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Published by kieayvon, 2019-05-01 18:07:37



Low Organized Games

By Kieayvon Ford

KINE 1151 P01
MW: 9:00-9:50 AM

Table Of Contents

● Giants, Wizards, and Elfs
● Space Invaders
● Frogs and Fish
● Beaches, Bridges, and Boats
● Musical Hoops
● On the Lines, Off the Lines
● Builders and Bulldozers
● Elf Express
● Matball
● Slide Tag
● Prairie Dog Pickoff
● Rock Paper Scissors Tug-O-War

Giants, Wizards, and Elfs

Key Skills and Fitness Components Developed: running, chasing, fleeing
Rules: the game uses a “Rock-Paper-Scissors” system: Giants beat Elves, Elves beat Wizards, and Wizards beat Giants. Divide the

class into two teams. Teams are taught the positions for Giants (“standing on your toes with your arms above your head”),
Elves (“small as a ball while on your feet”), and Wizards (“lean back and cast a spell”). Each team stands in their own end zone
and has 10 seconds to secretly decide if, as a team, they are going to be Giants, Elves, or Wizards for that round.
Once time is up, each team forms a line facing the other team at the centre line of the playing area (there should be 3-4 steps
in between each team).

Equipment: Cones
Space Requirements: Half court
Time Needed: 10 min

Space Invaders

Key Skills and Fitness Components Developed: underhand throwing
Rules: Two teams face off against each other. Each team has their own Spaceship area. An Outer Space area (in

which there are meteors) separates the two Spaceship areas. On the teacher’s signal, team attempt to send
meteors crashing into the opposing team’s Spaceship. Teams achieve this by making the meteors roll by
hitting them with a underhand thrown Space Ball. The Spaceship that got hit with the fewest meteors wins
the round.
Equipment: hoops, cones, variety of balls
Space Requirements: half court
Time Needed: 10 min

Frogs and Fish

Key Skills and Fitness Components Developed: hopping, jumping

Rules: Divide your playing area into three zones: a large area in the middle (the river), an endzone on one side of the river (the burrow) and an endzone on the

other side of the river (the river bank). Divide your class into three teams: toads, frogs and fish.The toads and the frogs begin the game by standing in
the burrow. The fish begin the game by standing in the river (not on any lily pads). The goal of the game is for the toads and frogs to bring all of the
flies from the river bank back to their burrow without being tagged by any fish. Toads and frogs may only carry one fly at a time, and toads must jump
their way across the river while frogs must hop. Fish may simply run anywhere within the river. If a toad or a frog becomes tagged by a fish, the tagged
player switches roles (i.e. toads become frogs, frogs become toads) and must return to the burrow before resuming play. If a toad or a frog was tagged
while carrying a fly, they must return the fly before heading to the burrow. Toads and frogs are safe from fish when they are in the burrow, on a lily pad
or on the river bank.

Equipment: Playing area and boundary markers, Beanbags , Poly Spots

Space Requirements: half court

Beaches, Bridges, and Boats

Key Skills and Fitness Components Developed: running, chasing, fleeing
Rules: Within a playing area, create a rectangular zone (Ocean). Outside the Ocean is now known as the Beach. Across the length of

the Ocean, create two corridors with
the cones (Bridges) In the space between the Ocean and the Bridges, place
some hoops on the ground (Boats). Tell your students to get into a scattered formation on the Beach. Designate 2-3 players as
IT. Players may run anywhere on the Beach and Bridges, but to cross the Ocean they must be in a Boat. If a player is tagged,
they must step outside the playing area and perform a pre-determined physically active movement for a certain number of
repetitions or duration (e.g. dance for 10 seconds, do 5 jumping jacks).

Equipment: Cones, hoops, foam balls
Space Requirements: half court
Time Needed: 10 min

Musical Hoops

Key Skills and Fitness Components Developed: balance
Rules: The teacher sets up the playing area by placing hoops (one, or almost one, per player) on the floor.

The students start in a scattered formation. On the teacher’s command (e.g. when the music starts), students will being to
move about the playing area while avoiding the hoops. On the teacher’s second command (e.g. when the music stops),
students must race to the hoop closest to them and stand inside the hoop in a balanced position (e.g. on one foot). On the
next command, students continue to move about the playing area.

