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Published by Kwin10Mitchell, 2020-04-09 22:03:50

Fall 2019 Achiever

Fall 2019 Achiever




TABLE OF Brothers all,
CONTENTS I want to thank all that have
contributed to this issue of The
Page 2 -Message from the MEP Leadership Achiever. The Achiever is here for us to
Page 3-4  A Look Back in MEP History share stories on the past, present, and
Page 5 White House HBCU Competitive Scholar future of our province. I hope that a
Page 6 Visiting Brother Spotlight story inspires you to create and tell a
Page 7 Nu Omicron Homecoming story of your own. If you are interested
Page 8 Martha's Table in sharing a story or idea contact me:
Page 9 1911 Bowling Night [email protected].
Page 10 Nu Theta: Achievement Update
Page 11-12 C.Rodger Wilson Leadership Yours in the Bond,
Page 13 Charlotte Alumni Kappa League  Quentin A. Mitchell
Page 14 Rocky Mount Alumni: Giving Back Province Reporter
Page 15-17 MEP Founders' Day Weekend Middle Eastern Province
Page 18-20 MEP Founders' Day Closed Banquet Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Page 21 Roanoke Rapids: Spreading Holiday 
Page 23-24 Pi Mu: Summer of Achievement

From The Desk of the Middle Eastern
Province Keeper of Records

My Dear Brothers,
I trust that this message reaches you all in the best of spirits during these
unprecedented times. Prior to addressing the business of our Noble Klan of Kappa
Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., I’d encourage you all to take all of the necessary
precautions to stay safe and vigilant during the outbreak of Covid-19.  Please
maintain your faith and your peace of mind. Please adhere to the mandated
guidelines to ensure that we all see one another in a healthy state again. If you
have the time, please do not forget to check on other brothers, especially our
Senior Kappas. As the Province Leadership, continues to monitor the situation, we
vow to be as transparent as possible. With the postponing of Province Council and
the transition of all chapter meetings to virtual, we understand that Chapters are
going through unexpected change and we are committed to supporting the
Mighty Middle Eastern Province, in every way possible. Though these are
confusing times, the fundamental premise that we are KAPPA MEN still remains. 
As communities struggle today and will continue to struggle for the unforeseeable
future, let us all step up as LEADERS and do everything we can to support our
communities, most specifically our African-American Communities. We, as Kappa
men, MUST be RESPONSIBLE….Responsible for ourselves, Responsible for our
families, Responsible for our Fraternity and Responsible for our communities.  We
must conduct ourselves as model individuals, as college trained men and negate all
else that deters and distracts us from doing so. Let us be the guiding standard that
all others envision and model themselves after, by shedding positive light in what
seems to be such a confusing and dark time.
I look forward to seeing you all soon. WE ARE THE NUPES and
to that I SAY YO!
I am now and will forever remain….
Yours in the Bond,
Brother Alfred M. White

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A Look Back

Brothers of the Alpha Epsilon Chapter on the campus
of Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, NC. Circa

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In MEP History

Brothers of the Delta Gamma Chapter on the campus
of Shaw University in Raleigh NC. Circa 1973

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Brother Underood: White House HBCU Competitve Scholar

By Gamma Delta Chapter

Brother Tenecious Underwood is a Spring 2018 initiate of the Gamma Delta Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi
Fraternity Inc.  who is charting a path to success that is uniquely his own. The senior computer
information systems major began his academic year with the coveted honor of being selected as one of
44 White House HBCU Competitive Scholars, based on academic achievement, campus, civic
involvement and entrepreneurial ethos. This is the highest student recognition by the White House
Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities that illustrate that HBCUs produce – often
against the odds – strong, impressive educational, economic and societal results that impact the
communities in which they serve. Brother Underwood had the distinct opportunity to participate in the
Jetstream Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) and presented his findings on at the world’s
largest supercomputing conference, SC19, in November in Denver, Colorado. His research was on the
frog migration and the declining population. The Jetstream REU invites students to work with Indiana
University researchers and staff on mentored research projects that involve the Jetstream platform. Led
by the Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI), Jetstream is a national science and
engineering cloud that provides on-demand high-performance computing (HPC) and data analysis
resources for research and education. Brother Underwood and his cohort in the Jetstream REU
are bringing machine learning and HPC to the problem of identifying frog migration patterns. The
Jetstream REU team wanted to identify amphibians specifically from the Indiana region – Spring
Peepers, Chorus Frogs, Green Frogs and American Toads. They gathered sample calls from Cornell’s
Macaulay Library archive of wildlife sounds – 85% of the calls were used as training data and the
remaining 15% served as testing data. Brother Underwood and the team then created three neural
networks to process their data: one audio-based recurrent neural network (RNN), and two convolutional
neural networks (CNN) – one audio-based and one image-based. The latter analyzed spectrograms
created from the audio files. The result? Computer frog surveyors are much more accurate than their
carbon-based counterparts. The CNN image-based model came out on top as being the most accurate
and most efficient.

