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Published by , 2018-12-12 23:09:11

The Daystar Brief 9

The Daystar Brief 9

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2018 Ksh40/00 Tsh900/00 Ush1,450/00

The Daystar


Cancer: Not a

death sentence

Cancer survivor, Jane Wambui Thuo By John Doe However, on following
[email protected] her physician’s advice to
get a second opinion, she
When Jane discovered a three-centi-
Thuo, 49, metre cancerous lump,
joined a at stage 2.
local choir to help raise
funds for cancer pa- “I fail to describe
tients in 2011, she never what I felt that time
imagined she would one but the pronouncement
day be listed for the very landed on me as a dead
support years later. sentence,” she said.
In 2016, Thuo started
experiencing changes in The Nairobi based
her body which got her fashion designer says
worried. First, she felt that had it not been for
a lump in her left breast the strength from her
which she chose to ig- daughter Samantha, the
nore. Later she yielded rest of her family and
to her sister’s pressure, a choir that had always
who insisted that she see held her hand, she would
a doctor. have lost it a long time
“I was in denial be- ago.
cause I feared being
found with cancer if Ms. Thuo was
I decided to step into among Nairobians who
a hospital,” explained thronged a Nairobi ho-
Thuo. tel to listen to health
A first diagnosis at a experts seeking to de-
Nairobi hospital handed mystify theories associ-
her a clean bill of health. ated with breast cancer.

Continued on Pg.5

Tension rife along Elgeyo Marakwet, West Pokot border
Residents have fled struck Tenderwa location verted Embobut forest into yangapuo.
their homes the along and shot dead a herder iden- their hideout, where they Marakwet Sub-Coun-
Elgeyo-Maraket and tified as Luka Chepkitony are hiding stolen livestock.
ty Commissioner, Stephen
West-Pokot county border the following day, bringing West-Pokot Governor, Sangolo also said that the
as tension flare up in fear of the number of deaths to four Professor John Lonyan- government will conduct an
retaliatory attacks, follow- people, over the last three gapuo together with mem- operation inside the forest,
ing the recent killing of two weeks. bers of the security team, pursuing criminals from ei-
people in the area. “Tension is high in the led peaceful meetings, to ther sides.
Trouble started on Sun- area and it is now common restore peace in the region. The Kenya Red Cross
day when suspected Mar- for gun-toting raiders to “GSU anti-stock theft donated blankets to the
akwet raiders attacked their shot in the air at will, spoil- unit camp should be set up affected families and the
Pokot neighbours at Ka- ing for a fight,” said James in the region. The govern- county government of West
mologon village killing one Kipkore, a local resident. ment should relocate the Pokot has dispatched food
person and injuring another. Locals want an operation camp from secure regions items.
In a swift revenge mission, conducted to flush out the to this place to help contain
suspected Pokot raiders cattle rustlers that have con- the menace,” said Prof Lon-


CJ Maraga Launches Daystar University
Law School

By Brenda Wambui
[email protected]

Kenya’s Chief Justice David Daystar University School of Law
Maraga launched the Daystar opened admissions into the Bachelor
University School of Law on of Laws (LL.B) degree programme in
November 14th. This officially sees the early August 2018 following the granting
institution join the list of 13 other univer- of license by the Council of Legal Edu-
sities in the country, offering law degrees. cation in July, of the same year.

