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Published by Kwin10Mitchell, 2021-03-16 21:50:38

Fall 2020 Achiever

Fall 2020 Achiever

Middle Eastern Province

"Bull City Kappas" - Durham (NC) Alumni

Hitting the Century Mark

Fall 2020 Edition

MEP Kares
MEP Songs and chants
Election 2020
Province Chaplain Message


A Look Back in MEP History PG 2

Message from the MEP Leadership PG 3 Brothers,
MEP Kares PG 7 - 8 I want to thank all that have contributed to this issue
"The Power of Prayer for Fraternity Men" PG 9 of The Achiever. The Achiever is here for us to share
MEP Songs & Chants PG 11 stories on the past, present, and future of our
"Hitting the Century Mark" PG 13 - 14 province. I hope that a story inspires you to create
Charlotte (NC) Alumni Kappa Beautillion Business and tell a story of your own. If you are interested in
PG 15 - 16 sharing a story or idea contact me:
[email protected].

Yours in the Bond,

Quentin A. Mitchell
Province Reporter
Middle Eastern Province
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

Winston Salem (NC) Alumni Kappa Man
of the Century PG 17

J5 Poem PG 18

William E. Hooker Kappa League Summit PG 19

Election 2020: From the Battlegrounds of
The MEP PG 21 - 22

Photo Gallery PG 23 - 24

A Look Back In MEP History

The Eta Psi chapter on the campus of East Carolina University during the 1975-1976 school year.



My Brothers of the Noble Clan
It has been over a year since the world was hit with what we now know as the “COVID 19” pandemic. The world
we know today is different from the world of yesterday and the world of tomorrow. The struggle has been real
for many families. Some of you may have been affected by job loss; others affected by becoming teachers as your
children are now being virtually schooled; while others may be dealing with illnesses (including COVID) with
family members or even yourselves, and in addition to ZOOM fatigue. Our leadership team encourages all of you
to wear masks and receive your vaccination as soon as you are eligible. With these concerns it is quite
understandably, that there is a great sense of uneasiness everywhere. It is in times of crisis that great leaders rise
navigating the unknown. Your Province leadership continues to rise and steer the ship through many obstacles
on the path to calmer waters during these difficult hours. Our leadership is assisting with the unknown in order
to make things easier for Brothers to come out of this pandemic with a sense that enables us know where we are
going as a Fraternity and Province.

First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone for what you have done to weather this crisis and to keep our
Province financially moving forward. Your commitment makes all the difference. This Province is and was
prepared. I can assure you that this Province is resilient. We have donated over $18,000 to chapters across this
Province to offset their insurance costs. We are planning to do the same thing for the upcoming fraternal year
with stipulations. Over the course of one year, we have seen - and mastered - many challenging moments. These
challenges include, but are not limited to, keeping our Chapter Meetings thriving, attending Polemarch Advisor
Workshop, Charles Rodger Wilson Leadership, 80th Province Council, and 85th Grand Chapter Meeting all via
Zoom. We are convinced that we will overcome this!

Secondly, undergraduates, continuity is a key. We need to focus our efforts on securing and connecting with our
younger brothers. They need us financially and as “Brothers to Brothers”. I encourage you to have more targeted
connections by learning more about them (personally and professionally); listen to them; be open and honest; be
real; and lastly invite them in. Recognizing that we are asking a lot as we are busy managing our professional and
personal lives; however, “We are our brothers’ keepers.”

Finally, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated and The Middle Eastern Province needs our protection. We
need to get the message across to every member of this fraternity that “hazing” must STOP! We are paying over
$2,000 in insurance for every chapter with this cost continuing to rise year after year due to insurance claims. If
the claims keep trending upward, there will NOT be an insurance carrier willing to cover us as a Fraternity. While
the virus is a global threat in nature, the outbreak of this situation is just as strong and progressing just as fast.