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Visiting Brother Spotlight "Learn 2 Live"faciliator Brother Dominique Calhoun

Chapter of Initiation: Omicron Rho
Initiation Date: November 11th 2007
College(s): Midwestern State University and Texas Southern University
Degree(s): B.S in Science in Psychology, Masters in Business Administration, and Juris Doctorate
Hometown: Cleburne, Texas
Profession: attorney
Name of Practice: Calhoun Meredith Sims
Location: Houston, Tx
Areas of law practice: Personal injury, business law, and construction law.
What drove you to participate in the Learn 2 Live program? “My brother, and several male members of
my family, has served time due to drug trafficking.  In several of those instances, the length of their
sentence was enhanced because of the initial stop (e.g. fleeing from law enforcement, etc.).  Although
the linkage is not direct, my passion comes from seeing these incidents occur at a young age.  Although
their issues were criminal in nature, those interactions could have ended terminally or with more
severity if things were different. So, I travel the country to educate young men who look like me and my
brother to ensure, at the very least, that maybe we can positively influence the lives of those students.”
Brother Calhoun: "Our country has seen too many instances where young men of color have lost their
lives during interactions with police officers.  The Learn 2 Live program seeks to ensure that these
instances are reduced significantly around the country.  As Kappa continues to work with NOBLE, local
law enforcement, attorneys, judges, and other professionals within the criminal justice system, we hope
that we will continue to see a reduction in negative encounters with police."

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Nu Omicron "Homecoming"

By Brother Caleb McMillan

The Nu Omicron Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. celebrated their homecoming this past
October at UNC Pembroke. It kicked off with an outside day party, which involved Brothers and the
community coming together at the start of homecoming weekend. Followed with the excitement of the
highly anticipated step-show, as six Brothers participated in the show. The Brothers put on a show for
the books, as it was themed after Roll Bounce movie. It involved various chants, steps, strolls, and cane
routines. The following morning was another highly anticipated day. It started off with a well-prepared
tailgate with the huge gathering of Nu Omicron, from all generations. The unity of the many of the
divine nine was very significant to witness. At the end of the first quarter, the Polemarch, two Charter
Members of Nu Omicron, and a few other Brothers of Nu Omicron presented scholarships to two
student athletes here on campus. Nu Omicron was represented on the field as three of the Brothers are
on the football team and performed well. Setting accolades and filling up the stat sheet with tackles to
lead the football team in a victory that night.  After the game, Brothers attended the Desi Banks
comedian show. To end the night, the alumni Brothers held a Black Affair party in Lumberton, NC where
there were undergraduates and UNC Pembroke alumni as well. The atmosphere was remarkable and the
Nupes took over homecoming.

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Martha's Table

By Brother Jason Sparrow

Every first and third Saturday of the month the three local chapters in Fayetteville volunteer at Martha’s
Table at Person Street United Methodist’s Church. The Brothers of the Fayetteville Fort Bragg Alumni,
Epsilon Beta (Fayetteville State University), and Rho Zeta (Methodist University) volunteer at this food
kitchen. The food kitchen provides a hot meal, prepared by volunteers, to the less fortunate in the
Fayetteville community. The kitchen does not require any screening for its guest, nor does it limit the
amount of food guest can eat during their visit. Martha’s Table has been established for close to a
decade now. It is operated solely on donations from local businesses, churches, organizations, and other
volunteers. Martha’s Table serves, on average, 50-70 guest each Saturday. This includes men, women,
and children. Additionally, guest can visit the clothing closet next door, Mary’s Closet, to get clothing at
no cost to the guest. The Fayetteville Kappa Chapters have been volunteering at Martha’s Table since
2016, with the adoption of the program being a standard since 2018. Epsilon Beta serves every
1st Saturday, Rho Zeta every 3rd Saturday, and Fayetteville Alumni on both Saturdays. It has been an
honor and privilege to give back to the Fayetteville community. We aim to live up to our fraternity’s
objective, “Inspire Service in the Public’s Interest.”