Speaking during the launch at the Daystar University School of Law
Daystar University Nairobi Campus campus is located next to the Daystar
auditorium, Kenya’s top judge hailed Nairobi campus, and is fully resourced
the Daystar administration for providing for teaching and learning, including a
a platform that will produce outstand- digitized library, computer labs, a moot
ing, informed, independent and effective court and the necessary teaching and sup-
graduates, who above all, will shape the port staff. Classes at the campus officially
society, by serving as a watchdog to the began on third September.
rule of law.
Besides the academic programme, the
“Our country needs lawyers who School of Law will also operate The Cen-
will stand for the truth, honesty and tre for Medical Law and Ethics which is
Godliness. I know Daystar as being a focused on offering support services in
Christian University, and having set a research, training and advocacy.
trend in the communication industry; it
will not only produce lawyers who have a Upon completion, career prospects
strong commitment to the rule of law but include: company secretary, state coun-
also, those who will impact the society,” sel, magistrates, judge; prosecutor, par-
said CJ Maraga. liamentary counsel, county legal offices,
advocate; legal officer in private com-
The President of the Supreme Court, panies, banking sector and parastatals,
also urged law lecturers to be committed international organizations, civil societies,
to producing lawyers whom they will be among others.
proud of.


Start-ups to Join TUMI Accelerator Un-
Six start-ups have been selected nationational experts throughout the go Delivery Network. They vary from
to join the Transformative Ur- mobile to web based applications and
ban Mobility Intiative (TUMI) fer solutions to mobility challenges in
Start-up Accelerator; a mobility African cities. The startups will also
accelerator in Nairobi. The admitted have a chance to pitch and exhibit

start-ups will be incubated at, C4D incubation period. their innovations during the 5th Nai-
Lab at the University of Nairobi for The six start-ups are: An Nisa, Au- robi Innovation Week in June 2019.
five months between January 2019
and June 2019. to-Truck, Elo-Cabs, MyRide Africa, The six startups will be linked to
Ubabi Vanpooling Society and Obia- partners and investors, including GIZ
The start-ups will receive up to and UN-HABITAT who are part of
the equivalent of $20,000 in, in-kind the Transformative Urban Mobility
support each. This inkind backing in- Initiative (TUMI) among other world
cludes coaching and advice of legal, leading organisations working to solve
marketing, financial and technical mobility challenges in cities across the
expertise, from both local and inter- world.

Maritime education
key for tapping Blue

By Mary Ann
[email protected]

Coastline states such as when he paid a courtesy call JKUAT and JOOWAY Shipping official pose for a group photo
Kenya, could easily to Vice Chancellor, Jomo
enhance their econom- Kenyatta University of Ag- Watch-keeping and gives In 2017, JKUAT, won
ic fortunes by tapping into riculture and Techonolgy the students a chance to
a wide array resources such (JKUAT), Prof. Victoria Ng- acquire essential compe- an international com-
as sea food and marine bio- umi on September 4th, 2018. tence, a fundamental el-
technology; sea-bed mining. ement in coping with the petitive bid to host the re-
Additional benefits can come The CEO stressed on the advances taking place in
from fishing, and generation importance of the Maritime the maritime industry. gional Maritime Technol-
of new resources such as en- sector especially in the erad-
ergy and fresh water. ication of youth unemploy- Marine engineering ogy Cooperation Centre
ment that has plagued the being a fairly new course
Kenya, over the years has region. While pushing for the in the country, Prof. (MTCC) for the Africa re-
only focused on fishing for establishment of a maritime Ngumi acknowledged that
both domestic and export mar- institution in Kenya, Mr. Han- the area has few resource gion. The center that con-
ket. However, in the last two Dong said human resource people and lauded the
years it has intensified adop- development in the sector is Shipping Company’s effort stitutea the Global MTTC
tion of blue economy. Accord- vital in preparing the society in helping JKUAT produce
ing to the World Bank,the blue in the adoption of blue econ- highly qualified graduates Network primed to further
economy is the “sustainable omy. for the sector. She also as-
use of ocean resources for sured the CEO of JKUAT’s International Maritime Or-
economic growth, improved JOOWAY Shipping Com- support in his mission of
livelihoods, and jobs while pany in collaboration with establishing a Maritime ganization’s effort towards
preserving the health of ocean JKUAT, and The Korea Mar- Institution in the country.
ecosystem.” itime and Ocean University effective implementation
(KMOU), has supported 23
Mr. Bang Han-Dong, the Marine Engineering students and enforcement of the
CEO of South Korea’s JOO- for a year’s practical seaboard
WAY Shipping Company said training in South Korea. global energy efficien-
a blue economy can be fully
realized in Kenya through The training is part of the cy regulations related to
maritime education and re- International Maritime Or-
search. He made the remarks ganization’s (IMO) Standards international shipping.
of Training, Certification and



