St Paul Parish 20152020 Pastoral Plan (Draft)
as of 10112015
Introduction. 22,960 persons live in the
geographical area (GA) adjacent to St Paul Parish
(See Figure 1). God’s expectation of each of those
persons is that he or she will know, love and serve
God and neighbor and strive to achieve salvation.
This can be thought of as each person’s spiritual
mission. St Paul Parish’s mission is to support these
spiritual missions through sacramental, liturgical,
formation, community and infrastructure support.
5 Year Plan Purpose. The purpose of St Paul
Parish 20152020 Pastoral Plan (hereafter referred
to as “5 Yr Plan”) is to determine changes to any
element of the parish for the 2015 to 2020 period in
order to best meet the parish mission and vision.
While the focus is on practicing Catholics in the GA, all are welcomed; none are excluded.
Areas of Value. Best mission accomplishment is measured according to the following eight
areas of value.
● Sacramental, Devotional and Prayer Life
● Evangelization (includes New Evangelization)
● Marriage and Family Life (includes Year of the Family)
● Stewardship (time, talent, treasure)
● Formation (includes school, youth, vocations and Catholic identity)
● Community (both intraparish and with communities outside the parish)
● Communication (includes social media)
● Leadership, Management and Operations Effectiveness
Societal Influences. Today’s culture changes much faster and with more complexity than in
times past. The principles established in scripture and through revelation never change. But it
is very challenging to maintain an understanding of those principles in ways that any person can
most effectively apply to his life and salvation journey. To effectively adapt the performance of
its mission and vision in this environment, St Paul Parish now requires a formal ongoing change
process that will be started with this five year plan. The current set of societal and cultural
influences that this plan will help the parish help the faithful deal with are:
● Media Influence. Social, news, entertainment
● Isolationism
● Family/peer lackofsupport
● LGBT Trends
● Science and Faith
● Religious Dropouts. Sometimes some/all of the above 5 influences lead persons to
leave practicing Catholicism
● Evangelization Challenges
● Religious Freedoms.
● Wealthgap Perceptions
These influences will be discussed in more detail in the appendix 2 and updated in succeeding
versions of the plan.
St Paul Parish 20152020 Pastoral Plan (Draft)
as of 10112015
Parish Changes. The parish changes that this plan will describe to help stakeholders deal with
the above influences are (details in the appendices):
Unapproved, Recommended Changes
● SchoolParish Plan Integration. Integrate next St Paul Catholic School Strategic Plan
into the St Paul 5 Yr Plan and governance.
● Weekly Mass Attendance Increase. Increase weekly mass attendance by 20%.
● School Attendance Increase. Increase student headcount by 8% per year.
● Evangelization Workshop. Help for everyday parishioners in the workplace and all
typical social venues.
● Offparishgrounds lecture/discussion series. Establish a Colorado Springslocal
monthly series like TheologyonTap in Monument.
● Lenten Retreat. Host every year, lasting 12 days
● Info Technology Enhancements. Details TBP, Includes development of a parish
smartphone app.
● Music Ministry Enhancements. Details TBP
● Communications Committee. Promotes interministry/organization and social media
communications. Includes development of a parish logo.
● Communitywide Charity Activity. Annually, St Paul led; involving local community.
● Sacramental Marriage Outreach. Informal way to get informed answers.
Changes already approved and/or in progress
● FamiliesofCharacter Pilot. One of 3 parishes in the diocese.
● Denver Catholic Bible School. Host for all local parishes
● Parish Feast Day Activities. On the June Feast Day of Sts Peter and Paul.
● PrayeroftheFaithful Outreach. Involve all ministries/organizations.