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1911 Bowling Night: Kappas vs Ques

By Brother Akeem Thomas

The Greenville (NC) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi decided to collaborate in a Kappas vs. Ques 1911
Bowling Night with the local Omega Psi Phi chapter. The event took place on November 16, 2019 at the
AMF East Carolina Lanes in Greenville, NC. With the Greenville Alumni Chapter being small in numbers,
we figured this would be a great idea to work in partnership with another NPHC organization.
Therefore, providing exposure in the community and an immense opportunity to take advantage of our
reclamation initiative. We invited members of other NPHC organizations, as well as various individuals in
the community. The Greenville Alumni Chapter provided fresh roses for every lady that was in
attendance. Additionally, the event was financial friendly and allowed both chapters to minimize funding
from their exchequer. Not only were we able to reclaim a few brothers in the community, but we were
also able to establish a good rapport with other organizations. All of our guest were extremely impressed
with the event and assured us they were expecting another in the near future.

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Nu Theta: Achievement Update

By Brother Jaylon Thomas

The Nu Theta Chapter recently teamed up with the Omicron Iota chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Inc. to host an event that we called “Dress for Success”. In this program they talked to the young ladies
and men from the Elon community about how to dress professionally. The young men are taught how to
tie a neck tie and the various types in dress attire.   Chapter Brother Greg Liggs who is a stand out wide
receiver on the Elon University football team was named Associated Press First Team All American and
HERO Sports First Team All American.  He was also named AFCA FCS Coaches First Team All American
and STATS FCS First Team All American. Brother Liggs plans on taking his success on the gridiron to the
next level.    Nu Theta is proud of the recent achievements of Brother Derrick Luster. He is currently
serving on the MEP Board as the Province Strategus. Brother Luster is a finalist for The Harry S. Truman
Scholarship, a National graduate school scholarship gifted to those exemplifying a devotion to a career
in public service. Brother Lester has completed his term on the Elon Strategic Planning Committee,
where he helped shape the vision for the University for the next 10 years, and other campus committees.
Brother Derrick Luster was the 2019 Homecoming King at Elon University. In closing Brother Madison
Holmes made the President’s Dean’s List.

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  The 2019   Charles   Rodger   Wilson Leadership   and   Training was 
hosted by the brothers of Epsilon Beta, Rho Zeta, and the Fayetteville/
Fort Bragg (NC) Alumni. The event was held in Fayetteville, NC on the
campus of Fayetteville State University. The Fall 2019 Membership
Training Academy successfully added 58 new brothers to the fraternity.
This year took a different approach as many of the sessions were led by
our undergraduate brothers. In addition to the Learn 2 Live session
there were presentations on professional development, financial
literacy, effective leadership, leadership vs management, and living up to
expectations. All the topics were important and relevant to all brothers
in attendance. In addition Senior Grand Vice Polemarch Linnes Finney,
Jr Eq provided provided an update from the Grand Board.

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Charlotte Alumni: Kappa League Annual Kettlebell Fundraiser

By Brother Lamin Darboe

Members of the Charlotte Kappa League gathered at a local Walmart to help raise money for the
Salvation Army by participating in their annual kettlebell fundraiser. Kappa Leaguers braved the
cold temperatures and greeted every shopper for the entire day at the busiest Walmart retail
location in the entire state! Always the gentlemen, they also assisted with carrying groceries for
some of the patrons.  The Charlotte Kappa League has generated the highest single day of giving for
the kettlebell drive in the Charlotte area for the past 4 years! We had 30 Kappa Leaguers in
attendance. We had another 8 parents in attendance. There were twenty-three Brothers of Kappa
Alpha Psi present. We are proud of our young men in showing their hard work and maturity.

