily assembled side by side on a rugged backplane with
commission and deploy UniCloud – you can benefit from IIoT services; integrated mechanical mounting profiles. Once assembled, the Vario-X
increase your revenues, and save on costs without relying on solution can be easily attached to all common mounting systems without
programmers and cloud professional staff. further protection and, in extreme cases, is rugged enough to be stepped
on without damage. Equipped with a multicore CPU, Vario-X can meet all
UniCloud enables you, the Machine Manufacturer, to take advantage of control requirements and be easily integrated into all higher-level
IIoT technology to improve your business performance, increase Industrial Ethernet networks as an open control platform.
productivity and efficiency, and reduce operational costs, slowdowns,
and failures. The installation and cabling of devices is plug-and-play with standard
M12 and MQ15 connectors, eliminating wiring errors and reducing
UniCloud enables you to access, monitor, service, and control your assembly time. This also eliminates expensive and time-consuming
machines remotely, allowing you to anticipate potential problems and installation work in the control cabinet like populating components,
take corrective action.Our Built-in Data Analysis engine helps you to stripping and landing wires, labeling and grounding individual
understand your machine data, and use it to improve business components. To extend the modular concept for your machine control,
operations, reduce maintenance costs, and avoid equipment failures. additional stations can easily be distributed around the machine and
connected to each other, like adding an additional power supply to
All you need to do is to configure the widget to display BI data in your support localised servo motors. Likewise, remote IO modules can be
Dashboards – and let UniCloud do the rest – no coding required. You can connected directly to Vario-X to process and control sensors and
easily create functional, attractive Dashboards that leverage your actuators without a backplane or cabinet I/O. This limits control
machines with a fully integrated IIoT solution. hardware variants and vastly streamlines the cable architecture. Vario-X
is not only a collection of backplanes, modules, cables and I/O. A system
We provide unlimited dashboard building and management tools with automated with Vario-X has a digital twin right from the start: a
out-of-the-box configurable widgets to visualise the data from your portable1:1 image of the virtual system that contains all the functions
machines. Using wizard, you specify which data you would like to and parameters of the physical system – even in the design phase,
display, its scope, customise the widget look and define to which before even the first mechanical component has been ordered or
dashboard you would like the user to navigate in case he would like to assembled.
drill down and review specific data.

Durga Mechatronics Pvt Ltd, Mumbai. Tel: 022-68629000. Murrelektronik Pvt Ltd, Bangalore. Tel: +91 80 40936259/41264962.
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]



Pressure Sensor with IO-Link Wireless HART Adapter, FieldPort SWA50
JUMO dTRANS p35 is a Pressure Sensor The FieldPort SWA50 enables
with IO-Link for applications like: reliable and secure wireless
• Process automation connectivity for monitoring
• Machines for the food and beverage, measurement and diagnostics
pharmaceutical industry data from assets. This avoids
• General mechanical and apparatus
engineering. costly wiring in brownfield plants by providing a cost-effective easy
retrofitting 2-wire connection concept. The FieldPort SWA50 empowers
The pressure sensor serves to measure connected workers to do their job safely and remotely. The combination
relative and absolute pressure and monitor of the Bluetooth version of the SWA50 with a FieldEdge SGC200
it in liquids and gases. The effect of the provides fast and easy connection to the Netilion Cloud and supports the
pressure on the pressure sensor generates use of data in various Netilion Services.
a signal, which is amplified, digitalised, and processed. The pressure
sensor is equipped with an IO-Link interface according to specification The WirelessHART version of the SWA50 can be easily integrated into a
1.1. IO-Link supports bidirectional communication and is used to WirelessHART network with the Fieldgate SWG70 and connection to
exchange process data, parameters, diagnostic information, and status Netilion Services using a FieldEdge SGC500.
messages. The two green LEDs are permanently lit as soon as voltage is
supplied to the device. Once an IO-Link connection is established, the Benefits:
LEDs flash. 1. Reliable transmission of the measured process values through the
connected FieldPort SWA50 via encrypted Bluetooth or WirelessHART
The switching behavior and the switching thresholds of the switching communication
outputs (max. 2 pieces; p or n switching) can be individually configured – 2. Easy to retrofit any 2-wire or 4-wire HART field device
along with many other parameters. Any IO-Link master can be used for 3. Easy connection of any HART field device to the Netilion Cloud
the configuration. The pressure sensor is therefore suitable for use in 4. Loop-powered adapter, without affecting the process signal, and
plant and mechanical engineering in connection to automation systems. 5. Easily accessible, wireless, diagnostic information of connected HART
A variety of pressure connections and measuring ranges are available to field devices
the user. 6. Cost-efficient solution for plant digitalization