● Holy Land Awareness Updates. Establish a process for regular updates for all
● 5 Yr Plan Implementation & Governance. Implement and institutionalize the plan;
includes interface to diocesan 5 Yr Plan
Current status. This Oct 11 version is a major reorganization of the plan that moves the most
important aspects (the parish changes) closer to the front and the framework aspects (parish
description) to the appendices. The rest of October will be spent prioritizing the recommended
changes and gaining Pastoral Council approval of a first set. That set will be described in the
first approved version of the plan in November, after which a new effort will begin to develop an
implementation plan and annual governance process
St Paul Parish 20152020 Pastoral Plan (Draft)
as of 10112015
Appendices. The index of appendices is as follows:
Appendix 1. Parish Mission and Vision
Appendix 2. Parish Descriptions, including ministries and organizations
Appendix 3. Parish Change Analysis & Descriptions, Diocesan Interface,
implementation and Governance
Appendix 4. References
Appendix 5. Implementation Plan
Appendix 6. Demographics Source Material Relevant Data
Appendix 7. Interfaces between diocesan 5 Yr Plan and St Paul Parish 5 Yr Plan.
Appendix 8. IT Details
Appendix 9. St Paul Parish Diocesan Interface Process.
Appendix 10. St Paul 5 Yr Plan Governance Plan
Appendix 1. Parish Mission and Vision (shown in each week’s parish bulletin).
Mission Statement: We are a Catholic parish of the Diocese of Colorado Springs and
Eucharistic community following Jesus Christ. With faith in God, we are proclaiming the Good
News of Jesus Christ through joyful celebration of His Word in worship and commitment to
serve all people. We invite and encourage everyone to appreciate and share the gifts we
continue to receive from the Lord on this journey. For purposes of this 5 yr Plan, this
mission is summarized as providing sacramental, liturgical, formation, community and
infrastructure support for persons to know, love and serve God and neighbor and
achieve salvation
Vision Statement: We seek to be the manifestation of Jesus Christ’s Kingdom of holiness and
grace by obeying His commandment to love God above all things and one another as He has
loved us. For purposes of this 5 Yr Plan, this vision is summarized as the goal to best
accomplish the mission for those persons in the geographical area adjacent to St Paul
Parish and students of St Paul Catholic School according to eight areas of value.
Appendix 2: Parish Descriptions. The parish description is organized so that it’s
basic framework of elements and attributes can be used for the starting year of 2015, as well as
interim phase years and the final year of 2020.
2015 Parish Description. The 2015 attributes of the
standard nine parish elements are as follows
Parish Element 1: St Paul Parish Statutes/Authority.
The St Paul Parish exists under the authority of statutes
signed by Bishop Michael Sheridan of the Diocese of
Colorado Springs on Nov 8, 2011. The geographical
area assigned to St Paul Parish for pastoral care is
shown in Fig 1 and described in detail in the statutes.
Parish Element 2: St Paul Mission/Vision. The
spiritual mission of all persons in the St Paul
geographic area (GA) is to know, love and serve God
and neighbor in order to achieve salvation. The St Paul
Mission can be summarized as providing sacramental,
St Paul Parish 20152020 Pastoral Plan (Draft)
as of 10112015
liturgical, community, formation and infrastructure support for all St Paul stakeholders to
accomplish their individual spiritual missions. The vision can be summarized as the goal to
maximize the effectiveness of the parish mission (the complete mission and vision statements
are in Appendix 1).
Parish Element 3: Stakeholders. Stakeholders are people who have an interest in St Paul
Parish because they receive (actually or potentially), provide, or both receive and provide
support connected with St Paul’s mission. St Paul Parish primarily serves the 22,960 persons
within the GA boundaries as shown in Figure 1. and in some circumstances, persons outside
these boundaries.
The Receiving stakeholders can be categorized as
● Regularly or Periodically Attending Catholics/NonCatholics living in the geographic
area around St Paul. Observations at a typical weekend of masses set this category at
an average of 700 persons (summer) and TBP (Fall). Statistics predict this number
averages 1795 for a population of the St Paul GA. There are 2157 formally registered
persons in St Paul Parish.
