2020 Parent
Dear Parents:
This e-handbook is intended to serve as a guide for your summer
preparations. If you follow the information within, you will find
camp preparations to be quite simple. Please feel free, as always,
to call us for assistance anytime.
If you are a returning family, please be careful to note any
changes that have taken place since last year.
We are looking forward to an exciting and fun-filled summer, and
are delighted that your family will be a part of this camping season
at Southwoods. Parents of new campers can expect a check-in call
from a Head Counselor within the first 4 days of camp.
Best Regards,
Andrea and Scott
Table of Contents
Contact Information 2
Important Dates / Forms 3
Camp Policies 4
Health Care 5-6
Mail / Fax-Email-Website / Packages 7
Phone Calls / Misc. / Contacting Directors 8
Packing / Baggage 9-10
Arrival Day / Bus Departure 11
Parent’s Day 12-13
Page 1
Contact Information
Andrea and Scott Ralls
[email protected] [email protected]
Winter Summer
P.O. Box 201 532 NYS Route 74
Granite Springs, NY 10527 Paradox, NY 12858
Phone: (914) 214-8780 Phone: (518) 532-7717
Fax: (914) 245-1683 Fax: (518) 532-0266
Page 2
Important Dates / Forms
Winter 2019-2020 IMPORTANT DATES
Friday, May 1
Tuesday, June 9 BOTH SESSIONS
Purchase camp clothing from The Camp Spot & make reservations for Parent’s Day
Sunday, May 31
June 1-5 All forms are due
Saturday, June 13
Saturday, June 20 First day to schedule camper phone calls.
Sunday, June 28
Thursday, July 23 SESSION 1
Saturday, July 25
Deadline to register for CampPacks
Camp Trucking Baggage Service home/apt. pick-up
Keys due to camp office (for locked luggage)
Southwoods Baggage Service pick-up
Opening Day
Parent’s Day/ Departure
Southwoods Baggage Service drop-off
Sunday, June 21 Deadline to register for CampPacks
Mid July Camp Trucking Baggage Service pick-up
Wednesday, July 15 Keys due to camp office (for locked luggage)
Saturday, July 25 Southwoods Baggage Service pick-up
Sunday, July 26 Opening Day
Thursday, August 20 Parent’s Day/ Departure
Saturday, August 22 Southwoods Baggage Service drop-off
Please return all Southwoods forms by May 1st. If a form (or forms) must be sent after the May 1st deadline, please
contact camp to inform us of when the particular form(s) will be sent. If a form must be mailed after May 1st, it can
be sent to the winter address at Granite Springs until May 15th. After May 15th, all forms should be sent to the
summer address at 532 NYS Route 74 Paradox, NY 12858.
All Southwoods forms can be found and completed at: www.southwoods.com/forms-southwoods-campers
Camper Information Form Horseback Riding Forms
Parent/Camper Information Transportation Form/ Parent’s Day RSVP Form
Authorization Form Transportation To/From Camp Form
Off-Site Swimming Permission Form
Southwoods Baggage Service Registration Camp Trucking Registration
CampPacks Medication Form
*Please Note: The Health History, Insurance and Meningitis Medical Packet will be sent as a hard copy along with the Parent
Handbook and The Camp Spot Catalogue. This medical packet will also be available as a PDF online at the link provided above.
Page 3
Camp Policies
We aim to make Southwoods a wonderful experience for your child! In a group living environment such as ours,
cooperation is essential and we find that campers are most comfortable when they know what is expected of them.
So we ask that you and your child follow these expectations:
1. Gratuities: There is NO TIPPING at Southwoods. Our staff are aware of this rule and know that anyone
accepting “tips” in the form of money or gifts will be dismissed from the staff.
2. Food: It is against camp policy to send candy, gum or food to camp and campers are not allowed to keep
any such items at camp. Campers having candy in the bunks can create unhealthy and unnecessary competitive
situations. In addition, food tends to attract small animals to the bunk, and gum is very difficult to remove from the
surface of camp athletic facilities, equipment and furniture. Camp supplies alternative beverages as well as a full
array of fat-free condiments, so campers need not bring their own. Do not send bottled water to camp.
3. Pocket Money and Valuables: We request that Lower Inter campers and older bring pocket money to
camp. We recommend $20.00-$40.00 per person for souvenir purposes only. The pocket money should be in an
envelope with the camper’s name and amount listed on the front. It will be collected and provided to campers on their
out of camp trips. Money not spent will be recollected after camp trip and can be picked up at the office on Parent’s
Day. You may donate any unused pocket money to Project Morry. Any unclaimed money will be sent to Project
Morry. We cannot and will not assume responsibility for any valuables kept by a camper in his or her bunk, so we ask
that campers bring no such items to camp.