In these moments of uncertainty, there is one thing we can always count on – that is “each other”. Our
commitment is to Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated and to continue its success. It is an honor to serve
and protect our Fraternity! Together we are stronger!

In the words of Maltbie Davenport Babcock,

“Be strong!
We are not here to play, to dream, to drift.
We have hard work to do and loads to lift.
Shun not the struggle, face it, ’tis God’s gift.
Be strong, be strong, be strong!”

Yours in the Bond,

Cory E. Cooper
Province Keeper of Exchequer
Middle Eastern Province
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.



Submissions to the Kappa Alpha Psi Journal for your chapter must be
submitted to the Province Journal liaison. They must come from your
chapter Reporter and be approved by your chapter Polemarch. For proper
consideration, article subject matter should be (1) of national importance
and reflective of the tenets of Kappa Alpha Psi such as Kappa's Six-Point
Plan, (2) significant professional achievements or milestones of individuals
or chapters within three (3) months of the deadline and should fit within
the standard categories: Alumni News, Guide Right, Kappa Authors, Kappa
News, Kappas in Sports or Undergraduate News. Submissions do not have
to conform to the themes, but they could be reordered as a result of the
themes. For more information see “The Journal MEP Submission Form” on
the MEP website under MEP News. For questions or assistance with
Journal submissions for your chapter, please contact the MEP Journal
Liaison, Brother Quentin A. Mitchell at [email protected]



Throughout the pandemic the brothers of the Middle Eastern Province have shown perseverance in carrying out
the business of our beloved fraternity. The brothers have also shown they care about their local community.
Despite Covid-19 and all the other obstacles we were challenged with, we still managed to raise over $20,000 for
the children and families of St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Led by Past Province Polemarch and current Province
Chaplain Brother Joseph K. Davis (Alpha Kappa 1976) started a series of Prayer calls to help uplift brothers
spiritually. The Goldsboro (NC) chapter provided meals to the House of Fordham and seniors in Mt Olive over the
holidays. The Raleigh (NC) Alumni Chapter hosted a socially distanced food truck rodeo with 18 minority owned
food trucks. Music was provided, donations were collected, blood drive, and voter registration was held. Chapters
also continued to hold socially distanced roadside cleanups to get brothers moving and keep our communities
clean. The brothers of the province didn’t let the pandemic slow them down from giving back to the local
community. The Charlotte (NC) Alumni chapter provided clothes to the homeless in Charlotte. A feel-good
moment was witnessed by the world as the spotlight was on New Bern (NC) Alumni chapter member Brother
Tabari Wallace (Eta Psi 1996) as he was a guest on the Ellen DeGeneres Show for going above and beyond. Brother
Wallace who is the principal of West Craven High School personally delivered graduation signs to his graduating
seniors’ homes and spearheaded an effort to provide wi-fi for students who were distance learning. The Alpha
Epsilon Chapter created a Pandemic Relief Campaign and were able to raise $7,197.13. The Kappa Sigma brothers
provided Thanksgiving cards to the residents of a local nursing home. A few brothers from the Nu Theta chapter
volunteered with Rise Against Hunger to help package more than 7,000 meals in Alamance County. Down the road
in Greensboro the Mu Iota brothers helped with both a trunk or treat event and assisted the Burlington (NC)
Alumni chapter with their Christmas give away event. The Greenville (NC) Alumni chapter along with the Eta Psi
chapter prepared over 300 meals this Thanksgiving. The Cary (NC) chapter ensured over 200 families received
turkeys and groceries in preparation of Thanksgiving. The Hickory (NC) chapter gave away food to the local
community and the Wake Forest-Rolesville (NC) chapter continued the tradition in adopting families and
providing food and gifts for the holidays. In addition to food a different approach was taken by two of our chapters
in the Wake County area. Brothers participated in “Warmth for Wake'' a seasonal energy outreach program that is
sponsored by Wake County Human Services. Brothers in the Smithfield (NC) chapter visited older members and
their silhouettes. The Cary (NC) chapter partnered with a local Walmart to provide local families a Christmas
Shopping spree. The chapters in the Raleigh-Durham area hosted a virtual Founders’ Day experience where four
different Nupe DJ’s each played an hour set. Donations benefited the St. Jude Children's Hospital. In addition,
many brothers of the Middle Eastern Province celebrated with the rest of the fraternity during the J5 Kappathon.
Chapters gave back to the community through clothing drives for the less fortunate to help keep them warm
during these tough times. Brothers in this province had unique approaches during the pandemic as well. The Wake
Forest Rolesville (NC) chapter volunteered at a Covid-19 testing center by assisting with traffic flow. The Raleigh
(NC) chapter and the Kappa Charitable Trust held a Black Santa event for the community. Over 120 kids were
provided wrapped gifts. Brothers even went as far as giving outside of our area for hurricane relief. Louisiana
natives Brother Jeffery Moore(Alpha Sigma 1984) and Brother Stephon Walton (Cary (NC) 1991) that are part of the
Cary (NC) alumni chapter led an effort to provide a Christmas to families who were struggling in Southwest
Louisiana. The Fayetteville Fort Bragg (NC) chapter hosted their Kappa Leaguers, Epsilon Beta (Fayetteville State
University) and Rho Zeta (Methodist University) chapters for a drug/alcohol awareness webinar. This webinar was
held in light of recent events that have occurred on college campuses in NC. Some chapters held virtual
discussions to discuss mental health and current events. Many brothers encouraged and offered their ears to
address mental health effects of the pandemic.