● Holiday Attending (less than once a month) Catholics/NonCatholics living or visiting in
the geographic area around St Paul (usually Christmas and Easter). Statistics predict
1444 over the regularly or periodically attending persons.
● NonAttending Selfidentifying Catholics living in the geographical area. Statistics
predict this number to be 664.
● NonAttending Selfidentifying as NonCatholics living in the boundary. This includes
Protestants, Jews, Muslims and other. Statistics number this category at approximately
14,235 persons.
● Students of St Paul Catholic School 180 for the 2015/16 school year (includes
● Persons outside the boundary who influence or are influenced by the parish
mission. (e.g. Broadmoor guests, visiting relatives)
● Relevant Demographics. Statistics say that a) 17% of the 22,960 individuals in the St
Paul Parish geographical area selfID as Catholic, and that this percentage has held
steady since the 1970s although the segment of this 17% that attend mass regularly has
reduced significantly to 24% (of the 17%) by 2014 and b) the percentage of “nones” who
do not identify with any organized religion and these include atheists, agnostics and
nonpracticing believers has risen from 5% to 21% since the 1970s with most coming
from Protestant faiths (statistically, there are 4,822 “nones” in the St Paul GA) and c) the
percentage of those raised Catholic who remain selfidentified as Catholic to adulthood
has dropped from 73% in the 1970’s to 66% in 2014. See Appendix 7 for more detail
and context.
The Provider stakeholders are divided into two categories
● St Paul Parish Staff and Management Support. This category is further categorized into
(a) the pastor and parochial vicar, (b) the paid parish staff led by the pastor, including the
staff of the St Paul Catholic School and (c) volunteers who comprise the Pastoral
Council, the Finance Council, and the Stewardship Committee.
● St Paul Ministry/Organizations. A variety of parish groups comprised mostly of
parishioner volunteers serve the stakeholders through stewardship time and talent
donations. They are grouped into two categories:
○ Ministries/Organizations unique to St Paul Parish.
St Paul Parish 20152020 Pastoral Plan (Draft)
as of 10112015
● Dinner for Eight Ministry.Social dinners venue. The regular dinners are
held in parishioners homes in groups of eight, with everyone contributing
a dish to be shared and the host preparing the main course. This ministry
is open to singles and couples as either full-time or substitute members.
● Faith Formation.All activities that fulfill the “know” element of the
parish mission to support all stakeholders’ activities to Know, Love and
○ Bible Study.Periodic (usually weekly except summer) meetings
for men and women of all ages to study and discuss scripture and
scripture-related topics. Volunteer layperson led. Various
academic and multi-media program resources are used for each
○ Formation for Confirmation and Marriage Preparation and First
Reconciliation, Communion, and Baptism,Either group or
individual formation meetings to prepare for reception of these
○ G.I.F.TGrowing in Faith and Together is a collaborative adult
religious education program
○ RCIA.Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, a process covering
Catholic beliefs and practices to prepare prospective converts to
○ St Paul Catholic School Organizations Staff? School Advisory Council Home and School Association Parent University Student Council 6 Choirs
● Youth Faith Formation.See Youth Ministry for youth not enrolled
in St Paul Catholic School
● Finance Council.A group of volunteers appointed by the Pastor and
under the authority of the Pastor that reviews the budgets and financial
position of the parish. The Finance Council is a consultative body.
● Liturgy Committee.Parish volunteers who organize, provide, manage
and monitor liturgical events and activities to include music, altar care
and serving, eucharistic ministering, lectoring, intercession authoring,
and wedding coordination.
● Men’s Breakfast Ministry. Our Men’s Breakfast Ministry supports St.
Paul’s Community Value Area by bringing together men of the Parish to
enjoy fellowship, engage an interesting speaker, and share a hot meal.
We meet monthly from September to April and encourage our members
to invite Catholic and non-Catholic men from outside St. Paul Parish.