4. Appliances: Electrical power is very limited at camp and we cannot handle the strain caused by
appliances. All such equipment, including computers, stereos, electric fans, hair dryers and flat irons, and any
other object that plugs into an electrical outlet are not permitted in camp. The only exception to this electrical power
policy is no-internet capable personal music devices. These will be allowed to charge in the cabin. They must be video
free. In addition, cell phones, electronic handheld video games, Wi-Fi capable e-readers, tablet computers, smart
watches and portable stereo units, all of which are easily broken, misplaced and subject to abuse, must be left at
home. If a camper has a device that contains games or video content of any kind, that device will be collected
and held until this material can be removed or the end of camp. If you have questions, please call our office to
clarify what is allowed at camp.
*Please do not call our office about loss or damage to items not permitted at Southwoods.
No smoking or possession of any tobacco, alcohol products, controlled substance, or weapons, will be tolerated
at any time by any camper or staff member. We are a non-smoking, non-alcoholic, drug-free, and weapon-free
Any camper or staff member violating this policy is subject to immediate dismissal from Southwoods. There
will be no tuition reimbursement should a camper be dismissed from camp for violating this policy.
Page 4
Health care
Each camper’s health history is required so it may be reviewed by our Medical
Staff, Tripping Staff and the State Department of Health prior to camp opening.
Please keep in mind that the more we know about the health habits and history of
your child, the better we can take care of him or her.
Any and all information pertaining to your child’s psychological
development (including any counseling) is enormously helpful as we work to
maximize your child’s experience at Southwoods. Our health history form
requires it and we ask you to be as detailed as possible. Be assured this
information is essential for the success of your child.
Your health history form must be filled out completely and returned to our office
by May 1, 2020. No camper will be allowed to depart for camp unless we have
received a health history form. We advise that you make your appointments now,
in order to complete your health history form by May 1, 2020.
Page 5
HealtH care cont’d
To further help us in this area, we ask you to adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Our entire Health History and Examination form must be completed including a signature of a
parent/guardian. You may staple your physician’s personal health form to the back of our completed Health
History form for physician’s signature purposes only.
2. New York State makes mandatory the listing by physicians of immunization dates for diphtheria, measles,
mumps, polio and rubella. No camper, American or International, is exempt from this requirement. Anti-
tetanus injections must be given where needed. Also, New York State mandates that we have on file
completed meningitis forms that we have sent you.
3. All prescription medication taken at camp is prepackaged via CampPacks. The only exceptions are
injectables such as insulin, epipens and growth hormones. Please note that your child’s registration form
must be turned into CampPacks by May 31, 2020 for July families and June 21, 2020 for August families in
order for your child’s medication to arrive at camp on time. Any medication brought to camp with a child
instead of through CampPacks will be mailed back to the parents. We will keep enough medication on hand
to last until their prepackaged medication can be overnighted from the CampPacks pharmacy. All
medications that cannot be filled through CampPacks, such as insulin, epipens, and growth hormones,
must be sent to camp prior to the camper’s arrival. We will not be accepting medications at the bus.
4. Dental and orthodontic work must be completed before camp. Please send special instructions from your
orthodontist should adjustment or treatment be necessary.
5. Required- send a second inhaler and a second pair of glasses.
6. Please note any special diet instructions on the health history form.
7. Advise camp in writing of any contact your child has had with any contagious disease after June 1.
8.The insurance portion of the Health History Form must be completed including the RX BIN number for
prescriptions. All international families must choose option 2 on the insurance form and provide complete
information on the Southwoods Insurance Plan.
9.To ensure a smooth transition into camp, the day before departure please conduct a simple health screening
of your child. This should include a thorough head check for lice and a temperature reading. There will be a
$300 minimum treatment fee for any child found to have lice. Please consult your pediatrician and share any
areas of concern with camp.
10. Lyme disease, though a problem downstate, is not the same issue in Essex or its surrounding counties. To
be safe, however, teach your child how to do a personal body check. We will instruct your child to notify a
member of our staff should they think they have a tick on their person.
11. The New York State Department of Health annually inspects all health records, grounds and facilities of
Southwoods. These reports are on file at the Departments of Health Regional Office, 11 St. Bernard Street,
Saranac, NY 12893-1834.