Customer benefits Technical data:
• IO-Link i. Variants: direct or remote mounting
– Multi-vendor point-to-point connection ii. Explosion protection: intrinsic safety (Ex ia) or protection by enclosure
– Open standard with maximum transparency to the field level (IEC (Ex tb)
61131-9) iii. Ambient temperature: -40...+70 °C
– Inexpensive, prefabricated connecting cable (no wiring errors) iv. Housing: Stainless Steel 316L
– Simple and uniform wiring and startup thanks to a standardized v. Protection class: IP68 / NEMA 6P (24 h at 1 m under water), IP66 /
interface NEMA 4X
vi. Cable glands: for shielded or unshielded cables (optional)
• Industry 4.0: pervasive communication from the control to the sensors vii. Communication interface:
– Retrieval of process data and diagnostic information -Bluetooth IEEE 802.15.1
– Dynamic parameter changes -WirelessHART IEC 62591
-HART version 7.5, backward-compatible with previous versions
• More safety during sensor replacement viii. Transmission frequency: 2.4 GHz (ISM band)
– Automatic parameterisation possible ix. Range:
– Replacement with sensors of the same type, but with different -Bluetooth – Up to 40 m without obstacles
properties, can be detected -WirelessHART – Up to 200 m without obstacles.

JUMO India Pvt Ltd. Tel: 9004297776. Email: [email protected] Endress+Hauser (India) Pvt Ltd, Mumbai. Tel: 022-30236100/219.
Email: [email protected]



Vision Sensors, VG Series 2D Software for Inspection

Sensors are commonly used components The new surfaceCONTROL,
in automation used to detect changes in reflectCONTROL and
the environment and transmit the scanCONTROL generations from
information electronically. Machine vision Micro-Epsilon represent a powerful
smart camera systems offer ideal machine 3D range of products for precise
vision solutions for identifying various geometry, shape and surface
objects during manufacturing processes. inspections. A huge advantage lies
Vision sensors utilise images captured by in the powerful 3DInspect
camera lenses to determine the target software, which is compatible with all 3D sensors from Micro-Epsilon and
object's presence, size, shape, orientation, brings numerous features. The 3DInspect software is included with every 3D
or patterns. The VG series 0.4M monochrome vision sensors utilise images sensor from Micro-Epsilon. It is user-friendly and can be controlled intuitively.
captured by the integrated industrial camera lenses to determine the target The software enables the parameter setting of the sensors, but also the
object's presence, size, shape, orientation, patterns and more. The acquisition of the measurement data. The tools palette is manifold and
integrated design featuring LED lighting, camera and lens allows users to set ranges from the alignment of point clouds via calculation programs for
up and manage the units more easily compared to vision systems. The distance, height, angle and radius as well as easy output to the PLC and
camera also utilises a global shutter method to capture accurate images, subsequent further processing of the measured data. In addition to the
and the sensors feature 10 essential inspection functions for diverse standard version, the »Automation« function extension supports automated
applications. The captured images can also be saved directly to FTP servers, production processes. The comprehensive 3D software package from Micro-
so that users can manage and analyse the inspection data separately. Epsilon is also compatible with the surfaceCONTROL 3D sensors.