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Rocky Mount Alumni: Giving back to the local community.

By Brother Larry Alston

The Rocky Mount (NC) Chapter teamed up with the local Sheriff’s Office and the Montrezl
Harrell Youth Foundation to hold a school supply drive. Montrezl Harrell currently plays
in the NBA for the Los Angeles Clippers. He grew up in Tarboro, NC and played at the
University of Louisville. The school supply drive was focused on providing much needed
supplies for students in need. Every year many students around the area and country
attend school without the necessary tools. It was important for the chapter to give back to
the local community. It was good to team up with local law enforcement to further their
presence in a positive light. Many supplies were collected over time from all. The book
bags were provided by the Montrezl Harrell Youth Foundation. Youth were not the only
ones served this day. In addition to school supplies apparel was given out to anyone in
need. This was truly a good partnership with all parties involved.

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2020 The Rocky Mount (NC) session as well as the Joe K
MEP Province Alumni Chapter in Davis Undergrad Summit.
Founders' Day conjunction with the MEP The tradition continued
Weekend Founders' Day Committee with holding a session on
hosted the 2020 Middle songs and chants. In
Rocky Mount, NC Eastern Province Founders’ addition, a kane twirling 101
Day weekend in Rocky was held. Saturday evening
Mount.  Traditionally there was a closed banquet
chapters may hold their and party. Our keynote
own Founders’ Day events. speaker for the closed
To come together as a banquet was our 19th Past
province for a weekend was Province Polemarch and
special. The weekend gave current province chaplain
opportunity to further Joseph K. Davis Jr. The
strengthen our bond. The weekend closed out with a
weekend kicked off with a church service at the
board meeting and evening Metropolitan Baptist
social. The second day Church.
there was a “Learn 2 Live”
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In Review: 2020 MEP Founders' Day Closed Banquet Keynote*

By Brother Joseph King Davis, Jr., 19th Past Province Polemarch; Province Chaplain

*The following is an excerpt only

What if there was no revered Founder named Elder Watson Diggs, who treaded a path, a trailblazer

from Washington, DC’s Howard University to Indiana University at Bloomington. What if there was no

Indiana University or like-minded men with Christian ideals and an internal need and desire to

organize a bond of brotherhood under the umbrella of achievement. What if, Brothers, the story had

not been told in 1911, that of citing conditions, notably war and discrimination that have affected the

development of black people, the fraternity membership, citing evidence of achievement in the face of

hardship and the difficulties to overcome. What if there was no pocket watch pawned, a distinct action

and part of our rich history to solidify the incorporation fee from men with limited resources and

braved the turbulent waters of segregation. What if we were without a passionate struggle for sunshine

in the darkness of the night, to foretell the road each of us must travel in order to drink from the

fountain of achievement.  What if this fraternity would not have had this opportunity to even thrive for

109 years; honor is due, to the permeating spirit of our ten founders of this fraternal tree tonight,

attaching achievement as our goal through progressive accomplishments in the personal or group

interest; solid in believing that reliance would be placed upon Christian ideals and the mere purpose of

achievement. What if…What if…What if, my Brothers! Without only just a few of these things, would we

be able to gather 109 years later in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, in this celebratory atmosphere, at

this fine Rocky Mount Event Center to fellowship, break bread, and feast on these crumbs that have

fallen from the Master’s table, recite an oath of allegiance to this Fraternity, and sip ceremonial

sparkling cider, pledging to ourselves, that we will never forget the Sacred Delphic Shrine, where each

of us knelt in years removed. The founding our beloved Kappa Alpha Psi, has continued to have

impactful meaning, branded in our hearts, that unite college men of culture, patriotism and honor in a

bond of fraternity to inspire service in the public interest. It admonishes us to achieve both in college

and subsequent life, in every field of human endeavor, a place of usefulness and honor in this world. We

must remember, “There is a destiny that makes us Brothers; none goes his way alone, what we