Brother Joseph King Davis, Jr., 19th
Middle Eastern Province Polemarch

Province Chaplain

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,
in everything give thanks; for this is

will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

1Thessalonians 5:16-18 NKJV


My brothers of the bond, is prayer an integral part of your life or is it a hit-or-miss habit? Do you pray without
ceasing, or is your prayer life an afterthought? Do you regularly pray in the quiet moments of the early morning,
or do you bow your head only when others are watching? As Christian fraternity men, with membership in a
fraternity founded upon Christian principles, we are to pray often. However, it is important to note that genuine
prayer requires much more than bending our knees and closing our eyes. Heartfelt prayer is an attitude of the
heart. There is nothing more deeply intimately conceived than the genuine prayer of an individual soul. “Spirit of
God, descend upon my heart;” each person must pray that for himself and there can be no proxies.

A troubled generation like ours that makes a heavy demand on our resources calls for prayer. If prayer means
power, resource, fresh faith, and renewed courage, then it is imperative that it is part of our daily lives. Prayer is
not a magic way of getting things without fulfilling the conditions of getting them. Prayer is not a process by
which mortal man turns eternal God into a bellhop to run his errands. Prayer is not an emergency measure by
which men who otherwise seldom think of God get themselves out of tight places. Prayer is not an ivory tower, a
place of soft retreat, to which cowardly souls merely run away to escape from life. Such misuses of prayer are its
perversions and caricatures. Christian prayer is not the endeavor to get God to do what we want, but the
endeavor to put ourselves into such relationships with God that he can do, in, for, and through us, what he wants.
Without prayer, there are some things God cannot say to us, for prayer is the listening ear. Without
prayer, there are some things God cannot give us, for prayer is the hospitable heart. Without prayer,
there are some things God cannot do through us, for prayer is the cooperative will.If prayers have
become more a matter of habit than a matter of passion, you are robbing yourself of a deeper
relationship with God. In addition, how can you rectify this situation my brothers, by praying more
frequently and more fervently. When you do, God will shower you with His blessings, His grace, and
His love. The quality of your spiritual life will be directly in proportion to the quality of your prayer
life; the more you pray, the closer you will feel to God. So today, instead of turning things over in
your mind, turn them over to God good brothers, so He can lead the way. God is always listening
Kappa Alpha Psi; it is up to us to do the rest.