Autonics India, Navi Mumbai. Tel: 022-27682570. MICRO-EPSILON India Private Limited, Pune. Tel: 020-26741009.
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Digital Sensing Module Vision Tunnels for Logistics Industry

Microbiologically safe, residue- Cognex Corporation has
free cleaning, resistant to introduced a series of
corrosion, a hygienic system Modular Vision Tunnels
design that is ideal for designed for high-speed,
integration into open machine high-throughput logistics
architecture – all of these operations. Built upon
attributes are united in the Cognex’s DataMan®
hygienic servo actuators in image-based barcode
WITTENSTEIN alpha’s axenia reading platform, these
value series. Developed for use tunnel solutions
in the sterile and wet areas of production and packaging machines, these accurately read codes on packages at high speeds with short gaps, giving an
motor / gearbox systems can be incorporated into open units without any edge to companies that want to increase sortation throughput and decrease
additional protective measures. That not only saves time and money for processing times for e-commerce and store fulfillment. Five- and six-sided
integration; it also avoids the multiple performance, process and product Modular Vision Tunnels feature DataMan 470 image-based barcode readers
risks associated with enclosed or encapsulated servo actuator solutions. that use advanced decoding technology and algorithms to achieve up to
Axenia value servo actuators in single-cable technology complement 99.9% read rates, leading to greater throughput and traceability at inbound,
WITTENSTEIN alpha’s portfolio of Hygienic Design and EHEDG-compliant outbound, and sortation areas. Setting up these solutions is quick and easy –
planetary gearboxes (HDV and HDP). EHEDG stands for European Hygienic all tunnels are pre-configured with pre-built reader modules and can be set
Engineering & Design Group. WITTENSTEIN cyber motor, a sister company of up within a day, greatly minimising downtime and delivering fast RoI.
WITTENSTEIN alpha, also offers the compact servo actuators in its cyber® Modular Vision Tunnels also offer 3D barcode assignment to ensure the right
dynamic line for output ratings up to 335 watts as mechatronic drive barcodes are assigned to the right packages to minimise rework.
Cognex Sensors India Pvt Ltd, Pune. Tel: 020-40147840.
Wittenstein SE, Germany. Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]



Radar Sensors, Short-Range Condition Monitoring Sensor

Banner K50R and K50R Pro radar SICK MPB10 Multi-Physics Box
sensors are now more customisable, condition monitoring sensor is a
offering performance modes fine-tuned pioneering and rugged bolt-on
for different detection requirements. device designed to deliver real-
The sensors in this series can be time, continuous service data from
programmed with one of three available industrial machines, including
performance modes: Standard, with a electric motors, pumps, fans and
range of 0.1 to 2.5 meters, Faster conveyor systems, even in the
Response, with a response time that is harshest industry environments. A dedicated condition monitoring sensor, the
twice as fast, and High Power, with more MPB10 is an all-in-one device designed to make it easy to monitor and
signal strength to detect weaker targets. In this way, the sensors can be interpret vibration, shock and temperature measurement data delivered right
optimised to give the most reliable response for their intended application. from the heart of machines. It provides service data to enable more cost-
Users can set or change their preferred performance mode using Banner’s efficient predictive maintenance practices that can improve plant availability,
radar configuration PC software. The K50R series of radar sensors provides maximise operating life, and protect product and process quality. The SICK
a durable, cost-effective solution for short-range detection applications, MPB10 measures vibration, shocks and temperature that can be the tell-tale
particularly in challenging environments. Highlights include reliable signs of approaching machine failure. Users are provided with pre-processed,
performance in outdoor conditions, even in the presence of moisture, rain or concise and easy to interpret information that can be customised for the
snow, fog, steam, sunlight, dust or airborne particles, or varying machine and process. A stand-alone SICK MPB10 can transmit data over IO-
temperatures and wide-angle (80° × 60°) beam pattern. Link to a machine control or output a simple alarm-based switching signal.

Banner Engineering India Pvt Ltd, Pune. Tel: 020-66405624. SICK India, Mumbai. Tel: +91-22-61198939.
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Levelling Feet Wireless Remote Access to Industrial Machines