Breakfast expenses are more than covered by donations and the excess is
returned to the Parish.
● Natural Family Planning.Instruction and mentoring on the application of
natural methods of achieving and avoiding pregnancies within a family
St Paul Parish 20152020 Pastoral Plan (Draft)
as of 10112015
● Parish Staff.Pastoral, Administrative, financial, faith formation, youth
ministry, music, information technology, and facilities salaried positions
within the parish.
● Pastoral Council.Principal body of volunteer parishioners appointed by
the Pastor and under the authority of the Pastor that considers and
proposes practical recommendations concerning the pastoral works in
the parish and fosters pastoral activity. The Pastoral Council is a
consultative body.
● Preparation for 1st: Baptism, Reconciliation Communion, Confirmation
and Marriage. Religious education for grammar school aged children and
teenagers (for Baptism if not baptised as infants, reconciliation, 1st
Communion) for teenagers (confirmation) and adults (for confirmation
and/or marriage)
● Social Concerns Outreach Ministry.A set of sub-ministries that support
stakeholders in various types of needs (physical, emotional, social,
spiritualand financial). Those receiving support range from St Paul
parishioners to people living in adjacent communities. The support also
includes St Paul Parish liaison with other Catholic and community
outreach programs. The current Social Concerns Outreach Ministries are:
AdoptaFamily, BeFrienders, Operation Rice Bowl, Work of Human Hands Catalog
Sales, Food Pantry, Fostering Hope, Funeral Meals, Giving Tree, Homebound
Ministry, Meals Ministry, Respect Life/Life Support Center, Soup Kitchen (Marian
House), Westside CARES
● Stewardship Committee.Volunteer parishioners who support and
oversee a parish stewardship program that seeks to bring awareness to
stakeholders about the need to support the parish with time, talent and
● Welcoming Committee.A group of parishioners who calls and welcomes
new parishioners, informs on all support available from the parish,
answers any questions about the parish, and provides any other
assistance that might be needed.
● Youth Ministry.Teen aged group that meets for social and faith
formation activities tailored to meet the needs of that age group in
today’s culture and in a Catholic context. The group also performs
volunteer activities locally and on mission trips and organizes for and
attends World Youth Day and similar events.
● National/International Organizations with an Active Parish Presence
○ Ministries/Organizations with a presence at St Paul Parish, but part of
national/international organizations
■ Boy Scouts of America.Troop #1
■ Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. A 900 year old,
world-wide association of Catholic laity and religious established
according to ecclesiastical law and entrusted with a special mission from
the Holy Father to aid the Church in the Holy Land and to strengthen the
practice of the Christian life amongst its members.
■ Girl Scouts of America. Troop #272.
■ Knights of Columbus.Council # 11634 is the St Paul chapter of this
world-wide Catholic fraternal benefit society which promotes social and
St Paul Parish 20152020 Pastoral Plan (Draft)
as of 10112015
intellectual fellowship among its members and offers assistance to parish
stakeholders in need through charitable, educational, religious, social
welfare, war relief and public relief works. The council also provides
several scheduled and ad hoc parish activities in a wide range of venues.
■ Legatus. A local chapter of this international organization of Catholic
business leaders with a mission to study, live and spread the Faith in their
business, professional and personal lives.
■ This Man is You Men’s Group.An early morning weekly meeting for
men of all ages to view a video from the This Man is You (TMIY)
organization and have a discussion afterwards. The meeting ends by 7:30
to accommodate those who still work. The TMIY program reflects on
scripture and secular research to address the challenges and
responsibilities facing men in modern culture.
Parish Element 4: Parish Processes. The St Paul mission is accomplished through the following
processes. Note that each parish process has both provider and receiver aspects
(corresponding to receiver stakeholders and provider stakeholders).
● Worship. St Paul Parish provides sacraments, liturgy, and support for spiritual and
vocational development. Receiver stakeholders (parishioners, mass attendees, etc) use
this parish support to worship God.