Page 6
Mail / Fax, E-mail, website/ packages
Campers must write letters two times each week and may send as many as they like. Parents should provide an
adequate supply of postage and stationery for their children, as well as pre-addressed envelopes for younger campers.
To facilitate distribution of mail, please write your child’s cabin name on the outside of the envelope (during the
first week of camp, you will be notified as to your child’s cabin name). We cannot stress enough how much your
children love to receive letters from you. Please send at least two letters per week.
If you are traveling anytime during the summer, please provide the camp as well as your child with an itinerary,
complete with phone numbers, of where you can be reached in case of emergency.
Please bear in mind that some letters you receive will be filled with love and joy, others quite the opposite. Children’s
letters are generally subject to oversimplification as well as exaggeration. Please don’t panic when trying to interpret
the meaning behind a child’s letter. If you are concerned…call us. You have placed great trust in our ability to work
with your children, let’s exercise that trust together.
Fax (518-532-0266) and e-mail service is available into our camp office 24 hours a day during the camp season for
free. Please do not e-mail or fax just one sentence, since we download and distribute them as mail. To e-mail your
camper, go to www.southwoods.com and follow the online instructions. Please place your camper’s cabin name in the
subject line. All e-mails and faxes must be submitted by 10:00 AM for the camper to receive it on the same day. Any
e-mails that come in after 10:00 AM will be given to the camper the following day.
Please visit our website, www.southwoods.com for daily updates and pictures of what’s going on at camp. We will
provide the parents with the username and password to gain access. We hope you will find it fun to follow along and
gain insight into your child’s Southwoods experience.
In the interest of placing emphasis in camp on activities, programs and friendships, we wish to eliminate the inevitable
competition caused by receipt of toys, video games, water guns, and the like. Books, magazines and toiletries are fine,
but please do not send packages with “gifts” for your child or his/her fellow campers. There is a limit of 2 packages
per camper.
Electronic games, food, candy and gum are not allowed at Southwoods. For the safety of your child and everyone at
camp you give us the right to check all incoming packages. The campers are aware of this policy. PLEASE HELP US
BY ALERTING RELATIVES AND FRIENDS. Food and bunk gifts are not allowed and are sent to Project
Morry as donations. They will not be held and returned at the end of camp.
Page 7
Phone calls / misc. / contacting directors
Because our activity program is such a busy one, and as telephone calls can often be very “difficult” for campers, we
limit the number of calls that may be placed. Please plan on a maximum of two phone calls during the summer (where
there is a divorce or separation, each parent may schedule two phone calls). An extra call can be arranged for a child
celebrating a birthday in camp.
To arrange a phone call with your child, simply call our camp office on or after June 9 and let us know when you
would like your return call. Calls are scheduled between 4:00 PM and 7:45 PM so as to not interfere with the daily
program. Calls should be with parents only.
To help with the initial adjustment to camp and in recognition of all the special events which take place at the end of
camp, we ask you to understand that we cannot schedule camper phone calls home before July 1 or after July 15 for
Session 1, and before August 1 or after August 15 for Session 2. Please limit your calls to 15 minutes, as other
campers are scheduled for phone calls on that same day. Our office staff will dial your number direct - please do not
call our office during the scheduled time.
Needless to say, we will contact you if we feel that a phone call between you and your child will help to resolve any in-
camp problem. Our switchboard is open 24 hours a day. However, we do use an answering machine between the
hours of 8 PM and 8 AM. If you have an emergency during those hours, please call camp, as our night guards monitor
for emergency messages.
Canteen: All in-camp canteen snacks are included in our tuition.
Tutoring: Please advise us by May 1 if your child requires tutoring in any subject. We can arrange for a staff member,
qualified to teach the particular subject, to work with him or her. Please have your child bring the appropriate material
needed for tutoring to camp, and provide us with detailed instructions as to the desired frequency of the tutoring. The
charge for tutoring is $45 per session (30-45minutes). We will pay the tutor directly and will then bill you accordingly.
After May 1, any request for tutoring may not be met.
You can contact Andrea and Scott by either calling the office (518) 532-7717 or e-mailing them directly
([email protected] or [email protected]).
Please be aware that during the day Andrea and Scott are out interacting with campers. Our office staff will be able to
answer many of the questions that you may have. Unless it is an emergency, please expect a response from Andrea,
Scott and our Head Counselors after 9:45 PM.