UK standard parts With the new Cosy+ Wireless, HMS Networks
manufacturer WDS finalises the release of the new generation of
Components has Ewon® industrial remote access gateways,
extended its range bringing IIoT connectivity and cybersecurity to
of levelling feet, the next level. Featuring built-in hardware
providing OEMs security, the Cosy+ range allows users to
and end users with access PLC-based machines securely from
a wider range of anywhere, and do commissioning,
styles and sizes. troubleshooting and programming online. With
New designs the new Cosy+ Wireless version, users can
include double bolt down stainless steel levelling feet for extra security, as connect to their machines via Ethernet, Wi-Fi
well as an internal hexagon stem model that enables direct fastening of or cellular link depending on the industrial
additional components. Across the wide range of levelling feet, WDS has also situation, enabling effective and sustainable
increased the variety of sizes, providing additional flexibility for OEMs and support of machines by using secure remote
end users. Levelling feet enable level mounting on angled or uneven surfaces access. The remote access to Ewon Cosy+
and are well suited for machine and furniture installation. The design gateways is done over Talk2M® – the world’s
typically features a robust foot with a swivel ball that enables angular largest 3rd party industrial cloud service, with
positioning to suit the installation surface. The new swivel feet with a steel more than 400,000 Ewon gateways connected.
double bolt down base includes two screw holes enabling secure surface The Cosy+ Wireless addresses the increased demand for secure wireless
attachment. The threaded female design accepts inserts from M6 up to M16 access to machines. The demand is driven by the need to increase
while the foot diameter varies from 40mm to 100mm. productivity as well as maintain secure and sustainable operations.

WDS Components, UK. Tel: +44 (0)333 043 5443. HMS Industrial Networks India Pvt Ltd, Pune. Tel: 020-25630211.
Email: [email protected] Mobile: +91-8380066578. Email: [email protected]



Bellows Suction Pad, FSGC Process Calibrator, X-II Series

Distribution and logistics The Supcon X-II series Process Calibrator is a hand-
centers demand high pick hold, battery-powered instrument that measures
rates in automation and sources a variety of electrical parameters. It can
processes. Schmalz' be widely applied in industrial fields and
solution for this is the round laboratories. Features: split-screen display; DC
bellows suction pad FSGC, voltage measurement/source; DC current
which is not particularly measurement; DC current source; resistance
picky about the type and measurement/source; RTD measurement/source;
contour of the packaging to thermocouple measurement/source; frequency measurement/source;
be gripped. The new FSGC bellows suction pad adapts perfectly to different counting pulse; transmitter signal simulation; two-, three- or four- wire RTD
workpiece contours and different packaging materials. Things have to move measurement; calibration functions; (4~20) mA loop power supply; auto
quickly when sorting and transferring cardboard boxes, paper and poly ramping and auto stepping; manual and auto cold junction compensation;
bags, and shipping bags. For use in sorting cells, J. Schmalz GmbH has storage and recall of 10 setups; auto flash terminals; backlight LCD; and
developed the FSGC, a bellows suction pad that adapts to different contours battery gauge. SUPCON Group is a leading supplier of instrumentation
and holds various packaging materials securely even at high accelerations. products, distributed control systems (DCS), automation and information
To achieve this, the vacuum expert has combined a flexible suction cup neck technology products and solutions. Since 1993, SUPCON’s business has
with 4.5 folds for increased stroke. To maximise the holding forces, the spread over China, Vietnam, Pakistan, Sudan, North Korea, Myanmar,
inner diameter is designed to be as large as possible. The connection to the Thailand, India, Canada, etc. SUPCON headquarters is in Hangzhou, and in
vacuum system is made via a one-piece connecting element. India the company is known as SUPINCO Automation Private Limited.

Schmalz India Pvt Ltd, Pune. Tel: 020-40725500/02. Supinco Automation Private Ltd, Bangalore. Tel: 080-23579156/57/58.
Email: [email protected], [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Structural Adhesives 5G Capable Phone

Structural Adhesives Rohde & Schwarz and
are ideal for Nothing Technology
applications that do not have announced their
require extremely fast joining of forces in the
set times but do require R&D process to validate
high strength. These the 5G multiband
offer a wide choice of aggregation and the
solutions to meet the application layer
various requirements and conditions that apply to industrial design and performance for Nothing Technology’s new Phone (1) with the R&S CMX500
construction. Advantages: excellent shear and tensile strength; superior one-box signaling tester. This collaboration allowed Nothing Technology to
solvent resistance including water and acetone; very good gap-filling successfully debut the new device, while meeting all the compliance
properties; and suitable for use on electronics or in general assembly. Fasto requirements for current and future complex 5G band aggregations and
is a specialty adhesive company, envisioned by a group of adhesive application layer performance. 5G NR improves communications
technologists having decades of experience in the field of sealing and performance with much better speed and reliability, along with lower latency
bonding. Fasto Adhesives is dedicated to provide the highest quality of for the end user. The ENDC (E-UTRAN New Radio – Dual Connectivity)
bonding and sealing solutions to engineering and automotive OEMs, deployment method allows user equipment to connect to both 5G NR and 4G
construction and general manufacturing industries. Fasto Adhesives are LTE networks as a backbone, giving network operators more capacity and
manufactured under the most stringent manufacturing and quality control enabling a faster 5G rollout. Smartphone manufacturers need to create
process at ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 facilities. These are based on acrylates, devices which can globally support countless possible frequency
silicones, flange sealant manufacturer, cyanoacrylate adhesive aggregations to ensure the mobile device performs as intended in real-world
manufacturer, ethyl cyanoacrylate adhesive epoxies and polyurethanes. scenarios.