● Learning and Teaching. St Paul Parish provides Catholiccentered education at the
K8th grade levels, continuing faith formation and Catholic identity programs for all ages
and various specialized learning from a Catholic perspective. Receiver stakeholders use
this parish support to learn on a continuing basis throughout their faith lives.
● Building Community & Evangelize. St Paul Parish conducts activities to establish and grow
a sense of community, address social concerns, foster all aspects of stewardship and
spread Christ’s message amongst all its stakeholders, and then to extend the fruits of
these efforts beyond.
● Management. St Paul Parish establishes and maintains infrastructure and technology
and associated skills and finances that support all parish mission processes. The parish
fosters the “treasure” aspect of good stewardship, which parishioners exercise through
giving. Parish leaders assess progress towards 5 Yr Plan and Diocesan Pastoral Plan
goals. Finally, the parish organizes to provide informed, relevant and timely
management advice to the leadership of all elements.
Parish Element 5: Infrastructure. St Paul Parish
infrastructure includes a 600 person capacity church,
school, several meeting rooms, a parish hall with food
preparation areas, parking lots (some shared with the
Broadmoor Hotel), a rectory in the neighborhood adjacent
to the main property, and a separate chapel (the Pauline
Chapel) that is leased to the Broadmoor Hotel. Building
square footage totals xxxx sq ft, parking totals 640 spaces
and total lot size is 6.4 acres.
Parish Element 6: Information Technology (IT) [Joan
working on this, indexed as follows]
● Hardware/software summary TBP
● Functional capabilities summary TBP
St Paul Parish 20152020 Pastoral Plan (Draft)
as of 10112015
● Social Media summary TBP
Parish Element 7: Financial Condition . The total income for 2014 from offertory, school tuition,
fundraising and restrictive gifts and other income was $2,551,817. The total expenses were
$2,538,945. [Reserve fund?] In 2014 there were 642 registered families, giving an average
about $2,000 per year. The parish subsidizes about 45% of the school expenses. Major
anticipated expenses during the period of this 5 Yr Plan that are of concern because of potential
insufficient revenue to cover are: TBP
Parish Element 8: Influence Interfaces. There are a variety of internal and external, and planned
and unplanned influences that affect the St Paul mission and vision. Since many of these
influences are not controlled by or a product of the parish elements, the 5 Year Plan will only be
concerned with the interfaces of these influences to parish elements. The most relevant of the
influences are:
● Pastor guidance. Drawing from the parish statutes, the pastor’s guidance is the most
important influencer for the parish. How the other stakeholders influence the pastor in
the performance of his responsibilities is therefore equally important.
● Stakeholder influence. Stakeholder awareness of and involvement in all parts of the 5
year plan are critical to the parish mission and vision.
● Diocesan guidance. Some of the pastor’s guidance results from his response to
diocesan level guidance, plus there are various diocesan offices that directly interface
with parish elements for specialized guidance that originates with the bishop, the
USCCB and the Vatican. Areas of emphasis are expected to change annually (ex: Year
of Marriage and Family Life). The parish plan will also be continually synchronized and
interfaced with the Diocesan Pastoral Plan.
● External Influences. The parish must stay current with various social, cultural, political,
technological, financial influences and maintain the ability to interpret their relative
importance and apply same to appropriate parish elements and the 5 Year Plan.
Specific influences most relevant for 2015 are:
○ Media Influence. Social, new and entertainment media are growing in their ease
and extent of exposure to all society in all age groups. The influence on the faith
lives is significant.
○ Isolationism. [Fr Hinds, need your help here to define]
○ LGBT Trending. Societal acceptance of gay lifestyles sometimes triggers
reactions against formal religions that hold to traditional concepts. The correct
understanding of gender issues for Catholics and the ability to communicate
same effectively is not easy for our young stakeholders, let alone for all others.
Informed parish help is needed.