put into the lives of others, comes back into our own.” Achiever |  18

I ask for a statement of personal privilege at this juncture, for this Founder’s Day would not be
complete, if I did not call the roll of those who served as spiritual fountains for this Province, who
poured fraternal knowledge into my pitcher, to drink from the fountain of wisdom and achievement,
not only to quince my thirst, but to prevent drought in my mind, from never forgetting the wisdom they
possessed…stalwart Brothers like Thomas E. Ashe, J. Kenneth Lee, Conrad O. Pearson, James “Jimmy”
Hawkins, Attorney Brown Hugo Payne, Howard C. Barnhill, Joe Bradshaw, Crawford E. Lane, Sr., Dossie
N. Jones, Melvin R. Pierce, Reverend Dr. Ray A. Booton, Lenzie Green Barnes, J. J. “Babe”
Henderson, Vernon P. Trent, Dr. Clarence White, Leonard B. Hardie, and countless others, all of sainted
memory in the Chapter Invisible, where the tired and weary are called to rest from their labors. Many
of you seated before me this evening, these names called may seem foreign and may not mean anything
to you, but these are the shoulders and past pillars of this great Province, whose persona tackled
challenges and struggles, faced many obstacles, stood in the gap when needed, financially used their
limited resources and industry, that we might enjoy the benefits of the fraternity experience. They
were vigilant, visible and vital in keeping their dreams alive, and today, this very moment, we honor
their spirits and their works do follow each of them to their resting place. Honor is due also to 50 years
of membership or more, here breaking bread tonight among us, abiding commitment to excellence and
relentless dedication, remarkable tenacity and your invigorating fraternal pursuits. A special jacket or
coat, signifies a protection from outside inconveniences, hardships or discomforts; to wear the white
jacket, is a sign in most secular professions, that indicates one has passed thru hardships without being
excessively bothered by them, and receiving some degree of protection. Today we celebrate, but
tomorrow my Brothers, we must toil, we must work harder than ever before. Today, we must abandon
and get rid of practices and performances that worked in the past, and pursue and utilize some better
practices to enhance our future performance as a Fraternity of promise. A quick fix will not work. Some
chapters are drowning in this Fraternity, experiencing drought, and stuck in ditches of despair, due to
lack of quality leadership. Kappa Alpha Psi has been positioned and presented unique opportunities to
be vigilant, visible and vital, the catalyst for change in a world of oppression, social injustices, blatant
racism of all types, that cements fear in our people and keeps us in those same ditches of despair and
hopelessness, with no tools to restore hope for tomorrow. Where does Kappa fit in, and how can we be
vital and vigilant to remedy the situation of shame and despair of our people. Let none here you idly
saying, there is nothing you can do, while the souls of men are dying, and the Master calls for you.
Kindly take the task He gives you, let His work your pleasures be. Answer quickly when He calleth, here
am I send me, send me. As I look across this room, I see members of this Fraternity who will be sent in
the future, to exhibit compassion, impartiality and fairness. In a quiet and unpretentious and dignified
way, I see men sent who will exert dynamic leadership to make themselves men of promise, prestige,
productivity, influence and agents of change. The one thing about our world is continuous change, and
whether we like it or not is irrelevant, change is envitable; unless we change constantly, each of us will
be blown away as sand on a windy day. The change we face today is so pervasive, that it consumes and
decimates those who dare resist its warm embrace. Since this great Province last celebrated its
Founder’s Day, much has transpired to create a world unlike the world of yesterday. We have seen
nations crumble and dissolve on a moment’s notice. We have witnessed and continue to witness man’s
inhumanity to man; we have seen technological changes we have never dreamed were possible. Today
we celebrate, but tomorrow my Brothers, we must toil and prepare for change, for all us must embrace
change and no matter hard we resist, we cannot stay the winds of change.  The darkest night is often
the bridge to the brightest tomorrow. When this careless, crazy, cantankerous, controversial, callous
and condemning world saysgive up, my Brothers, hope whispers, try it one more time, for we must be
vigilant, visible and vital as Fraternity men. This V3 theme, requires you to…reset…and connect to your
purpose; reboot, retool, reform, restore, reframe, reinvent, readjust, reimagine, repair, rebuild