Examinations are a
bridge into the fu

MICHELLE OBAMA Esam aborepe dus sectatur, igniatis ium, simus et ut vellam
simaione doluptatur? reptatis aut am cor am voloreri
How to be Agnia ipsande rorerest dolorro magnam in cum quid
Happier eossum resectur sum, totati vid que di dolum quia sum iumetur,
mo illatio. Lam vel iumquis mol- ilitiur? Nequi omnihit et expera-
My number one daily habit is to ori cullica ecepuda ndestrum et tur, vendantotas ma dit ab ipsa-
give myself permission to be omnimped qui doluptae et quis pedi aut posae porrum unt, aut
happy. It’s physical and mental; it’s earum ne offictaque et laut lit dis faccullignim quasped qui tem
my diet, physical activity, and emo- aut a experferum re volorem qui- qui dolorest as atis et offictorepe
tional state; It’s all tied together. ae comnimus ea culpa cum adi id labo. Ulparum ipsamendia quis
ut laborecum enihiliquis deriore peribeaOvit eiur autaepudam
I have learned that when I actu- modicia meture, velluptaque pa illab ium niendi untiberum ea
ally put myself on the priority list pre dellorr ovitasp eruptat ure- dol.
along with everyone else in my life, sedi tatiberum el mo in nonetur?
it actually benefits them, too. I have Aximus, totasin ciissuntis aspist
to plan my happiness. That’s the que duciis entemporenda velita-
thing, we think happiness just hap- tus.
pens and it can, but you’ve got to Latem as expel ea que sequi id-
work in some happiness too. icti ommodit esedi volent omn-
iste id ut et as et harum que el-
As women, this can be challeng-
ing because we’re not always taught
to do it, we feel like it’s somehow
selfish. Instead of feeling guilty I
have freed myself to say, yes. I can
make choices that make me happy,
and that will ripple out and be good
for the people I love as well.

When I’m happier and healthier,
my family is happier and healthier,
and it affects how I interact with my
friends and the people I work with.

The Daystar BRIEF

The Daystar Brief is printed and published by the
Newsdesk: 0733 979835
Email: [email protected]
Registered at the GPO as anewspaper
Chief Executive Officer, Wairimu Gikenye
Editorial Director, W Gee
Deputy Editorial Director, ME, Nimu G.



Cancer: Early detection saves lives

Early detection saves lives: Annual mammograms can detect cancer early – when it is most treatable
Continued from Pg. 1