○ Family/Peer LackofSupport. Growing numbers of parents do not practice their
faith or do so only on the surface while kids are in school. When kids leave
home, this lack of faith support, coupled with increased peer pressure from
broken homes or homes without a faith life influence a growing number of kids
raised Catholic to stop practicing
○ Science and Faith. The more scientific information is developed, the easier it is
to be mistakenly persuaded that everything can be explained by science
○ Religious Dropouts. Growing societal tendency away from organized religious
practice and towards apathy and “noneism”, especially in the college age and
beyond population. Some contributing factors are the above 5 influences (media,
LGBT, etc):
St Paul Parish 20152020 Pastoral Plan (Draft)
as of 10112015
○ Evangelization Challenges. Challenges abound to minister and evangelize in
ways relevant to a fastchanging and diverse local/national/international culture.
Best practices are needed for all levels of stakeholders, in all venues, especially
in spontaneous, informal societal situations (the workplace, WalMart, etc)
○ Wealth Gap Perceptions. Complex sensitivities within and among various wealth
categories in parishes like St Paul where the diversity is broad
○ Religious Freedom. Growing tendency of government to inappropriately
regulate church activities that were once immune from government regulation.
Parish Element 9: Value Model. St Paul Parish will develop and maintain as part of the 5 Yr
Plan an explicit and customized set of values areas which it will use to prioritize possible
changes to elements of the parish description. Although customized to St Paul Parish, many of
these values will be based on diocesan goals and current Catholic Churchwide focus areas.
See Appendix 3 for a description of the value areas. The areas of value are:
● Sacramental, Devotional and Prayer Life: the degree to which a parish element
encourages, supports, informs about and makes available sacraments, devotions and
prayer, on both communal and individual bases for all stakeholders.
● Evangelization (includes New Evangelization): the degree to which a parish element
encourages, leads, supports, and informs about evangelization on the part of all
● Marriage and Family Life (includes Year For Marriage and Family): the degree to which
a parish element encourages, supports and informs about traditional Catholic marriage
and family life.
● Stewardship (time, talent, treasure): the degree to which a parish element encourages,
supports and informs about and leverages stewardship as a way of life.
● Formation: the degree to which a parish element encourages, supports, and informs
about a continual knowledge development of the faith life and Catholic identity of all
stakeholders in accordance with validated Catholic traditions and principles. Includes
support and to all lay and religious discernment.
● Community: the degree to which a parish element builds, encourages, supports, and
informs about a vibrant, welcoming sense of community for the parish as a whole (to
include all stakeholders) and extends that understanding and support to the community
outside the parish to include those who are disadvantaged and “on the fringe”
● Communication: the degree to which a parish element encourages, supports and
informs about a responsive, efficient, positive, affordable, available, easytouse,
automated (when appropriate) and productive exchange of information and knowledge
between all stakeholders. Social media and other technologies are appropriately
leveraged. Appropriate skill levels are encouraged, supported and informed about.
● Leadership, Management and Operational Effectiveness: the degree to which a parish
element motivates, encourages, supports and informs about efficient and effective use of
resources and all three elements of stewardship and performs activities efficiently. This
value area also includes initial and lifecycle cost and affordability in terms of dollars,
skills, technology, complexity, culture, and politics.
Use of the Value Model. The above values have been approved by the St Paul Pastoral
Council. They will be used to assess recommendations made to change any of the parish
description elements in the 20152020 time frame. The Value Model will also be updated as
needed to support the parish’s current reflection of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan goals and any
changes required throughout the 5 Yr Plan span.
St Paul Parish 20152020 Pastoral Plan (Draft)
as of 10112015
2020 Parish Description. The goal parish description for the year 2020 will be organized the
same as the baseline year of 2015. The element paragraphs will be populated with those
changes from the list that are approved.