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and renew your thoughts, desires, vision and mission about the work of this Fraternity, that will ever be
before you after this 2020 Founder’s Day experience. This fraternity is very clear on where we will
travel in the future. For many years, we have been guided by a theme of Training for Leadership, which
has served and continues to serve us well. To fully realize our dream of Training for Leadership, we
must understand what we envision this fraternity to be in the dynamic world of tomorrow. Our vision is
to be the nation’s preeminent fraternity, comprised of leaders working to advance the social, civic and
economic well-being of the Fraternity and the African American community. As I close this message to
encourage us to be V3, some might say, I ask for no accolades, for my reward cannot come from men.
Some have even said, including me, I need no special recognition, for its only for today. Some might
even suggest that they don’t even want history to record that they passed this way, for the words and
instruments of men will fade into the winds. I only hope and pray, for I dare not consider my deeds
worthy, that God will look upon what I have done here at this Founder’s Day Celebration and accept it
as my offering of praise. This Fraternity cannot escape our responsibility to be vigilant, visible and
vital. I want to thank Almighty God, for equipping me with unselfish devotion to a host of humanitarian
causes, the preservation of life to find time and energy to serve, to lead and sometimes shouldering
countless burdens with unfailing grace; serving the national church, the community and the Grand
Fraternity of Kappa Alpha Psi. I must truly live by these words found in the Holy Writ, Chapter 9 of
John, verse 4, which so eloquently reveals, “I must work the works of Him who sent me while it is yet
day, for the night is coming, when no man can work.” What if…What if…What if…What if….
Thank you, Elder Watson Diggs, a prince among men, for your vigilant, visible and vital dream of
achievement and the highest ideals.

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Roanoke Rapid Alumni: "Spreading Holiday Cheer"

By Brother John Williams

A Small Chapter with a Big Footprint.  The Roanoke Rapids (NC) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi,
Fraternity, Inc., is affectionately known as the “Education Chapter”.  Serving a community that
span’s 3 different counties including Northampton, Halifax and Warrenton.  This means whatever
initiatives we introduce in one county, we carry over to the others.  During the Thanksgiving
holiday season, we introduced our “Adopt a Family Program” where the chapter provided full meals
to families in all three communities.  In fact, we provided thanksgiving meals to six families.  We
continued that support during Christmas as we provided Christmas gifts to those same
families.  Additionally, we sponsored a basketball team at the T.J. Davis Recreation Center in
Roanoke Rapids, NC.  Coached by our very own Donte Myrick, our team “The Little Kappas” won
the championship for their age category.  The chapter sponsored their uniforms and assisted with
any other monetary or training needs.The Roanoke Rapids Alumni Chapter continues to be at the
forefront of community support.  Whether conducting a food drive for a Women’s Shelter or
sponsoring a basketball team, our goals remain achieving in every field of human endeavor.

Achiever |  21

MEP Photo Gallery

Pi Mu: Summer of Achievement

By Brother Langston Stephens

The Pi Mu Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. located on the campus of Davidson College in
Davidson, NC is home to a recent Guy Levis Grant Awardee Brother Alexander Dawes. This summer
was a strong one for the Pi Mu Chapter.Brother Beverly led his own research on evaluating the
corneal biomechanics of cross-linking with riboflavin by comparing visual acuity before and after
surgery, while additionally observing research on the use of atropine and caffeine eye drops in
children with high myopia, to control the onset progression of conditions such as myopic
maculopathy and glaucoma in adult life, and to reduce the risk of morbidity with myopia. This is the
first study done in Vietnam, even though myopia is a global health issue worldwide. In addition,
Brother Beverly shadowed an ophthalmologist and learned advanced surgical procedures and
observations. In addition, he also collected information through doctor interviews to further his
research on the efficacy of primary care systems across universal and non-universal health care
systems in countries with limited economic mobility (granted by the Davidson in South East Asia
program).Brother Mascorro interned with Bank of America as an Advisor Development Summer
Analyst. He had the opportunity to learn from specialists involved in real estate, small businesses,
and financial advising, among others. His internship included utilizing digital solutions to connect
with clients. Brother Mascorro also serves as the Chief Innovation Officer for the Davidson College
Student Government Association. He is responsible for polling student opinion in order to identify
widespread issues and seek solutions in conjunction with Davidson staff and employees. Brother
Mascorro also serves as a Community and Events Ambassador for the Jay Hurt Hub for Innovation
and Entrepreneurship. He helps with day-to-day operations, event set-up, and community
engagement.Brother Jalen Staples completed his Bonner summer of service working at a group home
for the elderly mentally ill, as well as taking biology courses, and interning in marketing for
Completing Business Solutions.