Brother Sam Coley (right) and Brothers
from the Cary (NC) Alumni Chapter

MEP Songs and Chants

Middle Eastern Province Board Member Alumni Brother Sam Coley is
currently leading a movement for brothers of the province to bring Kappa
songs and chants back to the forefront. This will help preserve our culture
and brand. This aim is casted over all brothers regardless of how long they
have been in the bond. Our experiences may differ over the years with
songs. Also different regions and provinces may sing songs slightly
different ways. Brother Coley being the Chairman of songs and chants
committee is a great resource to lead this effort. Our songs and chants
transcend over generations of our fraternity. This is an important part of
our culture that we cannot afford to lose. In the past Brother Coley has
created a Facebook group entitled “The Middle Eastern Province Songs and
Chants”. This group was created to welcome all levels of experience.
Brother Coley has recently developed another interactive idea. Currently
he is leading by example by recording and producing videos of songs being
song. Chapters are being challenged and coordinated by him to do the
same. Another goal is to learn the songs and chants in a consistent fashion
across the MEP.

"Songs and Literary Works" sold on IHQ website.


Pictured: Brothers of the Durham (NC) Alumni Chapter in the
late 1940's

Durham (NC) Alumni - Hitting the Century Mark

The Durham (NC) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. was chartered on September 12, 1921, as a
result of the spearheading efforts of Leo Bruce, C.O. Pearson, Lee Bynum and A. Moore Shearin, all former
members of the Delta Chapter at Wilberforce University. The Durham (NC) Alumni was the first graduate
fraternity in the City of Durham. The charter line of the Chapter were Thomas Tinsley, a Physician; W. M.
Studwick, a Physician; T.D. Parham, A Businessman; Charles Shepard, a Physician; T. Gatling, a Physician; A. S.
Nurse, a Physician; D. Joyner, a Physician; A. Hunter, a Dentist; John Avery, a Professor; William Wilson, a
former U.S. Army Lieutenant; John Dyer, a Bookkeeper at North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company Real
Estate Agency. Approximately two years after the Chapter was organized, the following outstanding citizens of
Durham were initiated into or affiliated with the Chapter; James Edward Shepard, Founder and First President
of North Carolina College at Durham (now North Carolina Central University); W. G. Pearson, a pioneer in
Business, Masonic Fraternalism and Education; C. C. Spaulding and E.R. Merrick, pioneers in Business. James E.
Shepard - Ph.D; founder and first President of North Carolina College at Durham, which is currently known as
North Carolina Central University. Throughout the years, the Chapter has engaged in a variety of worthwhile
endeavors. It has conducted the Guide Right Program since its inception; entertained the Grand Chapter
Conclave in 1929; sponsored the establishment of the Alpha Kappa Chapter at North Carolina Central
University, the Theta Omicron Chapter at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the Iota Xi
Chapter at Duke University; aided in the development of high school men by sponsoring the Beautillion
Militaire Leadership Training and Scholarship Program; contributed to the development of elementary
students through the Little Brothers Program and Brother to Brother; hosted the Annual Middle Eastern
Province Council Meeting on several occasions; and supported a multitude of civic endeavors and service
projects in the Durham Community.On June 4, 2011, the Durham (NC) Alumni Chapter hosted its 90th
Anniversary celebration and the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Centennial Gala Celebration at the Washington
Duke Inn. In a packed room, Brother Dr. Eric J. Becoats, Superintendent of Durham Public Schools discussed
the link between quality education and the future of Kappa Alpha Psi. The Chapter is looking forward to
celebrating its Centennial in 2021.Individual members of the Chapter, from its inception to the present day,
find themselves represented in all professions and engaged in all aspects of human endeavors that constitute
life and living in the Research Triangle Park Area.