Fasto Adhesive Technologies India Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad. Rohde & Schwarz India, Bangalore. Tel: 080-41780400.
Tel: +91 99099 20211. Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]



Solenoid Valve, GEMÜ J70 Actuator for Robot End Effectors

Valve specialist GEMÜ is introducing the new SMAC Moving Coil Actuators has
GEMÜ J70 electrically operated 2/2-way introduced its new LPL Series
solenoid valve, optimising its existing 125 low-profile electric linear
solenoid valve product group. The GEMÜ J70 actuator designed specifically
electrically operated solenoid valve is for use on robot end effectors.
suitable for applications with low flow rates The LPL Series actuators utilise
in analysis, vacuum and dosing technology SMAC’s moving coil linear servo
and enables precise dosing. The resistant motors for industry-leading
plug diaphragm made of PTFE (TFM™) has a precision control often needed
unique sealing concept. PD technology for end effector applications, such as parts finishing, pick-and-place tasks
provides for a high degree of accuracy for and assembly operations. These offer programmable control of speeds,
customer-specific applications. With the PD positioning down to microns, and forces from as low as 0.1 Newtons (N) up to
(plug diaphragm) technology, the media wetted area is separated from the 250 N. In addition, as LPL Series actuators complete their tasks they provide
actuator by a plug diaphragm made from modified PTFE. PTFE is composed real-time feedback for tracking, performance and quality control. LPL Series
of linear carbon chains which are surrounded by fluorine atoms. They actuators are unique in that they can be used on end effectors for a variety of
spatially shield the carbon atoms and protect the molecule from chemical applications, including: testing buttons, switches and levers; deburring and
attack – even at higher temperatures. The compact GEMÜ J70 solenoid finishing parts; lifting fragile products; or clamping materials for welding or
valve features a space-saving design and impressive features such as low soldering. LPL Series actuators also are cost-competitive, have high cycle
wear and simple wear part replacement alongside good cleanability. rates, are energy-efficient, and have a lifespan of more than 100 million life
GEMÜ Gebr Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co KG, Germany.
Email: [email protected] SMAC Moving Coil Actuators, USA. Email: [email protected]

Magnet Track Sensor Box Drives for Belt Conveyor Systems

The Schmersal Group offers a new High thermal and
magnet track sensor box, designed mechanical load capacities
to detect the position of electric and long service life: With
monorail conveyors in the regard to the requirements
automotive industry and for conveyor technology
intralogistics. Wear-free solenoid drives in the bulk goods
switches from Schmersal have long and mineral industries,
been used in the automotive NORD Drivesystems
industry. They are used to monitor specially developed the
the speed and position of moving MAXXDRIVE-XT industrial
machine parts, such as those on gear unit. It provides output torques of 15 to 75 kNm with speed ratios from
electric monorail conveyors used 6.3 to 22.4 and is offered in seven sizes for powers from 22 to 2,100 kW. The
to transport bodies, engines, doors power and speed ranges of the two-stage right-angle gear unit have been
and other supplied parts to different assembly workstations in automobile specially designed for industries in which low speed ranges are required in
plants. The new SSB-R magnet track sensor box now carries out these combination with high powers – such as the bulk goods and mineral
functions with significantly improved precision. It detects the field of industries. Its robust design makes the MAXXDRIVE-XT resistant to dirt and
suitable actuator magnets on four independent tracks and switches the reliable in rough operating conditions. A special sealing concept reduces
signal status on pass-by. This level change, which occurs on rapid pass-by, is maintenance. Large roller bearings and centre distances increase the load
retained until the next activation, i.e., retentively. A connected control unit capacity and service life of the components. As standard, the industrial gear
uses the signals to determine the position and section of the sensor box and unit is equipped with a heavily ribbed UNICASE housing and an integrated
controls, for example, the speed or holding positions of the drive motor. axial fan.