Appendix 3: Parish Change Analysis & Descriptions, Diocesan
Interface, implementation and Governance
Change Analysis Process. So what should change over the next 5 years in how the parish
functions today, and why? Very broadly, there are two categories of “why”: 1) a parish element
might require changing something it does today to better support the parish mission and 2) a
parish element that is functioning well today might need or want to change some aspect of its
activity in the future to enhance or avoid degradation in its parish mission support due to the
effect of one or more internal and/or external influences. The more prominent of these
influences are described in Parish Element 8
This plan uses a missionfocused approach to answer these questions. So how should mission
performance be improved and kept relevant in view of changing external influences over the
next five years? The value areas are used as measures of merit in the change analysis.
Changes Grouping and Descriptions. The parish changes planned as part of this 5 Year
Plan are organized into two categories: New and InProgress.
New changes. Note that a separate Implementation Plan will be developed in early 2016 to
organize leadership for each of the new changes that are approved and to monitor progress.
● SchoolParish Plan Integration. Integrate next St Paul Catholic School Strategic Plan
into the St Paul 5 Yr Plan and governance. The school already has a 5 year plan that
ends in 2016, so the integration will consist of folding the compatible parts of the school
plan into corresponding parts of the parish plan. The parish and school already share
many processes, skills and resources, so this integration is not seen as difficult.
● Weekend Mass Attendance Increase. Increase weekend mass attendance by 20%.
● School Attendance Increase. Increase student headcount by 8% per year.
● Evangelization Workshop. Historically, Catholics have been uncomfortable with overt
evangelization of the type often practiced by evangelical Protestants. With the call for
New Evangelization, there are resources available to coach typical parishioners on how
to spread Christ’s message in the workplace and all typical social venues in a wide
variety of ways, from overt to subtle.
● Offparishgrounds lecture/discussion series. Establish a Colorado Springslocal
monthly series like TheologyonTap in Monument. Monthly speakers would be lined up
to make presentations on a wide variety of current topics to help Catholics with
appropriate understanding of a wide range of societal issues. Religious topics would
also be covered, with emphasis on how to relate all topics in today’s culture to every
person’s personal spiritual mission (know, love, serve God and neighbor and get to
heaven). The venue would typically be in a meeting room associated with a brew pub in
order to be very informal.
● Lenten Retreat. Host every year, lasting 12 days
● Info Technology Enhancements. Includes development of a parish smartphone app.
● Music Ministry Enhancements. Details TBP
St Paul Parish 20152020 Pastoral Plan (Draft)
as of 10112015
● Communications Committee. Establish a volunteer committee that promotes
interministry/organization and social media communications. Includes development of a
parish logo.
● Communitywide Charity Activity. The goal is outreach to the local community by
parishwide sponsorship of an annual (or some other recurring appropriate time frame)
event that addresses a charitable need. The need should be locally relevant and
appealing to a broad crosssection of the population of the St Paul geographic area. All
parish ministries and organizations would be encouraged to participate and extend a
welcoming nondenominational presence to, and partnership with others (both
individuals and organizations) in the local community. Parishioners who are not
permanent members of a particular ministry would be encouraged to participate even if
on a limited, one time basis.
● Sacramental Marriage Outreach. Many marriages in today’s culture are not
considered sacramental IAW the complex rules of canon law, especially when a divorce
history exists and one or both parties are not practicing Catholics. And some of the
process rules may be evolving. Many couples, or just one of the parties, feel a need to
achieve full communion with the church, but aren’t ready to seek formal help. This
change would establish an outreach activity to discover parties with this type of need
and provide a noninvasive welcoming opportunity to help with a “next step”. The
ultimate goal would be to facilitate first contact with existing parish/diocesan processes
that address the path to sacramental marriage
Changes already approved and/or in progress
● FamiliesofCharacter Pilot. One of 3 parishes in the diocese. This is an online
course to help parents in family formation.
● Denver Catholic Bible School. Host for all local parishes
● Parish Feast Day Activities. On the June Feast Day of Sts Peter and Paul. Activities
could include picnics, lectures, movies, etc.