Achieving Brothers
Some nationally known members of the Chapter are:

A. Moore Shearin, Past Grand Polemarch
James T. Hawkins, Past Senior Grand Vice-Polemarch
James J. “Babe” Henderson, Past Board of Directors Member, Past Grand Keeper of
Records and Exchequer, and Laurel Wreath Laureate
J.M. Hubbard, Past Southeastern Province Polemarch
C.C. Spaulding, President of North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company (the
world's largest Black Financial Institution), and Laurel Wreath Laureate
Frank G. Burnett, Past Middle Eastern Province Polemarch
Attorney C.O. Pearson, Civil Rights Pioneer and Director of Region 3 (Province 1. 1.
John L. Stewart, recipient of a Journalistic Award at the 58th Grand Chapter
Meeting in Miami, Florida
Lenzie G. Barnes, Elder Watson Diggs Awardee
Randal M. Rogers, Past Middle Eastern Province Polemarch
Ronald O. Rohadfox, CEO of Construction Control Services, Corp.
Charles Johnson, MD, Past President of the National Black Medical Association
Joseph King Davis, Jr., Past Middle Eastern Province Keeper of Records and
Exchequer, and the Immediate Past Middle Eastern Province Polemarch.


Charlotte (NC) Alumni Chapter

Kappa Beautillion Militaire Orientation, Ad Donation and Interpersonal Skill

The orientation program allowed the Charlotte (NC) Alumni Chapter, the Kappa Foundation of Charlotte and
the Kappa Beautillion Militaire (KBM) Committee to welcome and congratulate the young men and their
families on their selection to the 45th Annual Kappa Beautillion Milltaire. In this session, we emphasized the
overall purpose of the Charlotte (NC) Alumni Guide Right programs and the wonderful integration of the
Kappa League (8th-11th grades) and KBM (12th grade) programs. Attendees were presented with brief
historical facts and highlights of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc, the Charlotte (NC) Alumni Chapter and the
Kappa Foundation of Charlotte. In addition, members of the KBM Committee covered some of the program
rules and expectations. The Kappa Beaux and their parents were informed of upcoming calendar events
which include essential topics such as college financial aid, interviewing skills, and money management. In
addition, the reading assignment for the Charlotte (NC) Guide Right Read to Lead was revealed. This year’s
reading assignment will be focusing on the road to personal leadership and success covered in the book titled
“The Magic of Thinking Big.” Orientation concluded with reflections and closing remarks along with the
opportunity for the Kappa Beaux and the parents to ask questions.
During the first session, The KBM participants were provided an overview of the Mighty Cause online
platform that will be used to solicit donations via their social media accounts such Twitter, Facebook and
Instagram. The cost and structure of the ads and how the final souvenir booklet will be completed was
covered in the session by Brother Anthony Love. Beaux were also provided with some tips on how to compile
a list of potential donors.
In the second session, Beaux were presented with some key pointers on increasing their interpersonal skills.
Brother Kevin Lattimore informed the Beaux that their level of future success is largely depended upon their
ability to connect and relate to people. He challenged their way of thinking and presented to them some
techniques that they can use to establish themselves as leaders and excellent communicators.
There were 27 people in attendance (18 KBM Beaux and 9 Brothers)