Schmersal India Pvt Ltd, Pune. Tel: 02138-614700. NORD DRIVESYSTEMS Private Limited, Pune. Tel: 020-39801217.
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]



Modular Linear Axis for Travels of any Length Multi-Gas Analyser, MFA 10.0

igus is launching the The new MFA 10.0 from WITT is
drylin Endless Gear linear extremely versatile. The multi-gas
module (EGW), a modular, analyser can determine the
lubrication-free linear composition of 15 different gas
guide with rack and pinion mixtures – and it does so extremely
drive. The modular precisely and quickly. This makes
system can be extended the compact and lightweight device
to any travel length, costs ideal for on-site service purposes,
little and is almost as light but it can also be used for continuous analysis. The MFA 10.0 analyses
as the guide for a toy various two-gas mixtures of argon, helium, carbon dioxide, methane, oxygen,
train. Several carriages can travel on it in different directions and at different nitrogen and hydrogen. The reading is carried out in a matter of seconds,
speeds. Users can also extend the linear guide after installation and add applying the thermal conductivity measurement principle. The advantage of
more carriages. Linear axes with toothed belt drive are suitable for many this technology is that the measuring cell enjoys a very long service life. The
handling and positioning tasks. The problem is that if they are longer than new WITT analyser is particularly user-friendly. It is operated via a 7" touch
ten metres, they start to sag, and lengthening the belt makes it difficult to screen with password protection. Gas combinations can be selected and
engage the teeth. A second problem is the lack of flexibility. Multiple alarm limits defined quite intuitively. If the limits are exceeded, an acoustic
carriages cannot travel at different speeds on the rail, nor can they travel in and/or visual alarm is triggered, and (where specified) an alarm
different directions. The drylin EGW modular kit gives users everything from acknowledgement requirement. All measurements can be viewed and
a single source. exported via the measurement history function.

igus (India) Private Limited, Bangalore. Tel: 080-45127827. WITT Gas India Pvt Ltd, Kolkata. Tel: 033-24010009.
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected], [email protected]

MERLIC Software for Machine Vision Air Velocity & IAQ Measuring Instrument

Consumers are The new testo 440
always looking for combines the
new and innovative benefits of a compact
products, which handheld device with
leads to a short intuitive
product life cycle measurement menus
and a need for and a comprehensive
increased selection of climate
production probes. This means
flexibility in you have all
manufacturing measuring tasks on
facilities. To meet this demand and ensure product quality, companies are air conditioning and
turning to higher levels of automation, including the use of machine vision ventilation systems reliably under control with just one versatile instrument.
technology. However, integrating machine vision can be a challenge due to a With a variety of Bluetooth and wired probes as well as testo Smart Probes,
lack of time and knowledge within company staff, a shortage of skilled testo 440 can measure parameters – temperature, humidity, CO, CO2,
labour, and the high cost of detailed machine vision applications. MVTec degree of turbulence, light intensity, differential pressure and air velocity.
offers a solution with its MERLIC software, which is easy to use and does not Customers have the choice between wireless and fixed-cable models. The
require programming skills. It is an all-in-one solution for development and wireless Bluetooth® probes ensure more freedom of movement in
deployment, and is fast to set up in order to meet the shorter life cycles of measurement and save space in the measurement case. In addition to this, a
products. MERLIC is also flexible, as it can integrate with different tools and probe handle can be universally combined with all corresponding probes and
interfaces and is compatible with a range of hardware. probe attachments. This allows you to switch in seconds from indoor air
quality measurement to a determination of volume flow at a vent.
Lucid Imaging Private Limited, Bangalore. Tel: 080-22448252-53. Email:
[email protected] Testo India Pvt Ltd, Pune. Tel: 020-25920000. Email: [email protected]


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