● PrayeroftheFaithful Outreach. Implement a Holy Land Awareness process (Value
Area: Community. Parish Element: Provider StakeholdersEOHSJ). St Paul
parishioner EOHSJ members would devise ways via the daily bulletin, parish website,
weekly prayersofthefaithful, etc, to make weekly parishioners aware of the issue of
Christians living in the Holy Land. For parishioners making a trip to the Holy Land via
pilgrimage or otherwise, this initiative would provide means to make travelers aware of
issues in order to increase the solidarity between St Paul Parishioners and Christians
living in the Holy Land.
● Holy Land Awareness Updates. Establish a process for regular updates for all
Parishioners. Could include movies, lectures, promulgation of learning web sites, use of
evolving parish social media resources, etc.
● 5 Yr Plan Implementation & Governance. Implement and institutionalize the plan
includes interface to diocesan 5 Yr Plan
○ Implementation. Once the 5 Yr Plan is approved, an Implementation Plan will be
developed that will include a schedule, a list of dependency factors, and a list of
responsibilities. Some approved changes may have to be put on hold pending
budgetary and stewardship issues and pending identification of responsible
parties (including a lead Parish Element and person)
○ Governance. Once the 5 Yr Plan is approved, a process will be developed for
the Pastoral Council to manage and monitor progress of the implementation,
process and document modifications to the plan and communicate/coordination
of all aspects of the plan to appropriate stakeholders.
St Paul Parish 20152020 Pastoral Plan (Draft)
as of 10112015
○ Diocesan Interface. The Diocese of Colorado Springs is formulating a new
diocesan 5 year plan as its current 20102015 plan is ending. When details of
proposed parish interaction for it’s 20152020 plan are finalized, appropriate
processes will be implemented at St Paul’s and documented in it’s 5 Yr Plan to
interface with the diocese.
Appendix 4. References
● St Paul Statutes (provide website to download)
Appendix 5. Implementation Plan. This annex will contain: a schedule for
implementation of approved changes; requirements for each change (budget, volunteers,
approval levels, environment, etc); leadership POC
Appendix 6 Demographics Source Material Relevant Data: In 2015,
according to a) a report drawn from 2013 Census Department data by neighborhoods in the
geographic area around St Paul Parish, b) The PEW report “America’s Changing Religious
Landscape” of May 2015, and c) the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA)
“1964” blog, the following data applies:
Statistic Description Demographic Observed at Demog. Demog.
Prediction in St Paul’s in Prediction Prediction
in El Paso
GA 2015 2015 in GA CO 2015
Population of GA 22960 25993 671730
Avg individuals per household (=3.33 nationwide 2.20 2.17 2.53
in 1960, 2.54 nationwide in 2014)
Individuals selfIDing Catholic 17% (3903) 17% 16.5%
Individuals selfIDing Protestant & other (Jews, 62% (14,235)
Muslim, etc)
Individuals selfIDing as nonCatholic or “None” 21% (4822)
Individuals attending avg weekend of masses at 1795 summer~700
St Paul’s Fall TBD
Individuals selfIDing Catholic who never attend 664
services at St Paul’s
Individuals at all masses Christmas /Easter 3240 TBD
Avg median household income $85,203 $54,000
St Paul Parish 20152020 Pastoral Plan (Draft)
as of 10112015
Figure A71 Zip code 80906 (primary for St Paul) and El Paso County Comparisons
St Paul Parish 20152020 Pastoral Plan (Draft)
as of 10112015
4.7 Appendix 7 Interfaces between diocesan 5 Yr Plan and St Paul
Parish 5 Yr Plan. TBP
4.8 Appendix 8. Information Technology Details. TBP
4.9 Appendix 9. St Paul Parish Diocesan Interface Process. TBP
4.10 Appendix 10. St Paul 5 Yr Plan Governance Plan. TBP