Surprising retreats &
local favorites | p. 112
The history of Raleigh Alumni is one steeped in tradition, high ideals, and achievement. William Capehart,
Thomas Conway, Sr., Dr. Cecil Haliburton, Leonard B. Hardie, Harry Gil-Smythe, Glenwood Jones, W.M. Perry,
William T. “Buddy” Stroud, Dr. M. Watts, and L.L. Woods came together to form the Raleigh Alumni Chapter of
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated. On April 6, 1948, these 10 men obtained the charter from the
Grand Chapter in order to form the Raleigh Alumni Chapter. These 10 men, who themselves were
professionals, educators, businessmen, and community leaders, helped carry on a great concept which
manifests itself in the …”idea that if we are going to be brothers, let us be brothers on the best terms that we
know; if we are going to bind ourselves together, let it be around something that is strong enough to hold us; if
we are going to sing, let us sing about something that will have a lasting refrain; if we drink a toast, let it be of
something beyond the trivial and the vulgar; let us exalt the theme of achievement.
Polemarch –Bro. Donzell Newkirk
Vice Polemarch – Bro. Clem Lacy
Keeper of Records – Bro. Stacey Alston
Keeper of Exchequer – Bro. Brandon Douglas
Assistant Keeper of Records / Keeper of Exchequer – Bro. Cloyed Brown
Strategus – Bro. Roderick Taylor
Lieutenant Strategus – Bro. Anthony Thorpe
Historian – Bro. Aaron Thornton
Reporter –Bro. Quentin Mitchell
Board Member –Bro. Dr. Kemah Washington (Immediate Past Polemarch)
Board Member – Bro. Reginald M. Wright, Esq. (President of Kappa Charitable Trust Fund, Inc.)
Board Member – Bro. Bryan Marshall
Board Member – Bro. Anthony McCall
14th Middle Eastern Province Past Middle Eastern RALEIGH ALUMNI
Polemarch: Bro. Al Perry Province Jr. Vice Polemarch: PROVINCE
Bro. Dr. William Lawrence LEADERSHIP
Elder Watson Diggs Awardee &
17th Middle Eastern Province Past Northeastern Province Current & 23rd
Polemarch: Bro. William Bill Jr. Vice Polemarch & Middle Eastern
Hooker Strategus: Bro. Dr. Kemah E. Province
P. Washington Polemarch: Bro.
Current Middle Eastern Province Michael Brown
Keeper of Exchequer: Bro. Cory Past Middle Eastern
Cooper Province Keeper of Records:
Bro. Ken Moore
Current Middle Eastern Province
Current middle eastern province Past Middle Eastern
Reporter: Bro. Quentin A. Mitchell Province Board of Directors:
Bro. Thomas Burt & Bro.
Past Middle Eastern Province Sr. Louis Newsome
Province Vice Polemarch: Bro.
Samuel Greene
Chapter Roster Aaron Martin
Aaron Thornton
Alec Virgil Deion Williams Henry Bennett
Alfred Perry Diarro Stuckey Jefferson Jerkins
Andre Best Donald Tanner Jerry W. Wiley
Anthony Grice Duboris Peterkin John Cureton Sr
Anthony McCall Edwin Dawson John Hazel
Anthony Thorpe Eric Williams Johnny Taylor Jr
Ariel Aponte Eugene Johnson Jr John Meadows
Avery Upshur Eugene McCullers Jonathan Wilkins
Brandon Douglas Frederick Smith Joseph Abron
Brian Taylor Gary Wiley
Bryan Marshall George "Rick" Wylie Jr
Carl Little
Cedric Cato
Charles Mitchell Sr.
Chester Jenkins
Christopher Belton
Christopher Young
Clem Lacy
Cloyed Brown
Cory Cooper
Damien Haywood
Davian Rhodes
Daryl Coleman
Joseph Abron Jr Lawrence Perry Roberly Aladin Chapter Roster
Joseph Briggs Lemuel Hinton Roderick Taylor
Joseph C Lovelace Leroy Sturgis
Joseph A Lewter Lorenza Reid Rodney Byrd
Justin Scurlock Louis Newsome
Kelly Darden Mark Connor Rufus Williams
Kemah Washington Matthew Jarmond Jr
Kenneth Moore Jr Michael Brown Russell Hopkins
Kenneth Threatt II Michael Holland
Kerelle Sampson Patrick Gilliard Samuel Greene
Kwame Woods Paul Pope Jr
LaFayette Stokes Quentin A. Mitchell Samuel Rouse
Larry Silver Reginald Wright
Stacey Alston
Stephen Freeman
Stuart Todd
Thomas Burt
Tony Griffin
Tony Perry
Tory Williams
Travis Fowles
Ulysses Taylor
Victor Hyman
W.F. Hendrix
Wayne Talley
"Brandon" Hooker
William E. Hooker
William Lawrence Jr
Zachary Venning
Chapter Photo?
Chapter Photo
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Bro Edwin Dawson
Bro Norman Camp III
Bro Roderick Alston II
Bro James Farris
Bro Leroy Owens
Bro Locke Moore
Bro Herbert Hilliard
Bro William Bennett
Bro Lafayette "Zeke" Stokes