The forum, featuring top medical and The world health organization said.
lifestyle experts addressed diet and reports that breast cancer is the top can- Slightly over one year since her
lifestyle issues that posed as risk fac- cer in women, both in the developed
tors for cancer. and the developing world. In Kenya, diagnosis, Thuo has now recovered,
access to services is limited to radiation her hair and toenails have since grown
“There is no one food associated centres in the whole country, with all of back, and earlier this year she em-
with cancer, whatever form it comes them located in Nairobi. These are the barked on a five year journey of taking
in, the troublesome element there is Kenyatta National Hospital, MP Shah, drugs on a daily basis.
ethanol,” said Dr. David Makumi, a the Nairobi Hospital and the Aga Khan.
Nairobi-based oncologist. Ms. Thuo returned to her fash-
Among signs and symptoms that ion design job at a shop she recently
The experts went ahead to de- medics at the forum advised to look opened along River Road, Nairobi. She
fine a balanced diet as a healthy meal out for were: thickening or presence of says that upon diagnosis one should
comprising of various kinds of fruits, a lump in the breast or other parts of accept the reality of the disease, pray
eaten in as close to their natural form as the body, unexplained weight loss, pro- to seek God’s intervention, visualize
possible. They also cautioned against longed pain and fever, and skin chang- healing and share their experience to
eating processed meals laden with es or sores that do not heal. Women encourage others.
unhealthy chemicals. were also urged to raise alarm over
unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge “Cancer is not a death sentence,
The public was also cautioned as this, though remote, was associated purpose in your mind that you want to
against procrastinating in the occasion to presence of cancer cells. live and your body will follow,” she
that they experienced abnormal chang- says behind a sewing machine.
es in their bodies, pointing to presence Thuo’s mode of treatment involved
of cancerous cells in the body. a surgery, eight sessions of chemother-
apy and 30 sessions of radiotherapy at
According to Doris Mayoli, a the Nairobi Hospital. During this time,
cancer survivor, ignorance among she lost her hair, her toe nails fell off
cancer patients was the reason little and her immunity was at an all-time
could be done to remedy the situation, low. Due to low immunity, she was
as cases were reported too late. quarantined in her house, a time she
says she found strength in prayer.
“The biggest challenge is igno-
rance. You just don’t think something “Seeing heroes who had beaten can-
like that can happen to ‘me’, and so cer and the strength I got from prayer,
you don’t visit your doctor. Or you just pushed me through the journey,” she
find a lump and you just ignore it,” said
Ms. Mayoli.



Blankets & Wine at 10

Cinfar Maina (from left) Rispar Wambugu,Faith Mwaura,Winnie Mureithi and Faith Wambui during the Mr & Miss Valentine -Nakuru held at the Grill Park

Lounge,Nakuru. [Elvis Ogina.Standard]

By Adiey Joe
[email protected]

Blankets and Wine was Blankets and Wine turned ten in style crowd by storm.
plus glam. The line up was rich with the likes
once the shot caller in this of Sauti Sol, who opened up for a new
sector but it took a break Muthoni Drama queen in con- band in the scende, Kaskazi who took the
and Koroga rose and many junction with Red Bull Music brought a the crowd by storm.
thought it was the “Blankets taste of what a fabulous hang out entails. Performances from Elani Musik,
killer” until last week when After a long silent hiatus, the Fena Menal and Nyashinski brought the
B&W made a triumphant perfect ‘noise’ was finally made. People crowd to their feet.
return. on whether these two thronged the event comparing it to The Queen, Miss Muthoni
entities can co-exist. a stadium of shemeji derby, withGor Mahia Drummer Queen definately nailed her per-
and AFC Leopard fans. The buzz and the formance and did not failher fans who sang
energy was almost out of this world. along to all her jams. Her performance
According to Muthoni, he line up was rich with the likes of stood out as an artistic ensemble.

the move was informed by a Sauti Sol, who opened up for a new band
burning desire to reinvent in the scende, Kaskazi who took the the
the Blankets & Wine
platform after over five
years of hosting local and
regional musicians on a
monthly basis.

On the other hand,

Koroga Festival describes
itself as a “bi-monthly music
and arts festival celebrating
the greatest African acts
from around the continent,
food and culture. Past
editions have featured
cross-generational African
music icons like Koffi
Olomide and Ali Kiba, with
the upcoming edition



Neymar the
next king

Usam aborepe dus sectatur, simaione doluptatur?
Agnia ipsande rorerest eossum resectur sum, totati vid mo illatio. Lam vel iumquis molori cullica
ecepuda ndestrum et omnimped qui doluptae et quis earum ne offictaque et laut lit dis aut a exper-
ferum re volorem quiae comnimus ea culpa cum adi id ut laborecum enihiliquis deriore modicia meture,
velluptaque pa pre dellorr ovitasp eruptat uresedi tatiberum el mo in nonetur?
Aximus, totasin ciissuntis aspist que duciis entemporenda velitatus.
Latem as expel ea que sequi idicti ommodit esedi volent omniste id ut et as et harum que eligniatis ium, simus
et ut vellam reptatis.

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