Equipment: Hoops
Space Requirements: Half or full court
Time Needed: 10 min

On the Lines, Off the Lines

Key Skills and Fitness Components Developed: Jumping, Leaping, Running. Sliding
Rules: Students get into a scattered formation in the playing area while making sure that they are standing with

both feet on a line. When the teacher says “On The Lines”, the students will begin to slide around the
playing area while staying on the lines. When the teacher says “Off The Lines”, the students will begin to run
around the playing area while leaping over any lines they may come across. The teacher continues to call
out “On The Lines” and “Off The Lines” as students quickly switch from one skill to the next!
Equipment: cones, foamies
Space Requirements: full court
Time Needed: 8 min

Builders and Bulldozers

Key Skills and Fitness Components Developed: heart Rate, intensity Levels
Rules: The teacher scatters cones within the playing area, leaving some upright and some knocked over. The teacher divides the

class into two teams: the Builders and the Bulldozers. On the teacher’s signal, students begin to play. The Builders’ job is to
set any knocked over cone upright. The Bulldozers job is to knock over any upright cone (they must use their hands and
cannot kick cones). Each round lasts 1-2 minutes. If there are more cones set upright than knocked over at the end of the
round, the Builders win. If there are more cones knocked over than are upright, the Bulldozers win. After each round, have the

teams switch roles.
Equipment: cones
Space Requirements: half court
Time Needed: 10 min

Elf Express

Key Skills and Fitness Components Developed: communication, planning, teamwork
Rules: Divide your class into teams. Teams get into line formations, with each team member standing in a hoop. Each line is the

team’s “sled”. To move their team’s sled forward, the player at the back of the line steps into the hoop in front of them. They
then pick up the empty hoop behind them and pass it to the front, making sure that each player on the team touches the
hoop. Once the hoop gets to the player in front, that player places the hoop in front of the line and all team players shift
forward (which allows the sled to move forward by one hoop). Teams attempt to get their entire team pass the end line within
a certain amount of time.

Equipment: pins, hoops, beanbags
Space Requirements: full court
Time Needed: 15 min


Key Skills and Fitness Components Developed: creating space, passing & receiving, reducing space
Rules: Divide the playing area into two halves and place a mat in the back of each half. Divide your class into two teams. Each team has a

passing zone (their half of the playing area) and a mat (which is in the other team’s playing area). The teacher adds balls to the
game. Players can pick up a ball and may move up to the half line to try to complete a pass to their catcher. If a player completes a
pass, they go join their catcher on the mat and become a catcher as well. The goal of the game is to get all of your team’s players
onto your mat

Equipment: foam balls, mats, pins
Space Requirements: half court
Time Needed: 10 min

Slide Tag

Key Skills and Fitness Components Developed: avoiding opponents, creating space, zone penetration
Rules: Divide the class into teams. Choose one team and have them make four rows of lines one in front of the other each about 10 feet away

from each other. Each line should have 2 players. Have the rest of the class line up on the end line facing the 4 lines and their objective is
to get from their end to the other end without being touched by the defenders. The defenders can only slide along their line and can reach
out to tag other players without coming off their line. Once a player passes them safely they can no longer tag that player. If a player is
able to move his way through the 4 lines and reaches the other end they have to pick up a bean bag (only one) and go around the outside of
the court established by pylons and place the bean bag in their teams basket at the start. The player can now try again to get to the other
side and retrieve a beanbag. If a player is tagged by a defender, they must exit the court on the left or the right and go back to the start
again. Change the defenders every five minutes.

Equipment: 30-40 beanbag ,2 baskets
Space Requirements: full court
Time Needed: 15 min

Prairie Dog Pickoff

Key Skills and Fitness Components Developed: attacking a Goal, communication, defending a Goal
Rules: Students begin in a scattered formation with each student in possession of a foamie (their prairie dog) that is stood up in the

centre of a hoop (their prairie dog’s nest). Once the teacher adds foam balls to the playing area, students may move away
from their nest to gain possession of a ball and throw/roll the ball as they attempt to knock over other players’ prairie dogs.
If a player’s prairie dog is knocked over, that player takes their hoop and foamie and go set up beside the player who knocked
them over. The two players now form a colony that continues to grow as they successfully knock over more prarie dogs! The
game goes on until only one colony is left in the game.

Equipment: hoops, cones, balls, foamies
Space Requirements: half court
Time Needed: 15 min

Rock Paper Scissors Tug-O-War

Key Skills and Fitness Components Developed: components of Fitness
Rules: The teacher divides the class into two teams. Each team stands in a line on opposing sides of the playing area. On the

teacher’s signal, the first player from each team races towards the other team. When the two players meet, they play a single
round of rock paper scissors. The player who wins the round immediately begins to sprint towards the opposing team. As they
do so, the next player in line for the team that did not win the rock paper scissors round sprints out to meet them (the player
who lost the rock paper scissors round makes their way to the back of their team’s line). Play continues until a player
successfully makes it all of the way to the opposing team’s line.

Equipment: cones, pins, poly spots
Space Requirements: half court
Time Needed: 10 min


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