Charlotte (NC) Alumni Chapter

Financial Planning : KBM Session

The Brothers of the Charlotte Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi held an engaging financial planning session
for the Beautillion Scholars participants and their parents. The session entitled “Why Now Is Always a Good
Time to Invest” was presented by Brother Wendell Fant who has over 25 years of experience in the financial
industry. Some of the topics covered during this session was the rule of 72, the 3Ds of investing
(diversification, discipline and dollar cost average), and the Beau Investment Challenge.
Brother Fant emphasized the importance of investing early and how it can impact your future assets. He
taught the young men the rule of 72 which is used to estimate how long it will take for an investment to
double. In addition, Brother Fant discussed the difference between a mutual fund and stock. He showcased
five reasons to own a mutual funds and informed attendees how to use financial data from Yahoo Finance to
help determine when to buy or sell on the stock market.
At the conclusion of his presentation, Brother Fant initiated the 2020-20201 Charlotte (NC) Alumni Kappa
Beau Investment Challenge. The goal of this initiative is to provide a hands-on experience of investing in
stocks and mutual funds through an online stock market simulator created by Investodia. This challenge
focuses on increasing participants’ knowledge of the stock market and its financial impacts.
The Kappa Beaux was challenged to apply the rule of 72 when investing in the stock market. Each Kappa Beau
is given $100,000 in simulated funds and must use all those funds to buy and sale mutual funds online by
January 29, 2020. The Kappa Beau that has gained the most money at the end of the challenge will receive
$100 towards their Mighty Cause campaign.


Moses Lucas Alpha Nu 59 and Jeffery
Henderson Gamma Delta 83

Winston-Salem Alumni Kappa Man of the Century

The Winston-Salem (NC) Alumni Chapter celebrated Brother Jeffrey Henderson (Gamma Delta Spr. 83) for
becoming the Chapter’s Kappa Man of the 21st Century. Brother Henderson earned the honor based on his
tireless dedication to championing, chairing and promoting the Chapter’s Kappa League program for the past
17 years. The Brothers of the Winston-Salem (NC) Alumni Chapter hosted a Zoom event on December 13th
2020. Past Kappa Leaguers, current Kappa Leaguers, Henderson’s line Brothers (Gamma Delta Spr. 83) from
Livingstone College and Brothers from all across the country were present on the call. There were over 40
participants on the call. Sharing the stories of who Jeffery Henderson is and how he has affected the
world.The Master of Ceremonies was the Polemarch of Winston-Salem (NC) Alumni Chapter Royce A. Barrett
Sr. (Alpha Nu Fall 71). The recurring message that resonated throughout the Zoom event about Jeffery
Henderson was his unbelievable devotion to assisting these young men grow by mentoring them and never
leaving their corner. Teaching them of how they must be the difference in how young black men are
perceived in the world. Fellow Brothers of the Fraternity that spoke during the event also had a common
denominator when they spoke of Brother Henderson. They spoke of his constant positivity when it comes to
his interaction with any and all Brothers he comes in contact with throughout our noble clan. Many would
say it’s that “Kappa Spirit”.Due to the stringent Covid-19 protocols a lead crystal award was presented from
The Winston-Salem (NC) Alumni Chapter to Jeffery Henderson by his Silhouette Adriene Henderson and one
of his daughters Elizabeth Henderson. The Crystal Award read Jeffery Henderson Kappa Man of the 21st
Century In gratitude for service and leadership to the Kappa League. Winston-Salem (NC) Alumni Chapter of
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated Royce A. Barrett, Polemarch 2020.



“The most illustrious Big Brother Elder Watson Diggs, affectionately known as The Dreamer,”

And nine of his fellow shippers: Dr. Ezra D. Alexander, Dr. Byron K. Armstrong, Attorney Henry
T. Asher, Dr. Marcus P. Blakemore, Mr. Paul W. Caine, Mr. George W. Edmonds, Dr. Guy L. Grant,

Mr. Edward G. Ervin, Mr. John Milton Lee,

Became brothers,
January 5, 1911,

Under circumstances that would wither others,
In a world filled with rage and violence against them,
The embodiment of William Ernst Henley’s “Invictus,”

Ten young, ambitious college men,
Who prayed for and supported one another,
When having challenges, sicknesses, and loss of loved ones,

Years after Thomas Dixon debuted “The Clansman:
“A Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan,”

The basis of the racist film “Birth of a Nation.”
Which President Woodrow Wilson promoted in the executive residence,

Exclaiming it was “history written with lightning,”

Elder Diggs lost his wife, Clara Bell-Smith, his beloved Silhouette,
Who he married in secret,