Page 8
Packing / baggage
Our outfitting list, which is available in the Camp Spot catalog, allows for an adequate type and supply of clothing.
Preoccupation with clothing and makeup is not a part of Southwoods. As such, no dressy clothes are needed; do not
bring skirts, skorts and dresses. We remind you; the lack of facilities for ironing, dictates use of wash and wear clothing
only. We ask that you send color-fast items only. To help you with your packing, please note the following:
1. Please remember to enclose an accurate inventory of what your child has packed inside his or her luggage. All
clothing must have your child’s name imprinted or a name tag sewed inside.
2. We recommend the use of two large cargo duffels. For storage, durability and ease of handling, we have found
these to be superior to the standard hard sided luggage.
3. Parents are advised to have baggage and personal belongings insured against fire, loss or theft and check that they
are covered under a Family Floater Policy. Valuable jewelry, expensive watches, etc. are not needed or permitted in
camp. We cannot be responsible for any damage or loss for such items.
4. Sleeping bags that have been dry cleaned should be thoroughly aired before packing.
5. Southwoods requires one piece swimwear only for girls and trunk-style swim shorts for boys. Girls’ swimwear
should not contain ties or strings of any kind.
6. Fishing gear should be packed in the luggage which is shipped to camp (for safety reasons, campers may not bring
this gear on the bus). Campers may not bring knives of any kind to camp.
7. Super Seniors will be sent an alternative packing list in March.
To allow the beginning of camp to go as smoothly as possible, all campers from the U.S. (except as noted) must pre-
ship their baggage to camp. Only international campers and campers from outside the areas mentioned below should
arrive with baggage.
The following outline details instructions for shipping baggage to Southwoods:
1. Southwoods Baggage (Metro NY, CT, NJ): SW Baggage (914-214-8780) provides camp families with an
economical and closely supervised baggage transport service from centrally located pick-up points on specific days
and times prior to the start of camp. This program is planned, organized and manned by Southwoods personnel (so
you need not lock your baggage).
Dates for Southwoods baggage pick-up and drop off are:
Session 1- Saturday, June 20th, 2020 (Pick-up) Saturday, July 25th, 2020 (Drop-off)
Session 2- Saturday, July 25th, 2020 (Pick-up) Saturday, August 22nd, 2020 (Drop-off)
Location and Times for Baggage Pick-up and Drop-off are:
- NEW YORK CITY- Fifth Avenue between 85th and 86th Streets (Southwoods staff will be parked by the
western sidewalk on Fifth Avenue).
- WESTCHESTER, NY- Bloomingdales, White Plains, off Route 287 on Bloomingdale Road, Upper parking
lot behind the store.
- LONG ISLAND- Loews Bay Terrace Theater, The theater is located at 211-01 26th Ave, Flushing, Queens,
NY just off the Clearview Expressway, 26th Avenue Exit.
- BERGEN COUNTY, NJ- NIA Building 66 Route 17, Main Parking Lot in Paramus is just1/3 mile north of the
intersection of Routes 4 and 17 on the Nortbound side of 17 just north of the Holiday Inn. The main parking
lot is in the rear of the building.
Page 9
Baggage cont’d
2. Camp Trucking (available to the Continental US): Camp Trucking www.camptrucking.com (970-949-0690)
provides door to door baggage pick-up. They will advise you on or around June 1 as to the specific day of home pick-
up and delivery. They will provide baggage tags and are able to deliver most baggage within five working days of the
close of camp. We suggest that all baggage sent this way, be locked. Please make sure we receive your child’s
baggage keys by June 13 (for Session 1 campers), or by July 15 (for Session 2 campers).
3. International: All International baggage will accompany campers to and from camp. Luggage should be closed
only, not locked and trunks should not be used.
4. Bus carry-on luggage: Campers may only bring one carry-on item on the bus.
5. Campers who fly may bring their luggage with them. Please clearly label all luggage with your camper’s name and
6. Request for baggage returning home with campers via camp transportation is not guaranteed. From time to time, we
may be able to accommodate SW baggage with return camper transportation. Return luggage that arrives with the
camper via Southwoods transportation would be considered “one-way SW Baggage” and charges will apply.
Page 10
Arrival Day / Bus Departures
Session 1: Sunday, June 28
Session 2: Sunday, July 26
Westchester, Connecticut, Riverdale and Rockland: 11:30 AM at Bloomingdales of White Plains, in
the upper parking lot behind the store. Bloomingdales is located just off Exit 8 of the Cross Westchester
Expressway (I-287) on Bloomingdale Rd.