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During his internship he worked on helping individuals keep their utility bills at an affordable rate
when the rates in their area have expired. At Davidson, Brother Staples was a second-grade
classroom assistant this past year and was named a pioneer Football League academic Honor roll, as
well as the social and sustainability chair for the Pi Mu Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi.Brother Bolden
interned at St. Paul’s School as an engineering teaching assistant for the Advanced Studies Program
(ASP). He worked with experienced teachers to help introduce rising high school seniors to the
fundamentals of this field of study/work. Along with heavy participation in the classroom, he led the
students in recreational sports and various other extracurricular activities/programs, supervised
the dormitories, assisted in the library, and helped students with homework outside of the
classroom/laboratory setting. In addition to working this summer, Jaylon also enrolled in summer
classes in discrete mathematics and cultural anthropology.Brother Langston Stephens has served as
an intern with News of Davidson where he writes press releases for all of the local nonprofits in the
area and raises awareness about their missions and needs. In addition to the work he does with
News of Davidson, he has been serving on the Real Estate Committee for Charlotte’s West Side
Community Land Trust and is a part of Charlotte’s Housing Justice Coalition. On campus, Brother
Stephens is the PCC HOST Chair, BSC Social Chair, DuBoisian World Scholar Society Community
Engagement/Fundraising Chair, member of the Alcohol and Social Culture Advisory Committee, and
jumper on the track team. In addition to the positions he holds on campus, he is a Board Member for
News of Davidson, a William Holt Terry Scholar, and a John Montgomery Belk Scholar.Brother
Toston worked as an interpreter for CrossOver Health Care Ministry in his home town of Richmond,
Virginia. Brother Toston assisted doctors and surgeons of various specialties communicated with
their patients and relay important medical instructions to native Spanish speakers from a multitude
of different countries around the world. In addition to working with physicians, Brother Toston also
assisted the patients in completing their paperwork for Medicare, mental health counseling and
social work, made appointment reminder calls and work with the dental clinic. Brother Toston
currently serves as the Polemarch of the Pi Mu Chapter and on campus is a member of the Honor
Council Leadership Team as the Student Solicitor, a Terry Fellow, Bonner Scholar, Douglass Scholar,
assistant teacher for the Spanish Department, biology tutor for the Math and Science center, a big
brother for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Charlotte, a volunteer teacher at Davidson Elementary as
part of the Spanish in Davidson Elementary program and a medical research intern for
OrthoCarolina. Brother Toston is also excited to assist the FIRST Action team at Davidson create his
proposed class on the racialization of research and to have his research focusing on the effects of
toxic acetaminophen exposer in mothers on the lungs and respiration of neonates.Brother Chisholm
interned with Wells Fargo Securities in Charlotte, North Carolina in the Technology, Media, and
Telecommunications group doing Investment Banking. He has been awarded Pioneer Football League
Academic Honor Roll 2 years in a row, and was elected Patterson Court Council Vice President. He is
also an RLO Resident Advisor for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year.Brother TJ Elliott worked as a
summer leader intern for freedom schools at the Ada Jenkins center in Davidson. Freedom schools is
a free summer program for students K- 12 to enhance their literacy skills and to encourage social
action in their community’s. Brother Elliott also taught strength and conditioning and debate for
afternoon activities.Brother Keylan Brown spent the summer in Davidson mainly to focus on training
with the football team in preparation for his senior year, but also to serve, engage, and build
relationships with the Davidson Community. He worked in the college’s Office of Alumni and Family
Engagement. There, he assisted their team in reaching out and communicating with alumni while
trying to keep lifelong relationships among the Davidson College family. The team managed to
surpass its goal of a 50% participation rate from alum, maintaining Davidson as a national leader in
alumni participation. 

Achiever |  24

The Middle Eastern Province

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