Because she, like he, was a teacher, and married women in 1912 weren’t permitted to teach,
Silhouette Clara fell seriously ill and succumbed in 1913. *

Elder Diggs had his brother John Lee to shore him up,
To whom he poured his grieving heart,

This insight during grief gave enlightenment,
To the importance of brotherhood and fellowship,

The fundamental purpose of our existence is Achievement,
And that high ideal from Indiana spread like a virus,
Over the universities and colleges,
The U.S. continent,
And the PLANET,
To likeminded young men over generations since,
We encourage one another when times are rough,
We support each other when the fight gets tough,

We bare one another’s griefs and shore up each other’s sorrows,
Many of our brothers were affected by this pestilence,

Many sadly crossed over to that Golden Shore into Paradise,
From those ten young men, we expanded exponentially,
We have a worldwide network of brothers to shore us up,
During the dark winter of this pandemic,

We have all weathered circumstances that would wither others,
Just being men in the United States of America,
Because of a pledge we all swore to,

Forged by ten mighty men, our Founding Fathers,
That knitted us, forever as brothers,

In the BOND, we are stronger together.

By: "The Griot Poet" - Brother Reginald L Goodwin

*Sourced from “The Story of Kappa Alpha Psi: A History of the Beginning of a
Greek Letter Organization, 1911 -

1983,” Third Edition, page 14, “Grim Interlude for Diggs.”


Despite the pandemic 2020 brought us a successful William E. Hooker
Kappa League Summit. We had over 50 youth along with 10 advisors
and parents. This was the 2nd Annual William E. Hooker Kappa League
Summit and was held virtually due to the pandemic. Our National Guide
Right Chairman Brother Burnett and Province Polemarch Michael
brown were in attendance. The youth were in for a treat as they attend
four fantastic sessions that were both entertaining and educational.
Brother Kevin Graves led a session on “Dollars & Sense”. Brother
Christopher Young, Esq. presented on “Criminal Justice A-Z”. Brother
Allan Bell led a presentation on “Entrepreneurship”. A few brothers
from the Alpha Nu chapter presented on “Mental Health”. All of these
are strong and important topics to discuss with our youth. In addition,
we were able to give away an Amazon Echo Dot, Samsung Galaxy Tablet
and a Dell Laptop! The youth are our present and our future!


Election 2020 from the battlegrounds of the MEP

Since North Carolina was an important battleground state in this past election the Brother Robert Reives - elected as
brothers of the Middle Eastern Province found it important to be involved. The brothers the NC House Minority Leader
found it especially important to make sure the underrepresented communities and
their citizens have a part. Across the state of North Carolina various chapters in the
province participated in voter registration drives, voter education, and actual march to
the poll events. The Alpha Nu Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi at North Carolina
A&T State University collaborated with Delta Sigma Theta on their campus to
film a “Go Vote” production. The production was an informative 5-minute video on the
power of your vote and why you should vote. The Rocky Mount (NC) Alumni
chapter held a virtual discussion on the ballot and the current issues for both Nash and
Edgecombe Counties. The Raleigh (NC) Alumni chapter held a similar virtual session for
Wake County. In Charlotte our brothers held a Nupes, Nalia, Masks & Vote event.
There were stroll to the poll events held to inspire early voting across the state.
Lumberton (NC) alumni chapter and Nu Omicron held an event in Robeson County. The
brothers of Rocky Mount (NC) alumni led by example in Rocky Mount. Smithfield (NC)
alumni chapter held an event down the road in Johnston County. Some of our brothers
joined forces with the divine 9 in their area. The Eta Psi chapter and Greenville (NC)
alumni participated with the Greenville NPHC. Chapters organized transportation to
the polls for those residents who did not have reliable transportation.
Congratulations to Brother Robert Reives being elected as the House Minority Leader
for the NC General Assembly. Brother Reives represents the 54th District which
includes Chatham and Durham Counties.



MEP Photo Gallery

MEP Photo Gallery


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