Manhattan: 10:00 AM at Fifth Avenue between 85th and 86th Streets, on the west side of the street.
Long Island, Brooklyn and Queens: 10:00 AM in front of the parking garage entrance for the Loews
Bay Terrace Theater. The theater is located at 211-01 26th Ave, Flushing, Queens, NY just off the
Clearview Expressway, 26th Avenue exit.
Pennsylvania: 9:00 AM at the main entrance of Bloomingdales at Willow Grove Mall, located at 2800
Moreland Rd., off of Exit 27 of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.
New Jersey: 11:30 PM at the Restoration Hardware Outlet parking area, located at 330 Route 17,
Paramus, New Jersey, exit 163 off the Garden State Parkway.
Any family not covered by this transportation schedule or any family making special transportation plans
should contact our office prior to June 1.
Procedures at Departure Point
1. There will be a Senior Staff member present who will be the designated Travel Leader. Please arrive at least 15
minutes prior to departure. Check in with the Travel Leader and have your child go directly to the assigned bus
with any carry-on luggage.
2. Please provide your child with a bag lunch that is peanut-free, including drink. Please do not send excessive
food and sweets on the bus; this will minimize the possibility of motion sickness (it can become unpleasant and
embarrassing for a child to become ill en route to camp.) Please bear in mind that all unconsumed food will be
disposed of upon arrival.
3. Medication will not be accepted on the bus.
4. Please limit carry-on luggage to one piece per camper.
NOTE: If you should miss the camp bus, please call camp immediately at 518-532-7717 for further
instructions. Typically the Long Island buses meet and travel with the Westchester buses and the NYC
buses meet and travel to camp with the New Jersey buses.
Page 11
Parent’s day
Session 1: Thursday, July 23
Session 2: Thursday, August 20
Parents Day takes place on departure day of each session and is optional. (Children not being picked up by parents
will return home the same way they arrived.)
Parents Day begins at 10:30 AM and concludes at 3:00 PM. We ask that you do not arrive at camp prior to 10:10
AM as we will be in the process of bus departure. Parents Day is an exciting and fun day. We provide lunch for all
guests and encourage participation in all camp activities.
Please help us by not bringing any pets with you and by arriving at 10:30 AM. There are no pets allowed at camp.
Parents Day is during the height of resort season. We strongly urge you to make your travel and lodging
arrangements now. Below you will find a list of several accommodations in our area.
Cornerstone Victorian 623-3308 Holiday Inn 668-5781 Super 8 Best Western 585-2617
Super 8 623-2811 Courtyard by Marriot 523-2900
Contessa Resort 644-5921 LAKE PLACID
CHESTERTOWN Quality Inn Canoe Island 668-3525 Mirror Lake Inn 523-2544
Friends Lake Inn Landon 494-4751 Lodge Wingate by Wyndam 688-4884 High Peaks Resort 800-755-5598
Hill B&B 494-2599 Crowne Plaza 523-2556
Tahoe Resort 668-5711 Golden Arrow Hotel 523-3353
Sagamore Resort 644-9400
SCHROON LAKE Hotel Chelka Lodge 668-4677
Maple Leaf Motel 532-7474 Brookside Cabins 668-3344 Best Western 523-2424
Drake’s 532-7481 Ramada Inn
793-7701 Lake Placid Summit Resort 523-2587
Schroon Lake B & B 532-7042 Fran Cove Motel 668-2161 Northwoods Inn 523-1818
Silver Spruce B & B 532-7031 Super 8 623-2811 Lake Placid Lodge 523-7000
Tumble Inn B & B 351-5020 Fort William Henry 668-3081
Adirondack Inn 743-1665 Best Western 668-5701 NORTH CREEK
LAKE GEORGE AREA 668-5122 ELIZABETHTOWN Copperfield Inn 877-235-1466
Tall Pines Motel 824-6060 The Woodruff House B&B 873-6788 The Summit at Gore 251-4180
Great Escape Lodge
Page 12
Parent’s day cont’d
From the South: NY Thruway (I-87) to Exit 24.After the toll, follow signs to the Adirondack Northway (also I-87).
Follow the Northway to Exit 28 (Ticonderoga/Route 74). Take a right at the end of the exit ramp. Proceed directly
through the flashing light and continue for 3 miles. Camp will be on your right.
From the North: NY Thruway (I-87) to Exit 28 (Ticonderoga/Route 74). Take a left at the end of the exit ramp and
then follow the directions above.
Page 13